A World Of My Own Ch. 9 free porn video

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Here’s the next installment. As always, your thoughts on this writing are eagerly awaited.

Chapter 9: Programming Emily – Part 2

Once recovered, I looked over at Emily who had collapsed on the couch with the sweetest smile of satisfaction I’d ever seen her display. It was time to take her much deeper and begin the real reprogramming.

‘Emily, tell me how you feel.’

‘I feel better than I have ever felt before. I love you so much. Did I make you feel good?’

She seemed sincerely concerned. ‘You did great. Did my cum feel good on your face?’

She giggled just a bit. ‘It really did. It was so hot a creamy and watching it shoot from your cock actually made me cum.’ She hesitated a bit before she continued.

‘I was just remembering this one time when you got some on my face and I told you it was gross. That was really stupid. I’m really sorry Jimmy.’

I was taken aback. I hadn’t realized that the subject would be able to tap memories while under. I wondered if this was common or if there was some fault in the level of control I was projecting on her. It was something I would need to investigate further but for now it was of little consequence.

‘I’m glad you enjoyed it. How did my cock feel as it slid down your throat?’

‘Amazing! I thought I was going to choke at first but it passed really quickly and I started getting into it. I guess I really liked giving up control.’

‘Excellent! Now, listen carefully. You are totally relaxed. Your sense of contentment is returning and deepening. Your mind and your body are as one, totally relaxed, totally opened. You need to let me into your mind. You need me to help you realize all that is possible. You need to experience everything I have to offer. You cannot refuse me for doing so would destroy all you have achieved here today. Blissful contentment will be replaced by excruciating pain if you don’t open yourself up to me. Do you understand?’ She was in a dreamlike trance as she said, ‘I do’.

‘I need you to experience the consequences if you fail to give yourself completely. I want you to feel your right leg becoming tense.’

She flinched just a bit as her muscles in that leg tensed.

‘Feel the tension increasing. It’s becoming so tight you can’t help but stretch it out in front of you.’

Her leg shot out in front of her and became stiff as a board.

‘The tension is continuing to mount and a cramp is developing in your toes.’

She whimpered just a bit as she tried to flex the cramp from her toes.

‘The cramp is becoming unbearable as it begins to travel up your leg to your calf muscles.’

She cried out and the muscles in her calf were visibly spasming.

‘The cramp is so bad you almost wish you could cut your leg off to ease the pain. It’s clawing its way up your leg now.’

Tears started rolling down her cheeks and she started clawing at the offending leg as if she though she might be able to tear it away. I wondered for just a moment, if she had a knife would she have done as I suggested and cut it off?’

‘Your leg has been totally consumed. The pain is so overwhelming you would do anything to make it go away. The cramps in your muscles are so severe it feels like your leg is trying to collapse in on it self. Beg me to take the pain away.’

She was crying heavily by know and screamed plaintively, ‘Please take the pain away. Please Jimmy, I can’t stand it anymore. Please make it go away.’

‘Remember what this feels like. Remember how easily it started. Think about how easy it would be for it to start again. Remember, and when I snap my fingers the pain will be gone. You will be relaxed again and the pleasure you were feeling before will slowly return to consume you.’

I snapped my fingers and it was like someone had cut the string that held her leg up. It fell to the floor with a distinct thud and the rest of her body followed as the tension was immediately drained. She continued to sob for a few minutes as the pain subsided and the pleasure returned.

I began taking her down deeper into a trance. She had experienced punishment for the first time and I had little doubt it would be a lasting lesson. It was time to show her the other end of the spectrum so I eased down between her legs, spread her open slightly and began kissing her outer labia. She reacted immediately as I continued to cover her pussy with light kisses and occasional strokes with my tongue. Her breathing increased as I part her lips with my tongue and gently stroked her clit. The cries of pain coming from her just a moment earlier were now replaced by a gentle purring as I took her clit between my lips and stroked it more forcefully.

‘Oh yes Jimmy. That feels so good. Please don’t stop. I love when you eat my pussy. Please. I want to cum for you. Please don’t stop.’ She was panting by now.

I eased a finger into her cunt and found her g-spot as I continued to nibble and lick her clit. That brought her hips off the couch as she tried to pull me deeper into her. It wouldn’t take much more to drive her over the edge but I pulled away and she let out a sob of frustration.

‘Emily, remember this. Remember how good this feels and remember how bad you felt before. Give yourself to me and this pleasure can be repeated. Hold back and the pain will return.’

I didn’t give her a chance to respond before I dove back into her sweet cunt. I drove two and then three fingers deep into her sopping hole, caught her clit between my teeth, and stoked her relentlessly until she exploded. Maybe it was the pain that proceeded this pleasure or maybe I was just possessed and doing a better than average job of eating her out. Whatever the case, she exploded more intensely that ever before. I mean, she always responded well to my tongue work but this was unreal. She trashed and screamed and convulsed so wildly I had a hard time holding on. I did though, and continued to work her cunt, wanting to drive her as far as I possibly could.

I managed to keep her orgasm coursing through her, in varying waves of intensity, for a good five minutes before I started to ease her back down. She was a mess. Sweat was pouring from her, her breathing was ragged and she seemed to be shivering just a bit with each exhale. But, through all this, the look of absolute satisfaction on her face was unmistakable and the sense of calm she had enjoyed before was clearly retuning. I had her. Now it was time to take her over the edge and into bondage. No, I don’t mean I was going to tie her up, although that was certainly going to come later. What I mean is it was time to make her utterly and completely mine.

I gave her a few more minutes to ease fully back into her trance state and began.

‘Emily, now that you’ve felt both extremes, tell me what you want.’

Her tone was calm and her voice even but there was a new intensity in her eyes that wasn’t there when we started.

‘I want what you want. I want to please you. I want to be yours. Please help me learn what you need. I don’t want to hurt again. Please teach me so you won’t have to hurt me again.’

Success! I wanted to scream it for the entire world to hear. I was master of my world and here was my latest conquest. I felt like a god.

I needed her to open up more completely so I spent the next few minutes easing her deeper into the trance. By the time I was done she was lying on the couch again and had relaxed so completely that it would have been possible to mistake her as part of the upholstery. The leather seemed to embrace her and create comforting nooks and valleys that cradled her form.

‘Emily, I am going to help you discovered your darkest desires. We are going to explore deeply and help you realize what you have always known and never had to courage to admit. Listen to my voice. Open your mind. Know that I am offering you absolute truth and accept it without hesitation. Trust me and I will free
you to become what you have always wanted to be.’

I didn’t know if any of that was true but I was sure she would believe it by the time I finished with her.

‘Emily, you are desperate to be controlled. You are longing to give yourself to someone so completely that nothing they ask would be denied. Nothing they asked would be unwelcome. To be totally consumed by another would result in the sweetest form of freedom you’ve ever imagined. You can no longer deny this absolute need.

‘You imagine yourself being taken forcefully and having your body ravaged and it excites you beyond anything you’ve ever experienced. To be tied up so you have no control over who does what to you makes your pussy drip with desire. You almost cum just thinking about multiple people taking you at the same time. You’ve never been able to vocalized the though but ‘Gangbang’ keeps lurking among your darkest fantasies.’

‘You love pain if only it carries with it the possibility of pleasure to follow. You know what that means. You know the word that best describes what you hope to be. Admit it to me now. Tell me what your very deepest and darkest desire is. Tell me that one desire that excites and frightens you more than any other.’

The signs that I was getting through were subtle. Her breath remained even, her eyes remained focused on mine and her body held its totally relaxed state. The giveaways were her nipples, which were as erect as they had ever been and her pussy, which was obviously re- enflamed with desire.

She whispered, as if the effort to speak with any more force was beyond her. ‘I want to be your sex slave. I want you to take me and make me completely yours.’

There it was. I don’t know if it was an original thought I had tickled to the surface or a planted desire she was accepting as hers. It didn’t matter. I had her. Now I was going to take he into even darker recesses she certainly never imagined. From this point forward, I was going to twist and reshape her brain to my will. If I did it well she would never know the difference between what was truly hers and what I had given her. I was going to blacken her soul.

‘You can be my slave only if you admit everything. I know you better than you know yourself. I know you have dreamt about being with women. In particular, I know you have fantasized about being with Jan. Tell me I’m right.’

‘You are right. I have masturbated thinking about making love to her.’

‘She’s not the only one you fantasize about. You also dream about your mother and your sister don’t you?’

With this one she hesitated just a bit and seemed to tense for just a beat. ‘God I’m so embarrassed. I have dreamt about being with both of them. I love them so much.’

‘What embarrasses you even more are your fantasies about sharing them with me. You touch yourself as you imagine watching me slide my cock into each of them while you fondle and suck on their tits.’

The tensing was more pronounced this time but the response was practically the same. ‘How do you know me so well? God, I’m so ashamed. I’ve pictured you sliding your beautiful cock into each of them as I watch. I love them so much and I love you so much. I just want them to know how wonderful you are. God, I’m such a slut. I’m such an evil slut’

Who was I to argue? ‘You’re right, you are a complete slut and you are my slave. I am going to use you to my hearts content and you are going to love every nasty little perversion I can think up for you. And, when I’m ready, you are going to help me get your mom and sister to join us. I am going to indulge and expand on every dark fantasy you’ve ever had and you are going to help me drive you ever deeper into your dark perverted soul. Do you understand?’

Her sense of ease seemed to return. The hesitation in her voice was gone now as she said, ‘I’m ready to be yours. Tell me what you want. Teach me how to please you. I’m ready to submit. Please be my master and teacher, Jimmy. I love you.’

That was it. I succeeded and now it was time to reap the rewards. What was startling was how long we had been at this. It was now one in the morning and if I let myself succumb I might have just crawled into bed and slept. This was much more work than I had ever imagined it would be.

‘Emily, I want to be able to bring you back to this blissful state whenever I think you’ve earned it. So, listen carefully and remember. Anytime you hear me say the word ‘chulo’ you will immediately return to this state.’ Like my key word with Jan, this was Portuguese and meant asshole. ‘Repeat it for me.’

She did and now it was time to bring her out. ‘Emily, I’m going to count to ten and with each number your consciousness will rise closer to the surface. You will remember everything you have learned here tonight. Every dark secret you have shared with me will now be part of your consciousness. It’s time for you to join your new life slave.’

A contented look set upon her face as I brought her out. She was refreshed but in desperate need of a shower and it was then that I remembered Jan and Nan playing and waiting for my call. Beside, I’ll still needed to administer some punishment and that was probably a good lesson for Emily to watch.

I sent her to shower and headed off to get the girls. They were, as instructed busily lapping at each other’s pussies when I came in and really did look desperate to cum. They too were in serious need of a shower but that could wait. I told them to come with me and lead them back to my room.

I told them to get on the bed and get back to 69’ing each other and went to join Emily in the shower. I did remind them that they were not given permission to cum yet.

Emily was just rinsing the shampoo from her hair when I slipped in behind her. She turned when she sense me, wrapped her arms around me and began thanking me unceasingly. I was still going to need some time to get used to my slaves thanking me for binding them into servitude.

What she was saying more than anything was how free she felt now that she had shared her dark secrets. I know it was not my intent when I started but I guess I had given her a type of freedom most people never experience. I quickly went through the same speech about acceptable behavior, I had delivered to the others and got us both back to the task.

We didn’t take much longer to finish up and get toweled off. That was when Emily reached for the blow dryer. I told her to leave it as it was and get her ass into the bedroom. I punctuated the command with a sharp rap on her ass and was rewarded with a loud squeal as she bolted into the bedroom and came to an abrupt halt.

There was Jan and Nan, vigorously working on each other and Emily was stunned. I slid up behind her and whispered, ‘don’t you wish that was you?’

‘Yeah, I do. God she looks so good.’

‘Well don’t worry. Your turn will come. For now, just enjoy the show.’ To Jan and Nan, I called out that they were free to cum and should not stop until I told them to.

They didn’t need any more than that and each dove into the other. It was a knot of flesh, wiggling around on the bed. Fingers were being pumped into pussies, tongues were lapping clits, legs and arms were flailing in every direction and before long it became tough to tell who was who.

Emily was staring, open mouthed, just absorbing the scene as I whispered once more, ‘Play with your self. I want you to cum with them.’

Her hand slid right down to her cunt, she found her clit and she started working it with a passion and before long all three started screaming out their orgasms. It was music to my ears.

I gave them all a chance to settle down and then dropped a load of reality on them.

‘Nan, it’s time.’ I didn’t need to explain. She new exactly what time I meant.

‘Go to my closet and get me my new riding crop.’ It was fairly clear that all the playing and finally, the orgasm had sapped most of her strength. That and the recognition of
what was coming made the trip to the closet look like a trek in the Himalayas.

She did manage to drag herself to the closet where she found the crop. It obviously scared her. Her hands were trembling when she handed it to me but to her credit, she held herself together and asked, ‘Where do you want me Master?’

‘First things first. Emily, I want you to watch this and understand that if you ever fail me in any way, this and more will be your fate. Nan had a simple assignment to complete today and she failed. She will be whipped with the crop so she understands how unacceptable this is. Watch and learn.’

‘Nan, you are going to suffer ten strokes. You can thank me later for the leniency. Bend over the end of the bed so Emily has a good view and don’t forget to keep count. If you miss the count we start back at one.’

She kneeled at the end of the bed and leaned over at the waist. That wasn’t as satisfying a position as I’d hope for though.

‘Nan, I don’t want you on your knees. Get up on your feet and spread your legs wide.’ She did as instructed. ‘Now, bend over the bed’

This was perfect. Even with her legs spread wide her hip still didn’t meet the height of the bed. That forced her back to arch down and left her ass high and totally exposed.

‘Now Emily, watch and learn.’

This was a brand new tool and I really didn’t know how much damage I might do so I let the first stroke connect with just enough force to draw a squeal but not much else. The next stroke connected with a bit more force and the squeal became a cry and a nice welt began to rise. That was more like it. The third stroke found the force level I was looking for. As it connected she screamed, bucked forward and had to choke out her count. The welt this raised was deep crimson and I was fairly certain it would yield blood if I chose to strike that same line again. Now that I had the measure of this new tool I let the remaining seven strokes land in a relentless rhythm, leaving that beautiful ass looking like a zebra skin after being mauled by a lion. It would take some time for her to recover so I grabbed her by the hair a dragged her to a corner and tossed her down.

‘Now Nan, you can lay here and think about how you might be able to make up for your failure.’ I left her curled in a fetal position, crying and refocused my attention on Emily.

‘Emily, you need to understand that I was lenient with her because she really did try to do what I commanded. It could have been much worse and will be if she fails me again. Don’t make me have to punish you. Do you understand?’

This scene had clearly scared the devil out of her and with all the mannerisms of a true slave, she dropped to her knees and promised to do her very best so I wouldn’t have to punish her. I was left with now doubt that she would try her very best and I was equally certain she would need to be punished at some point.

‘Now, let’s get back to some fun. Do you know you are still a virgin?’

She looked absolutely confused as she asked, ‘How is that possible?’

‘I’ve fucked your mouth and your cunt but you still have one hole that’s never been explored. It’s time to open your ass for me.’

She looked momentarily stunned but then something took hold and a slight smile creased her lips as I led her to the bed. I sat at the end of it and told her to get down on her hands and knees.

‘Now, suck my cock and get me good and hard. Jan, why don’t you get Emily’s ass ready for me.’

Neither girl needed to be told a second time. Emily took me into her mouth and started working me with her tongue while Jan got behind her, spread her cheeks and began exploring Emily’s asshole with her tongue.

It didn’t take very long for me to get back to full length and it wasn’t long before Jan was working her fingers into Emily’s virgin asshole. I let things continue for a bit longer until I was certain Emily was good and wet. I took hold of her hair, pulled her off my cock and threw her forward so she was now leaning over the spot where I had been sitting. I quickly moved behind her and told her to spread her cheeks for me. As she did I positioned my cock and press forward. I popped in with very little effort and Emily seemed to choke back a cry. That go me revved and my next push drove me half way home. This time the cry escaped and my next push had me buried in her virgin ass. She was as tight and as hot as any of them and now she was sobbing. I grabbed a handful of hair like the reins on a horse and began riding her with long hard strokes until the crying eased into moaning and the moaning began to grow in intensity.

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The Face of a Clown

Chapter 1 I was ready to end it all. Here I was only nineteen years old and with a birthday tomorrow pushing me into middle age status at twenty. How did I allow myself to get so old so quickly? It seemed like I was just a silly virgin only four short years ago. Not that I had a lot of sexual experience. I mean, yeah, a lot of hand action and I was pretty quick to get down on my knees with the slightest encouragement but I had rarely engaged in real sex sex with a guy. In fact, after...

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Touchdown.By Phil LaneWith Freddie CleggThe Fourth Story in the Joe & Jenny Series.A sequel to Thesis, Such Sweet Sorrow and Tales from a Far Country.WHAT’S WHAT Touchdown is the fourth episode in the story of the relationship between Jennifer McEwan, also recently known as Vyera Anatol’yevna Kuznetsova an adventurous academic who is studying BDSM games and adult play behaviour and her husband Joe, a civil engineer who is anxious about his wife’s sexual interests and where they might lead....

2 years ago
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A message of optimism Pandemic Lockdown

Pandemic lockdown day 15 I am in my apartment. Just like a prisoner. Prisoner of fear. More people are getting sick every single day. Yesterday the took three of them from my building with severe symptoms. I am getting more nervous every day. Things are going to get worse before they get better they say. I have a feeling that I cannot escape this. I was looking for a way to ease the tension. Sex would have been a safe bet but my girlfriend went away for the weekend visiting her parents and...

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Internship During The Lockdown

Dear ISS friends. This is my recent story during the lockdown. I work for the software industry and have two college students doing an internship in , Divya and Rita. Due to sudden lockdown, they could not go to their home town. Moreover, the office also got closed, and we were working from home. They were staying in a rented apartment in the same area where I was staying. After a few days of lockdown, they must be getting bored doing nothing. One day they called me and said, “Sir, can you give...

4 years ago
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World Owner

Inspired by Owner of the World by TrumpCard, this will likewise cut straight to the chase. Earlier in the day you are/someone is granted ownership of the world and can now see any possibility come to life and/or do whatever you want. Welcome to your new world.

Mind Control
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3 fat girls, a birthday party business, and a circus of hot sex WARNING: Reading this story may cure your fear of female clowns! I have to be honest when I tell you that I never really thought about fucking a fat girl. It just wasn’t my thing. Of course I don’t have anything against overweight women in general , I mean my sister is overweight , my cousins are overweight , and a lot of my family in general is overweight so I don’t have a bias against overweight people. I just never...

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Christal Persuasion Ch 3Where are the Clowns

If you haven’t already, I would suggest reading Chapters 1 and 2 of Christal Perusasion.http://xhamster.com/user/edintx99/posts/334817.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/user/edintx99/posts/343575.htmlI didn’t do it right away, had to swap shifts at the ER, claim a fami1y emergency to get time off. Then it’d taken another few days trolling the places “prick filet” had recommended. But we did discover the older man’s home base. During the hunt, Alex had told me more about Petra. Her life had been even...

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Underworld of the Chevaan

Satyra Underworld of the Chevaan Chapter 1 Devil's Bargain Raising her head Satyra shook her head to clear it and flexed her fingersbehind the wooden stocks. For the past two days she had tried to use her magicto free herself, without success. Now she tired again, focusing all her strength,her knowledge, her will, channeling them as she pinpointed her desire to sunderthe metal bands holding her. Nothing happened. Satyra slumped back against the frame in defeat, but almost immediately shesensed...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 30 The Finals Countdown

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 12, 2010) Chapter 30 - The Finals Countdown After church the following morning, Ethan, Emily, and I were sitting in Sarah's room waiting for the American Top 40 show to start. This was the first week that my song qualified,...

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Our Neighbour in Lockdown

This is purely a fantasyWe moved into our home nearly a decade ago. Our garden is not attached to our house and we have to get access through our neighbour’s garden. Roger, our neighbour, was widowed a few years before we moved next to him and is now in his late 70s. He can be cantankerous and rude and we have had many disputes with him over our access rights. I have not really gotten on with him, but my wife has tolerated him. The good Samaritan in my wife came out immediately at the time of...

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A New Taste Part 32 Lockdown

It felt like an age since I had pleased a beautiful cock. The virus lockdown had put a stop to my regular servicing and my thoughts circled around like a goldfish in a bowl. The tension was evident when I masturbated and before I knew it and without orgasm, semen started pulsing out of me. I scooped it into my mouth a savoured it. I so enjoyed the texture and taste that I played with the little load pushing it against my teeth and around my mouth for some time as I edged my cock. Images of...

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101 Days of Lockdown

Thanks for that. Well, that’s if you choose to believe that bullshit anyway. The only certainty about this whole weird alternative world we’ve found ourselves in is that however it started it has fucked it for the rest of us. We have to wear masks. We wash our hands a hundred times a day. I use hand sanitizer like my life depends on it. There’s a daily death report on the 5 o’clock news each night that we’re all absolutely glued to watching, to the point that it has become a rote part of...

1 year ago
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The Ark Part 1Chapter 22 Lockdown

We had completed our major pickups of short-term residents and we were in the final stages of getting the residents settled in their new homes. We now had to make a final decision regarding further pickups. Things had gone bad on our last major pickup. The pickup started out the same as the other pickups we made. By eight thirty in the morning, there were over a hundred demonstrators outside the stadium, and more were on the way. By ten, the number was close to five hundred and growing, they...

2 years ago
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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 5 Lockdown

We slept straight through and woke up starving. We got cleaned up and made love in the shower. It was hard to stop fucking when every glance showed me a new side of Jas that turned me on even more. The little dimple at the base of her spine. The difference in the color of the sole of her foot from the top of her foot. The one slightly crooked tooth on the far right side of her smile. Everything I discovered made me want to have more sex with her. And she seemed to agree. It was only our...

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The empty shell of the townhouse still smouldered as the fire crew carried out the charred remains of another victim. The corpse soon joined the line of black body bags behind a parked ambulance, hidden from the gathered TV cameras. No doubt an effort to give them a dignity in death that they didn't have in life. So… what happened at this old townhouse? DC Blakely scribbled into his notepad, twitching his nose at the acrid smell of burnt furniture. He turned to his colleague, the buxom brunette...

3 years ago
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Back with steve after lockdown

Well it has seemed like an age due to lockdown but back visiting my black lover steve but musnt complain as health and safety is paramount. Visited last saturday and cant believe the session we had. I prepared for hours to get ready as i wanted everything to be perfect and chose the outfit that steve likes as he insists on being my master and im his sissy faggot. Put on my thong with matching basque suspenders black stockings and a skin tight latex dress then heavy makeup with ruby red...

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MILF Neighbour And Her Daughter During Lockdown

Thanks for the amazing response to my previous stories and kudos to the ladies with whom I got closer because of the stories! ;) Like my previous stories, this is also based on real-life experience. The facts although have been tweaked to make the story more relevant and related to the current times. For those reading my story for the first time, my name is Akshay. I am a 35 year, six feet, and a moderately built married man from Bangalore. I have had a lot of fun outside marriage during my...

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Milf Seduction During The Lockdown

This is a fictional story. No events or people depicted in this milf seduction story are real. Things have not been the same between mom and me since I returned home for lockdown. Actually, things had been quite shaky since my 18th birthday 7 months ago. My mom Vasundhara is a beautiful MILF. Yes. She’s a total MILF – a Mom I’d Love to Fuck. She is just 42 but hardly looks a day older than 35. She keeps fit by doing yoga. I am sure she makes many heads turn and dicks hard at the school she...

1 year ago
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Maid Stayed At Our Place During Lockdown

Hi guys, this is Raja again with a recent lockdown story. I know I have plenty of story continuity pending. Hope you will give me your feedback as much as possible. Coming to the story, as you all know I am a sex freak and addict. Usually, I have sex with my neighbors during this lockdown but this one is different and I had never expected if would be like this. Yes, this time it was with my maid, aunty Vanitha. She was in her mid 30’s, I think but I am not sure. Her figure was 40-36-38 and she...

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Meeting Her Dad For The First Time Since Lockdown

“And I believe that’s checkmate, Don,” said Charles with quiet satisfaction, casting a charming smile at his father-in-law. Don rested his glass of red wine on the table and passed his fingers through his long, dark blonde hair, casting a final glance at the chess board in a futile attempt to spot some avenue of escape.   Charles really was devilishly handsome and charming, thought Don to himself as he finally looked up and their eyes met briefly. But more importantly, he knew that he was a...

2 years ago
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Naked Fucking With Dad Post Lockdown

“And I believe that’s checkmate, Don,” said Charles with quiet satisfaction, casting a charming smile at his father-in-law. Don rested his glass of red wine on the table and passed his fingers through his long, dark blonde hair, casting a final glance at the chess board in a futile attempt to spot some avenue of escape.   Charles really was devilishly handsome and charming, thought Don to himself as he finally looked up and their eyes met briefly. But more importantly, he knew that he was a...

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Lust In Lockdown

It had been almost nine months since their lockdown began, six months longer than they’d thought it was going to be at the beginning. Simon, Alexis, Whitney, and Roger had been finding ways to become comfortable with being around each other constantly. Simon and Whitney were engineers for a data collection firm that shifted them to teleworking after seven people in the company contracted COVID. Alexis, Simon’s ex-girlfriend, moved in before she ultimately lost her job as a chef when the...

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BDSM Threesome During Lockdown

Hey, this is Coolguy back with another encounter about BDSM. For those who don’t know about me, please check out A brief introduction about me, I am a 6 ft tall, normal built, 28 years old, mallu guy in Chennai. Coming back, We all know that we are going through a tough time with the COVID-19 pandemic affecting our daily life. Ever since the nationwide lockdown, I have been working from home. I had little opportunity to socialize and venture out. Most of the daily routine was work and boring...

3 years ago
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We are in a taxi. I am snug and warm beside you. On this occasion, I am wearing a long black hooded cloak. That's all - just a long black cloak. I'm sure this means that a nice surprise is awaiting me.I'm leaning against you, resting my head on your lap, feeling your wonderful fur coat soft against my skin.The taxi driver is used to our evening excursions and pays us no attention. He drives silently through the dark streets.We're nearing the centre and entering the quiet Soho backstreets...

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The King of Chinatown

Nancy and Diana had just finished their second bottle of rose wine for the evening, gossiping about how their handsome teacher Nick, and all the implausible kinks he might have. In truth, neither of them had much sexual experience to begin with, but since they were a little tipsy and had nothing better to waste their time doing, this was entertaining enough. "I bet he has a sex dungeon" Diana said, trying to give a sultry look before bursting into laughter. "I bet he like spanking bad girls"...

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I smiled as you popped yet another White Rabbit into my mouth, those milky, rice paper covered sweets that the chinese so enjoy. We had spent the morning wandering around the streets of Chinatown, breathing in the smells and enjoying the curious little shops, overflowing with an amazing assortment of foods, Chinese sculpture, art, magazines, videos and music. Eventually, you took my hand and pulled me down what first seemed an alleyway, but was, in fact, a very narrow street lined with yet more...

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Otherworldly Encounter

It's been a long, stressful day at work; I need to get away. My boss is a prick, annoying coworkers never quieting and Dan, from the cubicle one space over from mine, keeps leering at me with his peering, beady eyes. So, unsurprisingly, I was SUPER exhausted! I clock out and head for the car.After getting in my car and driving aimlessly, I find myself suddenly at the city's lake. I smile, the first time today, remembering all the hot, sunny days spent in this serenity. I shut off the engine,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Otherworldly Encounter

It's been a long, stressful day at work; I need to get away. My boss is a prick, annoying coworkers never quieting and Dan, from the cubicle one space over from mine, keeps leering at me with his peering, beady eyes. So, unsurprisingly, I was SUPER exhausted! I clock out and head for the car.After getting in my car and driving aimlessly, I find myself suddenly at the city's lake. I smile, the first time today, remembering all the hot, sunny days spent in this serenity. I shut off the engine,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Tifa the World Renown

A/N: I don't own any of the final fantasy characters. Square Enix does. All names of original characters are strictly off the top of my head and have no relationship to real life people. Anybody who shares a similar name is pure coincidence. This story may contain spoilers from Final Fantasy and other games. Other then that? Enjoy. Tifa the World Renown By Shadow Rave Part 1 - The Ultimate Gaming Experience "And what is this supposed to be exactly?" What the boy...

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Ok, this is pretty sick lemon, I admit. But…. I was comissioned to do this and it's my policy to never turn down a comission. Not even the ones I would hate. Fat clown: "Hi Kids, I'm Bonko, it's time to start this birthday party! So what's your name B-day girl?" Girl: "Ann!" Bonko: "Hi Ann, are you having a good birthday? Hehehe!" Ann: "I had, but then something happened...." Bonko: "What?" Ann: "I saw you and I lost my will to live." Bonko: ".........Well I can turn...

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A Supermodels Downfall

A Supermodel's Downfall (East Coast Slavers Organization Story III) by: Desert Dog (Desertlickingdog at yahoo dot com) Prologue – Introductions (or What's E.C.S.O.) Credits : The story that follows is my own work. However, for the energy and inspirationto craft this story, I would like to thank two readers who responded with timelye-mails containing simple story suggestions. One reader's recommendation (whoserequest ended up being mirrored in a number of responses) was to subject...

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Worlds of pleasure

You wake up like an other day but something feels different like your no longer in the same world anymore. You look around and everything looks the same and you don't feel any different. All you can think of the feeling is it must be your imagination. But that feeling that your world has changed has happened and you have arrived in a world of pleasure where sex is the norm. Pleasure takes priority in these worlds where everone is game your mother, father, sister, brother, your friends,...

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Caleb 14 The showdown

As always, my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 14 – The Showdown Saturday morning, I got up at four. Everyone else seemed to be having a lie-in. I did a couple of hours of martial arts and then...

3 years ago
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COUNTDOWN Twenty minutes… I glared at the clock by the door, and shuffled back to the kitchen, thecuffs on my rest snug and locked together. I knew that there would be a phonecall within ten minutes, and I wanted to be close to it. She had kept me like this for three days now, monitoring my well being throughall of the damned electronics, and having me keeping that idiot clock running. I closed my eyes for a moment, remembering how it started. "Do you trust me, slave?" she smiled and dangled...

2 years ago
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Tales from lockdown

So It is the year 2020 and things are going fine. On the run-up to this year, everyone was joking about a new flue like a virus in China that shared its name with a make of Beer. The Coronavirus or COVID 19. It was all fun and games until it started spreading out of China as tourists brought it back to countries such as Italy. You were concerned but hoped it would all blow over. You laughed at people panic buying: toilet roll, pasta and hand sanitiser. The good weather was finally here and it...

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Getting Into Next Door Girl8217s Pants During Lockdown

Hello everyone. I am back with another story. Before I start my new encounter, I would like to introduce myself to the readers. I am a 24 years old software engineer living in Bengaluru. This happened during the lockdown period. I live in a 3 BHK flat. Both of my roommates went to their hometown before lockdown. So I was all alone in the flat. The first 2-3 days were fun, eventually, I got bored after watching a lot of TV series and movies that week. So I went to my balcony just to see what was...

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Ransomware During Lockdown

Ransomware During Lockdown I was on my back, knees held up and back, stark naked. My crotch was soaking wet, covered in sweet-smelling lube, and an angel with a dark heart was running her long, cherry-red fingernails up and down my hard cock. "Is this too much for you, dear? Do you want some release? Do you want to shoot your yummy cream all over yourself? I bet you want me to put your long, hard cock in my mouth, don't you, you dirty boy? You want to feel my tongue on the head of your...

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