- 2 years ago
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I’d like to extend my thanks to WildSweetOne for taking the time and having the patience to edit this story. To kiwiwolf, thank you for the inspiration and encouragement. You are both gems.
‘Shit!’ I exclaimed, as the high heel of my favorite shoe snapped off. I leaned against my shit-heap of a car and grabbed the ruined shoe off my foot as I considered throwing the damn thing over the nearby fence, but hurled it into the car instead. The other shoe quickly followed the first.
I had traveled for miles that day, heading north to a cousin’s new place for a few days. And now, here I was stuck on the side of a dusty, gravel road in the middle of nowhere. It was a road I had traveled, occasionally. If I have the choice of following the populated highway, or a back road through the country side, the latter would win every time. I looked up the narrow road, desperately hoping to see the dusty trail of another car. Nothing. Turning, I faced my old car. Instinctively my hands went to my hips. I frowned at the old Pontiac.
‘Shit,’ I said repeated. It had been a long, hot afternoon and the old girl had no air conditioning. I guess I should have checked the water in the radiator before I left the city. I had nobody to blame except myself for my current dilemma. I had just wanted to get on the road as soon as possible to escape the pressures of my everyday life. I had a habit of running away from things. I knew this and accepted it. My other habits included indulging in bourbon, a little too often lately, experimenting with illegal drugs, which in turn seemed to go hand in hand with kinky sex. The last two habits, unfortunately, seemed to be getting further and further between sessions. I was not happy with this. I suddenly had the craving for nicotine – my other favorite habit right now.
I gingerly took the few paces over the sharp gravel to the car. I hadn’t even bothered to change out of my work clothes before I took off. I worked in the office of a busy panel beating shop, and had been lucky enough to score an afternoon free. Being a Friday, I was looking forward to a long weekend. Considering where I worked and the simple but huge problem I had with my car, made me extra angry with myself and a plain cream singlet under a plain cream blouse. I wasn’t into fancy things. I pulled open the heavy door and reached into the back for my overnight bag. I lugged the thing into the front with me. I sat down on the seat and started rummaging through it. Relieved, I discovered my trainers and plonked them on the seat. I shuffled through the bag to see what else I had forgotten. A strand of hair had escaped the confines of the ponytail it belonged in, and hung in my eyes. I glanced into the rear view mirror as I tucked the strand behind my ear. I laughed out loud as I saw a grubby, dust smeared face laughing back at me. It had been a humid, sweaty, dusty day. I guess I hadn’t realized the state I was in, after checking under the hood of the car earlier. I attempted to rub the dirt off my face but only managed to smear more on. My green eyes looked back at me, as another dark lock flopped over my cheek. I sighed loudly and collapsed back into the seat. What the hell was I going to do?
I looked down at myself and saw a dirt covered blouse. My skirt was just as bad. I had to change. Once again I searched my bag and found a pair of denim shorts and a pair of trainers. They were much more suited to my present situation, I thought. I pulled them free of the bag, grabbed my cigarettes and cell phone off the dash and got back out of the car. Even though it was late afternoon, the humidity was still high. I made my way around the car and onto the grass verge. There was a slight rise of the ground before the fence line, so I decided once again to check for oncoming vehicles. I looked both ways, straining to check the windy road below me and was for once, disappointed with the quietness of it all.
I put the phone and cigarettes on the grass and unbuttoned my blouse. I slipped it off and wondered why I hadn’t done this earlier. I felt mildly refreshed already. My hands moved to the waistband of my skirt and I lowered the zip. Instinctively I glanced around while easing the fabric over my hips. All those extra glasses of bourbon had added a few kilos to my already curvy frame, and this was noticeable as I wiggled and tugged the skirt over my ass. I stepped out of it and adjusted my g-string. Very rarely did I wear anything else. Apart from the days when I wanted to feel a little bit naughty at work, and chose not to wear underwear at all, it was quite a turn on doing this, while being surrounded by unsuspecting males. I grabbed the discarded skirt and turning it inside out, used it as a towel. I rubbed my face and neck, my underarms and lastly between my legs. Yes, it had been a sweaty drive.
It was an odd sense of freedom, standing on the roadside in just my underwear, singlet and bra. If the situation had been different, I would have been quite happy being in minimal clothing, relaxing on the side of the road. I’d maybe even cheekily flash people driving past. Well, maybe. If I hadn’t been on my own, that is. I was still an hour or so from my destination. Reluctantly I reached for my shorts and slipped into them. Actually, there was a bit more tugging, than ‘slipping’. I’d have to work on that problem when I got home. The clingy singlet was tight against my damp skin as I rubbed my sweaty palms down my front. I dropped down onto the grass and crossed my legs. I’d have to wait this out.
Reaching out, I grabbed my cell phone. Feeling a little disheartened, I looked at the little screen and saw what I had been expecting to see. No reception whatsoever. Even worse was the fact that the battery was nearly dead. The piece of modern technology was as useful as tits on a bull, out here. I took a cigarette out of the packet and lit up while I checked out my surroundings. It was beautiful, really. There was lots of rolling green hills with patches of dense bush. It was peaceful and a gentle breeze had begun to sweep through. The sun was getting low on the horizon and I knew dusk would fall before too long. I wasn’t keen on being out here in the dark.
Several miles away an old Holden truck bounced along the windy, gravel road. Its two male occupants took up most of the room on the bench seat. The passenger had his tanned arm resting outside the window. His fingers tapped on the doorframe, beating along to the made up song the driver was singing. In his other hand was a beer bottle with not much amber liquid left in it. He brought the bottle to his lips and finished the contents with one swig. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before finishing off the original song with lyrics just as crude as the driver had made up. Both roared with laughter.
They were solid men, strong and muscular and in their late 30’s. But that was where the similarities ended. Shawn, the driver, stood about 6’4′. He had long, fair hair, fair complexion and blue eyes. He was about to visit with his aunt and uncle on their farm, not far away. He was usually fairly easy going by nature but when riled, had a short temper. He kept his favorite hunting knife in the glove compartment of his truck. Not many people messed with him.
Lee was several inches shorter. He had an olive complexion with short, thick black hair and green eyes. He was going to stay with Shawn on the farm overnight, on his way north to visit a girlfriend. He was in a happy mood after the beers and was looking forward to seeing his girl the next night and getting laid. The boys had known each other since they were teenagers and played in bands and on the same rugby teams. Both had still managed to stay reasonably fit. It wasn’t often they got to catch up and had spent the last few hours at the local pub, drinking and singing. Lee was in a particularly happy mood, as he’d managed to score a large bag of weed and some ecstasy tabs. Yep, tomorrow night with his lady was going to be a
good one.
My full, round breasts rose and fell as I sighed heavily. Looking at my tits, I ran a hand over their contour. I’d always been relatively happy with them. Not as pert as they once were, but at the age of 30, they were still not bad. Several men over the years had also had their way with my breasts, and seemed to enjoy them very much. I smirked as I pinched a nipple. I seemed to play with myself a lot. If I wasn’t pinching a nipple, I’d have a hand between my legs instead. Occasionally, I wondered whether I did this too much. How much masturbation is too much, anyway? A cool gust of wind pulled me from my thoughts.
Looking up I noticed that the clouds were starting to roll in. Dusk was on its way. My ass was getting numb from sitting on the ground and I figured I may as well sit in the car. Standing up I vigorously rubbed some feeling back into my ass, then slipped my feet into my trainers. I made my way down the grassy verge and around to the driver’s door. I slammed the bonnet of the car closed and made my way to the driver’s door. As I relaxed into the big old car, I wondered where all the locals were. I’d been here well over an hour already and not one car had come by. Not one. Unbelievable. I wound the window down and closed my eyes.
I started to drift off. I listened to the breeze rustling through the trees and the birds nesting for the night. It was a huge change from the screeching of tires, police sirens and general mayhem of city living. It was getting dark and the wind must have picked up as the trees were making more noise. I listened closer. It didn’t sound like rustling leaves at all. I opened my eyes, sat up and looked down the road. I could hear the gravel crunching and the sound of a V6 engine.
‘Yes!’ I grinned. Finally! I opened the car door and got out. Looking down the road I had traveled earlier, I could make out the lights of an oncoming vehicle. Excitedly, I spun around and reached back into the car. I grabbed my overnight bag and stuffed my belongings back into it. I wound the window up and grabbed my car keys. The crunching sound of the oncoming vehicle on the gravel was getting louder. I slammed the door closed it and pulled myself up onto the long bonnet of the Pontiac. I sat cross legged and grinned like an idiot. I have no idea why I grinned. I was just happy that someone was heading my way. And locals were friendly. Right?
Shawn and Lee were still bellowing out songs as they rounded a bend in the road. It was Shawn who first spied a car on the side of the road up ahead further. Lee glanced at his buddy, who had stopped singing and saw he was focused on something outside. Following Shawn’s gaze, Lee saw the vehicle too. It was nearly dark now and it was the reflection of the truck’s headlights on the stationary car around the bend, which had caught Shawn’s eye.
‘Hmmm, what do we have here?’ Shawn murmured.
‘Someone’s on the bonnet,’ Lee observed.
‘Mmmmm,’ Shawn mumbled, easing off on the accelerator.
The boys fell silent as they approached the Pontiac. The person on the bonnet, it appeared, was a grinning woman wearing not much at all.
‘Don’t see that around here everyday,’ observed Shawn, mildly amused.
‘Fuck,’ replied Lee, simply. He watched the woman’s tits bounce as she wiggled down off the bonnet.
The truck came to a rolling stop next to the Pontiac. The woman came over to the passenger side window. She was still smiling and tucking her hair behind an ear.
‘Hi there! You don’t know how damn happy I am to see you!’ There was happy relief in her voice.
‘Yeah, I can tell,’ replied Shawn, with a smile. The woman didn’t appear to notice him casting a roving eye over her large, erect nipples that were pressing against the front of her top. Lee just grinned like an idiot, noticing the nipples at the same time. He had a close up view of them, as the woman leaned down to look through his open window.
‘So. What seems to be the problem?’ Shawn asked, dragging his eyes up to meet the woman’s face. She looked as though she’d been here a while. She was all mussed up and dirty. Kinda cute though.
‘I’m Shawn, by the way. This is Lee.’
Lee grinned and mumbled a greeting. He could see down her top from this angle and he felt his cock twitch.
‘Katie. I’m Katie,’ she stuck her arm through the window and shook Lee’s hand and then Shawn’s.
‘And this here,’ she said, jerking her thumb behind her, indicating the Pontiac, ‘Is my car. It’s fucked.’ She nodded, confirming her own statement.
‘Would you like me to take a look at it, for you Katie?’ Shawn asked. He’d have preferred getting a better look down her top, but figured he’s try the gentlemanly thing first. He didn’t know a hell of a lot about engines, but she didn’t know that.
Katie grinned at him.
‘That would be awesome! I’m pretty sure it’s just an over heated radiator, but if you could check it out, I would be forever grateful!’
‘No worries,’ replied Shawn. ‘I’ll park up in front of you.’
Katie stepped away from the truck as it moved forward. The boys glanced at one another, trying to read each others minds. They both grinned.
‘Bring her back to the house.’ Lee whispered, as Shawn pulled up against the verge.
Shawn laughed quietly.
‘Dude, you gotta quit reading my mind.’ He winked as he opened his car door. Lee followed suit, smiling as they both got out of the car. Shawn reached into the back of the truck for his tool box. He found his flashlight, and the pair of them made their way back to the stranded woman and her car.
I couldn’t believe my luck. Not only has a car finally come by, but it happens to contain two hot guys. Yes, two hot guys with big, warm hands. I chuckled to myself as the men parked their vehicle. I knew they had been looking at my tits, too. I would have been disappointed if they hadn’t noticed. After all, I had been working on my nipples while waiting for them to reach me. I gave them another flick, and then turned to watch the guys as they walked toward me.
The tall one, Shawn, had a flashlight in his hand. I gave him the once over and noticed his long legs. They were clad in a pair of jeans that fitted perfectly in all the right places. Glancing over at Lee, I could see his denim clad thighs were also straining against the fabric. He had his hands in his pockets and was grinning at me.
‘Shit,’ I thought. Just my luck to be caught checking them out. I gave them a friendly smile as they approached.
‘Thanks for stopping, guys. I was beginning to think nobody would ever come.’
‘Hey, no problem, Katie. Eventually someone always comes.’ Lee was looking at me intently as he spoke. His green eyes sparkled with mischief. I blushed and looked away as soon as I realized the double meaning to his comment.
‘Fuck, Lee. Subtlety has never been your strong point, has it? I apologize for my mate, Katie. He gets stupid around helpless, stranded women in shorts.’ Shawn let out a deep, rumbling chuckle.
I found myself smiling at Shawn.
‘Hey mister, who are you calling helpless?’ I turned my back on them and bent down to open up the hood of the car. There was enough moonlight to be able to see what I was doing. It was in my cheeky nature to do this as obvious as possible. I squatted down in front of the car and reached for the release catch for the hood. It was always a bit tricky, so I made an extra play of it by wriggling my ass and grunting a little. I felt the hood pop up a little and stood up slowly. I tucked my fingers under the front of the hood and lifted the heavy piece of metal up. I readjusted my grip, then pushed it all the way up, stretching my 5’6′ frame as much as I could. My legs were spread a little and my ass was sticking out. I secured the hood then looked over my shoulder. The guys were just standing there watching quietly. Shawn was still looking at my ass.
‘Ready when you are, boys,’ I purred.
iately after, I regretted my words and I scolded myself silently.
‘Jesus, fuck Katie. What the fuck are you doing? You don’t even know these guys. At any given second they could grab you and rape your ass or worse, right here, and nobody would know about it.’
Nevertheless, I turned and faced the two guys and leaned against my car with a smile on my face.
Shawn moved first. He couldn’t believe the show this little tart had just put on. If she was hoping to be raped out here in the open, she was going the right way about it. If he made a move on her, he knew Lee would back him up without a doubt. It wouldn’t be the first time.
She looked up at him as he stepped toward the car. Looking back at her he could’ve sworn he saw the look of a challenge in her eyes. In a blink it was gone as she looked down at the car’s engine. He flicked the flashlight on and the area filled with light. He gave her one more look before peering into the huge area under the car’s hood.
Lee stood back watching the woman as she lit up a cigarette. He still had one hand in the pocket of his jeans. He was toying with a couple of pills in a plastic bag he had been given, before leaving the pub earlier. His cock had shown its approval of seeing her ass bent over the car. There had been enough moonlight for him to enjoy the view of her round ass nearly busting out of those tight shorts. It was an ass he would enjoy fucking, that’s for sure. He adjusted himself again.
Shawn looked at the Pontiac’s large radiator. Smiling to himself, he saw the problem. There was a hole in the radiator and there was no way it was going to get fixed tonight. At least he wouldn’t have to spin her a story to get her back to the house, he thought. Glancing over at her concerned face, he caught her eye.
‘You were right,’ he told her. ‘It’s the radiator and it’s fucked. I can’t do much tonight though, sorry.’
He straightened up as she swore. He watched with mild amusement as she kicked the front tire of the car. Her arms flailed, her tits bounced wildly and her ass shook. She swore again. Yeah, she’d be a wild one, all right, he thought to himself. He took it upon himself to shut the hood. The woman was standing with her arms crossed over her large tits, looking mad as hell.
‘Hey, it’s ok. We’ll help you out as much as we can. Won’t we Lee?’ Shawn glanced back at his friend.
‘Absolutely. Don’t worry Katie. We’re staying at a place up the road, tonight. There’s plenty of room.’ Lee moved toward Katie and put his arm around her shoulders. He gave her a squeeze and she relaxed into him a little.
‘It’s just that I was supposed to be at my cousin’s place tonight, that’s all. And I can’t reach her to tell her what’s happened because she’s just moved and hasn’t had the phone put on yet.’ Katie sounded genuinely upset. She hung her head.
‘C’mon, grab your stuff. We’ll go to the house. You hungry?’ Lee gave her another quick squeeze before giving her a light slap on the rear.
‘Yeah,’ Katie nodded. ‘I’m starving, actually. You sure you don’t mind?’
Shawn answered her.
‘It’s no problem. We’ll sort the car out tomorrow. Lee is on his way up north tomorrow anyway. If worse comes to worse, we’ll tow your car to the farm, and you can grab a lift with him to your cousin’s place. How’s that sound?’
‘It sounds good to me,’ Katie replied after a pause. ‘Thank you.’
‘Good. Get the girls’ things, Lee. Put them in the back of the truck. Let’s go eat and have a drink or two.’
I looked up just in time to catch a look pass between the two guys. What the hell did that mean? I looked at Lee as he took my overnight bag. I couldn’t read his expression. Damn, I hope this was going to be okay, I thought as I reached into the car and locked the far door. Checking I had the keys, I locked the driver’s door and shut it firmly. The boys were at the truck and Lee was putting my bag in the back. I took one last look at my car, silently hoping it would be okay before following the guys to their truck.
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Note : This story is completely fictional! This is the next installment of the "My Sister" story. Part three begins directly where part two ended. I look forward to all your responses as you enjoy reading this installment. Thank you for all your comments. Thanks! From where I was in the closet, I could see everything that was going on and it was one of the most erotic things I had ever seen. My sister was laying on her bed with a blindfold covering her eyes. All the while, my new girlfriend,...
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SpankingBurning hot outside, I had to hit a bar. I just needed a glass of Bud – and it was only lunchtime. I was stuck in some godforsaken mid-west town try to sell a load of rubbish to a load of people who don’t want it, don’t need it and really don’t care.I was all alone, travelling for a living, never in the same place twice.I have a lot of friends, but they are all ‘virtual’ when I am on the road. Being alone on the road, I usually check into a motel that has internet and wireless, flip my laptop...
I had a nice little fishing boat near where I live and It was a lovely hot sunny day when I was waiting to go out for a days fishing, I was going on my own as I my mates had let me down and I was feeling really pissed off because of it. So when these two ladies started making comments about how I was waisting a lovely day drowning worms when I could be doing something more interesting I asked them what did they have in mind as I untied the bow rope, one of them came and jumped on board and...
I had every intention of leaving marks on her ass and then give her a thorough three hole fucking. But when I got her into the bedroom I realized that I was so turned on that I probably wouldn’t last long. So instead I undid my pants to let my cock free and said, “On your knees!” I think she was happy for the reprieve as she dropped to her knees and took greedily started sucking my hard cock. As I suspected it only took a few minutes before I felt myself starting to cum. I grabbed her by...
I felt like death warmed up when I finally awoke and even the two warm bodies sandwiching me didn't help very much. The very second I eased myself out from between them, they closed the gap I'd left and their arms went around each other's neck. "Bloody hell" I thought and smiled at the absurdity of it, "Imagine if I had a twin sister like mum did and woke up with her wrapped around me like that!" I groaned as I stood in the bathroom brushing my teeth and felt a pair of arms slipping...
SHY INDIAN WIFE SUCKED AND FUCKED BY NEPHEWHi, FRIENDS this is Nalini again, Thanks for the wonderful response I got from you people for my story “Aunty seduced by her Nephew”, urged me to start my new story of my Jaya Aunt which happened in her earlier days of marriage. I a simple housewife residing in Bangalore and married for 5 years having unsatisfied sex life with my husband without any k**s..When I watch porn I always see these young sexy porn stars with shaven pussies. My husband loves...
The house falls into a predictable pattern. Ann takes care of the house while Victor and Rhonda go off to work. At night they have dinner, watch a bit of TV then have fun in the bedroom. Ann enjoys the company of either Victor or Rhonda or both together. She likes the threesomes the best as she likes giving oral sex to them both and getting some in return. What she really enjoys is licking Rhonda’s pussy while being fucked hard by Victor. She is addicted to his big cock. Of course she also...
How Lucky Can One Girl Get By: Simonne Danielle © 2007 DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age, or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, or if the content offends you...DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age, eighteen (18) or older, and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The locations and characters in this story are fictional and...
Hello ladies and guys… this is Kapil from Delhi. Maine aap logo ki kai kahaniya padhi hai aur usi kahaniyo se prerit hokar main aaj aap logo ko apni ek kahani sunane ja raha hu. Pehle main aapko mere bare main batana chahta hu. Meri umar 28 saal hai 5 ft 9 inch height hai aur rang sawlasa hai. Mere mom dad ki ek lauti aulaad hu. Main divorcee hu, meri shaadi aaj se 4 saal pehle hui thi aur patni ke saath anban hone ke karan 2 saal hi tiki. Abhi tak maine dusri shaadi nahi ki hai, main 30-32...
What I did not regret, once I was inside the shower with her, was the view. She was slender, with small, exceptionally firm breasts and slender, almost boyish hips that barely extended out past her taut, entirely flat stomach. She had the body of a professional gymnast, muscular and strong enough, but possessing exceptional agility and flexibility. I watched her with polite but avid interest as she applied the soap generously and washed her front and sides with a fervor and intensity that...
John kissed me with a hunger I didn’t expect and his fingers roamed my flesh. He was claiming me. He gracefully lifted my leg, removing any space between us as our lower bodies molded into one. His chest fitted against my hard nipples, his hard cock tickled my wet pussy. Then he was lifting me in the air. I was wrapped around him with his hands gripped my ass. His mouth was driving me over the edge, and setting off every one of my senses. He easily walked me over to the bed. He laid me across...
Elaine and I finished our shower together. Earlier in the afternoon, we were part of a threesome with Sarah’s mom. Sarah’s mom acted strangely after she caught us naked in my bed. I stayed with Sarah’s parents while on Christmas and semester break from college. Elaine and I started having sex since the summer visit to Elaine’s home. Sarah, Elaine and I shared our bodies on my summer visit and every visit since then. Elaine loved me and I returned my love to her. What made Sarah’s mom seem...
I only ask that you review my story and provide comments and feedback. --- The following morning, Carol and I packed for our two week honeymoon in a beautiful tropical island. I was somewhat worried about my chastity belt setting off the metal detector when I went through airport security. But Carol, the consummate planner had a solution at hand. She removed my metal key lock and replaced it with a plastic numbered lock. The only way to get the lock off would be to break the seal....
Let me tell you about what happened a few weeks ago. It involved this attractive woman named Emma. We met several times over the past couple months when she visited the office where I worked. I never really paid too much attention due to the short time she was there. However, I did notice how incredibly beautiful she was. A few weeks ago my company decided to open a new office on the other side of the state. I was put in charge of getting it ready and set up. The process, which I had done...
Long and Hard By BBWLOVER56 I was on the last leg of my run from the east coast, traveling on I-80 bound for home, it’s been too long since I’ve seen my wife and children and to make matters worse, it was 2 days till Christmas. After fueling up in Reno, I started up towards the pass, the weather was turning into a nightmare with blowing snow and the temperature was dropping fast, I told myself there was no way old man winter was going to stop me from getting home to the...
Introduction: a young boy and a young girl This story is part fiction and part true story there will be a break of about 5 or 6 lines between truth and fiction. But the names and ages have been changed for the fact that I cant spell one of the persons names and so that I can branch out on the story more into the fiction. I grew up in a small suburban city, pretty close to Chicago. My best friend since for as long as I could remember lived right next door. Her name was, Stephanie but everyone...
I was at a fraternity party with Cellie, a casual fuck-buddy. We partied and screwed intermittently but didn’t call ourselves boyfriend/girlfriend. I wasn’t a member of the place but a friend of mine was. It was late and we’d been drinking and smoking so looked for a secluded spot to tear off a quickie. Cellie had already gone commando under her skirt. I don’t hold back long when I’m lit so shot my wad and left her there to take a much-needed piss. When I returned, she was laying where I left...
Jennifer Jacobs needs some advice from a man. Her father left and now she only has her Step Dad to ask for help. He is taking a nap and the curious teen decides to take her sexual education into her own hands. The all natural brunette pulls out her Step Fathers cock and starts to suck it. He protests but the big beautiful eyes of Jennifer quickly change his mind. You see, Jennifer Jacobs is about to go out on her first date. She needs to learn what boys like in order to make sure that her new...
xmoviesforyouThe alarm blared from the tiny phone's speakers beside my head. I fumbled around until I felt the cold plastic of the case and swiped the screen. Immediately, the sound of the alarm stopped and I contemplated returning to my peaceful slumber. That idea was dashed rather quickly, however, for I knew I had to get myself on a regular schedule if I was ever going to get a job. Lazily I slipped from the bed, practically rolling out, and grabbed my glasses from the bedside table and put them...
The holidays always remind me how lucky I am to have such an exceptional, sexy, lusty, spontaneous wife. After long minutes of grinning stupidly in beau reves, longing for her naked love, I get painfully hard and I can't wait to run home and bury my love inside her. Isn't that odd, after being married six years, that I still feel so strongly about her? I love her so much, I stopped questioning why she never wanted her family to meet me. Or was it ME to meet her family? Something in her past...
Dear Black woman, I want you to know this. I’m in love with you. I think I’m in love with you. I want to be in love with you. Am I in love with you? Can I love you? Can you love me? I don’t know. So many questions. Who am I? I’m the Brother with the Ivy League MBA who’s leading a Fortune Five Hundred company into the twenty-first century. I’m the Brother who’s smiling at you on the bus while wearing my Sean John’s. I’m the Brother sitting in class at our town’s community college, making goo-goo...
It was a normal friday when I was leaving school I got a text message from my gf saying she had a surprise for me. So I drove over to her place, as I walked inside her house I saw three hot slutty girls ik and two black guys, I looked at my gf and asked what's all this? She said to me I want u to feel good while I watch, okay so I sat down on the couch and a hot brunette girl with huge titties and a tight ass got in my lap and started making out with me while one of the big black guys got up...
BisexualHouse Husband 4 CHAPTER 1 Sally had asked me quite out of the blue if I’d, “Ever had a Butt Plug stuck up my arse?” We were sitting in the garden at the time enjoying the weather and relaxing. It wasn’t the sort of question I was expecting, not that it would be the sort of question I would be expecting at any time I suppose. “Why on earth did you ask me that?” I asked. “Just to shake you out of your comfort zone, and to see your expression,” She replied. “Don’t you have any work to do? Is...
After years of struggle, pain, and blood, you are within arm's reach of the Overlord, your mortal enemy. You stand in the Overlord's private chambers, prepared to finish the chase that has consumed you for as long as you can remember. You tighten your grip on Endbringer, the enchanted sword you recovered from the Tombs of Oblivion. The Overlord takes a step back and raises Starstroke, the only spear in the Nine Worlds capable of piercing the hide of a Scourge Leviathan. Then the Overlord...
Fantasy(Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: April 5, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, mystery ***** Hi there! Thanks for checking out this story! This series is written like a novel, so be sure to start at Chapter 1 if you want to avoid any confusion. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy! ***** - CHAPTER 7: Date - After Gabriella and I rinsed off in the shower together and got dressed, I made sure I knew what mall we were going to, and then took a...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Since the twins had decided that they were in an official relationship together, they lacked opportunities to act on it. Sure, they stole an alluring glance here and there when no one else was paying attention, and would give each other quick kisses before one headed out the door, but their schedules were conflicting as of late. They really did not have too much time for each other. Hence, Cora decided to take the initiative to make time. After all the...
IncestRanulf shivered under his shirt of padded chain mail, welcoming the first rays of jungle sun. Soon enough it would be steamy hot, the wilderness coming to dangerous life under Tarag's fervent sun. "Kick that scaly buzzard bait you call a mount and make it move", he growled. "Get humping, or I'll leave the both of you to find your own way out of here." "Patience, Warrior," Hissath answered, his voice an unlovely slow croaking. They were an unlikely pair. Ranulf was tall and rangy, with...
She found her lovers on the adult dating site. She never could get enough sex. By day she was prim and proper with her job, but evenings were her own. When she found a guy to have sex with she invited him to her house. When he would arrive she would greet him dressed only in a sheer robe with nothing else on. She would kiss him then start to undress him. First his shirt and she would rub his nipples and lick them. Then trace her finger down to his bellybutton and find the line of hair below it....
Sent: 08 Aug 2018Love the photograph of you gazing out over the Las Vegas Strip Amy. Very sexy!Sent: 08 Aug 2018Thank you! Yes, that was definitely a memorable evening Sent: 08 Aug 2018Had I known you were in my hometown I could have certainly added to your memories.Sent: 08 Aug 2018I'm intrigued. Tell me more... What exactly might I have missed out on?Sent: 08 Aug 2018A fantastic night for sure. I can gather from the view out of your window that you were at the Aria. Easy landmark for a...
TrueI awoke sometime in the early hours and needed to go to the bathroom. The house was quiet and the spare room door was shut. When I returned to bed, I checked and found Maggie was still naked, which made me feel aroused. She used to put her night clothes on in the night on the rare occasions when she went to sleep naked, but more recently she had stayed naked. She knew I really liked this. She was on her side facing away from me. I didn’t want to wake her but I couldn’t resist cuddling up...
Wife LoversTwo weeks later Vicky struggled to hold back the lunging surging dog as she strolled down the leafy avenue. The impatient animal seemed to want to want to pounce on every new smell. Barked at everything that moved and was so filled with enthusiasm to be out of the villa that her slim arms struggled to keep it under control. She saw a group of Africans sitting smoking something pungent, openly smirking as they watched her struggle with the powerful animal. She glared at them and they looked...
This story was inspired by a cyber fucking I had last night...xxxxwe are in a night club on the crowded dance floor. I'm dancing my ass off, in a clingy dress, my bra is showing, im sweaty. the drinks have been flowing all night as its so hot in here. I take my water bottle and pour some on my chest to cool off. Showing my very ample chest for everyone to see, I have my back to you grinding my butt against your crotch. i can feel your cock growing againts my ass cheeks, your hands are...
Derek went into the office on Monday in a daze. No matter what he tried to do, he could not concentrate. One of the older women came over to his desk and said, "Come with me." Blindly he followed her out of the building and in to the coffee shop opposite. She motioned for him to sit down, and then ordered coffees for both of them. "Bob does that," she said quietly. "Does what?" asked Derek. "Picks one of the new trainees and takes her. He likes to take one who has formed a...