Hunger Ch. 04 free porn video

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I grew conscious in small, quiet steps, my senses waking up just as slowly, one by one. I felt the heat of the sun caressing the side of my face and the warmth of the two now familiar bodies pressed to my front and back. I sensed the smell of sawdust and fabric softener along with an undefinable but distinctly male scent. I heard the soft breaths of both Ben and Jerry and felt the smooth t-shirt and only slightly rougher skin that my face was pressed against. I felt my upper body pressed against, almost lying on top of, one male form, and another equally male form cradling my back and the lower parts of my body.

All that warmth made me feel like a lazy cat, leisurely lying down in that one spot of sunshine. My body longed to stretch just like a cat as well, and if I was really honest with myself the human version of someone stroking my fur wouldn’t go amiss either.

I opened my eyes just a little, peering through my eyelashes. If Ben was in front of me, then that must mean that Jerry was the person glued to my backside. Come to think of it, I recognized the way he used to push himself really close.

My left arm was flung across Ben’s midsection and my right one was caught between us, tingling slightly, as if I’d been sleeping on it. Jerry’s hand was firmly placed on my left hip, like a buckle securing my close fit to his body.

I continued exploring the sensory information that my body was sending to my only just awakened mind, my hand sensing the lean, strong muscles of Ben’s upper body, my legs enjoying the tangle with Jerry’s legs, my mouth sending breaths against Ben’s neck, my butt feeling the pressure of Jerry’s hard groin.

I let my hand move slowly upwards searching out a strong chest and turned my face slightly to press a kiss on Ben’s sweet-smelling skin, causing an extra heavy exhale from him. I pushed my butt against the growing bulge in Jerry’s pants, making him curse in a low tone as he pressed himself even closer.

‘Thank god you’re awake!’ Jerry growled behind me.

‘How long was I asleep?’ I asked, my voice as sleepy as the rest of me.

‘An eternity…’ Jerry grumbled.

‘Four hours,’ Ben answered softly ‘are you feeling any better?’

‘Mmmmm, much better,’ I mumbled pressing my nose against his neck ‘have you been lying here all this time?’

‘Yessss…’ Ben answered with a strained voice as I started kissing his neck.

‘She’s a right love-bundle when she’s sleepy, isn’t she?’ Jerry mumbled as he pushed my hair away to get access to my neck.

Ben growled and pushed himself down further, his warm mouth kissing its way across my face, searching for my mouth. At the same time that Ben started pressing soft kisses on my lips, Jerry’s mouth found that pleasure point on my neck that he’d been so good at finding before. My eyes almost crossed from the double pleasure and I eagerly pressed my lips harder against Ben’s. It almost felt like Ben was holding himself back, his hands not straying from their fixed position around my waist. Jerry on the other hand was letting his hands wander all over the back of my body, only prevented from reaching the front of me by Ben’s arms blocking his way.

My body was filled with a potent erotic energy and the feelings that were spreading through my body were like nothing I’d ever felt before. One last niggling thought about protecting myself by keeping people at a distance was quickly washed away by the flood of emotions the filled me, body, mind and soul.

I untangled my left leg and wrapped it around Ben’s thighs, feeling him grow tense as I let my leg brush him all the way up, stopping just short of his drawers. Out of all of us, Ben was the only one that was partly undressed, and I could tell that even the soft cloth of my pants affected him very strongly. A hitherto unknown desire to tease and to please made me suck his tongue into my mouth at the same time as I pushed my leg up higher and used my inner thigh to caress the impressive bulge hidden beneath the soft cloth of his briefs. As if I’d found a secret, magical button, he growled, lifted me up on top of him and started kissing me with all of his might.

I thought I heard Jerry whisper ‘oh yes’ and ‘finally’, but I was too occupied by Ben’s wonderful kisses and the way his hands seemed intent on mapping all of my body with big, ravenous sweeps. With another loud growl Ben pulled my legs apart so my pulsing, needy nether lips were centered over his hot hardness.

Too focused on the pleasure of Ben pressing against me in tiny circles, I didn’t notice Jerry crawling up behind me. He pushed Ben’s legs apart, which made Ben temporarily loose that wonderful gliding motion against me, and then took a hold of my body and lifted me up so I was sitting, back leaning slightly backwards, resting against his chest. Before I could complain about losing the pleasurable pressure of Ben’s groin against mine, he started rubbing himself against me again. His hands were now holding my thighs, alternatingly lifting me up and pressing me close.

Jerry on the other hand, started pulling my sweater over my head, running his fingers up my back slowly, sending shivers across my skin. After gently untangling my hair and pulling the sweater off, he quickly shed his own shirt. He then pressed the full length of his upper body against my back, and a wonderful electric feeling started shooting from him to me and then back again. I moaned and pushed my pussy against Ben with all my weight and arched to reach as much of Jerry as I possibly could. The wonderful, strong hands of Jerry’s unbuttoned my bra, and two appreciative male voices moaned in chorus as my humble breasts were revealed.

After a short, silent moment of complete stillness, Ben started moving with renewed fervor and Jerry started caressing his way up my stomach, slowly letting his fingers tickle their way up to the sides of my breasts. Ben’s eyes went wide and dark when Jerry finally let his fingertips circle my nipples. My own reaction was to first freeze in anticipation and then as Jerry gently lifted my breasts up at the same time as his fingers squeezed my nipples, to sit down hard on Ben, my body shaking, the overwhelming feeling of the both of them quickly placing me on the edge, a breath away from a powerful release.

‘Wonderful hair trigger woman’ Jerry whispered into my hair as he let his right hand caress its way down my body again. This time there was nothing blocking his access to any part of my body and he slid his hand unhindered down my pants, rubbing his fingers on the outside of my panties. Less than ten flicks of his clever fingers later I came in a massive wave of pleasure, biting my tongue to prevent myself from screaming out loud.

I shut my eyes and let myself drift on the waves and aftershocks of my release, not capable of taking in my surroundings until the last burst of pleasurable energy had passed through my system. I opened my eyes to the image of Ben’s shaking body and sealed eyes and my ears to Jerry’s low laughter, finding that he was also shaking slightly.

Jerry pulled me off Ben and placed me on my back, looking me over with an appreciative smile on his face. He then pulled my pants and panties off and leaned back admiring my fully naked body. Glancing at Ben who was still lying on his back with his eyes closed, he shook his head and then leaned in and started kissing me, not hesitantly or in an attempt to get to know me, but fully and hungrily eating my mouth, softly biting my lips and letting his tongue dance in circles around mine. His more aggressive approach to kissing made me tense up, but before long the pleasure of his skilled mouth stopped my thoughts of his experience being so much greater than mine.

Jerry started caressing, biting and licking his way down my body, expertly finding pleasure points wherever he went. My body followed his progress, eagerly lifting towards his every touch. Quiet and not so quiet moans slipped past my lips as he tr
aveled his slow way across the landscape of my body. Within minutes he had my whole body shaking, close to peaking once more.

His warm, wet tongue first lazily circled my nipples and then flicked them back and forth hard and quick before he sucked one of them into his mouth and used a sort of pulsating vacuum motion to create glorious friction. I whimpered loudly when he stopped pleasuring my breasts and he laughed that annoyingly soft laugh again.

‘Ben,’ he called out with a soft voice ‘have you recovered yet?’

‘Just barely…’ Ben answered with a gravelly voice.

‘You really need to see this,’ Jerry said, his voice eager.

I turned my face towards Ben as he climbed out of bed and pulled his clothes off completely. I only had time to admire his strong body for a short while, before my attention was once again caught by Jerry’s mouth refocusing on my breasts. His suction and vibration technique quickly had me on the edge again, my body once again following his mouth as he moved further away from the wrinkled surface of the bed. Before I could reach my ultimate, pleasurable goal, Jerry quickly stopped what he was doing. I let out a frustrated growl to indicate my annoyance but as usual Jerry only laughed, before slipping off the bed. He pulled his own clothes off with quick, efficient movements and jumped back into the bed, standing on his knees close to my waiting body, but still too far away in my opinion.

I turned my head towards Ben, who was also standing on his knees close but not close enough. He was letting his eyes follow the contours of my body, his heated look caressing me and sending unexpected shivers across my skin. I looked Ben in the eyes, pleading with him to come closer, to touch me the way I needed to be touched.

‘Do you want to give her the big O this time brother of mine?’ Jerry asked Ben.

Ben hesitated for a couple of short seconds before quickly sliding closer. He leaned in and started pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses on my stomach and then the top of my thighs, slowly circling closer and closer to my eager lips. I couldn’t wait to feel his mouth on me, and my annoyed growl corresponded with his hungry one, as he pushed my legs apart, lifted my feet over his shoulders and spread me open. After a quick, even hungrier look, he rested his head against my thigh, spread my outer lips and leaned in, licking me with slow flicks of his tongue, teasing me by getting close to where I needed him, but not close enough.

I heard Jerry’s low laughter just before he leaned in and started licking and biting my nipples, two teasing male mouths now making me shake with desperate need. A low, pleading whine wound its way out from my tense body and with that they both started rocking my body with wild licking and sucking, as if they’d been waiting for that specific signal to give me all they had.

I came in a violent explosion of multicolored stars and screamed out my pleasure without any thoughts of keeping quiet.

I lay there stunned by yet another powerful release, breaths heavy and quick. When I finally opened my eyes I saw two gloriously naked men standing on their knees in front of me and two large, eager cocks pointing and waving my way. Jerry lifted his hand and showed me a ribbon of colorful plastic packages, pointed to his brother and lifted his eyebrows in a question that even I could understand. I nodded and reached my arms out towards Ben, who silently accepted one of the condoms from his brothers stash, quickly rolled it on and crawled over my body. I lifted my legs up and spread them once again, letting Ben glide close, feeling the tip of his hot cock sliding slowly into my still slightly pulsating and very wet and eager pussy. Ben moved his pelvis in circling motions, slowly gliding in and out, preparing me for his obviously larger than average cock.

‘She’s so tight’ he muttered under his breath, sweat glistening on his wrinkled forehead.

Jerry groaned and as I turned towards him I could see his hand moving in quick strokes up and down his cock, his eyes firmly fixed on the point where Ben was pushing in and pulling out of me. Ben’s efforts at relaxing me by circling and pushing his way in and out of me was now aided by my eager hand, stroking my clit with quick, hard flicks of my fingers.

‘Oh god…’ I heard myself whimper, again on the verge of climaxing.

‘Sweet Jesus’ Ben answered before lifting himself up, pulling my butt halfway up his legs and then pushing himself into me with all of his weight and all of his strength. I felt him slide deep, hitting my cervix in that one mighty shove. A short, stinging pain stopped me from climaxing right then and there, but when Ben started moving again, his movements now long and fast, not quite as deep as that first heavy thrust, I felt the first tingles of my orgasm spreading through my body. With yet another shout I came hard, my pussy gripping Ben’s cock and pushing my pleasure even higher, seemingly wanting to go on forever.

Ben’s movements became erratic before he stopped moving completely, his last effort concentrated on lifting my pussy up higher and pushing himself as far into me as he could possibly go, finally shouting out his release and pumping his hips, pushing deep with the same speed as his beating heart.

After catching his breath, Ben pulled out of me and flopped over on his back, his eyes shut but with a wide smile on his face. I lay there on my back, trying to catch my breath, my body exhausted but warm and still pleasantly tingly from all of the pleasure they had given me.

A warm hand started caressing my breasts again, and I realized I had forgotten about Jerry, being caught up in the pleasures that Ben had given me. I opened my eyes and smiled up into the face of Jerry, still standing on his knees beside me. He was busy fondling my breast with his left hand and stroking his now condom-covered cock with the other hand.

With deliberately slow movements, Jerry flipped me over, then lifted me up and silently let me know that he wanted me standing on all fours. Even more unfamiliar with that position, I felt myself grow tense and anxious again, but instead of pushing himself inside of me as I had expected him to do based on the hot and eager looks he’d have given me, he spread my legs wide and then lay down with his head beneath my pussy, pulling me down towards his waiting mouth, set on giving me pleasure once again.

His approach this time seemed to center on making me come as quickly as possible as he circled my clit, sucked on my inner lips, pushed his tongue inside of me and used that pulsating suction technique on my clit in a pattern that quickly drove me higher and higher until I broke in a desperate wave of pleasure.

Quickly sliding up from under me and placing himself behind me, he pressed his way inside my still quivering pussy with one strong push. He started moving with quick but long and powerful strokes and I could feel the end of my recent orgasm twining itself around the beginning of a new one, a new, powerful build-up, the end of which I was not sure that I would be able to reach in time, considering that Jerry’s movements had just started to get erratic. Ben’s helpful hand rubbing my clit with quick, hard up and down motions saved the day, and my voice and Jerry’s mixed in a loud shout as we went shooting for the stars together.

Jerry’s whispered ‘damn, she’s absolutely lovely, can we keep her?’ was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep again, warm body aching pleasurably and with a wide smile on my somewhat chapped lips.

* * * * *

Four fully awake hours thinking about the warm but sleeping woman beside me had definitely been about three and a half hours too long. Lying underneath of her, rubbing my aching cock against her warm pussy had been even more of a challenge, especially after my brother had succeeded in removing her sweater and bra. Seeing Jerry’s hands on her breasts had made me desperate for release, but the final b
low to my self-control had been her facial expression as she came all over my brother’s hand.

I had to shut my eyes and concentrate on ugly, disgusting things to prevent myself from coming in my pants, like a poor, desperate teenage boy. Jerry’s laughter didn’t help much as it only made me angry, and the flames of my anger seemed to feed the fire in my blood.

With great effort and helped by well-needed images of sweaty socks, puking childhood friends and other stupid things, I was able to calm myself just in time for Jerry’s ‘you have to see this’ message. Set on finishing this glorious game of lovemaking, preferably buried deep within Susan, I undressed and climbed back onto the bed.

As I carefully allowed my eyes to take in Susan’s naked body, I realized she was as much of a quivering mess as I had been just minutes before. Her eyes seemed to beg me to help her and when Jerry asked me if I wanted to try to make her come it didn’t take any convincing on his part, I just dived in and tried my very best to set her off and send her flying. I started out slowly, not wanting her to come too quickly, but when she let out a long, sad cry, I relented and sucked her clit in to my mouth and watched her go off like a rocket.

With my sight blurred from my heated thoughts and the images of her shaking body, Jerry had to push me to get my attention. He handed me a rubber and pointed to her body, her arms stretched out towards me, waiting. No more pushing or prompting was needed, as I quickly fixed the rubber and slid over her, pressing my thankful cock into her welcoming warmth.

Her tight pussy squeezed my cock in a strange mix of pleasure and pain, forcing me to take it slowly to prepare her for the deep strokes that I needed so badly. Moving slowly also had the added benefit of keeping my urgent need for release in check.

When she started rubbing her clit and I could feel the quivers starting in her pussy, my tight control broke and I pushed myself as fast and as hard as I could into her body, no thoughts present except a deep need to thrust faster and faster, until I exploded inside of her.

Weak from all the tension and the powerful release I pulled out of her and fell down on the bed beside her. She was looking deliciously dazed and thoroughly pleasured. I looked up at Jerry who was smiling and nodding at me. I had almost forgotten that he was there.

I lay there, completely drained, as Jerry turned Susan over, caressed and licked her and finally started fucking her with long, hard thrusts. She seemed to be reaching for another orgasm, and I pushed my willing hand between her legs and rubbed her as fast as I could, happy when she screamed out her joy, her voice almost not audible beneath the stretched out pleasure shout of my brother’s.

She fell asleep instantly, lying on her stomach, with a happy smile on her face. I pulled the covers over her and watched her for mere minutes before I fell asleep beside her, feeling content, happy and sated.

* * * * *

They were both sleeping like two happy children and I couldn’t help but laugh at them, a friendly laugh full of surprisingly large amounts of love. Of course I loved my brother, but could it be that I had started on that rocky road with Susan as well?

As I sat looking at them I silently contemplated what we had now started. A normal, two persons only relationship hadn’t been working so far in my life, but I couldn’t quite trick myself into believing that adding an extra person in the mix would lead to only good things. Unfortunately the opposite would probably be true, adding complications in every aspect of our lives.

If we could keep the relationship on a purely physical level, we would probably be able to survive as long as passion ran as hot as it presently was. I shook my head at the thought, knowing that my brother probably wanted to have it all, sex and love and eternal happiness.

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"I wondered how your first year in New Opportunity has been, dear?" Liza didn't often get the chance to talk with Effie, her granddaughter these days. Like all young people she was forever busy; working hard at her studies, growing up, having fun. It was nice to have the chance to talk with her. She was growing up so quickly. It hardly seemed like any time to Liza since Effie had been starting school. Effie liked talking to her grandmother. Of course, she was ancient - 60 or more, Effie...

1 year ago
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Cattlemans LamentChapter 7

Again, it was Enid who came toward the clearing first, still riding the piebald mare. She went into a canter and then had to pull hard on the reins as she saw that Frank was not alone ... that there was a body lying on the ground. “What did you do?“ she yelled, jumping down from her horse and running to stand over the obviously dead man. “I saw you with your pistol out!” she said excitedly. “So I knew there was trouble. Did you shoot him?” she asked, breathless. “I didn’t hear a...

1 year ago
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We had new neighbours two

After watching various girls perform their particular sporting prowess’s I made my way to the water-cooler for a drink. Rosie was there with a tall, slim girl. Blue eyed and long blonde hair, tied back into a ponytail, fairly flat chested and legs that seemed to go from the floor to her armpits. She wasn’t what could be described as a “looker”, a bit plain really but she had a pleasant smile as she greeted me. “This is Sophie” Rosie said by way of an introduction, “She’s our under 14’s...

3 years ago
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A Sweet And Little Bitch is born

I was 16 years old and already two years ago my mind and my body had manifested a desire to be a girl. Despite being a boy I was thin, minute, with a nice pair of female legs and a nice round ass. In my room, secretly from my parents, I shaved, made up, wore a wig, dressed in a sexy way, imagining that I was a woman. In the loneliness of the room I watched pornographic films and imagined that I was the actress on duty who was being possessed by her males. I had never had sex with anyone, only...

3 years ago
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Loving In SilenceChapter 6 Family Union

Roger had done what his wife had demanded of him. So when he looked up from his discarded boxers to read her hands asking him if he was ready his wicked grin appeared and he reached for her. She squealed and missed his hand, but felt the slight touch of his fingertips against her flesh. She winked and crawled onto the bed. He watched Joyce's small body make its way across the soft blankets like a snake getting poised to strike. His cock jerked and he forgot that he held their last addition...

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Nephews Casual Sex with Aunty Chapters 1 2

Ellen is my Dad’s younger sister, and boy she’s a big boned, voluptuous woman… she’s about 5 foot 8, 170 pounds, got a fat ass, huge titties with a slight gut. Her fat ass is the best, it aged well as she’s got some slight sag to it, but it sags into a perfect mozzarella bubble butt. I love nothing more than laying her on her stomach, spreading that butt and eating that asshole – but this story will focus on our first-time having sex, the process leading up to it, and the immediate aftermath....

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Six Months to Grow On 13

Six Months to Grow On Chapter 13 - Month 7 Barbara Kelly stood in the doorway overlooking her son's room. She hesitated to walk right in. She didn't want to be a snoop and would rather enter when Brian was present. It was becoming more and more important to build trust in their relationship. Brian was going through some tough times. It seemed like it had never been easy for them. Barbara and her former husband, Jack, had Brian during the first year of their marriage. ...

3 years ago
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The rest of the day was a blast, the farthest thing from dancing we could do. Occasionally, Sarah grabbed my hand as we walked to the things we wanted to see and accomplish. We’d gotten tired, and let our guide give us a mini-tour, while we stayed in the cart. We weren’t being bothered for autographs that much, but if someone asked, we’d stop and gladly do it. We were all dried out now. I’d seen a place on the Park Map I wanted to go to, so I asked to go to Topper’s Hat Shop. I got a light...

1 year ago
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Dick Picture PerfectChapter 19

I’ll be honest, besides a lot of weed and a potential deep-seated alcohol problem, I wasn’t a drug guy. I did cocaine at a bachelor party once, underwhelming. I tried mushrooms in high school, it was fine. I did ecstasy on a trip to Cuba with Ike, Felix, and Raylea in sophomore year, well worth the hugs. Adderall and Viagra proved to be a different experience. I was over the Goddamn moon. I fucked Raylea on my kitchen counters, off my balcony railing, in the shower, back on the bed, on the...

4 years ago
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Jenny and Tanya part 7 Tanya tamed

With her love Jenny sound and deep asleep, Tanya knew finally Peterson to be hers.They lovingly embraced after bringing Jenny to bed. High time for Tanya´s turn.Happily she laid down for him, like Jenny had. No need to tie her up.Tanya eagerly spread. Showing the depth of her pink prettiness, wet and hot.Like she´d been all night. Pete Peterson loves her long lovely looks.Longs to lick her tasty juices. Postponing on purpose to punish her.Wooden kitchen tools and the little cat-o-nine-tails...

2 years ago
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Welcome Home Baby

As I open the door of the small sitting room the scent of my perfume fills the air. Instantly you look up and smile. Startled I gasp, I wasn’t prepared to see you, much less sitting in the over sized leather wing back chair by the window . Your larger than life persona makes the chair look small by comparison. The sun spills in on you from the large windows behind the chair creating a spot light effect. I pause for a moment, as always my first thought is My God you are so handsome, you take my...

1 year ago
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Czech VR! Step into a new world with the wonderful new bit of technology that is VR. If you haven’t tried it, then you are seriously missing out on an awesome, sexy experience when it comes to VR porn. You can be right there in the action. Hell, if you have the money you can even get one of those interactive sex toys that jerks you off in time with the videos, but even the regular experience is leagues better than those regular. boring porn videos that you’re probably still watching. And you...

VR Porn Sites
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Cura i ja smo te godine bili prekinuli, nakon što me pomalo zbog obijesti pomalo iz znatiželje prevarila s nekim tokom ljetovanja. Međutim, brzo se pokajala i počeli smo ponovno izlaziti, pri čemu sam je molio da to bude samo prijateljski jer mi je stvarno bilo teško tada bilo što d**go s njom. Jedne noći došli smo u stan njenih roditelja uzeti nešto i zaliti cvijeće (ovi su bili negdje na godišnjem). Sjeli smo popiti kavu, ja sam nešto listao ploče u dnevnom boravku, a ona je rekla da mora na...

1 year ago
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'enough is enough we are fed up getting calls from school saying you lot have misbehaved you are all old enough to know better its time to start behaving from now on there will be punishments you dad and i have been discussing this if you cannot behave then you will have to put up with the consequences punishment will include humiliation , the punishment and humiliation will get more severe each time you do something wrong starting today with you scot for trying to cheat on your exam your...

3 years ago
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Sex With Bangalore Lady At Night And Her Friend Next Morning

Hi, this is Aryan from bangalore I m pursuing my final year engg from a top college, I m 5’6 medium built with average looks and this is a real story that happened just a week ago. Since I m a regular reader of iss I decided to share it with you all. This is my first iss story,feedbacks and suggestions are welcomed at . I am a guy with very high sex drive who would think about fucking all 24*7. On a week day I was on a adult chat room hoping to find a lady from bangalore, after hours of search...

3 years ago
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maid service

*this is loosely based on a real experience, please enjoy :)I had been messaging with "daddy" for a few months now, flirting, sexting, sending pics and fantasizing as people tend to do. we had finally made our plans to meet in person. I waited for him to text the the time and place and found myself at his home, I entered through the opened garage door as he had instructed me and found a large duffel bag with a note saying only my online handle on it waiting for me. Inside was what had to be the...

2 years ago
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Just you and me

I would like to narrate to readrs the incident of holi. In our building there is holi celebrations every year. I like to participate also. This time too, holi was planned with lots of colour and rain dance. I saw a beautiful girl, enjoying the rain dance. Since she was coloured on the face, could not recognize her, but i remembered seeing her earlier. Suddenly i recognized her as my college mate. She was a class junior to me. A very cute and nice girl. I went to her and tried to express her my...

3 years ago
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Things Happen For A Reason Ch 07

Luke and Sarah strode up the path to the Fletcher house, or rather mansion, Luke thought to himself, eyeing the large estate with trepidation. He and Sarah had argued over breakfast about how best to approach the newly-married Bree-Anne Fletcher. He’d wanted to do it alone, so had Sarah. They’d finally settled on doing it together. ‘The shock value of both of us might stun her into revealing more than she would to either of us alone,’ Sarah had pointed out, and he’d had to agree. When he...

3 years ago
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Talking To The Dead

There was a slight chill in the night air, but as they embraced on the beach under the glow of the full Moon, it was a perfect night for lovers. But the earlier event of the night was destined to put these love birds on hold for a while. As Tim ran his fingers through Janets golden blond hair, she pulled her head back to speak. "What did she say?" Janet whispered "What did who say?" Tim asked "The Lady you were talking to outside my house." She answered." "Oh Babe. Can't we talk...

2 years ago
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The CavemanChapter 10

Well, I didn’t get raped. God, I was sure I was going to be. And it was my own damn fault. When I saw Hugo start weeping after it finally sank in that everything and everyone he ever knew was gone for millennia I just went over to give him comfort. And then he hugged me, and I smelled that lovely smell of his again and, well ... I kissed him. Right on the mouth. Then he grabbed me really hard—he’s terribly strong—and started groping my crotch. I did the only thing I could think of, I...

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Follow UpChapter 4 Eileen

Bob Lacy was day dreaming about the lift home he had given to Eileen and the fun he had with her in the car. She certainly was uninhibited and a wild little sex kitten. While she had a liberal attitude as to sex, she also was an interesting person to talk to and fun to be with. He thought he would like to see her again. During the week he phoned her and she sounded a little surprised that he had called. He said that he just wanted to thank her for making Saturday a nice time. She was an...

4 years ago
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The Genie of the Dildo

I walked to the bridal shop, lost in my thoughts. I stopped to look in a window while really looking at myself. I admired the way my long black hair hung all the way to my tight behind. My soft, unlined, unsmiling face look perfect. My full breasts slightly strained my white t shirt. It was slightly naughty but I allowed it. I looked into the store and blushed when I realized it was a sex shop. I started to hurry away, hoping no one saw me looking, when I saw this long black dildo with jewels...

Mind Control
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Well blow me and sting in the tailhelliphellip

Well blow me and sting in the tail……..This post and story was told to me by a “friend of a friend” which I’ve tried to recall and record as best I can.The key character is Phil and the story is told from his perspective. Phil was a salesman working for a company who exhibited their products at small exhibitions all over the UK working with other salesmen plus a few in-house logistics guys. The story centres around one of the logistics men Eddie. Phil and Eddie often worked together and built up...

3 years ago
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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 4 the date continues

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 4 The Date Continues (finally) by Tawny Suede Just as Ollie and John began to wonder what was keeping their dates, they spotted the delectable pair of sissies returning from the rest room. When they reached the table, both men stood. Their politeness was rewarded by a brief kisses from the pretty lads. Each girlyboy also managed to run her hands across the crotch of her date and give each cock a gentle stroke! Robin and Jamie looked at each other and...

2 years ago
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Geeky Dave Geeky Chris and Supermodel Morgan Chapter 4

The next day, Chris called and asked that I come over in the early afternoon for a repeat of yesterday's performance. When I arrived, Morgan was there. Chris introduced us, and then Morgan left. We followed the script almost exactly, right up until the point where Chris removed the butt plug. When she removed the plug, she moved her skirt aside. I could see her ass hole. It was very well used. I believe she was telling the truth about the daily use of a dildo back there. When I...

4 years ago
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The Girl Who Passed Me A Note Part One

It was early Tuesday morning and all I could think about was how badly I wanted it to be 10:30. The anticipation was building; Every single second seemed to take hours to go by and the hands on the clock didn't even seem to move at all. I was anxious, and a little nervous, too, but I guess that's normal. She told me I would feel this way. Scared. I didn't fully understand why until about 10:26, when I looked at the clock nervously and almost wanted to say nevermind and forget about the whole...

4 years ago
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A Cuckolds Share

Jim had assumed that his wife’s libido had gone down with age, that their lack of sex had been the ordinary result of growing older. He had not been crazy about it, but he had resigned himself to it and retreated to a world of fantasy and masturbation on the internet. They would still occasionally have sex, but he had to wait until she initiated it, which would be at most a couple times per year. She had promised him that things would pick up, that her hormones needed stabilizing, that stress...

1 year ago
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A Day At The Office

I had been thinking about your challenge of getting a little more risque to enhance our sex all day that Thursday when I drove up from Port Elizabeth to visit you at your office. An accident just outside of Grahamstown slowed the traffic to a standstill. That was all traffic except the taxis, which seemed to believe that the road also encompassed the nearby farms and that the small spaces between the cars were suitable for a Grand Prix.It was hot, and tempers even hotter, but eventually the...

Office Sex
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Library guy

I needed new books so I decided to get my ass out for once and go to the library. I guess for the geek that I was, it was pretty normal to feel at home in a library, I headed to the science fiction books section, they were my favourite, it didn’t take me long to find a couple of books I wanted to read. As I was walking back between the shelves, my eyes locked on the coolest guy I’ve ever seen, he must have been about 6 feet tall, about 20 years old with nice curly red hair, his athletic figure...

1 year ago
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Annies long day

This is a prize for a contest I did on Deviantart, this is the first chapter of the cyoa so I will update this in time to the story. Anyone is welcome to add new chapters at any point and it's encouraged. Annie took a deep breath. It was 7am and this was to be her first shower in her new college. She laid down her bag on the locker room bench, it held her PE kit, a bottle of shampoo, some soap and a big towel. She placed down the towel, the shampoo and some soap on the bench. She blushed hard...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 49 Confrontation

February 5, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “This is heavenly,” Janey sighed. She was sitting in front of me, leaned back, with my arms around her, in a tub full of warm water and lavender bubble bath. “I could get really used to this,” I agreed. “When you finally get paid a decent amount, we’ll build a big house with a shower and tub like this.” “And a sauna,” I said. “Who has a sauna?” “Katy’s parents.” Janey laughed, “Did you?” “Just some fooling around but not that.” I ran my hands up...

2 years ago
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Mother and her 2 daughters Taking Amy

Introduction: My father had some rental houses on our property and we had this young single mother with 2 young daughters to rent one of them. I could not believe my eyes when Janet came in to rent one of my dad houses that was right there on our property . God she was beautiful. Dark hair, olive skin and brown eyes about 5 3 tall and every thing in the right place. When she told my dad she was single I could hardly believe it. Expecially since she had two young daughters. I found out later the...

3 years ago
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An Arabic Night

Siwah, Egypt, 1942 It had been a hard year in a difficult theater of operations. Rommel had pushed the Allies all across the desert, but they had finally started to win. The fight was far from over--Egypt and many other countries were still held by the Nazi forces--but the Australian forces were enjoying a well-deserved break and had been given leave for the night in the oasis town of Siwah. Sargent Luke sat in a small bar that had been reserved for the military. He had already downed two beers...


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