Bloody ShirtChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 30
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Now, you may well be thinking that my Anglo-Saxon is pretty fluent, but to be honest it isn't that good, but if I were to write in all the stutterings, ums, ahs, and corrections you'd find it hard to follow. And then there are the words themselves, I mean, I don't know whether they had bathrooms in Saxon times, but I suspect not, so when I write "bathroom" I am really saying "The place where you wash yourself" and when I wrote that we would go "shopping" what I actually said was that we would go to "the market". Obviously that would give the wrong impression to the modern reader who would expect a guy speaking with a Brummy accent, but whose forebears clearly came from somewhere east of Suez, selling cheap frocks from under a poly tarp. If that gentleman sold bras, and he probably would, he certainly wasn't going to do the fitting. However much he would like to. Not for someone who is a LADY. No, we were going to a proper shop. Where they had a proper fitter.
And shopping you might ask. Truth to tell I am one of a tiny minority of blokes, well, possibly just me, who actually enjoy taking a woman shopping, it's about the only good thing my ex-wife found to say about me. So there was a motive, other than the obvious one that the girl had nothing to wear and seemed incapable of creating anything other than to reproduce what she already had, added to which she had little or no concept of underwear, well none at all really. The other motive, somewhat impure I admit, was that I would get to see a very pretty girl try on all sorts of outfits and who knew what else I might see? Yes indeed.
Time was when almost everyone in England wore underwear with 'St Michael' on the label. Having said that, English readers will realise we were heading for Marks and Spencer, this being their old trade mark, although I have often wondered why a couple of Jewish shopkeepers would adopt such an obviously Christian symbol. If asked they'd probably have shrugged their shoulders and said something like, 'Most of the customers are Christian, so it's good for business, and our Jewish customers just want good quality at a sensible price, so they don't care.' Sensible and pragmatic, my life. M&S's, or 'Your M&S' as they call themselves nowadays, had competitor at the time of 'St Michael', a shop called C&A. (who, since I've mentioned religion, were Dutch and devout Roman Catholics. Actually I don't think 'Dutch' is a religion) which was all they put on their labels. Blondes of course would have gone to C&A so that they knew which way round to put their knickers on. Sorry, never can resist an old joke.
The nearest M&S was in the middle of a very large shopping centre in a nearby town. I got Ælfthryth settled into the 'chariot'. She flinched when the engine started and I realised that we could be in for a difficult time. I really thought that the other traffic would freak her out, but no, she just seemed to ignore it. Whether she didn't understand what it was and therefore didn't 'see' it, or whether she just accepted it I wasn't sure. But I decided not to find out.
"Yes, Ælfthryth?"
"Why are we going shopping?""To buy you some more clothes."
"You mean cloth for dresses? And ribbons? And coloured threads. And ... but who will make them?"
"There will be lots of dresses, in all sizes, readymade for you to wear. It's just a matter of finding the ones that suit you, style, colour and so on, and then we pay for them and you can wear them and look pretty."
"I think I shall like that,"
So pretty normal so far. She seemed very adaptable, the traffic really didn't bother her, and how many women wouldn't like the prospect of a bloke buying them frocks? We arrived at the shopping centre and parked.
"But first we have to buy you some underwear.""Like the fat whore wears."
"No, no, much prettier things than that, coloured, and ... with ribbons. You'll see when we get there."
She was unconvinced, but I was sure that I would be proved right.
If she was awed by the size of the building she didn't show it, but she was clearly stunned when we walked through the main entrance to be confronted by all the merchandise on display, dresses on mannequins, glittering bits of display materials all set on white pedestals. Hats, coats, scarves, shoes, I grasped her hand and towed her through to the escalator.
"Wha ... the stairs move. Is this more of your magic?"
I guided her on to a tread carefully making sure that she didn't fall, and we went up to the next floor. For someone who is standing still on something that is moving it can be a strange experience arriving on something that isn't moving, but standing behind her, at the appropriate moment I took a chance, put my hands around her waist and lifted her, stepping off myself and setting her down. I don't think she noticed, because there in front of us was the lingerie display and she stopped dead. The woman behind us didn't, but after I had disentangled myself from her and apologised, and noted that she was well worth apologising to for a bit longer, perhaps it was my weekend for gorgeous blondes, I returned my attention to Ælfthryth.
"Truly you did not lie, Master, they are beautiful."
And she started forward intent on getting her hands on the merchandise.
There must be some sort of etiquette that applies in lingerie departments, but being a mere male I have no idea what it is. But of one thing I am sure, running your hands all over the garments displayed on artistic representations of female breasts and buttocks definitely isn't the 'done thing'. I may be wrong, of course, where females are concerned I cannot claim to have a perfect record. I managed with some difficulty to persuade her to desist.
"But Master, can I not take these?""No, Ælfthryth, we have to find out your size."
"Yes, how far it is around your ... chest, and umm ... how big your ahh..."
"Oh! How big my tits are."
"Yes, that. And there will be a lady here who can tell us."
I propelled her over towards the changing rooms and found a very nice lady to whom I explained that my young friend didn't speak English and that she wished to purchase some underwear but had no idea what sizes she required. To say that I received what would be described as an 'old fashioned' look would be an understatement, but she stood back for a moment and then said:
"Bra size 34B and a small size in knickers. I think that should be right. If you find the size and style you like on the racks, bring them back here and the young lady can try them on."
"Thankyou," I said and did my best to explain this to Ælfthryth.
Now I've really no precise idea but based upon the stories I read, I get the impression that American sizing is different to British, and I would suggest that since the American inch is clearly shorter than ours – I base this on the fact that British male equipment is generally about six inches in length, and US males measure the same equipment at ten inches, so it follows that the cup sizes of bras follow a similar pattern, so that whereas an American considers a 'B' cup as being no more than perhaps a young girl, the average Brit considers this to be a good handful. Or perhaps Americans have bigger hands than Brits; I haven't looked.
But I digress.
I propelled Ælfthryth over to the racks of bras. I've said that I propelled her on several occasions, and perhaps I should say guided, but to be honest I had my hand on her shoulder and was doing a fair amount of pushing to get her to move. It was a few moments later that I discovered that she couldn't read. Not just couldn't read English, I'd have been very surprised at that, but couldn't read at all. You see, Saxon, is for the most part written using the Roman alphabet, there are a few extra letters, but if you think about it, if you see a foreign language you can often have a stab at pronouncing it even though you have no idea what it means because you know the letters and how they sound. Well, not Polish of course. Or Hungarian. Or Welsh and certainly not Irish Gaelic. But you see what I mean. So when I pointed out '34B' on the end of a box, if you could read then you would have no trouble finding another the same. But she couldn't, the figures meant nothing. And another thing. If she was, as she claimed, a Genie, then where the hell was the magic? I wasn't supposed to be buying her clothes, she was supposed to be making me rich, and all she had done so far was provide a sword and armour that I'd have hell's own game trying to account for, and demonstrated an ability to alter people's minds. Well, one suggestible female anyway.
I set these thoughts aside for the moment and sorted out some matching sets of bras and knickers for her to try. We returned to the changing rooms and the lady ushered her inside. I stood around outside with several other blokes trying to look as though we were doing something completely different, although none of us could make up our minds what that might be.
A few minutes later there was a bit of a scuffle and Ælfthryth appeared shouting look Master.
I was not, of course, the only one to look, and I can't say I blame anyone, male or female for doing so because Ælfthryth with a matching, though abbreviated, set of pale blue and white bra and knickers was well worth looking at. With all eyes upon her she realized that she had committed a faux pas, although whether she would have put it that way is moot, suffice to say that blushes do extend all over, from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. Bright red. The inside of her body must have been devoid of blood. She turned and collided with the store lady who caught her and escorted her back into the changing room grinning.
A little while later she appeared again, this time fully dressed. She was still blushing, and the lady handed her over to me smiling.
"She's wearing that set, if you take the boxes with your other purchases to the paypoint and tell them they'll sort it out."
We picked out several other sets and paid for them.
"Shall we look at dresses?""Yes please, Master, and Master?"
"I am sorry, I was so excited that I did not act like a lady."
"Never mind, you made a lot of old men very happy, that can't be bad."
"And you were right, these things are nothing like what the fat whore wore."
No indeed, the equipment underneath is rather different too.
The hangers for the dresses have a plastic tag on them giving the size, but each size has a colour and that made it easy to show Ælfthryth what to look for. I don't know whether it is genetic or what, but, like almost all women, she took to retail therapy like a duck to water, pulling out items, holding them up against her, occasionally seeking an opinion, and sometimes hanging yet another dress over my arm. I was weighed down with skirts and jumpers and dresses and I was beginning to think about calling a halt as she approached me with another selection, when she looked up over my shoulder and froze, her face a white mask of shock. I started to turn to see what she had seen when a voice said:
"Hello, Ælfthryth."
My turn was almost complete when I realised that the speaker was the lady who had collided with me at the top of the escalator. But I stopped dead, and almost dead from shock at Ælfthryth's next word.
I turned to fully face the newcomer.
"Who are you?" I asked, no demanded.
The woman smiled.
"I'm Merewenna. I am Ælfthryth's mother."
The woman standing before me was a slightly older version of Ælfthryth, I could see a familial resemblance, quite strongly in fact, but if Ælfthryth was a rosebud this was the fully opened rose, the beautiful young woman turned into the stunning adult. I realised that I was standing there with my mouth hanging open, although whether that was because of the revelation or the vision I'm not sure. I closed my mouth and glanced back at Ælfthryth. She had now more than recovered her colour and was standing with eyes downcast in the age old pose of the child that has been caught with their hand in the biscuit barrel, still clutching her latest selection. This, more than anything else, told me that there was some truth in the woman's assertion.
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My cousin Avina, her brother and her family stays at our place whenever they come on vacation. shes 7 years younger than me. when we were young we use to play around and had fun. so this one time when i was sitting with her brother and chatting, Avina came and sat beside me on the couch. Avina was bored as we were not paying any attention to her. she then went to kitchen, got some popcorn and came back to watch tv. she asked me which channel should she watch and sat on my lap. she rarely have...
She’s not sure how to take this new man. He only does things to make her happy. The finger fucking, the oral sex, the licking of her nipples, and soft gentle touching and kissing. He seeks out every part of her body with his tongue and fingers. Licking at every sensitive spot. She tries to give him pleasure but it’s all about her. She loves all the attention even when he has his face buried between her legs and is licking and sucking at her clit. She feels orgasm after orgasm as he relentlessly...
Bear in mind that this story begins before the existence of the internet. I knew nothing ( or very little ), about Transgender. I had only seen one once at the age of 16, and never realised I was no different?May moons ago when I first met my wife at her home in Liverpool, I also met her 2 dogs.Tammy who was really was her mothers, and Tyson her Doberman. Her mother had passed away not long before she met me, and her Father died when she was only young. The dogs had little or no contact with...
The sinfully small Jane Wilde was minding her own business doing her homework until her creepy stepbro came to bother her. He was in need of a model for one of his art sketches, and Jane was the perfect size to handle the task. Jane did owe him a favor so she decided to give it a shot. She started to get nude and change into the outfit stepbro had requested. Seeing her in this light allowed him to get close to a final sketch, but he needed to get physical with her in order to really add emotion...
xmoviesforyouI was an assistant green keeper, but the head wouldn’t let me mow the greens, I could cut the rough areas down the fairways, but it was him and him alone who cut the greens. We were ahead of other courses in that we had a crazy golf area for the children to play, with sand pits and swings and slides. It was while I was mowing in this area I got chatting to a couple of sisters, Tiffany and Rebecca, 15 and 12, their parents were off playing 18 holes and had left them in the children’s area, to...
I gave Bridget one of my personal email addresses a few days ago ... one that I use in the private online world. But not laurenmom. I don't know that I'll ever want her in my online story and sex talk world. In any case, she sent me a message the same day. Even her emails are ultra adorable. And, she shared something that has me intrigued as hell. She told me that she has two tattoos. Tattoos are something I can generally take or leave. But the thought of her having ink adorning that sweet...
Not one of my best but I haven't posted in a while****************I was eleven and mama would let me sleep in her bed on Friday and Saturday nights. We would watch television until we fell asleep. It was a king size bed but it seemed huge. Daddy had died two years ago and I was the only c***d. Mama had let her self go and was becoming enormously fat. Our sexual encounter happened so innocently. Mama usually wore a wool nightgown and I wore my pajamas. One night I woke up and I remember...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you...
"So tell me, Mrs. Winthrop, how did you get my name," asked Sergio while he was in the process of setting up his massage table!?! "I got it from Donna, Donna Atkins, she says you come very highly recommended!!!" "Well, I'll thank Donna next time I see her," Sergio replied smoothly, as he finished up snapping the last table leg into place, "now tell me, what kind of trouble are you experiencing!?!" "Uh, it's my back mostly," Sami Winthrop replied, "I have a lot of stiffness in the morning when I...
EroticAmy's Story Part 1. My first attempt at a story, some autobiographical, some interludes of fantasy! I have enjoyed so many stories on this site and this is my contribution for good or bad. Hope that others on the same wavelength as me enjoys this story as I have others. Let me know what you think and any votes for further chapters on my development through the years as a tv, sissy maid, little girl in nappies, bisexual married man and all the thrills and spills involved!...
Hi friends, mera naam sahir 28 yr bengalore,height 5.9 gym body,fair and dick 7 inches, Yeh bath un dino ki hai jab mai chutty guzaarne dubai se bengalore aaya tha.Meri cousin didi ki umr 30 married saudi me rehti hai,gora rang height 5.5 figur ka to jawab nahi,koi dekhe to kahe ki kachchi kali.Un dino woh bhi saudi se aayi hui thi. Meri nazar uspe padi to mai pagal hogaya.Uske boobs,ass dekhke mai bas uske khwaab dekhne laga,but kabhi sahi maukha nahi mila usko choone ka.Hum bahot kam bath...
My photographic work had, over the past few years, changed from filming in far-flung parts of the world to being almost entirely studio based. Whilst the portable camera excelled in capturing events as they happened, my early training in stage lighting served me well in the studio and earned me a good living. Today, my subjects were two women, Jill and Susie, in their late twenties who wanted some erotic pictures for their own private collection. So, Jim, my assistant and I had been...
Your name is Connor Winters. Your parents have finally said their final, tear-filled good-byes, and at last you are on your own as a freshman in college. You have been looking forward to this for a long time. It's not that you are particularly enamored with education; it's just that you have longed to get out of your small-town environment and finally get out on your own. Your parents mean well, but they kept you on a pretty short leash all through high school. You have heard for years how...
My cousin is only fifteen, for his age he is rather handsome and from what I've seen on his Facebook page when he's gone to parties and been running around in his boxers his bulge looked huge, he must have a big cock, curiosity took over and I had many thoughts about his tiny slim body with a huge cock fucking me or sucking it so deep. Recently he had been visiting our house a few times, mostly for his Mum (My auntie) to see my Mum. This one evening was different, both our Mum's were going to a...
I knelt there on the bed between Karen's widespread legs. God, she was incredible! Her face and tits glistened in the room's light from the saliva smeared all over them, Her hard nipples stood straight and tall and her pussy... her pussy looked like it belonged to a twenty-year-old beach bunny, not a forty-year-old who had a college graduate son! Neat and tucked in tightly the lips didn't sag or anything. The fur was short and well trimmed, forming a small upside down triangle with the point...