Step dad part 2
- 4 years ago
- 19
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I can't tell you what woke me; perhaps a stair creaked, though I doubt it. I slipped out of bed and stepped to the window, drawing the curtain back a little to peep through. Sure enough, a tiny figure in a long white nightie was padding across Rustlings Road towards the park. I couldn't see for certain, but I was fairly sure she would be barefoot, too.
"Worrizit?" mumbled my wife from the bed.
"Calida's going walkabout again," I said.
She grunted in acknowledgement.
You may think we're odd parents to not be in a panic seeing their three-year-old daughter heading off into a city park in the small hours of the morning ... and you'd be right. We had good reason not to be surprised at our daughter's behaviour and good reason not to be desperately worried; you'll understand better if you read how we came to be where and how we are in 'The Trees Are Alive'.
But to say I wasn't desperately worried is not to say I was going to leave her on her own and I was climbing into my outdoor clothes even as I was speaking to my wife. I didn't bother with socks, just trotted downstairs and pulled on trainers. The front door was ajar. Calida either didn't bother to close it or thought doing so would disturb us. You see, although she was physically three years old and from Debbie's loins, the product of our love, she was in some way rather more than human. Oh, read my account; this is a new story! I'm not going to explain all over again how Calida the Hamadryad, with whom I was in love, was reborn as Calida the baby, from the womb of Debbie my wife, with whom I was also in love. Anyway, she was walking at nine months, her crawling period consisting of getting to the nearest furniture item she could use to pull herself to her feet. We never heard any baby noises ... when she began to talk, she did so in coherent sentences, not that she talked a lot. When she got to Nursery School in September, she was going to be a surprise to the staff there. In the meantime, we couldn't keep her away from trees.
She was both adult and child and loved to curl up in my lap like any child.
Living opposite the park, with many mature trees was both a blessing and a curse, as frequently Calida would take off, escaping our vigilance, to commune with the trees. She was happy also to come with us when we visited the place we'd made love. She loved and was loved by the residents of the wood, dryads, hamadryads and naiads alike and spent hours talking to them, especially Quercus and Betula. When she wanted to play in the stream we had no compunction about leaving her in Phoebe's care. Which latter might have been strange, but somehow we trusted the little sprite, usually mischievous and irresponsible, to take care of her.
I followed her, though by now she was out of sight, to the park entrance, along the path towards the café, but took an acute turn to cross the bridge over the brook. The white night-gown lay in the middle of the path, I smiled and shook my head as I picked it up, wondering how many three-year-old girls wore a nightie rather than pyjamas. It was a compromise; Calida much preferred nudity to clothes and flatly refused to wear trousers in any form, so pyjamas had no chance.
I should not have been able to see her under the trees in the dark, but as once before there was a glow about her and some of the trees, which were changing, transforming into apparently human figures and moving. I heard music, but could see no players, and the movement became dance, the small naked figure a part of it all.
Tired then, but somehow not sleepy, I sat and leaned against a tree where I had a mostly clear view of the rise where the party was going on. It was very comfortable and I relaxed until a voice spoke in my ear.
"We won't let her come to any harm, you know. She is a cousin, after all." The tree was no longer a tree, but a pretty, young-looking woman. I immediately took my weight off her, but she wrapped an arm round me and pulled me back. "You won't strain me. Relax."
"What's your name?" I enquired.
"Call me Quercia," she said, and I laughed. If you don't see the joke, pronounce the name with a hard 'c' – got it?
"Are you?" I turned to look at her better, pulling away, not without difficulty as she was quite strong. I saw a sturdy woman, looking young, yes, but I knew better than to take that at face value.
"What, Quirky?" She giggled, "It's ... well, don't you think you'd have to be to live like this?" She waved a hand, indicating herself and the surrounding area. "I think you met my Great-Uncle," she said, "so we know about Calida ... and you."
"Is that your proper name?"
"Yes and no. It's part of my proper name, but it's really a family name, you see. I won't tell you my personal name, if you don't mind. There's power in one's personal name, you see. But if you prefer, you could call me Kia."
"Okay, Kia; that's fine. But don't you want to join in the fun?"
"I'd rather have fun with you. I've heard things that make me very curious about you."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, Betula was very complimentary. I think she exaggerated, but I'm certainly willing to try you out."
It was very tempting. "Don't be offended, Kia, but I'd need to talk to my wife before taking up your offer. You understand she might be upset and I'd hate that."
She made a moue. "Yeah ... Betula said you'd probably say something like that. But I'd like to stay here with you. Do you mind?"
"The company of a lovely young woman? Why would I mind?"
She chuckled; it sounded very like a stream pouring over a rocky stream bed in the hills. "Yes, she said you were a great one for compliments and very charming."
I watched Calida dancing, one of those dances where the girl is passed from one partner to the next at arm's length, making patterns like ... do you remember Spirograph? That weird arty toy made up of pierced plastic cogs and you used a pencil or pen to make twirling patterns? No? Shows my age I suppose. The figures were twirling faster and faster until, suddenly, everything stopped and they all scattered. I stood.
"Come back any time and talk to me. Bring Calida – she will understand. Bring Debbie, too."
On impulse I kissed her lightly on the lips before turning away to walk to Calida who was walking down the slope.
She saw me. "Daddy! Why are you here?"
"Because, Sweetiepie, I know you're not just any three-year-old, but you are my daughter and you are in a three-year-old body, so I can't let you wander around. If Social Services or the NSPCC heard about it, they might take you away, and I'd hate that."
She snorted – a grown-up, adult, contemptuous snort. "They could try."
"They could and ... maybe you have ways to stop them, but it would make trouble and draw attention to you." I handed her the nightie and without protest for once, she put it on and lifted her arms up in an unmistakable, non-verbal, childish appeal to be picked up and carried. It was a moment very characteristic of her; one moment the confident adult, the next a small child. She was light in my arms and she clung to my neck as I carried her back home. She was asleep before we left the park.
She was in Nursery School the next day. I had to go to work; Debbie would be in the office for a couple of hours in the afternoon while Calida entertained the staff at the local nursery school. I mean that; Calida rarely needed to be entertained, but adults found her fascinating. Anyway, Debbie and I had no chance to talk privately until little Miss Calida faded out shortly after tea. Then I had my chance.
"We need to talk," I said, softening it with a smile.
Debbie had a serious self-esteem problem. It had been eased when I demonstrated conclusively that she was desirable and the lesson was reinforced when I asked her to marry me, but despite her relationship with Calida – the pre-rebirth Calida, that is – she still had difficulty accepting the reality of her beauty. Of course, some of that beauty was 'inner', perhaps she didn't have traffic-stopping looks, but I saw the whole person and no-one in this world could compare to her in my eyes.
I told her about the previous night – all about the previous night.
"We need to take Calida to see Quercus again and have him, and perhaps some of the others, too, have a word with her. There are all sorts of problems that could arise if she is seen as 'strange' or too precocious."
Debbie nodded, very seriously. "We could do that this weekend, couldn't we? Perhaps we could stay the night, too. Calida would like that, I think." Her expression held something more; anxiety, perhaps. "Steve, did you want to make love to ... what did you say her name was?"
"She said I could call her Kia – short for Quercia."
She nodded thoughtfully. "Does that make her an Oak Hamadryad?"
"It does," I said, "at least, I think so. She's sort of sturdy and solid, like an oak tree. Pretty, though. And yes, I would have liked to tup her."
Debbie frowned. "Why didn't you?"
"I haven't been with any other woman ... or sprite ... or whatever ... since the night we made Calida. I haven't needed to, because you fulfil me and I don't need anyone else."
"But you said..."
"A very attractive ... person ... invited me to take pleasure with her. I think Calida – adult Calida, that is – explained something to you about relationships in the wood, but you know, none of them could or would take me from you, it would cost too much. Look what happened to Calida. I won't accept any offers unless you give permission. Willing, unequivocal permission."
She moved to sit on my lap and wrapped her arms round my neck before kissing me. "I didn't mind Calida, you know. I'm not sure about the others, though."
"And that's fine. But when we're in the wood, I will be approached by people, I'll be embraced and kissed. So will you, for that matter. No means no, though, to them. Sometimes they might be a little ... reluctant ... to accept it, though. Like Phoebe; I told you about her."
To my relief, Debbie giggled at the thought of the little water-sprite. "I gather she's mellowed ... a little."
"So I believe."
Deb's scruffy, elderly Fiesta was long gone, replaced by a much younger diesel Meriva. Calida was excited; she always loved our visits to the Gorge and the ancient woodlands. As usual, we made our way to the Beech tree that once was Calida. Our daughter had always – understandably in my opinion – had an affinity for the stately tree and she always went straight to it and plastered herself to it. Her arms, of course, couldn't begin to encircle it. I found my eyes prickled a little as I watched.
Betula appeared and came to us with a hug and a kiss on the cheek each, then went over to Calida and spoke quietly in her ear.
"Really?!" Calida's squeal carried clearly.
Betula was nodding. Calida turned back to her tree, pressed against it ... and disappeared. Debs gasped and I felt a leaden lump in my stomach, but Calida, equally abruptly, reappeared, laid her hands upon the smooth bark, then turned and bounced over to us.
"Did you see? My tree took me back!" Her face fell a little, "It's not the same, though." She brightened again, "But it was still lovely. I could feel her life, even though I wasn't ... her ... in the same way anymore."
Betula was smiling as Calida turned to her and spoke, "Does that mean I'm a Dryad, now?"
"Yes and no. Part Dryad. But you don't need to live with her anymore, and she doesn't need you. But you still love each other, don't you? Even though it's not quite the same?"
Calida was nodding energetically. Betula then turned to us. "Calida needs to spend some time with us tonight, perhaps tomorrow. Her tree will shelter you if you wish to stay, or we will care for her if you wish to leave her."
Debs and I looked at each other, then my wife spoke, "Not that we don't trust you, Betula, but I think I'd be uncomfortable leaving her here. I would like to remain." Then looking at me, "Will you stay, too, Steve?"
"Of course, Love. Why would I go home when I could stay here with you?"
We spread a picnic blanket at the foot of the Beech and got out sandwiches and a flask.
"Oh, you didn't need to bring food." We looked up at the owner of the light tenor voice; a slim young man with bright red hair. "I'm Rowan," he said with a smile, holding up a basket. "Others will be here soon."
And they were. The others included Phoebe, who immediately curled up in my lap, rather like a domestic cat. I cringed internally, looking at Debbie, but she smiled as I caught her eye, then turned back to a conversation with young Rowan. After a few moments, she said something quietly to Rowan, then turned back to me. "Does it work both ways, Steve? Are we both to be free to play?"
"My love, if you want to, if you are entirely happy, then yes, of course."
"Okay, Steve. But ... we'll find each other again, won't we?"
"Back here to sleep?"
"Yes, please."
Rowan led Debbie away, leaving me with my kittenish water-sprite in my lap. I was content to hold her and she seemed content to be held. I was aware of movement round about, with faint strains of music, pipe, strings and drum. Phoebe stirred in my lap.
"Steve..." she spoke very softly, "I..."
"Would you like me to make love to you?" I asked, equally softly.
"Oh, yes," she breathed. "Come with me." She stood and held out her hand to me, then led me down to the river, to a level spot covered in leaf-mould, where she spread herself out in invitation. Oral sex has never been a trial for me; at least, not once I got over my social conditioning, and the naiad was a joy to pleasure with my lips. Her skin, so smooth, like silk; her nipples hard and small like pencil erasers. But her pussy – oh, her pussy. Comparisons are invidious and dangerous, but hers was simply one of the sweetest, tastiest, prettiest and most fragrant of any I have encountered. Okay, that's not so many, but I just can't believe there can be many to match. She was also one of the most responsive lovers I have ever known, too, and our joining was a beautiful thing.
Afterwards, she lay, snuggling in my arms. "May I bathe you, Steve? It's time to return you to your wife, I'm afraid."
"I'd like that, Phoebe."
It is a wonder to me, mere human, that the nymphs can make a cold stream into a pleasant, refreshing bath, can refresh clothes and somehow dry me without a towel. I didn't feel the need to dress and walked back towards the Beech. We were almost there when we met Debbie, holding Rowan's hand as I was holding Phoebe's. We came together and smoothly changed partners. Phoebe left with Rowan; it was interesting to see how her behaviour changed. With me, she'd been quiet, cuddly. As she left with Rowan, she was all lively adolescent, skipping, giggling. She was having fun; I wondered why the difference?
Debbie tucked under my arm and we made our way back to our bed. I suppose I need to explain something, though it would be better if you read 'The Trees' first. The magical world we were perforce a part of has very different rules. Intimacies are normally recreational and risk-free; procreation a quite separate thing. The relationship between myself, Debs and the adult Calida separated her from her tree persona; it was a costly and difficult decision for her to become a baby. Reproduction is normally by seed rather than the way humans do it, so I had no fears that Debs would get pregnant from a fling with Rowan or any of the male tree-spirits. It came as something of a surprise, then, when she said, "This is the night, Steve. I want a baby and tonight, you can give me one."
We'd never used any sort of birth-control, but somehow Debs had never got pregnant after Calida was born, though I knew she wanted another baby. For that matter, though I loved Calida, I too wanted a 'normal' baby who would be a combination of our DNA.
"You know I'd love that too, Debs," I said, hoping I'd concealed my scepticism, hoping she was not disappointed.
"You don't believe it, Steve, do you? Never mind, you'll see," she giggled and, reaching Calida's Beech, went to hands and knees, waggling her bum at me enticingly.
Normally, while I enjoy doggie, I prefer to look in Debbie's lovely eyes, especially as I'm coming. But that time as I entered her slick tunnel and held her hips, she dipped on her arms so her cheek was on the ground and looked round. "Come in me," she said, "I'm told this is a better way to get pregnant."
Well, despite my earlier encounter with Phoebe, the combination of, well everything, meant I came quickly and a lot. Debs apparently came too, judging by her physical and vocal responses.
"Stay in me for a while," she ordered me, her pussy muscles working on me to maintain my erection – not that I was having any problem. "Can you reach my titties?"
I could.
Eventually she decided she was ready to topple to the side, though still keeping me in her, and we dropped off to sleep like that.
In the dawn half-light, my lover mounted my morning erection and rode me to another noisy series of climaxes. As a result, we slept again. The Beech is off the beaten track, but I didn't really want to be wandering naked once the walkers were around. When we woke again, we took our clothes and made our way to the river, looking around to see if we needed to avoid anyone; happily, we didn't.
Calida found us, sitting by the river. We were dressed; she, predictably, was not. She ran to me and almost strangled me, her little arms tight about my neck.
"Father Quercus and Aunt Betula told me lots last night!"
"That's good," I said, thinking, 'I hope'.
She released me to hug Debs, but the moment she touched her, she squealed in excitement. "I'm going to have a sister!"
Debs and I looked at each other in bemusement. "How do you know that?" I asked.
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MILFDISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. AUTHOR’S NOTE- This part is a continuation of the previous part. For a better understanding of the story and to enjoy it to the fullest, kindly read the previous part first part. The next morning, I woke up and...
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The next morning, for the first time since arriving on the Pinwheel, I was awoken by my alarm rather than by Raz’s loud exercising. I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes as I looked over to see that her bunk was empty. Maybe she had actually gone to exercise in the gym like I had originally asked her to. I made my way to the mess hall in search of breakfast, and encountered Raz on the way. She was returning from the gym, sporting her distracting tube top and shorts combo. She looked wet, she must...
Ich hatte mich mit meinen Kumpel zu einkaufen verabredet, da ich für den anstehenden Sommer dringend neue Badehosen brauchte. Wie das Leben allerdings so spielt sagte er mir ne halbe Stunde vor der geplanten Abfahrt ab. Mist. Auch der Versuch einen „Ersatz“ zu finden blieb erfolglos. Da ich eigentlich nicht der große Einkäufer bin wollte ich eigentlich gar nicht gehen, aber irgendwie aus Trotz fuhr ich doch los. Allerdings nicht in die Stadt sondern in ein Einkaufszentrum.Dort angekommen musste...
By rhinoman, aka rhinotoons, aka raginrhinotoons, aka raginrhinoman. Check out my other stories under these names. First control story by me. I hope you like it. Send comments. Part 1 – The Game Begins Jason blew the stream of smoke from his Montecristo cigar up towards the patio overhang. Looking past the pool to the Intercoastal waterway, he thought about the good life his brother was leading. ‘Jason, would you like another beer?’ He snapped out of his thousand mile stare and tried to...
Penny’s Third Day Penny loved what had been done to her throughout the second day and was quite proud of her accomplishments so far. She was so thankful to her guide, Bridget. She made sure she showed it too! Whenever she had the opportunity she would always do what she could to help Bridget cum during the class activities. Bridget was the kind of slut she looked up to, and craved her approval. So when she was to be picked up this time by Mr Johnson she thought she might share Mr Johnson’s...
That afternoon, after a lunch of bread and various salads and cold cuts, we wandered through some of the largest and most exclusive stores Paris had to offer. We had fun trying on dresses and suits and designer wear and pretending to be “it girls” on an outing from Chelsea. I noticed to my delight that Samantha’s eyes were definitely straying to the lingerie counters, she was hesitating slightly in front of shops displaying lingerie in the window and clearly hoping I would again bring up the...
LesbianThis became a regular thing with Gary as I wasnt seriously dating and my mate big Ray was seeing someone so we didnt get together much. It was always in Gary's house and I made sure no one would see me. I didnt want anyone to think I was homosexual (stupid I know but they were the times then). I justified doing things with Gary was just simple curiosity and sexual release. To be fair it was very exciting and he was very discreet and he loved our sessions as I did too.He used to get me naked and...
Career Moves (Part II) By Trisha It had been one month since Robert had been caught cheating by his witch-wife, Victoria, one month since she had transformed him into a hairless, cock-hungry crossdresser with long, polished nails and a one-inch penis. Since then he had been living in the apartment of Leonard and Billy, the two feebleminded janitors who worked at what used to be Robert's office building. That was when he had had it all. He had been a top executive with the second...
Those few weeks flew by before we moved her equipment into her remodelled workshop, a period during which Lucy turned twenty one. That particular event was celebrated on three different occasions; a small meal with her parents, a good old knees up party for her friends and a very intimate and romantic night at a country hotel for just the two of us. As a birthday present I added more tools and equipment to her collection. It was another three weeks after that before the gallery and the flat...
Here is the beautiful Veronica. An exchange student from Venezuela and staying with a host family where the man of the house is the kind of man she could only fantasise about. But she has a naughty secret. Her fantasies have become a little more than that. There has always been a strong sexual tension between them, and heavy flirtation is a common occurrence. When his daughter and wife go out on a shopping trip, there is no doubt what is going to happen – one moment she is sitting...
xmoviesforyouI am twenty years old and go to college in the mid west. I was dating this girl, same age as I, nice looking. We had gone out for several months, I have met her parents and all but had not had sex with her. Her family invited to go on a trip with them to the beach for a four day weekend. We arrived, I shared a room with her younger brother, her mom and dad had a room and she shared a room with her sister. We had gone out to eat and all went down to the hot tub for a while and have some drinks....
Carl closed the door and went into the living room where the girls where. “So…..anyone want a drink or anything” he asked “Carl we’re not guests” Jasmine said “they practically live here” “I wish” Carl mumbled. “Anyway, what have you naughty girls been getting up too” Carl said with a little smile, expecting Katie and Lucy to wonder what he was going on about. “oh you know, licking each other out, fingering each others assholes, Cumming all over, the usual” Katie said, taking notice of...
Nudist Beach AdventureI would love to tell you a really horny true story about an experience I had on a nudist beach in Fuerteventura. The beach is where all of the sand dunes are and is s**ttered with nests of rocks where people lay in to sun bathe and keep out of the wind. Obviously because there is a degree of privacy there is a lot of various actions going on and understandably there are guys continually walking around them and if they can peering in to try and catch some action. Well my...
Christmas Eve day started bright and beautiful with the sun shining on the snow causing tiny diamonds to glint on its surface. The kids ate breakfast and hurried outside to play. Carlie busied herself going through Maria's cookbook. She found recipes and started baking, the smell of apples and cinnamon wafting through every corner of the house. It was her way of staying away from Nathan. She'd never forget the look on his face the night of the tree trimming, when she had come down to get...
This is a fictional story. It is not based on real events. It is a creation of the imagination.Lin, like so many other war brides of different conflicts, saw marriage to an American as a chance at a new and better life. The hardships of poverty in a war torn country made life difficult. For a young American, far away from home for the first time, romance was an exciting idea. To meet a beautiful, exotic young woman was more than he could imagine.Life for Lin in the United states was exciting...
Lincoln Steele said goodbye to Captain Wilks and hung up. Wilks was returning home, had two hours to catch his plane. There was nothing more he could do there. He had no jurisdiction and the local police chief was no help. Less than no help. When questioned by Wilks, he had smiled politely and seemed to listen, but Wilks knew from experience he was being stonewalled. Calling the FBI had crossed his mind, but other than not filing the missing person report, what did the police chief do wrong?...
NOTE: NO SEXUAL ACTS ARE PERFORMED IN THE STORY BETWEEN MORE THAN ONE PERSON, PLEASE REALIZE THAT THE PEOPLE IN THE STORY DON'T REQUIRE AN AGE TO DO WHAT THEY'RE DOING! Note : This story is completely fictional! About 10 years ago, I was your average young boy that didn't do much besides play games and watch TV. I masturbated a lot, like most boys going through puberty would. But my favorite place to masturbate was my upstairs bathroom. It had a plastic shower curtain that felt magnificent on...
IncestHi all, I am frequent reader of ISS and love the stories posted here. This is first time I am submitting my story on ISS. The story starts with my school days when I was in my 9th class. I was studying in a convent school in ujjain. I with my friends were very eager to know about sex as I was only 15 then. My body parts were getting in good shape as I was indulged into sports and other physical activities. My dick was growing larger and pubic hairs were in place with good density. I started...
I only saw Sarah once during the next week. She apologized for being so abrupt with me the previous Sunday night and closing the door in my face. She was uncomfortable doing anything while Dave and Julie were in the house, and I should not take her “not now” as an indication that she wasn’t willing to fool around. It was just that she wanted to wait until we had the house to ourselves. The next few weekends leading up to the holidays were wonderful. Dave and Julie would leave on Friday...
Straight SexThere were only a few days left until my graduation. I recently turned 18, and I was so excited about finally graduating. I had know idea what I was going to do after high school though. I considered college and joining the military. I had been working part time as a dish washer at a local restaurant. I worked with mostly women and sometimes I felt a little out of place, but for the most part they were pretty cool. One evening it was really slow, that's what you get sometimes in a small town. I...
EroticThe son told us we had to get the heifers dehorned before we got involved in haying season. There were about two dozen young year-olds that had their horns and it was the normal practice to remove those before they got long and presented a hazard in possible damage, goring, inflicted on each other or other animals, even humans. Dehorning was accomplished using a huge pair of what reminded me of big bolt cutters, dropped down on to the base of the horn, at the head. The handles, quickly...
Nora, die 32jährige, 1,65m große, wohlproportionierte Staatsanwältin hatte es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht den größten Drogendealer und Menschenhändler Hamburgs endlich in den Knast zu bringen. Und sie war sich sicher ihn diesmal zu bekommen. Es hatten sich schon einige Kolleginnen und Kollegen daran versucht, einige hatten einfach aufgegeben, andere waren korrupt und hatten sich abgesetzt, wieder andere waren einfach verschwunden. Verbissen hatte sie sich in die Arbeit gestürzt und hatte Beweise...
I was not very happy with my insurance writing career, when I received a phone call from my sister, who encouraged me to pack it up and move back to my home town. She said they had a one room studio apartment adjoining their house, and that I was welcome to move in there, until I settled down. Two days later I handed in my resignation. I packed up all my possessions in my car, arranged to have the rest sent down to me, and headed towards my old home town. It was a long trip but not very...
“It was a thing, Darla. It’s not like I planned it or anything.” No, of course not. That was supposed to make it okay. Just a thing. They were standing there in the bushes and - oops! Is that your cock in my mouth? Right. Dinner was burning. The stew was going to scorch, but I couldn’t turn away from the cutting board. My knuckles were white, wrapped around the kitchen knife, but I was afraid if I stopped chopping, I’d put the knife through his chest. It’s okay to cry as long as I’m chopping...
[This one's inspired once again by my friends A & T!]Our wedding might have seemed, at least outwardly, somewhat 'conventional', but what neither of my wife's parents, nor mine knew, was our honeymoon was going to be a significant departure from what they were likely assuming it would be. Had they known, they would have likely raised a number of objections, so that was why we had not told them anything about it.For most newly wed couples, the night of their honeymoon was going to be...
Janice and I didn’t leave John’s office that night until about 6 P.M. He had left about 45 minutes before us for some dinner date. Made me wonder if he had some ‘significant other’ in his life cause girls are naturally nosey about these things. But there was no way I could think of to ask either he or Janice about that. Course I wondered about her too, but probably not as much. Maybe I could wheedle it out of Kim one of these days – she must know. Anyhow in the parking lot Janice handed me my...
I was at one of those box stores getting paint supplies for the cabin Hope & I bought for our “play dates” with Amy or any other new “toys” without any nosey neighbors. I was heading to the checkout when she caught my eye. She was in front of me about 2 rows ahead and turned into the garden area. What caught my eye was that killer ass. I decided why not? I followed her into the garden section & walked past her. Long black hair pulled into a ponytail, long legs leading to “that die...
Let's go back 8 years. At the time I was 21 and living with my friend. Now, like all 21 year olds we had a healthy appetite for sex and club life, and my buddy met a fling that he actually wanted to bang again. Now he talks to her, and she tells him she'd love to come "hangout", but doesn't want to ditch her friend. He tells her I have a friend and he'll keep her company. My buddy comes and tells me 2 DTF (down to fuck) girls are coming over, BUT my girl is big. I agree to at least talk to her,...
I was on all fours in that filthy hotel room bed. My head was on the mattress turned to side and I was looking at my own reflection on the mirror over the dresser. I was almost fully naked; just wearing a nice see though bra to keep my heavy boobs in position and a pair of sexy stiletto heels.On the other side of the bed was my Boss; a stupid young guy who was the son of the company’s owner; so, I needed to show a good behavior with him if I wanted a quick promotion…The bastard loved anal and...
Lying face down, my were legs spread and my head and cock about to explode as my unnamed friend caressed my inner thighs. My legs opened further accommodating his inquisitive hands. Just when I thought it could get no better, he gently inserted his finger into my anus. I groaned and writhed restlessly, pre cum oozing from my cock. His other hand explored under my full balls and cupped them in his hand. I lifted slightly and he placed his hand up the length of my shaft. Pushing his finger into...
Honeymoon By Margaret Jeanette Kayla and Josh Hungerford were flying to their destination in the Carribean. It was their honeymoon. Josh thought he was the luckiest guy in the world. He'd always been a quiet type of person who did what anyone told him to do. He knew Kayla was the prettiest girl in the world and that he was lucky to have married her. Kayla was thinking about how she was going to control him. She knew even in high school that she was a dominate...
Before lunch the next day, a very anxious-looking Swiftrunner was back. He was told to bring us to see the Lady, as I knew he would. He added his own stipulation though – we had to have our weapons bound or leave them behind. I knew it wouldn't be a huge hindrance – they'd never find all of Zevran's daggers, Shale didn't use a weapon anyway, and the two mages were hardly helpless while empty-handed, but Sten, Alistair, and Leliana were all less than thrilled with the prospect. But...
I opened my eyes and stretched my limbs. For some reason, I felt more refreshed than I had in years. A good night's sleep can do wonders for a body.I heard a noise emanating from the master bathroom and turned my head to the left to learn its source. An attractive woman stepped briefly into my view before entering the shower. I had to admire her lovely, nicely rounded ass and her very ample but relatively firm tits. She was one sexy woman!A couple questions immediately came to mind. Who the...