Calendar free porn video

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It was a dreary February day in the Ozarks with overcast skies and a drizzling rain. Not able to work outside on the property, I drove the 30 minutes into the nearest town where I kept a small storefront office for my hobby photography business.

I started the business after my wife died just to give me something to do and didn’t worry too much about making money. I had run a few newspaper promotions, but was mostly involved in store promotions and school picture packages . . . thus, I did not have to keep someone in the office. Instead, I just left my message machine on and had a drop-box at the door for written messages.

Arriving about 10 a.m., I found a couple of interesting messages on the phone and picked up another small school in the area for next year. The word was getting around that my work was high quality and my prices were cheap.

I turned on the local radio station to see what was happening around town and sat back at my desk to catch up on some photo editing and completing my annual store promotion schedule.

My shop is on a side street which gets little traffic, so I became interested when I saw the same old Pontiac cruise slowly past the front window a second time and stop on the other side of the street. A couple of minutes later a woman stepped out of the car and crossed the street toward my office, pausing slightly at the door before entering.

She looked to be about 30 or so, with long, light-brown hair which she tucked behind her ears making them stick out a little. She would have been pretty if she did not look so tired – worn-out, actually. Maybe she had a houseful of children.

She was wearing an old flannel jacket with a couple of tears on the front – most likely from carrying wood, judging from the smell of wood smoke which she brought into the shop with her. Under the jacket she wore a flannel shirt and faded jeans. Her clothes were clean, but nearly threadbare in spots.

The lady was slim, almost skinny, and looked out from under too-long bangs with a hesitancy that signaled insecurity rather than just shyness.

I walked to the front counter which is really just an old bar I had taken out of our house when we moved in. It was just over waist-high to me, but came up almost breast-high on the petite woman.

‘I would say ‘Good morning,” I began with a smile, ‘but we both know I would be lying.’

She looked at me blankly for a second, then returned my smile slightly, glancing out the window to show she understood my jest. She then bit her lower lip in a cute sort of way, and I realized I had interrupted her train of thought. She must have memorized what she was going to say.

Pulling a worn piece of paper from her jacket pocket, she laid it on the counter, pushing it toward me.

‘Is this still good?’ she asked, looking down at the paper as she did.

I looked at the paper and recognized an ad I had put in the local paper back around Thanksgiving. It offered $5 off for a $15 calendar made from snapshots brought in, or $10 off for a $25 sitting. The sitting would include a free calendar and the opportunity to save 10% on any pictures purchased. The promo had been pretty successful and I had planned to use it again this year.

‘Of course,’ I replied, ‘And I will still give you twelve months, they will just start with March instead of January. Did you bring in some snapshots with you?’

She shook her head and looked back down at the paper again, once more chewing on her lower lip.

‘I was wondering if you could take the pictures?’ she asked, looking me in the eye for the first time. Her gaze was almost child-like, with a mix of innocence and trepidation.

‘Sure thing,’ I said. ‘We will just have to set up an appointment and decide when to get the shots. Are they going to be of your children?’

She shook her head again, returning her gaze to the paper.

‘My husband wants to know if you would take some sexy pictures of me . . . kind of like the ones in the magazines and things,’ she said in a voice so quiet I could barely hear it.

I didn’t respond immediately. I had taken a lot of nude pictures of my wife over the years, and even some of my friends’ wives on occasion. The Ozarks are pretty conservative, however, and I had never had such a request since opening the shop. There were a couple of women who had brought in home snapshots of themselves in lingerie and swimsuits for calendars, but no one had asked me to take revealing pictures.

I needed a few seconds to think about my response, and while I was doing so the woman stood perfectly still in front of me, never lifting her eyes from the paper on the counter. It was clear this was not her idea.

‘I don’t have any problem taking whatever type of pictures you want,’ I said softly, feeling sorry for the woman, but also feeling a little heat in my crotch at the thought. As I spoke I looked more carefully at her face and body as she continued to look away. ‘Are you talking about nude pictures . . . or just pictures in your lingerie or swimsuit?’

‘The kind with all my clothes off,’ she almost whispered, and then looked up at me with tortured eyes. She had not blushed, as I expected, but had turned even paler than before. I wasn’t sure what I was getting into, but her vulnerability turned me on, whether the emotion was noble or not.

I had to respond to that almost desperate look in her eyes, however, or I would not be able to live with myself.

‘Do you drink hot tea?’ I asked pleasantly, smiling at her as warmly as I could muster.

She just blinked, and then her gaze went totally blank, showing no emotion at all.

‘Sometimes,’ she said, watching me carefully, like a trapped animal which was already hurting.

‘Well, I just boiled some water and was going to make some tea to cut the chill,’ I said, turning to walk to the back of the room where my desk was. ‘Why don’t you come on back and have some tea and we will sit down and decide what to do.’

I did not wait for her to answer but went straight to the apartment-size gas stove which I had bought at an auction and on which I had water boiling. I took out two cups, two spoons, two teabags and a cup of sugar and walked to my desk. She had followed me hesitantly, and was standing by the chair across from my desk. I put the stuff down and returned for the boiling water.

She took the cup of tea that I offered her and followed my lead by putting a couple of spoons of sugar in it and stirring it. She also perched delicately on the edge of the overstuffed chair that I indicated to her while I settled into my ancient desk chair that creaked and groaned at every joint as I sat down. Neither of us spoke as we prepared our tea.

‘My name is Cal,’ I said, starting the conversation simply, hoping to get off on the right foot. I had watched her covertly as she stirred her coffee and realized that I really wanted to photograph this woman in the nude. She was not a raving beauty, and did not have a voluptuous figure, but she was cute . . . and I had the feeling I would get to see something few people had seen before.

‘My name is Jennifer,’ she began looking at me briefly before looking back at her tea. ‘But people just call me Jenny.’

‘Jenny, have you ever posed in the nude before?’ I asked gently, watching her face for any negative reaction. Uncooperative models are very difficult to photograph.

‘No,’ she said quietly, shaking her head. Then she raised her head and looked into my eyes and I saw that the guard had dropped and her eyes were shy and friendly, though still slightly clouded with uncertainty. ‘But I have to do this.’

‘Can you tell me why?’

She stirred her tea thoughtfully for a full minute or two before looking me in the eye again. This time I saw hope, and knew that she had decided to trust me.

The next 15 minutes she talked non-stop, barely pausing for a breath, pouring out her story in a qu
iet, but almost desperate voice.

She had married young, before graduating from high school, to a man eight years older than her. He was a sawmill worker who worked hard, played hard, and drank constantly. They had not been able to have children, and he had blamed her because he said she did not enjoy having sex. When he saw the ad in the paper he bought a cheap camera and tried to take some pictures himself, but they didn’t come out the way he expected, and he blamed her for not posing properly. Two weeks ago he had sent her into town with orders to ‘let the damn city photographer’ take her picture and make a calendar. She had come into town three times and the office had been closed and she was afraid to just write a note or leave a message. Her husband was getting angrier and thought she was lying to him about the office being closed.

‘I know you probably don’t take instant pictures,’ she said in conclusion, ‘but I have to take something back with me, even if it is only an appointment ticket or something.’

‘Jenny, have you ever taken your clothes off in front of any other man than your husband?’

‘Well, once about two years ago on a holiday we went to the river with two other couples and we all got drunk and went skinny dipping,’ she replied. ‘But I stayed in the water most of the time.’

‘How did your husband react to that,’ I enquired.

‘He attacked me that night,’ she said, blushing for the first time. ‘Not a hurting me kind of attack . . . but a sex kind of attack. He was really turned on.’

That took care of my main concern. I felt the excitement start to return as I considered what to do next.

‘I’ve got a little studio in the back and can take some pictures of you right now to show your husband that you are cooperating with his desires,’ I said carefully. ‘But they will really just be to help me get my settings for your skin tones and hair color and such.’

I hated to lie to her, but I wanted more than just a couple of hours with this gal, and I wanted to give her something she would not be ashamed of when her husband would surely show it around the sawmill.

I read mixed emotions in her eyes – which were now openly and honestly revealing her every emotion. She was relieved that she did not have to go home empty-handed . . . and maybe get a beating from a drunk husband. Mixed with the relief was a hint of dread as she realized she would soon be asked to take her clothes off. Her verbal response was as simple and innocent as the woman herself.

‘Thank you,’ she said nervously, looking around for the studio.

I rose and led her back through a door into the small studio, which was really just a storage room with a roll of backdrops, two lights on tripods and a couple of chairs.

‘This won’t take very long, it is just like a practice,’ I told her. ‘I need to see what kind of lighting I will need, and to get an idea of what you look like with your clothes off so I will know how to set up the pictures.’

‘When do you want to set up the appointment for the real shoot?’ I asked as I turned on the lights and dropped a solid black background behind a straight-back chair.

‘I could do it tomorrow,’ she said quickly, and then ducked her head nervously when she saw me smile. ‘My husband really wants this done as soon as possible.’

‘Tomorrow it is,’ I said. ‘How about 10 o’clock?’

‘Okay,’ was her own reply as she watched me take a light reading by the chair and then off her face.

‘All right,’ I said, as casually as I could, but with my heart racing in my chest. ‘Just come over here and sit on the chair. Take off your jacket and sit facing the door with your knees together and your hands on your knees.’

She did exactly as I asked, and responded positively to my instructions to keep her back straight, her shoulders back and her head up. Upon my instruction, she followed me with her eyes as I walked a semi-circle around her snapping an occasional picture, and asking her to mimic my expressions which ranged from an outright grin to a troubled frown.

She did not flinch as I rearranged her hair to cover her ears, and lifted her chin a couple of times with my index finger.

After a dozen or so pictures I stopped and downloaded them on my computer as I made two more cups of tea. She was intrigued with her image on the screen and I took the time to talk about posture, head tilt and expression.

‘Well, are you ready?’ I asked, watching her for any change in her decision to pose.

She gulped slightly and then nodded.

We walked back into the studio and I asked her to take off her shirt and return to the chair. She did as I asked, turning her back to me as she unbuttoned the shirt and removed it. Her bra was a simple, padded one, badly frayed and slightly discolored from many washings.

I took several shots before asking her to remove her jeans, which she did without hesitation, glancing up once to notice I was watching before finishing the removal. I folded the jeans and laid them on a stool as she returned to the chair. Her white cotton panties were in the same condition as her bra.

I had her pull her legs up and hug her knees as I took a few more pictures, still changing expression from time to time and she stayed right with me. I could see she was getting caught up in the ‘posing’ game and it was taking her mind off her exposed flesh. I also hoped she did not notice the erection I had been carrying around since her shirt came off.

I asked her to change her position on the chair a couple of times until I felt she was as comfortable as possible and then I asked her to take off her bra. She did so quickly and without comment, not even getting out of the chair.

Her breasts were small, the nipples shriveled and hard, but deep brown in color. As soon as she was topless she began to slump forward and I had to remind her to keep her shoulders back – which she did for the remainder of the shoot without being reminded.

After a few shots on the chair I replaced it with a fake doorway and had her leaning against the door jam in different poses. She followed my instructions to a tee, watching my face intently for instructions and expressions to mimic.

A few shots later I asked her to remove her panties. This time there was a slight hesitation before she complied. She did not have a tan of any kind and had not trimmed her pubic hair in any way. Her bottom was firm, but not full with deep dimples in each cheek. Her waist was miniscule and I could see great promise in being able to make this girl look very good.

As she changed positions at my suggestion we discussed pubic hair and she agreed to trim the hair so it would not be so thick, and said she would shave her legs and thighs if her husband would let her. I couldn’t believe I was standing here talking to a totally naked woman I had just met an hour earlier about how closely she should trim her bush.

As I zoomed in for some head and shoulder shots I saw some marks on her breasts around her nipples. Before I had even thought about my actions I stepped up and reached out with the backs of my fingers and gently touched what was obviously cigarette-burn scars in several places around each nipple, and even a couple on the sides of her breasts.

I looked quickly at her face and saw that she had been watching me touch her, almost entranced by the caress of the hairs on the back of my fingers on her breasts. She raised her eyes to mine and I saw embarrassment – she was embarrassed for what had been done to her, not what she had done.

I wondered if that was the only place he had burned her and asked her to turn around. She did so slowly, standing quietly after she had turned. I found marks on her back, on her buttocks, and, when I had spread her cheeks lightly saw scars around her anus. As I squatted at her feet I placed my hands on her hips and turned her around gently.

As I expected, there were scars up and down her
inner thighs, around her navel, and even in her armpits.

She was watching my face as I inspected her body, and I had forgotten about being turned on. I wanted to reach out and hold her and tell her she could live with me and did not have to go back to her torture chamber.

She must have read my thoughts, for she reached out and touched my cheek with the palm of her hand for just a second.

‘It’s okay,’ she said quietly. ‘It’s been a while since the last time – I threatened to run away to my parents in Lousiana. Those are mostly old scars.’

Mostly. The word stuck in my mind. Mostly.

‘You can get dressed now, Jenny,’ I said softly. ‘I have everything I need.’

‘Can you send something with me . . . so it won’t go too bad tonight?’

‘Certainly!’ I said, wondering if I was any better than him. After all, I was taking advantage of her by having her strip for me twice when once would be enough.

I left her alone to dress as I downloaded the images and chose about 12 which I printed out on a contact sheet at a low resolution so they would be grainy and look like nothing but ‘practice’ shots.

When she came out of the studio I handed the sheet of pictures to her.

‘They don’t look as good on paper as they did on the computer,’ she said thoughtfully.

‘That’s because they are practice shots,’ I said. ‘The ones we take tomorrow will look just like you walked off the pages of Playboy!’

She nodded, but her eyes said she didn’t think that could happen.

‘Will that be enough for tonight?’ I asked, not wanting to be the cause of any more pain to her.

She nodded, and then looked up at me and smiled – a warm, friendly smile that said I was her friend.

‘It will be great . . . I’ll probably be busy tonight.’ She blushed at the thought and then smiled at me again.

Thank you, I’ll see you tomorrow at ten.’

And then she left, turning at the door to wave before going to her car and driving away. I hoped she would be back . . . and in one piece.

I spent the rest of the afternoon running into the city to the Goodwill store and buying some clothing and props for her to wear the next day.

The following morning she drove up about 9:30 and we left in my vehicle shortly after. We went out to a local state park which is crowded with tourists in the summer but deserted in the winter.

Jenny got into the posing right away when she saw the clothes and props and we shot for nearly three hours. She never batted an eye when I asked her to take her clothes off, nor did she question me at any time, even when it had to be evident to her that I was taking some VERY personal pictures (for myself, of course.) She trusted me. I didn’t know whether she should or not.

A week later she came back for the calendar. I had also made 8X10s out of a couple of the best shots – hopefully that would make the old man happy.

She looked through the calendar carefully, looking at herself totally exposed on paper.

‘You took the scars off,’ she said quietly, looking up at me questioningly. ‘How did you do that?’

‘Computers,’ I said. ‘Will it bother him . . . that they are gone, I mean.’

‘No, I don’t think he’ll notice. If he does, I’ll say that is what they do with all pictures.’

‘I wish there was something else I could do for you,’ I said, searching her face for any sign of emotion.

‘You have already done too much,’ she said, looking into my eyes, and I saw respect and gratefulness . . . and maybe even longing. ‘You made me look beautiful, you treated me with respect and didn’t take advantage of me. You shared with me maybe the best day of my whole life.’ She paused for a minute, looking into my eyes and smiling. ‘You made me feel valuable as a person, not just a sex slave, for the first time in my life.!’

She took both of my hands in hers and squeezed them gently.

‘Thank you!’

I just nodded. I didn’t deserve her praise. I should tell her how I took advantage of her, but I couldn’t. I just stood there and waved as she took her calendar, climbed into the old Pontiac and drove off to her caveman.

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Erotic Galaxy

The Milky Way galaxy is a big place. Though warp drives allow us to traverse it's starry expanse, the sheer scale of this galaxy offers up near limitless opportunities for prosperity, danger, pleasure, and suffering. And, of course, sex. Lots of sex. In this titanic cloud of stars, hundreds of competing spacefaring nations battle and scheme and struggle for supremacy and survival. Within each of them, billions upon billions of people live out their lives, each with a story to be told.

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Lady Mauds Desire

Wilton Hall had been her family's ancestral seat for over five hundred years and the current incumbent family member Lady Maud Hamilton had no intention of that ending on her watch! Time however was getting on and at 36 she was aware that she did not have many fertile years left to produce an heir. Having accepted that her husband, even though he had tried, was incapable of providing what she needed Maud had reached the conclusion that she had to consider other options. Her marriage to...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 12 Venting

"Zax, this Hamer from Molten Core should be as strong, or stronger, than Silvia and Woren. I'm not worried about your chances in beating him, but do stay vigilant if you insist on not use your full strength". Don asked. Hamer was forty four years old yet appeared as a blue haired, blue eyes young man in his late teens or early twenties, as a result of his cultivation level and his overall investment on the way he looked. In his previous fights, Hamer won with little difficulty. The...

3 years ago
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Togetherness Part 4

The trio arrived at the Boston offices of Inferno Productions, with John meeting them outside to take the boys upstairs. Kelly drove off to which John explained, "I'm overseeing the dates tonight so I'm the one stuck with you. Reed and Ian are busy, Jessie has to travel to New York for an emergency PT session, Pierre is in New York meeting with record company executives, and I can guarantee that Scott is forced to stay home by Stacy and his parents. That leaves me to supervise. Kelly is a...

2 years ago
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The VoicesChapter 10

It soon became obvious to me that CO2 had been wrong in his prediction about me not regretting my decision to cede more control to him and the other voices. It just made me uncomfortable, allowing them to have such control of my life. I realized I'd never be satisfied allowing anyone else to change me, and those around me, no matter how gradual and subtle those changes might end up being. Perhaps it all stemmed from my earlier experiences with the voices, but I just couldn't summon up the...

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AllGirls in College

I hope that if you’re reading this, you’re too old to use this piece of advice. However, here it is anyway. If you’re just out of high school, and thinking about going to a women’s college, don’t. I did, and while it’s true there are some nice things about it, there are some major disadvantages. In fact, there’s mostly just one big disadvantage: there’s no men. I guess there are plenty of ways to meet guys, but I don’t seem to have much luck...

3 years ago
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Cinema Time

This is a story about myself and my (at the time) girlfriendWe decided one evening to go to the cinema to see a movie, some terribly awful comedy that was about as funny as my big toe So about 45 minutes in after I had stopped myself from falling asleep i grabbed my gf's hand and i could feel that her fingers were damp. So I leant over and whispered in her ear if she had been fingering herself to which she gave a small nod.We were in the back row and there was only about 5 other people in the...

4 years ago
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Mummy Ki Saheli Ko Pata Kr Choda FB Se

Hii bhabhies ,aunties and girls sab ko mere taqtwar aur bade lund ka saalam any bhabhi who wants a well maintained nd sexy look boy do contact on this email This is my first story in iss so koi galti ho jaye toh maaf krna . Umeed karunga ki apke land aur chuto mein pani choot jaye . Yeh story meri mein apna naam model h rakhunga nd poonam jo ki meri aunty hai. Meri mummy kitis party arrange krti hai nd kafi products bhi sale krti hai . Unki ek frnd hai poonam wo karib 40 saal but kyaa maal hai...

3 years ago
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Sundari Sexy salt

Hi I am Ram.Thankyou for your comments.I you want to sent any more comments or contact me plz contact me in This is my true incident happend with my aunt Sundari.She lost her husband in a car crash.She have a 7 years old daughter.She lives with our family in Tanjore.I am 19 years old at that time studing collage.She is 33 years old and she is working as a teacher in a school. She is 5.6 feet tall and i am 5.8 feet tall.She is woman of sex fantasy.When she walks in road all would watch her.She...

3 years ago
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Bus Journey With Sister 8211 Part 2

Hello, friends, I am back with the continuation of the previous story, I will narrate what happen after we reach Pune after the incident happened on the bus in the night. Those who didn’t read the previous story, I will suggest to read it first. So back to the story, in morning we reached my room around 10am, both of us didn’t speak anything with each other. Both were thinking about last night and things which that incidence will lead us too. I broke the silence but didn’t say anything abt last...

2 years ago
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My br and I

When he got out of prison the last time, my b*****r found himself broke, homeless, and without any female waiting for him. He stayed at my place until he got back up on his game. This lasted a few months, and even though he got a new girlfriend around the time he moved out, he was almost stranded during the first 3 and a half months he stayed at my place. I own a single wide trailor on the property our mother has in a remote location. As is tradition, we partied the first night he was out and...

4 years ago
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What a day

It had been a long day and luckily it was a friday, we'd had in 3 depo's and the floor was tight, it was a humid day and all staff (bar me) were all on lunch, deliveries and customer service were taking over, all i could think was .... roll on 5 o'clock, i had planned with a few friends to meet up and watch a movie at home - as their parents were away for the weekend. It all started off when i was going on my break and i was caught with a customer and wow! i was mesmorised by her appearance ......

1 year ago
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The Magic Bedroom 3 The End

Lucinda was grinding her pussy onto Alice’s face, pushing hard to work off the resentment she still felt about the spiritual atrocity exhibition she had been subjected to the night before. It was beginning to cool a little in the late afternoon and Lucinda enjoyed the slight breeze that caressed her. For the first time since Alice had roasted her mind just after midnight, she felt herself again, psyche regained, back in the raw and physical but with a heightened perceptive quality. Touch was...

1 year ago
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first blowjob

The night started out going through my drawers trying to find which thong makes my ass look best. After trying on several pairs, nothing fit like the pink g-string, it made me feel like such a whore. I pulled up a pair of lace thigh high stockings, and painfully clipped on my nipple clamps. Looking in the mirror was such a turn-on, my ass looks good in pink. As I start to shut the drawer, I caught glimpse of my huge pink butt plug.My cock instantly turned hard as I realized I couldn't go...

2 years ago
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my wife pregnant

hi im a 45 yr old male my wife is 35,i work as a eletrical contractor erecting power lines , im away from home most of the time. in jan 2020 my wife and two other girls that work with her were asked to arrange a fair well party for one of the specilist doctors that is imigrating to austrailia they booked out a holiday resort in the mountains of kznall was set for the weekend of 25 jan, my wife and the two black girls went to the resort on the friday to make sure that all was in order, as there...

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Betting the wife

Betting the wife – Part I I am a habitual gambler, I frequent casinos as well as seedy roadside joints where a dice is rolled. I go to grey hound races as well as the weekly horse races. I win some and lose some, well, let me rephrase, I lose most of the times . But still my hand just itches to roll the dices, to pull the jackpot lever, and few hours after I get my pay I am to be found at some den or other . Well this one time I really went too far, too too far and after staking and loosing...

2 years ago
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Changed By Margaret Jeanette Martin Huxley was a happy man. He had just sold his third computer game to a company and sold all rights to it. He got over ninety thousand dollars for it, as they thought it was an excellent addition to their line of games. When his wife Judy got home he couldn?t contain his excitement. She shared his excitement, so they went out for supper to celebrate. Judy was proud of her husband. He developed games for a living and she had never thought he...

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The Latex Forest

(Thank you to everyone who has decided to read Latex Forest. I am exceptionally happy to know that many people like it! I am adding more chapters in as i think of them and hope to have a wide (but not too deep) story for you to enjoy.) Thank you to everyone who has read this story, i am cleaning up all the ends and finishing this as i feel its complete enough. I have a new story in mind though... Sitting in your dorm room at Wargsnouts College of Magick, you have been rehearsing a complex...

2 years ago
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Cat Burglar Part III

Part III...ComeuppanceIt is impossible to breathe with so much cock in her mouth. She fights panic, telling herself that she is in control here. She can make him beg - after all, she’s done it before. But first she has to get him to stop pushing and squirming, stop forcing his swollen thick root down her throat...She grips his hips and pulls her head backwards, slowly sliding the full length of his erection. "You're choking me," she says firmly. She plays for time, looking up at him while she...

2 years ago
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Family Harvest Replanting seeds within the same soil Chapter 3

Introduction: Josh has taken his family down to the same basement where he rapied his mother. Him and his wife start the harvest so they can exchange fluids with the kids. Family Harvest: Re-planting seeds within the same soil Chapter 3: Two Jewels Years passed, and the year was now March, 2017. Isaac was now 14, 5ft.2, 160 pounds, black hair, dark skin, and brown eyes. Esther was now 14, looked like my Mom, 5ft.2, 160 pounds, had B-cup breasts, black hair, dark skin, and brown eyes. Sarah...

3 years ago
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DarkbitchChapter 4

"Justice with change of interest learns to bow, And what was merit once is murder now: Actions receive their tincture from the times, And as they change, are virtues made or crimes." -Daniel Defoe, A Hymn to the Pillory Each section of the patchwork school building that constituted Darkbitch Academy started classes at a different time. The area where Miss Rhea was rather roughly dragging her student Amy to the nurses' office would soon be filled with a bustle of happy, shapely,...

4 years ago
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The Birthday Maid

The Birthday Maid Today was my Birthday. Not a particularly special Birthday, but a Birthday nonetheless and therefore the optimism that I may get some nice presents was in my head. My wife Helen had asked me to book the day off work as she had a surprise planned for me. No idea what but I do like surprises and any excuse to spend a day away from the office is a good one. The day started normal enough. Helen made me breakfast in bed and I opened my cards and some small presents...

1 year ago
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Bus stop

I spend quite a bit of time on the net usually talking to people all over the world on all sorts of topics: movies, politics, music,you name it. This one person I met who happened to live in the same city as I do and there was only one thing she wanted to talk about: sex! To say she was flirty would be a real understatement; she used to share her horniest fantasies with me and I did the same with her. I asked her if she ever met people she knew on-line in real life and she told me she was...

3 years ago
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When I Became A Woman Chap 5 Kissing And Such

It was a little more than two weeks later, after supper when they were watching “America’s Got Talent”. Cassy sat between her parents on the couch – her favorite spot. Daddy’s hand relaxed on her thigh, her head resting against Mommy’s breast since her mother’s arm lay around her shoulder. They watched an act of a couple on a hoop in the air, doing tricks together and mostly just kissing. They didn’t get votes to pass on to Las Vegas. The 13-year-old looked at her mother suddenly and...

2 years ago
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Me And My Neighbor Aunty

Hi Indian sex stories readers. Hope all of you doing well. I am Sujith, going to tell another sexual adventure of mine. This time our heroin is Sheela, a 45 year old aunty who lives my neighborhood. Her husband is a college professor. I got chance to see Sheela”s navel many times through her transparent saree and which make my dick rise up. I masturbate thinking about her. I was waiting for an opportunity to fuck her. And i got my chance… Her husband is a subscriber of Yathra Magazine and I...

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Quick visit

My husband went out to do some running around when his friend stopped by for a visit. I told him he'd be back soon if he wanted to hang out for a little bit. We relaxed with a drink and a smoke as he told me about his "no luck" with the ladies recently. His ex-wife, broken dates, striking out at the bar.... Time went on and he said he should probably just go because he was supposed to have a date. "I'll probably rub one out, just in case. I don't want to explode on first touch since its been...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Paige Owens Watch Your Step

SCENE OPENS on Bill (John Strong) in his bedroom. He seems nervous and anxious as he puts the finishing touches on the room, smoothing out wrinkles on the bed and arranging the pillows in a very specific way. He looks around the room, appraising all the details. He notices something is slightly off – there is a pillow where it shouldn’t be on the bed. He rushes over, putting the pillow slightly askew. Judging by the care he is taking, it’s clear that he is staging a very...

2 years ago
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Randy Aunt

Hi Main hu Rahul, Mai abhi 21saal ka hu, ye story 5saal pehle ki hai, jab mai 16saal kaa tha tab mai 10th ka exam ki tayari kar raha tha, Mera school shahar se dur ek Industrial Development zone main tha Aur ye zone ghar se 40km tha. To roz aana jana possible nahi tha , to wahi meri aunty ek company me job ko thi. Mujhe unke pas rehne ke liye bheja gaya. Wo bahut sexy thi , bilkul Madhuri Dixit ke jaisi . Bade ball, Tight gaand. madmast figure. Aur mujhe Madhuri bahut pasand thi. Mai roz din...

4 years ago
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Sharing a road trip with Carl

Ana was happy. She had been for a long time planning a road trip to Denver; we would visit a couple of friends we had not seen in many time.The day before, our mutual friend Carl called me, saying he had known about our trip; so he would be glad to come with us and split the motel and gas…Ana said it was fine for her. We had known Carl for years. He was a good man; a black one. My wife had told me she had flirted with him, but he had never fucked her. Anyway, she was sure he would be very well...

3 years ago
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My girlfriends hot daughter part I

I started to replay yesterday's events in my mind, hoping that I could figure things out. I remember lying in bed, stretching, looking at the clock that read 10:30 am. The day was wasting away, as the morning sun cast a window-shaped slash of warmth across the sheets. I turned over, and there was Madison, lying next to me, still lost in her own sleep. A lock of brown hair lay across her cheek, and I gently tucked it behind her ear. The sheet silkily molded to her curves. My feelings for...

2 years ago
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Black Lace

"Black Lace" By Jacki Pett He was hunched down in the seat, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. "Sit up silly. You look perfectly fine." Laura told him, laughing to herself. "I feel ridiculous." Wayne wasn't feeling as lighthearted as his girlfriend. "Well you look fine. No one would know that you weren't what you appear to be." Of that, Laura was...

4 years ago
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Bradley Franklin Morrison IV

My name is Bradley Franklin Morrison IV. I have lived a privileged life, as did my father. We are both beneficiaries of an enormous wealth created by my Grandfather Bradley Franklin Morrison II. My Grandfather achieved his wealth in the lumber industry and a very lucky discovery of uranium on land he had acquired for the timber. The uranium was discovered almost by accident, and it made a rich man a very rich man. Both my grandfather and my father were womanizers, and my father added a new...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 87

I slept as well as I had in recent weeks. When I awoke on Sunday, Jill was still lying on my chest. I had both of my arms around her, holding her as if to protect her. Her body felt almost hot against me, her breath warm as it played against my chest. It felt so right to have her snuggled up to me. She smelled of Jill, not soap and shampoo. It was a good smell. Her hair tickled my nose. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "Uuuhmm." Her right arm tightened around my side. "Hey....

4 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 9 Battle for SOL Part one

Federation Fleet Ken stood on the flag bridge of the USS Washington and watched the gate open for his ship. Looking at his wife Jessica he said, "Okay, let's find out what is going on." "Yes, Sir. We are dropping out in three ... two ... one ... Now!" The Washington dropped out of fold. The two assault cruisers, Grizzly and Orca, and the seven destroyers were flanking her. The destroyers spread out in a half circle to protect the three ships. Sensors came online and flashed their...

3 years ago
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Grace the Final ChaptersChapter 7

Alice told Sid two persons had to be removed. It was very important the number in attendance had to be exactly 777. Sid told her not to worry. He would take care of it. He told his partner to remain at the gate. The gates opened and we were now inside the huge field - now an arena. We drove with Sid’s car leading the way and disembarked at a caravan that was to be my temporary home for the evening. It was behind a large stage where some naked dancers were performing. The moon shone down,...

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