AnnieChapter 5 free porn video

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Mom had the chore of seeing that Annie was well taken care of during the day. Mary and Ginny did nearly as much. Annie was good and never asked for her mother. She and I lived in the house alone. I think I was lonelier than Annie for she had Tippy to cuddle with. I cooked at least half our meals. Mom worried that we weren't eating correctly. We did eat out, but I was very careful to make sure our meals were nutritious.

I think what made Annie such a joy to care for was that she always listened to me. If I instructed her she would do as I said to do. I did buy her some board games to play with, and spent much of any spare time I had playing them with her. We subscribed to Netflix, but other than that we didn't watch much television.

Halloween arrived the week after Sandy left. Ginny and Junior came and got Annie into a costume and we all went trick or treating. We walked as far as Mom and Dad's and had cider and donuts with them. I had to carry Annie home, but when we came into the house she declared she had a wonderful time.

I was working everyday and Annie got into a routine where she appeared to be reasonably happy. Sandy called quite often expressing her guilt at leaving me and Annie. This was usually after Annie had gone to bed. I assured her we were doing fine. I suggested Sandy talk to Annie on Saturday mornings when I was home. With her the conversation revolved around the kitten and was always short.

At this time, Sandy would tell me about what she was doing and how happy she was with her duties. She was shown a lot of respect from the other agents because they knew of her history and the close calls she had had. I came to the conclusion that this was what Sandy should be doing and I was glad she had found herself.

Sandy called the Saturday before Thanksgiving. "Johnny, I was talking to Gordon yesterday. He was wondering if he could stop in either the day before or the day after the holiday. He is visiting his aunt in Putney. I told him I'm sure you would like to see him."

"Of course I would. You won't be coming with him?"

"No, I can't, I'm sorry. Gordon will have a friend with him. Someone who is getting out of the bureau shortly. You are always good for coffee and I said I didn't think you would mind."

"If they come the day after, I'll have some of Mom's leftover pie. I wish you were with him."

"I know you do. I promise I'll be up for Christmas and spend a few days. How is Annie?"

"She's fine. Today she is playing with Ginny. Everyone loves to have her around. On a different subject, can you tell me anymore about the terrorist investigation? I never did see my van at all."

"I was talking with Bill the other day. The investigation is complete. When the FBI took charge of it due to Abdul being identified, it was wound right up. The papers and pictures found in his hotel room opened up a window into the new cell he was connected to. They are being tracked now. I do have pictures of our van. I'll bring them with me at Christmas time."

We hit a dead spot, thinking of nothing to say. "Johnny, have you gone on any dates since I left?"

"No, not yet. To be honest I haven't even thought about it. Have you?"

"I've been out a couple of times. No one from the office, just a couple of men I met socially. Johnny, make the effort. You need someone to cuddle with and Annie does need a mother. Some woman who is satisfied with being a homemaker and who will love both you and Annie."

"I will, Sandy, I will. Hey, keep in touch. I'll never forget you. It was pretty damned exciting while you were here."

"Bye Johnny, I'll call again soon." I smiled, thinking the dating pool was much bigger in DC than it was in Brattleboro, Vermont.

Gordon called me on Tuesday at the compound, "Johnny, I'm in town. Will you be home tonight?"

"Sure will be. Come on up."

"I'd like to take you and Annie out to that place up the road from you. The New England house I think it is. Bring a lady friend if you like."

"Annie likes to eat in a restaurant and look at the people. So far she is my only lady friend. Shall we meet you there or will you come to the house first?"

"I think we'll swing by your house first. Five okay?"

"See you then."

I collected Annie from her Aunt Mary's and took her home. "Take a bath, sweetheart. We are being taken out to dinner. Pick out a pretty dress. Can you put it on?"

"If you would button me up I can put it on. Can I wear my earrings and shiny shoes?"

"Of course you can." I was in the closet getting my jacket when I heard the car door close. "Annie, go to the door and let Gordon in."

I had two wool jackets and it took a minute to decide which one to wear. I was shrugging into the grey one when I looked up. "Caitlin? Caitlin is that really you?"

"In the flesh, Johnny. Both Sandy and Gordon told me you would be glad to see me. Johnny, I wanted to see you too."

"I'm so glad you came up. Is your husband with you?"

"Johnny, that's one question you didn't get to ask and I didn't get to answer. There hasn't been a husband for a few years. I've always said I was married to keep the wolves from the door. That is until I get to know someone. I know you well enough now to tell you about my life."

"You'll spend some time here with me, then?"

"We'll talk about it later. I think little Annie is sick of playing hostess for Gordon. It's been a long day and I'm hungry."

"I made reservations, thinking you might be with us. That way Annie won't have to sit too long."

Caitlin laughed. "Sandy said that Annie is first with you in everything. I can see what she means. Johnny, when I chose Annie for you, I had the wish I was still married so I could adopt her for myself. I didn't know about you and I knew something about Sandy to make me have reservations. She did well by Annie though, didn't she?"

"Yes she did, but it turned out that any child would have been the same for her."

Annie was tugging Gordon toward the door and I hadn't even had a chance to say hi to him yet.

We were seated right after we reached the restaurant. Our drink orders were taken and menus brought. When the drinks came Gordon said, "You may order anything you like, Annie, I'm paying." I nodded my head that she could.

"Annie you go first."

She looked at Caitlin. "Nice lady, would you help me, please. I can't read yet. This looks very good." She pointed to a picture of the entrée.

"That is breast of roasted chicken. It comes with mashed potato and gravy and you can get two vegetables with it. Corn, beans, peas and cold slaw are the choices."

The waitress asked if she was ready to order. She was. "I'll have the roast chicken, the potato and some corn. That will be enough to fill me up."

When the waitress turned away with our orders, Annie asked Caitlin if she would take her to the bathroom. "Mommy used to take me and she said you should always go with another lady for protection. If we go now, we won't have to go while we are eating."

I looked at Gordon and burst out laughing. "And now we know why two women always go together." Caitlin was laughing almost as hard as we were. It was a pleasant meal and for me more so with Caitlin there. No one wanted dessert and I said I would make coffee when we reached home. Gordon said he was going to head for his aunt's house. He was having Thanksgiving with her and his cousins.

Caitlin said, "Johnny, I'm being bold, but may I have your guest room for tonight?"

"Certainly. Actually you can have it until Gordon picks you up. Annie and I would love to have you join us for Thanksgiving. Lord knows there will be food enough. I'd really like to insist on it, but I don't want to disrupt any plans you may have made."

"Being bold again, I was hoping you would invite me. I'll even bake a pie. I have pecans and the syrup for it in my suitcase."

"That's all settled then. Gordon we haven't had much chance to discuss the night that Abdul died. I would like to know a little more. I'm curious how the FBI got the chance to take over from our state troopers."

"I'll fill you in Friday. I think I'm going back on Saturday." Before he left, I retrieved Caitlin's two suitcases from his car. I had a moment out of her hearing. "Johnny, Caitlin quit her job the first of November. Sandy is feeling guilty about leaving you alone to care for Annie. You might consider hiring Caitlin temporarily until she finds something to do."

"What's her financial situation?"

"I have no idea. She has always been secretive about her personal life. Anyway, it is a thought."


Caitlin was playing with Annie and the kitten. I sat in the living room thinking about Caitlin Bluth. I had liked her from the first time we had met back at O'Hare several months ago. I thought she was a nice lady then and I did now. Tonight she was totally different than I had ever seen her. Some of it was how she wore her hair. Before it was fairly long, but never had I seen her with it styled in any way.

Also she almost always had on a business suit, grey or blue and worn with a white blouse. Tonight she had on a colored wool skirt and a colorful top and the outside jacket was chic, a warm tan color and definitely expensive. Her eyes sparkled when she talked and laughed. It was like she had one persona and had shed it before she arrived here to gain a new one. I liked this one.

I was in my reverie when Caitlin appeared in front of me. "What'cha thinking?"

"Deep thoughts."

"Good ones I hope."

"They could be."

"Do they have anything to do with a bold and brassy hussy who inveigled a room from you?"

"Maybe, but I assure you they are all good thoughts."

"Hold that for now. Annie wants a kiss good night. You know, I'm a bit surprised that you haven't had her sleeping with you, but she says she doesn't."

"There's a simple answer for the reason I haven't. Eventually I will marry again. If she was used to coming to my bed, I'd have to ask her to stay in her own bed. It might make hard feelings between the new mom and Annie. She needed to learn early that my bed is for adults and her bed is for children. It didn't take long before she accepted this.

"The only exception is if she is ill and I suppose if I needed constant care she would be there for me and would return to the status quo as soon as either of us was able to."

"Don't you ever want to relax the rule when you've had a bad day?"

"Of course I do. I often needed someone to hold, but if I gave in to my own rule, it wouldn't be long before there was no rule at all. A child needs rules to live by. It makes it easier for them to know what's right and what's wrong. We do cuddle on the couch if it is needed. Enough of this; come with me while I say goodnight to Annie."

"From what you say it sounds as if you are very strict, but I can see Annie loves you so you must be doing something right."

"I never have had to physically discipline her. I don't lose my temper and shout at her. A child can't be reasoned with like an adult. This is only because they don't have the maturity to reason, so if there are rules and guidelines for them to live by, it works out very well. I don't use much bribery either. I've seen where parents used bribery to get their kids to do just the basic chores."

Annie was almost asleep. "Daddy after I kiss you goodnight, can I kiss the nice lady goodnight, too?"

"Of course you can, sweetheart. You know the nice lady has a name, don't you?"

"Of course I do. It's Caitlin. She was at Mommy and your wedding and you called her Nice Lady. I like her a lot so I can call her Nice Lady too, but I will call her Caitlin sometimes."

"Well, I think you are a nice little lady, too, and I think you are very special."

"Thank you, Nice Lady, I like to be special."

When we left Annie I made a call to my mother. "Mom, Annie won't be coming over in the morning. I have a person here who will be watching her tomorrow. The two of them are going to bake a pecan pie. Would it be okay if I invite her for dinner on Thanksgiving?"

"Of course it will, Johnny. What's her name?"

"Caitlin Bluth. She is a friend of Sandy's and I have known her just as long as I've known Sandy."

"Are you sure you want to leave Annie alone with her?"

"I'm positive. We went out to the New England House for dinner tonight and we had a wonderful time. If you are out and about tomorrow, stop in and visit. Annie will introduce you."

"I might just do that. I can't stay long because I have a lot of things to get ready for dinner on Thursday."

"Okay, Mom, that'll be fine." I hung up the phone and turned to Caitlin who had been listening.

"I'm sure Mother will be here and pretty early too. Probably Mary will be with her. Ginny and Junior will stop in to see Annie after school is out. You probably will have them from noon on because school is out then."

"You're leaving me all alone to meet your family? That's mean."

"No, it is showing them I trust you to take care of Annie. Now, I think it's time I got to know a lot more about you. Tell me about your life, all or just what you want to share."

"I could say 'you see me, that is what you get, ' but I'll share. I grew up in the midwest. My parents are very successful farmers. I was always intrigued with law enforcement and went on to school to learn more about what it takes. I met a boy my third year in college. I fell in love ... or thought I did. His father was in the bureau, and I probably thought how lucky for me it would be if I married the son. I would have an opening into the FBI.

"I used him and got on as a probationary agent. We married soon after being hired. I was so serious about my job, I guess, I neglected my husband. It lasted two years and we divorced. Mr. Bluth senior, blamed me for the breakup. He is still in the there. My job has gone absolutely nowhere for the nine years I've been with the bureau.

"I can't claim I have been held back because I don't have any evidence of it. You have seen what my duties have been like. I arrange things for people like I did for you. I'm like a house mother in certain situations and make travel arrangements. The one gem I'm most proud in my career was finding Annie for you. That capped my entire time in the bureau.

"Since I met both of you I've done some serious thinking about my life. I'm thirty-one years old. I have no husband and no children. I quit the bureau on the spur of the moment after deciding I would take two years to see what my life would be like outside the Bureau. If I want to stay with law enforcement, I can get on with some local force near my home town. I have no black marks on my record so it shouldn't be difficult."

"What do your parents say about this career change of yours?"

"My parents want me to be happy, that's all. My grandmother, to whom I'm closest, is the one who convinced me to change my life. I was with her last week. I told her about you and Annie." Caitlin stopped speaking. I was waiting for her to continue. She didn't so I gave her a prompt.


"And that's it. I'm taking a vacation."

"And you just naturally showed up here."

"Yes I showed up here. Johnny, you have named me 'Nice Lady, ' and I think I am. I feel you are a comparable 'Nice Guy, ' so why shouldn't we get to know each other better?"

"I'd like that, but I'd want to go a lot slower than I agreed to with Sandy. We didn't really fit together all that well. We both gave it our best shot and I don't have any regrets and I know she doesn't either. Best of all, Annie wasn't hurt over it. I was able to fill in for Sandy when she left. As long as you're on vacation, would you consider staying here and make this your headquarters? You might help out a little with the care of Annie during the day."

"Johnny, do you feel as if I'm putting pressure on you in any way by taking a vacation here?"

"No. I'd like to get to know you better than I do now. That will give us a chance to see what each other is like."

"Okay then, I'm officially on vacation. Shall we watch NCIS--Los Angeles?"

I was having my coffee at 5:30 when Annie staggered out rubbing sleep from her eyes. "G'morning Daddy. Do you have to work today?"

"Yes, but just this morning. Caitlin is still here. Will you stay with her?"

"I guess so. Will I be going to Grammy's?"

"No, but I think Grammy will be coming to see you and Caitlin. I called her last night. I don't have to leave yet. You can go back to bed or you can curl up on the couch. I think Tippy is in there already."

"I'll play with Tippy."

Just then the other bedroom door opened and Caitlin ducked into the bathroom. A few minutes later she came out. She had on a long bathrobe and hadn't combed her hair yet. She had got the sleepy out of her eyes though. "Did I hear Annie?"

I jerked my thumb toward the living room.

"Good morning, Annie, and good morning, Tippy."

"Good morning, Caitlin. I'm glad you are still here. I thought you might have left. Nurse Brenda left the day Mommy came and then Mommy left, and I thought you would too."

"No dear, I'm going to stay for awhile."

"That's good cause I like you. Are you going to get my breakfast?"

"I certainly am. Are you hungry now?"

"Not yet, but I will be. Will you make me oatmeal with lots of raisins and some siminmin?"

"I will do that and I will have the same. If you are playing with Tippy, I'll have a coffee with that nice guy who is your daddy."


When I left I pointed out the phone list for Mary and Mom and the shop phone if Caitlin had to call me. I almost used my first wife's name. Caitlin and Bernita were much the same size. Caitlin's hair was blonde whereas Bernita's was a reddish blonde the same as Annie's. Caitlin's shape was fine, better than Sandy's, but then she hadn't been where she couldn't take care of it. Yes, I checked her out. A habit of mine, Todd's, and even my father's when a woman was present.

I was extremely busy all morning and didn't give much thought of how Caitlin and Annie were getting along. Todd was coming up later to see my guest. Everyone else had met her and were all at the house when I got home. Mom, Dad, Mary and Annie's two cousins had just finished a lunch and had a prepared plate for me.

Mom sat down beside me while I was eating. "There is a change of plan for tomorrow. I mentioned that Bernita always had the family in because you have more parking and more room for all of us. She said then we should have it here so that's the plan. The pies are all finished, the four kinds you like and the rolls are rising. Kate will put them into the oven in a little bit.

"I sent Dad down to the house to get the turkey and Kate will put it into the oven here. Mary and I will cook the vegetables at home and bring them with us. All we have to do tomorrow is get the snackys and dip laid out."

"You called her Kate?"

"Yes, she said that was her nickname. That's easier for Annie to say. Kate said you had another name for her."

"I did. She was a nice lady when I met her. I was pretty damned nervous, not knowing what I had got myself into with Sandy. I've always been comfortable around Caitlin whenever we were together."

Same as Annie
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Mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.Main iti krta hun.Ek young lady geeta jo bahut ameer thi uske saath sex ki ye tisri kahani hai.Koi bhabhi ya lady mujhe is id pr contact kare… Us raat hum nange hi so gaye.Sex to nahi kiya per sote samay mujhe uske boob chuse.Raat ko jaag aai to dekha wo chupchap so rahi hai.Maine uski gaand mein land dala aur dheere-dheere dakke mare. Subah wo uth chuki thi.Usne chay di.Wo mere paas baithi thi.Uski pappi li aur chay pee.Nahaker main college jane wala...

1 year ago
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AssParade Yorgelis Carrillo Juicy Bouncy Young Ass

Yorgelis Carrillo came to visit Mr Longwood. She had a stunning body, amazing tits and ass. Mr Longwood couldn’t stop staring. This girl was breathtaking. He couldn’t believe she was only 19. So he took off her clothes, spread some oil over her big tits and her big ass. He enjoyed playing with her body. He made us all jealous. She took out his giant dick and sucked it for a while. He face fucked her. Then they fucked. He prepared to fuck her in positions that made her ass or tits shake. So...

3 years ago
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Reminisces from my trip to meet my lover in Paris

This may be considered a bit of a honeymoon. It was very much like one, and in some ways will undoubtedly be remembered as such.Wednesday I arrived on schedule at Charles De Gaulle Airport north of Paris. Michelle met me there as planned. I snuck up behind her and surprised her out of her wits. I felt bad but she was very happy after the initial shock. We made our way to the bus which would take us to Montparnasse train station, where we would then catch a Metro and go only two stops to our...

3 years ago
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My Mom and brother are Lovers

This is the daughter's story:When my younger br-other Kenny became the age where boys naturally become interested in girls, I noticed that he started treating our mother differently. It was obvious to me that he was physically attracted to her and she enjoyed his affectionate behavior.Anyway, my father is a doctor and works at the hospital. About a year ago, he divorced my Mom then married a nurse. I have met the nurse several times before, and wondered why my father chose to be with her...

2 years ago
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Fucking the Married Chick From Up the Street

We had worked together for a time. She sat in the cubicle next to me at the call center. Everyday that we showed up, we were both happy to see one another. God knows that job was boring enough. So just seeing her made my day that much better. But she was off limits to me. She was married with a kid. Had she ever told me that she was off limits? No. But I respected that arrangement and never thought about breaking it. As with most workplace friendships between men and women, we began to...

2 years ago
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Betsy The Fucking Perfect Wife

Betsy seemed like almost the perfect mate. I was 28, single, had been very successful the first three years I worked for the most prestigious law firm in Austin trying lawsuits against large multinational corporations that tried to screw average people, and was tired of the dating scene. I wanted a woman to share my life with; and kids. Everything about Betsy said she was the one. Betsy was 22, a college graduate, and worked in pharmaceutical sales. It was not surprising that she worked in...

Wife Lovers
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Necromancess QUEST

"So you wish to know the story of my life and un-life young one? It is a fairly long tale, but I will recount it with the limitless patience of the dead if you will just sit with me..." "Even now, I am uncertain about my early life, my first memories which I can fully trust are from the catacombs of Lost Troika..." "I woke in a small padded space, not much larger than my own body, there was no light to see by so I explored my surroundings and myself entirely by touch." "I found I could...

3 years ago
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Green CloudsChapter 14

Josh left at a little after five. All three of us were exhausted. On his way out he said to Rob, "I told her she can't wear anything around the house but those shoes. I love the way they make her ass look. Do you have a problem with that?" I got the impression from the challenging look on Josh's face that it wouldn't matter if he did object. But one look in Rob's eyes and I knew they were in agreement. Rob smiled and said, "I think she looks just fine." Josh grinned that arrogant...

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My wife on the porch part twenty eight

Sara and I made love until two in the morning and it was the best sex that I have ever had. She teased me about her new lovers and we discussed new ideas on how to cuckold me further. Monday arrived and our first day back to work after our wedding. I was anxious to see how Joe reacted to Sara but she called me at lunch time and told me that he acted as normal with her. Pat however kept reminding her that he was looking forward to their night together. I arrived home around five thirty and...

1 year ago
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The Mailroom Guy

You are a college junior working your way through school as a mailroom delivery person in a large downtown corporation. It doesn't pay a lot, but you are learning a bit about the business world, and the company has assured you that you can come to work for them when you graduate. As an added bonus, there are lots of lovely women in the office. The best part is that you actually get to chat with many of them. The work isn't very taxing, and there is plenty of time to schmooze. You start your day...

2 years ago
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It Was This or Go to PrisonChapter 3

As if on cue there was a knock on the door. I froze for a second and then tried again to pull away. Larry maintained his iron grip on my hair and called out, "Come on in, Tank." I was still struggling when Tank came in. Tank is Tom Porter. Tom lives across the street. The reason for his nickname is obvious. Tank is at least six foot six and probably weighs close to three hundred and fifty pounds. He may have been muscular at one time. But if he was it was a long time ago. He was a...

3 years ago
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My MariaChapter 3

I secured the panel, continued on my way around the plane, and when finished, went inside and pulled the stairs up. I asked my girlfriend to close all the window shades making sure her face was in each window when she did. Once that was done, she came back up front and we prepared for taxi and takeoff. Just as we started the slow one eighty at the end of the taxiway, I used the intercom. “Darling girl, please vacate the potty and take a seat right behind us. Say nothing, just do it.” Maria...

2 years ago
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How Much Do You Really Love Me

I guess the first clue should have been coming home from work to discover that Jackie my wife was fixing one of my favorite meals. Something I normally only got on the weekend when she had plenty of time to prepare it without feeling rushed. The second and even more obvious clue should have been finding a glass of my favorite scotch waiting for me on the table next to my easy chair after I'd gotten undressed and comfortable ready to sit down, relax and wait on the dinner that I was now...

3 years ago
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A Day To Remember With Aunt Evangeline Part Ii

Hello guys, First I would like to apologize for being inactive for the past couple of weeks. I was really very busy. Replying to fan emails took much longer than last time. I have received an enormous amount of support from real life incest lovers. Some of them even asked for tips to seduce their mothers and sons. Well, I cannot disclose their identities as it would be like breaking the trust they had on me. I mentioned this because I know that there are still many people out there who have an...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Sarai Minx Sexy Ebony Fucks by The Pool

Sarai Minx joins us this week to have a little bit of fun. First, she parades her wonderful attributes for us. Sarai has a huge pair of tits and a perfectly plump ass. From there, she hops in the pool for us to see her bouncing tits. After her body was properly worshiped, it was time for the real fun to begin. Jonathan Jordan was the lucky SOB that got to give this beauty the proper fucking that she deserves. She chocked on his cock for some times before begging for him to penetrate her pussy....

4 years ago
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Yesterday I was not Gay Today

I got off work and headed to the nearest bar. The day had been very stressful and I needed a drink. Since I worked downtown, there were several bars to pick from. My favorite watering holes were in the burbs near where I lived, and I did not frequent the downtown bars. For some reason I entered one that I had never been in before. The place was just beginning to fill up, as people were getting off work, and it was happy hour time. I moved to the bar and found an empty seat and sat down. The...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Hoodoo Dreams Part 2

Samantha thrashed from side to side in her bed as she dreamed. She ran her hands over her body, up to her breasts to twist and pull her long hard nipples, down to press her hands between her spread thighs to finger and rub at her dripping wet sex. She moaned and thrashed her head from side to side, gasping and planting a pink lipstick kiss against her white pillow.  The demon drudges were upon her. She closed her eyes and all she could feel was their grimy sweating muscles against her flesh,...

3 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 7 Nathaniel

Nathaniel watched the bard surreptitiously through half-closed eyes, forcing himself to focus on her face, and not the long expanse of pale skin on perfectly formed legs that he’d been unable to avoid noticing in the night. It was clear from her frenzied movements and her quick, shallow breaths that she was anxious, and he couldn’t blame her – when he’d asked to have Leliana directed to his tent once she’d arrived, he hadn’t expected to find her undressed and dead to the world in his own...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 429 Category 5 The 42000 Marks Turn Over New Leaves

Back to Monday, June 30 to Thursday, July 3, 2008 There are about 3.5 billion dimensions in Category #5, in which Mark had single-mindedly and ignorantly remained out of my ascendancy adventure. I wrote at length about the first category of dimensions, those that had 32-minded Marks, and I'll write at length about this, the last category with any of my loved ones in it. In the first category, my families knew more about my uniqueness than my families in any other type of dimension. In this...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 30 Join Together

Katherine was dreaming, although she didn't realize it. In her dream she was lying naked in Alan's bed, getting fucked by him from behind. However, this wasn't an ordinary fucking, because she was eight months pregnant, with a heavy belly the size of a beachball. Instead, it was more like they were cuddling, except that Alan's erection was fully sheathed inside her, just the way that she liked to hold him. Sometimes he would twitch or move his dick inside her just a bit, and sometimes...

1 year ago
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Nice Encounter

We walked into his apartment and he said we can be comfortable here in the living room. He started to remove his pants, so I did also. He was down to his bikini panties and after he took off his shirt, he pulled his panties down and off. He was now nude and I got my first look at his cock. He looked large, long that is, and he was cut. I finished removing my shirt and stood there in my garter belt, black stockings, and black bikini panties.He said, “Nice.” I had told him over the phone what I...

3 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 15 Agatha RobertsChapter 7

Agatha opened her eyes. It was good that his arms were around her, because she was quite sure she couldn’t stand up right now if they weren’t. She was having trouble getting enough air into her lungs, but she didn’t think it was because he was holding her so tightly. She realized she hadn’t been prepared for what had happened ... couldn’t have been prepared. It was too new ... too unfamiliar. When his lips had pressed to hers, they’d felt warm and fluid. Hers had been stiff, but when he’d...

1 year ago
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The start of being a naughty slut Chapter 2

So what happened next? (Part 1). I decided I needed to keep this a secret from my Husband alittle longer. There is no way he was going to let me go back and pose naked for these guys if he found out I was doing Life Modeling Classes, so that night over dinner I made up a story that I did nothing all day and just sat around with a Headache, took the kids to school and picked them up again. All the while my mind was racing, thinking over the mornings events of me surrounded by guys trying their...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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How it started with my older sister

The times passed again. We both just mainly did oral sex for about 6 or 7 years. the last years of our oral sex I noticed she was getting really wet and began to have hair on her virgin pussy. It was still tasting great and my penis growed about 3 more inches. But still did not stay hard until one day at getting home from school in 6th grade that the feeling I had always gotten when my penis got hard. It was like the oppostie my penis would get hard and it would feel good to rub it up and down....

1 year ago
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Mind Contol Pills

Paul had been having a lot of problems in his life lately. His parents were giving him a lot of trouble as was his sisters, Tanya and Jessie. School wasn't going so great either. That was all about to change. One day while walking home from school with Tanya, Paul looked down to find a torn piece of paper lying on the ground. Tanya was walking way in front of him since she never liked to be seen with him. He picked and it and read it to himself. It was an ad for some strange product called...

2 years ago
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60 Vayathu Uncle Udan Nadantha Kaamam

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil valimaiyaana 60 vayathu uncle udan sex seitha anubavathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar velama vayathu 38 aagugirathu. Naan oru velaikaari veetu velaigalai seithu varubaval, kaalai velaiku vanthaal malai varai velai seithuvitu veetirku seluven. Enaku oru kudumbam irukirathu kanavar matrum oru pillai irukiraan, avan ippozhuthu kalluri padithukondu irukiraan. En kanvar oru painter avarum epozhuthavathu thaan...

1 year ago
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Schools Nearly Over

One warm evening in the late spring before our final exams, the first we’d be taking since turning eighteen, when I was round at my half-Japanese girlfriend Lucy’s after school, she was about to pull my trousers down to give me a blowjob when her mum walked in. Lucy managed to pretend to be doing something else, so we weren’t caught, but we decided that it was too risky to fuck whilst her parent were home, so we decided to go for a walk. The sun had gone down, but there was still some light,...

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Love Treatment Part 3

Hi Indian sex stories readers, myself Ravi prasad.I live in Chennai. I am of 20 years at my B.Tech. I am a fair guy with sexy looks for a girl to take a second glance at me. I am of 5’ 8” height. I have athletic body with 6.5” dick. I am very good at bed to give priority to partner’s feelings and fantasies. Any girl of age 18-25 can contact me for love treatment. Now coming to the female lead of story. Her name is Pooja (name changed). She is of good fair body, sexy curves, dimple cheeks, and...

1 year ago
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House Slut 40 and no place to run

“Shhh.” Said a soothing female voice and she felt a soft hand stroke her cheek. “Gnndy?!” Tegan enquired incredulously. “That’s right babe.” Candy replied as she urged her hips forward, doing her darndest to gently – but steadily – make her giant strapon fit into Tegan’s asshole. “Nnnh.” Tegan protested through her gag, remembering how excited Candy had been at the prospect of fucking Tegan in the ass no more than 12 hours ago. She assumed James must be here too, one of the men who’d...

3 years ago
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Amenity Project Epilogue

Charlie, the afternoon waiter at Friendly's smiled as the saw the group enter. Yep, it was Monday, the day these women always came in to spend a few hours. It was some kind of club he knew, although no business ever seemed to be transacted. Instead the women ordered Margaritas and told each other hilarious stories. Charlie could never really hear what was said, but from snippets and body language, it was clear they were telling each other about sleeping with men, maybe younger men, maybe...

2 years ago
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Accidental Foursome Part 3

In Part 1 we met ‘Adam and Eve’ and engaged in our first foray into the wonderful world of group sex. In Part 2 I had my first experience at making love to another woman. the adventure continues… We arrived at the bar and found a table in a corner with no other people really close. The waiter came over and took our drink order and Greg and I sat back to people watch, one of our favorite past times when we go out. We had been there about 20 minutes when we saw a younger couple come in and sit...

1 year ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 61 Learning a New Skill

When I reached the tow ropes, I found Angelique standing there staring at the moving ropes. She seemed confused as to how to grab the ropes. I smiled and patted her on the head. "Put your poles in your left hand and grab my jacket with your right," I told her. She did as I instructed. I looked down to check that her skis faced forward and were parallel to mine. "Watch me. I'll grab the rope and it will take both of us up the hill. Next time you'll know how to do this," I...

2 years ago
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The surprise of a surprise

I was graduated from Schiller University, Bromley, West Wickam ... My wife always wanted to visit London and the campus of Schiller ….. Last year she insisted in going to London but in full regret, I told her that I would not be available for that. She told me that if we visit London, she would be into exciting moments like experiencing some of our fantasies …As a married couple, we were obviously talking about fantasies .. but it was the first time I had the chance to ask her "what do you...

2 years ago
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I Joined a Gym

I read an add for a gym that boasted twenty-four hour access six days a week, Tuesday thru Sunday. The price was durable and I figured that at least I would stay in shape, I had noticed that my stomach was beginning to protrude over my belt and I wanted to keep my trim line figure. It was about night time one Tuesday that I entered and met with the front desk clerk. I was giving a set of rules, regulations and assigned a locker after paying for the first week. One of the rules was to shower...

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Anns sitter ll

Her nightgown clearing her head Ann pulled her hands to her chest, then to her side. Looking at each other they sat in silence. With a look of fear Ann said, I've never done this before. Placing her hand on Ann's shoulder Mary said, me either. Slowly Ann leaned towards Mary. Moving her hand down to Ann's back, Mary met her half way. Closing her eyes Ann kissed Mary's lips softly. Returning her kiss Mary parted her lips. Kissing her, she slid the tip of her tongue over Ann's lips. They sat...

3 years ago
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Teasing Pleasing FamilyChapter 6

"What's that?" Helen Conway asked with alarm. She'd just jerked away from her sister-in-law's sloppy cunt, she and Ann in a sixty-nine after getting their cunts fucked full of jizz by each other's husband. Nor was Helen the only one who'd picked up on the sounds carrying from another part of the house. "What time is it? Is that movie already out?" Brad Conway gulped, wondering about the kids. Pete nervously looked at the clock. "No, David and Christy aren't due back yet." But...

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