Hunger Ch. 02 free porn video

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After spending an evening packing things up, moving furniture and generally preparing for the building project, I was already beginning to regret my decision to hire someone to help me rebuild and redecorate. As I put all of the boxes with my beautiful things in one of the spare rooms and myself in the other one, it made me feel as if the world had stopped spinning and started doing somersaults instead. This slight change in my living arrangements was enough to unbalance me, it seemed.

At home, where I was usually happy and calm, I now felt nervous and shaky. When I tried to sit down and get comfortable I could only sit for a short while before having to stand up and walk around. It reminded me of the nervous behavior of some animal I’d seen on one of the nature channels.

That meant that being at work now actually became the relaxing part of the day, because there I could concentrate fully on the things I was working on. During the day, my head was constantly filled with today’s meetings, tomorrow’s deals and next week’s potential businesses so I just didn’t have time to worry about my private life.

Two days after meeting at my apartment Ben called to let me know that he was going to start working that afternoon. I went home to show him in and give him a key so he could come and go as he needed and let the electrician and painter in as well. One look at him in his dark work outfit made me realize two things, he was much more strongly built than I had first thought, and I obviously had a thing for working class men, tool-belt and all. Still not liking the cliché I had become, I decided to stay away from home whenever he was supposed to be there, or at least try to stay away, since he couldn’t tell me the exact hours he would be working.

A couple of nights of restless sleep and days of working from sunup to sundown later, I was starting to feel drained, tired to the bone. I was absolutely decided not to go home when there was a chance that Ben or anyone else was there, but Ben had sent me a text some hours before telling me that he probably wouldn’t be able to make it to my apartment that day, there was something about a water pipe bursting at some construction site.

The thought of having the place all to myself made me hurry home, intent on having a long bath and then slacking with a good book. As I walked out of the office I realized that I’d actually managed to go home at what used to be my regular time, which still was a at least one hour later than most of my coworkers. I headed for the elevator and reached it just as it said ‘ping’, obviously I wasn’t the only person working late that evening.

A man I hadn’t seen before was standing in the elevator. He was looking at his watch, frowning slightly, but as he looked up his face seemed to light up by the wide smile he gave me. I hesitated but then walked in, my home and my bath were after all calling out for me. Although the smiling man was quite attractive and there was something about him that made me think I might have met him before, I turned my back on him and pushed the button heading for the ground floor.

I didn’t hear him as he approached me, but microseconds before he slid his body against mine, I could feel tiny bolts of lightning run across my skin, and then just half a breath later the front of his hard body was pressed in its entirety against the back of mine. The feelings that instantly spread through my body weren’t of shock, fear or outrage but of deepest satisfaction and absolute want. In a situation where I had always thought I would react with anger or panic, I stood frozen, thoughts and actions hindered not by fear but by the delicious warmth of pleasure running through my body.

Before being able to think, speak or take any action against his nearness, be it unwanted or not, he started whispering soft, unfamiliar words in my ear. His warm breath tickled my skin, sending rivulets of liquid heat down my neck and back, adding to my confusion.

‘Sasha,’ he whispered with soft words ‘you are absolutely perfect! That outfit you’re wearing is exactly what I had in mind, so strict and cold.’

With a soft groan he started kissing my neck, slowly searching for and finding a special spot of concentrated pleasure I hadn’t known could be found in such an easily accessible place. His hands started caressing my arms, pressing me closer and between kisses continued his whispers.

‘That cold, hard surface hides all of your fire. I’m the only one that knows the real you, that you’re made of laughter, passion and pleasure, that you’re burning inside, waiting for me to set you off, shooting for the stars.’

With a slow tug he pulled my gray silk blouse out of the color matched skirt and slid one hand underneath, my skin burning for his touch. As he started running his warm, rough hand down the front and side of my stomach, still pressing me close, I could feel his erection pushed against my tense butt. His words and his body were telling me something I hadn’t been told, or possibly hadn’t been able to hear and understand, before. In the beautiful language of passion and arousal I was being informed that I was a warm, living, lovable creature and that he wanted me with all the sexual power within him.

I let out a silent groan as my body started moving with his in a sensual dance, pressing and rubbing in surprisingly natural movements of pleasure. I felt a hard, urgent heat surging through my core and I whimpered, obviously loud enough for him to hear. His answering groaned ‘Sasha’ and the way he started licking, sucking and kissing that delightful spot on my neck again made me cry out ‘ohh’ in a long, soft whisper. His warm, rough hand found his way to my small, eager breast, caressing me with gentle strokes, closing in on my small, puckered nipple.

‘Absolutely perfect,’ he breathed into my ear ‘small, perfectly shaped and just crying out to be touched, licked and pleasured…’

I was stuck in the whirlwind of my own passionate response, not a thought of the indecency of our almost public activities. As his one hand found its way inside my bra and began circling and flicking my nipple, his other hand caressed its way down my body reaching for my skirt and starting to pull it slowly upwards.

His whispered ‘I wonder if I can find any more hidden treasures’ did nothing to break through my hazy thoughts, nor did his hand caressing its way up my naked thigh, but as his steady hand cupped me and I felt his warm fingers against my warm, wet lips some of the heady desire lifted. In one last attempt at a warning my body signaled ‘stranger touching taboo parts of body’ and some of my sanity returned.

I’m not sure how I managed to untangle myself from his arms but with an agonized ‘Noo’ I pulled away and pressed my back against the elevator door just as it opened with a ‘ping’. Almost falling I fought to right myself before turning and running away from him. His surprised ‘Sasha, what?’ followed me out into the lobby, where I was stopped by the doors, locked at this time of the day.

‘Sasha, wait,’ he called as his quick steps came closer ‘what’s wrong?’

Not successful in my desperate attempt to unlock the door and get away, I heard him closing in and turned to put my back against the door, fear finally finding its way back into my life. Hand held out towards him begging him not to step closer I fought to calm my now panicked breaths.

‘Sasha, please tell me what’s wrong,’ he pleaded ‘wasn’t this what you wanted?’

‘I’m not Sasha,’ I managed to squeeze out between my white, trembling lips ‘my name is Susan.’

‘What, wait, what, I don’t get it, you’re not, you’re not Sasha?’ he stuttered.

I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut around the tears I could feel were gathering in them.

‘I don’t understand? I’m in the right building, it’s the right day, the right time,’ he mumbled ‘and you look absolutely perfect.’

I looked up in time to see him stare at me
with doubt in his eyes, as if to say ‘are you sure you’re not Sasha?’

All of the tension in my body broke in a wave of sadness and I started crying, realizing in that moment of absolute clarity that this was someone’s idea of a joke on my behalf. I guess it wouldn’t have been that much of a problem setting it up for someone who knew how regular my work schedule usually was. I just didn’t know that there was someone that hated me that much, to want to cause me anything from embarrassment to potentially getting seriously hurt.

I felt him step closer, hesitating a short moment before he pulled me into his strong arms again, this time set on soothing and comforting me. The fear had been washed away by my sadness, and I accepted his kindness as I had accepted his passion such a short time ago.

With a soothing voice he started telling me that he had met Sasha online a couple of weeks ago, that they had sent each other messages almost daily, that she had described her person, her lifestyle and her clothes in a way that made me realize why he thought I was her.

‘I’m so, so sorry! I should have asked you if you were Sasha,’ he said with his mouth pressed to my hair ‘then we wouldn’t be in this mess! I’m sorry I pushed myself on you, that I scared you and that I made you cry! It was supposed to be a game between me and a woman who was quite determined to be seduced in an elevator…’

His words stopped pouring out of him and I could almost hear the thoughts whirling in his mind. Even if the joke was supposed to be on me, he’d also been tricked and lied to.

‘I’m sorry,’ I said to him, my voice low and troubled ‘I think someone at work must have done this to the both of us. I just don’t know why anyone would go to this much trouble to either have a laugh at my expense or to hurt me.’

He shook his head and pulled me closer. The way he held me and rubbed a warm hand across my back felt wonderful. I imagined it was the way a mother or father would sooth a sad child in need of comfort. Troubled thoughts of my upbringing, severely lacking in human warmth, started making their way up to the surface, but I pushed them back with great effort and then tried to separate myself from his warm embrace.

‘I am sorry, you know’ he said, relaxing his arms and stepping away ‘and angry, if this was done intentionally to hurt you.’

‘I’ll be fine,’ I told him, pulling myself together ‘I just want to go home.’

‘I can drive you anywhere you want to go,’ he said, perhaps not thinking the thought all the way through. He seemed to realize kind of quickly that I probably wouldn’t want him to know where I lived as he added ‘or I could call you a cab?’

I nodded and we walked out the door that I’d finally been able to unlock.

‘My name is Jerry, by the way’ he told me with half a smile. He reached into his pocket and hesitantly handed me a business card. ‘Please contact me if you need my help to track down the person responsible for all of this. Or perhaps if you want to get together for dinner sometime?’

I shook my head at his suggestion and he shrugged before walking away to find me a cab. Not many minutes later I was sitting in a car, finally heading for home.

My apartment was feeling cold and lonely as I entered it, still wary and even more tired than before. With heavy steps I dragged myself into the bathroom and started filling the tub. I then sat down on the floor, leaning my head against my knees, trying to sort through my confused thoughts but failing. It was just too much to take in, so I sat there, head spinning, eyes dry but body, heart and soul aching in profound sadness. Being alone was one thing, feeling lonely was another and at that point I felt lonelier than I ever had.

After another bath that didn’t calm me and a salad that didn’t taste anything I went to bed, hungry for food as well as for companionship and perhaps love.

– – – – –

It felt like I had slept mere minutes when my alarm signaled that it was time to wake up. I slowly got ready and went to work, my steps still heavy and my soul grieving, not because of someone or something I’d lost, but because of something I’d never had.

I didn’t feel my usual dedication and absorption at work that day, and thankfully I didn’t need to make any big decisions or meet too many people. Half a day passed by with paper work and administration occupying most of it. I spent the lunch hour in my room eating a granola bar and rechecking numbers but was interrupted by a commotion outside my room. I opened the door in time to see an angry man being escorted from the premises. As he saw me he started yelling that I was a worthless, cold bitch and that he wished I would burn in hell. I recognized him as the man I had reported to Management some weeks before, the man that used all hours of the workday to emphasize his own excellence and stealing the credit for other people’s work.

The angry man managed to sidestep the two burly security guards and ran up to me, arms waving wildly. Too shocked and stunned by his anger I didn’t manage to avoid the heavy slap he aimed my way and when his hand hit the left side of my face hard I fell backwards landing heavily on the floor, biting my tongue in the process. The kick he aimed my way was blocked by one of the guards, as the other one managed to control the still waving hands. With quick, precise movements the guards then managed to take the man away and I was left there sitting, still stunned, my face throbbing with pain.

Two women that I didn’t know the names of helped me up and one of them whispered ‘thank you for getting rid of him’. I knew that most of the persons that had been mistreated by the man were women, and through the pain I felt happy that I had been able to help them.

I walked unsteadily into my room, helped by the two women. I could tell by their frowns that they were worried about me and as I walked I tried to catalogue my injuries. My cheek felt painful and strangely numb at same time, my tongue was bleeding, my butt felt black and blue, and I had pulled a muscle in my back.

‘I think you should go see a doctor!’ the woman that had thanked me said, when I sat down slowly, trying to navigate around the pain in my body.

‘Or at least go home and get some rest,’ the other woman said ‘let me call you a cab, please.’

I thankfully accepted her offer, packed some important papers and walked out of the office, hours before I usually did. Things really had been going from bad to worse lately I thought to myself as I stood waiting for the cab to arrive. The cab driver’s stares made me realize that I looked as bad as I felt and I didn’t say many words to him except to ask him to get me home as quickly as he could.

I limped into my apartment and threw my bag and jacket in a pile by the door. After painfully extracting myself from my strict office clothes and putting on a pair of comfortable jazz pants and my favorite t-shirt, I sank down in one of the armchairs in my living room, absolutely exhausted. Before being able to summon the strength to fetch some painkillers I felt my head grow heavy and I fell asleep curled up in one corner of the big chair.

* * * * *

At first I didn’t realize that she was at home, not being able to see or hear her, but as I started carrying my tools into the living room, I saw something out of the corner of my eye, that didn’t really fit in. I turned around and saw her sitting there fast asleep in one of those large, comfortable armchairs she owned, feet pulled up, hair freed from its usual constraints. She looked so soft, young and adorable curled up in that chair. Reading the printed text on her colorful t-shirt, I almost laughed aloud. ‘I rock… in my birthday suit when I’m home alone’ it read. Somehow I didn’t think that text was quite accurate.

I fetched a blanket that was hanging on the other armchair and started to gently cover her with it when she suddenly twitched in her sleep, and the hair th
at had been covering her face was pulled away. The shock of seeing her swollen and bruised face made my lungs temporarily unable to function properly. All oxygen left me in one great puff of air and when I tried to breathe in again, all I could do was take small, ineffective mouthfuls that didn’t seem enough to let my body and my head function properly, at least not at the same time.

Before I had the chance to step away and collect my thoughts, she stirred and woke up, her body going stiff, as if she was frightened or perhaps in pain. With a groan she put a hand on her face and then looked up and saw me standing there, one hand still holding a corner of the blanket. As sleep cleared from her eyes I could almost see the tiny gears in her head spinning. She didn’t seem afraid of me, it was almost as if she was slowly analyzing what she was seeing, absorbing everything before making some kind of decision. She looked at me, my hand, the blanket and finally back at me again. I could tell the exact moment where she realized I had been trying to make her more comfortable by spreading the blanket over her, because her eyes became round in surprise and her lower lip started trembling.

My usual softheartedness, accompanied by a fierce need to protect this obviously mistreated woman, made me fall down on my knees and reach for her hand.

‘What has happened to you,’ I asked her, voice low and soft ‘has someone hurt you?’

Silent tears started running down her face and with a wince she nodded.

‘Please tell me’ I begged her, feeling a useless anger building inside of me and trying to press it down again. She didn’t need anger right now, she needed someone to listen to her and comfort her.

‘One of my coworkers,’ she sobbed ‘got angry because I reported him to Management.’

With great effort she tried to pull herself together and continued with a sad and slightly bitter tone in her voice, pointing to her face.

‘This was his goodbye gift.’

I didn’t know what to say, words stuck in the angry storm raging inside of me. There was nothing I hated more than senseless violence against women, children and animals. I wasn’t a big believer in retribution, but at that moment my instincts called out for it. Reining myself in, I concentrated on her situation and her needs until I was filled with a calm sense of purpose. I stood up and pulled her out of the chair by the hand that I was still holding. She rose with careful movements and I could tell she was in pain. Obviously it wasn’t just her beautiful face that had been hurt, but other parts as well. Anger sent whispers of smoke trying to cloud my judgement, but I held the thought of her comfort firmly in mind, again staving off the need to run off and hunt down the person responsible for her agony.

‘You need painkillers first of all and then a long bath’ I said with a decisive nod.

She accepted my statement with a slight nod and started shuffling off to her big bathroom, shoulders slouched, leaning slightly to the left, an obvious sign that her back was causing her pain.

Filled with restless energy, but not able to concentrate on building the shelves I’d been planning to start on that day, I moved my tools away from the living room, then folded the blanket up and righted the chair. I sat down in the kitchen area for a short while, wondering if I should leave or stay to make sure she was alright. It wouldn’t feel right to leave without saying goodbye, I decided, and after thinking about what I would want if I was feeling sad, I made another quick decision that a batch of my grandmother’s comfort food would be just the thing.

Happy in my decision to help and glad that I had found a good way of keeping busy I looked through her cabinets, fridge and freezer to find something I could use to make her some delicious, Italian, homemade food. She had salad and some canned tuna, but nothing I could use to make any of the hearty meals that I felt were needed, given the situation.

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"How the hell could you tell me he's so special? He latched onto my tits like he was riding a bucking bronco he was afraid would throw him. He had the subtlety of a sledgehammer. If you're trying to pull something on me you'll be so sorry." "I don't understand. Calm down and tell me what happened." I related the events to her in rather colorful language. When I got to the end, she had to wait until I finished lambasting his performance. "Do you really want to know what happened or...

4 years ago
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No Guilt Only Sex

Hello friends. I just want to let out a secret I have kept for so long. I am neither proud nor ashamed of it. But I did fuck a friend of my mother who was recently widowed, like 6 months back. This is Shekhar. I am 23 years old. Quite an athletic lad. I sometimes do a bit of workout to keep myself in shape. I recently finished my engineering and am now working as a freelancer. So after graduation, I was living with my parents and I didn’t come out of the house much. A childhood friend of my...

2 years ago
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Two in the Tahoe

Well. Here goes for my first story on here. First the basics, I guess. My name is Jesse and I’m a sophomore at UGA in a little town called Athens, Ga. I’m a pretty good student and definitely somewhat of an over achiever. During the summers I have worked as a lifeguard at public pools and once at the beach in SC. During the winter I work as a personal trainer at my gym. I’m 5’6, 105, athletic and lean. Since every guy will want to know my chest size, I am a 34c. Not too big, not too small. And,...

Group Sex
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Carl Brown sighed aloud from the corner of the packed room as he watched the annual Christmas party of the neighborhood take place. Carl was seventeen and hated being dragged to this stupid party every year. it was packed with a lot of neighborhood parents and their annoying kids. He just gazed down at his white dress shirt tucked neatly into his matching brown dress pants, as his brown dress shoes tapped along the floor softly. His hazel eyes watched the night just fly by before...

1 year ago
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A Bad Wife Plays

In the ten years that we have been married, my wife, Sandra has never worked. I am fortunate to have a good position in a top legal firm and easily make enough for both of us to live very comfortably on. This being the case, I was most surprised when, returning from work one evening, Sandra greeted me with the news that she had found herself a job."It's working from home, so I won't even have to go out to an office!" she enthused.I was immediately suspicious. I knew that she spent a lot of her...

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Making The Brides MaidChapter 3

The next day was Laura's wedding. Randi was surprised to find that she could barely look her sister in the face. She was afraid it was written all over her own features: He fucked me. The guy you're going to marry, Laura. He fucked me, last night. Not once, but twice. And the second time he caught me like an animal on the floor and fucked me from behind! And I loved it, Laura, each time. Randi could feel her pulse quickening even as the words appeared in her head. She tried to avoid her...

3 years ago
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The AccidentChapter 5

After that night with Sue I was mixed up inside. Torn between wanting her back in my life full time and still angry over her having cheated on me. I spent the next week plotting my revenge on Bill, and working extra hard at my job too. One night, after not having seen or talked to Sue all week, I arrived at my apartment to find Sue standing by the front door with two bags of groceries in her arms. I walked up wondering what she was up to, and as I opened my door, held up my arm to guide her...

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Soccer Mom

Thank you. Xoxo, the text read. Sean cursed at the prospect of having to endure Michael's various caprices longer than necessary and at his inability to say no—more accurately: to say no to the pair of perky breasts Michael's mother, Sharon, used to keep in either no bra or a sports bra under her tank top. In combination with her yoga pants, this gave an overall picture that had Sean nodding absent-mindedly and stupidly commenting open-mouthed uh-huh's whenever she was talking to him, no...

Straight Sex
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MyFamilyPies Chloe Cherry Hannah Hays Jizzwold Family Vacation Part 2

It has been an exciting family vacation so far for Will Pounder and his step daughter Chloe Cherry. Will has already banged Chloe’s cousin Hannah Hays in the bathroom, and now Will’s wife and son have left them stranded at Hannah’s house. Fortunately, Hannah salvages the situation by coaxing Chloe to join her in a threesome with her stepdad. Chloe appreciates Will’s big dick, and soon she and her cousin are on their knees sucking him off. Climbing into her...

2 years ago
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My Slave

You sit on the edge of the bed, face turned down slightly, hair hanging over your eyes, afraid to look but listening, desperate for a sign, a signal, a command. Waiting for me to finish my shower, to come to you, to pay attention to you, to worship you. Your legs vibrate with anticipation, your tight jeans rubbing against your smoothly shaved pussy and ass, no panties to protect your sensitive areas from the rough seams. Your nipples are hard, painfully hard, brushing against the white cotton...

1 year ago
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Team Spirit 1

Team Spirit Don Abdul© Prelude: Their popularity didn’t stem from their parents bank balances but from their athletic prowess, as they were all members of their high school’s football team. They were fondly referred to as the ‘Gang of Four’. After their last football match as the walked back to the locker-room, they made a pact ‘All for One and one fall all’. Ricky, Jim, Paul and Miguel, they promised to look after each others interests and keep the Team Spirit alive. *************...

3 years ago
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Jims WorldsChapter 4

Jim had found the additional chair and was waiting when Susan and George came in. "George, we've got the most miraculous thing to show you. We recorded this about an hour ago." Using the monster display as the screen, he replayed the man in the park with the "flying carpet." George was a stunned as they had been. Jim then showed him the trip to the store selling the devices. "We've got to have one, but we can't think of a way to get one except steal it or negotiate with a local to...

1 year ago
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I was tired of my same old friday night flings so I decided to spice things up on Tinder. I scrolled through a few hotties until one face came up that looked familiar. I swiped right and waited. After a few minutes I heard from her. She sounded like she was down to fuck so I wasted no time and asked her where we could meet. She mentioned a gas station that was down the street from me. I said yes and told her I could be there in a few minutes. As I pulled in I saw her step out of her car and...

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Trucker storis

Introduction:My first time with a man started with his wife.I've been an over the road truck driver for twenty five years. I got married a few years after I started driving and things went good for almost five years, but then my wife wanted me to quit and find a job that I could be home every night. We argued about it for another two years and then we split and divorced. She couldn't have c***dren which made the ordeal a lot easier.Now that I've told you a little bit about me, now I can tell...

3 years ago
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A Just RewardChapter 36

At nine o'clock the following morning Becca was moved to the general ward. At ten Isobel came bustling in. "I'm sorry, darling," she said, "but I can only stay ten minutes. I've got to go and see my regulars. I'll pop in when I've finished." Steven had regretfully said that he must abide by the visiting hours. It would not be fair on the other patients not to but he had promised to be there on the dot of two. Becca was in a corner beside a big window but it just looked out on...

2 years ago
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Casual Texting Leads To Fucking My Sister8217s Brains Out

Hey, spark here again with a new story. If you haven’t read my previous story, I would advise you to read it first. As you already know, I am a 21-year-old guy. My family consists of my mom (46), dad (51) and my sister (18). My mom is an exotic MILF (read the previous story to know), whereas my sister has the opposite features. My sister is petite with small but firm tits. She eats healthy and does yoga so she has this amazing body of a fitness model. My sister keeps her hair straight and has...

2 years ago
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Lord and Master Ch 01

Friday, June 29 1861 Southampton, Hampshire, England The stranger sitting in the corner of her parlor wouldn’t stop looking at her. Broad shouldered, well dressed, chin length brown hair, his blue eyes tore over her in an assessing way. ‘Let us begin, sir.’ Elizabeth, her mother and sister, the stranger and his lawyer were gathered in the parlor of her home. She knew that the meeting couldn’t come of good things. They had had meetings like this one before, Gentlemen and their lawyers would...

1 year ago
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I Wanted Her

Nate glanced to the school yard and spied his attraction, some kind of winpy looking senior who looked still like a sub teen. He spotted her as she broke out from the pack, and then he smoked the last of his cigarette goodbye. He had been expelled, and there was nothing to stop him from what he was about to do!Nate ground his cigarette into the soil, and then he casually sauntered after the girl with the lead heavy backpack. Nate tried to smile, and he felt like a monster. So he tried not...

2 years ago
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Favors Small and GreatChapter 5

“I gather that Margret is not the sort to let her prey go until she’s devoured him,” Rosa laughed as we showered, her hands caressing me as she washed my body. “Having been said prey more than once, I can assure you that you’re quite right about that, and that Ollie will be utterly drained by the time that she finishes with him. He will also know for certain that he wants to come back for more of the same. Her appetite for the male of the species is the stuff of legend. I’m eager to see how...

3 years ago
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The Resurrection of Crazy JaneChapter 5

I made eye contact with Zoey. It was remarkable that I'd only known this girl for about two weeks, and we were still able to communicate with just eye contact. It was the strangest damn thing. But the eye contact we had at this moment was perhaps the most important nonverbal conversation we've had through our short friendship - or tease-ship or whatever the hell you wanted to call it. Beth had finally let her guard down for a moment. She sat her shaken, tormented body on the couch...

4 years ago
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LA FunChapter 31

Beep, beep, beep, beep. The phone woke me although I don't remember setting the alarm. My head swam with the thoughts that came up last night about the possibility of Jules being pregnant. The two girls seemed more concerned with whether or not I was getting my ashes hauled while on the road than with Jules being with child. I didn't understand their thinking, but it could be something that Nobuko had taught them. I moved to see how I had to get out of bed and saw that I was on the...

1 year ago
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The Ghost of a 57 Chevy

The Ghost of a ’57 Chevy Janet Fremont You drive east from Lexington – not on the interstate, but on the old Kentucky state highways and smaller county roads – on past Stanton and Hazard and Pikeville, on past the tiny towns and the even smaller places that used to be tiny towns before the mines closed or the new roads bypassed them or maybe just the ones where all the younger people left and the older ones finally died. You drive on into the true rural part of the state, into the mountains...

4 years ago
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The Darkness of the Night Ch 01

I’m trying something different this time round. I hope you enjoy it. Comments are appreciated! ^-^-^-^-^-^ I sat still, my breath held. There was darkness all around me, clinging to me, cloaking my body, smothering it. My arms felt dead and heavy behind my back. My legs sore from being held in the same position, together and pulled underneath me. My head was banging with a headache that was not going to be cured with a painkiller. I was lonely. I had no idea of the time, the day, or how long...

2 years ago
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A Random Sexual Encounter of Mine

This is a sexual encounter of mine that occurred when I was 23 years old and in college. After a night of drinking at the apartment I was living in, myself, a girl named Gwen and another girl named Alex were drunk and talking. Gwen was 21 and Alex was 18 and a freshman at school. All of us being newer friends we started talking about ourselves. Questions were asked about previous boyfriend/girlfriends and eventually the topic of guys dick sizes came about. Both girls gave their preferred sizes...

2 years ago
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Impossible Lovers Once Bitten

It had been a light-hearted evening. My parents had thrown a party for the office staff. There had been laughter, song and drink to spare. Most of the people from the party went back to their own hotel rooms, but somehow it was decided that she stay the night. It was purely innocent- after all; my own parents were right on the other side of the partition. We were eighteen, and considered adults where we lived. We were also both engaged- though not to each other. It had been over a year since...

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Not Dead

As the Earth wheels through space, the vast majority of its inhabitants are oblivious to the eternal war that is about to be reignited. Equinox. Equilibrium – a deadly alignment. The enemy is massing. Not here in our world but in another place, another side that’s not parallel, nor a shadow world, although it is dark. It’s just… separate, misaligned, two worlds inhabiting the same location but oblivious of each other. Except for the special days of perfect symmetry, when night and day become...

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Surprise dare with an unexpected result part 2

“Truth or dare?” appeared on the screen. Really, on a Tuesday morning? “Ok, dare. But you know I have to go to work today.” What are the odds this is a bad one? “Wait a minute, I never asked you truth or dare so now it’s an automatic dare for you! Let me think about this one after what you made me do last time.” Then I signed off and got ready for work. I was still confused about the last time we played and she brought me to a female strip club and then a tranny bar. Although I ended up having...

1 year ago
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Gym ClassChapter 2 The Test

The occupants of the bus were unusually quiet as the driver eased it into the flow of traffic headed downtown. It was a little past rush hour, but there were still a lot of cars going in the same direction. Matt had taken this duty last year and had gone for a retest on his birthday late in the summer break. Beverley had skipped testing on her 28th birthday, opting to wait until school started, knowing she would be making this trip to the Confederacy testing center with the freshmen who had...

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Shelly On The FarmChapter 5

I slipped two fingers between Linda's full thighs and found her sex arch. The thick, dark hair of her pubes was like a lush jungle as I forced my way through it and searched out the beginning of her crack. Her sex place was bigger than mine--the lips fuller, the slit deeper. When I pushed up against her risen clit, I could tell it was longer and stood out more than mine. Linda's soft pumping motion against my slickened knuckles told me I was doing it right. "I'm not hurting you, am I?"...

3 years ago
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Billy likes to blackmails women

William Robert James Dunlop was a bully, he had always been a bully, his father encouraged him to be a bully. “Weak fools get nowhere son, exercise your authority, make them crawl.” The town where Billy as he was known to his friends did just that, his father was wealthy, people in the town didn’t really know what he did, to be fair neither did Billy. Billy treated people and especially girls like objects to be used and discarded at will. When he was eighteen he tried to rape...

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Private Cindy Shine Mina Anal Threesome At The Office

In the latest instalment of Private Gold, Love Radio Cindy Shine is joined by debutant Mina for a raunchy time at work as some boring overtime takes a turn for the better with the lucky stud Lutro. These horny secretaries take full advantage of an empty office as they strip down to their lingerie and get a taste of cock and pussy before taking turns getting pounded, then watch and enjoy as these stunning brunettes offer up their asses for some intense anal action as they moan and...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 67

"All right, Kids," I said, "Why don't we play some more Chutes and Ladders?" The girls moved the board back to the floor. I heard a sound coming from the bedroom, kind of a groan. I knew it would turn into a cry if Billy woke up completely in a strange place. I went in and picked him up, holding him close to me as I took him out to the living room where he could see his sister. He pointed at the girls and the board and said, "Nette." "Where's the box?" I asked. Annette reached...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 159

New Ford truck I stopped by the Ford Dealership yesterday, for a look at the new F-150 aluminum pickup. Just for fun, I took it out for a test drive. I wanted to sense that new truck “feel” before they become old. The salesperson (a nice looking lady wearing ‘I love Trudeau lapel pin’ sat in the passenger seat next to me, describing the truck and all its “wonderful” options. The seats were of particular interest. She explained that the seats directed warm air to your butt in the winter and...

2 years ago
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Banging In the New Year

Now, if you’ve been into swinging for years, hang out in orgies all the time, participate in one gang-bang after another, well, this may be a bit too lame for you. All I can say was that it was pretty exciting for us. Here’s how it happened. Jerry and Amanda have been friends of ours since college days. Amanda and I went to high school together, even dated a bit. Yes, a few fucks back then. Don’t worry, both spouses know. But, while our sex was good (still is, that’s later on), we didn’t think...

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