Melissa Tells AllChapter 5
- 2 years ago
- 35
- 0
What a delightful thing, having Cindy in the house with me. Two weeks into our relationship we were less awkward around each other. That's a good thing when the 'house' is an 8x35 foot travel trailer. But snug was okay. The bed was queen-sized, HUGE for me by myself, but perfect for me and my Cindy. We had a sofa we could share, the dinette, a little floor space. The big drawback was the bathroom.
Even though my customized trailer had, for these things, a HUGE shower, it was big enough for ONE. No way two people could fit. So showers this evening were solo. Of course, that doesn't keep a certain little girl from sticking her head in the curtain and giggling as her hand reached for random appendages.
And with curtains drawn around the trailer, we could do nude for a little while before I got into my shorts and T-shirt and she got her nightshirt and panties. We sat on the sofa together. Really together. As in, if I move, she moves with me. Like we're stuck together. And I'm loving it.
Bedtime. We straightened the sheets and comforter and turned them back.
"Uh, Dan," she says.
I look at my angel. Hair still wet. Note to self. Buy a hair dryer. "Yes, love?"
"D'you have to sleep in your underwear?"
"My shoulders get cold..."
"Your pants."
"No, I guess not. Why?"
"I'm takin' mine off. Take yours off."
"Sure." The underwear went on the nightstand beside the bed. Hers went on the other side.
A CD with soothing classical sounds went into the player and the sound went to background levels. As I slid under the sheets next to her, I switched out the lights. She formed herself against me as I lay on my back. Her hand traced down my chest, across my stomach and soft fingers wrapped up my dick, idly fondling.
"Mmmm," she said. "Almost perfect..."
"Just 'almost'?"
"Yeah. Perfect would be if this was every night for the rest of our lives..."
"Yes it would. Now go to sleep. The alarm's set for six. We'll get up, go to breakfast, and I'll drop you off back here so you can catch the bus, just like normal."
She stroked my fresh-shaven face with her hand, scooted up and kissed me. "Even the music is perfection. What is that one?"
"Moonlight Sonata. Beethoven."
The alarm came all too soon and the two of us jumped out of bed, dressing at opposite ends of the trailer to take advantage of the space. Fifteen minutes. Then in the truck and two miles up the road to the little diner that was often a breakfast stop for me. Waitress eyed my companion. She knew me. "Ain't that the little Smith girl? Donna's her mom?"
"Yeah, I said. This is my buddy. Promised her a breakfast if she did good in school."
"Oh ... Well, hi, hon. Whatcha want."
"Pancakes," said Cindy.
"And I'll do that too,"I said. "She gets milk an' orange juice. I get milk an' coffee."
The place was fast. A thirty percent tip every day helped that along. We were out the door and back in the RV park in forty-five minutes. As we were pulling in, I noted that the pickup truck of Donna's old boyfriend was leaving. I took the long way around to Cindy's place, making sure that he'd continued down the road.
I dropped Cindy off and drove to work. And every now and then during the day, I'd think of my little doll and I'd get pleasant feelings from the top of my head to, well, you know...
Things were going well on the project. They didn't need me there all day, so I left in mid-afternoon. Took advantage of that event to make a grocery run. Bought more TV dinners. And a hair dryer.
Back at the RV park, I stopped in the office. I was greeted by Helen.
"Hey, Dan, you're early."
"Yeah," I said. "Sometimes I can get away with it. How's things?"
"Pretty much the same as yesterday. An' you?"
"An' Cindy?"
"Took her to breakfast this morning. She was fine then."
Helen smiled. "Dan, we got to do something about that young lady. You seen that red pickup come through here?"
"Yeah. Her mom's old boyfriend. That's what Donna said, anyways."
"Yeah, I remember her seein' him back early in the year. I worry that he's gonna show up, an' no Donna, but here's this sweet little girl..."
"You really think?"
"I have my suspicious mind, you know. Watch too many a' them TV shows." She continued. "An' I notice that Donna's not just stayin' out all night on weekends. Her car wasn't here this mornin'."
"Yeah," I fibbed. "That's why I took Cindy to breakfast."
Helen cocked an eye at me. How much of that did she believe?
"Cindy needs somebody to take care of her. Looks like that ain't her mom, you know."
"I know. It's kinda sad. She's such a charmer."
Another look from Helen. "You need a daughter?"
"Like a hole in the head. Besides, what judge in his right mind would sign an adoption for THAT fourteen year old cutie to some forty year old single guy?"
"You might be surprised."
"An' do you honestly think that Donna's gonna sign over her own daughter?"
"Dan," said Helen, "I think that if Donna had just a teeny bit of encouragement, she'd be happy to get shed of that responsibility. You know, I could see that happening."
"And," I said, that's step one. What about step two?"
"Like I said, my husband was quite a character. You might think that runnin' an RV park ain't much, but Herb Hardison knew a lot of people. Folks liked him. Even a few judges he used to take huntin' an' fishin'. Old men that still owe favors to the right people."
"But I don't need a daughter, Helen. I travel."
"Remember what I told you about me an' my husband. About an older man takin' a young girl out of a bad situation? Maybe NOT a daughter."
"Helen," I said, "that's thinkin' that would get me twenty years in prison."
"Suppose now, just suppose, that I was her legal guardian. Court order. If 'er mom released her." Helen watched my face. "Do you think that I would let you hurt her?"
"Well, no..."
"So if you drove off with her, do you think I'd let that happen if I thought you'd hurt her?"
"No. but..."
"Dan, I'm not stupid. I watch you two. You smile when you're together. An' it's not a "father-daughter" smile, or a "big brother-little sister" smile. An' your face changes when you talk about her. Your eyes. An' she ain't learnt to be subtle yet, so she just bubbles." Helen's eyes twinkled. "If you two haven't already tied up, you're too damn close to count. Am I right?"
I didn't say anything.
"I'm right." She smiled.
"Helen," I said, "I'm not a dirty old man takin' advantage of helpless little girls. Honest. It's not like that."
"Dan, Dan, Dan, you're awful dumb for an engineer, bud. You're not listening at all. I watched her. I watched you. You an' me talked an' I had you figured for a decent fellow. Cindy's been here for years. I know her like one of my own. One of my own. If one of my daughter's woulda come home with you doin' the "Momma, we're getting married" thing, I'd have been very happy."
"Thanks, Helen. I appreciate that."
"Dan, that's not the half of it. Two or three weeks after you moved in, before school started, Cindy'd come in here every day an' ask about you. We noticed things together. You go to work. You come here. I've had construction guys in this park before, and they was always carousing and goin' out an' bringin' women back here. An' you didn't do none a' that. We both noticed."
I mused, "I didn't know I was being observed."
"Hah, you know me. I ain't got nothin' else to do. But Cindy, she was, like, "Mizz Helen, do you think he's nice?" an' "He's good lookin'" an' "guys like that, they make good husbands, huh?" and Dan, I think somebody set her sights on you. And then you turned Donna down. Flat! Cindy's..."
"Are you serious?"
"I'm serious. So you got a very precious little thing there, an' I don't want to see her broken. No way."
"I would never do that, Helen. I've been tearing myself apart over this. I have one thing telling me "no" and another thing telling me "yes"...
"And if I was her guardian, Dan, when she turned sixteen I'd have you an' her in the courthouse getting' married."
"You think?" There was hope.
"So what do we do for her birthday?" Helen laughed. "An' then ya'll have to make it through the next seven hundert an' thirty days..."
We made it through the week with homework sessions until eight. Cindy's mom had come back Tuesday and hadn't gone to work for the rest of the week. Cindy risked nothing. She dutifully transported books to my place, we did homework, Wednesday we went out for pizza afterward, but none of the roaring sex sessions like Monday night, just on the outside chance that Donna still had enough of a sense of smell to detect the odor of a freshly fucked teen.
Friday evening Cindy came over toting a shopping bag. She stepped into the trailer and extended it. "My birthday from Mom."
I looked at a pretty decent little set of clothes. "At least she got you something," I said.
"Yeah," said Cindy. "I suppose so." She clicked the lock behind her. And smiled demurely at me. And ran into my arms.
"Hello, there, my almost fourteen year old doll," I said, kissing her. "So, what's wrong? You're not smiling..."
"Oh, Dan, you know me an' Mom have been havin' trouble lately. She was just kinda mean today before she left. Told me she'd be married if she didn't have all the extra burdens. She was talkin' about me..."
"I'm sorry, sweetheart." I held her.
"I just want to be held right now."
I guided her to the sofa and pulled her down beside me. She turned into my arms, then backed up into my lap, sideways, head on my shoulder. I wrapped her in my arms and gently kissed the top of her auburn head.
I felt the silent sobs. "Baby, nobody should cry on their birthday."
"Tomorrow's my birthday. An' tonight I just wish I could run away." Another sob. "I really try, Dan. Honest. I clean up, I even cook. I do the laundry. I don't cause trouble. An' she treats me like an obstacle to her life. It didn't use to be so bad, but since I turned twelve, every day it gets a little worse. But I tried..."
"I know, baby ... Sometimes people just aren't right."
Quiet voice. "Hold me, Dan."
And I whispered, "I love you, my Cindy forever."
"I need you, Dan..."
"What you mean, you need me?"
"You're, like, my life..."
"And you're mine."
"Dan," she said, sitting up, looking at me with a serious face, "You need to know that I WANT to be yours."
And a tornado of thought was going through my head. Damn it! She was fourteen. I was haplessly, hopelessly smitten with her. And she was fourteen. And what was I supposed to do? Give my heart to her? She had it. And there was a black corner of despair there, too, as in "Dan, in a year she's gonna be tired of you. And you're gonna be seriously screwed, in more ways than one."
"Cin, my love," I asked, "What does forever mean to you?"
"Forever. Is forever."
Cindy, darlin', I'm not just in this for a few weeks or a few months ... I want forever, too. But I'm way ahead of you in age. When you turn twenty-one, I'll be almost fifty. You'll be a beautiful young lady. What will you do with a fifty-year old husband?"
"Husband? As in, you'd MARRY me?"
"If we were together when you're twenty-one, we'd have been married five years."
"You'd marry ME?"
"Haven't I told you that?"
"We talked about marryin' an' laws an' stuff, but you never just said we'd be married..." Squeal. Her demeanor changed from the sadness of moments before to that twinkly-eyed doll whose smile could melt glaciers. "Dan," she smiled, "D'you love me, like, marryin' an' forever?"
"My dear," I answered, "what do you think I was just asking? I worry that I give you my heart at fourteen and at fifteen or sixteen or seventeen you decide that you're more attracted to people your own age ... It hurts to give away your heart and have it dropped in the street. I know." It was my turn to get teary. Flashes back to happy times. First marriage. And previous girlfriend, who I thought was carrying me out of the loss of my first wife. And then the darkness I had to dig myself out of, and the first ray of sunshine, well, in my heart I knew that ray of sunlight was Cindy.
"Oh, Dan," she said, "Is that a tear?"
"I'm sorry, Cin. Sometimes things get a little too much for me. I don't know if you understand what you mean to me, baby."
Cindy kissed my tears away. "Dan," she said, "I will never leave you. Forever. Like stars in the sky forever." And the next kiss wasn't on a teardrop. It was full on my lips, and the tongue that slid through her parted lips, touched my lips, and met my own tongue, It wasn't wanton, it was tender, yes, tender, caring in a way that belied the youth of its owner. She finally pulled away.
"Dan, you're so wonderful to me. But you know what really did it?"
"No. What?"
She smiled as if she were reliving a dream. "The other night when we went to bed, and you put that beautiful music on an' we held each other. I went to sleep in your arms with not a care. The sounds were perfect. The feelings were perfect. An' you holdin' me so gentle an' sweet was perfect."
"You make me feel good."
"That too!" And a mischievous grin. And a peck of a perfect little kiss. And from six inches away, her face was angelic perfection. "An' are we finished bein' serious? What's for dinner?"
"Let's get in the truck and figure it out on the road..."
Cindy climbed in on the passenger side and was buckled in. I climbed in, and off we went. "Catfish?" I asked.
"Uh-huh ... That's great!" So we went off to a local fried catfish emporium and had a happy supper.
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"Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! She's here; she can look after her precious son. I can't take any more of this." Throwing a few items into a bag, she went to David, "I'll pick you up in the morning if you wish to go into work SIR. I'll bring the car back then if you don't. Good night SIR." "No Steph, don't go..." Stephanie could hear him calling to her as she closed the door. Her phone rang a few minutes after she'd entered her old flat. It now seemed a cold and uninviting place but at...
Fred was relieved when the door to their cell opened. Not that she expected to escape; it just provided a distraction from her clit. It was becoming harder and harder to keep her hands away from it. "Hey, hotties," Cunt Lustly gushed at them. "Me and the sluts need to know if you girls want to come down to my place." "You expect me to believe you'd let us leave with you?" "No, silly," Cunt dismissed. "I, like, live here. All us sluts with cool new names live here." It took a...
I had come home from an out-of-town consulting trip, weary of travelling and looking forward to a quiet evening at home with my wife. My drive home from the airport was long and uneventful, and only served to further tire an already tired body. I was sincerely looking forward only to a good night’s sleep. When I arrived home I was in for a most pleasant shock. I pulled into the garage and went to the front door as usual, my luggage in hand. To my surprise, I was greeted there by my...
When I married my wife we had been living together for a short time and planning to marry around November, however being in the military, things change. I was to deploy with my unit at the end of May for six months to the desert, so we decided to get married before I left rather than wait until I returned. So we married, and two days later I left for the desert, it was a three day trip over with a stop in Germany for crew rest. I was on a small base with about 3,000 men and 150-200 women. All...
Patrick Lawton was both elated and deflated when he returned home after his night with forty-seven-year-old Amala Gupta. The elation was because he had lost his virginity and he was 'in love' but the deflation was because he now wanted to be with Amala all of the time.Amala too was feeling mixed emotions because she had really enjoyed having sex with the handsome seventeen-year-old youth, whose lovemaking skills would no doubt get even better with practice, but she was wondering just quite what...
InterracialI am 55 now. This all started after my girlfriend of 8 months,decided to move out without even saying anything to me. I think it was her Mother and younger sister that convenced he to leave. I was 52 at the time and she was 27.That happend on Jan 1st. 2010. I was really hurt by it and got into a drinking mode that had left me drunk every night. A real good brother owned a bar at the time,and this didnt help the situation any. But as the month was comming to a close, He decided to close down the...
Chapter 1 It was an early cold Scottish winter day. Eva was on her way to class, asshe walked across the bridge that crossed the frozen lake. She was happy knowingthat she had the answers for the exam she was about to take. Little did sheknow that Jim one the other student on her course knew she had stolen the questionsand he was waiting to see if she would use them. The exam started and Eva had cavalry canceled the answerers in the fountainpen, as she took the answers out of the pen Jim...
"Miss Roberts, please come by my office after work tonight so we can discuss this matter further."Those words flashed across her computer screen as she sat at her desk. She couldn't believe it! She had just sucked off her boss, Mr. Thornbeck in his office in a last-ditch effort to somehow convince him to promote her to a position as a realtor for the realty firm. She really didn't know what came over her, it was just the desperation of the moment, but he was so hesitant in giving her a chance....
Office SexMy wife is 8 months pregnant. She is so uncomfortable. It's hard for her to get up and down easily. It's difficult to turn over in bed. She feels ugly and unattractive ( though I don't ).We've discussed having her mom come to stay with us her final month of pregnancy and maybe the first month after the birth of our c***d. Nothing strenuous; just light cleaning, washing, cooking, and shopping. I'll do anything to help. It's just hard to do and work too.Her mom showed up one month to the day...
Hi! This is Vatsal from Gujarat back again. This is the final part of the story. Thank you guys, for having the patience and reading all the parts. But I have felt the need to share everything as it was some wonderful experience for me. Manali and Ravindra had recorded their intimacy while I and my reader’s wife Ravisha went out for a drive. They both were unaware of the fact that we had sex in the car. We saw their video and that really turned us all. Now, the jealousy was over. The only thing...
Tomorrow I go on leave. To think this war would have lasted more than a year, but its still going. I am Rohland Greystone, the son of the clan leader of the Nutainians, Alum Greystone. Nutainians are what my people were called many years ago when the Humans crashed down onto my home planet Kronos several hundreds of years ago. It seemed to take them forever to reunite with their own but to then learn of a Federation taking hold over the region of the galaxy. Apparently they didn't take care of...
Mary arrived home a little earlier than usual. Her last class had ended by a fire drill so Mary and her best friend Jill slipped away rather than going back inside the school. They went their seperate ways. When Mary went upstairs she saw that her brother Roger's bedroom door was closed. She stopped outside the door and listened closely. She heard strange sounds coming from her brother so she assumed, correctly, that the sixteen year old was masturbating. Mary smiled as she ran her fingers...
Girlfriend’s Hot Mom 3 We were lying there sprawled out on the bed. It was a bit crowded up in the bed, but I wasn’t complaining. With two lush female bodies on either side of me who will complain. But my cock was straining for release. All through while I was sucking Mini’s sweet tasty pussy my cock had been bereft of attention and now I wanted to fuck a tight hole, Hema or Mini it didn’t matter. Hema saw my cock sway and understood my need. “Amit you had come to fuck Mini and I jumped the...
Ready to bust a nut at JAV Most? If you’re from the western part of the world like me, you probably have a bit of a fascination with Asian women and the porn that they star in. I’m not sure what it is exactly, but I’m pretty sure I’ve narrowed down a few different reasons why I find them so fascinating.For one, due to their culture, Asian women usually are super submissive in most scenes. You know the ones I mean; where a Japanese student begs her senpai to improve her school marks after...
Asian Porn SitesI rushed across to the back door only to find it locked, hurrying back into the workshop I picked up my office clothes, found the key in the pocket of my jacket and glanced at my watch. It was five to five, she usually arrived home at five. My heart was in my throat, my fingers all of a tremble as I panicked dashed now, office clothes under my arm, key in hand, dropping socks as I ran to the back door of the house again. It opened and I raced in and up the stairs into the nursery...
You arrive and I am laying in bed waiting in my nightie and panties, soaked in cum from the night before.... removing the panties I throw them at you. They land in your face and the smell of his cum fills your head......"Now put those on and turn around to show me that ass covered in the silky spandexAnd don't you dare let me see you get turned on by it"You turn, my had firm against the back of your head as I force you down over the edge of the bedMy hands tracing lightly over your curves...
"Christ," Tracy moaned. She stared at Cloud's cock. "Seeing his prick always makes me cream." "Me too," Mary said, lying on her back, her fingers jabbing in and out of her sopping wet pussy. "Ooooo, I think I'm creaming." Patsy was still leaning against the bale of hay. She came out of her faint but was still dazed. Glassy blue eyes watched Mary writhe naked on the ground, her fingers disappearing into her cunt. "God," Patsy gasped, hating her cherry. She looked at Cloud and...
My car was crowded as I drove to school, Tami in the seat beside me and two cousins and an adopted cousin in the back seat. I was glad to have my Mustang back from Mom, but sometimes her minivan made more sense. I smiled, listening to the conversation in the back seat. Wynter seemed thrilled to be going to high school, if only for the day. Hailey, the experienced freshman, wasn't nearly as impressed, and Cinnamon just took it in stride. I just concentrated on my driving and how I was going...
I usually met David on occasions, our conversations were always brief, David lived with his parents after his divorce, his mother doted on him, I think it was one of the reasons Lucy divorced him, a number of years later he re-married a woman called Margaret a woman in her mature years. David was a heavy drinker he loved his pint of beer and watching rugby, he spent a most of his evenings visiting various public houses and rugby clubs. One evening about 21:30 there was a knock on door, it...
Hi readers! This is Shantanu from Cuttack Orissa . After reading a lot of stories I felt I should pen down some of mine as sex is an integral part of my life .Let me introduce myself . I am 25, height of 5 feet 10 and weight of 73 with a descent figure. I am unmarried but i do have a few girlfriends. In this I will talk about one such. Her name is Payal and she is also of my age, a few months younger and has a voluptuous figure. She has got a height of 5 feet 6 and lovely legs. Her figure is...
Tristam had some bravery I'll tell you that, not many straight *cough* boys would walk to a door with their cock on show and another guy on all fours behind them, what if someone walked in. Right at that moment, I didn't care..I didn't care who saw us, or who found out. All I cared about was Tristam. He came back over, it was then that I realised that I still had one burning question, what did Tristam's sweet ass taste like, cos if it tasted as good as it looked I would be in ecstasy....
Hi friends, me mas0om apne pehli story alizaay-ki-seal-tori-uske-kehne-pe-aur-usko-choda ka agla part leke aya hu k kaise mene usko phir se ch0da aur aur uski gaand bhi maari pechli baar k chudai k baad se alizaay mujhse phir se milney kehne lagi thi per mere pass abhi koi room ka arrange nahi ho rha tha is liye me usko kabhi kabhi uske collage milney chala jata tha bs per hum date pe lambey time k nhi mil paa rahay thy pechli chudai k 2 maheene baad ek din mujhe pata chala k mere ek dost k...
As Tamara made her way to her office, she couldn’t hide her good mood as she passed Billie at the desk. “Good morning, Billie,” she smiled as she walked straight into her office leaving Billie wondering. Billie was on the phone, but if she wasn’t she would’ve been all up in Tamara’s face getting details about Tamara’s weekend away in Atlanta. It was clear that something changed between Tamara and Kent, and obviously for the better. Billie was happy for her friend for taking the leap. “Speaking...
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