My Life As A Wife free porn video

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My Life As a wife. If you read the beginning of my journey, you will remember that my name was David and I was married to a beautiful loving woman by the name of Claire. She was and still is my world!! Well now that my legal name is Angela, being her Husband was no longer an option, we re-married as a same sex couple.. Ironicly, after my final operation and all the training at the clinic. Claire had asked me to marry her again and be HER wife this time and of course, I agreed happily. With my Parents and our mutual friend Andrew we had a wondrous fairy tale wedding and we had a dream like Honeymoon with our Love becoming even more deep and our bond if it is possible more locked to each other and our life seems too good to be true!. Well the Honeymoon is over, Claire has to get back to work, and I have to learn to adjust to life as a stunning 100% woman! Life is a Bitch and then you become one!! hahaha if you are brave enough that is!.. Life was wonderful. during the week, Claire had the Law corporation to run and the Board to manage and as you can guess, she was, very, very busy. Which left me alone with nothing to do. I did putter around the house and do some cleaning and dusting etc, I found it fun and it helped pass the time, plus I enjoyed wearing those cute maid dresses that turned Claire on, so that when she go home I would tease her until she couldn't stand it and well, you can imagine. hahahha Now that Claire was much more take charge and I had become so much more submissive, I can tell you, sometimes I found it hard to sit for a few hours.. she loves to spank me now and I love it almost as much as she does.. hahhaha OUCH!! She likes to remind me that I am HER wife, and now maid from time to time.. It is much more interesting than our old sex life ever was. Today, as I was dusting the Reception area, Andrew came in and asked if I would care to join him for some lunch, I suddenly realized I was famished and said yes. He smiled that wonderful smile he has, and his green eyes twinkled and he turned and went back to his kitchen.. I say his Kitchen because Claire and I do NOT cook and he loves to cook so we stay away from there and let him do the magic that he does so well.. He can cook a 6 course meal and make it look like it was nothing to do at all, Plus keep the area clean as well!! It is amazing to watch him in action.. Well today he said he wanted to surprise me for lunch and I Thanked him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, I have done that much more often than I used to, now that I am not feeling that doing so makes me gay. hahahaha.. plus I enjoy doing it. The ironic thing is that now that I am a complete woman, I should feel funny about being with Claire! Now THAT!! is considered gay, yet it is something that NEVER crosses my mind.. Amazing how complicated life can be. It seemed like just yesterday, I was the man of the house and Claire was the woman. Amazing how fast for the better things can change and turn around and yet still seem the same. A New Beginning I was still cleaning when I heard Andrew call my name. I stopped what I was doing and went into the Kitchen.. the small table had been set and he was standing behind one of the chairs waiting for me to sit in it.. As I approached he pulled it out and as I sat, he pushed it in, what a gentleman.. He leaned in and gently kissed my neck, sending tingling sensations up and down my spine causing me to shiver... and smile.. He informed me that Claire and told him that I loved French Onion Soup and so he made it for me, Using his personal special recipe for French Onion Soup today for lunch.. as a small surprise to welcome me home, and he also told me that he had missed me.. I simply smiled up at him and thanked him for such a kind and special gesture.. After a moment, I winked at him, again smiling, and admitted that I had missed him as well. The lunch was fabulous and we chatted while we ate, talking about how we had both gotten to where we were and how happy we both were. as well as How Blessed we both felt to have the life we had. It was a wonderful meal, the soup was like nothing I had ever tasted and I made him promise he would make it for me again soon.. I just loved it!! and we talked about my attempted suicide and how it had scared him so badly and that he had blamed himself for being the cause and it took a long time to realize that it was just another step in our all becoming who we all were.. and that Claire and made him realize it was no one's fault, it was just poor timing and things had just gotten out of hand.. After Lunch, I took off the maid outfit and took a nice long relaxing shower. then I re- styled my hair from the plain "no one will pay attention to a house servant look", to the I am a beautiful sexy woman and you WILL!! pay attention to me style and then of course the makeup had to match, which I assure you it did!! And then I changed into more of what I considered a more appropriate cultured lady of the house attire.. I was ready!! for Claire tonight!! She was going to get a work out for sure.. Lunch with Andrew had pushed some buttons and i needed them un-pushed, if you know what I mean.. giggle.... The phone rang and Andrew called to me and said I should pick up! that it was Claire. I picked up the phone and before I could say more than hello, Claire was telling me she was on her way to the air port, that there was an emergency she had to handle in the Paris Office and that she would be gone a week! I was stunned and couldn't speak! I knew this could and at some point would happen, but we had barely been back from our honeymoon a week, and she would be gone already and for so long... It was such a shock and disappointment.. Then Claire asked if I wanted to fly to Paris with her? That Andrew could get me to the air port on time, it was the company jet so it would wait for me.. At first I was considering it when Claire continues to tell me the meetings could last hours or days., she did not know if she would even be able to see me much less spend any time with me even if I was there. I Thanked Claire for her being so thoughtful, and then told her I would rather wait here in our lovely HOME for her and that I loved her and no matter how long it took I would be here waiting, that I had plans for when she got home. then I giggled. After hearing me giggle she burst into laughter and said I was such a sassy little girl and that she loved me with all her heart, and that she would call as often as was possible.. We said our goodbyes and I just slumped down into the couch holding my head in my hands feeling so alone and empty.. I hated when Claire had to do this, I hated not seeing her for so long.. She was like the air I breathed, without her I had no life I was empty and alone.. such was the life of the wife of a successful CEO business woman... Andrew came in and sat next to me, he gently put his arm around me and lay his head to mine and gently rocked me. Not saying a word, as no words were needed, he knew! and he wanted to help me feel less alone and he wanted me to know that I was very much loved.. We sat that way foe sometime before he kissed me on the cheek and asked if i would care to go for a ride along the coast... He was such a thoughtful person, he knew I loved the ocean and would go there when I was feeling down.. I looked into those deep green eyes, smiled and told him I would love to go for a ride with him down to the coast.. He gave me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, rose, helped me up and went out to the garage to get us a car for the ride.. I checked my face and hair one more time and walked out onto the driveway area.. as Andrew pulled up in the beautiful Black Jaguar sedan that I loved to ride in.. What a sweetie he was always thinking about me and what I enjoyed. He hurried to the passenger side and opened up the door for me and I gracefully slid into the seat as he closed the door. He entered the driver's door, slid into the leather seat , closed the door with a thud! and we were off! I sat back and laid my head against the headrest and closed my eyes... I just floated down the road in this sleek wonderful car and felt so alive and lucky to be loved by two wonderful people.. and that thought caused my eyes to pop open wide!!! did I just admit that Andrew loved me and that I knew it and more importantly I enjoyed the idea and the feeling it gave me..? Here we go again!! Confused and afraid.. why?? damn it!! NOT NOW!! life was good.. and Claire and I were married and I knew we were deeply in love and we trusted one another without question, so why was I questioning myself?? Why was I getting more and more upset and afraid? again?? I suddenly heard Andre's voice which brought me back into reality, We are here sweetheart, would you like to walk on the beach for a while?? Without hesitation I said Yes Dear, thank you that would be just lovely.. Andrew just smiled as my eyes grew wide in the sudden realization I had just called him Dear, and being the Gentleman that he is, he said nothing.. for which I was grateful. A new reality. The car rolled to a gentle stop and Andrew exited his side of the car then walked around to my side of the car and as always, opened the door and held my hand gently as I exited from the car. He then put his finger under my chin, and lifted my face and while I was being drawn into those green pools he calls eyes, he kissed me on my lips, It was slow and sensuous and I just put both my hands on his huge chest and kissed him back.. It felt really good, I felt loved and safe, I felt like any other woman must when a man as gentle and wonderful as Andrew is in her life and he kisses her the way Andrew was kissing me.. I was melting.. I had no idea where I was or who I was , how long we had been kissing or would continue to kiss, only that I was being kissed and that kiss was like nothing I had ever experienced in my life. OMG!! I was so in Love with Andrew!! it hit me like a ton of Bricks!! I pushed him away and gasped when the thought went through my mind, I went cold, my head started to spin, OH shit!! NOT again!! then I fainted. As I slowly regained my awareness. I realized I was not on the ground. I just allowed myself time to just feel and try to think about where i might be. I finally opened my eyes and there was Andrew looking into my eyes and I opened them and he had this be silly happy grin on his face and I almost laughed at him and then I realized I was in the car.. Andrew had caught me before I had hit the ground, carried me over to the car and laid me on back seat of the car so I would be clean and comfortable... He was such a sweetheart! I struggled to sit up and Andrew helped me.. my head was pounding and he was telling me that he was so sorry that he didn't mean to upset me again that he seemed to do that a lot.. and I just waved him off and told him it was ME, not him.. and that he should not blame himself because I was so insecure and confused about so many things.. I was the one who totally changed not only their looks but their life as well as their body and it was taking me time to adjust. I also explained that I was still getting use to the feminine feelings that were bombarding me concerning him. That I thought I was falling in Love with him and it really scared me that I didn't know what to do or how to handle those feelings.. I was scared to death.. Andrew just smiled and said he understood and that it would all work out.. He asked if I trusted him, I had to tell him the truth and I said yes without hesitation. With that he smiled again and kissed me again and just said good. He helped out form the car and asked if I wanted to continue our walk or would I rather go home, I chose to remain with him and continue our walk along the beach . We both turned and he put his arm around me and I just let him do it, the feeling of being safe just covered me like a warm Blanket, and I was as happy as anyone could be. W started walking and talking along the beautiful shore line. We kept the talk to just busy chatter, I was Not ready to talk about anything that could be remotely considered serious. I was feeling nervous and vulnerable.. I was still unsure of my feelings or the why or what of this situation and I needed time to run it through my mind. undistracted by heavy formed thoughts. But at the root I knew I was in Love with Andrew and wanted to be with him, as any normal woman would want. The Bounds form and the feelings grow. After a time we just walked and I laid my head on his shoulder feeling his warmth and the strength of the arm holding me... WE had stopped talking and were just both thinking i guess, when Andrew spoke first.. I do love you and have since the first time i met you.. Claire and told me that would happen and she was right. I Had no intention of falling for either of you, but now I can't think of my life without you both.. Both of us?? Yes, both of you... I love Claire too and I know she loves you and wants nothing but the best for you, but I can't help it, I love her, she is a wonderful person and one sexy woman, just like you. Claire and I met Just before her promotion and she was looking for an assistant, she knew she was going to be running all over the place and not have time to take care of the house or you. she was first and foremost concerned about you! and your happiness. During our first meeting she swore me to secrecy and then explained everything to me... The Love and caring that I heard that day was it! I knew I would die for her and I would do whatever was needed to make hers and your life the very best.. And when you came home from the clinic, I could not believe you had been born a male, you were all woman and sexy as hell! I had a hard time not just staring at you.. You were and are breath taking to me... and as time went on and I got to know you and watch you grow I knew that I was falling in Love with you as well. I listened, wide eyed and my mouth was open in disbelief.. Again, proof that my loving wife and been cheating with Andrew even before I had finished the treatments, she had planned everything down to the final detail. But, as I listened to Andrew, I saw the love in his eyes and heard the sincerity in his voice, I relaxed and realized I had NOT been cheated on, that he had done what he had been hired for, and that was to protect and take care of Claire and me. And he had done so with Love, style and class. He was nothing, if not stylish and classy, that was for sure. I just felt so safe with him, I knew he would never lie or hurt me, so I just enjoyed our time together as we walked along the beach and enjoyed the view, as well and the ocean breezes, this was just wonderful. Finally, Andrew suggested we head back to the car and then stop for dinner, at the same Restaurant we had eaten at when I first came home from the clinic, I looked into his big loving eyes and smiled while nodding my agreement. We turned and returned to the car, we did not talk on the way back, neither one of us had anything to say. I just laid my head against his big strong arm and shoulder and he held me close next to him, and I felt totally loved and safe. Once we arrived at the car, Andrew opened my door and I slid into the plush leather seat and just leaned back and allowed the wonderful feelings to wash over me, feeling What any young woman would have who had fallen in love with a wonderful man like Andrew. And that was really scaring me.. Surrender. We arrived at the restaurant in a short time and I must have dozed off, happy and relaxed from sharing a wonderful afternoon with Andrew and the amazing ocean breezes. Andrew had opened my door and gently kissed my cheek to awaken me. As I opened my eyes, I couldn't help it, I smiled the biggest smile I had ever smiled at him and he offered his hand and I exited the car being helped to my feet by my wonderful knight in a Black suit. Giggle, I was giddy with almost childish delight in being with him, it was wonderful and scary at the same time, I was having a difficult time understanding what I was feeling. I was a married woman and here I was swooning over this hunk of a man.. This was all still so new to me, I loved Claire my Husband?? and I enjoyed women, I wasn't really aroused or attracted to men, at least I had not been attracted to men in the past.. Seems some things have changed for sure! But that didn't change the fact that I was married to Claire and I loved her, and I did not want to cheat on her, no matter how attracted to Andrew I had become. I had to get this under control and I had to do it here and NOW!! I was determined to stop this silliness once and for all!! I am a married woman!! Married women do not act this way.. I turned towards Andrew and he looked down at me and as I started to speak he Kissed me, and it was a kiss that made me forget we were standing in a parking lot, a kiss that made my new vagina very moist and tingly.. I almost fell to my knees, if Andrew had not put his strong arms around me and held me up I would have.. OMG!!! This is NOT!! what was supposed to happen! As Andrew stepped back, he just held my hand and smiled at me. All I could do was give him a silly smile back, my mind was spinning and my panties were wet and I was more confused than ever! Andrew turned to walk into the Restaurant and I pulled on his hand, causing him to stop and look back at me. Are you alright darling?? he said.. I was so stunned all I could do was slowly shake my head no. Andrew pulled me to him and asked what is wrong?? I couldn't speak, I laid my head against his chest and just sobbed, I was broken, I was just completely broken.. Hearing my sob, Andrew asked, would you rather go home and rest? at which I slowly nodded and started to walk back towards the car. Andrew also walked to the car and opened the door for me.. gently squeezing my hand as I slide back into the seat. Once in the car I pushed the button that raised the privacy panel up between Andrew and myself, and then I just fell apart. I fell across the seat and cried, I cried for the loss of David, I cried for the loss of the life I had given up, I cried for feeling the way I did about Andrew and that I had betrayed Claire.. and then I just cried to just cry. it was all that was left to do. I had fallen in Love with a man! with Andrew!! and I had betrayed my loving wife's trust. I could do nothing more but just give in to it.. I had lost the will to fight it any longer. The world did NOT end. Finally I was able to stop crying and I looked into my little mirror and saw that I was a mess! I quickly grabbed my purse and pulled out my tissues an started to remove the black lines running down my cheeks and began to put myself back together again.. And just as I finished, Andrew opened the door and with a concerned look on his face, announced that we had arrived home. I smiled at him and he seemed to relax a little and I took his hand and slide out of the car.. as I stood up I leaned in and kissed him.. This time it was my turn to make HIS knees weak!. He pulled me to him in a crush of a hug and I just melted into him and felt safe and happy. I also felt his rather large lump pressing against my thigh!! Which put a huge smile on my face. We let go of each other and he was a bit flushed as I am sure was I.. this was NOT the way I had wanted this to go, but Claire had said once that he was for BOTH of us!, so was this really wrong?? I wasn't so sure anymore and at that moment I just didn't care, I am so sorry Claire if this is wrong, because it just feels soooooo right, like right NOW!! And I pulled Andrew towards the house.. and we both briskly walked into the house and he scooped me up into his arms and once again carried me up those stairs to what I was sure would be Heaven on earth! Andrew carried me into my room and laid me on the bed while kissing me.. our lips pressed hard together our tongues dancing and fighting to gain the advantage neither finding it, and I started to remove his jacket, which he was quick to help me with, then he helped me roll over and he unzipped my dress.. and I stood up letting it fall to the floor, standing there in just my bra panties garter belt and stocking, Andrews eyes almost popped out of his head! I lost it I started to laugh!! and giggle, I suddenly realized that this is what I had wanted!! more than anything.. to be lusted after and desired!! by a handsome man!! OMG!!! Andrew ripped his shirt off, buttons popping and flying everywhere! OMG!! he was going out of his mind with lust for me, I grabbed the belt an unbuckled it and unzipped his pants and they dropped to the floor and joined my dress. I was also in lust and then I heard him say you are PERFECT!! FUCK!!! he used the trigger word! not that he needed to mind you , but it sure couldn't hurt. hahaha, I fell to my knees and grasped his raging cock with my slim fingers and my red manicured nails wrapped around that wonderful lusting manhood of his, began to pump it. and pull it closer to my hungering mouth. He groaned with pleasure and anticipation of what was to come.. no pun intended. I felt the tip of that wonderful cock against my lips and my tongue flicked out to touch the bulging tip to cause another groan and his legs were shaking by this time.. I wasted no more time and inhaled him as best I could.. it was wonderful, he tasted so good to me and it was stretching my lips and jaw to the max.. He is huge! and I was going out of my mind as well I wanted him, I want to taste him, feel him, possess him. I wanted HIM!! and now!! I was going as fast as I could as deep as I could and he was moaning and shaking.. I was slobbering all over that big beautiful cock to lube it and I was using my hand fingers, lips, tongue, I was using everything I could to please him, and how I wanted to please him.. Oh my!! He kept saying it PERFECT!! PERFECT!!! over and over and it was ramping up my desire and need.. I was a foaming at the mouth slut!! I wanted cock!! OMG!! I wanted that!! cock!! finally I felt it, I had him in my throat! and I was not gagging.. I had him!! and I was going to drain him! I was going to turn HIM into a foaming at the mouth slut! for me! I heard him almost scream in ecstasy as he climaxed down my throat and filled my tummy with his seed... he couldn't move.. I owned him! he was mine as big as he was he was helpless!! and I had him in my grip!! and there was nothing he could do about it.. he just kept coming and coming it was amazing.. finally he just slumped and I released him and steered him towards the bed and he sat down. I gently licked and cleaned him up .. he fell back exhausted and spent. Hell NO!! I was having NONE of that spent stuff! I was not done with him yet! I kept licking and kissing his magnificent cock, and then I started to slip him back into the warm folds of my lips and mouth, slowly gently I sucked, licked and worked up and down that wonderful shaft that was going to pleasure me.. and slowly it started to respond, if nothing else, Andrew was healthy and always ready for more it seems.. He was moaning again in pleasure and that made me very happy indeed. suddenly he grabbed my head and pulled me up that gorgeous body of his and did the most sexy and romantic thing a guy can do, he kissed me deep and hard! I know he tasted cum in my mouth, but he didn't care, he wanted me!! and he also tasted me!! and that was all that mattered to him no silly worries about manhood or being gay or whatever other stupid thing guys worry about in that moment.. he just kissed me strong and loving.. and I responded to him, by now my vagina was a river, I know, I know, transsexuals are not supposed to be able to lubricate without help, well honey, Andrew could get a marble statue to lubricate!!! he rolled me off him and I was on my back!! where I wanted to be.. Just then his hand cupped my pussy and I felt his fingers eagerly enter and my hips rose to meet the attack, eager to enter the battle. As he manipulated my vaginal lips and stroked the inside of my eager vagina, I felt his thumb touch my clit,, fireworks went off in my head and I totally lost it!! my hips were not mine to control anymore, they belonged to Andrew and I danced the dance he wanted me to do.. up down sideways pushing pulling just trying to get it all! how I wanted him.. I screamed out for him to fuck me!! and grabbed his hand and pulled him up until I felt the tip of his cock at the entrance of my eager pussy, and I pulled one last time really hard! and he understood.. he entered me hard!! I was so wet and ready that while I was still a virgin as far and real cock was concerned, he just slipped right in and my head exploded!!! I felt him hit the end of my vagina A new understanding It was like nothing I had ever felt in my life or even dared to dream... this was what I had wanted my whole life Claire knew it , she tried to tell me, she tried to show me but I just didn't understand. And it was Claire who gave it to me.. In this instance I knew this is what Claire had meant and wanted for me all along to be ME!! to feel! all the feelings that a woman feels and have the desires that a woman has.. I wasn't cheating, I was fulfilling her desire for me and I was loving it, and her for believing in and Loving me so much as to give me this wonderful gift. Andrew was pounding me like a mad man, it was wonderful beyond words, our bodies were going up and down rocking the bed back and forth, he was strong the force of him shoving into me so deeply took my breath away, it drove it out of my lungs.. I was helpless to stop him,, not that I wanted to or that it crossed my mind , I wanted more!! I wanted it harder and I screamed it out like a whore and he grunted and responded like a animal in heat and I was his Bitch!!! YES!!! and then I felt it.. an itch that grew, a tingling that grew stronger and bigger and spread like an electrical charge all over my body and then.............I saw stars!! my body locked up!! I started shaking and shivering and the emotions and feelings that came flooding into me were wonderful and intense, almost painful. and then I screamed out his name and an instant later I screamed out Claire's name and then, thank you, thank you, thank you, over and over. I must have fainted, as I came to I was holding on to Andrew who had me wrapped in those strong arms of his safe and sound. He was smiling at me. and I returned his smile with one of my own. What are you thinking he asked. I am thinking that I have been set up again!! and started giggling. Andrew got this funny look on his face that started me laughing.. what on earth do you mean by that he asked in his cute innocent manner. Which only caused me to laugh even harder. Don't play Mr. innocent with me!! He just smiled and leaned back onto his pillow knowing this was going to be GOOD!. You and Claire set me up!! She knew about the damn trip all along and also knew that I wouldn't want to go and you BOTH knew you could seduce me, so you set me up!! Claire wanted this to happen!! she wanted me to get my brains fucked silly and you to do it!! Andrew started laughing so hard he was crying and holding his stomach.. stop!! he pleaded your killing me, he laughed, YES!!! Claire set you and ME up!! Not that I wasn't a willing victim, but it was NOT my idea.. Claire had spoken to me before she even hired me and explained she knew from the start that you were really a woman inside just dying to get out! That she really was a lesbian and fell in love with the woman in you.. that is why your sex life was so bad,, she couldn't deal with David, it was Angela she loved all along. Claire was just waiting for her birth! The TRUTH finally you gave her the opportunity to help you be born and she jumped at it full speed ahead!! like she does with everything she wants. Angela, make NO mistake, Claire would die for you, she loves you that much, she wants you to be deliriously happy. Claire feels that you suffered enough hiding for all those years in the dark, she wants your life in the light to be the best years they can be and I know it bothers and worries her that when we make love you may want me more than her and that she would lose you.. she is more afraid of losing you than you realize.. she is terrified.. she swore that if that happened she would just walk away and not interfere, that if I was what you wanted in the end she would not stop you.. she loves you that much. I sat there and it was my turn to be wide eyed and in shock.. Boy am I stupid!! and in that instance I knew what I needed to do!!! I kissed Andrew and jumped out of bed, grabbed my silk robe and ran to get my cell phone out of my purse. I dialed the number Claire had left for me and waited as I heard it ring at the other end.. A meek and tiny voice answered the phone, hello? I said hello and then over and over said I love you I love you until I heard wait!! wait!! and I stopped.. Angela what is wrong?? Oh my god!! I shrieked, nothing is wrong!!! I squealed.. what could possibly be wrong.. I have just had great sex with a lovely man and I wanted to thank my loving caring wife for her selfless gift. There was silence and then I heard a ragged sob.. I was really scared now, I asked are you alright Claire?? There was another moment as I heard her clear her throat. Claire??? I called again, then I heard her emotional response, in a quiet voice she said "I love you with all my heart" with that I started to cry.. and tell her how I knew everything and that I loved her more than life and that I was so lucky to be allowed in her life much less be loved by her. There was another loud sob and a thank God at the other end.. then silence.. Claire I called are you there?? YES she shouted and I will always be here!! I will never leave you again! EVER!! I started laughing and said you are never coming home? you are staying in Paris?? No, no, she laughed, of course not, of course I am coming home! Oh and by the way, I am NOT in Paris either. she said.. I hesitated a bit confused, what!? no I am in the office downtown, and I will be home tonight. What!? what do you mean??? Sweetheart, after you had your breakdown because of having made love to Andrew while you still had that growth between your legs, I knew that you needed to know what it was like to be free to do it and enjoy it as a full fledged woman, without guilt, I knew that you had to know what it was like to have wanton sex as a woman and really enjoy it without the emotional baggage of feeling gay or any of that silliness. so I made up the trip, I knew you would not want to come, and I also knew Andrew was more than eager to have you again.. and that he also loves you as much he loves me. Andrew is our gift to each other dear, he is like a tool and we can use him to scratch that special itch women get from time to time even lesbians' get it if they are honest. I love being a wife. I just smiled and thanked Claire again for her gift and that I was so looking forward to her coming home, l then added to not expect to do much except be made love to all night and that was NOT a request. Claire just giggled and we hung up after saying our good byes and love yous'. Andrew came down and as he passed through, he smiled at me.. I used my finger to summon him to me.. As he approached he asked is everything alright?? I smiled and said it was better than alright and I kissed him until his knees shook. then I stopped and said Thank you for this afternoon, you pleased me.. He blinked and said It was my pleasure miss. Miss?? what is that all about?? Hmmmmm I will have to ask Claire. I went back up stairs and took a nice long shower and which time I realized how sore I was. hahaha I am NOT complaining at all.. If you have to be sore, that is the best way to do it. Soon Claire was home and I ran to meet her, I grabbed her and hugged her and kissed her with all the passion I could and she just melted into my arms, I knew I had her right where I wanted her well almost, we still had to get to the bed room giggle.. Now it was my turn.. I had a secret that was about to be shared.. I was nervous, I was not sure how Claire would react.. as we almost ran up the stars. I heard Andrew chuckle and that chuckle, put an evil grin on my face, Claire had no idea what was going to happen and I was going to really enjoy this.. We entered the bed room , I kicked the door shut as we kicked off our shoes undid zippers and buttons working our way across the room to her king size bed.. we were finally in our stockings and bras, Claire was a sight to sexy and beautiful.. I undid her bra and as it fell away her beautiful breasts burst out and I captured one of her nipples in my lips and began to suck gently,, she went weak and we fell on the bed, I never let go I was attached to her like a determined child suckling at her mother's breast.. I was NOT letting go ever!! Claire moaned and held me tight, telling me how much she loved me and was so afraid of losing me.. my heart soared!! I assured her that would never happen and that I Loved her as much or more.. and then I did it!! I said "you are my Queen!!" with that said, she suddenly went stiff, her eyes glazed over and she was all mine!! What Claire was not aware of until now and when she woke would forget was, that when I went in for my surgery, I spoke to the one doctor who had befriended me at the clinic, she had a bit of a crush on me and respected both Claire and I for being so open and loving with each other unlike most to the clients she worked with. I had asked her if it was possible to implant a trigger phrase without the person knowing it was done. And with that cute evil smile of hers, she said of course!.. We do it all the time for wives who want to make their cheating husbands suffer.. I A lesson from the past. I asked her how it was done, she explained it in detail and I knew it was what I wanted for Claire!!! I thought it was time she knew what it was like to be totally out of control and in someone else's control. After a few minutes of my practically begging her, the Doctor agreed to set everything up for me making me promise I would never abuse the power that a trigger phrase would give me, which I did without hesitation. Claire was asked to wait in a very comfortable waiting area, While I was in surgery. Unknown to her it was the room they always used to implant the trigger words or phrases in.. it had special televisions and sound systems in it, Plus an air system that would fill the room with a gas that helped to put the person into a light suggestible level of relaxation and they would not realize it until it was way too late if even then. I had asked the Doctor to make the trigger Phrase for Claire "you are my Queen" because I remembered what had happened with Andrew and myself by accident.. I did not want that to happen to Claire. I wanted it to be ME! who triggered her.. not a stranger or friend by accident. I also had my motives, you see I had met another girl that Claire had dated for a while, so I was also very aware that Claire liked women. In talking with her one night, I learned tht Claire was very dominate and loved to control her lovers in all ways. Claire was a Dominatrix to the letter! and she loved latex, leather, whips, crops, spanking, bondage the whole package. Claire and confided in her that while I was very easy going and did not argue with her about things, she was afraid that I would be scared off if she tried to train me as her submissive love slave the way she had trained this woman. As I had become Angela more and more completely and became more convincingly perfect as I had wanted, Claire had told her that it was really hard NOT to dominate me and train me to serve her. That it was very frustrating for her, so she had just decided to be happy with me as I was, or at least as she thought I was, the beautiful loving Vanilla woman she loved and wanted to marry. Now here is where the real secret comes in, I had always wondered about BDSM and I was afraid to tell Claire as I thought SHE would leave me, for being a pervert!! , I had thought the dressing would freak her out enough without that too. That is so funny now, looking back on that day and that conversation. So after I had been at the clinic and figured out Claire wanted me on those hormones and she wanted me brainwashed and pumped full of trigger words and phrases, I had more or less decided to admit my desires to be dominated by her to her after I got home. the fly in that idea was that I did not realize the extent of how i had been programmed and after that amazing sexual adventure with Andrew had torn me apart, I decided to wait, again I was unsure what to do about it. When I got back home after I recovered from my suicide attempt and Claire had asked me to marry her, plus take the final step into woman hood, I started thinking about it again. And I called my Friend the doctor at the clinic to talk to her about my feelings and to figure out if those feelings were MINE or programming. The Doctor assured me that Claire had made it clear that she did NOT want anything like that in the training.. That she loved me and wanted me to decide if I wanted to give myself completely to her that way or not, without being programmed to do it. So then i thought about it and put my plan together, i wanted whatever happened to make Claire and Andrew happy, they both deserved that, they had both done so much for me and shown so much love. I also decided that I wanted it to be permanent with no way back except by the Clinic undoing the training at my request. That no one would know or remember anything being different once I had started the ball rolling. I knew Claire wanted it that way anyway, so there shouldn't be any problems and to assure that , the programming wiped her memory as well as mine so we could NOT undo it once done! The New Future Begins And back to the here and NOW, Claire was on the bed, her lovely body ready.. her sex drive in high gear and she was stiff as a board in need.. a need she had not known for some time. She started to shake and moan and as her eyes fluttered opened, she said suck my breasts "you little bitch!!" and that was MY new trigger word and I suddenly felt so totally submissive and I needed to obey, after all "she was my Queen". I took her nipple back into my mouth and she moaned even louder.. pulling my face tighter against her breast.. I was in heaven, I wanted to please her, I desperately needed to please her and then she moved my face to her other breast and I repeated my actions again licking, sucking kneading her breast driving her higher for what seemed like hours. she suddenly pushed me away and commanded me to kiss her pussy.. and worship her, as a proper slave should.. I shuddered hearing those words, they were the words that locked everything in place.. I was her slave now and forever.. never to be released unless the Doctor at the clinic did it, as I had arranged. This would cause Claire to thrust he hips into my face and pull my hair in the effort if getting my mouth and lips tighter against her vagina and that was what I wanted too. I kissed her lips and ran my tongue inside her moist opening and she shuddered as she arched her back and ordered me to stop teasing her and make her cum! I found what I was looking for and gently sucked her clitoris into my lips. her breathing was labored and rapid, she was really close.. I knew she was mine and within seconds my sucking and licking sent her over the edge with a scream that I was sure they heard 50 mile away.. It was like no other orgasm she had ever had, she violently came off the bed, it was all I could do to control her actions, she just kept Cumming and Cumming and her head was wiping back and forth, her hair was flying and she was beautiful. She was screaming and moaning and shaking telling me what a good slave I was and how much she loved me and how well i had pleased her like no other slave had. In that instant I knew I had made the right choice, I also knew that Andrew would be very happy as well. I was sure, Mistress would include him in our new life. Mistress?? you may ask. Yes as because of the trigger word I had planted in Claire and myself, Claire was now my dominate Mistress, it was what SHE had really wanted and this was my gift to her.. You see because there is no way for me to undo her trigger Phrase since I had also heard my trigger phrase which caused me to become 100% submissive to her and the only thought I would ever have for the rest of our lives would be to please and obey her. Plus the second I had heard it, my memory was wiped as clean as Claire's had been, so I had no idea we had ever been any other way .. all according to plan. So I had lovingly trapped us both into this and we would never doubt our Love our marriage or feel fear of loss ever again.. You see as her loving slave I was totally Committed and completely hers to command. I would never ever be able to leave her, and she being in total control and knowing she had broken me so that I depended on her for everything she would never leave me either. Which now brings in Andrew. You see Andrew is really a Dominate master, he was holding back , but he did manage to manipulate me when he wanted to because he knew how to do it and he also knew the clinic had increased my submissiveness. and he used that against me. Not that I was complaining.. And after our earth shattering love fest that afternoon I had admitted to Andrew my desire to be Claire's love slave as well as his. And so Now we All had what we wanted, I was a happily married woman in love and loved without a single doubt by my Mistress and I would also be Andrews wife as well., it was perfect for all of us. That was what she meant the first day I came back from the clinic, only she did not realize it would become so true. The Here and Then We now live a quiet life, when I or Claire are not screaming in ecstasy. Andrew also smiles a lot these days. Yes it is very interesting being a married dominated woman, much better than being a married man, I can assure you of that. Some of you may think I was foolish to do that to myself and I have to answer, with I didn't.. Claire did it to me, my own Mother did it to me, my Father did it to me, the beauty school did it to me and the Clinic finished it off, there is no one person or place who did this to me. Yes in the end, I locked the door and sealed our fate for all of us, I was meant to do it, I was a set up from the start to do it, I never had a chance.. I had always had a strange feeling that I was different, and yes, I did cross dress in secret, My friends all seemed to just accept me as the shy skinny kid, so I figured they didn't know and so I didn't think there was anything about dressing was that bad.. The then and Now. I got through high school and made friends, mostly girls, the jocks left me alone because i wasn't a threat to them and I helped them with their classes etc. I was treated okay and graduated without being bullied or pushed around like some of the other boys., I was just me and they seemed to like me, go figure. And after graduation, I was accepted to a good business college and I thought i would learn all I could so I could either start my own company get rich and not have to worry any more about money or run one. And it was there in college that I met Claire, she was beautiful motivated and really smart, smarter than me that was and is for sure. I could not believe she liked me at first this skinny nerdy kid with long hair and almost no muscle struggling to get decent grades and not get kicked out. She listened to me when I talked to her and seemed really interested in what I had to say. Claire also helped me with my classes and my grades improved, not as good as hers mind you , but okay enough not to get kicked out and graduate. I got out before Claire did, we had fallen in love and moved in together and after I had graduated, I worked my ass off, so she could stay in school and get her Doctorate degree, she was that! smart, she kept telling me it was for OUR! future.. and how I loved her At one point I told Claire about my cross dressing and she just listened and made no judgments, but she did say she would love to see me dressed at which point I told her no, I was the man and I should act like one. Thinking back to that day I had missed the sadness in her little smile, and little did I know that in the end she would get her way and then some.. Well I guess that about sums it up, I am now a happily married transsexual woman who is 100% submissive thanks to modern science and I have a Totally 100% dominate Wife and husband and we are all happy. and enjoy our new life immensely.. Only time will tell how deep down the rabbit hole Claire and Andrew will take me, it is safe to say they are not finished training me. I now love leather, rubber and have found Bondage is the new high for me.. along with chastity and being teased, plugged etc, But that is yet another story.. so please excuse me, Master Andrew has just come in and commanded me to kneel and worship his magnificent cock, so if you will please excuse this slave as I perform my wifely duties. I so love ............................... " my life as a WIFE!"

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I was still hard of course. I proceeded to flip her over the arm of the couch and pushed my tongue straight into her anus sending another jolt through her body. I learned later nobody had ever done that to her. I spat on her anus (actually, she was so lubed up from her vaginal flow her butt was already slick) and slowly pushed my cock into her back canal. I found out later she had never allowed anyone to do that to her before.She knew immediately she’d really been missing out. Within a minute...

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This happened to me about 4 years after I married my first wife. I was in the air force and my squadron had been sent to Europe for 65 days on temporary duty. As it happened, I got to come home early, and I decided to surprise my wife by not telling her I would be comming home. My wife, Debbie, played cards with my buddies wifes every Tuesday night while their husbands were away. I got a ride to my house and walked in. Sure enough, there was Debbie, Sandy, Cheryl and Beth, sitting at the...

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Becoming a Housewife

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One moment, you are in bed, and the next, you are standing in your underwear outside a gate which seems to be the entrance to a park. A man in a white uniform greets you. "Hello," he says. "Welcome to Afterlife, the place you go when you die. Normally, I would check you in," he tells you, "but today, we are short on staff and our maximum has been reached. So instead, you get to go back to Earth, as a different person. Choose."

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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 2

Molly came to consciousness as a vagina -- a very tight one. A new one. It hurt. “Oh, Daphne, oh, baby...” The penis got deep enough into Daphne to wake up the clan. “What the hell is going on?” came a loud voice, very close by. It could be no one else but Adam. “Hi, Adam,” said Molly quickly. “Don’t worry. You’re dead. You come alive when your descendants have sex.” The penis poked in and out, the live boy gasping. “What? Come off it!” shouted Adam. “Yes, Daphne, yes!” said the boy,...

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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 6

“Dad, I’ve gotta say, that was the nicest dinner we’ve had in a long time. It’s really nice when you don’t make those digs about, ‘When do I get my grandchild?’” Zach’s stomach went cold. If she only knew... As they drove back from the fancy restaurant in the big city to her suburban home, Jen’s eyes drooped. A few minutes later her eyes were shut, mouth open a bit. “Hey, Jen?” he asked. “Jen?” “Huh?” she said very groggily, then went back to sleep. The drug was taking effect. Five...

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The smell of steaming rice and the fumes of teriyaki sauce being painted on soft, juicy chicken enter the room, setting the mood for the usual dinner. Mother always cooked like this of Fridays. This is the only day of the week that Father would come home early from work and the only time where I can converse with him. It's quiet in the kitchen at this time. Mother and Father isn't on good terms right now. The absence of Father from the home worried Mother. She would come up with the most...

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LifelineChapter 14

I arrived at the county lockup before breakfast was served. The guard let me bring in an unopened container of yogurt and a bottle of skim milk for my client. Desmond "Tiny" Huntley grinned when he came in and sat down across from me. His grin grew when he saw he had a choice of a healthy breakfast instead of the runny eggs, grits, bacon and coffee that were served every morning at the jail. "You'll be going home today," I said. He was pulling the top off the yogurt and he stopped. He...

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Well we had only been married a short time and Lisa was almost two moths pregnant but a wild animal in bed willing to try most anything so we were screwing everyplace and she was curious about my past experiences and was a little pissed that I had been with more girls than she had with boys but she pestered me for details so I began to make up things and one thing I had heard about was exotic massages and that really turned her on so we went on the web and started looking over sites and found...

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We had friends over and everyone had to much to drink and had left except for Josh our black neighbor my wife Peggy was sitting there in a stupor and I was pretty wasted myself. He finally asked if I needed help getting her to bed and I thanked him so he lifted her off the chair and like a dead person she hung there in his arms as I made my way upstairs to our bedroom the whole house seamed to be swaying as I made my way down the hall and I collapsed into the chair beside her makeup table as he...

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It had taken years to get my wife comfortable with the idea of hypnosis. She finally consented when she began having trouble sleeping. When I assured her that she could sleep better through a post-hypnotic suggestion, she agreed to try it. Once under, she was given a key word which would make her relax and available to other suggestions. That was when the fun began. Knowing something about hypnosis, I realized that the power of a suggestion weakens over time unless it is constantly...

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Chapter 1 Lance Oxley left the prison as he had started, alone, clothed in his plaid shirt, white t-shirt and ripped jeans. He had lost a little weight, but they still fit even all this time. Why the prison still held onto his clothes was beyond him. In his pockets he had $172 and loose change, a plastic toothpick, and a key chain with two keys, a rabbit’s foot and a silver bottle opener. After 24 years locked away he was not prepared for what the world had to offer. He was regarded as a bad...

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Sultry SlutWife

I never imagined myself being married to a career-focused man. Since I was sixteen, I needed to be fucked almost on an hourly basis. Then, I met Daniel, my surprising knight in shining armor. In the heyday of our passion, we’d fuck maybe three times a month. Not much has changed, but I found a way to sate my needs.A year after we married, I started stripping at a high-profile club two towns over. Six times a week, I dance and strip up and down a dick-like pole. On more than one occasion, I’ve...

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A WifesFantasy

When I stepped into the bedroom I was unprepared for what happened next. Phillip my husband was behind the door completely naked and grabbed me by my ponytail and yanked me around to face him. “So my little slut are you ready to be mine?” He said more forcefully than I have ever heard him speak. My breath caught in my throat when with his free hand he reached over and squeezed my breast hard. Instantly I felt the nipples of my DD cup breast stand at attention. He realized this and with his...

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I watched Sarah. Amazed at the size cock that she was sucking. Naturally the other guy was larger but he was a grown man. The kid, I could see him better now, had a very large cock for his age, It was at least as large as mine of about eight inches. The man she had been sucking was the one from earlier in the week that I had sucked off with her. His thick eleven inch cock was large as he stroked it and watched Sarah suck the young boy, The man, John, got in between the legs of the young lad...

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Sarah should not have had a gleefuf look on her face as she licked the cock head. Sarah was doing this because the rent was due and I had just been laid off at the wrong time. As if there is a right time to be laid off, especially after we had returned from an expensive vacation. Two weeks of carefree days in the sun at the resort. It was a way to cope with the grind at work. It was Sarah's way to unwind after being coped up in the apartment while i worked. Sarah didn't work. She had been...

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The Cock Hungry Houswife

This particular story is about an older lady named Teresa Roberts. Teresa was having problems with her internet cutting in and out so she placed a trouble call for a tech to come out to her house and this is where I come in. As soon as I saw her, there was something about her that struck me the right way. She wasn’t incredibly hot and she didn’t have the tightest body in the world but there was something about her that made me want to fuck her. Teresa is only about 5’2” tall with...

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Anne Marie Kitten Book Store Slutwife

We had fooled around with some threesomes in years past. She has brought home a couple of her girlfriends for us to play with, and I have let her fuck around with two of my best friends while I watched. There is nothing that gets me hotter than picturing Anne Marie pleasing and being pleasured by another guy, but up until this point, I had always been present when she would take any cock other than mine. Needless to say, I was very surprised by the incidents that took place recently. My...

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Anne Marie Kitten Becoming a Slutwife

The following is an account of the first time Anne Marie ventured into the "slutwife" lifestyle. I had invited a good friend of mine named John to come hang out, drink a few beers and smoke a joint. I didn't tell Anne Marie he was coming by, instead I ran her a hot bath with bubbles and candles and wine, you know, the whole ball of wax. I know that usually after one of her special baths, she will put on a real sexy outfit for me and we will spend the evening making mad passionate...

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Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife

Anne Marie is 40, looks 27, and fucks like a 19 year old. She's tall, tanned skin, with long wild dirty-blond hair. Her legs and ass are perfect. I don't mean perfect for a 40 year old, I mean just perfect. Toned, rounded in all the right places and tight as a drum. Her 34 B tits are perky and her nipples (nipple ring on the left one) are always hard. We have been playing around with others for the last 14 or 15 years. I absolutely love to watch her with other men and women, and she...

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Neha the Indian Slutwife

My wife Neha and I, are happily married and like each other. We have a regular sex life and hence nothing unusual may be expected. We went once to Alibag, which is a beach resort near mumbai. The hotel Tropicana has large houses and we rented out one room for two nights. When we were having dinner we had another couple come a join us. Neha is hot and bossy. She runs her own IT consultancy and knows how to do it. She likes to dress in tight clothes and had one of those tight fitting dresses in...

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Anne Marie Kitten Becoming a Slutwife

Introduction: Well I wrote about her latest sexploits in Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife so I figured I should post the story about the first time she ever did another guy in front of me. My wife Anne Marie is in her early thirties, five ft. seven inches tall, with long dirty blond hair and dark chocolate eyes. She has awesome long legs, and a playboy bunny ass. Her breasts are small and firm, and her nipples are incredibly long and sexy when she is turned on. We have always been pretty open...

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Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife

Introduction: Anne Marie treated like a Slut in front of hubby I havent written about my hot wife in a while, so I figure its time to fill you in on her latest sexploit. Anne Marie is 40, looks 27, and fucks like a 19 year old. Shes tall, tanned skin, with long wild dirty-blond hair. Her legs and ass are perfect. I dont mean perfect for a 40 year old, I mean just perfect. Toned, rounded in all the right places and tight as a drum. Her 34 B tits are perky and her nipples (nipple ring on the...

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Introduction: Sarah and Jim fuck again It was only a couple of days later that I came to the house and there was a strange SUV in the driveway. I thought that my wife was busy with a customer so I looked in a window, at the side of the house, before I went bumbling in.Isaw Sarah in between a guys naked legs. She was naked also. Then I saw her move over and start sucking another cock, The other man was not a man at all but a young boy of about ten or twelve. His body was hidden by the man Sarah...

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I watched enthralled as the engorged, rigid, veined rod of flesh withdrew, glossy with moisture glistening on the thick, reddish mass that only partially evacuated the pulpy, tight clutch of my wife’s vaginal orifice. I held my breath involuntarily as the motion stopped and inexorably reversed, the meaty mass gradually disappearing into the dark recesses where I could only imagine her welcoming flesh grasping and lubricating the massive invader that penetrated her most intimate regions. Once...

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