A Commitment Is A Commitment free porn video

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It was my mothers 38th birthday in two weeks and I had been searching for a book she used to have from school, she had often told me about it. And one day she went into the loft to get it to show me. I had been showing an interest in poetry, which had surprised her greatly, me being Mr Macho and all that.

She called to me and I climbed the ladder. We hadn’t been up there for years and had forgotten how much junk she and my dad had collected, but she couldn’t find the book anywhere. We even stripped it nearly, we had a real clear out and lots of fun doing it, finding all sorts of forgotten things, photo’s, school reports, letters, cards, boxes of this, boxes of that, there was tons of it.

But of the book there was no sign, my mom was so upset, she had had it since she was a c***d and it had helped her get her A’s in English, and on top of that she was a true poetry lover. She described it to me, remembered the name of the author but wasn’t sure of the spelling. So I made a mission to locate a copy and make it her up coming birthday present.

I started at my local library, the lady there did all she could she went through all the files, it took three days in all for her to come up a blank. To say I was surprised was underestimating my disappointment. She gave me a few trails to follow so I spent time on my PC I ended up trailing right around the world looking for it, it just seemed to have disappeared, dropped off the edge of the world for some reason.

I was beginning to despair, my beautiful mother wasn’t going to get the gift I knew that would delight and please her immensely. Let me tell you about her, and me if it comes to that. She is Angela Morris, 38 in two weeks and I love her with all my heart, and yes I would if I could. I’m 18 for fucks sake, but she’s my mother okay!

She is about 5ft 3′ tall soft brown hair, that still looks good even for an aged woman like her. Gorgeous face, lovely big brown eyes, nice lips that always feel soft and cool when she kisses my cheeks. She has a great body from what I’ve seen of it and taken notice of, since I found out my prick wasn’t just for pissing out of.

Me? I Alexander, or better known as Sandy, don’t ask me how. I turned 18 just two months ago and yes I am like a lot, or most guys my age. I have a older woman thing, especially since I have an older woman who is beautiful and living in the same house as me. She knows my secret and smiles at me in that knowing way that a woman has when she is under scrutiny from a man, or should I say a boy with hormones coming out of his ears.

So I was always gently put in my place and no harm done, it actually made me love her more knowing she knew and understood. I would jack off because of her and Frank’s mother too, he’s my best pal and we both have the same fixation, we would both love to fuck our mothers, but he doesn’t know I would like to fuck his too.

Like I said, I am Sandy, 18 years old, 6ft tall, not bad looking, have girlfriends so I know I’m okay in that department, it’s the same with Frank, we hunt together and go solo too. I’m worldly wise, know all there is to know about women and have them hanging of my shirt tails, like fuck I do! But I have had sex a few times so I do know a little about girls, but I wanted to fuck a woman, a real woman. My mother! Oh and Frank’s too if I ever got the chance.

We are the same size more or less, have the same kind of interests and get on great, we both have other friends but we tag along together mostly. We have discussed the possibility of seducing and fucking our mothers, but in reality we both know there’s little chance of it happening, but I think I am closest to it simply by virtue of the way mine reacts to my subtle advances.

I am certain it has crossed her mind, even though that’s as far as it has probably gone. You know what I mean, ‘I wonder what it would be like to do it with him,’ those kinds of thoughts, ‘how I would feel inside of me?’ that kind of thinking.

But it’s the final step that gets in the way as far as I’m concerned, I haven’t got the nous how to get past her natural defences to seduce her, so I’m reduced to jacking off about her, and sometimes Frank’s mother. Let me tell you about her.

She is Anna or Mrs Welling to me, but sometimes I get cheeky and call her Anna when no one is in ear shot. If the truth was to be known she is probably a little more attractive than my mother probably due to the fact that she is around 4′ taller, she has the walk. She looks terrific when she is striding it out, all swaying and graceful movements. Long dirty blond hair, that she likes to wear down most of the time, similar figure to my moms, but her lips are the part about her that gets to me. I have imagined them wrapped around my hard cock lots of times, making me cum all the way down her throat. What a wonderful thought.

They have been friends a long time and went through senior school together as best friends. Frank and I have carried on the tradition. We live in the same road, our houses are similar, big detached things, private gardens and the rest of it. My dad and Frank’s both work in the same bank and are at or about the same level, both in high paying jobs, which for me and Frank it’s happy days all the way.

So anyway I had come to a dead end in the searching for the book that my mother couldn’t find, she had said it was like new, it was so valuable to her personally that she had always kept it covered. Never creased a corner, never bent it back. I had actually started to think that if I could find it or a new one it might do me a power of good in the shagging stakes with her.

But what could I do, I had no more ideas, I was at a loss. It was now Saturday morning and I made my way out of the house telling mom I was going to Frank’s. As I left my front door and got on the street I saw Frank and his dad just driving away in the opposite direction, I stopped, then thought fuck it I might as well go now and do a bit of ogling at his mother. She also knew I had the hots for her, and Frank had told me she knew he had the hots for her too. I often wondered if our mothers compared notes!

I knocked on their back door and she opened it. She looked fucking gorgeous, she was wearing a white flower patterned dress that finished about two or three inches above her very shapely knees. There was no collar, just nice cleavage, sleeveless that opined her smooth bare arms down to her lovely painted finger nails. Her hair was down and swaying around her shoulders. I got an almost instant hard on.

She said, ‘Hi, come in Sandy, Frank and his dad have gone into town and won’t be back until this afternoon I think.’

‘Yes I saw them as I was walking here, but decided to come anyway because I want to ask you something Mrs Welling, er Anna,’ I said cheekily. She smiled at me and asked me what it was I wanted.

‘What I want Anna is to fuck you rotten!’ But I only said that in my head.

‘You and mom used to do poetry reading lots of years ago didn’t you?’ I asked her.

‘Yes we even went to classes to learn about it, why do you ask?’

‘Well,’ I began, ‘you know it’s her birthday next week don’t you.’

‘Yes Sandy I do know that.’

‘Well, I am trying to find a book of sonnets that she had when she was a lot younger, and has now lost. I want to make a present of it for her. I’ve searched right around the world on the net and got no where.’

‘What do they call it, do you know?’ she said.

‘She told me, but she was unsure of the authors name after all this time. She said was called ‘Sonnets’ by Peter Graves.’

‘Ah,’ she said, ‘I know the one you mean.’ I brightened at this revelation.

‘But it’s not by Peter Graves, it’s by Peter James.’

‘Oh that’s brilliant, I might be able to find a copy of it for her now.’ I said somewhat happily.

‘You don’t need to do that,’ she smiled ta me.

‘But why not?’ I replied.

‘Because dopey, I have Angela’s book right here in my bookcase in the sitting room.’

‘You haven’t!’ I said incredulously.

‘I have, I have had it for the last 7 years, she has obviously forgotten she loaned it to me, and until now, I had forgotten I had it too.’

‘Oh Jesus H bl**dy Christ,’ I exclaimed, putting my hand over my mouth to try and stop the words coming out of it.

‘Sorry about that,’ I mumbled.

‘It’s okay, I understand,’ she smiled at me again, I could have kissed her right there, and fucked her as well!

‘Where is it Anna, can I see it please?’

‘Of course you can, come on follow me,’ she told me.

She led me into their sitting room that, on one wall had an ornate bookcase, it was about 4 or 5 ft wide, and 4 or 5ft high with 6 carved and glass doors that were always locked. It was stacked with books, it is very old, worth a lot of money, and no one but her was allowed in it.

She knelt down and I followed suit, she unlocked one of the doors and pulled out a book. And there it was my mother’s precious lost book, the very original. I was sure I would earn more than brownie points now. But I would wait to give it to her when there was only I and she in the house, clear field etc hey?

I was staring at the book in awe, this could be the gateway into my moms personal heaven, my prick stood back up at the thought, it never took much for me to get a hard on anyway. I almost gushed my thanks to Anna.

I shuffled to her as we were still on our knees, we were knee to knee almost. I put my arms around her, give her a huge hug, leaned off a little bit and kissed her on the lips, it wasn’t a full kiss, more of a long peck.

Realising that the moment had got the better of me and what I had done, I stammered an apology.

‘That’s okay, but is that the best you can do?’ she said softly, ‘a tiny little kiss like that, no wonder you struggle with the girls.’ And she giggled.

‘I can do a ton better than that,’ I said with a trace of indignation in my voice, was she questioning my male virility?

‘I’m certain you could,’ her arms went around me now. I went for it, I kissed her full on, shuffled the final two inches between us and my prick felt the connection of her. After locking lips and beginning a bit of tongue I gained my confidence right back. I leaned her over and lowered her to the floor. She went easily, and her kiss was given back all the way.

I was actually kissing my best friends mother, and I had a massive hard on, but I had just been contemplating getting into my mothers pants and it was looking like I was going to get into Frank’s mothers.

‘Oh happy days,’ I was beginning to think.

I moved into a proper on top position, my body more or less over hers, I slid my knee between hers and deliberately but gently caressed her pussy area with it. This brought a very welcome moan from her mouth into mine as our kiss deepened even further. I then used the inside of my elbow to also lightly rub a tit and hopefully her nipple.

Anna held me even tighter as I kept up doing things to keep her where she was until I was in place to get her dress off and my prick into her. Her arms were all the way round me now, her grip wonderfully tight, I wasn’t going anywhere. I took what I thought was a chance to find out for definite if this was a goer or not. I pulled my arm from around her and cupped her tit, feeling for her nipple. I found it straight away because it was sticking up and out almost poking out of her dress.

I took it in my fingers and squeezed, rolled, then pulled it a little. I was rewarded with a loud moan into my mouth, and her hand ran into my hair at the back forcing the kiss even deeper than it was. She hooked her leg over mine, forcing me more or less on top of her. I obliged of course and now my prick was pressing on her pussy now and not my knee.

I forcibly lifted my lips and head from hers.

‘Anna,’ I whispered.

‘Yes Sandy, come on baby lets go to the sofa,’ she said, flicking her eyes over her shoulder. I jumped up, helped her to her feet. I looked into her eyes, they were big and wide, her face was flushing at her cheeks, her lips were quivering. I didn’t waste a second more, I had her on it before she could breathe out.

I reached behind her for the zip of her dress, she went for my cock, got it and squeezed me, this brought a moan from us both. I got the zip down, and yanked at the dress to get her beautiful tits out. I wanted nothing more right then but to get her nipples in my mouth. She assisted me and there they were, I pushed her bra up and gazed at the 8th and 9th wonders of the world.

I lowered my mouth over one and then the other, I kissed, nipped, sucked, nibbled, and licked them both at about a hundred miles an hour. My cock was under attack too, and then suddenly I had a problem, a big one! The excitement was getting too much for me.

‘Anna,’ I gasped, ‘I, er, I’m going to cu…’ And I blasted my load right into my trousers. I cringed with embarrassment, that’s the end of that I said to myself, FUCK!

But the angel I was on the sofa with in the shape of my best friends beautiful mother took it all in her stride.

‘It’s perfectly alright Sandy, I understand, and its okay, I’m happy you have it for me. Now go upstairs, wash your self off and go and get into my bed okay?’

I just looked at her dumbfounded, was she for real?

‘Go on,’ she ordered, ‘now!’ she told me, and slapped my backside.

I didn’t need any more telling, as soon as I was out of the room that my embarrassing moment left me. I shot upstairs into the bathroom, cleaned the thick lumpy spunk off me, left my clothes there, and went into her bedroom. I sniffed the bed first, I didn’t want to get into Franks dad’s half did I? I smelled Anna’s perfume on the pillow and got in as naked as the day I was born. I was lying in her place, her scent filled my nostrils, my prick grew back to full power mode.

The door moved and there she was, she slipped the dress off her slim smooth shoulders and without taking her eyes off mine, took her bra off and dropped it to the floor, then she slid her tiny little panties down her gorgeous toned thighs and stepped out of them.

She glided to the bed and got in with me, her hand went straight to my prick.

‘Ooooh,’ she whispered, ‘looks like you are waiting for me Sandy, are you pleased to see me?’

I didn’t wait another second, I threw her onto her back and got over her, and she looked up at me and said playfully.

‘Right then!’ Meaning ‘you look like you are going to bang me?’

She was right, I drove forward and in, my toes were digging into the mattress as I f***ed every bit of me into her slick pussy. Her legs went over me, and her arms collected me.

‘Go for it tiger,’ she said breathily, huskily, ‘show this old lady what you can do, go on and do me honey, and do me real good, and if you stop before I tell you to, you are a dead man!’ She kissed me again and I went for the world championship for fucking a woman.

But I wasn’t just fucking this beauty under me, I was making love to a very beautiful sensuous sexy woman, a woman I had jacked myself of over her many times. Her nails dug into my back, they acted as spurs just like a horse rider, I increased my speed and went at her manically. She hollered my name, swore at me, told me ‘harder, harder do me harder you fucking bastard, fucking give it to me, make me have it, oh god yes yes yes, there, right there, don’t stop you marvellous big cocked sod, I love it, I love it, I love it, more more more, oh my fucking god I’m going to cuuu…’ Then she cried out like a wounded a****l, she crushed me in a vice like grip. I had never experienced this kind of fucking, but I sure as hell liked it.

I kept going, I wanted to cum myself, but having just shot my load 10 minutes earlier I had to wait, so I battered and battered at her, she was groaning and moaning at me, her lips roaming around, my face, my mouth, my shoulders, my chest, she kissed kissed and better kissed me. Then I felt that fabulous feeling in my cock end, it was becoming sensitive as it does when my load is on its way. I just about snapped her in half with the final mighty thrust my body had when I shot it into her.

I finished pumping my load and slowly fell down on to her, she held me in her loving arms. Her face was tight to mine, softly kissing my cheek and caressing her soft skin to me. I slowly lifted my head up and she kissed me fully, it was a real kiss, a lover’s kiss, there was no mistaking that. Her arms and legs still around me she rolled me onto my side, my prick still in her, now we could kiss at leisure, and we did.

‘I have fantasised about this Anna, many times, so many I’ve lost count.’ I told her, looking her straight into her eyes.

‘Yes I know, I’m not blind you know.’ She said with another kiss.

‘Mmmm, I thought you must, you are too beautiful not to notice.’ I said honestly.

‘It’s crossed my mind several times too,’ she admitted, this absolutely floored me.

‘You mean, me, you haven’t?’

‘Why not you are very attractive young man,’ she said, ‘I bet there aren’t many women out there who would reject your advances, I certainly didn’t did I?’

‘Oh Anna, I wish I had known before now, I would have come to you sooner.’ I told her quietly.

‘You couldn’t really could you Sandy, you have only just turned 18 and this is the very first opportunity we/you or I have had, isn’t it.’ She kissed me again.

‘And you were far better than I ever imagined too, you were great, I haven’t cum like that in years, if ever,’ she breathed into my mouth. Talk about stunned, I could hardly speak, let alone breathe, I was utterly amazed by her. I felt my cock twitch in her pussy, but it didn’t, it was her working her vaginal muscles on me, I groaned into her

‘Like that baby, hmmm?’

‘Oh yes Anna, its terrific.’

‘Good because I want to make love and fuck again before you have to go, yes?’

‘I do too very definitely Anna, very very definitely, no question about that.’ I said happily.

We lay in each others touch and loving kisses, and soon she had me going again, my prick hadn’t been allowed out, it grew its way back into her and then she began pushing herself on and off me, I let her do everything her way, whatever she wanted, it was good for me.

She pushed me onto my back and fucked me, there was no doubt about what she was wanting, and she not only got it, she took it too. I reached for and took her nipples from her, they were mine, Anna squealed when I nearly destroyed them, she loved good hard fucking, so she had to love this didn’t she? She did, her head hung down, ‘oh Sandy Sandy Sandy I can’t bear that baby,’ she told me in between moans.

‘So make me stop, take my fingers away then, if you don’t want me to do it, stop me?’

‘I haven’t said I want you to stop darling, I said I can’t bear it, and I can’t, its killing me.’ Then she hunched up, her elbows almost met in the centre of her stomach, her head was right down, her knees were clamped to my sides. She had orgasmed on me, for me, by me. What a wonderful feeling that was, I had made her cum like that, me! She came many times after that.

Then she threw herself off me, and dove at my prick and sucked it right in, she was like a whirlpool sucking my prick down, it was trapped in her throat. Then I saw her lips and nose touching the hairs around the base, she had got me all in her mouth and throat. I was being deep throated by best friends beautiful mother. It didn’t take long for me to hit my third load of the short day, I could feel her throat and tonsils constricting and teasing it all out of me.

When I had finished, and I mean finished, and every drop of my cum was in her stomach by now did she let me go. She slid up me, making me see her wipe her mouth on a sheet, just in case I didn’t want to kiss or be kissed with my cum on her luscious lips. I kissed her, she kissed me.

‘I’m sorry baby, but you are going to have to go, Frank and his dad will be coming home, and I don’t really know what time.’ I felt empty, and sad. She must have seen it in my face. She turned me on to my back and kissed me passionately.

‘This day has been fantastic Sandy, I have loved every second of you. We can and will do this again any time we can find time alone, I promise you honey. I will not turn you away or hurt you. Do you believe me?’ she said in between lots of hot loving kisses. Her soft body was tight against mine as she spoke. She had her left arm around my shoulders holding my wrist, my right was under her, she had me trapped, I could have broken her grip easily but why would I want to?

I believed her completely, I kissed her back and told her this had been the most wondrous day I have ever had.

‘You are so beautiful, fantastic, and so sexy Anna, you really are. And on top of that you are just so nice to be around, and I want to be around you as often as I can.’

‘You will be baby, don’t worry, now off you go,’ we shared one last kiss.

I dressed in my spunk filled pants but I cleaned them as best as I could, went down stairs picked up the poetry book, put it in a bag and went home feeling on top of the world.

I hid the book in my room, changed my clothes, had a shower and called Anna.

‘Thank you Anna, I am so happy, and so glad we did what we did, do you have any regrets?’ I asked hoping for a positive answer.

‘Sandy I will never regret for the most fleeting of moments what we had this morning, and don’t worry baby, I meant what I said, got to go honey, they are back, see you soon darling,’ she blew a kiss down the phone at me.

Over the weekend I thought long and hard about our morning and relished in the fact that she had told me again she wanted to see me more. But my thoughts turned to my mother too, my hormones were in full flow because of Anna. I began to plot a scenario of her seduction to me. ‘You fucking lecherous bastard,’ I told myself, then laughed my head off, what a week this could turn out to be?

It was half term next week, mom’s birthday was on Thursday so that would give me three days to try and get her to see my way of thinking. I had got it into my head that if I didn’t get her on or before her birthday I wasn’t going to, The magic of the book would wane was my way of thinking.

On Tuesday morning my dad went to work, I went into the kitchen looking and smelling good, I was wearing the man cologne that I knew she liked and had bought for me, I had on a pair of shorts, a running top, nothing on my feet. She looked terrific as usual, wearing her above knee length silk house coat, and I could tell, no bra, but a pair of panties, or thong?

I kissed her cheek, gave her a real nice loving hug, I was as horny as hell because I was also wanting to get back to Anna too. She gave me a ‘look’ when I hugged and kissed her.

‘You smell terrific Sandy, I do love that,’ she murmured to me.

I then started in on my plan, such as it was? My prick was already active, it had decided for me that if it had got Anna, then it could get my mother, I didn’t see anything wrong with that kind of logic.

‘Mom, that book you have lost, what would happen if I said I thought I could get one for you, the exact same?’

‘Oh darling I would be so grateful if you could, I would do anything to find it or one again.’

‘Anything mom, what do you mean anything?’

‘What I just said, if you came up with one I would owe you my very existence. I would pay any price, I have become obsessed with finding it again.’ She told quietly. And obviously not thinking about the consequences of it being found by her loving son!

‘Well that sounds final, a commitment if ever I heard one mom.’ I replied.

‘Well baby, that book played a huge part in my education, and helped me to become the woman I am.’ She said.

‘What’s that then, beautiful and dead sexy?’ I said with a judicious laugh.

‘All of the above honey I’m afraid, but I would give anything to have it back.’ It was plainly obvious she really had forgotten Anna had it.

‘I hope you mean that mom,’ I said over my shoulder as I went back upstairs, to make sure my room was tidier than it had ever been, I had made the bed and turned it down, hopefully ready to get her into it. I had the book wrapped and tied in a beautiful bow.

‘Oh I mean it Sandy, I get that book back, and I wouldn’t have a hard time repaying anything I would be asked for honey.’ She said after me.

‘No you won’t mom,’ I told myself.

I was up there another 10 minutes before I found my voice and called to her.

‘You got a minute mom?’ I shouted down.

‘Yes honey, be there in a moment,’ I heard her on the stairs. I drew a very deep breath and stood by the door, I wanted her in and me blocking the exit.

‘What do you want baby?’ she asked me.

‘I want to know what you will give for this.’ I said, and showed her the parcel.

‘What is it?’

‘It’s a book, would you like to open it?’

‘Okay,’ she said, and took it from me, ‘did you wrap it babe, it’s beautifully done.’

‘Nearly as beautiful as you mom, but not quite,’ I smiled, my prick was bursting to get out and at her.

She opened it and her jaw nearly hit the floor, she gushed, shook, tears filled her eyes, and I could see her trembling.

She dropped onto my bed. ‘Ooooh that’s handy,’ I thought to myself.

‘Where, how, I can’t believe it Sandy, you have made me the happiest person in the world, I just am totally done, you are just beautiful Sandy, just beautiful.’

I sat next to her while she finished taking off the paper, I put my arm around her, and she kissed my cheek.

It was then I took a leaf out of Anna’s book, I said.

‘Is that the best you can do mom, a little kiss like that?’ She leaned over and kissed me on the lips, I took a good hold of her shoulder and pulled her into a proper one.

She managed to break it, but I let her really.

‘Sandy what do you think you are doing, I’m your mother?’ I just reconnected the kiss and held her.

She pulled away again.

‘Please Sandy you mustn’t,’ but I could see the uncertainty in her eyes. Again I kissed her, then told her, reminded her of what she had said.

‘You told me you would do anything to get the book again, anything mom, well this is the anything that you promised me, okay’ I kissed her again and this time I held it, she wriggled in my arms but I held her. I laid her back onto my bed and continued the kiss, mom was breathing heavily in my mouth, I gave her some tongue to make sure she understood what ‘anything’ really meant now.

I could feel her slowly relaxing in my arms, but that didn’t mean she was giving in, it could mean because she couldn’t stop me from what I was doing. I moved my hand and cupped a tit. She mewled at me, was this her submission, was she giving in? I squeezed her nipple, I had a definite mewl now. I took my lips from hers and gazed down at her.

‘Sandy,’ she whispered softly, inside his mother knew what was going on, she had said she would do anything, she hadn’t quite meant this. But the fact was she had said it, and on top of that she knew Sandy had wanted her, hell, he had tried hard enough over the last few months, so it didn’t come as a surprise to her to find herself in this position now.

I kissed her again before she could say any more, then squeezed and rolled her nipple again. I slid my hand inside her dressing gown and took full hold of a very hard and very erect little nub.

There was an ‘Aaaargh’ into my mouth and I felt her literally sprawl under me. Had I got her? The answer was yes because she had given in, not only to the sensations travelling through her body fired from her nipple, but because she knew what he was doing to her had been inevitable. She had thought often of him, she had seen the cum on his sheets, a few photos he had of her in his bedside drawer.

No it was the culmination of his long drawn out seduction of her and now he had produced the one thing that would mean a complete change of direction in her life. That was to be, her very own son’s willing lover. He pressed her nipple, his mother squirmed under the insistent caress. She mumbled into his mouth, it sounded like ‘oh Sandy’ to him as he caught the words in his throat.

‘Now I have her,’ he triumphed in his head, ‘I’ve done it, I’ve got my mom, oh fucking boy!’ He left her nipple, pulled the bow from the dressing gown and delved inside it to find his mothers hidden treasures, he was now a gold digger and he had found his personal pot of 24 carat gold.

He worked it from her and got his own things off, she was pliant, pliable and supple and submissive. She knew she was crossing a line here, one she shouldn’t but in the head long charge down the steepest slope there was no way to stop it. He moved her over his bed and got next to her, he kissed her, touched her. She slid her arm around his neck unsure where to put it, ‘leave it to nature,’ she thought, ‘It’ll happen soon enough.’ She kissed him of her own volition then.

Then without realising she was doing it, her hand slid down her son’s chest and encircled his already demanding prick.

‘Oh wow,’ she said in her head, ‘he has a beauty, Mmmm.’ Angela knew now that her own receptive admission deep inside her was bringing her on to him, her sensory perceptions were engaging her and driving her to her own knowledge that he was taking her, but she was going to him and with him all the way now.

I sweated over her tits, I was still unsure that she wouldn’t jump up, scream and rant and runaway. So I went for her honey pot, my fingers sank in, I found and did her clit with my thumb. That’s when I knew she was in, all the way in, and right up to her lovely neck.

‘Darling,’ she whispered to me.

‘You want this don’t you mom?’ I asked, I almost kicked myself, I had just given her a way out!

‘Yes baby I do, I do want it, do it honey, I’m waiting, make love to me baby, make love to your mom.’

It was music to my ears, I got over her, she guided my prick to her pussy, which was shaven and I hadn’t noticed yet, and I wouldn’t until I got my mouth on it.

I pushed it in nice and slow, I was already telling myself to take it easy, ‘don’t cum like you did at Anna’s, make this last, you have to, it’s your mother.’ But have you ever seen a boy of 18 fucking and not shooting his load in a hurry? No, and I was one of them, I shot my load in seconds, but the thing is, I didn’t lose it, I was still hard, and I went after my mom like an Olympic sprinter and vaulter, I pummelled her, my hips were going ten to the dozen , sweat was forming on my brow.

But the best of all as I looked down at my wondrous lovely mother, her eyes were closed tight, her mouth was open, and she was grunting and moaning, she was loving it. I felt her nails rake down my back, what a fantastic feeling that is. I felt her feet hooked hard into the back of my thighs, I had no idea how long they had been there, but I understood that we were now locked onto each other, and locked on tight.

Then without warning I blew my load again, mom squeaked loudly at me, the sudden bang into her had just about squashed her flat to me in my unstoppable ejection of cum. There was nothing I could do to stop myself from doing it. She in turn did the same to me, we seemed to be trying to squeeze the life out of each other. The moment overtook the both of us, me because I had finally found and made love to the most magnificent wonderful person in my life.

I looked down at her, somehow embarrassment got hold of me, I felt my cheeks colouring. I was suddenly her lost little boy again and needed her help love and guidance once more in my young life.

‘Mom,’ I said, ‘I don’t know what to say?’

‘I can tell baby, but don’t worry, it’s alright, I understand how you’re feeling.’

I was driven with relief, ‘you do mom?’

‘Yes honey,’ she said, ‘and I am very okay with this, I have known for a long time it’s what you have wanted, and in my heart of hearts I think, no, I don’t think, I know I have wanted to do it too.’

‘Oh wow mom,’ I said, ‘this is just too much, oh wow!’

She laughed up at me, ‘it had better not be too much Sandy Morris I’m telling you, you had better get on and do it all again, and right now.’ She told me, and reached and kissed me.

I was in seventh heaven, my mom was telling me she wanted more, and boy, was I prepared to do her bidding.

I went into automatic somehow, without thinking I started pumping her again, the fact that my dick was either still hard or had grown back I don’t know, but I set about pounding my beautiful mother in a way she had probably never been pounded. I took every ounce of her. I left nothing behind. I could hear her moaning and groaning, squealing and mewling, begging me, her nails dug furrows around my back. I didn’t care the glaze in my eyes stopped me seeing, and my body seemed to belong to someone else. I have no idea how long I fucked her but it was a long time. By the end of it and I blew my next lot I think I was in some sort of c***.

I knew I was still alive and awake, I saw I was laid on my back, then aware that mom was laid next to me. I turned my head and saw her looking up at the ceiling.

‘Mom,’ I mumbled, ‘are we alive?’

She laughed, or should I say tittered softly, ‘yes baby, we are, but only just, well I am anyway.’

‘What do you mean mom?’

‘Darling, that was the most horrendous, wondrous, devastating fabulous bout of love making I have ever taken part in, or should I say been subjected to.’

She turned to me, lay her head on my shoulder and cupped my balls.

‘Are you okay mom, was I alright?’

‘I have never been better honey, but I’m not too sure if I will ever walk straight again. Were you alright you ask? You and no one else could have been righter!’

I had no idea what she meant by that.

‘I love you mom, I really do.’

‘And I love you too Sandy, more than you will ever know.’

My phone at the side of my bed woke me.

‘Hello,’ I said.

‘Hi you sexy boy how are you?’ It was Anna, and I was lying next to my mother in my bed.

I swung out, stood up and went to the bathroom.

‘I’m great Anna, you?’

‘I feel great Sandy, listen, Frank is out tonight, I want you here by 7pm okay? You know why and what for don’t you big boy?’

I had to think quickly, I had my mother for the rest of the day, would I have anything left for Frank’s mother tonight?

‘I’ll try Anna but mom wants me to help her get ready for Friday.’ I told her, her birthday is Thursday but the do was a day later so the weekend would be with us too. She was disappointed, but said, ‘if you can’t you had better be here on Thursday morning, or I’ll come for you.’ Then giggled, ‘that would be good wouldn’t it, me dragging you out of your house and telling your mom I was taking you home so we could make love some more!’

I had to laugh with her at that remark, but I knew that now I had seduced and got my mom, either we had to give it up or Anna would have to take a back seat. Nothing was going to come between me and mom. I went and got back into bed telling mom it had been Frank on the phone.

‘Oh,’ she said, put her arm around me and proceeded to give me a fabulous heated blow job that I found totally irresistible, her fingers caressed my balls a she took me down, I wallowed in the loving feeling she gave me, and I gave her a reward that she swallowed gratefully. She kissed me and went to sl**p. I guess I did too because I was wakened by her. ‘It’s time to get up baby, its nearly 4 and your dad will be home soon.’

I groaned I wanted a bit more of her, but she was already on the move. I got up feeling as horny as hell. But showered as mom had ordered me to.

Dad came home, everything seemed to be normal, I could tell mom was okay and I felt nothing at all. Neither of us felt any guilt, it had happened, it was fate, it would continue now, I knew that and I was happy. But I was fucking horny. At 7pm I told mom and dad I was going round to see Frank. I called Anna to make sure he had gone, and said I would be there in 2 minutes.

‘I’m waiting honey.’ Was all she said.

I walked in and she called from upstairs, I took those 3 at a time and dashed into her bedroom. She held up a hand to say ‘Stop!’ I did.

She was stood near the bed in what looked like a one piece dress, suddenly she pulled at it and it fell away to the floor leaving her stood there and with my jaw on the floor. She was in high heels, stockings, suspender belt, a weenie thong, an even teenier bra, her hair down, and face made up. She looked absolutely fantastically beautiful.

Then she did a series of super sexy poses, turning this way and that, shapely knee up, both legs wide, hands on hips, stood on one foot, her back to me, head bowed, shoulder to me, then her finale.

‘Come and get me big boy!’

I was at her in a tidal wave, she laughed as my charge carried her onto her bed, I was in her in a heartbeat, the thing that took the most time since charging into her room was getting my zip down. I didn’t have time for anything else. I was in up to the hilt in a moment, and I fucked her, oh boy did I fuck her. I just about beat her senseless, even she was amazed at my out pouring of a****listic lust, because that’s what it was pure rutting love lust!

I have made love to my mom twice today and now I was in my best friends mother again, I pumped her full of cock, I didn’t give much thought to her really I was getting rid of the frustration I had because I wasn’t fucking my mom. But Anna was in heaven I was giving her a beating with my prick that she had probably never encountered, and I didn’t know it either before you make a wrong judgement.

She was moaning under me as I thrashed and thrashed her sopping pussy, her long legs high in the air. I never let up until that now familiar rumble began in my balls. I was going to cum and Frank’s mother was going to get it all. I had lift off, it was spectacular, there seemed to be tons of it, I felt it jetting out of me forever. Then finally I stopped. I looked down at her and a feeling inside of told me I had beaten her, she had met her match and defeat was conceded.

I struggled off her and lay at her side. She turned to me and there were tears in her eyes.

‘Are you okay Anna?’ I asked with some concern.

‘No,’ she said, ‘I’m not, you’ve hurt me.’

I was alarmed, ‘hurt you, how, where, why?’

‘My pussy has melted, burned away, it’s been frazzled,’ then she giggled, ‘God Sandy, I have never in my life been done as hard as that, you were demented, insane, brutal, but wonderful, but I’m not sure if I could ever take that again baby, really.’

‘I’m sorry Anna I think I forgot myself, please forgive me?’

‘Of course babes, but I think you had better shoot off, Frank won’t be too long.’

‘Yes okay,’ I said, then a thought came into my head, a long shot yes, I may even get into trouble too, but I thought, bollocks.

‘Anna, did you know Frank has the hots for you?’

She didn’t bat an eye lid, ‘of course I know silly, just like you have the hots for Angela too hey?’

‘Anna!’ My surprise was total, ‘what do you mean?’ I said defensively.

‘Me and your mom are best friends, do you think we don’t talk, see things, know things, hmmm?’

‘But,’ I said, then clammed up.

I got up, and went, Anna saw me to the door, she kissed me, and just as she was about to shut the door, she said.

‘And Sandy, before you go you need to know something,’ she had a lovely smile on her face, so I knew it wasn’t a bad thing.

‘What’s that Anna?’ I replied.

‘Your mother knows the reason you are here, and she knows about us, but don’t worry, she loves you completely.’ And with that she shut the door and I saw the light go off.

I was rooted to the spot, ‘No!’ I shouted in my head, she can’t do, she can’t. How could I ever face hmy mother again after this, that’s if she really knew.

I went home and fortunately she and dad were in bed, ‘better not be at it!’ I thought irrationally. I called Frank, and asked him to come around before he went home, he was actually stood outside his house when I had made my call, he was there in 2 minutes.

‘What’s up buddy?’ he said on greeting me.

I went for it, ‘you know how we both want to get our mothers into the sack?’

‘Yea like every fucking day man, so what’s new.’

I looked at him square in the eye, and said, ‘well, today I got mine, I’ve beaten you to it you loser!’ and I grinned at him.

He slumped on to a chair in our kitchen.

‘You haven’t, Sandy, you haven’t?’ But he could see in my face that I had, we know each other too well.

‘Jesus tell me about, all of it, fill me in.’ he whispered.

So I told him everything, the finding of the book, the promised offerings of my mom’s, and me holding her to them. I did not tell him I was fucking his mother, which would have been too much.

We sat for an hour discussing it, every detail, well, nearly every detail.

He left, but not before saying he was going to get his mother, come hell or high water. No would not be an option. I went to bed, but I was gripped all night by the fear of what my mother was going to say or do.

In the morning I heard her pottering around, dad had gone to work. I had to go and face her. I went down. I made a noise and sat down, I daren’t make the first sound, I didn’t trust my voice. She said over her shoulder, ‘Morning baby, you had a good night at Franks last night, hmmm?’

‘Er yes mom,’ I answered quietly.

‘Good, Anna called me and told me you did.’

She could have shot me with a stun gun, it wouldn’t have had more effect. I never answered.

She turned around to face me, I lowered my head waiting for the barrage. She came behind me, put her hands on my shoulders, bent her head, I could feel her breath on my neck. She kissed it.

‘That was the last time honey, I love Anna with all my heart, but I love you more and I’m not prepared to share you either, she’ll have to make do with Frank from now on, okay?’


‘I forget what its like to be so young baby, I’m not angry, not even a little bit. Now are we going upstairs to bed, or do you want to stay down here sword fencing all day?’

‘Mom,’ I shouted, I jumped up and hugged her.

‘Mom, I’m so sorry, I, er, I umm, er it just happened, I didn’t erm, ah, I er, oh mom.’

She pulled me from the kitchen and we went up stairs, where we spent the rest of the day.

Mom said, ‘Ooooh,’ and licked her middle finger, ‘got a snatched nail baby, wait a moment,’ she went into the bathroom and came back, ‘that’s better,’ she said and showed me the now shortened nail of her right middle finger, ‘don’t want it to get caught do we?’

‘No, I innocently replied, we carried on and then mom wrapped her arm over my waist, I waited with bated breath for my next lesson. That’s when I felt her feeling my ass.

‘Mom,’ I whispered, ‘that’s my bum.’

‘Is it,’ she said back over her shoulder. Then she struck, I felt her sink it right into my ass, boy did I jump or what! It was the most unusual feeling I had ever in my short life had had. And I have to admit I liked it. Mom stayed there a while, in out in out, shake it all about, you name it she did it, her other hand was now wrapped around my hard prick.

Then she got up on to her knees, ‘get behind me darling,’ she told me, I did as ordered.

‘Now do it to me Sandy, put it right in.’

I drove all the way in, mom gasped and shuddered, ‘oh, oh, oh,’ she moaned, and then peered over her shoulder at me.

‘Not there baby, I love it don’t get me wrong, but you are in the wrong place sweetheart, the wrong hole, I want you in my ass! Do me there baby, do me now.’

I was more than amazed, I had never even thought about ass fucking, until my mom had just jammed her finger into mine nothing like that had ever entered my c***dish head.

‘Mom,’ I said, ‘are you sure, I er, I didn’t know…’

‘Yes darling, do it, I want you to baby, please do it.’

So I pulled my dick out, aimed it at her ass and pressed it in, she squealed, but her hole clamped my in tight with a vice like grip, I went for it then, mom wanted it, mom would get it.

So I fucked her long and hard, soft and slow, all the way in and still, all the way out and still, she ended up flat on her stomach moaning in what seemed like ecstatic pain, until I jettisoned my thick creamy load into her, she screamed quietly and I saw the reaction her body had when she came, and she came hard and long.

Mom and I had a great week, I didn’t see Frank until the Friday night at our party, he had a shit eating grin on his face and I knew, I just knew he had got his mother. But in truth, it was her who had got him, my mom and her had more or less set it all up, not withstanding me fucking the life out of Anna. At the party I got a few minutes alone with Anna upstairs, she grabbed me and kissed me,’ your mom knows nothing about this, you are hers, Frank is mine, end of,’ I kissed her back, copped a good feel of those luscious tits.

She breathed into my mouth, ‘but if I ever get you alone again Sandy Morris, look out because I’m going to eat you alive!’ She kissed me again, squashed my prick lovingly, and went downstairs again. Life is great now, both Frank and I have our dream women all to ourselves, but I must admit the thought of us swapping is beginning to have an appeal, I wonder what Frank would say?

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My New Car Drunkard Friend And Someone

It was 12:00 am. I was waiting anxiously for my friends and parents to come and wish me. I was acting as if I was asleep, as I always liked the surprise which I used to get for my birthdays. This being my 21st birthday it was really special for me. Heard my mom trying to wake me up. “Keerthi beta, Keerthi beta, please get up, we have a surprise for you”. I, acting as if I just got up from sleep, rubbed my eyes and asked my mom why she woke me up at this time of the night. She immediately kissed...

2 years ago
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!!!WARNING!!!! This file is a work of fiction containing sexually explicit material which may include depictions of underage, nonconsensual and unprotected sex as well as incest and adultery. It is not intended to implicate any person or action by them or me, nor advocate such practices. The material is distributed as "For Adults Only" and possession by a minor is strictly forbidden. If you are not legally empowered to be in possession of this material, do not read it and...

3 years ago
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Exploring Female In Me For Three Months

Hi friends, I am Anil and work as an engineer in a software company. I am 35yr old and married man with 2 children. I frequently travel to US on my work and stay in company leased accommodation and use the company provided transportation. Coming to my physical standards, I am 5.6, fair 60kg and waist 30 and handsome with good bottom, hands are lean like feminine and skinny. The important here is I have man boobs of size A. I have been straight and never went topless in front of other than my...

2 years ago
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Getting to know the neighbors Part 2

After the rough treatment my wife received that morning we both had to get to work. We were only able to discuss the situation that evening. A few texts during that confirmed that she was okay, but I was still distracted from my work.Back at home again, Debbie reassured me that she could handle anything Jeremy gave. She expected me to find it exciting. I had to admit there was nothing dull about what they did. Not knowing she got up to with Jeremy was the hard part and it would only be worse...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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The Student Teacher BluesChapter 12

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the cold war took the rest of the week, because its effects were so wide-spread and continuing. Cecelia's parents thought it was unfair that teachers had so much work to do out of the classroom, and became ardent supporters of educators getting better pay. Cecelia, while her parents were muttering about low pay and long hours, was spreading her legs for Bob, and muttering for him to go deeper, and keep going longer, as she bucked her hips up...

1 year ago
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Library Girl Chapters 22 and 23

Chapter 22 -- An Unremarkable Trip for the Unmentionables Randall wasn't available to make the trip to pick up the donations the next day, and that was fine with Jimmie. He wanted to update Ms. Butler about Randall's involvement and confirm that she was alright with the two of them venturing out together. He also contacted Ms. Oberdorfer to arrange a mutually acceptable date and time for the pick-up. She assured him she wanted to be there to smooth the way because Jimmie wasn't...

1 year ago
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SheLovesBlack Rachel Cavalli Sneaky MILF Deepthroats His BBC

Rachel Cavalli was in a bar with her husband when she noticed a handsome black guy at a table across the room. She was wearing a short leopard print dress that showcased her big cleavage. Being a slutty MILF as she is while having a conversation with her husband she started teasing the guy. She was not wearing panties so when she opened her legs her hairy bush was clearly visible. When her husband excused himself for a phone call she was left alone at the table so she could freely spread her...

1 year ago
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Eyes wide with shock, Lisa’s head whipped around at the sound of shattering glass; the object having hurtled past her shoulder and collided with the door frame. “Don’t you walk out on me Lisa, I’m not finished talking about this,” the edgy frustration in Jason’s voice was evident as he stood just inside the dimly lit bedroom. “You did not just throw that!” Lisa hissed furiously, her green eyes narrowing into emerald slits, as auburn curls swung angrily around her stiff shoulders. She continued...

1 year ago
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Guest of Honor

You awake in the large, fluffy bed. Your Girlfriend Cait would love it here. Squinted, your eyes observe the thick golden bedpost. They look antique, you think to yourself. One look around in your room and you have to acknowledge that just this small guest room must be worth more than, than everything you own back at home. Hell, the bed alone should be enough for that. While looking around, you hear a rambling in the corner, right where you lay down your clothes the day before. You shot up and...

2 years ago
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sister inlaw

My sister-in-law, Terri whom I have fucked several times recently admitted to me that she had been having a fantasy of being fucked by two guys. I told her I knew someone who I was sure would jump at the chance. She told me to set it up and that she couldn’t wait. I called my buddy Chris whom I had been having three ways with him and his wife. I told him that Terri wanted to be fucked by two guys and since we had already tag teamed his old lady that I figured he would like to try it with Terri....

3 years ago
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A Semester Abroad Part 3

A Semester Abroad- Part 3 By RogerGirl Soon, two weeks had past and Sasha was beginning to fall into a rhythm. Her classes were going well and she was making several new friends. Her style had also evolved and she began feeling more comfortable showing off her body and going out with the girls in sexy dresses and heels. She had even gone with them a few times to the beach in a bikini. With Susan's help, she now had a pretty expansive female wardrobe at the apartment. While she had...

1 year ago
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Corruption Of Champions 2

CoC2! Are you a kinky fuck who cringes at the mere thought of jerking off to boring, vanilla porn? Good, because I’ve got something that will knock your goddamn socks off. If you’re not ready to get down and dirty with some insane fetish content, then you should pack your bags and head to a different review that goes over your standard shit. The game I have for you degenerates today is full of tentacle sex, breeding, ovipositing, furries, and corruption. If you dream of slowly becoming tainted...

Free Sex Games
3 years ago
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Friends family part 2

“Hey John you wanna sleepover tomorrow night cause Monica is having Devon sleepover so I can have one too,” said Mat. “I’m getting that new video game that day so it should be a fun one.” “Yeah I’ll sleepover,” said John. “Okay see ya tomorrow at about 7 okay?” asked Mat. “Yeah sure,” said John. For the rest of the night John went onto AIM and talked to his friends and he looked at porn. Suddenly an AIM conversation popped up. Thank God it was his girlfriend. SEXYgirl24: hey...

1 year ago
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Love Dress

As Bruce steps up softly behind me, he slides his hand around my side and caresses my belly as he pulls me back into him. As his other hand grabs my left side, his right one slides down the my bare leg where the slit runs almost to my waist, and he begins to pet my smooth leg under the leather. I catch my breath, then lose it again immediately as I feel his whiskers poke my bare right shoulder at the base of my neck, and he sweetly bites and kisses me there. I take a long drag off of my...

1 year ago
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Ciarra the new babygirl slave

One night after a long day of work she had started reading a BDSM story she had found online and was getting into it but was too tired to finish so she bookmarked it and went and took a quick shower. She dressed in a small comfortable pair of hello kitty shorts and a white tank top and climbed in bed. She quickly feel asleep not knowing how her life would change forever that night. Mike was a generally easygoing person, he was 33 years old 5 foot 6 about 170 pounds. He had short black...

1 year ago
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Fucking Two Whore At The Time

one fine day I saw a woman who had posted an ad for a masseuse. I applied with my picture and got a call the very next morning. Her name was Sheila. She told me that she wanted “company” and also a good massage. Her husband was out of the country and she was alone at home. I could not go that day because of job constraints, but I made it to her place on a Saturday with all the oils needed for a proper massage. She was a 36-year-old woman with a nice figure. She was a little fat at her hips and...

2 years ago
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HarbingersChapter 1

Rain was spattering off the canopy above and it was getting darker. Sighing heavily to myself, I removed the string from my bow before covering it in a bag. I really didn't want to get it wet like last time and be shouted at for half an hour. Instead I pulled out a sling and opened up my bullet bag. Holding the bow bag with the point down ready to stick it into the ground I carried on moving through the trees trying to catch any more signs of the boar's trail. The last I'd seen it was...

3 years ago
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Thought I Was Done In Until

I met with a couple I met on a swingers site anticipating a possible 3sum if the chemistry was there. It turns out it was and soon we were all into a game of strip poker. We were in various stages of undress when a lady friend of theirs dropped in. She was a swinger also who had played with them before and enthusiastically joined in the game. I was the first to left completely naked. We play the version where if the loser of the hand is naked, the others can demand a command performance for the...

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 220

By 6PM I had parted with most of the 30K and was headed to the swamp to she exactly what I had bought. Getting into the swamp was a lot easier than getting into my small compound. Well it seemed easier. There were all kinds of observation devices and more than one dead fall along the way. The swamps idea of a dead fall was a 1/2 pound of Semtex swinging on a cable from a roadside tree onto your car. Slightly more lethal than a bitch with a over and under shotgun waiting for you at the...

1 year ago
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My fantasy soon my reality

Mistress summons me to her quarters and places me in shackles, collars me, and calls me slave. I feel the cold steel restraints on my skin and my body quivers as she leads me to her dungeon. The dungeon is dark and dimly lit by candles burning around the room. She orders me to prepare for inspection. As I stand there naked I stare at my beautiful owner. She is dressed in a shiny black body suit with a collar that snaps around her neck with an opening that exposes much of her breasts but not...

2 years ago
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I could help you Part I

My name is Tomas, I'm a 27 year old boy with blond hair and greenish blue eyes. I'm 6'2'' tall and sporty. The only thing at my body that I don't like is my only 5 1/2 '' long and 1'' thick cock. Maybe this is one fact what led to the later events... Tanya is a beautifuk girl, long dark hair, big brown eyes, standing 5'5'' tall. She is not slender but wellshaped, with very female curves, a firm round butt and big natural c-seized breasts. We are together for eight years now. At...

3 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IChapter 36

Friday, June 11, 2010 Ellen woke Jake shortly after seven. “Kitten is gone and Havel will be here soon.” “I can sleep in for a while this morning.” “First, tell me why you didn’t sleep with me last night.” “I was restless. I didn’t want to keep you from getting a good night’s sleep.” “Don’t lie to me, Jake. I am your mother and I can tell.” “Damnit, woman. Can’t a man practice a little well-intentioned deceit once in a while?” “Stop joking. I want to know.” “I was thinking about my...

4 years ago
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More Than Just A Job Book IChapter 3

Sandy lay in the bed, still naked, as she heard a light tapping on the door. As she started to awaken she found her arms still wrapped around Jeanie's crumpled form. Once she disentangled herself from Jeanie, she arose from the bed and started to head to the closet for a robe. Before she got there she suddenly realized that she was in a new life. With this new life came new values so she just passed the closet and padded to the door. After our initiation earlier I don't have much to hide, ...

2 years ago
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Command Bands

Command Bands is a free to write story following a very simple premise. Everyone in the world is born with a metal bracelet around their wrist, which can come in one of seven colours. These bracelets are known as the Command Bands and they have a hierarchy based on the colour. Gold is the highest, followed by silver, then red, blue, green, grey and finally black. Nobody knows where these bands came from or what decides the colour, but what people do know is that your band colour is the most...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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A Better WorldChapter 6B The Killing Fields

Hi, remember me, the root cause of all of the chaos. Well just to back up a little. Tom and I had a date at 11:30. Tom kept the date but not as I expected. Tom came into my room with a big downcast look on his face. I was sitting on my bed. I said, "Let's connect. You don't need all of that trouble." Tom cracked a weak smile and pulled over a desk chair and sat in it. I did not need to be connected to know something was way up. Connection solved the communication issues. I told Tom that...

1 year ago
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How It All Started 2

I had just watched my wife, Carol, get fucked by my best friend John.  My emotions were in a turmoil; jealousy, fear, excitement and most of all, turned on.  I had loved it.  Carol and I had schemed about this for months. While we were at home fucking I would whisper to her, "Do you want to fuck John?"  She would go wild with explosive orgasms.Now in the afterglow she was lying there naked, legs sprawled, cunt leaking, breathing hard with a wide smile on her face and perhaps a bit of guilt. ...

Wife Lovers
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How the tables have turned

*****************ALISHA***********Alisha tossed and turned, changing her position in her bed for probably the twentieth time that night. According to the clock on the dresser, it was already 2:15am and she still couldn't sleep. It was raining lightly, but she could hear it usual pitter patter of the raindrops against the the steel roof above. She loved it when it rained, she would leave one or two windows slightly open so that the cool breeze could fill the house. She loved how the coolness...

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