RedemptionChapter 3 free porn video

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When Mike and Karen Ferguson hung up from the fateful call, they just sat motionless, Karen weeping softly, Mike in a trance. Donna, their sixteen-year-old daughter, roused them. She had heard the phone ring, then her mother's shriek, and had been standing for some time watching from the next room. She walked over and knelt by Karen, hugging her mother around the waist, and laying her head on her mother's lap. A sensitive girl, and loving her parents very much, she knew it was not the time to talk. Mike brought a chair to the other side of his wife, and pulled her head onto his shoulder.

They sat that way for at least twenty minutes before Mike gently raised his wife to her feet and led her to the bedroom. As Donna started to move toward her own room at the top of the stairs, Mike took her arm and motioned her toward the master bedroom. Donna waited while her parents used the bathroom, then went herself as they climbed into bed. She returned to her parents' room and snuggled up to the other side of her mother. It was at least two hours before Karen collapsed into sleep. An hour later, Donna woke, and went to her own room.

Perhaps wakened by her daughter's departure, Karen felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness and need. Inexplicably, these feelings morphed into lust. Mike was spooned behind her, sleeping soundly. Becoming rather frantic, she tore off her panties, bent over, and reached between her legs to open his boxers and get at his penis. Almost roughly, she began pulling on it, interrupting his slumber.

For several strokes, he was unable to determine if this was dream or reality, but the sound of her whimpering and panting brought him fully awake. He was first puzzled why this was happening, but quickly realized that she needed this badly and that he needed to help her out. He hardened almost instantly, and a single touch verified that she was more than ready. Ordinarily a gentle lover, he somehow knew that gentle was not her need tonight. Lifting her upper leg, he was guided into her by her eager hand, sinking all the way in remarkably few strokes.

He used his other hand to push her torso forward so it was perpendicular to his body. Keeping a hand between her legs, he went right for her clit and began rubbing with a firmness that would normally cause her to recoil in pain so soon. Not tonight. Even his first strokes were deep and intense and he felt the goosebumps sprouting on her legs from his efforts. He settled into a rhythm, determined to bring her to multiple orgasms before letting go. His sexy wife usually required about a ten minute build up, but he did not think it would take that long tonight. Releasing his grip on her neck, he moved that hand to her bottom and searched out her anus with his thumb. She was already lubricating freely, and he brought his thumb right to their joining to moisten it. Then he began inserting it in her back door millimeter by millimeter, stroke by stroke.

Nerves already crackling from the night's emotional deluge, Karen launched quickly, thrashing under his hands. Determined not to let her recede from her peak, he fought to keep contact, then fought even harder to forestall his own climax. Anal sex was not something they practiced, and he did not know why he chose to stimulate her there. Perhaps it was a desire to maximize erogenous zones, and he could not easily reach her breasts. Whatever the reason, his instincts were good, because she barely slowed her thrashing as his thumb sank deeper into her. Now, she was responding with a combination grunt and shriek with each of his triple strokes. It was barely five minutes more when she seemed to come apart in massive convulsions.

He knew it was hopeless to try to keep his hands in place, so he used them to straighten her out on the bed on her stomach, while keeping his thrusts perfectly in time. He hoped the stroking would serve the function his hand usually performed to keep her orgasm rolling. He grabbed one of the pillows and raised her enough to get it under her lower abdomen. He idly wondered if the pillowcase would recover from the stains it was about to receive.

Her climax was fading, but her vagina still spasmed around his cock in incredibly arousing ripples. He knew he did not have long to wait for his ejaculation, so he concentrated on pushing each stroke as deep as possible and wriggling at the deepest penetration. From her breathing and her grunts, he knew she was still highly aroused, and might even come once more. He couldn't worry about that now, though. He just couldn't hold off any longer. His legs and back stiffened, his sac tightened, and his cock grew impossibly rigid until it all released in huge, lurching squirts. It seemed like he lost count, especially when she joined him in bucking and heaving around the bed. Their mutual throes were so violent he almost flopped out on several occasions.

All of a sudden it ended. They were both gasping and motionless. Fearing he was crushing her, he rolled to the side. She pulled away briefly, turned over and plastered herself to him, now wailing in long, pathetic sobs. Bedding and bedclothes were tangled, sopping, and sticky from sweat and combined juices. As he hugged her, feeling suddenly helpless to blunt her grief, he was shocked to hear the bathtub filling. But not nearly as shocked as when Donna leaned over him and whispered in his ear.

"Daddy, take Mom and get in the tub with her. Stay with her and don't let go."

"Oh, Baby, did you see?... You shouldn't... !"

"Daddy, that doesn't matter now! It was beautiful! Mom is hurting so bad! She's all that matters. Go! I'll change the bed, then I'll bring you towels and clean clothes."

Completely torn between shock, shame, and pride in his wonderful, thoughtful daughter, he got up from the bed, penis semi-erect and dripping, boxers down around his knees. Donna, still at his side, helped him step out of them. Between them, they got Karen upright and mostly carried her into the bathroom. They stripped her and got her into the tub. Blushing furiously, Mike got in behind her and wrapped his arms around her. The water was still running, and was well up their torsos by now.

Seeing his discomfort with the situation, Donna knelt by the tub, took his face in both hands, and kissed him quickly but firmly on the lips.

"Daddy, please don't feel ashamed about this, and please don't be angry. You are a beautiful man, inside and out. I have never been prouder of you, and I have never loved you more. Mom is the luckiest woman alive. Daddy, I'm not ready for sex yet, and I think it will be a while. But I'm telling you, someday I am going to make love with you. I'll never be a complete woman until I do."

"Oh, Baby, don't say that. We could never..."

"Yes, you could, and you're ready right now. I can feel it, Stud." Father and daughter were stunned, thinking their mother was totally oblivious. "Donna, Honey, I'm glad you know what happened tonight, and I'll bet this bath was your idea, wasn't it." Seeing Donna's wide-eyed nod, she continued. "I guess I should be angry that you spied on us, but I could talk to you for weeks and not teach you as much as you learned tonight. Your Dad is a real man, and I hope you never settle for anything less. He knows just what I need, and he gives it to me. You've probably guessed, but our sex is not usually like what you saw. Tonight, I needed an affirmation of life. I needed to be driven to total exhaustion. He made sure I know that I'm alive - we're alive. For a while, there, every nerve in my body was so alive, it knocked me out."

"So you were aware all the time."

"Yeah, pretty much. But I wasn't able to do anything about it until just now. I'll have to admit to just wallowing in all the love and care. Give me a kiss, Honey." Donna leaned over and the two women shared a gentle kiss.

"Does it bother you that I saw Daddy naked?"

"A little, but then it excites me. He's my man, and I'm proud of him. It's good for my little girl to see how lucky I am, and to give her a goal to strive for. Come to think of it, you've hardly ever seen me naked." No one said anything for a little while, then Karen continued, "You know, it still feels like lead in my heart because of Kathy, but this got me back in control, at least. Thank you both so much."

"Donna, Honey, this is a weird setting for a family meeting, with us naked and all, but we have a serious question to discuss. How would you feel about acquiring a little brother?"

"Ohhh! You're thinking of taking in Dex, huh? Well, I'll be off to college in a couple more years, so I'm not the most affected. What about you guys? Weren't you looking forward to an empty nest? And what about one more to put through college?"

Mike responded this time. "Those are all good questions, Baby, but the important question is 'What about Dex.' He's been hit with a blow no one should have to take. You probably didn't hear, but John killed her, and Dex could not stand to be with John's family. Both of our parents are too old, and Kristen is too fragile from her divorce. That leaves us or a foster home. No way could I let that happen."

Karen interjected. "From what Kathy has been writing, I don't think little brother applies, either. He may be only fourteen, but he is almost six feet, and is apparently an exceptional basketball talent. In fact, his coach is the one who is looking out for him through all this." Mike then explained about getting Dex out of town to escape the politics, etc.

The question of where they would put Dex came up. The home had three bedrooms upstairs. A fourth bedroom with bath had been built in the basement. Chris, the oldest, had lived there first, then Ron took it over for two years when Chris went to school. Karen at first wanted to keep the downstairs bedroom and bath for the boys when they were home, but it had a single queen bed, while the third upstairs room had twins. Donna pointed out it would be less awkward for Dex if he did not have to share the upstairs bathroom with the family.

Both Chris and Ron had opted for accelerated graduation schedules, allowing them to finish in three full years and three summers. The were only home for two weeks before and after summer session, and at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break. Chris was in his last year, and would most likely have his own place after graduation, possibly out of town. They all knew the boys would not raise any objections, so they decided to put Dex in the basement.

They talked for several more minutes before Donna got up to change the bed and bring them robes.

Acting on intuition, Coach had gone back to the State Patrol office late at night, and convinced the Sergeant to get an order sealing the house as a site of potential evidence of corruption. The next morning, a Trooper sealed off the house, and just in time, because two of John's brothers arrived with a moving van, intent on gutting the place. The Trooper wisely called for backup, which arrived just after the local police. In the middle of this melee, word was received that the entire police department had been suspended, and that the mayor and the Council were being charged with corruption. The State Patrol was now in charge of the whole town.

The meeting between Coach and the Fergusons to hand over Dex was a solemn one. After the introductions, Coach told them he thought they should get Dex a lawyer immediately. He didn't trust the Madison clan not to make a custody move on him. He was sure it would be just to get control of John's assets, and he wanted to see Dex's future protected. He also made them promise to ask him for financial help with legal fees, etc. He had spent almost nothing for several years. Karen asked him why he was doing so much for Dex.

"I never had kids. If I had a son, I would want him to be like Dex. I envy you the chance to have him in your family." Surprised at the show of emotion, Karen and Mike encouraged Coach to visit whenever he could. Leaving Dex alone for a while, Coach told them what he knew of the home situation.

Mike had had no dealings with lawyers, and did not know where to look. Harold, Karen's father, had a close friend whose daughter had recently passed the bar and was attempting to establish her own practice. They were concerned about her level of experience, but decided that since she knew the family, she would be the best choice.

Martha Granville, or Marty, as she preferred to be called, proved to be a sympathetic, conscientious, and very bright advocate. Everything she had to do was new to her, but she made up for it with hard work. Marty, citing the testimony of the deputy regarding corruption in the local law enforcement, petitioned federal court for several injunctions; the first enjoined the Madison family from any attempt to take custody of Dex. The second enjoined them from entering the property for any reason. The third froze all assets of John and Kathy Madison pending probate. Since the state Bureau of Criminal Investigations had already forced the suspension of the local Police Force, and charges of corruption had been filed against the mayor and the Council, the federal court granted the petitions.

Uncle Mike turned out to be the father Dex always wished he had. He lived his life with the concerns of his family, now including Dex, uppermost in his mind. Marty quickly discovered that Dex's father had a $250,000 insurance policy as part of his benefits package at work. He probably had forgotten he even had the insurance. The next six months involved round after legal round of battles with the insurance company. First, they claimed the death was suicide, invalidating the policy. At that point, Mike hired Marty again with his own meager funds, and vowed to fight until Dex got his money. A referee ruled in Dex's favor, so the company then tried to void the payoff because of the sequence in which the deaths occurred. Marty, in a show of charity, offered to sue the insurance company on contingency, excluding the face amount from her percentage. In other words, she would benefit only from punitive damages and compensatory damages. In only her second year of practice, her colleagues thought this an act of unnecessary desperation. She stubbornly declared the kid had been through enough, and she couldn't let him get screwed by the company.

The financial burden on Mike was eased, but the time demands did not abate. He was at Dex's side through endless rounds of depositions, interviews, and court appearances. Marty worked tirelessly, gathering mountains of documentation refuting every possible dodge by the company. The judge ruled in Dex's favor, but with only compensatory damages for Mike, and $100,000 punitive damages. The lawyer's take was a modest $30,000.

Dex was old enough to recognize a true act of generosity, and he had grown very fond of the young lawyer. In boyish gratitude, he promised she would be his lawyer for the rest of his life. She responded graciously, not wanting to embarrass him. He surprised her by asking her to set up and administer a trust with his money. Mike agreed wholeheartedly. Later, the proceeds from the sale of the house were also placed in the fund, bringing the total to about $375,000. All of the furnishings, many of them very nice, were distributed among Kathy's family.

Despite his brutish nature, John Madison, Sr., was a good businessman and made a good living. As Kathy's family went through her belongings, they were appalled at how little she had in comparison to the quality of the house, cars, and furniture. Dex appeared to have none of his father's domineering personality, but he did inherit his intuitive business sense.

As soon as he moved to their house, Dex begged Mike for martial arts lessons. - and kept right on begging. He repeatedly told Mike of his feelings of helplessness in the face of his father, and how determined he was never to be helpless again. Mike was sympathetic, but he could see the boy becoming even more narrow and reclusive than he already was. After a month of begging, he worked out a compromise.

"Dex, you will be starting as a freshman at a new school soon, and I want you to have a high school experience that you will remember fondly later on. You have the brains to be a top student, and the talent to be a basketball star. I will make you a deal. You can start the martial arts classes, but you can only keep up the training if you get the grades, and make the team. You have the ability to earn either an athletic or academic scholarship someday. I want you to work toward one of those, and not use up your trust money for college."

At first, Dex considered this a very tough bargain, but his desire was so strong he would have done anything to keep up his training. He was fortunate to find one more person who took a real interest in him. His sensei was a wise man who taught him about balance in life in ways even his beloved aunt and uncle could not. His training ended up greatly improving both his studies and his sports. After two B's his first Freshman semester, he began an unbroken string of A's for the rest of High School. He made the Varsity as a Freshman. He didn't play much at first, but by the end of the year, he had moved up to seventh in the rotation, and had gained a reputation as the sparkplug who could turn a lackluster game around.

Dex had not seen his cousins, including Donna very often. Travel for family reasons was not something his father took time for. She was two years older, so at the few family gatherings that both attended, they did not gravitate together.

It was early summer when Dex came to the Ferguson house. Donna had a part-time summer job, but plenty of time to spend at the neighborhood pool with her friends. She was an attractive girl much in demand for dates, although she accepted only a few. Like all of her family, she was a good student and seemed to have her head on straight. She was apprehensive about a new 'younger brother, ' but willing to give him a chance and not rush to judgement. She saw Dex for the first time in about three years when he arrived with her parents.

The record of her cousin's tragedy could be easily read from his face, yet he greeted her with a smile and a complement. She fairly reeled from the impact. She seldom received that much warmth even from her prospective dates at school. The very first evening, she made it a point to spend a little time alone with him to let him know he was welcome. When she told him she was glad he was with them, she realized that she really meant it.

The Ferguson boys arrived home two days after Dex got there. They both went out of their way to make Dex feel at home, especially Chris. The boys were fairly athletic, but neither had played a varsity sport. It was soon apparent that Dex surpassed both of them, and was easily able to enter into their games and horseplay. The hoop on the front of the garage got a serious workout those two weeks in June.

When Dex found out Chris was a business major, he became almost a shadow, constantly asking Chris questions, many of which surprised him with their intelligence and perceptiveness. From then on, the two had many sessions together whenever Chris was home.

The day her brothers went back to school, Donna asked Dex to go with her to the pool. At first, her friends were merciless to her, but Dex greeted each of them in such a friendly, interested manner, they were soon won over. There were obvious limits to how much Junior girls could associate with a Freshman boy, but at least for those few weeks at the pool, he was accepted and enjoyed. It would be hard to overestimate the boost to his psyche.

When school started, Donna watched her cousin turn into a maniac. He seemed to be either studying or doing his exercises and drills every waking hour. In the third week, she came into his room, turned his chair around, and sat on his lap facing him.

"Hey, cuz! What does a girl have to do to get a little time with the guy who used to talk to her all the time?"

He was first embarrassed by her physical boldness, then chagrined when he realized what she was talking about. Surprising both of them, he placed his hands on her hips. "Donna, you're right! I'm becoming a real grind, aren't I? Tell you what, let's agree to meet in front of the downstairs TV every night at ten. We can watch the news, or talk, or whatever. How's that sound?"

"Great! It's a good start at least. See you at ten." Without thinking, she gave him a quick peck on the lips and left the room.

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The other day I was dressing up in my sisters tight little black dress, I know I'm passable bit I had no idea how much... Well anyway I always heard I would look like my sister if I had a dress on and believe me I did. So on this day I had some free time, or so I thought... I spent the day procurring my sisters things and a few of my mom's.. see my mom doesn't have hair these days in her old age, and she is some what of a wig addict... So she has a great collection, my slightly older sister...

3 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 10

We left Stone Lodge and the stench that lay over it two days later, with me leading our party mounted upon the grey. No one saw us off save Lord Hawke and he did so grudgingly. At the time he was a very busy man, what with cleaning up the rotting carcass of the dragon that was causing the stench that we were fleeing, but regrettably I didn't give him much choice in the matter. I had him ride beside me until we were beyond the gates of the city and out of range of any weapons that could be...

2 years ago
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Wife having fun with an Old Man with Husband

Sanjay worked for a big real estate development firm as a project engineer and Varsha was a freelance interior designer. Varsha mostly worked from home except for site visits. They had recently moved into an upscale apartment complex.The complex consisted of 5 different buildings, 2 club houses and a swimming pool. The couple had purchased a fully furnished flat on 4th floor in one of the buildings. Each floor had only two flats. Since they bought a furnished flat, settling down was pretty...

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What Happens in CarcosaChapter 9

Early Sunday morning, a little after 8 a.m., I received a surprise phone call on my normal cell phone from my mother in Palm Springs. Her little house was less than a mile away from Mr. DeLuca's house and she had heard a loud explosion right before dawn but didn't think anything about it until the radio news reports came in of a major explosion at the house of a famous former mobster. Checking the local Palm Springs TV station websites, I found two that were running live TV reports from...

2 years ago
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A Family Of Incest Part 2

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the indian sex story are fictional. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. This is a completely new series and none of the characters has any kind of association with the old stories submitted by me. I am currently working on my SON MOM AND AUNTS series and appreciate all the love sent to me via email. Alex and Samantha: Alex...

2 years ago
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You are a bitch

I know how you like a challenge, and I thought I would raise the bar just a bit. You tell me “So far I haven’t had much luck, I can only get about half of the head in, not that I don’t cum like mad trying, but it is a bit frustrating; perhaps I need a bit more motivation, can you help to finally push me over the edge?” you ask. “No worries, I think I have just the right solution to your problem,” I say with a grin, “besides, I’ve been wanting to try this on you for quite awhile.” You lead me to...

1 year ago
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The Gray Man

I've always been one of those gray people that you see everyday on your way to work, at the laundry, in the grocery store, at the gas station. Those people whose live barely interact with yours with a few fleeting photons then they turn away and go--somewhere else. You don't care, though. It's nothing to do with you, now is it? Oh, I've done a few things in my life to bring life and color into my existence and that of others, but's always been temporary--short lived and immaterial. The...

4 years ago
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Caught naked sort of unintentionally

I was at the beach with some friends. We had rented a house - maybe 12 of us, I would guess. Some couples, mostly singles, all of us friends. One night we had all been hanging out in the town, drinking, and now we had returned home and were hanging out in the hot tub. There was maybe 4 girls and three guys left from the crew.After a little while of drunken flirting and posing and other such social Darwinism, everyone ended up taking off their swimsuits. We all knew each other, it was cool. ...

4 years ago
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A Slow Start Towards A New Beginning

Hi friends, I am new to this writing section but the content is really erotic. So this all started when I was in my final year of engineering. I was a very vibrant kind of a guy. I had a cousin named Anshika who was 4 years younger than me. She was preparing for medical college. We never use to talk that much but suddenly we came into touch through whatsapp. The next part is the conversation Anshika: hii Bhai Me: hi der A: aapko to kabhi yaad aati nahi meri socha mai hi baat kar lu M: arrey...

4 years ago
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The Life of Erika

author: Scarlett Blaze part: 1 summary: The Good Girl keywords: f+m, m/m, anal, bd, 1st, humil, nc, oral, teen, tg, tort Hannah was a pretty 13-year-old girl who stood just a bit over 5 feet tall with long curly red hair to the middle of her back and green eyes. She had just started her freshman year at Hamilton High School and had won a coveted spot as a cheerleader on the varsity squad. Hamilton was a private school for girls and boys with a unique setup that mixed homeschool with...

3 years ago
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The way of the war after the war II

Just to let my readers know I do read your comments. Go back to my last chapter and read the 2nd to last paragraph which is where this chapter begins. Thank you readers. I covered her and watched over her again. I lay beside her and drifted off to sleep. Some time during the night …. I awoke in a cold sweat and in a state of panic I screamed out “Erica!!”... I jumped up and put my hand on Erica.... she moved slightly... she was sleeping soundly … Thank God it was only a dream. I...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Chloe Carter First Time Destruction

Chloe has had some rough sex before, but never on camera and never in a role playing fashion. Today is her lucky day. Ike dresses upa burglar, catches Chloe right before her shower and offers up the idea. She thinks its kind of funny but also kind of pathetic so she decides to give it a chance. Chloe shows her soft sideIke shoves his long cock down her throat and pressures her to ride himELSE. Chloe usually prefers to swallow, but had no say in this excursion. Ike covered her cute little face...

1 year ago
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Lessons in pleasure 2

After my first pleasure lesson, I was hungry for more so the following week I suggested we get together again. As you can imagine he was more than happy to oblige, so we arranged for me to spend Sunday afternoon at his house. I was under strict instructions what to wear and how to prepare myself. I couldn’t believe how nervous I was as I got ready. I must have spent an hour in the shower, carefully washing myself inside and out. I arrived as planned and he opened the door and immediately pulled...

4 years ago
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Adventures behind the lens 1 Tina

Striking up conversations in public is easy enough in the States, but even if I have a few lines memorized in this different language, it all goes out the window when she responds with words that you don’t recognize. This brings me to the internet, where I can use a translator to get to know a woman. Unfortunately the website that is their version of what Craigslist used to be is completely useless. You can spend months writing to women and making ads, and come up with nothing but fake...

1 year ago
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HotwifeXXX Blake Blossom New Hotwife Blake Begins To Blossom

Beautiful and bubbly blonde wife Blake is new to the hotwife scene and was extremely excited and wet to know Latin lover Ramon was gonna be the first new big cock to fuck with her soft hot tight married pussy! Ramon of course enjoys her perfectly big natural tits before licking up her sweet pussy juices and slips his hard cock right inside her dripping pussy, getting right to work pounding her juicy ass. Now as a teacher Ramon has Blake learn to deep throat his throbbing cock and rewards her...

3 years ago
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The Test

My wife Tina and I are in our early thirties. We were Highschool sweethearts and got married right before we went to college. Tina's best friends, Debby and Chloe had also married their Highschool boyfriends. The three of them shared everything and had no secrets from each other. We, the husbands of course knew this and so we assumed that they knew everything about us.One day when the three of them were together again my wife Tina asks Debby and Chloe, "Have you ever wondered whether your...

College Sex
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Two side of a confused Mom

Introduction: This is a story about a mother who gets confused very easily. She spied on her sons activity for porn addiction & ended sleeping with him. ———————————————– scene – At home , breakfast time ———————————————– Sam, get up! you are late for college. Today is your last day – shouted Sams mother Jessica who is preparing breakfast. Bye mom , Bye Dad ! Getting late. See you at dinner Sam rushes down to kitchen and grabs a piece of Sandwich. Hold on sweety! Your Dad already left for...

1 year ago
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Cyber sex to real life first time fucking part 4

As both of your orgasms move closer and closer, he realizes that he isn’t ready yet for his cock to cum! Not yet! He has waited a long time for this beautiful young piece of ass to let him fuck her. And, now that you are under him he wants the tightness of your pussy to last forever! As he continues to please you like you have never been pleased before, he tells you, no he moans to you, with a deep breathless voice telling you what he is wants to do. He licks your neck and moans: “I want to...

3 years ago
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Missy Young But Shy NymphoChapter 2

Missy was loving the fact that she was finally experiencing the sexy hotness of being with Ethan, the well-hung young black man that she'd been fantasizing about having sex with for quite some time. As Missy had gone into his apartment, he'd quickly taken matters into his hands and he soon had Missy naked and then his own clothes off too as he seduced her and then mounted her for a very sexy interracial fuck. Missy wasn't the only one who had been fantasizing. Ethan had noticed Missy...

2 years ago
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The Power of The Moon ch4

Sorry it has been so long since I have written about these two but Holidays are crazy!Grace and Matty's date had been perfect. He had been standing right outside her office building, with two cups of hot coco with way too many marshmallows on the top. They had walked through the park that was between her apartment and her office. It started to rain, and quickly turned into snow. Matty stood with his face turned up to the sky, letting the snowflakes hit his face as though he had never seen snow...

Love Stories
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Two Worlds Collide Part 1

Note: There is going to be more than just this one part. I will be writing maybe another 2 parts, possibly more, I will see where it goes. Here is part 1, part 2 will follow up in the future. There really isn't any sex in this installment, because I wanted to explain the story of the characters, and didn't want to put everything into an insanely long story, so I decided to split it up. There was just something about Amber that made Hanna want to get to know her. Amber is a Bad-Ass type of girl....

Love Stories
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Jeanrsquos Surprise

It was a warm spring midday in a southwestern desert city. I had been relaxing with a tall glass of iced tea when the phone rang. It was Jean, a married friend of mine. She wanted to know if I would meet her somewhere for a drink. She said she wanted to asked me something very personal.Having nothing pressing at the time, I agreed to meet with her. I suggested a neighborhood bar about halfway between our respective homes.On the way to the bar, I couldn't help but wonder what she wanted to ask...

2 years ago
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My Dad the Soldier

It was November 6th and I just got home from take my mother to the airport. She was flying out to Florida on business, she travels a lot all over the country so in turn I spend most of my time with my dad. I really look up to him and respect him. He is a very down to earth man so I hang out with him more like he is my best friend. I just turned nineteen a couple mounths ago, but unfortunately never had a really good relationship with other guys since we are moving all time. You see, my...

3 years ago
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Dreams Do Come TrueChapter 7

"We've made a mess of ourselves, pretty lady. How about a shower before we begin further exploration of each other's bodies ... hmmm?" Diana smiled and nodded in agreement so Charles picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. She admired his broad shoulders and sinewy back that tapered to his trim waist and lean hips. She ogled his hard, round ass and his strongly muscled legs as she firmly ran her hands over his sexy, hard body. He had a long torso—he needed to wear shirts for a...

3 years ago
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Love with Tina

There should be a law about people sending you work on a Friday afternoon, but there isn’t. I checked the time, about 6 pm, I lifted the receiver of my phone and dialed home and spoke to my wife Liz. “Are you still working?” Liz asked. “Yes still working,” I knew that tone in Liz’s voice. “When are you coming home?’ “Well, I thought I’d leave in about 40 minutes.” “Oh! Could you get some painkillers? I’ve got migraine, and you get what ever you want for dinner, I ate with the kids and I...

1 year ago
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A Dogging Tale

It was a Wednesday evening and everything had been planned. I had made contact with an English MILF in a private advert, and her name was Vanessa.According to her advert she was 46years old and a bit of an exhibitionist. Given our similar interests we had agreed to meet in a local park/common and I had arrived and parked up in the gravelled parking area which was extremely secluded from the main woodland area. I locked up and switched my car lights off and was now waiting under a large oak...

2 years ago
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Mamy sathe akhii raat maja kari

MAMY SATHE AKHII RAAT MAJA KARI By –Ali Hello dosto kem cho badha, hu iss reader no bahu moto fen chu. Ane akho divas khali sexy story j vachya karu ek private company ma noukari karu chu jya akho divas internate upar besvanu hoy che,tya akho divas hu blu film joya karu ane sex story vachya karu. Have tamaro vadhu samay n bagadta hu sedho story upar avu chu mara mama na lagna thaye 2 year thaya mara mamy ek dam sunder ane ek dam bhura bhura che tena chahera ma etlu tej che ke te koina...

3 years ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 23

Dejected, Tommy watched Tina leave the inn with Greg. Then he started walking home. He’d gotten less than a block when a car pulled up beside him. He heard the car coming, and when it stopped, he stepped back and took a defensive position. ‘What’s that all about?’ he heard Donna ask. ‘Did I scare you?’ ‘Ah…no,’ Tommy said. He felt his face get hot. ‘I thought you went to the shore with Kim.’ He relaxed and walked to her car. She shook her pretty blonde head. ‘Nope. My folks wouldn’t let me,’...

1 year ago
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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 6

As much as he didn't want to ... Billy caved. First they went to the bank. Deposits in the special account didn't need both signatures so Wili took both checks to the teller. Billy was suddenly more interested in the teen in the next chair. "Waiting for a teller?" he asked, giving her a blast of those pearly whites and a direct eye to eye connection. 'Wow ... he's not looking at my boobs.' "Nope, waiting on dad ... mom works here." She threw her shoulders back and thrust out the...

1 year ago
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Naangu Perum Ondraga Sappi Oothom

Vanakam enathu peyar Maalathi vayathu 26 ennaku oru thozhi irukiraal avalin peyar suganya vayathu 25. Naangal iruvarum inai piriya thozhigal iruvarum ore kalluriyil padithu vanthu irunthom. Naangal chennaiyil vasikirom thinamum perunthil sendru varuvom appozhuthu niraiya aangalai idithu kaama sugathai anubavaipom. Engalin mulaigal migavum perithaaga irukum athnaal niraiya vayasu pasangal engalin arugil vanthu urasuvaargal. Naangalum engaludaya mulaiyaal avargalai idipon pinbu avargalin sunniyal...

3 years ago
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Striking Out

I pulled another bottle of beer out of the icebox as I shook my head in disgust. Getting laid in a military town was almost impossible, unless you were actually in the military. I had gotten out a few years before, and no longer had what we used to call the ‘Clean-Cut Target’ look. Yeah, around here, most of the women wanted to hook up with a young, naïve serviceman, then take control of his paycheck. None of that shit for me! Consequently, I tended to spend most nights flying solo. This...

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The Dressing Room

Lisa loved wearing a short, tight dress that accentuated her firm body. Her full breasts and large nipples protruded from underneath the flimsy material and her long legs were sinfully exposed. She loved to tease. Her long, raven black hair and violet eyes alone cold reduce a man to shivers. But when she dressed like this… no one stood a chance. She headed for the department store. It was late so few people would be around but she knew there would be a guy around that could please her. In the...

3 years ago
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The bus from Adelaide city now goes on large highways through suburban centres of shops and houses where once, travelling on a small and slow green bus, it went over creeks and through fields where the farmer ploughed, curling dust into the bright sky. He has little chance of finding her again but he must look. It was here that he got off the bus from school in the city. He daily walked past the empty primary school fields on a dirt path through long grass, battered by freezing wind and rain...

1 year ago
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Sleep over

A few months had passed since my first encounter with Aaron,we had exchanged numbers and had exchanged a few messages about the night I had made the decision to get nude for him to see and he had since asked about meeting up again however I had chickened out and put the experience down to curiosity fuel by a few too many beers. I heard nothing from Aaron until a few days before his brother’s birthday. We had all planned to go out for the day and have drinks back at his and stay over, this...

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Got Laid With Rich Voluptuous Housewife In Gurgaon

Hello All, I am Archit and I am staying in Mumbai for the past 2 years.I am a fair complexioned good looking ( many people say) 5 feet 10 inches tall guy with a more than average tool size i.e. enough to satisfy any cunt or mouth.I am a very horny person and any ladies, girls can contact me at I will make sure that the privacy is maintained. So starting with the incident, This is a real-life incident that happened to me while I was in Gurgaon last month. I am a northie , It was a Saturday...

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SRU One Selfless Wish

This story was written to the specifications of Debbie L as part of a story swap. SRU: One Selfless Wish By Morpheus Pissed off, Cody Burke glared at anyone in the mall that got in his way, smirking as an old woman stepped aside. He couldn't believe it. First his girlfriend Valerie had dumped him, claiming that he just wanted her for sex, (which Cody had to admit that was true), then his roommates started threatening to kick him out since he couldn't pay the rent. As far as Cody...

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