The Grim Reaper: Adventures In Southern Law EnforcementChapter 14: Darton State Redux free porn video

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Wednesday, January 15, 2018

“Dispatch to One-Six-Three.”

“One-Six-Three to Dispatch, go ahead.”

“Dispatch to One-Six-Three, we have a request for you to report to Matucket State College to see Campus Police.”

“One-Six-Three to Dispatch, I’m in Paul Four-One with Patrolman Jenkins. Any details on what Campus Police wants?”

“Dispatch to One-Six-Three, no details, just a request for either you or Chief Crowley.”

Huh! I looked over at Jim Jenkins, a Senior Patrolman who had been out on a leave of absence and needed a few ride-arounds and a weapons requalification to be cleared for duty. He gave me a blank look and shrugged. Crowley was in Atlanta with Captain Abernathy at some conference. “One-Six-Three to Dispatch, copy going to Matucket State. One-Six-Three, out.”

I looked over at Jim. “Wonder what that’s all about?” I said.

“No clue. Who runs Campus Police?”

“Ralph Hurston. He was on Investigations forever, ran the Gang Task Force for a while, then switched to the Drug Task Force. He left us as a sergeant and was hired there as a lieutenant.” Ralph and I weren’t buddy-buddy, but we were friends, and our work together on the DTF/TRT takedown of the Holden family and their drug business in 2015 was behind my being named Georgia Peace Officer of the Year in 2016.

“We’ll be there in fifteen minutes,” he said.

I nodded. I wondered what was going on. Although I had gotten my bachelor’s in history from Matucket State, it hadn’t been a great experience. The School of Humanities, which composed the English, History, Languages, and Arts Departments, was a notoriously liberal place. Soldiers and police were not welcome, and I had worked hard to stay under the radar. At the University of Georgia, in Atlanta, which was where I was getting my master’s, mostly online, I had nowhere near the negative pressure. Interestingly, the Matucket State School of Natural Sciences, where the Math and Computer Science Departments were, was much friendlier. Kelly, as a Vice Chairman in Computer Sciences, said it was because they were routinely exposed to facts, as opposed to opinions.

Campus Police was a small suite of offices in the Campus Facilities Building, hidden out back of the main campus by the Field House. Jim parked, and we went inside. I found a disconsolate looking young Patrolman, Willis Walston, sitting in the waiting room, and behind the reception desk, a secretary said, “Good! I’ll let the Lieutenant know you’re here!”

Even before she could call for him, Ralph came out of his office and said, “Great, come on in! You, too, Willis.” He looked over at Jim and said, “Might as well have everybody come in. Not sure if we’ve met, but I’m Ralph Hurston. I run Campus Police.” He shook hands with both me and Jim, and then motioned us into his office.

“What’s the problem, Ralph?” I asked.

He hooked a thumb over at Willis. “Your boy here had the sheer effrontery to take an English class in uniform. He’s been evicted.”


Ralph motioned to Willis and said, “Tell them what you told me.”

Willis looked unhappy but nodded. “Professor Hoover kicked me out of class. I don’t think he knew I was a cop until today, and I had to wear my uniform to class, so I wouldn’t lose any time changing into my uniform at shift change. When he came in the room, he told me that guns weren’t allowed on campus, and when I told him that didn’t apply to police officers, he told me that quote ‘no jackbooted thugs would be in any class he gave’ unquote and ordered me to leave. I protested, but he called the cops and ordered them to remove me. I didn’t get into it with them, but then he told me he was flunking me. I was brought over here and told to talk to the Lieutenant.”

I rolled my eyes in disbelief. I asked Ralph, “Who the hell is this guy?”

“Professor Hemingway Hoover, chair of the English department. He mostly teaches graduate classes, but he also teaches Shakespeare to undergrads.”

I looked at Willis. “Shakespeare?”

He gave me a guilty look and answered, “I’m an English major. It’s a requirement.”

“An English major?”

“So? You told me you’ve got a degree in history!”

Ralph and Jim laughed at that. I shrugged and said, “Fair enough.” To Ralph I said, “What’s this asshole’s problem with cops? Hemingway Hoover - why does that name ring a bell?”

“He’s the whistle guy.”

“Oh, brother!”

A big part of the problem was simply that Matucket State, like most colleges, had a crime problem. In this they were like every other part of society – put people together and some small percentage are criminals. However, unlike the rest of society, colleges did not want to acknowledge this basic tenet of human life. There were thousands of colleges across the country, and they were all competing for the same pool of high school graduates. They advertised themselves as safe places for parents to send the fruit of their loins for four years, after which they would have a wonderful shiny degree and go forth to earn big bucks as a college graduate. No parent wanted to pay tens of thousands of dollars every year and not be assured that Little Bobby and Little Suzy wouldn’t be wrapped in a cocoon of security. Nothing would be allowed to happen to these precious young spirits. They would be in a perfectly safe and secure environment.

To say the least, the results were schizophrenic. If you asked a college administrator, crime simply didn’t happen on their campus! Oh, they might have a campus safety office, but that simply handed out parking stickers and traffic tickets. A few unarmed patrols might ride around on bicycles or golf carts, and maybe there were a few courtesy phones around the campus in case some silly girl got nervous and felt she had to call somebody to walk her home.

When crime did happen, it was buried as deeply and darkly as possible. The victims of a crime were urged to not contact the police, but to call campus safety. No formal reports were taken, and nobody would call the police. No records were kept. If a student was guilty of a crime, even a serious crime like rape, they would be allowed to quietly transfer out. Victims would also be counseled to leave the school. Pretty much anything short of murder would be buried. Kelly and I had seen this first-hand. When I was on my first tour in Iraq and she was a freshman at Vanderbilt, she and some friends had gone to a party and one of the girls had been roofied; it was later determined that Kelly had been the target. There was a huge stink at the time, but no charges were made on the student who had attempted to roofie and rape her, and she and the girl who drank the drugged cocktail were both transferred out.

Slowly, across the nation some colleges were stepping up to the task of fixing the problems. Matucket State’s time was several years ago, when a serial rapist was caught after a coed made the mistake of reporting the crime to the police department and not campus safety. She was taken to Matucket General, and not the school infirmary, and a rape kit was performed. In short order detectives figured out what had happened and who the criminal was, and linked him to at least six other rapes, none of which were reported to the police by the college. There was a huge scandal, and the president of the college was fired, along with the head of the campus safety department.

Prior to the scandal, Matucket State Campus Safety was nothing more than unarmed rent-a-cops. As part of the program to fix the problem, Campus Safety was replaced by a police department with the same function and focus of the system at UGA in Athens. A lieutenant was hired to command the newly renamed department and the rent-a-cops were replaced with professional police officers. The bikes and golf carts were replaced with real police cars and reported crimes were treated like real crimes. Fortunately, none of this went against the MPD’s budget. It was perfectly legal for a college to hire its own police department, so long as they met the standards of the Georgia Peace Officer system, and the police went through one of the police academies. If they wanted to keep their jobs, the rent-a-cops were given eighteen months to make it through the academy. Some did, some retired, and some left because they couldn’t meet the standards (as in they had records and were criminals themselves!) When the first lieutenant retired and left, Ralph applied and was accepted. He retired from the MPD with twenty years and was hired at Matucket State with a promotion from Sergeant to Lieutenant to run the department.

This new system was not approved of by everybody. The School of Humanities was a hot bed of liberalism in all its kookiest forms and believed that police should not be allowed on campus. They firmly believed that the Campus Police Department should be disbanded, and unarmed security would be sufficient. They would be aided and abetted by what would come to be called ‘the whistle plan.’ Every student, male or female, would be issued a whistle. Then, whenever a criminal action was suspected, the student being threatened was to blow their whistle. All the other students in earshot were to come running, to join in blowing their whistles at the offending party, thus embarrassing him (him, of course, because he was certainly going to be a white man, all of whom were sexist, racist, and generally unpleasant sub-humans) and shaming him into a more socially acceptable behavior. Of course, this system would also be used to ensure that the entire campus would become a safe and nurturing environment for all students. If any student felt that they were not in a safe space and that they were being exposed to unpleasant thoughts or words, they would be expected to blow their whistle to point this out, so that political correctness would be enhanced throughout the school.

This screwball idea was presented in a formal meeting of the Board of Regents and was laughed out of the room. The only people on campus who thought it was practical were the egghead professors in the School of Humanities, led by the guy who thought it up, the new head of the English Department, Professor Hemingway Hoover.

“So why call me over?” I asked Ralph.

Ralph shrugged. “I wanted Crowley, but Bullfinch told me he and Abernathy were in Atlanta and wouldn’t be back until late. Then he reminded me that you had special insight into the hierarchy here, and you might be useful. He told me he’d have you come over.”

“Uh, huh.” I could feel a headache coming on. My ‘special insight’ was simply that I had a degree from here and my wife was a professor. “Any suggestions?”

Ralph gave me a wry smile. “I’d like to smack him with a two-by-four, but that’s probably unapproved and might not affect him anyway. It might even ruin a perfectly good two-by four!”

“I’m just trying to think of how many state and federal laws this guy thinks he can break!” Willis looked very hopeful when I said that. “Where is the good professor at this moment?” I asked.

Ralph turned to his computer and looked up schedules, then glanced at a clock. “He should be about halfway through Contemporary English Comparatives, in Buckner Hall.”

I turned to Willis. “Contemporary English Comparatives? Are you for real?” Willis flipped me off and I just turned back to Ralph. “I am liking your idea about the two-by-four. Where’s the president of the college?”

Ralph shrugged and picked up the phone. He made a call and then covered the mouthpiece. “He’s in the admin building.”

“Don’t let him leave.”

Ralph said as much to whoever he was talking to, and then hung up. “What’s the plan?”

“Send one of your guys to the classroom and drag him out.” I turned to Jim and said, “You go with him. If he gives you any grief let him know his other choice is to be handcuffed and be taken to the station, and he will surface at his arraignment next month.” To Ralph I said, “You, me, and Willis are going to the President’s office and barge in. Have them bring the good professor to meet us there. We will explain the facts of life. I will use small words without lots of syllables.”

Ralph laughed. “You really know how to make friends and influence people, Grim.”

“Screw him. This guy’s an overeducated asshole. It’s kind of expected from English majors...”

“Screw you, too, Sergeant, begging your pardon!” interrupted Willis.

I ignored him and continued, “ ... but the president has probably got a few brain cells left.”

“Why not? I still have my pension from the MPD to fall back on.” He called one of his officers, Drew Davis, and we sent Jim Jenkins with him. Ralph, Willis, and I drove over to the Administration Building.

“Didn’t these guys learn from Darton State two years ago?” I asked.

“Grim, this guy’s a department head. Not only does his shit not stink, but he also doesn’t shit. His feces magically disappear.”


Jim took his cruiser over to Buckner with one of Ralph’s boys, and Ralph, Willis, and I drove in Ralph’s car to Admin. Once inside, we went straight to the office of the President. When we got there, his secretary said, “Is this really necessary? Doctor Hillgrove has a meeting scheduled in fifteen minutes.”

“The meeting is cancelled, unless Doctor Hillgrove doesn’t mind us arresting one of his professors,” I replied.

The secretary’s eyes popped open, and she immediately scurried into the President’s office. Through the wall we heard a loud, ‘WHAT?’, and then she scurried back out. “Doctor Hillgrove will see you now.”

I smiled at the others, and we went into the inner sanctum. He was standing up from his chair behind his desk and came around to greet us. “Gentlemen, how can I help the police department? What’s this about a professor, Ralph?”

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The Grim ReaperChapter 64 Recovery

Thursday proved to be about as hectic as I expected it to be. By the time the detectives came to see me, I would be the last guy they would be talking to. By that time, they would have already interviewed everybody except the three dead guys, and they would have been autopsied. The crime scene crew would have been all over the last car they had been in, as well as all over the Quiki-Stop. The security videos from the Quiki-Stop would have been obtained, as well as any from any of the...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 31 Fire Team Leader

June 2005-March 2006 The next morning, we were back to the Army in earnest. Most everybody had filtered back, and we began with PT, physical training, including calisthenics and a four-mile conditioning run. I was hurting as bad as any of the other troops. Leave had left me soft. It didn’t matter, since I knew I would be back in shape in a few weeks, tops. Montoya and Gonzalez, the fuzzies just out of Benning, were in decent shape. Riley was coming off leave and was in about the same...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 47 Job Hunting

Nothing job-related came to my attention by Friday afternoon. I speculated what the perfect job ad would look like - “Wanted! Matucket Firearms Corporation has an immediate opening for product design and testing in their Machine Gun Division! Iraqi war veterans with PTSD desired! Call now, operators are standing by!” I remembered that the AK-47 was invented by a busted-up Russian sergeant during World War II. Too bad there really wasn’t a Matucket Firearms Corporation, either with or without...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 34 Moving Forward

Hank called me later that evening, laughing about the three chuckleheads, as he called them, and told me that he had told them some more stories. Of course, he kept their glasses full, so it was a profitable conversation for him. He told me that he had told a bunch of war stories about ‘the old days’ and how we did things ‘back then.’ I laughed and invited him and his wife over some night, and to just call me or Kelly to schedule it. Over the weekend Kelly and I goofed off while driving the...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 17 Summer

June to August 2002 The following week we had finals, and that was it. Seniors had to go through graduation, but the rest of us were out for a couple of months for the summer. For me that meant I had about a week of goof-off time before I had to go back to the mill full time. That would take me through all of June and into July, at which time it was back to practice for the football season, running twice-a-days and sweating off about ten pounds under the July sun. Somewhere during that...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 49 Training

October 2007 - December 2007 Mid-October, about when it became obvious that I was going to stick it out and go to the academy, Tim Hungerford showed up at the rickety-bench-with-delusions-of-grandeur that I called my desk. He had a packet of paperwork with him. “Take a break,” he ordered. “You need to look this stuff over.” I looked at him. “Why? What is it?” “It’s the packet from the academy.” “Ah!” I nodded at that. “Let’s take a look. You’ve been through this, right?” Tim nodded....

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The Grim ReaperChapter 59 Back to Work

Monday, May 26, 2008 Certain things worked out for me. The bullshit out of the CORB had gotten pretty extreme, and the Justice Department planned to investigate them and not me. The Review Board wasn’t helped when Pendergast was caught saying that he was hoping for the dissolution of the entire Matucket Police Department and its replacement by a federally supervised police force. That was considered more than a bit nutty, even for hard-core Democrats. In any case, it got me off the hook with...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 27 Returning Home

June 2004 - August 2004 Word came down from Battalion that the rest of Second Brigade would be deploying to Iraq soon. It was expected that they would show up sometime in July, but no dates were available. What they would do then was not known, or at least not known to us down at Camp Custer. Where exactly they would be positioned wasn’t known or might change before they got here. However, one interesting tidbit came out. Fourth of the Fourth was going to get some leave. Over the next few...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 22 Leave

I told my family to stay there, and I would get my gear and catch up to them. Kelly offered to follow me, but I had to explain that women were not allowed in the barracks, no way, no how! Luckily there was a parking lot near the barracks that would allow me to load my gear up. Dad had driven down in the F-150, so we could toss my stuff in the back and then ride home. The ride home was mostly taken up with my parents and Kelly asking me about the Army and my training. What did I do, what did...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 21 Bank Robbery

Fall 2023 The summer progressed nicely. I spent a fair bit of time down in Sullivan County and the nearby environs, first analyzing what they had and then developing the options everybody needed to consider. One thing I stressed with them was that by standardizing on similar doctrine, training, and hardware, the SWAT teams created would be suitable for any eventual regional coordination. How the politics would work out was questionable, but it would be easier if the local units had similar...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 41 Abu Dhabi

January 2007 Mom was very upset that I wasn’t going to come home on my leave. She just wasn’t buying my explanation about losing my squad. She wanted me to come home, squad or no squad. I think Dad understood, and he told me that his father understood, but Mom was very unhappy. I had been in the Army now for four Christmases, and three had been spent in Iraq. I didn’t even bother telling her about the incident at Yankee North. One of her latest kicks was, “Are you the only soldier in Iraq?...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 28 Remodeling

2026 Riley’s incarceration proved to be as much of a pain in the ass for us as it was for her. One of us had to be her jailer at all times. I told Kelly that I should have taken the Basic Jail Officer course at Athens back when I was taking the Basic Law Enforcement Officer course. On the days I was home I drove her to school and back home. Sometimes it was Kelly who did the duty. When I was away teaching or consulting, and Kelly had classes, either her mother or mine had to take the detail....

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The Grim ReaperChapter 56 End of a Career

I stared at Jerry for a second, and then ran over and knelt next to him. His upper right arm was mangled and bloody, and his face was covered in blood. “Oh, Jesus, Jerry!” I wailed, and then I grabbed the mike on my shoulder. ‘OFFICER DOWN! OFFICER DOWN! OH JESUS! OFFICER DOWN AT MATUCKET AND ELM! ONE-SIX-THREE TO DISPATCH! I NEED BACKUP AND AN AMBULANCE ... ROLL EVERYTHING! OFFICER DOWN!” Dispatch was saying something, but I didn’t pay any attention. “Oh, shit, Jerry, don’t you die on me!”...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 12 The Perfect Game

I couldn’t take any more days off that summer. My time with Kelly was restricted to evenings and weekends, which was probably a good thing, at least as regards to my health. Keeping up with her appetite for sin was tiring! She might kill me, but I’d die with a smile on my face. I did speak to Dad about a temporary dock, and he nixed it, at least for this year. “One, it’s not as easy as you think, or as cheap, or as quick. You won’t get it done, at least not done right, until the end of the...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 4 Matucket Middle School

1996 to 1999 In August, football started up again. Matucket Middle School didn’t have a real football team, only flag football, so I was still playing Pop Warner football. I turned twelve on March 1, so I changed to the Midget League team, the Spartans. At twelve I had jumped over the Junior Midget team, which was ages ten, eleven, and twelve. The Midget team was ages twelve, thirteen, and fourteen, so I could probably play there until I got to high school. I knew Matucket High played real...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 14 in Sickness and in Health

September 2022 “How was your trip?” asked Kelly once I sorted out Seamus and Riley bickering about something. “Pretty good. Straightforward, anyway. Just not successful, so to speak.” Kelly gave me an odd look, but before I could answer, the kids started up again. Seamus was teasing his older sister about something. I reached out and grabbed him by the back of the neck and asked, “Do I need to give you a lesson in barnacle clearance?” He grinned at me. “Think you can catch me? I’m not the...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 23 Fourth of the Fourth

September 2003 - December 2003 Dad drove me over to Hartsfield International in Atlanta Thursday morning, sometime around the crack of dawn. Mom stayed at home, which was a good thing, because she spent most of Wednesday night and Thursday morning crying. She was a total basket case, even though I was only going to New York. I didn’t want to be around her when I ended up going overseas. I had to be there early, because I was on a very cheap Delta flight, and you had to be there two hours...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 27 Children

Summer 2025 Kelly’s desire that I limit my time with travel and consulting led me to review my finances and priorities. I was doing a week every month in downstate Georgia and the equivalent amount of time teaching at various police academies. I was currently making between $1,000 and $2,000 a month from each of five different police and sheriff’s departments for consulting services and as a retainer. Special projects cost extra. In effect, that worked out to about $85,000 to $90,000 a year...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 22 Slave Patrols

Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 After the press conference I had a chance to call home and say hello to the kids. They already had heard I was a supercriminal and in prison for the rest of my life, so I had to tell them I had broken out and would be home later that night. They both promised to stay up to see me, which seemed unlikely to me. We didn’t leave Conover until almost eight. Both Delahoye and Ruskin had run out of things to ask me and agreed that they knew how to find me if they had any...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 26 Public Television

2025 There was a nice lounge in the hotel, and we ran an open bar for an hour where quite a few people stopped for a drink or two, swapping stories about Jack, and then heading home. We were flying to Matucket on Saturday, and Teresa chartered a private jet to fly us direct. Saturday morning the funeral director brought back the photos and the video remembrance they had created, all boxed up so that we could load them on the plane. I had suggested to her that Holliman’s was a good place to...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 8 Scholar

Tuesday, January 7, 2019 The rest of the semester was a bitch, a stone-cold cast-iron bitch. I don’t know what I had been expecting, but it was just unrelenting work. Maybe it was because I had taken a lot of time on the two consulting jobs or maybe it was because of the time taken up with Tolley’s book project. More likely it was because I didn’t know what the hell I was doing trying to get a doctorate in history. I mean, I knew there was a lot of reading that was going to be involved....

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 15 Recuperation

Monday, September 26, 2022 Monday was a busy day. I bundled the kids off to school and then called Matucket State. While I didn’t go into details, I had to let her Department Vice-Chair know she was going to be away from work for a week or two. I didn’t know who to call at DARPA or the NSA, but Kelly didn’t talk to them daily anyway; she could handle that chore. Then I drove over to the hospital. By all accounts, I would be able to bring her home that day. First, though, she needed to be...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 2 Reunion

It seemed late when we finished dinner. There was a Welcome Aboard talk in the ship’s theater and after that we did a bit more exploring. There were all sorts of stuff on the boat, including a shopping center with incredibly overpriced stuff, a casino, and a bunch more bars, restaurants, and lounges. We walked around the deck and then went back to our cabin, where we discovered it had been made up, the bed turned down, and an odd animal formed out of some folded towels. Kelly decided she...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 48 Administrative Assistant

I was able to get in to see Captain Crowley on Thursday morning. Another young officer, African-American this time, was the one who escorted me in, and this time Crowley had some paperwork on his desk. I got the impression that after this meeting it would be time to shit or get off the pot. Crowley outlined the procedure to apply, and then reviewed the pay and benefits. “Grim, as an Administrative Assistant you make a bit more than minimum wage, but it’s a full-time job and it qualifies you...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 38 Coming Together

Things moved along through the summer. At times it seemed as if for every step we took forward we were taking two steps back. Still, some good things happened. Our new Auto Theft Division made a major arrest mid-June. They grabbed a few cars out of the impound yard and fitted them with GPS trackers and allowed them to be stolen. That generated enough information to get warrants on a pair of ‘chop shops’, garages where stolen cars could be taken and stripped for parts. Lieutenant Dupree of...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 7 Hold The Line

Saturday, October 20, 2018 There were a number of interesting results from the show. The Matucket County Council protested that nobody was forced out and then began threatening to sue anybody who said so. Nobody listened to them, and they didn’t sue anybody. The FBI issued another statement that Matucket had been an essential part of the elimination of the terrorist threat and that they had never really lost track of anybody. Bo got a couple of interviews where he pushed the law-and-order...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 9 Professor Reaper

Fall 2018 to Spring 2019 Thanksgiving was at my parents’ house. Last year it was supposed to be there, but Kelly had inherited it when Dad had his heart attack that week. Another way of looking at it was that Mom gave him a heart attack, considering what the two of them were up to when the event occurred. With all the mayhem I’d been around in my life I’d prefer to check out the way he almost did. Regardless, this year it was at Mom and Dad’s, and it would give us a chance to tease them some...

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