Involuntary Commitment free porn video

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One obstacle stood between Harford Jones and the acquisition of a two million dollar inheritance, that being his wife Lydia.

Harford, a fifty year old divorcee of only modest financial means, had married Lydia, ten years younger, specifically because she was from a wealthy socialite family and stood to acquire the inheritance from a wealthy aunt, upon turning forty.

The marriage had chilled since shortly after its inception. While Lydia had no propensity for adultery, she was an alcoholic, who squandered away much of the existing financial assets, which she had acquired before marriage. Most of her expenditures, such as charity, were considered dubious by her husband.

Harford was a mid level executive at the local financial exchange and was able to carry on an extramarital relationship with a female co-worker, without Lydia’s knowledge.

With Lydia’s fortieth birthday fast approaching, Harford feared that she would divorce him, or at the least deny him access to the inheritance. He was an inveterate gambler, who occasionally found it necessary to borrow from less than scrupulous lenders.

Under provincial law, if a wife were found legally incompetent due to mental illness, the husband would be entitled to any inheritance. One of Harlow’s fellow gamblers was Doctor Jack Shade, a psychiatrist, with connections to a private mental hospital, about one hundred kilometers from the city.

Doctor Shade was willing to sign papers involuntarily committing Lydia to the hospital for an indefinite duration, for which he would of course receive a lucrative fee. Some of the inheritance would have to be used to pay the hospital bills, but Harford was confident he could safely squander a good portion of it.

At 2:00 on a Saturday afternoon, an unmarked ambulance pulled into the driveway of Lydia’s estate, followed by a Porsche. Doctor Shade was in the Porsche, while two hospital employees, one male and one female, were in the ambulance.

The male was a thirty year old, six foot four, towhead type, who bore a resemblance to Herman Munster, while the female was a sixty year old, six foot, two hundred pound Amazon type. Both hospital employees were attired in the standard two piece, white institutional uniforms.

Lydia was surprised, to say the least, when the trio entered the house. Without any hesitation Harford broke the news of the involuntary commitment, justifying it on the grounds that she needed alcoholism treatment. Lydia, who was sober at the moment, immediately voiced her objection.

Doctor Shade opined that treatment at the hospital had proved effective in many similar cases of alcoholism. He assured her that she could have visitors, and that the treatment would be of ?short duration?, without offering any specific time frame.

She immediately demanded to call her lawyer, however the male attendant assured her that she could make the call upon arrival at the hospital. This of course wasn’t true, but it appeased Lydia for the time being.

Before she could physically resist, the two hospital employees put her in the standard hospital restraints, this being a leather belt, with a leather wrist cuff on each side of the belt. With practiced precision the restraints were quickly and efficiently applied.

As it appeared Lydia might resist, the female nurse in a most intimidating tone, informed her that she would immediately be injected with sedatives, should it be necessary. Lydia was then led by the two employees to the waiting ambulance and placed in the rear. This was not before she had the opportunity to shout curses at Harlow and the doctor.

Once inside the ambulance she was ordered to lie on her back on a stretcher. Leather restraints were used to attach her ankles to the sides, while two other leather belts were used to encircle her, one just above the knees, and the other just below the chest.

For the trip to the hospital, the male would drive, while the female would remain in the rear with the unwilling patient. Lydia, never one for modish styles, was attired in a gray knee length skirt and loose fitting pull over navy blue sweater.

?My name is Mary and I will be your primary nurse once you’re admitted to the hospital, but right now I have to search you?, she announced.

Lydia immediately voiced her objection, but again with practiced precision, Mary conducted a search that would be the envy of any TSA worker. It included feeling Lydia’s groin area and removal of her bra, for inspection of any contraband that might be hidden within.

The search found no contraband, but prompted Mary to react to what she considered Lydia’s insolent attitude. This was to strap a ball gag into place. Lydia, who possessed scant knowledge of bondage, fought to expel the rubber intruder, but it was wedged tightly into place.

?You will be required to accept staff discipline and if necessary we will keep you in restraints and solitary confinement indefinitely?, the nurse sternly stated. The gag proved to very effective at preventing any intelligible speech by Lydia, with Mary assuring her that drooling was normal under the circumstances.

Mary again threatened to inject her with sedatives during transport if she became agitated. The ambulance was equipped with a satellite radio system, which Mary tuned to the 60s channel, primarily for her own enjoyment, but also hoping it would have a calming effect upon the unwilling agitated patient.

None of these measures succeeded in calming the patient, and after about a half hour drive, Lydia was injected with a moderate dose of a tranquilizer. It would make her more manageable when she was brought before the superintendent upon arrival at the hospital.

It had been raining for nearly a half hour, when the ambulance entered the grounds of Los Bravos Hospital. A guardhouse stood at the entrance.  Built in the late 1800s, it was surrounded by a barbed wire fence, with only the absence of concertina wire distinguishing it from a prison. The patient rooms did not have window bars, but were of such design that they could not be opened or shattered.

The restraints were removed and the groggy patient was escorted to the office of Doctor Graves, a psychiatrist and hospital superintendent. The doctor was not a conversationalist and simply informed Lydia she was being held involuntarily pending evaluation.

Lydia requested to contact her attorney. This was denied and she was told that it would be permitted in the near future, conditioned upon good behavior. Nurse Mary assured her that Harford had already done so, knowing full well that he hadn’t.

New arrivals are provided the amenity of a single room, minus any other amenities, such as television, telephone or the Internet.  She was ordered to change into the standard hospital gown. The room door had a one way mirror, permitting persons outside to look in, but those inside could not look out.

Back at the estate the naked hooker was concerned. She was naked, and tied spread eagled, to the bed previously occupied by Harford and Lydia. A ball gag was nearby but not needed at the moment, as she was expected to provide oral sex.

Dr. Shade had recruited her to provide sex to Harford and himself, but hadn’t mentioned bondage. The hooker, sent from an escort agency, simply didn’t do bondage, but her protests had been ignored.

Harford had always been somewhat of a ladies man but was more oriented towards conventional sex. Dr. Shade had made a career seducing certain female patients of his into bondage. With the absence of Lydia, he and Harford planned to invite females to the estate regularly, for various sexual activities.

The current hooker would be required to provide oral sex to both Harford and the doctor, the later planned to introduce her to the flogger, for his pleasure, as well as to introduce Harford to the basics of BDSM.

Lydia’s first night at Los Bravos was indeed a stressful one, made bearable only by additional sedation. Continuous monitoring was done by CCTV to prevent any suicide attempt.

She received her first visit from the Charge Nurse, a most mean spirited person known simply as Nurse Ratchet. Ratchet bluntly stated she was in charge at the institute, and to incur her ill will would result in permanent misery for a patient.

Ratchet, in the manner of a marm outlined a broad treatment program for Lydia, while offering few specifics. One aspect that she was not specific about was the duration of the hospital stay. Lydia’s mental faculties were severely impaired from the sedation, and she retained little of the information Ratchet provided.

In the morning Lydia was provided with the standard patient uniform, this being jeans a gray sweat shirt, and athletic shoes. She was shown her new room, which was semi private, but for the time being she would be the only occupant Breakfast was served to her in the room, as it was too early to introduce her to the rest of the patient population.

About an hour later she was taken to the office of Dr. Chan, a staff psychiatrist of Korean descent, for her formal admission evaluation. She pleaded with the doctor that she was in control of her drinking, but it fell on deaf ears.

Lydia would be required to work for six hours a day in the kitchen, mainly in a cleaning capacity. It was hot, dirty and strenuous work, and was always delegated to the newest patient.

In addition she would attend two hours a day of therapy, which was individual as opposed to group, for the time being she would not be permitted to interact with any of the other patients.

At the estate, a three hour session served to introduce the twenty five year old hooker to the world of bondage. Bound securely to the bed on her stomach, Dr. Shade engaged in his favorite fetish, which was to alternately flog and force the sub to perform oral sex upon him.

Despite the fact that she was being generously compensated, the much sought after call girl escort, vowed never to again have dealings with Dr. Shade, or anyone at the estate. Harford was miffed as the doctor dominated the sub, leaving him little opportunity to cunt fuck the attractive harlot. He was determined that for the next session, two hookers would be invited.

By the end of the first session, Harford had observed plenty of bondage action, but participated in none. He did manage to cunt fuck the bitch, but by that time she was worn down from the repetitive flogging and oral sex forced upon her by Shade.

By the end of her first week at Los Bravos, Lydia still refused to accept the enslavement forced upon her by Harford. She rebelled against performing the kitchen work and refused to participate in any therapy.

This did not set well with either Nurse Mary, who had been specifically assigned as Lydia’s therapist. As punishment Lydia was ordered to stand in Mary’s office for three consecutive hours, attached with wrist cuffs to an overhead hook. The remainder of the time she was confined to her room.

Lydia had still not been introduced to the general population. What little she had seen of them did not favorably impress her, they were from inferior social groups, and not worthy of her companionship.

Despite Lydia’s punitive restrictions, she was not to be denied sex. Part of her daily regimen was a one hour session with Dr. Chan, who while not fluent in English, had a visceral sex drive. He was accustomed to taking sexual liberties with female patients, providing hormonal therapy to his favorites. Lydia would be no exception.

In three consecutive sessions with Dr. Chan, she was required to service him twice orally on her knees, the third was a cunt fuck, on the expensive couch he maintained in his office. Lydia found the coerced sex distasteful, but felt powerless to resist.

All of this did not set well with Nurse Mary, who had sexual appetites of her own, and often found herself competing for lesbian sex with Nurse Ratchet. However Ratchet made it clear there was to be no sex with Lydia for the time being, however she had no control over Chan.

Dr. Shade’s next guest at Harford’s mansion was one of his female patients, whom was controlled by the threat of the withholding of prescription drugs. Sara, 36, was a busty blond and natural submissive.

Harford was irked that only Sara accompanied the doctor in his Porsche, earlier he had been assured that two females would be provided. Sara soon found herself naked and hogtied on Harford’s bed, and it quickly became apparent that Shade did not intend to share her.

Sensing Harford’s anger, Shade made a call to an escort service and requested a female with whom he was familiar, one who was not into bondage. He first requested the twenty three year old hooker from the first session but she refused the assignment.

Leaving his patient hogtied after fucking her, Shade and Harford retired to the living room for a mixed drink, while awaiting the arrival of the second hooker. Lois, a 20ish, 5’10?, brunette, introduced herself to both men, before going in separate directions.

Shade headed back to the bedroom where Sara had been left hogtied, while Harford and Lois headed for a second bedroom.

Both Ratchet and Mary were becoming increasingly antagonized over Lydia’s lack of progress, and the fact she seemed to look forward to her sessions with Dr. Chan. Ratchet contacted Dr. Graves, the superintendent, with her concerns and the sessions with Chan were stopped.

Lydia would still be kept in solitary confinement, but would not be required to stand in handcuffs for three hour periods. Instead of daily therapy sessions with Dr. Chan, they would be held by Nurse Ratchet in her office, without the presence of Mary.

Ratchet was a firm believer in nude therapy for the patient. Lydia was reluctant to strip upon Rachet’s command, but a threat to handcuff and forcibly strip her, induced compliance. Sitting next to Lydia on the couch, Ratchet gently fondled Lydia’s breasts, exclaiming ?You see how enjoyable it is?, in a low tone.

Abruptly Ratchet twisted Lydia’s left nipple, causing a shriek of pain. ?Or it can be painful, the choice is yours?, she snapped in a harsh tone. Lydia knew better than to resist and passively submitted to Ratchet’s deep mouth kissing.

Next on the therapy was a twelve inch dildo, a device Lydia had little use for in her sex life. Lubricated, the intruder was fully buried in her cunt, with a cord enabling it to be readily removed. The cord was attached to a vibrator control, which was immediately turned on at full speed, then abruptly stopped.

To further humiliate Lydia, she was required to mimic the words to the song ?Good Vibrations?. Ratchet adjusted the speed to suit her whims, and Lydia was unable to avoid climax. This brought an evil look of delight to Ratchet’s face.

Harford found Lois to be an unsatisfying sex partner, hardly worth the five hundred dollars Shade had paid. Shade seemed intent upon running up a bill for sexual services, with the expectation that Harford would pay him back. No such explicit agreement existed and Harford was confident he could disregard his expectations without fear.

Sara would spend most of the session hogtied. Shade obtained his gratification primarily by flogging her exposed cunt with a cat of nine flogger. This was interrupted only for a blow job, after which Shade decided another break was in order.

Upon learning of Harford’s dissatisfaction with Lois, Shade suggested she be put in bondage along with Sara. Harford, ever cautious, rejected the idea. Sara was Shade’s patient and a free agent, but Harford feared the escort service might not appreciate a second hooker forced into bondage.

Tiring of sex, Harford and Lois lie naked in the bed downing some mixed drinks, while Shade returned to play with Sara.

The merriment ended with the phone ringing. Half inebriated, Harford answered and the caller was a Mr. Tillingham, a local attorney. He stated he had been retained by Lydia to represent her in the inheritance matter. Taken by surprise, Harford informed him that Lydia was out of town for the weekend, and that she had decided to proceed without legal representation.

Harford was greatly concerned, with his fear being that some employee at the Los Bravos might tip off the attorney. Since the attorney stood to himself profit from the inheritance, the issue was clearly of concern.

If an independent psychiatrist, not of Shade’s choosing, were appointed to examine Lydia, she likely would not be committed, both Harford and Doctor Shade would be facing criminal charges, and the hospital itself would be liable for assault and false imprisonment.

Harford promptly discussed the matter with Shade. It was decided that Shade would utilize his organized crime connections to force Tillingham off the case. It was a gamble, with the fee the attorney would receive from the inheritance, he might well go to the police.

The message was delivered to Tillingham. It stated that Lydia had retained the services of a new attorney, one with mob connections. Actually Harford had no desire to utilize an attorney for the inheritance matter. He was confident that the complexity of the matter was such, that he could handle it himself.

Even with Tillingham off the case, Lydia’s presence at the hospital might still be discovered. Shade was confident that the diagnosis would stand. Most likely an independent psychiatrist would be appointed to examine her, and that doctor could be bought off.

The hospital was alerted as to the situation. It was decided to continue to keep Lydia in solitary, with the only human contact allowed being Nurses Mary and Ratchet for therapy. Lydia would be heavily sedated most of the time.

Despite the sedation Lydia was becoming an increasing problematic patient, such that it was necessary to keep her in a strait jacket much of the time, with an attached butt plug. This was purely punitive, as Lydia was not a suicide risk.

Fortunately for Lydia, the hospital had a policy against corporal punishments, such as floggings. Forced sex was against policy as well, but was easily circumvented. When Lydia refused to provide oral sex voluntarily, Nurse Ratchet strapped her down to the bed and face sat her.

The date for the formal examination was expedited and would be held in seven days. Dr. Chung would officially certify that Lydia was incompetent to function outside the institution, and the inheritance would be paid to Harford.

At the estate the sex and partying continued. Shade tried to interest Harford in bondage, but he preferred more conventional sex. To keep down expenses Shade arranged for one of his patients to be sexually used by Harford, at no cost as it was considered part of her therapy.

Harford was apprehensive that Shade’s patient might prove to be unstable and problematic. The patient, a twenty nine year old buxom blond, was delivered to the estate personally by Shade, in his Porsche. After a brief introduction Shade departed, leaving the couple alone.

Linda made a favorable impression upon Harford. Although accustomed to performing bondage sex with Shade, she delivered one of the best blow jobs Harford had ever received. Shade seemed less than pleased when Harlan informed him of this, as if all Shade’s women were restricted to bondage sex.

A local attorney, with mob connections, was retained to represent Lydia at the competency proceedings. Dr. Chung would represent the hospital as the independent examiner. Dr. Devilius, a close friend of Dr. Shade, would represent Harford’s interests.

The outcome was thus assured. It was always in the hospitals interest to retain patients as long as possible, and Dr. Devilius would not go against the interests of the person paying him. Nurse Ratchet, who was responsible for maintaining the daily charts, could be counted upon to document the need for continuing hospitalization.

The likely outcome was that Lydia would be confined to the hospital for at least six months. During this period Harford would acquire the inheritance and spend the bulk of it. Lydia, upon her release, would have little recourse. Harford was prepared to relocate to Costa Rica if the necessity arose.

Lydia continued to endure the rigors of her involuntary confinement. She was still required to perform kitchen labor, but was not permitted to associate with any of the other patients. Access to her private room was limited to designated staff only.

Nurse Ratchet was in charge of her therapy, which consisted primarily of keeping her medicated. The only sex permitted was with Ratchet. Predictably this resulted in tension with Nurse Mary and Dr. Chung, who both had a strong sexual interest in Lydia.

No visitors, including Harford, nor any other type of communication with anyone outside the hospital was permitted. Isolation of Lydia was necessary for the diabolical plan to succeed.

Chung resented the fact that he no longer was Lydia’s therapist, however those days were numbered. Dr. Graves, the superintendent, would soon be taking a sabbatical leave, with Chung assuming the position of acting superintendent.

Chung would then be in a position to assume charge of Lydia’s therapy. Nurse Ratchet would be reassigned to duties in another section of the hospital, and not permitted to have any contact with Lydia.

The competency hearing lasted less than an hour. Harford and Shade were present for the first time since Lydia’s hospitalization. She seemed oblivious to their presence, primarily because of the continuing drug therapy she had been receiving.

Dr. Devilius did not challenge any of Dr. Chung’s findings. Immediately upon conclusion of the testimony, Dr. Graves ruled that Lydia was incompetent and would remain in the hospital indefinitely for treatment. She was led away by two attendants, again seemingly oblivious as to what was transpiring.

Harford and Shade celebrated the decision by holding an orgy later in the evening. Shade ordered two escorts to service Harford, and two of his own patients to satisfy his bondage tastes. Harford was in a joyful mood as a result of the competency decision, such that the thought of paying for Harford’s escorts out of the inheritance, was more palatable.

Shade experimented with various bondage positions upon his two patients. For a period they were bound separately, then they were bound together in Siamese fashion, and forced to engage in prolonged kissing between themselves.

Harford for his part obtained the maximum worth for his money. He had both females lie side by side on his bed, as soon as he finished receiving a blow job from one, he immediately set out cunt fucking the other.

Shade uncharacteristically used cocaine at the start of, and during, the orgy. Harford, never one for drugs, consumed more than the usual amount of vodka, his favorite drink.

One week, and several orgies later, the whole nefarious scheme came to a crashing halt. Someone on the hospital staff tipped off the police and an investigation commenced.

Shade had foolishly remarked to one of the escorts, details of the scheme. It just happened to be the one who was subjected to forced bondage. The police were able to contact her, and she more than willingly provided a written statement.

From that point it was all downhill. Staff at Los Bravos Hospital described the unusual circumstances under which Lydia was held, especially the extended solitary confinement and the inordinate amount of time spent with Nurses Mary and Ratchet.

The next witness to be flipped by the police was Dr. Chung, who was provided immunity in exchange for his testimony. Harford, Doctor Shade, Nurse Ratchet and Nurse Mary were all indicted.  Harford was blocked from receiving the inheritance, and Lydia was freed from the psychiatric hospital. The entire inheritance was awarded to her.

Harford fled to Costa Rica before the case came to trial. Dr. Shade was less fortunate, he received five years in jail and lost his medical license. Ratchet and Mary each received probation and were fired as well. Dr. Graves was not charged, but forced to retire.

Lydia has recovered from the trauma of her involuntary hospitalization and has a million dollar lawsuit pending against the hospital. Ironically her current boyfriend is a divorced psychiatrist, although one who was never affiliated with Los Bravos.

The effects of Lydia’s treatment at the hospital have not completely disappeared. Periodically she insists upon being restrained for two or three hours in a strait jacket, before being fucked,and her husband is only too happly to oblige.

Their sex life is mildly kinky but quite unconventional. Lydia has acquired a strait jacket, and on occasion requires her husband to wear it for the whole night. Suffice to say, Lydia refuses to wear the jacket, or engage in any other bondage activity.

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You smile to yourself, sitting alone (for the moment) at the bar. Though you and your wife Jane had spent weeks planning this evening, it still left your head spinning. But in a good way; you felt the same exhilaration you felt when you first met your gorgeous wife for the very first time. It was back in your sophomore year of college. You'd been blazing the frat party scene for a while when she first caught your eye. And not just yours, half of your friends had been eye-fucking the freshman...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 21 Kyle Commits

Sean and Lee headed for the diner. They found their regular chairs were vacant and waiting for them. So, they both grabbed some of the chicken dish from the bain-maries and joined the table. “Ah, the love birds have come up for air,” Kyle said. Lee set her plate down and then turned and thumped Kyle in the arm as he had sat next to her. Kyle rubbed his arm, “Hey, what was that for?” “You knew, didn’t you? You knew Gerald was related to Carl!” she specified. Kyle suddenly realised what...

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 13 Debora Commits

Kyle wiggled his eyebrows at his two lovers. “Who said I wasn’t in a randy mood. I have two very sexy bodies to make love to now.” He bent forward over Tony and gently sucked a ball into his mouth, smelling Debora’s pleasant scent on him. Debora giggled as Tony groaned and his cock sprung to attention even though it hadn’t been that long since his last release. Kyle climbed on the bed, so he was at a side angle to Tony. He sucked on Tony’s other ball. When he released the ball, he licked...

3 years ago
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The War of 2020Chapter 4 Commited

Morgan stood at the top of a small cliff, her feet submerged in a stream of cool water. It ran steadily into a pond a few feet below. Diving in, she slipped underwater with a small splash, sending ripples throughout the surface. She did a few laps before floating on her back, looking up at the blue sky. The pond was secluded and deep in the forest behind Hunter’s house, a small oasis she had all to herself. It’s been 13 hours since the clock started ticking against her. With only about 36...

2 years ago
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Every Woman Has a Price13 Pot Committed

Kirk drove out to his Clayton Park apartment more excited than he had been in years. He danced his shoulders as he drove, singing along with the radio, and flicking glances to his daughter who tried not to act embarrassed. “This is a big day, kiddo,” he said. “You still sure you want to go to St Mary’s? The kind of money we make today I could send you to Oxford or somewhere in America. Somewhere without all of this snow.” “No, I’m staying in town,” she said sharply. “Then maybe we’ll take...

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The Rest Of The WeekendChapter 2

The women fanned out from the house early Saturday morning. They'd had no sleep; Friday night having been spent enjoying each other's pleasures until the Professor's orders came down. There was much to be done, there was no time for sleep. Evelyn Torres, Assistant Dean of Admissions, sat in the Dean of Admissions office... it was a much nicer office than hers. Far bigger, with a thick carpet, overstuffed leather couches and chairs, even a fireplace, though she had no idea if it worked....

1 year ago
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The Dark Side Of My Life 8211 Part III

Kal usi time aa jana..(Pratik ka message aaya raat me). Me: Nahi…Ab waha nahi aaungi.its too risky..koi dusri jagah ka intezam karo. Pratik: Dusri jagah ka kya matlab? Me: Koi bhi jagah jaha pakde jaane ka risk na ho.Aur waise bhi mai nahi aaungi..ek hafte ke liye mujhe bhul jao. Pratik: Kyu? Me: Mere periods shuru ho gaye hai. Pratik: shit yaa….ar.. Me: aisa kyu reaction de raha hai…har mahine ye aata hai..samjha.. Pratik: ha pata hai..waise bhi tu kaha chodne deti hai..upar se hi to maze lete...

3 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 57

By now, all the other students were back in their classrooms and the sounds of Sandra's running naked feet hitting the floor echoed throughout the empty hallways. The moment she reached the administration's office, she stopped running and walked inside to find one of the women working behind the counter. "Hello, Ma'am," Sandra said politely. "Would it be possible to see the Principal?" "I'll check for you," the woman answered with a gentle smile. She picked up the phone, that...

1 year ago
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Pleasantly plump

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi dear readers thanks for all comments from my dear readers I am very happy to hear your thoughts and comments that will encourage me to write more Incest stories. Ok. this is another super story for you it will give you another super ejaculation. read and write to me. My name is Parase and I m 19 and lives with my wife, Gladis. Let me tell you a little about my family history: I was 19, and my dad died about 6 years earlier. Ever since that time, my...

2 years ago
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Prom Night

I know it's wrong to look at your little girl and want to be buried inside her tight little pussy, but God help me that's the way my little Kimmi has made me feel for two years now. She's eighteen now and will be graduating high school this June. She is every guys dream. Her strawberry blond hair brushes her shoulders and her green eyes are the color of emeralds and when she's happy they sparkle just like a gem too. Of course when she's mad, they darken to almost black, but she's hardly ever...

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Wanted A Horny Crossdressing male

Information: This story is set out as an ad in a porno magazine but it is entirely a work of Fiction I invented. It should be taken of somewhat as a joke. Wanted: A Horny Cross-Dressing Male Hi I'm Foxy Roxy, you may have seen me in action in one of the many porn flicks I've been in, but if you haven't, here goes. I am a thirty-six year old married woman with big tits and blonde hair. I like to wear a leopard print crop top and matching pants. I'm always horny and up for...

4 years ago
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Hilary Irvines Return to the Dark ContinentChapter 5

It must have been a combination of exhaustion and the fact that she was at least somewhere that caused Hilary to drop off to sleep - it couldn't have been from a feeling of security. When the bound blonde awoke it daylight was streaming in thru the dirty windows of Tinga's office. She tried to rise and immediately felt the cruel, hard embrace of wire mesh on her bare arms and butt. She sighed. The subsequent breathing in was a mistake as the pungent aroma of sweat and piss assailed her...

3 years ago
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Sweet Baby Jane Chapter Four

Her body moved away from my back as the other two forced me to lie back onto the comforter’s satin smooth surface and began lavishing me with kisses and caress. Each paid particular caress to the bulge laying down my pant leg, swollen yet not quite hard as they gave it a good effort to make it grow to meet their needs.  I saw Jane lean over me from above, her huge bare breasts brushed over my face and my tongue managed to swipe over one of the bulging nipples as I felt her grab the hem of my...

2 years ago
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Behan Ko Tarike Se Choda

By : Sam Deol Hi friends mera naam SAM hai or mai Delhi ka rehne wala hoo. Hamari middle class family hai. Mai ISS site ka bahoot bada fan hoo. Meri family mai 5 member hai. Father and mother then my elder sister then me then my younger brother. Mai 5 fit 11″ tall or good physic wala aadmi hoo. Mera hathyaar (dick) 8″ hai Jo Kisi KO b satisfaction dene k liye kaafi hai. Meri elder sister mujh SE karib 3 saal badi hai, Jo Ek husn pari hai uska figure kya mast hai Jo b dekhe bast dekhta he reh...

1 year ago
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Innoncent Cum Slut

So little about myself. My name is Becca. I am 19 years of age. I have long blond hair, light brown eyes and a tiny little body. I'm roughly 5'2" tall, weighing 103 lb. At first glance I may seem like a pretty innocent girl, but the inside is a whole different story. I have a 34C chest, 25 and half inch waist, and a few body piercings. Over the summer, I got my nose studded, barbells on both my tongue and my nipples, and a dangling belly ring. Oh wait I almost forgot, I also had my inner labia...

Group Sex
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The Paint Job Part 3

"So... onto the first consummation," I suggested, pausing for the two men to reposition themselves and sit alongside each other on the couch.  "In this painting, Adam is... er... making love to Stephen.  Am I okay to describe it like that?"I'd expected Adam to haughtily inform me that one man doesn't make love 'to' another but rather that their sex is collaborative and their love fully reciprocal.  Or some variation on that general theme.But instead Stephen giggled and surprised me by blurting...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Dormant Desires Part 2

‘Eric, you there?” Rich’s deep voice whispered through the fence as my heart pumped through my chest and my voice trembled in response hiding to the side, so he couldn’t see that I was completely nude. “ok now this is getting weird” I said nervously laughing through the fence, “are you stalking me or something?”He laughed “I promise running in to you today was purely coincidence and I wouldn’t have come back if I had your number, but I didn’t know if you were ever going to call me and you seem...

1 year ago
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K, 40 from near RochdaleI first chatted to a lovely lady who I will just refer to as K in the autumn of 2014 and we had a few chats on Badoo. I didn't hear from her again until the New Year 2015 when I saw her profile again and decided to chat her again.We chatted initially on Badoo then switched to Kik when the chats got more interesting! She was happy to make a friend of me but I thought she might just be after more. And it turns out yes she was. So after lots of Kik 'n WhatsApp chatting and...

4 years ago
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Basic Training

After five and a half weeks of sharing her quarters with 50 othergirls, Gia Mazzini found the long empty bays unnaturally empty asshe walked through them. It was the first time since she arrivedat Lackland Air force base over a month before that she had beentotally alone.Still there was something to be said for privacy. Everyoneelse was spending this fine warm Saturday in San Antonio, enjoyingtheir first off-the-base pass. Gia, unfortunately, had pissed offher Sergeant enough to be assigned...

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The GovernorChapter 20

“Governor Ling, welcome. Oh, have you brought me a present?” the general eyed Tematha and actually licked his lips. “Good day sir. Tematha? Oh, no sir, I’m sure you have more and better cunt than her at your beck and call. She is my travelling companion. She is free, so I could not give her to you even if I wanted to. You remember I told you in one of the reports? It seems to be working, you are being supplied by a happy, and in time loyal, city.” The general looked hard at him, Ling knew...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Chloe Surreal Something Real

Johnny Palms is laying in bed on his cell phone when his girlfriend, Chloe Surreal, returns home from work. The first thing Chloe does is peel her bra off for some relief from the restrictive fabric. Crawling into bed, Chloe lets Johnny rub her feet as she tells him about her day. Chloe is hoping for more than just a foot rub from her boyfriend, and as she melts into Johnny’s hands she finds that he’s happy to deliver. Hiking up Chloe’s miniskirt, Johnny relieves her of her...

2 years ago
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The SmallholderChapter 12

She lay in bed, quite still, in her silk pyjamas, but she was not going to go to sleep. She had a plan. They had stood opposite one another at her room doorway after she had used the bathroom. "Good night," he had said. She had pulled him to her and kissed him and he responded. They pressed their bodies together and his hands roved over her back, hers in his hair which pushed her breasts against him, her nipples prodding his chest. They broke and she kissed his throat downwards, until...

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Playing the Part

Chapter 1 Angie had always wanted to be an actress. She'd readily played in different roles in childhood school plays and even in high school. One thing she'd always noticed was that she'd continually be cast in the roles of a younger character, younger than she was in actual age. As she'd finished school and moved into young adulthood, Angie had realized that her personal interests, her desires and her abilities were in the area of being a call girl and that's how her live had...

3 years ago
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The lady in pantyhose

I work in a small town in western Alberta Can. Every once in awhile truckdrivers have to go to city and get new equipment/big trucks to update the fleet. I was lucky to take one trip in a big truck.A screwup made the machine I was going to haul not ready till next A.M. Phone boss & get a room in nice place to stay with a lounge in it, park big truck & get cleaned up. Go downstairs to eat& have a beer. As I wait for my meal sipping on a beer in walks a MILF. OMG, LBD,nylons of some...

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Building a Dream Part Eleven

Building a Dream: Part Eleven Where Jay tells all about her strange day with the wives “Those woman are bat-shit fucking crazy,” Jay said. She didn’t elaborate straight away. She laid in the bath, the bubbles floating around her as she clearly relaxed to let out any tension that had built in the past few hours. “What happened?” I asked, making myself comfortable on the toilet lid. I decided it would be best for Jay to tell me about her day before confessing that Manus and I had fucked...

1 year ago
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My Big Strong Daddy

Note : This story is complete fictional! When I turned 18 years old I was beginning to fill out. I would look at my body and be satisfied that it looked good. I began feeling urges. I let my next door neighbor boy who was also 13 fuck me but it was not what I thought it would be. My daddy could do anything, he could fix anything, he was strong and handsome and all the neighbor women always looked at my dad with lust in their eyes. It made me jealous and mad. After trying sex with the neighbor...

4 years ago
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White Wife Black Balled

Dexter Williams strolled through the front doors of the five star hotel like he owned it. Making his way to the restaurant/lounge at the back of the hotel's first floor, he could hear the band playing in the lounge before he arrived at the entrance to the dining area. Known by the maitre d', Dex waived and continued on into the lounge.Twelve years since he graduated from college, the six foot five inch collegiate basketball player and business administration major had built quite a lucrative...

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I shouldnt admit this

It was the weekend and my family had gone out! I wasn't feeling to well, so I decided to stay in, home alone and rest. My family weren't expected back until about 7 at night, so I had the whole house to myself!I woke up and felt much better at about 1, so I decided there was not much else to do while on my own, so went onto Omegle, and spoke to some 'strangers' as you do! It was good fun! I got speaking to one guy, and we added each other on Skype. He was very hot, so having his Skype name was...

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Girlfriend Adventures

After some great adventures with my c0usin at his house, I was back home with the girlfriend again. I did not discuss what my c0usin and I did together as I was unsure of her reaction. We continued to see each other, with some heavy making out, but only over the clothing contact. She would occasionally rub my cock, but not enough to make me cum again. I got my hands under her shirt once or twice, but always was stopped over the bra. I think she was deterred by the fact that her older...

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Axis of Evil 1 Getting Your Balls Back

Getting Your Balls Back Adam was playing football with his best mates Edward and Kevin in his back yard when he slipped as he shot towards goal and completely topped it over the back fence. Now, Adam's house backed onto the Bridgedine Convent Catholic School for girls in Norchester. His face fell when he saw Sister Mary Johnson come marching out of the school. She went straight to the ball and picked it up before marching over to the fence. "Now I've told ya time and again that the...

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The Sissy Sales Pitch

The Silly Sales Pitch A hotel room meeting leads to a more permanent agreement for two sissies who explore each other thoroughly. "Is this what you want? This cock? Look at it, sissy. All wet, dripping, smooth and would slip through your fingers, right past your lips into your pretty little mouth, it would push into your lubed, puckered little hole, stretching you out. Don't you want to wrap you soft sissy hands around it? Watch your fingernails move up and down its...

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Daddy takes my virginity at 18

My entire body went red with shame. This was wrong. I shouldn’t be listening to this. Just like my panties shouldn’t be getting soaked, enjoying the naughtiness of his words. I rubbed my thighs together, trying to calm down. “Daddy can then slide his cock inside and fill you up with cum. Breed you, even. Don’t have fun all by yourself, sweetie, that’s not what being part of a family is supposed to be like. A family shares things. Share your lithe sexy body with me, Savannah.” My...

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P90SEX Chaper 3 The beach party

P90SEX Chapter 3: THE BEACH PARTY From in front of my computer, I called out to my wife who was in the next room, “Allie, I just got an email from Natalie. She says that we can arrive at her place any time from three o’clock this Friday. I might schedule myself off so that we can get there early.” “Great idea,’ Allie replied. “I’ll make plans to take the day off too so that we can leave right after breakfast and be there in plenty of time. How long would you expect it to take us?”

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact Chapter 14 Karens Decision

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Fourteen: Karen's Decision “Hi, Alice,” Mrs. Martin greeted me. The Martins were my eleven o'clock appointment. I was showing the couple a house in Spanaway; a cute, light gray rambler with mauve trim. After I showed them the house, for the third fricking time, I would be free for my afternoon date with Mary at the Blue Spruce Motel. I was so excited that I masturbated three times this morning while sexting with Mary. She sent me several...

3 years ago
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Middle school classmate Jennifer part 2 with Amy

Middle school classmate Jennifer part 2 (with Amy)To recap part 1, Jennifer invited me over to her parents house and I masturbated infront or her in the pool, and then took her virginity shortly after in the backyard.After eating pizza and Jennifer suggesting I spend the weekend over at her parents empty house, she asked "should I call Amy to come over? I know she wants to have sex with you to". Amy and I sat next to each other in science class and she was a stunner. Amy had dirty blonde hair,...

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The Neighborhood

I moved from a big city to this small city, or big town, several years ago. The house I bought is on the edge of town in an old neighborhood where the lots are big and houses aren’t packed closely together. What I didn’t realize at first is that everyone around here makes it their business to know everybody else’s business. I had been here for several months when one of those hard- to- ignore horny attacks hit me. I was dying for a nice juicy cock. As it happened, one weekday afternoon I came...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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My brother and I had the best Xmas ever

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was Christmas vacation so the house was full of relatives staying over...It was around 2am, and I was sleeping on the couch downstairs, and my brother was passed out drunk on the den couch in the next room. I had to pass thru there to go to the bathroom. Trying not to trip on things when I left the bathroom, I glanced over and saw my brother (2 years older) sprawled out on his back, snoring, with his dick hard as hell , sticking straight up in the...

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Loser take all

It happened such in a random way there was no way to know such a thing , a sport...he says , existYet once help both doggy ass to ass , on the gym pad it was too late for us too college student in Miami for 2 week of debaucheryi was drunk as hell thinking i we were going to smoke weed following that black dude we met on the beachwe both thumbed sounding stupid behind him, to that basement we should have never went towhen we got to the room everthing coudnt be more wrong , as i get worried and...

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One of my private conversations

I'll knock on your door and as you open it I'll barge in. you fall back shocked and as you try to get back to your feet I'll push you back down and shove my hand up your skirt and rip away your knickers. I cup your mouth with my left hand as my middle fingers searches for your G-spot rubbing it hard and slow making you get wet as I watch the fear in your eyes turn to soothing pleasure then exitiment as you begin to roll your hips in exstacy...You start playing with your breast and take those...

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