- 4 years ago
- 26
- 0
“Mr. Walters, please. This leak ... it’s driving us crazy and we have a lot of work to do tonight. You know - quite important work. We ... we really need this to be fixed urgently. Please, we’ll pay you 50 bucks extra if you can come today.”
That’s how it started. It seemed innocent enough, just my usual work. The little voice in my head, screaming, “Don’t do it! Stay away from there!” could not be heard for some reason.
Just some innocent dude, being a little too desperate over some minor leak. It seemed like a simple enough job for me, being a GWS man. Gas, water, shit, more commonly known as plumber. One who took his job seriously. When a customer in need was calling, it was almost as impossible for me to turn him down as it would have been to grow a third thumb. Which I had never managed to, although it might have been helpful from time to time. So I was already on my way to help him. Okay, maybe I was a little too indulgent at the time.
The problem was that Megan surely wouldn’t be pleased to learn that I was about to ruin yet another evening. My plumbing business ate up too much of my time I should have spent with her. But hell, we could need these 50 bucks for sure. Life as an independent plumber was not always easy and the bills kept coming.
So all in all it was a no-brainer.
“Okay, okay, Mr. Johnson. Calm down. I’ll come around immediately.” It always felt good to help customers in need.
“Thanks, man. You won’t regret it.” I just hoped he was right.
So I entered this quite upscale house I had never been in before at about 6 p.m., at a time I usually was having dinner with my beautiful wife and my beloved sixteen year old daughter Lara. To say that Megan was pleased about the call announcing my delay would have been exaggerated, but she at least agreed that we could use the 50 bucks. My mood was noticeably improved upon having avoided the medium sized shit storm I had expected. Maybe I’d use the 50 bucks to take her to a fancy dinner. My lady surely deserved it.
“Thanks a lot, Mr. Walters. Here’s your 50 bucks.” Whoa, payment in advance? What was happening here? “The leak is over here.”
What he showed me didn’t exactly mark the peak challenge for my plumber’s craftsmanship. To be blunt, it was almost too easy to fix. Any man with at least one right hand would have fixed this within minutes. So I decided I might have to spend a few minutes extra to avoid the guy feeling cheated for having paid 50 bucks. In hindsight, I should have taken my tools and just run.
“Okay, I think I will need about an hour for this. Maybe less.”
“Sure, thanks again.”
The guy seemed nice enough, a little nervous maybe. However, the whole situation in the house seemed rather strange. Three other guys and two women sat in the living room. Apart from watching me enter and being a little nervous, they obviously did nothing at all. They didn’t drink, they didn’t talk, they just sat there. It looked a little like at a doctor’s waiting room. And neither their looks nor the smell indicated that they were that desperately in need of a shower or that any other hygienic emergency justified my immediate presence.
These six folks were somehow mismatched and I had the impression that none of them were a couple. I even asked myself if any of them actually lived here. The house looked a little like a furniture store, neat as a pin but somehow uninhabited. But that’s none of my business, I thought. My business was to fix this small leak without letting them know how ridiculous the task was.
So I began to work and was almost finished when I heard some aggressive shouting and loud banging from the living room. I got up and left the bathroom with an alligator wrench still in my hand to see if someone needed help.
To my surprise the living room seemed to be filled with smoke, but it didn’t smell like fire. I was still trying to get a grip on what was going on when I was shoved forwards violently from behind and banged painfully on the floor. My tool flew from my hand and my arms were roughly jerked backwards.
And with these kind words from a friendly SWAT team officer, uttered while he comfortably rested his knee on my back, the life I knew and loved came to a sudden end.
I experienced the following hours in a kind of stupefied daze, like I was watching a 3D horror movie in superb quality that had nothing to do with my life. While I was still on the floor with my face in some debris, someone read me my rights like they do in the movies. He gave me a less than friendly kick in the shoulder to obtain my confirmation. I just nodded and was hauled by two guys into the back of a squad car. Nobody really cared about my head banging on the doorframe. Yes, I immediately knew that I was in good hands. Somehow I had the feeling that participating handcuffed in a heavyweight boxing fight would have been a gentler experience. Hell, even a car accident might have been more comfortable than the rough treatment I was receiving.
On the way to somewhere I was still coughing from the smoke grenade, which caused not a single shit to be given by the officers. I had to wonder if all arrests were that horrible or if I was receiving some kind of special treatment. After we had reached our destination, I was roughly yanked out of the car, pushed through some shabby corridors and shoved into an absurdly empty prison cell. The interior consisted of - well - nothing, really. The stainless steel thing on the wall obviously served as a washbowl and toilet combination and didn’t impress my professional plumbing interest at all. The bed was - well, if this was the bed - just a projection on a wall. These were the things included in my new luxury home. The list of what wasn’t included was a whole lot longer. A usable window, bed sheets, a mattress, a shower, a mirror, clothing, soap, someone to talk to, answers to my questions.
What was I doing here? That was the one on top of my list. I had done nothing wrong. I was certain that the mix-up would be clarified quickly. I mean, I could rely on our justice system, couldn’t I? This was not North Korea, where one could be imprisoned or prejudged without evidence, right?
Well, it wasn’t clarified quickly. I waited for what seemed an endless time in this damn cell, worried shitless, torturing myself with grim visions of my own future. The miniscule window just under the ceiling told me that it was night by now. I really should be at home with my beautiful wife and my daughter now, enjoying a meal after a hard day’s work, looking forward to some necking and maybe sex with Megan. Something was totally wrong here - I wasn’t supposed to stare at the dirty walls of an empty cell. Somehow the space-time continuum had ruptured. This was not supposed to happen in my life.
My problem was: there was no one present to listen to my objections. Finally, after many worried hours, I must have fallen asleep.
I woke up, feeling even worse. Which surprised me as I had assumed that I couldn’t feel any lower that I had the night before. After a while, a small hatch was opened and a tray was shoved inside.
Based on the time of the day, I guessed that this was meant to be breakfast. The problem was - it didn’t look like that. Not at all. But I realized that I was desperately hungry and wolfed everything down. To my surprise, it didn’t even taste bad. It didn’t taste at all. The texture of the stuff didn’t help to clarify what I was actually eating.
After a few more hours of worries and growing desperation, I was led into some kind of interrogation room by two officers and was chained to a bolted chair. None of them seemed to be inclined to listen to my concerns. Finally, a guy in a cheap suit entered.
“Hi, my name is Larry Sanders. I’m your attorney.”
I felt bad about it, but my cuffs prevented me from offering my hand. But the disgusted way he looked at me led me to the guess that he could live with that discourtesy quite well.
“Why am I here?” No need to beat about the bush. That was the question I desperately needed to be answered. I noticed that he didn’t offer to be on first name terms.
“Well, your group was busted.”
“My group? What group?”
“Yeah, your child pornographer group.”
“Calm down, please.”
“Man ... Hey ... I’m just a plumber. A group? That’s ... These guys called me to fix their leak.”
“Well, it sure looks different.” He looked at me almost smugly. Hey, wasn’t he supposed to be on my side? “A whole bunch of evidence was found. And you were the only armed suspect during the arrest.”
“What? Armed? I had my pliers with me. I’m a plumber.”
“Okay, we can try this strategy. I’m not sure if you will convince anyone with this. But it’s your decision.”
“I don’t believe it. I mean ... Hey ... What would you suggest?”
“But I can’t. I’ve done nothing wrong.”
“Your choice.” He seemed like he didn’t really give a single shit.
Okay, it was clear that even my attorney didn’t believe a single word. My feeling of dread was reaching record-worthy levels.
“You see, this is a big thing out there. Everybody is talking about it. Every TV station, every newspaper. You’re famous now. Many people want to kill or castrate you. You will certainly not be allowed to have contact with other inmates. Child molesters don’t live long in here.”
“Child ... What? Oh my god.” Hearing that word made me feel sick.
“Yes, sadly.”
“Hey ... Can I call my wife?”
“I don’t know. I will try. They will want to interrogate you first.”
“But don’t be surprised. The whole media coverage includes your name and your photo. The commentators and talk show hosts are really in hunter-killer mode currently. It might not be fair, but it’s what the audience wants to hear right now. In case of hurt children the society tends to be a little uncaring. Your family’s feelings towards you might have cooled down a little. Quite a lot, actually.”
“Oh god. I don’t believe it ... What a complete nightmare.”
The following hours were filled with endless interrogations. I was fed up with the accusations, the cops were annoyed with me sticking to my “ridiculous” plumber story.
“Man, you’re toast anyway. Get your head out of your ass and shorten your sentence by confessing.” I had heard that argument countless times by then and my answer was still the same.
“I won’t confess something I haven’t done.”
“Your choice, asshole. You’re just digging your hole deeper and that’s totally okay with me. Here’s your phone. We will leave you alone for 30 minutes. Use the time wisely. But don’t expect too much,” he chuckled.
He un-cuffed one hand, gave me the fully charged mobile phone and the whole bunch left the room. Yes, finally! My phone. The chance to talk to my family. To set things straight. To tell them that this was just a huge misunderstanding. To just hear their friendly voices. To plan how to proceed with this mess. Yes! Finally. So I frantically speed dialed Megan first. She was the most important one, I desperately needed to talk with her. Lara would be next. Maybe I’d even have a little time left to talk to my parents. That would be great. They would be glad to hear my voice and to learn what had really happened.
It rang a few times. Megan, come on, we don’t have much time. Then suddenly my call was blocked. This was not her voice mail, she had actively rejected my call. I was totally shocked. What did that mean? Was there a technical problem maybe? But I already guessed the truth and the thought frightened me. Had she already given up on me? That quickly? Without me being convicted? Hell, I hadn’t even been officially charged, I was just a suspect. And she hadn’t even talked to me a single word. Had I just been dumped that quickly and unceremoniously in my darkest hour? A knot was forming in my guts and my eyes started to water.
I kind of zoned out and just looked at my own situation. I was sitting in an almost empty interrogation room, wearing an orange suit. One of my hands was cuffed to the chair. The walls were dirty, cameras were everywhere. My fingernails were dirty. The lampshade was broken. The world seemed to have agreed that I was a child molester. People I didn’t know were convinced I was. The love of my life obviously was. And the worst thing - I didn’t even know what exactly had been done to these children.
Okay, man, calm down, I thought. You have more options. You have a daughter that adores you. And it usually took less than two seconds for her to respond to a text message at any given time, 24/7. So that was the route to follow. I sent Lara a text message. Although she didn’t have to respond, it at least couldn’t be blocked.
“Lara, please. This is just a misunderstanding. I’m innocent. I need to talk to mom. Urgently. I don’t have much time.”
Her reply was quick and devastating.
“You’re not my dad any more, asshole. I’m not your daughter any more. Never contact me again. And the last thing mom wants is to talk to you again. Ever. Don’t call her again.”
Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. A cold chill ran down my spine. I wasn’t aware that it was possible to lose a loving family that quickly without having done anything wrong. But it obviously was. I subconsciously checked the room for suicide options, but of course there were none. Even if I hadn’t been cuffed to the chair. No, Curt, don’t give up. They will see the truth sooner or later. Be strong. You will get them back. Don’t do anything foolish now.
Okay, think. Yes, mom and dad. My parents. They will talk to me. I didn’t know why, but it was supremely important for me to talk to somebody. To find someone that believed me. I would be going mad otherwise. I needed to tell my story to someone that didn’t reject it right away. That was willing to listen with an open mind.
“Yes?” My dad’s voice was stone cold. I had never heard him like that, even after I had dented his new car with my bike after my eleventh birthday.
“Dad. I’m so glad to talk to you. You have to...”
“Shut up, piece of shit. You’re not our son any more. Brenda agrees with this. We never want to speak to you again. Don’t call us again.”
And with that he just hung up. What? My own parents? A chill ran down my spine again. This was a complete nightmare. But I had not much hope to wake up in the foreseeable future.
Okay, Tim. He was my best friend since grade school. I just needed some form of support. Any form of support. Even Tim would have to do.
“Don’t ever call me again, asshole.”
And with that he just hung up too. This whole thing started terrible and was getting worse quickly.
Okay, one last shot. Jane and Alan, our good friends.
“Fuck off! Eat shit and die!” was all I got to hear from Alan.
I leaned back and took stock. Suddenly I was surprisingly calm. I was totally alone. It was just me and the rest of the world. There was no one out there that cared for me any more and no one I had to care for. The thought made me incredibly sad. I was totally unsure about my feelings towards my ex family. I had loved them dearly only a few minutes ago. Now I had learned that they had dropped me incredibly quickly. Was I able to change my feelings about them just as quick? I was too confused, sad and overwhelmed to answer this. But I did my best not to cry as the officer took my phone away again. No need to give him this satisfaction.
“Not much luck, hm? Was to be expected. Can’t say that I feel any sympathy for you.”
I began to understand why my cell was so empty. Suicide was tempting and I certainly wasn’t the only one to contemplate this route. But it seemed important for the government to prevent this and to prevent escape from the designated route of justice this way. But as much as my life seemed to be one big pile of hopeless misery, this didn’t seem to be the route for me anyway. There was still a glimmer of hope that this mess would be clarified. But what then? How would I face a family that had abandoned me that quickly? How were my feelings towards them?
There was a hearing shortly afterwards and it turned out as the complete nightmare I had anticipated. Obviously, some kids were held captive in that house and a movie was just about to be shot. Several adults, including me, were present. None of them was involved with the kids at the time of the arrest and the kids couldn’t identify any of them. So it was just assumed that we were all involved in some way or other. All of the suspects, including me, came up with some story how they were just present by concidence. They could only release all of us or no one. Given the public opinion at the moment, the first option was quickly ruled out by the judge.
The following weeks were spent like this: 99 percent rotting away in my empty cell, staring at the walls or the ceiling, appreciating every dirty spot or interesting texture in the concrete, trying - mostly unsuccessfully - not to let my desperation and depression overwhelm me. And 1 percent trying to convince anyone who cared to listen that I was innocent. That I was just the plumber. Which quite often caused a good laugh. It seemed that the whole world had agreed on exactly the same version of the truth regarding my person. I still didn’t know what exactly had been going on with these children and I actively didn’t want to learn it. My lawyer had understood that meanwhile. I couldn’t stand to hear details of the atrocities I had supposedly committed.
At least my lawyer was slightly more optimistic after a while because it seemed that they had no direct proof that showed my involvement or contradicted my plumber “story”. The problem was that it might take an eternity until the case was brought before a jury. And that the jury might overlook the missing evidence against me and just go with the public opinion. In any case, I was facing at least several months in jail. Or several decades. Or the rest of my life. My fate would be what other people decided it to be, people that were part of a public that seemed to have prejudiced my case already. All that was left for me to do was to await the outcome. No, my future was not looking rosy. Not at all.
After a few weeks in prison, I received the next blow. I was served with divorce papers. My hand was trembling and my eyes were wet while I took the envelope. No, Megan, please don’t do this. I love you, I thought. We were always a team, best friends, lovers, confidants. Please don’t give me up that quickly. But the papers cruelly told me that Megan wanted full custody of Lara, the house and all of our assets. She wanted no alimony or child support. For obvious reasons, it said. Everybody handled things as if I was already convicted. It even contained a restraining order for the time after my release. In the unlikely case, it said. It named me as a sexual offender, unfit to have contact with my daughter. Just great. It was as if I was facing one solid wall of public opinion against me.
Of course, I tried to fight the divorce. Not in a legal way, but by trying again to explain things to Megan. By trying to contact her. By writing text messages whenever I could access my mobile phone. By writing long letters. By trying to call her. To no avail, I never got any kind of reaction. Letters were returned unopened, calls were blocked. She had completely given up on me. The love of my life. My wife for many years. The mother of my daughter. The woman that had professed her love for me only a few minutes before I was arrested. She dropped me like a hot potato in my darkest hour. The thought didn’t just make me sad any more. It also made me feel disappointed. And even a little angry.
Two endless months after my arrest, the guard granted me a few minutes with my mobile phone again. I switched it on, but had no idea any more who I wanted to call. Everyone had abandoned me anyway. Maybe I’d just check the news sites to see the latest truths about my past and the newest predictions about my future. I had never wanted to be a celebrity and I was not really enjoying the status right now.
Right after it had started, my mobile beeped and indicated an incoming message. The first incoming communication at all since the nightmare began. Maybe not everyone had abandoned me, which gave me a little hope. It was from Tim, which was a slight disappointment. But I was glad someone wanted to talk to me at all. So I immediately opened it. And I felt the blood drain from my face and my body starting to tremble.
It was a photo. Megan. And Tim. Both naked. Fucking. Megan seemed to be unaware of him taking it, but he grinned into the camera. I was devastated, humiliated, defeated.
It also contained a text message.
“always had the hots for her. your loss, my gain, asshole”.
I didn’t bother to answer. Everything was crystal clear. I was completely alone now. I was even glad the divorce was already on its way.
Four months after my arrest the divorce was granted, completely on her conditions. The judge was obviously convinced that I was a child molester too. I had tried to get shared custody at least, but failed. Megan also owned everything now. I had lost her. I had lost my daughter. I had lost my parents. I had lost my house. I had lost my savings. I had lost everything. My whole life as gone.
Five months after he rupture in my life, something surprising happened. My lawyer requested a meeting. I dreaded those because nothing ever came from them. But I dreaded the isolation in my cell even more.
“Hi, Curt. I have great news.” He made a spectacle of revealing some big mystery and I had to remember my parents’ looks when I had opened my Christmas presents.
“Go ahead, please. Don’t torture me.”
“You won’t believe this. The other culprits have suddenly changed their strategy from pleading not guilty to guilty. One of them seems to have confessed and now they all suddenly want deals. And they are extremely talkative and eager to ease their sentence. More than one has already testified that you were not involved at all. That you were just the plumber. I’ve always known it, Curt. Congratulations.”
Sure, he’s always known it. Bastard. But that didn’t really diminish my happiness or the weight that was lifted from my shoulders. The constant feeling of hopelessness was replaced by anticipation. Things will finally turn out right now, I thought.
But will they? How could things be repaired? I was officially divorced. I officially didn’t have a daughter any more. If this could be reversed, would I even want it? After the massive betrayal my beloved ones had committed?
I didn’t know. And I unsuccessfully tried to prevent these thoughts from soiling this joyous moment.
To my surprise, I was released almost immediately. Nobody apologized. Nobody explained. Nobody tried to help me. I was more or less just unceremoniously shoved out of the door.
So I stood there in front of a closed prison door. The street was completely empty. No one waited for me. I felt almost as abandoned as I had in my prison cell.
Okay, time to take stock, I thought. I had 152 dollars and 32 cents in my wallet, 50 of those from the damn last job. I had a working and charged mobile phone. And I had the keys to my old truck, which was hopefully still parked at the damn house.
So I called a taxi and waited. The cab finally arrived and the driver seemed to recognize me instantly. Shit, I had forgotten to anticipate how life as some kind of negative celebrity would be outside the prison walls.
“Hey man, I don’t drive child molesters.”
And with that I began to have a taste of my upcoming life.
“Do you think I’d be standing here if I was one?”
“I don’t know.”
“I’ve just been released as innocent.”
He pondered the new information for a few seconds. “Okay then, hop in.” He wasn’t overly enthusiastic but probably had decided he needed the money and he was too old to be molested by me anyway.
Well, if that’s how my life would be, I surely wasn’t looking forward to it.
I was a little surprised to find my truck still parked near that damn house. Obviously no one had connected it to the case, otherwise it would surely been burned down by then.
Things were continuing to get better. My tools were still inside. Apart from the few I had lost inside the house and during the arrest, of course. And the good old thing even started. Marvelous old truck. The only thing in my life I could rely on, obviously.
To my surprise, almost immediately after driving away from this damn address, my mobile rang. It was a number I didn’t recognize so I took the call. It turned out to be a customer that had heard of my case and was sorry for me. He had some work for me to do. Well, why not? I needed to make a living so I thanked him and started to get on the way. Obviously, the news stations had been very quick to announce my innocence. Probably to minimize the legal shit-storm coming their way.
The next incoming call was the dreaded one. Megan. I pondered if I should take it, but before I could make a conscious decision, curiosity seized control of my thumb.
“Um, ah ... Hi darling. It’s me ... Megan. I’m ... I’m so glad that this dreadful mess has cleared up.” She sounded quite tentative. And she had every reason to.
“Darling? Really? You’re calling me darling? If I may remind you, we’re divorced. You chose to refuse to even talk to me. You took me to the cleaners. I even lost custody of Lara. Which turns out to be okay because she told me she’s not my daughter any more anyway. You even fucked Tim to add to my misery.”
I heard her gasp just as I hung up. My mobile rang again immediately and cruelly showed me the picture I had assigned to her contact. Her laughing at the beach, looking so very happy and beautiful. But I decided to ignore her further calls. No sense in prolonging a failed relationship. If your horse is dead, get off.
The following calls were announced by a picture, showing my former parents in their living room, in front of a Christmas tree. Or by a picture of my former daughter, smiling. I ignored those too.
Instead, I decided to find a lawyer. Not the douche that I had to put up with during the last few months. But some real shark to sue the shit out of every paper and TV station that had soiled my name and helped to destroy my life.
Right after my first plumbing job I searched the internet using my smartphone and decided on the biggest and most prestigious law firm in town. It turned out that they were already hoping to get this case and were pleased to see me. They said that it’s a quite sure thing. None of the news corporations were supposed to use my picture and name while outlining my guilt as a certain thing. Great. I managed to reduce their quite optimistic payment ideas and left in a good mood.
The following months were dedicated to three main tasks. First, a surprising amount of plumbing work that kept me from starving. Second, successfully avoiding to be contacted by my former family. Third, hanging around mindlessly in the cheap apartment, trying to keep myself from thinking about anything serious, especially about the past.
As run-down as the place was, it still seemed like a palace to me after so much time in this parody of a prison cell. I enjoyed decent food again, mainly eating out. I enjoyed my freedom and not being pushed around by the guards. I enjoyed the absence of the terrible fear that had dominated my life for so long. The complete loneliness was something I enjoyed less, but it was a feeling I was used to meanwhile.
My lawyers sued 23 big and small news companies for amounts between 50,000 and 5 million. Most of them wanted to settle this case quickly, without much fuss. Three didn’t want to settle and would be sued. The other settlements summed up to 14.3 million. After lawyer fees and taxes I had 10.5 million. Not bad. I was a millionaire. A millionaire with a destroyed life, without friends or family. Overall, it was a bad deal. But my situation was a whole lot better that a few weeks before, that much was clear.
The incoming money from the media companies dispelled any worries about immediate starvation and removed the need to continue my plumbing business. The big advantage was that I didn’t have to keep my old mobile number any more, which was mainly misused by my ex-family and ex-friends anyway. As none of them had ever shown up at my apartment, this removed their only way to contact me. I thought that this was the best for all of us. We needed to move on.
One of the last calls on my old number turned out to be a bad surprise. The number was none of my stored contacts, so I assumed this was a customer.
“Curt Walters speaking.”
“Ah, Curt, our lovely child molester. How are you? Miserable, I hope?”
“Tim, what do you want?”
“Hey man, do you miss her? Being separated from Megan must hurt you terribly.”
“You asshole. Why are you doing this? You’ve been my best friend for years.”
“No ... no, that’s just what you thought. I’ve always hated you since you got Megan. I was just good at hiding it. At least good enough for a moron like you. I just needed to stay near you so I could stay near her. You know ... I had wooed her for quite some time. My future with her was almost certain, I just knew it. She knew it too, although she was too modest to show it openly. We wanted to marry, have children, grow old together. Then you came along and she foolishly fell for you. I ... I still can’t believe it. It hurt so much. You snatched her away from me, wrecked my life with her. And ... I had to sit there for years, watching you two pretending to be lovey-dovey and all that shit. Even having a child that should have been mine. You asshole, you’ve ruined my whole life with this. You’ve selfishly taken what should have been mine!” He was getting quite agitated now. His voice changed all the time from being calm and calculating to very upset and back. He was obviously telling the truth, at least how he perceived it. “But I had to be patient, wait for you to slip up. I had to be calm. I knew you would disappoint her at some time. You are just too much an asshole not to. And then you did it. You did it so much better than I had ever hoped to. Our Mister Perfect being a rotten child molester, imagine that. I’m still laughing when I think about it. You’re just shit, you never deserved her. She should always have been with me. I’m in love with her for an eternity. I loved her before you even knew her. She’s mine. Understand? Mine!”
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Over the next couple of weekends I became fascinated by her aloofness and watched her avidly. There was some fascination about her constant frown, her furrowed brow drawn down to her eyebrows, her full lips pursed in concentration, her chin jutting. There was fascination too about her general height and build. In the baggy suit it was difficult to get a good idea of her figure, but she appeared to be curved in all the right places in proportion to her height, although perhaps a bit flabby...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers As usual, I clicked on some girl profiles in and requested some for friendship. some added me also. One of the girls who requested my friendship which I approved. No response after that, then about 3 days later she messages me with an apology that she was traveling for work and was tied up and that day when she requested friendship with me on she is very stressed and took a 2 -hour break from the office to make some new friends. I...
Susan Learns What She Likes, At Last I couldn’t believe it…there he is, right in front of me after all these years! I wonder if he even knows me, remembers me? I’m here in 7-Eleven and he’s right there, three people ahead of me in line. What’s he doing out here in my little town, all this way from P…n? Should I catch his eye? Should I walk right over and say “Hi”? Will he remember me? You know, in the way that I want him to? He doesn’t look much older, even though it’s been 15, no 20 years....
IncestThe crowd was buzzing with people walking with their respective plates. I sat aimlessly at the table taking a peek at the crowd. That’s when I spot her. Black Stilettos, a designer saree draped on a perfect pear shaped body, saree tied low waist such a way you can drool at her cute tiny navel which was pierced, a steel belly chain, blouse covering those soft spongy globes, waist length hair, designer blouse, lip gloss and an angelic face. Surely yeah she was a heartthrob. Well, it was ethnic...
Grandma set the baby powder down and pulled her Polaroid camera from the night stand. " I just want to take some photos of your great cock to ad to my collection Joey. Is that okay with you?""It certainly is Grandma I love it!" Joey replied.Connie started taking photos of her grandsons long, fat cock. "You got your big cock from your Grandpa Joey, he was hung like a fucking horse! Biggest cock I ever had except for some of the black guys he brought home for me." She said with a twinkle in her...
Chapter One Jim knew his wife was a witch when he married her, and he was always curious about what this entailed. However, his wife decided before they got married that it would not be a good idea for him to know all that much about her practices and powers. They were married for about seven years before he ever ventured to know what she did or how she did anything involving her magic. After finding out the hard way about what powers she possessed and what she could do, it would be a...
It started at the week-long, multi-faith symposium held at a conference center in New Jersey’s Watchung Mountains. Aggie was supposed to have gone but came down with the flu and stayed home. It was during a sub-session where pastors and their wives met to discuss pastoral couples acting as co-counselors. Garth and Trish were there. Phillip Wilcox attended with while Kasey Kaminsky standing in for the absent Agatha. The session ‘til seven o’clock in the evening after which dinner was being...
After hearing him talk about kids, I had to let him know something.“Well, I gotta say, it really shows some commitment, that you even wanna talk about having a baby honestly,” I told him.“I know, but I wasn't asking not because I think we should or shouldn't have one. I was just asking, just in case it did happen,” Travis replied.“I get what you are saying, you are just being prepared. Don't worry about, I got the right idea,” I said.He gave me a kiss, and laid on top of me. He had his back to...
Incesti begin my day waking up next to rich. a bf, more a freind , anyway i wake up im naked so is he he has a rock hard cock , pressing agianst my rearend , i push my ass back at his cock wiggling pushing , he grabs me and pulls me closer, he begins caressing my bobbs and then reaches down and rubs my clit then my soaking wet pussy he pushes his finger in me i moan with pleasure , i push him away and get on my hands and kness but before he can get up i grabhis cock and suck it...
WE attended two funeral services together, Mary and I, one low key in terms of attendance but deeply emotional, on one morning and followed that by another higher profile one the following afternoon, that was more for public show than anything else. Mary insisted I attend by her side for both funerals. How could I deny her my full support at them both? To be honest, I wanted to spend every moment of our shrinking allotment of time we had together. Mary wore the same black outfit for both...
Gone with the Wind by Shrike 'Boring!' The voice of the history teacher was putting me to sleep. It was such a soft and comforting voice that it alone might put many people to sleep. And the topic he was rambling about, medieval Europe, made us even sleepier. I perked up as the intercom started its announcement tone. "Walter Hartman to the Principal's office, Walter Hartman to the Principal's office." I groaned, 'Damn I hate my name, why couldn't they have given me a...
*Not a true story* A tall figure slinks through dark streets, moon light and a few neon strips all that is to help men find their way. The high-rise tower block stands above the city, on the penthouse floor is where our man is travelling, rain beating down hard as he travels home. Bursting through the door, raincoat and the bottom of his suit trousers soaking wet. A sweet young female voice calls out ‘Is that you Mr. Thompson?’ the house sitter employed by Michael Thompson named Francesca...
Apple parked her car about a block from the beach, and strolled towards where her friends said the party would be. Rebecca had invited her earlier in the week, and said that she had some friends she “really wanted her to meet,” whatever that meant. Apple was just looking to get out of the house after a long week, so any excuse worked. The party was at Rebecca’s friends beach house, and was rolling pretty good by the time Apple showed up. She had gotten on the beach about a half mile up, and...
Allison groaned slowly on hands and knees as her husband's softening member slipped out from her stretched, dripping pussy. A dribble of cum ran down her thigh as she panted heavily, trying to catch her breath and slow the spinning room. She collapsed, immersing herself into the satin sheets of their bed. She basked in the warmth of her fourth - or was it her fifth? - climax of the night. Travis finished wiping his cock with a tissue from their nightstand. He reached down, and with a...
Somewhere down where the Spanish Moss hangs and the Palmetto Trees grow… Garland, still hung over from the previous night’s drinking, sat on the edge of the bed and glared angrily at the window air conditioner unit of his cheap motel room. He found the unit’s incessant vibration and noise increasingly irritating. He then realized he still held the room phone in his hand. He looked at it and dropped it hard onto the receiver. As he sat there, much of his body still dripped with water from his...
My fingertips graze against the silken, soft fabric, then travel under, greeting taut, warm, muscular skin. Low, gentle moans hang heavy with lust; sexual heat rising as my nipples are pinched, grow erect and brush against the satiny material. My tongue trails over my bottom lip as my need elevates and I reach down, finally, and touch smooth, unyielding steel whilst my mind becomes flooded with indecency."Mmm, Ashleigh... Ahh, fuck!"The flash of pain from my sensitive flesh, being crushed...
CrossdressingIt was lunchtime, and for a change the IT department wasn't completely deserted. Alex was at a computer, but not at work; he was browsing through photos of his latest romp with Emma. Stills from the video they had made.He clicked to the next photo. Emma's eyes were closed, her mouth open in a silent cry. Flushed cheeks, jet-black hair matted to her forehead. The next, she was biting down on her lip while he grabbed her breast. His other hand was holding one of her legs up high as he thrust deep...
Group SexThe next day I was in full Katherine mode from the moment I unlocked her door. I greeted Sunshine just like Katherine did, using the same tone of voice and gestures. Of course Sunshine reacted just she would with her female owner. As soon as I took her for a short walk and fed her, I went straight to my bedroom, well after the prior day I felt so much more comfortable there, I wanted it to be my bedroom. I took a shower and shaved everything again. I didn't know how I was going to...
I was in the army and on leave at the time and had gone on holiday with a couple of straight mates to Gran Canaria, to Playa del Ingles. the idea was we share a hotel room and spend our day's on the beach and nights drinking in the bars, which we did. But during the late evening of my third night there I "Got split up from my friends" I actually slipped away from them as I had had enough of looking at women!!I had found out where the gay bars were and went off exploring on my own. I checked out...
"Sometimes I wish I just had a dick," my wife said, wincing and squeezing her heating pad into her abdomen. She said this at least once a month, when her period would bring on two or three days worth of cramps and bloating. I grinned and rubbed her stomach, "If you had one, you would just spend all your time playing with it and peeing standing up." She giggled and squeezed my cock through my pants, "That doesn't sound so bad."We never said anything beyond this, but from the first time she had...
It had been a typical Monday so far, sitting in the car driving home I was trying to concentrate on traffic and run through some of the things that had happened at work, listing things for the next day, however, my mind kept wandering… A couple of months ago I had come across a gentleman on a BDSM website and we had started chatting as we seemed to share some interests. And tonight, we had arranged to meet for the first time. I was hoping traffic would be good so that I had plenty of time to...
That night he dreamt about the mysterious girl that had saved his life. In his dream he saw her voluptuous breasts and her shoulder-length hair as she ran on her long slim legs with her pubic area being covered only by a piece of animal skin. He wasn't able to see all of the details of her face in his dream but he knew that she was exceedingly beautiful. Vincent got up at nine the following morning. He prepared himself a generous breakfast of eggs and bacon then he undertook the...
Mickey Mod can’t resist the scent of a beautiful bad ass Jane Wilde. He used to be her inside man until she went rogue and fucked him over. Now he’s going to pay her a visit and show her who is boss with some serious BDSM, sensory deprivation, hardcore sex and more. After a cat and mouse take down Mickey turns the tables on Ms Wilde and makes her stuff all the money into his pockets. Then he unzips his trousers and pulls his big dick out for Jane to marvel at. She is more than ready...
xmoviesforyouThe following are compliments of Mike S Back in the olden days, Queen Elizabeth 1 was always on the lookout for a viral man for her bed. If the male in question didn’t satisfy her, the next thing was a trip to the tower and ‘off with his tackle’ so to speak. Anyway Sir Walter Raleigh having just returned from a sea voyage was summoned to attend her bedchamber. Knowing the fate of others before him and as his ship was being refitted, he cut off 3 feet from the bottom of the main mast, hid...
Our imposing man had an imposing horse as well. It was a huge gelding that Andy said would carry him all day without getting tired. He also had a young, strong pack mule. We made quite a procession as we rode out of New Brunswick. Andy kept us entertained all day with tales of his experiences while he was trapping. I'm sure some of the stories were even true. Well... At least some of them had parts that were true. Well... Maybe some of them had a small part that was true. Others, I'm...
Note : This story is completely fictional! The story begins around 18 years ago I was at the young age of 18, mum and dad went to a work part and my aunt (carol) took care of me. We sat down and watched some films she ordered PIZZA and we settled in front of the TV. I didn’t know anything about sex I didn’t have the ergs that one has now but still got hard when I played with my dick, but at that age it wasn’t wanking it was dry humping the floor. Took a long time but always got to orgasm in the...
IncestBack in the late '80s I was living and working in a small town outside Portland, Oregon. The neighborhood I lived in was mostly smaller type houses built around World War I. The one I rented was maybe just a bit run=down, but many had been fixed up pretty nice, and most had mature trees and plenty of landscape shrubbery. It was a nice shady place to live. The residents were mostly fairly young in age, with a very few retired couples, with more young c***dless couples. There was a lot of...
I was a little wary, as I often am when going to meeting someone for thefirst time. Especially when they live out in the middle of Bumfuck, Egypt,and I am trying to find a fucking farmhouse in the dark. But my internetfriend's directions were actually pretty good, and soon I was standing atthe door ringing the bell.In a moment Ben greeted me. He was tall and powerfully built, as a man whoworked doing physical labor all day ought to be. He was a bit older that Ihad pictured, with short grey...
Hello folks I am a huge fan of ISS. I read stories in this site from past few months. I am from Andhra Pradesh having a business. Now I am narrating about my true experience with my tenant. This incident happens 2 years back. I live with my family in our new own house, it was double stored building consisting of two more houses on the 1st floor which were given out of rent. In the year 2013 month of April a Hindu family of 2 members were occupied the house by paying the rental fees. I never...
You are on the phone and I cannot resist. I am drawn to the sound of your voice, just like Peaches-the-cat, and just as predisposed to purr as she is. You are sitting in your chair, staring sightlessly at the computer monitor as you talk. 'Ah, good,' I think, 'its not work-related.' I long to touch you and I do so, running my fingers over your bare shoulders and down your chest.In response, your fingers clasp my wrist, and squeezing firmly, lift my hand away. Your other hand gestures...
AnalI was over ninety and looked fifty. The small farm was just outside a huge major city on a first colony world. I had been a black operations specialist for over sixty years until I was forced to retire. Now I was a farmer that enjoyed being left alone. Of course after all my years doing what I had I still had back up plans just in case someone came looking from my past. For several days I had noticed a strange vehicle going past my farm. It was time to go shopping for supplies. I slipped the...
read part one first, it only makes sense.Holiday of Fun – Part 2After my unusual last day at work I had little time to eat, shower, finish packing and had to the airport ready for my early flight out to Spain. I decided to get to the airport early and have beer or two before boarding the plane, so I checked in, navigated uneventfully through customs and headed for the bar, the info boards were showing my flight was on time just time for a couple of drinks then off to the boarding gate.The...
My wife called from work and said she wanted to go to a party at a friends house.It was a costume party. She said she had a costume and I was to wear one as well.What, I don’t have one.Yes you do, your going as a girl.But I’ve never done this.Well you’re going to tonight. No one will care because it’s a costume party so get dressed and make it good.This ran shivers down my spine thinking about it. So I shower and shave very close-everything. Since I dress at home a lot, I knew just what to...
I fucked a girl 32 years ago, she was 18, I was 22. I wasn't her first but she'd had sex with a couple of guys about the same age as her. I was a different proposition, 4 years older and properly developed down below. I remember the shocked look on her face the first time I did her, as she sat on the edge of her bed, still in her 6th form school uniform, and undid my jeans. It was Friday afternoon, I finished at lunch on Friday, she had no lessons and her mum and dad were at work. My thin white...
Hello friends. Main Ayush fir se hazir hu ek nayi kahani ke sath. Ye meri pehli kahani ka 2nd part hai. Toh jinhone woh nahi padha, please usko padh lijiye. Meri ye kahani bhi sachchi ghatnao ke upar based hai. Toh ladkon apna lund apne hath mein le ke aur ladkiyan apni ungli apni chut mein daal ke taiyaar ho jaiye. Ek aur dhamakedar kahani ke liye! Last encounter ke baad Vaani ka behaviour ekdum se change ho gaya. Uske upar ka innocent mask hat gaya aur andar ki randi jaag gayi. Woh ghar pe...
Introduction: What happened when your best friend falls in love with you, and your cousin wants in on it? Trevor and I have know each other since the day we where born. And I quiet literally mean that. He was born 3 hours and 36 minuets before myself and he never lets me forget it. The reason why we know each other is because his mother and my father are brother and sister. Him and I both grew up very close to each other. He was kind of like my twin. We always knew when the other was hurt or...
Character description:You are Dan a 19 year old boy with brown hair,blue eyes, and the most average body in the world and you also have the most boring life in the world. You go to sleep in your medium-sized red bed. In your dream you see the most beautiful woman in the world " Hello mortal I am Aphrodite and I am hear to change your life by giving you the power to swap bodies with anyone but once you swap bodies with someone you will no longer be able to go back to your body because your body...
I never gave incest any thought, I mean sure I have had passing thoughts occasionally but I am not some kind of freak. Yes my mom is young, and I guess I always knew she was attractive from the way my friends acted around her. But until I saw her naked, I really never thought about fucking her. After that day I stopped thinking of her as my mom, and in my mind started calling her by her name Susan. If I had never found those old magazines in the attic, things might have been very different, and...
I met Donny when I went to work at a pharmaceutical company. We both worked in the warehouse. There were quite a few employees there, with 3 shifts. Donny was a big guy, really macho type, into sports and working out, and he had a great personality. He was one of those guys everyone liked. I was married and my wife Claire and I had 3 kids. I used to see Donny at work, but it was almost 2 years before we ended up on the same shift and got to know each other. Donny and I couldn’t be more...
Ginger cutie Alice Merchesi is in a long-distance relationship with a guy she met at summer camp, and to keep her attention, she needs a little help from her dorky best friend. The guy suggests that they take some naughty photos to send him, but pretty soon he gets super turned on himself. After a few flicks, the horny guy shoots his shot, and Alice’s pussy starts to tingle. She kisses her lifelong bestie lovingly and lets him slide his dick inside her tight pussy. Then, they move to the bed...
xmoviesforyouMemories Revisited: Fixing God's Mistake By Heather St. Claire Diane McMasters poured another cup of coffee for herself and her husband David. The morning sun was streaming into their kitchen and glistened from the stainless steel appliances. The kitchen was big, modern and filled with light?every woman's dream. Diane had particular appreciation for it because David had built it with his own hands. His success as a building contractor had made it possible for their family to enjoy...
Tube X Clips! As a place with a very straightforward name, I am almost 100% positive that I do not need to explain what has to offer… yet here we are. While I am sure that most of you will already know what kind of shit this place has to offer, I am here to tell you about some of the specific details.The reason I say that you probably already know how this site works is simply that there are many sites that basically look the same as this one; from the design to the actual...
Porn AggregatorsMy cover was blown. There was nothing I could do about that. But it wasn't illegal for me to be there and it wasn't illegal for me to watch her through a periscope on public property. Even if she called the cops, they had nothing to hold me on. She'd destroyed the only crime scene she could claim I was involved with when she moved all those boxes outside. They might try to hassle me, but it wouldn't go anywhere. Even if I wasn't licensed in Ohio, I still had the right to be where I was,...
I know no one understands why people like me exist. Why we intentionally want AIDS or HIV. Most hardcore barebackers will tell you it’s worth the risk. And the risk is also part of the turn on. Another part is the inevitability of contracting it thru unprotected sex, and the desire not to have protected sex. Like for me – I just love anonymous sex with other men! Oh, but it has to, has to, HAS TO be bareback sex and they have to dump at least one load deep in my asshole. I love not...
I met a stranger from the dating site for a date. The chemistry was very intense, I knew the second I laid eyes on him that physically this man did it for me. He was my favourite look.Everything I find desirable physically he was!!! We had supper touched each other far too much, I am sure the people in the restaurant thought we should just get a room.!!! He kissed me so beautifully, his kisses were deep and penetrating, if this is how he kissed, he must fuck up a storm. We parted company, I...
Act like a Boy or else ... by Lesley Renee Charles Chapter 5 "Well my daughter, for that is what you are and what you will remain, I am the Master here. Your fate lies in my hands." "Dad, why have you done this to me your own flesh and blood son?" "You were always a disappointment to me. You always acted girlish and had no interest in football, baseball and other manly pursuits. You also were a failure at picking up girls. I was deeply ashamed by your unmanly behavior. ...
Another week elapsed before Laura heard from Sara Paige, but she kept her mind off it by thinking a lot about where to move, and when. There were many things to consider. She was reluctant to move directly to another apartment, which could end up causing her the same problems this one did. A house seemed too expensive, and she might have to move outside the city to find one that was reasonably priced. She could try a condo, or a town house. Among her friends, Shavon, Randi, and Brenda all had...
The following week was extremely stressful for Janelle, she had drank a bit too much with dinner. She had a surprise for the girls and decided to hold on to it for a bit. The trio were in the pool doing their normal relaxation exercises when the teasing between Jordan and Kelsey began. It was a trivial disagreement and Janelle began to grow tired of their bickering mostly due to her week and the slight buzz she had going. She figured they hadn’t burned off enough energy and decided to sponsor a...
LesbianAs any of yo who have read my previous stories will by now know, me and my partner "Phoebe" (not her real name of course) have quite an interesting sex life, mostly focusing around bringing out her inner-whore, that I know all women possess.So far, I have persuaded her to flirt with, and have sex in an alleyway with a "complete stranger" (actually a guy I knew, but she didn't know that!) and I have allowed her ex-boyfriend to fuck her without her knowing it was him. Also, I often have her...
"You're a patient of Dr. Crawford, so why have you come to see me, and why did you ask that no nurse be present, Christina?" Dr. Aboud asked. "That's a very unusual request," he continued, "That's why I'm doing this on my day off!" He was the only other doctor in this small town, and he didn't have a good reputation. He was a small, dark man, with a slight accent. His office looked like a grubby take-out restaurant. "My husband is working overseas for several months," I...
I had been riding with a new horse trainer for a couple of months when I was a teenager. He was one of the top trainers and he was also one of the most handsome men I had ever seen. He was around 6 foot 2 and very muscular. he had dark black hair with a hint of graying at the temples. Even though I had always been attracted to him I dismissed it as a schoolgirl crush and told myself that a wealthy good-looking guy like that would never bee interested in me. (boy was I wrong) I mean I was a very...
First TimeGreg was awakened in a way he had not been for years. He awoke to the delightful feeling of having his penis sucked to erection. He could scarcely believe his eyes when he looked down and saw that Simone had opened his robe and was kneeling next to the couch with his semi-hard cock in her mouth. "Holy shit, Simone!" He exclaimed. "What the hell is all this about?" "Oh, Greg," she cooed after removing his member from her mouth, "After the things you said this morning, I just wanted to...