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This story isn't all that original and I have seen the basic premise used several times, in TG and non-TG stories. However, I'd been thinking about this one for some time and decided to finally write it. C.A.L. By Morpheus Danny cursed silently as he hurried along the sidewalk, moving as fast as his legs would carry him, though the weight of the schoolbooks in his backpack slowed him some. He glared up into the sky, wishing the rain would stop. However, he knew that there was little chance of that. He was never that lucky. "Damn it," Danny grumbled, wishing that he either lived closer to the school or far enough away so that he'd qualify to ride the bus home. Instead though, he was forced to brave the foul weather, cursing all the while. As he came within sight of his house, Danny sighed, shifting the heavy weight on his back. All the homework that he was expected to do overnight, even more than what he had to do in class. School, bullies, homework and parents, such was the life of a 13 year old. He just shook his head and muttered, "Some life," finally reaching the mailbox at the end of his driveway. After Danny pulled out the small pile of envelopes, he quickly flipped through them as he made his way to the front door. Then, after several bills for his parents, Danny was surprised to find a square envelope with his name on it. However, he wasn't about to wait in the rain long enough to check it out. Stepping inside, Danny was immediately met with a, "There you are," from his mom, "I was beginning to get worried." Danny handed the mail to her, noticing that she didn't even bother to look at him much less thank him. He snorted slightly, wondering why she'd even bothered to say that to him when she obviously didn't mean it. Then, just as Danny started heading to his room, his dad called out, "You'd better do your homework before you play any of those damn games." "Yeah," Danny muttered, knowing the routine. Never mind the fact that he was tired and wanted to relax for a little while. Once Danny was finally in the safety of his room, he let out a sigh, feeling a little better already. Then he looked down, remembering the piece of mail that he'd gotten. Curious, Danny looked at it again, seeing no sign of a return address, only the letters C.A.L., then quickly opening it. Inside the envelope was a computer disk. "Cool," Danny muttered, wondering what was on it. Then with a shrug, he plugged it into his computer to find out. The disk loaded for a moment then a message appeared on the screen. "Congratulations. You have been selected for a free test copy of the Create A Life design program." Danny blinked, "Alright," wondering what this was about. Then he noticed that the screen had changed and there was new message on it." "The Create A Life (C.A.L.) program allows you, the user to design and create the life of your dreams. You can become the person you always wished to be. Just complete the easy to follow directions." As soon as Danny had finished reading the message, the screen changed again. This time though it wasn't a message. This time the screen was split in two, right down the middle. The left hand side was blank while the right side was filled with all sorts of blank statistics and slide bars. There was also a scroll bar on the side, revealing that there was more in that section than just what Danny could currently see. Suddenly Danny realized what he was seeing. It was some sort of program to design characters, like the ones in various games that he'd played. However, he remembered what the message had said about designing his own life and laughed. Danny stared at the screen with a smile, "Cool." He certainly wouldn't mind being able to create his own life. As it was, the one that he had sucked. Then Danny exclaimed, "Why not?" With that, Danny started to fill in his name, age and gender as they were the first 3 sections, deciding to make himself smarter and more popular in school. Then Danny paused and stared at the screen thoughtfully. "That sucks," he muttered, wondering why he just wanted to make a few minor changes when he hated almost everything about his life. "If I could be absolutely anyone," Danny asked himself quietly, "who would I be?" Then Danny chuckled and erased the information that he'd already started to enter, deciding that if he was going to design his ideal life, he might as well design one as different from his current one as possible. For a moment Danny just stared at the screen thoughtfully, then he slowly reached for the keyboard. "Let's see now," he began. Danny decided to skip the name for the moment and looked at the next to options, 'age' and 'gender'. After entering '13' in age, he paused for only a second before putting 'female' in gender, deciding that he couldn't get much different than that. Then he stopped and stared at the screen, frowning. "I don't think so," Danny muttered, going back and erasing the age. He glared at the door as if he could see his parents through it. He hated being a kid and everyone telling him what to do. If he was going to create his own life, he was damn well going make one where he could be treated with respect. A moment later, Danny smiled and typed in '29', feeling rather pleased with himself. "A grownup." Danny mused before going to the next section. A quick glance revealed that everything in that section dealt with the body, though some of the options had changed after he entered 'female' in gender. Danny smiled and started to think about his choices. He even started to get an erection as he wondered what it would be like to be a beautiful woman, even if it was only in his imagination. Danny slowly started to fill in the information, thinking about each option before selecting it. He chose height as 5 foot 9, then entered in the weight and measurement information, not sure what the sizes or weight meant but making guesses. Then Danny blinked as the left side of the screen was no longer blank but showed the 3D image of a woman. "Cool," Danny whispered, realizing that it was the character that he was designing. Still, she looked a bit fat and was bald as well. "Yuck." However, after Danny changed the weight and measurements, the image changed as well, making him smile. Not perfect, but better. For the next several minutes he slowly played with the changes until he was satisfied with how she looked. He'd even grinned as he clicked breasts size as 'D'. Danny had briefly considered using a DD or something bigger, but then decided that he liked the looks of just a D better. "Nice," Danny mused as an understatement. She had a very hot body with a little muscle tone showing. Then, as soon as Danny started entering the information about her face, another box appeared on the left, showing the blank face in detail. And as he started entering the information, the face started to take shape. First he worked on her hair, making it light brown and going to just below her shoulders. Once he was satisfied with that, he added the rest, giving her green eyes and a beautiful face. However, Danny was careful not to make her face too sexy, giving her more of a sophisticated look instead of slutty. After all, he did want to be respected and he couldn't do that if he looked like a hooker. Once Danny was finished with all the details for the face, he went down and quickly filled out a number of other questions about her body that seemed to fill in all the details. First he adjusted her fitness level, making sure that she was in excellent health. Then he gave her slightly long fingernails, though only half an inch from the fingertip, but when he saw that there was an area to fill in generic information such as tattoos, body piercings, scars and the like, he decided to do without. "Well..." Danny paused, then grinned, "One tattoo couldn't hurt." Feeling adventurous, Danny carefully added a small tattoo on her left shoulder of a sexy little devil girl. He grinned, liking the image. The idea came from a picture in a magazine that he'd been looking several hours earlier school. And it was surprisingly easy to enter into the computer. He just described it in box and it appeared in another box on the left side, just as he imagined. Danny finished with all of the physical options and moved to the next section which seemed to be personal information. He paused at that and stared at the first option thoughtfully for a minute, trying to decide what 'occupation' he wanted. "Rich business woman," Danny finally said with a grin, loving the idea. However, just as he started to enter it in, another idea suddenly dawned on him. "Oh yeah," Danny chuckled, remembering how much his dad hated lawyers. Not as rich or powerful, but definitely worth it just to spite his dad. Once Danny had taken care of the occupation, he went into 'background' and created one for himself that would leave him a lot of freedom. The only child of dead parents who left him millions and the top of his class in law school. After all, Danny decided that if he was going to be a lawyer he might as well be a good one. "Special knowledge and skills," Danny read off, pausing for a moment thoughtfully before he typed in 'expert lawyer' then gave himself a number of other skills that he thought would be cool, including being able to speak French and Spanish fluently as well as being able to play piano, "And guitar," Danny mumbled before adding several other things that he thought would be needed if he was going to be a girl...a woman, even if just for pretend. Including a black belt in Aikido...just in case. "That should do it," he said. Suddenly Danny heard his mom's voice yelling through the door, "Dinner will be ready in just a little while!" "All right!" Danny called back, not turning away from the computer. "And you'd better be doing your homework!" his dad's voice came through the door. Danny just snorted and muttered, "Yeah, yeah." A moment later, Danny looked at the option for 'IQ', staring at it thoughtfully for a moment. He'd never really thought about a person's IQ before and had no idea what his own was much less what was normal. Then with a shrug, Danny typed in '200', deciding that it sounded cool, though he hoped that it didn't make him mentally retarded. "A retarded lawyer," Danny chuckled, knowing that his dad would say that was normal. Next were options for personality. Some where movable bars that adjusted everything from confidence level, aggressiveness and libido, as well as a few others. Danny adjusted it for high confidence, slightly high aggressiveness, and after hesitating a few seconds, put libido just a little higher than normal. "Sexual preference," Danny read the next option, shaking his head in amazement at just how detailed the Create A Life program was. With a shrug, clicked the button to 'heterosexual' and quickly moved to the next section which was another blank field, this one directions asking for specific likes, dislikes, quirks and other such things. "Let's see," Danny mused, staring at the directions thoughtfully. "This is some simulation game." Knowing that he had the choice of even creating a personality, Danny thought about it seriously for a moment before finally deciding on what he wanted. He was tired of being shy and nervous around new people, so he made the new personality confident and outgoing. Then he went into more details, making the new personality sophisticated and charming, but with a strong wit and a quirky sense of humor that made her very easy to like. Then, with a smile, he added that she had a strong ability of persuasion, deciding that it would be VERY useful for a lawyer. Pausing for a moment, Danny mused, "Now for likes and dislikes." He decided not to go into too much detail, but he decided to make himself like reading. As it was, he didn't read much at all now so that would definitely be different. Of course it would go with the speed reading that he'd put into his skills. Then he smiled as he added, 'Enjoys dressing nicely, fine meals, dancing and exercising,' deciding that at least he wouldn't have a problem staying in shape if he liked doing it. Then Danny laughed at himself, shaking his head at how seriously he was beginning to take the character design. Almost as if it really would change his entire life, though a part of him wished that it would. Perhaps even a large part. After taking one more glance at the last section, Danny suddenly smiled mischievously, feeling adventurous once more. Almost a little naughty as he had one more idea of what to add. "Likes wine," he typed in, deciding that it would go great with the image and personality, though he also made sure that he wouldn't like it too much. However, that wasn't what Danny had in mind. "And is an occasional smoker," he finished, feeling rather naughty. As it was, he didn't like the smell of cigarette smoke but had to admit that there was something interesting about seeing a pretty woman smoke. And since he had wanted to make himself as different as possible, it seemed like a great addition and fit in with everything else he'd added. Not to mention that it was the final symbol of removing himself from his current life and becoming an adult. Then, remembering that he still hadn't entered the name at the beginning, Danny went back to the top and quickly typed in Elizabeth Theresa Richland, then went back down and added being called 'Lizzy' or 'Beth' into her minor dislikes. "That should do it," Danny mused, half surprised that everything was finished. He stared at the woman's picture on the left side for a minute, the realized that there was still a button on the bottom of the screen that said, "Click to activate new life." Danny stared at the button for a moment with a smile, curiously wondering if it saved the file or actually started some sort of game. But at the same time, he almost halfway had a feeling that it really would change his life. And with that, Danny clicked on the icon. Suddenly everything seemed to explode into millions of colors and sensations, while at the same time absolutely everything around Danny vanished at the same time. For a moment, he felt every fiber of his existence being torn away, going in every direction imaginable at the same time. However, it all happened in the space of an instant, too quickly for Danny to even let out a scream. Then just as suddenly as everything had been torn away from him, Danny found himself slammed back into reality while everything instantly solidified around him. For a moment Danny just stood there in stunned confusion, instantly aware that he was no longer sitting in his room in front of the computer. Instead, he was outside, standing just in front of a huge building, at the bottom of a series of steps. He blinked then glanced around while strange sensations started to pour in. "Oh my," Danny whispered, hearing a woman's voice as he did so. He paused then looked down at himself, staring straight into a pair of breasts that were pushing out from his chest. "It...it worked." Danny was a bit surprised at that. Feeling oddly calm, Danny looked down at himself, seeing that he was wearing a very nice gray suit with a skirt that ended not too far above the knees. There was even pantyhose and a pair of professional but attractive looking heels on his feet. But even odder was the fact that Danny didn't feel uncomfortable wearing them. Then looking up, Danny blinked, realizing that everything around him looked familiar though he knew that he'd never seen it before in his life. And more than that, he suddenly realized that not only were there new physical sensations, but his thoughts and emotions were starting to fill in, feeling different as well. Different...but comfortable. As if they belonged there. Danny, now realizing that she was Elizabeth, looked around with new...calculating eyes. She took a deep breath and clenched the briefcase in her left hand tighter, amazed that she had two completely different sets of memories. She could remember being Danny as clear as day, but at the same time she could also remember always being Elizabeth Richland. Taking another look down at herself, Elizabeth smiled faintly and adjusted her blouse, not feeling the least bit uncomfortable as it was her body. But at the same time, there was an excited thrill inside, coming from the Danny part of her. Then a ringing suddenly caught her attention and she quickly reached inside of her briefcase, knowing that it was about one of her cases, and answered her cell phone, "Elizabeth Richland." She talked for little more than 20 seconds, getting the verification she needed and then hanging up with a faint smile. It had been good news for her case, though she hadn't doubted that it would be. Elizabeth glanced up towards the building in front of her with a confident smile. Then snapping her briefcase closed, she purposefully started towards it, partly marveling at how natural this all was for her and partly thrilled. "Not bad," Elizabeth mused with a smile. There was no doubt in her mind that she was happy that the Create A Life program had resulted as it did. However, at the moment she had little time to consider that as she had a case to go win, and more importantly, a new life to live. THE END

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It was a dreary February day in the Ozarks with overcast skies and a drizzling rain. Not able to work outside on the property, I drove the 30 minutes into the nearest town where I kept a small storefront office for my hobby photography business. I started the business after my wife died just to give me something to do and didn’t worry too much about making money. I had run a few newspaper promotions, but was mostly involved in store promotions and school picture packages . . . thus, I did not...

1 year ago
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Diabolical Chapter Two        At first glance appearing to be no more then an oversized tube not unlike in a roll of toilet paper, it’s actually a pair of tubes, one encompassing the other, embedded with dozens of rows of chemical treated, needle sharp pins of different diameters and lengths.  The outer shell’s pins point inward, touching the inner shell, its pins pointing outward touching the outer shell.  Devised to have a half inch space between the tubes, an encircling pair of thin packets...

4 years ago
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TheatricalBy: The PriestI was about to start the engine when my mobile phone rang, it was Mary, she was unable to make the theatre date because one of her c***dren had gone down with some kind of virus so I decided to make the girlie night into a one woman night rather than give up seeing the one woman show at the theatre especially after I had been so looking forward to it, I had the tickets which were not cheap, I knew the seats were in a perfect spot and the artiste was a fantastic American...

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Jonathan's head rang with the force of the collision. The boy opposite him nearly took him out with this latest hit. He pushed back decided that the young man would not break the defenses of the small group. The snarling attackers pushed forward, determined to get past the defenders and to the defended people. Smaackk! The sound of the receiver catching the football and the roar of the crowd signaled the end of the game. “21 to 20! The Tigers win the semi-finals!” the announcer screamed over...

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***Note from the Author: Special thanks to all of the folks who gave me feedback on my first story, it was greatly appreciated.

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Characters These are all fairly vague mainly explaining the relationships. If you want something more in the description then comment saying so Saffron (Girl 1) You met both Saffron and her Twin sister Bella . They are both good looking. Saffron is more out going and talkative, gerally drawing more attention to herself than her sister. Bella (Girl 2) You met both Saffron and her Twin sister Bella . Bella Tends to be more of an introvert compared to her sister. She has accepted that she...

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The room was coldly clinical, glaringly pale and claustrophobic. I spent an hour or two in there most nights, and I didn't give a fuck. The thing was, even though I was in the room for so long, I was only aware of it for a few minutes each visit. Let me explain. Walking into the room, it wouldn't have been immediately apparent what its purpose was. The wall opposite the door was festooned with cables, flickering lights, and anonymous outdated boxes of electronic who-knows-what. Except I did...

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Jamie had been on the road to california for a few hours, and she could feel her stomach rumbling. There weren't many choices to eat, since she had been lost for a few hours, so she decided to stop at a diner for a burger and fries. Jamie was a pretty attractive 23 year old, she had graduated college, and was headed to California wanting to make it in the acting career. She was about 5'6 with a C cup,brown hair, and pretty skinny for her age. She stepped into the diner, the door closing behind...

2 years ago
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It took a little while, but they got used to it. The cowboys, I mean, cause they could be as closed minded as anyone else and working cattle with a little Texican girl like me had rubbed them a little wrong at first. But Parker knew me, the old man, and when I'd come round looking for work he hadn't tried to put me in the kitchen. My daddy had worked his ranch the last few years before he'd died, so maybe Parker had figured he owed him something. I hadn't banked any of that though, and to...

4 years ago
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Adam had finally done it. After months of tinkering and failure, he had finally succeeded. His goal, though large, was definitely not beyond the abilities of the young 18 year old genious. He wanted to create a device that would make his life easier. This device would change the minds of even the most stubborn person. This device would convince anyone of anything. The device in question was small, about two inches in length. It was a small black strip that was placed on the lower throat of the...

Mind Control
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The company Halloween party. I hated it, but you scored big points with bosses for attending, assuming they saw you among 300 staff milling around the dim hotel ballroom. My costume was the same low-effort as last year: vampire teeth and a high-collared cape, hair slicked into a widow’s peak. I had just arrived, standing at the edge of the crowd, nodding and yelling pleasantries over the thumping music to coworkers as they passed.Scanning the crowd, it seemed pirates and sexy witch costumes...

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The office was a happy office. Matthew was dropping around the little prizes, which Katherine had organised to help raise the productivity of the staff, using his little fairy steps. The most productive received a tee-shirt, identical to what they were all currently wearing, white with the days of the week inside red small offset squares in perfect order and eternally circumnavigating their bodies. At the moment, he was handing out the prizes of tea towels for yesterday's minor...

2 years ago
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The woman is middle-aged. Forty-five, for those of you who can't relate to a character unless you have the exact number of times the earth has gone round the sun during their existence. She has wavy blonde hair, haunting blue eyes, and a face that most would describe as attractive, if not gorgeous. In a younger woman her looks might have been described as cute. On a woman her age, her face looks caring, friendly, even matronly. Her skin is smooth and pale, and she is always reminding herself...

1 year ago
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Their gazes are lockedFingers brush her hair Her head is bobbingHer lips are pouty and sweet Suddenly a soft voice says:“Swallow it, mom, please...” Her cheeks go big!Her eyes turn wide! Then they both knowThat there’s only oneTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

4 years ago
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I had an appointment with my ear, nose, and throat doctor, for my allergies. I finally remembered to ask him (on my third visit) about a mouth sore. He put on a rubber glove and put shi index finger in my mouth. Once, his finger touched me, I was a goner. I don’t know hat happened to me, but totally aroused I was.I let slip a quiet moan and leaned back in the chair contraption. Making him have to come in front of me. His body leaned into mine. I grabbed his ass. He jumped back looked at me with...

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The sun burned a dusty orange, its incessant heat scorched the landscape even as it set on the distant horizon. Dust hung in the air choking everyone and everything. The only sign of water was the tear tracks on the children’s faces, and yet he still had hope. Though the dusty haze he watched as an old man approached him, walking very slowly. ‘The fever… our children are dying,’ Inua, the elder, spoke between his deep breaths. Ebbe hung his head. ‘I know.’ ‘But your daughter, she dies too,...

2 years ago
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Rebecca didn't want to be a fucking lesbo. She wanted Todd's cock in her, she knew that. She'd asked for it, countless times, as he laughed in joy, excitement. He wanted her, too, or else it wouldn't have been so much fun, the abject begging. This was different. This was so completely wrong. Olivia was her co-worker, her once-confidante, her partner in several projects. Now her nemesis. Her doom. They'd gone out for a bite to eat after work, to celebrate the completion of the AlphaSix...

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Something significantly more explicit... yeahCallPorno With A Plot, Lesbians, Threesome, Fantasy, SquirtingFeaturing: Shivari the oracle, Volante the demigoddess, and Rionah the angel.Volante's brings her long-time partner Rionah to the Akhila Monastery, where she can hide until the arrival of winter. She assigns Shivari, the oracle, the task of caring for her during her stay. Rionah and Volante express their gratitude for the oracle's commitment to hospitality. Rionah also teaches Shivari a...

4 years ago
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One Piece

You have visited many other worlds, ranging from Bleach to Naruto, and in all of them you have fucked many women senseless, enjoying the feel of their bodies beneath you. However, you have chanced upon a new world, a world full of pirates, mercenaries, swordsmen and amazingly beautiful women. As you enter this world, you think - what should you be? A pirate? A swordsman? A sharpshooter? A Marine? The possibilities were endless, and you could choose. So... what are you?

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Large Uncle Pete

When it came to sex, I didn’t know much about it as a young teen until the week before my sixteenth birthday. Until then I still hadn’t so much as touched as boy’s penis. Of course I knew what sex was but I was naïve to most all the details. I believe the fact that my parents were very protective of me and paid a large amount of money over the years for me to attend one of the finest private schools in southern California, contributed to that greatly. I know is sounds cliché but yes it was an...

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My Cock Hungry SisterInLaw II

Now, usually when we would meet together to have sex, it would be for a quickie in the car or at my house before my wife got home. One day, however, Laura called me up and told me that her parents(my in-laws) were going out of town for the weekend and she was going to be home all by herself. I knew that I had to take full advantage of this opportunity so I began to plan the details of how I was going to get away so I could fuck Laura's tight little pussy. I told my wife that we were going...

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The First EntryChapter 10

December 29, 2012 The days after Christmas were marked by quiet passion. When Mom was at work during the day, we spent our time discovering new ways to give each other pleasure. And when Mom was home in the mornings and evenings, we were so satisfied and comfortable with each other that she never suspected our secret. After Mom went to bed, John would slip under the sheets and hold me while we slept. The morning after Christmas, I told John about the situation with Holly. He was concerned...

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Encounter in the Lab

Introduction: This story is fictional, however, it is based upon actual people and authentic situations. In order to provide anonymity, names have been changed and details have been modified. Dr. Ken Mathews was well known around the hospital as a ladies man, or more correctly, a lecher. He was particularly anxious to fuck any new, young, and attractive nurse who joined the staff. Regardless, had been also known to readily tap into any gorgeous MD or eye-catching woman on the administrative...

1 year ago
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A California Surprise For Brandi Chapter 7

100% fiction! In the previous story Brandi finds out that her son, she had put up for adoption, 18 years prior, was at her home. We were on our way to California. I was very lucky to get a flight out of Tanzania, that morning at ten. I estimated, it was going to take twenty-three hours to get to our home in California. We had plenty of time for Brandi to explain what had Happened. I had booked a first class flight, there were only two seats on each side of the isle, we were the only two in the...

Cheating Wifes
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Taylor the Older Sister

I and Lisa have been friends since High School we went to different schools but we rode the bus together, and we hung out with the same people and had many wild and crazy times, but that’s another story. I was kinda trying to get with Gabby who is 17 kinda chubby but she could pull it off she also had jet black hair cut short, and also had her lip pierced. She had nice tits but sadly the most I had seen of them is just her bra that she teased me with about a week earlier. I drove my...

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Hot Bed FamilyChapter 4

Helen Palmer drew deeply on her cigarette and squinted at her son across the breakfast table. He wasn't paying attention to his food like he usually did, and she suspected why. It was that damn waitress showing herself off like a common whore. She could see her son squirming in his chair, even reaching under the table to stealthily rearrange himself. Helen Palmer was still very attractive and well preserved, not turned to fat like so many middle-aged women, though a trifle plump. She had...

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