DanicaPart 16A free porn video

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Danica heard the chime the next morning that signaled someone arriving at the teleportation pattern. Although happy to see Celes, Danica was nowhere near as joyful to see who accompanied her — the thief Telanor.

Danica's scowl must have spoken volumes, because Telanor put his hands up defensively in front of him and said, "Hey — I'm here on orders, and you're going to need me."

Danica snorted derisively at that, but Celes countered her notion. "He's right by me thinkin', Dearie. T' cutpurse'll be able ta see t' traps we're probably gonna be trippin' over where we're goin'."

"We could deal with it with magic," Danica argued.

"We'll be havin' our hands full, Dearie. We better be talkin' 'bout this somewhere t' walls ain't got ears."

Danica nodded. "I'll introduce you to the servants then, and we'll go to my room. I've spent a lot of time making it private, and that should work." Turning to Telanor she said, "You can stay in here — and for your own good you'd better not harass the servants. If you steal anything, Zoraster will be short a thief."

"Like I'd be foolish enough to steal anything from here. I haven't lived this long on the dodgy path by being stupid."

"Don't start now then," Danica responded and led Celes out of the main bedroom. Tari, Rehkmire, and the older woman Yensanamun were waiting.

As Danica introduced them, she heard the mental gasp from Celes and knew it was directed at Tari, who was wearing a new linen gown that displayed her attributes to a very arousing degree. Danica chuckled silently and then absently named Telanor before leading Celes to her room.

Danica touched a rune along the frame of the doorway once she was inside, and then turned back to Celes. "We can talk safely now. It would take strong magic to break through the wards against scrying and the sound dampening magic of the runes."

Celes blew out a surprised whistle while looking at the complex rune structures. "You certainly haven't been neglecting your studies. This must have taken forever to carve."

Danica smiled. "Not exactly — I'll get into that later."

Celes looked around then and Danica could tell she had slipped into the second sight. "Gods, Danica — complex rune structures and a spell weave that looks like a tapestry. The speed you master magic is beyond anything I've ever seen."

Danica blushed and smiled. "We can talk about that later, and I can show you more. Let's talk about the task. It's always better to give prying eyes less time to break through the protective magic."

"I know that, sassy," Celes said with a smile. "The reason I said we needed to get away from eavesdroppers is because we're supposed to rob a tomb."

Danica's eyes went wide. "Here, of all places, he wants us to rob a tomb?"

"Not only that, but a tomb that was sealed by the greatest priests of the Necropolis, with as much emphasis on keeping something inside as keeping people out."

Danica put her hands over her eyes for a moment. "That explains why you said we'd be too busy to look for mundane traps. I guess we will need Telanor."

"He doesn't seem that bad to me. He has more manners than most of Zoraster's flunkies."

"He didn't threaten to cut your tits off, either."

"I guess I haven't seen his bad side, and I've seen too much of it in Zoraster's other servants," Celes explained with a shrug.

"If he's acting civilized, he's probably trying to rob you. Okay, what do we know then?"

"I can show you the area where the tomb is buried," Celes said while walking toward Danica's large mirror.

Celes cast the spell, and Danica noticed Celes had not neglected her studies either. She used the battle mage technique to cast the spell quickly.

Looking at the image in the mirror when it emerged, Danica saw only a natural rock wall and sand. As Celes moved the focus of the mirror, Danica saw a pair of priests sheltered in a nearby cave. The clerics were certainly close enough to see the first location that the mirror had shown — and to get there quickly.

"Not much to see. Once they sealed the tomb with magic, they buried the entrance in sand and rubble and set guards on it. It has been guarded constantly for over six hundred years, if our information is correct," Celes said, dismissing the magical image in the mirror.

"What exactly are they protecting?"

"Themselves, if what Zoraster has learned is correct. The man buried there is supposed to have been a great wizard who was willingly sacrificed and mummified in a forbidden ritual, in order to maintain his power indefinitely. When he rose, the priests who had mummified him were killed and mummified except for the high priest. When they rose, they killed the high priest and the soldiers who guarded the tomb, mummifying them as well. They are likely all the living dead within the tomb still, unless the priests destroyed any before sealing the tomb. Considering how closely they guard the place, I'd say they are trying to keep them in. They're probably still stalking the place," Celes explained.

"Doesn't Zoraster have any dark clerics to deal with the undead for him?" Danica grumbled and sighed.

"They could deal with the undead, but it's probably going to take all our magic and Telanor's eyes just to get into the place alive and unnoticed."

"What are we after? This certainly isn't a normal treasure hunt."

"An obsidian obelisk. We'll know it when we find it, because it will throb with dark magic," Celes informed her.

"Do we know anything else?" Danica inquired.

"Not even the wizard's name. These people obliterate any evidence of offensive people and put them out of their memory. It's supposed to prevent them from reaching their place in the afterlife if they're forgotten."

"We can't teleport, because we can't see where we're going. We can't use the passwall spell, because it won't work on the sand," Danica said ticking off ways to enter in her mind.

"Odds are we won't be able to use the phasing spell either, because I can't imagine them not warding the place against ghosts and intangible creatures," Celes added.

"We're going to have to uncover the entrance then. This is insane. There's no way we can do this without getting caught, and I don't want to think what will happen to us if we're caught breaking into a tomb in this land," Danica said and punctuated it by throwing up her hands and angrily sighing.

"We'll have to find a way. The madman may not be concerned with how quick we get this bobble, but he's damn sure determined that we get it. I'm afraid if we don't, we won't be the only ones to suffer for our failure this time. There's something different — something I can't explain — in the way he gave me the orders for this," Celes warned.

"Let's go see if you can enter the inner library at the temple of Sekmamun. We might be able to find something there, and it will be a lot easier if we both can get in to look."

As soon as Danica finished speaking out loud, she sent her thoughts to Celes, We might be able to talk about other things there too. I don't think Zoraster will be able to watch us there.

Celes thought back, Good — there are things I want to talk to you about too.

The two women heard someone exclaim, "What the?" from the doorway to the room at that moment. Danica walked over and opened the door.

There, in front of the door hung Telanor, suspended in a magical web. Danica laughed and dismissed the ward by touching a rune on the wall. "You know, eavesdropping and sneaking into a lady's room are both very rude," Danica said as Telanor dropped to the floor, landing perfectly balanced on his feet.

The thief picked at strands of web that weren't there, still feeling them even though the magic threads were gone. "How the hell did you trap me? Zoraster's charms should have protected me."

Danica laughed again. "That will teach you to trust Zoraster's protections too much. You're lucky it wasn't a killing magic I had on this door."

Telanor stiffened for a moment. "I know you're mocking me, but you're probably right. I just said I didn't live this long by being stupid, and a few minutes later I do something stupid that could have got me killed."

Danica shrugged. "Maybe I shouldn't have offered the advice."

"Can't we just let the past be the past? We're on the same side now."

Danica scowled. "We're not on the same side. I'm stuck with you — it doesn't mean I have to like it."

"One little misunderstanding and you get all bitchy. Oh well, at least I got a poke at you first," Telanor said with a lecherous smile.

His smile vanished a moment later, as he started furiously scratching his crotch.

Danica looked over at Celes, who touched her earring a second time. "Ye'd best be mindin' yer manners, lil' cutpurse, or I'll make ye scratch yer pole clean off next time."

Telanor scowled and turned, muttering, "Damn witches," as he walked off.

Danica felt a wave of something come from Celes at that moment. It was a mixture of embarrassment, anger — and something else. It was so confusing that Danica couldn't make sense of it. The sensations dissipated as fast as they hit her, and Celes interrupted her thoughts when she spoke a moment later.

"Well, show me to this temple then, and ye can explain things 'long the way."

"We should get you something more suitable to wear. My magic is what keeps this place livable, and it will be hotter than a devil's breath as soon as we leave," Danica suggested.

"Oh bother — let's just go. It won't kill me, an' I've added a bit o' new magic to me robes. I kin keep meself cool 'nuff, I'm fer thinkin'."

Yensanamun approached Danica as she and Celes entered the main room. "I've prepared food and drink for you and your guests, Danica."

"Okay, me belly is rumblin'. We'll get a bite 'fore we go. Thank ye, lass."

The woman laughed a bit at Celes calling her lass, then nodded and went to fetch what she had prepared.

Zoraster reappeared in his inner sanctum, a wide smile of satisfaction adorning his face. He crossed the room toward his scrying mirrors, but sat in the chair before them without bringing their magic to life. Instead, he gestured and a table adorned with a map rose slowly from the floor in front of the chair.

Pointing to a spot on the map he said, "Beniopolis," and a red dot appeared on the map where he pointed. "An outpost has been established, and contact with the temples of Quadesis and Set has proven fruitful. First contact with what passes for the thieves' guild has also yielded satisfactory results."

Pointing to an island on the opposite side of the same continent Zoraster again recorded his progress to the magical map. "Toshima — outpost established and agents inserted within the upper echelon of the thieves' guild. Expendable pawns within the palace have also been contracted and will facilitate the insertion of agents within the government structure."

Zoraster's finger moved yet again to point at the upper peninsula of a large island, "Stentoft — Audun is within my complete control and has seized the throne. The fleets of the barbarian raiders are mine to direct as I see fit."

Another gesture caused the table to lower back into the floor and vanish. A hum from one of the mirrors drew Zoraster's gaze to it and he brought its magic to life.

The cadaverous Necromancer bowed upon seeing Zoraster through the mirror's magic. "Master Zoraster, we have replaced the first of the whores in the second brothel. It will be some time before we can replace another without more corpses."

"I will see that more cadavers become available immediately," Zoraster replied.

The Necromancer nodded and Zoraster banished the magic of the mirror.

Zoraster sat back in his chair for moment, raised one eyebrow, and smiled. Calling upon the magic of another mirror, an unkempt face appeared within its frame. The man in the image started, and then bowed awkwardly to the image of Zoraster hovering before him.

"There is a nunnery near your camp at the southern edge of the forest — a large one — is there not?" Zoraster asked.

"Yeah, big place full of orphans and bitches. Nothing worth stealing though, and it's too damn close to the damn city to make it worthwhile," the man replied.

"It is worth it to me. I will ensure the men at arms are sufficiently distracted. I want every woman taken. I care not what you do with the old or the brats. Collect any bodies of young women killed as well," Zoraster ordered.

The man in the mirror frowned and said, "They'll come hunting us like rats."

"Not before tomorrow morning, I assure you. That should be sufficient time to take them and entertain your men with them. I will send someone to collect the bodies and aid you in relocating at first light tomorrow. Have your men suffocate the women when they are done with them and keep the bodies as intact as possible."

The filthy bandit smiled, "What do we get other than sport with the bitches? There's nothing to loot."

Zoraster smiled and said, "You will be compensated, I assure you. Do hurry — I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on a second turn before my agent arrives for the bodies."

"Shouldn't take long to get there," the man mused.

"Sufficient portions of the city should be well aflame by then to distract any who might come to the Nunnery's aid."

With that, Zoraster dismissed the mirror's magic and activated another to set his distraction in motion.

Less than an hour later, a city was in flames and bandits poured into the Nunnery. Zoraster relaxed with a glass of fine wine and enjoyed the chaos of the capture and killing, as well as the delightful music of the Nuns screaming as the bandits repeatedly violated them not long after.

Despite Celes' initial push toward haste, she seemed to relax as they ate and talked about where their studies had taken them. They talked for around an hour, and then made their way to the temple of Sekmamun. Harkhuf was there to greet them, and to shake his head in astonishment as Celes was also allowed access to the inner library. Harkhuf sensed that the two women needed privacy, and did not intrude when they entered the library.

Celes wandered around marveling at the magic within, just as Danica had. "Gods, Danica — much of this magic is unique, and there are some very powerful spells here."

"There's something even better. Zoraster can't steal any of it away from us either. The god protects the knowledge, and anybody he doesn't want getting the magic can't even see it. I'm willing to bet that somebody watching you casting the spell wouldn't give them the necessary words or gestures either."

Celes laughed, "Oh, that's wonderful. How did he react?"

"He actually didn't seem too concerned. He's been distracted lately, not that I mind that," Danica replied.

Celes nodded. "Aye, and that's what I wanted to talk to you about. You think he can't spy on us here?"

"I doubt it. Did you feel that odd sensation when you passed through the doorway?"

Again, Celes nodded. "It was almost like walking into the range of a dispell, but somewhat different."

"I haven't learned the spell yet, but it's a ward against scrying that I doubt can possibly be broken or penetrated from afar. It's one of many I've had the scribes here copy and send to me."

"Okay then, let me show you something," Celes said and spread out a map of the world on a nearby table.

Running her fingers over the map, Celes said, "You remember most of your first tasks were close to Zoraster's home base. Almost all of them were within the country of Ferrartene. Most of mine were the same in the beginning. I think he was consolidating his power in the area. Did you know that the King died and has been succeeded by his daughter, the princess Zoraster had you spy upon?"

Danica shook her head. "No — when did this happen?"

"A few weeks ago. I think she killed her father to take the throne, and what's more, I think she did it under Zoraster's influence. She's taken a consort I'm almost positive is an agent of Zoraster's."

"If you're right, he now controls the whole of the country, from the Throne room to the rudest hut," Danica reasoned.

"Ferrartene is a power. They have more men at arms than most of the nations in the region. The new Queen has ordered new conscripts as well. She's building a conquering army, and I have no doubt it will be at Zoraster's beck and call," Celes added.

Danica pointed at the map and moved her finger over an area, "He's also been trying to gain control of trade, in everything, reaching out even farther. He's even taking control of the prostitutes. He had me organize the House of Women at the Forge under his control."

"He's got another ready made army at his disposal too. I heard somebody talking, saying that he's gotten control of Norshelt somehow," Celes said, pointing at an island on the map.

"That means he has a formidable navy at his command," Danica said, remembering what she knew about that land.

Celes nodded gravely and further noted, "And the berserkers, anyone who has faced one of our berserkers knows to fear their battle rage."

Danica tilted her head a bit and smiled. "I never knew you were from Norshelt."

"I don't like to talk about it," Celes mumbled.

Danica lay her hand on Celes' arm and said, "It's okay, I won't pry."

Celes nodded and smiled. "Now, he's got you ranging far and wide, opening doorways for him here on this continent. Marlena has been sent frequently to the North and to Agreseus, and he seems to have a lot of influence there too. He's had me skulking about in Egoria and Freeland."

Danica blew out a low whistle. "That's why he's distracted. He's venturing into dangerous territory there. He's known in Egoria and Freeland, and not well liked."

"That could change. He's got a lot of agents there. Some places are watched, while others appear to still be secret. I think he's using the well known ones to distract from the hidden ones that are doing his real work."

Same as Danica
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It was july, and that meant it was time for the annual camping trip. My friends and i had been doing this since we were teenagers. Now, most of them are married, and we don’t spend much time together anymore, so we really look forward to this trip. Me probably more than the others. While my friends have been busy getting married, i have focused my efforts on my career and it has paid off. I am a 29 year old guy with a six figure income and with a nice muscular body, good hair and a killer...

2 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos FFFM Night

Emma had just finished a hard day of rehearsals for her movie that co-stared Emilia Clark and Sophie Turner. She was getting along quite well with the younger and gorgeous Sophie! Emma was less sure of the slightly older Emilia Clark!All three had decided to meet at a bar for a few drinks and get to know each other more. They found a small table in a dark corner where they all ordered drinks. They had a total of three bodyguards at a nearby table drinking non-alcoholic drinks. Emma had whiskey,...

3 years ago
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Mary comes alive Part 1

Mary had just turned 40, and because she had had her two children young, it was just she and her husband Tom at home. She had hoped for a career before she married, but when Tom, her senior by 2 years left school and got a job, he had immediately asked her to marry him, though she was not quite 17. He had been her first sweetheart, and though they had played around, they were both virgins when they married. The children arrived sooner than planned, and then there was just so much work to do....

2 years ago
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Family PeepersChapter 8

As the panting and moaning lessened and Bonny knew that her mother and brother had reached the peak, the girl decided that it was time to act. Her cunt had been creaming steadily on her hands, but a thousand hand-jobs could not have cooled her ardor by this time. She got unsteadily to her feet, one hand still in her crotch, and walked determinedly down the hallway. Jack saw her from the corners of his eyes. It was difficult to look away from the delightful performance in the living room, but...

2 years ago
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A Trip To Kodaikanal

Hai I am Harsha from Kerala. This is my real life story which happened few years back. After my 12th exam our relatives planed a trip to Kodaikanal after visit Velankanni. We are 13 from four families, me and my mom, my mom’s brothers and their family and my mom’s elder sister and their family. So we decide to go by 2 cars, we reached there at 6:30 in the evening. My younger uncle and aliyan [brother in law my cousin sister’s husband] search for rooms but they come to know that all the hotels...

1 year ago
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BangbrosClips Lana Rhoades Neglected Lana Rhoades Gets Fucked By An Intruder

Lana keeps getting ignored by her busy man and had about enough. While she’s texting her friends about this BS and intruder breaks into the house and finds this sexy ass right in front of him. As he grabs her he notices that she doesn’t freak out and better yet that she’s smiling maybe because she finally gets some excitement in her life. She bends over more and lets the guy touch her all over, he even got to lick her pussy and got a bj. This lucky guy got more than what he wanted. She takes...

2 years ago
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A Ticket

The hills provided an amazing race track for me. Most people go over the speed limits around here, but I go faster than them all, heading down the road at quite close to double the speed limit. Of course very thing moves very slowly to me, making this possible. I can avoid most things on the road, see anything coming, except when a highway patrol officer is at the base of a mountain hidden behind trees on a rarely used back road that leads almost nowhere. I see him as I come down the hill, but...

4 years ago
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The Girls

On Tuesday, I had my fifteenth birthday and my parents took me out to a nice Italian (my favorite) dinner. It was fun but I was really more looking forward to a birthday/sleepover my friend, Cheryl, had planned for Friday night. There would be me, of course, Cheryl and her sister, Nicole, they are sixteen and seventeen, Evelyn and Carrie, also fifteen, Lauren, Brittany and Katie, each sixteen. Eight of us girls, I'm the youngest. It is at Cheryl and Nicole's house, her mom and Brittany's...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Adriana Chechik Abella Danger Luna Star The Bachelorette Gets Wet

Bride to be Abella Danger and maid of honor Adriana Chechik are excitedly talking together about Abella’s upcoming wedding. Adriana mentions that she got Abella a special surprise for the big occasion. Mischievous Adriana brought an exotic dancer, Luna Star, to give the girls a private performance! Luna wastes no time when she enters the home and pulls her dress up to reveal her sexy lingerie. Within no time it’s a three-way lesbian showdown! One by one, each of the girls take turns...

3 years ago
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Second Chance At LovePart 8 Crisis

At first day of school a very good looking girl came up to me. She asked "Where is Room 215?" I smiled and said, "I'll show you. That is my home room." I walked her to the room. "I'm Abby, by the way. My family just moved here last month from Illinois." "Hi. I'm Will, Will Henry." When we got to the room, we saw that the teacher had his name on the board. It said 'Mr. Peterson.' Mr. Peterson asked Abby for her name. She answered, "Abigail Hendricks." "You sit in the...

2 years ago
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A Drink Before Going Upstairs

Gianna and Pete drank, chatted and laughed for 2 hours. They also had a good time whenever they were around each other. They met at a friend's party a few years ago. They had few common interests but the ones they had were passionate. And then there was chemistry between them. At times it was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Their friend's have commented about it. How one would seem to light up like a Christmas tree when the other would show up. They brought things out of one...

4 years ago
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Nightmare HolidayChapter 9

Alex made a beeline for the police station where the officer yawned as he filled in the complaint form. He was fat, with a roll of lard hanging over his belt and his jowls were covered with a day's growth of beard. "You know, senor," he said, scratching his crotch. "You Americanos come down here and go to places like that one, what can you expect?" He shrugged and looked questioningly at Alex. "It is not my money!" Alex said desperately. "There are the two women." The Mexican cop...

2 years ago
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Julie meets 007 one of my first

Here is a quick introduction by way of a story of a one of my first meetings, I think I was 34 than, enjoy ! Nervously typing and fidgeting, feeling very naughty I'm wearing a pair of sexy satin panties and hose under my drab khaki slacks. I chat through yahoo instant messenger with my CD Admirer. I've wanted to feel the touch of man, be undressed and feel feminine. We finally agree to a meeting and I'm giddy with excitement. The day finally comes and I discretly make sure my feminine clothes...

1 year ago
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Life on Another PlanetChapter 17 Discovery

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 7pm “Jesse, I have something to tell you,” Eve said as they finished up putting away the dishes from the evening meal. “I believe I’ve found your sister, Roberta.” Jesse looked at her in surprise. “You have! Is she still alive? Where is she?” he asked, rattling off the questions before Eve could answer. “She’s in Scottsdale, Arizona. Her name is Roberta Turner and she is married to a man named Kevin Sullivan. Apparently she kept her married name from her...

4 years ago
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Interview With the BimboChapter 19 The Crazy Things We Do For Love

"What happened?" asked Annabelle Lulu sighed as told Annabelle the events of that fateful night: When I came to, I was bound to the four posts of one of the beds we used for filming bondage scenes. Michael was standing over me and I could see Fifi sat naked in a chair behind him playing with her hair and singing a song that had apparently been made famous in the mid-nineties by some Scandinavian Pop Group. I tried to get up but the cuffs on my wrists and ankles made my movements...

3 years ago
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Last Chance

Part 1  PART 1 I race to a halt and stand panting outside the office.? My feet are killing me.? These new high heels are not made for sprinting.? Gulping a few nervous breaths, I smooth down my pink top and white mini.? The door is ajar but I knock anyway then take a few steps back.? I look down at my fluffy pink purse swinging back and forth across my thighs as if it?s as anxious as I am to get this thing over with.? The door jerks open and I watch two slightly scuffed, black shoes step...

4 years ago
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The Snake Bite VictimChapter 2 Stephens Life

Stephen had been thinking when he started today's jog that it was hard to believe five years had elapsed since his wife had been killed. They'd married a few weeks after Susan had turned 21; she'd just qualified as a school teacher. She was a mere two years younger than him. Although it had been considered very young to marry and some had believed it wouldn't last, they had enjoyed a wonderful 21 years together. Sure there had been the ups and downs that all relationships seemed to have,...

3 years ago
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When I Look Back

You only get so many years and then it's over. Even more important, you only get so many good years. I was beginning to worry that my good years were quickly running out. Don't misunderstand me; I didn't have a bad life, far from it. I had two children I adored, a husband I still loved and a gratifying career in which I was quite successful. But it paled in comparison to the exciting life I led just over twenty years earlier. Even after we married, we would have dinner out, go to clubs,...

2 years ago
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A Victorian Pony Girl

Sweat glistened in the candlelight. dripping from her forehead onto her breasts and on again to the floor, she breathed the musky odour of coal dust and sweat and heaved again at the tram with half a ton of coal she had to drag back to the pit shaft.Her harness chafed but she was proud and would not be beaten and slowly she dragged her load to its destination."That's it pet, all done for now, till night shift come on, get thee head down lass, and her trainer Ernie Shuttleworth, led her to her...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 37

The following characters reenter the continuing story from Magic III: Michael Sean O'Connell (Mike) Shannon, Clare, and Gretchen's Husband, 5'-10" tall, 160 pounds, 35 years old, Auburn hair, hazel eyes Michael Patrick O'Connell (Pat) Sheena, Cathleen, and Petra's Husband, 5'-10" tall, 164 pounds, 35 years old, Auburn hair, gray eyes Shannon O'Connell Sheena's twin, One of Mike's Irish Wives, 5'-4" tall, 118 pounds, 36C-24-35, 34 years old, long flaming red hair. deep green...

2 years ago
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Little Addictions

I floated on air. Hips moved and arms flexed. His cock thrust into me as my tongue drew circles on the side of his neck. My nails skimmed across his back. The crisp cotton sheets cool against my skin as I moaned. Our sweat-slick bodies moved to the beat of the music. Fingers slid into my mouth with the sweet taste of orange. "I'm fucking you next, Ashley. Make you scream my name." His breath was hot on my ear. His thumb rubbed my lips.My eyes moved between them. Naked skin and lustful gazes.I...

Group Sex
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The Bribed Fuck Toycontinued

Larry pulled his dick from my lips wiping his dick head over my face spreading his sperm. Billy opened the door and quickly said Mr. Prentice just came on the floor...he's at the far end but he sees us so get the hell out of there we gone.... I could hear the guys start to move away from the door and Larry zipping up his jeans scurrying for the door. My face covered with Larry's and Steven's cum I looked round for something to wipe my face with and heard Mr. Prentice call out '....HEY, WHAT YOU...

2 years ago
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Conversation Between Lovers

Next week, about this time, I will sit on a beach in Tenerife with a cold beer in my hand. …Drink one for me, dear, you know I have issues. You’ll be in my mind when I drink my first, overseeing the sea. And, of course, I won’t be forgetting you afterwards…… …Can you blow me kisses, too? You know, it has been so long since I have seen the ocean. Of course I can, anything you want. I will take a picture and show you later to remind you. …You make everything sound so good. Please tell me you...

3 years ago
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The Ravishing of Constance Ch 13

Constance woke feeling sated in body and mind. This was a state that she welcomed, and she lingered long in the bed she’d made up on the floor in a corner of Jacqueline’s cabin. Warm tropical sun slanted through the portholes in dustmote-dancing beams, playing over the brass and the rich wood. She closed her eyes and dozed to the swaying of the ship. All was quiet. The sea was calm, the winds low, and the sailors no doubt recovering from their lengthy debauch of the day before. She wondered...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Karma RX 24427

Finally, everyone else at the office is gone! Your co-worker, Karma Rx is just dying to resume the little project you two started the other day. The last video you uploaded is getting hit after hit; looks like nobody can resist the sight of Karma’s juicy tits. Her bubble butt is wrapped up in a pencil skirt while her tits are spilling out of her shirt, and she’s ready to make some more magic happen. You’re the lucky camera man who gets to see all of the action up close. But Karma is the kind of...

3 years ago
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Pleasure On The 519

The low October sun beats down and illuminates the pages of the forgettable magazine that I am half heartedly reading. Honestly, every week I tell myself not to buy it and every week it reaches out and pulls me into its transparent charms. I guess like most girls of 21, I love a bit of celebrity trivia. The train I am sat on is making good time and barring a signal failure, or the wrong type of leaves on the track I should get home on time. I’ve only been away for a week but it feels longer....

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Aria Lee Stepsis Blows My Bullhorn

Aria Lee is in the middle of a phase. She is a party girl. But this time, her stepbro catches her coming home at 5 in the morning. Her excuse is she was out late last night. DUH, Aria! Her stepbro is not having it. For some reason, he has a bullhorn and he is threatening to blow it because he is just not that chill. Aria sees the game he is playing, and cuts to the chase. Is this what you want, she asks him as she puts his hand up her shiny dress. The next morning, he follows through on his...

3 years ago
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First and Ten Part 3

First and Ten; Part 3 Nancy Cole Chapter Ten Desperately needing some time to think, I took to walking the crowded city streets. Conner, who'd accompanied back down to the lobby, asked if he could join me. I didn't need to be clairvoyant to know that he wanted to speak to me but not there, not in the middle of a federal building. Unable to find a good reason to say no and not wishing to be alone at the moment, I acquiesced with nothing more than a shrug. In silence we headed...

3 years ago
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Across the BorderChapter 31

Six months later... Lisa started her work day like she does most every other work day. She was in Mr. Carlson’s office, riding his cock. “Oh, Daddy!” Outside their fuck sessions, it was Mr. Carlson. Here it was Daddy. Daddy liked being in his big chair behind his big desk with Lisa’s big tits flopping in his face. Lisa has found Daddy to be a big snuggly teddy bear who still giggles every time he sees her naked boobs. Four months ago, she even got a small tattoo beneath her left breast...

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When sinners die

There's a small convent on the outskirts of our town, stuck between an overgrown playground and a garage that got closed down a decade ago, when mechanics suddenly had to stop using a wrench and learn how to use a computer.We park in the driveway in front of the garage. Lucy is driving. I asked her to, even though she doesn't have a license because my head hurts and my hands won't stop shaking. She seems a little worried, and that pisses me off. Which makes me feel like an asshole, which pisses...

Straight Sex
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A Christmas tale

A Christmas Tale. A short festive story by Kyorii pilau. It was Christmas eve, I looked up at the clock on the wall from my desk, the clock showed the time at 20:31. "Oh well looks like it's going to be a while yet," I said to myself as I got up and went over to the vending machine at the other side of the large open plan office. At the machine I selected a cup of coffee and inserted coins, the machine sprang into life its...

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Silence in the Library

Introduction: Read the signs. You never know whats happening underneath them… This wasnt how Charlie Tyler wanted to spend his Friday evening. When all of his friends were in town partying like there was no tomorrow, he was forced to stay at home and study. Mr. Tyler wasnt really the type for studying. He had never really got the grades that his parents were expecting, and even they were low. The only thing that mattered to him was PE. Looking and feeling great in life were his only aims. And...

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Sexual Reality Inc

Our protagonist has been randomly selected from the populace to receive a job offer from Sexual Reality Inc., a pioneer in the research and production of virtual reality entertainment, something only dreamed of in science fiction until recently. Though several companies have jumped on the virtual bandwagon, this particular one has perhaps unsurprisingly been the most popular and successful, and as the name suggests, focuses on the...naughtier possibilities. From tropical islands to nubile cat...

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