DIABOLICAL free porn video

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Chapter Two

       At first glance appearing to be no more then an oversized tube not unlike in a roll of toilet paper, it’s actually a pair of tubes, one encompassing the other, embedded with dozens of rows of chemical treated, needle sharp pins of different diameters and lengths.  The outer shell’s pins point inward, touching the inner shell, its pins pointing outward touching the outer shell.  Devised to have a half inch space between the tubes, an encircling pair of thin packets of chemicals force the tubes apart, the tips of the pins concealed, initially harmless.

       The estate, centered in an Eastern Block European country is a focal point for a surreptitious BDSM society.  Consisting of several buildings, one’s off in the woods, walled off as its own compound.  Abducted tourists are the main offerings to their not so infrequent gatherings, young Americans, the most vaunted, bring the best audiences.  High ranking government officials, from rail transportation to local law enforcement, including the courts, are the pipeline for securing victims, erasing any history of their existence in the area, leaving no trail behind.

Chapter One

       Soft, classical music plays in the background.  The circular platform quietly revolves in a clockwise motion, surrounded by shadows, only the first couple rows of seats discernable.  The auditorium’s seating capacity’s overfilled this evening as the mainline attraction concludes the evening’s exhibition.  The word’s been spread a couple of attractive young American’s, the girl, in her late teens, especially beautiful, had been recently abducted and will be erotically tortured.  The ordeal will have the barest of boundaries as to the pain and torment the pair of victim’s, Megan and Jeff, will be subjected too.

       Recently detained from separate trains within a couple days of one another, similarly removed from their rail car berths in the middle of the night on scheduled stops, both were delivered directly to the compound, leaving no trail of their whereabouts.  Isolated, drugged, subjected to the society’s indoctrination leading up to tonight’s event, they’ve been prepared, including being completely shaven from the neck down and massaged with body oil.  Humiliation and torture will virtually fill their every moment of the next couple hours.

       She roams the podium, the society’s favorite, and most sadistic Dominatrix.   Appearing as possibly of gypsy descent she’s dressed in black leather, alone on the stage for the moment with the displayed pair of unfortunate abductees.  Renowned in her circle for inflicting punishment and pain, she’s known for the extent of torture she can inflict on her victims, both in length of time and erotic nature.  She’s also known to be able to torture with the ability to have the most attractive victims recover, of course with various degrees of medical assistance, so they can be brought back for future exhibitions.

       The Dom already figures Megan’s good for at least a half dozen of these sessions or so before she’ll be sold into sexual slavery for a good profit.  Jeff, on the other hand, even fit and attractive, really isn’t nearly as valuable.  His future is not nearly as important unless an early bid by what’s becoming a larger constituent of wealthy female associate’s in the audience tonight purchases him after this, or at the most, his next session.

       The Dom’s female prot?g?e, young and attractive, possibly a younger sister, is exhibited in a body formed; glossy black jumpsuit as she stands off to the side, assisting in operating the equipment, available to assist when needed.  She acquires the similar enthusiasm to apply an exquisite torture that inspires her audience.

       Already positioned on the stage, Jeff, in his late twenties, is stripped naked.  Ball gagged, his lean, yet muscular body bowed strictly backwards across a wooden saw horse, bound, feet spread wide, arms spread wide, wrists and ankles cuffed and chained to eyehooks in the floor next to the wooden legs.  The top of his head scraping the floor, his hips thrust out with his placid manhood hanging limply between his thighs.

       Megan’s bound, also naked and ball gagged, hair stretched severely back, formed into a tight bun.  Her tanned, young, hard body glistens, stereotypical to the Europeans as an American, California type girl.  Suspended from the ceiling, she gently sways just above him.  Legs tautly spread, roped to a thin titanium rod reaching from ankle to ankle in such a severe split; her gapping vulva, still dripping body oil, spreads below her twitching thighs.  Arms stretched straight up above her, wrists cuffed to a chain, her elbows are so tightly bound they press together, forcing her head forward, her chin resting just off her sternum between her substantial, firm breasts, streaked with her drooling saliva.

       The Music rises in the background, a Mozart repertoire.  The lighting lowers, except over the podium.  The Dom commences the evening’s activities by kneeling beneath Megan’s swaying body, against the sawhorse.  Griping Jeff’s penis, holding it upright, pumping it, stroking it, it remains limp as she flicks it back and forth, slowly shaking her head.  Handed a short string by her assistant, holding his penis steady, she slips a knot around the groove below its head.  Sliding the end of the string through the hollow tube, she gives a quick jerk, tug.

       Grunting, his hips flinch as the head of his cock’s forced to slip out through the other end.  Ramming the tube downward, she forces it against the base of his shaft, still stretching at the string.  Stiffening, giving a sadistic stare, clenching her teeth, she jerks, stretches the string around once, twice, a third time, watching the discoloring head thicken with each binding, listening to his pathetic grunts before she’s finally satisfied, slipping the end of the string through a notch on the tube’s end, securing it.

       Not trying to hide the fact she’s enjoying inflicting the pain on his tortured penis, she grins, flicking the tube across his quivering navel, tugging it back, jerking it deep down between his arching thighs as his muffled groans, grunts escape the ball gag.  Twisting the tube straight upwards again, leaning over his thighs, she spreads her parting lips across the top of the purplish head, flicking the drops of oozing fluid with her curling tongue, sucking the tip of his cock  into her mouth.  Sensing the tube beginning to firm up, she opens her mouth wider, sliding her lips further down around the top of the tube, bites down, grating her teeth back and forth across the swelling head.

       His hips jerk.  ?Aaaggghhh!?  Rasping through the ball gag, the sawhorse rattles as she slides her mouth up off the tube, smiles, listens to his anguished grunts while glancing down toward her teeth marks embedded in the tip of his tortured shaft.

       Cupping his scrotum, feeling the testicles flattening between her gripping fingernails, firmly squeezing, twisting over half a turn, she presses her lips around the tube, clamps her teeth down, jerks her mouth back and forth, listening again to the screams curdling through his ball gag as his arched body thrashes beneath her.   ?Aaaggghhh!...Aggghhh!!!...Aaaggghhh!!!?

       Raising her mouth up off the tube, glaring down at his face, she scowls.  ?Shut up or I’ll bite it off!?  Sliding her mouth over his cock a last time, she gives his scrotum another twist, gives a last nibble as his sweating hips continue to jerk beneath her.

       ?Ooomph!?  Pain wrecked, his body arches, twists across the sawhorse as he tearfully bites his lip, trying to suppress his groans, terrified, praying to awaken from this nightmare.

       Grinning, a couple drops of blood dripping from her chin, she stands, smacks the tube forehanded, backhanded as he grunts, rears his head backwards, moans, his body uncontrollably shaking as the stifled whimpers are barely audible under the classical music.

       Turning her attention to Megan, staring into her terror filled, deep brown eyes, saliva already drooling from her bright red ball gag, the Dom smiles as she twists, turns Megan’s incredible naked body away from Jeff’s arched hips, the flexing tube.  Megan’s chest visibly pulses from her pounding heart, her abs flexing under her heaving ribcage as her fingers, toes nervously twitch, tense.  The Dom guides, carefully centers Megan’s boyish butt cheeks above the up thrust cone.  Giving a nod toward her assistant, the chain chatters as the Dom grips, centers the tube between Megan’s lowering thighs.  Watching the engorged, purple head of his shaft swelling out above the eight inch tube, she presses it into the inner folds of Megan’s moist labia as she slowly sways downward, groaning, shaking her head slowly back and forth, feeling herself being grotesquely mounted on the tortured stranger below her.

       Gripping Megan’s right thigh, she holds her steady as the upper edge of the tube erratically presses inward, pressing against the moist flesh surrounding her gapping slit.  The Dom smiles as she watches a trickle of blood drip down the outside of the tube from Jeff’s bleeding penis as she pinches one of the labia folds, stretches it across the tube.

       Grunting, Megan’s eyes roll as she feels the dry, round surface of the cardboard painfully chafing across the stretching walls of her tight vagina as her thighs are painfully worked by the Dom onto the tube slowly disappearing deeper inside her with each lowering clank of the chain.  Placing a hand above each spread thigh, squeezing her fingernails into Megan’s quivering flesh, forcing downward, the Dom nods as the chain continues to lower her victim.  Twisting, aligning with both hands, she watches Megan’s stretched, parted labia finally slip across, spread around the base of the tube pressing against Jeff’s oiled flesh.

       Stepping back a step, the Dom’s satisfied the stiff tube’s finally stuffed deep inside, all eight inches not including the throbbing head of his cock.  Megan’s whimpers are music to the Dom’s ears as she also glances down at Jeff’s scowling face, knowing he feels the string digging painfully into his penis, cutting off circulation as the rest of his shaft’s stretched tightly through the tube.

       Taking another, longer piece of string, stretching his scrotum out from his flinching hips, again wrapping a couple, three harsh twists around the stretched flesh, the Dom jerks, ties it tightly against the base of his sack, instantly forcing it to swell, turn rock hard, a painful shade of purple.

       Twisting, jerking his head, his back arching, he stifles a scream as he feels like a hammer’s been slammed between his thighs.  She smiles, feeling his scrotum pulsing in the palm of her hand as she sadistically melds, squeezes the swollen sack, watches his knees uncontrollably jerk.

       Reaching up between Megan’s spread thighs; she releases his engorged scrotum, scrapes the tips of her long red fingernails across the tip of Megan’s clitoris.  Squeezing it between her thumb and forefinger, twisting the moist nub outward, enjoying the feel, the touch, the Dom wraps, circles the string gently around the base of the stretched flesh as Megan, whimpering, glances down with her welling eyes, fearfully twisting her head from left to right, horrified, humiliated as she tries to block out the multitude of faces surrounding the podium in the shadows.

       ?Better close those eyes, dear!?  The Dom smirks in her accented English.  ?This is going to be awful painful.?   In her next breath, tugging, jerking, she forces Megan’s clit to stretch outward, press against his stretched scrotum while quickly winding the remainder of the string around both his pinched flesh and her stretched, swelling clitoris, briskly wrapping, twisting, tying it off as they scream, jerk in unison.   ?Aaaggghhh!!... Aaaggghhh!?

       The assistant steps behind the Dom, handing her a syringe as she turns toward her.  Bending down, sliding the tip of the syringe between Jeff’s clinched teeth, squirting a pre-formulated solution of Viagra down his throat, forcing his jaws together, she forces him to swallow.  Again standing, stepping in front of Megan, glancing back and forth at the youthfully firm, yet full 34D breasts, perky nipples, the Dom cups the tanned left mound in the palm of her right hand, admiring the natural, perfect globe, melding it, caressing it, thinking about how much virgin pain its going to have to handle shortly.

        Sliding her left hand up across Jeff’s thigh, letting the nails of her fingers glide across his shaven and oiled sack, tied, bulging straight up against Megan’s engorged clitoris, she tickles, pats, gently squeezes, continuing to smile, glancing upward toward Megan’s pleading, unbelieving face.

       ?His balls are hard as a rock, Megan.?  She whispers, gazing at Megan’s quivering breasts as she playfully, gently squeezes Jeff’s sack between her fingers while circling the bud of Megan’s puckering nipple between her thumb and forefinger.  ?Your tits are really firm too, aren’t they?  I love these nipples.?  She sarcastically asks, adding.  ?Ever had ‘em hurt?  Stretched and beaten?  You’re about too!?  Smiling, not waiting, nor caring for an answer, the Dom turns her head away, glancing toward her assistant as Megan twists her head back and forth, wide eyed, grunting, and moaning.  ?Better get ready to raise them, his cock’s twitching; it’s going to get loud in here!?

       Quickly stepping off the stage, the assistant positions herself as the Dom glances back toward her.  ?You know, first, you better bring Megan a couple nice leather straps for these big round titties.  I think she’s going to look good stretching from them when she experiences his cock all swelled up tight inside of her.

       Quickly retrieving a pair of straps, the assistant gives one to the Dom while gripping Megan’s right breast.  Twisting, turning, the leather’s tightly mounted into the base of her instantly bulging breast as the Dom ignores Megan’s pitiful grunts while binding the other strap around the left breast.  Finished, the assistant quickly steps from the stage.  In moments the clanking of the chains echo over the continuing music as they slack down from Megan’s up stretched arms.

       Reaching above Megan’s head, unsnapping the clamp, the Dom tugs it downward until it reaches between the leather straps.  Fastening the clamp between Megan’s discoloring globes, noticing as her eyes widen in terror from just behind the chain, the Dom nods toward her assistant.  In moments, the chain reverses, slowly clanking upward, stopping just as Megan’s breasts are firmly raised tautly below her throat.

       Smiling, the Dom massages Jeff’s virtually translucent, bulging sack while glancing into Megan’s panicky, widening eyes, reddened, and welling with tears as inaudible babbling emits from her wet ball gag.   Knowing the looks and grunts aren’t so much from her hoisted breasts but from the painful sensation stirring between her thighs, glancing downward, the Dom notices Megan’s stretched clit jerking against Jeff’s equally pulsing scrotum as their crotches gyrate in unison.

       Muffled sounds emit from both the bright red ball gags, barely audible under the now amplified music still surreally playing in the background, both their naked bodies beginning to quiver, twitching, jerking uncontrollably as the grunts becomes louder, their distress more eminent as the first signs of blood dribbles from her vagina across his lap.  Stepping back, toward their side, the Dom gives the intense audience an unobstructed view as she listens to the classical array of Mozart continuing to rise in the background in accordance with the escalating revolution of the podium and the anticipated screams of the victims.

       Watching with a deep interest, the Dom’s visibly excited, knowing exactly what’s happening, knowing the audience is in for an unexpected exhibition.  His cock’s uncontrollably swelling; at this very moment the inner cardboard tube’s being forced to expand, forcing the multitude of needles to press through the chemical bags, through the outer tube, puncturing into the surrounding walls of her vagina.  Likewise, the needles thrust inward from the larger tube, crushing into his engorged cock, overloaded with Viagra.  As the needles find their marks, the chemicals packed between the tubes leak, mix, causing instant expansion, flooding her vagina, compressing against the thick cardboard tube, melding her to him as his cock uncontrollably swells, stiffens.  The bonding, once consummated will last for the better part of two hours before dissolving, if all goes right.

       From twitching to jerking, rapidly escalating to thrashing, their naked bodies obscenely dance, bonded together at their crotches, the swelling, piercing pain to their genitals terrifying to the screaming pair.  Her head jerks back and forth, eyes rolling blindly in her head, his arms, legs thrashing, bare breasts swaying, smacking together as his bruised scrotum jerks, tearing at her tortured clitoris as the rows of needles sink into his swelling manhood.  Looking across toward her assistant, the Dom gives an approving nod.  The sounds of the stretching chains are drowned out by the music, the screams, as they retract upwards, beginning to add to the intensity of their torture.

       Lifting, stretching the leather straps, Megan’s naked body’s hoisted painfully upward toward the pulley twisting from the ceiling, his body lifting with hers by his stretched testicles. Her head jerks back and forth, her bound, up stretched arms repeatedly arching backward, slamming forward, her frantic fingers scraping against the clanking chain.  Struggling, groaning, her tautly bound breasts stretch up past her cheekbones, her areolas, nipples stretching tautly flat across her bulging mounds, the chain grinding across her face.

       The Dom glances around the crowded audience, knowing they’re obviously mesmerized, fascinated at the unbelievable site of the pair of connected bodies, Megan’s spread-eagled, and Jeff’s folded grotesquely backwards, steadily hoisting upward in unison by her bound breasts, his engulfed cock.

       His head jerks, twists back and forth as the stifled grunts spew from his ball gag, his hands grabbing, flailing toward the wooden legs of the saw horse as his fingers grope, scratching at the wood, unable to touch the floor as his toes similarly point downward, flexing inches above the podium, his bowed back raising at least a half foot above the sawhorse.

       Hysterically screaming into her ball gag as her punctured insides stretch, Megan’s spread body barely twists as the raising chain jerks to a stop.  Her torso, stomach, abs straining, her feet, toes point straight out from her sleek, tautly bound legs.  Every tendon, muscle tightening is visible under her taut flesh as her breasts jaunt out like two ripe melons.   Bowed backwards in the air, his entire shaft remains firmly entrenched between her thighs, his bluish, almost grapefruit sized swollen scrotum bound against, jerking at her engorged clitoris as they’re both stretched in the tight bindings.  Their naked, sweat drenched bodies spasm in unison, their pain obviously excruciating to the stunned, but aroused crowd.

       The Dom continues to let the display slowly rotate around the circular seating, glancing toward the incredulous expressions of the mesmerized audience as overhead lighting reflects off the hysterical pair of naked bodies casting shadows of their silhouettes across the rotating podium floor.  Every angle’s erotically displayed for each member as his sadistically tortured testicles supports the full weight of  his jerking body as she’s being torn at both ends, her ballooning, stretched breasts not only supporting their combined weight, but her ravaged vagina also horrendously stretched, his  swollen shaft impaled deep inside her.

       Glancing again toward her assistant, the Dom gives another nod.  The chain whirls, the pair of thrashing bodies slowly descends.  His arched back again makes contact to the saw horse as Megan’s spread thighs sink onto the front of his, blood oozing from between their crotches.  His hands and feet press frantically across the floor as he does an upside down, arched push up.  The temporary relief appears overwhelming to both of them, the dozens of needles embedding her vagina, his shaft, painfully more bearable as the sawhorse handles their weight as the lax chain gently sways in front of her purplish, strapped bound breasts.

       The sound of another arrangement of Mozart’s surrounding the room as the assistant steps to the podium to continue the next stage of the exhibition.  A large, chrome hooked butt plug in hand, she hands it to the Dom.  Stepping behind Megan, the Dom spreads the sweating, quivering butt cheeks with her fingers,  Twisting, probing, she forces the shorter end, all eight inches of the curved chrome into Megan’s twitching rectum.  The assistant grabs the clamp on the end of the chain, unclamps it, slips it behind Megan’s neck, forcing her bound arms to arch back, sliding the chain in between, she clamps the end into the flat eyehook on the top of the chrome hook.

       Again, they each work the leather straps binding Megan’s bulging breasts.  Unbinding, twisting, jerking, the engulfed straps ripping painfully away from the swollen, bruised tit flesh as her  breasts flail, saliva drooling from her red ball gag, streaking across her heaving chest.  Stepping away, the assistant leaves the podium, within moments the chains again rattle, stretch upwards behind Megan’s backside, hoisting her upwards, this time viciously by her anus.  His back’s forced to again raise up from the sawhorse, one, two inches, his fingers, and feet barely able to press against the floor to support his weight as his cock’s agonizingly  stretching, impaled with the dozens of needles, buried deep up inside her bleeding vagina.  A quick nod from the Dom, the chain clanks to a halt.

       Standing against the saw horse, the Dom waits as her assistant steps back onto the podium, grabs the other end, sliding it out from under Jeff’s arched back.  Sliding it off the podium, the assistant again steps out of sight, momentarily returning with a set of ankle cuffs.  The Dom’s already busy unbinding Megan’s left ankle and calf from the titanium rod as her assistant quietly responds to the right leg, begins unbinding it.  Dropping the rod on the floor, the cuffs are quickly affixed to Megan’s ankles, bowing her legs; they’re drawn tightly around and under Jeff’s backside.

       The Dom ties another string to the pair of Megan’s ankles cuffs now clamped together, stretching it out from under his spread thighs.  Yanking Megan’s ankles forward, she wraps the strand a couple twists across the already wrapped string around his scrotum and her clitoris.  Releasing it, flicking it, she watches as Megan’s ankles twitch, jerk, with each agonizing movement tugging at their tortured crotches, their groans, screams now becoming harsh whimpers from their raw throats.

       Stepping to the left of Megan, smiling up into her glazed, pleading, tear filled eyes, the Dom’s handed a flat, wide leather strap, her assistant welding an identical one, taking a position on the other side.  Watching the naked, arched torso spread out in front of her, she notices the color returning to the battered and bruised, but still near perfect symmetrical globes jaunting out in front of her.  Reaching down, palming Jeff’s scrotum as he struggles in his tortured position, giving it a backhanded smack, she also snaps the strap across Megan’s left breast.  Even as her breast flattens, jerks, the assistant slashes her strap across the thrust out right breast, flattening it under the flexing leather.

       ?Smack!... Smack!?  Jerking, arching, Megan’s breasts sway as the leather pounds across her firm teen flesh.  ?Oomph!?Agghhh!?  Muffled grunts emit from both ball gags as their naked bodies jerk, bounce, his hands slipping, legs shaking as her ankles flail underneath him, ripping at their tortured crotches.  He noticeably struggles to barely maintain his semi arch, prevent his cock from ripping inside her as she instinctively presses her ankles together, trying to hold him up underneath her by the butt hook she’s swaying on as she tries to stop the horrendous tearing at her vagina while also feeling the sides of the chrome plug grinding against the tube deep inside her womb.

       Reaching out, the Dom cups Megan’s left breast, closely inspecting the swelling flesh, feels the heat generated from the smacking leather, even as a bright red splotch spreads across her flatten areola.  Glancing toward the right breast, a similar red welt’s raising across most of that tit flesh as Megan, gasping, jerks her face away, tears flowing, mixing with her drooling saliva dripping between her quivering, aching globes.

       Again assuming the position, the Dom prepares to continue this stage of the presentation, knowing how this is a staple to what the audience expects to experience, especially enjoying the vision of the firm, full breasts of this young, beautiful woman being flailed with the wide leather straps, bouncing, stretching, coinciding with the resounding ‘crack’ of the supple leather striking her bare, damp flesh.   She know it takes imagination to add to this stunned audience’s erotic anticipation, something erotic like melding these two together, hanging them by their genitals, and then whipping them.

       ?Thwack!... Thwack!?  Alternating back and forth, the Dom and her assistant continue their aggressive assault across the youthful bruised, symmetrical mounds, stretching, smashing them together.  Megan, grunting through her mouth gag uncontrollably kicks her feet, the stretching string bound to the ankle cuffs tearing at her clit, his scrotum.  Her naked, bound body flails, twists above his tortured, arching body as he hoarsely screams in his ball gag, certain his testicles are tearing.

       ?Thwack?Thwack!?  Back and forth, again the assault continues from either side, the flexing straps overlapping, smashing across her bruising melons as again muffled grunts from her ball gag, her head slumping forward, appearing barely coherent, her rippling body shuddering across his jerking hips, her ankles twitching beneath his arched back.

       ?Thwack!................. Thwack!?  The assistant slaps her strap across the pair of Megan’s flailing melons as the Dom’s strap slashes across Jeff’s bare chest.  ?Oomph!?  Grunting, his hands slip, their bodies twisting as he grapples to shove his quivering hips upwards, against Megan.

       ?Thwack!... Thwack!?  The Dom’s strap slams across his sweat drenched sternum, the assistant’s again smacks across both Megan’s raw nipples simultaneously.  Jeff’s arms, legs jerk. Twitching, he’s barely able to hold himself high enough to stop the tearing sensation between his tortured thighs.  Megan’s quivering body twitches as she slumps.   The Dom steps around.  ?Thwack!!!?  The strap slams harshly between their crotches, flattening into his bulging sack, smashing across her engorged, stretched clit. Their mixed shrieks are raw, hoarse, barely audible, drowned out by the continuing music in the background as their bodies shudder, twists slowly back and forth.

       Nodding toward the assistant, lowering the strap, the Dom asks.  ?Bricks??  Reaching up, beginning to uncuff Megan’s arms, she repeats.  ?Bricks??

       Nodding back, grinning, stepping from the stage, in moments the assistant carefully returns with a heavy stack of three typical red bricks already prepared, bound, crisscrossed with short lengths of string.  The Dom’s already lowering Megan’s cuffed wrists as the assistant steps back onto the podium.  Sliding a strap underneath Jeff’s back, loosely connecting the wrist cuffs together, Megan’s prohibited from raising her arms above her navel.  Laying two of the bricks on the floor the assistant hands the third one to the Dom.  Gripping a breast, tweaking a swollen areola, the assistant wraps and ties the string around Megan’s stretching right nipple.  Barely able to move her almost limp arms as fresh blood circulates through her stinging veins, barely coherent, Megan appears almost numb as she gives a dumbfounded gaze toward her tortured breast as the end of the string disappears into her swelling nipple.

       Reflexively twitching, the butt plug painfully engulfing her rear, the tube swelling, piercing inside her searing vagina, her crotch melded to his, she hazily glares through her swollen, teary eyes as the she feels her left hand turned upright, a brick placed in its palm, the taut string tugging at her nipple as her hand lowers.   Another string’s tied around her right nipple, tightly jerked.  Barely able to moan through the ball gag from the searing pain, her right hand’s upturned, the second brick placed in its quivering palm.  Struggling to hold the bricks, even as the feeling’s returning to her arms, her pain wrenched body shudders across his as he continues to relentlessly struggle to hold both their sweat drenched bodies aloft.

       Picking up the third brick, the assistant holds it out from Megan’s vagina as the Dom firmly wraps the end of the string through the traces of blood around their bound clitoris and scrotum.  Each gripping a forearm, they press Megan’s arms together in front of her, hands trembling, the bricks scrapping side by side.  Placing the third brick across the tops of the other two, she’ barely able to balance them in her quivering hands as she surreally stares down toward them, obviously realizing their consequences as a couple of the strings lead up to her aching breasts, the third between her thighs.  Her youthful body’s racked with pain, her vagina, rectum stuffed, burning, her hips quivering across his shaking thighs, her heart beating erratically as she feels the strings tightening, tugging at her tortured nipples as the bricks clank together in here swaying hands.

       Stepping behind Megan, the Dom slips a strap around her elbows, tugs tight.  Her shoulders jaunt back, thrusting her battered breasts outward, the tied nipples apart as the bricks sway, jerking in her spreading hands, the strings tensing, flexing.  The top brick rattles sideways, rests precariously across the other two as Megan’s sore arms tremble, loose strength.  Handed a couple capsules by the assistant, the Dom snaps one under Megan’s nostrils, waves it back and forth.  Bending over, she snaps the second one across Jeff’s upturned nose, waves it across his face.

       Giving them a chance to remotely collect their senses, glancing back into Megan’s bewildered eyes, the Dom smiles, taps the quivering bricks.  ?Enjoying this dear?  Don’t worry, you’re get used to these workouts over the next couple years!?  Glancing down toward Jeff, still grunting, forcing his hips upward, she kneels, glares into his terror filled eyes.  ?Hope we don’t have to castrate that cock of yours to get it out of her pussy!  I hate to tell you, but it’s happened before!  It’ll make you useless, if you know what I mean!?

       Standing, the Dom glances from one agonized face to the other, quips.  ?Oh well, break time, or should I say, brick time?  Be back in half an hour, be careful, and concentrate on those!? She finishes, glancing toward Megan’s upturned hands, the twitching bricks.  The Dom and her assistant both smiling, leave the stage for their short break, figuring the exhibition’s at about its midway point.  They leave the audience to anticipate the obvious as the podium continues to rotate, the repertoire of Mozart relaxing in the background.

End Part One                                                                                        

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Very Loving Family Chapter Two

by Jen L. Lee © 2012 George Charles awoke to a very strange feeling. He realized that it was coming from “down below” and when he fully awoke, he realized that someone was sucking his cock. Holy shit, it was his mother! At least, it looked like his mother. The woman giving him a blowjob had her long blonde hair down and she was wearing the most outlandish outfit. When she lifted her head and looked him in the eyes, yes, it was his mom! The sixteen-year old blinked and tried to...

4 years ago
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She got out of her car and I knew it was her. She matched her description to a 'T'. She was even a few minutes early, which is a serious plus in my book. Fashionably late might work for a party, but not a date."Hi!""Hi!" She said with just a touch of shyness. I smiled and held my arm out. She took it and we went into the club for dinner.Blind dates are always risky, but internet blind dates are the worst. You meet over a bunch of bits and bytes and try to establish a connection to the...

First Time
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Harder Mom SaidChapter 5

Brian was up and out of the house early. Sabrina knew what he was up to and she found herself trembling. She wasn't sure if she shook with anticipation or fear of what her son was going to do to shame her. His statement about a guy he knew came back to her, slamming into her mind with a force that quickly brought a blush to her cheeks. "All he talks about is pussy." her son had said. Brian knew boys and girls all over the neighborhood. She knew he was fairly popular and it was natural...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Kenzie Taylor Second Appearance

Kenzie Taylor is very excited about her Anniversary Present. Her husband told her she can have whatever she wants, in fact he sent over 2 Jewelry salesmen with Jewelry just to show her all the finest pieces that she could choose from. She spends her time looking at all the merchandise, but then realizes that “Anything She Wants” is more like what is in the 2 handsome Jewelers’ pants! When they say they aren’t sure about that she reminds them that her Husband told her she...

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The Best PolicyChapter 2

By five o'clock on a cold winter's afternoon, the interior of St. Stephen's was warm, welcoming, and filled with any number of partially-inebriated students celebrating the imminent end of the university term. Over the muted thump of the music, voices were raised in convivial chatter, punctuated by laughter and the occasional squeal of delight or excitement. Lucas ducked through the low doorway into the main bar, unbuttoning his heavy winter coat and pulling his snow-spotted scarf from...

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The Visit part one

It was an unexpected knock on the door in the middle of summer. I’d separated from my wife two years earlier and hadn’t seen much of her family since, apart from her parents who I still called on regularly. (See the “Just Passing” series of stories ;-) ) I opened the door to see my ex’s sister Donna.“Hi John, I was just passing after visiting Sarah and thought I’d say hi and see how you are keeping,” she saidI invited her in, gave a kiss on the cheek and said what a pleasant surprise it was to...

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Girl Next Door Ch 02

I lay in bed, my head pounding, and I stared at the ceiling. A dull ache throbbed in my abdomen and the back of my thighs. I was cold, and a mound of blankets and sheets sat huddled on top of me like a fabric mountain, wrinkled and sweat-stained. Despite how I felt, I couldn’t help but flash on the images of the day: Mrs. Tasker on top of me, bucking, and Maddy in the doorway, watching. I felt used, sore, and drained, and I wanted more. My cell phone came to life, and I realized I was...

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An Act of Vengeance

Johnny couldn’t believe the turn his night had just taken. It had started out like many other nights. He and Tom, his partner of three years had shown up at the house they had booked for the night. For several months now, they had been in the business of providing entertainment at gay parties. They would customize the show according to what the host asked for, but their jobs would usually consist of them seductively dancing with the boys at the party while wearing nearly nothing, and towards...

3 years ago
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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 30

Dale was thrusting his engorged cock deep within the hot wet pussy of the young Latina beauty in what he now referred to as his 'pussy stable'. Twenty or so beautiful women had lined up in a row on hands and knees in the doggy position wagging their gorgeous asses and Dale was moving between them every twenty or so thrusts of his rampant prick. While he had some qualms about having children by women who weren't his life mates, he knew that these women wouldn't be getting pregnant and they...

2 years ago
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Having been caught trying on a pair of my wifersq

Having been caught trying on a pair of my wife’s size 14 panties, I had been instructed to get a pair of my own frilly knickers in my size and a hood made of soft panty nylon they were both pink in color.My wife had been sharing her thoughts with friends on Skype and people she had met from time to time when traveling as part of her work.What follows is what happened one evening when my wife took me along as she traveled one week as part of her work.We stayed at a small country town at a motel,...

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I went back for a male massage

After my last visit, as I said my head was spinning...I'm not gay, but I loved being used that day...have a cock in my mouth and in my ass??...but, I loved it...so here I was again...when I went in, I didn't see the same staff...it was asain women this time...???...ok, this can still be fun but...A very sexy asian lady asked me if I wanted a massage...she was smokin...great face...nice tits...very short dress....hmmm....but her voice??? a little deeper than I expected....I undress in the room...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Chalotte Sins Fucks Behind The Scenes

Irresistible blonde Charlotte Sins is chilling on a beanbag after her scene. The tattooed hottie looks stunning with nothing but a bathrobe on. She cheerfully shares some interesting things about herself and the stuff that turns her on. All the dirty talks made Charlotte horny once again. She spreads her legs and lets our lucky guy eat out her beautiful cunt. Charlotte returns the pleasure by giving the man a blowjob before offering her pussy to him. The stunning blonde can’t help but...

2 years ago
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The BreakdownChapter 5

Around mid-day on Monday I strolled over to Jack McCowall's garage. He emerged wiping his hands on an oily cloth. Why is it they do that? It must be part of basic car mechanic's training. "What's the damage, Jack?" "Well, laddie, that depends." "Depends on what?" "On how long you want to stay," he grinned. I blushed. "Well, I don't know." I looked at his sympathetic smile. "Hell, Jack, to be honest I'd as rather write the car off and be stuck here for ever." I sighed....

3 years ago
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Mirror Memories 1 Sister Stephy Solo 1

MY MIGHTY MIRROR´S MEMORY HAS A SECRET -- A SWITCHABLE SEE-THROUGH SPECIALITY MY MIRROR is a new series with probably several sub-series of horny heroines of sexy scenarios it sawMY MIRROR starts with its first sub-series of my yummy younger sister: sweet sexy ´sexteen´ StephanieMY MIRROR IS WRITTEN ´WOMEN´S WOMB´S SEXY SECRETS STRICTLY FOR FEMALES ONLYMY MIRROR IS WRITTEN WITH ALL MY MIGHT WHICH I WILL WATCH OVER TO SPOT...

1 year ago
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The Ebonhard Secret Prologue

*This is the Prologue to a story I've been thinking up for a while now. I can assure you this: there will be plenty of hot sex, hungry women, and Relentless black cock. I've also got some drama in mind. If you read this and like it, please comment! I want to hear your thoughts. Now read on and enjoy!*THE EBONHARD SECRET Night. Inky darkness seemed to pour in through the windows, broken only by city lights shining from far below and the immense twinkling of the stars above. Quiet steps echoed...

2 years ago
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undercover boss

billy and john knock on the door of the new owners office they are the last of the 300 staff members to be called in to a meeting'come in' calls a voice from inside the officebilly opens the door they both walk in then stop shocked 'didn't expect it to be me did you' ryan laughs at them'is this some sort of joke ? ' billy says ' you are the new boy only been here a month whats going on ?''i wanted to check out my new company from the basics up see who is worth keeping and who should be booted...

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Part Four Sharing My Japanese Wife Mos Burger

While Keiko was sucking and fucking her English lover, Mark, I was fucking Yoshie.The second time I saw Yoshie was one Saturday night while I helped out at a friend’s Japanese pub and Yoshie walked in with a woman I knew, and secretly disliked, named Yumi.  I had never forgotten Yoshie with her willowy body and long wavy hair; I had met her at a party a few years before and she would cross my mind from time to time. The night wasn’t busy so I sat down at their table and we had a few...

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Loving my Girlfriends Moms Ass

I'm working on a story for every category. Here is my submission for the Anal category. Let me know what you think.The first girl that I ever had sex with was also my first girlfriend. We were together for our last 2 years of highschool and I was pretty sure that I loved her. We were both virgins when we first started having sex and we had no idea what we were doing. We eventually got pretty good at it, learning how to get each other off and I loved making her cum 2 or 3 times a night. She was...

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Weekend Away

She laughed to herself as she nervously sat waiting for the plane to take off. So many times she had mocked stories of people leaving their loved ones and lives for someone they had never met. Yet, here she was a few hours away from doing something similar – granted this was just a wild hair, a fast fling – she had no intention of leaving her safe life for the unknown. Except, he wasn’t unknown. As the plane took off, she thought about the hours of sexy chats, calls and videos that led to this...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 24

Only the day after her sentence started and just prior to the end of the year, Rita Skeeter submitted the first of her reports to the Ministry, as required by the terms of her release. When Dumbledore had proposed this as a part of Skeeter's sentence, he believed that the Wizengamot would think it hard punishment indeed to compel Skeeter to catalogue her humiliation on a regular basis. As usual, Dumbledore had judged correctly, for many of the members believed that Skeeter's reports would...

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Fun With Video Porn

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy “Oh, my god,” I thought out loud, “That is so fucking hot!” Here I was at my computer watching porn. Not just any porn, but a woman being double penetrated by two men. What made it so hot, was the woman was the spiting image of my wife. I had to save this one so I began a download onto my flash drive. While I was waiting for the download to finish, I heard, “What...

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Fun House RevengeChapter 2 Revenge On The Queen Her Minions

While I had not gone out of way to take my revenge, now that my man who happened to have served with the object of my distain’s fiancé in the Navy and still flew as buddies in the National Guard. I mean, they both drove shiny, very fast, Corvettes. They were mirror images. Unfortunately, I didn’t think my hubbie would take lightly my getting revenge on his bud’s pretty fiancé and that stinks. However, on the other hand I was pretty sure Elizabeth Newman College former big sis to me wanted...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 580

The Retreat ...”Since I’m almost a wife, would you mind if I go with you when you talk to her? I promise that I’ll leave you alone with her after a little while.” “Honest, Tosha, I haven’t kissed her, or even talked with her in private more than a few times.” Then with a quiet sigh, “Yeah, I knew that she was looking at me in that special way, but I thought ... Oh, shit. How do I get myself into these things?” he said again. Then in frustration and almost to himself, “Isn’t a group of...

1 year ago
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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 36

8PHE0036 word count 4858 ******** Day 36, Tuesday Chastity woke up in a strange bed. She'd had sex - she could taste semen and smell shit. She was leaking from her vagina, arse, and tits. Her hair was matted with.... She didn't want to think about it. Her right wrist and left ankle were tied to the bed with gecko wrap. Her other wrist and ankle had been tied - they were sore and abraded. Chastity worked the gecko wrap, picking at it with a fingernail. She figured out which...

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Chances AreChapter 20

Sometimes, when I think about, it seems to me that entire world has turned topsy-turvy since Lady Fate gave me her blessing. That or I’d travelled so far beyond the looking glass that I couldn’t tell up from down anymore. I was dead certain to become either as eccentric as Scotia, as perverted as Denise, or as dysfunctionally fucked up as Blackwing. Likely all three at once. I just wasn’t certain, now that I’d had a moment to consider things, that I wanted my naked penis anywhere near a...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 13 Expansion

May 20, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “We stink!” Elyse said, wrinkling her nose. “What do you expect?” I chuckled. “I came four times, you came at least twenty, and we were sweaty when we fell asleep!” “We haven’t done that in a long, long time,” she said. “That’s been by your choice! For the last year or so you’ve just asked me to make love to you, and usually only once.” “Yeah, I know. And that’s what I want tonight. But last night I just had this urge to get fucked senseless, and you’re...

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Walk Like a ManChapter 19 Tragedy Visits

I spent the rest of my time that summer doing odd jobs around the house and visiting with my friends from school. I even spent a couple of energetic evenings and enjoyable meals with Jana Radler. Tory Payne was doing well and was interested in me letting him know what the Eastern Oregon University experience was like. He was considering when he would move when he finished his two years at Crook College. He was still involved in taekwondo with Sharon Weller and had moved up a notch since I...

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LakesideChapter 2

Linda and Steve got home shortly after we had a quick swim, announcing the venue for some dinner had fallen through and we were hosting it instead. That night we were volunteered to help in preparing the place. Mark and I exchanged some knowing smiles, and quick caresses as we moved around the house. Several times watching his hard body move and flex I felt the familiar flush beginning to spread across my face and in lower places. I was getting horny. Now just being around Mark made me more...

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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 4

Standing at the terrace railing with a light breeze blowing from the north while sipping a fresh cup of coffee the next morning, I watched the gaggle head down the slope before breaking into their separate groups. Giuseppe and Sofia with their escort of three of the cousins headed off towards the site of yesterday’s ambush. Tom and Yolanda rode out to practice shooting, while Miguel and the cousins led their group of farmers across the river to begin another day of Apache training. My mind...

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The Story Of Angel And Jason

The music was pounding in my ears as I was trying to find my boyfriend in a huge crowd of partiers. He was hard to miss; he was 6’1”, blonde hair, green eyes, and a great build, six-pack and all. I finally found him grinding with another girl. I stormed over to them and dragged him away from the dance floor. As we were getting into his black BMW convertible I loudly asked him, “What the hell did you think you were doing?” He laughed and said, “Just get in the car, Angel.” I angrily went in and...

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More cum eating after we broke up

This is another true story about my ex Dana and me. We were together for a while in college and like most college relationships it just started to fizzle our emotionally. We had great sex and that just wasn’t enough to hold the relationship together. It had been about 3 months since Dana and I stopped seeing each other. I was out with some friends at one of the college bars and got a text from Dana asking if I was at home. I told her I was out drinking, I was pretty wasted actually. She said...

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Sandras Boy Toy and Masons Cockwhore

Arriving exactly 10 minutes after the discussed time, Sandra walked into the high traffic restaurant. The hostess was searched her list to find the corresponding table. “So you’re the lucky girl.” She said as she found the table. “What do you mean?” She wondered. The hostess smiled, nearly laughing. “All the waitresses have been eyeing your date. Hoping that you would stand him up.” The envy pumped Sandra’s heart. “Maybe we’ll bring one of yous to join us.” She said, clearly hitting...

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The Summer House

I had been away at the summer house for two weeks, just me and the kids, my wife was stuck in the city with a big project at work and now, finally we were driving to the train station to collect her for the last two weeks of summer. We had all had a great time but were very excited that Dee was finally going to join us, the kids missed their mother and so did I, but more than anything after two weeks, I was just plain horny as hell.We were early to the station and the kids were restless, each...

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Mothers LineChapter 5

I was quivering as I pushed the hood of the VR chair up. I'd been turned on by the after-P.E. shower at Claiborne, and when I'd gone to my locker to dress a boy named Chuck intercepted me. He pulled down my jeans and panties, and gave it to me good. When he was finally done I was in such a post-orgasmic daze that I barely had the wit to pull up my clothes and stagger out to the bus. My whole body felt liquid, and every touch sent a jolt through me. I took a surreptitious look at myself as...

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The Unexpected0

I looked over towards my phone, where that damned ring was emitting from. I grabbed it and turned it off. Friday. The word rung in my head as I looked at the time: 5:20 AM. I sighed, Another Friday, finally. I thought to myself. I pushed the covers off of myself, and I was suddenly exposed to the freezing temperatures. Maybe a small over exaggeration, it was probably just around 68*F/20*C. Either way, the house was cold to me. I shivered, but I felt something more cold and damp on the front...

4 years ago
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Rum Sodomy and the Lash Ch 06

Kitty yawned and stretched her limbs, wondering for a vague second why they ached so. She froze mid-yawn as the reason sped, alarums clanging, to the forefront of her consciousness. She was no longer a maiden. The continued dull throbbing between her legs was testament to that. She had lain with the Captain, and they were not even married. She inclined her neck slightly to look at him, snoring away, slumbering with one hand on his dagger, as was his habit. Was mutiny or murder such an...

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One For The Team Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven - A Change of Management May 1986 Detective Sergeant Archie Sanders and Detective Sandra Tingle ate breakfast together in the restaurant at the Holiday Inn. They had slept in their own rooms. It was a rule they had, regardless of how late they stayed up making love they always returned to their own rooms to sleep. It was as much about propriety as it was to establish an agreed boundary. If they just shared a bed now and then, then their relationship was just sex; if they...

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Lesbian Paradise

Maggie had been deserted, dumped and left high and dry. Her recent split from her marriage of 5 years had left her in the middle of nowhere in life. She had left her job after getting married to Jake as his high paying job meant she needn't lift a finger to get what she wanted. Just when life seemed perfect and she was in her total bliss, things took a tragic turn. She discovered that Jake had been cheating on her since the 1st day of their marriage and everything it stood for was a complete...

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Quenie and Miranda

Part OneMiranda Holmes locked the door of her small grey Ford car, straightened her grey skirt and  checked her grey jacket in the reflection in the glass of the car door before she turned and walked up the short cracked and broken concrete pathway to the fading peeling blue painted door of Number Three, Alderman Lucas Drive, a boring ordinary Council house in the post war Austerity style just off the Hinksey Road on the East Canning estate.  Miranda knocked loudly, then she stood back away...

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ken and christine

We slept for a while, and then I was awoken to the feeling of my dick being tugged. I looked over at Chris and she was stroking me gently. “You are still hard. It seems a shame to waste it. Want to do it again?” she said while kissing my dick.“No.”Chris looked shocked.“I want to do it ‘always’.” Was my reply. Chris swung her leg over me and got on top of me again. Brazenly, she reached underneath herself and positioned my cock so it slid right into her. Immediately she started to grind her...

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Escape from BuggeryChapter 5

"Who the fuck are you?" were the words by which the two girls were woken just a few hours later. They raised up their weary heads from the hard straw pillows which had come to seem so incredibly comfortable, and blearily focused on the towering figure of a woman dressed only in leather boots and leather shoulder-pads. This in itself made the woman a formidable and intimidating sight, but this was reinforced by a body which was more muscular than either Sharon or Tracey were sure a woman's...

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The Guest Lecture

I felt more than heard the rustle of the sheets as she stood up next to the bed. I looked over to see her stretch, hands high above her head, the swell of her breasts more hinted at than shown, her auburn tresses halfway down her back in a tumble of curls. All this in two seconds and I could feel myself stirring already.I recalled last night, after dinner. She aggressively tore my clothes off, dropped to her knees and damn near devoured my 50 year old cock. Seeming to know I was on the edge,...

College Sex
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Kaise Mene Anjali Ki Seal Todi

Hi friend mere name raj mehra he aur me pune ka rahne wala hu meri age 24 he aur me iss roj padta hu to mene apni bhi story likne ki sochi yah story ek dam real he to me story pe ata meri hight 5.8 he aur mere lund ka size 8 incs. He jo kisi bhi ladki ke liye kafi he to bat ese suru hoti he meri socity me ek ladki rahti he uska name anjali he aur me use ab anu kahta hu vo bhut hi sexy he he uska size 36 26 36 he use dekte hi kisi mard ka lund kada ho jaye me use roj dekta tha to roj me uske...

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Trick Or Treat

It's Halloween night, a night full of custom and tradition. Yet amidst all the carved pumpkins and trick or treaters, there's only one tradition that this night brings that attracts your attention. That's the custom that dictates that every young woman, no matter how reliable or moral she is at any other time, must for this one night cast off her usual persona and adopt a new one as a sexual creature. Yes, for this one night they eschew their jeans and baggy sweaters in favour of skin tight...

4 years ago
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Spanish Carmen Third Part

Spanish Carmen (Third Part) When the Spanish Milf stared at my monster cock, her jaw dropped, her emotional shock almost caused her a loss of consciousness. I said: “Do you feel ok, Mrs. Carmen?” She replied looking nervous, hesitating: “Well, huh, I can’t tell, but… how deep this will go into my vagina? I fear consequences and cost; besides, I’m risking something here, my reputation.” I said: “Well, Mrs. Carmen, you’re the boss here, I swear I won’t trick you. This is my real penis.” ...

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Guardian Angel Chapter 2

Part 1: Back to School Summer’s finally over, and it’s not school time. It’s also the worst day of Kiyan’s life. It’s also the day Jake goes back to his superstar life and goes away. Kiyan is now 14 years old. He is now on 9th grade, and he is now surrounded with new classmates, it’s a whole new world for Kiyan now. The hallways are full of other kids, all waiting for their teacher. In this school, students wait for their teacher in the hallways, waiting for them to show up, unlock the...

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The gritty surface of the roof dug red pinpoints into her bare thighs, but she hardly noticed. She brought the bottle of Jim Beam to her lips for another searing gulp and hissed as the burn turned to numbness in her belly. Her sigh came out as a sob and she let her head fall loose on her neck, her face twisting into a grotesque mask of pain. Fuck. Fuck him. Fuck them all. She was done. Out of here. There was no way she was going to put up with this bullshit anymore. People walking all over...

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Soccer Moms Screw up

Kelly had been single for six years; her husband had left her and their son Toby for a younger woman. Kelly was a MILF as all Toby’s friends told him, she had a good size pair of tits, great tight ass short red hair and nice legs. Toby had tried out for the soccer team and was the last kid accepted on the varsity squad. He wasn’t all that good, but the coach felt sorry for the kids who didn’t make it, so he decided Toby would stay. The two-star players were Calvin or Cal and Joseph or Joe...

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Sorority girls

Meet the girls. It was the beginning of the new semester and the residents of Alpha Delta Chi were only just waking up, or at least most of them anyway. The smell of cooking bacon was slowly wafting through out the sorority house. This made even the heaviest of sleepers slowly wake from their hibernation. Harmony was always the first one to be up cooking before anyone else was ever up. She set the table with six plates, including one for herself. She paused and grabbed another plate. She was...

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Community Moving OnChapter 11

Teresa’s turn: Mom’s totally destroyed. I’m standing on a pedestal, a seamstress, a REAL seamstress, is taking measurements for my wedding dress. “Mom, stop crying, for heaven’s sake...” “Every time I think about you getting married,” Mom sobbed. “It’s the expected progression in life. Grow up, leave home, get married...” “Finish college is in there somewhere,” Vicki said. She’s my co-conspirator. We’re getting married the same day. She’s tagged my little brother, a big surprise, since...

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Debbies Panties

I get off on my buddies looking at my wife in revealing clothes, especially bikinis. I knew she enjoyed being looked at, but had no idea how much. One Saturday afternoon when Steve came over I noticed he went to the bathroom and stayed there longer than to just piss. Debbie, my wife was gone. Steve and I were drinking beer and I finally had to piss. Debbie's sheer green wedding night nightie and sheer black lace bra and matching crotchless panties were hanging on the shower rod. I...

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Daddys Slut Girl1

DADDY'S SLUT GIRL by Norma Egan FOREWORD The runaway girl -- a label for thousands of girls in a hundred cities who have left home for one reason -- unhappiness. They may be motherless, friendless, or lonely; they may be the daughters of the rich, the poor, the middle class; yet, their common bond is a search for tomorrow's joy and the end to today's misery. The question herein is not the reasons why they left, but where they go. What destiny is in store for the Levi's-clad...

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Wife Plans A Trip

Wife Plan’s a TripGenerally speaking I have always set up the vacation arrangements, trip maps, hotel accommodations and sightseeing spots. But my wife wanted to set this one up. “All you have to do is some driving and tell me what days off you have, I’ll handle everything else.” I was somewhat surprised as this has never happened before. I told her dates, three months away then kinds forgot about it until she reminded me the week before we left,“Don’t forget out trip next Tuesday, I’ll have...

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From Fantasy to Reality

Introduction: Teenage girl gets what she wants from daddy I never thought of myself as a slut. I was brought up in a good neighborhood, my father took very good care of me after mom was killed in a drunk driving accident when I was twelve. But when I got into high school my girlfriends started talking about sex they were having, and it really turned me on. I knew that I shouldnt have sex though I was too young. It wasnt like I didnt have guys lining up, even at fourteen I had bigger tits than...

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