Open Minded FamiliesChapter 2 free porn video

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The Halls

Me - Sean - 16

Sister - Dani (Daniel) - 17

Mom - Gwen - 37

Dad - Brad - 41

The Adlers

Susan - mid 20’s- Y tour guide

Carl - 16 - Susan’s Brother

Amy - upper 50’s - Susan’s mom

Dave - upper 50’s - Susan’s dad

The Haydens

Stephanie (Steph) - 16 - swimming partner

Gerald - dad - late 40’s

Nancy - mom - late 40’s

Keith - bro - 18

Carla - Desk Clerk - 18

Dad had just left for work and mom came in to my room early, shutting the door. She gently slid the sheet down below my waist and knelt on the floor next to my dick. She just teased with her finger for a few minutes then bent over and followed suit with her tongue. I thought this was one of the best dreams I’ve had in a long time but, if I didn’t take care of my hardon soon, I was gonna have to explain some very sticky sheets. I reached down to grab my cock and something was blocking my way. I opened my eyes real quick and saw moms head going up and down on my cock. I started to say something and mom’s hand shot up to cover my mouth. She pulled my legs apart and ran her hands down the insides of my thigh and back to my ass.

Dani knocked on the door and asked to come in. I started to say no and mom bobbed her head ‘yes’. I told Dani to come on in. She just stood in the doorway staring for a few seconds when mom motioned her in. Dani knelt down next to mom and started to say something and moms hand went up to cover her mouth too. I was getting the idea that mom didn’t want any conversations going on! Dani just watched mom for a couple minutes then stood and got up on the bed and straddled my head. She lowered her pussy down onto my mouth (I guess that’s was another way to shut me up!) My tongue was going up and down, and in and out of her pussy. I reached both hands up to play with her tits, and she just kept grinding away at my mouth. I didn’t think I was going to last much longer when Dani yelled and was rocking her pussy back and forth as fast as she could. I actually had to wipe some of her cum off my nose so I could breathe, then all of a sudden I didn’t care about breathing and was yelling way too loud about how great gawd was. Mom got up and curled up next to me on the bed, Dani collapsed onto my thigh right next to a very wet, shriveling dick and left me staring at a very wet and dripping pussy! Nobody even tried to say anything. And we just lay there for what must have been 15 minutes. Mom stirred first, grabbed Dani’s arm and got up then grabbed my arm and dragged us all to her shower (it was bigger than the one Dani and I shared).

Moms shower had four shower heads, mom had them all turned on and dragged us both in under the water. Mom pushed me down onto a bench seat and proceeded to clean Dani first. Mom spread Dani’s pussy and ass apart a few times and licked her slowly. Then she’d switch to the shower wand. Mom switched back and forth several times before stopping. Mom used the wand on Dani’s whole body, rinsing everything. Then mom pushed Dani down on the bench and pulled me up. I got the same treatment. When I thought she was just about done, I kicked Dani’s foot and nodded for her to get up. We both went at mom like she did us, the only difference being is that we didn’t think mom had cum yet. So the little licks here and there were a lot more purposeful. I was working both tits with an occasional wander down to her ass, and Dani was really going after her pussy, with a little side of ass groping. I felt Dani’s finger circling moms ass-hole and felt it disappearing. Mom was bucking her hips up and down on Dani’s tongue and now trying to ride the ass finger back and forth. It looked like her body was getting confused which way to move and simply froze. Mom went all stiff and shrieked so loud I thought I heard birds flying away outside her window! Dani and I literally had to help her sit on the bench before she fell. Dani and I each took a shower wand and turned them on gentle and started rubbing mom down. Dani couldn’t quit eating moms pussy though. I think my sister was becoming a lesbian cum slut!. The three of us just sat there for a few minutes and mom looked at both of us and said Good Morning, You two want some breakfast?! We laughed, got out and dried each other off. Mom just entered the kitchen and I was about to push the door open when mom ran out yelling ‘The Workmen Are Here’. We all had forgotten about the contractors and ran upstairs to get dressed.

We all went back downstairs together. Mom, very tentatively went into the kitchen, she didn’t know if they had seen her or not. One of the workmen looked up and saw mom, and waved. Mom went outside to say hi. They all came over and introduced themselves, Jack, Jerod, and Don. Mom said Hi, I’m Gwen, and Sean and Dani are in the kitchen. Everyone waved. Jack said I don’t want to be indelicate, but we saw you when you first came down. And, we just wanted you to know that we have worked several jobs in the buff and that being around other people who were naked would not be a distraction. We’ve even worked one job at a local nudist colony and were required to be nude.

What I’m trying to say is we would much prefer doing our jobs in the buff. We are more relaxed, a lot more comfortable and it really beefs up our tans. Whether you are naked or not doesn’t matter to us. And, we can supply letters of introduction from clients who have let us work naked.

Mom said “I don’t know guys, let me call my husband.” As mom turned to come inside Don said to tell Mr Hall we’ll throw in a few extras here and there if he says ok.

Mom came in and called dad, Brad, I screwed up. I forgot the workmen were here today and came down to the kitchen bare-assed. They all saw me but are actually being really cool about it. They want to know if they can work naked. They say they’ve done it at several jobs and that it is not in any way sexual. Just fun, and comfortable. They also said they’d throw in some extras if you said ok. Brad said You trust them? Mom said Yea, honey I do. I think it would be ok. And then the kids and I don’t have to suffer this whole week staying clothed! She laughed. Dad said ok, it’s up to you, but keep the phone close and have my speed dial set up. Ok hun - love you!

Mom dragged Dani and I into the living room and asked if we’d be ok with the workers being naked. I said no problem, can we get bare-ass too? Mom said, it’s up to you, if you want. Dani, a little to enthusiastically said yea, that’d be fine. She kept smiling and looking out the window while talking to mom.

Mom went back outside and the guys stopped what they were doing and gathered around her. Mom said You realize the kids are minors and I’m not interested in anything sexual. All three said yea! Mom said, alright, do what your comfortable with. Mom came back in and dragged Dani and I upstairs. She said The workmen are probably going to be bare-assed when we go back down and we can if we want to. It’s entirely up to you two though. I’m getting naked, I’ve really started getting used to it and feel a whole lot better bare-assed. But, you guys do what you want. Dani and I went to her room. Dani said you’re getting naked too aren’t you? I said yea, it ain’t no big deal! Dani said I don’t know. I just reminded her, using her own words, ‘I let some girl give me the most frightening and powerful orgasm of my life, in front of a bunch of strangers’. Dani smiled and hit me on the shoulder, You ass-hole! We stood up and stripped and headed down to find mom. She was, finally! making our breakfast but staring out the window a lot. All three workmen were bare-assed and had started working. By the time we were done with breakfast we had forgotten they were there and went about our normal routine. Mom was cleaning up and Dani grabbed my arm and said take me out on the patio. I looked at her questioningly and she said that one over by the potted tree is really cute! I said I thought you were more into girls? She said maybe she leaned that way, but not completely. I asked mom if she remembered the workman’s names. She pointed out all three saying Jack, Jerod and Don. Why? Just to get the awkwardness out of the way, Dani and I are going to go introduce ourselves. Mom said good idea, but I’ll be watching from here.

As soon as the patio door slid open, six eyes were on Dani and I (probably just Dani!). We walked over to them and said Hi guys, this is Dani, my sister and I’m Sean. We just wanted to say hi and give and get a good look at each other so we weren’t always trying to steal peaks! Dani spun around, one of the guys dropped his hammer and bent down to pick it up ... I told him we didn’t need that good of a look! Everyone laughed and started back to work. Dani and I stood off in the corner and she said Sean, I know this nudity stuff isn’t supposed to be sexual, but how can it not be. I see Jerod and want to jump on his dick and ride off into the sunset on him! I’m so horny I could fuck a doorknob right now. I said you know that door in the utility closet, the handle is a lot lower than a regular door. She hit me again and we went inside. I asked mom if we could go to the Y today. She said she couldn’t leave but, if we found a ride, she didn’t mind.

I asked mom if she had phone numbers for people in our class, that I wanted to call Steph and see if she was going. Mom said Good idea and went to look. She came back and gave me her number.

I called Steph and asked if she was going to the Y today. She said she hadn’t thought about it but was bored shitless and that sounded good. She told me to hang on a minute. She came back and said her mom said fine. I told her I didn’t have a ride I gave her our address and asked if they lived close to us and could give my sister and I a lift? She said hang on. Came back and said yea, no problem, mom and I will be over in about a half hour? I said great and hung up. I told Dani to get ready and told mom.

Mom was just staring out the back window. That wasn’t like her, she’s seen naked guys before, especially lately. I asked if everything was ok and she smiled and said yea, great, I just wanted to go with you! Tell Susan I said Hi!

Dani and I had our bags and waited by the front door for Steph and her mom.

Mom called dad just to say hi and tell him everything was going good. The guys were being real cool and there weren’t going to be any problems. Mom asked if he could come home for lunch and he said No sorry, real busy. Why, what’s up. Mom said just real horny! Dad laughed lightly and said You got three young naked cocks on the patio and you want me to come home, I’m flattered. Mom said You know I wouldn’t be with any other man. He said Honey, I’m not stupid, or jealous. With what you’ve said about the Y, I’d be very surprised if you haven’t already had a bit of fun! Mom said, that wouldn’t upset you. Dad said no, not at all, as long as it stays fun and fucking and doesn’t become love. And remember, you’re taking me there one of these days soon! And, I may want to play a little. Mom said, no seriously, If I just wanted to get rid of this damned ‘itch’ with one of the workmen, you’re ok with it? Dad asked, Would you fall in love with him and leave me? Mom said Oh my gawd no, I love you and only you. And with what’s happening with our family right now, I won’t do anything to jeopardize that! I love you Brad. Dad laughed and said Get your ass out on the patio and scratch that itch - but I better have a hell of a blowjob waiting for me when I get home! Gawd I love you Brad. Try to come home early! Love you!

Mom stayed on the couch looking out the window, but was now so full of love for Brad she didn’t just want a quickie from some stranger. Mom just stared off into space thinking how lucky she was.

Mrs Hayden and Steph pulled into the driveway and parked the car. Dani and I were getting in as Mrs Hayden was getting out, she said she wanted to meet my mom before we left. I said Wait here, I’ll go get her. I ran to the den and woke mom from her stupor and was trying to tell her Mrs Hayden was out front and wanted to meet her. Mom, stood up and was just turning towards the door when Mrs Hayden walked in. I decided to get the hell out of there and go see Steph and Dani. Dani looked at me questioningly and I just shrugged my shoulder. I was telling Steph about the naked contractors and she wanted to go see, she said they had some contractors a couple years ago that worked naked and, looking at Dani, said One of them was really hot. I stopped her, saying my mom had her hands full just trying to explain it to your mom, and to please just wait out here. Steph hadn’t met Dani, I did the intros and said I’d be right back. I wondered how much blood I was going to have to clean up when I looked out on the patio and saw Mrs Hayden hugging all three contractors, even taking a quick feel of one of their dicks! As it turns out, the three contractors had done ‘naked’ work for the Hayden’s a year or so ago. They all remembered each other. Mom was a lot less self-conscious about her nudity now and everyone was smiling and catching up! Mrs Hayden waved bye to the guys and put her arm around my moms waist and walked back inside. They kissed each other and Mrs Hayden said she was looking forward to Wednesday night. She came and put her arm around my shoulder and walked me out to the car. We all got in and took off to the Y. Nothing was said about what just happened!

Steph and Dani wouldn’t shut up, all the way there, when we got there Dani said she wanted to go see Carla first, and they took off. Mrs Hayden looked at me and said I guess you’re stuck with the old broad! I looked up at her and said first, can you swim and second do you talk non stop! She laughed and said Yes and No, lets go. I went to get my Speedo on and Mrs Hayden went to change then we met at the pool. Now, I distinctly remember Susan, during indoc, saying parents could wear pretty much any modest swim ware. I never did explain to Dani what a camel toe was, maybe I should go get her! I don’t know what that dark red area around the nipple is called, but Mrs Hayden’s was really red! She jumped in and said you better get in before that hardon starts peaking out! I looked down, said shit, and jumped in the pool. Mrs Hayden cornered me against the side of the pool, and said don’t be embarrassed, I’m flattered. She reached down and was rubbing my dick through my Speedo. She asked me how old I was, if I had a girlfriend or boyfriend, how long we had been nudists, did we have many guests over, was there a lot of sex going on.

I interrupted her and said Mrs Hayden, First would you please move your hand I’m about to make a very noticeable mess in the pool and, second you said you didn’t talk non stop! She let go of my dick, gave my cheek a kiss and said I’m gonna like you! Swim or TV room? I looked at her and said If we swim, with the way you look, I’m going to cum whether your touching me or not. At least in the TV room it will be less embarrassing! She said I do like you! Lets go.

There wasn’t even any pretense that we were going to put shorts on. We stripped at the door and grabbed a couple of bean bags. She said she’d be right back and not to go anywhere. She went to the front desk, and found Carla, Dani and Steph all naked behind the counter. Mrs Hayden looked at her daughter and said What is it about the Halls?!! They’ve really got our blood boiling! Mrs Hayden asked Carla to put on a ‘good’ movie for her and Sean. Dani looked at Steph and they just smiled. Mrs Hayden went back to the TV room and planted her pussy on Sean’s face. I couldn’t/wouldn’t stop my tongue, it was everywhere. I kept hitting something and thought it was a mole. When my tongue hit her ass-hole Mrs Hayden went ballistic rubbing her ass back and forth. My gawd where, did you learn to do that. Sean, kinda forcefully turned Mrs Hayden over and dove between her legs. He did a double take and sat up and said what’s this? Oh, I had the hood of my clitoris pierced. I like the looks and once a guy (or gal) learns how to really use it, it drives me up a wall. Sean said show me. Mrs Hayden grabbed the ring and said if you pull up and back, gently it exposes my clitoris. Then you’re free to gobble away, and I’m free to go to heaven! The trick though is to get the clit exposed and then to be able to hold the ring against my skin so the natural excitement and thrashing around that ensues doesn’t cause you to let go of the ring or to pull it too hard! See how my thumb presses the ring into my skin. Now, as long as I don’t move my thumb you’ve got free access and I’m not moving the ring around a lot. But, what makes it even better is if you are the one holding it and eating me. That allows my hands to be free so I can hit something, anything, usually it’s the back of my partners head numerous times!

I moved her hands away and played with the ring a few minutes. Practicing exposing the clit and holding it in place. Thought I had it, so I put my tongue to work. I must have been doing it right cause she was beating the crap out of my shoulders and neck! She was yelling, and I don’t mean moaning, she was yelling oh gawd! When she came it was a loud screech and her hips pivoted in the air and froze in place. Carla, Steph, And Dani (and about a dozen others) were standing in the doorway. Steph, came over kinda quickly and whispered to her mom to shut the fuck up! Mrs Hayden reached up to her daughter grabbed her face and pulled her down into a very passionate kiss. Steph returned the kiss. When they broke for air Steph was giving me a very strange look/smile. Mrs Hayden told Steph to go swimming or something and put her arms around me and pulled me down on top of her. How the fuck old are you? Never, Never, NEVER has it been that good. She kept hugging me and had tears running down the sides of her face (I swear to gawd I’m gonna invent an anti-crying spray!) I felt a little awkward laying on top of her with all my body weight and started to move.

She just held tighter, and said No, please not yet! Susan came in and crouched down next to us and smiling, said Hi Nancy, having a good time? Mrs Hayden opened her eyes and said Oh my gawd Susan, This is Sean, Don’t forget his name, and get him in your bed as soon as you can. Fucking amazing! Susan leaned over to me and gave me a really nice, long, deep kiss, looked at Mrs Hayden and said Yea, we’ve met! I piped in that Yea, Susan was teaching me a lot, some stuff about swimming too, she’s my swim coach!

Susan smiled at me and winked! Mrs Hayden looked at Susan with questions in her eyes? The door crowd all started applauding. I took a lesson from Susan and stood up and took a bow! Susan hit me on the shoulder and whispered in my ear You’re gonna own this place soon!

I reached down to help Mrs Hayden up and cum literally was flowing down her legs. And it made me think, it wasn’t my cum, I hadn’t cum yet! Carla grabbed a roll of paper towels and came over to help her to the showers. I took the paper towels and started wiping up the bean bags and floor (ceiling tiles, light fixtures, underside of tables, and some guys glasses in the hall!). Dani came over with another roll and said you and I need to talk tonight little bro!

Dani grabbed Mrs Hayden’s swim suit and headed off to the locker room. Dani and Carla found me in the cafeteria about 45 minutes later. Dani said they actually had to put her in a chair under the shower while they cleaned her up! She’s resting on a couch in the locker room and said she’d be out in a bit!

Steph came out, kissed me on the cheek and said I have never seen mom that happy. She needed that, thanks. Then she added, and if you’ll excuse us now your sister and Carla and I are going to go fuck our brains out! Carla smiled, Dani giggled, and they were off.

Gawd, now what, am I really gonna have to just watch a movie?! I was just about to get up when Susan walked up behind me and pushed me back down in the chair. Not yet, you and I need to talk. She sat down and said Sean, you’re getting a hell of a reputation around here! It’s all good and probably 75% of it is women that really want to get to know you. But, that other 25% you need to be aware of. I don’t know you well enough to know and I’m not judging but men and even some boys are starting to ask about you too. If you swing that way, that’s fine, we’re pretty choosy on who we let in, you’ll be safe here. But, don’t be surprised if you start feeling a lot more groping from men. Are you ok with that? I said I really didn’t know. I had a blowjob from some guy in the shower (in fact, it was the day you met my mom and were eating her pussy in the shower, I was three stalls down letting off some steam!). Susan started blushing and I went on But, it wasn’t a really sexual thing for me, I was just getting my rocks off. Susan was smiling, and said, I’m really, really glad you trust me enough to be honest with me. And, if you want to do some experimenting and ‘playing around’ this is the right place. Somebody is always here to watch your back. There’s a couple of guys I want you to meet, not necessarily as sex partners, just a couple guys that are friendly and very open, like you. Plus, it would give you a couple of male friends to have here instead of stealing all the women, keep your shit up and you might even make me jealous! I was flabbergasted anyone could evoke that kind of response from Mrs Hayden.

Susan continued, My mom was even watching and came over and asked me who you were!

Mrs Hayden came out and sat with us. Susan had a huge smile on her face and said kinda sarcastically Hi Nancy. Mrs Hayden said Fuck you Susan, I’m so embarrassed. Susan said my gawd why? That was fucking awesome. If you weren’t old enough to be Sean’s grand mother, you two would make a good couple. Mrs Hayden said, You aren’t gonna let this go are you? Susan said Not for a while. It pisses me off when someone gets more attention than me! They were laughing I was kinda at a loss as to what was going on.

Mrs Hayden said In all that went on in there Sean, if I recollect correctly, you haven’t cum yet. Mrs Hayden and Susan exchanged glances and were shaking their heads yes. Susan looked at me and said First, you can’t talk. Second You can’t touch. Now, get up and follow us. Oh crap, the TV Room was really starting to scare me! They very slowly stripped me. Fingernails were all over me. Susan reached into her pocket and pushed a button on her cell phone. Some guy came in and Susan whispered in his ear. She gave him some keys and he left. The ladies got me into a bean bag and kept teasing. Mrs Hayden lifted my legs above my head and Susan was licking my ass-hole and teasing my balls. Mrs Hayden set my legs down and was playing with my nipples (nobody had ever done that before and I kinda liked it!) Susan leaned down and whispered in my ear If you cum before we are ready, she would have me banned for a week. I looked at her thinking she was kidding, she wasn’t smiling! Susan whispered something to Mrs Hayden. Susan’s guy came back and handed her something. Susan put it under a bean bag.

The guy grabbed a bean bag a couple away from ours and just watched. At one point I thought I saw Susan nod yes to him. A few minutes later he had his clothes off and was beating his meat. I just kept my eyes closed and kept looking for those fucking sheep or maybe baseball, isn’t that the sport where they hit a ball with a piece of wood and run! Susan pored something on my chest and Mrs Hayden was spreading it around. I saw the bottle and it said ‘AstroGlide’??? Everything was all slippery and really feeling good. They poured a little more on my stomach and kept spreading it around. Then the fun began I felt it dribble on my dick, balls and thighs. Wait, what what - they weren’t rubbing it around. Oh please! They poured more on both legs and each lady had a leg and were spreading it everywhere except my dick and balls. I don’t know if they were trying to keep me from cumming or if they just wanted to piss me off - they were a lot closer to the pissing me off option - gawd I wanted them to rub my dick and balls! Now, I’m covered neck to toes in this AstroGlide. Susan and Mrs Hayden looked at each other and shook their heads yes - WHAT THE FUCK, they were playing Rock Paper Scissors. Susan won and stuck her tongue out at Mrs Hayden. Susan stood up and straddled me and started taking off her clothes. When she was naked Mrs Hayden took the AstroGlide and covered Susan from tits to knees with it. Susan slid down on my body, and I really mean slid, we were both covered. She was sliding all over my body. Her tits were paying particular attention to my dick and balls. Mrs Hayden couldn’t get hold of my tits well enough to squeeze them. Susan’s guy friend came over and was rubbing my thighs and legs. I flat out didn’t give a shit, my gawd please don’t let me ever cum, just keep this going forever. Mrs Hayden had graduated to my neck and ears. The guy was all over my thighs but never touched my dick or balls. Susan slid up and down and finally put her mouth next to my ear and said You can cum now. Susan trapped my dick between her pussy and my belly and just slid back and forth. I remember people watching, the bleachers must have had 20 people in them. Dani, Steph and Carla were right down by us just watching. I vaguely remember cumming and watching cum fly over my head, I think it was mine, and then passing out. When I woke (I was told it was only a few minutes) The TV Room door was closed, the lights were down low, and the only people there were Mrs Hayden, Susan, Dani, Carla, and Steph. Susan’s mom and ‘that guy’ were sitting on the bench along the wall. Now I had a couple of predicaments, how do I hug 5 women at once, and where is that fucking crying spray I was gonna invent. I needed to use it on me! My gawd I loved these women!

I started to get up and couldn’t, my legs went out for a walk without me. I couldn’t move! Mrs Hayden took one leg and Susan took the other and they started massaging me. I stopped them and said That’s what got me in this condition to begin with! I sat up and stretched my own legs and started feeling them again! I eventually made it to the showers. Susan came in, apparently she had free run of the place and nobody was surprised to see her. She just stuck her head in and asked if I was ok. I just smiled. She said you’re ok, smiled and left.

I found Mrs Hayden in the cafeteria, and she said lets find your sister and my daughter and see if we can find our way home, ok? She got up and kissed me on the cheek and asked Today wasn’t too much for you was it. I said no not at all can we do it all again? She smiled and said meet you at the desk!

We finally made it home and Mrs Hayden and Steph came in with Dani and I. I stopped them at the door and said I hate saying this, but can you wait here a sec while I check-in with mom? Mrs Hayden said very well done, yea, we’ll wait.

I went and got mom. She went to the door naked and let them in, Mrs Hayden said you’re training him well, in more ways than one! The moms sat on the couch and bs’d for a few minutes, Steph, Dani and I went out to the patio. Jerod saw Steph, dropped what he was doing and almost ran over to give her a hug. How ya doin’ kiddo? Great Jerod, and You. Better now that we got our clothes off and you’re here. Steph grabbed his cock and asked You keeping him lotioned up? Jerod just smiled and said Yea but no one can put lotion on better than you!

Jerod went back to work and Dani asked Steph if she had fucked Jerod. Steph said No, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. These guys really are good guys and aren’t going to fool around with minors. Dani said he would be my first choice too, damn that cock! We all went inside and Mrs Hayden was standing up getting ready to leave. Everybody kissed everybody and they left. I was just at the stairs and going to my room when mom told me to get my ass over there. She told Dani to go upstairs. I was actually worried, we hadn’t done anything wrong and mom was acting all pissed off.

Mom asked what all went on at the Y today, did you do something wrong. I said no, it was just another day at the Y. Mom said Susan called and asked me to come in. I told her I couldn’t make it, with the contractors here, till Monday. She asked if she could come over here, that it would only be for a few minutes. Are they kicking us out because of something you did? Mom, honestly I don’t know what’s up, yea there was some sex stuff going on but no different than when you were there. Mom smiled and said, you’re really worried aren’t you? I said yea, are you fucking with me? Mom said a little. Nancy (Mrs Hayden) wants to adopt you! And told me what you did for/to her. I’m proud of you. Susan just said it was an informational visit and nothing was wrong. Mom, How much trouble would I be in if I called you a Bitch!? She hugged me and said go get your clothes off and give Dani the all clear!

A couple of minutes later the doorbell rang. Mom figured it was Susan but checked the peep hole anyway. Mom opened the door and let Susan in. They stood in the hallway and gave each other a little more than just ‘friends’ kiss.

Mom invited Susan in and asked if she wanted some coffee, or something stronger. Susan said coffee would be great. Mom took her in to the kitchen to sit and talk. Susan looked out at the patio and stopped dead in her tracks Whoa! Nice! Did they come with the house? Mom explained the accidental exposure and what followed. Susan just said you lucky bitch! Mom laughed and said that’s the second time in ten minutes I’ve been called a bitch, then had to explain her teasing of Sean.

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Open Minded Siblings Part 8211 1

Hello, everyone, I am a male and I am going to narrate this friction story as a female.I am a regular reader of iss for past 3 years and I have a tool of 7in any women or girls can contact me trough my email:   Hi, I am Neha.We are five members in our family.My father is a businessman and mother is a teacher at a university so both of them come home late in the evening.First my elder brother Rahul he is 6ft tall, fair and good looking guy with well-shaped body and doing final year b.E.Second...

1 year ago
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Sexy Svelt and Singleminded

SEXY, SVELT, AND SINGLE MINDED Suzy is a killer; good looks and a good body. I?ve told her she is sexy, svelte, and single minded and that she makes me crazy. She tells me she will do anything for me and is submissive by nature. In many respects that?s true but she does have a way of submitting on her terms. I can be quite dominate and she loves me for that. Also she seems to like the size and taste of my cock. We will get married maybe as early as next year. But now we just live together...

4 years ago
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The Absentminded Model

Lily flew over the stairs and into the offices of R. Kirby and Associates where she would receive indication for next model assignment. She was late again. Well she was always late. In fact her friends joked that she would be late for her own funeral. It's not that Lily consciously started things late or overslept or things like that. On the contrary, she always tried very hard not to be late, but things conspired against her. For instance today: her appointment was at four in the afternoon....

3 years ago
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My Open Minded Sister 8211 Part 2

Continuation of my previous sex story, “My open minded sister – part 1”, the incidents between me and my sister and my family. Even though my mother gave birth to me, it was my sister who grew me up and taught each and everything in my life.She teaches the essentials of the life and everything. I love my sister. Hi all readers , thanks for your response on my own story “My open minded sister-part -1”, I got lot of mails and compliments on that. That is not a sex story, it’s true incidents with...

3 years ago
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Openmind Sexy Mom

Open mind sexy Mom By san I live with my mom for several reasons. I’m 20 and mom lets me have my freedom. I can do just about anything, except drugs and bringing girls home for sex. Otherwise, I have the run of the house. My last reason is; my mom is hot. My mom works in real estate and does some modeling for the local TV shopping channel. She models clothes and jewelry, sometimes makeup. My mom is 40 and petite, with a 38c chest. I think she looks perfect. My father left mom for another woman...

1 year ago
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Are you looking for a free site that offers users an opportunity to upload, share and download whatever kind of content including erotic photos and porn videos? Open Load. may as well be your best or only bet. This site is free allows you to upload unlimited files whether photo thumbnails or videos at remarkable speeds. It's simple, reliable and mobile-friendly. I am sure you are interested to know more about the site so follow through the review, a free content...

Porn Video Hosting Sites
1 year ago
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What can we find at X Openload? If you are not a fucking toddler, then you may have noted that Google is making it harder for people to access porn. That’s exactly why you need a porn tube, a place that gathers and streams tons of XXX videos for your fapping pleasure. Whether it is Blondes, redheads, petite girls, fat women, BDSM, teen, MILF, and what have you are all parting their thighs (and other places) to welcome huge throbbing dongs in their fuckholes in steamy, high-quality...

Free Porn Tube Sites
1 year ago
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Who’s up for some Open TGC? I bet you either got a raging boner when I asked that or you’re just utterly fucking confused right now. Hey, I feel you on that. My whole job is looking at Internet porn all day and it took me a good half hour to figure out what OpenTGC even stands for. It’s a deep-niche sexual fetish, so naturally, it’s going to have its own nomenclature, secret codes and in-jokes. It sprang out of Reddit, too, so the neckbeard vibes and insular posturing is doubled; I was scared...

Sex Stories Sites
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Open Minded FamiliesChapter 3

Characters The Halls Me - Sean - 16 Sister - Dani (Daniel) - 17 Mom - Gwen - 37 Dad - Brad - 41 The Adlers Susan - mid 20’s- Y tour guide Carl - 16 - Susan’s Brother Amy - 15 - Susan’s sister Madge - 67 - Susan’s mom Milton (Milt) - mid 60’s - Susan’s dad The Haydens Stephanie (Steph) - 16 - swimming partner Gerald - dad - late 40’s Nancy - mom - late 40’s Keith - bro - 18 Carla - Desk Clerk - 18 Jack, Jerod, Don - late 20’s? - 3 pool contractors Mom had dinner just about...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 434 SingleMinded Marks The Williamses at Refuge

Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued) Before they could get worried that I was some sort of alien out to kidnap them, I kidnapped them, teleporting them and Prof's walking stick to their Refuge's living room. I also teleported myself, making me appear standing behind a sofa several feet away from them, at human-normal size and with the face and body shape that I'd used in my 32-minded dimensions, although the fine details of my body were hidden under my clothes. The room's décor and the...

3 years ago
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Open Minded FamiliesChapter 5

Characters The Halls Me - Sean - 16 Sister - Dani (Daniel) - 17 Mom - Gwen - 37 Dad - Brad - 41 The Adlers Susan - mid 20’s- Y tour guide Carl - 16 - Susan’s Brother Amy - 16 - Susan’s sister Madge - 67 - Susan’s mom Milton (Milt) - mid 60’s - Susan’s dad The Haydens Stephanie (Steph) - 16 - swimming partner Gerald - dad - late 40’s Nancy - mom - late 40’s (clit ring) Keith - bro - 18 The Hudsons (neighbors) Kate - mid 30’s (clit ring) Bill - mid 30’s Jenna - 19 (clit...

3 years ago
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My Open Minded Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi all please mail your responses to my mail id , this is my first real sex story and my experience too. I am Rahul and my sister Revathi. In our family we are four, me, sister, mom and dad. Dad and mom are very busy with there works and jobs, both are doing jobs. My mom given birth to me and nourished at childhood. After that onwards all take care by my sister revathi. We are typical upper middle class family. We have two bed room house. One bedroom used by mom and dad and another bedroom used...

3 years ago
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Simpleminded Cousin

"Yes she was," Scott responded on auto pilot before escaping the elderly lady, only to bump into yet another one. "You must be Scottie," she said. "I was a friend of your mother. She was so young." "Yes she was." That's the way the day went after his mother's funeral, with everyone paying their respects and offering condolences. Scott wasn't annoyed. He was bored. Having left his wife home with their two sick children, he flew cross country to Florida for the funeral. He loved his...

4 years ago
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Open Minded Niece

Chapter 1 - Formal IntroductionI usually stay with the house of my wife together with her sister-in-law and her young daughter. My wife and k**s works and leave outside the country. My sexual life was not that normal since I only see my wife twice a year and I am really not into the usual men do that hire prostitute for a short time gratification. I am not really satisfied if my partner is not really into it and then I don't feel the money to pay them is worth it. For some they take advantage...

1 year ago
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Simple Lesson For SimpleMinded Son

“Ssssaaahhh..Mmmaahh!!!” Sanju moaned in ecstasy when Madhu sucked his penis for the first time. She was running her tongue along her twenty-year-old son’s uncircumcised penis as he caressed her long black hair. Madhu licked her son’s balls and foreskin and flicked his orifice with her tongue which made him gasp. His ball-sacks were hairy and had a musky odor. Madhu was only wearing a bra and was completely naked beneath. Her son’s peepee was so wet from her drool that it made wet plops for...

3 years ago
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The AbsentMinded Commuter

The Absent-Minded TravellerI am a terribly forgetful person - let me give you an example. Yesterday I went to visit a friend - a beautiful friend, slim, yet with curves in all the right places - and we flirt, though nothing has happened between us … yet. I wanted her to notice how good I looked, so I made a special effort before I set off for her place. I put on a rather short, floral dress, and high heeled, strappy sandals. Then I sat in front of the mirror and watched myself as I pumped my...

2 years ago
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Open Minded Aunt With His Nephew

It happens with every woman, especially in India. After reaching a certain age they suppress their urges and live life in the dark. Sometimes this happens because of the uninterested partner and sometimes they can’t do it because of the surrounding. Something of this happened with my aunt but being smart she found a way to appease her and as well, the one who wrote this one. My aunt isn’t that hot, she was average but if you happen to see her naked, I could bet you will wish to sleep with her...

3 years ago
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Open Minded Niece 5 Wash it and Soap it

Beads of sweat runs on my forehead and sweat wet my head while I lay down at the edge of the bed. The top of my head was touching the lower back of my niece who was on her side sleeping facing away from me and Jolienne. I think I waked my niece up since I felt her moved."Mitch dear, are you awake?" I asked as I sit up myself and turn to her. Jollianne step in between my legs and sat on my right thigh which she always did. But this time I am just wearing my shirts with my soft penis still...

3 years ago
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Open Minded Niece III

"Tito you are shooting drops a bit again"Spread it with your thumb"While she hold my cock I guide her thumb to use it to just spread it lightly"Can I touch your balls now?" An eager request."Yes of course, but gently ." I said."Feel so soft, not like your penis so hard." A complement from her."You can use both your hands now. Your right on my penis and your left on my balls." teaching her"Am I doing correctly?" she asked again. "Yes, your hands really feels good." Trying to control myself."Are...

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Open Minded Niece 2 Escalating Experience

"Please can I touch your nipple? Please,.. Mitch beg. "Haven't you touch your brother's nipple." I was still resisting."That is different, beside his fat and it look like a breast bigger than mine," she giggle and we both laugh and smile."Please Tito?" Tito means Uncle in our country."Ok!" I give in.Then she pulled me in the room and closed the door behind us.I said, "Leave the door slightly open, if your mother come up we will know and be ready to act normal. Mitch agree and we promise each...

3 years ago
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Open Minded Neighbour

I’m Arun. I live in Guntur ppl cal me sean..I’m a well-built guy.With a height of 5-11, every girl who sees me ends with a naughty smile for my actions to her..These things are useless for u. So let’s jump to the foreplay.Hope u read the sex story fully and enjoy.Leave ur Ready to serve u al. Any aunts, unsatisfied women, girls, along Vizag, Guntur, Elur, Sklm. Don’t hesitate to mail. So the fem role in the sex story a beautiful lady with 37-32-36 stats.Her boobs were the best part of her...

1 year ago
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Jennifer was a pretty and talented 18years old that lives with her very strict parents. Jen is an only daughter and she likes to hang out with her friends, her family and I are neighbors in an apartment. I am a 42 year old male and working at night time in a bar. Me and Jen’s father are close friends, because we are neighbors we share time and drink for sometime. Jen’s mother, Amy, is a really nice woman she cooks well and works during day at their store in the market. Her father is a business...

Adult Humor
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Likeminded adventurers

It was an entirely flippant comment and one of my typical attempts to be amusing by saying something a little outrageous. Jen and I had been together for some years but hadn't lost our 'dirty weekend' appetite, although the main reason for our weekend at a B&B in Ilfracombe was my new digital camera. Some years ago I'd spent a week rock climbing on Lundy Island, and my climbing buddy and I only stayed overnight in Ilfracombe before boarding the boat. Even so, I had enough time in the town...

2 years ago
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My Dirty Minded Neighbour

My next-door neighbour is 61 years old and has just retired from work; she lives on her own and is a slightly plumper kind of woman. I’ve only knowing her eight months after moving to the area and we get on well together as neighbours.I’m half her age and she is very motherly to me, like taking in parcels off the post man, baking cakes and fruit pies for me and such like, if I’m going to the shops I always ask if she wants any thing and do small jobs for her in the house. We have a good banter...

1 year ago
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My openminded aunt

When I heard aunt Mary’s voice again that evening it had been years since I’d seen her. The last time had been at her husband’s funeral. That was now, what, six years ago? Seven? We talked a bit about trivial things until aunt Mary asked if I would like to come and visit her. I hadn’t expected that, but I agreed. When I thought about it, I decided that it would be nice to see her again and reminisce about the past with her. I was in between girlfriends at the time, so to speak, so I had plenty...

2 years ago
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Absent Minded Spy

Arnold Bond has always been referred to as a geek, dweeb or nerd, and humiliated by his high school peers. It was partly because he looked the part of a geek with two left feet. And he never stood up for himself. Some of the pranks ranged from shoving him in his gym locker to sending his boxers up the flag pole. He thought his life would change in college but nothing was different except his cock had grown to an enormous size. He had become a skinny kid with a gigantic cock. The harsh pranks...

1 year ago
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Legion of LightChapter 5 Light Minded

I hadn't told everyone where we were going, though Ginny, Con and Eru knew. It became obvious instantly when everyone saw the black, circular platforms and the endless ruined black landscape beyond. "Welcome back to Obsidian. We don't really know what the Seekers called their world before the disaster, it is only referred to as the 'Seeker Home' when we do find mention of it. I'm sure our reasons for naming it as we did are obvious." As I said this, a low, gleaming metal platform...

2 years ago
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Open Minds leads to Open Hearts

Kyle, who was 32 at this time, and Carrie 30, had been together over 8 years, living the last six with each other. Kyle wanted to marry her but Carrie did not feel the need for a stupid piece of paper saying they were together. That always sat uneasy in the back of Kyle’s mind, but he never mentioned it to Carrie, who can be a bit selfish. Carrie, was the typical blond hair, blue eyed babe you see on any beach in Florida. Great tan, killer body. Always in need of attention from anyone who was...

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Open Minds leads to Open Hearts 2

Chapter 1 Kyle and Bella did reduce their time together, since their morning on his couch when she showed up with the damning report and pictures from the private investigator. About the only time they spent together was when they went over plans for the remodel. It was killing them that they couldn't touch or show any affection towards each other. But it was for the best. Kate took the news well. She was glad, in fact, because she had started hating her father, with her birthday being...

3 years ago
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Open mind mom part 1

The school bus approached my house and came to a slow stop. I was finally home. What seemed like the longest day of the year was finally over and all I wanted to do was relax. I hopped off the bus and open the door to my house. Tossing my bag onto the ground, I fell, face first, down on my couch. I moaned and took a deep breath."Fiinnnallly home...," I said to myself.After a brief moment, I sat up and turned on the television. I had the house to myself for about an hour before my mom came home...

2 years ago
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Opening Doors

MMMM/F) "Shit," demanded Simon, "What the fuck is he doing to her in there?" Simon was referring to the fact that he and I had both been brought outof our rooms by the moans of the chick coming from my frat brother Jamie'sroom across the hall. "Sounds like he's showing her one hell of a good time," I replied. "But it's one o'clock in the fucking morning," whined Simon, "I got aterm paper due tomorrow." "Dude," I said, peering past him and into his room to observe that hislight and...

2 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 15

“Meri, what do you think of this Multiverse Ambassador?” asked Janis Huff. Janis Huff’s aide and personal assistant Merideth (Meri) Charles responded, “I’m not sure what you mean by think of him.” “Don’t worry about what I mean. Just tell me what your thoughts are about him.” “I haven’t given him much thought, Janis. He seems like a nice enough person. I know what he has said about his reasons for coming to Earth, and I know most of what people have been saying about him. However, I hear...

4 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 12

During our ride to the Archer Conglomerate Headquarters, I noticed that Sandy turned her comm unit off. It had chimed three times, so turning it off seemed to be a wise move. I didn’t comment on it as it was evident she didn’t want to speak with her mother. Our driver dropped us off at the front entry and he went to park the limousine in the visitor parking area. The line at the front desk was short, and our driver had rejoined us by the time it was our turn to obtain help from the...

2 years ago
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Openly Loving

*The Main Characters* Male lead: Zackery Campbell, he goes by Zack for the most part. Since the idea for this story is to see the couple at different times in their relationship age isn't really specific. He is a 6 foot tall caucasian male, he has brown hair styled in a shorter quiff (should with age he explore different haircuts he can.) His body is similar to that of a farmer/country boy, he is strong but not overtly muscular or defined. Because of this he often gets underestimated in terms...

3 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 1Chapter 23

The next morning, Abby, Andy, Sto, and I went to the State Department, so Abby could deliver her report. I met her boss, Ryan Charles, and Abby introduced me as Ambassador Doug Smith. I suggested that we be informal and use first names, which he agreed to. Her boss was surprised by my being an Ambassador and wanted to know where I was from. Abby gave him her written report, and said, “Mister Charles, I think you need to read my report. It will answer many of your questions in an efficient...

2 years ago
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Opening of New Magic Depot Store

Cabinessence has opend this universe for other authors to write in if you desire. ---------- Opening Of New Magic Depot Store - Video Transcription By Cabinessence The following is a transcription of a newscast that was broadcast about two weeks ago about the opening of the Magic Depot Superstore on Route 9 near Fishkill, New York. "Hello this is Steve Schantz for Poughkeepsie, Channel 8 news. Well everyone in town is abuzz about the opening of the new Magic Depot...

2 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 1Chapter 6

I told Matt that I needed to discuss my trading trip with him, Alan, Sue’s boss, Bill, and Sue. The six of us were in one of HS’s meeting rooms. Sue’s boss had been introduced to me, and he told me to call him Charlie. “To start out with, I owe all of you an apology. I don’t think that anything I said to you was an outright lie, but I have not been fully truthful with you about the situation. Therefore, I apologize for what I have done, and for what I need to do in the future. “It could...

4 years ago
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Opening Night

"You fucking whore!" Brian's face reddened with rage as the blue carrier bag fell from his right hand, the condition of its contents causing him no concern whatsoever, transfixed, as he was, by the scarring scene before him. His entire being emptied of reason, understanding and, with a painful jerk, love, the vacuum they left being immediately occupied with searing anger and deeply entrenched hurt. In a flurry of flailing limbs and flung bedclothes, Kathy came towards him, dressed in nothing...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 10

After a leisurely breakfast the next morning, Betty, Misty, and their helpers set up an area to work on the translation. While they were busy doing that, Cindy, Kendrick, I, and our bodyguards left to go to the Guild Office. We only had a short trip to get to our destination, and when we arrived, we went directly to the reception area of Guild Master Kevin Moore’s office. My bodyguards insisted on checking the area before I entered, which alerted Ann Tinny, Kevin’s secretary, to my arrival....

1 year ago
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Opening Earth Part 1Chapter 3

I was expecting Bill to arrive early the next morning, so I left the door ajar. When I heard a knock on my hotel room door, I called out, “Come on in, Bill.” Bill walked into my room with an attractive woman by his side, and she seemed a little uneasy. Bill said, “Doug, this is my wife Susan. Sue, this is Doug.” Sue offered her hand to me and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Doug. Yesterday, Matt and Bill told me about you and since you are going house hunting today, Matt thought that a...

3 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 1Chapter 8

After leaving Guild Master Moore’s office and returning to the hotel, Matt and I learned that our ladies weren’t back yet. We left them a note, so they would know we had gone to the hotel’s swimming pool and the note suggested that they join us. The pool was nice. The only problem was the large number of kids made it difficult to swim laps. Matt and I decided to just relax and enjoy the water. We also participated in that male bonding activity commonly known as girl watching, until our...

4 years ago
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Open Day

Open Day(Members of the public enjoy a very special visit to a girls’ prison)Sophie and Chloe were woken to the sound of the klaxon at seven every morning.  They quickly showered, soaping each other’s beautiful bodies then dried and styled each other’s hair  they then took it in turns to inspect each other’s bodies for hair; underarms, legs and pubic mounds which they examined using each other’s tongues.  Their routine ended with them putting on their stockings and high heels and waiting for...

3 years ago
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Introduction: A sweet little story about how a girl lost her virginity and became very popular when she learned to enjoy taking dick after dick in her hot little cunt. OPEN WINDOW When Erin turned sixteen, she was still a virgin. That didnt last long though because her boyfriend, Sam, finally convinced her to go all the way one hot summer night a few months after her sixteenth birthday. They had been out on a date, going to a party, dancing for a while and drinking several strong drinks,...

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Opening up 2 Niece

Lily had the usual school girl crushes. She fell head over heels for her Algebra I teacher. He was handsome, and tall, and made everything fun. She didn't understand what was happening at first till she realized there was sometimes a feeling between her legs when she thought about Mr. Collins in a certain way. She wasn't the only one who felt that way. Her friends agreed, they would let him have sex with them if he ever wanted to, even though they were all virgins and he would get in trouble...

2 years ago
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When Erin turned sixteen, she was still a virgin. That didn't last long though because her boyfriend, Sam, finally convinced her to go all the way one hot summer night a few months after her sixteenth birthday. They had been out on a date, going to a party, dancing for a while and drinking several strong drinks, before finding a private space to make out. As usual, Erin let Sam feel her up and suck her tits, and she even rubbed Sam's dick through his jeans, but that was it. This...

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Open Marriage

Special thanks to my Proof Reader, George Davis. Jenn and I met at a big orgy at college and started dating. We both loved sex. A lot of sex. So after two years when the subject of marriage came up, we decided to try a special model of marriage - known as 'Open Marriage'. We really put a lot of thought into this, and even wrote a paper saying what was allowed and what wasn't. Like a contract. We decided to get married because of a very common reason - we were deeply in love with each other....

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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 16

The day started out fairly normal for Juan Reyes and Carlo Rivera in the Greely suburb where they lived. Since their graduation from high school a year and a half ago, the two good friends spent their evenings and most of their days together. Other than the occasional part-time job, they did nothing but hang out together, drink beer, and chase the ladies. Carlo was a member of Los Halcónes, The Hawks. Last week, he and a few members of the gang took a trip to Mexico, and when they returned,...

3 years ago
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Open Vikki forces her new cuckold slave boy to

Vikki drives. Vikki always drives. Partially because Josh doesn't know how, but also because it's his place as a submissive to sit in the back seat. He's only dressed because he's allowed to be, but he's still wearing his collar (with his name tag, address, and home phone number) and he's holding his wound up leash in his lap. Oh, that and the chastity cage and butt plug he always wears. They're a bit uncomfortable under his jeans, which Vikki chose for him just as she chose his flannel shirt....

3 years ago
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Open Wide

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

2 years ago
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Open Relationship Girlfriend8217s Sexcapades 8211 Part 2

Hi Readers, I will be writing this hot story on behalf of my girlfriend and her experience as she wanted it to be published as part of our fantasy. So, I am Akshat, 26 years old. For the past 2.5 years, I am living in Patna due to official work. I did my post-graduation from Delhi where I met the love of my life Ankita – the main character of the story. She is my girlfriend for the past 3.5 years and we are in a long-distance relationship since I moved to Patna. The story in Ankita’s words:...

3 years ago
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Open Victory Celebration

Taming the WTA Board – Part 1Please take note! Adults Only Literature The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc. Email [email protected] with your comments. Copyright 2003 **** ...

3 years ago
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Open Access

We enjoyed a very active and open sex life together and she often told me how she would get excited when she saw her gynecologist and this led to some active role play between us over the early years of our marriage together. Over time I eventually stopped talking about her or I being with other people thinking the opportunity would never arise. I played on a neighborhood softball league and one of the guys on the team and I became good friends. After one game we were out drinking and...

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 G A I LAs I nervously drove to the hotel, I searched my memories and tried to remember when this first started. I think it was a progression of a thousand things over a very long period. All in all, I considered Mike and I had a pretty good marriage. We didn’t have a perfect relationship, but who does? I think (like many couples) we slowly became trapped in a relationship where intimacy was placed on the back burner for more important responsibilities. Now with the kids gone to college,...

Wife Lovers
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Jamie answered the door, as I sat watching TV trying not to show any emotion. Ron, her date came in with a wide smile on his face and a quick hello. As she grabbed her purse, she turned to say bye and that she expected to be back by midnight. Ron told me thanks and maybe we'd talk later. I nodded my head and said have a good time. It might seem odd to wish your wife to have a good time on her date, but it was partly my idea. We'd been married just under 4 years after living together for...

2 years ago
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Opening Up

There are definite advantages to living in a small town. It’s peaceful and quiet, the people are friendly and willing to lend a hand when needed. And, for the most part, accept neighbors as they are despite their quirks and eccentricities. Everybody knows everyone else, houses are spread out, leaving more room between neighbors and affording a bit more privacy. Though, there are disadvantages as well, it’s impossible to maintain any kind of anonymity as everybody knows everybody. Which also...

Gay Male

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