GreeniesChapter 16A free porn video

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MPG Base, Eden
August 27, 2146
2245 Hours

General Matthew Zoloft — a third generation Martian — was the overall commander of the Eden forces. He was a WestHem Military Academy classmate of General Jackson's who had been a member of the MPG since its inception. In the WestHem marines he had risen to the rank of lieutenant in charge of a tank platoon and was a veteran of the bloody loss that was the Jupiter War. A personal friend of General Jackson's, he had started out his MPG career as commander of the 9th ACR and had worked his way to Eden commander in only five years. He had been in on the ultimate, secret goal of the MPG — the capture of Mars from WestHem — from the beginning and had helped General Jackson develop the strategy and techniques for obtaining that goal. He was pleased to see that, so far, everything had pretty much gone as they'd always hoped it would. But everything up until now had only been the preliminary stages of the conflict. Soon — in mere minutes — the first head to head combat would take place in his sector of responsibility. Would their unconventional doctrine of focusing energy on killing the ground troops instead of the tanks prove a mistake? Or would it work as they'd always envisioned?

"Lead elements of the enemy formation are now fifteen kilometers out from the Jutfield positions," he told the image of General Jackson on his computer screen. "They're moving in hot. Estimate first contact in less than five minutes."

"Understood," Jackson replied. "I trust your forces are privy to the same telemetry you're receiving?"

"Fuckin' aye," he said with a nod. "I commandeered one of the peepers after the arty withdrew. It is now giving us real-time shots of the enemy advance and the computer is translating them into battlefield telemetry and broadcasting it out to the field units. It updates on every combat soldier's combat computer every six seconds."

"Good enough," Jackson said. "I'll be watching it as well. Remember, hold that gap as long as you can but don't hesitate to pull the ACRs back when its time. No unnecessary sacrifice out there."

"You have my word, Kevin," he told him. "I was on Callisto, remember? Our doctrine on that is sacred to me."

Jackson simply nodded — he, after all, had not been on Callisto — and signed off.

Zoloft looked up at the main display in the front of the war room. It was showing the overall picture of the battlefield. The marines had spread their tanks out in a broad line stretching from one end of the gap to the other. Their APCs were right behind it. Their intent was obvious. They planned a rapid, overwhelming attack on all aspects of the line at once.

"Things are gonna get real busy out there in a few minutes," he told the command staff around him. "Doug, it looks like your guys are gonna make the first contact and the heaviest contact."

"Yeah," said Colonel Martin, commander of the 17th ACR. "I've given the order for the anti-tank units to engage as soon as the tanks breach the horizon. They'll pound on them until the tanks and the APCs can get in on it. Once the marine APCs come into view, the AT teams will switch targeting priority to them."

"Good," Zoloft said. That, after all, was doctrine. "Hopefully we'll throw them back before the APCs even enter the picture. But remember, if our armor can't keep the tanks contained the AT teams will have to help out. The idea is to force them to dismount their troops and move on our infantry positions so we can chew them up a little. We can't do that if their tanks overwhelm ours and force an early withdrawal from the gap."

"My captains all have standing orders to switch targeting responsibility if needed," Martin told him.

Zoloft turned to Colonel Steve Bridget, who was in charge of the 220 mobile artillery guns assigned to Eden. "Remember, Steve," he said. "Hold all fire until the marines start to dismount and then hit them with everything you got. Thanks to the peepers and the heavy guns, you can fire with complete impunity. No need to shoot and scoot. Just shoot."

"My crews are standing by, rounds in the breeches," Bridget said. "We'll liquefy those fucks as soon as they start to show their faces."

"All right then," Zoloft said, satisfied. "It's up to those folks in the gap now."

Zen Valentine peered at his gunnery screen nervously, watching the empty landscape before him. The tendrils of heat rising up from beyond the horizon had grown thicker, with twists of white in them now. The cloud of dust welling up from the tracks of the approaching tanks caused a faint aqua glow off to the west. There was a slight rumble that could be felt as the vibration caused by the enemy armor traveled along the ground. It was almost time. According to the telemetry being monitored by Sanchez next to him, the first tanks were less than eight kilometers out now. Their own twin laser cannon were six meters above the ground. On the surface of Mars, at that height, the horizon was 3.2 kilometers away.

"The AT teams should be picking them up any time now," Sanchez said.

Since the anti-tank teams were dismounted soldiers up on the hills the horizon was a bit further for them — anywhere from five to seven kilometers, depending on how high they were.

"They shouldn't have any trouble finding targets, huh?" asked Xenia, her voice not exactly composed.

"No, I don't imagine they will," said Sanchez. According to his telemetry there were almost eight hundred tanks moving in on this particular section of the gap. They had sixty-two tanks and around ninety APCs to counter them with. The APCs, however, only sported single barrel anti-tank lasers instead of the dual rapid-charging cannons on the tanks. They were going to need some help from those anti-tank gunners in order to achieve their main goal — keeping the tanks from pushing through the gap and getting behind the dismounted infantry. Although this wouldn't be harmful to the grunts in the hills, it would prevent them from achieving their goal, which was to get the marines to dismount so they could kill more of them before they reached the main line of defense.

"Why the hell don't we have mines out there?" asked Xenia. "We spent years building these defenses and these tanks and those heavy guns. Why didn't we throw down some mines across the gap approaches too?"

"You know the answer to that," Sanchez told her. "Mine warfare is illegal, like chemical weapons and tactical nuclear shells. No one has used them since World War III."

"I don't think a mine falls into the same category as a nuke or as gassing someone," Xenia said.

"You may not, but the civilized world does," he said. "Those things lay out there long after the conflict is over and make vast tracts of land unusable pretty much forever. Even if we had somehow managed to manufacture and deploy mines in secret, we would've been subject to nuclear retaliation once it became known we'd employed them. Not only that, EastHem would be forced to withdraw support of our government."

"Yeah," Xenia said, shaking her head at the madness of it. "I suppose. I just wish..."

"Remember," Sanchez interrupted. "If wishes were orifices..."

"I'd have a mouth on my pussy for life," she dutifully finished.

A minute ticked by, the seconds passing with agonizing slowness, the tension so thick in the tank you could almost smell it. And then finally, the moment they had been both waiting for and dreading came.

"Command reports targets are in sight," Sanchez announced. "AT teams are engaging."

"They sure the fuck are," Xenia said. "Look at the hills!"

Zen looked off to either side, at the hillsides that dotted their line. From every one in his view, the flashes of laser weapons could be seen, reaching out from the hidden trenches. Downrange, where the impacts were occurring, they could still see nothing as the tanks being fired upon were still over the horizon from ground level.

"Kill 'em, guys," Sanchez whispered, his eyes glued to his telemetry. "You protect us and we'll protect you."

"Incoming!" Xenia suddenly said. "A whole assload of it!"

Zen looked forward and saw the streaks of eighty millimeter tank shells heading in at high velocity. There was indeed a whole assload of it, hundreds of streaks all across the horizon. They flew in and slammed into the hillsides where the anti-tank gunners were firing from. Flashes erupted. Dust flew. The faint sound of concussions could be heard from the nearer hills.

"Laura save them," Xenia said, watching in horrified awe.

"Those trenches can take it," Sanchez said. "Look, they've hardly slowed up their shots."

Volley after volley of tank rounds came flying in and the explosions continued. So did the flashes from the lasers within the trenches. Another three minutes ticked by, during which Sanchez noted on the telemetry that the enemy tanks had spread out and were now zigzagging back and forth even though neither one of these actions was an effective deterrent against speed of light weaponry.

"Command reports targets are coming into range of ground level units," Sanchez suddenly yelled. "Get ready, Zen. Do it just like in practice."

"Fuckin' aye," Zen said, feeling adrenaline surging through his body. His hand gripped the firing buttons for his cannons and his targeting recticle moved slowly back and forth with his head movements, waiting for something to put it on.

"Target, tank, eleven o'clock!" Sanchez said. "Light him up, Zen!"

Zen turned his head slightly to the left and saw the tiny white shape of a main battle tank moving across the landscape. Its laser cannon were up, its main gun was spouting fire and sending shells toward them. He moved his head until the targeting recticle covered the vehicle and then smoothly pushed the left firing button.

There was a bright flash from the spot where the target had been. When it cleared, only the bottom half of the tank still sat there. The turret was lying on the ground next to it and the entire structure of the vehicle was glowing bright red with heat.

"Holy fuck!" Zen said, grinning. "That's a fuckin' kill! Did you see that?"

"Saw it," Sanchez said. "Now do it again. Six more tanks — no, eight — just broached the horizon. Fire as fast as you can."

By the time he fired on another target, destroying it with a direct hit, dozens more of the main battle tanks appeared over the horizon. Several of them exploded as other tanks, APCs, or anti-tank crews potted them with their own weapons. At the same time, the flashes of anti-tank laser fire from the enemy tanks began to appear as they returned fire at the defenders.

Zen's first cannon finished its recharge cycle and he quickly sighted on another advancing tank and fired. He turned his head and had to wait another six seconds for the second cannon to finish charging. During that time two of the eighty millimeter shells came arcing in and exploded directly in front of their position. The tank rocked on its springs and the violent pattering of shrapnel peppering their cannon turret sounded throughout the interior. The cannon suffered no damage from this engagement since it had been designed to stand up to artillery and shell fire.

"What the fuck are they firing eighties at us for?" asked Xenia. "Even a direct hit wouldn't cause damage to a tank."

"Who knows?" said Sanchez. "They're probably overwhelmed and not thinking straight. That's just fine for us."

Zen saw the charging light for cannon two change to green. He already had his recticle on another target. He fired, destroying it. By this time cannon one was recharged so he found another and destroyed it as well. Other tanks continued to explode all over the field but nowhere near as fast as other tanks were appearing behind them, all of them flashing main guns and laser cannons. By the time cannon two was charged and ready for the next shot there were literally hundreds of tanks moving in on them.

Suddenly, from directly in front of them, a flash of light overwhelmed the infrared spectrum for a moment. There was no noise associated with it but when the spectrum cleared the entire barrier behind which they hid was glowing bright white with heat. There were two more flashes in quick succession and then one more. The barrier held but had crumbled in several places.

"Those were laser strikes," reported Xenia, who was sitting less than a meter from the back end of the barrier. "The barrier absorbed it. No damage to the tank."

"Yet," said Sanchez. "If they get a burn-through and manage to put another shot in the hole, that's our ass."

"Thanks, sarge," Xenia told him. "You really know how to cheer us up when things get rough, you know that?"

Meanwhile, Zen was listening to their conversation in his headset but absorbing little of it. He was popping off WestHem tanks as fast as his lasers could recharge themselves. The battlefield was now littered with destroyed tanks and they continued to flash and explode from all quarters as the volume of fire against them was maintained but the stream of them was endless. For every one blown up, five more would appear right behind it. Though the lead elements were the most frequent target, they continued to draw closer and closer, until some of them were less than a kilometer away.

From somewhere off to the left of them a bright light flashed, followed by a concussion. Zen immediately knew what it was but tried to bury the knowledge. He didn't want to face it.

Sanchez forced him to. "Tank three is gone," he said solemnly. "Apparently they got a burn-through." Tank three was part of their platoon. It had been in its own prepared hull-down position just thirty meters away. The crew were three people they'd known since the beginning days of the 17th ACR, people they'd trained with, had gotten drunk with, had been friends with. Now they were gone, erased in an instant.

"Motherfuckers," Zen said, his eyes narrowing behind his helmet. Another flash of laser cannon came blasting into their barricade, this time sending concrete and sand flying into the air.

"They grazed us with that one!" Xenia reported. "Burn-through just above the left tread. It went out the other side though."

"No breach, no damage?" Sanchez asked, alarmed.

"We're good," Xenia told him. "The tread is intact, no vital systems hit."

The spectrum cleared from the latest flashes. Two tanks were now less than eight hundred meters in front of them. Zen sighted on first one and then the other, killing them both. "Take that, assholes," he said with viciousness in his voice.

"Hey, sarge," Xenia asked, "they're getting awfully close here. Just how long are we expected to stand and fight them?"

"We pull back if they get within half a klick in force," he said. "But we have to hold them long enough for the dismounts to clear their trenches and pull back to the blue line."

"There's too many of them," she said. "We can't hold this many tanks back!"

"No," he said. "We can't. They can blast through our line if they're persistent. Our plan is to make it too costly for them to be persistent."

"We're trying," Zen said, wincing as two more laser shots blasted their barrier — fortunately not in the same place as the previous burn through. When the spectrum cleared one of his cannons was charged. He fired again, taking out another tank — this one nine hundred meters away.

Deep in the bowels of Landing Ship 11C, at the Eden Landing Zone, General Dakota Dickinson stared in disbelief at the telemetry that was on his computer display. In the first fifteen minutes of the battle over three hundred tanks had been destroyed, another fifty or so damaged beyond repair. Despite the neutralization of the artillery by the Martian 250s, this was not the result he'd been anticipating. And they weren't even at the main line of defense yet.

"What the hell is going on out there?" he demanded of his subordinates. "We were supposed to sweep right through them! How in the hell are the greenies slaughtering our tanks like that?"

Colonel Houston Fowler was the commander of the 27th Armored Division. It was his tanks, his men, that were taking the brunt of the Martian resistance at the moment — a shocking development for a division that had, until now, suffered zero casualties in what had otherwise been a very bloody conflict. "My battalion commanders are reporting intense anti-tank fire coming from the hillside positions in the gap," he told Dickinson. "Apparently the artillery did not significantly reduce the numbers of the entrenched Martian troops up there. They seem to have a whole lot of portable anti-tank weapons."

"Was the artillery off target?" Dickenson asked. "Did we spend forty minutes shelling a bunch of empty ground?"

"Negative, sir," Fowler said. "I've seen visuals of the Martian positions sent to me from the lead elements. We tore the hell out of those positions but the Martians are still in them. We're plastering them with direct eighty millimeter fire now and it's not having much of an effect either. Those trenches must be reinforced in some way."

"Great," Dickenson said, watching the screen as another twelve tanks suddenly turned black — meaning they'd stopped sending telemetry — meaning, of course, they were dead. "This is World War III and the AT-9 all over again. Talk about history repeating itself."

The AT-9 he was referring to was the American-made and manufactured portable anti-tank missile that was widely regarded as the weapon that had turned World War III from a quick Asian Powers victory to the bloody, decade long stalemate it had ended up as. Firing from entrenched positions, WestHem infantry soldiers had been able to concentrate murderous fire on vastly superior numbers of advancing armor and, eventually, halt the Asian advance at the Columbia River in Portland and the high desert of southern Idaho.

"Sir," said Fowler, "we're also taking fire from the Martian tanks and the Martian APCs. Return fire is ineffective. The Martian armor are in hull down positions behind some kind of barricades that are absorbing the laser energy from our shots. We've made some kills but it takes multiple shots for a penetration to occur."

"Can we push through?" Dickenson asked.

"At high cost, yes," Fowler said. "If we continue to advance our tanks they'll envelop those positions within twenty minutes or so, but..."

"But?" Dickenson asked.

"Losses will be very high. Also... well... we won't have accomplished anything but clearing their armor out of the gap. The Martian anti-tank crews and the dismounted infantry that are supporting them will still be up on those hills."

"Our plan was for your tanks to eliminate most of them and then to send the dismounts in to clear out their positions," Dickenson said. "It sounds like they're a little thicker up there than we anticipated."

"And a little more well-protected," Fowler agreed. "They're going to be a bitch to dislodge from there, sir."

"What if we just blast through their lines with the tanks as you suggested?" Dickenson asked. "Punch a hole through and then rush the APCs, the fuel trains, the arty, everything right by until we get to the main line of defense. The terrain is wider there and favors us more."

Fowler was shaking his head even before his boss finished. "Again, with all due respect, sir, we have to clear those positions before we can advance further. If we don't, it won't matter that our tanks have enveloped them, they'll still be able to blast at them from all directions as they pass. They'll be able to do the same to the APCs and they might even be able to take out some of our supply trains."

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A noisy banging on the door slowly made its way into his consciousness. An elbow in the side from Kelly prompted him to get up and see what was making the noise. About the time that he reached the door, he realized that it was a person outside. Fearing the worst, he stopped by the little table in the hallway and removed a pistol from it. He treated it with respect since it was loaded, and it was always loaded. Ed relaxed when John called out, “Ed, it’s me. John!” Ed opened the door and...

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A Mother8217s Naughty Negligee

Albert was sitting in front of the living room TV when his mother came home from her date. She glanced at him suspiciously as she stepped in the front door closing it behind her. “Were you waiting up for me young man?” The sixteen-year-old looked down at his lap sheepishly and smiled. “Sort of,” he replied honestly. Moura laughed and ambled behind him ruffling his hair playfully. “Worried about me Honey?” “Well Jeez Mom, there’re a lot of crazy’s out there and it’s past midnight. Besides, I...

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Taking Granny

My grandmother was dating this guy named Albert who was a nice enough guy but I noticed there were times I'd see them together and she would have a look of boredom on her face. Apparently he wasn't doing it for her not only socially but sexually. At least that’s what I heard my mom and my aunt giggling about. This of course made my thoughts about my grandmother even worse. I have always been seriously turned on by older women. I come to often and always end up jerking off more...

1 year ago
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Icing Down My Sweaty Sister

Another overheated day in July. The humidity made it feel downright Venusian. Sweat stains blossomed on my sister's T-shirt. Her underarm stains expanded, joining up with her underboob stains, which joined with her interboob stain and her neckline stain, and pretty soon her whole T-shirt was saturated. This, despite the fact she wasn't exerting herself; she was lolling on our parents' sofa. We were watching a show about penguins on PBS.Sloan's shirt, formerly white, was now nearly...

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InterconnectingChapter 2

The following is an instant message conversation between Charlie Evans and his dad, Bob. Charlie: What the hell is this?! Bob: Ahhh. Sounds like you finally got my letter. Charlie: Yeah ... you could say that! What’s with “The Breeding of Erika”? Bob: Basically, that’s my invitation to you to join me in a wild, unpredictable adventure. Charlie: I hate to even ask, but what kind of adventure? Bob: Before I tell you ... quid pro quo ... did you get hard reading that first...

1 year ago
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Craig HillChapter 50

Anthony and David wandered back in shortly before one to find everything under control in the kitchen and that lunch would be ready in half an hour. "Good timing," said Anthony winking at Mark. "Now, what would you lovely ladies like to drink?" "What? Lunchtime drinking, Daddy?" asked Victoria in mock horror. "Hols, my dear," replied Anthony airily, "and welcoming our little lovebirds home." "Oh well then, lager please, Daddy." "Darling?" "Guess." "Mark what about...

2 years ago
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Togetherness MChapter 7 Reflections of love

When classes were over, Andy picked Marilyn up at the Zeta House. She was waiting for him by the door, and he lifted her for a kiss before getting her things and carrying them to the car. Once in the apartment, he lifted her for another few kisses before they got down to the serious job of undressing. He opened the closet door so they could use the mirror, then a question struck him. “Too cold?” He felt that the apartment was warm enough that nakedness was more comfortable. She, however,...

3 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 52 Judson vs Roosevelt

Tim Murphy, his father Raymond, and Roosevelt Head Football Coach “Big” John Fontana were the last people to arrive for the morning meeting in a conference room in the Administration building of Judson High School. Judson Head Football Coach Jim Baker called Big John back approximately an hour after Big John told Coach Baker about the possibility of someone from his team or school had thrown a bag of feces at Tim Murphy’s house the previous evening. Coach Baker told Big John that Rodney...

3 years ago
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The Strip Club

This story is a complete fantasy written by my friend Becca all the credit for writing this goes to her an dbut the whole idea of the story and the fantasy is mine and mail me any of your comments on Elated, James took a brief moment to stare around Swingers’ crowded main room before slinking into an empty booth in the corner where he hope no one would notice him. He’d scored major points with his buddies by getting his hands on a fake ID but he’d never really expected to be able to fool the...

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Lonely Famly Fucks

Lonely Fam!ly FucksThis is a story about a desperate fam!ly that was all alone. The mother left the father about a year ago, the son was always single and the s!ster had been single for about 4 months and they were having no luck hooking up. They didn't know why. They were a good looking fam!ly.Stan (the father) had short dark hair; very clean cut. He had broad shoulders. He kind of looked like your typical gag card poster boy for over the hill. You know the ones where there's a hot guy on the...

1 year ago
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Getting to Third BaseChapter 3

The Girl kept showing up at, oh, maybe 75% of our home games, and I kept stealing glances over at the box. I noticed that none of the other four girls who sometimes accompanied her were quite as steadfast in their devotion to the Baltimore Orioles as was Patricia Wyman. There were often five girls, often four, sometimes only two or three, but it seemed that, when any of them showed up, Ms. Wyman was among them. The Orioles had few fans who were as devoted as these. Or maybe I just didn't...

3 years ago
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Zombie Apocalypse

It was a completely typical day when the apocalypse happened, a mild June day that you couldn't describe as hot, typical British weather really. You actually didn't hear about the apocalypse until a few hours after it had begun, you'd always assumed the apocalypse would be fairly obvious but there was no mushroom cloud in the distance, no loud bang, no screaming. What actually alerted you, albeit a few hour late was a text from your friend; Jacob, reading: "Plan in action!" It was only when the...

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How it all started

S and I have been married before and when we got married, we were both in our 40s. One thing we have always been is honest with each other and openly talked about sex and what turned us on. I had realised that S had never gone long without having a boyfriend around even though she had separated from her 1st husband many years before. One evening when we were talking, I put it to her that she could not go long without cock and that was why there seemed always to be a man around.After telling me...

4 years ago
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Wakeup Call Ds Bd WS Humilation

Adults only. Please do not repost. Comments to [email protected] The silent vibration of the timer woke me. I opened my eyes, then slipped my hand inside the pillowcase to deactivate the timer. Automatically, I pulled the covers off my naked body, and shivered as the cool air hit my warm skin. Quietly, so as not to awaken Master, I moved from the room, and padded to the kitchen, where I started a pot of coffee, and set up a tray for Master's breakfast. A quick glance at the...

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A Death Wish

This story is fiction. If you enjoy it, vote. Fives are appreciated. * * * * * I was reading my email when I got an email that really got my interest. It read as follows: ‘Dear Masterhypnotist, I have really enjoyed your stories. I have a problem that I would like your help with. I have always had a fantasy of being raped and murdered. I have had many orgasms masturbating to that fantasy. Lately I have found the fantasy is not enough. Could you hypnotize me and have me live through my...

2 years ago
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The Housekeeper

Saturday morning and Father O'Rourke was at his breakfast table in the kitchen of the parish house of the Church of All Saints. He was a fairly young man in his late twenties and had been in his present incumbency for just over a year. Saturday was when the priest did the parish accounts for the week and he sighed as he finished his cup of tea and slid the ledgers in front of him for his attention. Doing the accounts was not one of his favourite tasks and later he would have to put some...

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In 2038 scientists discovered that all humans are bisexual, and anyone who claims to be straight or gay has an internal hatred of the gender they say they're not attracted to. So the government sent up Reorienting Centers, and when a person turns 18 they have to take a test on sexual orientation, if they are a 0, 1, 5, or 6 on the Kinsey scale, then they are sent to a center. This is Corio City, the capital and largest city. The main center is located right here. Twin sisters Mary and Alexa...

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A Dirty College Panty Slut

Christie's first year after college had turned out to be very disappointing for romance. She'd made friends, but just hadn't found any guys to play with. She went through her wardrobe and selected an outfit for a night on the town. First the black stockings attached to a satin garter belt, followed by a pair of almost luminescent pair of white satin bikini string panties. Christie then put on a loose black satin belly shirt and slid on an above the knee cotton skirt. Lastly, she put on some...

3 years ago
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Echoes in the Rain

‘I’m aware what the rules are. But you know that I will run…You know that I will follow you, over silbury hill, through the solar field… you know that I will follow you’ ‘Hey Jupiter, nothing’s been the same. So are you gay, are you blue? Thought we both could use a friend to run to. And I thought I wouldn’t have to be with you…something new.’ It would be raining. Fuck it was raining like it would never end. The streets were empty ahead and behind, far as eyes would see. He walked in the...

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FlightI have been fascinated with flight all my life. Watching an albatross sail in lazy circles around my boat while offshore fishing has never failed to make my pulse quicken. If I could fly like that I would eat raw fish. Gladly.I find the end of an airport runway to be a gateway to another world. The sound, vibration, and the rush of air as a huge plane blasts its way in to the sky can not be described. It has to be felt to be understood. The field at the end of the runway had become...

Straight Sex
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Little Amy Part 1

He burst out of the house, locking his door and breaking into a full sprint towards the Sherman’s large house. He would enjoy the week, he thought, as it was a large house with a pool and everything. He was seventeen and enjoyed videogames and they had all kinds of game consoles. He found himself standing before the Sherman’s door about a minute late, knocking and gasping for breath. When the door opened, his breath caught. A young girl was standing before him, holding the door open. Terry...

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"This is a sex vacation," Tommy said."You know what that means."I was quiet and did not reply feeling both excitement and trepidation atthe prospect of another beach vacation."I know you know what that means," injected Tommy into the silence."Yes," I said."So be prepared."Tommy had purposely given me 10 days notice of his intentions. 10 days towonder. 10 days to speculate. 10 days to be anxious. 10 days to thinkabout our past two beach vacations. One thing I knew for sure: I would be naked...

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In the beginning

Introduction: The early years of man were quite different to those we enjoy today… perhaps not, given the chance. In the beginning Interspecies sex is as old as the hills. Well almost, but certainly has been happening since man began to domesticate wild animals. Wolves teamed up with humanoid hunters, using the superior brain of the biped to ensure a supply of meat and a security of existence. A partnership made in heaven for both parties. The wolf/dog benefiting from the union with regular...

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Stacys Submission Chapter 6

Stacy looks up from the small box, unable to hide her unease. Becca sits on the edge of Stacy's bed, watching. Her baby-blue socks cover her tip-toed feet as her legs bounce nervously. "What's it say?" Becca worries. Stacy looks back down at the note and frowns. Becca's innocent eyes grow wider. Her eyebrows profess their apology. Stacy doesn't know how to react. Becca's shorts buzz loudly. She reaches into them and pulls out her little phone. "You have a phone?" Stacy asks, surprised. Becca's...

1 year ago
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Asian1On1 Marica Hase 22417

Marica Hase had your dick last night, and now she’s ready for more! Can you keep up with this little Asian doll? You’d better, because she’s about to sit on your cock again until you make her cum! Power up and let this cutie give you a sloppy blowjob until you’re good and ready to turn her around and fuck her doggystyle. She’ll faun over your hard dick in her foreign accent and moan and groan while you plow her into ecstasy. She’ll be so happy that she’ll give you the happiest handjob ever to...

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a wild night on the local hooker stroll

so i got of work and was feeling nasty wild as usual i called my neice and was wanting to know if she was gonna go hit the streets as since i cought her working the stroll i have become her best custemer lol she was busy but she gave me a line on a very open girl so off i went when i cought up with her she got in the car her name was jen posted a pic mm got to say she is so good at first she tought i just wanted a blo n go told her i wanted a few hrs as we drove to a spot i got to we talked she...

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A Horny Teenager

I don't know what switch was tripped, but when puberty hit, my sex drive was in overdrive. I can remember masturbateany where a could at home:, I hadn't had sex yet. Not with a girl, at least. I was a little shy, but my hormones were driving me nuts. I wanted to fuck. I wanted to feel what it was like to fuck a woman. My cock was average for a 13 year old. I compared myself to the other boys in the school changing room. A couple were bigger than me, most were smaller than me, so I was feeling...

4 years ago
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Impregnated by tentacles

I had just finished a session up at the gym and began walking back to my car. It was dark out and the large car park was empty, nobody could see me. I was wearing just a tight grey leotard. Like this…My big bulging cock showing clearly up my stomach, small wet patch from a little pre cum, my tits free, no bra, nipples erect from the cold, wobbling as I walked, along with my ass and thighs. As I got to my car I got in and got myself comfortable, suddenly I was locked in my own car, from under my...

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Girls Night Out

It was a Friday night after work and the girls had decided to go out for drinks. Anna was sitting around the table drinking wine and talking when a group of girls walked in. Anna recognized one of them as Bree, an old friend, and invited her and her friends over to catch up. Anna moved over so that Bree could sit beside her. The girls crammed in tightly around the table. Bree put one of her hands beneath the table and it accidentally ended up on Anna’s leg. Anna thought nothing of it. Bree left...

1 year ago
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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 20 Monday Skirmishes Over the Battle is Planned

I woke up Monday morning, thankful that my night had been peaceful, and then wondered where I was. Oh! That's right, I realized I had slept in the day-bed in the den and that Denise was in my room. When I went off to the bathroom, I heard her moving around in my room, so I knocked and she told me she'd be right out. She'd already had her shower and was almost ready. She wanted to call the hospital to see how her mom was doing. I did my morning routine and then got dressed for the Program...

3 years ago
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Sissys Humiliation part 1

Note: I wrote this story over 20 years ago and still enjoy reading it. I have edited to keep things current, ie Polaroid cameras not long exist. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing and fantasizing the content Sissy's Humiliation by: SissyFellatrixFL Recently I had to attend a trade show in New York. Several weeks before I attended, I started corresponding with a Lady who lived in Manhattan with her roommate. Jennifer was a professional person, worked on Wall...

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I lay on my bed, thinking about things. I must first describe myself, I'm about six foot tall, with a little muscle, dark hair, and blue eyes. I was wearing a pair of blue boxers, and I had just finished taking a shower. I was feeling kind of restless, and I had never tried fingering myself before, I had never had sex with a man either. I had some lubricant, and a hair brush that had a nice thick handle just in case I really got into it. This is where my fantasy started. Standing in front of me...

2 years ago
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White WifeChapter 2

The next morning at the Daniels house was like most weekday mornings. The kids were getting ready for school and screaming, "who took my ... I can't find my ... where's my..." Nobody paid any attention to them. And, like magic what was missing was found just in the nick of time. While Jake was in the shower getting ready for work, Emily was in the kitchen cooking breakfast wearing just an old thin bathrobe. She turned on the radio in the kitchen and listened to the local news/talk...

1 year ago
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The Glory Hole Part 2

This story is completely fictional. It was exactly a week since my last encounter in the public toilets and my first experience of the Glory Hole. This time I went into the toilets as horney as hell and looking for another cock to suck. For seven days now that was the only thing I could think about. All I wanted to do was suck on a nice big hard cock and taste the succulent cum that came from it. I entered the public toilets just as before. Nothing in it had changed. The toilets were still as...


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