On Forgetting Ch. 02 free porn video

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I have been writing stories for as long as I can remember, but I’m totally new to public forum publication. Any and all feedback is welcome. I apologise in advance, life is about to get a little hectic and it may take me longer than I wanted to get these chapters up, but please be patient. I promise, I have the story planned, and it will be finished… eventually. In the mean time, this is a bit of a long chapter. This is more of a slow burner story, so it just starts to heat up. More to come soon!

Thanks for reading,



The next time Langdon opened her eyes it didn’t hurt as much as the first time. She felt fuzzy, but nowhere near as heavy as before. She blinked the haziness from her vision and turned timidly, afraid of finding Connor still by her side. Instead, a familiar face appeared from behind a newspaper and blue eyes blinked quizzically at her. ‘Eoin?’

He smiled. ‘Well, now here I was thinking you’d have forgotten me. How’s things?’

She sighed with relief, ‘Oh thank God you’re the same.’

A wry grin quirked the corner of his mouth. ‘I hope not.’

She struggled to sit up and wrapped her arms around his neck. He returned the embrace in kind and let her lean against him when he finally freed himself from the hug. ‘Are we…’ she stopped, unsure of how to continue. Her eyes flickered nervously away from him. ‘Eoin, Are we still friends like… well, like before?’

He was quiet for a moment. ‘Actually, I hate you. You’re dead to me, really. Never liked you in the first place.’

Langdon pulled back and took in his blank gaze. She fretted for a fraction of a second before she caught the glint of mischief that shone in his eyes. She laughed, slapped his shoulder playfully, and laughed again. ‘That’s horrible. You’re not nice at all!’

‘You love it,’ he told her sarcastically.

‘It is you,’ she sighed, smiling gently. ‘It’s nice to have something familiar.’

The pager in his lap beeped loudly and he frowned. ‘If familiar is what you want, I have some things for you to look at.’ He grabbed a stack of albums from the bedside table and set them in her lap. ‘I have to duck out for a moment. Go ahead and take a peak through those, see if they don’t jog your memory. I’ll be back in a tick.’

‘Hey, Eoin?’ she called before he could get out the door.

He turned, ‘What is it?’

‘Um…’ she ran her finger along the spine of one of the books. ‘Is Connor… Are we… Um… Did I…’

He smiled at her struggle. It was cute. ‘Yes. You’re dating Connor. You’re screwing the shit out of each other and driving everyone else mad.’ She flushed a dark shade of crimson. ‘Yeah.’ He grinned. ‘Take a look at the pictures.’

Langdon watched him leave and tried to calm the strange fluttering in her stomach. It wasn’t that she didn’t know who she was, it was just the void of missing information. Which felt so unfair as Eoin seemed exactly the same. But obviously she was not the same person she thought she was. Langdon couldn’t wrap her head around the idea of Connor as a boyfriend. He was just so… Connor.

They had been friends ever since she had arrived in Dublin. He was the goofy, big brother type and a heartbreaker to the core. She had instantly recognised his revolving door of relationships and tried to keep well clear of the fall out from the girls that passed in and out every week. And the one time she had made the mistake of liking one of Connor’s girls, Langdon had ended up as a shoulder to cry on when Connor moved on to another conquest.

It had been the only real fight she ever had with Connor, and for a miserable week they refused to speak to each other. Eoin had settled it by handcuffing them together until they worked it out. And working it out didn’t happen until they were about to beat the hell out of each other. Another reason Langdon couldn’t imagine dating Connor: he intimidated her. She couldn’t imagine ever explaining it to Connor, she wasn’t sure she could explain it to herself.

Their activities together tended to be things like studying, practicing clinical presentation, reading, watching movies on her beat up couch, and bickering. They argued all the time about silly things, and that was part of why he felt like a brother. They would squabble, throw food at each other, play wrestle, and end up flopping on the couch and falling asleep before the movies were over. It was normal, comfortable, and totally platonic. She shook herself. Enough. I’ll remember it.

Langdon turned to the photo album and opened the first page, instantly recognising her own handwriting. She traced the lettering with the tip of her finger. ‘Cycle 1 – the younger years.’ The album was filled with events she remembered. The entirety of her first year compiled into a series of collages.

Strange that she instinctively understood the comments under each picture, comforting that she recognized the pictures. Finding a picture from the holiday party, she studied the scene she had created with Connor and Katie. With Connor dressed as a tacky Santa, flanked by herself and Katie dressed as naughty elves. Connor was wearing his trademark lop-sided grin, which moments later had become a frown as she and Katie had doused him with glitter. She smiled. It had been a great year. But things she remembered wouldn’t help bring back what was missing. She pulled out the second album and began turning the pages, blinking at the images of herself that she couldn’t place.


Eoin returned from his page and dropped onto the bench next to Connor with the heavy sigh of an overtaxed medical intern. ‘She’s awake if you want to see her again.’

Connor frowned. ‘Does she remember the past year and a half?’


Connor sighed.

‘I gave her that stack of her albums to flip through. Maybe she’ll remember something.’ Eoin watched Connor carefully. ‘Connor, she’ll remember.’

Connor ran a hand through his dark hair. ‘And until then, I do what? Go back to being her friend?’

Eoin snorted. ‘Yeah, keep it in your pants for a few days.’

‘That’s not what I mean,’ he snapped.

Eoin laughed. ‘Calm down. I know what you meant. Just… be there for her. Even when she starts to remember, it will be hard. Give it time and don’t push her too hard.’

‘EOIN?’ Langdon’s voice carried out into the hall. Eoin smiled wryly and stuck his head around the doorframe.

‘Done with the books already?’ He glanced back to Connor and winked. ‘You remember anything neat?’

Langdon furrowed her brow. ‘Not really. I was just wondering… Well, I don’t want to yell it.’

Eoin nodded and stepped into the room, moving to the bedside. ‘What’s up?’

‘I don’t remember any of this,’ she gestured to the pictures that were spread in the albums on the bed.

‘Lang,’ he laughed. ‘You have to give it time. You’ve only been awake for an hour or so.’

‘No, I know, but,’ she rubbed the middle of her forehead absently. ‘But, why don’t I have pictures of Katie after last Christmas?’ Eoin froze, but Langdon continued oblivious to his sudden tension. ‘I mean, we’re at everything together until here,’ she flipped to the class Christmas party from their second year.

‘But then, nothing. Did we have a fight or something?’

Or something, Eoin thought as he shifted from foot to foot. ‘Lang.’

She looked up, eyes wide like a child. ‘Is that why she hasn’t been in to see me?’ Connor appeared at the door, having heard the conversation, he couldn’t stay out on the bench any longer. Eoin glanced at him, and Connor shook his head. Langdon glanced at Connor. ‘I mean, did she drop out? Or go home? Or… are we just not friends? Do you think she’d come in to see me anyway? I just really want to talk to her.’

‘Laney,’ Connor’s voice was pained.

‘Connor?’ she raised her eyebrows, the confusion and honest hurt on her face.

Eoin sighed, ‘She’ll find
out someway or another.’

‘Don’t,’ Connor pleaded.

‘Eoin?’ she turned her gaze to him.

‘Lang, Katie…’ Eoin looked down at his feet. ‘Katie was hit by a drink driver, back about a year ago.’

‘What?’ Langdon sucked in a deep breath. Connor dropped on the bed beside her and rested his hands on her shoulders. She spun, startled. ‘Is she ok? What happened?’ Connor winced. ‘Connor?’

Eoin swallowed hard. ‘No, Lang. Katie… Katie’s injuries were too extensive. She coded in the ambulance and died on the table.’

The colour drained from Langdon’s face. ‘What?’

‘You were in theatre when she came in and Prof sent you away. There was nothing they could have done.’ Eoin shook his head. ‘It was…’ he couldn’t finish.

Langdon felt her throat close. ‘She…’ The words caught and died in a gasp for air. Langdon had the distinct impression that she was drowning and fought to breathe. ‘Katie… No.’

Connor held her, ‘Sshh, Laney, it’s alright.’

‘NO!’ she screamed and thrashed free of his hands. She pushed away from his chest and blindly punched at him as hard as she could. ‘That’s not true!’

Connor allowed her to hit him again before catching her wrists and pulling her back up against his chest, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly.

‘I’m so sorry, Laney.’

‘No,’ she whimpered, breaking down into sobs. He rested his chin on the top of her head and rocked her as she shuddered through the tears, feeling her fingers twist at the fabric of his shirt.

‘I’m sorry,’ Eoin whispered.

Connor shook his head sadly. ‘She would have found out sooner or later.’

Eoin nodded, jumping as the pager on his waistband went off again. He looked up, ‘Are you going to be alright here?’ When Connor nodded, Eoin gave an apologetic shrug, and left the room quietly.

Connor buried his lips in Langdon’s hair and ran his hand soothingly up and down her back. Eventually she cried herself into exhaustion and Connor wove his fingers into the curls at the nape of her neck, tracing invisible patterns along the sensitive skin. She sighed softly and sniffed. He pulled back and gazed down at her tear stained face.

She was not the type of woman that looked beautiful when she cried. Her nose turned red and her face was puffy. It made his heart twist, it somehow physically hurt him to see her cry. She sniffed again and forced a watery smile. There was something so beautiful and vulnerable about her at that moment, her mahogany waves unruly around her face, the bittersweet shine of her green eyes, even the blotchy pink tearstains on her cheek. Connor couldn’t help it. He leaned in and pressed a kiss gently against her lips.

He felt her tremble slightly, surprised perhaps, and eased the kiss deeper, parting her lips with his tongue and sliding it into her warm mouth. She let out mewing noise before he felt her tense and push him away. Her face flushed a charming shade of pink and he smiled. ‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered. ‘I keep forgetting that it’s weird to you.’ He pulled her back into a warm hug, holding her close, but in a relaxed and comforting manner.

‘You keep forgetting?’ She closed her eyes and listened to his breathing, trembling from the grief and the strange fluttering in her stomach. ‘Connor?’


‘Tell me something good.’

‘Something good?’

She chewed on the inside of her cheek. ‘Not everything since then could have been bad. Tell me something good.’

‘Aside from the fact that I get to kiss you all the time now?’ he joked.

Langdon punched him lightly in the arm. ‘Come on.’

Connor pondered her request, knowing that what he said would desperately affect their interaction until her memory returned. After a moment, he smiled. ‘Your older brother was married in August.’


‘Yup. Married. To that girlfriend you liked so much.’ He felt her relax further into his embrace, settling comfortably in his lap. ‘You were the maid of honour. The dress was a pale green, about the shade of your comforter cover. And I know it’s rather uncool to say, but you looked more gorgeous than the bride.’

She flushed. ‘You were there?’

He grinned and met her inquisitive glance. ‘Well, yeah. We had been dating for around six months and you thought it was a good time to introduce me to the family.’ If it was possible for her to turn a deeper shade of crimson, she did. ‘It was fine. Your brothers took me out to a hockey game and made sure I was up to scratch. Your mom and your aunt showed me baby pictures and were laughing so hard at each other I’m pretty sure they were crying. And your father and I watched the Patriots play and had a drink. I survived with all my limbs.’

Langdon released a chuckle. ‘Sounds like you did better than most guys.’

‘That’s because I am better than most guys.’ He leaned down, his breath tickling her ear and drawing a shiver from her body, ‘And I even got to sleep in your bed, Laney.’

Her eyes widened. ‘My parents let you?’

He pursed his lips thoughtfully. ‘I’d like to think it was because they liked me so much, but I’m sure it was because there was no where else to put me with all the other family in town.’

Langdon straightened and eyed Connor. ‘So, we?’

A wicked grin wove across his face. ‘We?’

‘Have we?’ Langdon cleared her throat.

‘Have we what?’

She felt her face heat. ‘I can’t believe I’m dating you,’ she muttered.

Connor leaned forward until his face was an inch from hers, and Langdon’s breath caught in her throat as she pulled back on impulse. Connor followed, inching forward until Langdon was trapped with her back against the pillows. He didn’t kiss her, not exactly, but his lips brushed against hers as he spoke. ‘I could give you quite a few reasons why we’re dating,’ he murmured seductively.

Langdon pressed her eyes closed as his closeness wrapped around her, from the heat of his body to his unique smell that was decidedly male, it was intoxicating. She couldn’t tell if she was excited or scared, but for her friend to behave this way was downright unnerving. ‘Please stop,’ she whispered.

Connor grinned, and she could feel his breath on her face. ‘If that’s what you really want.’ His fingers grazed just below her ribs and she jumped, sucking in a breath. The movement pressed her lips against his. He kissed her lightly and pulled back, glancing at the heart monitor that had steadily picked up pace over the past few moments. He winked at her when she opened her eyes, then sat back in the chair. Langdon drew the blanket up around her, frowning. ‘You can’t say you don’t feel the chemistry,’ he joked

Langdon chewed on her lower lip. ‘That’s not fair, Connor.’

He leaned forward, propping his elbows on his knees. ‘I know,’ he said sincerely. ‘I just,’ he sighed. ‘This isn’t easy for me either, Laney. I’m willing to entertain just about any idea that pops into my head right now if it stands even the remotest chance of bringing back something from the past few months.’

‘When,’ she looked down at her hands. ‘When did we start dating?’

‘When I finally got to stop chasing you,’ he smiled. She furrowed her brow. ‘Officially, it was February of last year.’

‘So, almost a year ago?’

He nodded. ‘I was after you for ages.’ He ducked his head and gave her the look of a little boy who’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Langdon found it irresistible. He knew she loved the boyish side he had, and he abused it. He gave her puppy dog eyes and she just melted. Maybe it was unfair that she didn’t know she’d told him, but all is fair in love. ‘I don’t really know when it happened,’ he admitted, his brown eyes twinkling with mischief. ‘But there was this one day that I remember looking at you and I couldn’t believe how beautiful you were.’

Langdon blushed. ‘Really?’

He nodded. ‘You saw right through me. You always have.’< br>
‘You’re not that hard to read,’ she argued.

‘I am a deep and complex man,’ he shot back with a grin.

‘So you played your best cards, and I resisted. I can see that.’ She crossed her legs beneath her and toyed with the blanket.

‘How is that so easy to see?’ he demanded indignantly.

‘Connor, you go through women like some people go through paper towels. It’s like a flavour of the week with you.’

‘I used to go through women like… Like what you said. Used to.’ He rubbed the back of his neck absently. ‘Once I caught you, I haven’t looked at another female in nearly a year.’ Langdon narrowed her gaze. ‘Yeah, I know,’ he chuckled. ‘It sounds crazy, but it’s true. Ask Eamonn, or Eoin.’

‘So, you stopped chasing, because?’

‘Because you stopped running.’ He laughed.


He sobered, and met her eyes seriously. ‘I don’t know. You never told me.’

‘I never said why I liked you?’ she looked worried.

‘Liked?’ Connor snorted, then grinned. ‘You love me.’

Langdon suppressed a smile. ‘Ok, so, if I never explained myself, why did we start dating?’

Connor leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. ‘You know how we would sit and watch movies?’


‘We would sit, and you would lean against me, and it would be fine. But then you’d get tense suddenly, and move to the other side of the couch. It happened every time.’ The side of his mouth drew up to the side.

Langdon chewed her lower lip. ‘You noticed that?’

‘Yeah,’ he sighed watching her carefully. ‘I never said anything, but I always knew. One day, you just didn’t pull away.’

‘When was that?’

‘It was just after Katie died.’ He rolled his eyes at her frown. ‘No, I didn’t do anything then. It actually just surprised me. You let me hold you. It was… wonderful.’ He smiled softly. ‘I loved it. There was something that felt right about it.’

‘So we started dating, because I sat next to you when we watched movies?’ Langdon twisted her fingers together. ‘I don’t get it.’

‘No,’ Connor grinned. ‘We started dating the night you jumped me.’

‘What?’ she squeaked.

Connor nodded, the smile on his face reminiscent of that night. ‘Surprised the hell out of me, I’ll tell you. It was a weird night, to say the least.’

‘That doesn’t really sound like me,’ she whispered, playing with the folds of the blanket.

‘I know,’ he told her seriously. ‘You changed a little after Katie died. It’s hard to say exactly how, but you were just… different. You didn’t laugh as easily or smile so broadly. You stopped talking as much. Anyone who didn’t already know you didn’t come to know you anymore. That’s why you and Eamonn broke up.’

‘Eamonn?’ Langdon shook her head.

‘Oh… shit,’ Connor whistled. ‘Yeah… Eamonn.’

‘Who’s Eamonn?’

‘You know that red-headed doctor that was in here before?’ Connor asked, raising a brow. Langdon nodded. He raised his brow higher. When the confusion didn’t leave Langdon’s face, he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

‘No,’ a look of surprise passed over her face. ‘I dated my doctor?’

‘Actually, you dated your boss.’

She looked horrified. ‘No, I didn’t.’

‘You dated him, and dumped him,’ Connor told her flatly.

‘And you’re letting him treat me?’ she demanded. ‘I mean… He gave me a narcotic. And, and he would have done a physical exam. And…’

‘And he had already seen you naked, so there’s no need to worry about that. You and Eamonn are friends. Eamonn and I are friends. It just wasn’t there between you two, and you wouldn’t let him in. You gave him a few glimpses of that temper of yours and he’s counting his lucky stars that he’s not the one for you.’

Langdon blushed furiously. ‘Why? That… That’s not me.’

‘I told you,’ he said softly. ‘It wasn’t you.’

She dropped her head and stared at her hands. As the silence filled the room, she worried a small laceration on the side of her hand with her thumb. It was strange, there was a long, thin scar that wrapped from between her thumb and forefinger toward her wrist. Even her hand looked a little different. I guess I don’t even know the back of my own hand, she thought wryly, tears inadvertently springing back to her eyes. Connor leaned forward and disentangled her hands. ‘Don’t do that,’ he whispered, smoothing his thumb carefully over the wound. ‘What are you thinking?’

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Claire and Scott had been together for over a month now. They had fallen into a great routine of going to Scott’s pad after school on a Wednesday and then hanging out at Claire’s on a Saturday, usually after wandering around town or something. Claire had still never even seen Scott’s mum, let alone met her! Eventually he had told her all about his dad walking out when he was 7 and his mum falling off the rails – every week she was off with some new bloke. Claire’s parents were strangely...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Emily Ch 03

This is the third chapter of a series which was begun in the Erotic Coupling category. The second chapter was more romantic than the first, and this one is total romance. ***** Thursday, January 13, 2005 ‘Hush,’ was all that Emily said, as she continued to make love to me. I had been falling for her, hard, in the barely two days that we’d been together, and, apparently stupidly, said, ‘I love you, Em’ while we were making love. Must’ve been the wrong thing to say. We didn’t stop making...

3 years ago
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Blue Snow Balls

I was taking an antidepressant drug called "terazadone". When it was prescribed, I was told of it's side effects. Most of these side effects were not very threatening, except one. "Prolonged, painful, and inappropriate erections." The doctor said, "happen to about 1 in every 8000 men who take this drug." Well, I'm not one to ever beat the odds for anything, so this didn't worry me too much. I was more curious than worried. "So, what happens if it happens to me?" I asked. "In...

4 years ago
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Problems and SolutionsChapter 25

“I still say it may not last,” Rachel said when Patrick got home. She went on to relate her conversation with Al and her advice that he talk to their mother. “Well, I wouldn’t sell either of them short, yet. The most unlikely pairings occur: I recall you predicting that Sarah and Henry were in a carnal relationship, but weren’t interested in marriage.” “True. My ‘spider-sense’ wasn’t working. Anyway, what was your day like?” “I read several things, had an idea, followed it a bit, and...

3 years ago
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Mystery Flasher 2 The Return

‘Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ aliiiiii, hiiii, ha-haiiiiiii, iiive, haaa yehaa-aah!’ I put my head in my hands to try to escape Vaughn’s Bee Gees routine, and the round of stares and giggles it had brought from the crowd of teenagers nearby. It was early Saturday evening, and I was in for the long haul at the music section of the bookstore. In no shape to deal with customers or my coworkers’ insanities was I, five-thirty and I still felt hungover, having put away most of a bottle of Malibu at Lou’s...

3 years ago
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The Infinite Book 1 Chapter 1

A rare find, that beautiful crimson hair. That color was usually the result of cheap dye and a childish personality, desperate to prove individuality by opposing normality. It was a rare gift from nature, every strand like melting rubies, when most so-called redheads possessed only a diluted orange hue. But hers was like blood, drawing the eyes of all those around her, including Noah’s. Of all the women he had seen, met, and knew, even intimately, hers was the most purely crimson. It was...

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Sissy Therapy Case Study 2

Sissy Therapy - Case Study 2 Shelly's latest client is John who is obsessively addicted to smooth, shaved men's asses, ideally covered by skimpy women's panties. Shelly helps him to come to terms with his desires and learn a lot about himself as well. Oh, lots and lots of sex as usual... ;) Hi, I'm a sexual therapist. Sort of. No qualifications, my only experience is what I've gained on the job. This is my second 'case study' which took place a few months after I started. To recap...

3 years ago
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Old lady fucks her cross dressing friend

Hazel was fed up using her fingers and dildos and fed up of being one of the invisible elderly generation. She wanted more – a lot more – sex, so she decided to expand her sexual horizons. To ensure that she put an advertisement on the web. "Larger mature lady, single, (70), open minded seeks new experiences, fun and frolics. I am 5’ 4”, dress size 18 with 36D bust and welcome either gender and any age.She was amazed that it attracted a few older cross-dressing men, which surprised her greatly...

2 years ago
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Wettest dream cum true part two

"you've never done anything with him?" I asked. "no" he said. "does he know about you and your daughter?" I asked. " iv never let him watch, so I don't think so" he said.  I was happy with that answer; " so... You can have the girl, and I'm allowed over here anytime I want to play with the boy, deal?" I stood up and stuck out my hand, he shook it and agreed. "one more thing" I added, " no video taping me" he nodded in agreement. It was about 8:00 by now, I called my boss and...

4 years ago
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Seduced by step mother

Let give a discription of my family. My dad married this woman whom he met through his friends after he and my mom split when I was 13. Here is my story.....My dad worked in construction and, as the boss, half the year he was out of town. There was the odd occasion where he would come into town on Friday night and go back on Monday morning. This left me in the care of the evil step mom.A few years have passed now and I am now 17 years old. My dad is still working out of town, now even more...

1 year ago
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Episode 54 8211 Anita8217s Passion

Kiran was back, and while the entire house was away at a picnic spot – celebrating the first anniversary, she messaged Reddy to meet her even before her husband could. Reddy too, not wanting to waste that opportunity had gone back immediately and the two had spent the day in each other’s arms. And with no one else around, they made the most of the opportunity. They had been meeting after months, and both made sure that they got what they wanted so desperately. Reddy made the most of her...

3 years ago
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Blondie Does Anal

Sam and I bought our cabin last year for weekends just like this one. It gives us the perfect place to have our friends come by and party with us. This past week was probably the hottest we've had so far. We were all looking forward to hanging out on the beach, and spending our evening enjoying drinks in front of a blazing bonfire. Our friends are going to bring the food and drinks and other 'party favors' to kick off the night. I saw Sam head out when I started, but I wasn't sure what he was...

2 years ago
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The Trail WestChapter 7

It had been over three weeks since Tom Larson had been arrest for cattle rustling. Now the trial was over; Josh Kelly, Red McCall, Jerry Barnes, and the entire Maguire family were in the courtroom waiting for James Houston, the circuit court judge to give his verdict. Larson's trial was short and straight forward; giving the court a clear picture of Larson's actions. The whole thing could have been completed in one day but the delaying tactics of Charles Gibbons, an attorney that Tom...

3 years ago
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The Biggest Loser Of All Time

There is no limit to what man will do, without thought or reason that will alter or even destroy his life. Plus you are caught in a perpetual spiral that doesn’t stop and you can’t control anything. This is my story and it is real. I had the idyllic life, beautiful wife and daughter, home, great job, good friends, annual vacation you name it. I did have some vices, some drinking, a little loose with credit debt, but mostly it was the slow growing seedy vice: gambling. It started innocently...

2 years ago
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Sexy Dirty Slut pt 2

I could tell that Tommy and Larry were really horny and excited to meet me when they did. Richie was cute with how much he wanted to show me off. I stripped my clothes off in the living room while the four men watched me. None of them could take their eyes off my tits. They were big as I held them and jiggled them. Richie’s dog, the black mutt named Roscoe, was also in the living room. He sat on the floor on his haunches with his growing erection dripping pre-ejaculate. As I stood...

2 years ago
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Aunt Seduced At Her Home

Hi, my name’s is Abdu (name changed) from south Karnataka doing my final year engineering with a 6″ dick.My email id is I started reading this Indian sex stories site 5 years back and I loved it I must have read almost all the stories here. I’m a great fan of this site. So finally decided to share my experience here. So coming to the story this happened between me and my aunt who is the wife of my dad’s brother. Her name is Arshiya(changed) a short fair woman with the right amount of flesh...

1 year ago
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Dads old army buddy

Note : This story is completely fictional! I have known Dennis Miles almost all my life, he and my father had been old army buddies back in the day. However, wakening up with dad’s old army buddy on top of me fucking the shit out of me, shock could not even describe how I felt. I had just turned nineteen and daddy and I had been fucking for well over a year. My mom and dad spilt up after she found daddy and me in bed together. Mom tried to except the fact that daddy loved young girls; she knew...

1 year ago
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There is no way to say it other than I am a whore—I am here at this truck stop just outside of Chicago. My duties are to let any and all truckers who want to be serviced use me any and all ways. There is nothing I won’t do to give a trucker sexual pleasure. I am well versed in getting fucked, sucking there cocks or asshole or being fisted by them. I am trained to do anything and everything. I work for my master who cares for me. He is a good master. It is not like I never had what most people...

2 years ago
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Lesley part24

"Thought you were on earlies this morning?.....how come you get such a long lie.....you shagging the boss or something? Hahaha" lesley jokingly asked Sylvia when she bumped into her at nearly one in the afternoon. "Humph...not funny....anyway...I know who's shagging the boss" she replied with disdain. "What's wound you up ya daft mare?""Guess...he's nearly thirty stone, bald, bearded, and has the charm of a Rottweiler.....and me tits are sore""McPeevie?.... Oh fuck...what's happened?""Missing...

4 years ago
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My Sweet Latha

Hi ISS Readers let me introduce about myself I m Akhil Name changed from Chennai working in an advertising company good looking guy with an average body. I guess and I m a regular reader of this site Please send your comments and feedbacks to This is my first story in this site so please excuse if any mistakes I have done. This incidence happened four months back. I work in an office located near nungambakkam. A lady named Latha name changed works with me and from the day she joined I had an...

2 years ago
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Hot and steamy

Hot and steamyThe gym was busy, that’s when I first saw her, her feet pounding the treadmill at a speed that would put a marathon runner to shame. The beads of sweat pouring off her brow, dripping onto her cleavage and down between her large amply breasts disappearing from view and then reappearing as a wet patch on her pink vest. Bead after bead poured from her, again the same route taken. I watch in ore as she intensified the pace. Other members around were training hard, some not so hard,...

1 year ago
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BFFS Natalie Porkman Vienna Black Dana Wolf Hashtag Whores

Besties Dana Wolf, Natalie Porkman, and Vienna Black are looking to cash in on the internet sex scene by taking hot selfies of themselves in their spare time. But when they catch Natalies stepbrother peeping on their steamy shoot, he gives them a few pointers from a guys point of view. The girls don some absolutely smoking hot underwear that makes their pussies super wet. Then, the pervy guy does a little directing to help the girls make the big bucks. He slams each of their cunts one by one,...

2 years ago
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A New Client

It is quite like any other business day in the Fall. Despite the cooling temperatures, I am out of office on a field trip hunting for a new supplier as our company is tired of the hassles in working with our old furniture supplier. I have been to several suppliers already by the time I met Samantha. So far none of them offered what her company seem capable of delivering, the service facilities needed to deliver when and where we need. It may be because they are not expecting a black...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 53

I drove home at five in the morning, more than a little upset by Learners comments. No I didn't have a lot of forgiveness in my heart. That was the church's Job or maybe even the ADA's job, Cops were supposed to pick up the bad guys. Somebody else had the job of deciding their fate. If he got me bounced from the unit because of this I was going to be pissed. I fell into bed without even taking a shower first. I was tired and my ribs hurt slightly. It was a minor pain, but it was always...

1 year ago
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The Hotter The DaughterChapter 9

As Gerta and Frankie, both naked as two jaybirds, walked into the kitchen, Rachel shrieked, "What the fuck are the Beck's running here? A fuckin' whorehouse?" Frankie slid to the table and sat down, apparently trying to cover his stiffening, naked prick. Gerta giggled. "Who the fuck wants to know?" "I do!" Rachel grinned at Frankie, her green eyes running across his bare, hairy chest, his bulging biceps. She turned to Gerta, who was searching through the refrigerator. "What have...

2 years ago
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First Time With My Girlfriend

Hi, everyone. This is Rahul. As this is my first story so please do bear with my mistakes. As about me, I’m 19 yrs old. 5.9″Tall. A bit hefty of about 65kgs. Now coming to the sex story. This is an absolute real incident (not a fake one)which happened a few days back. When I was pursuing my medical long term coaching. I had a girlfriend named Suchitra (names haven’t been changed as it is a real story) We were in a relationship since we were teens. We were classmates. In higher secondary I...

4 years ago
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Our First Threesome Experience

Sure why it came out as a question. Nerves, I guess “Oh yes! Of course! I’m neha, I have been so looking forward to meeting you. I guess you finally got up the nerve, huh?” “Yes,” replied ruki, “Only took 7 months!” We all laughed. Neha comfortably, ruki and I nervously. “Come in,” she said, “And I’ll show you around” I gently ushered ruki in ahead of me, and closed the door behind us. Soft music was playing and we could hear voices and laughter emanating from somewhere that were out of our...

1 year ago
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Spider Queen Book 8Cast

Cast of characters for the Warlord Series Book 1: The Warlord and the Traitor In order of appearance Name Description Jason Kargo Main Character – at beginning he is 80 yrs old Jeff Cycle riding friend of Jason Tom Cycle riding friend of Jason Charlie Cycle riding friend of Jason Harry Cycle riding friend of Jason Rosie one of Jason’s Rottweiler dogs Sarah Kargo Jason’s wife Lauren Craddock Jason & Sarah’s daughter Chloe Craddock Lauren & Dan’s daughter Chuck Craddock...

1 year ago
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My first REAL sex

It may be the weirdest thing you've ever heard about, but I lost my virginity to a cucumber when I was 16. I was too impatient to wait for a man to break my cherry, so I just did myself. It needed a huge dose of courage, but at last I managed to do a perfect job. Don't think I wasn't scared. I was terrified. What if I hurt myself somehow? But the desperation of being able to reach much further inside was unbearable, so one night I decided to push as hard as I could. And it worked! Well, I...

First Time
2 years ago
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A Scintillating Tropical Romance

He initially spotted her, on line, checking in well ahead of him. First glimpse was from behind but spectacular. Fitted shorts and comfortable looking 3 inch heels beautifully highlighted gorgeous, shapely legs, and a terrific rear. Streaked, shoulder length blonde hair came to rest on a tight, semi-sheer white halter top. He figured she was probably about 5’8′ tall, obviously in great shape, and likely in her early 40’s. Spinning away from the desk she was all he could have hoped for and...

1 year ago
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BrutalSessions April Olsen Helplessly Bound

April has become a seasoned vet here at Kink, and today she flexes her abilities a little more. She begins in an inverted ankle suspension with her arms box tied and out of the way. Johnny has her at just the right level to take advantage of her slutty mouth. He paddles and spanks her perfect ass before going balls deep down her throat with his cock. April loves her throat fucked, and wants to cum for Johnny to show her submission with squirting orgasms. In the next scene, April is suspended...

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They both wanted more than just casual sex, they wanted something new and exciting. So they decided to look into other things. A few weeks later Kellan came across an idea in which he wanted to use. One day while Ashley was at work Kellan decided to surprise her. When Ashley arrived he was waiting for her behind the door. As soon as she shut the door he took a blindfold and placed it over Ashley's eyes She gasped but allowed Kellan to slowly lead her to the bedroom where he handcuffed...

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Domesticated By Amy Brett "Okay. Here's two hundred dollars to start you guys off," Mrs. Paul said, handing Joe the cash. "There's plenty in this account and you just have to write a check or go to an ATM for more. Okay?" "No problem Mrs. Paul. Just go ahead and enjoy your trip," Joe said. "Just wish I could go along," Mike said. "A real life trip around the world. That's so cool!" "And you, young man," she said, turning to her son. "You be a good boy...

4 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 11 Making Ashley Mine

I knew of the grove and tree houses along Milford, but this was my first time looking past the road. The few times I had come out with friends, we had concentrated on the houses on the far side of the street. I scanned the trees ahead, watching for tree houses as Ashley and I moved away from the road. At first I saw nothing more than a couple of wooden platforms in the branches of a few of the bigger trees. Most of the trees on this side of the road were young and lacked the branches to hold...

1 year ago
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In the lap of luxury

“My family would kill me if they knew I wanted to be with a woman.” “But, Lay, won’t they be even more devastated if they find out?” Aidan asked her. “I guess you’re right, but I wasn’t always bisexual though.” “What do you mean?” Aidan asked. “Well,” I said “my family thinks that I am getting married… to a man and I don’t have the heart to tell them it was called it off.” “Why did you call it off?” Aidan asked. “Craig called it off actually ‘cause he caught us in bed together.” “Caught who in...

First Time
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“I would love you to watch another man giving you a blow job, he would need to be much younger than us and very pretty.” “I would love to have two bisexual men while you watch. I have a fetish about seducing a bisex man. Also two women while you watch.” “I would love to watch you fucking another woman. No kissing though.” “Can I have the same two women while you watch?” “Right now I will settle for a golden shower,” Jon smiles. “After this some mutual masturbation honey,” he moans lying on...

1 year ago
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FreeuseMILF Lolly Dames Juliette Mint Letting The Elf In

Santa Claus gave elf Nicky the address of his biologícal father’s house. When he arrives, he meets gorgeous Lolly and Juliette, his stepmom and stepsis! While his actual stepdad is away, Juliette and Lolly invite him to stay for the holidays. To make him feel at home during Christmas, the blonde and beautiful gals go through the typical holiday traditions, from decorating to singing. The lucky elf is in for a very special Christmas celebration as he gets to fuck his new stepmom and stepsis....

3 years ago
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Mistress of the Wardrobe 2

Part 2 New Position The Purser found me on deck and approached me just after four bells in the middle watch and told me to follow him below to the Captains orderly room. Being new and the mess boy I had never been in that section of the ship, and when he lead me back aft, down a level then up a passageway to a cabin on the right or the starboard side of the ship. Directly across for this door was another ~ closed at the moment, further up to the end of the passageway was still...

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