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   Chapitre 1

  Clothilde Marsac, au balcon du premier ?tage guettait le passage du car ramenant ses enfants du lyc?e. Il ?tait dix-huit heures trente, comme souvent au mois d'octobre la temp?rature ?tait douce, elle ?tait l?g?rement v?tue, le soleil couchant lui caressait les bras.

Tout ?tait calme? dans ce quartier r?sidentiel de Moulins, largement en dehors du centre ville. Depuis maintenant un mois ils habitaient la grande b?tisse, allou?e par la pr?fecture ? son directeur des services. Apr?s avoir err? de sous-pr?fectures en sous-pr?fectures, Germain son mari s'?tait vu offrir ce poste, c'?tait une belle carri?re,? ? trente huit ans de se retrouver ? ce poste.

Malgr? ses r?ticences, Clothilde avait regagn? cette r?gion berceau de son enfance, elle y avait v?cu une enfance heureuse puis un ?pisode dramatique lors de son adolescence.

C'?tait son jardin secret, elle avait mis des ann?es ? oublier ce traumatisme ; de revenir en ces lieux ravivait ses souvenirs, le temps avait cependant fait son oeuvre, elle pouvait maintenant les ?voquer sans sombrer ? nouveau dans les cauchemars qui avaient, longtemps ?maill?s son sommeil.

  Personne dans la cellule familiale n'?tait au courant de son drame, son mari, sa belle-famille, ses enfants ignoraient jusqu'au nom de la ? grange aux loups ?. M?me si l'affaire avait ?t? soigneusement ?touff?e, elle avait craint lors de son retour, de la voir ressurgir du pass?. Il n'en fut rien, ? l'?poque peu d'informations avaient filtr?, et personne n'avait fait allusion ? cette ?poque douloureuse, en sa pr?sence, mieux m?me, au cours de la prise de cr?maill?re, elle avait c?toy? un des protagonistes de l'affaire, il l'avait visiblement reconnue, bl?missant ? sa vue, puis s'?cartant d'elle, visiblement fort g?n?, il l'avait ?vit?e toute la dur?e de la soir?e. Lors du d?part, tr?s penaud, il lui avait demand? d'une voix tremblante de lui pardonner, de faire comme si jamais rien ne s'?tait pass?, elle avait accept?, elle-m?me, ne cherchant qu'? oublier.

Elle ne pouvait supporter l'id?e que l'?cho de ce drame puisse parvenir aux oreilles de ses enfants, de son mari ou de sa belle-famille.

Cette belle-famille qui n'avait donn? son accord au mariage, qu'apr?s une longue p?riode d'observation, au vu et au su de sa bonne r?putation.

Elle n'osait penser ? leur r?action si l'affaire leur ?tait r?v?l?e, elle regrettait maintenant d'avoir cach? les faits ? son mari, elle avait tendu un voile pudique sur cette p?riode, c'?tait, elle le savait maintenant un tort, mais pouvait-elle pr?voir, alors, que la vie la ram?nerait en ces lieux.

  Elle avait revu avec joie ses parents, ils l'avaient toujours soutenue, l'avaient r?chauff?e de leur tendresse, la prot?geant de leur mieux ? cette ?poque, enfin soulag? lorsqu'elle parvint ? se marier en d?pit de ces r?pulsions initiales.

Il lui avait fallu quatre longues ann?es avant de supporter des mains masculines sur son corps, la tendresse de Germain, sa gentillesse sa douceur l'avait r?concili?e avec les males.

Elle se sentait pleine de nostalgie, de savoir que Sylvie sa fille a?n?e, prenait chaque jour le car qu'elle-m?me prenait ? longueur d'ann?e, pour se rendre dans le lyc?e vieillot, qu'elle avait fr?quent?.

  Sylvie lui ressemblait comme deux gouttes d'eau, Joel de deux ans son cadet tenait plus de son p?re ; comme elle, ? quatorze ans, elle portait ses cheveux blonds mi-longs sur la nuque, bien sur les tenues avaient chang?, Sylvie n'arborait pas les minis qu'on portait en 70, ses tenues ?taient plus sages, bien qu'elle non plus, imitant en cel?, sans le savoir, sa m?re, se refusait au port du soutien gorge, laissant sa poitrine naissante libre de toute contrainte sous son tee-shirt ; elle devait commencer ? ?veiller la convoitise de jeunes coqs, sa petite fille, faudrait peut-?tre commencer ? veiller au grain.

  Cette pens?e la replongea ? l'?poque de ses quatorze ans, elle pouvait d'ailleurs maintenant l'?voquer presque paisiblement sans en souffrir, vraiment ce mois avait bien estomp? ses angoisses.

Elle? revoyait, ce jour de mai, l'absence d'un professeur leur laissant l'apr?s-midi libre, la petite Clothilde Ducreux sortir du lyc?e en compagnie de sa meilleure copine, Solange Dutertre, elle habitait la maison voisine de la sienne dans son petit village de Courlandon, treize heures sonnaient au clocher de l'?glise voisine. L'air ?tait ?touffant en ces premi?res journ?es ensoleill?es de mai.

?Pascale Lobry accoud?e ? la porti?re d'une TR 3 devisait gaiement avec le conducteur. Il s'agissait de Paul, un de ces jeunes blousons dor?s, qui passait ses jours ? roder dans la ville, guettant les filles, claquant son fric ? profusion, sa r?putation n'?tait pas des meilleures, on murmurait qu'il ?tait compromis dans de vilaines histoires, mais pour toutes ces jeunettes ?blouies, il ne pouvait s'agir que de jaloux qui diffusaient ces calomnies pour se venger.

Il lui ?tait facile d'?blouir ces gamines, sa voiture, l'argent facile, son aura un peu trouble, tout participait de son attrait.

-         Paul m?emm?ne faire une vir?e, vous en ?tes ? demanda Pascale aux arrivantes.

-         C'est d'accord, on embarque, on a rien de mieux ? faire, mais Paul il faudra nous ramener ? l'heure du car r?pondit Solange devan?ant Clothilde.

Elles prirent place sur le si?ge ? bagages, et serr?e comme des sardines l'une contre l'autre, se sourirent ? l'id?e du bel apr?s-midi qui les attendait, elles avaient eu? du pot de sortir ? ce moment, elles allaient en faire des envieuses, partager la voiture du beau Paul !

  Il rangea sa voiture le long de la devanture du Balto, leur proposa de leur prendre des cigarettes et en profita pour donner quelques coups de fil, ? fin de lib?rer son apr?s-midi leur dit-il.

La voiture filait maintenant vers Bressans et sa for?t, elles se r?jouissaient d?j? ? l'id?e de ramener quelques bouquets de muguet. Il se gara ? l'or?e de la for?t, ? l'ombre d'une grande b?tisse de pierre connue sous le nom de la grange aux loups, sortant de la voiture il les interrogea :

-         ?Connaissez-vous l'histoire de cette grange ? Non ? ..... elle est pourtant fort instructive. 

-          Au moyen age, quelques chevaliers de basse lign?e en avait fait leur repaire, c'?tait de l? qu'ils partaient ?cumer la r?gion, d?troussant les voyageurs, tuant, pillant et surtout capturant de jeunes pucelles qu'ils ramenaient en croupe dans leur tani?re. Arriv?s l? ils les for?aient chacun leur tour partageant comme le disait le seigneur, le vin et la chair, violant, d?truisant les jeunes adolescentes qui restaient captives ? leur totale service, renouvelant leur cheptel lorsque n?cessaire ; la l?gende dit que les r?les des filles forc?es, les rires avin?s des habitants du lieu, la crainte qu'ils inspiraient suffisait ? d?tourner les importuns.

  Ce disant, il les entra?nait dans la grange obscure, traversant une grande salle obscure, ils aboutirent dans une plus petite, tout aussi sombre, Paul leur ayant promis de leur montrer des inscriptions laiss?es par les anciennes captives, Pascale appuya sur un interrupteur, tout de suite une lumi?re crue, violente inonda la pi?ce, les aveuglant.

Plissant les yeux, avec un cri d'effroi elles constat?rent la pr?sence d'une douzaine de jeunes gens qui les entour?rent, mena?ants.

-         Mais qu'est que ?a veut dire..... Que voulez-vous, questionna Solange apeur?e.

-         J?ai oubli? de pr?ciser que mon histoire avait une suite r?partit Paul ironiquement, Avec les copains nous avons d?cid? de ressusciter la l?gende, c'est ici que nous ramenons de jeunes dindes qu'on se tape tous en ch?ur?. Comme toutes les autres vous allez y passer. 

-          J'avais peur que vous ne soyez pas tous l?...... il ne manque que jacques et Pierre...? ils vont certainement arriver...  

-         Salauds...? vous n'avez pas le droit. de... si vous croyez! ... s'?cria Pascale d'une voix per?ante.

  Pour toute r?ponse, elle re?ut une violente paire de gifles, qui la projeta les quatre fers en l'air aux pieds de ses compagnes.

-         Vous pouvez gueuler tant que vous voudrez, personne ne vient jamais, et nous on pr?f?re..... maintenant ?a suffit...? ? poil les cageots .

Les trois donzelles s'?taient r?volt?es, avaient hurl?, tent? de s'?chapper, rien n'y fit.

Lass?s de leur r?sistance, d?bouclant leurs ceinturons ils commenc?rent ? les cingler de coups violents, n'?pargnant aucune parcelle de leurs corps.

Les coups s'abattaient, cuisants, douloureux, au hasard, elles avaient beau chercher ? se prot?ger, ils parvenaient toujours ? cingler les parties expos?es, leurs jeunes poitrines les br?laient maintenant, les fesses en feu, tout le corps rou? de coups, elles n'?taient plus que des boules de chair meurtries sanglotantes, pr?tes ? tout pour que cesse la terrible punition.

-         Arr?tez?. Arr?tez...... On fera tout ce que vous voudrez balbutiaient-elles, ?perdues entre deux sanglots .

Geignantes elles se relev?rent douloureusement sous l??il satisfait de leurs tortionnaires, aussit?t?t l'ordre fusa :

-         Allez ? poil...... D?sapez vous vite...? On a? h?te de voir vos gros culs !

  Ils s'assirent confortablement sur les nombreux matelas qui jonchaient le sol, seuls trois gars, l'appareil photo ? la main rodant autour d'elles.

Comme elles ne faisaient pas mine d'obtemp?rer, Paul leva ? nouveau sa ceinture.

-         Non...? Non...? Plus ?a...... On se d?shabille pleurnich?rent-elles en enlevant leurs tee-shirts, seule Pascale portait un soutien gorge, Solange et Clothilde les seins barr?s de larges balafres rouge?tres, exhibaient leurs poitrines menues, la peur, la honte couvrant leurs petites mamelles de chair de poule.

Pascale d?grafa son ?crin, Paul ne se contenta pas de la vue de la lourde poitrine aux seins bien form?s, aux larges ar?oles?? brunes, il se saisit des t?tons les pin?ant, les tordant cruellement lui soutirant de nouvelles plaintes.

-         Arr?te, laisse la se foutre ? poil..... On en profitera apr?s? intervinrent ses comparses.

Paul abandonna les t?tins douloureux et leur enjoignit de continuer leur effeuillage.

  Une nouvelle fois, il dut lever sa ceinture, avant de les voir d?grafer leurs minis jupes, les laissant glisser ? leurs pieds. Il ne leur restait plus que leurs petites culottes prot?geant encore leurs intimit?s, hagardes elles durent les enlever, les faisant glisser avec lenteur sur leurs cuisses dodues, en un spectacle involontairement suggestif.

Leurs petites chattes ?taient maintenant totalement livr?es aux yeux impatients de leurs tourmenteurs. La toison ch?tain, fournie de Pascale tranchait fortement avec celles nettement moins fournies de ces infortun?es compagnes, la fente du sexe se lisait clairement au c?ur des toisons clairsem?es de Solange et Clothilde.

-         Le choix du roi s'exclama une voix anonyme?.. Une rousse, une brune, une blonde, on va profiter de tout l'?ventail..... Ca faisait longtemps qu'on attendait ?a ! ...... Approchez !

Comme elles restaient sur place, s'accroupissant, jambes pli?es ils les attir?rent ? eux, happ?es par des mains impitoyables elles se sentirent tout de suite palp?es comme des b?tes ? l'?tal, les mains avides suivaient tous les contours de leurs courbes, t?tant la fermet? des croupes, violentant les petites poitrines, sauf en ce qui concerne Pascale, contraignant les cuisses dodues ? s'ouvrir livrant les moules juv?niles, les culs vierges aux mains ?valuatives, ils insinu?rent leurs mains dans les entre fesses serr?s, introduisant un, puis plusieurs doigts dans les chas ?troits, les anus r?tifs.

  Priv?es de volont?, sous les commentaires graveleux, appr?ciateurs, elles se laissaient palper sous toutes les coutures tandis que trois jeunes prenaient des photos, tous ces salauds les pelot?rent chacune longuement avant de faire leurs choix, trois paires de mains saisirent Clothilde, elle s'affala sur eux.

Solange et Pascale subissaient le m?me sort. Allong?e sur les genoux de ses trois tourmenteurs, elle sentit ? nouveau son corps enti?rement palp?, une bouche s'empara de la pointe de seins les mordillant, les ?tirant entre les dents, les su?otant.

Un cri aigu attira son attention, juste ? ses cot?s un corps d?nud? venait de s'affaler entre les cuisses de Solange, son suborneur venait avec violence de lui d?chirer son hymen, lui arrachant ce cri de douleur.

Un des jeunes la fit rouler sur le dos, imm?diatement il baissa pantalon et slip sur ses genoux, exposant ? ses yeux ?pouvant?s un sexe tendu, noueux, violac?. Il s'allongea entre ses jambes que ses deux comparses maintenaient ?cart?es, elle ne pouvait que s'enfoncer dans le matelas pour se soustraire ? l'agression. Elle les supplia :

  -         Non pas ?a..... Je suis vierge..... Je ferai ce que vous voudrez...? Mais pas ?a..... Laissez-moi..... Je ne dirai rien.

-         ?De toute mani?re tu ne diras rien...? Tu crois tout de m?me pas qu'on va se priver de ton mignon petit cul ! lui r?torqua son agresseur, en pesant au centre de sa faille, il insistait avec force, sa fente avait accueilli la pointe du gland qui butait maintenant sur la barri?re de son hymen.

-         C'est une vraie vierge les gars...? On va tout lui apprendre .

D'un coup de rein violent, il parvint ? ses fins, sa queue s'engloutit jusqu'? la racine dans la gaine serr?e.

Il sembla ? Clothilde qu'on l'?ventrait, un trait de feu lui traversa le ventre tandis que s'enfon?ait l'?norme mentule, distendant d'un coup son petit con de vierge, maintenant son suborneur se tenait immobile, enfonc? jusqu'? la garde dans son ?tui palpitant.

-         La notre ne l'?tait plus entendit-elle sur sa droite? Pascale, un gars entre les jambes accueillait de plus un membre vigoureux entre ses l?vres, elles ?taient maintenant toutes les trois en mains.

Son ?tui se faisait bon gr? mal gr? ? la conformation de la bite qui l'habitait, une l?g?re humidit? m?canique avait oint le membre qui la fourrait, d'un brusque retrait son suborneur entreprit de la limer, sa bite coulissait difficilement dans l'?troitesse du vagin, pourtant englu? de cyprine, la souffrance ?tait tol?rable sauf lorsque le gros chibre en bout de course butait sur le col de l'ut?rus, d?cha?nant alors des ?clairs de feu dans son ventre.

Le corps qui la couvrait se raidit, la bite grossit encore, et pour la premi?re fois en cette apr?s-midi, un m?le se vida dans son ventre.

Elle n'eut pas m?me le temps de se redresser que d?j? un autre salaud prenait place entre ses jambes ?cartel?es, lui fourrant ? son tour sa queue dans le con.

Son conduit copieusement graiss? par la semence du pr?d?cesseur admit plus facilement son envahisseur, quelques va et viens fi?vreux l'amen?rent ? une rapide jouissance ? nouveau son con se vit inond? de foutre br?lant.

Le troisi?me se d?versa tout aussi rapidement dans son ventre, un quatri?me, posant son appareil photo profita ? son tour d'elle.

Solange et Pascale aussi avaient satisfaits leurs violeurs, ils ?chang?rent leurs proies, avides de varier les plaisirs.

-         Suce moi commanda l'un d'eux..... Et gare aux dents...... Si je les sens, j?t'?clate la t?te mena?a-t-il.

Elle tourna la t?te cherchant d?sesp?r?ment ? fuir le contact du gland ?pais sur ses l?vres, un bras la lui immobilisa rapidement, elle sentait la grosse prune mafflue, malodorante peser sur ses l?vres ferm?es, une petite tape sur la t?te la convainquit de participer ? son viol, elle desserra les dents, le gland s'infiltra entre ses l?vres, roula sur sa langue avant de l'emplir jusqu'? la glotte.

A grands coups de boutoirs, il utilisait sa bouche comme s'il baisait en son vagin, la t?te du n?ud frappait avec violence ses amygdales, secou?e par les hauts le c?ur, elle sentit enfin le foutre gluant jaillir dans le fond de sa gorge, lui inondant la bouche et le palais, le nez pinc?, au bord de l'?touffement, elle dut avaler le breuvage amer pour respirer, elle sentit le flot coulant du sperme acre lui br?ler l??sophage, le visage barbouill? de foutre, Pascale tourn?e vers elle hurlait de douleur, une bite ?norme disparaissait par ? coups entre ses fesses disjointes.

  Ce spectacle ?veilla les m?mes envies dans les reins d'un de ses tortionnaires, il la retourna comme une cr?pe, empoigna avec violence ses h?misph?res, les s?parant ? la limite de l'arrachement.

Son mignon oeillet se tapissait, apeur?, au centre de sa raie, instruite de ce qui l'attendait par le tableau qu'elle avait sous les yeux, Clothilde contracta de toutes ses? forces sa rondelle, une ceinture lui cinglant le cul, vaincue, elle rel?cha ses sphincters.

S'impr?gnant les doigts dans le foutre m?l? de sang et de cyprine qui d?bordait de sa vulve, d'un pouce brutal il lui graissa copieusement la rosace.

Malgr? tout, un hurlement de douleur franchit ses l?vres lorsque inexorablement un ?pais gourdin fraya sa voie dans son cul distendu, son intestin semblait se d?plier, le gros b?lier progressait encore dans son cul meurtri, s'installant de tout son ampleur dans ses entrailles fr?missantes.

Enfin l'empalement fut total, les couilles velues repos?es sur son cul rebondi, son violeur, apr?s quelques all?es et venues f?briles projeta en de longues gicl?es saccad?es sa semence au fin fond de ses entrailles.

Ils s'?taient succ?d?s ainsi, tout l'apr?s-midi dans les ventres, les bouches, les culs soumis.

Tout l'apr?s-midi elles avaient du satisfaire leurs d?sirs pervers, il les prirent dans toutes les positions sans se soucier d'elles.

  Clothilde se rappelait avec pr?cision, le moment o? dans le champ des objectifs, elle avait du enfourcher le ventre d'un de ces salauds, s'embrochant d'elle-m?me sur la queue tendue, elle avait ensuite du tendre les l?vres vers la queue malodorante d'un second malandrin, tandis qu'un troisi?me lui fouillait les fesses, la for?ant ensuite d'un membre dur comme le fer.

Les trois salauds l'avaient longuement lim?e, accordant leurs rythmes, alternant les coups de boutoir avant de se d?verser simultan?ment dans ses trois orifices douloureux.

  Solange et Pascale de m?me avaient du ? plusieurs reprises combler trois jeunes ? la fois, couvertes de sperme, de sang s?ch?, de sueur elles avaient enfin pu se rhabiller sous les quolibets de leurs tourmenteurs. Les douze salauds avaient tous go?t? ? leurs charmes certains ? plusieurs reprises, le corps suintant de sperme par leurs orifices bas, la bouche p?teuse, le go?t acre du foutre accroch? aux papilles, Paul leur avait remis ? chacune un polaro?d qui les repr?sentait en pleine action, embroch?e sur trois pines.

  Pr?venues que la moindre r?v?lation entra?nerait l'envoi imm?diat de ces photos ? leurs familles, devant la peur du scandale elles durent promettre de se taire, acceptant de revenir chaque week-end distraire leurs ma?tres-chanteurs.

Les trois amies s'?taient ainsi jointes chaque dimanche ? la cohorte de filles, qui, le cul nu sous leurs jupes courtes venaient contenter la salacit? de la bande.

Jusqu'? la mi-juin elles durent offrir leurs bouches, leurs ventres, leurs reins ? leurs suborneurs, sur un simple geste elles se couchaient sur le ventre ou le dos, suivant leurs volont?s, fesses grandes? ouvertes comblant leurs d?sirs les plus pervers.

Chaque dimanche elles devenaient la femelle de plusieurs gar?ons, ? chaque rendez-vous une dizaine de filles s'offraient ainsi ? la lubricit? d'une trentaine de gar?ons.

Elles satisfaisaient ainsi tous leurs d?sirs en solo, en duo, ou en trio.

P?les amaigries, leurs parents qui ne se doutaient de rien les gavaient de vitamines jusqu'au jour o? Claudette une des participantes se retrouva enceinte, press?e de questions elle finit par avouer l'ignoble chantage auquel elle devait se plier r?v?lant aux gendarmes les noms de ces salauds et de ses compagnes d'infortune.

La discr?tion ?tait de rigueur, les parents furent inform?s du drame, quelques plaintes furent d?pos?es mais dans son ensemble l'affaire fut ?touff?e tous les protagonistes y ayant int?r?t.

  Se secouant de la l?thargie qui l'avait envahie ? cette p?nible ?vocation, Clothilde, se penchant en avant, h?la ses enfants qui descendaient du bus, elle ne voyait pas sous le balcon les deux fils du jardinier, les yeux braqu?s sous sa jupe, cherchant ? distinguer les poils follets qui s'?chappaient de son petit slip.

Les regards br?lants escaladaient lentement les jambes fusel?es, plongeant dans la moiteur de l'entrejambe, butaient sur le fond de la petite culotte verte, en estimaient la moiteur troublante, avant de repartir ? l'assaut, devinant la blondeur de la toison vaguement entrevue par transparence.

Ignorant l'int?r?t qu'elle suscitait chez les deux jeunes gens, inconsciente, elle se balan?ait d'avant en arri?re, se tournait, virevoltait sur les talons, permettant ? leurs regards, en toute innocence de suivre le pli profond des fesses avant de s'aventurer sur la croupe rebondie, au sombre sillon bien d?tach? sur le fond clair de la lingerie ?l?gante.

A chaque fois, la vision d'une si belle croupe, dodue, rebondie ? souhait, pr?sent?e dans son riche ?crin de nylon translucide les ?chauffait tant, qu'ils devaient s'empoigner la queue ? deux mains, pour apaiser leurs sens, projettant de longues gicl?es blanch?tres le long du mur, alors qu'ils ne r?vaient que de les lui coller au fin fond du ventre ou du cul.


Janvier 2008-01-04

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The RVirus Trespasser

Sure, there were obvious risks, but she thrived off taking risks. The idea of winding up in prison hardly scared her, her main source of income already carried that sentence. One breaking and entering charge was hardly a deterrent for a woman like her. If her hunch was correct it would all be worth it in the end. The traffic was slowly dying down around the industrial sector as the commercial buildings clustering in the area had all closed up shop for the night. The natural light of the...

2 years ago
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The sound of the bike was nothing less than relaxing in my ears. I noticed him look to the east and I followed his line of sight and realized there was lightening in the distance. He slowly shook his head. I am sure we were both thinking the same thing as his attention turned back to the direction we were heading. There was no way we would make it back home before that storm got to us. Knowing that there was nothing down the road for miles except an overpass, I felt him shift and accelerate...

3 years ago
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Awakened PassionsCh3

She woke stretching slightly colder then she would have liked but stopped when she realized there was an arm over her waist. Robby didn’t sleep like that. Now that she thought about it, she didn’t recognize this room either. What’s going on, she thought. Panic beginning to set in. She rolled a little to see Aaron laying on her side and the last two days spilled back into her mind. Curling up next to his chest she let out a sigh of relief. She lay their a moment and...

2 years ago
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Awakened PassionsCh2

She stormed down the stairs and out of the house. Robby following her all the way out. It was hard, but it had to be done, she realized that now. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOEN LARAIN?!†He was screaming at her cause he couldn’t understand why she no longer wanted to clean his house cook his food wash his cloths and, probably the most important part, expected her to wait for him to want her again, with him showing no sign of interest! Not for a full year. All he wanted to do was...

1 year ago
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Awakened PassionsCh1

Larain and Robby lived in the middle of Butt Fuck no were. When they had first gotten together he was sweet and sensual, always wanting to fuck her and explore her body. Now though it seemed as though all he wanted was to hunt and drink. He had ,after all, bought the 120 acres with the huge ranch house in the middle of the property just for her. He wanted to be able to fuck her hard so she could howl, something she did as she came all over him over and over. But lately he hadn't looked...

4 years ago
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Moonlight Passionata

When he finally broke off the kiss, Sheila could feel in her soul just how much the pine scent filled the landscape. She knew her blouse was ruined from the pitch that was ground into her back when he pressed her against the widest tree in the patch of woods behind the barn but she didn’t care. She was wet, the moon was making his hair shine, and she could think only of getting him to tame her wet hunger. He moved around behind her and began to run his fingers through her hair and then let one...

3 years ago
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Awakened PassionsCh2

Introduction: Second chapter to the story. More will come, just bare with me please as I right and enjoy the storie ~_~ Ch2 She stormed down the stairs and out of the house. Robby following her all the way out. It was hard, but it had to be done, she realized that now. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOEN LARAIN?! He was screaming at her cause he couldnt understand why she no longer wanted to clean his house cook his food wash his cloths and, probably the most important part, expected her to wait for...

2 years ago
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Awakened PassionsCh3

Introduction: Ok. Heres chapter three… four soon to come Ch3 She woke stretching slightly colder then she would have liked but stopped when she realized there was an arm over her waist. Robby didnÃ,t sleep like that. Now that she thought about it, she didnÃ,t recognize this room either. WhatÃ,s going on, she thought. Panic beginning to set in. She rolled a little to see Aaron laying on her side and the last two days spilled back into her mind. Curling up next to his chest she...

3 years ago
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Awakened PassionsCh1

Introduction: Im new at this.. so be gentle…If I get enough posidive feed back Ill put up more chapers CH1 Larain and Robby lived in the middle of Butt Fuck no were. When they had first gotten together he was sweet and sensual, always wanting to fuck her and explore her body. Now though it seemed as though all he wanted was to hunt and drink. He had ,after all, bought the 120 acres with the huge ranch house in the middle of the property just for her. He wanted to be able to fuck her hard so she...

3 years ago
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The Trespasser

His POV It was a beautiful Summer day and I had decided to spend it working at my hunting land, cutting some trees that bent across the trails during an ice storm in the Winter. I was hiking down a trail through lush green Wisconsin woodland, listening to the songbirds and mentally apologizing to them for the ruckus I would soon be making. I had a chainsaw in hand and a hardhat on my head. But first, I had a different call of nature to answer to. I set the saw and hardhat down and stepped off...

4 years ago
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Forgive Us Our Trespasses

1994:I heard about the pool through my best friend Jess. She was one of those girls who is friends with everyone in high school. In comparison I was kind of a loner, preferring the company of books to people. I think that was what her interest in me was. I was a challenge, and she was persistent. I liked her, too, though only as friend. Sure, she was pretty, and smart, and cool, and nice, but I didn’t want to risk what was good about our relationship by pushing too hard for it to become...

1 year ago
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Dark Impassions

Josh Tylers was a good looking 19-year-old black male with a promising day ahead of him. He was leaving to go on a date with his girlfriend 20-year-old half-Asian bombshell college sophomore Jade Pond. Josh was pretty sure he was going to lose his virginity this time too. She invited him to her dorm room and even threw in some suggestive language to the text message she sent him. They have been getting close to having sex before. Like the time he was fingering her and she was playing with his...

1 year ago
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Mark öffnete seinen Posteingang und hörte sofort den altbekannten Ton den er auch irgendwie erwartet hatte.... "Ding - Sie haben eine neue Mail". Mark erwartete Post und da war sie. Der 20 jährige machte nach der Schuke gerade ein Jahr Pause und hing vielk herum. Er hatte keine Freundind im Moment und in den weiten des Internets geriet er desöfters in chats mit anderen leuten. Er chattete viel aber ein Chat-Partner hatte in den letzen Tagen und Wochen mehr interesse an ihm bekundet und so...

1 year ago
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barn passning

du heter martin och sitter vid ditt skriv bordet och ser ut igenom ditt fönster. när du ser att dörren öppnas och stängs du hör röster små prata med varandra. du vet att det är din barnvakt som har kommit eftersom din mamma och pappa ska ut med din pappas it företag på middag och hel helg. du reser på dig och går ut från ditt rum och går ner till botten våningen och går in i storarummet där du ser din mamma i en snygg klänning och din pappa i en kostym. så vem ska barnpassa mig i helgen då...

3 years ago
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Loccasione rende luomo passivo

Mi allungo verso la figa aperta e tumida di Chiara mentre Carlo, in piedi al lato del letto, dietro di me, mi prende per i fianchi e sistema il mio culo in direzione del suo cazzo incappucciato. Chiara scivola sotto di me, spalancando le gambe e spingendo coi talloni sul materasso: il plug anale nero che indossa si muove quando lei contrae l'addome muovendosi sul letto, e il movimento del giocattolo mi eccita da impazzire. Le mie labbra incontrano la sua figa nello stesso momento in cui le sua...

2 years ago
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Gelida Passione

1I segreti hanno un prezzo.G. S.Tatiana lo faceva “morire”: era un tipo sveglio e più napoletana dei napoletani. In due anni e aveva imparato tutto sulla vita della città, nonché del suo intricato sottobosco, persino le grandi e piccole manovre della mentalità camorristica: ormai la linfa, il sistema sanguigno della città.Andava fiero di quella donna, il suo braccio destro. L’aveva voluta, ne aveva intuito le qualità, e ne aveva fatto una vera “signora”.Certo, al suo Paese era una laureata,...

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Piazza passione

Well it was oy 2 hours in duration but thebuild up and fact it was so special to memade this the most wonderful 2 hours of love ever with myhoney.We had arrived at the piazza bench anothernightand been unlucky as was people there and they wouldnt leave. Last night I went back with him and surprise surprise people were there again.Would I ever get it on there?We sat on the bench of 4 benches and held each other. I whispered of my desires to my honey. As we sat talking quietly I got more excited....

3 years ago
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The Trespasser

His POVIt was a beautiful Summer day and I had decided to spend it working at my hunting land, cutting some trees that bent across the trails during an ice storm in the Winter. I was hiking down a trail through lush green Wisconsin woodland, listening to the songbirds and mentally apologizing to them for the ruckus I would soon be making. I had a chainsaw in hand and a hardhat on my head. But first, I had a different call of nature to answer to. I set the saw and hardhat down and stepped off...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Trespasser

The Trespasser.Page 1.        'Hey, hey you.' I said, pretty well jumping out from behind a big rock, 'What are you doing here? This is a private beach. What the hell are you doing here?'        Now I gotta say, I was pretty well shocked at how beautiful she was. Turns out she was a fashion model and doing something I had never heard of. She was doing a series of 'selfies' but using a digital camera on a tri-pod utilizing the timer feature to do a photo-shoot of herself in a really sweet, sexy,...

2 years ago
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Lets Play Tresspassers

Let’s Play TrespassersAfter a late lunch out, Lisa, Ashley, Suzi and I were out walking in a park on a warm Sunday afternoon in July. The park was beautiful. There was a lush lawn and the flowers all around were in magnificent bloom. We were just walking around, talking and gossiping and giggling, probably a little too loudly. We were feeling a little hot, and decided to go walk in the nearby woods, to take advantage of the shade. The woods was mostly a pine forest. There were lots of tall pine...

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I’m a very calculative person by nature and don’t take much of a risk in sexual adventurism like hooking a sex-worker or making girl friends for sex… the reason is don’t want to be in soup say m moving with my family in a market and any girl coming to me and throwing a surprise. Better watch this situation. Apart that sex is always a passion where one should have equally passionate partner other-wise buy a 1 kg of chicken keema and fill it in a balloon and put your rod through the hole and sage...

4 years ago
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Punished for Passivity

Mistress Maria decided to teach her sex slave, meat, a lesson about becoming more sexually aggressive Punished for Passivity Mistress Maria decided to teach her sex slave, meat, a lesson about becoming more sexually aggressive.? After a languorous and erotic session during which she held back while he licked her pussy, she finally permitted him to make her cum. Then, after he had made her cum again with his cock, and she finally permitted him to fill up her pussy with his sperm.? Knowing...

2 years ago
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Opus OneChapter 20 Passacaglia

"So what do you think of the piano sound?" Dave asked Richard. Richard stood up from Jarrett's chair in front of the speakers. "It's really rich. I'm used to hearing this piano from the piano bench, so it sounds a little different. But still nice. Really nice." "Good. I'm happy with it too. Man, I just love this concert hall. Jarrett, what do you think?" "Smooth work, Dave. Let's record some so Irina can hear it," Jarrett replied. Richard sat in his chair, to Jarrett's left,...

1 year ago
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Toon Pass! I want to see some hentai sluts getting fucked in every way imaginable. Yeah, there are plenty of sites with hot hentai babes getting what they deserve, but I want even more than just that. I like all kinds of animated porn. Comics, cartoons, hentai, and sometimes I’ll even jerk off to some quality 3D SFM shit if I’m feeling it. But I don’t want to have to go to half a dozen fucking sites to get my fix. I want one site where I can go and fap to all kinds of drawn porn. Fuck having to...

Premium Hentai Sites
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Parody Pass! Remember when Netflix and chill was a thing? It was short-lived, but for a glorious moment in time, we had a perfectly viable excuse to invite girls over for sex. Not that there were never perfectly viable excuses to invite girls over for sex before Netflix and chill became known. There have always been great excuses for that. No, the difference was in the fact that any girl who agreed to come over to Netflix and chill knew damn well what was about to go down.There was no playing...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Plumper Pass implores potential subscribers on their landing page, screaming in all caps, to “GO BIG OR GO HOME!” Not that you’d have an option to go small or even medium around here. Hell, even “big” seems like it undersells the product; why talk molehills when you’ve got legit mountains of delicious, jiggly flesh? As for the “go home” part of the equation, well, I guess that’s up to you. Personally, I feel comfortable enough whacking off to this stuff at home, in a seedy motel, on the bus, or...

Premium BBW Porn Sites
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When I first got the link for Blow Pass, I immediately imagined a subscription service offering unlimited blowjobs for one low monthly fee. It turns out I was kind of right, though the actual service doesn’t include full service from the local crack whores. This is a premium smut network dedicated to beautiful women giving head.BlowPass.com has been around in some form or another since 2005. I’m already hard as a rock looking at their landing page, so I have a feeling I know how they’ve lasted...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
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A Tug Pass can be many things to many different people. It might be the theoretical pass your wife has given you to get a handjob from a favored celebrity should the opportunity present itself. In shittier relationships, it’s the right to jerk off on alternate Wednesdays, the other days reserved for procreation or sad blue balls. For regular masturbators, though, a TugPass includes unfettered access to a whole network of perverted porn sites.That’s exactly the kind of shit we’re talking about...

Premium Handjob Porn Sites
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Reddit PassionX, aka r/PassionX! Of course, as we all know, Reddit is full of sissies. So, even when they post porn on there, they still slam that shit with some sensuality and romanticism. Unfortunately, I have to review this soft porn, so, for today, we'll do that. I mean, I don't have anything against soft porn. As with all spaces, women need their little squares too. But, I, as a tough man, used to hardcore porn, don't do this shit. But, anyway, I know that most of you do.If you use Reddit,...

Reddit NSFW List
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Interracial Pass sounds like something you might get from a really open-minded wife who didn’t mind if you got a little action on the side, provided you’re doing your part to fight the stigma of racism. Too bad for all the virgins and sad sacks stuck in unhappy marriages, I guess. It isn’t all bad, though, because there’s another kind of interracial pass that’s a lot more accessible to the average pervert with a few extra bucks in his wallet.InterracialPass.com, as you may have already guessed,...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Fuck Pass VR is a little harder or a little easier than most porn sites to enjoy in public, depending on how you look at it. On one hand, if you’re watching it via the magic of virtual reality, as you’re intended to, the other Starbucks customers won’t necessarily know you’re living an immersive, 3D porno fantasy. On the other hand, it's hard to stay aware of your surroundings with a futuristic pair of sex goggles strapped to your face. One minute you’re smashing a famous pornstar in 8K, the...

VR Porn Sites
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GangBang is her favorite passtime

I am a twenty-seven year old woman who has been married five years and has two beautiful girls. A few months ago my husband got three XXX-rated videos for us to watch because he knew I had never seen any and he wanted to spice up our sex life. We watched the first two videos and although my husband was very aroused, they were just OK with me. Then he put on the last one. WOW - did it get to me. Its plot was simple, a gang rape. Five male bikers are driving down a country lane when they see a...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Hall Pass

It just slid into her head again like the night before. 'I wonder if he fucks as well as looks?' She had sat with her husband around the pool bar at the hotel absorbing the chilled, relaxing feeling that only a good holiday can bring and it was topping off a day where she had lain on the beach topless for the most part letting the warmth of the sun soak through her body whilst she drifted and dozed between bouts of the steamy novel she had been reading.But now it was dark and midway through the...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Nights of Alsitor At The Foot of Podritias Pass

The wind howled outside, barely swaying the lanterns hanging within the closed bivouac. Soft light played off the glyphs woven into the tent walls, and the somber faces of the two meeting parties. Captain Tsharles, a rocky-jawed bear of a man with olive skin and wavy amber hair, sat on a footstool two steps away from the intricately-knitted wicker bench supporting Sheriff Amelia, the steward of Podritia's Pass. a strategically vital route through otherwise inaccessible mountains. The men in...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Without a Compass

I thought of it as 'either or', not 'something and'. Sex I mean, specifically sexual relationships. You navigated through sex because certain things were a given. One of those was that my wife Jilly was not a lesbian. I mean, she had never shown the slightest sexual interest in women. Lesbian themes on TV or film appeared to be distasteful to her. But then she met Adele and my life became unhinged. Unhinged because I didn't believe that I knew Jilly anymore. Unhinged because I didn't understand...

3 years ago
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Wolf Creek Pass

Usually I love driving. You see so much from the cockpit of a motor coach. I have traveled to 49 of the states and Canada, saw some beautiful scenery and even witnessed the sight of bare female flesh from passing cars. My wife and I had bought this converted tour bus used and had just finished rebuilding the inside, preparing to pull up stakes and travel. It had always been a dream to see the country, and after we had sold the business, we had the funds to make that dream possible. But I was...

4 years ago
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Backstage Pass

Backstage Pass [Victoria Justice gets a backstage pass to one of Miley’s concerts. Things happen in her dressing room…] Victoria smiled happily as she put on the final layer of mascara to her eyelashes, before picking up her lip gloss and applying some on her lips. She twirled around in front of the standing mirror in her room a couple of times, trying to decide if she looked good or not. She was wearing a frilly red top with matching red earrings, and a tight pair of jeans tucked into her...

2 years ago
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On His Bathhouse Pass

On His Bathhouse PassWayne is, I'm sure, exactly the type of person that the bathhouse was hoping for when they gave away the 8 Hour Free Pass, as one the door prizes at the Gay Pride Festival. Wayne just happens to be one of those 'pretty boys' that any bathhouse would love to have hanging around. Age 23, 5'11', 185 pounds, 44 inch chest, 32 inch waist, short dark brown flat top, a bubble butt made of stone, that anybody in their right mind would love to fuck, and a very respectably long and...

3 years ago
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Backstage Pass

No, this story is not about groupie plaster casters at a glam rock concert getting the cock and balls in plaster of a rock star they fucked. Nor is it about going backstage at a theatrical performance of a highly sexual play, although elements of such drama are in this story. It was a simple sign in the woods, ?Backstage Pass?. I had cycled to the end of a woodland trail, an old rail bed, and found a gate blocking the trail, presumably erected there by a property owner jealous of his privacy....

3 years ago
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Backstage Pass

[Victoria Justice gets a backstage pass to one of Miley's concerts. Things happen in her dressing room...]Victoria smiled happily as she put on the final layer of mascara to her eyelashes, before picking up her lip gloss and applying some on her lips. She twirled around in front of the standing mirror in her room a couple of times, trying to decide if she looked good or not. She was wearing a frilly red top with matching red earrings, and a tight pair of jeans tucked into her long black booths....

1 year ago
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The Hall Pass

My hand was trembling as I reached for my phone. I could see it was a picture message from Taylah, my fiancé. It was the first time I had received one from Taylah, and I was worried about what it would be. It was her last week of freedom as a single woman; next Saturday, we would be married. My wedding gift to her was a hall pass to cut loose and go wild on her hen night out with her girls before she became my wife.Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't worry about receiving a picture text...

3 years ago
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Weekend Pass

A weekend pass is not worth a hell of a lot when a guy has just thirty dollars in his pocket, Tim grumbled to himself, although it's better than no pass at all. He'd only be able to hang out in La Estrada, wander the mall, take in a couple of movies, eat chili and hope to score with one of the local girls. Fat chance that last possibility! He had not scored once in the year he'd been stationed at Fort Butte. The sky dimmed slowly with the setting of the sun, and soon it would be dark with...

1 year ago
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Hussie Pass

If you had a Hussie Pass, what’s the first thing you’d do? That’s more of a rhetorical question, because everyone’s less interested in what you’d do than what those titular hussies are getting up to. With the exception of your mom and the most prudish of prudes, everybody loves a slutty gal, which goes a long way in explaining why so many folks are lining up to get that pass we’re talking about. This next website gets an easy half million visitors a month, and today your old pal ThePornDude is...

Top Premium Porn Sites
1 year ago
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The Center Pass

The Center Pass Belladonna A smile came across Les's face as he caught a glimpse of Holly sauntering out through the front door of their school. It was not long before the school year would start anew, and he had walked to the school to watch her sign up for the field hockey team. It was nothing but a formality. Holly signed up every year. She had made the Varsity team as a freshman, so there was no doubt she would returning as a sophomore. Les was somewhat jealous of her for...

3 years ago
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Just in case need to mention this story is total fiction. Names were picked from random. Of course I imagine in a different reality this could actually happen.Beverly and I have been married for about six years and are ready to start a family. We’re both just shy of turning 30 so it’s a good time. Oh yes I’m 5’8” about 190 pounds, somewhat in good shape (Can’t forget this.) and my dick size is just over 7 inches. Bev is about 5’5”, 110 pounds has B cup breasts, wonderful strong legs and really...

4 years ago
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No Trespassing

NO TRESPASSING By Nnm The battered black pick-up turned silently of the road and pulled up behind a copse of trees, hidden from the view of any other traffic which may pass, which was very unlikely on this isolated area of the moor. The two doors open and out stepped a pair of untidy passengers. One was a short, 5' 2" woman with unkempt blonde shoulder length hair. She was wearing a pair of skintight Levis and a dark t-shirt, which seemed to be a size too small for her 32b breasts...

3 years ago
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Boarding Pass

Gratefully I sink into my seat.  It is going to be a very long flight. NEWARK, my boarding pass says, but it’s just another destination at the end of yet another flight.I usually prefer to sit on the aisle but none of those seats are available and I feel lucky to even get a window.  True, it’s in the very last row of the plane, but at least I don’t have to endure the three hours sandwiched into a middle seat between an ex-pro football player and a mother with a screaming infant.  And with any...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Hall Pass

CHAPTER 1: THE INSANITY BEGINS “You want me to do WHAT?!!” I exploded at Susan, my wife of twenty-four years.“There’s no reason to shout at me, Russ. It’s a perfectly reasonable request,” she whined.That was the scene in our kitchen barely a week ago when my wife brazenly asked me to grant her a ‘hall pass’. When I asked her just what she meant by a hall pass, she calmly explained that she wanted me, for a day or two, to allow her to freely have sex with anyone who she found attractive, with no...

2 years ago
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The passengers

I sat fidgeting in the airport lounge.I looked around at my fellow passengers and wondered where they were coming from and where they were going. I peered out at the jets imperfectly seen through the rain-soaked window, and glanced up at the simple round clock on the wall, as though willing it to turn 8:15 PM. At that magic moment, the flight from Montreal to Amsterdam would be called, this stage of the wait would be over, and the next stage would begin. I looked back at the pages of the book I...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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His First Gay Hall Pass

I had a pretty amazing trip to Queensland and over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing with you guys more of my selfies and more about some touristy things I got up to when not hanging out with Rachel and Taz.But for now, you guys are probably interested in more of the naughty stuff.Rachel, Taz and I spent three nights down the coast hanging out and we tried every position and combination we could think of. It was all supposed to be about Taz having gay experiences, but I did get to fuck Rachel...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Smugglers Pass

There were just two of them in that cabin, a man and a woman.  They gave me shelter for the night when I was on my way to the Smuggler’s Pass.Asking questions was not safe in that land torn by the war for years and none were asked.  The woman was very young. She looked innocent and beautiful with blond hair and eyes blue and deep like lakes.  She glanced at me a few times and blushed slightly when realized that I spotted her attention. The man was much older than her, but I hardly remember him...

Straight Sex

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