Seeing Sophie free porn video

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Marcus waited for his son after school everyday, leaning against the side of the detached gymnasium, bored by this aspect of single fatherhood. No one had ever told him that there would be so much driving, hurrying, waiting, standing, and driving some more. But it was all worth it to get the extra time with his son, and since his schedule was more flexible than his ex-wife’s, he was glad to help out with the chauffeur duties. Besides, while he waited for his son, he could check out the moms.

He laughed to himself at the idea, he never would have thought he’d one day look forward to being able to scope out women over thirty. He’d never been the scoping type, for one thing, but he’d also never thought much about moms being sexy until he became a parent himself. As long as he didn’t think about his own mother, he figured he’d be fine. Turning, he saw her again. She was here everyday and everyday he caught her watching him while he watched Alicia, the pretty mom with the tight pants and low cut tops. Who wouldn’t watch a woman like that? Usually he brushed off her glances and the subtle scowl that frequently appeared across her face, but yesterday, yesterday, he’d watched her walk away and admired the slight sway of her hips, the roundness of her ass as she leaned into her car. How had he not noticed before?

He smiled at her when their eyes met, and she smiled, very slightly, back. She looked surprised, as if she hadn’t expected to see him. Or as if she hadn’t expected him to see her, he realized. He glanced at his watch, and when he saw that he had a few minutes left before the bell signaled the end of the day, he walked over to her. If nothing else, he hoped he could find out why she seemed to dislike him so much without even knowing him.

* * *

I watched him walk over, his eyes on my face the whole way. For weeks, I’d found myself watching him as he watched Alicia, the gorgeous mom of one of my oldest son’s friends. With her perfect blond coif and her manicured nails and her flawless skin, undoubtedly the result of an hour spent applying makeup, she was everything that I was not. My idea of looking nice involved wearing clothes that matched and weren’t completely covered in either food stains from the kids or paint stains from my work, and I didn’t even own any makeup. Alicia and I were different in other, more important ways as well, she was self-absorbed and more concerned with how she looked than who she was. Admittedly, I was attracted to him, but his obvious interest in Alicia bothered me because I suspected it was a kind of sign of his shallowness. Watching him walk over that day, I’d have been nervous by his approach if I had thought it meant anything, but I simply suspected he must need something, have some kind of question about a teacher or little league. Those were the normal questions I got from men, the mom who knows type questions. He stopped a few feet away from where I stood with my youngest kids, and looked down first to say hi to them as they tried to hide behind my legs.

I laughed. ‘They’re shy, at least at first.’

‘I can relate,’ he said. ‘I’ve been known to be a little shy myself sometimes. Besides, who wouldn’t want to hang onto a pretty woman’s leg?’

I laughed again. ‘Sophie,’ I said, holding my hand out to him.

‘Marcus,’ he shook my hand in his, his grip stronger than most, and I smiled. I hated men who felt like they had to be careful shaking my hand simply because I’m a woman.

‘So, Sophie, I see you here everyday, and I thought I should finally say hi.’

‘Well, hi then. We don’t talk much around here, do we?’ I asked, nodding toward the other parents waiting for their kids, most of them standing alone, avoiding eye contact with one another.

‘No, I guess we don’t. I’ve only just started pick up duty this year, since the divorce.’

‘I’m sorry to hear it. About the divorce, I mean. I’ve been through it myself, so I can sympathize.’

‘It was for the best, and we’re all much happier now.’

‘Me too. Best thing I could have done, besides have my kids,’ I said patting the heads of the two still holding my legs.

He smiled at me, and then seeing his son walking toward him, turned and said, ‘See you tomorrow then, Sophie’ and walked away. I watched him leave, wondering. He hadn’t asked any mom-type questions at all.

* * *

Over the next few days Marcus made a habit of spending a few minutes chatting with Sophie while they waited for their kids, by Friday, he was intrigued enough to want to know her better. He found her attractive, though he had to admit she wasn’t conventionally beautiful, in fact, there wasn’t much remarkable about her, and she had the body of a woman who had obviously had children. Despite that, there was something about her that got to him. And her attitude, her lack of self-consciousness, her sense of self were all very appealing, especially after being married to someone who had spent so much of her time uncertain of herself.

‘I know it’s last minute, and I’m sure you have plans, but I’ve just found out I have the weekend free. Trevor will be with his mom all weekend, so I was wondering if you’d want to get together. Maybe have dinner, see movie or something?’

She looked surprised, and he briefly wondered why. ‘I have plans tomorrow, but I’m free tonight.’

‘Tonight works for me,’ he told her smiling. He pulled out his blackberry and asked, ‘Where should I pick you up?’

Looking a bit a little amused, she gave him her address. ‘I’ll see you at 7,’ he told her, as he greeted his son and made his way to his car.

* * *

I was amused, and intrigued, as I dressed for the evening. His sudden interest in talking to me had been surprise enough, but his asking me out on a date had definitely been unexpected. After watching him eye Alicia for weeks, I had assumed his type of woman was the superficial, supermodel type. Something I definitely was not. I knew what I had to offer a partner, but I become very used to no one else being able to see it. I dated plenty, but I always ‘met’ the men online first where they had a chance to get to know me before the date, it had been a long, long time since it had happened the other way around. Before kids, I realized.

I brushed out my shoulder length brown hair and opted to leave it loose for the night, I pulled a knee length black dress over my head- I loved that dress, loved the way the slit was higher in the front exposing so much of my legs, loved the way the material hugged my hips, and even loved that wearing anything underneath it was impossible. Knowing I was naked under the dress gave me a little thrill of power, a secret knowledge of my sexuality. I buckled the ankle straps of my black heels and then fastened the black beaded necklace around my neck. There, perfect, I thought.

And just in time, I laughed, as the doorbell rang and I made my way to the door. Opening it, I saw Marcus holding a bouquet of flowers bursting with so much color that my hand itched to paint them. Instead, I took them from him and smiled, ‘Thank you. Come on in.’

‘You look gorgeous,’ he told me, his eyes moved down the length of my dress and then back again, lingering a second too long on the low neckline and my exposed cleavage.

I turned, and he followed me into my living room, looking around at my overstuffed, and very comfortable, furniture. I watched him from the kitchen where I put the flowers in water. I saw his eyes flicker over the corner of toys, and then around the room again. The moment he saw the paintings, he stilled, and I smiled, knowing what was coming.

‘I’ve never seen anything like this. Where did you find them?’

‘Actually, I painted them.’

‘You…’ he trailed off, looking again at the paintings, looking for a flaw or a sign of amateur work.

‘I’m actually a painter, Marcus. That’s how I make my living.’

‘Oh! I had assumed…’

‘That I was only a mom.’

He laughed, uncomfortably. ‘Well, you’re never really only a mom, or a dad, are you?’


‘But you never said…’

‘That I’m an artist. No, I don’t usually say anything, unless I’m asked.’

‘Why not? You obviously have a lot of talent.’

‘Thank you.’ I hesitated, wondering whether to continue. Why not, I decided. ‘I

suppose I don’t talk about it much because I tend to say more than I should.’

‘How do you mean?’

‘Not everyone approves of some of my work, and it’s easier to just keep it to myself.’

He glanced at the paintings on the wall, each a nature scene, each full of vibrancy, and each completely innocent. His face reflected his obvious confusion, and I suspected he was trying to figure out what the objection could be to fauna and sunrises.

Deciding it would be easier just to show him, I took his hand and led him down the hall toward my studio. Flipping the switch to the overhead light in my studio, I stepped aside so he could get the full effect.

* * *

Marcus didn’t know what he expected when she took him down the hall, he’d been surprised enough by her obvious talent, and he hadn’t quite gotten his bearings. He realized how completely dumb he had been about her, expecting that she’d just be easy company, someone he could relate to about the joys and challenges of single parenting. Beyond that, he hadn’t thought much about who she really was, and he shook his head at his shallowness. He was more than someone’s dad, he should have thought of her as more than just a mom, but he hadn’t, not really.

So when Sophie stepped aside, Marcus was taken by complete surprise by what he saw in the room. It was, he realized, her studio. Canvases sat on easels, in various stages: he saw children’s faces, a muted carnival carousel, and an abandoned beach at dusk. And then leaning against the wall at the back of the room, Marcus saw a beautiful, and totally naked woman, on another canvas, he saw two men twined around one another in a very telling embrace, and in yet another, a man and woman with their heads thrown back in passion.

He turned toward her, again, stunned. This woman, this mother of three, had painted scenes of such raw sensuality that they images practically crackled with sexual tension. How had he missed the signs of such passion, he wondered? She seemed so normal, so…boring.

He let out his breath, and said, ‘I think I see why you don’t talk about it.’

‘Yeah. Doesn’t really go with the PTA mom side of things very well, does it?’


He walked toward one of the unfinished paintings and admired the perfectly formed breasts of the woman. ‘Do you use models?’


‘This one?’ He gestured toward the men embracing, and she nodded. ‘This?’ He pointed to the couple nearing orgasm.

She smiled. ‘What do you think?’

He looked at the painting again, and said, ‘I can’t imagine anyone being that intimate while you sat and painted them. But at the same time, the details are so vivid that it seems impossible for you to have only imagined it.’

‘That’s the sign of good art, I think.’ She moved toward a desk and handed him a photo, looking at it he realized it was a photo of the same couple in the same state of ecstasy. ‘It was a commission. They sent me the photograph, and I’m painting it for them.’

‘Do you get a lot of work that way?’

‘It pays the bills.’

She stood quietly as he looked around the room. ‘I underestimated you,’ he finally said.

‘Yes.’ She said simply, and then walked away. He couldn’t help but follow.

* * *

It had been hard not to laugh at the look on Marcus’ face when he first saw the nudes, harder not to laugh when he fully absorbed the variety. I didn’t typically spring my work on anyone who might not enjoy it, but something about Marcus got to me. Maybe I was still bitter over Alicia, still feeling like he didn’t really ‘see’ me, maybe I was trying to show him what he’d been missing. But I knew better than to show strangers my work, strangers who could cause problems for my kids and me. Too many people had judged me for painting ‘pornography’ and I should have been smarter. Feeling his gaze on me as we made our way down the hall, though, I thought I’d probably be safe from any kind of judgment from him. He seemed interested far more than offended, and I was relieved that I had been right to show him my work.

‘Ready to go?’ I asked, picking up my jacket and keys.

‘Absolutely,’ he said. ‘There’s obviously a lot I don’t know about you.’

‘I’ve always thought that it was sad how quick people are to judge each other because of how we look or because we have kids or because of whatever kind of job we have.’

‘I hadn’t thought about it, but I guess you’re right. I never would have guessed you to be an artist or to be so talented or to have such…an erotic side.’

I laughed, knowing he’d only really seen a small piece of that erotic side. ‘I’m not just a mom, Marcus.’

‘No, I can see that. I’m not just a dad, either.’

‘I’m glad to hear it,’ I told him as I followed him to his car. ‘What else are you, then?’

He looked at me, thinking, clearly wondering what he wanted to say. I climbed into the car and waited.

Finally after he had backed out of the driveway, he turned to me briefly and smiled. ‘I don’t think anyone’s ever really asked me what I am. I mean, they’ve asked about my job or my family, but not about me.’

‘I can relate to that.’

‘Well, you know I’m mostly a businessman during the day, just a guy in a suit who doesn’t do anything special. I started with my company right out of college and I stayed because I had to be responsible for a wife and a child, but I don’t think I’ve ever really enjoyed my job. Not really.’

‘That’s rough, Marcus.’

He nodded slightly. ‘It is. But at the same time, I make a good living, and now I have the freedom to be around for my son quite a bit, and that’s a great thing. It’s a fair trade, I think. But I haven’t answered your question, have I?’

‘No, you haven’t.’

‘I get lost in books,’ he said. ‘Just lost in them. I remember being a kid and spending whole days wrapped up in a good book.’

‘Oh yes,’ I said, totally understanding.

‘And I’ve always wanted to travel, to see things.’ He glanced at me and said, almost shyly, ‘Ancient things, really. It seems to me there’s a kind of magic there, and I’ve always wanted to know if I’m right.’

‘Yes,’ I replied. ‘There is. I’ve been to Ireland and I can tell you absolutely that it’s full of magic. Most definitely.’

He smiled at me, a smile of hope and longing. ‘I hope I get to feel it.’

‘You’re a dreamer,’ I told him. ‘A dreamer, hiding in the life of a solid responsible businessman.’

‘Yes, I suppose I am.’

‘It’s an excellent thing to be.’

‘You think?’

‘Definitely. But you have to find ways to let the dreamer out, I think,’ I said.

‘Yeah, that’s the trick of it. I’m afraid to, I guess. I don’t want to let anyone down.’

‘You’re letting yourself down, though. And to me, it seems one of the best things we can do for our kids is show them that it’s possible to have what we really, really want in life. I mean, what do we teach our kids if we give up all our dreams to do something that makes us miserable?’

He considered for a moment and then replied, ‘I’d like to own a bookstore. A used bookstore, with comfortable chairs and rare books and a huge travel section. If I could do anything I wanted, that’s what it would be, I think.’

I smiled. ‘You should. You can, you know.’

He turned to me, again and smiled. ‘Maybe.’ I could see the gleam in his eyes, the spark of an idea, of hope. I liked this man, I thought. I had been wrong about him, thinking he was shallow and superficial because of his fascination with Alicia. And for once, I was glad to be wrong.< br>
* * *

Marcus walked Sophie to her door after dinner and a movie, laughing as he did. He hadn’t had so much fun in a long time, conversation had been easy, they had common interests and she was completely without phoniness or pretense.

He watched her unlock and open her front door, but was surprised when she turned to him and smiled. ‘Thanks for such a good night.’

‘You’re quite welcome. I hope we can do it again soon.’

‘Definitely,’ she said, smiling up into his eyes. Before he could move away, or toward her, Sophie rose up on her toes and leaned into him, her lips brushing against his in a kiss that could barely be called that. Marcus moved toward her, wrapping his hands around her hips to pull her closer, and he deepened the kiss. His tongue slid along her lips and against her teeth until she opened her mouth to give him access to her tongue. She tasted of wine and of the chocolate they’d shared during the movie. Marcus felt her sigh against his mouth, and then she pulled away.

‘Good night, Marcus,’ Sophie said simply, and turning, walked into her house and shut the door.

Marcus stood, surprised, looking at the closed door. He had expected her to invite him back in. After all their conversations, after seeing the paintings, he knew she liked sex, after the kiss, he knew they had chemistry. She hadn’t seemed like a tease or a flirt during dinner. And yet, she’d just left him outside, alone.

Walking back toward his car, Marcus went over the night in his head, looking for some kind of sign, and then it hit him what an ass he was being. She’d told him her kids would be coming back late that night, she’d also told him that she was very cautious about starting sexual relationships because of her kids. And he’d completely ignored her, thinking she’d be…easy. He shook his head at himself, at his gall. He was thankful she, at least, didn’t know what he’d been thinking.

Marcus spent the bulk of the next day catching up on work and doing projects around the house. By dinnertime, he’d had enough of the drudgery and decided to go to his favorite restaurant for dinner. Seeing the crowd of cars in the parking lot, he decided to sit at the bar rather than wait for a table, but on his way in, he heard a voice call to him.

Marcus turned toward the voice and saw Alicia, sitting with someone who could have been her sister. He stopped at their table and said hi to them both.

‘Marcus, this is my friend Pamela. Pamela, Marcus’ son goes to school with Ryan.’

‘Hi Marcus. Nice to meet you.’

‘You too.’

‘Meeting someone?’ Alicia asked him.

‘Nah. Just wanted to grab a bite to eat without having to cook.’

‘Why don’t you join us?’ Pamela suggested, and Alicia quickly agreed. ‘We haven’t even ordered yet.’

He weighed the options- eating alone or eating with two beautiful women. He quickly pulled up a chair and smiled. ‘That’s an offer I can’t refuse.’

They all laughed, and then the three of them spent the rest of the evening in small talk. Often, Marcus found himself just listening as the women gossiped about friends and coworkers, Pamela and Alicia worked at a local bank together. He couldn’t help but compare the conversation to his with Sophie the night before, with Sophie, he’d talked about art and literature, about life and religion. He’d never been so comfortable or honest with anyone before, and it had been strange, but it had also been exhilarating. Very different than the conversation with Alicia and Pamela which left him stifling a yawn.

Watching the women down several drinks, it became apparent that he would be the designated driver. He ordered himself a coffee and watched as Pamela and Alicia continued their chatter, all but ignoring him. After the bill was paid, there was a brief argument about him driving them home and Alicia leaving her car, but she agreed after he said he’d bring her back for it the next morning. Pamela lived closer to the bar, so he dropped her first.

At Alicia’s house, he turned off the engine, so he could walk her to her door. She no longer seemed drunk, and he suspected she’d make it inside just fine, but he was a gentleman and couldn’t just drop her at the curb and leave.

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-Chloe- I woke up fully in love with my sister safe in my arms. Sophie was already awake when I woke up. “Good morning my beautiful sister” she said then she gave me a light kiss. “Good morning my adorable little sister.” I responded. We looked into each other eyes and I could finally see in her eyes that she was in love with me the way I was in love with her. “Well, guess what?” I asked. “What’s up?” she responded. “We have the whole house to ourselves this weekend!” I said as sexy as...

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We Never Knew Part 4 Chloe and Sophie

-Chloe- When I woke up, I had never been happier. I remembered last night’s events of my beautiful sister making love to me and saying the words I’ve wanted to hear for a very long time. She was still asleep when I got up so I decided to let her sleep and I needed a shower after what happened last night. It was truly amazing. I slowly and carefully got out of bed and went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I was already naked from last night so I just stepped right in. I felt the...

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We Never Knew Part 2 Sophie

“Dylan, we need to break up!” I said to my boyfriend after our nine-month relationship. “Why baby? Did I do something wrong? Please don’t do this. I’ll to whatever it takes to keep this alive.” “I’m sorry but it’s over. Goodbye Dylan.” I said as I walked out the door and called a taxi home. I didn’t want my sister to know my secret of why I really broke up with Dylan so I rubbed my eyes to make them red and fake cried with I came home. “Dylan broke my heart tonight!” I cried in my...

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AmlieChapter 31 Sophie

[Undated Entry] Oxford, Oxfordshire THE SMALL GIRL had appeared at the door of the professor’s study one spring morning. Barely four feet tall, her clear blue eyes as sharp and focused as anyone’s, the little person had demanded to know what the professor was working on. At first he was not amused. “I am busy, young lady, and do not wish to be disturbed.” He turned to the document he was studying. She would take the hint and leave him, and he would speak to his housekeeper about letting...

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BSC06 the Jennifer EffectChapter 7 A Note From Sophie

As Jennifer drove they each told the other their story. Jennifer told Adam all about herself and she in turn heard his story. Jennifer found out that Adam Brian West was renting an apartment in Cedarcrest with the guy who was supposed to have picked him up. They had known each other since First Grade and got on reasonably well together. Adam was also hoping to pick up a Building Apprenticeship sometime soon and had worked on construction sites as a laborer in preparation for that. Art was...

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Chronicles of Seven and Sophie

A 19-year-old enjoys the talents of her new Android. This is one of my pre-existing characters, Sophie, a nineteen year old. I had this idea for her, so I thought I would cross her over into a Sci-Fi for a short interlude My Thanks go out to Darksage, my excellent editor for this story. — The year, 2100, was a beautiful place and time to exist. Pollution was non existent, the threat of Global Warming turned out to be a myth, violence and crime were both nearly extinct. Fossil fuel was obsolete,...

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Devote Sophie

Die Story ist die Fortsetzung der Geschichte Sommer der Liebe wo sich Sophie und ihre Urlaubsfreund aus Kindertagen immer mehr verliebt haben und ein Paar wurden. Und ich bin Sophie. Nun bin ich 20 Jahre alt und studiere Medienwissenschaften an der Uni Bonn. Ich bin 170 groß, wiege 54kg und bin mit meinen dunklen Haaren schon eine geile Erscheinung. Meine Titten sind mit 70b nicht besonders groß, aber schön fest und wohlgeformt. Meine Spalte ist...

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My cousin Sophie

It started when I was 18. And my cousin was 19. She was a brunette with 34c breasts and size 4 feet. At the time me and my cousin Sophie were really close, we use to hang around together, play video games, just your general stuff. It was the day of our grandads funeral where it all started. After the funeral we went round to our other uncles house where there was a party to celebrate his life and seen as I was driving my brother and mum home I weren't drinking any alcohol, so as the party...

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Ginger Slut Sophie

Hi this is fantasy with some truth in.Finally it was 5pm on Friday afternoon; it had been a hard long week at work with lots of stress and problems to deal with. But now it was time to have some fun and unwind. Me and the girls had arranged to go to his new club in town called 'LUSH'. It had been open a few weeks and we had heard it was amazing. The place to be. On the way home I sat thinking about things, as you do, what to wear, what it would be like, what sort of people would be there etc. I...

3 years ago
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University The Top 3 Hottest Girls on my course Part 1 Sophie

We had all been meeting new people and becoming acquainted with members of our class, going out every night for fresher’s week, so I had a pretty good idea of which girls on my course would be the top 3 on my list, one of which was a girl named Sophie. Sophie was a good laugh to go drinking with and hang around with at uni. She was fairly short with the most amazing strawberry-blonde curly hair, cute freckles on her cheeks and shoulders, and surprising large breasts for her petite size 8...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 10 Nelly and Sophy

VOLUME-2 Chapter X Nelly and Sophy. • The beer-house again. • Sophy’s belly. • On the road. • Against a tree. • At the baudy house with Sophy. • Her narrative. • Tom and the three sisters. • Fred on the scent.-Pender’s troubles. I had some food at an hotel, then returning on foot saw at the end of the lane two peasant girls in their Sunday finery. I looked at first without recognizing them, but as I got close saw one was Nelly, the girl I had raped. She stopped, I smiled. “You here, why?”...

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I was very surprised when your runner arrived at my door with your invitation. "Meet me on top of the hill overlooking my village. We will watch the sunset in each others eyes and feel it’s warmth rise within our souls." I knew that time was short, for it was a two?hour ride on my fastest steed and the sun was already getting low on the horizon. I washed and changed as fast as I could, saddle my best mount and I was off. He must have sensed my desire to get to you before the sun had...

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Seeing it Her Way

Seeing it Her Way by FLA527 Mark Thompson was out with his girlfriend Jenni Allison. They were hanging out with their friends, taking advantage of their last weekend of freedom before school started back. They would all be entering their senior year. They would all be the Kings and Queens of the school. They had spent the night discussing how great it was going to be as the top dogs. After 3 years of working their way up the ladder from freshmen, fresh meat, next week they would...

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Seeing Olivia Again

Hesitantly, I smiled and then nonchalantly went over to where she was standing. Seeing me coming her way, she looked down but I could see she was smiling and after saying, “Hi,” I simply asked, “How’s it going?” It was merely to stimulate a conversation, and being I had been thinking about her a lot, I wanted her to know it, in a casual way. It had been several months since I last saw her and it looked as though she was a little taller, a little more mature. She had on a pair of those...

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Seeing My Wife Fucked By Others

Hi Everyone of indian sex stories dot net, My name is Rohit (name changed), married for 2 years. I want to share the sexual fantasies of my marriage life explored with my wife. Sorry for writing it lengthier. My wife is a fleshy, 34,30,34 & fair. We started our love life before 3.5 years and Since the day we started loving we started doing sex chat and sex. My wife is very hot in shape and structure. Every time we walk together, I see men looking at her boobs and legs and her butt. Slowly...

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Seeing Sisters 6 Mexico

BBW steals her sister's hot bf chubby plump sexy bikiniPt 1 2 3 4 5 shimmied into her 3rd new bathing suit: a pale, high-waist bikini and matching tube-top. The material wasn't quite...

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Seeing Sisters 5 Mexico

BBW steals her sister's hot bf chubby plump sexyPt 1 2 3 4 showered together, unable to keep their hands to themselves. Chuck was fascinated and attracted to her luscious curves. He grabbed her from behind, wrapping his arms around her. Robin in...

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Seeing Sisters 4 Mexico

BBW steals her sister's hot bf chubby plump sexyPt 1 2 3 out of Cancun airport, the heat hit them like a wall. An odd foursome, two lithe, blonde hotties, a dashing guy, an unexpectedly sexy big girl, drew looks of lust from all directions. Laurie and Anna lead, Robin was right behind: big rock-star...

2 years ago
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Seeing Matts Stars Part 3

Introduction: Aaaand part 3.Im getting close to the end of what I have written, so wish me luck on keeping going with more. For those who arent familiar with my work, it will be several parts before anything sexual happens. If thats not for you, feel free to stop reading now, I wont be offended. For everyone else, I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments on the story. Hope you enjoy! -SS The next morning, I woke up early, as I did most every morning, took my shower, ate a bowl of...

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Seeing Sisters 3

BBW steals her sister's hot bfPt 1 2 stood in her bedroom, kimono open, framing her firm, thick, and shapely curves. The bathroom door opened and through a billow of steam, the naked man of her dreams, stepped forward. He was kind and sweet and handsome with an athletic build; he could date any Barbie girl he wanted. Evidence: Chuck was dating her Barbie-doll...

2 years ago
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Seeing Colors

I have never seen the bright yellows and reds of a sunset. I couldn’t tell you what the color of your eyes are. You see, I suffer from achromatopsia. I am colorblind. Not colorblind the way most people might think: not being able to distinguish between red and green. I inherited my affliction. Affliction…why that word? It means to be made miserable by, cause problems or badly affect. I haven’t allowed my condition to make me miserable, on the contrary, I have found ways around it. I have my...

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Seeing Matts Stars Part 4

Introduction: Im sorrrry! I never thought it would take me this long to get the next part out. I was struggling to make it how it was in my head. The next chapter shouldnt take nearly as long (fingers crossed!) For those who arent familiar with my work, my stories are super light, or even void of sex. This part is one of those. I do hope you enjoy! Also, feel free to follow me on Twitter so you can find out exactly when I post new parts. @SerendipitousSo Lecture halls +hats =good. Profs who...

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Seeing All of SisChapter 4

“Thank you for shopping at GameStop. We’ll give you a call when the new ‘Call of Duty’ is coming in,” I said handing the receipt to the forty-year old guy who probably still lives with his parents. “Good job on that one Luke,” Matt - my boss - said as we watched the uber-nerd leave. “He can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but you handled him well.” “Thanks,” I said. “You know, I’ve been a proud nerd most of my life, but after less than a week at this job, I’m starting to see why I need to...

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Seeing All of SisChapter 6

Cindi stayed the night - and for the first time I spent the night with a girl who was not a blood relative. First thing we did was shower and I put some of that ointment on her red rectum. Cindi said it didn’t hurt too bad, but I saw the way she winced when she sat down. I set us up to lay in bed and spend the rest of the afternoon playing a new video game I was trying out for work. Before Mom was due home, Cindi cooked us a traditional Vietnamese dinner that her Grandmother had just taught...

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Seeing Matts Stars Part 2

Introduction: Here is part two of my latest story. As with most of what I write, theres a lot more to this than sex (in fact, you wont find any sex in this part), so to full enjoy the tale, please read part one. I look forward the reading any and all comments, and –as always– I hope you enjoy. -SS I crossed the road leading to a small house set back a few yards from the sidewalk, moving toward someone unloading his car into the driveway. He turned when he heard the sound of my sneakers against...

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Seeing a Great CountryChapter 2

Matt's children were shocked by the divorce and were questioning him as to the reasons why. All he would tell them was to talk to their mother. Eventually they stopped asking him and suspected that Lisa had done something which was the reason for the divorce. Matt didn't know if Lisa had told them what had happen and thought that she wouldn't but the kids who were now adults could put two and two together. As the farm fields passed by, this was the last time Matt thought that he would be...

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Seeing a Great CountryChapter 6

Fishing continued to be enjoyable because of the scenery and the smell of the salty sea air. Catching fish however was starting to get to be routine. Matt was not having problems catching salmon and because of that he was starting to lose a little interest in fishing. Now the women he had met were another story. Maura was a nice sure thing and someone who he thought he could have sex with on a regular basis. Shannon seemed to indicate they were getting very friendly and maybe they would...

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Seeing Krystal again

It was midday on Sunday while relaxing with my family when I received a message from Krystal saying, "Hey Cane, how are you? Who was the pretty blonde girl you were with on Friday? Are we still going to see each other on Tuesday?"I replied, " Hey babe, I'm good thanks and you? That was Cassi my ex, we met up for the day. Yes I'm still keen to see you on Tuesday if you willing still? "She replied. "I'm good thanks babe. Oh ok was just wondering if you now have a girlfriend and if we would still...

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Seeing SisChapter 4

“Okay Luke. You are about to get fucked.” With that my head exploded from the plasma grenade fired by my so-called friend, Ted. “God damn mother fucking piece of shit!” I cursed until I was blue in the face. We were sitting in Ted’s parents’ finished basement playing the latest Halo and Ted was kicking my ass. “That’s twice - POWNAGE!” He crowed from the couch. “What is up. Your head just isn’t in the game - well except for those little bits splattered everywhere.” I tossed my controller...

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seeing my auntie naked when i was younger

In the school holidays when I was younger, around the age of 7 or 8 I used to stay at my aunties house to play with my cousins. In those days the summers always seemed long and hot. Anyway she would often take us to the local swimming baths, and as she took us on her own we all had to go in the womens communal changing rooms, because she thought we were too young to change on our own in the mens. There was my auntie, and my 2 cousins, one girl and one boy. I remember the first time we went,...

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seeing my auntie naked when i was younger

In the school holidays when I was younger, around the age of 7 or 8 I used to stay at my aunties house to play with my cousins. In those days the summers always seemed long and hot.Anyway she would often take us to the local swimming baths, and as she took us on her own we all had to go in the womens communal changing rooms, because she thought we were too young to change on our own in the mens. There was my auntie, and my 2 cousins, one girl and one boy.I remember the first time we went, as...

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Seeing Double

"Mrs Carson?" I'm Daryl from Daily Construction; you accepted our quote for a new conservatory and patio."For a few seconds, Sandra Carson stood with her mouth open, looking at the man standing on her doorstep smiling at her. He was by far the tallest man she had ever seen. He dwarfed her slim five-foot-three figure by at least a foot, maybe a lot more. She estimated him to be about thirty-five with a muscular black skin that just oozed fitness."Oh, I'm sorry, didn't mean to stare, you...

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Seeing Her Again

The driver handed my luggage over, one non-descript rucksack and my suit carrier. With both hands full I fumbled his fare out and ended up giving him a better tip than I intended because I couldn’t be bothered to try and count it out better. Money didn’t really matter too much as I had only got back off tour a month ago and I’d saved a good amount – you simply cannot spend money in Afghanistan. In true squaddie tradition I was destined to blow it all on women and drink. It didn’t matter though...

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Seeing To My Sonrsquos Needs

My only c***d and I still live together although he is now 42 and I am in my sixties, his dad died over twenty five years ago and I hit a bad patch after his death. I relied on my son to look after and do everything for me after I would not leave the house.Weeks turned in to months then in to years and now I have a son that has never had a girlfriend, he works in a garage as a mechanic but hardly socializes after work.I look after and pamper him rotten in the house and when I was cleaning his...

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Seeing mum and the swingers club

It was a Friday evening and I was in the lounge watching some television, mum had her friend shelly over and they were off out for some dinner shortly. I was very much looking forward to this evening as I was planning on doing something I hadn’t done before, I had done a little research and discovered that there was a swinger’s club/house about an hour from us. I had never thought of doing anything like this before but had finally plucked up the courage to get myself together and go, and see...

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Seeing Sisters Pt 2 BBW steals hot BF from hot

Part 1's cock burned for release. His nuts were hard squeezing cum into his cock. He knew he was close to shooting his wad, and he continued to peer through the crack in the wall as his girlfriend's cute, plump, and busy sister, Robin, fiddled her clit. Minutes earlier, she had come out of the bathroom, short, thin kimono, barely able to contain her plump rump and voluptuous bosom, through the family room but not without ranting."It really...

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