Seducing Sophie
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Sophie's submission
They arrived at the small but selecthotel on Friday morning. If you happened to glance in their direction youreyes would immediately be drawn to the young woman. Even though she was bundledup to combat the cold her style was very evident.
Her dark blonde hair, sun-streaked withlighter blonde, that spilled out from her woollen hat was shiny and straight.She wore little make-up and what she did was skilfully applied. The nip inthe air outside had added natural roses to her cheeks. Her clothes, a simpletweed coat over a designer suit and silk blouse, were unostentatiously elegant.
The man seemed older than this girl,perhaps because of his air of command and the way he moved with such confidence,yet he was courteous and tender with her. His arm was around her, almostprotectively, as they crossed the carpeted lobby and heads turned to watchtheir passage. A father anddaughter? No, he was too young. An uncle and niece? Perhaps. Theydon't have the air of lovers. Hewas tall and darkly handsome with a sprinkle of premature grey at his temples.His clothes were also carefully chosen and worn well.
They signed the register and left thelobby, not conscious of the eyes still on them. A bellboy took them to theirrooms, a plush and very comfortable suite. After their bags had been deliveredthe man dismissed the bellboy with a generous tip and a curt nod. The girlwas taking off her hat and coat and he moved to take it from her, hangingboth their coats in the closet then he sat down to watch the girl move throughthe rooms, his arm draped casually across the back of the sofa.
She was exploring, looking everywhere,going from room to room excitedly. Her face alive with happiness, she threwherself into the man's lap kissing and hugging him.
"Oh thank you, Thomas this is wonderful" shesaid, kissing him.
Laughing the man disentangled the woman'sarms from around his neck and, giving her a quick kiss back, said,
"Sophie, this is only the start of theweekend, pace yourself…there is lots more to come".
Sophie was inwardly thrilled as he spoke;she was nervous and a little frightened but also very excited at his word, " lotsmore to come ". She andThomas had planned this weekend to explore their relationship, to see howfar they were prepared to go in their journey. Standing up Thomas held Sophieat arms length and, staring into her clear blue eyes, he asked,
"Are you ready Sophie, for our adventureto begin? "
"I trust you, Thomas." She said simply and smiled back into his dark eyes.
Although they had known each other for a couple of months, this was the firstlengthy period of time they would spend together. Many times they had madelove, each time reaching new levels but Thomas could see she was capable ofoffering even more, of greater passion and he wanted to teach her how to reachthose heights. He was sure of his dominance but what of her submissiveness?
She was so young and green; he knew he would have to proceed carefully. Itwould be so easy to allow his libido to rule his head and risk alienating hercompletely. Although she lacked experience she had a great enthusiasm and awillingness to learn.
As they stood before one another he slowly unbuttoned her suit jacket, hiseyes never leaving hers. She found it difficult to remain looking into hispiercing, dark eyes; they seemed to both challenge and encourage her. She stoodpassively knowing that this was her role at this point.
He took her upper arms and pulled herto him, kissing her deeply for a minute. His hands slid down her back, feelingto see if she had worn the underwear he had told her to wear for the occasionand he was pleased to find she had.
She wore a half-cup bra that barelyheld her breasts and a suspender belt over bikini briefs under her clothes.He stepped away and she stood there, feeling strangely naked and vulnerablein her tailored skirt and silk blouse, stockings and 4" high heels.
He found the image of her standing there,unsure and confused, very erotic and saw her nipples obviously erect beneaththe silk of her green blouse. Thomas made her wait for a full minute. Thenhe poured two glasses of wine and brought them over to where she stood feelingincreasingly uncomfortable. He recognised her discomfort and put the winedown.
Although they had made love many timesand knew one another's bodies well she was not used to being looked at soobjectively and apparently, coldly, as Thomas seemed to be doing. Embarrassed,she coughed and fidgeted, and he smiled as he watched her discomfort.
Suddenly realising he was getting closeto really upsetting her, he moved to embrace her and she melted into hisarms in relief. He guided her to the armchair and she sat demurely, her kneespressed tightly together. She hardly dared look at him; his whole personaseemed to have changed. He was assertive and stern, making abrupt gesturesto indicate what he wanted, but through it all she felt his love. At hisunspoken command she picked up the wine from the coffee table and sippedit. He joined her, raising his glass to her in a silent toast.
For several minutes they sat until their wine glasses were drained. He hummedto himself, not smiling when she caught his eye and not speaking. The tensionwas almost more than she could take, waiting and wondering what he would door demand next.
Their times together, apart form thelove-making, had always been filled with chatter, mostly hers admittedly,but now he sat in stony silence and she knew he didn't want to hear her voice.She fidgeted and played with the empty glass in her hand. He coughed andfrowned at her so she stopped, looking down at her hands.
After a few more silent minutes he stoodabruptly, startling her, and went to one of the suitcases on the luggagerack by the door. He hauled it to the table and threw the lid back. She couldn'tsee what it held but she knew it wasn't his clothing.
On the table he laid out a white clotheand on that he placed several pieces of fabric, a tube and a small vial,a white candle and matches, some things that looked like large tie clipson a thin chain and, making her shiver, a thin vicious-looking switch. Thomasstraightened up from arranging the table and closed the lid.
He looked at Sophie and nodded. Shestood and took a step towards him but he put a hand up to stop her. He silentlyindicated that she disrobe where she was, in front of the big window andsilhouetted against the light. Knowing that anyone outside who happened tolook up at the window would be able see her she hesitated but he snappedhis fingers impatiently.
Slowly she started by unbuttoning herblouse looking at Thomas pleadingly. He was lounging in one of the easy chairs,his long legs stretched out in front of him and his hands behind his head.Seeing she was not going to get any pity she continued to undress in a dispiritedway. Impatiently Thomas sat up.
"Sophie!" He snapped. "For pity's sakeput a little effort in to it! Undress for me! Forget the outside world."
She looked into his eyes and felt suchlove and desire for him that she did, in fact, forget that she might be visiblefrom outside. She swayed her hips, unzipping her skirt and letting it fallslowly to her feet. As she stepped out of the crumpled garment she ran herhands over the smooth skin of her body in the way she would have wanted Thomasto touch her. Her hands travelled up to her black half-cup bra, the fasteningof which was between her breasts.
She un-clasped it, keeping it on fora few seconds before allowing her full breasts to swell free revealing tautnipples hardened by desire. Sophie stood still now, a silhouette againstthe sunlight outside, in her black briefs and suspenders, her dark stockingsand high heels. The room was in total silence broken only by their breathing.He beckoned her over and she walked slowly forward to what she knew couldchange her life forever.
Thomas sat forward and held out a foot, she knelt and tenderly took it in herlap. She undid his shoe and removed it along with the black sock. Then, asThomas held out the other foot she did the same. He raised himself from thechair and, taking her arms, he helped her to stand. He stood in front of her,very close and when she looked up at him he nodded.
Hesitantly she reached out and un-knottedhis tie, removing it. When she looked into his eyes again, he nodded andgave a small smile. Breathing more easily after she had seen the reassuringsmile she undid the buttons of his shirt revealing the dark hair if his chest.She resisted the urge to run her hand over it, because she knew this wasnot what he wanted this time.
She let her hands run down each of hisarms and undid the cuff buttons, again resisting the urge to take each ofhis hands and kiss them, as she would have done normally. With the shirtcompletely undone she pushed it off his broad shoulders and took it to foldneatly. Next she knelt and concentrated on the belt and fastenings of histrousers.
Had Sophie looked up at this point shewould have seen that Thomas was smiling tenderly down at the top of her bowedhead. When she did move to look up he quickly returned to the stern expressionand she didn't see his smile. Thomas's trousers concertinaed around his anklesand he stepped out of them, Sophie took and folded them.
Now they were undressed, she kneelingbefore him in her brief panties and unaccustomedly high heels and he standingover her in his undershirt and boxer shorts, noticeably aroused. Thomas reachedtowards the suitcase that still lay on the table with its lid closed. Heflipped the lid open and took out something black. It was a robe, which heput on and tied at the waist.
Sophie's heart sank, she was to be deprivedof the sight of his body that she loved so and of the arousing affect shehad on him. He indicated that she should stand which she did unsteadily,hampered by the heels. He pulled out the wooden chair at the desk and carriedit to the centre of the room. She was made to sit here and he walked behindher to the table where the contents of the case had been set out.
The chair had been set so that Sophiecouldn't see what he was doing but she listened intently to the sounds hemade. She heard him come up behind her and felt his warm hands on her shoulders.He leant down and kissed her ear, whispering.
" Will you obey me unconditionally?"
"What ever I ask you to do or to become?"
"Good girl. Are you afraid?"
"We have a "safe word", Sophie. If, at anytime, you find you cannot handle what
I do or ask of you just say "enough" and I will stop whatever it is. Do you understand?"
"Very well, I think we are both ready to begin "
As she spoke the last word he took her right wrist and tied it firmly to therear right chair leg, then her left to the left back leg using some of thefabrics strips. Her position forced her chest up and made her breasts standout. She felt her groin moisten as her excitement rose.
She still could not see what he wasdoing but she heard the unmistakable sound of a match being struck and smeltthe sulphur. She heard him go in to the kitchenette and open the fridge,then the sound of ice being thrown into a bucket. He walked back and stoodbehind her silently.
Suddenly she felt a searing pain onher right breast and, looking down, she saw a trickle of opalescent whitewax hardening on her areola. Thomas's hand came round and cupped her breast;in it was an ice cube, which he held against her stinging nipple. The painsubsided and he stepped back leaving a trickle of ice water running downher thigh where it had dripped.
Once again her breast was seared, thistime the left. She gasped and stiffened, giving a small cry. His hand tenderlyheld the breast and soothed it with more ice, once more leaving an icy trickleof water. She sighed with relief only to be shocked by the pain of the hotwax on her thigh just above the stocking top.
This time, instead of his hand holdingthe ice he came round and knelt, putting his mouth to the scalded spot. Hiskiss was ice cold and she realised he had taken the ice in his mouth. Onceagain he stood behind her and she braced for the next drops of molten waxbut nothing happened. She turned her head this way and that trying to seewhere he was, what he was doing but he was silent and invisible.
Suddenly she gave a shriek of pain asa stream of hot wax fell on the other thigh. This time he left it to cooland pucker on her skin. Tears of pain and fear came to her eyes and she beganto wonder whether she would anger Thomas with her weakness.
She was plunged into darkness as a band of dark velvet was snugly wrapped aroundher head covering her eyes. Again she turned her head, this time to catch anysound he might make to indicate what he was doing. As she sat tensely waitingshe felt his fingers remove the wax gently from her nipples and thighs.
Next the fingers were undoing her suspendersjust below where the hot wax had been, and then around at the sides of herthighs. She felt him rolling her hose down to her ankles, removing her shoesand the stockings. Her legs felt freshly cool with the air on them and shebecame intensely aware of their nakedness.
She stiffened as she felt cold metaltouch her skin and the "snack" of a knife as he cut through her suspenderbelt. Then his hands moved her knees apart gently but firmly and she feltthe knife cold against her pussy as he slid the blade between her flesh andthe black silk of her briefs. With a "snack" her panties fell away from protectingher most private area and she instinctively tried to close her legs. Hishands prevented her and the knife made one final cut below her right hip,she felt him tug the shredded garment off her. His hands left her then andshe heard him move away. This time, when she moved her knees together nothingstopped her.
She sat very still, every nerve alert, listening, even sniffing the air likean animal, her back straight and her knees primly together. Suddenly she jumpedas Thomas's voice was very close to her ear.
"Did I tell you that you could closeyour knees?" He growled.
"No." she whispered
"You knew I wanted you to keep them open, didn't you?"
"I have to punish you now, Sophie."
Tears stung her eyes. Didn't he care for her anymore? With a soft "hiss" anda loud "crack!" the switch came down on the outside of her thigh. Twice hehit her and she yelped, the tears sprung out only to be absorbed by the blindfold.Thomas wouldn't even know she was crying.
But he did know and his heart ached as he looked down at the dispirited girl.She felt his soft lips touch hers and she rose to his kiss. They kissed deeply;he to comfort and reassure both of them, she to gain strength for what shenow knew was ahead.
"It's lunchtime. Are you hungry, Sophie?" Thomas asked her gently.
"A little, yes." She admitted, relieved to be returning to some normalcy.
As if by design a knock came at thedoor to announce room service. The room filled with the delicious smell ofhot bread, cheese, garlic and fruit. . Thomas accepted the food at the doornot wanting to expose Sophie. . After tipping and dismissing the man he surveyedthe cart.
It held a basket of bread, two bowlsof steaming Italian soup, a large bowl of whipped cream and a platter ofsoft fruits. Below on a lower shelf were several bottles of wine and glasses.Satisfied that his orders had been carried out he pulled the cart in closerand drew another wooden chair to where Sophie sat quietly. She was makingsure to keep her knees open and the effort was making her legs shake.
"You can relax now, Sophie." Thomassaid when he saw she was trying so hard to obey and she gratefully let herknees relax. Thomas noticed she did not shut them demurely as she had donebefore and smiled to himself.
Holding a napkin below her chin Thomas spooned the hot soup, feeding it toSophie's waiting mouth. She winced at the first taste. "Too hot?" he asked.
"It is a little -- but it tastes so good." He carefully blew on the next few
spoonfuls before carrying them to her lips. "Is there food for you too?" She
asked, "I want you to eat first, Thomas."
"I am not hungry yet. Once you have finished the soup I will eat mine and then…" He
paused for effect. " … We will share dessert."
The tone of his voice thrilled her andshe knew he would have an unusual way of serving the next course. She finishedthe delicious soup and ate a slice of the crusty Italian bread, all of itfed to her by her lover. He tenderly wiped her chin, untied her wrists andremoved her blindfold.
"Now it is your turn to feed me." He said slipping the black band over his own
She blinked and rubbed her eyes, flexing her freed wrists.
"As you feed me, Sophie, My hands willremain in my lap, you must kneel at my feet and not spill a drop or a crumb.If you do I will have to punish you, understand? "
"Yes, Thomas."
"Also, from now on you will call me Master. Is that clear?"
Yes, WHAT?" he almost shouted
"Yes, Master." She said quickly. Although he didn't allow it to show on his face
he was thrilled with her compliance and, beneath his black robe his member was
constantly stirring.
Carefully, carefully she spooned the soup to his lips, rising from sittingback on her heels to reach his mouth, a hand cradled under the spoon to catchany drips. He smacked his lips and licked them. For the last few spoonfulsSophie soaked them up with chunks of bread and, still with a hand cradled underneath,she fed them to Thomas.
"Sophie, I would like some wine please." Hesaid and she stood to fetch the bottle of red they had opened earlier.
Pouring two glasses she raised one towardsThomas then realised she would have to feed him the wine also. She carefullylifted the glass to his lips but he was, apparently, not expecting it. Hestarted and knocked the glass spilling some wine down the black robe.
"Sophie, you must warn me, tell me whatyou are doing!" He said gruffly "I hope you didn't spill any, did you?"
What was she to do? Should she tell the truth and take the punishment she knewwould surely follow or should she lie and hope he wouldn't find out? She stammeredand stuttered, finally she said.
"Yes, I have spilt some wine on yourrobe, Master. I am sorry." There was a pause that seemed to last for minutes.
"Well done my little Sophie." He said gently. " Firstly, I have to tell you I
made you spill the wine on purpose to see if you trust me enough to be truthful.
Secondly, in all your concern over spilling the wine you still remembered to
call me "Master". This time I will not use the switch." She slumped back and
he heard her sigh with relief.
"Let's have the next course. For this we will shower then adjourn to the bedroom
Sophie. I want you to go ahead. Have your shower then lie on the prepared bed.
Wait for me there."
Sophie rose to her feet easily now thehigh heels no longer hampered her. Unseen by her, Thomas removed the blindfoldand watched with satisfaction as she walked gracefully away with a newfoundconfidence in her nakedness, unconsciously seductive, her hips swaying. Whenshe reached the bedroom he called out.
"Close the door behind you."
She obediently pulled the door closedand surveyed the room. Someone had been here earlier, unlit candles werescattered around the room and a large towel covered one of the twin beds.The air was scented with jasmine; Thomas knew it was her favourite scent.
Sophie went into the luxurious en-suit bathroom; all she would need had beenset out on the counter. She started the shower and tied her hair up to avoidwetting it. Once under the soothing jets of warm water she started to relax.The remnants of wax sloughed off her breasts and thighs and with it went thememory of the punishment.
Skin rosy and pink from the hot shower,she towelled herself dry. She brushed her hair and let it hang loosely ather neck. With a little of the scented powder, jasmine again she noticed,dusted on strategic spots, she felt ready. Walking a little nervously intothe bedroom, she climbed onto the towel-covered bed and lay stiffly on herback.
Above her she was startled and excitedto see her reflection in a large overhead mirror. She moved this way andthat, watching herself as she took various suggestive poses. She was so absorbedthat she didn't hear Thomas softly open the door. He stood motionless, watchingher with a little smile on his lips as she admired herself.
She raised her head and suddenly realisedhe was there. Giving a small scream she rolled over into a tight ball, giggling.At first Thomas moved forward, smiling, as if to join in the game but hestopped short and his expression changed.
"Sophie, this isn't the time or placefor that." He said sternly and she straightened out, lying passively on herback murmuring. "I'm sorry, Master."
Thomas had bathed in the other smallerand less luxurious bathroom and had not replaced his robe but stood beforeher, naked. He turned abruptly and went back to fetch the food trolley, wheelingit in close to the bed where she lay looking slightly chastened.
"Now then, what shall I have for mynext course?" He wondered aloud. "Some…whipped cream to start withI think." And he spooned a generous layer of cream over her entire torso,from breasts to pudenda. She jumped slightly and gasped at the chill on herskin but then lay still watching him.
"Now, some berries. Strawberries!" Andhe tossed a dozen or so plump strawberries onto the cream.
Sophie let out a small laugh but a sharplook from Thomas quietened her. Then he chose a selection of raspberries,blueberries and green grapes. Sophie could feel the cream starting to meltand run, she wriggled uncomfortably.
"Be still." He snapped, "I don't expectmy dish to move!" With that he leant down and, using his mouth only, startedto eat the fruit.
When he had eaten half of it and thecream covered his chin and nose he loomed over Sophie's face.
" Clean my face Sophie." He ordered.Instinctively she made to use her hands but he caught and held them, nevertaking his eyes off hers. "No!" was all he said. She realised she was touse her tongue and strained to lick his face free of cream.
Next, with his teeth Thomas took a largestrawberry from the valley between her breasts and carried it to her mouth.He held it to her lips and she accepted it. It was fat and succulent andthe red juice ran out of her mouth and down her cheek. Now it was Thomas'sturn to use his tongue and he caught the rivulet as it trickled towards herear, licking it away. He fed her this way until all the fruit was gone fromher body and only soft cream remained.
"Now, be still, Sophie. No matter whatI do, you are not to react, do you understand me?"
"Yes." There was a miniscule electricpause and she quickly added "Master."
She couldn't see but he gave a small nod. He lay beside her, his head adjacentto her hips. Leaning up on one elbow he licked her and dabbed his fingers inthe cream. He presented his cream-laden fingers to her mouth and she greedilysucked. As the cream melted she felt it start to dribble over the sides ofher body and down between her legs, it was a sensuous feeling and she longedto touch herself.
Now his mouth was on her body, his broadtongue lapping at her belly button cleaning her skin of the cream. He suckedone entire breast into his mouth and she stifled a cry. There was nothingshe could do about her erect nipples, which remained rigid and engorged butThomas, to her relief, seemed to consider that acceptable. Her other breastwas sucked clean and his tongue travelled down to finish cleaning her tummy.He licked the cream from he small trimmed patch and she held her breath,as he remained a little longer, probing with his tongue. She tried, oh howshe tried not to move or make a sound but when his tongue burrowed in andtouched her clitoris she arched her back and gave a loud moan. Immediatelyhe rose and looked at her.
"What did I tell you, Sophie?"
"I'm sorry Master." She whimpered. "I couldn't help it."
"Well you have to learn to control yourself." He said getting off the bed. " Go
to the bathroom, relieve yourself."
When she came back and lay down againhe took some of the bright cloth strips she had seen in the other room fromthe lower shelf of the trolley. Taking each of her wrists he tied them tothe bed headboard and then her ankles to the footboard. Her arms were stretchedstraight up above her head but he made sure her legs were spread wide. Partof her tingled with excitement because they had played this game before andmade incredible love that night, but she knew this was not a game.
He was brusque and business like, notrough, but firm. To her horror she saw he had the switch in his hand andshe closed her eyes. The sound of him flexing it made her shiver and shewaited for the sting. When it came it was across her pudenda. Not as hardas it had been on her thighs but it still stung her. Again and again he flickedit at her and she started to feel arousal, tears of pain and humiliationprickled her eyelids.
"Now, let there be no more disobedience." Hesaid quietly walking away from the bed.
He went into the bathroom and she heardwater running. When he came back he had a wet cloth, which he used to wipethe remaining stickiness from her. His hands were gentle and loving, shefound it hard to accept that these same hands had whipped her. Once he wassatisfied that she was clean he left her alone and went to the other room,closing the door firmly behind him.
For what seemed like hours she lay listening, then she heard the door to thesuite close. She listened for any sign that he was still next-door, not a soundcould be heard. What was he doing? Was he leaving her here? After a while shemust have fallen asleep because when she opened her eyes it was dark, a sortof panic set in and she struggled to loosen her wrists, which wasn't hard todo.
She was just sitting up to un-tie herfeet when light flooded the room and Thomas, now fully dressed, walked in.They both froze, he stood glaring at her and she lay back submissively.
"What are you doing, Sophie?" he askedin a tightly controlled voice.
She stammered, knowing that she haddispleased him. "I was afraid you had gone and left me here…I-I- Iheard the suite door close."
She felt tears pricking her eyes. Hestrode to the bed and roughly untied her ankles.
"Perhaps you're not ready for this." Hewouldn't meet her eyes. "If you just can't trust me then all this is useless." Hemoved to the window and stood looking out at the city lights.
"Please Thomas!" She cried out then,biting her lip as she realised she had blundered again by using his name.She rose from the bed and falling to her knees she crawled to him. Bloodwas in her mouth from her torn lip as she knelt at his feet.
" Oh please, Master. One more chance."
He looked down at her degrading herself at his feet and he had no taste forit. He reached down and helped her to stand.
"It's alright. You know I love you,don't you?" She nodded speechlessly. "Then why can'tyou trust me in this?"
"It's like you're a different person." She whispered. "Someone I don't know."
"I am still the man you love." He was smiling; although she had not raised her
eyes to his she could hear the smile in his voice and rejoiced.
"Now, I have set some clothes out for you in the other room. We are going for
dinner at an exclusive restaurant with some old friends of mine and I want you
to look your best. Have a shower and leave your hair loose. Wear exactly what
is set out for you, no more and no less."
Almost before she could answer he was gone again and she stood alone in thebedroom. She walked to the outer room and saw the clothes set out neatly. Therewas a black push-up half-bra, black sheer hose and a black lacy suspender belt.A beautifully simple cocktail dress of heavy, wine-red silk was spread overthe arm of the sofa with elbow length gloves of the same deep red beside it.Below, neatly set together, was a pair of high-heeled black evening sandals.
She showered thoroughly and spent extra time brushing out her hair. Satisfiedwith the shine and smoothness she walked naked to the clothes and put on thebra. It was not like any she had in her own wardrobe. When she leant forwardto cradle her breasts in the cups the nipples were above the cup line. No matterhow she adjusted herself the nipples were still visible. Sorting through thegathered underwear on the sofa she saw no panties. Thomas's word echoed inher ears…
"No more and no less…."
Worried that she was taking too longshe wrapped the suspender belt around her hips and slid on the hose, hookingeach suspender She turned, now, to the dress. On close inspection it wasat least one size smaller than she usually wore. Her heart sank but she wasdetermined to follow Thomas' instructions. She slipped the dress over herhead and reached back to zip it up.
As she finished zipping the tight bodiceshe caught sight of herself in the mirror over the sofa. Even with her facenaked of make-up she looked stunning. Her long straight hair shone, the bramade her breasts very noticeable and the exposed nipples stood hard justout of sight below the neckline. Next she put on the sandals, simple andelegant.
Her complexion was flawless and she seldom wore make-up. Knowing that a heavilymade-up face was repellent to Thomas she just applied a little mascara to darkenand lengthen her thick lashes and a swipe of wine-red lipstick. She chose aperfume she knew he liked and dabbed a little in the crook of each elbow andbetween her breasts.
Satisfied, she took one last look inthe mirror. Yes, she thought, he would approve. Now what? Should she waithere or go down to the bar where she assumed he was waiting? She walked fromthe bedroom back to the sitting room, her heels clicking on the tiled floor.Then she saw something she hadn't noticed before, on the table by the windowwas a box containing an exquisite black orchid corsage and a small satinevening purse, black with tiny marquisette beads studying it.
She snapped it open to look inside.It held a linen handkerchief, a small mirror and comb, lipstick and eye make-upand a folded note. The note read -I hope you are you readynow. A limousine is waiting downstairs, be quick. The driver has his instructions .
Pulling on the long gloves she hurriedto the closet to get her twead coat but it was not there, in its place hunga long black cloak of heavy velvet with a black fur trimmed hood. Still shepeered into the cupboard looking for her coat then she realised Thomas meanther to use the cloak She enveloped herself in the warm folds, picked up thelittle bag and the orchid in it's box and headed down to the lobby.
People stopped to stare as she steppedfrom the elevator and passed through the crowd. At the entranceway she raisedthe hood, not just to stave off the cold wind, but also to hide her facefrom the stares she elicited. Just as Thomas had said in the note, a sleekblack limo with its engine running waited for her. The uniformed driver jumpedout as soon as she appeared seeming to know she was his fare and held thedoor for her.
Once cocooned in the warmth of the cab she started to relax. "Where are wegoing?" She asked the cabbie.
"I'm sorry Ma'am. I have been instructed not to converse with you".
She sat back, a little perturbed; itwas all getting rather mysterious. The bright city lights streamed by asthe driver sped through the night. Sophie's eyes were big as she gazed throughthe window at the people and sights they passed. The limo pulled in underthe awning of an older stone building and a liveried doorman stepped forwardto open the cab door for her.
The restaurant was certainly impressive. Thick carpets muffled the sounds ofconversation and cutlery clinking on plates giving an air of discrete elegance.Soft classical music played and the tables were well spaced, separated by banksof plants. Sophie's cloak was taken and hung for her.
"Please come this way, Madam." The headwaitermurmured and Sophie followed him to the long mahogany bar away from the diner'smuted conversation. As she climbed onto the high bar stool she was uncomfortablyaware that she had no panties on and that the dress was shorter than sheusually wore..
"The gentleman will meet you here, madam." Andthe waiter left her.
She accepted a martini from the bartenderwho told her it had been paid for. It was not pleasant sitting alone at thebar and she wished that Thomas would join her soon. Once she was sure sheheard Thomas's distinctive laugh but, when she turned to look, he was nowhereinsight. Then, suddenly he was there, he was in evening dress and lookedeven more handsome than usual.
"Stand up Sophie. Turn around so that I can see you."
She slipped from the stool and steppedaway from the bar, turning slowly to him, eyes averted. He motioned her tocontinue turning and she did a slow twirl.
"Charming." He said. "You look absolutely perfect." She smiled, resisting the
urge to look into his eyes.
"You can sit again." Thomas sat down beside her and she kept her eyes on the
drink in front of her.
It was then that she noticed that hershort dress had ridden up exposing her stocking-tops, she tried to pull itdown but he took her hand in his and stopped her. She looked nervously aroundwondering whether the other patrons had noticed. Two men sitting at a tablea short distance away were staring at her in an obvious way and Sophie squirmeduncomfortably.
"Turn and face the room Sophie. I wantto show you off. I am so proud of the way you look."
Thomas swivelled Sophie's bar stoolso she was looking out right at the two staring men. The heels of Sophie'sshoes were hooked into the foot bar of the stool and her knees were pressedtightly together, she was painfully aware of the fact that she was panty-less.The two men were at eye level with Sophie's crotch and made no pretence oftheir interest.
"Open your knees Sophie." She turnedto him, appealing with her eyes but he just nodded firmly, his eyes glittering.
Slowly she relaxed her muscles and herthighs fell open. She kept her eyes lowered, unable to look at the oglingmen. She knew they could see everything; she felt humiliated and excitedall at once, humiliated that strangers were seeing her in a way that onlyThomas had so far, and excited because she knew Thomas was proud of her.It was a new feeling for her and she gradually grew more confident, sittingup straighter and tossing her hair aside.
Thomas noticed the change in her andwas watching her carefully. He found her new self-assurance arousing andknowing that the two watchers were turned on just increased his arousal.The waiter approached and told them their table was ready. Thomas held Sophie'selbow as she slipped off the bar stool and, smiling sweetly at the two sweatingmen, she followed the waiter into the dining room.
Their table was in a secluded cornerof the dining room, hidden from the other diners by lush foliage. Sophietook the seat pulled out for her by Thomas and as he sat down she rememberedto keep her eyes averted. Looking down she realised the table top was glassand she could see their legs and feet below. Instinctively she drew her feetin and tucked them under her chair.
Her eyes widened as she felt Thomas's shoeless foot press her knees open andtravel upward. The waiter immediately saw what was happening and blushed deeply.
" M-m-m-may I take your order now?" Hesaid huskily. "Or would you like a few more minutes?"
"We'll order now." Thomas said decisively. "We'd like the oysters on the half
shell to start with, and some chilled white wine…. Australian Chardonnay."
"Yes, sir." And he was gone. Being seen in such a position mortified Sophie.
"What's wrong with you Sophie?" Thomas asked impatiently.
"He saw everything Thomas…how could you?"
"For God's sake Sophie! He's seen far worse I'm sure. Do you realise you have
just addressed me incorrectly?" His foot squirmed hard against her and she gave
a little gasp of pain, closing her thighs involuntarily. " This means punishment
before the end of the meal."
The oysters were perfection and the wine was the ideal accompaniment. NextThomas ordered an Indian dish, Butter Chicken. It arrived with assorted chutneysand breads. All through the meal Thomas kept one shoe-less foot or the otherin Sophie's crotch, she was constantly on the verge of climaxing but he wascareful to pull back as soon as her skin flushed and she moaned softly. Thewaiter had recovered his cool exterior and he lingered a little longer on eachvisit to their table, his gaze passing through the glass top to the actionbelow each time he replenished their glasses.
As the curry dishes were being removed, Thomas said to the waiter. "We willwait a while before ordering dessert. Come back in 15 minutes. " A small, knowingsmile flickered across the waiter's face, he nodded and left.
"Sophie, time for your punishment. I want you to kneel under the table and take
my cock out of my trousers"
She slid down and moved to kneel betweenThomas's open knees. Unzipping and opening his fly she carefully removedhis almost erect cock. As she held it she felt it stiffen in her hand andThomas shifted in his chair.
"Now, make me come before the waiterreturns but be careful not to stain that lovely dress."
She did what she had done so often before,tenderly stroking the hot flesh. As the beads of pre-cum formed she lickedthem away hearing Thomas's soft moans from above. She used her tongue andlips in such a way that he slumped down to receive her better. His hand heldher head with his fingers tangled in her hair. After a few minutes he firmlypushed her head onto his rigid cock and she gagged audibly. She thought itwas an accident and accepted his penis, sucking it lovingly. Again, unableto control his passion, he made her take the full length of his erectionand jarred it into her throat, holding it there.
She was unable to breath and struggledin his grip, tears streamed down her face from the gagging. Just as she feltshe would faint he pulled away and exploded in her mouth, filling it withhis warm cum. She swallowed frantically to prevent the cum from spillingout and staining her dress. The more she swallowed the more gushed in, hermouth was full. Then she saw Thomas's hand holding out a napkin for her.Gratefully she took it to help clean the cum. While she was kneeling theretrying to keep things under control there was a tap at the door.
"Come." Thomas called out and, to herhorror, the waiter entered. At first he looked at the empty chair where shehad been sitting then he gradually focused on her below the glass table.It took him a moment to realise what had transpired and he smiled weakly,blushing.
"Are you ready to order dessert, sir?'he asked.
"Yes, leave the menu and we'll take a look when the lady has collected herself." Thomas
answered coolly. Shaken and mortified, Sophie crawled from under the table as
the waiter retreated.
Her hair was wildly tousled from Thomas's hands and tears streaked her face.What she had thought was going to be a loving act had turned into an ordealfor her, which she lovingly accepted. Her throat ached where he had batteredit but still she felt such love for him knowing it was his passion for herthat had caused the roughness. The pleasant taste of his cum lingered on herlips.
She tried to compose herself, takingthe mirror and comb; she did what repairs she could. He watched her, apparentlydispassionately, but inside he ached to hold her and apologise for his roughnesswith her. He had re-zipped his trousers and was hiding his discomfort byexamining the dessert menu. Sophie took several sips of the, now flat, champagneto try and calm herself.
"What would you like for dessert, Sophie?" he asked, not taking his eyes off
the menu
She cleared her sore throat and looked at her hands, folded in her lap. Shehad no idea where this weekend would take her but so far she felt she had beena disappointment to her lover. She thought that she had failed to become whatThomas wanted and she was beginning to doubt her ability also.
"Would you order for me, Master?' she said woodenly.
"Very well." He put the menu down and clapped once, loudly. The waiter appeared
looking nervously at Sophie but her eyes remained downcast. Thomas ordered profiteroles
and coffee for two. As an afterthought he added a brandy for himself.
The cream filled pastries were delicious and she ate in silence as Thomas toldher what the evening held for them.
"We will go downstairs to the ballroom.I believe you are an excellent dancer Sophie but, as you know, I do not enjoyit. You must accept any and all who invite you to partner them. Some maybehave in a way that will shock you but you must show no emotion. I willbe watching you at all times, do you understand?" Silently she nodded.
They finished the meal and Thomas carried his brandy snifter down stairs withhim. As they reached the last step and stood in the wide entrance hall Sophiestopped.
"May I be excused, Master?" she asked,eyes lowered. "I would like to freshen up."
"Very well." He sat in one of the plush armchairs scattered around the wall and
sipped his brandy. "You need to re-apply your make-up. Be quick, Sophie. I will
wait here"
She hastened to the ladies room and,peeling off the long, red gloves, she stood in front of the mirror. Horrifiedat her ruined appearance she hurriedly splashed coldwater on her face tocool it. She combed out her tangled hair until it shone once more and appliedthe make-up carefully. When she was satisfied that she looked as she hadback at the hotel she went out to join her lover. He rose as she approachedand, taking her arm, he led her towards the music.
Chapter 1 Sophie turned over in bed, brushing her long blonde hair away from her eyes so as to take a look at her companion from the night before. This didn’t have the desired effect, her lover from the previous night had vanished without so much as a goodbye. Of course he had, it had been the same for a while now. I mean, who would want to wake up to realise they had spent the night with a very, very, pregnant woman. This was the third guy this month that had ran off, not to mention the first...
Chapter 1Sophie turned over in bed, brushing her long blonde hair away from her eyes so as to take a look at her companion from the night before. This didn’t have the desired effect; her lover from the previous night had vanished without so much as a goodbye. Of course he had, it had been the same for a while now. I mean, who would want to wake up to realise they had spent the night with a very, very, pregnant woman. This was the third guy this month that had ran off, not to mention the first...
1 I discovered this place three years ago, an abandoned road that was currently used by local farmers and me with a parking area and nature path just eighteen miles from the town. A wonderful piece of wild nature with a possibility to walk a well arranged path, one and a half miles to the bridge over the stream, two hundred yards and another bridge back and again one mile through the woods back to where I had parked the car. And the most important part of it...there were no people. ...
Le monde de Sophie.Chapitre 1 : Contrari?t? et petits bonheursPutain de projet ! Tout le monde est en retard, pas moyen de faire respecter un d?lai ? quiconque dans cette soci?t? et ?videmment sur qui celava retomber ? Et bien ce sera sur moi ! Pourtant ce n'est pas faute d'avoir pr?venu et r?p?t? qu'il y avait un risque ! C'est trop tendu cot?d?lai depuis le d?but ! Tendue comme moi d'ailleurs ! J'ai bien besoin de vacances ! Heureusement qu'on est vendredi !Sophie etait en train de pester interieurement tout en r...
Well it all started one Saturday, I sat in my garden enjoying the sun and my neighbours were out too.I don't make a habit of listening in on other peoples conversations but couldn't help hearing that Sandra and Sam were looking for a babysitter as they wanted to go out to celebrate 15 years of marriage.I knew that my weekend was going to be fairly slow with nothing to do so I stood up and walked to the fence. " Hi, you two ok, enjoying the sun?" I said to both of them. "Yes its...
This was Rudy’s first time at Sal’s restaurant and he idly wondered if it was always this crowded. The restaurant was set on the ground floor of the Regal Hotel so it stood to reason that many of the patrons were staying at the hotel. The crowd did serve to make it easier to stalk the old man, though. He was only a few tables away from Sagan Pharmaceutical founder and CEO, Carl Shoemacher. Rudy had checked and found that he took lunch here once a week with a few close associates. He had...
This was Rudy’s first time at Sal’s restaurant and he idly wondered if it was always this crowded. The restaurant was set on the ground floor of the Regal Hotel so it stood to reason that many of the patrons were staying at the hotel. The crowd did serve to make it easier to stalk the old man, though. He was only a few tables away from Sagan Pharmaceutical founder and CEO, Carl Shoemacher. Rudy had checked and found that he took lunch here once a week with a few close associates. He had...
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InterracialMany years ago I was involuntarily single for what seemed like a long time -- over a year. I was working a construction job putting up a suburban shopping mall and never saw women during the day. I've never cared for the bar scene so I spent my evenings looking through my collection of well-thumbed porn magazines, watching videos from the back room of my local outlet, and emptying tube after tube of lube. I had a long tapered butt plug for those special moments when a cucumber just wouldn't do...
I first met Sophie just after her mid-course exams. She’s failed miserably, and needed my help as a tutor to improve and get the grades she needed for a place at university. But I never dreamed she’d repay my hard work the way that she did. This is a much improved version of the story posted previously to ASSM as ‘The Maths Tutor’ * * * * * I met Sophie shortly after her mid-course exams. Her parents contacted the tutoring agency. The agency then contacted me. I followed my normal routine...
[Undated Entry] Near Oxford, Oxfordshire THE DAY PROMISED to be hot again. Roger’s excitement and anticipation of his day with Sophie caused him to wake up early. Years later he wondered if somehow the morning promise foreordained the way the day would end. At the moment he had no idea. He was to find out Sophie was adventurous in more ways than one. The two decided to set out on their own and meet up with the others sometime in the late afternoon for tea or a light evening meal. “After...
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This story contains scenes of an erotic nature and is not intended for minors. Further, if such material is considered illegal in your area, you should by bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and re-post as long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this story. SUDDENLY SOPHIE By Charlotte [email protected] Today is my wedding day. The ceremony...
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It was Friday night. Bennett walked into the main club room sipping his favorite single malt. Seeing Carolyn sitting by herself, her head buried in a newspaper, he walked to her.“Good evening. I am Bennett Fitzgerald. I believe you are Carolyn Anderson.”She looked up. Not recognizing him, she replied, “Yes I am. Are you new here? I do not believe we have been introduced, but your name is familiar for some reason.”“You probably recognize it since I am on the Board of Directors of the club. I am...
SeductionThe Story of my Submission The Story of my Submission Hello, this is Lisa. I am 26 years old and I would like to share the story of my submission with you. I have been authorised by my Mistress to write and to publish this story. Every word is true, and the email addresses I will state in the end are also real. To begin with I would like to say that I am actually lesbian. It is true that my first sexual experiences, which occurred during my school time when I was about 15 years old, were...
A suburban MILF submits to an internet master. 1) This is fantasy. These things don’t happen in real life… often. 2) This is in the ‘Dark Fantasy’ story category but it could certainly be classified as ‘Love/Romance’, especially the latter half. 3) The story contains strong elements of: BDSM; humiliation; reluctance; straight and lesbian sex; pain; and pet-play. 4) Rather long with no chapters, sorry. 5) I don’t describe the characters in detail. I think it is better the reader...
Samantha was about 5-7 tall, had light brown, confident eyes and medium brown straight hair grown generously to the middle of her back. She had fair, creamy white skin that contrasted with her darker hair and eyes. Her hair was kept styled and healthy. She was neat, organized and usually calm under pressure. She gave the impression she was a woman who would do well in business with her new clothes, kept hair and focused demeanor. She was not overweight but had some extra padding in her hips...
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Submission is the act or action of submitting to something or something, letting passively dominate, a form of subordination, vassalage or servitude.Submission is based on the condition of obeying orders from a superior (Dom or Domme) without the right to make free decisions or to express oneself in any way he wishes. A person who lives in a state of submission is called a submissive and is characterized by excessive humility and servility. Usually, submission is marked by the spontaneity of...
Lloyd squirmed at the pole in a strange blend of discomfort and sexual euphoria, on an image flickering to life upon the screen before him, his mind fast reclaiming its lucidity from the waning drug. He fought with his own conscience as that lucidity only served to heighten his arousal, his boning cock betraying the undeniable pleasure that had been awoken by his predicament thus far. As hard as he fought the shameful desires that now accompanied his bondage, the dark excitement at being...
GwenGwen had accepted my proposal for meeting on Wednesday night. As the youngest of the first batch, (See part 1), I was eager to meet her. She had said that she thought my age would be an advantage. Wednesday at 5 was the agreed time. I prepped as before including the suite at the casino. She arrived at the restaurant on time. A red silky blouse and black slacks, golden yellow hair just to her neck. Wait the blouse, it looks open but it is not. Gwen is showing cleavage as I requested, but to...
Divine White manA Chinese woman's sexual submission to White powerby Chingching Rogers?I'm a chink cumpig and I am ready to submit to the divine dominance of a White god. I love White man. I worship White man. And I am unashamed to say it. I am a little chink whore for White men's semen.?Those words you read first were written last: Why I prefer White men: I can't tell you how many times I have been asked this question and to be honest, I'm tired, tired of all the racism directed...
Introduction: Couple live out bisexual fantasies with dominant BLACK teens. DARK Submission: A Bisexual Journey Summary: Couple live out bisexual fantasies with dominant BLACK teens. Note 1: This story is dedicated to TheOriginalAnonymous who suggested the idea and was a sounding board as this lengthy tale developed. Note 2: Thanks to MAB7991, LeAnn and TheOriginalAnonymous for their editing. WARNING: Although this is in the INTERRACIAL category, there is a fair amount of gay sex (white...
Part Two A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel Greetings Dear Readers! This is part two in a series in which the main characters, Sarah and Daniel first meet one another and start their relationship together. Part one deals mostly with Sarah and Daniel's background. Also, it shows the mindset of the couple and what it is that both of them want out of life. There is not a lot of detail on their younger years (adolescent and teenage). Nor is there a ton of info on their adult...
Saturday arrived too quickly for me. It was the first day back where Tahlia expected me to obey her rules and directions again, either that or risk her enforcing a clause in the contract she tricked me into signing with some film producers to make even more hardcore pornography. Submitting to Tahlia, the schoolgirl bully, was very definitely the lesser of two evils. I couldn’t sleep at all on Friday night as I considered the consequences of my actions to find myself in this position to begin...
Susie was away again, she had spent her entire life ducking out of one care home to another as a child, now at 18 she found herself skipping out on dubious landlords who would charge her the earth for a place to stay, unless she would offer payment in kind. Not happy to do either, she would oft moonlight whilst owing, and now was such an occasion. She headed for the more urbane part of town; the small amount of money she had would not sustain her long; she needed find work and shelter quickly...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Phases of Submission Phase I: Developing Curiosity Life throws you curves. Sometimes life tosses obstacles in your way. Sometimes it gives you a break. Then again, sometimes it puts you on a path you never expected. Two weeks ago I met the CEO of our corporation, Brandon Hacker, at a company gathering. We talked and liked each other enough that we arranged to go out on a date. My life has never been the same since. Brandon is not the tall, dark, handsome type. Rather he’s funny, medium height,...
Part 1Amber was depressed. Having just turned fifty, she had convinced herself she was on the downside of a dull and boring life. The recent divorce had ended a twenty-five-year marriage that had been sexless for nearly a decade. The couple had maintained the contractual agreement for the sake of the children that were now on their own. She felt lost and lonely, isolated in a cloud of sexual frustration with little hope for relief on the horizon. In a vain effort to spread her wings, the newly...
MatureA Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Daughter's Ultimate Submission By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Such pride surged through me as Daddy led us out of the massage parlor, his hands clutching our leashes. Every time he tugged on it, my clit flared with pleasurable pain. The black leash clipped onto the thick, gold ring pierced through my bud and nestled between my folds of my snatch. Proof that I was Daddy's sex...
Unable to establish any evidence against her brother, she continued with her replaying of events that morning trying to figure out who might have been able to access her book bag before this class. As she was performing her mental audit of the morning's events, Mr Meyers called out her name. "Melissa, you're assignment was the refutation of the heathen theory of evolution." Melissa froze at the mention of her name and report topic. It was as if a white-hot spotlight had just been...
Submission Part 2: So, you have listened as I have told you about my affluent WASP upbringing and how my nagging of my mother had led to her walking out of her marriage to Dad and her conversion to Islam? You don't believe a woman who needed to find herself would find herself in Islam? Well Mum did because in Islam she could be valued for her brains as she did no need to display herself like western women. You have heard that she had come back for me dressed in her chador but dad...
Lloyd had been treated to a gratuitous and well received whipping by Joyce, watched by Patti, Kay, and Maria, who noted the pleasing sign of a boning erection as his wife confirmed her new status as his owner, then was bundled into a walk-in wardrobe at Patti’s house, trussed with his head down to await their further pleasure. He was not alone in the wardrobe. Lucy was stripped and trussed likewise, after a brusque spanking by Kay, and the tearful sissy placed so that Lloyd’s nose hovered...
The look of surprise on Denny’s face as I pushed my front door open for Tahlia to enter was priceless. She obviously didn’t care about me coming home and seeing her on my couch fondling my daughter, half naked, hands down each other’s pants making out passionately. In fact that was precisely what she wanted me to see. After all I was expected to answer to her again now that my break was over. Thankfully David had already left for his date with Shandi so when we got back from the mall Denny...
"I thought I'd surprise you and take you out to lunch", Bill said angrily. "Who is this punk you're fucking?" "I'm Alex. Alicia is my mother", Alex said as he looked the man up and down. Despite the man's angry tone, his posture wasn't aggressive. Then Alex spotted something. "I have a question, Bill. Did seeing me fuck your wife turn you on", he asked. "What the fuck kind of question is that", Bill demanded, but his cheeks burned red like someone who had been caught in a lie....
Lloyd had no need to attend the office to offer his resignation; Joyce gleefully tearing open an envelope with the company logo emblazoned upon its rear, and holding the letter within it, high to the sunlight which spilled through the expensively glazed hallway of the grandiose home which was now hers. Patti sneered down at Lloyd, keeping his leash nice and tight as Joyce’s delighted eyes scanned the text. She smiled down at her now thoroughly dominated and defeated ex-husband, who’d just...