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The Amazon Queen

by RiverOtter

Warning! Adult Content!

This story contains strong sexual content and is intended for mature audiences and is not suitable for minors.

If you are under the age of 18 or are otherwise legally prohibited from viewing such material in your area of residence, stop reading immediately. You may be breaking the law and may also end up spending an eternity in hell with perverts like this author.

This story is copyrighted © 2007 by RiverOtter. This story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any real persons, living or dead, is unintended and purely coincidental. It may not be sold or redistributed for profit in any form. Archiving and posting online is permitted if the story is kept intact in its original form, and proper credit is given.

Sincere comments, feedback and criticism are welcome.

Author's notes: this is an erotic story with a fantastical setting. It contains scenes of slavery, bondage, dominance and submission, and explicit sex, which is almost exclusively lesbian; hence, readers who don't care for these sexual activities may not find it interesting.

It has some passages of exposition and narration without any sexual content that otherwise interested readers may find dull, but the author encourages them to give it a chance.

All characters, even teenagers, are effectively full adults for the purposes of this story. No minors are presented in sexual terms in this story in any way whatsoever.

This is a fantasy setting, not an historical one; hence, some modern clothing and accouterments are used. Some suspension of disbelief is required.

The author makes no pretense of understanding everything about the psychology and practices of bdsm, and apologizes if they have gotten some things wrong.

This is a work of pure fantasy; this author does not condone non-consensual sexual acts of any kind (and even some consensual activities make the author uneasy).

The views and actions of the characters should not be taken to represent the beliefs of the author.

*Inspiration for this story comes from the novels of Anne Rice, internet writer sfmaster, and that one torture scene from the last James Bond movie.

Dramatis Personae:

Amber—Blonde haired former lay-in-waiting to Penelope, age 19. Slave to Keira.

Keira—Amazon, age 20. Sheila's second oldest daughter. Owner of Amber and later Lydia.

Chandra—Black haired oldest daughter of Sheila, age 23. Owner of Belle. Looked to as a leader and known for conducting intense slave-training sessions.

Dawn—Youngest daughter of Sheila, age 16. Owner of Claire.

Sheila—Matriarch of the Amazon tribe of the story, age 40. Mother to Chandra, Keira and Dawn (in that order). Adoptive mother to Penelope. Owner of Amanda and Jessica.

Claire—Striking redheaded woman, age 25. Slave to Dawn; very submissive.

Penelope—Princess and former queen, age 24. Fair haired. Sister to Elysia. Later, owner of Talia and adopted daughter of Sheila. Noted for her beauty and generosity.

Talia—Amazon, age 22. Friend of Keira. Later a slave to Penelope; very loyal to her.

Natalie—Raised by Amazons, age 21. Sister to Noami, also Naomi's slave. Known to be mischievous.

Belle—Former noblewoman, age 15 or 16. Light brown/blonde hair. Original name unknown. Slave to Chandra. Usually role plays as her pet.

Lydia—Dark haired girl of noble birth, age 21. Sent to Amazons as a ransom. Later awarded to Keira.

Naomi—Raised by Amazons and adopted into Sheila's tribe, age 23. Sister to Natalie. Also Natalie's owner.

Gwendolyn—Princess, age 17. Younger sister to Penelope. Acting as queen, but not very well. In love with Amber.

Eleanor—Noblewoman, age 30. Stepmother to Gwendolyn and Penelope; has orchestrated a coup. Puts the “wicked” in “Wicked Stepmother.”

Amanda & Jessica—Twin sisters, age 22. Slaves to Sheila; often used as her ponygirls.

Anne—Amber's mother, late thirties; a minor noblewoman. Looks like her daughter.

Thomas—Captain of the Queen's soldiers. Loyal to Penelope.

Isabelle & Helen—Minor characters; a noblewoman, 32, loyal to Eleanor; also Claire's aunt, and her daughter, aged 17.

Chapter 1: The Hunt

Keira swept her dark reddish hair back into a ponytail and tied it off, not wanting even a hint of distraction for what was to come. She crouched in the woods just outside a clearing, watching intently for any passers-by. She drew an arrow from her quiver and nocked it into her bow, drawing it back a little to test the tension one last time. She knelt and waited, all senses focused on her surroundings. Most called Keira and her people Amazons, though they had no particular name for themselves. She herself had grown up in a close knit tribal village, one of many that dotted the large island on which she lived. Her society was, as the mythical name implied, matriarchal, and it was thus normal that a young woman like herself should be out hunting. She had also been trained in the arts of fighting and survival that in most other cultures were the sole province of men. She was tall, lean and well toned, with soft green eyes that adorned a almond-shaped face. Most men considered her to be quite attractive, but she felt no desire to settle down with one at the moment. For now at least, her inclinations ran in a decidedly different direction, towards the "fairer" sex.

Now that she had reached the age of twenty she was old enough to go hunt and raid on her own. The Amazons raided far and wide and took what they wanted from outsiders--the soft, weak city-dwellers who encroached on their lands from time to time. Most of the outside world knew to avoid bothering the Amazons on their islands, but some just never seemed to learn. These provided a steady flow of gold and slaves for the Amazons, who considered any intruder to be fair game.

Keira had not told anyone she had found this particular settlement, just a couple days' journey from her home village, as she wanted to keep any spoils she found for herself. Her prey today was not any gold metal, but had golden hair. Keira had spotted her two days before while reconnoitering the area, and was stunned by the young woman's beauty and grace. What this uncivilized group of city-folk was doing here or why they had come she did not know, but she knew they had something she wanted...

The young woman seemed to be some kind of prisoner, as she had been doing hard labor while chained and under guard; clearly she was not there of her own will. She was regally beautiful, with soft and delicate features. Shel was not very well tanned; outdoor labor was clearly not something she was accustomed to. Keira wondered what such a lovely girl was doing in this place. She would have been annoyed to learn that these people were using of her homeland as a penal colony.

Poor girl, Keira thought. I can put her her to better use. The lovely blonde seemed just right for what Keira had in mind. She always wanted a domestic slave—someone who would serve and pleasure her, and she was eager to try and train one for the first time. Now that she had found one she desired, it was just a matter of "liberating" her from these uncouth barbarians who did not deserve her.

With the patience of an experienced hunter, Keira waited perfectly still—she could do so for hours at a time if necessary. As afternoon began to pass, she saw her prey being escorted to an open field by a pair of guards on either side, each holding an arm. The girl's wrists were bound in front of her with steel manacles. They led her to a pole in the middle of the field and raised her hands over her head. One of the guards fastened her chains to a tether above her, and snapped a whip in the air, giving her a start.

Unseen by any of them, Keira had a clear view of the young woman. Her face was a lovely oval shape, with prominent yet soft cheekbones that formed a sinuous curve to her rosy, heart shaped lips. Her eyes were stormy blue and her skin was a creamy pale color. Keira admired her figure especially; the girl was slightly thin but was definitely beginning to grow into her potential. Her hips widened nicely below her narrow waist, and her bosom was surprisingly plump for a girl of her slender shape. The girl's golden air glimmered in the fading sunlight. To Keira she looked as sweet as an angel. She felt a deep stirring inside of her, a powerful impulse she had never felt before, upon seeing this beautiful stranger. Not merely arousal, but a fundamental desire to possess and control her. It was almost scary how this feeling moved her, but Keira welcomed it. She maintained her composure until the time was right, like a cat preparing to strike.

One of the two guards drew a knife and approached the young woman. The prisoner wore a rough brown work dress over a white slip, which the guard cut away, allowing the dress to fall to the ground. As an additional humiliation, the guard cut away the slip away as well. The girl tried to maintain some composure but her cheeks were flooded with a red hue. A look a shame and despair unavoidably crept across her sweet face. Her round breasts were now fully exposed, and the guard slapped one playfully before walking away, eliciting a suppressed, indignant cry from the prisoner.

The guard deliberately uncoiled the whip and raised it in the air. His expression was grim and serious; there was no reason to think he would hold anything back. The girl tried to remain stoic and defiant, but Keira could tell she was terrified. She kept her legs together in an attempt to hide her exposed sex from the guards. From the front Keira could see the lovely curls of yellow hair that covered the slit in the mound between her legs. Such a lovely shape, she thought. The girl pressed her face against her arms and winced as the whip was raised. Well, enough of this, Keira thought. She did not trust these men to avoid damaging her prize, and there were only two in sight.

She made her move. The prisoner waited and waited for the fiery agony of the lash, but it never came. There was a strange thud sound behind her, and the man with the whip sank to his knees with a long, low groan that was almost comical. The guards, who Keira correctly guessed had not seen combat in some time, were slow to react. She had shot an arrow into one's thigh, and the other instinctively ran to check on his comrade instead of running away to get help. Keira sent an arrow into this one's neck and then quickly finished off his wounded companion with a final arrow to the heart.

The prisoner turned her head and stared in disbelief, not quite comprehending what had happened. Keira walked over to the field, quickly and deliberately, looking around until she was satisfied no one else was coming. She pulled the arrows from the dead men and put them carefully back into her quiver (good arrows weren't easy to make, after all). She searched the men for anything else of value, and picked up the whip, coiling it and slinging it over her shoulder, and found the keys to the girl's chains. She then took out a knife and cut off an ear from each of the dead men for her collection. Only then did she turn her attention to the beautiful captive herself, who stared at her with disbelief.

"Are--are you going to hurt me?" the blonde asked.

"Oh, not unless you're really good," said Keira with a wicked smile. "Turn around; let's have a look at you." Her voice was cool, low and seductive.

Keira took the girl's shoulder and turned her so her back rested against the pole, facing Keira. The young woman seemed to want to cover her exposed breasts, but could not lower her arms to do so. She kept her thighs close together, blushing at her nakedness. Keira ignored the captive's shame and admired her soft, milky white bosom and the perky nipples that arose from them. She cupped the mound of flesh--about the size of a large apple--in her hand, then squeezed her way up to the nipple, pinching it between her forefinger and thumb. The girl gave a cry, more of surprise than anything else.

"Please, ma'am, that hurts," she said, embarrassed at being fondled so. Keira peered into the girl's face. She was a little younger than she had seemed at a distance, not entirely shed of her baby fat. Keira ran her fingers through the young woman's golden mane of hair, which reached down just past her shoulders.

The lovely captive wondered at Keira's clothing: a leather jerkin cut short that left her midriff bare, a wide sash of cloth and beads hung from her large belt, and her legs were bare. Feathers and strange jewelry decorated her. The girl thought Keira was the most exotic person she had ever seen. Keira was a little older than her captive, and her figure was more athletic. Her hips and breasts were fuller and more rounded, and her face was more sharply defined, with high cheekbones and smooth skin. Her lips were wide and inviting where Amber's were cute and pouty. Keira's dark reddish hair ran past her ears and stopped halfway to her shoulders. The young woman couldn't help but admire her.

"What is your name, my beauty?"

"Amber," said the girl. "Thank you for saving me from those brutes,” she added. “I would be most grateful if you released me." Amber proceeded to give her family name and place of birth, but that meant little to Keira.

"Amber like the color of your hair, h'm? How many years do you have, Amber?"

"I am nineteen, ma'am."

“How did you come to be here?”

“I was a lady-in-waiting,” said Amber. “I am from Avalonia...but I've been cast out. I can't go back.”

“Ah, I've been there; the women are quite lovely, but there are few warriors.But you have no home anymore?”

Amber shook her head.

"Very well then Amber, understand this: I am claiming you as my own. I am your new master, and you are my slave, by right of conquest. You will address me as 'Mistress' or 'Mistress Keira' from now on. Do you understand?"

It took a moment for Keira's words to sink in. Then, a look of almost-despair came over Amber. "," she whimpered. "I--I'll give you anything you want, ma'am, but just let me go--"

"What I want is you," Keira said firmly. "Now, are you going to challenge me? I warn you, I am experienced in combat, and I can inflict great pain if you do."

"No, I can't fight you miss," said Amber. "Isn't there anything else I can do for you?"

Keira turned Amber around and gave her a swat on the bottom. “Mistress,” she corrected her scared captive. “You must address me properly.” Amber cried out in surprise and looked back at Keira, abashed.

"Now why should someone like you desire freedom?" asked Keira, somewhat puzzled. "You don't seem to be able to fend for yourself. You need someone who can protect you."

"But...a slave?" Amber asked, clearly distressed. Slaves, in her kingdom as in most of the world, were not known to be well treated.

"If you wish, you can die with honor," said Keira.

“No...don't kill me!” Amber pleaded.

“Slavery or death, the choice is yours.”

“Choice? What could be worse than death?”

“Spoken like a true slave.”

Amber bowed her head. She wanted very much to leave this awful place, but now realized that she was still a prisoner, of sorts. She strained against her chains, but it only served to show how helpless she was. Amber momentarily thought of all the horrifying stories of Amazons carrying captives into the wilderness, never to be seen again.

"What do your slaves have to do?" she asked.

"Bring pleasure to their Mistresses, of course,” said Keira. “You will serve me, in exchange for your home and safety." She ran a finger down from Amber's chest, between her breasts. Amber shivered nervously.

"Do you beat them much?" the quivering blonde asked.

Keira laughed a little. "There's nothing to fear if you are obedient. You just need to be properly disciplined. Do they treat you so well here, that you don't wish leave?"

"No—please, I don't want to stay here, miss—Mistress," said Amber.

"This will be the last difficult decision you will have to make. Or the last decision of any kind.” Keira then cupped Amber's oval face in her hands and kissed her forehead. "Come now, we haven't much time, my beauty."

Amber sighed, and seemed to regain her composure. Keira spoke sincerely, and Amber knew could not resist her physically. Nor was there any place she could run to. She would have to trust her fate to this Amazon.

"I'll go with you," she said. "Just take me away from here, and you can do what you want with me."

"You will obey me?"

Amber swallowed and nodded.

"Will you give me your oath?"

"I promise to obey you," said Amber. Keira prodded her to add "Mistress Keira" to the wording of her promise, and Amber did so. In these times, oaths were considered sacred and binding in most cultures, and both Amber and Keira regarded such a promise with the utmost seriousness. It was enough for Keira to finally take Amber's tired arms down, though she left the steel manacles on.

"My clothes are torn; I'm afraid I have nothing to wear," said Amber.

"No need to bother with clothing for you," said Keira as she led Amber away by the chain that connected her wrists. "I want to show you off to everyone when I get home." Keira was not normally boastful, but decided she would indulge herself this time.

"Oh...Please, no!" cried Amber.

It occurred to Keira that Amber might be sensitive about her looks, as she was still relatively young.

“Don't worry, my dear," said Keira soothingly. "You have a lovely figure. Everyone will enjoy looking at you. Now come along." For some reason unknown to Keira, Amber only blushed harder when she said this.

Keira tugged the girl's chain and the captive beauty followed meekly, shamefully aware of her nudity.


Before Amber could complain further, Keira cut her off.

"Now, the next thing you must learn is not to speak without permission, or unless spoken to. When you are given instructions, you will follow them without question. Answer my questions quickly and directly. This may be difficult for one less civilized such as yourself, but I will punish you if you don't behave." She held Amber's chin, bringing up her face to meet hers, as though she were a naughty child. Amber noticed the whip on Keira's arm. She gulped and nodded.

“Yes, Mistress.”

"Good," said Keira. "Now try to make as little noise as possible."

Keira led Amber away from the prison compound and into the woods. They walked for about an hour in silence until they reached a small grove of trees that was well secluded from any who might pass by.

"Please, may I sit? I'm cold," said Amber, shivering.

"Please Mistress," corrected Amber. "You forget yourself."

"Please, Mistress, it's cold out here."

"I think I have something to warm you up," said Keira. She sat on an old stump and suddenly pulled Amber over her knee. Before Amber could react, she felt the sharp slap of Keira's hand on her bottom, and let out a yelp of surprise.

"Now," said Keira, "Will you remember how to address me?"

"Yes, Mistress," said Amber. "I'm sorry."

Keira rubbed her hand along the shapely hill of Amber's buttocks, pinching her soft, creamy flesh.

Amber realized she could not wriggle loose; Keira was even stronger than she appeared. She was completely in this woman's power.

"No more whining—let that be your next lesson. And I expect you to remember your lessons."

Keira swatted her bottom again, leaving a faint reddish hand shaped mark.

"Ow." Amber was obviously embarrassed by this. Good then, thought Keira. The young lady could probably use a little humbling.

Amber was thinking back to her time at her old home. Even into her late teens, her mother had spanked her when she misbehaved. She complained about it, but deep down inside it made her feel rather excited; she secretly craved the hand on her bottom. Her Princess was also known to take a Lady over her knee and chastise her for an indiscretion—for the girl's own good, of course. Amber always wondered what it would have been like to be taken by the Princess in front of the other ladies-in-waiting, with her bare bottom exposed for her friends to see. She never deliberately tried to earn her beloved Princess's displeasure, but she did fantasize about it, and as this fearsome Amazon punished her, she couldn't help but become a bit aroused.

She received a third swat on the opposite cheek, and stifled another cry into something like a grunt. Keira stopped there.

"That's what you may expect if you misbehave. I will also reward you, if you please me." She let Amber get up. Though Keira had barely touched her (in her own mind), Amber's eyes watered.

"Don't you feel better now, my pet?" asked Keira.

Amber nodded, though she felt much worse. She said nothing, meekly waiting for what Keira wanted next. Keira had set aside her large traveling pack in the grove before going to retrieve Amber, and now she found it again, and produced a blanket for Amber to sit on.

"I will wrap you if you get too cold," said Keira.

"Thank you," Amber said as she knelt on the blanket. "Mistress," she added quickly.

"That's better." Keira took out the keys she had taken from the deceased guard. Amber held up her wrists, glad that her hands were finally free. She was soon disappointed, however, for as soon as the steel shackles were removed, Keira took her hands, placed them behind her back, and locked them again. Now she was even more helpless than before, and could not even try to cover her nakedness. She pulled on her manacles for a moment and gave up. She wanted to protest but decided to keep quiet, not wanting to arouse any further ire from Keira.

The Amazon gathered firewood and made a shallow pit, surrounding it with stones. She piled dry wood and lit it with flint and tinder stored in her pack. Amber crept forward on her knees awkwardly, glad for the warmth of the fire. The sun was almost down now.

“Where are we, Mistress?”

“The Island of Lyria, of course. Have you not heard of it?”

Amber shook her head.

“We are in the Bleeding Woods now. Your little prison camp was right off the Grim Bay.”

“That...doesn't sound very inviting,” said Amber.

“Yes, well, we try to discourage uninvited guests.”

"Spread your legs a bit, slave. I want to admire you." After some hesitation, Amber rose on her knees and spread them a little, revealing the narrow cleft of her venus mound, ringed by tiny blonde curls. Keira looked on admiringly. Amber cat cast her eyes downward.

"You're very beautiful, yet you seem ashamed," said Keira.

"It is shameful, Mistress, to be seen like this." Amber spoke in a low voice.

"Do you think yourself ugly, my dear?"

"No, Mistress."

"Well, stop being silly then. When people see you, you'll get lots of attention."

Amber blushed again. Perhaps she's too proud, thought Keira. I can beat that out of her.

"Tell me, dear, do you have 'king's' in your homeland?" asked Keira, curious about her captive's “barbarian” heritage.

"My king passed away," said Amber. "And there was a revolt, of sorts. I don't completely understand it all. I served a princess, but she was overthrown. All my things were taken away and I was cast into prison here. I don't even know where I am. I thought--everyone thought--this place was deserted."

"Why," asked Keira, settling in front of Amber next to the cozy fire, "Were those men going to whip you?"

"They needed information...but I didn't know what it was they wanted. They didn't believe me."

“You didn't know what?”

“Where the princess is—the one I served, I mean. She was imprisoned in a rebellion, but they must have lost her. I've always stayed loyal to her.”

"Loyalty is a fine trait to have,” said Keira. “Now let me ask, are you a virgin, dear?"

"What sort of question is tha--" Amber caught herself, hoping not to earn another spanking. "I mean, no Mistress."

"Really? You have been with a man?"

Amber's cheeks turned even redder than before. She was beautiful when she blushed, Keira thought. Perhaps the young woman was ashamed that her sexual prowess was inadequate. That was normal for a young person, she supposed. Keira could train her and build her confidence easily enough.

A feeling of sadness came over Amber, as the memory of her bitter captivity came to her. “The guards took advantage of me, and I couldn't resist them,” she said. “But otherwise I have always been modest and chaste, as a Lady should be.”

Keira thought that last statement was rather strange, but she let it go. “It wasn't your fault . I'll safeguard you from now on.”

“May I ask—Mistress—are there no men among your kind?" asked Amber.

"There are some," Keira said. Men did not make good domestic slaves, she explained; they were too uncouth by nature, and sex with them could have unwanted consequences. The few males who submitted as slaves worked in the forests and the mines, not the village. An Amazon did take a man when she was ready to have children. There were free men in her village who served in various capacities but the women owned all the property and made all the decisions.

"It must be easier on the slaves then, to serve only women," said Amber.

"Oh, I don't think so--men let slave girls get away with so much. They are easily manipulated by women. When one woman owns another, she is not so easily moved to pity or by entreaties--women understand each other better.”

Keira arose, and walked over to where the bound girl knelt. Amber gulped, wondering if she had done wrong in asking her question. Keira placed an arm around Amber's shoulders, and brought her face close in to hers. She placed her lips on Amber's, and began to devour her mouth. Amber closed her eyes. This wasn't so bad, she thought. Keira was quite lovely. There was no reason to resist...

Keira thrust her tongue into Amber's mouth. Her hand clasped Amber's neck, holding her firmly in place. Amber let the intruder in, opening her mouth wider. It was pleasant to kiss someone again; she had not had such warm contact with another person for a long time.

Finally Keira pulled back and smiled.

"You taste very sweet, my pet," she said. Amber blushed and said nothing. "Now," Keira continued, "Have you ever made love to another woman before?"

Amber paused a moment, caught off guard by the question. She shook her head.

"Then you are in for a treat," said Keira. Amber remained motionless, afraid of what Keira was going to do to her, knowing she was powerless to stop her.

Keira was gentle. She knelt behind Amber and massaged the frightened blonde's shoulders. She lowered her lips onto Amber's neck, losing herself in Amber's long, golden tresses. Keira lowered her hands to Amber's breasts and kneaded them like dough, greedily grabbing and squeezing. Amber let out a soft cry of pleasure and surprise.

"You like this, don't you, dear?"

"I-I think so, Mistress."

Keira relished the feeling of power over her new slave, who was helpless to stop Keira from invading her most intimate parts. Amber fought the urge to squirm and resist; she tried to relax and gave in to Keira's sensual embrace. She had no other choice. Keira began to pinch Amber's nipples, ever so softly, between her fingers. Her hands were rough compared to Amber's own. She felt the nipples begin to stiffen. Keira's gentleness eased her fear. This was much better than prison! Who knew a woman could make her feel this way?

But what if someone sees us? Amber began to blush again.

Keira gave her nipples a sudden hard pinch. A small shock seemed to rush through Amber's body suddenly, running from the tips of her nipples, down her spine, to the nether regions between her legs. Her breathing deepened; she let out a low moan.

"I think my pet likes it," said Keira.

Amber swallowed hard, and nodded that she did. It was easy to admit. Keira's attentions made her feel special; she was glad to feel wanted again. It was flattering to be desired by this strong, confident woman.

Keira reached her hand down between Amber's legs. Amber gasped, shocked to be touched in such brazenly intimate way, and powerless to prevent it.

"This belongs to me, now," said Keira. "Do you understand?"

Amber was trembling. It was best to abandon herself, she thought; let this woman have her way with her; stop thinking about it. Just let everything go. Amber closed her eyes.

"I understand, Mistress."

Keira rubbed her hand back and forth between Amber's legs. How lovely this was, she thought. A young, nubile slave girl all to herself. She dipped a finger up into the tender wetness of Amber's sex. Amber gasped again. Keira kept an arm around Amber's waist for support and began to rock her fingers back and forth, in and out of Amber's pussy. Amber moaned softly, keeping her eyes closed. After a little while she stopped and brought her finger up to Amber's mouth.

"You are quite wet between your legs, pet. Very good. Taste yourself--lick my fingers."

Amber hesitated before taking Keira's fingers in her mouth, sucking away the warm fluid that covered them. It had a certain sweetness.

Keira rose up came around in front of Amber. She knelt down again, now face to face with her. She reached out and traced her fingers around Amber's breasts, teasing her, and smiled. Amber smiled shyly in response. Keira ran her hand down Amber's silken skin to the quivering wet gap between her legs. She pushed several of her fingers inside this time, feeling the soft, warm moisture within. She moved her hand rhythmically back and forth.

"Oh...oh..." Amber hadn't felt this way in a long time. She helplessly strained against manacles that bound her wrists, then closed her eyes and gave herself over to the feeling that swelled between her legs. Suddenly Keira stopped.

"If you want me to continue, say so," she commanded.

"Yes Mistress, please do," Amber said humbly.

"You must beg me for it, pet."

Amber looked at her forlornly, not wanting to behave so shamefully but wanting the pleasure even more.

"Please Mistress? I beg you, please...make love to me." It was hard to say, but once the words escaped, she felt relieved.

"Good, but I want you to beg me to fuck you. Say it, dear."

Amber gulped. A lady did not speak like that. Though she was hardly a lady anymore, she supposed.

She sighed with resignation and looked at the ground. "Please mistress, fuck me. I want you to. Please." She then looked at Keira and pleaded with her eyes. The Amazon smiled approvingly.

"See? When you obey, you are rewarded. Now lie down and open your legs."

Amber did so. Keira's fingers entered Amber's wet sex again. Amber shivered. She breathed more heavily, in rhythm to Keira's moving hand.

"Shall I push a little harder?"

"Yes Mistress, please."

The swelling sensation in her pelvis increased. She began to gasp sharply, then moan. Amber imagined a wave inside her rising. Keira could go on like this forever as far as she was concerned.

Keira bent her head down between Amber's legs. Now, in addition to her thrusting hand, she darted out her tongue across Amber's sex to the button of her clit. Amber moaned a little louder, savoring this powerful sensation concentrated in such a small area. The wave continued to rise; Amber thrust out her pelvis lewdly, rocking back and forth against Keira's tongue.

"Oh...oh...ah...Ahh...AHHH...ooohhhh..." she cried, her eyes closed and her mouth open. The wave of pleasure peaked and washed over her, and she thrust herself up one last time. She collapsed onto the blanket and rolled onto her side, hands still bound behind her. Her body glistened with a thin layer of sweat.

"You came quickly. You must have been starved for attention.”

"It has been some time, Mistress," Amber panted. Her heavy breathing subsided and she sat up again, trying to regain some semblance of composure. Keira stood up over her.

"That was just a taste. Now, kiss your Mistress's feet."

Amber looked up and saw that Keira was brandishing the whip. Not wanting to give her a reason to use it, she bent over--though her bound hands made it difficult to maintain balance--and kissed the top of Keira's leather boots.

"You must thank you mistress for pleasure you receive from her."

"Oh...thank you Mistress, that was wonderful."

"Are you hungry?"

Amber nodded. She had not eaten well in the prison camp. Keira took out some food she had stored in her pack—some bread, fruit and cheese, and gave a fair portion to Amber. The captive had to eat out of Keira's hand. Keira smiled and stroked Amber's head, like one would a pampered pet. She then poured some water from her canteen into a bowl for Amber to drink out of. The younger woman was embarrassed but said nothing as she bent over to lap it up with her tongue. When she was finished, Keira pulled one last item from her pack. It was a long leather cord. Amber wondered what she would do with it, and soon found out. Keira looped it around Amber's neck and tied a knot near her throat. The cord would not slip past the knot, but she could tighten it further against Amber's throat if she wished. She tied the other end to a tree branch. There was no way Amber could reach up to untie it, but it was long enough to allow her to lie down on the blanket.

"When we get home, of course, I will get you a proper collar, but this will have to do for now."

This was too humiliating for Amber, and she protested against being leashed like an animal. Annoyed at her captive's impertinence, Keira took her to the stump. Keira sat down and put the frightened girl over her knee, face down, hands still bound behind her.

"Now you will count out ten spankings."

"Please, Mistress, I'm sorry, I was just surprised--"

"That will be twelve now, and that many again if I hear anything but counting. Understand?"

Amber whimpered pathetically and nodded.

"You have to learn what happens to slave girls who forget their place."

A look of pure humiliation came over Amber.

Thwack! "Oww! one," she said. There was now a red hand-shaped mark on her pale bottom.

Smack! "Oh! Two." Her other cheek now bore a similar mark. Keira took her time, admiring the creamy skin and pinching Amber's cheeks occasionally.

Slap! "Nnnhh...three." Tears welled in Amber's eyes, not so much from pain but from the embarrassment. Keira thought a little humbling would do her new slave some good..

Slap! Slap! "AAhh! Three, four." Keira had smacked her twice in quick succession. And she wasn't holding back. Amber waited fearfully for the next one, which seemed to take a long time.

Wham! "OOWW!! five." Real sobbing followed this time. That was hard. Even Keira thought so.

Slap! "OOw--six." Keira struck her at the very bottom of her cheek, near the upper thigh. It stung badly.

The next two came quickly. Amber was stunned at their ferocity.

"AAAhhh!!!...s-s-seven...eight..." Amber broke down into crying but tried to hold it in check. She turned her head upwards and looked at Keira pleadingly, but Keira's face was devoid of pity.

The pain of Amber's backside had reached a crescendo; the further blows only prolonged it. Amber's counting was made harder by the sniveling she tried to suppress. The tears flowed freely.

After the final blow landed, Keira bade Amber to stand up. Amber rubbed her bottom with her chained hands, bereft of any dignity. Her tears splashed audibly onto the ground.

"Thank your Mistress for your punishment," commanded Keira.

"Thank you mistress. Please, I'm very sorry."

"Kneel, and kiss my boots. Show me how sorry you are."

Amber surrendered to her shame and did so. She did not get up until Keira told her to.

"You must understand this is for your own good. If you had spoken out to your Mistress like that in my village, in front of others, it would have been much worse. So remember your place at all times."

Amber nodded, and Keira wiped her tear streaked face.

"That wasn't so bad, was it, my pet?"

"No, mistress," Amber lied.

Keira kissed her forehead. "Now, would you like to undress your Mistress?"

Amber looked surprised.

"Yes Mistress," she said quietly. Keira showed her how to unhook the clasp of her jerkin with her teeth. Amber was aware of being aroused again. In a spontaneous show of affection, perhaps to get on Keira's good side again, she planted a kiss on each of Keira's beckoning breasts near the nipple. Keira's breasts were fuller than Amber's own, and Keira's figure was much more athletic.

"You're rather incorrigible, aren't you?" said Keira.

Amber blushed apologetically.

"You must ask permission, pet, but I will forgive you this once," Keira smiled.

Amber nodded. There was a similar clasp on Keira's belt, and she knelt to unhook that as well. It was awkward using only her teeth and tongue, but Keira enjoyed watching her try. Finally the belt and sash of fell to the ground. Underneath was a kind of leather thong, briefer than any undergarment Amber had seen before. She felt it was somehow inappropriate to have her head so close to the crotch of Keira's legs and made to pull back, but Keira held her head in place.

"Continue," she ordered.

Amber took the string of the thong in her teeth. She moved it down Keira's well-toned legs and became further aroused. She worked both sides of the thong with her mouth, bringing it down to her ankles so Keira could step out of it.

"Good girl," Keira patted Amber's head affectionately. "You can keep me warm tonight."

Keira lay down on her side, with Amber in front of her. Amber realized she wanted Keira to make love to her again. The Amazon pulled a thin cover over them both, and wrapped a leg around Amber's. One arm went under Amber and cupped her breast, while the other went around her waist and rested provocatively on her crotch. Amber felt the warm wetness inside return. She realized her own hands, chained behind her, were close to Keira's own sex.

"Sleep now, pet." Keira massaged Amber's sex gently, and fondled her breast. Keira's hand was soon wet. Amber closed her eyes and moaned. She could get used to this.

“You're fortunate I found you. Now, are you going to be a good slave from now on?"

"I'll try Mistress," Amber answered humbly. "Really, I will."

"I will expect proper behavior and respect from you from now on, without excuse.”

What will become of me now? wondered Amber. She had let Keira seduce her, and now the Amazon would never let her go. Amber resigned herself. Her fate was in this woman's hands; she just had to hope for the best.

She drifted off to sleep in the Amazon's sensual embrace.

* * *

The Amazon Queen

by RiverOtter

Warning! Adult Content!

This story contains strong sexual content and is intended for mature audiences and is not suitable for minors.

If you are under the age of 18 or are otherwise legally prohibited from viewing such material in your area of residence, stop reading immediately. You may be breaking the law and may also end up spending an eternity in hell with perverts like this author.

This story is copyrighted © 2007 by RiverOtter. This story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any real persons, living or dead, is unintended and purely coincidental. It may not be sold or redistributed for profit in any form. Archiving and posting online is permitted if the story is kept intact in its original form, and proper credit is given.

Sincere comments, feedback and criticism are welcome.

Author's notes: this is an erotic story with a fantastical setting. It contains scenes of slavery, bondage, dominance and submission, and explicit sex, which is almost exclusively lesbian; hence, readers who don't care for these sexual activities may not find it interesting.

It has some passages of exposition and narration without any sexual content that otherwise interested readers may find dull, but the author encourages them to give it a chance.

All characters, even teenagers, are effectively full adults for the purposes of this story. No minors are presented in sexual terms in this story in any way whatsoever.

This is a fantasy setting, not an historical one; hence, some modern clothing and accouterments are used. Some suspension of disbelief is required.

The author makes no pretense of understanding everything about the psychology and practices of bdsm, and apologizes if they have gotten some things wrong.

This is a work of pure fantasy; this author does not condone non-consensual sexual acts of any kind (and even some consensual activities make the author uneasy).

The views and actions of the characters should not be taken to represent the beliefs of the author.

*Inspiration for this story comes from the novels of Anne Rice, internet writer sfmaster, and that one torture scene from the last James Bond movie.

Dramatis Personae:

Amber—Blonde haired former lay-in-waiting to Penelope, age 19. Slave to Keira.

Keira—Amazon, age 20. Sheila's second oldest daughter. Owner of Amber and later Lydia.

Chandra—Black haired oldest daughter of Sheila, age 23. Owner of Belle. Looked to as a leader and known for conducting intense slave-training sessions.

Dawn—Youngest daughter of Sheila, age 16. Owner of Claire.

Sheila—Matriarch of the Amazon tribe of the story, age 40. Mother to Chandra, Keira and Dawn (in that order). Adoptive mother to Penelope. Owner of Amanda and Jessica.

Claire—Striking redheaded woman, age 25. Slave to Dawn; very submissive.

Penelope—Princess and former queen, age 24. Fair haired. Sister to Elysia. Later, owner of Talia and adopted daughter of Sheila. Noted for her beauty and generosity.

Talia—Amazon, age 22. Friend of Keira. Later a slave to Penelope; very loyal to her.

Natalie—Raised by Amazons, age 21. Sister to Noami, also Naomi's slave. Known to be mischievous.

Belle—Former noblewoman, age 15 or 16. Light brown/blonde hair. Original name unknown. Slave to Chandra. Usually role plays as her pet.

Lydia—Dark haired girl of noble birth, age 21. Sent to Amazons as a ransom. Later awarded to Keira.

Naomi—Raised by Amazons and adopted into Sheila's tribe, age 23. Sister to Natalie. Also Natalie's owner.

Gwendolyn—Princess, age 17. Younger sister to Penelope. Acting as queen, but not very well. In love with Amber.

Eleanor—Noblewoman, age 30. Stepmother to Gwendolyn and Penelope; has orchestrated a coup. Puts the “wicked” in “Wicked Stepmother.”

Amanda & Jessica—Twin sisters, age 22. Slaves to Sheila; often used as her ponygirls.

Anne—Amber's mother, late thirties; a minor noblewoman. Looks like her daughter.

Thomas—Captain of the Queen's soldiers. Loyal to Penelope.

Isabelle & Helen—Minor characters; a noblewoman, 32, loyal to Eleanor; also Claire's aunt, and her daughter, aged 17.

Chapter 1: The Hunt

Keira swept her dark reddish hair back into a ponytail and tied it off, not wanting even a hint of distraction for what was to come. She crouched in the woods just outside a clearing, watching intently for any passers-by. She drew an arrow from her quiver and nocked it into her bow, drawing it back a little to test the tension one last time. She knelt and waited, all senses focused on her surroundings. Most called Keira and her people Amazons, though they had no particular name for themselves. She herself had grown up in a close knit tribal village, one of many that dotted the large island on which she lived. Her society was, as the mythical name implied, matriarchal, and it was thus normal that a young woman like herself should be out hunting. She had also been trained in the arts of fighting and survival that in most other cultures were the sole province of men. She was tall, lean and well toned, with soft green eyes that adorned a almond-shaped face. Most men considered her to be quite attractive, but she felt no desire to settle down with one at the moment. For now at least, her inclinations ran in a decidedly different direction, towards the "fairer" sex.

Now that she had reached the age of twenty she was old enough to go hunt and raid on her own. The Amazons raided far and wide and took what they wanted from outsiders--the soft, weak city-dwellers who encroached on their lands from time to time. Most of the outside world knew to avoid bothering the Amazons on their islands, but some just never seemed to learn. These provided a steady flow of gold and slaves for the Amazons, who considered any intruder to be fair game.

Keira had not told anyone she had found this particular settlement, just a couple days' journey from her home village, as she wanted to keep any spoils she found for herself. Her prey today was not any gold metal, but had golden hair. Keira had spotted her two days before while reconnoitering the area, and was stunned by the young woman's beauty and grace. What this uncivilized group of city-folk was doing here or why they had come she did not know, but she knew they had something she wanted...

The young woman seemed to be some kind of prisoner, as she had been doing hard labor while chained and under guard; clearly she was not there of her own will. She was regally beautiful, with soft and delicate features. Shel was not very well tanned; outdoor labor was clearly not something she was accustomed to. Keira wondered what such a lovely girl was doing in this place. She would have been annoyed to learn that these people were using of her homeland as a penal colony.

Poor girl, Keira thought. I can put her her to better use. The lovely blonde seemed just right for what Keira had in mind. She always wanted a domestic slave—someone who would serve and pleasure her, and she was eager to try and train one for the first time. Now that she had found one she desired, it was just a matter of "liberating" her from these uncouth barbarians who did not deserve her.

With the patience of an experienced hunter, Keira waited perfectly still—she could do so for hours at a time if necessary. As afternoon began to pass, she saw her prey being escorted to an open field by a pair of guards on either side, each holding an arm. The girl's wrists were bound in front of her with steel manacles. They led her to a pole in the middle of the field and raised her hands over her head. One of the guards fastened her chains to a tether above her, and snapped a whip in the air, giving her a start.

Unseen by any of them, Keira had a clear view of the young woman. Her face was a lovely oval shape, with prominent yet soft cheekbones that formed a sinuous curve to her rosy, heart shaped lips. Her eyes were stormy blue and her skin was a creamy pale color. Keira admired her figure especially; the girl was slightly thin but was definitely beginning to grow into her potential. Her hips widened nicely below her narrow waist, and her bosom was surprisingly plump for a girl of her slender shape. The girl's golden air glimmered in the fading sunlight. To Keira she looked as sweet as an angel. She felt a deep stirring inside of her, a powerful impulse she had never felt before, upon seeing this beautiful stranger. Not merely arousal, but a fundamental desire to possess and control her. It was almost scary how this feeling moved her, but Keira welcomed it. She maintained her composure until the time was right, like a cat preparing to strike.

One of the two guards drew a knife and approached the young woman. The prisoner wore a rough brown work dress over a white slip, which the guard cut away, allowing the dress to fall to the ground. As an additional humiliation, the guard cut away the slip away as well. The girl tried to maintain some composure but her cheeks were flooded with a red hue. A look a shame and despair unavoidably crept across her sweet face. Her round breasts were now fully exposed, and the guard slapped one playfully before walking away, eliciting a suppressed, indignant cry from the prisoner.

The guard deliberately uncoiled the whip and raised it in the air. His expression was grim and serious; there was no reason to think he would hold anything back. The girl tried to remain stoic and defiant, but Keira could tell she was terrified. She kept her legs together in an attempt to hide her exposed sex from the guards. From the front Keira could see the lovely curls of yellow hair that covered the slit in the mound between her legs. Such a lovely shape, she thought. The girl pressed her face against her arms and winced as the whip was raised. Well, enough of this, Keira thought. She did not trust these men to avoid damaging her prize, and there were only two in sight.

She made her move. The prisoner waited and waited for the fiery agony of the lash, but it never came. There was a strange thud sound behind her, and the man with the whip sank to his knees with a long, low groan that was almost comical. The guards, who Keira correctly guessed had not seen combat in some time, were slow to react. She had shot an arrow into one's thigh, and the other instinctively ran to check on his comrade instead of running away to get help. Keira sent an arrow into this one's neck and then quickly finished off his wounded companion with a final arrow to the heart.

The prisoner turned her head and stared in disbelief, not quite comprehending what had happened. Keira walked over to the field, quickly and deliberately, looking around until she was satisfied no one else was coming. She pulled the arrows from the dead men and put them carefully back into her quiver (good arrows weren't easy to make, after all). She searched the men for anything else of value, and picked up the whip, coiling it and slinging it over her shoulder, and found the keys to the girl's chains. She then took out a knife and cut off an ear from each of the dead men for her collection. Only then did she turn her attention to the beautiful captive herself, who stared at her with disbelief.

"Are--are you going to hurt me?" the blonde asked.

"Oh, not unless you're really good," said Keira with a wicked smile. "Turn around; let's have a look at you." Her voice was cool, low and seductive.

Keira took the girl's shoulder and turned her so her back rested against the pole, facing Keira. The young woman seemed to want to cover her exposed breasts, but could not lower her arms to do so. She kept her thighs close together, blushing at her nakedness. Keira ignored the captive's shame and admired her soft, milky white bosom and the perky nipples that arose from them. She cupped the mound of flesh--about the size of a large apple--in her hand, then squeezed her way up to the nipple, pinching it between her forefinger and thumb. The girl gave a cry, more of surprise than anything else.

"Please, ma'am, that hurts," she said, embarrassed at being fondled so. Keira peered into the girl's face. She was a little younger than she had seemed at a distance, not entirely shed of her baby fat. Keira ran her fingers through the young woman's golden mane of hair, which reached down just past her shoulders.

The lovely captive wondered at Keira's clothing: a leather jerkin cut short that left her midriff bare, a wide sash of cloth and beads hung from her large belt, and her legs were bare. Feathers and strange jewelry decorated her. The girl thought Keira was the most exotic person she had ever seen. Keira was a little older than her captive, and her figure was more athletic. Her hips and breasts were fuller and more rounded, and her face was more sharply defined, with high cheekbones and smooth skin. Her lips were wide and inviting where Amber's were cute and pouty. Keira's dark reddish hair ran past her ears and stopped halfway to her shoulders. The young woman couldn't help but admire her.

"What is your name, my beauty?"

"Amber," said the girl. "Thank you for saving me from those brutes,” she added. “I would be most grateful if you released me." Amber proceeded to give her family name and place of birth, but that meant little to Keira.

"Amber like the color of your hair, h'm? How many years do you have, Amber?"

"I am nineteen, ma'am."

“How did you come to be here?”

“I was a lady-in-waiting,” said Amber. “I am from Avalonia...but I've been cast out. I can't go back.”

“Ah, I've been there; the women are quite lovely, but there are few warriors.But you have no home anymore?”

Amber shook her head.

"Very well then Amber, understand this: I am claiming you as my own. I am your new master, and you are my slave, by right of conquest. You will address me as 'Mistress' or 'Mistress Keira' from now on. Do you understand?"

It took a moment for Keira's words to sink in. Then, a look of almost-despair came over Amber. "," she whimpered. "I--I'll give you anything you want, ma'am, but just let me go--"

"What I want is you," Keira said firmly. "Now, are you going to challenge me? I warn you, I am experienced in combat, and I can inflict great pain if you do."

"No, I can't fight you miss," said Amber. "Isn't there anything else I can do for you?"

Keira turned Amber around and gave her a swat on the bottom. “Mistress,” she corrected her scared captive. “You must address me properly.” Amber cried out in surprise and looked back at Keira, abashed.

"Now why should someone like you desire freedom?" asked Keira, somewhat puzzled. "You don't seem to be able to fend for yourself. You need someone who can protect you."

"But...a slave?" Amber asked, clearly distressed. Slaves, in her kingdom as in most of the world, were not known to be well treated.

"If you wish, you can die with honor," said Keira.

“No...don't kill me!” Amber pleaded.

“Slavery or death, the choice is yours.”

“Choice? What could be worse than death?”

“Spoken like a true slave.”

Amber bowed her head. She wanted very much to leave this awful place, but now realized that she was still a prisoner, of sorts. She strained against her chains, but it only served to show how helpless she was. Amber momentarily thought of all the horrifying stories of Amazons carrying captives into the wilderness, never to be seen again.

"What do your slaves have to do?" she asked.

"Bring pleasure to their Mistresses, of course,” said Keira. “You will serve me, in exchange for your home and safety." She ran a finger down from Amber's chest, between her breasts. Amber shivered nervously.

"Do you beat them much?" the quivering blonde asked.

Keira laughed a little. "There's nothing to fear if you are obedient. You just need to be properly disciplined. Do they treat you so well here, that you don't wish leave?"

"No—please, I don't want to stay here, miss—Mistress," said Amber.

"This will be the last difficult decision you will have to make. Or the last decision of any kind.” Keira then cupped Amber's oval face in her hands and kissed her forehead. "Come now, we haven't much time, my beauty."

Amber sighed, and seemed to regain her composure. Keira spoke sincerely, and Amber knew could not resist her physically. Nor was there any place she could run to. She would have to trust her fate to this Amazon.

"I'll go with you," she said. "Just take me away from here, and you can do what you want with me."

"You will obey me?"

Amber swallowed and nodded.

"Will you give me your oath?"

"I promise to obey you," said Amber. Keira prodded her to add "Mistress Keira" to the wording of her promise, and Amber did so. In these times, oaths were considered sacred and binding in most cultures, and both Amber and Keira regarded such a promise with the utmost seriousness. It was enough for Keira to finally take Amber's tired arms down, though she left the steel manacles on.

"My clothes are torn; I'm afraid I have nothing to wear," said Amber.

"No need to bother with clothing for you," said Keira as she led Amber away by the chain that connected her wrists. "I want to show you off to everyone when I get home." Keira was not normally boastful, but decided she would indulge herself this time.

"Oh...Please, no!" cried Amber.

It occurred to Keira that Amber might be sensitive about her looks, as she was still relatively young.

“Don't worry, my dear," said Keira soothingly. "You have a lovely figure. Everyone will enjoy looking at you. Now come along." For some reason unknown to Keira, Amber only blushed harder when she said this.

Keira tugged the girl's chain and the captive beauty followed meekly, shamefully aware of her nudity.


Before Amber could complain further, Keira cut her off.

"Now, the next thing you must learn is not to speak without permission, or unless spoken to. When you are given instructions, you will follow them without question. Answer my questions quickly and directly. This may be difficult for one less civilized such as yourself, but I will punish you if you don't behave." She held Amber's chin, bringing up her face to meet hers, as though she were a naughty child. Amber noticed the whip on Keira's arm. She gulped and nodded.

“Yes, Mistress.”

"Good," said Keira. "Now try to make as little noise as possible."

Keira led Amber away from the prison compound and into the woods. They walked for about an hour in silence until they reached a small grove of trees that was well secluded from any who might pass by.

"Please, may I sit? I'm cold," said Amber, shivering.

"Please Mistress," corrected Amber. "You forget yourself."

"Please, Mistress, it's cold out here."

"I think I have something to warm you up," said Keira. She sat on an old stump and suddenly pulled Amber over her knee. Before Amber could react, she felt the sharp slap of Keira's hand on her bottom, and let out a yelp of surprise.

"Now," said Keira, "Will you remember how to address me?"

"Yes, Mistress," said Amber. "I'm sorry."

Keira rubbed her hand along the shapely hill of Amber's buttocks, pinching her soft, creamy flesh.

Amber realized she could not wriggle loose; Keira was even stronger than she appeared. She was completely in this woman's power.

"No more whining—let that be your next lesson. And I expect you to remember your lessons."

Keira swatted her bottom again, leaving a faint reddish hand shaped mark.

"Ow." Amber was obviously embarrassed by this. Good then, thought Keira. The young lady could probably use a little humbling.

Amber was thinking back to her time at her old home. Even into her late teens, her mother had spanked her when she misbehaved. She complained about it, but deep down inside it made her feel rather excited; she secretly craved the hand on her bottom. Her Princess was also known to take a Lady over her knee and chastise her for an indiscretion—for the girl's own good, of course. Amber always wondered what it would have been like to be taken by the Princess in front of the other ladies-in-waiting, with her bare bottom exposed for her friends to see. She never deliberately tried to earn her beloved Princess's displeasure, but she did fantasize about it, and as this fearsome Amazon punished her, she couldn't help but become a bit aroused.

She received a third swat on the opposite cheek, and stifled another cry into something like a grunt. Keira stopped there.

"That's what you may expect if you misbehave. I will also reward you, if you please me." She let Amber get up. Though Keira had barely touched her (in her own mind), Amber's eyes watered.

"Don't you feel better now, my pet?" asked Keira.

Amber nodded, though she felt much worse. She said nothing, meekly waiting for what Keira wanted next. Keira had set aside her large traveling pack in the grove before going to retrieve Amber, and now she found it again, and produced a blanket for Amber to sit on.

"I will wrap you if you get too cold," said Keira.

"Thank you," Amber said as she knelt on the blanket. "Mistress," she added quickly.

"That's better." Keira took out the keys she had taken from the deceased guard. Amber held up her wrists, glad that her hands were finally free. She was soon disappointed, however, for as soon as the steel shackles were removed, Keira took her hands, placed them behind her back, and locked them again. Now she was even more helpless than before, and could not even try to cover her nakedness. She pulled on her manacles for a moment and gave up. She wanted to protest but decided to keep quiet, not wanting to arouse any further ire from Keira.

The Amazon gathered firewood and made a shallow pit, surrounding it with stones. She piled dry wood and lit it with flint and tinder stored in her pack. Amber crept forward on her knees awkwardly, glad for the warmth of the fire. The sun was almost down now.

“Where are we, Mistress?”

“The Island of Lyria, of course. Have you not heard of it?”

Amber shook her head.

“We are in the Bleeding Woods now. Your little prison camp was right off the Grim Bay.”

“That...doesn't sound very inviting,” said Amber.

“Yes, well, we try to discourage uninvited guests.”

"Spread your legs a bit, slave. I want to admire you." After some hesitation, Amber rose on her knees and spread them a little, revealing the narrow cleft of her venus mound, ringed by tiny blonde curls. Keira looked on admiringly. Amber cat cast her eyes downward.

"You're very beautiful, yet you seem ashamed," said Keira.

"It is shameful, Mistress, to be seen like this." Amber spoke in a low voice.

"Do you think yourself ugly, my dear?"

"No, Mistress."

"Well, stop being silly then. When people see you, you'll get lots of attention."

Amber blushed again. Perhaps she's too proud, thought Keira. I can beat that out of her.

"Tell me, dear, do you have 'king's' in your homeland?" asked Keira, curious about her captive's “barbarian” heritage.

"My king passed away," said Amber. "And there was a revolt, of sorts. I don't completely understand it all. I served a princess, but she was overthrown. All my things were taken away and I was cast into prison here. I don't even know where I am. I thought--everyone thought--this place was deserted."

"Why," asked Keira, settling in front of Amber next to the cozy fire, "Were those men going to whip you?"

"They needed information...but I didn't know what it was they wanted. They didn't believe me."

“You didn't know what?”

“Where the princess is—the one I served, I mean. She was imprisoned in a rebellion, but they must have lost her. I've always stayed loyal to her.”

"Loyalty is a fine trait to have,” said Keira. “Now let me ask, are you a virgin, dear?"

"What sort of question is tha--" Amber caught herself, hoping not to earn another spanking. "I mean, no Mistress."

"Really? You have been with a man?"

Amber's cheeks turned even redder than before. She was beautiful when she blushed, Keira thought. Perhaps the young woman was ashamed that her sexual prowess was inadequate. That was normal for a young person, she supposed. Keira could train her and build her confidence easily enough.

A feeling of sadness came over Amber, as the memory of her bitter captivity came to her. “The guards took advantage of me, and I couldn't resist them,” she said. “But otherwise I have always been modest and chaste, as a Lady should be.”

Keira thought that last statement was rather strange, but she let it go. “It wasn't your fault . I'll safeguard you from now on.”

“May I ask—Mistress—are there no men among your kind?" asked Amber.

"There are some," Keira said. Men did not make good domestic slaves, she explained; they were too uncouth by nature, and sex with them could have unwanted consequences. The few males who submitted as slaves worked in the forests and the mines, not the village. An Amazon did take a man when she was ready to have children. There were free men in her village who served in various capacities but the women owned all the property and made all the decisions.

"It must be easier on the slaves then, to serve only women," said Amber.

"Oh, I don't think so--men let slave girls get away with so much. They are easily manipulated by women. When one woman owns another, she is not so easily moved to pity or by entreaties--women understand each other better.”

Keira arose, and walked over to where the bound girl knelt. Amber gulped, wondering if she had done wrong in asking her question. Keira placed an arm around Amber's shoulders, and brought her face close in to hers. She placed her lips on Amber's, and began to devour her mouth. Amber closed her eyes. This wasn't so bad, she thought. Keira was quite lovely. There was no reason to resist...

Keira thrust her tongue into Amber's mouth. Her hand clasped Amber's neck, holding her firmly in place. Amber let the intruder in, opening her mouth wider. It was pleasant to kiss someone again; she had not had such warm contact with another person for a long time.

Finally Keira pulled back and smiled.

"You taste very sweet, my pet," she said. Amber blushed and said nothing. "Now," Keira continued, "Have you ever made love to another woman before?"

Amber paused a moment, caught off guard by the question. She shook her head.

"Then you are in for a treat," said Keira. Amber remained motionless, afraid of what Keira was going to do to her, knowing she was powerless to stop her.

Keira was gentle. She knelt behind Amber and massaged the frightened blonde's shoulders. She lowered her lips onto Amber's neck, losing herself in Amber's long, golden tresses. Keira lowered her hands to Amber's breasts and kneaded them like dough, greedily grabbing and squeezing. Amber let out a soft cry of pleasure and surprise.

"You like this, don't you, dear?"

"I-I think so, Mistress."

Keira relished the feeling of power over her new slave, who was helpless to stop Keira from invading her most intimate parts. Amber fought the urge to squirm and resist; she tried to relax and gave in to Keira's sensual embrace. She had no other choice. Keira began to pinch Amber's nipples, ever so softly, between her fingers. Her hands were rough compared to Amber's own. She felt the nipples begin to stiffen. Keira's gentleness eased her fear. This was much better than prison! Who knew a woman could make her feel this way?

But what if someone sees us? Amber began to blush again.

Keira gave her nipples a sudden hard pinch. A small shock seemed to rush through Amber's body suddenly, running from the tips of her nipples, down her spine, to the nether regions between her legs. Her breathing deepened; she let out a low moan.

"I think my pet likes it," said Keira.

Amber swallowed hard, and nodded that she did. It was easy to admit. Keira's attentions made her feel special; she was glad to feel wanted again. It was flattering to be desired by this strong, confident woman.

Keira reached her hand down between Amber's legs. Amber gasped, shocked to be touched in such brazenly intimate way, and powerless to prevent it.

"This belongs to me, now," said Keira. "Do you understand?"

Amber was trembling. It was best to abandon herself, she thought; let this woman have her way with her; stop thinking about it. Just let everything go. Amber closed her eyes.

"I understand, Mistress."

Keira rubbed her hand back and forth between Amber's legs. How lovely this was, she thought. A young, nubile slave girl all to herself. She dipped a finger up into the tender wetness of Amber's sex. Amber gasped again. Keira kept an arm around Amber's waist for support and began to rock her fingers back and forth, in and out of Amber's pussy. Amber moaned softly, keeping her eyes closed. After a little while she stopped and brought her finger up to Amber's mouth.

"You are quite wet between your legs, pet. Very good. Taste yourself--lick my fingers."

Amber hesitated before taking Keira's fingers in her mouth, sucking away the warm fluid that covered them. It had a certain sweetness.

Keira rose up came around in front of Amber. She knelt down again, now face to face with her. She reached out and traced her fingers around Amber's breasts, teasing her, and smiled. Amber smiled shyly in response. Keira ran her hand down Amber's silken skin to the quivering wet gap between her legs. She pushed several of her fingers inside this time, feeling the soft, warm moisture within. She moved her hand rhythmically back and forth.

"Oh...oh..." Amber hadn't felt this way in a long time. She helplessly strained against manacles that bound her wrists, then closed her eyes and gave herself over to the feeling that swelled between her legs. Suddenly Keira stopped.

"If you want me to continue, say so," she commanded.

"Yes Mistress, please do," Amber said humbly.

"You must beg me for it, pet."

Amber looked at her forlornly, not wanting to behave so shamefully but wanting the pleasure even more.

"Please Mistress? I beg you, please...make love to me." It was hard to say, but once the words escaped, she felt relieved.

"Good, but I want you to beg me to fuck you. Say it, dear."

Amber gulped. A lady did not speak like that. Though she was hardly a lady anymore, she supposed.

She sighed with resignation and looked at the ground. "Please mistress, fuck me. I want you to. Please." She then looked at Keira and pleaded with her eyes. The Amazon smiled approvingly.

"See? When you obey, you are rewarded. Now lie down and open your legs."

Amber did so. Keira's fingers entered Amber's wet sex again. Amber shivered. She breathed more heavily, in rhythm to Keira's moving hand.

"Shall I push a little harder?"

"Yes Mistress, please."

The swelling sensation in her pelvis increased. She began to gasp sharply, then moan. Amber imagined a wave inside her rising. Keira could go on like this forever as far as she was concerned.

Keira bent her head down between Amber's legs. Now, in addition to her thrusting hand, she darted out her tongue across Amber's sex to the button of her clit. Amber moaned a little louder, savoring this powerful sensation concentrated in such a small area. The wave continued to rise; Amber thrust out her pelvis lewdly, rocking back and forth against Keira's tongue.

"Oh...oh...ah...Ahh...AHHH...ooohhhh..." she cried, her eyes closed and her mouth open. The wave of pleasure peaked and washed over her, and she thrust herself up one last time. She collapsed onto the blanket and rolled onto her side, hands still bound behind her. Her body glistened with a thin layer of sweat.

"You came quickly. You must have been starved for attention.”

"It has been some time, Mistress," Amber panted. Her heavy breathing subsided and she sat up again, trying to regain some semblance of composure. Keira stood up over her.

"That was just a taste. Now, kiss your Mistress's feet."

Amber looked up and saw that Keira was brandishing the whip. Not wanting to give her a reason to use it, she bent over--though her bound hands made it difficult to maintain balance--and kissed the top of Keira's leather boots.

"You must thank you mistress for pleasure you receive from her."

"Oh...thank you Mistress, that was wonderful."

"Are you hungry?"

Amber nodded. She had not eaten well in the prison camp. Keira took out some food she had stored in her pack—some bread, fruit and cheese, and gave a fair portion to Amber. The captive had to eat out of Keira's hand. Keira smiled and stroked Amber's head, like one would a pampered pet. She then poured some water from her canteen into a bowl for Amber to drink out of. The younger woman was embarrassed but said nothing as she bent over to lap it up with her tongue. When she was finished, Keira pulled one last item from her pack. It was a long leather cord. Amber wondered what she would do with it, and soon found out. Keira looped it around Amber's neck and tied a knot near her throat. The cord would not slip past the knot, but she could tighten it further against Amber's throat if she wished. She tied the other end to a tree branch. There was no way Amber could reach up to untie it, but it was long enough to allow her to lie down on the blanket.

"When we get home, of course, I will get you a proper collar, but this will have to do for now."

This was too humiliating for Amber, and she protested against being leashed like an animal. Annoyed at her captive's impertinence, Keira took her to the stump. Keira sat down and put the frightened girl over her knee, face down, hands still bound behind her.

"Now you will count out ten spankings."

"Please, Mistress, I'm sorry, I was just surprised--"

"That will be twelve now, and that many again if I hear anything but counting. Understand?"

Amber whimpered pathetically and nodded.

"You have to learn what happens to slave girls who forget their place."

A look of pure humiliation came over Amber.

Thwack! "Oww! one," she said. There was now a red hand-shaped mark on her pale bottom.

Smack! "Oh! Two." Her other cheek now bore a similar mark. Keira took her time, admiring the creamy skin and pinching Amber's cheeks occasionally.

Slap! "Nnnhh...three." Tears welled in Amber's eyes, not so much from pain but from the embarrassment. Keira thought a little humbling would do her new slave some good..

Slap! Slap! "AAhh! Three, four." Keira had smacked her twice in quick succession. And she wasn't holding back. Amber waited fearfully for the next one, which seemed to take a long time.

Wham! "OOWW!! five." Real sobbing followed this time. That was hard. Even Keira thought so.

Slap! "OOw--six." Keira struck her at the very bottom of her cheek, near the upper thigh. It stung badly.

The next two came quickly. Amber was stunned at their ferocity.

"AAAhhh!!!...s-s-seven...eight..." Amber broke down into crying but tried to hold it in check. She turned her head upwards and looked at Keira pleadingly, but Keira's face was devoid of pity.

The pain of Amber's backside had reached a crescendo; the further blows only prolonged it. Amber's counting was made harder by the sniveling she tried to suppress. The tears flowed freely.

After the final blow landed, Keira bade Amber to stand up. Amber rubbed her bottom with her chained hands, bereft of any dignity. Her tears splashed audibly onto the ground.

"Thank your Mistress for your punishment," commanded Keira.

"Thank you mistress. Please, I'm very sorry."

"Kneel, and kiss my boots. Show me how sorry you are."

Amber surrendered to her shame and did so. She did not get up until Keira told her to.

"You must understand this is for your own good. If you had spoken out to your Mistress like that in my village, in front of others, it would have been much worse. So remember your place at all times."

Amber nodded, and Keira wiped her tear streaked face.

"That wasn't so bad, was it, my pet?"

"No, mistress," Amber lied.

Keira kissed her forehead. "Now, would you like to undress your Mistress?"

Amber looked surprised.

"Yes Mistress," she said quietly. Keira showed her how to unhook the clasp of her jerkin with her teeth. Amber was aware of being aroused again. In a spontaneous show of affection, perhaps to get on Keira's good side again, she planted a kiss on each of Keira's beckoning breasts near the nipple. Keira's breasts were fuller than Amber's own, and Keira's figure was much more athletic.

"You're rather incorrigible, aren't you?" said Keira.

Amber blushed apologetically.

"You must ask permission, pet, but I will forgive you this once," Keira smiled.

Amber nodded. There was a similar clasp on Keira's belt, and she knelt to unhook that as well. It was awkward using only her teeth and tongue, but Keira enjoyed watching her try. Finally the belt and sash of fell to the ground. Underneath was a kind of leather thong, briefer than any undergarment Amber had seen before. She felt it was somehow inappropriate to have her head so close to the crotch of Keira's legs and made to pull back, but Keira held her head in place.

"Continue," she ordered.

Amber took the string of the thong in her teeth. She moved it down Keira's well-toned legs and became further aroused. She worked both sides of the thong with her mouth, bringing it down to her ankles so Keira could step out of it.

"Good girl," Keira patted Amber's head affectionately. "You can keep me warm tonight."

Keira lay down on her side, with Amber in front of her. Amber realized she wanted Keira to make love to her again. The Amazon pulled a thin cover over them both, and wrapped a leg around Amber's. One arm went under Amber and cupped her breast, while the other went around her waist and rested provocatively on her crotch. Amber felt the warm wetness inside return. She realized her own hands, chained behind her, were close to Keira's own sex.

"Sleep now, pet." Keira massaged Amber's sex gently, and fondled her breast. Keira's hand was soon wet. Amber closed her eyes and moaned. She could get used to this.

“You're fortunate I found you. Now, are you going to be a good slave from now on?"

"I'll try Mistress," Amber answered humbly. "Really, I will."

"I will expect proper behavior and respect from you from now on, without excuse.”

What will become of me now? wondered Amber. She had let Keira seduce her, and now the Amazon would never let her go. Amber resigned herself. Her fate was in this woman's hands; she just had to hope for the best.

She drifted off to sleep in the Amazon's sensual embrace.

* * *


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Busty Amazon Hitchhiker

Busty Amazon Hitchhiker by rmdexter“Oh my God, look at that woman; she’s incredible,” I thought to myself as I approached the figure standing next to the freeway on-ramp, her right arm extended, thumb pointing up.I’d just finished four days of sales in this city, meeting with more corporate reps than I cared to remember. Business had been good, with some existing contracts extended, plus a couple of new ones I was glad to land. I was only 27-years old and had started out on this business...

2 years ago
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Enter the Amazon

XXXecil by request: Enter the Amazon by: XXXecil Part 1: Rewritten Loyalties "Is she still at it?" Private Matthew Bellows asked the security officer, a Corporal, in the chair beside him, as both of the blond, crew-cut soldiers glared with unabashed delight at the image displayed in one of dozens of screens linking every security camera in the east wing of the lonely, black-budget bunker. One of the screens, on the...

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The Unlikely Amazon

It happened on the night of my tenth birthday. Not that anyone had acknowledged the occasion. My uncle, who had "taken care of me" since my mother's death the way a slaver "takes care" of his stock, certainly didn't give a damn about my feelings. I'll never know why, but I can see looking back on those days that he resented me in a way that went beyond simple callousness. Perhaps things were bad between him and my mother, and having me around was a constant reminder. It hardly matters now...

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Amazon A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I was born in Morocco into a Moroccan Jewish family. My family had been living in Morocco for many generations after my ancestors were driven from Spain by the Christians. I have always considered myself to be North African. My family were had been involved in growing flowers and I was brought up in a town called Migouna. I spoke Arabic and Berber as my native tongues, French, and I also spoke English. My mother had been educated at a...

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Athens Queen

I `wrote' this while staring at the ceiling at 4:00am, the morning before I left. The inspiration for this story is in the first paragraph. I gave it a subtitle of `Vacation Story Number 4" because it was the fourth story `wrote' while on vacation. (I `wrote' it in the sense that the entire story, and most of the scenes were imagined, but not typed in.) The other three are still in my head and need to be typed in. Enjoy this. This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences...

2 years ago
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Enslavement of the Amazon Princesses

Enslavement of the Amazon Princesses  The Earl, still decked in his combat amour watched the erstwhile twin princesses of the Amazons kneeling naked, bound, lovely and humbled at his feet. Their heads bowed before the man who now owned them, the beautiful loose curls of their hair; one blond the other brunette flowed down in cascades to the pert round orbs of their tits. He looked down at his new slave girls with a smile that wasn’t cruel. True they had caused him a lot of trouble but they were...

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Princess Diana and Alexander the GreatChapter 4 The Celebration Gangbanging an Amazon Princess

Alexander gathered his robes and put them on. He then went to the pavilion's door and pulling the flap aside spoke to a guard stationed there. He returned to his throne and beckoned Diana to stand on his right side facing the doorway. Within five minutes the flap was again drawn aside and about thirty men filed through. Diana had attempted to cover herself as the first man stepped through the door but Alexander was harsh. "Do not cover yourself, Princess," he ordered. "This is my...

4 years ago
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Contest at Amazon House

Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. This story is a sequel to CO-ED TANDEM BEER PISSING CONTEST. Operators of erotic story web sites and other collections, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post and/or distribute my stories, provided that credit is given...

1 year ago
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Cassanova and the Amazon QueenChapter 3

The Queen of the Amazon's was most pleased with Casanova's ability to charm four new female recruits away from their protective families and a lifetime of male dominance. She felt that instead of robbing them of their liberty, her new boy-toy had liberated the pretty young girls from the degradation of serving their male masters like slaves rather than part of the close family unit. Casanova was a bit ashamed of his deception in tricking the young women into the dark and allowing them to...

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Athens Queen

Our last day in Greece, in a taxi on the way from the ferry to thehotel we'd be staying in before our flight. (Never, never, never,trust the Greek ferry schedule to get you to Athens in time for aninternational flight, always go the day before!) My daughter sittingnext to me, my wife next to her, my mother-in-law and the Greek taxidriver in the front seat.We stopped at a traffic light and I looked over. In bright blue andwhite neon, the sign in English said, "Cabaret" and then on the...

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Amazon Bully

You walk into a Amazon ruled school. The office doors are up to seven feet tall and the office has no one in it. You look confused and look around the office and see a average height chart. Looking at the top you see the tallest female is 7 foot and the looking down you see the shortest is 6 foot 5. You dont see the boys average until you look all the way down and see the chart shaped like a leg and then the bottom of the chart was a foot and the male chart under the foot and the tallest was 5...

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Air Amazon

"AA-TSCD-4289 Three Seven Four requesting landing rights near Amazon tower." From an initial ground-view glance, an object with the appearance of a black-winged robot flew through the night sky. Upon closer inspection, however, one could clearly see it to be a high-tech battlesuit, if one's imagination had conceived of the thing before it zipped out of sight. The suit's size reflected that of a large, yet divine woman whose proportions matched those found in men's magazines throughout...

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The Amazon Box

Nelson couldn’t believe how long it had taken him to come up with his idea as he hurried home from school. His box from Amazon was supposed to arrive today, and he didn’t want anyone, especially one of his sisters to find it before he got it safely out of sight. Nelson was a pretty normal looking senior, with short blond hair and a skinny adolescent build that had caused its fair share of friendly teasing over the years. Fortunately, he had a ready smile and was a genuinely nice guy so...

3 years ago
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Amazon Part 6 Charm School Week 2

Amazon - Part 6: CHARM SCHOOL Week 2 By Itinerant Edited by Amelia R. Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. Author's Note: The dates for each section can jump around a bit. ********** Wednesday, April 7, 2275 The Settlement Interlude: A soft chime interrupted Nicole's story. A voice followed...

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Amazon Heat Ch 01

Jesse gripped her armrest digging her nails into the gray leather until she was sure they were going to break. The plane was going down and she wasn’t going to live through it. Her mind flashed scenes of her life, her sister sitting with her last Christmas, melted chocolate on her upturned nose, her dog Berry bouncing across the yard in his prime, before she’d made the heart wrenching decision to put him to sleep. Her daddy holding her hand as he told her he loved her and quietly passed away...

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Amazon Women

You are a young, ambitious archeology student from a local college in your second year. Very few undergraduate students participate in archeological digs, so when your professor offered a chance to participate in the dig. You instantly jumped at the opportunity, and even become more intrigued when you were told the reason for the dig. You were trying to prove a link between Incan Empire and legend of the Amazon Woman. After a couple of month of no luck, one of your class mates discovers some...

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Kandy I have become to know this incredibly hot sexy gurl the dream of my life is unfolding as I collect my baggage at the airport and climb Into a cab to take me over to Kandys residence ,My first time to Germany im thinking dreaming wild thoughts Kandy & the land of super giantess goddess never before have I met some one with super qualities ,super tall over eight feet tall in heels huge massive boobs almost 300 inches at fullest point of her bust arms that look like bands of steel so...

2 years ago
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Whatever Happened to Wonder Woman The Amazons

Despite quitting the Justice League and retiring from being a superhero, everyone believed her to be Wonder Woman, yet she had so far avoided meeting Wonder Woman's people, the Amazons, worried they would realise she was an imposter. But no meeting can be put off forever.... (Note: This story is part of a series. If you haven't read the others then, at the very least, you should read WHATEVER HAPPENED TO WONDER WOMAN? before reading this one.) WHATEVER HAPPENED TO WONDER WOMAN:...

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The Yong Amazons Part 3

Young Amazons Part 3Recap of parts 1 and 2: Edward and James are Fitters in the Albion Army. Their colleagues had been caught, tortured and executed by two ruthless young Amazons. The girls had stalked the two surviving men and caught them and beaten them up. They had led them bound and naked through the forest. They had come across a four man Albion Army patrol. The young girls had confronted the men and butchered three of them instantly. The fourth was milked of his semen before being...

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Teen Titan Chronicles 3 Amazons Attack

I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic. It’s not the superheroes, aliens and monsters that struck me as being unrealistic; it’s the fact that a bunch of teenagers left alone in a tower every weekend don’t have more sexual attraction to each over. This is what would really happen at night in...

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The Young Amazons Part 4

The Young Amazons Part 4The beautiful Young Amazons utterly humiliate their naked male captives as they lead them into the crowded citadel arenaRecap: Edward and James are soldiers. They found their colleagues dead, both had been savagely whipped and emasculated by two beautiful young Amazon warriors known only as Tight Skirt and Thong. The girls had beaten up and captured Edward and James, binding them and leading them naked to a forest clearing. En route they encountered a four man Albion...

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The Young Amazons Part 2

The Young Amazons Part 2Recap of Part 1: James and Edward were Fitters in the Albion Army. They had been deployed fixing a cart, on returning to their compound, they found their two colleagues brutally murdered, both had been castrated and savagely tortured. They had fled in total fear and panic and were stalked by mysterious pursuers through the forest. Their pursuers trapped them and were revealed as two stunning, beautiful Amazon girls. The Amazons had engaged the men in combat and easily...

2 years ago
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Breaking the Amazon

One The procession came through the city gates, greeted by throngsof people. First, the Standard bearers, on horseback, flags held high. Then,the officers, riding proud and victorious, swords slapping the leather of theirsaddles, armour wiped clean of dirt and blood. And behind them, four cavalry-menriding abreast: from the saddle of each, a tether. The tethers, in turn, converged upon an iron collar - lockedabout the neck of a woman, and it was she who the city had turned out tosee. She was no...

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REVENGE OF THE CYBERQUEEN Ch2 At The Mercy Of The HaremAmazons 0

As the Harem-Amazons moved towards them, they started removing their armor, revealing their tanned, muscular-yet feminine flesh. Toned and taut with hard nipples and completely shaved pussies. The Harem Amazons were now completely nude except for their leather thigh-high boots. Even as Johnny and Lucinda defensively moved back, they couldn't help admiring the naked female flesh marching towards them. “Stay behind me Lucinda...” Johnny said as he tried to get between the aroused...

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