Driven To DepravityChapter 4 free porn video

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"Are you sure you'll be all right?" Judy asked, concerned.

"I'll be all right!" Mark snapped. "Go on, get the hell out of here."


"If you don't go, you'll lose the sale for sure," Mark argued. "And if you do, what will happen to me then will make today look like a tea party. Right?"

"Yes," she agreed softly. "But still..."

"Go," he snorted. "Go. There's nothing you can do for me here anyway. Now go, already, before you're late."

Judy opened her mouth, then closed it. There was nothing to say. Her feet dragging, she turned, picked up her purse and left the house. Once behind the wheel of the car, she sobbed once. Furious with herself, she coaxed the car to life, blinking back her tears.

Mark was being consumed by a terrible agony. They were stretching the time between treatments much too far, and they both knew it. They were buying desperately needed time, but at a dreadful cost to Mark.

Judy had wanted to get an emergency appointment and take Mark to the hospital today. This time, though, he was the strong one, and refused. He insisted that the situation with McCarter and Shein was too delicate to risk any postponements or cancellations of appointments. Judy knew he was right, which made what she had to do harder.

She fogged the streets with pollution as she headed for her rendezvous with McCarter. He was waiting in front of his office when she pulled up and double-parked.

"Here I am, Mr. McCarter," she called out cheerily, leaning across the seat.

The well-dressed man eyed her car dubiously. "Would it be better if we took my car?" he asked.

Judy studied him. His wavy red hair was meticulously arranged. He was a big, strapping Irishman, or at least Irish- looking, with fair skin and freckles and blue eyes. His lightweight suit was beautifully and expensively tailored, the shirt and tie color coordinated. Definitely an impressive man.

"Okay," he agreed, opening the door. It let out a groan of protest.

"Just look out for that broken spring," she warned, motioning toward the sharp wire sticking up from the center of the seat.

Andrew McCarter leaned tentatively against the door, then checked that it was closed tightly before putting his full weight against it. As she pulled out into the traffic, Judy was conscious of the man's careful appraisal of her.

"Must inhibit snuggling at the drive-in," McCarter commented.

"What?" Judy asked, puzzled.

"The broken spring," McCarter explained. "Must get in the way when you're with your husband."

"Oh, we use the back seat," Judy said absently. Then she realized what she had said and blushed furiously.

"Ah ha," the red-haired man responded with a grin.

Judy changed the subject. "I'm sure you'll be pleased with the house," she said. "It is a bit more modern than you indicated, I admit. But it has all the features you asked for, including a swimming pool."

"The cost is a little high," he noted.

"I think it's worth it," Judy stated confidently, guiding the car around a corner. The engine labored as they headed up into the hills. "I'm certain you'll find it worth the extra money."

"Mmmmm," McCarter replied noncommittally, watching the scenery.

When his eyes shifted back to Judy, she felt it and fought the urge to squirm. Fearful of babbling unnecessarily, she held her tongue. Her small size made it necessary for her to sit up very straight to see out of the car. She knew he was studying her trim torso and the way her blouse molded to her breasts. As usual, she wore no bra. She felt a hot flush burn her cheeks.

It was a relief when they reached the Shein house. She located the key where Mr. Shein had left it and managed to unlock the big door. Pushing it open, she stepped aside to let McCarter go first.

He held back. "It's very modern," he noted.

"But very comfortable," Judy countered quickly. "There's none of the coldness or sterility you find in most contemporary houses."

"We'll see," McCarter replied. He stepped through the big doorway.

She escorted him through the house, saying no more than she had to. Her brief experience at selling houses had convinced her it was better to let the house itself do the talking. She tried to gauge the big man's mood, but wasn't successful. She found herself wondering just how he would look without any clothes on, and blushed again. Andrew McCarter was impressive - over six feet tall and very well built. He appeared very trim, he must work to keep himself in shape. His shoulders were broad, his belly firm, with no hint of a paunch.

Finally they wandered out along the length of the deck surrounding the pool. McCarter leaned his big hands on the railing and looked out over the valley. There was a thirty foot drop to the hillside below.

"Very impressive," he acknowledged.

Judy had her back on the scenery. She was more interested in what was going on in Andrew McCarter's head. She leaned back against the railing, her hands gripping the redwood behind her. She had her graceful legs crossed. The breeze from the valley stirred her short skirt and teased the hair at the back of her neck gently.

"I think the view alone is worth a million dollars," she commented.

McCarter looked sideways at her. His eyes swept down the graceful line of her body. "Which view?" he asked.

Judy resisted the urge to fold her arms defensively across her breasts, and held her pose. "That one," she replied with a toss of her head.

"What about this one," he countered, nodding in her direction.

Judy felt herself flushing slightly. "I'm hardly the judge of that," she answered carefully.

"Well spoken," he told her with a smile. "What's in this deal for you?"

"Huh? My usual commission. That's all," Judy answered, her fingers gripping the rail tightly.

"What if I told you I'd give you the same commission, even if you could get the price lower?" the red-haired man asked carefully.

Judy took a deep breath, and felt her nipples rub the inside of her blouse. Her tits stiffened sharply. She didn't glance down, but saw McCarter's eyes slide to her breasts and knew it showed.

"That would be unethical - illegal, in fact," she replied.

"Hmm," the man acknowledged wordlessly. His eyes were still on her breasts.

Judy took a deep breath, and straightened her back a fraction. Inside, she was shaking. "Besides, it's impossible," she explained. "The seller will not go below a million and a half."

"And you think it's worth it," he observed, shifting his gaze to her face.

Judy was wrestling with herself. McCarter was poised on a knife edge, ready to tumble either way. She knew what she was going to have to do in order to get the sale. Inside she was a mixture of shame, disgust, and, undeniably, excitement.

"Why don't we go inside and look at the house again," she suggested softly.

"Including the master bedroom?" the man asked.

"We might even start there," Judy answered. She led the way across the deck to the sliding glass doors that opened out onto the deck from the master bedroom. It was on the outer end of one leg of the horseshoe. It had windows on three sides, and was suspended out over the valley. In the center of the room was a king-sized bed.

In the air-conditioned coolness, Judy turned to face Andrew McCarter. Kicking off her sandals, she went up very close to him and unbuttoned his suit jacket. Spreading it open, she brushed his firm, strong torso with gentle fingers. It was, she reflected, much easier the second time.

"What do you think?" she asked softly. "Is it worth it?" She tipped her head back and looked into his frank blue eyes.

"It's still just a little soon to say for sure," he countered.

"True," Judy agreed. She carefully eased his jacket back off his shoulders and down his arms. She hung it carefully over the back of a nearby chair. "But, I'm confident you'll agree with me in the end," she told him.

She released his sapphire tie clasp, then attacked the neat knot at his throat. As she did, his strong hands gripped her shoulders, then slid down to her ribs. His fingers squeezed her, as if he was testing the durability of her diminutive body.

"I am not a china doll," she informed him with a calmness that belied her inner turmoil. She stripped off his tie and hung it with the jacket.

Her fingers trembled slightly as she unbuttoned his shirt, and exposed his chest, freckled and bearing a sparse growth of curly auburn hair.

He stroked his thumbs up over the gentle mounds of her breasts, pressing them through the smooth, cool fabric of her blouse. Her nipples were palpable hard lumps under the cloth. As he tormented those delicate buds, he marveled at the slight woman that was undressing him. She had interested him from the first time he had met her. When he had begun the banter out on the deck, he had had little hope that it would actually get him this far. Now that it had, he wondered about the house, and the woman he was fondling. She was right, the house was worth it. Now, he was about to find out if she was. Her petite, fine-boned form in his strong hands excited him immensely.

Judy spread his shirt open, running her fingers through the almost kinky hair, brushing them over his nipples. Then she leaned forward and nibbled at his chest, her working lips finding and nuzzling one of his nipples. She ran her tongue around it, tasting his sweat. Suddenly she became conscious of his masculine cologne. A chill struck through her as the pleasant smell reminded her of the sour scent of Mark's decaying body.

Pulling away, Judy pushed the shirt back off Andrew McCarter's broad shoulders. As she did, he began unbuttoning her blouse. He paused a moment while she carefully hung his shirt up. Somehow, Judy knew she had to be meticulously careful with his clothes.

She found herself thinking about Mark. She was worried about him. He had been in a terrible state when she had left.

"Beautiful," Andrew McCarter commented, stripping Judy's blouse off her. As he dropped it, his eyes swept over Judy's graceful, slender torso, pausing on the tips of her breasts, the line of her collarbone, the flatness of her stomach.

Judy couldn't meet his eyes. She hung her head slightly as he studied her. She wasn't ashamed of her body, but she was ashamed of what she was doing with it. She suppressed a shiver.

She tried to ignore her regrets and reached for his belt. The silver buckle clinked musically when she unfastened it. She unzipped his slacks and the fly spread open. The thrust of his cock pushed his underpants out. His hands were on her again, stroking and petting her silken skin, making her whole body burn with lust.

She wondered if whores felt like this with their customers. She had heard that to them, a fuck was nothing more than just business. Didn't they get hot, burn with passion? Why should she be any better than a common prostitute, any different from a call girl? Because she was enjoying what she was doing!!!

She knelt and eased off Mr. McCarter's Gucci loafers, then tugged his pants down. After he had stepped out of them, she carefully shook them out as she stood up, then turned to drape them over the chair.

He took the opportunity to unfasten her skirt. It fell around her ankles and she was left in just her filmy panties.

By unspoken agreement, they faced each other as they reached for each other's last garment. Hands slipped inside underpants and panties, and they were pushed lower and lower and lower. Judy's dark pubic bush eased into view, as did McCarter's dark red one. His cock leaped free of his underpants, stabbing straight at Judy's flat, pulsing belly.

Then they were both nude, standing there inches apart. McCarter swept Judy up against him, feeling the soft, yielding warmth of her small body against his, feeling his cock slide upward along her belly. He lowered his mouth to hers for a demanding kiss.

Judy spread her graceful, slender thighs and clasped one of McCarter's big ones between them. She scrubbed her wiry bush along his leg, grinding her crotch against him. Her tongue met and dueled with his. Then she was off her feet, being carried while the embrace and the kiss went on, their legs tangling at every step. They sank down together on the cool covers of the huge bed. Judy had a fleeting worry. What if they stained the covers? Shein would discover what they had done. He would be furious!

Then big hands were fondling and probing and touching her as she sprawled on her back on the bed, and lust made her forget everything else. There was no pretending to her lust. McCarter was quickly discovering all the erogenous zones on her passionate, responsive body - her breasts and belly, the insides of her thighs. And he wasn't gentle. He bruised her with his strength and size. He played with her the way a cat might play with a mouse, tumbling and punishing her on the big bed. And she loved it.

She was being driven mad by his attentions. He twisted her nipples one after the other and her breasts burst into flame. A hand pressed into her tender belly hard, and her body writhed in desperate, eager response, her fingers clawing blindly at the bed.

Suddenly, he stopped touching her. Judy's eyes snapped open with surprise and she rolled her head to look at him. He was lying languidly on his side, peacefully studying her with steady blue eyes. His hair wasn't even mussed. The only sign of his interest in her was his monstrous erection. His cock looked larger in diameter than Shein's stocky one, and longer than Mark's. The pale skin of the huge tower gleamed like ivory against the lush red of his pubic bush.

"Wh-what's the matter?" Judy croaked out. She was screaming with passion, and frightened at the sudden inactivity.

"I'm curious," the man answered. "I'm wondering what makes you tick."


"Why are you doing this?" he asked, a sweep of his arm encompassing her gracefully nude body. "I know you get a commission on the sale, but so what? What would make Mrs. Penncroft go to such great lengths for that commission?"

Judy was shaken by the man's total control. Why wasn't he pounding that big cock into her? Was she going to lose him now? "I don't see why that should concern you," she answered softly. Her chest was still heaving with excitement.

"No reason," he admitted. "I just wondered."

Something made Judy decide to keep her secret from him. "Well, I don't intend to answer your question," she informed him. "Assuming, that is, that there is an answer to it." Then she posed, arching and stretching her lithe body like a healthy animal, to let him see how excited she was. "So come here and take me," she said softly.

McCarter shook his head. "No. Not until you tell me the reason. I'm certain that there is a reason for it, a very good reason. You're not the type for a casual lay, Mrs. Penncroft."

"You can't make me say anything I don't want to," Judy whispered, frightened.

"Ah, but I can, and I will," the red-haired man replied confidently.

Judy stared at him, wide-eyed. This wasn't the way things were supposed to go at all.

McCarter's hand gripped her wrist, tightly but not painfully, and pinned her arm to the bed.

"What are you going to do?" Judy asked fearfully, suddenly realizing how completely at the man's mercy she was. She crossed her other arm across her breasts, bent her leg and used it to shield her sex as best she could.

McCarter brushed aside her shielding arm with insolent ease, and his big hand closed on one tender breast. His hand was so large it completely covered the diminutive pink and white mound.

Judy froze, stopped breathing, terrified he was planning to hurt her.

Andrew McCarter squeezed and massaged her breast gently. The softness and tenderness were delectable. He could see her taut nipple poking between two of his fingers, seeking escape. "I'm going to have you begging me to screw you," he informed her softly. "I'm going to have you so horny you'd sell your own mother out to get my cock in your pussy, And before I give you what you want, you'll have to tell me the truth."

Judy felt a perverse flash of sexual excitement at this announcement. The thought of being a sexual toy, totally at a man's mercy, was incredibly exciting.

"Never," she croaked in a hoarse whisper.

McCarter smiled confidently at her brave challenge. He knew she was daring him to try, that she was looking forward to it as much as he was. He closed his fingers on the peak of her tit and tugged, pulling her breast upward into a perfect cone. When the nipple slipped from between his fingers, her breast rebounded to its usual firm rounded shape. The nipple, however, was sharper and harder than it had been. Her flat stomach was sucked in with excitement, her chest was heaving with her erratic breathing. Still holding one of her wrists, still immobilizing that arm, he repeated the torture on her other breast.

Judy's eyes closed. She suddenly realized just how exquisite this torment was going to be. Because, the more she tried to fight down her sexual need, to control it, the more she was aroused by his stimulation. It was like trying not to think of food when you're hungry, every attempt only reminding you of what you're trying not to think of. Judy was aware of the scratchy feel of the bed covers under her naked body, the feel of the machine-cooled air on her bare skin.

Her nipples were pulsing from the tugging McCarter had given them. Both breasts felt swollen and full, were aching with a wild need. Judy clenched her hands on the bedspread. She licked suddenly dry lips.

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In the aftermath of the orgy, when everyone is sated and tired, there is quiet. Hardly a sound. People are thinking, sleeping. Finn is the first to move. He hasn’t slept, but he hasn’t said anything either. I watch as he walks boldly up to Nina Gallagher. ‘Please let us out now. I need to take Violette up to her room. She’s tired and I need to take care of her.’ Nina surveyed him for a moment and then nodded briskly. Finn dipped his head in thanks and then walked back to me, and before I...

1 year ago
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1st Dirty Panty Experience

For as long as I could remember I had always had a thing for woman’s panties. I always was allured by panties in stores when I walked by the woman’s under garment area at clothing stores, and as I became older I continued liking them up till even when I got older, I remember the first time I had my first real experience with a pair of used panties. I must have been about ? years of age when my parents had taken me with them to their friends home. Their friends were an older couple around there...

2 years ago
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The Master WarriorChapter 18

Thursday, we were up early after a good night’s sleep, chanted, exercised, and showered before checking out of the hotel. Following breakfast and fueling the vehicle, we set out for Little Rock, AR on I-30. In Little Rock, we changed to I-40 heading for Nashville. That evening we stopped in a motel just off the Interstate in Jackson, TN, well short of Nashville. Friday morning, we were again up early, and continued on I-40 to Nashville where we switched to I-65 for Louisville, KY where we...

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Aprils Radical Mental Therapy

Author’s Note: Hi folks, firing another one out here. If it hasn’t been said before, I am saving what I think is my better work for later submissions. This one is kind of all over the place, something I poked at here and there over the years. I finally managed to salvage it together into something presentable. I wasn’t even sure which category to put this, though. NonConsent? Exhibitionism? Mind Control? I chose the latter, please forgive if you disagree after reading the story. Again, I...

4 years ago
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Daphnes Tune Up Part II Carlas Turn

Daphne had just returned to the workstation she shared with Carla and stood there. No sitting for a while! Barely surviving a blistering over the knee bare bottomed spanking, very well delivered by her boss, Angie Dalton, Daphne tried to hold back the tears, but they came anyway. She didn’t recall which hurt more, the thirty-three crisp spanks with Miss Dalton’s hand, or the I don’t know how many with the hairbrush; Daphne’s own hairbrush! It was so embarrassing. Over her boss’ lap; dress up...

3 years ago
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Teaching Tara Part III The Tshirt

I spent all evening thinking about my afternoon with Mr Tanner. I would close my eyes and relive his kiss, warm and so sexy. And what came after, how he’d undone my shirt and exposed my breasts, kissing and licking them. It felt somehow wrong, to be almost naked with a man so much older. My dad had always told me that only my husband should see me naked, but it had felt so good to have Mr Tanner’s mouth and hands touching my breasts. I could feel myself getting excited at the thought of a...

1 year ago
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Aunt wants me to get her pregnant

100% fiction! My aunt Maure is a bbw queen, I've had feelings toward her since I was a teen. Her big tits and thick thighs always made me lust for her. She's about 6 ft tall, blonde hair, blue eyes and big juicy lips. I used to steal her dirty panties and jerk off into them after I licked her taste from them. Her tight outfits always hugged her curves and I was a peeping time any chance I could get. I used to visit her every summer and had a weird relationship with her in to my 20s. She's a...

3 years ago
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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 22

When Nathan and Kathy were informed by Allison that he had most likely impregnated Kathy, but had definitely made Hannah with child, Nathan did not know quite what to think. Allison was more concerned with Kathy's reaction, however. It did not seem to bother Kathy that she, herself might be pregnant. She was not too happy about Hannah's announced pregnancy. Allison expected that, but after talking with her, was confused about why she was upset. It wasn't because of Hannah's age since...

4 years ago
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The Candle Part One

Tommy sat watching the television, his mother was talking on the telephone. ‘Yes Maureen, I’ll ask him and get back to you tomorrow, bye.’ Norma replaced the receiver and turned to her son, ‘Maureen was wondering if you could pop in on Saturday to fix her bedroom light, it keeps burning out the bulbs.’ Tommy looked up, his mother was always asking him to do little jobs for her friends, he didn’t mind, it was just that she said he wasn’t to ask too much in payment. This what not the way he...

3 years ago
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The Twins Meet Phil

Kimberly and Madison Tucker lay sprawled and heaving together in Kim's bed, the huge dildo their grandfather had bought for them joining their luscious, 14-year-old bodies and deep in the their eager pussies. They moved to and fro gently together in the rays on morning sunshine, softly moaning, eyes closed, is orgasmic bliss, legs entangled, hands stroking, bare breasts rubbing together, nipples fully erect, clits jumping. "Phil," said Kimberly, blinking open her lovely eyes. "Why didn't...

1 year ago
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Meeting the voyeur in a sex club Astrid

It was dark in the hall, with dim lights. The only light that shone brightly was at the center, on a raised platform. A woman was screaming in pleasure. Tied up, suspended from the ceiling, she was spread out and we could all see her pink cunt. A man was penetrating her with a whip handle and drawing her juices out. The very way the voyeur was doing things, made me feel hot. He was busy focusing on her body, her pussy. That hole was his sole goal. Sometimes he would twist the handle and she...

2 years ago
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Blackmail And Miscalculation

Well readers this is a sex story of miscalculations and how it led to sex with me second cousin. Let me start be setting the scene for you. Setup This was in the summer of 2015 and I am 21 and I was back home in between semesters of my engineering course . I used to spend my days either hanging out with friends or reading books or watching movies. This is when my aunt Anita and her daughter Nikita , who was 18 back then, come to stay with us for a few days on the pretext of attending my...

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First Times

It was the late 60’s, I was just sixteen, a teenager and sexually innocent. I had just discovered the joys of masturbation. I couldn’t leave my cock alone. I was wanking at least once a day, but felt the need to share my discovery.One night, I visited my best mate at his home. His parents were out so we had the house to ourselves. The conversation quickly turned to wanking. He was as enthusiastic as me, and we agreed to get our cocks out. I had not seen another cock, so I was keen to check it...

Gay Male
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The BEST vacation ever Mother Son Incest

0The plane had just landed. Palm trees and sand was everywhere. THe captain announced the arrival at the island and it was official. They were on vacationSarah and justin had been anticipating this forever. As mother and son they went on vacation often together as Sarah was never married. The plane began taxing on the runway towards the drop off point , while Sarah and Justin just smiled at each other in happinessAs they stepped off the plane and went to luggage check, Justin couldn't help but...

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There Can Be Only One Chapter 13

There Can Be Only One Chapter 13My door was slightly ajar as I sat at the computer checking for any messages on Facebook. I heard the door to mum’s bedroom shut. I quickly rose and darted to open the door just as mum was passing my bedroom. I could hear the girls laughing and giggling in the bathroom opposite. Mum had changed from her Sunday outfit into a shirt and some Capri pants. The way her tits were held I could tell that she was wearing a bra under the loose shirt. I was a little...

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The Week After

It had been a week since ‘the weekend’. This weekend involved my buddy and me getting pretty drunk and double teaming this very hot girl we had met in a bar. Normally it wouldn’t have been a week since we saw each other, but, even though we were drunk, there had been some ‘cross contamination’ as we fucked the shit out of this chick. At some point, as I 69d with this girl, my buddy decided to start fucking her. I was only inches from his cock and on occasion my tongue would come in contact with...

3 years ago
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Ultimate Bus Ride

This story is based on my past sex experiences. That time I was 26 yrs old and worked in MNC as a sale executive. One day I finished my work early coz a long weekend ahead, took my baggage and rushed to bus stand. Luckily I already booked my seat, and got a single last seat in the last luggage row. I felt good coz I got privacy here to play with my mobile.Lot of crowd were fought to catch the bus but conductor denied all. But still a lady entered the bus. Conductor said to her, “Don’t ask me...

2 years ago
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Axe VictimChapter 10

Don slipped into the bar quietly. It was early and there were only a few customers. He knew that Cmonster was playing that night and hoped to catch them before they went on. "Omigod!" he heard a woman's voice from the doorway as he sat down facing the stage. "Relax, Candy. He probably just stopped for a drink." "Do you think he'd mind if I sat with him, Hailey?" Don smirked and then wiped the smile off his face and turned toward the door. He could see Hailey Marshall and Candy...

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Kaylees Wild Weekend

Message from the author: This story is quite long and has long build-up before the sex begins. So…if you’re looking for a quick, dirty read, you might want to skip down to the middle of the story.  Thanks.   Kaylee’s Wild Weekend “This is going to be the best weekend ever!” Kaylee exclaimed as she reached over to turn the radio up, raising the volume to an uncomfortably loud level. “Okaaaay,” Heather said dismissively, pushing her friend’s hand away and turning the volume back down. ...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Brooke Karter The Stepsister Sex Tape8230

Chad came home pissed that his girlfriend just broke up with him, until his dad reassured him that there were plenty of other fish in the sea. This proved to be a fact when he caught a glimpse of his hot stepsis Brooke Karter out of the corner of his eye. He decided to proposition her with his car for a week if she would volunteer to help him make a sex tape in order to make his ex girlfriend jealous. She of course agreed and began to suck down stepbros cock before he could even get his phone...

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My CCup Cousin

We were a normal family, we got together on holidays, but my aunt, uncle, and my cousin hung out with my family more often than regular families. Over time, me and my cousin, Maria, were more often than not, always inseparable. At first it wasn’t anything other than cousins hanging out, and being best friends. But as we got closer and older it became more sexual. It started out with flirting and teasing, casual but, fun, nothing serious. It was when we both graduated high school where it...

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Taxi Driver

In my 15 years as a Taxi Driver I’ve seen some funny things but nothing compares to what happened in my cab last Thursday night. It had been another slow evening when I got a call to pick up a some passengers at a trendy bar in the centre of town; then take them to a country house hotel about 35 miles away. I checked my watch and decided to end my shift after I’d dropped them off as it was roughly in the same direction as my home. The street was well lit but quiet so I soon...

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Sorority sisters diary part two

October 3 Dear Diary, Kim here and glad to be back at Tech, it was a really nice visit back home in St. Louis, but I think of this as my home now!!! I got an unbelievable welcome home from Betty Sue, it was like she hadn't seen me in a year instead of just a few days!!! When I walked thru the door, she practically tackled me, hugging and kissing me all over my face, she was so hard nipples and we just kept rubbing them back and forth across each other!!! We were grinding our pussies together...

3 years ago
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The incident that changed my life for the good 2

As I knocked on her door, she was there in a jiffy. She had a broad smile on her face, and pulled me in and as her arms went around me, she gave me a tongue welding, sloppiest kiss I had ever had. As she was kissing me I felt her hand squeeze my soft cock through my pants. I thought this is going well. I can do this. Are we going to work or fuck? “John. I’m so glad you have came back. I enjoyed the last time you were here, and I am hoping that we can continue with the work we have...

3 years ago
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A Welcome Transformation

A Welcome Transformation - by Wendy H. I awake in the darkness, my wife stirring in her sleep beside me as I turn off the alarm clock. I sit up in bed and try to clear the cobwebs from my brain. I've been ill for a long while, and things seem hazy, hazier than half-sleep would make them. I try to remember the past few days, but nothing but random, meaningless images will come. It must have been quite a bug. I feel fine now. It's back to work, I guess. Taking a deep...

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Uncle James whore the next day

Sitting in front of the cage I wait until my new project begins to stir. I notice with pleasure the wet patch in the litter tray and the empty water bowl. It would have been amusing to watch her struggle with both of those but there will be many opportunities in the future.. The bowl is locked to the floor so the only way she would have quenched her thirst was to lap like a dog, my new little pet dog who I will enjoy house training. I cough and clear my throat and am pleased as she begins to...

1 year ago
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My Always Perfect Family Part 2

My Always Perfect Family, Part 2As Daddy and I found out secret bliss, my days in school were spent working as hard as I could so I could have time at home with him when he arrived. He was intelligent about his arrival home, first going to see my mother, taking care of her needs, eating dinner, licking her to orgasm if necessary, and seeing her off to sleep. My mother’s drinking continued, but I gladly helped with the housework so Daddy and I could meet nightly and talk about our days until one...

2 years ago
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The journey of a genderbended princess

"What a shitty weather!" You growl as you run through the rain carrying a bag of groceries. "Couldn't it wait till I'm back home already?" You continue to run, creating splashes of water around your feet as you passed many people who is in the same state as you. 'At least I'm not alone in this.' You thought dryly. Everything lights up and you hear an explosive rumble in the sky. (BOOM) 'Jesus! Holy shit, that's loud!' You thought in shock. '...Better move it, I'm not in the mood to get struck...

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CharleneChapter 3

A great burden had been lifted from us as we returned to the hotel. We both had been wound up tight from all of the gunplay over the past month. We mutually showered and later found ourselves in an embrace on the queen-sized bed. My hand starting on her hip, I caressed her naked body, sliding my hand up the side of her body, part way to her breasts and stroking back down to start over again. Charlene was swooning as I roamed my hand over her prone body. She turned away, lying on her back as I...

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XXX College 8211 Part 1 Bestfriend

I am college student 2nd year BSc.I have an average body and I am about 6 ft 1 inches tall and. I am new here and have many sexual experiences after I came to college. You could say I am a stud. I am going to tell you the story how I started how a normal boy became this man. So it started back in the first year. I had a best friend named Aparna (36-34-38) curvy figure and dude, she was a bomb in college every boy wanted her but she said nop. It was fortunate we became friends. I used to take...

2 years ago
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Secret relations

Hi! This is Pabby here again with my another experience. Enjoy it and reply me to tell me how was it and do u want something more? If any girls or couple wants to contact me plz mail me at This is a true story of mine that unfolded a year ago. I was a new aspirant to the world of sex & seduction, was never indulged in erotic sex, other than a few hip-hops. I was 23 then, a final year college lad with good rappo among the gals at the campus. Ours was a joint family, my dad was the eldest & I...

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