Rex Of Great CrossChapter 2: School Days free porn video

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It was a Wednesday afternoon. The last bell for the school day had rung at 2:55. The board was erased, the floor was swept, the benches were straightened, and Rex’s dick was stuck full-length up the young schoolteacher’s twat. His furry balls squashed against her and dripped with the overflow as he gave her everything he hadn’t been able to give Lydia on the weekend, and four days’ surplus besides. She squirmed underneath him, grinding against his belly and tightening her muscles around the big knot that locked them together, squeezing as if she meant to hold him inside her forever.

Jenny Knox loved Wednesdays.

The day had begun more sedately. By the time the first bell rang, Jenny had been up for hours. Her mornings were full, but she rose early to make sure they weren’t rushed. She always took ten minutes to simply sit at the kitchen window, watch the morning sky, and bathe in the quiet before heading to the bustle of the school day. For these few minutes, she tried to empty her mind and be truly still, but on a Wednesday, it was hard to keep from looking forward to the end of the day and thinking naughty, doggy thoughts.

On this particular Wednesday, she’d already been hot when she woke up, and the prospect of some sexy Rex time later in the day made it hard to sit still and keep her hands out of her pants, much less empty her mind. Her ten minutes passed far too quickly, and it was time to pick up her bags, put on her professional demeanor, and walk to school.

Jenny’s home was a cabin just next to the school grounds. The school had been renting it for years to one of the more elderly teachers. When he retired and Jenny took the job as his replacement, they also offered her the option to take up the lease. The cabin looked like something from another era, which of course it was, and when they first opened the door for her, she had the uncanny feeling that she’d arrived home for the first time in her life. She accepted on the spot. In exchange for some minor responsibilities as the cabin’s caretaker, she got a nearly unbelievable deal on the rent plus the benefit of being two minutes’ walk from her classroom.

She entered the front door and waved good morning to the two secretaries in the front office. The school itself was an oddity for the day and age, with every grade from K to 12 housed in one low-roofed building. A modern brick structure, it replaced the old wooden schoolhouse, which had grown by sporadic accretions over the years from a single, open teaching space to a warren of oddly-sized rooms and corridors. They built anew after a fire damaged one wing of the building. Though the exterior was new, and the floor plan was streamlined, they had preserved the old slate blackboards and most of the long wooden bench seats that filled the older students’ classrooms.

That included Jenny’s room. She stepped in and turned on the lights with a frisson of happiness at the warm, polished shine of the benches and the smells of chalk dust and oil soap. Here she taught Latin, which the school still required of all its students. A century ago, this had signified prestige and aspiration; now, it was a tradition which the school upheld with a mixture of pride and stubbornness. Whatever their reasons, Jenny was glad they kept the tradition alive, and glad that the old Latin teacher had finally decided to retire at just the right time for her to step in to the job.

“Morning, Jennifer. Ready for another day?”

That was Dan Weber, a math teacher who saw many of the same students she did. Most mornings, he stuck his head in before settling into his own classroom across the hall.

“Yes, I think I’m good and ready for today. Looking forward to it, actually. I have some good stuff on the slate.” She smiled. “You?”

“Maybe not quite so ready as that. By this time of year, I’m tired, you know? But after today, just twenty-eight more days to go.”

“I bet they’ll fly by.”

“One can hope.” If any hope registered on his face, it was only the hope for a swift death that would spare him explaining conic sections one more time. “Well, have a good day.”

“I will! Thanks. You, too.”

That’s how it was: She was Jennifer to her colleagues, and Miss Knox to her students, and conversations dead-ended quickly into “have a good day.” There was still no-one in town who would make the leap to calling her Jenny. She liked it there, and the people were friendly and earnestly helpful, but they were insular. It was easy to imagine that years down the road, when she was retiring, she’d still be generally known as “that school teacher, you know, the new girl.”

Helen Auer was a case in point. Although they saw each other every week at a minimum, when Jenny picked Rex up for his school visits, their acquaintance had never advanced much beyond “Let me know right away if you have any problems with him,” or, “Did he behave himself today?” or, “We’ll see you again next Wednesday, I trust?” Helen rarely called her by name at all, and Jenny had the feeling that she’d be more comfortable using “Miss Knox” if she did. It wasn’t that she was unfriendly, just that there seemed to be a barrier of polite formality which was hard to break through.

Jenny’s morning class schedule was a blitz, with first, second, and third-year Latin back to back. Everything had to be ready in advance, because there was only just enough time between classes to put away one set of notes, get out the next, and have a quick drink of water. She stood at her high desk with forty-five minutes til the first bell and started moving a bundle of graded papers from her bag to her outbox. She flipped through them, reviewing the grades and the comments she’d written.

Her students were hard-working, as a rule. There were those like Hunter, in the second hour, whose ambition was to operate heavy equipment and who would always struggle to express himself in writing. There were occasional cases like Lydia, who had sponged up multiple languages with no evident limit to her capacity. From nearly all of them, she could count on a sincere effort, at the least.

Because of her age (and her waistline, she supposed), she could count on a few crushes and infatuations in each class, too, particularly among the seniors. It was mostly the boys, although she had once found a note on her desk with a surprisingly detailed fantasy from a girl who hadn’t disguised her handwriting as well as she thought. It wasn’t hard to shut that kind of thing down, though. Usually you just had to ignore it. Anyway, she’d sooner have touched plutonium than touched any of her students -- she liked her job too much for that.

She couldn’t help speculating, though. Given her own proclivities, and what she knew of growing up around animals, she had to wonder which of her students were exploring similar territory. There must be some. She paused at a paper with the name printed in thick, blocky letters: Noah Chrisman. He was a 4-H’er with an interest in raising livestock. She’d watched him showing his sheep in the livestock barn at the county fair.

Could be ... but she didn’t think sheep would be his thing. He had a pretty, golden-furred collie bitch of his own named Aggie and anyone could see how sweet he was on her. They’d given herding demonstrations on the fairgrounds, too. He and Aggie worked together like they could read each other’s minds. He didn’t have a girlfriend, and Jenny knew he took some ribbing from the other guys about how much time he spent with his dog. There might be something to that.

Jenny put it at about a one in ten chance that Noah had been up in Aggie’s furry hindquarters one way or another, and a dead certainty that he’d thought about it. Not only that, his family kept a pair of trail-riding horses, both mares. If a young man could grow to eighteen years, seeing horse pussy on a daily basis, and not take a lick at least once, Jenny thought she’d be very surprised indeed. And you wouldn’t stop at one lick, would you?

She broke off that line of thought and got the rest of the students’ papers sorted, ready to hand back. After that, she was all business. There were a lot of very unsexy administrative emails to wade through. Then it was time to run through the lesson plans one last time and conjure up the energy that would wake up the first-hour students and put life into what they thought was a dead language. She was still mentally rehearsing the lines from Virgil that she needed to open the third hour when the bell rang. The first students began to file in and fill the benches. Showtime!

Three hours later, Jenny was seeing the last of her morning students out the door. She had a bit of a high -- something like the buzz of walking off stage after a performance, mixed with the out-of-body sensation of long-distance running. It was certainly possible to teach a day’s classes without putting quite so much of oneself into the effort. Some days the spark was just there, though, and when it was, she fanned it into a fire. There was a reason that students talked about the “passion” in her teaching. She drained the water bottle on her desk.

Speaking of passions, it was 11:00 -- normally, time for her lunch and planning break, but on Wednesdays, time to pick up Rex. She grabbed her keys, latched her classroom door, and went back home to get in her car. The arrangement was pretty simple. A small but increasing number of students had specialized programs prescribing regular time with supportive animal companionship. Rex came one afternoon each week and filled the role admirably.

Jenny had maneuvered herself into a position as Rex’s handler. That meant picking him up, taking him home, keeping track of the schedule and taking him to the rooms he needed to go to, toweling him off before he came inside on a rainy day, and so on. It hadn’t taken a lot of maneuvering, really. The overburdened special education teacher who had been doing the job was relieved to hand over the responsibility. Jenny shadowed her for three weeks to get the routine down. She met Helen on two occasions for more specific instructions about Rex’s behavior and the commands and signals he responded to. Helen had nodded approval as Jenny described her record as a junior handler in obedience trials with her own dog as a teenager.

Jenny had melted for Rex the first time she saw him. He reminded her so much of her own pup, whom she missed terribly. They didn’t look much alike, superficially. Her boy Toby had been a mixed breed with a black saddle-shaped patch topping his shaggy fawn coat. He had been shorter and leaner than Rex, an entirely different body shape. The similarity was all in the way he moved -- that confident, economical gait, always headed to the right place -- and the way he watched, so perceptive and attuned to the motion and intentions of the people around him.

After her first afternoon fully in charge of Rex at the school -- more than a year ago, now -- they walked back to the cabin so she could set down her things and drive him home to Helen. She honestly hadn’t intended to do anything more than that, but before opening the door to leave, she decided to sit down on the floor beside him, just to be close and maybe bond for a minute or two.

She had been stroking his fur when he licked her neck. Her eyes closed automatically and she thought of how things had begun to warm up between her and Toby. It had been so similar. Rex licked the side of her face, and now she was aware of the tickle of breath by her ear, and the doggy smell filling her nose. She remembered how that smell used to surround her until she felt as if it were her own, as if an animal part of her were manifesting.

When she turned to give him a kiss, her lips parted, he licked inside her mouth, and she abandoned herself to the intimate feeling. She stroked and scratched the thickest parts of his fur; she lay back and let him lie atop her and lick her neck and face. With the afternoon sun behind him, she could only see the shape of his head, the long muzzle and tuliped ears haloed by the pale light of late winter, and she melted a bit more inside.

That day, they did nothing but kiss and cuddle and touch until it was time for him to go. Later that spring, when she first guided him into mounting her, it was clumsy; he was eager but unsure. Jenny had wondered if Rex and Helen might have more than a working relationship, but evidently not. His inexperience was obvious. Jenny was a teacher at heart, though, and Rex was a learner. By the time school ended for summer, they were well-practiced partners.

With the passage of a year, the big farm dog knew how to hold her down and make her scream for dog dick like even Toby had never done.

Rex had no concept of “Wednesday,” nor any other days and dates, but his ears swiveled when he heard Jenny’s Subaru approaching. He knew what that meant. He sprang up from the bank of the pond where he had been lying very still and waiting to surprise any of the migratory ducks that might be so bold as to leave the water. When he spied one heading for land, he’d creep around toward the likely landing site, staying low in the grass. As soon as a pair of webbed feet stepped ashore, he’d charge up launching a volley of full-throated woofs. They’d flap away, startled, and splash into the water again, quacking an angry chorus at the affront. It was a small amusement, but it passed the time. Besides, he felt the mass of ducks was not to be trusted, and needed a collie’s vigilance to keep them in check.

He stretched his legs, looked back to give the ducks a final admonitory bark, then one more really final one for good measure, and ran up the hill. He was just at the foot of the driveway as Jenny’s car turned in and rolled up to the house. When she stepped out, he dashed to her side and pressed against her as she reached down and scratched between his ears. Rex loved no-one in the world more than his owner, but his heart was big, and brimmed with love for the schoolteacher and her kind touches too.

Behind him, the house door opened, and Helen came out. She and Jenny exchanged some words which Rex ignored as he sniffed the car tires. After just a minute, Jenny held the door for him. He lay down on the back seat, and they were off. The wheels kicked up dust on the wide, flat road behind them, and an open window let in the dark, earthy smell of the surrounding fields. Rex knew which direction home was, but he soon lost any sense of the distance. The speed of the car was more than he could reckon, and the rush of air was intoxicating.

He recognized when they were nearing the school, though, and sat up behind the driver’s seat as they pulled onto the gravel beside Jenny’s cabin. Here, the routine was not entirely predictable. Some days they went straight to the school; other days, they went to the cabin first. As he hopped out over the gravel and onto the grass, he looked to Jenny to see which way it would be this time.

She appeared uncertain for a moment, then called him to heel and went to the door of the cabin. With the sun almost directly overhead, it was dim inside, but Jenny left the lights off and went quickly up the stairs to the open space of the top floor. Rex’s nails clicked on the wood behind her. Upstairs, it was brighter, but the strange, thick glass of the windows blurred the outside world beyond recognition, letting only a diffuse glow into the room.

The waiting was hard to bear as he watched her sit on the edge of the bed, slip off her shoes, and pull off her slacks -- taking time to fold them neatly and set them aside. The plume of his tail swished with barely-contained impatience. Socks came off, then underwear. At last, she gestured, and he plunged his muzzle gratefully into the source of the dizzying scent that was flooding his senses.

She yipped as he took a first lick. The noises she made had been hard to interpret, at first. They sounded pained. But she had helped him to understand, and now he sought to bring forth as many of those yips, cries, gasps and moans as he could. It was an easy job. She tasted so good, and below the surface of his refined collie brain, an ancient part of him dictated what to do. He almost stopped thinking entirely.

His nose pressed against the very lowest part of her belly as his tongue worked through the black curls and up the wet channel, over the little ridge -- ah, there was a happy gasp. He licked the same path again, pressing his tongue in more firmly, so that it flattened out against her; she whined and pressed back against him. Her hands came down on the back of his head, holding him to her, and the sheen of wetness became an increasing flow. He wanted all of it, and he lapped faster.

His whiskers brushed her legs, and her fingers twined in his fur, but that registered only faintly as he immersed himself in the smell and taste of her. He drew his tongue up again and again. Her position on the edge of the bed, with her legs drawn back in the air, left little hidden from him. He found the opening and worked his tongue inside, pressing up firmly against the slick, gripping wall.

“Oh, Rexy, yes! Get me deep, you sweet boy ... ahh.”

He pushed his muzzle against her as closely as he could, licking far inside, and her words trailed off into a series of low grunts and groans. Her hips jerked and twitched. He had an urge to nip her and tell her to stay put, but suppressed it, doing his best to move with her and respond to the bucking spasms.

“Here, too, Rexy.” She sounded breathless. Her hands left his head and pulled her cheeks apart, as she rocked back further. Her voice bordered on a whine again now. “Please.”

A trickle of sweet juice had run down the crack that she was spreading for him. He licked that out before trying his tongue against the little hole that was now exposed. There was a familiar resistance. This wasn’t so easy as licking up into a ready wet cunt, but in a way, it was more rewarding when he felt the first slight relaxation that allowed his tongue-tip in.

Something tightened, and he had to slide back out. He licked her rim a few times, picking up more stray pussy dribbles before pressing in again. This time it was easier to get in. Then, just a little more pressure and there was a sense of gradual yielding followed by a lovely slide into her depths.

Same as Rex of Great Cross
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I was then around 22 and in college every year myself ,younger brother and my sister spent our summer holidays in my the village home of my aunt was my father’s sister.she was a widow and lived in this big house with her youngest son harish who had married two years back and now had son born only a few month’s back.harish worked in some government office inspite of his being the near owner of the huge property and income that my aunt had. The house built by my uncle was large and spacious set...

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RuneswardChapter 64 Rainy Days and Onedays

“You might as well just come out and say it,” Gillen said around the succulent venison she was chewing. As usual, she was taking her evening meal with her old mentor, Tergin Givens. The two had transcended their original teacher-student relationship and had become good friends. Gillen looked up into the evening sky. There was no moonlight or starlight to provide light. Nearly the entire day had been dark, with black and gray clouds rolling over the sky. Towards the evening, the wind had...

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Hmm, Porn 4 Days. I’ve always been a fan of a quick wank, but I also like a nice, long marathon session of flogging the ol’ bishop. Why settle for a few minutes of smut when you can have porn for days, am I right? To that end, is yet another free porn tube serving up what seems to be an endless feed of porn.The thing is, telling me you’ve got porn for days isn’t that much of a big deal anymore. Hell, a site only needs 48 hours of material before it has literal porn for days. A lot...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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When Good Schoolgirls Behave Badly They Are PaddledOn Guard

When Good Schoolgirls Behave Badly, They Are Paddled. Part 1, ?On Guard?Disclaimer:  Warner Brothers and their studio partners own the show and characters depicted in the show.   All similarities to persons living or dead are pure coincidence. .This story is a parody and the story begins with girls behaving badly.  Rory is accosted and pulled into an in prop meeting, coup held in preparation to remove Paris as editor of the school paper.  Her demands and constant re-writes have caused a mutiny...

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Catholic Schoolteacher

Catholic Schoolteacher I had been a schoolteacher for quite awhile and had even retired after thirty years of service but when Father Tom asked me to join the staff at the Catholic High School I did. He asked me to do so as a personal favor to him. He was not in the habit of asking me personal favors so I knew that he needed my help desperately. I soon realized why he was so desperate in the first place. The money was ridiculous, the classrooms were only half full, and they were...

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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 11 Sues Sexy Schoolteacher

Posted: April 21, 2002 - 12:00:00 am All good things must come to an end and the college student's summer sojourn with his aunt and her nubile daughters was no exception. His amoral activities during his four-month visit did, however, have a lasting effect that went beyond the debauchment of his adolescent cousins and the first manifestation effect of this involved eleven-year-old Sue. Dear Dairy - I sure miss Bill. And Jan, too. Cept she's sposed to be home weekends. I think Mom guessed...

2 years ago
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Saturday night goes of great0

Kerry wasn't sure but said she would come over later, around 5 she turned up, my balls nearly exploded then and there, she had a mini mini skirt that didn't quite cover her bum, showing her shaved pussy off, and a see though top that left nothing to hide, and heels, wow Lyn and I kissed her and told her she would get well fucked if she wasn't careful, and of course not being on the pill would be a real bummer too. Kerry told us she would only watch, and see them fuck us both, and then...

3 years ago
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The Greatwar 3033 Chapter 1 Part 7 Jack have a new friend

Jack was in the medical ward with four broken fibs; a broken fore arm, dislocated five fingers on both hands ( two fingers on his right hands and the other three on his left hand), and a concussion as well as covered in bruised that started to show up more and more. The doctor that was taking care of Jack was stumped as to why he was getting this many injures by doing nothing. When they took Jack to the medical ward they were unable to take the weapons from him, and where struggling...

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The Greatwar 3033 chapter 1 part 6 Jack not looking good

weapons. The captain was also trying to find a planet that they could land on as their water and food was at critical levels and need filling. Jack walk in to has cabin and look at the cast on his bed, he started to think what he was doing when the blade that he had sheathed to his hip began to speak. “Jack the two daggers in that box are my brother and sister…” the blade stopped to try and think of the right words. “Jack?” “Yes, is something wrong?” Jack asked with a look of...

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The Greatwar 3033 Part 5 Jack find something out

The captain tried to hit on Jack a few times to which Jack was completely oblivious to as he had his eyes set on something else. True to his word Jack did give Lucie back her bow and even asked her to explain the weapon to her as he never found arrows with it, of course she told him how the bow work and even asked him if he wanted to fire the bow, he said that he pulled the string once when he found it but nothing happened even when he let the sting go. Lucie was surprised by this as whenever...

4 years ago
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The Greatheads Make New Friends

The girls needed more hot underwear so we decided one Saturday morning to hotfoot it over to the mall and visit the local lingerie shop. The saleslady regarded us curiously, a man and two women. Her name was Sally, according to her name clip, and I was regarding her curiously too. She was one of those slim dames with big tasty hooters, sort of a nervous, birdy face. Nice looking though. She followed Liz and Pat around as they gathered armfuls of stuff to try on. Even when they went giggling...

4 years ago
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Part 1 June School Holidays

The weeks leading up to our June school holidays Cassi and I save up a bit of money so that we could book into a hotel room and spend some quality time together. It was Wednesday morning of the first week of holidays when we planned for cassi to be dropped off at the mall "to spend the day shopping and watching a movie with her friends". Of course that wasn't the case shortly after 9 when she got dropped off I picked her up and we made our way to the formula one hotel. We booked in and made our...

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Part 7 June School Holidays

Friday morning arrived waking up just after 8 and immediately messaging Jessica as I made my way to my stepsister room. She was too awake as our parents had just left a few minutes earlier. I hopped into bed with her and we chatted for a few minutes while i exchanged messages with my new girl. Soon I had plans sorted and I was going through to Jessica house again. I soon went to shower trimming my ball hairs at the same time to be neat and tidy. Getting dressed rather comfortably in tracksuit...

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Part 6 June School Holidays

Tuesday soon went by and our parents were back home and in a good mood. I told them that tomorrow night I would be going out with a few friends to a club and would be home before 2 which they said rather to make it by 1 which I didn't argue with. Cassi and I messaged each other a bit as I was dying to here that she started her period but by the time I said good night to her there wasn't any such luck yet. I had also been messaging Jessica who I initially was looking forward to see but with what...

3 years ago
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Hot Night With My School Friend For 3 Days

This incident happened just 4days ago night with my old school friend. I can’t reveal her name. Since I often travel to my native after month’s work and come back on Monday. Previous week when I was going back to my hometown, I saw my school friend in train going in a train. I was about to catch the train, and was searching a seat and found one lady calling. I saw her felt like I saw her face somewhere and got to know that it was my old school friend. She looking married and traveling to her...

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Meeting My Schooling Friend

Hello every one i am Jona from Hyderabad. All the ladies and girls can catch me at Its a story between me and my school mate whom we met through school whatsapp group. The name of the heroine for this story is Priya. When we are in school, she was the dull student so no boy showed interest in her. But she is cute. All my class girls used to say that she had crush on me. I never care it as in childhood studies are more important. I saw her photo in Whatsapp Group members and she was stunning...

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Michelle school days

Michelle was a sweet little 16 year old being brought up by her step dad after her mother left them 10 years previously, her education was very strict going to an all girl catholic school, there were 2 male teachers at the school, Matt and Chaz. Chaz was head of history and Matt was head of sport and fitness. Matt was well fit and very good looking he was dating the Maths teacher Tracey a very nice person and well liked by all the girls, Matt was drool factor 10, all muscles and a real tight...

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The Great Shift School Daze

If anyone wishes to archive, please contact me. Great Shift: School Daze By Morpheus Stevie laughed along with the rest of his class, as Davie tossed another pencil at the ceiling, sticking it in by the point. So far, 4 pencils dangled that way, leaving most of the class wondering how many more Davie could get in. Stevie stopped laughing, then sat forward, as Ms Foster, their teacher came into the room. Davie was in trouble now, he was sure. Ms Foster sighed...

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StungChapter 3 School Days

I entered the familiar hallways of Huntington High School. Noting the football schedule with the game on our field a week from today, Friday night. I walked into my old counselor's office to find Mr. Bennett busily working on some papers without looking up, "Be seated, I'll be with you in a second." I sat down to wait for him gazing about the familiar room. Finally he looked up and smiled at me. I had my hair in a ponytail, halter top and tight jeans with sandals. "You're new here. The...

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The Slutty Old School Days

Hey guys! Some information about me, I am a bisexual male, had quite a bit of fun with both the sexes. I am 179 cm tall, 84 kg and I have a 5 inch cock. This story is about how I enjoyed being a slut in school and how it worked to my advantage at the end of the day. So this is about when I was about 16 years old. I was quite the horny child, I was going to a residential school in ooty and it had day scholars too coming in everyday. I was staying at the hostel. I was in a convenient relationship...

Gay Male
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Sex With Aunty In The School Days

Hi ISS readers, the only one site whoever like the life to be filled with the enjoyment and happy this site bring all the people together. Today I like to share with you all about the incident happen in my life at my school age. If you like my story you can share your views to this email Coming to the story this happen in my school days, everyone in this age thinks of opposite sex to know more about their anatomy. For me also feels very excitement to know about the female body, especially...

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Sissy Sisters Schooling

SISSY SISTERS SCHOOLING by Throne "You know, sissy husbands aren't born... they're made. You have to teach them to be what you want." Tanya looked at her friend for a reaction. "I suppose you're right," Chelsea said with a thoughtful nod. "Though it helps if they're weak-willed to begin with." "For sure. I mean, our wimpy husbands are perfect examples. They were just waiting to be turned into pansy boys. But it wouldn't have happened without us. They needed to be...

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School of blowjob schoolgirlssexporn stories

When Laura Becker landed a teaching job at Fitzmoore College she was delighted, although she was to be the only female member of the faculty. It was an all male institution, very much into sports and both students and faculty members were built for action. She figured if she couldn’t land a boyfriend in this muscle-bound oasis – then there was no hope. He first few dates were with an assistant football coach, and they always ended up in a sports bar. The last time he took her out was on her...

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Ansons School Days

ANSON'S SCHOOL DAYS by Throne Anson stepped into his homeroom, his mind on his schedule, his books hugged against his narrow chest. He shook back his long hair and sighed. The first day of a school year was always stressful, more so because this was a new school. He heard a girlish giggle and his mind snapped back to the present. Most of the desks were occupied and, to his shock, every student except him was female. He looked around, hoping for some sign of why this had happened,...

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Deeply Relished The Paradisaical Sex Trap Set Up By My Two Gorgeous Schoolmates

Hi friends. I am Arun and I’m 23 years old. I’m here to share with you my back to back absorbing sex encounters with 2 of my schoolmate beauties Poornima and Prathiba whom I met after 6 long years. I had no contact with them from the time we completed +2. Prathiba is a Malayalam babe, fair complexion, slim with some fat and flesh in her arms and thighs. She is a real beauty. Poornima is a brahmin, wheatish complexion, slim and a bit skinny. She looks too hot. In fact I used to see both of them...

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Akkadian StatuetteChapter 4 School Days

Monday started well. My history teacher, Ms. Yanith, was surprised. "Martin, I am pleased that you submitted your work on time. I think that was your first report I did not have to penalize for lateness. I hope this trend continues -- as you know there is one more report due, and it's the most important one this term. "However, your argumentation needs work. I have marked where you should have used the structures we discussed in class. I recommend you review your notes on evidence and...

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The Home Schooling Years

GREASING THE PISTONS AND LUBING THE RODS...Ross Barker heard unusual noises coming from the engine room. It sounded like the deckhand Marcus was being attacked by a wild bear. Making Ross' hero scream and squeal. The savage bear was growling and grunting like a heavy diesel engine. Pounding its way upstream on a fast-flowing river.The then 16-year-old Ross had just finished 5 years of basic nautical schooling. Learning a trade like his father. But after 5 years of education ashore, he...

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My Highschool Counselor

My highschool was same like all the highschool around the country. Freshmen sluts, popular groups, sports, and everything that you'd think to be in a highschool. I was a normal kid through out my highschool years. I had some relationship with girls, had good friends, and overall good memories. One of the best decision was that I was in my student government. I made many friends in there and planned exciting things for my students. But that wasn't the reason why it was the best decision in...

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Highschool Reunion

I’m a family man aged 24 My son is two years old and my wife is 22. We are of hispanic descent. My wife is 5’1′ almost a foot shorter than me. My dick is a thick 10′ long hose. After the kid, sex has slowed down as she’s too worried about Javier Jr to have sex. She has also gained a lot of weight since she had the kid. She wasn’t too thin to start out with either but in highschool my wife was a thin Latina with a rocking ass. I still workout to stay in shape but my schedule is less flexible...

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The Highschool Life of Ry Ch1

Introduction: Alright you guys, here is the complete version of this chapter as well as a promise from myself, that there will be many many chapters to come. to give you an idea, these first chapters will be apart of book one: Sophomore Year. I am planning to have 3 total books for highschool (sophomore, junior, senior) then the College life saga will begin. This will only continue through the positive feedback in the comments, I do not care about votes. I will say there is not sex here in the...

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Sweet Tuesdays

Every Tuesday morning at nine minutes past ten Kay says to her husband, ‘I’m off to town Tom.’ Tom always replies, ‘Have a nice time dear,’ then he laughs and says, ‘Give him my best wishes.’ Kay smiles and replies, ‘I will dear,’ and then leaving the house she makes her way to the bus stop and catches the nine fifteen bus into the CBD. Had Tom known it his joking remark about giving an make-believe lover his best wishes was closer to the truth than he knew, but to explain that and tell...

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Beckys School Days

Becky Halewood had been attending St.Swarthmore private school since she was 10 years old. Now at 15, she had spent a great deal of these important formative years here, an especially great deal as St.Swarthmore’s was a boarding school. At first it had been so hard to leave behind her family and friends back home, but as the years went on, everyone back there seemed more and more distant to her. St.Swarthmore’s, though she loved and hated it in equal measure, had become her true home, and...

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