My ConditionChapter 3 free porn video

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For the next two weeks, before we had to go back for classes, Lisa was insatiable. I mean, she was wild before. Now she was maniacal about sex, like she couldn't get enough. Like she knew it was going to end soon. Like, when Greg got back.

As much as I pestered her, she wouldn't tell me about the special plans Rita had alluded to that night. Every time I asked her, she would start another fuck session. One night she even tried to let me take her anally. I think it was a mistake. I liked it, but she couldn't take me all the way in, she was just too small. She walked funny for two days. I felt really bad, that I had hurt her. But she brushed it off.

The night before Greg came back, she kissed me. Tongue and all. There were tears and tenderness and we did it all, in her bed in the museum. Another first. She held me tight all night and every time she thought she could go again, she would wake me up and we would go again. A couple of times I don't think I woke up, but I can't be sure.

Greg's return signaled the start of the long trek back to State. There were several of us from here going. I had actually been able to meet a few of my fellow students on our occasional jaunts into town as my Dad had suggested might happen. I caught a ride back to school with one of them. Lisa and Greg drove up in her Dad's BMW 750i. I don't think she was planning on returning the car to him. Ever. She kind of liked that car.

My first surprise came when I went to the housing office to get my dorm room assignment. I had been assigned to a different dorm clear across campus. It was in a prime location, as it was way closer to the library, the computer science labs, everything. It was the only dorm on that side of campus, though, and was populated mostly by women. It was hard to get assigned there.

More surprising was my roommate and suitemates. There weren't any. It was a single room, on the end, with its own bathroom. There weren't many of these single rooms in the building, only on the one end. The story around school was that the student architect that had designed the building had miscounted the number of rooms or something and when he divided by two, there was one left over. So they made the leftover room a little smaller, tacked on a bathroom and called them singles. They were the most popular dorm rooms at State. I got assigned one on the second floor without even requesting it.

I smelled a rat. A rat named Lisa Nagi.

I was sitting in my new room, staring at the mottled concrete walls and the bare linoleum tile on the floor. My few belongings were tucked away already, not even filling two of the five drawers. My three shirts hanging in the closet looked lonely, so I shut the door on them. One of the advantages of the single rooms was the space normally used by the second bed. Mine had a work bench there, and I already had spread out my soldering iron, oscilloscope and electronic testing meters I used for my computer science labs and projects. But other than that the room was pretty desolate. I didn't even own a broom.

I jumped up off the bed when I heard a knock on the door. Opening it, I looked in confusion at the mass of humanity milling outside my doorway. I thought maybe someone had bumped against my door by mistake and I started to close it.

"Hey! Wait! Lisa sent us. We're the welcome wagon."

I thought I recognized Carole's voice. I looked at her and gave her a questioning glance, raising my eyebrows. Her bright blush was all the confirmation I needed.

"Sure. Come on in." I had no idea what they wanted, but by the time thirty or forty girls had filed in, left whatever it was they were carrying, and then, after a curiously intense and reverent inspection of me, departed, I had a completely furnished room. Complete with a wool Oriental rug (a slight stain on one corner), a pair of lamps (elegant, but not matching), two easy chairs (comfortable, and that's all that counts), and enough linens and towels to fill the second closet. The single bed had been replaced with a queen-sized bed that barely fit through the door. There was even a living plant in the corner, next to the window. New curtains went up and three tasteful paintings graced the wall, covering most of the blemishes.

Carole supervised the unloading, placement and assembly of each item as it was brought in, apparently according to a pre-arranged plan. The flawless precision of the operation would have done the planners of Desert Storm proud. Carole obviously had a future in logistics.

As the work progressed, I had a chance to study Carole. Either she had lost a lot of weight in the last two weeks, or my assessment of her as stocky was a little severe. Let's just say she was solidly built and her sports bra kept her healthy chest well under control. There wasn't an ounce of fat, though, that I could see. She saw me looking at her and quickly looked away. She wrote furiously on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

I knew what it would say before I opened it. "I have a boyfriend," it read.

I grabbed a pencil from my backpack and scribbled a one word answer.

When she read my response, I thought she was going to cry. Then she realized I was making a joke and she gathered herself with what seemed a bit more self-assurance than she had had before and the re-habilitation of my room proceeded. She even kissed me on the cheek when she left.

What had I written? "DAMN!!!!"

I meant it, too.

Lisa showed up with two girls, one of them Carole, the next morning after breakfast. I got the distinct impression that General Lisa was doing an inspection of the troops. I almost felt like saluting her but I was distracted by the second girl.

She wasn't quite Oriental, but the hair matched. Long and straight and jet black. Her eyes, when I could see them, were ice blue and very striking against her cocoa-colored skin. She wouldn't look at me, however, at least not in the eye. The level of her gaze never got much above my belt buckle. Or much below it, either. As Carole and I stood by the door out of the way, Lisa toured the room, followed by the girl I had now identified as Barbara.

I leaned over to Carole and whispered, "Let me guess. She has a boyfriend, too. Right?"

Carole snorted trying to stifle her guffaw, but eventually was able to nod that she did. We looked at one another, co-conspirators in a private joke. Together we said aloud, "DAMN!", and started laughing.

Lisa and Barbara looked at us in puzzlement. Lisa got a look in her eye I hadn't seen before. Carole, seeing her expression, stopped laughing abruptly, nearly hurting herself in the process. It's a hard thing to do, to stop laughing just like that.

I considered intervening for Carole, but thought better of it. I wasn't exactly sure how sororities worked with their hierarchies and all, but I figured if I tried to protect Carole it might be perceived as a weakness on her part and hurt her in the long run. So I kept quiet and kept any further comments to myself.

Barbara left with Carole not long after that, still without having said a word to me. I got the feeling she didn't trust herself to look me in the eye.

Once they were gone, Lisa sat on the edge of the bed and leaned back, resting on her elbows. She knew the position did wonders for her tits, and she had teased me by leaning back like that all summer long, especially when we were in public and I couldn't do anything about it.

I took a chair as far away from her as I could. She wanted something. That much was clear.

"Thanks for the room. What's the catch?"

I don't think she was used to the straight forward, cut to the chase approach. I know she wasn't used to it from me. She had been leading me around like a puppy for two months now. Strange thing about puppies. They grow up into big dogs. She wasn't used to me thinking either, but I could.

"Oh. You figured that out?" No giggle.

"It wasn't hard. Especially when the re-decorators showed up, lead by Carole."

"You weren't supposed to know who she was."

"Give me a break, Lisa. She and Barbara just left." I was fishing, but her surprised look confirmed it. I continued, "The only one I haven't seen so far is Rita, but I'm sure we'll run in to each other one of these days, don't you think?"

Lisa looked like she had seen a ghost. Her reaction confirmed what I already suspected. Rita was someone special to the sorority. Or to Lisa. I wasn't sure which. Having made my point, I let it drop.

"How's Greg?" I asked softly.

"Tired..." She stopped herself. "No! I mean, not like that."

"Why, Miss Nagi, I do believe you're blushing!"

"John, I him. Leave him out of this."

I raised my hands in a gesture of conciliation. I didn't want to fight with her.

"OK. Sorry. So, what's going on? Or can you tell me?" OK, just a little sarcasm, but can you blame me?

Relieved to be on familiar ground, she pulled herself together.

"Rita told you I was making some special plans for you. This room is part of it. It's paid for by the sorority, whether you participate or not."

"Participate? Participate in what, exactly?"

Lisa was actually squirming. Like she was the night of the medical exam. I had a feeling this was going to be good.

"Well, each year each of the sororities and private women's houses on campus place two teams in competition. One team is a male contestant, the other team is made up of one or two females."

"OK. Let me get this straight so far. Two teams from each house. One guy, one or two girls. What do they do in the competition, fuck each other?" I joked.

Lisa studied the scuffed tips of her tennis shoes before answering.

"Well, in a word, 'Yes'." It didn't sound like she was joking.

"You're joking, right?" I asked, just to be sure.

"No." It was now well established this wasn't a joke.

"And you want me to be the male contestant for Gamma Phi?" I jumped to the obvious conclusion. I wasn't sure if I was hopeful or horrified.

She nodded, but kept quiet.

"Do the girl teams bark?" I asked suspiciously. I had heard some stories about Geek parties. Those were pretty cruel.

"No. Definitely not! Only the best, uh, performers from each house are eligible. Same goes for the guys. Anything else would defeat the purpose. "

"Which is what, exactly?"

"It's a tradition, really, going back to the early 1900's, although you won't find anyone who would admit it happened back then or any public reference to it. Even now it's kept pretty quiet. It's just the Greek's way of settling who's the best fucking house on campus. The President of the winning sorority is the unofficial Queen, kind of."

"And how is that determined?"

"Well. Normally, it's determined by whichever girl, or team of girls outlasts all or the most men. That house is then named the unofficial home of the best fuckers on campus."

"But that's not why you want me, is it?" I was beginning to understand how this crafty woman thought, and it scared the shit out of me. But I wouldn't have missed this for the world.

Lisa grinned that Cheshire grin I had seen on about the third day of our marathon summer fuck-fest. She had been planning since that day for this. The whole summer was testing and preparation, her own special training camp. I began to wonder if Greg had really been unavailable.

"Well, there is one other way, but it has never been done before."

It hit me all of a sudden. "Wait. Let me guess. I'm on a roll, no?"

She nodded for me to continue.

"If one of the male teams outlasts all the other female teams, the house he represents wins by default?"


Bingo. Got it in one. I was her fucking ringer. Literally.

"So, let me recap. I get to fuck 20 to 25 teams of the most beautiful women on campus into submission, just so you can be the Fucking Queen."

She looked at me and shrugged. "That's about it."

Lisa studiously avoided my gaze for several minutes, examining the stain on the carpet, the paintings on the wall, the hanging of the drapes, looking everywhere, anywhere but at me.

"That's not all, is it?"

She shook her head, screwing up her mouth as she chewed on the inside of her lip.

"Well?" I prompted when nothing was forthcoming.

"The Queen has a few unofficial duties and perquisites," she abbreviated. I think she thought that was enough to satisfy me.

"I'd like a little bit more information, Lisa."

She glared at me. I wasn't sure if it was because she was embarrassed, which I doubted, or if it was because I wasn't a member of the Greek society, which I suspected was more likely the case. I wasn't entitled to be informed of all the inner workings of the houses.

"The winning house gets first pick of all the new rushes, no arguments. They also get to organize the various functions. It... It gets political," she expanded, slightly.

"So, you'd get to be top of the pecking order, if you won. Interesting method of selection, I must say." I was thinking furiously. There was something else driving this young woman. Then I remembered what someone said about how to determine the motives of liberal politicians. 'Follow the money.' It somehow applied here, too.

"Is there an entry fee, Lisa?" From the look on her face, I knew I had hit a rather large and sore nerve.

She nodded.

"How much? $100?"


"More? $200?"

She shook her head. "More."

"$500? Come on, Lisa! How much?"

"$2,500. Per team."

A soft whistle escaped my lips. I was calculating rapidly. Twenty houses, minimum, two teams per house, ergo $5,000 per house. This was serious money.

"What happens to the money, Lisa," I asked quietly. I was almost afraid of the answer.

"It's invested."

"Huh?" No prize money?

Lisa saw I wasn't going to give up until I had an answer that made sense.

"The Greek Society has a special fund. Someone came up with the idea of investing the proceeds of various money-generating functions that were not charity fundraisers. The interest generated each year by these annual investments could be dispersed to charities and so on. At least, that's the way it's usually done.

"Unfortunately, the by-laws don't state how the money is to be used, since it's not required to be given to charity, only that it is to be dispersed, and by whom. The winning house gets the keys to the vault.

"For the last three years the same house has won the contest. All the moneys normally given to United Way and other charities have gone into redecorating and furnishing their own house. And there's not a damn thing anybody can do about it.

"The bitches in charge of the fund couldn't care less if the reputation of the Greeks is sullied by their stinginess. Their actions have caused a lot of bad feelings, both internal and external. The community is starting to wonder what's going on, but there is no way we can tell them without giving away the whole story."

"So someone else has to win this year?"

She nodded.

"Anything else?"

"Just a couple of details." She pulled out a piece of paper from her jacket pocket. "First, you'll need to give blood at the University clinic every week. It will be anonymous and discrete. You miss once, we're disqualified." She looked up. "Don't miss."

"Yes, Ma'am," I saluted. She didn't laugh.

"Second, I need your Friday and Saturday nights, unless I tell you ahead of time. Get your studying done before then or do it during the day. From 8:00 on until they collapse, you're mine.

"Third, obviously, if we're going to win by the default route, you can't fuck any girl from our house during the contest period. They were all here, they all got a good look at you, and frankly, John dear, you could have had any or all of them. There were so many pairs of dripping panties last night, the hallway was slippery. But for the honor of the house they will stay away from you, so you stay away from them. Clear?"

Well, that explained the funny looks the girls had given me. But all of them? At once? If I hadn't already had a hardon, I would have gotten a big one just thinking about that possibility.

"Any questions?" I could tell by the way she asked me, that she really didn't want any. But a few things came to mind.

"Uh, yeah. First, do the girls on the teams have boyfriends?"

"You could probably count on all of them having some type of relationship, yes."

"And a lot of these guys are bigger and stronger than I am, right?"

"Quite a few of them, yes." Not that I was wimpy, but I would never have played college football.

I think she finally saw where I was headed. "Do the boyfriends know what's going on?"

She nodded. "Pretty much."

"But not all?"

"No, not all."

Shit! This was a disaster waiting to happen. I didn't have a 'gang' to back me up. The only three other guys I knew at State lived in another dorm now and it took all three of them to lift a six-pack. Get one disgruntled Frat boy on my case for fucking his girlfriend better than he could ever hope to and I was toast. I thought fast.

"I want permission slips. From the boyfriends of the female team members. Full disclosure."

Lisa thought a minute. "I hadn't thought of that. Good point. It would probably be a good idea to have slips from the girlfriends of the male contestants, as well."

"As long as you can have an option for 'None'," I said ruefully.

"I could sign it for you, John."

"No. It wouldn't be right, and you want to win by the book, right?"

Lisa nodded, surprised I had refused.

"Then get one of your pre-Law sisters to write up a consent form, and leave a spot for 'None.' Should be simple enough, no?"

"OK. Anything else?"

"Yeah. What's allowed during the, uh, matches?"

"Pretty much anything that doesn't maim, injure, drug, kill or permanently mark. Oh, and no drugs or alcohol during the sessions."

"That's still pretty wide open, isn't it?"

"Whoever made up the rules apparently didn't want to place any restraints on the creative juices of the contestants. But mostly I think you'll find it's just straight fuck till you drop. Of course, no one tells what they did, only how well. That's another unspoken agreement. No telling."

"Are there observers? How do you know who wins."

"Oh. Well, yes, you can have observers if you want. It's rare, but you can request them. Most of the boyfriends, if they're not representing one of the houses, hang around outside waiting, then go home and have sloppy seconds. It turns a surprising number of them on. Others go get drunk.

"As to who wins, each female team has a digital camera they carry with them. A picture of the limp dick verified by date and time code is to be posted to the web site by noon the following day. No picture or a late picture is an assumed win by the man."

"So if I lose, I get my shriveled prick posted to a web site? That's quite an incentive to perform." Then I thought about the weekly blood test. And the one that Dr. Rita had drawn. "The blood tests. You're not testing for AIDS, are you?"

Same as My Condition
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I know her work schedule by heart. Her shift starts at 3:00 pm and it ends at 11:00 pm.She is on my mind constantly and I can't stop myself from wanting her, needing her. Just the thought of her makes my cock hard.These past few weeks I've been coming into the Quick Shop just to see her. She probably thinks I'm a creeper. Sometimes I have to hang back as she deals with other customers.Watching how she charms and flirts with her customers makes me jealous and horny. But tonight is the night I'm...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Valentines Day Wife

Man leaves cheating wife on Valentines Day. February 14th 2008, Valentines Day I watched her through hooded eyes as she slipped into the bedroom, and then tried to control the grin I felt growing on my lips when I saw what she was wearing. Fuck, she’s still capable of giving me a hard-on I thought as I watched her full, round breasts moving under the diaphanous, ivory colored, silk babydoll she was wearing. To her husband of f******n years her already hard, dark pink, half dollar sized...

2 years ago
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Wedding Night For Ken And Barbie Part One

When I went to my cousin's wedding in Monterey, California stag, at the reception dinner she had me seated next to the only other male stag invitee, the photographer. He was my age and tall and we hit it off, immediately. Ken was a sports car enthusiast and he told me about the thrilling rides he took along the Pacific Coast Highway. He talked about the beautiful views at scenic lookout points along the Big Sur where he he said you could park and watch the waves pound the coast. He said it was...

3 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Part 7 Swati Ke Room Mein

Hi, sabko mera good wishes. Sabse pahle to aap sabse maafi mangta hoon itne din koi story update na karne ke liye. Woh darasal sach bolu to Karnataka election ke karan mera pura bussiness down ho gaya tha pichle 4-5 mahino se. Is liye itna time to bilkul bhi nahi mila ki story likhoon baith kar. Aaplog mujhe maaf kare aur Kumar apartment ke agle aane wale kisso ka maza le. Aap apni opinion mujhe mere mail pe de sakte hai kahani padne ke bad. Aap logo ke mail ka mujhe intzaar rahega. Mera mail...

4 years ago
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Chastity Momma

DEARIE ME, REBELLION AGAIN I've been having trouble with Charles again about the bedtime thing. Really, it's so silly. Eight o'clock is a sensible time to be under the covers, don't you think? "Mother I'm twenty-two and in graduate school!"?he begs me. "It's bad enough that you won't let me go out at night, but couldn't ?I just sit up and watch Mad Men?" So I made a deal with Charles tonight that he could sit up and watch Mad Men if he put on one of my old Merry Widows, a piece of lingerie I've...

1 year ago
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My Girlfriend Beth

I am so lucky to be dating a hot ginger girl called Beth. I met her at uni and she was known to be easy but I generally just think she was looking for love. Just going about it the wrong way! She is about 5,6 very slim with B cup boobs, pale skin and auburn/ginger hair with some light dusting of freckles that go with the gingers. Her tits were so cute and she rarely wore a bra as she did not really need to. She is from Northern Ireland in the UK and we both went to Uni in the midlands UK...

4 years ago
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Kelly A favour for a friend

“Peter, I need a favour,” I looked up from my work at the sound of my office door opening, smiling when I saw it was Kelly closing the door behind her.My smile was a natural reaction, the sort any red-blooded male had whenever a beautiful woman entered the room, but with Kelly it was a little broader because I’d known her for years and we’d been close friends since day-one.Kelly was a beautiful woman, but we’d never dated, nor even shared a drunken kiss for that matter, due to the fact she’d...

2 years ago
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The Sex Encounters Of My Mom

Hi, this is south Indian fucker back with another story…… Thank you for your support……. Please continue giving your valuable comments on my stories……. So this is a story of a mom…….. Story begins….. It was the funeral of my father Ramesh. . …….. He was the owner of a hypermarket and had married my mom when he was 24. … My mom was crying. .. She was 30 …… Her name was smitha. .. I am their son Gopal studying in 11 the standard … My mom delivered me when-whenjust 14 years old… It was a child...

3 years ago
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I had not seen or heard from Lynda in over 20 years. In the summer of 1995 I was at an outdoor concert. During intermission Lynda walked by. I recognized her immediately, and called out to her. She stopped and looked for a few seconds before she realized that it was me.She was with her husband and some friends, but we spent the entire intermission talking and catching up. She was married with 1 son and lived less than 5 miles from me. Two months later I was hired into the same company where she...

3 years ago
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Mares Tales 34

Mare's Tales - Chapter 34. Veronica, Jacqueline, Jennifer, Cynthia. (Names of Centaurs.) Margaret. (Doctor Friend.) Bernadette, Jeanette & Susan (Beverly's Older Children.) Nicholette, Christine & Pauline. (Beverly's Younger Children.) Jemma, (Jacky's Baby Centaur.) Whilst the new femi society was evolving there was of course another group evolving in parallel. As I mentioned in Chapter 30, Jacky and her centaur friends had been extending the...

2 years ago
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Ten years I’ve hunted you, You think grimly to yourself. Ten long years, and it all comes down to these next few minutes. Indeed, it’s hard to believe that so much time has passed since the dark wizard Sindarion attacked your village. It happened a day before your fifteenth birthday, and if you had not been out in the forest practicing magic, you would now be dead...or worse. You had watched helplessly from the treeline as Sindarion’s demons marched through the smoldering streets of your...

1 year ago
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Sweets of Sin

May 3rd 1932 I know my desires are unnatural but I can't seem to control them. Eustus says this is just business but I enjoy having man after man. I wouldn't care if they didn't pay.Just the sight of a hard cock is enough to drive me to distraction. Mary shows me pictures some rich man made for her. His cock is huge and his balls are tiny.He doesn't even bother to hide his face. I'm sure if these pictures were ever made public he'd be ruined. I fantasize about sucking his cock but she won't...

4 years ago
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Ritu Ki Raseeli Choot

Hello readers I’m dev, back again with yet another scintillating sex experience as you are aware that I’m 26 years old and with normal body stats. I work in an Indian company as an engineer. Here I have many friends and colleagues, I’m doing well here due to my hard work and discipline in work. Here we do have various girls working with us as engineers and other levels. I have friendship with many girls but there are few whom I like very much and almost love them due to lust. Among these there...

2 years ago
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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 16

Bob didn't run after her. She was standing at the elevator doors, fuming, when he caught up with her. He didn't say anything then, or in the elevator, or as they left the hospital. At the bike he stopped and faced her. "I'm going back to the motel. You can walk or ride. It doesn't matter to me." "I'm not walking back there!" she snapped. "Well, the last thing in the world I'd want is for you to get your clitty whizzed against your will!" he snarled. She got red in the face and...

2 years ago
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Car show and more

We set up the tents and rolled out the sleeping bags and then we built a campfire and we sat around drinking beer and talking and joking and relaxing before we went to bed.I am not sure who started it, but I suspect it was Glenn. Somehow we started talking about doing things for charity, doing things like raffles and the like to collect money over the year and at the end of the year turn it all over to a charity in one lump sum.They started talking about having an auction, and thinking of what...

3 years ago
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Helping Sister Her Bed Brother

By : Mridula Hi Mridula is here with a hot sex experience. Pooja, name changed helps her brother in renting a house. Hope you like. Write you comments on I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news, Didi. I now have a good job but can’t find a decent house. No one rents a house to a bachelor. Now where should I bring a wife to rent a house, Didi? You tell me what should I do?” My innocent looking brother Rohit said to me last week he came to my house when my husband had served a notice of divorce on me....

2 years ago
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Sisterly Love Part 2

            Jenny came walking over while Kiera was still sitting on me in just her panties.   When she got in close enough I shoved my hand down her shorts.   She must have shaved because it was smooth as my hand explored.   I knew I had found her clit when she let out a moan and leaned into me her nice tits dangling right in front of me.   I slowly started rubbing her clit in circle and ran one finger across her pussy.   Her lips were tight and puffy the perfect kind for a good...

2 years ago
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Strawberry Summer

The sun beat down on Jerry's back. He could feel the strain of bending and twisting all morning. He raised up and sat back on his heels. Looking across the rows of strawberry bushes he absently counted the other pickers. In the lush, Western Washington State valley, berry-picking was an easy, if tedious, way for teens to make money. Not just teens picked, mind you, unemployed adults and even whole families of migrant workers arrived every summer and moved on to the orchards in the fall. This...

1 year ago
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A Cloud Over BrenhamChapter 4 Lake Town Altercation

At Morgan's words, I stiffened. There was something in the air, an indefinable change. I drew Twilight and held it lightly. 'Demons approach. I can feel them.' Twilight said into my mind I told Thomas to stay with Morgan as I activated Al. "I need a heads-up display. Show all unknown entities, visible or invisible." I directed him "You've got it, Boss. Two detected approaching fast ... Hey, there's something wrong with these — I can't see any connecting link with them," Al...

2 years ago
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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 24

I followed Mrs. Devers out the main school doors and down the steps into the early afternoon sun, trailed by a line of Very Important People. We were lined up in the order we were going to speak, Mrs. Devers to welcome our guests and do introductions, then me, then the President of the Student Council (none other than Matt Mozilla), the high school Principal, the Superintendent of Schools, the President of the School Board and the Mayor. Bringing up the rear was our congressman, who was up...

2 years ago
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CuffsChapter 6

I was standing over Diana, trying to figure out what, if anything, I should do. It was just me and her in the room for the moment. I hadn’t noticed before, but she was gagged, which made sense that I hadn’t heard anything from her, even though she had been wriggling like mad. At this point, she was just laying there, with the hitachi buzzing. Pet came up to stand next to me. “She’s still breathing, but I think she’s passed out. I was about to try figuring out how to undo all of this.” “Sir,...

1 year ago
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Fucked my cousin Veenus ass by mistake

100% fiction! Friends i am back with a shocking but erotic incident. I am rohan, a 24 year old guy from Punjab (India). This incident happened two months back. I went to my cousin's birthday party. Her name is Veenu. She is a voluptuous Punjabi girl with a body full of flesh. She is 22 and 34 30 38 sized girl. Her father, means my uncle is a very rich party. She invited her friends and cousins. I have a girlfriend named Pooja. She is a sexy Punjabi girl with 32 28 36 sized body. I took her with...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Gets Me New PartTime Job

My girlfriend Sandy and I had been living together for the past three months. However, I noticed she was always gone on either Friday or Saturday. I asked about where she went and she explained she had a second job where she made a lot of money for a few hours work. As a teacher she needed to supplement her income and as a Nurse I was not much better. Sandy introduced me to Carla who offered me a job as a dinner companion for lonely wealthy widows and divorcees. Her service was for women only...

2 years ago
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damn i was drunk

I've had many lovers on the side and a few threesomes before, but I don't consider a threesome the same as getting gang fucked. This is the story of my first real gangbang. My husband was working a graveyard shift that previous night and woke me up as he got home. Gave me a kiss and I asked how his night was. "Pretty slow" he replied, "slow enough I was able to sleep a couple hours". "want some breakfast babe?""in a bit" he said. "i'm going to go check on the plants." We had some herb...

1 year ago
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WIfes birthday party at her salon

I was turning 33 tomorrow I thought as I drifted off to sleep. My life has been good so far as I have two great kids and a good husband of going on 14 years. I awoke to a birthday breakfast in bed with my two kids and hubby. My husband kissed me softly and told me happy birthday as the kids bounced all over the place. As the morning progressed a shower and getting dressed my Husband told me to dress a little slutty for work today as he was planning to pick me up after work and go out. He...

1 year ago
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Eve and Her DadChapter 10

Eve knocked timidly on the old wood door. She had decided to play it like she was a scared little teenager reporting to the principal for the first time. She really wanted to rush in and jump on her 'uncle's' lap and hug him tight. Eve hadn't seen Charles in a long time and missed his firm hugs. But, she wouldn't do that as much as she wanted to. This was Uncle Charles' fantasy and Eve would do whatever she needed tro to make it a wonderful experience for him. "Come in." She heard...

3 years ago
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The Notes

The Notes When I was thirteen going on fourteen my parents separated. They said that it was just because they fell out of love with one another but that they both loved me. I knew that it was because Dad had gotten his girlfriend pregnant. Anyway soon after that I started masturbating constantly. It didn’t have anything to do with my parents splitting up it was strictly sexual. I used to get Mom’s used panties from the dirty clothes hamper in the bathroom. After her shower at...

2 years ago
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It Started With a Cup of CoffeeChapter 21

The next morning was Friday, and Tracy was waiting for David a half an hour early just as she said she would. Of course, he knew she'd be there and thought, 'Bonnie thinks she's going to punish me by not giving me any sex. Well little does she know that I'll just go and get it somewhere else!' Just because he'd never played Tracy's game before didn't mean he was naive to what was going on. He knew that the teenager would eventually get bored with him, and unless she needed him to do...

3 years ago
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Bimbo Pop Princess

Prologue – Candy Records The auditorium was filled to the brim. In the modest country town, high-profile entertainment was a rare occurrence. Knowing this, when the local high school got to host a sponsored singing competition, the locals didn’t stop to ponder whether they really were interested in watching teenagers make fools of themselves. Indeed, most of the townsfolk had never heard of this ‘Candy Records’ label, and generally expected nothing more from the event than an utterly tacky...

2 years ago
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Flipping The Switch

"Are you seriously trying to top me?" Nina said with a bit of a smirk."You think I can't?" Maggie said, her eyes filled with a mischievous glimmer which always happened when she was up to something."I know you can’t," Nina replied her voice thick with confidence.Maggie sighed and took one step closer asking, "Is that a challenge darling? It certainly feels like it is." At this moment Maggie was mostly just playing... mostly.Nina laughed and when she did it just sealed her fate. Her...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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My first chance to wear stockings

I have an auntie who was always considered glamorous, she was c***dless but used to like having both her nieces over to stay and impart her worldly way on us. We, typically, were always rummaging through her drawers, looking for clothes to wear and shoes to put on. We were still c***dren dressing-up but she imparted the notion of stockings and garter belts, though the later, did never have the same effect as the former. She never married and being a society girl, was never short of male...

4 years ago
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A Spanking Good Time

This story rose unbidden from my unconscious mind during a heated exchange with an on-line lover. We were roll-playing an evolving Dom/sub scenario in which I had been a very bad girl. During a rest break I skimmed the text of our ping-ponging messages, and suddenly I felt a strong urge to type, so I began. The core of this story then appeared on the screen, line after line without pause, pouring out of some dim recess in my brain. I found myself typing almost error free, a rarity for...

3 years ago
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Amber Waves

You are a secret agent. You have infiltrated the manor headquarters of a power-hungry roboticist who is building a force of robotic “animals” as part of a plan to take over the world. You are currently in a room on the south end of the top floor of his manor, where you have just finished subduing five of his allies. The door on the north end of the room is closed; you hear the sound of voices from the other side. Suddenly, another sound draws your attention. As you turn to see where it’s coming...

1 year ago
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Salvation Ch 4 New Stock

It was a bright sunny day and the journey was much smoother than usual due the unique design of the carriage springs and to Alice’s delight the interior was completely enclosed to prying eyes. On arrival at the orphanage in Hamstead, Richard helped Alice to step down from his carriage smiling as he admired her radiance. Realising that she was just as much flushed with lust, as he was made this occasion even more special for him. Looking around for prying eyes just as if they were...

3 years ago
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How I Had Sex For The First Time With My Neighbor Aunty In Bangalore

Hi I am Manju (call boy). I am 5.2 and average body. I have done masters and working in good company. Let me start the story I came to bang after my engineering to pursue masters and was staying in my relative’s house. Next to our home a lady name Sushma; she was around 32 in age was married had a child and was very cute and sexy. She used to come to our home daily to talk with my aunt. I used to see her as she was hot and she used to notice me when I used to see her. One day my relatives went...

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