A Stark Choice
- 2 years ago
- 25
- 0
The information flooded into my mind. The Fassoot had detected a cargo ship of some kind. Some of our probes raced to it but this action was detected and all but two were destroyed by just the light cruiser. The relatively small ship was very fast and made the cargo ship appear to be dead in space.
The design of the ship was Tandra. I used the maze to get to one of the remaining probes. At the opening I had to pull back. The attack was even stronger now. I could do nothing for the crew.
Mom reported that the remainder of the Fassoot convoy was coming to a halt. She sent the images into my mind but knew it would take a while till they could start to meet up with the light cruiser.
The cargo ship was not destroyed though but the feelings that had come from it made Mom and now me consider that the mental emanations of the Fassoot had killed the unprotected crew. The crew could be any race but Mom felt that they were Tandra.
Two things now occurred to me. The energized particles emitted by all shipping could be used to trace the ship back to its last port. The probable course could also be deduced by the direction it was heading. All of this and more could be found in the computer itself. Finally the Fassoot could now use the captured computer to invade our area of the maze once again.
Our last probes tried to find the last port and the destination of the cargo ship. I said to Mom, "I need to stop them getting into the maze. I need some weapons and some antimatter."
These were on hand at the Nefron Base, and Dookie gave them to me. I had the two swords, a hundred grams of antimatter and one of the Fassoot guns that worked within the maze. The last was not expected and this gave me some hope. It took a few minutes to find the small opening to the cargo ship. It was not one of our probes with the accompanying computer but did project the mental weapon of the Fassoot.
I just picked one side of the maze close to this opening and pushed into a blank area. The pain was not that strong because I was not really that close to the opening. The wait was almost an hour. Mom sent back information to me about what the probes saw but nothing much was happening other than a large group of Fassoot entering the Tandra type cargo ship.
The first Fassoot came through with a mental thrust. I closed my eyes at the pain but forced them open. The Fassoot turned to my right and took a few steps down the maze. He was armed with a similar gun and some equipment on a strap around its neck.
A few seconds later I felt a large increase in pain. I knew I would not be able to handle any additional newcomers. I moved out of my hiding spot and fired at the first Fassoot. I hit the arm holding the gun. Immediately the majority of my pain stopped. The next Fassoot was just coming through. The gun came through first and when the head fully came through I shot its gun arm too. The being fell down. My gun went into a holster and I came forward, disregarding its ability to hurt me. I pulled it into the maze with one hand and threw the small cannister of antimatter into the Tandra computer. I pushed it with my mind and just hoped it went far enough.
The Fassoot bodies had been studied but these were the first live specimens. The time was up that would have allowed the small innocuous looking cannister to come back.
I knew what hand weapons they had and removed them from the injured beings. The first was coming to its senses even trough the pain and I ran to it and kicked it where similar bodies had a high concentration of nerve endings. This seemed to work quite well. In a few seconds I was repeating this on the second Fassoot.
I had time to talk to Mom and she told me the Tandra cargo ship was destroyed and the light cruiser severely damaged.
The Fassoot bodies were very dense and were difficult to move even in the maze. Dookie had two stasis chambers ready when I brought them back one at a time.
The Fassoot had not learned anything from all the death I had caused them. Their ships blasted away with energy weapons once again and continued this as the battleship took the damaged vessel into its hold. The course they were now going was backtracking the cargo ship.
Rather than interrogate the Fassoot I searched around the opening of the maze to the Nefron Base and found the two other possibilities. I gave the override again and listened to the computer to received a suitable reply. These two areas were going to be explored when I had time. A small roll of substrate entered the first base then the override was give the second. Again the substrate went in to connect them to our network.
It was a toss up which to go in first. I didn't know who or what I would meet so the computers and AIs were compelled to not warn the bases they protected.
The first had a Tandra population numbering in the hundreds. Many more were in stasis. Like most other old Tandra bases, they worked alone with no assistance from people of other origins. I was given this bases position on a multi dimensional map. In only a second I knew that the cargo ship had not come from here. In fact that particular vessel was not even in the records.
With a command to simply comply with Mom's commands I left this base and entered the next opening. The same orders were given this time too. The records though said that the cargo ship had left here recently.
An estimate of the expected Fassoot arrival was about 93 hours from now. The base personnel was different than usual. There were almost 37,000 individuals awake and actually growing. They had a dynamic leader about five centuries ago that pulled the rest into doing something more than vegetating. With so little time in this mode there was nothing new apart from the dynamism of this group.
The Coska system was quite old. Apart from a matter transmitter and ship repair/manufacturing facility it was little different than any other base. I didn't want to come to this system this way and simply sent Mom and Bennechi to the base. When they got close I would just enter the ship through the maze.
I left the maze and checked on my two Fassoot. With some Dooka now inside the base and close, I was hesitant about reviving any of the individuals. They were very strong and would need a very good restraint to keep their powerful bodies from being an ever-present danger to anybody close to them.
Dookie made a strong harness that would give some movement but not much. A device to give it a shock for pain and another one like what was used on Earth to put them to sleep was added. The creature could bleed to death but a small med unit would not work in the maze. A tourniquet was the best I could do.
This device and some cord were put in the maze. I then dragged one of the individuals back. It was still unconscious from the kick and I removed all of its clothing. The harness was difficult to get on and I was mindful of it waking up before I was done. I did make it in time and applied the tourniquet and just sat back trying to get into the being's mind.
It began to wake up and I commanded one control unit to force it back into sleep. The mind was a labyrinth. It was very convoluted, devious and to my way of thinking, insane.
I did see something odd about this one's skull. An area seemed to shimmer just a bit. Now that it could be kept safely asleep I dragged the other back into the base. Dookie transported it to medical where it went onto a table.
The first thing I considered was to repair the arm. To be safer I had the med unit remove it and its mate. The two minor arms went as well. Now only the feet, legs, teeth and of course the mind would be dangerous.
Mom was getting close to Coska. I left the Fassoot with Dookie. She had some very explicit instructions. This type of creature was very dangerous and needed to be sedated at all times. Failing that the shock would be given and if that didn't work it would be terminated if necessary.
The double ship didn't have that much room to spare but was comfortable for short flights. Mom, Bennechi and I pushed the ship for a very short time up to 29,000 lights. As far as I knew the Fassoot could not even go this fast.
Just outside the Coska system we stopped at the edge of what they could detect and asked for permission to enter. We were told to enter and when they saw the size of the ship, a Tandra controller said, "Come at your best speed. You may land in front of the base."
"That is affirmative. We will make the main base at our best speed." This did make me grin and the three of us pushed forward as quick as we could. Five point three seconds later we were above the planet and a two seconds later we had come to a stop where we thought best. I was ready to move the ship into the five dimensions if weapons would bear on us but none did. The computer was cooperating with us and nobody had a chance to give the necessary orders.
I got out after ten seconds and was met by three very irate Tandra individuals. The base commander was one and two of her lieutenants came with her. My identity crystal was switched to the admiral persona for this meeting. The aura was put to low and most of my mind blocked off. This is what a person of my apparent rank would do.
Standing tall, I waited till they came close and the commander said, "What race are you, and why did you land like this?"
"I am a Human from Sofaas III. Quite a distance from here I think. I landed like this because I was asked to proceed at my best speed. Is there anything else you would like ladies?" The term 'ladies' was slightly derogatory term used by Tandra males. The reaction was what I expected and they frowned and got angry. One was eyeing me up to fight while the other two just studied me intently.
Commander Toka said, "Yes there is, male. How can your ship defy physics and fly here that fast and even within the Mardaf Limit?"
"The ship is light and if you investigate, you will find that it doesn't even have any engines or other unless equipment. It has basically only a shield and an inertial compensator. Life support is minimal because I don't take too long getting from one place to another."
"How fast will this ship go?" Lots more questions were in their minds but this is the one that came out.
"It has not been flying long and the highest speed we reached was 29,106 lights per day. Next time I will see if we can get beyond the 30,000 mark."
"Impossible. You are a very deluded male if you think we will believe that."
I just smiled the Tandra way and said, "Then explain how I got here so fast. Last I heard, it was difficult or impossible to state falsehoods."
She got off the subject right away and said, "What business do you have with us?"
I gave the Tandra name for the Canis Major galaxy and the name of the three races of visitors we already had. My mind was opened a bit and I showed them the attributes of each of the races along with their level of technology.
"The group of Fassoot ships composed of a damaged battleship, a heavy cruiser and a destroyer are in route to this location. They will be here in 90 hours. They stumbled on a cargo vessel and are presently backtracking it. The Tandra crew are all dead and the only reason the ships are not here now is that they are staying together to nurse a partially crippled battleship."
This did get them very interested. A warning went out because they could not detect any lies. They now wanted direction because two cargo ships had left recently. More information was requested and I gave specifics as to mass, present speed, and the capabilities of the surviving weapons on the ships.
Commander Toka gave orders to check on this fleet even though the ships would probably not make it back. I interrupted, "I can give you and your computer a real time display."
"That is thousands of times beyond possible range."
"Do you want the information?"
I got a grudging, "Do it." This was definitely an order and not a request.
The information came in on a large display. The present time was shown along with all the data being collected. This scrolled at the side and bottom of the screen in the Tandra language. The range was questioned when it was noticed because we had nothing as good as this before. We still didn't because the properties were still unknown. The equipment was taken from captured or destroyed enemy vessels.
Commander Toka started again to send out ships but this time in a defensive formation. I said seriously to the commander, "This will not help. They will just come in with their missiles. They are so fast, that they are hardly even be seen, never mind intercepted or evaded."
"I can probably destroy one of the minor ships approaching us, by booby trapping one of your ships. They want to find information about the way our computers are constructed. They just lost a light cruiser to this trick of mine, and I may be able to do it one more time. It will probably not take one of the major ships though. They use a mind weapon that tells the cells of your body to shut down. There is very little defence against it. The cargo ship could not be protected and I believe everyone was dead when they got onboard without a shot being fired."
The woman demanded, "Show me the information about the cargo ship and tell me how you destroyed this other ship."
"The first you may have but the second is something only I can do." She looked at me very seriously now and I knew she would have me scanned by the computer if she could. She normally did have the authority.
The information about the capture was shown and after a time lapse where I waited for the two Fassoot. The next view was the explosion that destroyed the Tandra ship and most of the Fassoot as well. The battleship soon came into view and it was compared in size to the light cruiser. There was so much difference that the smaller ship was insignificant.
Her next command went to the computer to arrest me and find out the information she wanted. The computer refused without giving a reason why.
"I have had some experience with this race." I said calmly. "The best you can do is evacuate. You had more than enough vessels to do so. The Fassoot battleship will take at least twelve days to repair I think. By that time you could have dispersed. I will harass the Fassoot till I am able to get them all but they keep their mental weapon up all the time now and it would kill me to even try."
The woman sneered at my plan and would rather fight, thinking that she had at least a chance to win when, in fact she had none. "We can do better than that. The Tandra do not run when an enemy faces us. If we do not stop them here then they will just take on other even more defenceless bases or races."
"That is very commendable commander. I want them to stop here for a while though and then I can send some small intelligent missiles to slowly work their way close to the ships. At the same time all of them will explode. All it takes is enough antimatter."
"That will never work."
"You are mistaken. I have already done it once. There were no survivors to tell the story."
"So now you are taking on this race and they are following you. I think you should leave."
"I would but I am afraid you will instead." I said this with the most impressive voice in mindspeak I had while releasing my aura. I concentrated on my identity crystal and gave myself the Emperor persona now.
She was stunned by the effect but that was only the mind and the aura. She asked, "Who are you?"
"Ask your own computer. Check through her the very many other computers now linked to our union of different peoples."
She mentally stuttered then said weakly, "You are the Emperor?"
"Yes I am. I want the entire population of this system to prepare to be evacuated. Bring in your largest ships and I will do some work on them to give you a greater chance to survive." She just looked at me. "Commander Toka, I am giving you an Imperial order. Do it now or I will have you replaced."
"Yes sir... your majesty. I will do it right away."
When I saw that matters were going as planned, I entered the base computer and started to build a better computer in the maze. In a few days all Tandra equipment would be destroyed and this included the computer. This last article would possibly last a bit longer while it was raped and the Fassoot gain access to our maze.
Three cruisers were operational and in the system while a light destroyer was getting a new engine. We had the equivalent of a conference call with everybody in this system. They now knew that their base would be utterly destroyed and possibly the ships chased till they were too. For this reason the ships would leave in different directions and even the smaller vessels too so the Fassoot might have some false leads to pursue.
I got the usual protocols when I entered the first ship. I thanked them for this but told the others that time was important to this effort. This computer was moved into the maze. This at least would give it enough speed to possibly escape the coming fight.
Six hours later I had done as much as I could. The computers had to grow and transfer yet, but this would happen. The AI family was busy now assisting what they could to make the process as quick as possible. On the planet the small ships were busy taking people and property into orbit and storing articles and people on the larger ships.
Once I had done this task, I took a small combat craft the infantry would use and started to modify it. Again I was going to use the Trojan Horse routine. A small computer was made with the new crystals and the old. This was securely mounted to the keel and more or less hidden so it would not be casually found. Some devices were mounted around it to camouflage any emanations it made. There were not enough small Fassoot ships and possibly one of the larger ones would take this prize into their hold. The idea was to show the Fassoot that I had something worth hiding well.
When I was done, Tandra blood was spread inside and even some small body parts from medical. Mom and Bennechi flew off with this to place it along the path of the approaching fleet.
Commander Toka was with me whenever she could be. I did not shun her but did give her jobs to do that were best done with a biological.
She saw what I had done and was then given a rough explanation. She then asked, "You have no ship now. You could be killed. You have to leave. I will stay and make sure that everybody gets off safely."
"Thanks for your concern commander. I am a bit harder to kill that you might believe. Ask my AI family about this or even my biological family. I can do much better with nothing to worry about but the enemy."
She didn't leave and usually she had a few of her lieutenants close by in case something was required. I had the computer make more of the small probes that would sneak up on a ship and explode if the ships stayed in orbit long enough.
At the sixty hour mark I had enough of the probes made and sent them into hiding in the system. The Tandra left finally with all they held dear in as many directions as possible. Smaller empty ships went as a convoy to make it look like they were a larger ship.
With a now empty planet I had my first good sleep. Mom woke me up part way through and showed the Fassoot slowing a bit to retrieve a small Tandra craft that was emitting a weak distress signal.
An hour and a half later the ship was examined by a cutter and then after an hour more was towed to the destroyer. Once it was inside I took five hundred grams of antimatter and shoved it into the small unit. It was the maximum size it would take. I pulled away quickly and looked out one of the openings to look through the probe. The mental emanations had not abated a bit. When the field around the antimatter collapsed, it touched and destroyed the crystal controlling the shield.
The destroyer grew into a gigantic ball of energy. At that time the Fassoot just stopped in shock for a split second. I had sighted on the heavy cruiser and drove it as hard as I could toward the battleship. The AI was very quick and I stayed as long as I could. I felt the start of the renewed attack. The cruiser was destroyed like the others. I rushed back to the portal but could not get close. There was no major escorts now, and no chance of destroying the remaining ship.
The battleship was now alone apart for the very small ships like fighters and very small ships that carried work crews. Most were not even made to be in open space. Atmosphere and a stellar system was their usual operating areas or hugging the hull of the ship they serviced.
The battleship had started firing just after the destroyer exploded. It continued as it looked for survivors and I guess some salvageable portions of the wrecks. This would give the Tandra a bit longer to escape. I knew that Mom was transmitting all of this information even if some of the actual mechanics was not given. Mom gave me the feedback and said that the newest Tandra members of the Alliance were very happy about this outcome.
I had hopes of dropping small amounts of matter and antimatter in the path of the battleship. Interstellar space was very devoid of matter and it would not react very much with the inverse variety. This could not happen now because the ship went into a different posture and destroyed anything it could find with its sensors. This did not bode well for the mines I wanted to lay around the planet I was protecting.
A troubled sleep claimed me. I was very worried now about my plan.
When I awoke I began to call for any new findings. There was a great amount of it but it was all minor pieces of information. I looked through the data trying to find a pattern. There were a great many structures though and I sent out requests to pursue certain leads.
The Alliance was still on a war footing and our frontline units still battled Samutz ships and systems. The Thonas had become harder to find but they too had not entirely stopped. Like their allies, they did not have the communications we had and thought themselves still on the offensive.
Our small computers that linked through the maze made great communication devices. Mom had come up with a way to do a hundred percent of the fabrication on these units. I previously had to do only a small portion but now I could happily say that I was put out of a job by automation.
Research and development I think had shot ahead in fantastic amounts. The Imperial records showed that even at the height of the Empire and with the large number of Tandra citizens they could not do what we were now doing.
Mom sent these communicators through the maze by being passed tractor to tractor or even using Susan's rope idea. The devices went to ships that could communicate with us presently through their own connection. Other ships, planets and installations were given the communicators till we were able to make a better connection. Substrate continued to grow and infiltrate Tandra computers but this process was slower.
I received many of the reports where I had to make a decision that could and would involve a great many deaths. Most of the time I sided with the AI family but not always. In those cases factors had to be juggled so that our chances of survival were a lot higher. Now, instead of worrying about the safety of a squad I had to worry about the decimation of an entire planet.
While this was being done, I worked on the mental attack the Fassoot used. A helmet would not work. Tissue samples would die under this type of attack. A full suit specially constructed would not allow me to manipulate the tube and energy from the higher universe. The ships I made could use the tube for propulsion but were not able to move the tube for navigation. They were barely able to even flex the tube a small amount.
The Fassoot were now worried enough to not let anything close to their only remaining hull and even expend a prodigious amount of energy to make sure this happened. Their shield was better than ours but again was very power hungry.
My old study of the crystal's structure came to mind as an alternative weapon. I knew it could work into one of the Fassoot computers but just not far enough inside to be useful. This time I called for large amounts of the crystal and hoped that a special configuration or even size would allow me to defeat their computer or perhaps even their shield.
Another avenue to pursue was the two captured Fassoot. The maze brought me back to the other base. I was now sure that the sleep inducing device worked so the second being was taken from stasis and kept sedated. Again the arms were removed and the body healed. The shock device and an additional way of rendering it somnolent were added for safety.
The Fassoot brain had been extensively studied. As a species they were odd because each one was different. Not like fingerprints but in much broader terms. When their equivalent of DNA was studied it looked like each Fassoot was forced to grow in one of a wide range of possibilities. Any organism could change within certain parameters if the environment forced those alterations on them. These changes sometimes modified the basic DNA but usually those variations were already encoded at some previous time.
The two being studied were similar to others but the range in modification was much greater. The Thonas specialization came to mind where the individual members were altered to do one particular job well.
Dookie reported that the two beings were now communicating even while asleep. The information was collected but it maybe quite a while before we could decipher what it actually meant. The possibility of a subconscious hive mentality was a distinct possibility.
The improved Dooka were now taken out of the tanks and I watched this process. Saldak was the first to emerge. I took her to get cleaned and then fed a good meal.
She held my neck as I moved the small body around to get her clean. The cleanser she already knew about and enjoyed. She said, "Your Majesty, I can do this." She was not worried about being molested but now she knew who I was and was worried that I had many other pressing and important matters to look into.
"Saldak, I am a simple being at heart. If you want you can call me Henry like before." I could see the uncertainty and added, "If you like, you can call me Uncle Henry." This made the young girl smile and she felt much better.
I got her dressed soon after and then we went to the cafeteria to eat. She walked along and got some of the new foods and usually picked small amounts so she could continue her quest to find the best tasting. I had to leave her to eat alone as more were revived. The computer could do this unassisted but I thought it better to have a biological entity assist, especially the first time.
"I have to help your family now. Finish eating and then you can help me."
"Yes,... Uncle Henry."
This task didn't take long and I was usually able to get two cleaned up at once. Saldak came in and assisted and smiled at me because the roles were now reversed so that she was now helping the adults. The unimproved Dooka came in later and the two groups now talked. I could see the increase in intelligence and so could both groups. They were very excited because of what was happening to their civilization. New tutors were made and the education of another group of beings begun.
The basic premise for assisting this race now, was that the Fassoot would soon arrive. This may not happen now or not as soon as I had first predicted. There must have been a reason for the Fassoot to come in this direction in the first place. It was thought that a scout just reported its findings and a task force went out to destroy anything more than a simple animal.
My own research had to continue now. The slight shimmer in the area of the Fassoot brain was caused by very small crystals. They were similar to what I had in my body and especially in my own brain. The structure was different and the type of crystal as well. Not only were they doped differently than mine, some were of the new kind we ran across. This told me that the current crystals I knew about still could do things the other crystal could not do or not do as well.
With the many races in our galaxy, most races' minds could be read fairly easily. Some were impossible for various reasons. It looked like the Fassoot and the Misto would be of this latter class and even the Hossin were difficult. I didn't push too hard at the time of our first meeting to read the Hossin because of the situation I was in. They possibility existed that they would damage my psyche when I was in their computer.
The flow of crystal came and the portions were stored in the maze while I worked on trying to make heads or tails of the way the Fassoot thought. Even with the massed AI effort we just did not have enough data to make too many suppositions.
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“Clarissa, this is Michael O’Dell, your father.” I don’t know who was more astounded, she or I. “But, mother, he can’t be over 40,” Clarissa declared. “By my count, 36. Am I correct?” Claire said. Still dumbstruck, I just nodded, the awkwardness of the moment leaving me mute. I finally ended the awkward silence, by asking Claire, “Why didn’t you tell me?” “It was the times, Michael,” Claire answered, “and the situation. If I admitted that you were the father of my baby, eventually, the fact...
Say thanks to navarre for this one: The spark had been lost in this guy’s marriage, so he was trying to think of a way to rekindle it. One night he came from work, and found his wife asleep in bed. He thought to himself, “what should I do?” “Oh-I know.” He proceeded to get under the covers and go down on his wife. Soon she began to gently squirm and moan in pleasure. After a few minutes, her body spasmed with ecstasy as she climaxed. Afterwards, the man went straight to the bathroom to...
In my family, we have something called the initiation into adulthood. This is not an initiation like a barmitzvah or something like that, but very different. It goes like this: on the 13th birthday of a child in our family, the parent of the opposite sex will join the child in a log night of sex, in which the parent will not only give the child their first sexual experience, but teach the child everything they know about sex so that someday they might teach their own children. Another thing I...
IncestIt was a hot July day in Texas, but there was work to be done. Luke was on his way to the shop next to the house to work on the ranch pickup that had broke down the day before. He wasn't looking forward to it. Luke was a tall man, mid-twenties, good strong build, but not bulky. He had dark hair and brown eyes. He opened the big roll up door, grabbed some tools and a creeper. He threw his weathered grey cowboy hat on the bench and slid himself under the truck and got to work. It was about noon...
Straight SexMs Marca …. Fort Worth Boat Show … Part 2 I turned to see what Rob was saying and looking at where he was walking to. Now, call me stupid if you like, but this Glen guy he was calling out to, will his eyes had locked in on me the man was staring at me, with what I imagined to be lust, as he spoke to Rob, and I was getting that familiar wetness in my crotch. Fuck he was gorgeous! I just stood waiting for that drink order, I could stand and look at him all day and he was giving me the...
Introduction: part 2 of a ficional story 6 virgins play truth or dare p2 Intro: I actually wrote this before the first part was actually posted. I hesitated to post this part, as I knew I had gotten carried away with it, and am not sure how it will be recieved. If anyone wants to rewright it thats ok juat list it as a rewrite. This part is less reptitious. the first part was, only as you would expect that of inexperienced young teens experiencing their first sex, as they have little idea of...
Chapter 5 - The GiftYolanda tugged at the chain connected to Shanika's collar and led her to the barn where she had initially been shorn and shaved to be prepared for resale. The older black woman took the young slave girl to one of stalls equipped with a hose to get her cleaned up. She started by spreading shaving cream on her pussy and used a razor to get it nice and smooth the way the bidders liked it. Next she scrubbed her down with a bristle brush and a bucket of soapy water. She was more...
I sit here at my desk, my chin in my palms and bored so badly, I think I might die. I yawn loudly, not just to show how un-entertaining this lesson is, but also because I am tired as hell. I get the evil eye from Mrs Milan but she doesn't say anything about how 'rude' I'm being, because she likes me. This is mainly because she is a teacher straight out of uni and all the other lads in my year think she's hot. I think I'm one of the only ones who hasn't tired to make a pass at her. I suppose I...
Gay MaleIt was seven months since my strange experience. I do not regret what I have done. If my fundie parents knew, they would tell me I am damned to Dante's ninth hell. But they will not know, they cannot know, that I have secretly slept with a woman. I am very young in fact. Eighteen years to be precise. Every evening I walk through the slummier parts of town neglecting my studies, taking in the raw suburbian sunset, trying to discern just what it is that makes this world tick. I wanted to uncover...
First TimeFriend’s Mom and Daughter become My Subs. Pt 2The doorbell rings. Shielding herself behind the door Julie says, “Good afternoon Sir. Please come in. As the door closes both Mother and daughter stand naked before me. Their pussies are as directed. Mom’s pussy’s-lips hang down already aroused whereas her daughter sports just a camel-toe. We kiss.Hand in hand we walk into the lounge and I announce that today’s lesson is oral. Mom looks excited at the prospect. However I sternly tell her, “You cum...
When he heard Nina slam the door of the guest bedroom and lock it after he slapped her, Axel poured himself a hefty shot of bourbon neat in a highball glass and selected a fresh cigar. There was a sardonic glint in his flinty grey eyes under their grizzled brows and the barest shadow of a cruel smile on his hard sensual mouth. In a way this was the moment he savored most. He had just given the wheel of fate a random spin... and now to see what would happen. One thing he was ready to stake...
I was sick of my life. I was sick of getting up early to go to work. I was sick of having a job I hated. I was sick of trying to ass-kiss my way to a promotion I didn’t even want. There was no way out, no break from the constant grind of never-ending work. In short, I needed a break. Then I met Sky. Sky was the kind of girl that all other girls instinctively hated. She was the girl every boy’s mother dreaded him bringing back home. Thick, dark hair falling in waves and loops down her back,...
This is a great place for people like you and me. A place where we can let our inhibitions go and live out a few fantasies.> We can let ourselves go, no matter how dirty or how filthy our minds can take us, don't you think?> I have found that the more filthy the fantasy is the more of a turn it becomes.> > I'm glad you liked my fantasy, here is a nasty gang bang story just for you.> So you dream about the BIG BLACK COCK, I hope you enjoy this fantasy and that it makes your white...
Only moments ago Vicki had been escorted over to a clear spot in the living room of the condo and stripped of her red bikini by twin sisters Billi and Jo. While Jo pulled back her hair Billi stuffed a ballgag into the compliant redheads mouth, silencing her somewhat unnecessarily. Seconds later the two tanned girls had bound their younger, willing captive securely, arms behind her back and were guiding her to the floor. The cameras were already in place and rolling when they began to...
This story is true from start to finish. The beginning is a little background on how I came to love the feeling of dressing, being made to dress, and bondage. Please enjoy this story, but I request that it not be used in any way without my permission. Enjoy. My Night Of Fun By Laura Ellis I have a sister who is 3 years older than me. We lived in a part of my city that is rather deserted. There are 3 houses on my dead end street, and no other neighbors for miles. So it turned...
It all started with a bet. It was no secret between Stacy and I about my little kink. We had talked about it in the past, especially in bed after a long, hard session. No matter how much I tried, I kept coming back to the same fantasy. I wanted to watch. I know, I know it's weird, I was even a little weirded out by it, but there was no denying how much it turned me on or how much it turned her on... Stacy was gorgeous. Young, hot, nice tits and the best ass on the planet. Despite all this she...
CuckoldKhambrel and Sean, two guards, push Darlene into the office, locking the door behind them. Then they drag her to the center of the room. She is scared out of her mind. Both of us are sturdy, but not overly muscular Black Men. She knows there is no way she could escape. We caught her shoplifting and now she has to pay for it. She thinks of her husband, Tim. She will be humiliated if he finds out."Get against the wall," Sean, the older guard says. The look on his face is so cruel and hard that...
It is SpringBreak time. Earlier in the day, at the beach, a more than "cute" rock hunk, tailed you around like a young black Labrador puppy looking for some love. One of your girlfriends didn't see any innocence to him at all and jokingly commented, " I would love to have that gorgeous black man fuck a baby in to me." He had invited YOU to a party that night. His name is Antonio and he is a Senior from Michigan. You and your gf arrive at the party after 9:00. Antonio has been looking for you...
We would all go to Matt's house everyday. We liked it there because his mom was tight. She would look the other way if we ever had any alcohol, and she always bought all kinds of food. Yeah I pretty much lived at Matt's house. I frequently spent the night and his mom never seemed to care. Sometimes Claire would spend the night too, but she had to sneak in while Matt's mom was asleep. One day we were playing cards in Matt's basement when Matt jokingly said that we should just play...
Part 1 - The GymI got my stuff together and headed out to the gym. I was feeling incredibly horny this morning, id been chatting online with a few guys and looking at some pretty dirty porn on my phone pretty much most of the morning since I woke up. Its a huge turn on of mine to dress and act like a girly slut when I get a chance to be alone, and a lot of the time I like to wear panties under my everyday male clothes. Today was one of those days. I decided to wear a little thong under my tight...
"Are you going to be upset if I say no, then someone else does it?" she asked. "No Wilma, like I said, either way I will have forgotten by morning," I replied. "I know, but I will remember. I know it probably sounds strange after what just happened, but I am shy and I would rather have you as a friend. I'm afraid it would change how I feel about you forever," she said. "Well I don't know how I feel about that, but like I said tomorrow it be as if this never happened." I said it...
As a treat my husband had booked a spa stay at a top hotel and a dinner etc . So after a relaxing day we both decided to visit a few clubs and if we were lucky find a good looking guy to bring back to our suite for some fun . After hitting a few cocktail bars and not finding anyone of interest we decided to head back , on our way back we noticed a bar with quite a crowd and a few cute guys . Now i was wearing a low cut top that gave a view of my heavy breasts and leather trousers low waist so u...
‘Chérie, at this rate, you will owe me more for the phone call than if I just came and fixed the problem,’ Alex was on the phone with two laptops open in front of him as Samantha came out of the bedroom. ‘Monique, I love you to pieces darling, but we are getting nowhere on this. Non, chérie, c’est vrai. It is going to need a more tender touch. Oui, I am calling you ham-fisted darling but don’t take it personally.’ He had paused to listen to the woman, Monique, on the other end of the line and...
I have had excellent feedback on the Quad’s, and as long as you the reader keep asking for more, I will continue writing. Enjoy. **** I thought that my parents would have been very upset with us. But, it was just the opposite. Don’t get me wrong though, they were upset with us, but at the same time, they encouraged us to stay together. Most parents would have been crying, yelling, threaten to disown us, and probable try to have us committed to a house. But mom and dad were very calm, and even...
IncestJerry and Kay were younger than my parents, married only about two years, just starting a family, and trying to make a go of it farming. Kay was a typical country girl, always a quick smile, reddish hair and freckles, big breasts, and wanting to be a mom more than anything. I learned quickly that when she took her temperature then called Jerry in from the field, that I should go for a walk and leave them alone for half an hour .I had a vague idea what they were doing, but just what I had...
A Change of Life By Morpheus Amy felt a cold chill run up her spine as she stared at the box. It wasn't an impressive looking box. In fact, it looked like an ordinary shoe box. However the box was sitting in the middle of her bed when she knew for a fact that it hadn't been there a minute earlier. Amy quickly looked at her bedroom door, which was locked to keep her 8 year old brother Alex from just barging in on her whenever he wanted. The door was still locked and she hadn't...
It was a beautiful, hot, summer's day for a barbecue. I stood in my shorts and muscle shirt, flipping burgers and dogs on the grill. There were about thirteen friends over, eating, drinking and mingling about the yard. I saw you out the corner of my eye exiting the house and headed my way. You had striking, long, tanned legs, that crept up to a sexy, short denim skirt. Your little, light blue shirt was just as intoxicating. It held your large breasts upright, showing just enough outline of your...
Straight SexThis is the story of how my life changed drastically when my wife took a lover who became my master. It is meant for the reading pleasure of adults over the legal age in their area. Please send any comments on this story to [email protected]. How My Life Changed By mwmsissy Chapter 1 My wife Mary and I had been married for over eight years and I thought our life was very good. She was an attorney for an important law firm and rapidly rising towards a partnership. She made a...
Intha kathaiyai naan epadi arambipathu endru enaku theriyavilai. Enudaya nanbargal erandu per irunthanar avargaluku kalayanan agiyathu, ore companyil velai seiyum irandu pengaludan anaivarum ondraga vellai paarthanar. Avargal sexy annapengalai kalyanam paninar, avargal migavum thimiraga kalmelkal potu utkanthu irunthanar karanam avargalidam irukum antha panam. Naan oru satharana cameraman, neraiya kalayana mandabathuku poi photos edupen piragu china china project senchutu irunthen chennail....
We often come across sexual harassment of girls and women in academies and work-place. Well it is not completely true that only ladies face exploitation at the hands of guys superior to them. Even male members of any educational or business institution are subject to sexual harassment at the hands of lady colleagues or bosses. I for one have faced harassment at the hands of my girl colleague, it was quite pleasant in the end though. She studied in the same software training institute I studied...
Incestthis contract is my own creation, but I used some parts of other contracts I found openly available on the webSlavery Contract 1. This contract is provided as a secure and binding agreement, which defines in specific terms, the relationship and interaction between two individuals, hereafter termed the slave, and the Master. 2. Slave's Rolea. The slave agrees to submit completely to the Master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may wilfully...
Janie looked up, her eyes full of suppressed panic. “How? Did he tell you?!”Bella laughed, “You’re not the only one who’s good at picking up on things.”“I really did not want you to know.” Janie set her quill down. Her shoulders slumped. “I didn’t want you to be upset with me, and I didn’t want to have to explain myself. I don’t really know why I did it. The whole night was very strange.”“Please don’t lie to me, Janie. I promise, I’m not upset. I think it’s wonderful,” Bella reached across the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiShe was waiting on the platform that evening as I got down from the train, her full, curvaceous body barely covered by the light top and loose, knee length skirt that fluttered in the evening breeze. Her nipples pushed, button like, against the material that strained to enclose her succulent body, while her deep cleavage formed by her sumptuous bosoms peeked out of the blouse, unbuttoned to attract the attention of every passing male. When Livia was there, everybody knew it. Unconcerned, she...
DisclaimerThis story is a work of pure fantasy. If you are underage and/or repelled by erotic fiction about non-consensual sex then do not read any further.I would like to stress that in this story quite a few rather stupid clich?s are used. Therefore I want to urge those of you who cannot distinguish truth from fiction to please don?t read any further.English is not my native tongue so I guess that some errors could not be avoided. I sincerely hope that they do not disturb your reading too m...
Hairy “Oh God! Karen! Karen!” I shouted. Karen and Consuelo were doing the dishes. Evidently, a high volume Spanish song in excruciatingly painful two part harmony was part of the washing. Consuelo’s husband Edgar was puzzling over an english language newspaper. I had the Classifieds. Wiping hands on aprons, both ladies came into the living room. “What?” Karen said. “It had better be good, Newbie,” said her Spanish American cohort. “Yeah,” Karen agreed. Newbie came from a discussion we...
This continues the story of a mother and daughter's discipline. Please read the earlier chapter, "Mother and Daughter Punishment Letter Ordeal" first, already published:By the following morning 42 year old Jenny and 17 year old Charlotte had recovered from the spanking Grandma gave them both the night before although their bottoms were still sore and neither felt like sitting down. They went together to the Academy to hand in their punishment letters. Charlotte was at her desk when Olivia and...
SpankingTeen Anna De Ville is indulgently masturbating to mother daughter porn on Girlsway while hooking up with a MILF online, only to realize it’s her stepmom Alana Cruise! Shocked and appalled, Anna puts down her vibrator to show Alana the telltale selfie. She barges into the master bedroom, interrupting Alana’s self-pleasuring to share what she just learned. Anna is furious that Alana has the gall to cheat on her father. Anna gives her a choice, either she tells on Alana or Alana...
xmoviesforyouAs Nyx Monroe dances for JMac, we hear her thoughts, her horny stream of consciousness. What she likes to do for guys. What makes her hot. The more Nyx dances, twerks and rubs on him, the hotter she gets. This dance will end in a big bang. JMac walks Nyx to the bed and tosses her on it. He plays with Nyx’s big tits, squeezing them, palming them. She opens his fly and out pops what Nyx expected. “I like it. I like it a lot,” Nyx murmurs. She sucks and licks his cock like a...
xmoviesforyouYou've always had a good string of luck. Wise investments starting in your youth have filled your bank account and given you a large, secluded house. A lucky last-minute invite to a party gave you your first encounter with the beautiful blonde who would become your loving wife. Lucky timing gave you your first teaching job, and your work ethic built up your career from an ordinary high-school teacher into one of the most-respected English professors in the college who now employs you. Three...
Waking to the alarm I playfully slap Mel’s arse when I hop out of bed. Grabbing clean shorts I head for the shower. I no sooner have the water adjusted than Mel joins me while asking me to wash her, which I do. We both enjoy my washing her breasts three times. She hops out to be replaced by Jo for a similar wash, and then Candy. At one point Candy leans forward and Jo leans in to place my dick at Candy’s entrance while she says, “Fuck her good, she really needs it.” With a nod yes and smile...
SHOW AND SHAREChapter 2 REVENGE AT THE RED BULLAnother Melody Mitchell storyMelody had been more than a little surprised to get the call from Sue, Bob's wife, suggesting that she might like to go out for the evening the following Saturday with some of the girls from her hockey team. She hardly knew her, only having met the tall attractive blonde in passing and at a party or two when Bob had been on his best behaviour and neither Bob nor Melody had given any inkling of how well the two of them...
Hi, i am Karan. Im an engineer now working in a multinational company and have chances of going abroad next year. I would like to share my experience which occurred in the last few days of my college life. I had become friends with a really hot n pretty girl in the first year of college. I had a really huge crush on her but she was already going really strong with her boyfriend from school. She was fair as milk, with an average height, slim figure, average breasts, cutest possible smile and an...
I ended up not sleeping very well and therefore I was up earlier than planned, that suited me just fine though. It gave me plenty of time to accomplish what I needed, so I could prepare for the day as Robbie. It was still hard getting myself to put on the vest, but our plan, not mine, counted on me holding my end of it of it up. This was necessary until we got all the legalities out of the way. Looking in the mirror after I got dressed I could still see me, even behind the glasses and...
Hello dear friends and loving girls and aunties. A famous quote by Marilyn Monroe: “Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature” . I mean to say whenever you get a chance to have sex, move on and take a chance. Who knows it may bring life long sweet moments to you. I am Jaggannath, 29 years old, single bit experienced in sex. I am staying in Bengaluru, Karnataka. If any ladies or girls want to contact me, u can contact through my mail id: I am one and only son to my parents and both are...
Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter One by Scott James Rebecca James is a successful proponent of female supremacy and believes the vast majority of males should subservient and submissive under the control of the woman who owns them. As she does twice a year, Rebecca is preparing to teach a workshop for other female supremacists who wish to transform their submissive male into a sissy maid and servant. I simply loved teaching the introductory Sissy Slave...
That night, as Billy was about to go to sleep, Genie said to him, Master, you have to come to a decision. Just how much do you want me to augment your normal abilities while you are playing on the basketball team? I will do whatever you want, but I do feel that I should point out that you would be, in effect, cheating if I pushed you to your limits. I suggest that you allow me to adjust your capabilities to a level equal to the top 5% of players your age. That should make you good enough to...