The first time I was caught masturbating
- 2 years ago
- 16
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"When you set out on a journey,... make sure that you always carefully plan for every eventuality." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .32 Lines 1, 3.
Dahra walked into the large room that contained the Starjump, with Fig trotting behind her. She closed and sealed the door behind her. No more air could get in or out of the room.
She portaled to a lower room of the ship. A room she could not reach, without injuring herself, in Docre's gravity. It had a large window in what was now the floor, that gave a magnificent view of the chamber's blank floor.
As she entered the room, she anchored to the ceiling, using her Velcro suit and two anchoring straps. It was an odd feeling to be stuck to a ceiling.
Fig fidgeted at the velcro paw booties as it walked on the ceiling. Dahra had them fashioned for him. It made it difficult to move across the ceiling. He had initially tried to bite them off, but a couple of swats by Dahra had taught him that he had to put up with the discomfort.
The launch would probably be the most difficult part for Dahra. After the ship reached space, the ship's computer, combined with an amplifier would help her with portaling. But the first one was all up to her.
The launch involved opening a portal twenty-five miles above Docre. Not something, she had ever done, but a task that should be relatively easy.
The hard part was opening a twenty yard wide portal for the ship to pass through, to do so in two seconds. That would not be so easy. The widest portal she had ever made was five yards across. She had never before needed to make such a large portal.
For the past two days, Dahra had been practicing opening large portals. She stood near the edge of the library's flat roof, and made large portals off the side of the building. She found it a unique experience. It felt like she was stretching something inside her brain. She had no trouble opening a portal up to ten meters across. When she made portals larger than ten meters, she felt an strange tingle spread throughout her body. The wider the portal, the stronger the tingle. It actually felt pretty good, in a mildly painful way.
She knew that the area of the brain that gave her her portaling ability was located next to the limbic, or pleasure, centers of the brain. Was it possible that stretching portals like this, actually stimulates the limbic centers? She had never heard of such a thing. But, how many portalers had ever tried to create such large portals?
After two days of practice, she felt that she could now open a large enough portal in just a few seconds. She laid flat on her back, looking toward the floor, feeling the restraining pull of the Velcro holding her in place.
Dahra took a deep breath, released it, then portaled.
Before her opened a black sky, dusted with stars. Not the few faint twinkling stars she could normally see in the docren night sky, but thousands of them. More than she dreamed existed. The sight took her breath away. She heard the sound of the air in the room whistling by the ship, as it fell through the floor into the vacuum of space. She felt the ship jolt as the platform fell into space. The weight of gravity left her body as they fell through the portal. Fig panicked at the sensation, and was now tumbling end over end in the middle of the room.
Suddenly, just as the front end of the ship had gone through the portal, the ship stopped with a jerk. What had happened? thought Dahra, then she knew. The useless power cable that fed power to the ship was still connected. The ship was tethered to the building by this thick cable. It wouldn't last though. The force of gravity, would cause the cable to either disconnect or break, she wasn't sure which.
While waiting the few seconds for the cable to come loose, Dahra checked the computer's readout screen on the far wall. The portal wasn't quite big enough for the ship to go through. Passage would cause the several sensor arrays to break off, and might even cause a hull breach, that would kill her in seconds. The portal needed to be at least three yards wider.
Dahra tried to open the portal wider, but found a mental barrier that she could not pass. The barrier had an elastic feel to it. She could open the portal a few inches, but the moment she wavered from pushing against it, the portal would snap back to its original size.
Every time Dahra mentally pushed against the barrier, the tingling in her body became stronger, almost to the point of pain. She realized she had to make one concerted effort to pierce this barrier. If she didn't then she would probably be dead. She relaxed her pushing, concentrated, then pushed with all will.
The barrier broke. Dahra doubled over on the ceiling, gasping. A feeling of pleasure and pain flooded her nervous system with a feeling unlike anything she had ever felt at a pleasure house.
The portal opened another ten yards, just as the cable snapped, sending the Starjump tumbling through the portal. The maneuvering jets of compressed air kicked in automatically, stabilizing the ship.
Dahra laid on the floor gasping for breath. It seemed that in the thirty seconds it took to pierce the mental barrier, she had expended more energy than she usually did in a day.
After a few minutes, Dahra carefully got to her feet. It was an odd feeling to be without gravity. If it wasn't for the Velcro soles on her shoes, she would fly across the room, like Fig was. Dahra reached up and managed to grab one of Fig's feet, and pull him back to the floor. Fig carefully lifted one foot off the floor, and started walking much more carefully, keeping at least three paws on the floor at all times
Dahra went over to the computer monitor and punched the status button. A pleasant female voice said, "twenty miles above planet. Next portal in three minutes. Portal room one."
"Three minutes!" shrieked Dahra. "I can't portal in three minutes! I'm still a wreck from the first one!" She unanchored herself and pushed her way down the circular hole in what was once the ceiling. In zero gravity, it was just another wall. She used all sides of the tunnel in her panic to get to the main portaling room.
The tunnel, fortunately, ran into the main large tunnel that bisected the ship. At one end of the tunnel was a hatch marked with a "One", and at the other end a hatch marked with a "Two". Dahra scampered down the main tunnel to the hatch marked "One", pushed open the hatch and climbed through. She hit the terminal's status button, as she entered the room.
"Eight miles from planet. Portal in ninety seconds." Less than a minute!
Dahra looked at the domed ceiling and saw a breathtaking view of Docre, her home planet. It was curved mosaic of blues, with a few splotches of green. Decorating it were pure white bands of clouds. This stunning view was rapidly changing, since the planet moved beneath them, and getting larger by the second.
"Fifty seconds to portal."
Dahra crawled over to the amplifier helmet that was velcroed to the floor in the center of the floor, put it on, and laid down on the floor, looking up at the dome. The portaling amplifier looked a lot like the mover amplifier that Lissa had used to discover the find, those many months ago: a helmet that covered the whole head, with a visor over the eyes, and a cable that ran out of the top of the helmet, into the floor.
The computer's voice piped into her helmet. "Ability: sixty-seven percent. Within acceptable parameters."
Sixty-seven? thought Dahra. I thought I was sixty-two.
Looking through the visor, she saw a red "X" near the top of the dome. That was the point where she would open the portal. She looked around for the green "X", signifying the exit point, and found it near the left horizon of the dome. She needn't worry about the exit point; the computer would take care of that. All she had to worry about was opening a portal at the red "X".
"Ten seconds to portal. Five seconds. Three, two, one. Portal."
Dahra was so tired that she didn't think that she would be able to open even a regular sized portal, but the instant she started portaling, the computer took over. Dahra felt like something had reached in and taken control of part of her mind. And it had.
This portaling had a feeling of detachment that Dahra had never felt before. She felt like she was just a spectator. The computer was the real portaler.
But there was also a feeling of violation. The feel of the amplifier taking control of part of her mind was a cold and brutal act. The seizure had none of the gentleness or humanity to it that her mental contacts with minders and emoters had had.
When the ship had safely passed through the portal, the amplifier let loose of Dahra mind. The full strain of two difficult portals within ten minutes hit her. She lost consciousness.
The portal opened about fifteen thousand miles from Docre, and sent the ship flying off toward Chin, Docre's tiny moon. Chin was an airless rock, about one-tenth the diameter of Docre. It orbited Docre every one hundred and sixty days. It was so small that it could not be seen from inside Docre's atmosphere without a telescope.
Dahra slowly regained consciousness. Never had she felt so mentally fatigued. She would never have pushed her own mind to that extreme. But the computer had.
She felt wetness on her face. Evidently, Fig had tried to wake her, to no avail. She slowly opened her eyes, and almost had a heart attack. The peak of a jagged mountain whizzed by overhead, seemingly, just a few meters from hitting the dome. More peaks flew by in just a few seconds; some even closer to the dome.
Dahra took off the amplifier, crawled over to the terminal and pushed the "Status" button.
"Passing Chin. Distance from surface: three miles.
"Next portal optional."
Dahra entered the command for more information.
"Lat fly-by in fourteen days, without portaling. Lat fly-by in ten hours, with portaling."
Dahra didn't want to sit in this ship doing nothing for fourteen days, waiting to get pulled in by Lat's gravity well. But she didn't feel up to portaling right now, either, although with the computer's help she was sure she could. She decided that she would go get some rest in her bunk before portaling to Lat.
She spent the next few minutes watching the rugged terrain of Chin go by. Gradually the Starjump pulled away from the moon, and left it behind.
After the show was over, Dahra prepared to leave for her bunk, She looked for Fig, and saw him curled up, asleep. He was floating a meter off the floor, on the far side of the room, as peaceful as could be. She decided not to disturb him, and exited, leaving the hatch open, so he could reach food and water from the dispenser.
The fly-by of Lat, the next day, was spectacular. The portaling was done in portal room number two. In all ways identical to room one, except that it faced the opposite direction.
The computer-assisted portal was just as unpleasant, but didn't seem quite as draining as before.
As the ship approached Lat, the domes darkened, so no other star was visible. But even then, it was nearly blinding.
The Starjump flew across the surface of the star, just outside of the corona. It was pure luck that it didn't get destroyed by any prominences. Dahra watched in awe as they flew by sunspots that were ten times bigger than Docre.
The crossing took three hours. By the time it left, the Starjump was the fastest moving object in the solar system. It flew back across Docre's orbit in only one day.
The computer's program was to use one of the outer gas giants to further slingshot it into even higher velocity and to aim it toward the first star. But Dahra disagreed. Higher velocities made it hard to slow down later, and one portal would reorient the ship to the right star.
The ship had been programmed for a ten star tour of some of Lat's stellar neighbors that were spectrally similar to itself. All of them were smaller than Lat. The trip was a loop that would return back to Docre after the tenth star. Dahra might have to change the programming of the ship to visit other stars, if no life was evident on these ten.
The first star on the tour was a little over a docren light year away, a third Lat's brightness, and half its size. It was a prominent star in the Docre's northern skies, spectrally similar to Lat, and a strong prospect for finding life.
After a good night's rest, Dahra was ready for her first true long distance jump; one that would be impossible without the amplifier. She laid on the Velcro "floor", aimed at the red "X", and portaled. Again she felt the computer take control, and then felt nothing. The portal was all but invisible, a black portal against a black sky. Only the sudden appearance of a bright star marked the portal's appearance. It was hard to tell when the ship had passed through. The computer let her know about the passing by letting go of her mind. The strain of the long distance portal hit her all at once. She felt liked she had sprained a muscle in her brain, if such a thing were possible. Her portaling ability had been stretched in a way it never had before, her mind felt sore.
Dahra stood up and walked over to the monitor. The computer said that she had portaled just under a light year in distance. The ship was now in interstellar space. She needed to portal again to reach the new star. She should have been able to make it in just one jump. The time it would take to reach the star, without portaling, was still measured in decades.
The computer analysis said that she was only portaling at forty percent of her potential. This worried Dahra. Coming up next was the big gap between the stars on her tour, over ten light years. If she did not make it in six jumps, two jumps a day for three days, the system would run out of stored energy, and she would die. Right now, it would take her twelve jumps.
Dahra went into the ship's library, and studied the possible reasons for this problem. The computer listed five rare diseases that would cause this problem, along with several mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, that would shut down portaling abilities completely. She didn't show symptoms of any of these conditions. The non-medical causes, though, hit Dahra to the bone. "Guilt (or other forms of preoccupation)" and "depression." That was it. She still hadn't dealt with her feelings of guilt. This problem was now a threat to her life. It had to be dealt with.
Her first priority, though, was to get the ship into orbit around the star. The second portal was much shorter than the first, but the two combined in one day wore her out. The ship was still approximately a day out from entering the stellar system of this star. During this time, the ship sensors would scan the system for planets, and have a report ready for Dahra by the time she woke.
Dahra woke the next morning, ship's time, ate a prepackaged breakfast, and exercised in the artificial gravity of the center tunnel. The tunnel could be spun, independent of the rest of the ship, up to full gravity by a special motor in the ship.
Fig seemed to enjoy the gravity as much as Dahra. While she was doing calisthenics, the ahd ran round and round inside the cylinder. After the exercise, Dahra went to the main computer room to read the scan of the system.
The computer created a three dimensional model of the system (more technology lifted from the find) showing seventy five percent of the system that was not blocked out by the star's radiation. The system had three large gas giants, one of which was ringed. The area that would contain Docre-like planets instead was populated by a series of asteroid belts. Any planet that might have existed with life had long since been destroyed.
Dahra went down to portal room two and portaled to alter the course of the ship, so it would come into a stable orbit around the nearest gas giant. In order to get into an orbit, the ship had to be slowed down. The braking of the ship involved skimming across the upper atmosphere of the gas giant.
The passage through the atmosphere was a horrific experience. The whole ship shook. The items that had been floating the past couple of days flew onto the wall, from the rapid deceleration. The interior temperature rose, as the radiating system over-heated. But when it was over, the ship was in a stabile orbit.
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Jan and I kept our ears tuned for any negative feedback about her promotion. We heard nothing. However, we did get some comments passed along by Lori. A couple of the older, veteran sales reps were grumbling about have to work for "some slave-driving, menopausal woman." Lori had tipped Jan and she in turn, came to me for advice. "Nip it in the bud, Jan. Talk to them, tell them what you heard, ask them to confirm it, then tell them what you expect from them. Above all, don't let them...
It was well past midnight when Harry opened his computer and was surprised to find mail from Doreen who he had set goodnight too only an hour or so before. ‘Randy cunt’, he muttered to himself. ‘Can’t she get enough?’ He smiled for prior to going out for dinner that evening that had fucked, naturally after a nice long suck for she knew he loved a suck job. He read the mail and was surprised for there had been no mention of a theatre ticket during that evening’s entertainment. ‘I suppose she had...
It was a Friday night right after my eighteenth birthday. My dad had invited our neighbor over for a few drinks. Mom was spending the weekend with her sister out of town. I loved spending time alone with dad and his friends. They always let me have a few beers and drinks. Mom was very strict about everything, so I felt free when she was not around.My dad's name is Eric, he is 45 and his body is fabulous. He works out regularly and spend a lot of time jogging on the beach, so he has a nice tan....
IncestAnother favorite story written by someone else that unfortunately is not about my wife.I never bought any of that "size matters" crap until my junior year in college. I lived in the dorms with two roommates, David and John. David was a pretty ordinary looking guy, kinda quiet - but John was tall, lean, muscular and (according to him anyway) was hung like a bull. He used to joke about it a lot - even around my girlfriend, Amy. Amy was a sophomore and was petite, shy and somewhat quiet. I didn't...
It was a warm spring evening and we had showered and we were getting ready to go out to dinner. We both were in the bedroom and my beautiful 5'9" slim figured wife, with her 34D breasts and blonde pubic hair was standing naked before me. She was about to put on a black lacy G string and black lacy bra. She pulled on the G string and then put on the bra. The sheer black lace crushed her delicate nipples flat. She more than filled the cup of the bra which meant that she had a most luscious...
Straight Sex"Hi, Buddy, what's up besides your pecker." These dubious words of wisdom came from Agnes, the 45-year-old waitress at Mack's Diner. It was late one rainy night and I had dropped in for my customary dinner after work. Mack's Diner was in, what had once been, a fashionable part of town but now was just one step away from skid row. It had become, over the years, a local greasy spoon, frequented by seniors on a fixed income who didn't want to cook at home, singles, like myself, who had no...
Judy replaced the phone on the receiver. Jane's line was still busy, after all this time... Judy had been thinking all day about the off-hand remark she'd made earlier, about it being too bad their kids were their kids, and not just the horny teenagers Judy and Jane had been reminiscing about. And the more she thought about it, the hotter she became. Bobby and Scott were such strong, handsome boys, and she knew from the number of heavily loaded tissues in their wastebaskets that they were...
The summer after college ended, I spent the summer with my mother. Dad had long refused to let me stay with him after one of his latest girlfriends had gotten the hots for me and embarrassed all of us, even though I had turned her down flat, and the ban remained in force two years later.Mother said I could stay with her so long as I cooked and did all the chores, which I was happy to do in exchange for a comfortable place to stay rent-free after five years of an intense college program that...
MILFThe morning after the swinger party Ruth reveals she is sore. No wonder as I found out my spotting of her with three guys was only the first time. She had one more triple, with all holes filled, before we left. Although sore she said it was wonderful. I told her I had seen her “performing” and she chuckled. When I suggested I wanted a romp on the bed she gave me a blowjob instead. I was really upset but told her she would have to do it twice more that day to show remorse. Yes, we did laugh and...
Part 1. Old homeless guy in Long Beach restroom I was sitting on a disgusting toilet in an underground restroom under a closed and deserted movie theater. I was 23. I had never been here before but when I saw the Men’s Room sign all weathered and faded, and the door open, I was hooked. Quiet and dark. Just the way I liked it. I sat there with my semi hard dick dangling between my legs when a tiny little homeless guy walked slowly in. He was bald and skinny and pasty white, and I locked eyes...
"Shh..." is all she said before she rolled on top of me and kissed me. It was then that I knew where the expression 'seeing stars' had come from. Jeanie kissed me senseless. Her lips were ravenous as they attacked mine. She massaged my lips with hers until I opened up to give her access into my depths. Pushing her tongue through my open lips, she explored slowly, licked and sucked until she had stolen all my oxygen. Pulling away, we were both breathing hard. "Jeanie, you're hurt right now, I...
For the benefit of those who didn’t read stories one and two I’ll repeat that Sue is petite at 5’4″ 115lbs. 34B, with a nice waist and curvy hips. She has very light brown hair and green eyes. She is very good natured and laughs a lot. Whenever we go somewhere men notice her cute face, then her nice ass. During the events I related in the earlier stories, I found that sexually Sue was quite submissive and was willing to do anything I asked of her. When we talked about...
This is my first story on here, so be kind, please comment, will take criticism. This is a true story.. wish I could forget about it but maybe I was ment to share this. The names have been changed for confidentiality. A little backround. Hi my name is Marissa. I am 23 now. I just turned 18 when at the time and was seeing this guy named Derik for about a year when this happened. Derik was 29. We started out as friends with benefits but I soon fell inlove with him. He was my everything,...
Wake up. Eat breakfast. Work. Lunch. Work. Come home. Watch anime all evening. Sleep. A pretty average day for an otaku like yourself, but it took a grueling duration of waiting in order to finally reach the evening! Now that you're home after a long day of work, you can't help but plop down at your desk with a relaxed sigh. Your favorite anime streaming site stares into your soul from your computer screen, begging you to click a title and hit play. (Credit to Username000 and his story "Naked...
Sunday December 28 As they were leaving, Matt invited Jodi’s mother and aunt to visit anytime. The invitation reminded Matt and he phoned Meredith while Raven drove. After buying homes for both sisters, Matt wanted to own a home for his developing family. “Unfortunately, the owner isn’t willing to sell,” Meredith replied, so Matt put her to work finding a new home for them, one he could buy. The trip home seemed as if half the population of San Diego was headed for L.A. Either that, or a...
Sabina’s (Sabina Rouge) mom reads her stepdaughter Izzy’s (Izzy Lush) diary. The more she digs into her private life, more she understands her. It was already a shock to find out that she is attracted to women, but learning that her daughter Sabina was the main character in her very own lesbian fantasy is too much for her to handle. Her discovery makes her extremely uncomfortable, and she immediately files for divorce. The two sisters involved in the love affair are instantly split....
xmoviesforyouI've been babysitting for the longest time. Every weekend, I have a job and have made enough money to buy a car. I've been babysitting for the Jackson's for about two years now. They hired me overnight and will be paying me three hundred dollars. I'm so excited to go over there tonight. The best part of babysitting over there, is their gorgeous son named Jack. I wasn't sure if he'd be home, but I was hoping he might be. I've had a crush on him for the longest time. He's so incredibly...
Series 1, Episode 16: Pauline We meet our next subject via a montage of clips of her at work – it’s in a laboratory, with her in a white coat and safety glasses, mixing chemicals and looking very serious. Her mousy light brown shoulder length hair is tied back in a tight ponytail and her make-up-less face is relatively plain. It’s easy to see why she floats under the radar of all her workmates. She stops mixing, turns to camera, raises her goggles so we can see her round blue eyes. She...
Love means gambling your freedom against the need to rescue the one you love. Patrick goes to liberate Rachel from Snake, whilst Tony, John and their friends storm down to the lab to set free the redheaded girl from the basement. Will they succeed? * Davy banged his fist on the wall that was between the inside of the van and the driver’s cab where Danny sat driving it slowly in the heavy traffic. He glanced behind him at Jerry and Patrick who sat balanced on the overturned motorbikes staring...
As a teenager I was never the ‘good looking’ type. I was overweight, too tall, never had many friends and only had one boyfriend. However, now I’m 21 and fitter than ever. My height is now an advantage as I’m 5ft 11 and many guys lust after my gorgeous long legs, my curvy round ass and my 34DD tits. My ex cheated on me several times, maybe because I was too ugly for him. I hated him for it, I wanted to take revenge, so one day I heard he was attending a party which my friend was having. I...
My boss bought a Mobius wake board boat. It has the tow bridge and a three thousand watt stereo system. He invited my wife and I to spend the weekend at the lake with him , his wife , and some of their friends. When I told my wife she said I don't know his wife or any of their friends. I said it'll be fun. I said carry a one piece and if you think it's OK you can change into a bikini. We got to the camping spot and his camper was all set up but the boat wasn't there. I called him on his cell...
Cory Chase is remarried and has Nathan Bronson as a stepson. Nathan is just so yummy for this busty mommy to daydream about. Cory catches Nathan perving on her once, but he listens to her lecture and starts helping around the house. Later, when Cory walks in on Nathan in the shower, she realizes that she’s a woman with needs and her husband isn’t around much. She doesn’t necessarily plan on seducing Nathan as she dresses in sheer lingerie, but when she sees him perving on her...
xmoviesforyou"Cindy, baby," My Dan said, "you know how you were jealous of Susan going on a job with Jason?" "Just a little bit. Why?" I asked. "I got a strange one coming up. I think I might be able to get you access. At least you can be there with me." "That specialty plastics thing you've been talking about?" "Yeah," he said. "They're ordering an injection molding line and packaging equipment and it's coming from Europe. They want me to do the engineering interface between their...
On Sunday morning, my parents and I got home from church to find a car sitting in front of our house. When we walked from the garage toward the house, a car door opened and Melissa stepped out. She looked over the hood of the car, as if waiting for a signal of some sort. I stopped when I saw her. My heart was beating fast, and there was an empty feeling in my stomach. Finally, I looked away from her, and continued into the house without acknowledging her. I figured that if she wanted to talk...
I felt weird after that rally. She was happier than ever, though, and I admit what she'd done, and what had happened, was a big sexual kick. I loved her more than ever, she was wild, she was fun!Nothing more happened for a good while, at least I don't know if she got up to anything while out at work or whatever, in the meantime. We went to a couple more parties and another rally, and she didn't seem to do anything again. I found it strange she wouldn't discuss what had happened, even though I...