Emma’s Bid For Marital Bliss free porn video

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My husband stood in front of me rubbing his bottom madly. Well he would as I had just finished spanking him, yet again. He just didn’t learn so I had to spank him again. It had only been two days since his last spanking after all. Not that I minded. He needed to be spanked and like any loving wife I saw it as my duty to spank him. I had several heavy wooden hairbrushes that helped make the pain intense.

I sat on my spanking chair with my arms crossed, one leg crossed over the other, and watched as he jumped from foot to foot whilst rubbing his bottom. He had been naughty and earned his spanking. Even so, his penis was erect as he looked at me through his tear filled eyes and we both knew that now he was, ‘good,’ again we would soon make up. In bed and having the greatest sex. Much better sex than before I started to spank him.

It was now a time honoured practice. I generally put him across my lap, bare bottom, well naked actually, and spanked him with my hand for at least fifteen minutes. Even I was surprised how long I could spank Dave’s bare bottom without stopping. Afterwards I used a hairbrush, which even I admit is a wicked looking wooden backed oval hairbrush. I never used it to brush my hair; just to spank Dave’s bottom. It made a delicious slapping sound as it thrashed down on his bare bottom, sending his scrumptious bottom cheeks flooding away in waves, and then those waves wobbled back in to place ready for the next spank. He cried out of course, loudly, and kicked his legs and squirmed around on my lap and the like; but I ignored all of that nonsense. Well I knew it hurt so expected him to react like that. Just so long as he stayed on my lap; and to his credit he did.

Now he stood in front of me, rubbing his bottom, with his penis wobbling up and down as he stepped from foot to foot. He was crying and apologising profusely. I stood up, held open my arms, and he collapsed in to them. I hugged him, rubbing his back, calming him down.

“I’m sorry, Emma,” he cried. I knew he meant it. He always did after I had spanked him.

I remained firm. “Well you should have thought more in the first place, Dave. Then I wouldn’t have to put you across my knee so often,” I said confidently, patting his warm bottom, whilst still hugging him.

“I know,” he whimpered. “I’ll try harder.” He rested his head on my shoulder and accepted my kindness. Just like any naughty boy after a good hard spanking.

I answered sternly, “Yes, you better had because otherwise I’ll be spanking you again very soon, won’t I?”

“Yes,” came the wet reply.

So as usual after a spanking I grabbed hold of his erect penis and squeezed, enjoying his gasp of pain. I led him to the bed and made him stand there watching me get undressed. His penis stiffened even further.

Once I was naked I sat on the side of the bed watched him take the rest of his clothes off. It got me aroused. I held his arm, turned him, and smacked his bottom several times. He gasped as each spank hit home. It was another ritual just before having sex after a spanking.

“Just make sure you do behave,” I said sternly as I smacked his legs.

He sobbed and again rubbed his bottom and legs as he watched me lay down on the bed, on my back. I smirked as I watched him ease himself down and lie on top of me. I squeezed his sore bottom cheeks and again he gasped; but I could feel his stiff penis and knew he was aroused. Just as I was aroused now the discipline was over. We were going to make up, as we always did. My repentant husband and his dominant wife.

I loved him though. I wouldn’t be so strict if I didn’t care; and I certainly wouldn’t be prepared to spend my time disciplining him to try to teach him to be better behaved. No way.

We kissed and caressed each other. He always paid particular attention to me after a spanking. He kissed and sucked my erect nipples and ran his fingers along my wet pussy. I was already so aroused by spanking him and so welcomed his stiff penis inside me as we gyrated together, our breathing deepening, gasps of erotic delight escaping from me as he brought me to orgasm. I shrieked out as I came and felt the hot rush of his sex juice inside me as he collapsed, exhausted.

Once I settled down and with his droopy penis still inside me I raised my hand and brought it down hard on his bottom. He gasped and tensed which gave me another erotic pussy sensation as I smacked him again and again.

“Just remember next time, my lad,” I said sternly. We both knew there would be another time. Dave just didn’t know how to behave well enough. Not with me being all strict with him.

Dave kept sobbing as he balanced on his elbows still on top of me.

Once Dave had calmed down I told him to get dressed. He gave me a kiss as he always did, subdued, with his red eyes, puffy face, but no resentment. He watched me as I got dressed. His penis became erect again but I knew the next time we will make love will be tonight.

“Friends?” he asked. That was the same question he also always asked when he realised he had pushed me too far and had earned his spanking,

I patted his bottom and said “Of course we are darling. What a sorry sight you are. Still, one day you will learn, although you haven’t learnt much since I started to spank you?” I laughed.

How it had changed for me though. Brilliantly.

I was 22-years-old the first time I spanked Dave, and he was 24 years-old. That was 12-years ago now.

We had only recently got married then. The early months took quite some adjustment. I was used to looking after myself as I had left home at 18; first to go to Uni and then for my job. The trouble was that looking after Dave was tiring what with his smart alec comments and practical jokes. He found them funny though.

He had never lived away from home. He went straight from being looked after by his Mum to being looked after by his wife. Me. Whilst I did all the cleaning he did all the messing up. I wasn’t happy about that. It was pretty quickly grating with me.

He was childish with it and sometimes even loutish. On one occasion he was just so rude that I gave him a slap on his bottom and told him off. He looked at me, a sneer on his face, like a teenager, said sorry and walked off. I was despairing. Would it ever get better?

The next day he was messing about in the lounge, trying to balance a ball. Things got out of hand as he was jumping around like an idiot. I went in and told him to stop before he did some damage. Next thing I knew he tripped and crashed in to me, I fell over and he landed on top of me.

“What do you think you are doing?” I screamed.

It really hurt me. I got up slowly and sat on the chair rubbing my arm. I was really cross. I don’t know where it came from, but I shouted, “Come over here, now”.

“Why should I?” he snapped back whilst eyeing me carefully and speaking with a nervous laugh.

“Because I said so, that’s why,” I replied abruptly. I thought how he looked just like my younger brother when he was being told off by our Mother. He would be testing her, to see how far he could push her. She never went any further than telling him off though, and soon he got completely out of control making her life and mine a misery. I did not want that to happen to me with my husband. I didn’t see why I should stand for it.

I said again, tersely, “Come over here, now. I am going to spank you. Act like a child and be treated like one.” I just knew this was our last chance. Either he had to change or there was no future for us.

Dave looked at me for a moment and the sneer went, replaced by open eyes, an anxious look, and he asked, “You’re not really going to spank me, Emma; are you?”

“Yes I am,” I said quickly. “Now come over here before I get really angry”.

Dave came slowly over, unsure, and stood next to me, looking perturbed. I was in overdrive though. Without waiting I put my hands up to unzip his trousers.

“Please don’t, Emma,” Dave said in an alarmed tone catching my hands.

I glared at Dave and said as firmly as I could, “Get those hands away, Dave, I have never been more serious.”

A few tense seconds passed as I glared at Dave. He looked back at me, timid, thinking, until he slowly took his hands off mine and I knew control was passing to me.

I pulled his zip down and pulled down his trousers to his ankles. His pants followed and he stepped out of both.

“Right, Dave, get across my lap.” I was still livid.

Dave eased himself over my knees. He was now timid as he bent across my lap and just lay there, not moving, putting his hands on the floor in front of him. I decided just to lay straight in to him. Scolding will come later.

So I gave him spank after spank on his bare bottom, turning his bare bouncing bottom cheeks first pink and then a deeper red. I just spanked him as hard as I could, almost blind with rage, but after about 5 minutes I had calmed down. I was even thinking I should not be doing this. I am his wife and not his mother. I rubbed my hand around his bottom while I was thinking; giving the occasional few smacks just to make sure he did not try to get up.

Then I decided what the heck? He deserved to be disciplined because he really did hurt me; and here he was, across my lap and taking his punishment. I decided to continue. I just thought that if he didn’t like it we will be splitting up anyway.

He still lay there, now grunting each time I hit him. I was beginning to relish disciplining my brat of a husband. I was very calm now, focussed on turning his bottom as deep a shade of red as I could, his smooth flesh bouncing as my flat hand smacked home; and he grunted and groaned and moaned and eventually started to sob.

“Am I getting through to you, Dave?”

A very wet, “Yes,” was his answer. Well, that encouraged me. He was accepting his punishment so I kept spanking him until his bottom was a beautiful bright red. My hand started to hurt; well it had been over fifteen minutes since I started to spank him. I looked at my hand and was surprised how red it was. No wonder it hurt. However, the adrenalin was still flowing and I wanted to keep on spanking him. I kicked off one of my slippers and said tersely to the back of Dave’s head, “Hand it up to me, Dave.”

Seconds later, after Dave had scrabbled around to pick up the slipper, he handed it to me. I held it firmly, happily saw that it had a rather thick leather sole, lifted it up, and brought it thrashing down on to his bottom. The gasp it drew was so; well, enjoyable; for me anyway. I kept on spanking Dave with the slipper and delighted in how his gasps got louder and louder. Still he lay across my lap taking the spanking.

I stopped counting at 50 spanks with the slipper and still I continued. By then Dave was already crying freely; a grown man being spanked by his wife. The tears flowed down his face which told me he was suffering; so maybe I had got through to him. I gave him a few dozen more even harder spanks before stopping.

Dave lay there even after I stopped spanking him, his chest heaving deep breaths, his face wet with his tears, and he cried for quite a while until he slowly recovered.

“OK, Dave, you can get up now.”

Dave eased himself off my lap and when he stood up looking at me I wondered what his reaction would be. Would he hit me? Would he just walk away? I didn’t even know if he had ever been spanked before we got married. I knew his Mum was a fierce enough woman but did she spank him? I just looked at him as he stood there conscious of the fact he was rubbing his bottom.

I looked at his penis for a guide. Maybe it would be erect? No, it wasn’t. It was really floppy; like after we had had sex. I looked at my lap. Maybe he had cum on my skirt. Was there a stain? No, again. So he wasn’t aroused by being spanked then.

I decided I had to end the silence so stood up and held my arms out. Almost with disbelief he stepped forward and fell in to my open arms. He threw his arms around my neck, hugged me, and said he was sorry. I hugged him back until he had calmed down and he promised to be more adult in future.

We stood hugging each other for ages.

“Did you mean everything you just said, Dave,” I asked sternly. “All those apologies and telling me you won’t play around with a football in the lounge again? Did you mean it all, Dave?”

Again there was silence. Oh no, I hated it when Dave gave me the silent treatment. He did it after I shouted at him for leaving his clothes on the floor or for generally making a mess. It could last ten minutes or two hours before he snapped out of it. Was that what he was going to do?

To my relief Dave said, “Yes, Emma, I did mean it. I’m so sorry and know I shouldn’t have fooled around like that.”

“OK, Dave. So, did it help; me spanking you?”

Dave nodded. So he wasn’t actually saying yes; but a nod meant a yes didn’t it? I thought it did anyway.

Dave gave me a sorrowful look and asked quietly, “Can I go and watch TV, Emma; please?”

“Sure, Dave; no problem,” I replied.

Dave turned, then turned back and looked at me, and said, “You know, Emma, I did deserve it. I guess.”

I sat on the chair again as Dave left the room and went to the study to watch TV. I played over what had happened in my mind. It was mind blowing, but so cool. I needed to talk about it, but who could I speak to without totally embarrassing my husband. My best friend? Well not really as her husband and Dave are best buddies. His Mum? Well I could but what if she had never spanked Dave? How would she react if I told her that her, ‘Little Dave,’ was spanked by his wife? I decided there was no one, so I had to keep it to myself. I didn’t think I should even speak to Dave about it. I decided I’ll see if he raises it. Otherwise it might just be a one off. Time would tell.

That night when Dave came to bed he cuddled up and didn’t mind me putting my hand on his bottom. It was still delightfully warm as I stroked it and squeezed it. The sex was good as well. Great actually. He was very caring and attentive to what I wanted; not his more usual loutish male, ‘Do as I want,’ style of making love.

I was also pleasantly surprised when Dave was much better behaved over the next few days. He never mentioned me spanking him but he helped around the house, and his silly antics stopped. For a while anyway. For the next week in fact he was a changed man. A loving and unusually helpful husband

Then after the week it changed back again. It was early evening and Dave had a friend, Ben , over to watch some football match on TV. I was shattered from a particularly trying day. I was already showered and wearing a shorty nightdress and my dressing gown as I expected to go to bed well before Ben went home judging from what happened every time before when one of Dave’s friends came over to watch football.

I was resting on the sofa in the lounge reading a book but the two men kept shouting in the adjacent TV room. I went in and told them three times to be quieter, but without success. Finally I went in again, saw the match was over, and told Ben it was time for him to go home. Dave and Ben laughed. Ben gave Dave a, ‘She must be joking,’ look and Dave looked at me and said, “Look honey, you pour us some wine and we’ll be quieter. How about that?”

I glared at Dave, standing with my arms crossed, and biting my lower lip. A look he knew well enough meant I was cross. Even before I spanked him he knew that look.

Dave saw the look, froze, and spluttered, “Well, Ben, erm, maybe it is late and you better split?”

Ben gave me another funny look, but as the game had finished anyway and he probably didn’t fancy an argument he looked back at Dave and said, “OK Dave, maybe I better get going.”

Dave and Ben got up and went in to the hallway. I heard them murmuring but caught clearly Ben say with a laugh, “Heck, Dave, why do you stand for that?”

I was fuming but knew Ben wasn’t married so had no idea how to handle a wife. It was just bluster. He lived at home with his Mum. I met her occasionally at the shops. I giggled to myself thinking maybe next time I see her I would suggest she gave Ben a spanking. Maybe she already did, I pondered, reckoning how so often the showy brave ones are actually the ones well under the thumb at home.

Dave murmured something indistinct as a response but it wasn’t a wholesale agreement; that was for sure. I reckoned it was just a cocky response of his own; again like the ones that men made to other men when they thought their wives weren’t listening.

Then I was sure I heard Ben say, “Maybe she’ll give you another spanking, eh?”

Dave definitely shushed Ben up.

I was livid and went upstairs. When I heard the front door close I called Dave to the bedroom. He walked in sheepishly looking across at me as I sat on my dressing table chair.

“You look real sexy Emma; let’s go to bed, darling,” he said cool as brass. I knew this was his way of testing me. I had already decided that I had to make a stand. If one spanking was not enough then he had better have another one.

I gave no explanation, but just made the bald statement.

“No,” I said curtly, “I am going to spank you. Come over here now.”

Dave looked shocked. “That’s not fair,” he bleated. Not very forcefully though, almost as though he was saying it for the sake of it; just because he felt he had to but knew he had overstepped the mark and was about to pay the penalty.

I recognised the tone from when watching my brother tell our Mum he didn’t need to be spanked. The memories came flooding back in to my mind. I looked at Dave and realised he knew he was going to be spanked but argued just in case he struck lucky. Well he wasn’t striking lucky tonight.

Dave looked dolefully at me. He shuffled his feet, looking at the floor, which I knew that my brother always did when he was trying to argue himself out of a difficult position. Another memory.

I held firm; I was more confident than ever about what I needed to do.

“Not fair. Really?” I snapped. “Who was being noisy then? Not me that’s for sure. I asked you three times to be quiet and you didn’t listen, did you?”

“No,” he whined.

“So, come over here and be taught a lesson.”

He looked crest fallen, but shuffled over and stood next to me. He stopped for a second as he saw me lift my leg up and I took one of my slippers off; but he kept coming towards me whilst looking at the floor.

I decided that I would again take down his trousers and pants myself which I did and surprisingly Dave didn’t resist at all this time. In fact I noticed he held his hands well away and then held his arm out and let me guide him across my lap. He nudged around a bit, and then lay still, with his hands resting on the floor and his legs just off the floor on the other side. He was ready.

For just a moment I thought I felt his penis on my bare thighs and if I did that meant he was erect. I was surprised I hadn’t noticed as my face was inches away from his penis when I was yanking his trousers and pants down to his ankles; closer probably as he stepped out of them.

I rubbed his bottom a few times, and he tensed.

I asked, “Did you tell Ben you got spanked?”

Dave froze and asked, “What?”

“You heard,” I replied sternly. Then made myself lighten up and said in almost a friendly tone, “It’s OK if you did, Dave.”

Dave relaxed, looked at the floor, and replied, “I guess I did mention it.”

I was amazed but kept an even tone, asking, “So does Ben get spanked by his Mum?”

“Don’t be daft,” Dave said almost laughing before realising he was across my lap.

“Not so daft, Dave.” I made my mind up to discuss spanking with Ben’s Mum. I looked at the back of Dave’s head and said wickedly, “Maybe one day soon he will be.”

Before Dave could say anything more I raised my hand and brought the palm down hard across the centre of his bottom. He moaned as the spanks rained down on him, but I didn’t relent. I knew he deserved it.

Once again I spanked him for a full fifteen minutes with my open flat palm; all over his bottom and the tops of his legs. His bottom and legs were turned a very pretty pink and then a darker red before my hand started to hurt.

I took hold of the slipper and continued spanking Dave just like the first spanking; no stopping, very hard, on his bottom and on his legs. As I spanked harder and harder I realised I was enjoying it. Yes, that was the right word; enjoying watching Dave squirm around on my lap and kicking his legs as I spanked him.

The groans and gasps continued but I kept spanking him knowing the longer I spanked him the more likely he would learn his lesson. I spanked him until his bottom was such a burning red and his face was tear-stained.

I looked at my dressing table and saw my hairbrush. It had an oval wooden head and I wondered if that would be better than my slipper. I reckoned it would hurt more and made a mental note to use it next time. By now I assumed there would be a next time. I even reckoned the hairbrush would become a good friend of mine. Mind you, I knew that I couldn’t use the hairbrush to spank Dave and to brush my hair. So I decided I’ll get a different hairbrush for my hair. Oh, and it will be best if I buy some spare wooden backed hairbrushes for spanking Dave with.

All the while I was spanking Dave with the slipper and I was now nicely relaxed; my tension had gone. A good feeling I thought. Spanking Dave was therapeutic I reckoned. It didn’t matter that Dave cried out in pain and was gasping and squirming around on my lap. I just felt better whilst spanking him so I knew what I would make happen going forward. Spanking was going to be the norm for my husband.

Eventually once Dave’s bottom was bright red I conceded, “OK, Dave, I reckon you have learned your lesson.”

Dave eased himself off my lap and just like last time he jumped from foot to foot rubbing his bottom. At the same time he apologised for being rude; and I accepted, albeit reluctantly, his apology. Afterwards he hugged me and kept on apologising, and saying how he would try really hard to be good in future. I hugged him back and said how I was sure he would be good if he really tried hard.

Once he had calmed down I told him to have a wash and go down to the kitchen. I then went downstairs to the kitchen. Suddenly I was hungry and knew Dave hadn’t eaten anything other than finger food. After several minutes Dave came down. I saw his eyes were still red. I held out my arms and he came over and we hugged. He looked at me and said, “I’m really sorry. I know I deserved it.”

I smiled at him and said unsympathetically, “That’s right you did. Still, it’s all over now. You have been disciplined and maybe that will be the end of it. It’s up to you you know,” I added, looking him straight in the eye.

He gave me an appreciative look and sat down, choosing the seat on which I had placed a nice thick cushion. He looked up and smiled. Maybe he understood it was for his own good after all

“I have made us something to eat. Eggs and beans; you’re favourite. Oh, and there is ice cream with hot chocolate sauce as well.” He thanked me and ate it all, slowly relaxing and chatting away about what we would be doing the next day; almost as though the spanking had never happened.

He did remember the spanking though because afterwards he asked in a worried tone, “Are we OK, Emma?”

“Yes we are,” I said, smiling, but added with a touch of sternness in my voice, “I will not tolerate disobedience anymore, Dave. I need you to do what I say the first time. OK?”

“I guess,” he answered. He looked up at me, tears welling in his eyes, “Are you going to spank me in future Emma; it’s just you spank so hard you know?”

There was only one answer worth giving. “Dave, if you are naughty again I will spank you again; and it has to be hard for you to learn. That’s right isn’t it?” I replied matter of factly, not sure how he would react.

Dave nodded. “OK. I understand, I suppose,” he said, looking at the floor. I knew with that answer the balance of power landed right in my lap, literally.

“Good; that’s agreed.” I snapped. “There is no doubt this is best, and you will be better behaved after a while. Once you get spanked a few times. Then you will learn to obey me the first time,” I added testily.

Suddenly I felt great; in control and happier than ever before. I knew this marriage could work with me in charge.

Dave said reluctantly, “Anyhow, at least I now know that if I make you angry I will get a spanking.”

I could feel the petulance in his voice, or was it respect? Either way we both knew that I would be spanking my husband again.

It was then I saw the bulge in his trousers. He looked embarrassed, was blushing, and licking his lips. I realised my nipples were pressing out through my bra and there was a flutter across my pussy. My goodness, we were both aroused. I knew the sex tonight would be the best ever, or else Dave’s bottom was going to get another spanking.

It was the best sex then as it was now was after every spanking. I still only spank him when he deserves it, but he never complains. Now, twelve years on, he still gets spanked whenever he is naughty and I can’t see us ever stopping. Luckily for him, and for me, he was also the most attentive of husbands when we went to bed afterwards. I recommend it for every wife.

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Taking Her Marital Cherry While He Watches

I want to be your wife's first extramarital cock. The guy she gives her marital cherry to. The guy you see take her marital cherry. The guy who is doing her while she is kissing you and telling you "honey, you are the one I love."We start with a social meeting. You watch her on "her first date." How she starts out nervous and stiff. As she gets comfortable with me, she relaxes and moves closer. Soon I am touching her and she is responding. We can't go too far in public but you watch as she lets...

4 years ago
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Sharing another marital bed

Miriam came out of the bathroom wrapped in just a towel. Her curly dark hair was still wet and in contrast to her pale white skin. She smiled at me and suggested that I could also take a warm shower before breakfast. We had been fucking all night long and her marital bed was now a complete mess.I wasted no time. The warm water felt great against my skin and it felt fresh.As I finished toweling, I went back to the bedroom, finding Miriam lying in the middle of the bed, her naked body covered by...

1 year ago
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Helping a colleague led to extra marital affair and sex Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Hey everyone, I am Kevin. I am an engineer by profession and this story involves an ex-colleague of mine, Debbie. Debbie was a young, newly-married girl when she joined the office. She had a toned body with eye-soothing boobs and ass. She was totally worth checking out and the story is about our extra marital affair and sex session. As we were in the same team and I was her senior, she came to me every now and then for queries. Soon, we started hanging out post office also. Initially, I thought...

Extra Marital Affair
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They sat in the bar, eyeing up the clientele. Mark and Sarah watched people; it’s just what they did. They were open about their desires and Sarah wanted to see Mark having sex with another bloke. She often found herself go wet when she thought of her husband wanking another man off, taking his cock in his mouth and giving his engorged cock a suck until cum filled his mouth. She even thought it would be good to see him shagged senseless by a well hung stud.Tonight was the night, Sarah was...

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Marital Bliss

Serena swirled the wine around in her glass, watching as her best friend limped around her house trying desperately to hide the obvious pain she was in. "How did it happen this time?" Serena asked as Jessica slowly sat down on the couch next to her. Jessica felt her cheeks redden, her hands instinctively went to her bruised leg. "What...what are you talking about?" she asked with feigned surprise. Serena looked long and hard at her old friend. Despite the years, and the abuse,...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 20 Taboo Marital Bliss

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk “Mmm, that was inspiring, brother mine,” I purred as Nathalie darted over to us. She saw me, and I almost offered her my brother’s dick. After watching him fuck Aingeal’s asshole, I was so eager to enjoy him. But the nubile Nathalie smiled at me. “No, no, you go first, Mistress. It’s hot watching you fuck him.” I gave her a look. She was such a submissive thing. She loved serving my brother. I could see her quivering, hear the truth...

4 years ago
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Vengeful VirginChapter 3 Marital Bliss

What was wrong with her? Joan stumbled as she fumbled for her keys. Why did she keep doing stupid things like she had tonight? Her lower body ached with frustrated need and she shuddered with revulsion as she felt a wet trickle dribble from her cum-sodden pussy down her inner thigh. Don would never leave her frustrated like this and she warmed with desire for her husband's big, thick tool. She hadn't planned it. She never did. There was just something about young guys that made her crazy....

1 year ago
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The Devils Pact Ghost of Paris Chapter 9 The Marital Bed

Introduction: The Ghost violates the marriage bed and fucks a wife next to her passed out husband. The Devils Pact, The Ghost of Paris by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter Nine: The Marital Bed Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 Paris, Texas It was nearing midnight and Heather Pritchard lay on her side, snoring softly, which was strange to hear coming from such a beautiful, young woman. She was my favorite bedmatea redheaded vixen that loved my cock. Tonight I had made a...

2 years ago
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A Black gardener in my marital bed

That day my beloved hubby had left early for his office; but he warned me he had hired a new gardener to plant a rose bush that I had wished for long time at our back yard.I woke after ten and when I was having a nice smoking cup of coffee, I saw this man through the kitchen window.The day was warm, so the black man had removed his shirt.His heavy muscles rippled under his ebony skin…Then I thought how that I would have a much better use for all that energy he was expending there at the yard....

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Sudha8217s Extra Marital Affair

Hi friends I am sudha. Now I will narrate my first extra marital affair story. One day I went to my sister’s house whose husband has gone to US 3 months back. She is staying with her children. Since it is day time she is alone at home. We have chatted for some time and after having lunch I went to the bed to sleep. as I was too tired immediately I have got deep sleep. after one hour I woke up and came out of bed room. when I was searching for my sister I heard some male voice from master...

1 year ago
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A strange place called Florida The price of the bid pt 1

Jessica, or Jess as she preferred to be called, was a nineteen-year old college girl who had taken a gap year after high school before going to a large and well respected university in her state. From a working class family, Jess had a tough time affording college. In her gap year, Jess modeled for a good amount of pay because her good looks got her noticed. As a tanned blonde standing at five-foot-eight with the build of a Victoria's Secret model, Jess was catcalled a lot. The blonde had a...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Another black cock in our marital bed

Friday night I was home alone, sipping a glass of Irish whisky while I was watching some porn.My sweet wife Ana had gone out with some of her girlfriends.Naughty bitch Helena was amongst the girls; so I knew it could be out of hands anytime…By midnight, I heard a taxi parking at our driveway. I looked through the window and saw my sexy wife going down with a black man.A stranger one; a black guy who I had never met before. I guessed Ana had picked up him at the bar. I saw Ana bent down by the...

1 year ago
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A real BBC in our marital bed

Tuesday early afternoon I finished some paperwork and left my office, hoping to surprise my sweet Ana and maybe we could go out and have some fun, movie and a romantic dinner perhaps.After pulling my car in the driveway, I walked into the kitchen expecting to find Anita there, but the house seemed to be empty. I then I heard some strange sounds coming from upstairs. I called my wife's name and still got no response, so decided to head upstairs to see if she was there.As I was going up the...

3 years ago
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An unexpected threesome at our marital bed

I awoke very early in the morning, finding my sexy wife was lying on her side close to my body, facing me. She opened her eyes and she smiled.I reached for her and she gave me a sweet morning kiss. Then she slipped off from the bed and went to the bathroom. A minute later she came back and she entered the bed sheets, assuming the same position as she was before.Then I heard other sounds of the bathroom and I knew that Ana’s friend, Willy was awoken too. The three of us had been enjoying the...

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Ana blindfolded in our marital bed

My loving Ana told me she wanted more than just a good late night fucking.She needed something different to spice our boring marital sex life.Then I told her not to worry; I would find some “different” fun for her.After checking several porn sites, I found a way that Ana would love.My plan was to blindfold my sensual wife; tie her to the bed, and bring a stranger man into the bedroom. Anita usually enjoyed the helplessness of being tied up during sex, but the blindfold was not certainly going...

2 years ago
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ExtraMarital Affair With Bhabhi

This is my second story! Thanks for the comments and personal mails the raiders sent me! This sex story is about my other post marriage experience and this actually went on to be my first extra marital affair.. Hope you will like the sex story! It had been 7 months of my wedding and me and my wife were having great sexual life! My parents in law asked who used to live in the same town told us that they are planning to take us both with their son and his wife Ananya and their three months old...

3 years ago
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Marital Duty

Man thinks about secretary while making love to spouse...Marital DutyI can still remember the first time I set eyes on Sandra. I was a scruffy young man of twenty. She was a very sexy girl of 22. She came up to me as I was trying to kick start my somewhat temperamental Norton 750 Commando motorcycle. She said something about liking bikes. That was all I needed to hear. A hot looking brunette with big brown eyes in a pair of tight fitting jeans coming up to me and telling me she likes bikes. My...

1 year ago
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Marital Reversal

MARITAL REVERSAL by Throne Our wedding plans were progressing nicely. My bride-to-be, Adele, had taken care of almost everything. All I was responsible for was arranging for our honeymoon. What happened, however, was that I had made an investment in a risky business venture, and needed our travel money to try to salvage the situation. I felt certain the setback would be temporary and decided to gamble. I would postpone making the honeymoon plans and not tell my bride until we were...

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Extra Marital Affair

Hi All, I am Ravi from Bangalore. I am 37 years married guy. I want to share one of my extra marital affairs for you. First let me know about my stats. I am 6ft tall 90 kgs, average built and good looking, wheatish in colour. Let me go to my experience. Since the age also going up I thought of maintaining health. I decided to reduce my weight, hence enrolled to a Unisex Gym nearby my house. I enrolled to it for 6 AM to 7 AM session, because after that I have to go to office. On my first day I...

1 year ago
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Marital Strife

Marital strife By: Lyrissa "I can't wait to see her," count Varnus Flameshield said with a wide, lecherous grin. "Rumours and stories have spoken at length about her beauty, her grace, and her soft, full-" The count was tall and well muscled with a square-jawed handsome face framed with a mass of golden hair. His expensive clothing which bore the fiery shield that was his family crest further enhanced his looks. To a casual observer or someone who had not yet been exposed to the...

1 year ago
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Extra Marital Love Making

Myself Dev from Delhi. Married with a beautiful wife and two kids. This is a story about me and my extra marital girlfriend after my marriage. After few years of my wedding I ran into lots of problems with my wife which drifted me away from her and I had to take refuge on internet for solace. I met this woman Mehek from Mumbai and had two kids. Our affair started in next three months after we met first time. We met, we loved each other we had bed rocking love making and we were very happy. The...

3 years ago
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Extra marital adventure in Australia

Hi friends, i have been reading stories on this site for almost a year now and always waited to share my experience with you all.but i was just wondering how to explain it. Its a experience of a lifetime. Now let me introduce myself to you. I was born and brought up in northern india(delhi). I am 6′ tall, average built, good looking and i live in Brisbane. I have been married for nearly 5 yrs and always had a below normal married sex life. Because my wife doesn’t like much sex and whenever she...

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My extra marital affair

I am Amit, residing in Dubai for last 13 years along with my wife (Sujata) and parents. I am a businessman, having diversified company herein Dubai, dealing in some 150 items. We usually source material from Mumbai, which in turn sold to GCC countries and also exported to African countries. I have to travel a lot to Mumbai for this reason. Prior to my marriage, I used to stay with my mother’s relatives in Vasai when I was in Mumbai for purchasing. But. Now I always live with my sister-in-law...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact Ghost of ParisChapter 9 The Marital Bed

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 – Paris, Texas It was nearing midnight and Heather Pritchard lay on her side, snoring softly, which was strange to hear coming from such a beautiful, fifteen-year-old girl. She was my favorite bedmate—a redheaded vixen that loved my cock. Tonight I had made a deal with the demoness Astarte: she got to possess Darleen Cummins's body until dawn and I got unlimited sexual stamina. The only problem was I couldn't seem to get any satisfaction. After making my...

1 year ago
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Marital BlissChapter 2

The thought of the first visit to the therapist. Pete and Jan had both been looking forward to the meeting with the Sex therapist Dr Robert Janus; but for entirely different reasons. Pete expected this man to be a typical doctor and investigate the physical reasons for the breakdown in their marital bliss whilst Jan just wondered what made a man; even a doctor; turn his talents to becoming a sex therapist? As the day neared; both of Jan and Pete had weird dreams about the appointment. Jan...

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An extra marital affair

Sharmishta my junior in school who had crushed on me. We fucked first time after her marriage Her name is sharmishtha she was my junior in my school but we didn’t communicate in school time but after long time one day on my facebook one request pinged and that was her request as a casual I accept her request and message pinged “hi” I replied to her message and after long chatting session we exchanged our numbers and then started calling each other in all that she got interest...

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Sex with my ex while I lived with my husband Extra Marital Affair Stories

If you have a history with one brother, the worst thing to do is ending up married to the other one. I learnt it the hard way from a rough divorce. I do feel bad about the bitterness but honestly, those few months of sneaking, secret sexcapades were the most passionate moments I ever experienced. Destiny had different plans and I ended up having sex with my ex bf and relived the moment. George and I used to be high school sweethearts who eventually drifted apart in college. Almost 7 years...

Extra Marital Affair
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Exchanging wives with my neighbor Extra Marital Affair Stories

My wife Alana and I had been living in a new neighborhood for a few months. We were great friends with our neighbors – another married couple. We would often meet socially and invite each other for gatherings. I did desire my wife sexually, but on occasion, I would often think of Arrow, my neighbor’s wife. Jordan, Arrow’s husband, was a great guy and one day he asked me something – did I fancy his wife? After a bit of distracting talk, when he didn’t let up, I accepted that I did. Then...

Extra Marital Affair
3 months ago
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Affair with the Ex is always a disaster Extra Marital Affair Stories

I knew the day Tulip moved into our neighbourhood; it would soon be a recipe for disaster. But I never imagined it would be a disaster that pulls me so much. Let me start from the beginning how an affair with the ex can be disastrous. I am John, a 34 year old male who is happily married for five years. My live is average, simple and free from drama. I go to office, work the entire week and get back home to hot supper and lots of love every day. It was what I wanted since my break up with Tulip....

Extra Marital Affair
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 74 The Villefort Family Vault

Two days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...

2 years ago
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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 14 Bidding for Claudia

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. I continue my tale of my adventures with my pleasure-slave Melora, and various other slaves too. As previous readers are aware, I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Martha Space MadamChapter 24 Bidding

It was ten years after the memorable opening night of the New House of Joy when two people came into Martha's life who were to have a profound effect on her. Both were girls, one of them very young, and they were auctioned as the last two of the same batch. Both were bought by Karl for ridiculous prices. First there were the usual parade of men being sold for mine workers, none of whom interested her in the least. Then Kate put up one young man, Grant, who stood on the platform showing off...

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The Real Stepford Wives Lizzies Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Sophia, along with some of the characters in the other two stories make cameo appearances here. *************************************** I...

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Released from the Imprisonment of Forbidden Bliss

My darling, it has always been my dearest wish to see you happy and fulfilled in every way. As we have grown older, I have watched your libido blossom whilst I have remained imprisoned by the limited sexual repertoire that nature granted me as a man, and even that is beginning to decline in my slow descent into old age.A man’s sexual urges are very direct, and once aroused, he must follow them as he drives forward to the brief ecstasy of that explosive convulsion of ejaculation. He may be able...

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The Real Stepford Wives Vickys Story

The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...

2 years ago
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The Real Stepford Wives Sophias Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Some of the characters in those stories make cameo appearances here. ********************** I was four years into my career as a Big Four accountant. Two years ago, I had been promoted to senior associate and was hopeful about...

3 years ago
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the long wet strands and tossing it back over her head. She grabbed another towel and wrapped it around herself. As she brought it around her back, she caught herself in the mirror in front of her. ”Well hello,” she whispered to her image, smiling at herself. She held the towel open and dropped her hip, posing for nobody. All those weeks in the gym were starting to pay off, she thought to herself. She turned from side to side. It was a good day when she admired the size of...

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Forbbiden pet

You hear little one waking up from his afternoon nap, and although you are proud to be a father you wish it was not now or with the two headed monster gorging in the dining room. You barely make out the command shouted with mouth full of food “get him out of bed and feed him already!” Taking your time you lift yourself from the couch, and stroll over to the bedroom. As you walk by the hallway window you notice a brand new black SUV parked illegally on the street, next to the back door to your...

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Forbbiden pet

Introduction: This is the intro to a set of three stories, sorry about the long background it will make sence later. P.S this is my second language so please do point out any mistakes and i will correct asap. It is a boring afternoon, your partner just walked in after storming out of her shift at work. Shes more like a ghost each and every day, barely even recognizing the fact that you exist, and when she does it is to boss you around. She looks right through you as her highness ungraciously...

3 years ago
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Forbiden fruit Part 1

As Veronica started to strip, she looked at her uncle (by marriage) laying on the bed rubbing his extremely large thick cock, she fancied him like hell and had only just realized he was up for some serious fun, reaching behind she unclipped her bra to reveal her large firm tits, Chris licked his lips and said they looked real sweet, he also told her he just loved hard dark nipples, she slowly pulled her skirt down and then her panties to reveal a nice shaven pussy, again Chris licked his lips,...

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Forebidden Fruit

My sister and I were always close growing up. She was 2 years younger than I and we spent alot of time together. As we got older,and she started to date, she would always come to me for advice. As usual, we both got older, moved away, got married and had c***dren.We were both in our thirty's now, and I hadn't seen my sister in over a year. The last time I saw her was at a family function.She had gained some weight, like myself of course, but she was still an attractive woman. I had gotten...

2 years ago
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I Finish work and off I trot, but its a nice cold fresh day, Ha-Ha-Ha love the wicked cold, and those lucky enough to know me can vouch for that, im on foot across roads and in to a large park area that iv desided to use and some of the views are fantastic, as i continue on i can see that theres someone acting strangly near the exitentrance, and frantic more like as im getting closer, dam is a blind woman, hands out sercing, hang on whats missing NO WHITE STICK or DOG "shit"-HELLO can i help...

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IT WAS NOT THAT LONG AGO,That i got around to setting this thing up, in the first place, After meeting two very nice polite large Women here i wantedto add my personal touch to things and as most people know me as SIR or MASTER would expect me to revert to type and would DOMINATE THEM yes no you descide how this pans out. so what to do diffrently yes i like these two women and from our chats they seem to like me, but its not enough (Typical MALE) i want something more something Special,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12E17 Pearl Kemp 60 from Bideford

We start this week’s show, just as we start every show, with establishing shots of our location ... In this case a picturesque little town on the side of a hill, spreading back from the coast up a steep slope. Old houses, quiet streets, an old – very traditional looking – train line running along the side of the hill, on level ground – leading to an old train station with an equally old (but freshly restored) stream train and carriage waiting on the platform. We get a clear view of a sign...

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RansomeChapter 2 Takeover Bid

The employees’ share co-operative was announced to the staff and received a less than rapturous welcome when the figures were announced. Most of those eligible thought the sums involved were trivial; most of those excluded thought that all the staff should be eligible on the first day they joined the company. David was surprised when Colin asked him to meet him immediately when he walked into work two days after the announcement. “What’s the problem, Colin? Are the natives getting...

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