Mosley StationChapter 6
- 4 years ago
- 25
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"You want to use my shower?" Lilly tempted.
"I'd love to, but I don't have anything clean to put on."
"I've got some shorts that will fit you. Our hips are about the same size I think ... And I've got some oversized shirts that might squeeze over those breasts of yours."
Daisy chuckled: "All right. Let me use your phone. I'll call and tell them I'll be late."
"Why walk all that way tonight. Why not stay over and I'll run you back in the morning."
"You couldn't get up in time. No, I'll sleep over, but I'll walk back in the morning." Daisy chuckled.
Daisy called her folks and told them she was going to sleep over.
"Now you be home in time for your morning chores."
"I will be, but it wouldn't hurt Bobby to do mine just once. I've done his a million times."
"Bobby's not used to getting up that early."
"Well he'd better get used to it. I've got a lot of work to do over here, and I need the money."
"All right, but try to get back early."
"Don't worry, I won't let Bobby miss his beauty sleep. He needs all he can get!"
Lilly had listened to her side of the conversation. When Daisy hung up she said: "I don't want to get you into trouble with your folks. I didn't mean to interfere with your chores at home."
"Don't worry. This is just a good excuse for me to cure a long time problem. Bobby's lazy as an old hound dog. It won't hurt him a bit to get off his butt. Besides I really can use the money."
"Okay, but don't get yourself into trouble on my account."
"Not a worry" said Daisy as she absently began to open her blouse.
It never occurred to her that it would have an effect on Lilly, at least not consciously. She peeled off the blouse and examined it. All the while Lilly was examining her large bare breasts.
"Damn, this may never come clean."
Lilly seized the opportunity and peeled hers off, and then dropped her shorts.
"Here, let me wash them with mine. Take those shorts off too."
Daisy caught herself watching as Lilly opened her shirt and then peeled off her shorts. She wore black panties once more.
"Those are nice. I wished I had some nice under things. All I've got are a few cotton bras and panties."
"After we shower I'll let you try on some things. I've got some real naughty ones."
"Okay, I'd like that. Who's first in the shower?"
"Uh, I'm not so sure about the water heater, lets just both use it at the same time."
"Okay ... I guess so."
Daisy peeled off her shorts and handed them to Lilly. This revealed her plain white cotton panties. Lilly caught the outline of her pubic mound.
Lilly took the things and put them in the washer, but didn't start it. She put their shirts in a bucket and started them soaking.
They headed for the shower.
Lilly boldly pushed her panties to the floor. She struggled to let her hair out of the pony tail that she had put it in that morning.
Daisy removed her own panties and stepped behind her and undid her hair for her. As she did she surveyed her slim backside and the rest of her body in the mirror. The reflection showing her small brown patch of pubic hair. It had been neatly trimmed in a bikini cut. Daisy blushed over her own large, furry, golden triangle.
"Did you do that yourself?" she absently asked Lilly.
"Uh ... the bikini cut?"
Lilly felt her nipples tightening as she stuttered out: "Yeah, required fare where I come from. You want me to show you how?"
"Yeah, would you?"
"I'd be delighted." said Lilly, not lying in the least.
She stepped behind Daisy and undid her hair for her. She echoed Daisy's earlier inspection both back and front. She noticed that Daisy's own nipples were up and hard. She was excited too, as neither of them were cold.
Lilly adjusted the water, making certain that she stayed bent over the taps a long time to get it just right.
Daisy felt a little faint at the sight of the other woman's pussy exposed before her. She recalled with a shock how she had always enjoyed it, even when she snuck peeks in the girls shower at school. None of them were like this though, Lilly's trim extended underneath. She had shaved herself clean. Her bare vulva spreading itself before her.
Lilly stepped in and looked back to see the blushing blonde girl. She extended a hand and Daisy mutely took it and stepped in with her.
They soaped themselves up and then Lilly started to soap Daisy's back. Daisy felt a slight quiver run through her body at the others touch. Her soft hands gently washing her skin. Her nipples got a lot harder as she recalled the poems. Then she closed her eyes in ecstasy as Lilly shampooed her hair.
After rinsing, she returned the favor. Her hands trembling slightly as she slowly soaped and washed Lilly's shapely back. She almost let her hands drop to her firm ass, just grazing over the top of her cheeks. Then she had Lilly tip her head back as she washed her hair. Daisy was a bit taller, she gazed down between Lilly's pert breasts as she lathered her hair. Her nipples were standing at full attention, her eyes closed as Daisy's had been.
"God, that feels wonderful." she said.
"I know, I liked it myself."
Finally Daisy had her rinse. Then they turned to each other. They gazed into each others eye's.
"So, do you think we've teased each other enough?" Lilly asked, hoarsely.
Daisy thought she knew what she meant, but asked: "What do you mean?"
"Perhaps not ... never mind. Come on lets get dry."
They mostly toweled themselves off, but Lilly stepped behind Daisy and dabbed the water off her back. Then she got out her blow dryer and dried her hair for her. This is something that Daisy had never had before.
Lilly kept the heat low and the air high so that Daisy wouldn't get too hot. She brushed all the snags out of it and used some anti-tangle conditioner on it. Soon it was shining like the morning sun as it cascaded over Daisy's shoulders, breasts and down her back.
"You have lovely hair. I wish mine was this healthy." remarked Lilly.
"Yours is just fine. Here let me do it for you." said Daisy stepping behind her and trying to fathom the controls on the hair dryer.
She used the anti-tangle on Lilly and remarked that she was going to have to get some herself. Soon Lilly's hair was shining and bouncy like her own. Not as long, it didn't obscure her nipples, just touched the tops of the dark circles.
"Now, about that bikini job..." said Lilly, "Sit on the counter there and I'll show you how."
"Oh" said Daisy, blushing crimson red, "that's not necessary. I'll figure it out!"
"Nonsense. This is my territory. You've never been exposed to it, like I was never exposed to farm life. And if you do this wrong it can be very irritating. Now sit up there."
Daisy meekly complied. She seemed to get redder as Lilly examined the area.
Lilly felt herself flush as she gazed at the blonde girls pubic area. The lips were large and the clitoris peeked out, protruding in excitement. Lilly fought the urge to lick it.
She got a comb and some scissors and sprayed some anti tangle on the soft blond patch. Then she gently combed through the tight curls as she snipped away at the excess. Her fingers sometimes -almost- inadvertently brushing across the little love button. She heard Daisy's sudden intake of breath when that happened, but she said nothing. Soon the patch was neat and trim.
Daisy started to climb down but Lilly pushed her back.
"This is the most important part! Now pay attention!"
Daisy meekly complied. She was almost dying with lust and was savoring any contact she had with Lilly. The brushes against her clitoris had send jolts of electricity through her body. Anything this woman wanted to do was fine with her. Then Lilly had her raise her legs while she washed the area with warm water. Daisy just about climaxed. Then she squirted some shaving gel on the area and worked it into a lather. Daisy's abdomen trembled with desire and she closed her eyes, a soft moan slipping from her lips.
"Feels good, doesn't it?" Lilly softly said.
"God, I'll say! It's making me horny as hell!"
"It always does me too, but it's worth it. You'll like the results. Now watch how I use this razor, and hold your hips still. If I nick you it will hurt like hell."
Daisy did her best to watch how Lilly shaved her. But the sight of another woman manipulating her pubic area was almost too much. She fought off her orgasm as long as she could, but now Lilly's fingers were in almost constant contact with her labia.
Lilly continued with her charade. She was fairly dripping with excitement herself. She could tell from Daisy's muscle tone and based on long experience just how close to orgasm she was. Lilly was careful not to send her over, but not to give her a rest either.
Daisy was breathing hard. Damn she wished Lilly would just make her cum. She seemed to be keeping her just on the edge.
"Please, You're driving me nuts." gasped Daisy.
"Oh ... Would you like me to fix that?" Lilly gently asked.
"Uh. No, ... I don't know ... Maybe I guess so." gasped Daisy. Her mind was spinning.
"Which is it? Yes or No?" Lilly asked softly. Her fingers just touching Daisy's labia lips as she took little strokes with the razor.
"Uh ... I never ... I don't know..."
"You never had a woman touch you there before?" asked Lilly.
"But doesn't it feel good?"
"Yes ... but."
"Would you like me to stop?"
"NO! Uh ... I guess not. It's just driving me crazy."
"I can make that better if you want." braved Lilly.
Now Daisy realized fully what was being asked. Lilly had pulled her hands away and was patiently waiting for her answer. Daisy gazed at the sensuous woman before her. All of her desires just out of her reach. Just waiting for her to face the question and answer honestly.
"How?" asked Daisy, prolonging her choice.
"You know how. You knew how when you first met me. You've read the poems. You know what they mean. You've been watching me hungrily all day, from the moment you got here. You've been thinking about it since you met me. You thought about it this morning when you dressed that way.
And I've been watching you all day. I've been thinking about you since we met. I was aware of you looking up my dress before I came down that ladder. I saw you come in. I stayed up there so that you would see what you saw.
But now you want me to choose for you. I can't do that. You have to openly face what you want and say it to me. You're already my friend, how you answer won't affect that. But before it can go further you have to face it and tell me clearly. Otherwise it would destroy our friendship. I don't want that. While I desire you, I want you more for a friend. Now you have to choose and tell me clearly what you want."
Daisy was now sitting back stunned. She realized the truth of what Lilly had said. A thousand different thoughts ran through her brain. She gazed at the beautiful woman before her. She realized the level of her desire for her. She had wanted this from the first moment she had laid eyes on her. But telling her was difficult.
Finally she said softly: "I acknowledge my desire for you. Please make love to me."
Lilly smiled at her and said: "I will, but not this way. I want it to be special. This is not the place for it. I'll finish shaving you, without further exciting you -if that's possible- then we'll do it right. okay?"
"Okay, but I don't think I can hold back with you touching me like that." said Daisy softly.
"You know that I was doing that on purpose. I'll be careful. But I won't let you deceive yourself any more. Now that you have acknowledged your feelings, there's no need for it. Now hold still!"
Lilly deftly finished shaving Daisy's pubic area. Now she only brushed Daisy's clitoris when necessary to complete the job. Daisy was still fairly dripping when Lilly shifted her over the sink and rinsed her off.
Daisy no longer suppressed her moans of delight when the warm water splashed over her labia.
Lilly dabbed her dry and then carefully rubbed on some Aloe lotion.
"Come, our first embrace and kiss should be in a more memorable spot." Lilly said, leading her by the hand to the other room.
Daisy meekly followed her. Her mind reeling with desire and confusion. "Why hadn't Lilly taken her when she had the chance?" she asked herself.
When they entered the bedroom Lilly dropped her hand and moved to the dresser. She pulled out several pieces of lingerie. None of which Daisy had ever seen before. Lilly selected one and told Daisy to put it on. This confused Daisy even more, although it was lovely and sensual. She vocalized the question that had been in her mind.
Lilly considered her for a moment and answered frankly: "Because you asked me to make love to you. If we had done it in there, it would have only been lust. Love takes a little more. Be patient and it will mean a lot more. okay?"
Daisy dropped her head in shame. Then lifted her head in pride. "Okay, I just didn't understand. I've never been loved before."
"Then it's all the more reason to make it extra special. I promise you will understand before the night is passed. I will love you gently and tenderly. I am honored to be your first teacher." said Lilly, solemnly.
Daisy felt tears welling up to her eyes. She wanted this woman so badly she could bust. But her words had touched something deeper. She realized that moment the difference between love and lust.
She fought back the tears and answered softly: "And I shall be honored to be your student. I think I have a lot to learn."
"As do I. As I did today. Now put this on."
Daisy complied.
Lilly donned her own outfit.
Once they were both clad in the delicate material, Lilly led her to the living room. She sat Daisy at one end of the sofa and positioned her in a seductive pose. Finally she arranged her golden tresses over her shoulders and breasts. Lilly stood back and looked at her in satisfaction.
Daisy blushed at her gaze, but proudly returned it.
Lilly's heart almost burst. She was fighting her own lust, but now she had committed herself to much more. She actually did feel honored to be Daisy's first, and she felt honor bound to make it unforgettable.
She left the room a moment and returned with a tray of wine and some delicate glasses. She poured two glasses and handed one to Daisy.
Daisy felt a mild shock as Lilly's fingers brushed hers. The sexual tension between them was electric.
"Now this is lesson one. This is a delicate wine. You sniff at it and then take a small sip and hold it in your mouth to let your tongue explore it. Different parts of your tongue will taste different flavors. Only when your taste buds are saturated should you let it slide down your throat."
Lilly clinked her glass softly against Daisy's. The fine crystal sounding a sweet note.
"To us; and a night of love you may cherish always." Lilly toasted.
Daisy felt overwhelmed, but she raised her glass as Lilly had and sniffed at it, then took a small sip. She followed Lilly's instructions. Letting the wine reveal itself to her tongue. She was amazed at the pleasure as each different flavor emerged; tart here, sweet there, delicate there. It was delicious and smelled wonderful. Her inclination would have been to chug it. She realized what she would have missed if she did. Her appreciation for the experience was enhanced greatly by the view before her. Lilly's erect nipples clearly defined by the delicate material. Her trim dark pubic area revealed by the sheerness of the fabric. She looked at her and let her eye's experience the flavor of the vision as her tongue experienced the wine.
"That's very nice" she said finally. (Meaning both.)
Lilly smiled radiantly at her pupil. She was going to be an honor student. She moved and selected a tape. She started it and adjusted the volume.
"Lesson two. Aural pleasure. Sound can be as pleasurable as touch. It can touch you in places that fingers can't reach. Move you in ways that no physical force could."
Daisy had never heard much different than the twangy western music that most farmers listen to. She hadn't cared for it much. Now her ears delighted in the complex melodies and simple harmonies she experienced. Again it was enhanced as Lilly gracefully moved about, as if guided by the sound. She moved to the book shelf and selected a book. Daisy longingly admiring her as she stretched her sensual body. She turned again to face her.
"Lesson three. The sound of words. Not just talk, but the joy of enunciating the concepts of love."
Her voice had a dulcet singing quality to it. She read aloud the passages that had first led Daisy to the library. She was soft in places, barely audible, and driving and commanding in others. All the while she seemed to keep rhythm to the hauntingly soft music.
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Trina arranged for Ester to meet me at the 2nd chance store. It was a neutral location. So I felt comfortable meeting her there. We set it for Sunday morning at 9:30AM. I planned to do a careful drive by to be sure I wasn’t being set up. It was two days till Sunday, so I did some checking on Ester. I couldn’t believe that she had been an Orthopedic nurse for fifteen years in the same practice. There were no rumors about her at all. She like Trina was a widow. Other than that fact there was...
It didn't take Kelly long after our Craigslist hookup had left to start scheming. Mark had seemed like a good guy, he'd just reupped with the Army and was probably going to be a lifer. He also appeared to have a good head on his shoulders. The question for Kelly however was how to get her best friend Jasmine and him together. Jokingly I suggested just inviting them over for an orgy and see what happens. Kelly's smile just grew wider and she climbed into the lawn chair with me, her knees...
There's already hesitation in your eyes as the car begin to slow down. I can feel it, your hand squeezing mine, the other on the steering wheel. Just a light clamp of pressure like that from familiar skin can say in seconds what hours of conversation may still dance around. I want to tell you that we don't have to do anything. We can turn around and go back to our separate beds and sleep next to who we're spending our lives with. The ones who see us every single day, even though we've become...
CheatingMorphco were a company that specialized in the creation of anthros, or furries as they are better known as, you decided today you would have you own sex pet, therefore you had an appointment set up just for that reason. You arrived at the Morphco store for your appointment, the building was very simple, pale blue walls with the Morphco emblem placed proudly on a bill board above the building, you quickly walked through the door and entered the waiting room which reminded you of a dentist...
FetishAnything For An Interview Suit William's Crazy Trip by Ann Michelle Copyright 2019. All rights reserved. For mature audiences only. All characters are above the legal age. Don't buy or read this book if you are under the legal age or anything you see herein is illegal where you live. Don't try any of this at home. Chapter Four: "His Lost Luggage" --o-- William and Mandi were second in line. They were at the lost luggage counter at the airport. William was nervous. ...
If you would like to read part one before this, it will help with the story. Please score and comment and check out my other stories too!Amy and I moved to a table in the corner, carrying our Unexpected Surprise cocktails with us. We needed a little time to plan. We both knew how slutty the other could be, and both knew that we wanted to win, but we wanted to have fun on the way. Amy is one of the best people to know in Manchester (which is where I live). She knows just about everyone, can get...
Straight SexThis happened when I was in Bangalore on a business trip along with my friend Sunny. One evening on a weekend my friend and Sunny and I decided to go and freak out. So we went pub hopping. After visiting a few, we came back to our hotel and hit the bar. It was crowded, with not a single table free, so we went and settled at the bar on the bar stools. We sat there sipping our drinks, looking at the crowd hoping to find someone. We noticed a good looking woman sitting alone. Soon the glancing...
Patti Part -4 By Princess Panty boy I wake up the next morning shaking my head hoping this was all just a really bad dream. I sit up in bed seeing I'm still wearing the hello kitty nightgown. I lift the edge of it up and see I'm wearing a Barbie diaper. Well at least I'm dry. My life sucks I can't believe I woke up in a diaper and all I think about is that I'm dry. I am so messed up. "Honey come down and eat breakfast is ready. Hurry before it's all gone." I roll out of bed and...
DeAnn's Submissive WeekendPart 13======================================================================Suzy, as I was finding out, is not only very bi, but she's also veryaggressive and likes to play rough too. Quite a difference from the submissive,eager to please, persona she displays when she is with my husband Mark. I'msexually submissive with both sexes so I was really enjoying being with Suzyin a one on one situation where she could reveal more of her bi, dominatrixside. What a gorgeous...
Magic Crayons by Maggie O'Malley This story is dedicated to my Auntie Sara the Art Angel. Her beautiful creations both art and literary bring joy and love to all they touch. Yet as wonderful as they are, they are not the greatest gift she possesses. The greatest gift of all is the beautiful young woman herself. Auntie Sara you are a kind, generous, and gentle soul with so much love to give, and so many who want to give love back to you. You bring a smile to my face every time...
To Kai, the current love of my life!Kai is bar boy, lovely and very sweet, and this should be a story of a special kind of love. But English is not my mother language, so alowe me use the short citation of a brilliant blog from Bangkok boy! »But your bar boi /my Kai - my footnote/ is different. He really does love you. And not just for your money. No, really. Hold on for a sec while the rest of us finish rolling about on the floor in helpless fits of laughter. All k**ding aside, it is quite...
Hello, fellow horny people! I've never put a story on this format before, so please forgive me if it isn't amazing. This story is a slow start, but I like that, personally. Bear with me through the setting up of it all, and I'm hoping you'll enjoy what comes after. I'll be adding more parts of this soon because I've already written it, and I want to get it out there. There's a whole crazy world in my head that I've been slowly adding to, and I hope that you all like it as much as I do. Any...
GayMassage of His Life by Jack Andrews Patrick finished his long day of skiing. He was sore from all of the runs and headed to the spa club to soak in the hot tub. Just as he went to get into the tub, he noticed an amazing looking woman over by the club desk. They caught eyes and she smiled back at him. Patrick stepped gingerly into the steaming hot tub and began to soothe his tired muscles. The woman wandered over to where Patrick was in the hot tub knelt down besides a surprised Patrick. "Hi...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers. I’m umesh 23yrs old bisexual. Story suru hoti hai college ke canteen se, roz ki tarah me apne dosto k saath betha tha aur ek dost ne baat nikali k doctor Suresh gay hai aur woh patients pe chance marta hai. Meh woh doctor ko janta tha jam meh kafi young tha to pere papa uske paas hi le jaate the ilaj k liye muju woh baat thodi shocking lagi. Fir mene wahi baat aur 2-3 logo k muh se suni. Ab mere maan me laddu futne lage mene maan bana liya ki meh b jau ga...
Warning! Do not read this story! We mean it! The following tale is based on a roleplay between two unusually depraved females. In fact this isn?t a real story what is telling something, but a rather long and concentrated bunch of the most extreme fantasies human mind able to create. This tale hasn?t got real plot, hasn?t got sense. All described acts are about weird fetishes which were compressed into one seemingly coherent storyline, but in reality the story is secondary and neglected. ...
I was thankful that it was dark in the theatre; in broad daylight my nervousness would have been so much more apparent. At least in the back of the large dark room no one would be looking at me, except perhaps the girl sitting next to me. I had only known her a month, yet I felt like I had spent my entire life getting to know her. She was the picture of beauty in my eyes: long light brown hair, hazel eyes, and thin pink lips painted with clear shiny lip gloss positioned perfectly on her pale...
I managed to get through with the farm boys, shower, and make my way back to work by dawn. Granted, I was wearing the same clothes I had on yesterday and everyone knows what that means and, they were right. Still, it wasn't a 'walk of shame' for me. The whole point of this was to move past that minutiae. Waiting on my desk was a white box containing a black, skin-tight mini dress with matching high heels, and a ticket to a private plane at the airport. My phone rang. I put it on speaker,...
CheatingI have to warn you right from the start this isn't a pretty story. I'm only writing this on paper because the judge says I have to. Well, not the judge, but you. But since the judge said I have to see you, well....My name is John, and I'm the youngest of five k**s. All girls, except me, of course, and there's only about a year that separates our ages. We were raised on a farm about a hundred miles from the city—it might as well have been a million miles—my dad never took us there. He believed...
A Wish Unwanted - Part 20 by Limbo's Mistress I awoke, blinking several times as I sat up and rubbed my sleepy, slightly crusty eyes. My cheeks felt tacky with the tears had dried on them and my stomach fluttered with a combination of fear and excitement. Today was going to be a big day. My first experience with cheering in front of a stadium full of people would be taking place in less than fourteen hours. Sometime between now and then Jen would be returning from her week-long...
The next morning I woke up, rohini was already awake. Rohini: “good morning vishal” with huge smile Vishal: ”good morning” Rohini: “What happened..not feeling good??” Vishal: ”nothing like that..just feeling sleepy..that’s it” Rohini: “you must not have slept thinking what would have happened over it??” Vishal: ”nope..I’m not bothered about that rohini” Rohini: “ok..don’t you want to know what happened yesterday night “teasingly Vishal: ”not interested least not...
Here I was again at the cruise parking lot, and again I was sitting in the van looking across the lot at the swimming beach, loaded with folks enjoying the beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon. I was enjoying seeing the hot girls...and guys in their small tight suits!I noticed a grey truck park a ways up in the lot, and out got a mature guy, short, HWP, he looked toward me and then walked into the woods.I looked around, got out and locked the door, and took my path into the fun area.It took a few...
Richard carried disassembled set panels to the freight elevator. The elevator reached the basement and he pulled open the door. Another student helped carry the materials. “There’s a cart of folding chairs to come down here,” Richard said. “Then I think we’re done. Trent wants to see everyone on-stage.” Richard stood beside Crystal on the now empty stage. Other Guild members joined them and their professor addressed them. “This was one of the best productions we have done,” he said. “All...
As I came out of the fog of passing out, I realized that I was tired down across the end of the bed standing up and my ass offered to anyone who had used me. The feeling of a lot of liquids slowly sliding out of my abused ass and running down my spread legs, I had to wonder how I got into this position. Let me back up a bit, and tell you what I can remember of the night or day or what ever I last remember. I was delivering newspapers as a result of a "downsizing of my job' so that I could at...
To start this story off, my name is Krystal. I am about 5 foot 6 inches, 125 lbs. I have long brown curly hair, and to not be modest...I know I have a killer body. One day, toward the end of my junior year in High School, I came home from cheerleading practice to find my older brother and his friends sitting around our living room. I walked in and set my stuff on the floor. "Hey KayKay. How was practice? " My brother, Aaron said to me, using my long-time nickname "It was alright...Sara thinks...
First TimeSynergy & Blitz (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 1 by: Shrike It could be useful to read the story Synergy first, but it is not really necessary. All the important data is repeated in this story. Also the story Synergy is not available in full online. This is because it is published as a paperback book. For interested people see: Merchandising page under Resources at Chapter One...
First post explained the sexjoy between my aunt and me. Now I write about my maternal aunt and me. A brief description about my first part after my aunt had requested me to give her sex pressure everyday I went to her room and we both enjoyed every night. As this happened in my own house I was not in the habit of wearing any dress I simply entered into her room without any dress after having f***** her one night at a boat 1 a.m. I came out in nude To my surprise and shock my maternal aunty...
GayThe morning sunlight softly fills the room as I begin to stir. Joan (my wife) with our neighbor Dana completely exhausted me last night in the shower. I was just beginning to wake when I felt a hand stroking my cock. Another hand fondling my balls. Opening my eyes, I saw Dana’s mouth slowly take in the head of my cock. Joan swirled her tongue over my balls. Dana slowly engulfed my cock inch by inch, swirling her tongue over the shaft. Joan sucked a ball while fondling the other in her soft...