- 2 years ago
- 32
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It seemed that every time I woke up lately, something new, strange, scary or wonderful was waiting just around the corner. I didn’t know quite what to expect as I woke up this time. I wanted to believe I would wake up to incredible pleasure once more, but the absence of male forms in my bed seemed to indicate otherwise.
The darkness outside the window made me realize that I had probably slept the day away. I yawned and stretched, carefully cataloguing all of my injuries and sore spots, both those caused by anger and those given in moments of intense pleasure. My face was still hurting, but not as much as before, my breasts felt extra sensitive and my nether parts were slightly sore, unused to having sex with an actual man, probably shocked to bits by the thorough loving of not one but two men.
A wicked smile spread on my lips as I thought about the pleasure they had both given me. I felt my body answer the call of my thoughts with tingles spreading from my center and shivers covering my skin. I thought about Jerry’s whispered words about my response to his touch, reliving the way his hands had made me feel, the tension and the explosive climaxes. I smiled as my mind caressed the memory of Ben losing control, his fierce need for me almost causing him pain.
The haze of pleasant memories was abruptly pushed aside by the realization that it was a workday and that I hadn’t called in sick, and didn’t I have a couple of important meetings that I’d forgotten to cancel?
I jumped out of bed and pulled my bathrobe on, quickly tying the belt in a simple knot before walking out into the hallway to search for my phone. The sound of laughter made me turn and walk towards what I suspected was two happy brothers, perhaps they would know where my phone was. As I entered the kitchen my mouth watered and my stomach grumbled loudly from the delicious smell of food filling the kitchen.
I managed to walk up to the table before they noticed me, the two brothers too busy eating, joking and laughing.
‘Hey,’ I said looking at them with a shy smile ‘have you seen my phone?’
‘Yes,’ Jerry said ‘but I won’t give it to you until you’ve eaten something!’
Ben stood up and started pouring soup on a plate before cutting a large piece of flat, white bread and quickly placing the food on the table, pulling the chair out for me to sit on. The anger I felt against Jerry and the way he was trying to ‘handle me’ was quickly dulled by Ben’s kindness. I stood there staring at them for a few seconds before sitting down, surprised by how complicated my feelings towards the two brothers had become. It was as if they were interconnected in my mind, Jerry’s teasing ways soothed by Ben’s gentle touch, Ben’s carefulness stimulated by Jerry’s more straight forward approach to life.
I looked at the food in front of me, my stomach once again crying out for attention, and carefully tasted what seemed to be a spicy tomato soup, the flat white bread I just stared suspiciously at.
‘It’s our grandmother’s recipe again,’ Ben told me with an encouraging smile ‘tomato soup with garlic and chili, and focaccia bread.’
I couldn’t quite understand why I was so hungry until I realized it had been more than 24 hours since I ate. Ben’s eyes followed my movements as I broke a small piece of bread and tasted it. He smiled happily when I took the whole piece of bread and started stuffing my mouth with it. The food was just as delicious as the pasta he had made, was it only a day ago?
After finishing off two plates of soup and that one big piece of bread, I leaned back in my chair absolutely and totally stuffed.
‘You don’t eat enough!’ Jerry stated with a worried frown.
‘I eat just fine,’ I replied, anger quickly seeping back into my mind ‘where’s my phone?’
Jerry fetched the phone from somewhere in the living room and handed it to me.
‘I’ve answered two calls,’ he told me ‘one from your office and one from someone called Mary.’
I stared at him surprised and annoyed but before I could start complaining about him answering my phone, Ben interrupted me.
‘Jerry tried to wake you up a couple of hours ago, but when that didn’t work he answered your phone, first when your boss called – he wished you well, told him you should stay at home as long as you needed and asked if you could call him after the weekend – and then when Mary called, because he thought that might be an even more important call.’
‘I thought it might be that friend of yours, at the hospital,’ Jerry answered softly ‘but it was another friend, you know the one who has a degree in phone interrogation techniques?’
Jerry laughed softly shaking his head before explaining that she had sucked everything he knew about the whole situation out of him, not even stopping to take a breath in the process. With a frown and an embarrassed smile he looked me straight in the eyes and continued.
‘The whole, you know, relationship… thing… with the three of us, sort of slipped out too.’
The relationship thing, I thought to myself and stared down at my hands that were pressed against the table, a relationship, meaning something more permanent than, say, casual sex? And the three of us, in that relationship? Yes, my mind told me, you know the whole two men, one woman thing, that’s not really the norm, is it?
Shocked that I hadn’t stopped to think about the moral implications, I just sat there staring, my mouth slightly open. A whole range of feelings ran through my body: anger, fear, disappointment, confusion, hope, relief. I went hot, cold, numb and then back to hot again before I lifted my head up and stared at Jerry.
‘What did Mary say?’ I whispered.
‘That was the strange thing,’ Jerry said ‘she wanted me to tell you ‘she knew you had it in you’? And then she used very long words to explain how important it was that we treated you right. I’m still not sure if she threatened us with something, but in the end she just laughed. And then we hung up.’
Mary’s reaction didn’t surprise me as previous discussions had showed me and my friends that she was extremely open-minded. But the ‘you had it in you’-comment still made my thoughts spin. Was I really the kind of woman that could consciously decide to engage in a relationship with two men? The memories of what we had done along with the pleasant, humming ache I felt in my body proved that I obviously was the kind of woman that would go to bed with two men, be it a conscious decision or not.
I tried to think what other people would say, finding no answers in my own mind, otherwise so helpful in finding solutions based on logical patterns. I hadn’t thought about, read about or ever heard anyone talk about anything but the two person relationships that society called normal, be it homo- or heterosexual ones. But then again, relationships outside of the norm probably wasn’t something you’d be able to read about in the financial papers, or something people would discuss openly at work, over a cup of coffee, was it?
In full problem solution mode, I started thinking about how and where to find information to base my decisions on, there should be web sites, organizations, studies, shouldn’t there?
I felt a warm hand caress my neck and shoulder and looked up once more, my eyes telling me what my body already knew, that Jerry was leaning in, caressing me and looking at me with a soft smile on his face.
‘Don’t overthink it,’ he said ‘just relax and enjoy.’
But that was the thing, wasn’t it? I wasn’t really a ‘go with the flow, spur of the moment’-kind of a person. Everything I did, all of my decisions, were at least based on a simple pros and cons list and most often had a much more solid foundation than that. Even my private life and my personal decisions were thoroughly planned.
Still silent I looked at the two brothers, not knowing how to communicate what I was thinking and feeling. They were looking worried,
scanning my face for clues, wanting me to say something. I looked at Ben, keeping his hands far away from me, always careful not to intrude on my personal space, then at Jerry, his hand still on my shoulder, caressing my neck with his thumb.
I suppressed a hysterical giggle that wanted to float up to the surface as my mind began circling the same thought round and around – ‘the path of this righteous woman is beset on both sides by extremely attractive men’. I shook the thought off and began formulating a plan, first step, tell the brothers something, to let them know some of my concerns.
‘I’m not sure how to go on from here,’ I started ‘it’s a very surreal situation, isn’t it?’
I shook my head and looked at them, seeing their worried frowns.
‘The truth is, I’m confused, worried and a bit afraid. How does this kind of ‘thing’ work? Are there any rules, is there something I should know?’ I continued ‘Is this something that is kept a secret, a fun game hidden behind closed doors? Is it then a short term thing? And what happens if someone wants long term? What about love and family? What if three people suddenly becomes just two? What about my family, my friends, my life? What about your family, your friends, your lives?’
I stopped my quick flow of words, hearing a tiny note of hysteria in the last few sentences. Silence spread as the brothers looked at each other and then back at me again.
‘I know just as little as you do about these types of situations,’ Ben answered ‘and I’m not sure I have any good answers, but as I see it every relationship is unique, with its own special success factors and its own set of problems. Trying to sort out the rules, finding a way to communicate is what you do in the beginning, isn’t it?’
‘I don’t know much more than you do,’ Jerry added ‘but I do have a friend who lives with his wife and another man. They seem to have a good life together, but it’s not something they talk about with people they don’t know well.’
‘We talked some when you were sleeping,’ Ben continued ‘and we both realize it’s early days yet, but it doesn’t feel uncomfortable or strange, frankly I think it feels great. If we just try to get to know each other better, and talk about things, I think we’ll find out some of the answers to those questions together.’
‘And I think that our physical reactions to each other speaks loudly too,’ Jerry added ‘and if that was all we had, that would still be enough to at least give this a try. And it isn’t all we have, because we genuinely care about you and we don’t want to see you hurt again.’
I had thought of them as men of few words and was stunned by what they were saying. They seemed to have the same concerns as I did, but were more confident that everything was going to be ok. I still couldn’t see the full picture, I still worried about the many ways this could cause any or all of us pain and above all I was worried about the way that other people would probably judge us. No matter how many years away from high school, the damned truth was that the need to fit in and the fight for acceptance and popularity never quite ended.
I felt I needed some time alone, to be able to think things through, or at least to try to.
‘I’m going to have a bath!’ I told them, as I rose and walked away.
When I sank my body into warm, bubbly water minutes later I didn’t have high hopes that it would be able to still my troubled thoughts, but I was hoping it would at least sooth my aching muscles.
It’s important to sort through what’s important and what’s not, I thought, beginning the slow process of cataloguing all of the facts. Other people’s opinions weren’t my primary concern, were they? The way I felt about it all had to be processed first. And how did I feel about it then?
Remembering how a smile from Ben made me feel all soft and gooey inside, I smiled and realized I was perhaps half way in love with him already. But then I thought about the way a touch from Jerry could make me turn into a hot, trembling mess, but also that his touch was able to calm me in a way almost nothing had been able to do up until that point in my life. I was more than half way in lust with Jerry – that was an unchallengeable fact.
My smile grew sad, sad because my mind was trying to follow convention, trying to make me find the one perfect match, making me see which one of them that would logically be the best choice. I let my mind follow the path it had started on, worried frown covering my face.
A life with Ben would be filled with good food and pleasant company, a loving relationship where everything was well organized but where every day would probably look exactly the same, with no room for surprises. A life with Ben would perhaps be as safe a choice as I could possibly make, but also maybe a choice that would grow boring in the end? But then again, safety was a high priority issue, wasn’t it? To love someone and to be able to show your true inner self, that needed the comfort of a stable relationship with someone you could trust, didn’t it?
A life with Jerry would be filled with hot passion, his need for closeness and caresses coloring every aspect of the day. I hadn’t realized how much I thirsted after human closeness of that kind, my response to his tactile touch proving that I needed that perhaps just as much as safety and stability. But there was a risk that Jerry might think life with me was boring after a couple of weeks, wasn’t there? All of that passion he had inside might make him burn strongly but only for a short period of time, and where would that leave me?
A life with both of them, the stability of Ben and the passionate nature of Jerry, one part stabilizing the other and vice versa, the idea of it still tickled me. After all thoughts of the one perfect man, my mind stilled in one crystal clear thought. The fact was that I wanted not just one, but both of them. The complex puzzle of my mind, body, spirit and heart seemed to settle with that very important notion and I could feel calm finally winding its way through all of me.
Perhaps it was true what Ben had said, that all relationships started out shaky, with a need to define the rules and set the boundaries. I really didn’t have enough experience to know what that would actually mean even in a ‘normal’ situation, but I guess time would tell. With a small smile I thought about the way our interactions would make for a lot of interesting days or weeks in the near future.
I was still a bit worried about what other people would think, but a quick sort-through of those thoughts made me realize two things, my friends would all probably be happy for me, and my mother would probably collapse in a hysterical fit over the immorality of her no-good daughter. Both thoughts made me smile and sink further into the warm water, happy with my decision to give the whole loving relationship thing one more try.
* * * * *
I sat staring at Jerry as Susan left us, quickly walking away from a situation she seemed to now think undesirable or even disgusting. Perhaps she hadn’t been fully awake and aware when we’d been in bed together. What if what we had done had somehow hurt her? Had we crossed a line that a carefully brought up, moral woman would rather die than cross?
I saw the worries of my mind mirrored in my brother’s face. He was nervously biting one of his thumb nails, something I hadn’t seen him do since our mother had died, leaving us alone with a grieving father at the tender age of nine and a half.
Thinking about our mother’s death and the way our father had struggled on with life, trying to create a stable home environment for the both of us, going about it in the only way he could think of, by finding us another mother, made me tense up. That part of our lives had not been a happy one, and was probably at least partly to blame for the way we both approached life and love, Jerry pretending that he didn’t need deeper meaning, that casual, temporary flin
gs made him happy, me being stuck in friendship or one-sided love stories, always opening myself up to people who could somehow sense that I was easy to manipulate, easy to use.
I stood up and started clearing the table, sitting around dwelling about the past wouldn’t get us anywhere, would it? I smiled a short, wry smile realizing that I had turned to house work like I usually did when something worried me.
‘You’d make someone a really good wife someday’ Jerry said with a low voice, his standard comment to my nervous behavior not as full of good cheer as it usually was.
I just shrugged and continued cleaning up, storing left-overs in the fridge, quickly doing the dishes and then when I was all done, I just stood there leaning against the counter, staring down at my hands. What if she decided that she didn’t want us? What if she didn’t want me? What if she chose Jerry?
I turned and looked at Jerry who was still sitting there by the table, still stuck in thoughts or perhaps memories, just as I had been. The pain that stabbed me when I thought of Susan perhaps choosing none or even just one of us made me realize I had more invested in this than I’d thought. The ‘liking her’ part that Jerry had been talking about was for me perhaps more closely related to love. It shouldn’t really surprise me though, I had always been quick to fall in love, and mostly masked my affection by being friendly and making sure I didn’t push my attention on the object of those affections.
Restlessness once again spread through my body, I had to find something to do, otherwise I’d sit there like Jerry, slowly going insane by all of my thoughts and emotions.
‘Hey,’ I said to Jerry ‘let’s finish up the last things in her bedroom, clean it up and move her stuff back in so she can sleep in there tonight.’
Jerry seemed to shake his thoughtful mood off as he stood up, stretched and followed me. As we entered her room, I realized by Jerry’s reaction that he hadn’t been in there yet, his eyes caressing the lush jewel-colors of the walls, admiring the dark, shiny wood flooring and thoughtfully contemplating the storage area that I had built, shelves stained the same dark color as the floor and doors in the same vivid colors as the walls.
The room really only needed a few finishing touches, a few doors that were not yet attached, a final adjustment to the rest of them, making sure that everything was just right. Jerry took it all in, turned to me and nodded.
‘Well done big bro,’ he said ‘I’ll fix the doors if you’ll go get the cleaning stuff.’
Just half an hour later we were all done with the fixing and cleaning, had uncovered her bed and started carrying boxes from the unused spare room. You had to appreciate an organized woman, every box carefully labelled, showing us where it should go.
One box labelled sheets and curtains gave me a slightly wrinkled set of blue-green curtains that I decided to hang and a full set of shiny satin sheets, the same color as the curtains, which I handed to Jerry, for him to be able to make the bed.
I found three thick, soft rugs that I put by the sides of the bed and a thick, satiny, multi-colored cover that I put on it, with a smile and a shake of my head, as I tried to organize the many pillows Susan had in a way that would have made any interior decorator proud.
Jerry had started opening the boxes labelled ‘bedroom storage unit’ and as I walked over to him I saw him freeze, a small item in his hand. He turned towards me, his eyes large and surprised. His shocked expression turned into a wide, wicked smile as he showed me what he was holding – one perfectly formed crystal dildo, the overhead light making it sparkle with small, multi-colored bursts of twinkling light.
‘Whaaat’ I said, my eyes glued to the beautiful thing in his hand.
Jerry handed me the cold, glittering dildo and turned to the boxes again, his quick hands unwrapping the next item in the box, shoving me another dildo. He stilled his hands and turned to me, his face somehow covered by a strange combination of wicked joy and thoughtful worry.
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Naima might, in another life, have gone to university and become a teacher, or a doctor, or something of that sort. Born the younger daughter of a concubine of a minor merchant in Kobekistan, it was inevitable that she would end up in slavery. She was relatively lucky, because she was never put up for auction, and never actually raped. She had been given by her father to a supplier of building materials as a sweetener to the deal when he wanted to build an extension to his house. At the ripe...
Tanda Havra was out early the next morning, meeting Tazi on the landing of the outer town. "Come, walk with me," Tanda told the girl and they walked along the road that led around the lake, to the south. The sun was just coming up; the morning was briskly chill, but promised to be much warmer later. Tanda stopped after a bit and pointed to some rocks. "Come and sit, I want to talk." Tazi did, obviously curious. "Manistewa is a trader, do you understand?" Tazi bobbed her head,...
My husband took Anne and me up to the house and into the lounge. He removed his clothes and sat down in front of a large TV screen. He had Anne kneel between his legs and suck his cock. I sat down beside him. He switched on the TV. The girls bedroom appeared on the screen. The room was empty. He pressed a button on the remote and the picture switched to their bathroom. Hannah was sitting in the shower, her back against the wall with the water raining down on her. Her legs were spread apart and...
Author's Note: While I have a fairly definite idea of where I'd like this story to go, it's possible you might have some better ideas of how certain choices may go. I encourage you, if you'd like to see a certain path explored to add a chapter at the appropriate decision point, and write whatever choice you'd like explored in the Answer text field, and write, "This is a stub for future content." in the content area and I'll consider writing something in that vein. Don't go writing your own...
IncestFirst of all, I’m straight. This is something I’ve thought a lot about in the past week, and I’m convinced of that. What happened in the bookstore was a fluke, a weird combination of circumstances. I don’t regret what happened, but it’s not going to happen again. I just want to write the story out so that I can be really clear in my mind what did happen, so that I can be on my guard. The bookstore is huge, a full city block and many stories, a veritable labyrinth of wooden and metal shelves,...
Gay MaleIt was with mixed emotions that I lay there in bed pretending to be asleep when I heard my husband finally ascend the stairs to our bedroom. He slipped into bed quietly beside me, and then only moments later the sound of his gentle snoring told me he was asleep. I lay for the longest time remembering the vision of him standing there in the laundry room, my black panties wrapped around his hard stiff cock as he stroked it. Eventually spilling his hot sticky spunk, remembering the way it...
Hi I am Sunny from Chandigarh. I completed my studies and entered into business. Most often I keep visiting to various places on my business work. My friend Sumit got settled in Kolkatta and even got married. We both were good friends during our college days but later couldn’t meet for a long time. When I was on a business trip to Kolkatta I contacted Sumit and asked to meet. He was very happy to see me in Kolkatta and had lunch together in a Hotel. He asked me about my stay, I told him that I...
Sometimes going to work is not such a bad thing...Happy I Went To Work (A Job With Benefits)Hornier and hornier all the time,I'm lucky horniness isn't a crime.Checkin' out the new girl at work,She probably thinks I'm such a jerk.Trying to think of something to say,Anything to get a lay.I offer to take her out to eat,Someplace quiet, where the people meet.Later we can go out and dance,Thinking how to get in her pants.I take her out and ply her with liquor,It's true what they say, it really is...
Dress Rehearsal By Sue-Lyn Burton Copyright 2000 For six weeks now Jack had been working for the local theatre company, rewiring the building. He did it as a favour to his neighbour, Jenny, who flashed her pretty blue eyes and Jack agreed to give his labour free of charge to get the building safe enough to meet the local fire codes. Over the weeks Jack worked for a local builder during the day and in the evening he went to the theatre and worked till about 11.30pm. He was...
The Avanti Salon After pulling into the parking space, I checked my makeup in the mirror and reapplied my lipstick. I couldn't help but reflect on how much had changed during the past 2 years before shutting off the car and throwing my keys in my Michael Kors shoulder bag. Here I was driving a Mercedes- Benz SL 63 Roadster and going for my weekly manicure, pedicure and hair appointment when only a few years ago I was unemployed, depressed and a burden on my spouse. Was I happier?...
Tamara is a talented tasty teen and in full control of her pussy's musclesTasty teen Tamara succeeds in sucking some smoke of hot pot from my joint!Tamara gets a special sexy tasty treatment in bed that sweet Saturday nightTamara gets a creampie first which leaks all down to wet her tight sphinxterTamara is so horny hot and high she can not stop coming with all her mightTamara milks my member by both her hot holy holes for my erotic explosionsTamara sets an example for the three tasty sexy...
I had just turned eighteen and was a few months from graduating from high school. I was excited about my upcoming graduation and even more excited about going to college. I had narrowed it down to a few schools that I was interested in attending. All that was left was to go visit the schools so I could make my choice. I had set the visits to two of the schools that were about six hours from home, but the two schools were about an hour apart. We were going to visit the schools on back to back...
IncestHi, I am Sandeep. This is my first story. I have been reading stories on this website for quite sometimes and I wonder how many of them are actually true. Well this is a real life experience that happened in 2006. I stay in South Delhi and born bought up in a rich Punjabi family. This incident happened when I was 18 years old. I have elder brother who is four years elder to me and a sister who is 2 years older. My brother’s name is Mohit and my sisters’ name is Shweta. Shweta is a typical Delhi...
IncestBuddy’s Mom (mF)CHAPTER ONEWe had been swimming all day at the Westwood Pool, and were waiting for Buddy’s mom to pick us up in the parking lot. It’s a bitch not having your own car and having to catch a ride, but it was better than staying home or riding the bus. I had never met his mom, but expected she would look like everybody else’s mom, sort of like the lady on the cake mix box. Was I wrong!“Here she comes,’ Buddy said.I couldn’t believe my eyes. Here in a 1956 restored white Ford...
First TimeIt’s a feeling most men will probably never experience, the moment when your cock brushes against another cock, as a sexy young girl tries to wrap her mouth around the two of you, as she attempts her first double blow job. Sally’s mouth was stretched wide, as her tongue flicked over the purple head of my cock, her left hand stroking my hard flesh up and down, her saliva lubricating me. Her head bobbed from my cock to Mike’s, a young black man, who she had been dating for several months. Her...
Relieved to see that her husband had arrived home safe and sound, Shirley stared at Daryl stunned by his haggard appearance. He was unshaved, his clothes were rumpled, and his eyes were bloodshot. She had never seen him look so bad in her entire life. She licked her lips nervously and asked, “Where were you?” “I slept in my car behind the waffle house,” Daryl answered. His voice was dull and listless. He was tired and didn’t feel like arguing. He’d spent an hour in his car thinking about his...
Hello everyone . I thank Indian sex stories for giving me this opportunity to share my experience with you all. This is Aadristh from India.This is my next submission to ISS . For feedback and comments I will be reachable at “” About me : am Aadristh, studying at Bangalore (India). This is a true experience of mine.This is continuation of the previous parts in ” the psycho stalker who blew me ” series . You will not understand anything in this part without reading the previous parts of this...
The Unkindest Cut of All By Cal Y. Pygia Darren's cock was huge, bigger, longer, thicker, harder than it had ever been, a living testament to Lindsay's beauty. The actress was even lovelier in person than she was on film, and Darren had seen a lot of her films. In fact, he'd been in two of them himself, the leading man to her leading lady. Lying behind her, now, with his cock wedged up her gorgeous ass, he squeezed first one, and then the other, of...
My now x husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday a few years back I said you have aked me to have a threesome with camille but what would you think if I asked you to bring josh over to have a threesome knowing that my pussy got soaking wet at the thought of it and he said I think itss fkng hot as hell I wanna do it now! He replied. He came into the bedroom with a smile on his face. What? I asked he said he cldnt reach josh but wess was coming which was fine I had thought often since my...
Note : This story is completely fictional! As I poured my tea my husband Victor walked in." Hey Honey", he said, I'm coming home from work late o.k. " Yea Whatever" I replied.I got into my BMW and drove to the mall. I was meeting my friend there." Catty over here" shouted my friend.I walked over to her,she seemed so happy. By four a clock she said she had to go, but before she left she asked me the weirdest question." Can You give my daughter lesbian lessons"." Sure" I replied." Is this...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Donald came home early and caught his eighteen year old daughter sucking her boyfriend's prick. He took her to get birth control pills immediately. A week later as soon as he was sure they were in effect he ask her to try them out. "With my boyfriend?" "With me" said her father. "You're joking" said Krista. "No I'm not, I want to fuck you" "I won't let you, that's sick and disgusting" "I don't think so" replied her dad. Krista stomped out of the house...
IncestSo, they were going to give this a try.Carie and Vasily decided they would finally attempt to move beyond their usual pattern of aggravating one another, then indulging in rambunctious, convalescent sex. They had gone through that routine for a few years as neighbours back at their old apartment building. Now that they found themselves as neighbours once again in their new condo building and the forces of the universe seemed to be pushing their two immovable rocks together, they agreed it was a...
HumorAuthor's Note: A woman emailed and asked me to write this story as part of an anniversary gift for her husband. They have some kinky sissy hypnosis fantasies that they wanted to have me explore in story form. It's posted here with her permission. Hopefully it will give them something to think about--I know I certainly enjoyed writing the story for them. Happy anniversary CJ & KD! xoxox - Sissy Michelle aka Emshoninque The Double Date Carley was mad at me. Again. I...
37. Miles to Go before I sleep Dycke was sitting at the kitchen table, with his mother and father, talking about the events of the preceding day, as Marti entered the room. All of them greeted her and asked her to sit down and join them. Marti declined and said to Dycke, ‘I want to talk to you in private.’ ‘Marti, by the tone of your voice, I think I would have rather have this discussion here. I think I would be safer.’ ‘Alright Dycke, we will do it your way. Did you have that disc...
[ Once again---for Megan, AND her BBC loving mom! ]Cindy had never, in her entire life, single, or married, found herself saying "Oh! My! GOD!" So many, many times in one amazing afternoon of fucking; but she didn't really care. The only salient thing that actually mattered, was that she'd had that enormous, and beautiful black cock of Willis', deep inside both her pussy, as well as her ass!She wasn't really religious, but as Willis' cock had plunged in and out, in and out of her hungry pussy,...
Career Moves By Trisha Robert could barely stand to take his hand off of Samantha's ass for the two seconds it took to press the elevator button for the thirtieth floor. She had to have been one the most gorgeous women he had ever laid eyes on. Every feature to her was perfect: curly platinum hair, doe eyes, a fuck-me mouth, gigantic tits, and a round, firm ass that Robert's hands seemed to have an attraction for all of their own. What's more, her enthusiasm for him was no less than...
The New WorldBy BossDaddyThe year was 2034 and on a quiet April morning our world change… forever. News reports stated that NASA deep space satellites saw a large dark object on a path to earth. They watched it for weeks and at first thought it was a meteorite but they calculated that it was slowing down as it approached Earth. The day came when the object simply stopped between the moon and earth. Earths governments tried to communicate with the object but nothing happened. Then a few days...
This is the story of a chance encounter with tea stall voluptuous aunty in the backyard tasting her pussy with her hubby making tea and my family deep slept in the car. Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here, first of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for the story . I am a story writer with many stories published and am writing this story after a break. There was nothing horny/wild in my life to be written about. My dearest sex story...
Wearing a lace teddy and pink cowgirl hat, it seems obvious how Lily Adams wants to ride BAM Visions’ Mick Blue. The brunette loves dick, and as long as she’s riding it, any position will do. The sexy Southern belle needs to work her shaved pussy wet with an orgasm first. The sound of her fingers sloshing in her vag as she masturbates makes Mick’s prick jump into her deep throat. The small tits babe works him with a slurpy POV blowjob until his big cock charges into her dripping hole. Slamming...
xmoviesforyouKendra Lynn thinks she has the top four most desired qualities of a Team Skeet girl. What do we think skeeters? First quality is that shes gorgeous. We might agree, she does get us hard just at a glance. Second, she says she has the most amazing bush. We were not expecting it, but wow that grass was abundant and nicely trimmed! Next quality was she said she was a cock sucking master, and by the looks of that deep throat we have to agree! And finally, her amazingly perky titties. They were...
xmoviesforyouMaddison Summers is home for the holidays, and her stepdad, Filthy Rich, couldn’t be more excited! When Filthy gifts Madison an apron for Turkey Day dinner, she immediately puts it on and arouses herself in bed. Filthy can’t help but watch from a distance but is caught off guard when Madison notices him watching through the crack in the bedroom door. The next day, things turn up a little bit when the two undress to toss their clothes in the washing machine. Madison and Filthy can’t stop...
xmoviesforyouNeed to get this out first. Just in case one might think otherwise this is a work of fiction. No one mentioned in this exists, except within my mind. Could this ever happen, well don’t know actually. It may have but like I said within this post everything is fiction, just made up.Chapter 1:The word Impulse is interesting because what it describes happens a lot in human nature, spur of the moment decisions. We’ve all met people that were impulsive and sometimes that worked in their favor while...
Mike tossed the issue of Variety on the small table beside him and looked at his watch. It was an old issue he’d read before, anyway. The casting agent seemed to have forgotten their appointment. He glanced at the bored receptionist, wondering what he should do next, when the door to the office opened. ‘Mike…’ A thin, middle-aged man glanced at the photo and resume in his hand, then looked up again. ‘Bine?’ ‘Bean. It-it’s pronounced ‘bean.” ‘Yeah, Biehn. Got it. Come in.’ The man quickly...