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As I stepped into the department store, I had to resist the
natural urge to turn left and head for the electronics section.
Instead, I turned right, penetrating deep into the mysterious
world of women's apparel. Feeling conspicuous, I tried to look as
if I belonged, relieved that there were no crowds so early in the
day. This was the third time I had attempted this, and I was
determined not to chicken out again.
I knew what I wanted, but not where to find it - and I was
far too nervous to ask for help. Of course, it ended up being in
the last place I looked. Wandering anxiously through the aisles
of women's lingerie, I tried not to look embarrassed - and failed
miserably. Everywhere I looked, I was surrounded by lacy, silky,
feminine treasures. And I'm not just talking about the plain old
bras and cheap panties you see in most stores. This was a proper
lingerie department, with everything from garter belts to
expensive stockings to the fanciest babydolls and teddies you've
ever seen.
Finally, on my third pass through, I spotted the wall
display I wanted, tucked around a corner. The moment I saw them,
my embarrassment faded, replaced by an intense longing. Carefully
selecting three pairs of the fancy, floral-print panties - all in
my size - I carried them proudly to the cashier.
An attractive, middle-aged woman, she smiled as she totalled
up my sale. "That'll be $13.77," she told me. "Would you like a
I was tempted, but told myself this time was going to be
different. In the past, I'd confined my purchases to holidays,
when it could be safely assumed they were gifts for a girlfriend.
Unfortunately, that meant my collection was as limited as it was
small. However, from the moment I had seen the panties in the
flyer, I knew I had to have them. "Yeah, that'd be great," I
blurted out, cursing myself for my cowardice.
If she suspected anything, the saleswoman was kind enough
not to show it. "Your girlfriend will love these," she assured
me. "They've been very popular."
Blushing, I thanked her politely and all but rushed out of
the store. The moment I was clear, I collapsed onto one of the
mall benches and laughed. I had done it! I had actually done it!
Now that it was all over, I felt a rush of adrenaline flood my
system, prompting me do something I had never dared before.
Hurrying to the bathrooms, I locked myself in one of the stalls,
stripped off my jeans, and traded my briefs for a new pair of
"Ohhh, yessss." Sighing, I softly caressed my satin-clad
cock, loving the feel of the material beneath my hands. The pair
I had on was a kind of peachy-pink, decorated with elaborate
yellow and red flowers. They felt so wonderful, so sexy, I just
wanted to stand there and feel myself forever. Instead, I tucked
the head of my erect penis back down beneath the waistband and
slipped into my jeans.
"Oh, sorry." Nodding, an imposing, older gentleman stepped
back so that I could escape the stall. He was tall, with dark
hair - probably in his early 40s - but that was all I noticed as
I slipped past him on my way to the door. I was half-afraid he'd
be able to see the lines of my panties, but was too excited to
care. Feeling rather proud of myself, I suddenly panicked as I
felt his hand come down upon my right shoulder.
"Hey!" Spinning, I pushed his hand away and stepped
"Just wanted to give you these," he smiled. "You left them
in the bathroom."
Snatching the bag from his hand, I silently cursed myself
for my stupidity. After all I had gone through to get them, I had
forgotten my new panties on the floor. "Ah, thanks," I smiled
back. "Girlfriend would shoot me if I lost them."
"No problem." Grinning, he held out his hand to show there
were no hard feelings. Feeling guilty for having snapped at him,
I shook his hand, impressed with his powerful grip. I only hoped
my hand didn't feel as sweaty to him as it did to me.
"Thanks again."
Letting go my hand, he just nodded and walked back into the
* * *
After that close call, I spent a good hour wandering the
mall, just trying to calm myself down. Eventually, my nerves did
ease, but the slippery feel of the panties on my cock was just
too exciting to resist. "Go for it," I told myself as I passed
the d**gstore. "Come on - if you can't do it now, you'll never do
I had to admit I made a lot of sense. Clutching the plastic
bag in my hand, I turned into the d**gstore and headed directly
for the feminine protection aisle. "Wow." From one end to the
other, all five shelves were filled with maxipads, pantiliners,
and tampons. Blue boxes, white boxes, pink boxes - who could have
imagined there'd be so many brands and styles! Somewhat
overwhelmed by my choices, I wandered further down the aisle to
the shaving section.
What I needed first was a lady's razor. I'd tried shaving my
legs before with my usual razor, and the result had been a
bloody, stubbly mess. I had no idea what would be best, but
recognized the name Revlon from their cosmetics. Figuring they
had to know what they were doing, I bought one of their razors
and some extra blades.
Feeling a little more confident, I returned to the other
aisle and pondered my choices. "Those look good," I told myself
as I grabbed a small, square white and blue box. Tampax Compak
tampons - I knew the name and they came in an easily concealed
box. As far as pads went, I had no idea, so I just grabbed a
rectangular pink box that caught my eye. "Stayfree Carefree
pantiliners," I read. "Hell, why not."
Excited, I hurried to the checkout before my sudden burst of
confidence could fail me. Thankfully, the salesclerk was a sullen
young woman who had no interest in striking up a conversation.
Quickly paying her for my purchases, I rushed out of the store
without even counting my change.
"Unghh." Slamming right into someone, I stumbled back,
prepared to apologize. "Damn, I'm really sorry. I didn't even
see-" Recognizing the man from the bathroom, I stopped, unable to
shake the fear that I had been followed.
"Get everything you need?" he asked. Winking, he suggested
"I hear there's a sale on nailpolish in their cosmetic's
"Ah, no, that's okay." Swallowing loudly, I tried to think
of a tactful way to flee - without looking like I was running
"You've never bought anything like this for yourself before,
have you?" he asked. His voice was a smooth baritone, quiet but
conveying confidence and power. "Probably feeling rather proud of
yourself right now, aren't you?"
"Sorry, but I have to be going," I replied, lowering my
head. Humiliated, I wanted nothing more than to get as far away
from him as possible.
"Why don't you let me buy you a coffee? I have a proposition
you might be interested in."
Shit. Not only had he been following me, he was obviously
some kind of pervert. "Thanks anyway," I replied, "But I'm in a
"Ah - I see." Reaching into his suit pocket, he suggested
"Maybe this will change your mind."
No, no, no! I'd been too excited to notice at the time, but
somehow he'd managed to snap a picture of me in my panties. From
the angle, it was obvious he had taken the picture from above the
stall door. Staring down at the incriminating Polaroid, I
blanched, terrified of what he intended to do with it.
"Just join me for a coffee," he suggested again. "I REALLY
think we should talk."
Too upset to speak, I nodded and reluctantly followed him
over to the foodcourt.
* * *
"Yes?" Smiling a beautiful, sexy smile, the tall blond asked
"Can I help you?"
Whoa! Easily six feet tall, with blond hair falling all the
way to her waist, the woman at the door was one of the most
beautiful creatures I had ever seen. She was dressed in a tight,
formfitting pink minidress, with matching two-inch heels. Her
nails were an inch long, and painted a bright, shiny red. Tearing
my eyes away from her ample bosom, I had to look up slightly to
admire her face. Small and round, with a perfect little nose and
sharp, high cheekbones, she was wearing just the right amount of
makeup to highlight her features. "Ah, S-s-sir Mi-Michael," I
stammered, "Ah, wanted to see me."
"Oh, you must be his new sissy." I'd been hoping she was his
wife - or girlfriend - but from the way she laughed I knew she
was to be part of my ordeal. "Please, come right in."
Stepping across the threshold was probably the hardest thing
I'd ever done, but I really had no choice. Nervous, I tried not
to flinch as she locked the door behind me. "Ah, nice place."
"Yes." Placing the tip of her index finger to her mouth, she
carefully looked me over. "Hmm, you'll do fine, not bad at all."
Nodding, she told me "Take off your clothes and leave them on the
"Right here? Now?" Embarrassed, I had hoped I might be able
to ease into this.
"Now!" Scowling, she knelt down and began undoing my pants.
"And be quick about it."
It should have been arousing to have such a beautiful woman
undress me, but she was so cold, so businesslike, I was
embarrassingly shrunken and limp. Lifting my feet, I allowed her
to pull off my shoes, which she then tossed in the garbage.
"Might as well take care of this while we can."
"Ouch!" I winced as she roughly forced my testicles up into
my body. Then, grabbing my limp cock, she pressed it between my
legs and secured it in place with a wide strip of flesh-coloured
"As long as you are in this house, you will keep that
abomination hidden at all times." Slapping my ass, she assured me
"You won't have need of it anyway."
What had I gotten myself into? Were the half dozen pictures
he possessed really that bad? Unfortunately, I already knew the
answer to that. The whole reason I had been so secretive about my
crossdressing was that my family and friends were all close-
minded, prejudiced, fools. Alone, the picture of me taking the
tampons from the shelf would have been enough to condemn me.
"Yes," I replied, "He told me that."
"Good. Follow me." Turning on her heel, she led me deep into
the house and down the stairs to the cold, dark basement. "Get up
on the table and lie down on your back."
Nervous, I followed her instructions. The instant I was in
position, my blonde dominatrix shackled me to the table. Thick
iron manacles encircled my wrists, my ankles, my waist and my
neck. Within moments, I found I had lost the freedom to do
anything more than turn my head.
Running her fingers through my hair, she said "Nice length,
good body, but that colour has got to go." Long, brown, and
usually tied back in a ponytail, I had let my hair grow in hopes
of someday fulfilling my fantasy of crossdressing in public. As I
watched her drag a small basin beneath my head, I began to regret
my decision.
Grabbing my head, she forced it down into the warm water. I
couldn't see what she did next, but whatever she was doing smelt
awful. When she began working the foul-smelling goop into my
hair, I realized it was hair-dye. It felt strange - and the fact
that it was so obvious a change bothered me - but I was curious
to see how I would look when she was done.
"While that sets," she said a while later, "We'll take care
of the rest of you. We'll start with a good, close shave, and
then move onto your makeup." Lathering up my legs with scented
shaving cream, she continued up my body to coat my crotch, chest,
and arms. Then, not saying a word, she shaved me clean with
short, expert strokes. Not once did she even nick me, despite how
long and coarse my body hair was. This woman was clearly a pro,
and I was surprised to find myself enjoying this portion of my
Before returning to my hair, she applied long, pink
extensions to my nails; pierced both my ears, inserting a purple
hoop into each; made up my face; and rubbed some kind of cream
into my chest, making my nipples stand sensitively erect. For the
most part, this was straight out of my wildest fantasy, but
knowing what it was all leading up to robbed me of the chance to
really enjoy it.
Finally, she finished my hair, styling my newly-dyed tresses
into a long, full, wavy mane of fire. I'd always loved redheads,
and was slightly aroused to find myself suddenly among them.
"Ah, could you loosen my chains?" I asked, hoping my silent
submission would earn me a little mercy. "I can hardly feel my
right hand."
She just laughed. "If that's the worst that happens to you,
count yourself lucky." Still grinning, she said "Now, I'm going
to release you and you're going to turn yourself over. Obey, and
you'll be fine."
What else could I do? Nodding, I turned onto my stomach,
gasping as my nipples came into contact with the cold, hard
"Like that, do you?" she asked. "I can promise you it'll
only get better." When I remained silent, she snapped "Well, DO
"Yes, yes, I like it." Damn, just when I started to feel
comfortable around her, she'd turn back into the bitch from hell.
She hadn't done a thing to harm me, but I was already emotionally
"Good." Slapping my ass, she told me to relax. "Relax, you
sissy fag, or I'll make you relax." Gulping, I did as she
commanded, then winced as I felt her finger worm its way into my
ass. "I'm told these are your favourite brand," she laughed,
waving a tampon in my face. "Let's see how you feel about them in
a couple hours." With that, she replaced her finger with the
plastic applicator, slowly inserting the cotton tampon into a
hole it wasn't meant to invade.
"Unngghhh!" At first, I hadn't really felt anything, but now
I felt like I was burning down there. As she pulled the
applicator out, I found I suddenly had to go to the bathroom.
"Shhhh, can . . . can you take it out for a minute?"
"Ha! You have a good sense of humour - for a wannabe slut."
Toying with the string, she told me "Sir Michael just loves the
sight of a tampon string hanging from his sissy's ass. Says it
just makes him wanna tear it out and fuck you silly."
No, this was too much. I was beginning to think it might be
better to just leave and deal with the consequences of exposure.
Unfortunately, that was no longer an option.
"Now, sissy, I'm going to whip your ass until you're good
and red." Brandishing a long, black leather whip, she gently
stroked my back with it. "Cry out, and I'll just keep on going.
Lie there like a good girl, and this will go much easier."
Nodding, I turned away and bit my tongue to keep from
screaming. "Unnghhh!" Feeling the first, sharp bite of the whip,
I couldn't help but gasp out in pain. This had never been a part
of my fantasy, but I reminded myself that it was no longer MY
fantasy. Clenching my hands into tight fists, I used my long
sharp nails to distract me from the pain in my ass. Strangely,
the longer she whipped me, the less it hurt. Actually, by the
time she was done, I felt more hot than hurt, and more tender
than sore.
"Mmm, I love a bright red ass on my slaves."
Darting a glace over my shoulder, I watched Sir Michael
emerge from the shadows. I hadn't heard him come down the stairs,
which meant he must have been there all the time. It didn't make
any sense, but knowing he had witnessed my humiliation only
deepened my shame. "S-s-sir. I didn't know you were there."
"Why, my pretty little sissy, that's precisely the point."
Giving a gentle tug on the string hanging out of my ass, he
grinned. "You can go now, Kara. There'll be a small bonus for you
in the morning."
"Thank you." Giving me one last whipping, she whispered in
my ear "If you want to start out on the right foot, beg to suck
his cock. He likes it when you beg."
No, there was no way I'd beg for it. I might have to submit
to him, might have to let him **** me, but I would not beg.
Turning my face away from hers, I waited to see what my temporary
master had in mind next.
"On your knees, sissy." Pointing to a spot on the floor
before him, Sir Michael added "Now." There was no change to the
tone or volume, but I could hear the power behind his words.
Before I knew what I was even doing, I rolled off the table and
knelt before him.
"Open your mouth." Just standing there, he warned "Don't
make me ask again."
I couldn't believe what I was about to do. Responding to his
commands almost on instinct, I slowly opened my mouth wide.
Afraid to even touch - never mind taste - his cock, I opened as
wide as I could.
"Very good." Grabbing the back of my head, he pulled me
roughly forward, forcing his cock into my mouth. Disgusted and
ashamed, I gagged on the torpedo of flesh, sure I was going to
throw up.
"Relax and suck," he told me, "Relax and enjoy it." It was
like he had some kind of hypnotic control over me. Despite my
every desire to spit out his cock and run, I felt myself relaxing
and my urge to gag fading. "Good, now suck it. Suck it like a
good little sissy."
Shaking my head no - as best I could - I pleaded with my
eyes. He could fuck my face, force me to swallow his dick, but he
couldn't force me to take the initiative. Maybe, just maybe, he'd
tire of my passive acceptance and lose interest in me.
Sir Michael shrugged, his massive shoulders rolling beneath
his shirt. Lowering his coarse, callused hand to my face, he
pinched my nose tightly shut. "Suck or suffocate. Your choice."
I held off as long as I could, hoping I would pass out.
Instead, I panicked and decided I needed to breathe. Steeling
myself against the taste, I let the air out of my cheeks and
sucked tentatively upon his cock. He tasted of sweat, not much
different than sucking your finger, but the musky smell was
almost a taste in itself. There was a very faint nutty taste -
his precum I realized with a shudder - but it wasn't as bad as I
had expected.
"Yes, that's it. Now, I want you to lick me while you suck."
Slowly fucking my mouth with short, easy strokes, he told me
"Make me feel good, and you'll feel good."
Now that I had tasted him, I figured I might as well get it
over with as soon as possible. Doing as he ordered, I marvelled
at the feel of his cock in my mouth. The taste wasn't anything
special, but the smooth, sensitive flesh felt strangely
interesting upon my tongue. To my horror, I realized that it was
a feel I might come to enjoy.
"Very good, sissy. Before long you'll love sucking cock as
much as any other girl." Smiling, he asked "Does that bother
I nodded, feeling his cockhead brush against the roof of my
mouth. The nutty taste of his precum was far more potent now, and
I knew it wouldn't be long before he came.
"Don't worry - it won't bother you for long." Bracing my
head with both hands now, he began fucking me harder. Faster and
faster, his stiff prick slipped past my lipsticked lips, ran
across my ever-moving tongue, and banged against the back of my
throat. "Shall I cum on your face?"
I started to nod, but was surprised to find myself
hesitating. I didn't want him cumming in my mouth - I didn't
think I could handle that - but I was strangely reluctant to have
him ruin my makeup. Damn, what the hell was happening to me?
Suddenly, while I was pondering that curious development, he
groaned and shot his load into my mouth.
"Unnnggkk!" Surprised, I choked down his first hot spurt,
taking it right down my throat without even tasting it. Sir
Michael soon rectified that, pulling back a bit so that he was
exploding onto my tongue instead.
"Do you like that?" he asked me. "Does the sissy like her
Swallowing as fast as I could - I didn't want his seed
inside me any longer than necessary - I was too busy to answer. I
wasn't sure how I felt about the taste, but the sensation of his
cum splattering against the sides of my mouth was strangely
arousing. I didn't want it to be, but my body had other ideas.
Finally, he slipped out of my mouth, spent and limp. Without
thinking, I licked the cum from my lips, shocked that I had done
so automatically. I didn't enjoy it, didn't want to do it again,
but, dammit, I was so confused!
"Not bad," he sighed, "For a useless, virgin sissy."
Tears of shame in my eyes, I thanked him for the compliment.
* * *
As he sewed together the ends of my red leather collar, Sir
Michael asked "Tell me, my sissy, do you know what a golden
shower is?"
"N-no, Sir," I whispered. When he had first said he was
going to collar me, I had been expecting some metal monster that
could be locked and unlocked with a key. Somehow, having this
wide strip of leather sewn around my neck was even worse. The
only way to remove it would be to cut it, and there'd be no way
to hide that from him.
"Hmmm." He just chuckled, enjoying my innocence. Finishing
up, he gave the collar a good tug to make sure it wouldn't come
loose. Then, smoothing my long, red hair down over the back of
it, he told me "Take that mirror from the table and read your
pretty collar - out loud for me."
Staring at the unfamiliar reflection before me, I cringed in
horror. The collar was a good 2 inches wide, declaring my slavery
even at a distance. He had pressed the letters into it and
painted them a shiny black, to best stand out against the bright
red background. "I-I love cock. I w-want cock." Slowly turning
the collar, I continued to read aloud. "I need cock." Ashamed, I
finished "Sir Michael's sissy cockslut - tanya."
"Again," he told me, "And sound like you mean it this time."
I managed to repeat the words without stuttering or
stammering, but couldn't fake the emotion. The collar branded me
something I didn't want to be, and certainly didn't want to
"Pathetic." For the first time, he sounded disappointed with
me. To my shame, I found myself hurt by his scorn. "Again, cunt."
I repeated the words a third time, managing to keep the
disgust from my voice. I knew it wasn't what he wanted, but I
hoped it would count for something.
Crouching down before me, Sir Michael grabbed ahold of my
sensitive nipples and twisted as hard as he could. "Argghh!"
Whatever cream Kara had slathered on me seemed to have become
more potent, and his slightest touch was like a slap on the face.
He continued pinching and twisting until I screamed "Okay, I'll
do it. Please, please, just stop!"
Releasing my raw, red nipples, he warned "Do it properly
this time, or I'll have Kara tatoo the words all over your body."
No, he wouldn't dare! However, looking into his cold,
unyielding eyes, I suspected he would. Taking a deep breath, I
forced a smile and said "I looovvve cock. I want cock. I NEED
cock. Sir Michael's sissy cockslut - tanya."
"Very good, tanya." Yanking me to my feet, he said "Now it's
time for your shower."
* * *
Lying naked in the bathtub, I looked up in confusion. There
was no showerhead in here, unless he had one of those hand-held
jobs. What the hell did he have in mind?
"Eyes closed, mouth open," he told me.
Complying, I heard him step into the tub with me. I wanted
desperately to look up and find out what he had planned, but knew
I would be punished for such disobedience. Instead, I just lay
there, shaking and fearing the worst. Seconds later, I found out
exactly what a golden shower was.
"Auuuggghh!" Spitting the vile liquid out of my mouth, I
turned my head aside and out of the stream. He was pissing on me!
Straddling my body, cock in his hand, and pissing all over me!
"Well, if that's how you want it," he sighed, stopping
himself, "That's how we'll do it." Shaking his head, he sat down
on my chest, bracing my head between my knees. "Open up, sissy.
Open wide for your golden treat."
Jaws clenched tightly shut, I shook my head as much as he
would allow. Sucking his cock and swallowing his cum had been bad
enough, but I was not going to let him feed me his piss. Again,
to my horror, I found I had little choice. Pinching my nose, he
pressed hard on my abdomen, forcing my mouth to open on reflex.
He obviously had done this before, because his cock was in my
mouth before I had even realized it was open.
"Think of it as sissy food," he grinned. "If you wanna grow
up into a pretty girl, you have to drink up." Still holding my
nose, he began flooding my mouth with his hot, yellow urine. The
taste was sharp, bitter, and vaguely reminiscent of sweat, but I
was relieved to find it didn't taste nearly as bad as it smelled.
Gagging, I swallowed, but he filled me up as quickly as I could
try and empty myself.
"Mmmm, very good, tanya." Laughing, he pointed out "You seem
to have taken a liking to it. Your tongue is very talented."
I was horrified to realize he was right. He'd let go of my
nose, but I was still sucking down his golden nectar like a man
dying of thirst. Worse yet, I was licking at his cock, probing
his piss-slit with my tongue. Worst of all, his praise was making
me suck that much harder. What the hell was wrong with me?
Smiling, he pulled his cock from my mouth and allowed the
last weak stream to fall on my collar. Rubbing his piss into the
new leather, he told me "Now it's official." Laughing, he stepped
out of the tub and tossed me a towel. "Fix yourself up and join
me in my bedroom. Your clothes are lying on the couch."
* * *
Butterflies in my stomach, I knocked tentatively on the
thick, oak door to Sir Michael's bedroom. I'd fixed up my makeup
and hair as best I could, but had had a tough time with the
lipstick. Oh, it went on easily enough, but that was the problem.
I had put on way too much, and looked like a clown because of it.
"It's your sissy, Sir. May I come in?"
I knew what he wanted to hear, but I wasn't sure I could say
it. Looking down at the powder-blue, lace and satin nightie he'd
left me, I tried to draw strength from my newfound femininity.
For some reason, as my gaze settled on my fluffy, pink bunny-
slippers, I smiled. "Because I wish to serve, Sir. I-I wish to
serve your cock."
"Then, by all means, join me."
Pushing open the door, I smiled shyly, feeling more nervous
and embarrassed than afraid. So far, my servitude had been purely
physical, but being invited to share his bed seemed so romantic.
It bothered me that I thought of it that way, but I couldn't deny
the power this man had over me. I'd never had a homosexual
thought in my life - and he was no supermodel - but everything
about him screamed power and sophistication. Dressed as I was,
submitting to that power seemed only natural.
"Come here." Grinning, he patted the bed beside him. "Don't
be shy, dear. I know you're a virgin and I promise to be gentle."
Blushing, I accepted his invitation and settled softly onto
the bed. "Thank you, Sir."
Turning my face towards his, he pressed his lips to mine and
kissed me. I was shocked, but found myself yielding to him. It
felt strange being on the other end of such a kiss - I was used
to the soft, passive lips of a woman - but exciting as well. He
was in control, his kisses firm but not rough, and I found it
easy to respond. Kissing him back - softly, like a girl - I stuck
out my tongue, hesitated, then plunged it into his mouth. Seeing
his eyes light up with approval excited me further, and soon we
were sharing a deep, french-kiss, as passionate as any I had ever
experienced before.
Tugging on my tampon string - which I had almost forgot was
there - he whispered in my ear "I want to fuck you, tanya. I want
to fuck my little sissy until she begs for more."
I was finding it easier to respond to his gentle, romantic
side, but wasn't ready for that. Remembering Kara's advice, I
whispered seductively "But I want to suck you, Sir. I want to
feel you in my mouth again. I want to taste your cum."
"No you don't," he replied. "You're just saying that so I
won't pop your cherry."
"No, Sir, I swear!" Already sliding down the bed, I grinned
"I really want to taste you, Sir. Your sissy cockslut is oh, so
hungry." My words shocked even me, but I heard myself beg
"Please, Sir, fuck my mouth. I want your cock soooo much it
"All right," he sighed, "I guess I can wait." With a wink he
added "Besides, if I cum between your pretty lips, I'll be able
to last much longer inside your boycunt."
Hearing him tell me I was pretty made me feel all warm and
tingly inside. Giggling, I lowered my head to his crotch and
inhaled deeply. God, it smelled so good! Pushing all other
thoughts from my head, I focussed on his cock, making it the
centre of my universe. Right now, it was soft and limp, but I
would soon fix that. Taking advantage of his not-yet-aroused
state, I took his whole cock into my mouth, and then opened even
wider to swallow his balls as well.
With my nose pressed against his hairy stomach, I marvelled
at the feel of his cock stiffening inside me. I could actually
feel it growing, filling my mouth with his warm flesh. Sucking
softly, I batted his cock around with my tongue, his erection
eventually pushing his balls from my mouth. I didn't want to
think about the how and why, but I couldn't deny I was enjoying
"Oooohhh, yessss." Gently stroking the back of my head, Sir
Michael told me "You learn quickly, my sissy. Do you like the
feel of my cock growing in your mouth? Does the fact that it's
you who've aroused me please you?"
"Yes, Sir." Momentarily releasing his organ, I smiled and
thanked him. "I like it very much, but . . ."
"But what?"
"I'm afraid."
"Of what?"
"I-I'm afraid I might come to like it too much." Tears in my
eyes, I told him "I'm not gay, Sir. I don't want to feel this
Sir Michael chuckled softly. "Of course you're not gay, my
dear. You're responding to me just like any other girl would."
He was right. I had a woman's hairstyle, my nails were
painted, and my chest felt as sensitive as I'd always imagined
breasts would be. I'd just redone my very own makeup so he'd find
me more attractive, and I was dressed in the most feminine of
clothes. I had completely forgotten about the limp cock taped
between my legs, and I had become comfortable with the tampon in
my ass. I was a sissy - not quite a real girl, but certainly no
longer a boy.
"D-do you mean it, Sir?" He had made me this way, and I
craved his approval. Maybe, deep down, I'd always been this way,
but he had given me the freedom to be a sissy. "I so want to be
pretty. I want you to like me." Shuddering, I whispered "I want
you to love me."
"You're very pretty," he assured me, "And I like you very
much." Pinching me affectionately on the cheek, he promised "I
may even come to love you, my dear tanya."
As I heard him say the words, I felt a dampness begin to
spread between my legs. Limp and trapped between my legs, my
sissy-clit had actually ejaculated! It felt wonderful - like no
orgasm I had ever had before - and it was all because Sir Michael
approved of me as a girl. Beaming with happiness, I fell upon his
cock, sucking and slurping like the slut I was. Abandoning all my
pride and inhibitions, I made it my purpose in life to please
him, to make my master happy.
"Mmmm, unnnnhggghhh, ooohhhhhh." Bobbing up and down on his
split-slickened shaft, I moaned in ecstasy, enjoying the moment.
Despite myself, I had begun to enjoy his fucking my mouth
earlier, but this was a thousand times better. I was the one
sucking, I was the one eagerly taking him in and reluctantly
taking him out. Slowly twisting my neck back and forth, I made
love to the head of his cock, licking and sucking him like the
tastiest of popsicles.
"Arrggghhhh, soooo goooodd." Sir Michael closed his eyes and
tossed his head back in pleasure. I could tell he was enjoying my
newfound enthusiasm, and I knew the moment of climax was close.
Suddenly hungry for his mancream, I began fondling his balls
while I sucked, trying to coax out his cum. When he finally
exploded in my mouth, I took the time to enjoy it, not caring
about the white overflow streaming down my cheeks.
For some reason - maybe because I had earned it - his semen
tasted like an incredible delicacy. I had never had the slightest
inclination to taste even my own cum, but could easily see myself
becoming addicted to his tasty treat. Puffing out my cheeks, I
let him continue to paint my palette, wanting to swallow but made
myself wait. By the time he had spent himself, my mouth had all
the cum it could handle, and rivers of sperm were running down my
"Did the sissy like her bedtime snack?" he asked,
Grinning, I crawled up the bed and opened my mouth to show
him the creamy white pool inside. Poking my tongue up through the
slimy surface, I blew a few bubbles to show how much I loved his
seed. Then, swallowing, I luxuriated in the feel of the viscous
liquid slowly sliding down my throat, coating it like the
thickest of cough medicines. "Mmmm, sissy looovvesss cum," I
gasped, "Sissy loves Sir Michael."
"Good, because now I want to fuck my little girl senseless."
Picking me up like I was nothing, he rolled me over and propped
my ass up in the air. Scooping the excess cum from my cheeks, he
spread the warm cream all around my ass to provide some natural
lubrication. "Ooops! What do we have here?"
Feeling him tug on the string, I turned my head and smiled.
"My tampon, Sir, but I think my period is done, now." I couldn't
believe what I was saying, but I honestly meant it when I asked
"Please, Sir, fuck your sissy. Please cum in my sissyhole. I so
want to feel like a girl!"
Grinning, he gave the string a sharp tug, pulling the shitty
tampon from my ass. "Hmmm," he said, probing my hole with his
finger, "I love a tight little hole." Then, placing the head of
his cock against the puckered ring of my anus, he asked "Is my
sissy ready?"
How could you ever be ready for something like this? I was
afraid and excited at the same time. Fear and lust were fighting
for dominance inside me, but the need to please my master was
more powerful than any sissy emotion. "Yes, Sir."
"Good." Without warning, he slammed into my ass, shoving
nearly half of his thick cock inside me.
"Arggghhhh!" Burying my head in the pillow, I howled, unable
to believe how much it hurt.
"Relax, tanya" he cooed, "Push out, just like you were going
to the bathroom." Leaning over to kiss the back of my neck, he
promised "It won't take long to stretch."
Biting my lip, I nodded and tried to do as he said. It
seemed to take forever, but the pain did subside and the fire
seemed to quench itself. His cock still felt uncomfortable inside
me, but it wasn't anything I couldn't deal with. "Okay, Sir," I
told him. "Sissy is ready for more."
"Good girl." Rising back up, he withdrew his cock until just
the head was inside me, then plunged almost three-quarters of the
way in. He repeated this tactic a half dozen times, but I just
couldn't take the final inch of manflesh pressing down upon me.
"I'm sorry," I pouted, "You must be so disappointed."
Sir Michael laughed and began fucking my ass with slow, hard
strokes. "Not at all, tanya. I only expected you to take half my
cock. If anything, you've impressed me." Gently kneading the
flesh of my ass while he fucked, he told me "You're a very, very
good little girl."
Drying my tears, I grinned, happy I had pleased him. Looking
back over my shoulder, I found the sight of his cock disappearing
inside me incredibly erotic. The discomfort had all but passed,
and I was beginning to really enjoy it. Sure, I'd be sore for the
next few days, but that was a small price to pay for keeping my
master happy.
"Oooh, Sir, fuck your sissy's ass. I love having you inside
me." Licking my lips, I begged "I want to feel your cum, Sir. I
want to fall asleep with your sperm dripping out of my sissy
"Unggh, you will dear," he grimaced as he slowed his
strokes, "But not yet." Pushing my legs up underneath me, he
turned me over onto my back. "I want to see my sissy's face when
I fuck her. I want to see how much she's enjoying it."
As he began fucking me again, I gasped in pleasure. Because
of the position we were in, his cock was brushing against the tip
of my bound cock with every downstroke. This, I knew, was akin to
what a real girl felt when her man fucked her silly and played
with her little clit. The fact that mine was a sissy-clit made no
difference - I was being fucked like a girl and I felt like a
"My tanya has such pretty titties," Sir Michael gasped, "I
just have to taste them." Lowering his head to my chest, he
wrapped his lips around my right nipple and sucked hard. To my
surprise, my entire chest was swollen, leaving me with a sissy A-
cup, at least. The resulting bolt of pleasure shot right down
between my legs, and I felt my sissy-clit explode for the second
time that night. Now that I was used to how sensitive they were,
my hard, pink nipples were giving as much pleasure as my cock
ever could. Knowing it was only a fraction of what a woman would
feel only excited me further.
"Yesssss," I sighed, "That feeeeels soooooo gooooood." God,
I was in such ecstasy I was afraid I'd pass out. Physically, my
pleasure was coming from my sissycunt, sissyclit and sissytits,
while, emotionally, I was just thrilled that Sir Michael was
enjoying me enough to treat me like a girl. I was happy, he was
happy, and that only made me more happy. I had no idea what had
come over me, but I didn't care anymore. I couldn't even remember
my old name, much less my old life. I was tanya, his now and
forever, and would do anything to please him.
"Arrghhh, hereitcums!" Slamming into me one last time, Sir
Michael came inside my ass, his hot and sticky semen clinging to
my insides. I missed the tasted and smell, but it felt even
better than when he had orgasmed in my mouth. I regretted the
fact that he had had to blackmail me into sissyhood before I
could enjoy this, but was grateful he had. As I moaned and
groaned, enjoying every powerful shot, I shivered to think how
close I had come to missing out on all this. If Sir Michael
hadn't stumbled upon me in that mall bathroom, I would have gone
through life never knowing what I was missing.
"Oh, Sir, that feels fantastic!" Pulling him down, I wrapped
my arms around him and kissed his sweaty lips. "Please, master,
don't ever leave your little sissy. I don't want this night to
ever end."
"You worthless, despicable, cunt. Aren't you ashamed of
yourself?" Scowling, he asked "Do you realize what you've done?"
"Yes, I do," I replied. "I made my master feel good and let
myself feel like a girl." Grinning, I licked at his nose,
reminding him "I LOVE cock. I WANT cock. I NEED cock. tanya is
Sir Michael's sissy cockslut, and she doesn't ever want to be a
boy again."
He laughed and tousled my hair. It felt so different, dyed
red and arranged in a sexy, feminine style. I had never thought
of hair in a sexual way before, but it was such a visible sign of
my femininity, I couldn't see it as anything but. "That's what I
wanted to hear." Kissing me back, he suggested "Why don't you let
me go and we'll grab some sleep. There'll be plenty of time to
play tomorrow."
"No!" Wrapping my legs around his back, I hooked my feet
together and grinned. "I want you to stay, Sir. Your sissy wants
to sleep with her master's cock inside her. I want to dream about
Sir Michael chuckled softly, called me a slut, and went to
sleep. Riding the high of my life, I soon followed.
* * *
"Are you sure you want to go through with this, tanya?"
Sitting at my bedside, Sir Michael smiled and stroked my long
hair lovingly.
"Yes, Sir - very much." I was nervous, but not about the
operation. I just hated the thought of being apart from my master
for so long. "I'll miss you, Sir, but I want to be pretty for
"I'm pleased." They were two simple words, but every time he
spoke them, I felt a chill run down my spine. Sir Michael's
approval meant everything to me, so much so, his smile and praise
could trigger my sissy orgasms.
"I'm afraid you'll have to leave now," the nurse told him,
coming into the room. Handing me a glass of water and some
sleeping pills, she told me "We'll be wheeling him - or her, I
guess - down soon."
Looking at the glass of water, I winked at my master and
smiled. "Can you give us a moment to say goodbye?" I asked her
She hesitated, but promised us five minutes.
The moment she was gone, I tossed the glass of water across
the room and smiled. "tanya spilled her water, Sir," I grinned.
"Now I need something to wash my pills down with."
"You manipulative, cock-hungry, little slut. What am I to do
with you?" Laughing, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his
cock. It had taken me longer to come around to this part of my
servitude than any other - nearly two months before I was
comfortable, and another few weeks before I could enjoy it. At
first, Sir Michael had been perturbed to discover that a
favourite punishment had turned into a reward, be he enjoyed it
as much as I did.
Grinning, I popped the pills into my mouth and wrapped my
lips around his cock. Flicking his piss-slit with my tongue, I
waited breathlessly for his golden nectar. When the first bitter
stream pulsed out onto my tongue, I moaned in pleasure, loving
the feeling. It took a few seconds before I had enough piss to
swallow the pills, and the rest was just a fantastic, parting
Sir Michael had just finished zipping up his pants with the
nurse returned. "You'll have to leave now, sir," she said. "I'm
"No problem." Kissing me on the forehead, he promised "I'll
be here when you wake up, tanya."
"And you'll have my collar?" I asked. I had panicked when
the nurse had demanded I remove it, not wanting to give up my
oldest, strongest connection to my master. Sir Michael had calmed
me by promising a newer, better one.
"Yes, sissy, I will."
Nodding, I watched him leave the room through droopy
eyelids, passing out before the door could swing closed.
* * *
"Ohhhhhh." Groggy, I shook my head, then winced in pain.
"Where am I?"
"In the hospital, babe." Beaming, Sir Michael grasped my
hand and squeezed. "The operation went very well. I think you'll
be pleased."
"It worked?" Giddy as a schoolgirl, I looked down and
squealed with delight. The doctor had recommended against it -
said they were too big - but I had the soft, firm, 40DD breasts
Sir Michael wanted. They looked so beautiful, so feminine, I
wondered how I had ever gotten along without them. "Thank you,
Sir," I gasped, tears of joy in my eyes, "They're beautiful."
"Yes, they are." Gently stroking the side of my tit, he
promised "As soon as you're healed, I'll show you how much fun
they can be." Then, smiling, he told me "In the meantime, I have
a get-well present for you."
Bouncing up and down on the bed - and nearly toppling over
with the weight of my breasts - I asked "My collar? Is it, Sir?
Please, say it's my collar," I whined. I had come to love my
collar - including the accumulated smells of cum, piss and sweat
- and felt naked without it. Taking the new collar in my shaking
hands, I ran my fingers along the raised letters.
"Well?" Sir Michael asked.
"It's beautiful, Sir." My new collar was made of pink latex,
an inch wide, with raised black lettering. Turning it in my
hands, I read "Property of Sir Michael. Slave, slut, sissy . . ."
"And?" he grinned.
Sobbing, I cried "And wife." Bawling my eyes out, I begged
him to put it on. "D-d-do you really mean it, Sir?" I asked.
"Yes, tanya, I want you to be mine - forever."
I was groggy and in pain, but this was the happiest moment
of my life. Kissing his hand, I gasped "I always was."
* * *
"Now, remember what I told you, cunt. This is Sir Michael's
day, and you had better not ruin it." In the early days, Sir
Michael had used to speak like this in order to shame me into
submission. Although I relented quickly under physical discipline
- to his disappointment - the effects of his emotional torment
had a lasting effect. Recently - to Kara's disappointment - I had
come to crave such delicious insults.
"I would never do anything to hurt him," I replied. Letting
her fix my veil, I asked nervously "Miss Kara? I . . . I want to
thank you."
"For what?" Curious, the tall blond stepped around to look
me in the face.
Smiling, I said "For being there since the beginning.
Without your help, I never would have been able to become the
sissy Sir Michael deserves." Admiring her naked body - not with
lust but with envy - I admitted "You turned a shy, frightened boy
into a confident, wanton slut of a girl." Kneeling, I placed a
loving kiss on her clit and grinned "Thank you."
For the first time since she had admitted me into Sir
Michael's home, Kara truly softened. "You're welcome, honey."
Beaming with pride, she rubbed my face into the fragrant folds of
her pussy and told me "You've made me proud."
Giving her a quick hug, I jumped in surprise as the music
began. "Guess that's our cue."
Lifting the end of my long, white train, my maid-of-honour
whispered "Don't worry, you'll do fine," and followed me outside.
The wedding - that was really how I though of it - was being held
in Sir Michael's backyard. In essence it was the real thing,
almost legal in every way. We had drawn up a contract of 'marital
slavery' and Sir Michael's lawyer would make it official during
the ceremony.
Dressed in the most gorgeous wedding gown I had ever seen, I
strode slowly down the aisle, more nervous than any time in my
life. It wasn't the presence of my parents, family and friends
that bothered me - they would be shocked and offended, but I was
no longer ashamed of who I was. No, it was my master, Sir
Michael, who had my heart aflutter and my stomach churning. I
wanted everything to be perfect, and was terrified of
disappointing him.
Coming to a stop beside him, I looked up at my handsome
master and smiled. Lost in thoughts of love and admiration, I
didn't even realize the ceremony had begun until the lawyer
addressed me directly.
I had only caught the end of his question, but knew
precisely what was expected of me. Turning to face Sir Michael, I
began. "If you will have me, Sir, I would dearly love to be yours
for all time. I will love you and serve you and make it my
purpose in life to please you. You are my world, Sir, and every
second we spend apart is sheer agony. Please, I beg of you - take
this worthless sissy to be your slave, your property, and your
For a long, long moment, he didn't say a word. Then, just
when I thought the silence would kill me, he grinned "Why not?
You've got a nice tight little ass, great tits, and a mouth like
a whore. Yeah, you'll do."
Laughing, the lawyer turned to Kara and asked "Do you have
the rings?"
Nodding, she wiped a tear from her eye as she knelt between
Sir Michael and I. Facing the crowd - so they could see exactly
what was to occur - she lifted the hem of my dress, hiked up my
slip, then pulled down my panties. Taking my soft, limp sissy-
clit in her hand, she slipped a metal cocksheath over it, locked
it, and handed Sir Michael the key.
Ignoring the gasps and whistles of our guests - the gasps,
of course, from my friends and family - Sir Michael grinned. "We
won't be needing that," he said as he tossed it away. "I'm having
it soldered in place tomorrow anyways."
Stifling her own giggles, Kara turned to him, unzipped his
pants and pulled out his own, much larger cock. Looking up at me,
she smiled and asked "tanya?"
Nodding, I knelt beside her and eagerly wrapped my lips
around my master's cock. My ring had been cold and unyielding -
like my master - but his was to be soft, submissive, and pleasing
- like myself. In fact, the ring was myself. More particularly,
the ring formed by my luscious red lips.
As I knelt there, sucking away, I could hear my guests
crying out in horror and disgust. From the commotion, I gathered
someone had fainted - probably my mother - but I didn't care. My
master had deprived me of his touch, his taste for nearly a week,
and I wasn't about to let a few close-minded fools ruin my fun.
Slurping noisily, I had him hard in record time, his purple
cockhead forcing its way deeper and deeper. Rather pleased with
myself, I relaxed my throat and pushed myself forward, taking
every inch of him inside me. I'd been practicing with a dildo for
the past month, and had finally succeeded in training myself in
the art of deepthroat. I felt bad for having kept such a secret
from my master - and would beg to be punished later - but his own
involuntary gasp told me it had all been worth it.
Beaming with pride, I opened wide to swallow his balls,
marvelling at the feel of his warm, hard shaft as it slipped
deeper inside of me. Shaking with excitement, I raised my hand to
my neck, where I could actually feel the bulge of his flesh
beneath the skin. It was so erotic, so incredible, I orgasmed
right then and there, my sissy cum shooting from the end of my
metal sheath like a rocket.
Not long after, Sir Michael himself exploded, filling me
with a week's accumulation of his seed. Determined not to miss a
single precious drop, I sucked and swallowed with wild abandon,
hungry and insatiable. A few tiny streams did escape the corners
of my mouth, but Kara was quick to lick them from my cheeks.
Shaking his head in disbelief, the lawyer said "Very well.
Having fulfilled your contractual obligations, I now pronounce
you - tanya, slave-slut-sissy-wife - property of Sir Michael."
Clearing his throat, he finished uncomfortably "You may now,
ahem, p-piss the bride."
Smiling, Sir Michael looked down upon his sissy with the
pride of ownership. He had broken the boy's spirit, reshaping
first his mind and emotion, recreating him in the shape of a
girl. This sissy was his - would do anything and everything he
demanded - and the fact that she enjoyed her submission only
added to the value of his property. "Do you want it, tanya?"
"Yes, oh yes, yes, Sir!"
"Then beg." Pinching the head of his cock, he told me "Tell
everyone what you want and why."
"Please, Sir, piss all over your pretty sissy. Bless my
pretty gown, mark me with your scent." Looking towards the crowd,
I locked eyes with my father and said "I want everyone to know
that I am yours. I want them to know how much I love your cock,
and everything in it. Your piss is like the finest wine and your
cum like expensive champagne." Turning back to him, I finished
"Mostly, I want to share your golden shower because you always
give me the best fucking afterwards."
"Oh, fuck, how can I say no to that?" Laughing, he released
his hold, drowning me in a torrent of golden nectar. I could
smell the hot liquid, and taste the spray, but had to control my
urge to take him back in my mouth. Grasping my tits beneath the
white, lace gown, I thrust them into the stream, the piss-stained
fabric clinging seductively to my skin. An expensive, designer
gown from the finest of bridal shops - and it would be stained
forever. From this day forward, it would carry the yellow taint
of my master, the stink of his acidic musk - and be all the more
precious because of it.
After shaking the last little drops onto my tongue, he
reached down and pulled me to my feet. Taking me in his arms, he
kissed me long and hard, his tongue quickly beating mine into
submission. Then, carrying me over to the banquet table, he told
the assembled guests "Dinner will be a little delayed. I have a
worthless sissy cunt to fill first."
Helping him push up the fine layers of my gown, I pleaded
"Oh, Sir, please fuck me." Feeling like the dirty slut I was, I
screamed "Fuck your sissy hard!"
Grabbing my legs, Sir Michael threw them onto his shoulders
so quickly, one of my white pumps went flying across the yard. He
was so brutal, so forceful, there could be no doubt in anyone's
mind that this was not a marriage of equals. As his engorged
cockhead rammed its way past the tiny pink opening of my sissy-
cunt, I thrilled in the knowledge that he was taking my vows to
"Yes, yes, Sir! Oh, that feeels soooo goooood!" Panting, I
began humping my ass off the table, the vibrations knocking the
champagne glasses over to smash on the floor. Reaching back, I
tore off my veil, revealing my long, thick tresses of bright red
hair. I was obsessive about my fiery treasure - not allowing even
the tiniest brown root to show - and had grown it almost down to
my waist. When he fucked me from behind, Sir Michael loved to
wrap the strands around his fist and yank my head back, using my
hair as he would the bridle of a horse.
"Oh, shit, you slut!" Gritting his teeth, he slammed into me
harder and faster than ever before, overcome with lust for his
new toy. "You'd better get used to this," he told me, "Cause your
sissy-pussy ain't ever gonna be empty again." Taking but a moment
to wipe the sweat from his brow, he continued using me to satiate
his a****l desires, telling me "From now on, if I find your ass
empty, you will be punished!"
"Uh-uh-uh, w-will you - oooohhhh - will you buy your -
arrghhh! your sissy some buttplugs?" I asked between squeals of
"The biggest, fattest and longest I can!" Growling, he
spread my legs even wider, forcing my hole to accept the final
half-inch of his cock. It was the first time I had ever taken all
of him inside me, and it was wonderful. It was as if there were
some hidden switch buried deep in my ass that released all my
desires, all my inhibitions, and every pleasure-sensing nerve in
my body. From head to toe, I was suddenly one huge fucking sexual
organ, responding to my master and him alone.
"Do it, tanya, fuck your master for everyone to see!" Aiming
the lens of her videocamera at my smiling face, Kara urged "Tell
everyone how much you love it!"
"I love it, I need it, it's the greatest feeling in the
world!" Grabbing my tits, I began squeezing the sensitive globes
and pinching my nipples, adding to the already overwhelming
sensations of ecstasy flooding my body. "Unghunghungh . . .
ooohhuhuhoooohh, he's cumming, Sir Michael shooting inside me!"
Jumping onto the banquet table, Kara aimed the camera at my
crotch, zooming in to capture every thrust and ripple of my
master's tool. "Tell us how it feels, honey!"
"Aiiiiieeeeee! Arggghhhhh!" Eyes clenched tightly shut, I
nearly ripped the nipples from my breasts as I shrieked in
ecstasy. "F-f-f-eels like . . . oh, shit . . . feels like a
firehose enema! I love it, it-it-it-it . . . uh, Sir! . . . it's
so hot and creamy and stickyandcummyandlovelyand . . .
"Oh, jesus," Lurching forward, Sir Michael fell onto my
chest, knocking Kara aside. "What the hell was that?" Shocked and
breathless, he said "It felt like you fucking tried to bite off
my cock with your ass!"
"Did you like it, Sir?" I asked with a grin.
"Damn right, I liked it!" Squeezing my cheeks, he mashed his
lips against mine, his teeth scr****g along my tongue. "But what
the hell was it?"
"My first, real, girlie, sissy orgasm, Sir." It had
surprised me as much as it had him, but I had cum simply from
feeling him inside me. I don't mean my sissy-clit ejaculated -
no, it was something else entirely. It was something internal, a
physical sensation coursing through my insides much like I
assumed a woman's orgasms must feel. I knew it was only a
fraction of the joy a real woman experienced, but it was enough
for a worthless sissy.
Picking herself up off the floor, Kara held up the camera,
triumphant. "Better get your copies of the wedding video soon,"
she panted. "They sure as HELL won't last long."
While the remaining guests laughed - and clamoured for their
own personal copy - I simply softened in my master's arms,
content to just be held. There could no longer be any doubt - in
anyone's mind - I was a sissy enslaved, and the happiest little
girl on the face of the earth.

Same as Maybe Videos

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“Maybe”     My first week on a 911 ambulance in a large city was stressful.   Being new, I was assigned to the busy trucks in the heart of the city.   However, one day, I was assigned to a slower truck.   My partners for the day were Angela and Mike.   Mike was a totally cool dude who was about 6 foot 7 inches tall, strong, muscular build and thought he was a comedian.   He spent all day joking around and playing practical jokes on people.   Angela is a 5 foot 7 inch brunette, large...

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“Maybe”     My first week on a 911 ambulance in a large city was stressful.   Being new, I was assigned to the busy trucks in the heart of the city.   However, one day, I was assigned to a slower truck.   My partners for the day were Angela and Mike.   Mike was a totally cool dude who was about 6 foot 7 inches tall, strong, muscular build and thought he was a comedian.   He spent all day joking around and playing practical jokes on people.   Angela is a 5 foot 7...

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The Sword Maiden

A drop of sweat stung my right eye, and I blinked to clear it. I dared not do anything more as I stared at the three men a few paces away. I held my sword in the high guard position, and a drop of blood fell from the tip. The blood’s donor lay near my feet, where he’d collapsed after I’d stabbed him through the throat. The leader, a burly human, bared his mouthful of rotten teeth at me. “It would have been easier for you if you had just given up. Now, we will make you pay for my friend’s...

3 years ago
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Sleep Over Part 4 Kevs Mom

Sleep Over Part 4 (Kev's Mom)Kev’s mom was standing there in all her beautifulglory, pinching her erect nipples and telling me,Will you do what i ask of you?, Will you?If you do, i will make you smile every chance i get.She proceeded to fondle her titsrun her hands over her stomach, lean overand touch all of her body, and i am hers.How fast can you get it back up? she asked.With how you are feeling yourself up and your fantastic tits and nipples, not long at all i replied.She sits beside me on...

2 years ago
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Intended Ch 10

Though twilight quickly yielded to darkness, Jakal did not stop to light a torch. The moon glowed full and bright, illuminating the path he traveled. In the Spirit World his senses, including his eyesight, were heightened, were he not completely familiar with the lake’s location he still could have found it. It lay so close now he felt its moisture upon his skin. He could even smell the water, its cool crispness mingled with the scent of mixed leaves. The signs grew ever fresher as the Tracker...

2 years ago
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My Sisters Lesbian Lover

My Sister's Lesbian Lover My sister Carrie and I are pretty close in many ways. We share the same birth date but one year apart. I’m the oldest at seventeen. We have the same physical build too. She is constantly wearing my clothes. I don’t mind her wearing my jeans but I keep telling her that she will stretch out my tops with her big tits. She just laughs and says that I’m jealous that hers are so nice. I must admit that my sister has great tits. At least she lets me play with them...

1 year ago
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A Walk on the BeachChapter 7

It was three weeks after my lover and friend’s graduation. I missed Friday nights with the guys and girls at the beach for far more reasons than the great sex. Terry went to Europe for the summer with her parents before heading off to college. Bob volunteered at a boy’s summer camp to beef up his application to Yale. Olivia and Tom were planning a wedding and checking out colleges they could both attend and get their degree. I was going to be a bride’s maid. Of course, Terry would be the maid...

3 years ago
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Animal FarmChapter 7

While Stacy was getting dressed she noticed that Betty spent more time looking at her than through the window. As soon as Stacy had her panties and jeans and tennis shoes on, Betty started for the edge of the roof and the tree. Stacy followed without peeking at the swappers again. Vicarious thrills were fine, and they gave a lot of pleasure, but the real thing was far better. Besides, she told herself, if she looked at her horny stud of a father and his big cock much longer she might become...

2 years ago
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Jeremy and I Ch 01

Jeremy and I are two of a pair, so to speak. We are both like each other a lot, except for the little age difference, he is 4 1/2 years older to me. I know this isn’t a big deal and all, but sometimes the age gap makes a difference. As and example, Jeremy is not a virgin, as where I am. We kind of grew up different. Him and his family that is like the normal family, divorce, sibling problems…you get the point. I am well…the tipical American family. We have a high social rank in the community...

1 year ago
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Capri Or Top Mai Gadi Ka Safar

Mai kafi arsey say iss per stories padh raha hon to aaj itefaz howa story likhney kaa. pehley mai kuch apney barey mai bata don meri height 5:5 hai or smart si body hai 27 kamar 34 chest hai or 36 tak mere hips hein not mascular or girls k tarah thora femenish hon mai. mjhey cross dressing kerney ka bht ziada shoq tha laiken kabhi pora nahe ho paya tha kion k mai apney friends say chupata tha yeh baat. then aik din meri net per aik larkey faisal say friendship Hoe jis k sath mainey apni fantasy...

3 years ago
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A weekend with Nancy part 2

 Nancy informed Alice that she would be using the bedroom to dress me, and that she should pick out an outfit consisting of no fewer than seven articles, gather her make-up and whatever else she required and then use another room to get dressed. Furthermore, Nancy informed Alice if she didn’t like what she was wearing when she returned that she would be punished, and to not waste any time dressing as she would require her help in transforming me. I had the feeling that no matter what she came...

4 years ago
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Thalia the Muse of Comedy

It was Friday evening. The antique grandfather clock in the dining room struck eleven and I was wide awake and much calmer than a few hours before. I finally had forced myself to put my anger into the background so I could think and plan my moves. Stay calm and collected I had said to myself over and over. I had already alerted Thalia to what had happened today and she had agreed to my general plan, the details of which I would have to work out before next midnight. Our future was at stake and...

2 years ago
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Birthday Boat Ride Part 2

Chapter 3 Four hours later Jack went down below to awaken Diana who was sleeping peacefully with her arms wrapped around Samantha in the spooning position. He woke her gently, “hey honey, how you doing?” “Hmm, she cooed, opening her eyes Hi,” was all she managed before closing her eyes again. “Come on honey we have to go, it’s getting late, and we need to get the boats back to the dock.” “HMM, ok,” was all that came out. “You know, Jack, Monica can give you directions to our house...

3 years ago
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Arya Stark and The Hound Reunited Part 2

Grabbing her jaw between his fingers, squeezing hard enough to cause her some pain, the Hound bent down towards Arya's lips. His lips meeting hers, he ravished them. Placing his arm around her waist, he lifted her from the water. He pulled her close. Lips never leaving, Arya wrapped her legs tightly around his body. Desperate and hungry, the Hound carried the both of them to embankment. Both lovers fell against the grass, their tongues now carrying eachother's saliva to the other's hole.Hands...

1 year ago
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Mikes new girlfriend

It started as a typical Monday really; I waved my wife off to work and then went upstairs for a long bubble bath and shave, as I stood drying myself and rubbing baby lotion into my body my cock started to grow as I got excited about the morning ahead. I quickly put on sweat pants and then raced to the outbuilding at the back of the garden to fulfil my cross-dressing desires. I opened the door to the outbuilding and pulled down the dressing up trunk from the roof rafters, my heart was beating...

1 year ago
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Converting Chris

I met Chris one night at my friend Crystal's house. I always saw him around town, but had never actually talked to him until that night. I was sitting on the couch talking to Crystal when he walked in with some people we knew from school. " He's actually here? " I asked Crystal, trying to hide my big smile. She looked at me and burst out laughing. " What's so funny?", I asked. " Sweetie", Crystal said, " I know he's fine and I know you would him and all but...". " But what?", I asked, annoyed...

1 year ago
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Summer On The Farm Chapter 2

He quickly unpacked and then headed toward the kitchen, where he found Vanessa in the fridge, getting ingredients for dinner. To be more precise, she was bent over, grabbing vegetables from the crisper. Her homemade, denim, short shorts rode up into her ass crack, exposing the bottom half of her firm ass, along with a pink thong. Vanessa smiled as she turned and caught Jeff staring at her. "You like what you see", she asked, wiggling her ass at him. He nodded, unable to tear his eyes away,...

2 years ago
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Best Laid PlansChapter 11

The atmosphere remained chilly in both households for the next week. By Saturday the girls began talking about having sex again. "I think we've overdone the chastity bit, I'm getting horny." "I'm getting itchy too," said Sandy. "It's been over a week. How's Stan reacting to things?" "I'll bet he has scars on his tongue from biting it so much. He tries to work up the courage to ask about Sunday night, but my scowl shuts him up." "Bob mopes. He walks around with a hangdog look...

3 years ago
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Spanking Parties part 2

A gooey loud fart escaped my ass hole when Peter had removed his rod from my body. I could feel his cum oozing out of me. I moved as gingerly as I could to get up and walked briskly to the dormitory bathroom. I held my ass cheeks together with my hands as fluids were running down my legs. I tippy-toed in the hallway naked. I plunged down and excavated the remnants with thundering fart sounds. I wiped the back of my legs while I relieved myself. I felt tired and weak. One of my legs shook...

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Suzys College Entrepreneurialism Part 3

(Sorry this has been a while coming - better late than never! Read pts 1 and 2 first).Well my offer that next time I'd go further, letting some of the guys finger me, and lick me, had gone down a treat. I was even a bit surprised at myself for making the offer, but I was motivated by the money rolling in and, let's face it, the huge turn-on it gave me! Part of me was amazed that, despite all the showing and opening up of my privates and the attention I was getting and the generally lewd...

4 years ago
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Mother Daughter Feast 7 of 12

After a short break, since we are pressed for time, Anna lies on the padded table and asks Red to stretch her pussy lips out as far as she can, holding them until her dad secures them. Once that is done, she asks me to stretch her clit out the same way so her dad can secure it also. "Dad how long are my pussy lips and clit?" Tom measures them and tells our daughter that her pussy lips and clit are just over 3.5 inches long. "Did you bring the needle and thread that I asked you to?" ...

3 years ago
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Aunts Sweet Every Where

This is a story of my aunt and me. She was the sister of my stepmother. I had a very good relationship with my stepmother and her parents. We live in a very big, lovely home with six bedrooms. My age at that time was 20 years. My stepmother’s sisters paid regular visits to our home. My father’s financial position was much higher than that of my stepmother’s family; they were very poor. So we always legendary for them. We always helped them specially; I myself always tried to help them, as...

2 years ago
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Card PartyChapter 19 Party at Fratellis

The Fratelli twins and the LeBeaus met at lunch on Friday. “You on for this picnic tonight?” Andy asked. Both the LeBeaus nodded. “Well, look,” Patti said, “why don’t you just come on over after school? We can hang out, help out, and take a swim. Your folks can come over when they’re ready. We can talk and get to know each other so we don’t have to waste time on Saturday.” Donna gave her a long look with her clear blue eyes. “What do you mean by ‘wasting time’ on Saturday?” “Oh, shit, I...

3 years ago
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On Holiday

The moon shone over the ocean, casting it's light over the small beach. A girl, walking slowly in the dim light, her face casting a beautiful picture. Lisa had been on the island for a few days, but was already feeling very at home with the gentle pace of life there. And now, strolling along in the moonlight she wondered if she could be happier than she was right at that moment. It hadn't been a good start to the holiday. Nothing like an airline to bring the excited mood of a holiday right...

2 years ago
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Explaining to MommyChapter 4

Mommy had finished half the bottle of wine but wasn't slurring her words. Mommy always had such incredible self control. Not even her tone of voice changed. "Do you still have these movies?" "Yes, they're in my room." I expected her to tell me to go and get them. "Continue with your story." The next day at school I knew Glenn and Rick would be talking about me to their friends. It was exciting; soon everyone would be talking about me. Kate kept shooting me glances and I sensed...

3 years ago
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Matt Jessica and Me

Having just recently gotten off the plane from my return trip to California, I am reminded of the first time Matt and I had sex. We were College freshman roommates; it was late October close to Halloween. It was Friday night and he was out supposedly for the night with his girlfriend Jessica. I, having recently broken up with my girlfriend, was in our dorm alone. After spending one teenage summer with my aunt in South Carolina and sneaking into her room while she was at work I...

2 years ago
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Sharing Ana with her Black Master

Anita was holding hands with me while we entered that room.My wife’s Black Master had told me I should bring Ana to him in that nice hotel room… and then I could stay and watch…Jerome smiled at me as he dragged my sensual wife to the bed.I found a chair there, so I sat down to watch as promised…Ana looked sexy and beautiful in her black low cut dress that showed her nice ample cleavage; her hair and makeup were perfect. But she looked tense and her breath was quickening. The lucky nigger...

1 year ago
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Dripping Oil

Tom made me do stuff again today. Tom's my brother-in-law. I live with him and my sister pam in their appartment now. I use to have my own house, but tom said I would move in with them now! It's just a sugestion really, not an order... I don't HAVE to do everything tom tells me to. You see, I'm much better off than pam is, financially speaking, not to be a snob or anything, and since I make more at the firm in one month than tom makes in a whole YEAR as a mechanic!!! I confess, i'm a...

2 years ago
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Wet Passion

I don't know where it comes from, but for as long as I can remember I've had a fetish about peeing women. I've long fantasised about watching women piss in toilets, in public and also all over me! I've always been embarrassed about this fetish and nobody knows about it. But when I think about it, or see porn on the internet it never fails to make me hard as a rock! Just recently, however, these fantasies I've had for years became a reality. I got talking to a girl in a club; her name was Susan....

1 year ago
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Went up a Virgin came down with a Creampie

I get confused when I read stories where men fuck younger girls. It's as if thy have committed a grave sin, whereas in my case, I let it happen and it felt good.My name is Anouk. I was called after a French actress, a woman who gave my daddy a hard-on every time her name was mentioned, my mother used to sarcastically say, when they were angry with each other.We ran a small board and breakfast that could take no more than four overnight guests, usually cyclists, but one day we had a business man...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 10 Avoidance and Destruction

Asteroids tumbled around the two Crytherian freighters as they slowly skirted the Oort cloud, at edge of the system. Aboard the Crytherian freighter, Bountiful Trove, Captain Jelkisa watched their escorts hyper to the ninth planet, to check out the sensor target they have picked up. Watching the view screen, he said, "Navigator Tilsi, set coordinates for two destinations, one the ninth planet, the other for the planet Karsakini." Turning to another Crytherian he continued, "Liskeria,...

3 years ago
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Seducing And Marrying A Married Aunty And Satisfying Her

Hi friends, this is Ruthvik. Here I am going to share an experience of a friend..With a married aunt. Who got married again. If any unsatisfied aunties or housewives or girls reach me out at details are kept at highly confidential. Let’s get back to the story. Nen job kosam hyderabad vachanu…Konni rojulu hostel lo unnanu..Food padaka.Room aithe better ani room kosam search chestuna.Ekkadithe manchi auntylu untaro akkada search chestuna.Elopu naku bale lucky ga oka house dorikindi.Uncle emo...

2 years ago
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Door Candy

Door Candy by Bryony Marsh "You are gonna love this shit, bud. My finest and weirdest yet!" Jamie should have been a great pharmacologist - and in a sense he was, only he didn't work for any of the major drug companies. He'd dropped out of the degree programme as soon as he'd "learned enough", and instead he spent his time inventing new and crazy highs. Matt, his roommate, looked at the proffered substance with some skepticism. It looked like burnt toffee. "What is it?" "I...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Sweet Tanu

Hi friends I am Arindam and this is my first story and this time I am going to tell you a true story of my beautiful bhabhi. Her name is Tanu and she got married to my brother around five years back. She is very beautiful and her features are so sharp that whenever I see her I get an erection. I give some photos of her and she is 27 years with one child when I fucked her and I am 19 years. It was around a year after my brother’s marriage that I too got a job in Kolkata and I shifted in their...

1 year ago
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Leaning on Each Other Chapter 2

The next morning, Cassandra and her son, Adam, ate a light breakfast and fought off the urge to fuck again. She wanted the two of them to get waxed so that they weren't having to deal with the pubic hair. And Cassandra was turned on by shaved cock and balls and felt sexier when she was smooth below as well. She hadn't had the need in so long, she had forgotten the pleasures of a smooth muff and partner.They arrived at their destination in time for their appointment. Since it was her son's first...

1 year ago
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Rough treatment for my very 1st cock experience

I had been curious about transexual girls since i had first seen one in a video at aged thirteen. As a young lad and man I had no shortage of girlfriends but had fantasised about sucking a cock since a young age. It wasn't until i was 25 that i had my first sexual experience with one. I was in a relationship with a girl 2 years younger than my self at the time but gave in to my urges and plucked up the courage to arrange a meet with a Brazilian TS escort based in Bayswater, central London, i...

4 years ago
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Pretty Baby Ch 03

It’s not just about the sex. Part Three: Passion, Pain, and Retribution Cleo’s words echoed in my mind: ‘Even your own mother wouldn’t recognize you when you’re all dolled up. Trust me.’ She wasn’t kidding, I thought, staring at my reflection that Wednesday evening. I barely even recognize myself! Cleo had shown me how to apply my new makeup, which resulted in a dramatic, startling transformation. My cheekbones were brought out and made sharper, making my face seem more narrow as it tapered...

2 years ago
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The After Time Pt 01

Prefix Early in the century around 2015 the world as we knew it was changing. The earth had shifted about 3 degrees on its axis the ozone layer had gaps at the poles pollution was at record high levels. The have-not countries became the have countries. The west coast of the USA became a drought area San Diego was the first but in the following years it moved up as far as Washington State. No crops could grow the wheat belt was seriously reduced. The states could no longer feed its people...

3 years ago
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The White Night 15th Dec 2011

Hello Everyone! I’m Joe from Chennai. Everyone who expects this story to be like, “I met a girl, we were friends and I fucked her in the absence of our parents”, then I’m sorry. This story is bit slow and sex is not point. This is just to bring out what was in me. The incident happened 4 years ago, when I was about to finish my college. Its the first incident I had with a friend of mine. Her name is Sruthi. She and I became friends on Facebook. She was introduced to me by a friend of mine. When...

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Gorgeous Chloes First Spanking Part III

Chloe cries, "Oh my god, Beth!" She raises her voice.  "What are you doing to her, you pervert!"I am silent, my blistering red bottom stares right back at her.  I don't dare to move as my father's hand is still on the small of my back.He says, "Ah, so you're the neighbor girl, huh?""Get your hands off of her, or I'll call the police right away." Chloe ignores the rhetorical question."Ha! You're gonna call the sheriff on a father disciplining his daughter?  You try it, missy!"I have to rescue...

2 years ago
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My roommate wins

"Oh My God! Fuck me! Harder baby! Fuck me with that big, black, cock!" These were the sounds that greeted me as I walked in the door after a long day of work and class. It was the normal thing, and probably wasn't the first time they had been fucking today. Emma was an insatiable redhead, and John was like a machine. Even if he had just cum, it seemed like he was always ready to fuck again. It was normal for them to fuck multiple times throughout the day. For once they had actually made it to...

3 years ago
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The Hot Sister

We were all(Doug,Mike,harry ,Steve and me) lazing around,gettin pretty bored when we thought of renting some movies and going over to Steve's place,since his parents were out of town.Steve had no sooner unlocked the door that harry told steve to cum with him ,to go get some,the rest of us went in and were lookin around and we casually happened to go into one of the bedrooms....just as we entered, the door to the connected loo opened as well and there was Steve's...

1 year ago
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Emma and Annabel Part one

When I started college last summer, I met the most beautiful girl, her name was Annabel. She was 5’2” with short brown hair and big green eyes. She was thin, but had curves in all the right places, with a full B cup breast. Well, we met the second day of school when I just happened to run into her on my way back to my dorm. “I’m sorry. I was just lost in this book!” She said, smiling softly at me. “I’m Annabel.” “Hey, it’s fine hun. I’m Emma.” I said, smiling at her. It was after that day that...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 112 Is fate kind

John hadn’t intended to fall asleep, but with Helene’s soft warm body cuddled up against him, he soon found himself drifting off into a soothing slumber. Instead of the blackness of unconsciousness, he found himself gazing up at glorious blue skies, the sight that greeted him every night since Alyssa had created her personal subplane. Lying down in the field of verdant grass outside Athena’s picturesque house, he sat upright, expecting to find the young woman kneeling beside him. When she...

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The Weekend0

Friday-Alex. My parents were out of town for the weekend, three days of pure freedom and bliss. Everyone expects you to run a big ass party when you are home alone for the weekend, but let’s face it, sometimes chilling home alone is even better. It was a warm June weekend, sunny, not a cloud in sight. I was laying in my bed, looking out of the window and planning the day ahead. It was a perfect day to use the backyard pool; swim, get tanned and relax. I thought about it for a minute. Maybe...

4 years ago
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Key Wested Chapter 4

Bret finally found his keys and opened the back door of the townhouse. He led the way in, his erection bobbing in front of him. Laura had stripped in the cab and stayed completely nude for the short walk to the door. Derek, Bret and I were all still wearing shirts, but were naked from the waist down. Laura followed Bret. She had one hand behind her, firmly wrapped around Derek’s hard-on, leading her new boy toy inside. Denise was next, blouse hanging open, pert nipples peeking into the dim...

3 years ago
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Satisfying Punjaban married lady

Hello readers I am big fan of this website, today I decide to share my real life experience with you all , first of all I would like to introduce myself .. I am hot chap, 22 yrs aged Punjabi guy from Chandigarh. The story is of the period when I used to study at Punjabi university in Patiala and where I used to stay in Patiala, there was a Punjabi family in my neighborhood that family had one old lady and a son and daughter in law. Son was 27 years and working in some mnc and daughter in law...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Amber Leigh Charlotte Star Better Late Than Never

Charlotte Star is going through a tough time in her life. With the help of her friend, Amber Leigh, she’s packing up and getting ready to leave her husband. Although Amber is supportive of her and just wants her to be happy, she’s confused since she thought Charlotte and her husband were in a happy marriage. She only becomes even more confused when Charlotte avoids directly answering her questions… As Charlotte carries another box outside, Amber grabs her own box to take out...

3 years ago
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Kay Is ReadyChapter 2 Kay Shares Me With Susan

My sister’s friend, Kay, has been my girlfriend for several months now. It all started when my sister Jen, Kay, and their group of teenaged girlfriends tricked me into going out with Kay. They gave me no prior warning and not much choice. That first night with Kay, even though it had been unplanned, had been exceptionally pleasant and rewarding. Before she even got in my truck, Kay had placed her ample boobs on my driver’s side window sill. She was obviously giving me an invitation to pet...

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Twist of Fate the Life of a Slave

(A tale set before the events of "Twist of Fate") Jabba the Hutt's grand sail barge, the Khetanna, slowly sailed across the western Dune Sea of Tatooine on its way to Mos Espa where the hutt and his entourage were to attend the annual "Tatooine Classic" pod racing event. It was the biggest race of the season and would attract denizens from all over the planet as well as many visiting offworlders eager to witness the exciting sport and wager on its outcome. Along for the trip, Leia...

2 years ago
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Jack and Sarah The HoneymoonChapter 5

The next morning, they awoke refreshed and energetic. Sarah was bouncing around the kitchen preparing breakfast as Jack sat and talked to her. "You look so beautiful today. It's like... you're glowing somehow.". Sarah smiled back at him, kissed him and then shoved a warm piece of toast in his mouth. She giggled. Jack loved it when she did that. It was so cute and sexy and it made him want to just have her right there. While sitting down to breakfast and playing footsie under the table,...

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Play It Again SamChapter 6 A franc for your thoughts

It took a little under an hour before I saw them driving up, but it was a beautiful sunny day, with only a slight breeze so I didn't mind the wait. And I think I needed that time just to run my plan through my mind again, to get clarity on it. They must have spotted me sitting at the bus stop because the Mercedes, with Kim driving and Jen seated in the passenger seat pulled up and stopped directly in front of me. Jen opened the car door and then after stepping out she pushed the seat back...

4 years ago
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Bus Stop

I saw her across the parking lot sitting inside the M23 bus, impossibly long legs in white stockings, the top of which peeked below her short red skirt. She had on a white shirt unbuttoned just a tad too far, showing a hint of her black bra. She had long blond hair and killer blue eyes. I hurried across the lot to stand next to her. As I took my place standing over where she was seated, my hard cock was clearly visible through my pants. I was embarrassed until she saw it at eye level, looked...

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Badge of Dishonor Ch 03

Passion In James County X Badge of Dishonor By D.C. Roi Chapter three Alex Martin, a handsome, bulky man with light brown hair and clear blue eyes, woke up, looked out the bedroom window, and saw that it was just starting to get light. The rising sun was still just a brilliant golden-glow on the horizon. His wife, Jennifer, was lying next to him on her side, with her back to him. It was warm in their bedroom and she’d tossed the covers off during the night. He gazed at the graceful curve...

3 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 5

"So," Brock said he and Merie headed up the freeway. "How have you been?" "Is that really what you want to ask?" Merie said with a laugh. "Not 'Why in the hell did you wait seven years to speak to me?' Not 'Why in the hell did you jump on the crazy train anyway?'" Brock shrugged. "I thought I might work up to those," he said. "But now that you mention it, those things have crossed my mind since I sat down." Meredith was zigzagging in and out of traffic on the freeway. To...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Charlotte Stokely Chloe Foster Stress Reliever

With Mimi (Kenna James) in the hole, Lucy (Charlotte Stokely), a detective who’s looking for a missing girl, has no more contact inside and now she’s scared that maybe Mimi was also in danger. Unfortunately, without concrete evidence she can’t go inside the reform school. That situation stresses her a lot and she can’t think clearly. Lucky for her, Gina (Chloe Foster), her wife, is there for her and she knows exactly what to do, and makes sure to relieve the stress out...

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ConflictedChapter 11

"What are you two doing?" Dad asked, his voice terse as he stared at me and my practically naked sister. His face was a mask of conflicting emotions, and my brain worked feverishly to try to come up with an answer while I hid Kelsey's t-shirt behind my back. "I'm doing laundry, Daddy," Kelsey said, quite calmly, after the question had hung in the air for a few seconds. "Naked?" he scoffed. "No, of course not! Jeez Daddy!" Kelsey sighed, as if explaining something to a simpleton....

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