Guilty PleasuresChapter 5 free porn video

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It was with mixed emotions that I lay there in bed pretending to be asleep when I heard my husband finally ascend the stairs to our bedroom. He slipped into bed quietly beside me, and then only moments later the sound of his gentle snoring told me he was asleep.

I lay for the longest time remembering the vision of him standing there in the laundry room, my black panties wrapped around his hard stiff cock as he stroked it. Eventually spilling his hot sticky spunk, remembering the way it seeped through the material looking so wickedly decadent. I slipped my hand inside the waistband of the frilly red-laced panties I was still wearing. I was wet, very much so, and began fingering myself as I lay there on my side. I came minutes later, soaking the crotch of my panties even more than they already were. The same panties I would be wearing over to Sue's place in the morning.

As we'd already prearranged and discussed, I called Sue first thing, just before she left for work. Curious as to what I was planning to do next, I only hinted at it briefly, not really giving her any details. I still wasn't sure it would have the same impact on Jared that it obviously had on my husband, but I was curious to find out. I knew it would drive Susan nuts all day wondering, but it would also make for an interesting discussion later if everything worked out the way I hoped that it would.

"I need to ask you for two small favors," I had then added. "One, I need to use your washer as I plan on having an accidental spill of coffee on my white skirt," I said hearing a knowing giggle on the other end of the line. "And two ... I'll also need to borrow a pair of your panties after that." Once again she giggled, though she tried pressing me for details as to why it was important that I do that. Once again I told her she'd find out, when I called her later provided everything went the way that I hoped it would. Though I also left her with another tease, telling her I had seen Rob masturbating out in our laundry room the night before, and had a question for her regarding that too. Once again she pressed me, even more curious, but I told her she'd have to wait until later on that night for all the details. Frustrated perhaps, she still laughed and told me I could wear any of her panties that I wished to, and that her really sexy lingerie was in her bottom drawer as opposed to her top drawer where she kept all her every day stuff.

Armed with my plan I headed off to their place minutes later.

I was very pleased to see that Jared was up and basically waiting for me when I arrived. He seemed a bit more relaxed and friendly as I came in. Even more importantly, I could smell freshly brewed coffee coming in through the kitchen. I hadn't been sure when I'd actually implement my plans, but I was already aroused just thinking about it, still wearing my twice now cum-filled panties as I headed upstairs to Bill's study.

"Coffee's almost done," Jared told me. "I'll bring us up a cup as soon as it is."

"Us?" I smiled inwardly asking myself. That was a good sign as I thanked him and then headed upstairs. So far so good. Now it was just a matter of arranging things and staging a small little accident that I hoped would put my plans into play.

As I settled into Bills desk, I was pleased to see he did indeed have one of those plastic mats beneath his chair. I wasn't planning on spilling much coffee anyway, just enough to stain my white skirt, though I hoped I would indeed get the small stain out of them after I did. It would be a small price to pay if I pulled this off however, and then finished placing things in such a way that I would be careful so as not to spill coffee on anything except for myself when I did.

It wasn't long after that, that Jared came back upstairs carrying two hot steaming mugs of the fresh smelling brew. It needed to cool down some of course before I actually spilled any, and I needed to drink most of it before I did. But that would also give us a chance to chat about what had happened the day before, or so I hoped. Pleased when Jared was actually the one raising the subject.

I was glad he had taken a seat sitting in front of me, just where I wanted him to be when I had my accident. I could respond in kind far more easily when I did.

"Can I ask you something?" He began, once again appearing a bit nervous, a slight flush already beginning to spread across his face. I knew then it was something of a sexual nature, and I felt a slight flush actually begin in my own face, hoping it was.

"Sure Jared, ask me anything. And don't be shy either. By now ... I'd hope you know we're well past the being shy around one another stage, so whatever you want to ask me about, feel free ... and don't hold back."

I had again worn another tight fitting top, sans bra, so I knew that my breasts were well molded, nipples already beginning to grow erect which he noticed as he periodically sat there staring at them.

"About yesterday..." he hesitated slightly. I smiled urging him to continue. "Were you serious when you said you've never even seen your husband jerk himself off before?"

This was working out even better than I'd anticipated. I now knew I could incorporate my seemingly own flustered emotions when I spilled the coffee, ensuring that I took another drink as I wanted the cup to be nearly empty when I did.

"No, oddly enough, I haven't. Though I've asked him to do so for me a number of times. He's played with it a little for me of course, but that's about it. Maybe men in general are just too self conscious about doing that in front of someone, which is why I was so pleased ... when you did ... for me."

It was a joy to see the smile on Jared's face when I said that. I glanced down towards his crotch, purposely ... though there was no way of course that I could see him as he sat in front of the desk, though for a moment I did so as though having x-ray vision or something. I smiled as he fidgeted in his seat, as though I actually might have.

"So ... was it anything like you hoped it would be when you ... ah, when you stood there watching me?" he nervously stated, and immediately adding to that before I could even respond, apologizing in addition to that. "I'm sorry that it ah ... well you know, that it sort of ended the way that it did with the carpet thing and all."

I drank the last of the coffee I needed to before sitting my cup down on the corner of Bill's desk. It was now just a matter of time, bidding my time waiting for the perfect moment.

"Don't worry about it," I said actually blushing a little, appearing to be flustered. "Though I have to admit Jared, I found it very, very arousing, watching you. Having never actually watched a man so openly pleasuring himself, and then cumming the way you did, well ... it was just pure erotic, and to be honest..."

I reached for my cup, my eyes locked on his when I did, my hand as I hoped glancing off the side of it as I now felt it leave the desk, dropping down into my lap just the way I'd planned it. The moment it did, I stood up alarmed looking down at myself. Sure enough, there was just enough coffee to have made a rather large noticeable stain on my skirt, and nowhere else.

"Fuck!" I cried out in alarm, startling poor Jared as he stood too, unsure of what to do himself. "And my new skirt too!" I exclaimed further. I didn't hesitate however, immediately unzipping my skirt dropping it where I stood. I caught an appreciative glance out of the corner of my eye as Jared took in the frilly laced red panties I was wearing as opposed to a simple thong. "Where's your mom's laundry room?" I now asked. Obviously I knew where it was, downstairs in the basement, but I didn't recall ever being down there when I'd seen Jared in the past. "I need to get these washed before the stain sets in!" I said worriedly.

As I'd hoped, Jared immediately told me to follow him. Seconds later we were racing downstairs towards the basement, me in my likewise soiled panties as I ran after him.

As I'd asked her to do for me, Susan had sorted out a pile of whites, which sat in a basket next to the washer as though preparing the next load. In addition to that, she also had a small pile of bright colors next to it, which I'd also asked her to place there for me.

As I stood there in front of Susan's washer using some of her pretreatment on my skirt before tossing it, and then some of her own whites in the washer, I could almost feel Jared's eyes boring into my ass as he stood behind me patiently waiting. As he did, I could feel a renewed trickle of my own moisture and smiled to myself as I knew I was adding a bit more of my female essence to them, hoping he'd be considering that too when moments later I turned likewise taking them off. Much to his surprise.

"Damn, a little of the coffee soaked through and into these too!" I said as I turned now slipping them off. "Thank god there wasn't as much," I then added, not feeling at all embarrassed to be standing there in nothing but my skin tight top once again, another reminder of yesterday perhaps. Tossing my red panties onto the colored pile, I now looked over at Jared. His eyes just then coming up to meet mine after standing there gazing at my openly displayed pussy.

He swallowed.

"Jared? Do you think your mother would mind if I were to borrow a pair of her panties? At least until mine are washed?" I now asked.

He swallowed again, looking at me, his lips having gone dry as he licked them. "No ... probably not," he slightly stammered.

"Good, could you show me where she might keep them?" I now asked. This time, I purposely led the way, which I was pretty sure Jared was pleased to see me do as he followed me back up the stairs to his mother's room, staring at the back of my bare ass the entire way.

"Where's she keep them? I asked turning towards him once again as we entered her bedroom. I already knew of course, but I was also curious if he would.

"Well, a lot of her stuff, bras and panties and things are in her top drawer, but her really nice stuff is actually in the bottom drawer," he told me. I didn't react as though his knowing that would be out of the norm, thanking him and smiling at him as I bent over, opening the bottom drawer. I knew as I did so, I was again giving him a perfect view of not only my ass, but most likely my puffy swollen lips as I rummaged around in Susan's drawer, especially with Jared standing directly behind me as I did so. I was half hoping he'd just walk up to me with his cock sticking out, and shove it in. Not at all surprised when he didn't.

"Wow, your mom's got a lot of nice stuff," I said still looking. I smiled upon seeing a pair of crotch-less blue panties, but quickly discarded them. "A bit too obvious," I thought. I wanted to find something I could actually wear and sit around in for a bit, giving him some food for thought without making things obvious. I found three different pair that I thought would work, and then decided to make a game out of that, holding them up in order to show him. "What do you think Jared?"

I held up a pair of black lace, a similar pair of white ones, and then a pair of light blue almost sheer panties that left very little to the imagination. I found it interesting that I could actually be standing there not even wearing any, though his eyes were suddenly glued to the three pair I was holding up.

"I'm not sure your mom and I even wear the same size," I told him, though I happened to know we did. "And I know this might sound a little silly under the circumstances, but would you mind telling me if they look ok when I try them on?" I now asked. "I don't want to look silly in them, even if I'm only going to be wearing them while I'm waiting for mine to get washed," I then added, hoping my somewhat flawed reasoning would be enough.

"Ah sure ... he said actually taking a seat on the end of his parents bed as I began to step into the black ones. Looking down, I again grinned to myself, adlibbing here as things progressed. "Would it bother you if I took off my top?" I now asked, though he was once again staring directly at my openly displayed pussy. "Blue doesn't go very well with black," I then told him. "We won't know if the bottoms look ok, with that color of top on," I then informed him. Jared however merely agreed, accepting my crazy logic as quite natural as he sat there nodding his head trying to look serious and concerned for me.

I now stood, the panties not all the way up yet, still draped just above my knees as I now slithered out of my top, tossing it over onto the bed. I didn't even meet Jared's eyes this time as I looked over towards him, his eyes looking elsewhere as I once again bent over, now pulling Susan's black lace panties up into place.

"What do you think?" I asked, and then turned slowly around so he could give me his honest opinion. His hesitation once again proving to be perfect, as I pretended it was some sort of indecision on his part, or that they didn't look very good on me. "No?" I said already taking them off. "Let's try the white ones then."

I had already known when picking the white ones out they wouldn't look very flattering on me. They rode a bit too high up on the waist for my tastes, but having a slightly smaller waist than Susan did anyway, they'd look disproportionate on my body. Even so I once again stood, turning around waiting for Jared's approval or disapproval.

"I like the black ones better," he told me enthusiastically. As he did, as he sat staring at my body, I took the moment to glance at his crotch, sure enough ... pleased to see that there was a nice sized bulge already noticeable when I did.

"Yeah me too. But let's see how the blue one's look," I said making a bit of a show out of it, taking off the white ones, and then holding up the almost sheer blue ones, turning them about to ensure I had them the right way, and then acting like I wasn't sure if they were actually inside out or not. Once again I caught Jared looking at me as I stood there wasting time, but giving him plenty to look at as I did that. I finally slipped them on, liking not only the way they looked on me, but even the way they felt. Susan might not get these back as I turned looking at myself in the mirror first, and then back around once again facing Jared. "Well?"

"Oh yeah ... those look really nice," he told me. "Better on you than on..." He caught himself looking up towards me. I grinned at him.

"So you have seen these before on your mom then?" I asked teasingly. He truly was blushing now, nodding his head.

"Yeah, by accident," he explained. "I once walked in on her while she was getting undressed," he told me. "She happened to have that very same pair on at the time," he then added.

"Funny you mentioned that," I now said implementing the second phase of my plan. "It just so happens that the chapter I'm just starting to edit deals with an experience similar to that," I told Jared.

The truth was, there was no such chapter, but I decided to use that as further enticement, not that he really needed any. I could clearly see Jared was once again as hard as a rock now. It was more a matter of his working up the courage in an effort to seduce me, if he was in fact ever going to.

"Oh?" Jared said obviously interested, "Tell me about it."

"Well it is pretty naughty, but as we both are grownups here, and as you did masturbate for me so openly yesterday, I guess it's ok for me to tell you what happens in the story," I told him. I then crossed over to the bed sitting down on it, and then lay back making myself comfortable. I patted the bed next to me, indicating that Jared should perhaps do the same while I told him where I was at in the story.

He was blushing again, but smiling too as he lay back on the bed next to me. "Go ahead, tell me. Like you said ... we're both adults, and I am curious," he stated.

"Well, as you already know, I'm editing the experiences and exploits of the main character whose memories I am reading through here. One of which was one he'd had when he was just about your age in fact. He indicated ... in the story ... how he'd gone into his mother's room to ask her about something. Used to seeing her in various stages of undress, it wasn't uncommon for him to have done so, or even in seeing her partially nude, or even in the nude all together. As he stood there talking to her, watching her undress, he recalls how she was wearing a particular pair of very sexy underwear at the time. She had removed them, discarding them onto the floor in preparation for bathing for the evening prior to retiring, and then asked him to gather up her things, and take them into the laundry for him, which he of course did."

"Of course," Jared said nodding his head as though envisioning something very similar himself.

"Anyway ... when he got down to the laundry room he noticed that the crotch of his mother's panties were still a bit moist, so he sniffed them, and in doing so, found it to be rather arousing. So then he decided to do something else with them too," I said winking.


"Well ... they obviously felt nice, slinky, sexy ... so having an erection, he proceeded to stroke his young cock with his mother's panties, eventually having an orgasm, and cumming in them," I told him.

"Wow ... that is nasty isn't it?" He said looking at me curiously.

"Nasty hot!" I responded back. "Admittedly Jared, and since we're talking openly like adults here, I will be perfectly candid with you about it, I thought the scene as he wrote it was very, very erotic. I could easily see this young man, standing there stroking his hard erect cock with his mother's panties, eventually showering them with a nice thick creamy load of cum, much like yours was yesterday, when you came!"

Jared was obviously horny, aroused ... but he was also getting fidgety again. I knew then he was struggling with his feelings and emotions. It was time to ease off and let things settle down for a bit.

"Anyway ... thought I'd share with you what I was working on, but speaking of which, I guess I really should get back to doing just that." I sat up, standing up once again turning towards him. "While I do that though ... would it bother you if I just worked the way I'm dressed now? I mean ... unless you have friends coming over or something, it would just feel sort of sexy/nice to stay like this for a bit, at least until my clothes have been washed and dried."

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Guilty Secret

Look after her ‘til I get home Pat said, so I did. I love Boobs - well actually I love all the pieces of sexy ladies. But mostly I love Boobs, of a certain type and calibre it must be said. If truth were but known’ I’m greedy and ‘picky.’ But the ones that I was being teased with right now were close to perfection. Dangly, with areola like chapel hat pegs. Solid, big, plenty to suckle on when you could reach them, which I couldn’t. Currently the lady they belonged to - Julie - had me embedded...

2 years ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 3

Tabitha hangs up the phone, smiling to herself. “Why does this make me so happy?” “I wander why?” the little creature that started all this says from behind. Tabitha closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. When she turns around she is no longer Tabitha, but George. “Why are you here?” he asks. “The better question is ain’t those clothes a little tight fitting?” the creature asks, taking a puff on the cigar he holds in his hand. “I never took you for the cross dressing type.” “I’m not...”...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 4

Tabitha doesn’t have a job with the Bryans. And after a night of masturbation and contemplation and a conversation with that damned little creature, she decides she is going to fulfill that date with Steven. George walks into the kitchen to find that strange little creature sitting back in a chair with his feet propped up on the kitchen table. It has a beer in one hand and a cigar in the other. The man stops at the doorway staring at it and he gets a really good look at it. The creature is...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 5

Since Sam was gone for the night neither Tabitha nor Steven found a reason to get dressed. Steven reassured her that even if his boyfriend, or to use the correct term, fiancé were there, they still wouldn’t have a reason to dress. As much as the man is into her, Tabitha cannot understand how the man even prefers sex with Sam or any other man. To each his own, I guess. She can’t see any reason to dwell on the thoughts of their relationship and any attempt she has made to talk about it either...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 6

George has had many erotic dreams over the years, though they were more frequent when he was younger. As the years pressed on, those dreams got fewer and fewer between. Eventually having an erotic dream became a rarity. This could be because even at sixty-five he was getting more pussy than most boys in college. Or it be because they just naturally disappeared or gotten less and less as he aged. Regardless, at the very least the intensity of those dreams did diminish as well. But now as...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 7

The sun is barely coming in through the window when Tabitha feels scrambling into the bed. She is tempted to turn around to see who it is. After that crazy dream she was having, she isn’t sure what is real and what isn’t. The only thing she knows to be real is that the electricity seems to have been fixed because the air in the bedroom is a lot cooler. The girl lets the man snuggle up and feels him relax. That relaxing doesn’t last, considering the hard thing poking against the girl’s...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 8

Steven was able to smooth things out with Mr. Welch, Tabitha’s homeroom teacher. As a result the girl was marked as present even though she didn’t get to school until after first period. She doesn’t know what was said, only what Steven told her when he sought her out. It was the last time she figured that she would ever see the man. Probably for the best, and she told herself it would be, because she is not about to try and seek him out. In fact, Tabitha decided, it would be best to avoid him...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 9

Tabitha pulls out her keys to unlock the door. The day didn’t go at all like she expected it to. First being depressed over the whole situation with Steven this morning was a threat to ruin her day. But when she got her way with Heather, a thing Tabitha had wanted from the beginning to all this, the day started to look better. Then when Steven called to invite her over, it became a mixture of excitement and agony. On one hand she was excited to be able to see him again, on the other it was...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 10

George slept rough that night. Tabitha was broken after leaving Steven’s, so switching back to his normal self the man figured it would help to ignore those awful feelings. But it didn’t, they remained there and the remained as strong as ever. Thankfully Genzo seemed to be occupied, entertaining another woman. Tabitha went to school, even though she felt like not going, but just as George was keen on finishing high school and going to college, he is just as determined to do the same as...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 11

Tonight Tabitha has a little bit more of an unexpected Friday night sitting job. Nola and Gordon introduced her to Felix, Gordon’s brother. The man looked her over like she was a piece of meat, which knowing how hot and sexy she looks the girl couldn’t really blame the man. They said their goodbyes and headed out the door, Leaving Tabitha with the kids. Everything went smoothly. The kids weren’t as good as they were yesterday, being a little more comfortable with the teen. As a result they...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 12

Tabitha and Gordon are locked together with her bent over the chair when Nola and the man’s brother walk through the front door. They come into the living room chatting and kissing and looking over all happy. Tabitha’s eyes go wide and Gordon pulls out. Felix catches her eye and he winks. “Surprised to see us back so early?” Felix laughs. “No need to be. Our fun is just beginning.” Before Tabitha can ask what he means she hears Nola give a happy squeal. “Me first,” she cries. “I’m ready...

4 years ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 13

Tabitha cuts off the shower, steps out and dries off. She figures that tonight is getting just a little out of control, and there is too much risk to stay. So she plans to just gather up her clothes and slip out the door. With any luck, Gordon and his brother are double teaming Nola and none of them are out in the living room. But luck isn’t on her side. The door to the bathroom opens and Gordon, with all his naked glory, steps in. She stands there for a moment stunned, and is about to tell...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 14

Morning comes all too soon for Tabitha. After returning to the bedroom Gordon fucked his wife and Felix got another turn with the teenager. When she wakes up she finds the bed empty save for herself in it. The house is pretty quiet, which is not something she would expect with two small children. So she climbs out of the bed and slips into the hall, calling out for Gordon and Nola. No answer comes. She proceeds a little further to find the living room empty, the same for the kitchen. But she...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 15

George checks into a plush hotel in the business part of town that he used to live in. That Saturday eh packs up and the next day she heads out. Tabitha totally misses school to go there. And here there are several casinos, hotels and businesses that cater to clientele of many different backgrounds and tastes. It is a place for those wanting to get way or even for families to take a vacation. There is literally something for everyone here. One of those things about the catering is when a...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 17

The next night, Tabitha has decided to relax by the pool. George had ran at the gambling hard earlier in the day, getting on a streak and winning three times the amount he started with. She is just climbing out of the hot tub when she notices that she is no longer alone. An older gentleman is sitting across the way, watching her. She can practically feel the man’s eyes on her. Silently the girl tells herself that though he looks at least George’s age, it doesn’t matter. George often, when he...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 18

Feeling energized by last night’s confrontation with old man Leland, George decides to forego gambling and spend the day as Tabitha. As a result she decides to hang around the hotel and see what trouble she could get into. What she finds is a youthfulness George had long forgotten about and one that Tabitha has yet to experience. She finds some younger kids running around playing tag. They ask her to play so she does. It isn’t long before Tabitha is having a ball running and chasing or being...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 19

After yesterday’s fun with Reese, his wife and Tabitha spent all afternoon in that room. When night fell, they left him with Kevin and had a ladies night. Tess and her sister were a great deal of fun, and in the seedy part of town where Tabitha knows all the right places, they had an even greater deal of fun. That fun went all through the night and into Tabitha’s hotel room. When she woke the next morning, her bed was empty, a reminder of George’s morning the day after his birthday. But there...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 20

“So how was your little vacation?” Genzo asks, sitting on the edge of the counter, surrounded by beer bottles. “Oh, don’t act like you don’t know,” George sneers. “Give me one of those.” Genzo looks to the left and right, picking up random bottles but not finding anything but empty ones. “It seems I’m out. Oh well, you don’t need to have one anyway.” “What? Why?” the man asks. “You’re right, I know everything that went on,” the snotling carries on. “Have you come to any conclusions about...

4 years ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 21

“I see you’ve been a little busy with Steven,” Genzo says, looking up from the couch. He reaches for the remote to mute the television, sets it down and then grabs a beer bottle. Tabitha looks over to the flat screen on the wall and grins. A woman is bouncing up and down wildly on another woman who appears to have a strap-on. “Not getting any pussy tonight?” Genzo takes a swig of the beer. Then he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “I’ve got to be here for you tonight.” “What for?”...

3 years ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 2

I honestly didn't believe I had heard her correctly, so I asked her again. "What did you just say?" This time she didn't hesitate. "I asked you, if you'd like to fuck my son," she said simply ... even more importantly, seriously. And quite naturally, I said, "You can't be serious!" "Oh but honey. I am. I've even talked to Bill about it, and he agrees with me." "You what?" "Yes, we talked about it, spoke a great deal in length about it, and came to the exact same...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 3

I met Susan for lunch the following day at a favorite little restaurant of ours. As we usually did, we asked for our favorite table, which was off to one side and a bit out of the normal flow of traffic. In the beginning our waiters and waitresses weren't too pleased by our request. But now being "regulars" as we were, and tipping very well for the additional privacy so we could often chat without being overheard, we were only met with smiles and better than average service after that. I...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 4

I'd actually been working on the manuscript for the better part of an hour, surprised that Jared hadn't come back and peeked his head inside the door, asking me if I wanted or needed anything. And to make matters worse, I really was horny too. The story was indeed erotic, parts of which I'd read and found myself flushed in the face after reading them. And then having to go back and read them again as an editor and not some horny young woman. I had to laugh at myself however still thinking...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 6

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I rolled over in bed looking at the caller ID. In the background I could hear the sound of the shower running. Rob was busy getting ready for work, it was 6:15. I knew without even looking that the only person who would call me at this ungodly hour would be Susan. And sure enough it was. "What's up?" I answered still sounding sleepy. "I hope I woke you," she laughed. "I hate that you get to sleep in and the rest of us all have to get up...

2 years ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 7

"Why down here?" Susan asked as I led her downstairs towards the basement shortly after she'd arrived home. "Because, I made a special little place up for us for one thing. But for another, just in case someone does come in, or come home unexpectedly, we have a quick way out, or rather I do anyway," I said grinning at her. "You might get away with being partially undressed being that this is your home, but I think someone coming in and finding me in a likewise state, might raise more...

3 years ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 8

Authors note: Though I am planning that this series will end with two more chapters including this one, it has been a fun and exciting one for me to write. I have truly appreciated all the comments and emails I've received on it. If in fact I get enough who feel like it shouldn't end at that point, or that you'd like to see me continue it on for another couple of chapters, let me know. If you think it's a good place to leave it, I'd appreciate hearing that too. But again, thank you so...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 9

Susan was sitting on the couch next to Jared examining his eye when Rob and I came in. Bill had already walked over to the bar, pouring us all fresh drinks, including one for Jared. "Well it's not cut, but you might very well end up with a black eye," Susan told her son. She sat back looking at him. "So what happened anyway?" Accepting his drink from Bill, Jared took a large healthy swallow of it before speaking. He looked nervous for a moment, and then simply said it. "I'd invited...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 10

It seemed like I had barely closed my eyes when I heard Rob get up and begin dressing. I knew he and Bill had a full day of golf planned, playing at least 36 holes and more if they could fit it in. That meant they'd be gone all day and very possibly into the early evening. Plenty of time for whatever was going to happen to happen. I attempted to go back to sleep as tired as I was, but my thoughts kept me awake as I lay there in bed. I was struggling with Jared's sudden change in...

1 year ago
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Guilty ride at a Swingers club

Something very regretful happened at a swingers club Two years back, my friends (a Couple) invited me to visit a swingers club. I never saw a swingers club before. I searched online, and it said they are open from 10 PM to 4 AM. Due to my inexperience, I visited early. I saw barely ten people in the club. Nobody said "Hi" to me. In my mind, I thought people are going to have sex everywhere. I called my friends; they said you're very early and we won't be there at least by midnight. I was...

Sex With Stranger
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Threesome at the Hot Tubs

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. The names and places are not real and in no way are meant to resemble anybody or anyplace in the real world. The story is, however, based on a not-so-far-fetched situation I may, or may not, have been involved with. Enjoy.There are great Mineral Spring hot tubs near where we live. We usually try go to there at least every other month to rent a private tub where we basically fuck for an hour with some breaks for drinks and dessert. We turn our music on and...

4 years ago
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The New Submissive Gets Punished

You are tired of my excuses, having heard me explain that I fell asleep at school it is the last thing you would take.  You lecture me about how important school is and how important getting my homework done, as I had not been doing it or studying for the classes.  You had already seen my grades on the the midterms and you were not happy with the fact that I had not done as well on them as I should have.  You tell me to get ready for a trip to the dungeon as you stand up and lead me over to the...

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MyPervyFamily Lou Laine Boys Don8217t Last

Lou Laine is a tough girl to please and her minute-boy partners just can’t hang with this bad bitch. She craves for something long & hard… longer than 30 seconds to 1 minute! Enter her stepdad Filthy Rich, who came by to run some errands. Lou uses the opportunity to pick his brain about men and their stamina. Rich is a little uncomfortable but tries to hear her out. The more he listens, the more Lou leaks and ends up telling Rich that she’d like him to fuck her. Her own...

3 years ago
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The start of things

The start of school It all started on a nice warm Monday morning when I was taking a nice relaxing bath before I was to go out with my mates to school, relaxing in the bath I heard a loud clunk which was the noise of the bathroom lock and I knew it was being opening from the outside, turning to look I saw the door swing open and one of my half-sisters went in and picked up my clothes and walked out before I could make a noise of protest, less than 10 seconds later she came back in...

4 years ago
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Chudakkad biwi

Is story ke pehle part ko padne ke baad, humme bahut se email mile. Jaan kar achha laga ki aapko humaari kahaani achhi lahi. Is story ko likhne ka aim aapko yeh batana hai ki sex ki bhook insaan se kya kya karaati hai. Isko likhne mein hume bhi ek ajeeb tarah ka mazaa aata hai. Aapko isse pad kar mazaa aaya, yeh jaan kar hume aur bhi mazaa aaya. Pichhle part ko padke aapko yeh to pata lag hi gaya hoga ki Mamta ki pyaas kitni zyaada hai. Aur yeh bhi pata lag gaya hoga ki hum ek doosre se kitna...

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