Hunger Ch. 03 free porn video

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I woke up with a sore head and my ears ringing from the sound of two angry voices shouting at each other.

‘What have you done to her?’ Jerry’s angry voice said.

‘Why would you ever think that I’d do anything to her?’ Ben’s angry voice replied, not much calmer than Jerry.

I tried to sit up, to stop their fighting, but fell back weak and dizzy into what appeared to be my bed. They were standing just outside of the room, and I decided to try to call them instead.

‘Hello’ I said, obviously too low for them to hear me.

‘Stop fighting’ I tried a bit louder.

‘Hey!!’ I shouted, pressing my hands to my aching head.

Two wild-looking men came running into the room, hair on end, worried frowns on their faces.

‘Stop fighting!’ I repeated, glad that I’d finally gotten their attention.

‘I was hit by a coworker, Ben took care of me when I came home’ I told Jerry.

‘I met Jerry at work, he’d been tricked to go there, probably by that same coworker’ I told Ben.

They stared at each other, somewhat shamefaced, and then looked at me, obviously still worried. I looked back at them, instantly seeing the similarities, taking my time scanning them for differences. They both had strong faces, dark hair and brown eyes. Ben was taller, but slightly thinner than Jerry. Jerry had a lot of laughter lines in his face and Ben seemed to have more distinct worry lines on his forehead. My thoughts about the possible differences in their personalities that their faces seemed to indicate were interrupted by Jerrys low laughter. He had obviously seen me staring at them, my appreciation of their physical appearances hopefully not as easy to see.

‘You fainted,’ Ben said, still serious ‘and we didn’t reach you in time so you hit your head.’

‘Again?’ I answered with sigh.

‘What, again?’ they both answered in chorus.

‘Right,’ Ben said, his voice tense ‘you’re going to the hospital!’

From that point, all of my attempts at convincing them I was fine and that I didn’t need to go see a doctor were in vain. I was not used to my decisions being overridden by anyone, but the power of two stone-faced, stubborn men was too much for me right then and there. When I refused to get out of bed, Ben lifted me up and held me upright, when I refused to get dressed, Jerry just shrugged, started untying the belt to my bathrobe and told me he’d gladly help. In the end I was standing up dressed, hair brushed, wearing shoes, holding my purse and staring angrily at two of the most annoying men in world.

After being half pushed and half carried to one of their cars, I sat silent and grumpy in the passenger seat. I didn’t like being told what to do, I didn’t like going to the doctors, I didn’t want to go in their stupid car.

Of course I realized that the thoughts that were circling in my head all sounded like those of a whiny child, but seriously, I was a grown woman, if I wanted to stay at home and sleep the pain away, I should be able to do that.

‘Stubborn, annoying, manhandling bullies’ I muttered under my breath.

‘What was that dear?’ Jerry asked with a sweet smile, making it quite clear that he’d heard what I’d said.

‘Nothing,’ I answered ‘absolutely nothing.’

I could see my face reflected in the side window of the car and the fact that I was looking like that same angry child that was stuck in my head didn’t exactly improve my temper. It did however make me realize that the careful mask I usually wore had slipped off completely.

‘Who needs visualization techniques,’ I thought to myself ‘when the careful touch of three heavy-handed men is so effective.’

I was still annoyed when we reached the hospital, but some of the worst irritation disappeared after Ben helped me when I almost fell on my way into the reception area. I was still dizzy and there was something wrong with my sense of balance, perhaps I needed help after all. As my anger wore off it was quickly replaced by a familiar feeling of dread. I really didn’t like hospitals.

Ben must have sensed that something was wrong, because he turned a worried pair of golden brown eyes my way and smiled an encouraging smile. He then put his arm around my shoulders and walked me to the reception. I managed to focus on talking to the nurse in charge of admittance and filling out a registration form, but after taking a seat I could feel tension spreading through my body. My breathing became shallow and quick, which in turn made the dizziness worse.

‘Please,’ I begged Ben ‘I can’t do this. I want to go home.’

He took my hand and tried to calm me down by telling me stories about his and Jerry’s childhood adventures, at least all of the ones ending up at the hospital. My eyes were nervously circling the borders of a large painting on the wall, my ears were listening intently to Ben’s whispered words and the rest of my body was shaking from the effort of sitting still.

Jerry came walking after having parked the car and sat down beside me. He leaned over to talk to Ben who tried to communicate something to him using facial expressions and nods. As Jerry looked at me his eyes went wide and his facial expression turned to one of surprise and shock. After another silent conversation between the brothers, Jerry started rubbing my back. Ben talked as Jerry ran his warm hand up and down my back and somehow my fear was kept in check by their joint effort.

I don’t know how long we sat there waiting, but both Ben and Jerry sighed in honest relief when my name was called by a young, blond, kind-looking nurse.

‘Your husband can come with you,’ the nurse said, looking at the three of us ‘but his brother has to wait out here.’

If I had been my good old self I would probably have been embarrassed by the nurse’s assumption about my relationship to the Sanderson brothers, but as it was I kept silent, happy that I would at least have one of them accompany me through my own personal gates of hell.

The masters of silent communication seemed to argue who should stay and who should go and in the end an annoyed Jerry sat back down. Ben put his arm around my waist and helped me on my swaying way towards an examination room and the unavoidable meeting with a doctor.

Hours later, poked, pressed, MRI-scanned and otherwise thoroughly investigated I was lying in a hospital bed feeling sleepy and chemically calm. After my first hysterical outburst when the doctor had started his examination, Ben had explained ‘the situation’ and the doctor quickly solved the panic problem by medical means. The rest of the evening went by in a bit of a blur, but in the end it was decided that I would have to stay overnight, for hourly checkups, since I probably had a concussion.

Ben couldn’t stay – mostly because of hospital rules – but he told me that he or Jerry would pick me up in the morning. As he hugged me goodbye I thought about the way he had kept me company and helped me for hours on hours and I felt a strange feeling inside, warm and tingly, like a summer sunrise.

‘Thank you,’ I told him with a small smile ‘thank you so much for your help, I wouldn’t have survived without you.’

As he walked away I fell asleep with the smile still covering my face, happy despite being stuck in the house of medical horrors. That smile slowly faded as the night wore on and the medicine wore off, with my sleep being constantly interrupted by checkups adding to my discomfort.

– – – – –

I met the morning without much enthusiasm, slowly opening my eyes to stare at an annoyingly cheerful nurse that wanted to let me know that the doctor was due to arrive in half an hour and that I would probably be sent home after he had examined me one last time. With a yawn worthy of a big white shark I climbed out of bed to look at my reflection in the mirror. The color of my bruise had really blossomed overnight and made quite a picture along with my pale skin, my tired
eyes and my tangled hair.

A cheerful ‘good morning’ interrupted my depressing contemplation of the tired, old woman in the mirror. A low whistle made me turn around and I found Jerry standing there, flowers in his hand, eagerly staring at a point below my waist. Realizing that the hospital gown must have been showing the very naked rear parts of my body as I stretched to run my fingers through my hair, I felt my face grow warm. I pulled the ugly, flowery dress closed around me, stalked to the bed and hid under the thin comforter.

Jerry cleared his throat, pulled a chair up to my bed and sat down, putting the flowers on my bedside table.

‘How are you feeling,’ he asked with a sad smile ‘are you in pain? Can I help in any way?’

Before being able to answer him we were interrupted by the medical team wanting to take a look at me. The doctor read through my papers, looked up at me, down at the papers and then up at me again before using an unnaturally soft and soothing voice to tell me about the test results and his medical conclusions, I didn’t have any major injuries, no damaged bones, no visible blood collections in my brain, some superficial soft tissue damage, however the previous day’s dizziness could not be ignored since it was very likely that I had a concussion. His recommendation was for me to go home, rest and – to be on the safe side – make sure I had company the first couple of days, to be able to get quick help if any complications would occur.

Jerry had been standing by my bed, keeping a warm hand on my shoulder, two of his fingers stroking my neck all the while the doctor was talking, his touch keeping me calm. When the doctor and his team walked off to their next prey, Ben kept his hand where it was, pressing and circling my sensitive skin with his warm fingers. The touch of that magical hand was again sending shivers across my skin at the same time as liquid heat seemed to be pouring out from my core, making my body feel both overly sensitive, filled with eager anticipation and deliciously warm and comfortable.

As his brother had filled my heart and soul with warmth the day before, Jerry seemed to have his own special brand of very hands-on heat that was able to fill me with warmth of a slightly different kind. Some quick thoughts floated through my head telling me that that was probably the very definition of their real characters and the most distinct difference between them, the caring Ben and the physical Jerry.

Jerry interrupted my thoughts once again by removing his hand and telling me it was time to go home. I tried to ignore the way the absence of his hand made me long for his touch again, but the signals of my body were too strong for my tired brain to suppress. As Jerry stepped out of my room, I slowly got dressed in my own clothes, every piece of clothing accompanied by worried thoughts about my reactions and the situation I’d found myself in. Why didn’t my ever present relationship alarm system seem to be working anymore? Shouldn’t I be a bit more worried about the fact that I had obviously let two very strong men into my life? Shouldn’t my reactions to their presence be a bit more like my reactions to doctors and hospitals?

Those swirling thoughts made my head ache again and as I stepped out into the hallway to find Jerry waiting there with a smile covering his face, my response to his cheerfulness was an annoyed huff that made him laugh softly. He pulled my arm over his and started walking me out towards freedom.

After some paper exercise Jerry asked me to sit down in the reception area again, just so he could get the car, and I reluctantly agreed. The feeling of the hospital still filled me with nervous energy and I couldn’t sit down and wait, so I paced the width of the entrance, eyes firmly fixed on the floor beneath my feet. As the doors opened I stopped and looked up expecting to see Jerry coming to get me, but my eyes were met by the very surreal image of a police officer gently escorting a red eyed, shaking Rose into the hospital.

‘Rose,’ I heard my voice say ‘what has happened?’

She looked up at me, shook her head in a slow careful movement and continued walking. She was met by a nurse who quickly led her away, leaving me standing in stunned silence. I realized that I had never seen Rose in anything but her normal, perfectly made-up, carefully dressed appearance. The woman that I had just met was almost not recognizable as the Rose I knew and loved. What in the world had happened to her?

When the doors opened again I didn’t hear them, but stood in frozen silence, staring at the spot where I had last seen Rose. A hand on my shoulder made me quite literally jump and when I turned my face towards Jerry, his reaction was to pull me into his arms and hurriedly ask me what had happened and if I was alright. His obvious worry made a fleeting thought speed through my mind – perhaps I had been wrong in my initial thought that he was all heat and no warmth.

I walked with reluctant steps aiming for Jerry’s car, but with my head turned towards the hospital, still thinking about Rose, wondering what had happened and if there was anything I could do to help. It felt like my thoughts were stuck in a swirling pool of maple syrup and I couldn’t pull myself together enough to put them in any semblance of order. I needed help!

As I sat down in Jerry’s car, I quickly reached for my purse and my phone and dialed Mary’s number. My fingers danced a nervous dance on the side of my leg and when I looked up at Jerry his face was covered with a worried frown, still silently wondering what had happened.

‘Susan,’ Mary answered after two signals ‘what is wrong?’

‘I just met Rose,’ I started, trying to think of a way to explain it all ‘at the hospital, crying, probably hurt. I didn’t manage to talk to her, but she was really shaken up.’

‘Ok,’ Mary answered with a gruff voice ‘I’m just going to ignore the fact that you were at the hospital, which I think need further explanation, and go straight for the questions about Rose. How did she get to the hospital, was she alone, did you see in what way she was hurt?’

I answered as quickly as I could, sad that I didn’t have more answers to give. Perhaps I should have tried to follow Rose? What did the presence of a police officer mean?

‘Right,’ Mary said, her voice hurried and the sound of her car starting audible even over the sound of traffic around me ‘I’m going there, she probably won’t admit it, but she’s going to need someone to lean on.’

‘Ok,’ I answered, thoughts still tumbling around in a pattern-less jumble ‘please let me know if I can help in any way!’

I sat silently staring at the streets passing by, trying to sort out my feelings and thoughts, when Jerry reached over and stilled my tapping, twitching fingers.

‘You met a friend at the hospital,’ he asked with a low voice ‘and she was hurt?’

I nodded and he caressed my hand and the leg beneath it. Through my worry I could still feel that Jerry effect, first calming me and then starting a storm of inappropriate feelings of hot neediness. I removed his hand and with a shake of my head I turned my eyes out the window again. I needed some time to process this without the confusion of my own hormonal response to his nearness. He seemed to understand that I needed silence and drove on without asking any more questions and thankfully without trying to sooth me in the way that seemed to come as natural to him as breathing, by a simple but oh so potent touch of his hand.

A short time later I was awoken from my contemplations by Jerry’s careful ‘we’re here’ and I realized we were parked outside of my apartment building. I sat still staring in front of me until Jerry opened my door, unbuckled my belt and gently eased me out of the car. He walked me slowly through the entrance, up to the elevator doors, pushed all the necessary buttons and in short time had me standing in front of my door. Like a robot I reached into my pur
se for my keys, movements automatic and slow. When I dropped the keys on the floor, Jerry reached for them and opened the door, got me inside, took my purse and coat and walked me into the apartment.

‘Ben,’ he called on his way in ‘we need you out here right now!’

Ben came running out of my bedroom, dusty but with a happy smile that turned into a shocked and worried expression as soon as he saw us.

‘Jeez Jerry,’ he almost shouted ‘what’s happened this time?’

‘I don’t know really,’ Jerry grumbled in answer ‘she met a friend that was hurt at the hospital and after that she seemed to shut down. It’s almost like she’s in shock or something?’

‘Ah right,’ I thought ‘that’s where that numb feeling is coming from then? Shock?’

‘Should we bring her back to the hospital?’ Jerry asked Ben who answered with a shake of his head.

‘You weren’t there yesterday when she started hyperventilating,’ Ben said ‘I don’t think going back there is the answer.’

They walked me into the spare room I reluctantly and temporarily called my bedroom and sat me down on the edge of the bed.

‘She needs to get warm,’ Ben stated, rubbing my cold hands between his.

‘Right,’ Jerry said and removed my shoes and his own, pulled the covers off the bed and pulled me with him into it.

‘What are you doing?’ Ben asked with an annoyed shake of his head.

‘Warmth, easily at hand, tons and tons of it’ Jerry answered with a smile somewhere between kind and wicked.

Ben seemed to think about what his brother was saying for a short while before removing his own shoes, trying to remove the dust from his person before deciding to just peel off the outer layers of his clothes, leaving him pant less in a black t-shirt and underwear. He then climbed into bed and pulled my body next to his.

‘Warmth,’ he stated with a nod ‘good idea.’

Jerry grumbled something under his breath about annoying older brothers and slid closer to me, pressing close to the other side of my body.

Within minutes I was feeling warm and comfortable and I fell asleep deliciously sandwiched between the two annoying but handsome and sweet brothers.

* * * * *

I was thoroughly enjoying the experience of keeping Susan warm, trying to ignore the fact that my brother was lying on the other side of her sleeping form.

‘What a mess!’ Jerry whispered, destroying my efforts to ignore his presence.

‘I think she’s a really pleasant mess.’ I whispered back.

‘Well, yes she’s more than nice, but you being here is not!’ he shot back.

‘I’m not going to start an ‘I saw her first’ fight with you,’ I said, keeping my voice low ‘but I did, in fact, meet her first.’

‘And you’ve been keeping your usual ‘I’d like to be your friend’ attitude up until now, haven’t you?’ Jerry whispered.

‘And you’ve been trying to get her into bed as quickly as possible as you usually do, haven’t you?’ I whispered back, annoyance coloring the tone of my voice.

‘And here I am, in bed, irritating brother cramping my style.’ he grumbled.

‘You can’t seriously be thinking about seducing a concussed, unconscious woman?’ I said, voice a bit louder, anger boiling under the surface.

‘Of course not,’ he whispered with an exasperated sigh ‘you know better than saying or even thinking that!’

And of course I knew better, there was nothing wrong with my twin brother, we just had two different ways of approaching life. Knowing that my brother struggled with his life choices as much as I did, didn’t really help in the situation we were in. I thought I had finally found a nice girl that I could imagine being more than friends with. And Jerry had basically found the living image of all of his teenage and most of his grownup sexual fantasies.

I kept quiet and thought about how to solve the problem, but landed in the uncomfortable certainty that the choice would probably have to be Susan’s. Though I loved my brother well enough, I hated him for his innate charm and evident success with women. My only hope was that he’d loose interest in Susan soon, preferably before he’d taken the, for him, natural step of sleeping with her.

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We were now ready to try for some useful information from the Imam, so Nancy removed the gag. We still left the opaque sack over his eyes so that he could not see that Nancy was using ice instead of a knife on him. Nancy began to simulate cutting long gashes in the Imam. He was now crying, but he still refused to answer our questions. At this point, Nancy had an inspiration. She grabbed his scrotum and placed an ice cube edge against the skin. “Okay, Buster, if you don’t start talking pretty...

3 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 21 Pillow Talk

Dexter opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. Janet snuggled against him and rested a hand on his chest. “Good morning,” Dexter said. “Good morning.” “It’s been a long time since I woke up with you snuggled up against me.” “Remember when we used to spend all day on Sundays doing this.” “That’s one of my favorite memories of our marriage.” “Mine too.” “What happened?” “We had children. They won’t let you stay in bed all day.” “That’s right. I guess it has been eighteen years...

1 year ago
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Two below and One to blow above. (For Bill, Three November, Nine-ty.) When its Two below, The two below Ain't hangin' low, My love. Then its Time to blow The staff That stiffly grows Above. Till the two Below Boil and overflow, to Overheat The meatus Lips of his thermometer: And drool Hot lava. Till the two Below Feel their bag burn so! Overheated Pre-fetuses Drip From His percolator: And pool Hot java. For Artie: An old Columbian Folksong Everybody now! El deeque, El...

2 years ago
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Banner YearChapter 38

After she called Bud, Robin searched frantically through Cheryl's closet for something to wear. It was useless. Not that Cheryl didn't have clothes, but Robin could not think of what would look right. Actually, she could hardly think at all, and she ended up not changing anything. When he rang the bell, she opened it, but she could not look up at him. He had a good idea what she was going through, and he realized how careful he had to be not to do anything that would cause her to...

3 years ago
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No Masturbatin In My Bathroom Please

You’ve had me decorating your bedroom as a surprise for when your husband comes home in a few days time. I’ve done a great job and you’re really pleased and asked me if I can come back and do a few more little jobs around the house… simple handy man stuff! You have just been and bought some sexy new underwear that afternoon to wear when you show your hubby your new bedroom, and you’re trying it on deciding which shoes your going to wear with your sexy new light blue bra and knickers and sheer...

1 year ago
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Sex With Cousin During Sister8217s Wedding

Hello this is nisha again. I m going to narrate the story which happened 5 years back during my sister wedding. In my sister’s wedding I got to meet all my cousin. Of which I met Trun. He is my mother’s brother ‘S son. I was meeting him after long time. He used to stay in Delhi only. He is a years older to me. We Meg in the wedding my mom introduced him. We had brief chat. He is good looking and handsome. He also looking at me as if he is going to kiss me now. Reception went in like this, he...

4 years ago
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Rain and a Lonely milf in India1

The name’s Akshay. Most of the story I am about to tell you is true, especially the sex. This story happened during a lazy afternoon in May, at the shop where I was working part time. The temperature outside was 48. It was no better inside as my ass-hole boss doesn’t let me turn on the air conditioner. He says it’s either half my salary or the ac. I was looking out the store hoping for an earthquake which could kill my boss when Babita walked in. Since I was looking at the strong afternoon...

2 years ago
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Meri Muumy Ki Chudai

Hello dost Me mehul gujarat se aaj me apko ek real story batane jaa raha hu or vo ekdam true hay mere ghar me hi hui hay, Mere parivar me me mehul or mere papa, mom or grandfather hay, papa abroad me hay job karte hay, yaha ghar me me or mom or grandfather rahte hay, mere ghar me do bedroom hay ek bedroom me me sota hu or dusre bedroom me mummy soti hay, grandfather main hall me so jate hay, last 14 april ko meri tabiyat thodi think nahi thi, to mera dyan rakhne keliye mene mummy ko kaha ke me...

2 years ago
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Sex with friend8217s maid

Hi friends i’m back again, with my new story, mera phone no 09906210060, ab toh aap mujhe pehchaan hi gye honge, mera phone no toh bohot si ladkion ko toh yaad hi ho gya hai, itne caals aa rahe hain ke poocho matt, aur aap sab ki sex ki echha mai ek ek ker ke poori kerduga bass thoda time chahiye, pehle mai unko nipta lu jinho ne mujhe aapse pehle book kiya hai ok, mujhe abhi thodider mai ek bhabhi ke saath sex kerne jana hai isi liye mai jaldi jaldi apna intro new readers ke liye de ker apni...

2 years ago
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E By Britney Kandey It had only been two weeks since I had arrived back at Sunover Falls and already the boredom had driven me to my bedroom to have another go at some Microsoft X-Box escape. Playing video games was what I was good at, as I never really had much time for the real world. I was 17, and just your average kid to everyone I ever knew. I had spent the last 5 years of my life at a very strict boarding school surrounded by boys, but some of those...

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Corrective Application

CORRECTIVE APPLICATION: A short story by Tamsyn A femboi dominatrix savours the moment. Theo Jones' final school report had been scathing. Mr. Greenwood, his form teacher, had severely criticised the boy's work ethic, writing that while there was always potential in every student, it was clear that Theo would never amount to much unless he learned to apply himself correctly. After failing to do so in five years of secondary school he could only consider that Theo's employment...

4 years ago
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More Than A StretchChapter 41

I finally was able to get loose from work in time to swing by my apartment and collect my bag before I boarded a bus for the airport. Since the first successful Reaper runs last week, I had cleaned up some minor bugs in the programs and laid the groundwork for the program that Vlad and Lou were going to write for maintaining and cleaning the archive tape cartridges. Samantha had been doing a good job of coordinating the input collection and the runs, and even made some improvements to the...

3 years ago
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WRITTEN BY:{MuffDiver} Edited for readability by: EMPRESS LAINIE An excellent and well written story. This is a very long story. (Fm, MFF, incest, virginity, oral, masturbation) An account of how a young adolescent boy lost his virginity to his mother Angela and how they began a loving and beautiful lifelong, intimate and incestuous sexual relationship which Continued into a threesome after marriage with Linda. Prologue Hi Kristen, I thought that you and your readers...

2 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 41

In typical Washington, DC fashion, the round robin of social events was designed just like a cutthroat style athletic competition, where everyone tries to politely and graciously screw everyone else in order to advance to the next round of activities. All the time everyone was smiling and nodding as if enjoying themselves. I suppose some people could actually enjoy it, but it seemed a bit bloodthirsty to me. It was, however, apparently the system the people inside the Beltway were most...

1 year ago
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The Final Trip

Waking up and feeling an unfamiliar feeling of movement has me for the moment a bit disoriented. Looking around I see a small room that looks very unfamiliar and I panic for a moment until I see the note that I wrote to myself. ‘Maria, don’t flip out, you are flying to the end.’ Wow, I am glad that I did that, otherwise I would have been completely freaked out and I probably would have done something that I later would have regretted. Now I remember what is going on. Since I have always...

3 years ago
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A Night At The Club

He knew he shouldn't have done it. Alcohol being a depressant, and him already being in a depressed state due to his week, it was a stupid idea. But he couldn't resist. And now he couldn't turn back. He had already had a few too many drinks, and was being swept along with the crowd of guys he had agreed to come out with tonight. Stupid idea, as he wasn't having any fun, and he could feel the cloud in his head settle in for the long haul. Oh well, he was here now, and knew that part of that...

2 years ago
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Mouthful for Mommy pt2 of Over Moms lips

If the title bothers You,quit reading now.A couple of months ago,I came in my Mommy's mouth for the very first time,and ever since that day,things have been pretty fucking wild at my house! My four little s*s ters have all become pussyeating,cocksucking experts! My Mom and Dad walk around smiling all the time. And most nights,for hours on end,our fam ily is spent in a big sweaty,pussy juice slicked,cum smeared,Mommy-milk covered, jumbled up pile! And WE LOVE IT!***I must say,I am always amazed...

1 year ago
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Gaon Ki Bhabhi Ke Saath Chudai Ka Khel

Hello everyone, I am garry back again with a new story. Sab se pehle to aap sab se maafi chaahunga because pichle 3-4 months se aapke liye apna koi experience share nahi kar saka. So agar koi mujhse kisi bhi chij ke related baat karna chahata hai to mujhe facebook par add ya message karien, meri fb id hai garry singh gkc. Aur haan garry singh gkc ke naam se fb par ek account hai vo bhi mera , so aap message karte time bilkul bhi na ghabraye. So ab aapko bore na krtey huye, aapko apna ek...

2 years ago
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Plantation slave fucks the masters wife

It's 1850, 10 years prior to the silver war. Matthew and Rebeca Johnson own a small plantation in Georgia. Matthew is 52 and Rebecca is 45.They are c***dless after trying for years to conceive. Since she has just gone thru the 'change of life' they know it will never happen.It is noon on a Sunday. They have just returned home from attending church service where Rebecca sings in the choir and Matthew is a church elder. Matthew has just left to go to the auction in town as he does every Sunday....

3 years ago
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Wheres the Glory in That Ch 2

The second person stood directly in front of the hole, blocking my sight and creating more frustration for me. What. The. Hell? My confidence diminished as I contemplated having to deal with two men at the same time. If it actually was another man, that is.I hadn't even had experience with one man so I didn’t think there was any possibility of taking them both on. But, right now, I had no idea what was going to happen. I was certainly even more nervous than before.Breathe. Calm. Down. You don't...

Oral Sex
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Lisa Part 3 Disneyland

We got out our towels out of the trunk and went around to large hall off the main entrance. Disney statues were all over the place, but we wanted to get to the rides as quickly as possible. When we got to the hotel, our dad went to the clerk to make arrangements to meet up with his boss. Finally he came back over from the main desk and gave us each a multicolored pass with a ribbon attached. “Put these around your necks and you guys can have the run of this park. Any ride unlimited. I am going...

1 year ago
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Not Dead

As the Earth wheels through space, the vast majority of its inhabitants are oblivious to the eternal war that is about to be reignited. Equinox. Equilibrium – a deadly alignment. The enemy is massing. Not here in our world but in another place, another side that’s not parallel, nor a shadow world, although it is dark. It’s just… separate, misaligned, two worlds inhabiting the same location but oblivious of each other. Except for the special days of perfect symmetry, when night and day become...

1 year ago
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Magic Orb

Chapter 1 The old man waited, knowing that his grandson would be here soon; just then his bedroom door opened and a naked blonde girl came in. "He's here Master," she said. "Ok Babs, show him up," he said, "and Babs, put some clothes on." "Yes Master," she said and went to let the young man in. I had just got in from work and there was a message on my answerphone to call around and visit my Grandfather. I knew where he lived, but I had never been there before. My Grandfather...

3 years ago
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Time with my wife and no chastity on me for now

I spent one night, over the weekend, with my key holder. Just her and I. She said she was proud of me still in chastity. A lesser man would of cut t off she said. So today was my day of treats.She had me stand naked before her and I watched as she removed the key from around her neck and inserted the key into the lock on my chastity. I looked down at her, with her on her knees before me. She looked up and said hands behind your back. And keep them there until I tell you different.I clasped my...

1 year ago
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The Dark Stone

By RawlyRawls This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain. If you want to read more of my stuff, please visit: Also, all characters are 18 years or older. Enjoy. Chapter 1 Sam skipped out of the alley behind the 7-11 and turned onto the old train tracks. Weeds scraped along his ankles. The faint scent of creosote rose up from the weathered wood beneath him. He hopped from one tie to the next. His brown eyes scanned the ground. The weight of his...

3 years ago
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Blood Love Ch 08

Chapter 8: Love at All the Wrong Times The months passed fairly quickly for the two younger lovers. Christian visited Alexia almost every weekend. The times that he couldn’t visit, she would go to him. They managed to keep their relationship a secret from their closest friends and even their family. Christian still went out with his friends and dated a few girls but it never went any further than that. For company functions, he would ask one of his good female friends to go with him. As for...

2 years ago
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Deana and Mark have planned for a three week trip to Ireland for the past three years. It was the home of her ancestors. This year, their dreams would come true; they have booked the tour through Magical Escapes. On the fifth of March they’d fly to Dublin, see the sites, look up distant relatives, and immerse themselves in Irish culture.She could hardly contain her excitement as they boarded Delta Airlines, destination: Dublin, Ireland. They quickly found their seats and when the plane took...

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Sexual arousal of my cousin sister

Hello ISS readers , I am new for this site . I really heard from my friend . I am Ragul from coimbatore .I am in 20 now and my cousin is 23. Even though I had sex with my cousin sister many times this is the really interesting moment happened in my life. Ok come to the story. My cousin sister is also staying near my house. Mostly from the childhood onwards we played and mostly she stayed in my house. In My house only one bed room . My family is my father mother and myself. I was very interested...

2 years ago
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Wet and Wild

Kara was looking forward to an afternoon swim with Tommy and his cousin Bill. She was pretty sure Bill would like her to be naked, but she was equally sure Tommy wasn't ready for that. She didn't think she was either - maybe topless, but not all the way. She would wear the yellow string thing she had bought to wear in France. Then if Tommy was okay with it, and she had the nerve for it, she might lose the top. Unfortunately, the sky clouded over and a light rain began around noon. Although...

Straight Sex
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Im starting to really like marriage

I've read stuff like this in the past and have always wondered if even one of the stories is true. Let me assure you that this is absolutely factual. If it’s not extraordinary compared to works of fiction or if I provide too much background information, please be patient and forgive me. I hope the fact that this is reality outweighs the exaggerated stories that are superficial and purely fantasy. I know it does for me! Both my wife and I are in our early 30s. We have been together for...

1 year ago
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Solace Rosanna Ch 14

2003: Solace let the phone ring at least four times before she answered it. For two weeks she had picked up the offending instrument on the first ring had been crestfallen each time. It was not that she didn’t have the desire to hear from her family and friends, she simply desperately longed to hear Rosanna’s low, smooth tones. She attributed her physical symptoms of lethargy, insomnia, and lack of appetite to the breakup. She cried more tears than she thought humanly possible, Bizarrey the Cat...

3 years ago
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Caroline and Mr White Part Three

Caroline and Mr. White - Part ThreeIt was a few weeks after Mr. White and I had finally made love before another opportunity presented itself for us to get together, though I didn’t recognize it as an opportunity at the time. I had decided, even though it was a warm summer Saturday, to bake some chocolate chip cookies for my family. I had baked them from time to time using ready made dough but this time I was going to try to make them from scratch. Somehow I misread the recipe book and made a...

Straight Sex
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Asking for a spanking

My Aunt Liz was not really my Aunt, but an old family friend, who had taken me in when I was 10. My parents had gone off travelling, and she had decided that I should stay with her, much to my annoyance at the time. But now, 11 years later, she was actually more of a maternal figure than my real Mum. Aunt Liz sat cross-legged on the kitchen chair, showing off her long legs, balancing one of her black high-heeled shoes on a toe. “ I am sorry, Mike, I just never know what to get you for your...

4 years ago
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A Good Girls Rendezvous

From the moment I met my boyfriend, Liam, sparks were flying between us. We had this chemistry that was unmatched. We were both attractive and valued physical fitness. He was funny, handsome, sweet and someone I could hold an intellectual conversation with, unlike most guys my age. The first time I saw him naked, it was like staring at a statue of a Greek God. Perfect abs, strong arms, and very well endowed. Our sex drive was very healthy and equally matched as well. He liked to fuck, and I...

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