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She spent her days as any lady should – an early morning ride on her chestnut mare, then a turn around the garden before lunch was served. Afternoons were reserved for sewing her samplers (the light was better in her room then), and evenings were spent in the Great Hall with the rest of the household. Sometimes, there were visitors, even entertainments – she liked that.

It was a simple life, not marred by the need to work as she knew some women had to. She gazed down at her hands, soft and uncalloused, and wondered why she had been born to this life and not any other.

Her husband was cold and distant. He was older than her, and always seemed to be busy. Too busy to spend time with her. Is that why she looked elsewhere for comfort?

Out of the many men who worked on the estate, one had caught her eye. The Master of Hounds. She saw him each day, as she prepared to take her ride, and found that she liked the look of him. He’d never quite meet her eye, even though she caught him looking at her often. It seemed the attraction was mutual….

She spent hours at her window, sewing forgotten in her lap as she watched him take the hounds out. He appeared to love the dogs, and they must have felt the same – they congregated around him, eager for his touch, licking at his hands. She watched him as he worked them, trained them and wondered if she would have the same effect on him – could she train him to be as attentive as the hounds were? A silly notion, she brushed it aside with a shake of her head and a wry smile.

She took care with her appearance the following morning – more care than usual. She darkened her lashes with kohl, reddened her cheeks and lips. She wore her best riding habit, the tightly laced one that nipped her waist in. Her lady-in-waiting dressed her hair, and netted it back from her face. Finally ready, she made her way to the stables. She called the stable master, and instructed him that she wanted to ride with the hounds today. He gave her a strange look, but nodded anyway – after all, she was his Mistress, and silent obedience was expected.

Mounted safely, she made a great show of ignoring the Master of Hounds as he prepared his own horse. She brushed imaginary specks from her skirt, watching from underneath her lashes as he ran his hands over the horse’s neck and back before placing his saddle.

Her posture straightened and she became alert as the hound master brought his horse alongside hers. ‘Where would you like to ride, My Lady?’ he murmured.

‘The ridge, to blow away the cobwebs,’ she replied, knowing that it was a good two hours ride there and back.

‘Very well, Miss.’ He smiled, a fleeting expression.

She led the way out of the stable yard, the dogs milling around until brought to order by a command from him. Then they began to run as a pack, boisterous and energetic as the horses picked up speed. She revelled in the quickness of their pace, always aware of him behind her and slightly to the right, as befits a servant’s place. The ride was long and hard, but exhilarating. Finally they reached the ridge, and gazed around at the countryside, their horses tethered and grazing amiably on the sparse rough grass. The dogs wandered off, scenting small prey and following trails.

He stood, hands behind his back, head slightly bowed, respectful of the noblewoman. She liked him in that stance. It gave her a sense of power that she didn’t often feel. She looked at him, taking time to memorise all the details. His black leather boots were obviously old, but well cared for and polished. Likewise, his clothing was rough and plain, but clean and well darned. She knew he had not taken a wife, so there was no woman to do these things for him. She enjoyed the sight of him like this, his shoulders broad and strong, his hands loosely held behind him – strong hands, but the skin looked soft, not hard and hoary like some. She wondered how they would feel on her…. Mentally shaking herself out of her reverie, she beckoned him over. Unsure of what to say (how did you make conversation with a servant?) she decided to end this foolishness.

‘I would like to return to the house now, please help me up.’ He dutifully cupped his hands and allowed her to place a foot in them. As she mounted, somewhat inelegantly, she caught him smiling.

‘Why are you smiling, man? Have I done something to amuse you?’ she snapped. ‘No, My Lady,’ he replied, ‘I’m sorry.’ She could see he was trying not to smile now, but the glint in his eye gave it away.

‘What is it? Why do you smile so?’ she asked, becoming petulant.

Realising that he had to tell her, he simply said, ‘I am smiling because I have been allowed the honour of touching you, Ma’am.’

Her breath caught in her throat as she looked down upon him. He returned her gaze, almost a challenge, not bowing his head now. He laid a hand against the horse’s neck, inches from her leg. She felt dizzy, unsure. No words would come to her lips, and she could merely look on with amazement as he took his hand from the horse’s neck and laid it on her thigh! A feeling coursed through her, unlike any other she’d felt before. A tingling sensation, starting at the spot where his warm hand was laid against her, she could feel the heat through the layers of fabric. Finally coming to her senses, she brought her riding crop down hard on his hand, which he snatched away with a quick involuntary movement.

‘Ouch!’ he yelped, holding his injured hand to his mouth to suck on it.

‘Don’t you ever touch me without permission again!’ she snarled, embarrassed at her reaction to his touch.

‘No, Ma’am, you can be assured I won’t,’ he dutifully replied – a little cheekily she thought – striding away towards his horse.

The ride back was completed in silence. When they returned to the stable yard, she stalked off back to her chambers without so much as a thank you to the lad who took her reins. Knowing looks were exchanged by all who’d witnessed this. The Master of Hounds merely gathered up his charges and went back to the kennels.

Furious, she reached her chambers and threw her hat and gloves onto the floor. Her lady-in-waiting, Anna, watched as she stomped around the room, muttering to herself.

‘Miss, is there anything I can do?’

‘No, Anna, I’m just angry that’s all. Do not worry, I am calming already. Leave me for a while, but mind you come back in plenty of time to help me dress for dinner.’

‘Yes, Ma’am,’ Anna curtseyed as she left her Mistress.

Still stalking around her room, unaware that she still held her riding crop and was swishing it angrily, she finally came to rest at the window. Gazing down, she noticed him. Looking up at her. The impertinent scoundrel, she thought. But so handsome….

Almost unconsciously, she found herself beckoning to him to come up to her. She saw him incline his head, then move out of her sight, coming into the house.

What was she doing? Was she mad? She wasn’t sure. A tap came at the door.

‘Enter!’ she called, harshly.

He entered slowly, looking around her chambers, feeling the pleasant warmth of the fire. He risked a quick glance at her, her face white, eyes cold. She pointed with the crop to indicate where he should stand.

‘Do you know why you are here?’ she demanded, despite being unsure herself.

‘I don’t know, Ma’am. I just obey.’

An idea suddenly took shape in her mind. ‘You are here to be punished for your earlier impertinence. Remove your shirt.’

Looking at her questioningly, he nevertheless complied. Her cheeks had now bloomed with a flush that looked remarkably like excitement. ‘Stand over there,’ she used the crop to indicate an upright of the four-poster bed. ‘Hands around it,’ she commanded.

She admired his body, the bare shoulders gleaming in the firelight, as he reached up above his head and grasped the dark wood. Standing on tiptoes, sh
e tied his hands with a thick leather thong, making him gasp.

‘I’ve seen this done before. You may fight back, so you have to be tied.’

‘Yes, Ma’am,’ he responded quietly, somewhat confused at this turn of events.

‘Now, do you know why you are being punished?’ she asked, quietly, standing close enough that he could smell her scent.

‘Yes, Ma’am,’ he replied, ‘I touched you inappropriately, without permission. But surely your husband should be the one punishing me?’

Angered now, she wielded the crop. Hard. One stroke across the centre of his back. The skin turned white for a fleeting instant, before the blood rushed to the abused area and turned it a vivid crimson.

‘Aaaah!’ he yelped, surprised and shocked.

‘Quiet,’ she responded, bringing the crop down once more.

Biting his tongue to stifle his cries, he succumbed to the punishment. She vented her fury on him, many blows almost too hard to bear. But he did bear them. And found that even though it hurt, it was also a pleasure because it was her that inflicted it. To be this close to her was intoxicating. He lay his head against the cool wood and let her do as she wanted, submitting to her.

Her anger abating now, the last few blows lighter and softer. She came back from the brink of her dark need and looked at what she had done. His back was criss-crossed with red weals, the skin sore and bruised. Suddenly sorry for the ferocity of her punishment, she laid a hand on his shoulder. Strangely, that warm touch seemed to make him react more than any punishment did.

‘I will let you go now,’ she murmured.

‘No need, My Lady,’ he whispered as he parted his hands, using his strength to snap the thong as if it was a cotton thread, ‘I could have escaped whenever I wanted.’

He moved his shoulders gingerly, flexing the muscles in his back carefully, trying to ease the pain. ‘I have some salve,’ she said, turning away to fetch it, ‘it will soothe it a little.’

‘Thank you, Ma’am,’ he said, standing still as she applied it, light strokes along each stripe. He shuddered at the coldness of the sweetly scented cream, or perhaps he shook at her touch?

‘Turn around to face me,’ she commanded. He stood, looking down at her, his eyes revealing a devotion she hadn’t expected to see. She stood close, then kissed him chastely, a mere meeting of lips, a soft caress.

‘You have permission to touch me now….’ the words trailed off as he swept her into his arms, his mouth coming down on hers with such ferocity, a ferocity only matched by her own. He wanted her badly, as she wanted him. They tumbled to the bed, arms and legs entwined, kissing and biting at each other. She lay back as he fumbled his way under her skirts, eager to touch her, to spread her and to take her. His hand found her skin, and he blazed a trail of fire up her thigh, getting ever closer. He could feel wetness on her thighs, and realised that she had been aroused by the beating… he could barely contain his excitement as his hand drew closer….

Finally, he felt her part her legs for him, allowing him access. He caressed her, slowly, softly, blowing on her with hot breath that made her shudder beneath him. She moaned softly as he worked, his hand drawing lazy circles around her moist cleft, teasing her, watching as the wetness glistened on her skin, smiling as she moved her hips, trying to make him touch her even more intimately. Then, finally, when he thought she could bear it no longer, he touched – a gentle finger drawn down from her mound to the moist inviting slit…. she writhed beneath his touch. Rubbing and patting, smoothing and probing, he made her sigh and moan, enjoying the effect his attentions were bringing about. He left his ministrations for a moment, undoing his trousers to reveal his cockstand.

‘No,’ she said, ‘not like this. You know your place.’

She directed him to lie down, aware that his back would be very painful in that position, but nevertheless making him do it. She gathered her skirts around her waist and straddled him.

‘You are mine, to do with as I will. Do you understand?’ Mutely, he nodded, the pain in his abused skin and the expectation and anticipation striking him dumb.

She slid down onto him. A quick fluid movement, that enveloped him in heat and wetness. She took his hands, placed them on her body, telling him to touch her, to stroke as she rode. He – of course – complied, unlacing her bodice with trembling fingers. Freeing her breasts, he played with and sucked them, making her nipples flush red with ardour.

She rode him, hard and fast, using him for her pleasure. He lay back, doing his very best to hold back until she was fully satisfied. He watched her orgasm, her eyes shut, her head thrown back. As her movements quieted, he reached up to pull her close. She allowed herself to be pulled down into his embrace, the changing position causing her to writhe on him as the pressure increased inside her. ‘My turn now, My Lady,’ he whispered in her ear as he began to thrust from below, holding her tight against him, one hand on her back, the other on her hip, holding her close.

She began to moan in pleasure as he fucked her from below, his teeth nipping at the delicate skin of her throat as he came close to his release. ‘Please may I spill my seed, My Lady? Please?’

She gasped her assent and felt him pump harder and faster, the movements bringing her to her own orgasm once more. She ground herself down hard on him, feeling him jerk and twitch inside her as he came, spurting deep within her….

She knew then that life would never be the same.

She smiled as he prepared to leave. He went down on one knee, bowed his head and whispered softly ‘My Lady, I am yours.’ He kissed her hand, then rose again.

‘Tell me one thing, My Sweet… What is your name?’

He smiled wickedly as he closed the door.

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Space Marines

You are a space marine like Aliens, Doom and Starship Troopers. The year was 2147. Mars had long been colonised at this point. The Union Space Exploitation Corporation (USEC) had built a base there to conduct scientific experiments with warp speed. Space travel between planets still took years. Cryogenics had been invented to help but while it did prevent travellers from ageing during the journey, it didn't make the trip any faster. USEC aimed to fix that. However during one of their attempts...

3 years ago
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The Dragon Invasion Chapter 1

I acknowledge this story will not be everyone's cup of tea. I also acknowledge that this is probably a rather niche genre. I make no apologies for that but I do hope it finds an audience. The tags below should give you an idea of what content is within. The sex in this chapter is somewhat limited but I promise there will be far far more of it in Chapter 2 and it will involve both men and women. Finally. I'm definitely a bit of an aviation geek, as you'll probably tell if you read on,...

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The Bell RingerChapter 2

THE CORRAL THEATER 1949 I woke up the next morning, more sober than for ... I couldn't remember. But I felt like hell. My hands were shaking and my head felt funny. Gene came in, opened up, and gave me a pint, not the best stuff but better that I usually drank. I had this image of me standing there, ripping off the top and guzzling the bottle down, feeling the hot relief, burning at first, then peace. Instead I put the bottle in a pocket of the overalls, nodded thanks to Gene and mumbled...

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A Special Threesome for Cindy

After I finished my tour in Vietnam, I had the opportunity to be assigned to Germany where I was worked in the S-3 shop in a supply and services battalion... an "S & S" battalion. Shortly after I got there, Dave came into the battalion and took over as the commander of the GS maintenance company and we began our friendship. We met again a few years later when we sat next to each other at the officers' advanced course at Fort Lee. Dave had also been “RIFfed” from the army at the same...

2 years ago
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veena fucked by me BY:- harshraj hello friends i am harshraj from mumbai like others i don’t want to make u bore by saying about me so comeing right to the story it happen 2 years back it was a month of November i went to stay at my aunties place in my natives she is staying there with her 2 daughter both married.but they also come to give me company there.the elder is 36 years & other is 33years with good boobs and ass. when i reach there every thing was going right until that day i cant say...

1 year ago
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One fucked up family

I was fucking my sister for the second time, actually, she was fucking me and just like last night she was telling me what to do. Nothing. All I had to do was lie there so she could mount my cock and ride it. I wasn't complaining, damn her pussy was tight.It all started a couple of years back, not the i****t with my sister, that's new, Dad was the problem. He was screwing around behind Mom's back and was unlucky, sort of, to have a heart attack in the middle of a fuck with an u******e girl. She...

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sex on the lawn

A number of years ago I live in a part of Birmingham called Kings Norton. My wife was part of a very large family, (10 brothers and 11 sisters) they were all married and most of them had c***dren, the strange thing was though that most of them would change partners and think it was an everyday thing. It was a common thing for them to get their tits out and push them in your face or rub their nipples to try and get you horny, many times I have been working under a car and one of my sister in...

2 years ago
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Surprised doggy style

I had been with Tim for almost two months, he had taken me on as his sub My usual week he would come to me Friday evening, and stay the night he bought his washing for me to do , I would cook his meals bath him and massage him , after he left I would iron his clothes ready to pick up Saturday evening He liked d to spank and cane me, he bought one of his friends round it was the first time I was spit roasted it was heaven, he had bought me a dog collar and leash , another thing he liked to do...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 6 Sweet Dreams Are Made of This

Friday at school, Alan was impatient and distracted, as was par for the course lately. All he could think about was the prospect of Suzanne giving him another handjob later that afternoon. He didn't realize that she was planning something new, even though she'd dropped some not-very-subtle hints about it. Suzanne and Susan continued their ritual of talking about their dreams and recent sexual experiences while doing their morning workouts. Susan had handjobs and blowjobs on her mind to...

3 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 2

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 2 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 8 - Le Nouveau Travail de Sam M?me s'il attendait ce jour avec impatience, la nervosit? de Sam augmentait plus vite que les minutes avan?aient. Ce lundi n'avait rien de comparable aux autres, c'?tait le premier jour de travail avec Jessica. Sam ?tait tellement ner...

3 years ago
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Polizistin von Informant verraten

Ich bin die 30jährige 1,75 große Blondine, mit grünen Augen, Kommissarin Penny Lanz. In Wien arbeite ich mit meinen Kollegen Carl und Helmuth bei einer SOKO. Zu ihrem Leidwesen trug ich meist legere Klamotten, die meine durchaus ansehnliche Figur nicht recht zur Geltung bringen. Schon längere Zeit waren wir dran einen Menschenhändler, Zuhälter und Drogenschmuggler zur Strecke zu bringen. Dem Russen Oleg Putin war jedoch nichts nachzuweisen. An einem heißen Sommertag bekam ich nach Dienstschluss...

4 years ago
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The Chameleon 5

CHAPTER 5 Ivy watched Lyla/Max shoot the ad. Today they were shooting a shampoo ad for Pantene. Every time she saw her act, she was stunned. She still couldn't believe Max had perfected the Lyla's persona. It's like he was her. She beneath all that latex skin suit it was a guy. Max really was talented. Now that she had admitted to herself she had feelings for him, she felt thrilled and excited again. She had been in relationships before but this was entirely...

4 years ago
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How a Dog Forced Me into Submission

Introduction: I was helpless as my simple tanning session turned into my dog taking my virginity. Let me give you a little background about myself and my situation. My names Alyx and Im 18, a cheerleader at the high school in the small town I live in. Im only 54 and of average weight with long blonde hair. I dont want to say Im the best looking, but guys certainly cant help looking when I walk the hallways at school. With all my beauty, I still have pretty bad luck. I used to live alone with my...

1 year ago
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sister gets to know her brother better

I spent the hottest day of the summer sitting by my pool with my friend Stacey. We spent the afternoon working on our tans and talking about nothing in particular. At some point, I had noticed the curtains in one of the windows was pulled back slightly.“Don’t look now Stace, but I think my brother is watching you.”She raised her eyebrows slightly and peered up at the window.“Oh my God! What’s with him? Not only is he weird, but he’s a total perv!”“Hey that’s my brother! He’s not a perv, and...

2 years ago
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Post Holi Sex With My Sexy Maid

I am regular iss reader for the last 6 yrs & thankful to iss team for such a good platform and collection of stories. I have posted my experience earlier also (1. Me and my bubbly niece in incest section, 2. My lustful journey with my young patient). Hi I’m a doctor with average physique n 7″ long n 3″ thick tool. I’ve experience of satisfying many ladies( some of them friends and few patients too). Any lady (aunt/ bhabhi/ girl in and around Lucknow / Delhi NCR / Allahabad) please do contact...

2 years ago
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Shemale on Male Never understimate an Eredar with a massive sword

Hope you enjoy. Dafomir was certainly one of the unlucky members of the Horde, having been chosen to participate in the campaign on Argus it meant certain death for many. He had been chosen however because he was one of the strongest Blood Elven paladins the Horde had. Dafomir had a lot of confidence in his abilities though and the possiblity that he could die here hadn't even entered his mind, thinking that as long as his leaders strategised properly there was no way he could be taken down...

3 years ago
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He helped her recover the woman inside her she made a man out of him

He was LEGAL. That was all she could think as Matthew stood on her doorstep waiting to go hang out with her son Caleb. She'd known this kid since he was four feet tall. He'd always been a cute kid. Funny, energetic, a bit arrogant, but endearingly so, not obnoxiously. But the young Nubian god standing before her was no kid. Standing 6'2, 185 lbs with sandy hair and hazel eyes and just the slightest crooked bent to his smile, she wanted nothing more than to chew lightly on the full bottom lip of...

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sleepy sisterinlaw

Perhaps I should give you some background on my sister-in-law, Donna, before I start my story.Donna was the oldest daughter in her family and married when she was 17 and is still with the same husband to this day. Wanting to raise her c***dren "correctly" most of her time was spent being the prim and proper mother, wife, and organist at her church. Now in her late forties and 5' 7" tall with a trim figure and B cup breast and all her c***dren grown, another side of her makes a brief appearance...

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Hermione Granger Chapter 1 Discovery

She had approached Percy right after the first week of classes and he had agreed that private lessons with him would be an excellent way to keep her learning at an above average pace. In fact he had seemed a bit too pleased with himself just having her ask. He could be a bit big headed now and then but Hermione could not deny that he was currently the best student at Hogwarts and had a very bright future ahead of him because of his marks. She couldn’t think of anyone better to follow in...

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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 17 The Munch January

14 Months And 447 Days After Jenny's Disappearance It's about three months after my adventure with Ylena; over a year now since Jenny disappeared. I can't believe it's so long. The anniversary was painful and of course the press were around again asking questions. After the initial 'forensic' part of their investigation, the Police contacted the media with the story and there was a wave of interest. Jenny's parents were seen as tragic figures: a close family loosing a much loved...

2 years ago
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The Transformation of Sally

She saw him in the dance club many times before. He was easy on the eyes, good looking with a nice build, but not extreme with either. He had the reputation of being a bad boy, and that was what she was looking for. It took all her gumption to flirted with him. He ignored her. That was disappointing. She tried again the next weekend. She flirted and he gave her a quick smile, nothing more. Sally blamed it on the fact that she was too plain looking. She didn’t know whether to give up or try one...

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Philip Johnson Prologue An advisory to Literotica readers. This is a very long story involving photography for the first few chapters, and yes I do know that concept has been beat to death. I do hope that i’ve managed to give that idea a fresh treatment, and you’ll stay with the story to see where things go. Good reading, Thornapple. Owen was forty one, but felt ten years older. It was because of that fact that for almost a year he had been working on the plan for changes in his life in...

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Sucking off my Residence Assistant

The day I met him was a big day. It was the day I moved out of my parents' house and into my college dorm. The first week at school was only freshman, so that we could adjust to college life before the upperclassmen moved in. Having always been interested in older guys, I assumed it would be a dull week in terms of meeting hot guys. That day we had to attend a mandatory "alcohol awareness seminar." The girl in the room across the hall and I walked to the campus center and found seats in the...

Oral Sex
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Autumns Love Story 2

I quicklygrabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. Jason stood up to reach for the door but there was a quick knock and it swung open before he got to it. I flopped down onto the bed to make it look like nothing was going on. I tall man stepped into the room. “Hey dude mom and dad are…” He trailed off as he looked over and saw me. “Uhh, Greg this is Autumn. Autumn this is….” Jason tried to get out but Greg quickly interrupted him. “Why hello there doll face.” “Um, hi.” “May I ask why such a...

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Leroy Deborah Rt829Chapter 2

Dee has chatted with Leroy and I several times since our previous encounter. Unbenounced to me, Dee had discussed the possibility of having a friend of his participate also. It turns out that Leroy's friend only lives about 80 miles from where we were staying previously. Dee decided not to tell me about this, thinking that it would be a surprise for me. She had told me that her first experience with interracial sex was in college with two black guys and her girl friend. So her plan was to...

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The Farm

Daisy lived on a huge farm with her husband. Every summer they hired about a dozen young boys to help with all the chores. This was the best time for Daisy. She managed to fuck each one of them more than once. She loved the young hard bodied men. She would ride her horse out by the river and lie on a blanket naked and wait for one of the young men to show up. They knew what to expect when they saw her ride off. One would then disappear to the river for a few hours of sex with the wild sexy...

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