ANNIE Part 2 Easter
- 4 years ago
- 32
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To celebrate Annie's 16th birthday, we spent a week horseback riding and camping in the Ozark Mountains. It was then our plan to drive south to New Orleans for a few days of fine dining and civilized touring.
Stealing a look at Annie in the passenger's seat, I couldn't help feeling a little sadness that her mother was no longer with us, to see what a fine young woman Annie had become. She had her mother's figure and the sort of plain honest face that wears so well. Annie and I enjoyed the same outdoor activities, and I now wanted to see how she would appreciate the culture and cuisine of the Big Easy.
Perhaps I was driving a little too fast down highway 167, perhaps not. In any event, we were stopped by two parish cops.
"Driver's license," said one of them, the shorter one.
I handed it over. He looked at it, at me, and then at Annie. He nodded to his partner, the taller one. "You folks will have to follow us to the station," he ordered. Annie and I looked at each other. But we followed the cruiser to the local station. It was Saturday and the building was deserted.
"We have had reports of dope smugglers coming down US 167," said the short one. "Your car fits the description. We are going to have to search you."
I resigned myself. They couldn't possibly find anything, so we would eventually be let go.
"Strip," ordered the short one.
"My daughter is right here," I protested.
"That's OK," said the tall one. "She'll have to strip too."
"It's not right," I protested.
"We'll show you what's right," said Short, and punched me in the stomach.
When I got my wind back, I realized what we were up against. I took off my clothes. They made a pretense of inspecting my body cavities, and then made me sit in a stout wooden chair where they handcuffed me to its arms.
"Now you," ordered Short to my daughter. She stripped down to her bra and panties.
"All the way," ordered Tall.
"I can't possibly be hiding anything under these," she said, indicating her underwear.
"Cavity search," said Short. Annie blanched, but took off her bra and panties.
All three of us held Annie in our gaze for a long moment. She was adorable. I hadn't realized what a luscious woman she had become. And then to have her beauty exposed to these degenerates...
She regarded me with an expression I could not read.
"Up on the examination table," ordered Short. He soon had Annie with her feet in the stirrups and her entire vaginal area exposed. He unwrapped a sealed plastic speculum and opened poor Annie up.
"Damn!" exclaimed Short, looking into Annie's spread pussy. "She's a virgin!"
"No shit!" cried Tall. "Flip you for her."
"You forget who's the corporal and who's the private here," said Short. He dropped his trousers, and his stiff prick stood out between his shirttails. Then, to my astonishment, he rolled a condom onto it.
"That's one fine looking pussy," said Short. "Tasty." He lowered his mouth onto Annie and began slurping and sucking it. Annie was biting her lip. After several minutes of this, he raised up and announced, "She's real prime pussy. Lip-smacking good. All juiced up and ready to go." Then he looked over at me, where I sat naked in the wooden chair. "Looks like someone else appreciates fine pussy too," he crowed.
It was true. To my intense embarrassment, my prick was like a bar of iron. And Annie was looking at it. Jesus. What could she be thinking? That all men were beasts?
"OK, here we go now," said Short, and, standing on a low stool, he sank his cock into poor Annie.
"Ow!" she exclaimed, as her hymen was torn through. If thoughts could murder, Short would now be a stinking pile of guts. But they can't. So far as I know, Short is probably still alive and gloating over his "conquest" and planning another one. The only consolation was that he was wearing a condom.
From where I sat, I could see Short's prick plunging in and out of Annie's pussy. After five minutes of poking into Annie, he reached some sort of climax and pulled out. There were bright streaks of red blood on the condom, which he carefully pulled off and flushed down the open toilet. "She's all yours," he told Tall.
Annie was quietly crying on the examination table. My erection had wilted.
Tall drew out a rubber glove and lubricated it plentifully with Vaseline. "Spread 'em," he told Annie. Then he inserted a finger in Annie's anus and worked it around. "Good 'n' tight," he remarked to Short.
"Better try two fingers," said Short. "You're pretty big."
"Good idea," said Tall and lubed his glove with another glob of Vaseline. He worked both fingers in and out of poor Annie's anus, circling them around to open it up still further. "Think she's ready," he said finally.
Tall dropped his pants. His erection was large, larger than mine, I noted with dismay. He was about to stick it into Annie's anus when Short reminded him, "Better use a rubber."
"Right you are," said Tall and rolled one onto his big prick. "Now, Blondie, this won't hurt nearly so much if you make like you are taking a dump when I stick it in. But if you tighten up, it will hurt like hell." He turned to me, "See? We ain't such bad guys, after all. Kind and considerate, that's us!" he smirked, and put the head of his horse cock at the entrance to Annie's sphincter. "OK, baby, push out."
Annie must have pushed, because his prick sank right into the well-greased hole. "Damn, that's fine!" he said. "All the way in." And he began to fuck her brutally, driving hard into her interior, so that she cried out at every stroke. My heart was breaking.
This went on for a while. Then Short took a turn in Annie's pussy, followed by Tall who seemed to favor the rear hole over the proper one. Finally Tall pulled out, flushed down the condom, and pulled up his pants. "I'm done," he announced.
"Tell you what," said Short to me. "I like the way that little girl looks at her Daddy. I'll bet she would like you to fuck her. Fuck her and I'll let y'all go."
"And if I don't?" I asked.
"Afternoon shift will be here in an hour," said Short. "They would just love to interrogate and search your little girl. And the mid shift will be in later."
"Daddy," said Annie. "It can only get worse. Do it and let's get out of here."
"Now you're talking," said Short. "I like a girl who loves her daddy."
I thought. It was a bad bargain, but as Annie said, it could only get worse. "OK," I said finally. "Let me out of these cuffs."
So they let me up. I flexed my legs. Annie was waiting for me on the table.
"Got another condom?" I asked.
"Sorry," grinned Short. "The last one went up your daughter's ass. Now, are you going to do it or not?"
I was beginning to catch on to Short's plan. The only DNA in my daughter's body would be mine.
"Come here, Daddy," said Annie. "It will be all right. You'll see."
What could I do? I lowered my body onto Annie, but my erection had vanished. I couldn't get my prick into her.
Annie reached out and took my prick in her smooth hand. She stroked it a few times, then whispered into my ear: "Pretend that it's just us here together, OK Daddy?" Then she kissed me passionately. Suddenly we were in a private bubble of feeling, my prick was hard again, and I could slip it into her warm body. It was just the two of us; Short and Tall had become invisible. It was magical; we were holding each other closely and deeply. Soon Annie began moaning and snapping her pelvis up to meet me. She would waggle her hips vigorously, pause, moan, and then waggle her hips again. She's having orgasms, I realized. This made me reach mine, and we thrust furiously against each other for what seemed many minutes, but was probably only sixty seconds.
"Will you look at that," said Short to Tall. "It's truly inspiring. That's what I call down-home fucking. Kinda makes me want to start all over again. But fair's fair. The two of you put on your clothes and get out of here."
We left that wretched town, driving exactly 5 miles per hour below the speed limit. When we were out of sight, I stopped the car. "Annie," I turned to her, "can you ever forgive me?"
She leaned against my chest and burst into tears.
"Annie, Annie..." I tried to sooth her, patting her awkwardly.
"Those bastards make me so damn mad," she sobbed. "They embarrassed you, and they took my virginity, which I was saving."
"Saving?" I echoed. We had never talked about this sort of thing before.
"Saving for you," she cried, and redoubled her sobbing, beating on my chest with her small fists.
My mind was in a whirl. Annie? Saving her virginity for me? Her father? What could she be thinking?
Finally, Annie's tears slackened. "I had it all planned," she said. "I was going to seduce you, possibly in New Orleans. And once you found out how much I love you, you would take me as your wife."
I was aghast. "But that would be..."
"Incest. Yes, I know. I've been thinking about it every since I was twelve. I realized that after Mom died, you have not had any female companionship except me. Not that I minded! And you are a wonderful father. But it's not fair to you."
And then she smiled a little. "At least we know we can get it on, right Daddy?" And she gave me a kiss.
"Sweetheart," I began.
She put a finger against my lips. "Let's talk about it tonight. Meanwhile, let's get out of north Louisiana." She gave me another kiss and settled back in her seat.
"But not the way we were headed," I told her. "Those cops said that they would hand us off to the cops in the next town so that we would have a safe trip. I really don't want to be handed off to another set of cops. Hand me that map."
We found a county road headed east toward the Mississippi, where there was a ferry. From Natchez there would be a scenic drive south to New Orleans, skirting much of Louisiana. Mississippi police couldn't possibly be worse, could they?
As we were driving, Annie asked me, "We have always been honest with each other, haven't we?"
"Pretty much," I agreed cautiously. I shot a glance at her. Somehow the conversational floodgates were now open, after the events of the morning.
"Haven't you ever been sexually attracted to your little girl?" she asked, a mischievous glint in her eye.
A memory flooded into my mind. "This is pretty bad," I told her, "but when you were very young and your mother was in the hospital I would bathe you and put you to bed. You had the prettiest little pussy. I wanted to kiss it."
"So did you?" asked Annie.
"Once or twice," I admitted.
"What did I do?" asked Annie.
"Oh, you spread your legs a little and cooed," I told her. I was lying. Actually, once you start kissing a pretty little pussy, you might as well go on to licking it and that leads to sucking the hard little clit, until you can feel her surrender to a baby orgasm. I had done this not once, but many times while my wife was in the hospital. Each time I would tell myself that it was all wrong, but somehow the next time ... At any rate, it made wanking off a lot easier. And Annie went to sleep immediately afterwards with a baby smile on her face. Did I tell you that my wife was in the hospital at the time? I see that I did.
"Why did you stop?" Annie asked.
"I had to stop sometime," I told her. "What would have happened if it had continued until you were in first grade? I can hear it now:
'My daddy kisses my pussy every night.'
'No he does not.'
'Does too.'
'Missus Ottinger, Annie says that her Daddy kisses her pussy every night. She's lying.'
'Am not neither.'
And then we would be in deep doo-doo."
Annie was laughing. "But you wanted to do it," she said. "And it sounds like I really liked it, too."
"Your mother did it also," I told her. "I caught her diddling your pussy one evening. You were gurgling and laughing."
"What did she say?" asked Annie.
"Oh, she blushed and told me that it was such a cute little pussy that she just had to play with it. You were really something at that age."
"But not now?" asked Annie.
"You saw me after that police corporal went down on you," I told her. "I couldn't help it. I got hard like I haven't for years."
"So it wasn't just a generic erection? It was really for me?" asked Annie. "I remember when I was 13 or so and my boobs were coming in, I used to put on my filmiest nightie and come sit next to you. I would sort of snuggle against you and try to poke you with my titties."
"I remember vividly," I told her. "You were a very nice, warm armful."
"And then when I turned 14," continued Annie, "Do you remember the night when you were watching the late news in your pajamas and I came downstairs and sat in your lap? And it felt so good that I gave you a big kiss? And for once you really kissed me back. And then I was rubbing my bottom on your erection and your hands were all over me." She sighed.
"All over you?" I challenged.
"Well, all over my breasts," she amended. "And then I'm not sure what happened, but I think your hand was on my pussy and I was having a monster orgasm."
"Me, too," I admitted. "There was a big wet spot on my PJ's. I was hoping you wouldn't notice."
"Like I didn't notice your stiffy when you and I zipped our sleeping bags together three nights ago, when it got real cold?"
I blushed. "Annie, I'm only human. You are a gorgeous, sexy woman and I love you very much. And since your mother died, I have been virtually a monk."
"Why didn't you ever get remarried?" Annie asked.
"I went out a few times. But each time I was worried that the babysitter wasn't looking after you properly. Besides, none of the ladies could compare to your mother."
"If I'm 16 now, and you are 34, then you and Mom must have got married at a very early age," said Annie thoughtfully.
"Actually we had to get married. Your mother and I started going together when I was 17 and she was a year younger. And we were passionately in love. One thing led to another, and there you were. So we got married, had you, and worked our way through school. It was hard, but we had each other, and we had you."
"Wow," said Annie. "So Mom was my age when you started having sex."
"'Fraid so," I told her. "And you are that age, but now I'm 17 years older."
"That does make my job tougher," said Annie. "I figured that just being sexy wasn't enough, so I would have to demonstrate some other qualities."
"Such as?" I asked.
"Well, being responsible, and mature, and considerate. You must admit I've been pretty good to you over the past two years."
"You have indeed," I told her. "We do lots of things together. You run the house. You look after the bills and do the shopping. The two of us work together to keep the house clean. We do fun things together. I really love seeing you every morning and night. I don't know what I'm going to do when you graduate."
The land grew lower and boggier as we neared the river. There were cattails growing in the ditches along the road. It was getting dark.
"That place looks clean," said Annie. It was a bayou fish camp with small white cabins. We could park so that the car could not be seen from the road.
"Get just one cabin," said Annie. "I'm not going to sleep by myself tonight."
Soon we were in a knotty-pine room with twin beds. We unpacked and showered, trying to wash away the grime and mistreatment of the day.
We dressed and walked over to the office. The clerk told us that the place next door had "real good food." He urged us to try the crayfish etouffee. It was a short walk over to the place next door, which was a combination boat dock, gas station, store, bar, restaurant, and dance hall. Part of it was built on pilings over the water.
The food was indeed good. We split an order of the crayfish etouffee and ate some perfectly fried fresh perch fillets.
We finished eating as the band straggled in. The band consisted of a bass, a violin, and an accordion. I thought they would be playing wheezy Cajun music, but instead they started on some old standards: Begin the Beguine, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, Stardust. I was surprised. The violin would toss the melody to the accordion and then play riffs on the theme, while the bass played a lazy basso continuo.
"Let's dance," said Annie. The floor was empty except for us and the lighting was just two strings of party lights, so we settled into some comfortable slow dances. Annie danced close against me and I held her tight. It was pure enjoyment, feeling a warm, curvy feminine body next to me. And my body started to respond after a while. I was embarrassed to realize that I was developing a steely erection. So I turned to the side to avoid poking Annie with it.
Annie said, “What’s in this for me? You two have bet money on the outcome, but what about little old me?”“What do you want?”She licked her lips. Dare she ask, she wondered, and then expressed her desire. “I want the three of you to take me simultaneously.”“Done!” Joe said shaking his head in surprised approval. Agreement had formed on the lips of both Bea and Perry as well, but went unspoken.“All right then,” Annie said and raised her dress to her waist. Her purple thong seemed to sparkle in...
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Annie was pleased to find that the man she had recommended for position of accountant for her firm had actually got the job, she had worked with Mark at her previous firm and although he was 20 years younger than her they had always had a good relationship and flirted together and had the odd 'snog' at Christmas time.As she showered to get ready for work on Mark's first day in charge she thought about him and gently stroked between her legs in the shower her fingers found her clit and she went...
I met Annie 20 years ago. We were introduced by a friend, who worried that all work and no play would make me, Alex, a very dull boy. She thought the same about Annie, who was her university roommate. Annie and I came from different backgrounds, but we were both nerds. She was the only daughter of a wealthy businessman and his wife. Me, I was the son of a bus driver and a school teacher, ordinary people. Annie was posh, I was common. Both Annie and I concentrated on studies over social life...
I met Annie 20 years ago. We were introduced by a friend, who worried that all work and no play would make me, Alex, a very dull boy. She thought the same about Annie, who was her university roommate. Annie and I came from different backgrounds, but we were both nerds. She was the only daughter of a wealthy businessman and his wife. Me, I was the son of a bus driver and a school teacher, ordinary people. Annie was posh; I was common. Both Annie and I concentrated on studies over social life...
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Make sure to read part 1 first, if you haven't already: 40 - 1, Annie knew it would be suicide to even try to fight back.Defeated, she knew her best hope is to surrender, and bide her time...The Indians spoke to each other in a dialect that she didn't recognise.This isn't the first Native American tribe she's ever come across.She's...
Annie knew that she should have filled up with fuel before she left the motorway, but who could have imagined that the weather would get so bad and that she would get diverted down so many back roads because of the accident.The fuel gauge was showing nil and the warning light was flashing on and off as she whispered to herself “please don’t stop…please don’t stop”. But, then the inevitable happened. The car chugged and spluttered and she was stranded in the back of beyond and the rain was...
Annie watched the spread-tied girl's narrow hips thrash as the young victim tried futilely to kick her legs free. Her open-legged struggle caused her pussy to "dance" above the bed delightfully. Annie reached out and grabbed a thatch of the girl's pubic hair, pulling her upward by it until the girl tore her hips away. Meanwhile Julie pinned the girl's shoulders down and buried her face in the girl's left breast, sucking voraciously as if she could force milk from it. Her free hand plucked the...
Annie and her Granny By Susannah Donim Chapter 8 - My Wife's Mother-in-Law Steve's new normal - little sacrifices. Annie and I were married on the 29th June at the local Registry Office. It was a completely conventional wedding; i.e. Annie wore the dress, and she looked absolutely gorgeous. I asked Fred to be my Best Man, and he was brilliant. It was an opportunity for me to get to know Annie's family better. I had only met them a couple of times, as they lived up North and...
I met Annie 20 years ago. We were introduced by a friend, who worried that all work and no play would make me, Alex, a very dull boy. She thought the same about Annie, who was her university roommate. Annie and I came from different backgrounds, but we were both nerds. She was the only daughter of a wealthy businessman and his wife. Me, I was the son of a bus driver and a school teacher, ordinary people. Annie was posh, I was common. Both Annie and I concentrated on studies over social life...
Taking a sip of her herbal tea, Annie double-checks her things for school. Her berry-coloured lips twist as she goes through her mental checklist. Textbooks, notebooks, pens and her phone…yep, everything is in there. Slinging the satchel around her and settling it onto her shoulder, she adjusts her ponytail containing her thick brown curls and leaves her room, before knocking on the door next to hers. “David, are you ready?” she asks nervously. “Yep, two secs!” a deep, smooth yet muffled voice...
First TimeThe girls were in a man free zone in the large club room: men were not allowed in on hen nights. The crooner and the blue comedian had done their acts and now the male stripper held centre stage. he was blonde and muscular with a six pack and with a tanned body devoid of hair. Annie and her three companions where sat at a front table not sure if the huge bulge in his posing pouch was genuine. Annie was the bride-to-be, her companions her bride's maids. Annie was tipsy and enjoying herself...
Straight SexMom had the chore of seeing that Annie was well taken care of during the day. Mary and Ginny did nearly as much. Annie was good and never asked for her mother. She and I lived in the house alone. I think I was lonelier than Annie for she had Tippy to cuddle with. I cooked at least half our meals. Mom worried that we weren't eating correctly. We did eat out, but I was very careful to make sure our meals were nutritious. I think what made Annie such a joy to care for was that she always...
Annie glanced in the mirror one last time as she exited out the door with her boyfriend Jeff. She secretly wondered how badly this woolen head wrap thing was messing with her new hair cut. Annie was a firm believer in that old adage ‘It’s not what you do, it’s how you look doing it’ and once had those very words displayed rather unapologetically on a small plaque in her office. “You’ll look fine Annie,” Jeff assured her. “What are you a mind reader? “You’re not that hard to figure out...
Group SexNOTE: This one is light on sex, more about relationships. ———- MOM A police patrol picked up Annie French well after midnight drunk, smoking some sort of ‘weed’ that didn’t appear to be cannabis and took her into custody for her own safety. The holding charge was vagrancy because she couldn’t remember where she lived but the charge would not stick in court because she had almost $400 bucks in her wallet in the back pocket of her jeans. Annie was released early next morning and told to go...
“You’ll look fine Annie,” Jeff assured her. “What are you a mind reader? “You’re not that hard to figure out sometimes,” he replied. Annie pondered those words for a moment after they got in the car and started off. She wondered to herself how she let Jeff talk her into this ski trip anyway. Annie, ice and cold weather did not mix. It was not a big secret that the only time Annie liked ice was if it was crushed and blended with liberal doses of tequila, and perhaps, a lime wedge...
I was just getting ready to close up the shop for the day when this gal came in. Oh who am I k**ding, this was no gal, this was a lady. She was my height as I looked straight into her eyes, but she was also wearing heels, so she was probably more like 5’5” to my 5’9”. No more than 25.Black straight hair that flowed to the small of her back, and a gray dress that fit her slender body perfectly. As I saw her walk to my desk I could see her hips swaying and moving back and forth, and found myself...
My little sister Nina sounded so excited to hear that I was finally about to come home, and even though it was late she said she would wait up for me. I was using the phone in the Pastor's office to let her know that we had driven into the night, and the bus had just pulled into the church parking lot.And just before I hung up, I whispered her that "IT" had finally happened, and she literally squealed with excitement.She gasped, "Annie, are you serious? You mean you really 'IT' really...
Annie, or to give her her full name, the honourable Annabel Eizabeth Mary Weatherby-Hanines, strode across the meadow in the afternoon sun. The village lay before her in deep shadow as the sun began its slow descent to the western horizon. She barely considered that everything she could see she owned. She just felt lonely and persecuted. A woman alone in a man’s world. She knew everyone on her estate were taking advantage of her. It was pure luck that she had inherited the estate as back...
She saw the village forge at the village edge. No smoke issued from the chimney, the idle blacksmith had obviously gone home early. Annie decided he needed a lesson. She had known Tom for years, why she even had a crush on him as a young girl, nearly lost her virginity to him in an apple orchard one summers day many years ago, but that was then and this was now. She was the boss and he a labourer. She never married, with no living father and an idiotic mother she had had to fend off...
Annie Bradford, a highly respected College Dean from Minneapolis, Minnesota, was visiting some colleagues at Emory University in Atlanta, in hope of enticing one of them to accept a position at her university. Annie was a very young forty and divorced with no children. Her husband had left her for a younger woman four years before and, heartbroken, she'd thrown herself into her work.We meet her as she’s just finished watching a porno movie in her hotel room. She’s horny, almost desperate for...
Quickie SexOne Month After the Anniversary"I have the pussy. I make the rules," Annie muttered to herself with half of the humming shaft inside her."Oh god." She panted. The shaft of the vibrating dildo painted her insides with a deep purple shade of lust. But it was her mind, her new mantra that was allowing it, coaching her to stretch and take more inside her. "I have the pussy..." The toyed hummed steadily. She pushed it in another half-inch. Such good advice.The toy wasn't something she could've ever...
Wife LoversMichelle glanced over at Annie from her desk at the office. Her beautiful long strawberry blond hair was combed neatly away from her face, and her long, smooth legs slid gracefully out from under her mini-skirt. Looking at Annie's legs always made Michelle happy, because they reminded her of that one day after school, five years ago, when they were both 16, that had changed her life forever. Michelle had always been shy and reserved about her sexuality, whereas Annie was brash and open. She had...
MasturbationHollis backed his delivery van to the rear of his shop. He unlocked and opened a pair of sliding barn doors and stepped inside. The lower level was his storage area -- off limits to customers. He climbed the stairs and saw Annie sitting behind the counter. "I'm back," he said. She jumped. "You startled me." "Any business today?" "Some ... a lady came in and bought that deer figurine I liked." "It's almost closing time," he said. "I have to unload the truck. Once you've...
Dolly pushed Annie on the shoulders, causing it to lay down on the bed with his back, and was now able to kiss her nipples. Having a tongue tip around the circumference of each nipple, she first swallowed and gently sucked the lips first one, then another. Dolly slightly biting their hands and crumpling the entire breast. Annie already furiously rubbing your Clit, causing her pussy softly smacking their lips.Opening his eyes, Annie saw his face chest Dolly. She also began to lick and suck. Her...
Sandy's mouth opened and Johnny thought she was going to scream at him. She didn't. She sat down beside him. "So where do we go from here? I was going to have to talk to you eventually, so I guess there is no great damage done. The damage was done when Gordon approached me to give the FBI a hand again." "When did this happen?" "A little over three weeks ago. Gordon came to town and came to the house. I am the only agent who knows what Abdul looks like. I thought he was dead until...
Hollis parked behind the Emporium and together they climbed to the apartment. Annie set down her purse and slipped off her coat and boots. "What do you want to do for dinner?" He asked. "I don't know. I don't have much of an appetite." "I have a frozen lasagna." "Okay..." "I'll move your bag," he said and picked it up. He noticed something inside and reached for it. "Annie -- where did you get these?" He held up a pack of cigarettes. "You have to be eighteen to buy...
“Annie and Selene” Chapter oneBy J. J. ScribeSelene reclined on her bed thinking about the she planned to wrap her tongue around later that night. She anticipated the excitement of sucking his thick penis and savored the thought of his foot-long plus two inch hot dog sliding down her extended throat. And then her mind flashed back to the first day she learned about her little abnormality. Her thoughts returned to August 10, 1998, the evening when she’d attended a birthday party in Santa...
Annie and her Granny By Susannah Donim Chapter 5 - The Substitute Steve has qualms about the propriety of the favour his mother asks of him, but he has no idea of where the deception will lead. "No, no, no!" I shouted in the car on the way home. "It's a mad idea; completely bonkers; and almost certainly illegal!" "You said you'd think about it," my mother said accusingly. "Well I couldn't turn Dolly down flat, not with her lying half-dead in hospital!" I realised that was a...
Annie went home after her first porn film shoot, wondering if she'd ever go back again. She really hadn't been totally prepared for the experience and she'd found that even though she'd obviously had sex before, doing it in front of a camera crew, with a total stranger, and the guy turning out to be a black stud were all elements that really sent her mind reeling as she lay there waiting for him to undress and fuck her. That night, Annie relived the entire experience in her head, trying to...
The following weekend I invited my PA Annie and Sam my ex-boyfriend around to my house for dinner plus a little fun hopefully afterwards.Annie is 25, blonde and gorgeous. Sam is just Sam but my Dom. Annie had expressed a desire to be submissive, this was her opportunity to experience itI had made an effort and choose a slinky black dress, very sheer and tight fitting. Nothing underneath as it would spoil the smooth outline Sam arrived first and we had a drink and chatted until Annie arrived...
Robert slipped out of the house early leaving Annie in bed, Kay was also at home and as he drove to work he wondered what they would make of the little surprise he had arranged for them. He had left the front door on the latch so Danny would have no problem getting into the house, in fact he saw Danny park up just as he was leaving…. ………… Danny slipped into the house quietly and locked the door behind him, he slipped the key into his pocket so even if either of the sluts were to try to leave...
It had been two weeks since I met a man, not my husband, at a hotel and fucked him and even though my husband Rob and I had sex almost every night since then, I wanted another cock again. I smiled to myself thinking about it as I walked back into our bedroom and slipped into bed beside my sleeping husband. We had had a hot fuck session a little earlier and before I finally drifted off to sleep my hand wandered down to my pussy and I fingered my still wet slit a minute just thinking about how...
Wife LoversIf you haven't already, please read part 1 so you're all caught up! :PPart 1: Pistol Lips - Rides Again! (Part 2)Under the pale blue moonlight, Annie was riding on her beautiful trusty steed like lightning along a dusty deserted dirt road. It's drumming hooves kicking up the dirt as it ran. All around her...
It was Annie’s birthday and I was looking for the ideal present for her, a present she would always rememberI had told her about the gang-bang that Sam had arranged for me at Xmas and Annie was so envious, that had to be the gift for herI told her that I had arranged a party for her at my place on the day and to get there for seven.Seven o’clock on the dot and there she was at the doorIt was just our special friend Sam invited and I had booked a table at the pub across the laneWe had pre-dinner...
Ch. 1: The AnniversaryOn their tenth anniversary Sam and Annie held hands under a candle-lit dinner table. Their lives together had accumulated an embarrassment of riches; deep, abiding love and respect for one another, two darling and mischievous little kids pittering and pattering all over their condo, and a shiny new SUV, all counted among their crown jewels.Date nights on the other hand, were rarer treasures. The happy couple basked in their moment together, even as they struggled here and...
Straight SexAnnie had already made three porn flicks in her advanced state of pregnancy. Her first one, a something less resounding success as a first venture into making porn movies, had been when she was already six months along in her pregnancy and badly in need of money. Then, the porn film producer gave Annie a second chance and this time she'd done better even though her co-star had been a male porn actor several years older than her. Her third venture out had been a surprise foursome with three...
Annies problems started about 5 months ago when she ran away from home and wound up on the seedy side of San Francisco.Back in her hometown Annie was kind of a trouble maker. She smoked pot and had a tendency to hang out with the "wrong boys". But for the most part she was an innocent midwestern farm girl.After she got busted for smoking pot her folks really came down hard on her. She didn't like it and decided to run away to San Francisco. She was expecting flowers in her hair and had not...
Annie sat on the sofa while Hollis paced. Ten minutes passed that felt like thirty. The phone rang and he answered. "Hello ... yes..." Hollis listened. He nodded. "I understand ... when?" He listened some more. "Yes, I'll drive up there first thing in the morning." He set down the handset. "Hollis -- what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!" "I can't believe it." "Believe what?" Annie asked. "Is she better?" Hollis shook his head. "She's dead." He looked at...
We spent a month in California with Annie's parents and my mother. My aunt had to go back to Wyoming two days after I was reunited with Annie. Even though we just met, it was hard to say goodbye. However, we made promises to see each other again soon. I would have gone back home sooner, but Charles had to close his building for a while. Annie and I tried to sneak off from time to time to be alone together, but her dad would always find us. He was determined to make sure I didn't sex with...
Annie and her Granny By Susannah Donim Epilogue Will Annie and her new mother-in-law live happily ever after? Looking back, I'm surprised how easy it was to take over my mother's life, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that she took me over. I suppose a certain amount of 'personality bleed' is inevitable if you are living as someone else day-to-day. I looked like her; I sounded like her; through constant practice I now stood like her and walked like her; and...
Scene 1 All of a sudden her messy room seemed so creepy. She never realized until now how narrow the walls were. The place was dusty and crowded: posters, books, clothes, and those annoying little pieces of paper with things written in a hurry…Annie was starring at the walls - ”Am I supposed to decide good from wrong?... but sometimes there are those things that are sooo good, in the most evil way possible…hmmm…” Finally, for her own peace, Annie had to admit she was only 14 so she should take...
I should have gone to my second job that night, but when Annie asked me not to go, I agreed immediately. Well, she not only asked but she’d also put on her new see-through nightie and poured us both out a drink. What’s a man supposed to do?We were up early the next morning and ready for our new adventure. We decided we’d like to ride our bikes to the marina to collect the third boat and we stopped at Frank’s house to make sure our change of plan was okay.Nancy came to the door and said that...
Love StoriesChapter 1 "I DO wish you could come on holiday with me, Annie!" said Roxana to her best friend as they were preparing to go home for the summer vacation from Deerdene school. At the end of their first year, they were the closest of friends and had been from the very first day. They were lively and mischievous girls and both very pretty, even at the age of eleven. Roxana was a blue eyed redhead and Annie had the purest jet black hair, with dark eyes, staring in a disconcertingly challenging...
The ambient light from the windows grew brighter with dawn's twilight. Hollis opened his eyes and regarded Annie. "Good morning," he said. "Morning." "Sleep well?" "Mmm ... Never better." She swung her feet to the floor. "I gotta take my shower and get ready for school." Hollis shook his head. "I just had a flash of cognitive dissonance. I spent the night with you like that and now you have to go to school." "Help me straighten the bed." He tugged on the covers. Annie...
Six Weeks After the Anniversary"That's it, baby... fuck me, fuck my pussy hard," Annie grunted. "Make me cum with that big cock!"Smack, smack, smack, Sam's thighs thudded against Annie's milky, round ass over and over. His hard dick swelled bigger as the cockhead dragged across the small pad of ridges deep inside her. Her most recent encouragement induced a low growl from him as his pace quickened.The steamy couple was lathered in sweat. Annie's newfound boldness and confidence had increased...
Wife Lovers