Le Monde De Sophie free porn video

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Le monde de Sophie.

Chapitre 1 : Contrari?t? et petits bonheurs

Putain de projet ! Tout le monde est en retard, pas moyen de faire respecter un d?lai ? quiconque dans cette soci?t? et ?videmment sur qui cela

va retomber ? Et bien ce sera sur moi ! Pourtant ce n'est pas faute d'avoir pr?venu et r?p?t? qu'il y avait un risque ! C'est trop tendu cot?

d?lai depuis le d?but ! Tendue comme moi d'ailleurs ! J'ai bien besoin de vacances ! Heureusement qu'on est vendredi !

Sophie etait en train de pester interieurement tout en r?digeant un ?ni?me m?mo ? l'attention de sa directrice pour l'informer des nouvelles

perturbations de planning du projet phare de la soci?t?.

Me couvrir au maximum pensait elle sinon je suis bonne pour prendre la porte ! j'ai bien vu que la derni?re fois c'etait pass? tout juste pensait

elle tout en rassemblant le plus d'informations possibles.

Hooverphonic ! Tiens quelqu'un qui aime ce groupe comme moi ! Sophie rel?ve la tete pour regarder dans son voisinage avant de se rendre compte

que le bruit vient de son sac !

Zut ! je ne suis pas encore habitu?e ? mon nouveau t?l?phone !

Elle fouille f?brilement dans son sac ? main pour pouvoir le trouver avant que la messagerie ne prenne le relais et d?croche pr?cipitamment.

- Oui ! C'est Sophie !

- Hi ! c'est Mel ! Tu viens d?jeuner avec moi ce midi ?

- Ho non ! Il est d?j? midi et demi ! Ne le prend pas mal Mel ! Je ne disais pas cela pour toi ! je n'ai pas vu le temps passer ce matin !

D?sol?e je ne peux pas, je suis en retard sur tout! Je te raconterai lundi ! Enfin si je suis encore en place ! S'cuse moi je raccroche !

Sophie verrouille aussit?t son pc, attrape son sac et file en courant vers le hall de l'etage. Ce m?mo peut bien attendre cet apr?s-midi !

Pour ce que cela m'apportera de bon de toute fa?on !

Ses beaux cheveux blonds volent un peu en l'air alors qu'elle glisse en fin de course pour taper d'un petit coup sec sur le bouton d'appel de l'ascenseur.

Ses yeux bleus passent rapidement de l'affichage informatif d'arriv?e de l'ascenseur ? sa montre.

Pourvu que j'arrive ? temps pour recevoir mon paquet ! Je suis sure que le livreur n'attendra pas si je suis absente ! Ils n'attendent jamais!

A peine les portes ouvertes, elles se glissent ? l'int?rieur poussant un peu de monde pour s'inserer dans un petit espace. Heureusement, sa petite taille

et sa finesse (1m63 pour 51kg) lui permette toujours de ne pas attendre pour descendre.

Elle distribue quelques beaux sourires pour s'excuser et l'ascenseur reprend sa descente. Elle jaillit la premi?re ? l'ouverture et file vite dans la rue.

Elle ouvre sa veste de tailleur et bombe le torse pour faire ressortir sa poitrine ronde tout en levant la main pour heler un taxi !

A peine une minute ecoul?e, un de ceux-ci pile devant elle pour la prendre en charge.

Elle se glisse ? l'interieur tout en donnant son adresse et en souriant charmeuse au chauffeur. Ca marche toujours pense Sophie, heureusement que je ne

vieillis pas trop vite ! Je ne sais pas comment je ferai plus tard !

Durant le trajet, rapide pour une fois, Sophie ne cesse de consulter sa montre! Je m?rite des claques ! j'aurais du mettre mon alarme de t?l?phone en route !

Enfin, le taxi arrive ? destination.

Zut ! Un camion de livraison devant chez moi ! j'esp?re qu'il n'est pas trop tard !

Sophie donne rapidement un billet au chauffeur et se pr?cipit? dehors, abandonnant un g?n?reux pourboire ? son conducteur, pour se pr?cipiter au plus vite

vers le v?hicule de service.

Au moment o? elle arrive ? sa hauteur, le moteur se met en route ! Son coeur acc?l?re et elle court frapper au carreau cot? passager tout en plaquant sa

carte d'identit? sur la vitre.

- Je suis Sophie M. ! Je suis en retard d?sol?e mais vous devez avoir un colis pour moi non ?!?

- Vous avez de la chance ma p'tite dame ! Doublement de la chance meme ! Si vous n'etiez pas aussi jolie, vous devriez attendre mon prochain passage la

semaine prochaine !

Sophie lache ? nouveau son sourire le plus charmeur tout en remerciant le livreur qui descend de son v?hicule pour fouiller ? l'arri?re et en sortir un colis

cubique d'une quarantaine de cm de cot?. Elle signe f?brilement le bon de livraison tout en remerciant encore chaudement le livreur.

Ouf ! Mon week-end est sauv? ! A une minute pr?s, tout ?tait gach? ! Finalement, ce n'est peut etre pas une journ?e si mauvaise que cela !

Sophie rentre chez elle et pose pr?cautionneusement son paquet sur la table de sa cuisine, le couvant des yeux comme si c'etait un tr?sor !

Bon pas le temps de faire de la grande cuisine! Qu'est ce qu'il me reste ? manger ! Allez va pour les carottes ! C'est bon pour la sant?.

Sophie se verse une portion de carottes rap?es toutes pr?par?es dans une assiette et s'installe ? table tout en couvant son paquet du regard.

Je l'ouvre ou pas? Elle n'arrive pas ? se d?cider tout en machant tranquillement son repas.

Non ! Il ne vaut mieux pas ! Sinon je vais etre en retard ? mon bureau ! Cela attendra ce soir comme pr?vu !

Elle d?barrasse sa table et caresse affectueusement le haut du colis. Dire que j'ai failli te louper ! Alors qu'il m'a fallu tant de semaines pour

avoir le courage de passer la commande !

Elle abandonne ? regret son domicile pour retourner au travail, bien moins press?e d'y retourner que de le quitter.

Une fois devant son PC, elle se r?signe ? terminer son m?mo, y passant une bonne partie de l'apr?s-midi. Trainant pour le boucler, n'ayant pas du tout

envie de l'envoyer trop tot, pref?rant reculer les cons?quences au lundi.

Au moins je passerai un tres bon week-end avant que le ciel ne s'?croule sur ma tete ! Il m'a fallu tellement de temps pour le pr?parer !

Non rien ne doit le gacher, absolument rien !

Sophie enregistre finalement le tout sans l'envoyer, remettant cela au lundi. Elle rassemble ses affaires et se dirige vers la sortie.

- Sophie ! Une minute s'il te plait !

- Oui Shari ?

Et zut pense Sophie, il fallait que je tombe sur elle. Shari, petit bout de femme d'origine japonaise, s'approchant doucement de la quarantaine, fait

claquer ses talons sur le sol en approchant. Directrice du service depuis 2 ans, elle m?ne son petit monde tranquillement sans faire de vague.

Sophie sent des frissons dans sa colonne vert?brale ? chaque claquement de talon qui r?duit l'espace entre elles deux.

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi elle me terrorise autant ! Jamais elle ne m'a menac?e de quoi que ce soit !

- Sophie, je n'ai pas eu ton compte-rendu concernant ton projet ! Je t'ai dit que c'etait important !

- Oui Shari, excuse moi, je n'ai pas eu encore toutes les informations ! ment Sophie, j'aurai ce qui me manque lundi matin et je te ferai aussitot suivre

le compte-rendu complet, c'est promis !

- Tu as interet ! r?pond Shari laissant clairement filtrer son m?contentement et la menace d'une r?action vive de sa part.

- Je n'oublierai pas Shari !

- Bon week-end Sophie. La voix de Shari reste ferme en prononcant ses mots et peu am?ne.

- Bon week-end Shari ! dit Sophie d'une voix mal assur?e, se demandant si elle a eu raison de mentir ainsi et de reporter tout au lundi.

Sophie s'empresse de rentrer chez elle pour ne pas avoir de remords.

Elle s'installe sur son fauteuil pour se remettre un peu de toutes ses ?motions de la journ?e. D'habitude, etre seule chez elle le week-end l'embete.

Son plan a failli ?chouer avec la livraison du colis ce midi mais maintenant, plus rien ne pourra en empecher l'accomplissement.

Rien sauf elle ! Vais je oser ? Oui il le faut ! J'ai laiss? mon nom sur ce site pour passer ma commande alors maintenant je dois en profiter !

Elle s'encourage mentalement puis se l?ve et allume son ordinateur. Windows et ses lenteurs...Elle file dans sa chambre et se d?nude, se regardant au

passage dans la glace de son armoire. Elle passe ses mains sous ses seins, les redressant un peu. Ils sont toujours bien ronds, ont perdus un peu de

leur fermet? mais pour mes 42 ans ils ne sont pas mals, pense Sophie, en massant ses tetons, les affermissant et les faisant pointer.

Son 90C mis en valeur par son excitation, ses tetines tendues au milieu de ses belles ar?oles roses, elle se tourne et regarde ses fesses un peu aplatie mais

toujours aussi rondes quand elle se penche. Elle se tourne ? nouveau et masse doucement son pubis et ses levres bien lisses.

Elle se donne une tape sur les fesses. Allez ma belle ! il est temps de passer ? l'action !

Elle regagne son pc et lance la petite application qu'elle a d?velopp?e depuis quelques jours.

Elle file ensuite nue jusque sa cuisine et regarde avec tendresse le colis sur sa table.

Elle d?coupe le carton pour bien l'ouvrir et se mordille les levres. J'esp?re que tout y est ! J'esp?re que tout etait en stock !

Elle ?carte les pans du carton et sort un premier paquet. Elle le d?balle et sourit ! Humm il est vraiment beau ! Elle d?coupe l'emballage et en extraie

un gode r?aliste couleur caf?. Une vingtaine de cm de long et 5 cm de diametre, une belle ventouse ? la base et une commande pour le faire vibrer.

Tu me plais toi et Sophie d?pose un bisou sur le gland. Elle d?pose l'engin sur la table et s'empare du second paquet.

Celui d?voile un martinet avec de multiples lani?res en cuir de bonne qualit? avec un noeud en bout de chacune de celle-ci.

Le manche est en bois vernis classique. Ce qui change des autres, ce sont ses lani?res, le site de commande indiquait qu'elles assuraient la douleur

sans faire de blessure. C'est ce qui avait d?cid? Sophie ? le commander.

Elle d?balle le 3eme paquet pour r?veler un collier en m?tal, collier d'esclave. Elle avait longuement h?sit? ? le prendre, il etait maintenant associ?

sur ce site ? son nom et cela l'embetait mais bon tant pis, apr?s tout il etait peu probable que quelqu'un de cette soci?t? la croise un jour!

Enfin le dernier paquet, contenant 2 chaines avec bracelets ? chaque extr?mit?. Une pour les chevilles, l'autre pour les poignets.

Tout y est ! C'est parfait !

Elle passe la premi?re chaine ? ses chevilles, les bracelets sont froids et durs, la chaine d'une cinquantaine de cm va restreindre ses mouvements.

Elle les referme ? cl?s avant de se fixer la chaine suivante aux poignets puis enfin le collier. Ce dernier lui provoque une sensation de g?ne.

Un poids sur son cou et sa nuque, elle a la sensation de ne pas pouvoir respirer comme elle le souhaite, ce qui est ridicule pense aussitot Sophie.

Il ne colle meme pas ? ma peau! Elle comprend alors que ce devait etre humiliant de porter ainsi un collier en public autrefois pour les esclaves.

Elle se r?soud ? le verrouiller aussi ? cl?.

Elle prend une profonde inspiration et se dirige ? petits pas vers sa chambre, vraiment pas pratiques ces chaines !

Sophie pose les cl?s de ses chaines et de son collier dans un petit coffre et le referme. Elle respire ? fond plusieurs fois et se dit allez

on y va ! Que le week-end commence ! Une esclave est n?e ! Elle programme l'ouverture du coffre pour 60 heures plus tard.

Elle teste l'ouverture, c'est bien ferm? ! Je suis en chaine et nue pour le week-end !

Elle retourne ? son PC et tapote les mots cl?s permettant de d?marrer correctement son application. Un peu de s?curit?, il ne faudrait pas que

quelqu'un d?clenche cela par hasard.

- Bonjour Esclave !

- Bonjour Maitre r?pond Sophie tout en sachant qu'elle ne fait que parler ? son PC, son application ?tant jumel? ? un synth?tiseur vocal.

La voix est un peu m?tallique mais c'est le mieux qu'elle ait trouv? dans les logiciels gratuits. Apr?s avoir pass? inutilement du temps sur internet

? chercher un homme qui la dominerait selon ses envies, elle s'etait dit qu'en attendant le candidat id?al, il valait mieux se d?brouiller seule.

Le programme devait selon un intervalle de temps al?atoire lui donner des ordres. Elle avait constitu? des types de sujets, de verbes, de compl?ments,

de lieux et de positions qui allait constituer des ordres normalement coh?rents et totalement impr?visibles de sa part. Un bon paliatif ? un maitre r?el!

Cela avec un d?lai entre 2 ordres totalement impr?visible. Elle avait cependant programm? une dur?e minimale pour chaque ordre et les avait r?partis

en 2 classes, les ordres longs comme faire le m?nage, cuisiner tel plat, et les ordres longs comme 10 coups de martinet, avec possibilit? d'

interrompre le d?roulement d'un ordre long par un ordre court et une fois celui-ci effectu?, la reprise de l'ordre long devait se faire.

Il y avait ?galement une heure de coucher et de lever dans une certaine plage horaire.

Le premier ordre tomba alors !

- Esclave ! Va nettoyer la salle de bain !

- Oui Maitre r?pondit Sophie.

Apr?s avoir pris le mat?riel n?cessaire, Sophie commence ? frotter la baignoire, s'appliquant ? ne laisser aucune trace, faisant briller le robinet,

passe ensuite ? son ?vier.

- Esclave ! 30 coups de martinet ? genoux ici sur tes fesses !

- Oui Maitre

Sophie file le plus vite possible chercher son martinet pour l'etrenner sur elle ! Elle s'agenouille devant la baignoire et s'apprete ? commencer sa

punition quand le PC se r?active

- Esclave! Allume la cam !

Mince se dit elle, j'avais oubli? que j'avais programm? cela. Sophie h?site puis finalement ob?it, je n'avais qu'? pas le mettre si je ne voulais

pas ! elle dirige bien la prise de vue vers l'endroit pr?vu pour sa punition et se r?installe dos ? la cam, entendant que au ronronnement du pc

que plusieurs de ses contacts on mis en route le visionnage pour la regarder. Ils vont etre surpris, jamais encore je ne me suis mise nue devant eux

et l? en plus je vais me punir. Sophie frissonne en sentant une douce chaleur entre ses cuisses. Elle en rougit honteuse d'etre excit?e pour cela.

Elle fait tomber le premier coup sur ses fesses et ne peux s'empecher de g?mir de douleur.

Effectivement, il est efficace ce martinet, il vaut bien la somme que m'a extorqu?e le vendeur ! Elle continue sa punition, ralentissant la cadence

au fil des coups. Ses fesses ne supportent plus trop la douleur, celle-ci s'intensifiant au fil de la punition et la chaine l'epuise, l'obligeant ?

une gymnastique peu simple pour se frapper. Elle finit les larmes aux yeux, incapable de bouger, restant cul z?br? et violac? en direction de la


Ouf! je ne pensais pas que cela pouvait etre aussi douloureux! Je n'ose pas imaginer ce que cela doit donner quand c'est quelqu'un d'autre qui frappe!

L? au moins, je maitrisais la force et la cadence des coups... Je crois que je ne suis pas prete pour etre soumise r?ellement ? un maitre.

- Esclave! Reprise ordre va nettoyer la salle de bain ! gronde le pc.

Sophie sourit fi?re que son programme de reprise des ordres longs fonctionne et reprend le nettoyage de la piece, terminant ? 4 pattes pour laver le

carrelage avec grand soin, accompagn?e en permanence par le bruit des chaines. Ses seins lourds pendant sous elle, ballotant alors qu'elle s'active

? tout faire briller, pench?e en avant le cul en l'air, completement ouverte ? la cam.

Elle se redresse brutalement en y repensant ! Zut, c'est toujours allum? ! Tout le monde a vu mon sexe maintenant !

Elle rougit honteuse de ne pas y avoir pens? et de ne pas avoir pris de pr?cautions. Tout le monde a du voir ? quel point je suis tremp?e alors que

j'ai pris 30 coups de martinet ! Quelle honte ! Je crois qu'il va falloir que j'?limine beaucoup de mes contacts apr?s ce week-end ! Apr?s tout qu'ils

en profite un peu avant de se faire jeter !

Sophie termine enfin le nettoyage. Au moins cela a du bon, jamais ma salle de bain n'a ?t? aussi belle ! Il faudra absolument que je recommence !

Hypocrite se dit elle, comme si c'etait pour l'entretien ! La jolie blonde se releve enfin, massant ses fesses encore bien douloureuses et range

le mat?riel, remet son pc dans le salon.

- Esclave ! Heure du repas !

- Oui maitre !

Encore une fonction qui se d?roule bien ! Je ne suis pas si mauvaise !

- Plat pr?par? ? r?chauffer ! repas en assiette sur la table du balcon ! boisson en bol ? terre dans la cuisine !

Zut ! je n'ai pas pens? ? coupler le lieu pour le repas et la boisson ! Sophie se choisit un plat l?ger dans le refrigerateur et l'enfourne dans

le micro-onde. Elle prend un bol et h?site apr?s l'avoir empli d'eau. Cuisine ou balcon aussi ? Bon apr?s tout, un ordre est un ordre et elle d?pose

le bol dans un coin de la cuisine. La sonnerie du four retentit et apr?s avoir d?vers? le contenu du plat dans son assiette, elle sort sur son balcon.

Heureusement, il n'y a pas d'immeuble directement en face, par contre ceux qui ont un t?l?scope vont pouvoir me regarder pense Sophie, excit?e de

nouveau ? cette id?e. Elle file chercher le pc pour le poser sur la table, permettant aux personnes encore en ligne de la voir manger, ses beaux

seins bien visibles. Elle se sent humide coulant sur sa chaise alors qu'elle mange ? l'id?e que du monde la voit en ce moment m?me.

Rapidement, elle a la chair de poule. Les soir?es sont encore fraiches, j'aurai du y penser ! Elle s'empresse de terminer son assiette pour pouvoir

rentrer et dessert la table, emmenant le tout ainsi que son pc dans la cuisine.

Elle regarde le bol ? terre assoiff?e mais honteuse ? l'id?e de ce qu'elle va devoir faire. Elle dirige la cam vers l'angle de la piece, la centrant sur

le bol et se met ? 4 pattes. Elle soupire de contentement, le poids de la chaine ne pesant plus sur ses poignets et bras ainsi. Cela lui fait du bien.

Elle se penche sur le bol humili?e, de nouveau totalement ouverte ? la cam, et tremble de froid, surprise par le contact de ses seins sur le carrelage.

Elle se redresse aussitot, c'est glacial pense t'elle mais j'ai trop soif. Elle se repenche plus lentement cette fois et seins ? terre, elle lappe

? petits coups de langue l'eau dans le bol. Pas simple ! Je ne sais pas comment font les chiens ! L'eau coule tres lentement dans sa bouche, quelques

gouttes ? chaque coup de langue et elle ne se sent correctement abreuv?e qu'au bout d'une dizaine de minutes.

Sophie se sent terriblement excit?e, ses levres sont ouvertes, ses seins durcis, ses tetons bien tendus. Elle meurt d'envie d'utiliser le gode ou meme

rien que ses doigts mais se force ? accepter ses propres r?gles du jeu. Non ! non! non! Je ne cederai pas ? ma faiblesse ! Je suis une esclave.

Elle secoue ses chaines pour bien se le rappeler et se redresse, se releve.

Elle nettoie un la cuisine puis ressort sur le balcon pour passer un coup d'?ponge sur sa table, imaginant une multitude de telescopes la scrutant nue

dans la nuit plutot lumineuse de la ville.

- Esclave ! Heure du coucher !

- Oui maitre !

Sophie attend angoiss?e que l'algorythme de son programme d?termine les conditions du coucher. Il faudra que je diminue la temporisation de mon

programme ! Le suspense est trop difficile ? supporter si longtemps.

- Dans la cave sur couverture !

J'ai mis ?a comme lieu moi ? je me suis tromp?e ! Je ne peux pas dormir nue en chaine dans ma cave ! Sophie h?site ? cliquer sur le bouton pour g?n?rer

un nouvel ordre. Suis-je une esclave ou non ? A priori oui ! Il faut que j'obeisse sinon je regretterai toujours de ne pas l'avoir fait !

Elle prend une vieille couverture dans une armoire, emmene un sac avec le martinet et le gode et prend son PC.

Elle entrouvre la porte de son appartement ecoutant les bruits environnants. Tout a l'air calme, elle se faufile nue hors de chez elle et appuie sur le

bouton d'appel de l'ascenseur et refile chez elle. Apr?s une courte attente, une petite sonnette retentit et les portes de l'ascenseur s'ouvrent.

Parfait il est vide ! Sophie referme son appart ? cl?, fixant la cl? ensuite ? la chaine reliant ses poignets et se precipite dans l'ascenseur nue

avec son pc et son sac de mat?riel. Elle appuie sur le bouton du sous-sol et commence ? prendre peur alors que la descente commence.

Pourvu que personne ne veuille descendre en meme temps que moi! Sinon je ne vois pas quoi inventer comme bonne excuse. Je suis foutue !

Elle pousse un gros soupir de soulagement quand les portes s'ouvrent sur le couoir vide des caves. Elle se pr?cipite jusque la porte de son local

et l'ouvre avec la cl? de son appart et rentre vite ? l'interieur. Le sol en beton est froid sous ses pieds. L'endroit est bien sec heureusement et

sans rongeur ou insecte. J'aurai du prendre quelque chose contre les araign?es tout de meme se dit la petite blonde.

Elle branche son PC sur la seule prise de la cave et installe la couverture dans un coin de la cave. C'est un peu le fouillis mais il y a malgr? tout

un endroit bien d?gag? o? s'installer.

Elle eteint la lumi?re et il ne reste plus qu'une fine lueur verte de l'?clairage de secours qui filtre par le haut des murs, ceux-ci ne montant pas

entierement jusqu'au plafond.

Elle se met en boule sur la couverture en frissonnant un peu ! Le sol est dur, l'air est frais, je suis ultra excit?e ! Je sens que la nuit ne va

pas etre facile! Le pire c'est que l'on est que vendredi soir, le week-end ne fait que commencer...

A suivre...


PS: Un doux baiser sur la main de ma consultante favorite qui m'aide pour cette histoire.

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Andy Sophie

Many years ago I was involuntarily single for what seemed like a long time -- over a year. I was working a construction job putting up a suburban shopping mall and never saw women during the day. I've never cared for the bar scene so I spent my evenings looking through my collection of well-thumbed porn magazines, watching videos from the back room of my local outlet, and emptying tube after tube of lube. I had a long tapered butt plug for those special moments when a cucumber just wouldn't do...

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Teaching Sophie

I first met Sophie just after her mid-course exams. She’s failed miserably, and needed my help as a tutor to improve and get the grades she needed for a place at university. But I never dreamed she’d repay my hard work the way that she did. This is a much improved version of the story posted previously to ASSM as ‘The Maths Tutor’ * * * * * I met Sophie shortly after her mid-course exams. Her parents contacted the tutoring agency. The agency then contacted me. I followed my normal routine...

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AmlieChapter 33 Roger and Sophie

[Undated Entry] Near Oxford, Oxfordshire THE DAY PROMISED to be hot again. Roger’s excitement and anticipation of his day with Sophie caused him to wake up early. Years later he wondered if somehow the morning promise foreordained the way the day would end. At the moment he had no idea. He was to find out Sophie was adventurous in more ways than one. The two decided to set out on their own and meet up with the others sometime in the late afternoon for tea or a light evening meal. “After...

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Black Safari for Sophie

During my many exploits on the African continent I witnessed a number of interracial occurrences. Those I can verify but I also heard many stories of pure black lust prior to my setting foot on that continent. Many were inconsequential but others were more intriguing. There is indeed a dark side of mankind that spreads it's tentacles throughout the world and Africa certainly has had it's share. Many countries of this continent have a very prominent history and have given much to the benefit of...

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Jerryrsquos World ndash Getting to Know Sophie

I needed a rest so was hoping that Sophie would turn up too early, Bev was staying with her friend so I had the flat to myself again, I decided to take a long cool shower to freshen up and putting on a clean pair of silky boxers I popped a pill and grabbed a beer. I have a small patio at the back of the flat which is quite secluded apart from upstairs which is currently empty so I grabbed a couple of reclining sun chairs and set myself up to catch some sun, I even text Sophie to tell her to...

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Episode 117 Justine and Molly meet Sophie

IntroductionThis story follows on from episode 112; it's now nearing the end of the long school holidays.Charlie woke up with a hot sticky raging erection - not that unusual for a young boy.But this morning his cock was actually in a girls mouth: "Molly?" he cried in delight, struggling to pull down the quilt covering her head between his legs Instead a pale blue face smiled up at him, taking his cock to the back of her synthetic throat:"good morning young man, it's Sophie - remember now - you...

1 year ago
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The Therapist Chapter 1 Sophie

The Therapist - Chapter 1: Sophie By Overtime My name is Dr Rose. I'm a psychotherapist. That means I help people, and I take great pride in what I do. I know what you're thinking, but I'm not kidding - I really do help all of my clients, just not always in the way they might want. Still, I never get any complaints. Quite the contrary. Everyone always ends up very happy with the services I provide. My private office is in central London; I rent a tasteful and very expensive...

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Jerryrsquos World ndash A Day With Sophie

I slept well but had this weird dream that Sophie was riding my cock, it was so damn realistic that I was feeling the sensations running through my body, I didn’t want it to end.I slowly came too and my eyes slowly opened to the sight of Sophie riding my cock very slowly, OMG it wasn’t a dream it was real, “Morning babes” she sighed very softly as I focused my eyes on her stiff little nipples and her beaming smile, her breathing was heavy as she worked on my morning wood, a great substitute for...

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A threesome for Sophie

He took her hand as if to shake it but instead lifted it firmly but gently to his lips, planting a soft sensuous kiss on it whilst his playful blue eyes never once left hers.“The pleasure is all mine Madam”, he said, “however, should you permit me, I would love to provide you with much, much more…”“You are such a tease!” She laughed, but loved the feeling of his soft lips on her hand, his strong fingers now lightly caressing the inside of her wrist... His friend laughed and grinned at her as he...

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Suddenly Sophie

This story contains scenes of an erotic nature and is not intended for minors. Further, if such material is considered illegal in your area, you should by bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and re-post as long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this story. SUDDENLY SOPHIE By Charlotte [email protected] Today is my wedding day. The ceremony...

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Seeing Sophie

Marcus waited for his son after school everyday, leaning against the side of the detached gymnasium, bored by this aspect of single fatherhood. No one had ever told him that there would be so much driving, hurrying, waiting, standing, and driving some more. But it was all worth it to get the extra time with his son, and since his schedule was more flexible than his ex-wife’s, he was glad to help out with the chauffeur duties. Besides, while he waited for his son, he could check out the moms. ...

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My Aunt Sophie

My Strange Aunt by SONIA ======================== (email [email protected] - Please send comments. Author's note: All my stories are written primarily for my own pleasure and allow me to live out some of my dreams and fantasies. Many of my stories, this one included, are far from reality but if only ............ Chapter 1 My Aunt ----------------- Aunt Sophie was an eccentric person. She lived in a beautiful house with huge wooded gardens so that you could...

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The Doctor Part 6 Doc and Sophie

Sophie and I were still in the office tidying up after Tessa left.I realised that Tessa had forgotten to take her toys, and I indicated as much to Sophie.“Tessa forgot to take the toys I bought for her,” I said.“Oh, that is interesting,” she replied. “Besides the nipple clamps, what else did you get her?”“Orgasm balls, and a clit clip,” I said. “I also got you something but you have to wait for it.”“Oh my,” she said. “I’m intrigued. I know orgasm balls from porn, but I don’t know what a clit...

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Quiinnysentially Sophie

I must admit, although it is considered to be incorrect to fraternize with students, Sophie was a must for me, You see, I had been having a rough time with a divorce issue after just five years marriage and I guess it must have shown, because Sophie, one of my brightest students, noticed,. She asked me what was the matter, and it all accrued from there. She is such a sweet person who took my heart and everything else. It was just something about her, apart from her obvious charms, that drew me...

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We Never Knew Part 3 Chloe and Sophie

-Chloe- I woke up fully in love with my sister safe in my arms. Sophie was already awake when I woke up. “Good morning my beautiful sister” she said then she gave me a light kiss. “Good morning my adorable little sister.” I responded. We looked into each other eyes and I could finally see in her eyes that she was in love with me the way I was in love with her. “Well, guess what?” I asked. “What’s up?” she responded. “We have the whole house to ourselves this weekend!” I said as sexy as...

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We Never Knew Part 4 Chloe and Sophie

-Chloe- When I woke up, I had never been happier. I remembered last night’s events of my beautiful sister making love to me and saying the words I’ve wanted to hear for a very long time. She was still asleep when I got up so I decided to let her sleep and I needed a shower after what happened last night. It was truly amazing. I slowly and carefully got out of bed and went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I was already naked from last night so I just stepped right in. I felt the...

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We Never Knew Part 2 Sophie

“Dylan, we need to break up!” I said to my boyfriend after our nine-month relationship. “Why baby? Did I do something wrong? Please don’t do this. I’ll to whatever it takes to keep this alive.” “I’m sorry but it’s over. Goodbye Dylan.” I said as I walked out the door and called a taxi home. I didn’t want my sister to know my secret of why I really broke up with Dylan so I rubbed my eyes to make them red and fake cried with I came home. “Dylan broke my heart tonight!” I cried in my...

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AmlieChapter 31 Sophie

[Undated Entry] Oxford, Oxfordshire THE SMALL GIRL had appeared at the door of the professor’s study one spring morning. Barely four feet tall, her clear blue eyes as sharp and focused as anyone’s, the little person had demanded to know what the professor was working on. At first he was not amused. “I am busy, young lady, and do not wish to be disturbed.” He turned to the document he was studying. She would take the hint and leave him, and he would speak to his housekeeper about letting...

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BSC06 the Jennifer EffectChapter 7 A Note From Sophie

As Jennifer drove they each told the other their story. Jennifer told Adam all about herself and she in turn heard his story. Jennifer found out that Adam Brian West was renting an apartment in Cedarcrest with the guy who was supposed to have picked him up. They had known each other since First Grade and got on reasonably well together. Adam was also hoping to pick up a Building Apprenticeship sometime soon and had worked on construction sites as a laborer in preparation for that. Art was...

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Chronicles of Seven and Sophie

A 19-year-old enjoys the talents of her new Android. This is one of my pre-existing characters, Sophie, a nineteen year old. I had this idea for her, so I thought I would cross her over into a Sci-Fi for a short interlude My Thanks go out to Darksage, my excellent editor for this story. — The year, 2100, was a beautiful place and time to exist. Pollution was non existent, the threat of Global Warming turned out to be a myth, violence and crime were both nearly extinct. Fossil fuel was obsolete,...

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Devote Sophie

Die Story ist die Fortsetzung der Geschichte Sommer der Liebe https://chyoa.com/story/Sommer-der-Liebe.34521 wo sich Sophie und ihre Urlaubsfreund aus Kindertagen immer mehr verliebt haben und ein Paar wurden. Und ich bin Sophie. Nun bin ich 20 Jahre alt und studiere Medienwissenschaften an der Uni Bonn. Ich bin 170 groß, wiege 54kg und bin mit meinen dunklen Haaren schon eine geile Erscheinung. Meine Titten sind mit 70b nicht besonders groß, aber schön fest und wohlgeformt. Meine Spalte ist...

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My cousin Sophie

It started when I was 18. And my cousin was 19. She was a brunette with 34c breasts and size 4 feet. At the time me and my cousin Sophie were really close, we use to hang around together, play video games, just your general stuff. It was the day of our grandads funeral where it all started. After the funeral we went round to our other uncles house where there was a party to celebrate his life and seen as I was driving my brother and mum home I weren't drinking any alcohol, so as the party...

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Ginger Slut Sophie

Hi this is fantasy with some truth in.Finally it was 5pm on Friday afternoon; it had been a hard long week at work with lots of stress and problems to deal with. But now it was time to have some fun and unwind. Me and the girls had arranged to go to his new club in town called 'LUSH'. It had been open a few weeks and we had heard it was amazing. The place to be. On the way home I sat thinking about things, as you do, what to wear, what it would be like, what sort of people would be there etc. I...

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University The Top 3 Hottest Girls on my course Part 1 Sophie

We had all been meeting new people and becoming acquainted with members of our class, going out every night for fresher’s week, so I had a pretty good idea of which girls on my course would be the top 3 on my list, one of which was a girl named Sophie. Sophie was a good laugh to go drinking with and hang around with at uni. She was fairly short with the most amazing strawberry-blonde curly hair, cute freckles on her cheeks and shoulders, and surprising large breasts for her petite size 8...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 10 Nelly and Sophy

VOLUME-2 Chapter X Nelly and Sophy. • The beer-house again. • Sophy’s belly. • On the road. • Against a tree. • At the baudy house with Sophy. • Her narrative. • Tom and the three sisters. • Fred on the scent.-Pender’s troubles. I had some food at an hotel, then returning on foot saw at the end of the lane two peasant girls in their Sunday finery. I looked at first without recognizing them, but as I got close saw one was Nelly, the girl I had raped. She stopped, I smiled. “You here, why?”...

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I was very surprised when your runner arrived at my door with your invitation. "Meet me on top of the hill overlooking my village. We will watch the sunset in each others eyes and feel it’s warmth rise within our souls." I knew that time was short, for it was a two?hour ride on my fastest steed and the sun was already getting low on the horizon. I washed and changed as fast as I could, saddle my best mount and I was off. He must have sensed my desire to get to you before the sun had...

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A Fool Stumbles Into Love Ch 05

Maureen had tried to stay awake. She wanted to consummate this relationship. She wanted to possess this man. She loved this awkward, lanky, boat building, chicken frying, nose punching young man. She thought about the punch in the nose for a second. That was quite a surprise. Nobody saw that coming. Yeah, Cal had become all she thought about, or cared about. He’d become her obsession. Just exactly when she knew he was the right one, the one for her, she couldn’t say. It had to have been that...

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A Not So Sneaky Fuck FFM Afloat

My wife Sue, her sister Annie and I have been a threesome for some while. We live together in a lovely house near Salcombe in Devon. We are all in our forties. Sue and I work from home, she is an interpreter and I'm a writer. Annie is a part time uni lecturer. We have a great time, in and out of the bedroom and life is good. With two gorgeous and intelligent women how could it not be!This story is about an incredible erotic session we had on our 40 foot sailing yacht in Greece where Annie and I...

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Madison And Jack

Having graduated from college, I started my own business in commercial design and construction utilizing the skills I had learned while working in the construction industry and my studies in architecture and engineering while in college. Seven years along, I was doing very well in business but working long hours. I had been in a few rather serious relationships but eventually, the females I was involved with realized they came second to my career.At age twenty-eight, my mother, who was now...

First Time
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A Genius in King Arthurs Court Ch 10

Ch. 10 – The Madness of King Arthur “Hold here,” Arthur said as his forces reached the edge of the woods. “What next, Sire?” Bedivere asked. “You and the men will remain here. Merlin and I shall enter Camelot undetected and see if there is any truth to Mordred’s words.” “Yes, Your Highness. I pray he is merely trying to spread a falsehood.” “As do I,” Arthur muttered, walking off with Merlin in tow. “My friend, I had thought it might be prudent to speak with our visitor from...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 39

"I have to admit I have no idea what this is," said Hermione, staring at the odd arrangement of shelves before her. She and Imogen were in the boy's dormitory. The school's founders in their wisdom had protected the girls' sleeping quarters from the intrusion of any boy, but the boys' dormitory, in their view, was in need of no such protection, and so the two girls accompanied by Neville, Ron and Harry were able to climb the stairs to the fifth year boys' quarters and admire Imogen's...

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This story isn't all that original and I have seen the basic premise used several times, in TG and non-TG stories. However, I'd been thinking about this one for some time and decided to finally write it. C.A.L. By Morpheus Danny cursed silently as he hurried along the sidewalk, moving as fast as his legs would carry him, though the weight of the schoolbooks in his backpack slowed him some. He glared up into the sky, wishing the rain would stop. However, he knew that there was...

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My Baby Sister Prologue

If you just wanna Jack off, this prologue probably isnt for you, but if you are interested in a storyline, please read and comment/review. Thankyou. My Baby Sister : The Prologue I awoke to the familiar sound of my baby sister, Stacy, laughing as she climbed into my bed, she was ten years old and cute as hell, she had a cute button nose, a petite sweet face and auburn hair that framed he face beautifully. I grabbed her by the waist and flipped her upside down, I...

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Dosti Ki Khaatir

Hello dosto, I am PRIYA and I am from delhi. As some of the readers know im a very adventures person in case of sex. I have appetite for boys and their lunds which i think very few can match. I am 29 married with a very sexy kaatil figure (36″ 28″ 36″) . And have a very cute face that can turn many heads. I like wearing short and revealing clothes. Waise to I am from punjabi background to usually I wear suits and nighties at home. But when i go out to I always tend to wear saari . And you know...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 12

In the library, Lynette and Tom attended their third period class remotely. After the class, Lynette had an idea. “Hey Tom--instead of staying in here for lunch, let’s try to see how you react to being with kids in the lunchroom.” Tom was very dubious. “I don’t know, sweetie. Look, there’s only about a week left where I have to deal with school nudity and...” “No, Tom, I think this is important ‘cause it’s not only at school. There must be other things that trigger your panic--I know it...

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Kelly and Jason Part 6

They laid there for several minutes. Jason then asked if he should go home and Kelly said "Why? Are we done already? I don't know about you, but I'm just taking a break!" Jason said he would stay as long as it was okay. Kelly said "Then I want you to stay!" Kelly suggested that we go downstairs and grab something to drink and relax for a little bit and then come back upstairs. When Kelly climbed off the bed and stood up, just a little bit of cum leaked out. Instead of asking for a...

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A Bettered LifeChapter 4

"You can't spend another week in Knoxville, Will. You have a speaking engagement at Brandywine in Burlington on Monday morning, remember?" "Brandywine College." Will closed his eyes momentarily, suppressing the urge to slap his forehead. "Shit, I completely forgot about those people. I'm sorry, Megan." "I could cancel for you on short notice, but they'd want their speaking fee back." Megan had been his publicist for the last seven years, and Will had developed the ability to...

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House Slut 38 48 Hours Sex Candy

An Uber pulled up outside the warehouse after a short wait, Tegan shivering in the cool early morning air wearing barely anything – less than she had started with. She made no effort to conceal herself, beyond the point of caring. As they drove, Candy - if that was her real name - continued to cling to Jackson as they crammed together in the back seat, shooting glances at Tegan. “She looks like she’s had a rough night.” “Don’t worry about her, she’s fine.” Jackson insisted. “Isn’t that...

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My Second Story by blueslipman

As I mentioned in my last story, I have a nylon fetish. I love panties, slips, nightgowns and other items made from that wonderfully soft and sensuous fabric. I use them to masturbate because of how the fabric feels sliding up and down my penis, it is very intense. Sometimes when I am going at it I will put on a nightgown, slip, panties or some combination of these silky items for added stimulation. However, I am not a cross-dresser I just enjoy these items for sexual pleasure not for some need...

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Top Ten PantsSpunks ndash Miss Lorna Morgan

I had to include this even though this was far from the first time She’d made me spunk my pants – that started back in the magazine era, at about the time the Internet was taking off. Her’s was one of the first websites devoted to one model, and the first ‘Top Ten Pants-Spunks’ was when I was downloading sample pics of Her.I rarely whip it out for rubbing when I’m looking at pics, not just because that’s not on if you’re parked up somewhere, but because I don’t need to most of the time – I know...

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The Grantham ClinicChapter 10

Morbius prepared to turn in for the night, maintaining a private bedroom on the premises much like the rest of the staff. Usually Ruth would join him once her chores were complete and she'd settled all their guests. Tonight, she was sleeping with Helen and Samantha, teaching them how best to pander to every whim of a demanding woman. Elisabeth Huntley was as demanding as they came, and Ruth would attempt to demonstrate how to employ their mouths and fingers to deliver ultimate pleasure. She...

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Michigan Aunty Satisfied

I am Arun doing the job in Detroit company. I’m unmarried and have a lot of interest in having sex with married woman. I’m 5’8 height and have exercised the body. Any married aunties or girls who are craving for sex or want to fulfill their sexual fantasies, contact me on I will reply very soon. Don’t hesitate, I will keep your information secret. Coming to the story, I met the sexy hottie of the story at a function hall(There are more than 200 people). Her name is Smitha. She is around 36...

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Am I An Angel Or A Devil 8211 Part 3

Hi guys.. Hope you all enjoyed my previous sex stories. If you wanna read those search for “Am I an angel or a devil”. Okay coming back to the story. After he left my dad came to the room. Dad: I am sorry dear. I never wanna do this to you. But I was in a situation that I can’t avoid. Me: its okay dad. I even enjoyed it. So please don’t worry. While talking to me my dad’a phone rang… after he attended the call.. Dad: you know who called dear? Me: who dad? Dad: the owner’s P.A. he said the...

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Harry Potter and Susan Bones 2

Susan collapsed forward onto the bed as the last spasms of her orgasm left her. The full weight of her mate was atop the buxom Hufflepuff as she felt his still stiff prick finish unloading inside of her. “That was wonderful Harry,” Susan whispered as she tried to catch her breath.The two magicians were in Harry’s bed in Gryffindor tower. “Mmm…yes it was,” the wizard agreed with a purr as he nuzzled the sweaty side of his partner’s head, grazing his teeth over her ear.“Harry,” Susan said with a...

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40SomethingMag Aubrey Black BigTitted MILF Gets Her Holes Fucked

Aubrey Black doesn’t have to do much to get a man’s attention. Basically, she just has to stand in front of him. The guy in this scene tries to play it cool, but that’s impossible when Aubrey has her eyes on you. Before long, he’s playing with her big tits and shapely ass, she’s sucking his cock and then he’s fucking her pussy and ass. Oh, in between, he eats her pussy, too, because Aubrey deserves it, and because she has a pussy that begs to be eaten. She...

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First Gay Sex With My Brother8217s Friend Tamil

Hi readers, I am Arun male, I have had a sex encounter once with my friend, and I am fan of ISS gay Stories.am going to tell my first experience.am 25 years old,6 feet height,63 weight normal color,this gay incident happen while am studying college finall year.am chennai,am going tell my story in tamil,yenaku gay feel vanthathe illa,na collage la jolly ah girls and boys ta close ah palagirukan but yenaku antha taught erunthathey illa,oru nal yenga veetuku yen brother oda friend veetuku...

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Bracelet submissionthe third bracelet

Her eyes were closed and her back was arched as she let out a scream of agony and delight as the first orgasm rolled through her.   Well how did we get to this point. We were called away to business very quickly to the city and I hurriedly booked a room at the casino in the hope that I might just be able to present her with a third bracelet. We checked into the hotel and then went into the city to complete our business errands. It took quite some time and when we arrived back at the casino...

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Summer sexing a friend

The night was especially dark that night. The moon was hid by a blanket of clouds. It was only 6:30, but that time of year it always gets dark that early. I left the empty bar after a couple of drinks, but I didn’t want to go home. I wore skin tight jeans, a cute little tee, some cute tennis shoes, and a sexy underwear set. I took a little detour and found that Rod was having a fire. Rod’s house is in the middle of nowhere, he is surrounded by trees and fields. I crept slowly into his drive and...

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Gauri Ki Divorced Maa Ko Thoka

Hi friends,this is my first story on ISS My name is Mohit.I am 23. Just completed maybe i am from Nasik. A huge fan of ISS especialy the Incest section coz am always attracted ti married aunties..I masturbate dialy thinking of them..the aunties from my building only..Even my bhabhis n mamis..Let me te u about myself..I am good looking,genuinely fair good buiult my rod is 6” in length n 3” wide…any gal wud like to have it in her vagina.. now lets start with the story..i line in a flat…there s a...

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Disciplined at Work Yet Again

“So Susan, the month is up. How are you getting on with David?” Lesley and Susan were chatting in Lesley’s office over a cup of coffee. “I’ve spanked him so many times I can’t remember. The toe rag deserved every one though.” “You have at least enjoyed spanking him though.” She smiled. Susan licked her lips smiled sexily at Lesley and said, “Not nearly as much as spanking you.” Lesley laughed. Susan had been spanking Lesley for the last few weeks as well as David, although theirs was invariably...


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