PortalsChapter 15 free porn video

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"When you set out on a journey,... make sure that you always carefully plan for every eventuality." -- The Teachings of Gran Ch .32 Lines 1, 3.

Dahra walked into the large room that contained the Starjump, with Fig trotting behind her. She closed and sealed the door behind her. No more air could get in or out of the room.

She portaled to a lower room of the ship. A room she could not reach, without injuring herself, in Docre's gravity. It had a large window in what was now the floor, that gave a magnificent view of the chamber's blank floor.

As she entered the room, she anchored to the ceiling, using her Velcro suit and two anchoring straps. It was an odd feeling to be stuck to a ceiling.

Fig fidgeted at the velcro paw booties as it walked on the ceiling. Dahra had them fashioned for him. It made it difficult to move across the ceiling. He had initially tried to bite them off, but a couple of swats by Dahra had taught him that he had to put up with the discomfort.

The launch would probably be the most difficult part for Dahra. After the ship reached space, the ship's computer, combined with an amplifier would help her with portaling. But the first one was all up to her.

The launch involved opening a portal twenty-five miles above Docre. Not something, she had ever done, but a task that should be relatively easy.

The hard part was opening a twenty yard wide portal for the ship to pass through, to do so in two seconds. That would not be so easy. The widest portal she had ever made was five yards across. She had never before needed to make such a large portal.

For the past two days, Dahra had been practicing opening large portals. She stood near the edge of the library's flat roof, and made large portals off the side of the building. She found it a unique experience. It felt like she was stretching something inside her brain. She had no trouble opening a portal up to ten meters across. When she made portals larger than ten meters, she felt an strange tingle spread throughout her body. The wider the portal, the stronger the tingle. It actually felt pretty good, in a mildly painful way.

She knew that the area of the brain that gave her her portaling ability was located next to the limbic, or pleasure, centers of the brain. Was it possible that stretching portals like this, actually stimulates the limbic centers? She had never heard of such a thing. But, how many portalers had ever tried to create such large portals?

After two days of practice, she felt that she could now open a large enough portal in just a few seconds. She laid flat on her back, looking toward the floor, feeling the restraining pull of the Velcro holding her in place.

Dahra took a deep breath, released it, then portaled.

Before her opened a black sky, dusted with stars. Not the few faint twinkling stars she could normally see in the docren night sky, but thousands of them. More than she dreamed existed. The sight took her breath away. She heard the sound of the air in the room whistling by the ship, as it fell through the floor into the vacuum of space. She felt the ship jolt as the platform fell into space. The weight of gravity left her body as they fell through the portal. Fig panicked at the sensation, and was now tumbling end over end in the middle of the room.

Suddenly, just as the front end of the ship had gone through the portal, the ship stopped with a jerk. What had happened? thought Dahra, then she knew. The useless power cable that fed power to the ship was still connected. The ship was tethered to the building by this thick cable. It wouldn't last though. The force of gravity, would cause the cable to either disconnect or break, she wasn't sure which.

While waiting the few seconds for the cable to come loose, Dahra checked the computer's readout screen on the far wall. The portal wasn't quite big enough for the ship to go through. Passage would cause the several sensor arrays to break off, and might even cause a hull breach, that would kill her in seconds. The portal needed to be at least three yards wider.

Dahra tried to open the portal wider, but found a mental barrier that she could not pass. The barrier had an elastic feel to it. She could open the portal a few inches, but the moment she wavered from pushing against it, the portal would snap back to its original size.

Every time Dahra mentally pushed against the barrier, the tingling in her body became stronger, almost to the point of pain. She realized she had to make one concerted effort to pierce this barrier. If she didn't then she would probably be dead. She relaxed her pushing, concentrated, then pushed with all will.

The barrier broke. Dahra doubled over on the ceiling, gasping. A feeling of pleasure and pain flooded her nervous system with a feeling unlike anything she had ever felt at a pleasure house.

The portal opened another ten yards, just as the cable snapped, sending the Starjump tumbling through the portal. The maneuvering jets of compressed air kicked in automatically, stabilizing the ship.

Dahra laid on the floor gasping for breath. It seemed that in the thirty seconds it took to pierce the mental barrier, she had expended more energy than she usually did in a day.

After a few minutes, Dahra carefully got to her feet. It was an odd feeling to be without gravity. If it wasn't for the Velcro soles on her shoes, she would fly across the room, like Fig was. Dahra reached up and managed to grab one of Fig's feet, and pull him back to the floor. Fig carefully lifted one foot off the floor, and started walking much more carefully, keeping at least three paws on the floor at all times

Dahra went over to the computer monitor and punched the status button. A pleasant female voice said, "twenty miles above planet. Next portal in three minutes. Portal room one."

"Three minutes!" shrieked Dahra. "I can't portal in three minutes! I'm still a wreck from the first one!" She unanchored herself and pushed her way down the circular hole in what was once the ceiling. In zero gravity, it was just another wall. She used all sides of the tunnel in her panic to get to the main portaling room.

The tunnel, fortunately, ran into the main large tunnel that bisected the ship. At one end of the tunnel was a hatch marked with a "One", and at the other end a hatch marked with a "Two". Dahra scampered down the main tunnel to the hatch marked "One", pushed open the hatch and climbed through. She hit the terminal's status button, as she entered the room.

"Eight miles from planet. Portal in ninety seconds." Less than a minute!

Dahra looked at the domed ceiling and saw a breathtaking view of Docre, her home planet. It was curved mosaic of blues, with a few splotches of green. Decorating it were pure white bands of clouds. This stunning view was rapidly changing, since the planet moved beneath them, and getting larger by the second.

"Fifty seconds to portal."

Dahra crawled over to the amplifier helmet that was velcroed to the floor in the center of the floor, put it on, and laid down on the floor, looking up at the dome. The portaling amplifier looked a lot like the mover amplifier that Lissa had used to discover the find, those many months ago: a helmet that covered the whole head, with a visor over the eyes, and a cable that ran out of the top of the helmet, into the floor.

The computer's voice piped into her helmet. "Ability: sixty-seven percent. Within acceptable parameters."

Sixty-seven? thought Dahra. I thought I was sixty-two.

Looking through the visor, she saw a red "X" near the top of the dome. That was the point where she would open the portal. She looked around for the green "X", signifying the exit point, and found it near the left horizon of the dome. She needn't worry about the exit point; the computer would take care of that. All she had to worry about was opening a portal at the red "X".

"Ten seconds to portal. Five seconds. Three, two, one. Portal."

Dahra was so tired that she didn't think that she would be able to open even a regular sized portal, but the instant she started portaling, the computer took over. Dahra felt like something had reached in and taken control of part of her mind. And it had.

This portaling had a feeling of detachment that Dahra had never felt before. She felt like she was just a spectator. The computer was the real portaler.

But there was also a feeling of violation. The feel of the amplifier taking control of part of her mind was a cold and brutal act. The seizure had none of the gentleness or humanity to it that her mental contacts with minders and emoters had had.

When the ship had safely passed through the portal, the amplifier let loose of Dahra mind. The full strain of two difficult portals within ten minutes hit her. She lost consciousness.

The portal opened about fifteen thousand miles from Docre, and sent the ship flying off toward Chin, Docre's tiny moon. Chin was an airless rock, about one-tenth the diameter of Docre. It orbited Docre every one hundred and sixty days. It was so small that it could not be seen from inside Docre's atmosphere without a telescope.

Dahra slowly regained consciousness. Never had she felt so mentally fatigued. She would never have pushed her own mind to that extreme. But the computer had.

She felt wetness on her face. Evidently, Fig had tried to wake her, to no avail. She slowly opened her eyes, and almost had a heart attack. The peak of a jagged mountain whizzed by overhead, seemingly, just a few meters from hitting the dome. More peaks flew by in just a few seconds; some even closer to the dome.

Dahra took off the amplifier, crawled over to the terminal and pushed the "Status" button.

"Passing Chin. Distance from surface: three miles.

"Next portal optional."

Dahra entered the command for more information.

"Lat fly-by in fourteen days, without portaling. Lat fly-by in ten hours, with portaling."

Dahra didn't want to sit in this ship doing nothing for fourteen days, waiting to get pulled in by Lat's gravity well. But she didn't feel up to portaling right now, either, although with the computer's help she was sure she could. She decided that she would go get some rest in her bunk before portaling to Lat.

She spent the next few minutes watching the rugged terrain of Chin go by. Gradually the Starjump pulled away from the moon, and left it behind.

After the show was over, Dahra prepared to leave for her bunk, She looked for Fig, and saw him curled up, asleep. He was floating a meter off the floor, on the far side of the room, as peaceful as could be. She decided not to disturb him, and exited, leaving the hatch open, so he could reach food and water from the dispenser.

The fly-by of Lat, the next day, was spectacular. The portaling was done in portal room number two. In all ways identical to room one, except that it faced the opposite direction.

The computer-assisted portal was just as unpleasant, but didn't seem quite as draining as before.

As the ship approached Lat, the domes darkened, so no other star was visible. But even then, it was nearly blinding.

The Starjump flew across the surface of the star, just outside of the corona. It was pure luck that it didn't get destroyed by any prominences. Dahra watched in awe as they flew by sunspots that were ten times bigger than Docre.

The crossing took three hours. By the time it left, the Starjump was the fastest moving object in the solar system. It flew back across Docre's orbit in only one day.

The computer's program was to use one of the outer gas giants to further slingshot it into even higher velocity and to aim it toward the first star. But Dahra disagreed. Higher velocities made it hard to slow down later, and one portal would reorient the ship to the right star.

The ship had been programmed for a ten star tour of some of Lat's stellar neighbors that were spectrally similar to itself. All of them were smaller than Lat. The trip was a loop that would return back to Docre after the tenth star. Dahra might have to change the programming of the ship to visit other stars, if no life was evident on these ten.

The first star on the tour was a little over a docren light year away, a third Lat's brightness, and half its size. It was a prominent star in the Docre's northern skies, spectrally similar to Lat, and a strong prospect for finding life.

After a good night's rest, Dahra was ready for her first true long distance jump; one that would be impossible without the amplifier. She laid on the Velcro "floor", aimed at the red "X", and portaled. Again she felt the computer take control, and then felt nothing. The portal was all but invisible, a black portal against a black sky. Only the sudden appearance of a bright star marked the portal's appearance. It was hard to tell when the ship had passed through. The computer let her know about the passing by letting go of her mind. The strain of the long distance portal hit her all at once. She felt liked she had sprained a muscle in her brain, if such a thing were possible. Her portaling ability had been stretched in a way it never had before, her mind felt sore.

Dahra stood up and walked over to the monitor. The computer said that she had portaled just under a light year in distance. The ship was now in interstellar space. She needed to portal again to reach the new star. She should have been able to make it in just one jump. The time it would take to reach the star, without portaling, was still measured in decades.

The computer analysis said that she was only portaling at forty percent of her potential. This worried Dahra. Coming up next was the big gap between the stars on her tour, over ten light years. If she did not make it in six jumps, two jumps a day for three days, the system would run out of stored energy, and she would die. Right now, it would take her twelve jumps.

Dahra went into the ship's library, and studied the possible reasons for this problem. The computer listed five rare diseases that would cause this problem, along with several mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, that would shut down portaling abilities completely. She didn't show symptoms of any of these conditions. The non-medical causes, though, hit Dahra to the bone. "Guilt (or other forms of preoccupation)" and "depression." That was it. She still hadn't dealt with her feelings of guilt. This problem was now a threat to her life. It had to be dealt with.

Her first priority, though, was to get the ship into orbit around the star. The second portal was much shorter than the first, but the two combined in one day wore her out. The ship was still approximately a day out from entering the stellar system of this star. During this time, the ship sensors would scan the system for planets, and have a report ready for Dahra by the time she woke.

Dahra woke the next morning, ship's time, ate a prepackaged breakfast, and exercised in the artificial gravity of the center tunnel. The tunnel could be spun, independent of the rest of the ship, up to full gravity by a special motor in the ship.

Fig seemed to enjoy the gravity as much as Dahra. While she was doing calisthenics, the ahd ran round and round inside the cylinder. After the exercise, Dahra went to the main computer room to read the scan of the system.

The computer created a three dimensional model of the system (more technology lifted from the find) showing seventy five percent of the system that was not blocked out by the star's radiation. The system had three large gas giants, one of which was ringed. The area that would contain Docre-like planets instead was populated by a series of asteroid belts. Any planet that might have existed with life had long since been destroyed.

Dahra went down to portal room two and portaled to alter the course of the ship, so it would come into a stable orbit around the nearest gas giant. In order to get into an orbit, the ship had to be slowed down. The braking of the ship involved skimming across the upper atmosphere of the gas giant.

The passage through the atmosphere was a horrific experience. The whole ship shook. The items that had been floating the past couple of days flew onto the wall, from the rapid deceleration. The interior temperature rose, as the radiating system over-heated. But when it was over, the ship was in a stabile orbit.

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Gazoo came to me just before dawn. “Will all your hunts be that exciting?” “I sure as hell, hope not! That kind of excitement constantly, can age a man.” I said. “Well as you humans say ‘ya done good yesterday’. And you helped that camp out as well. You were told that Challa is very smart, well she is. I saw you trying to watch her as you removed your chainmail last night. You saw that she quickly noticed immediately what the other women have yet to notice. Challa is no threat to you. You...

3 years ago
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First time in public

A few years ago I was sent out to Paris on business. The first night was spent as Billy No-mates in the hotel watching French television and I don't speak French!Second night I wandered out into the night and spotted a porn cinema. Now ever since I was about a f******n years old when I was introduced to Parade I have always had something of an interest in porn, so I plucked up courage and went in. The cinema had 4 screens, a.k.a. dingy viewing rooms, so I decided to go to No. 1. I felt as...

1 year ago
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The Magic WandChapter 20

If it sounds like Bruce demanded information and it came pouring out in a gush of catharsis, that would be wrong. It might have come gushing out like that, except that neither Bobby nor Mindy were given enough uninterrupted time to ... gush. Instead, the parents “reviewed” what they knew and then asked questions to get more information. “Why couldn’t you talk to me about something like that?” complained Jane. “I was so ashamed,” moaned Mindy. “You said man,” commented Bruce. “You said man,...

3 years ago
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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 31 Shopping

Thank God, there's two fields in Clinton. One dead east and one a little south of west. Bill arranged a huge private hangar and wound the watch. A trifle too far, if the covered wagons under attack was any judge. What he could see of the weapons were muzzle loaders. Probably 1840's. He pushed the stem and was standing next to the plane when the kid ... with the GPS unit in his hand ... stepped out. The kid freaked. Remember, Bill is bigger than any two men. Carrying the kid by his belt,...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 24

On Wednesday 2nd January 1974, Mum had us all out of bed early, well before the midwinter dawn, to have a massive cooked breakfast to set us up for whatever the day would throw at us. She had made Jen and I a huge packet of food to take with us, just in case the catering at Jen's Hall of Residence wasn't functioning, and a slightly smaller packed lunch for her and Dad to eat in the car on the way back from Reading, with extra just in case they got delayed by bad weather. Breakfast over,...

4 years ago
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8 Rules Cheer Panties Bare CheeksChapter 6

Nine months have passed since Kyle had been spurned by Bridget. The pretty blonde coed escaped by hitching a ride with a Mclean Trucking with a red cab-over. The truck driver was headed out of New York and over to the Detroit metro area. Bridget had gained confidence and with her smarts and fake id registered for college after Kyle tried to attack her in Hardees Bridget, nineteen years-old began to let her guard down and enjoy college life, though she still subconsciously grabbed her butt as...

2 years ago
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I had just put the groceries down when a new text message came in. Busy? Was I busy? Probably not. Nope. What’s up? I’m horny Really? :) Really. Want to help me out? And how can I help? You could come over and lick my clit until I cum I could. Is that all you want? I want you to fuck me multiple times too Sounds like fun. Are you naked? Yup The picture that came with the response showed her pulling on one engorged nipple and naked on the couch. Sexy. Can you wait for me to get...

4 years ago
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Summertime Part 1

James always worked as a lifeguard in the summer when he wasn’t in school. He had done so his last few years of high school, now into his first couple years of college. Waiting tables never appealed to him, neither did landscape work. Next summer he would likely need to find an internship, but this year it was back to the pool again. His hometown was small compared to the city where he went to college, and there were only a handful of public pools to pick from. But he knew the owner of...

4 years ago
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The Beginning

The evening was dark but I had a call from Billy. From this I got in my car and went over to his place. Anything sexual was the last thing on my mind, weird how things turn out. After chatting for some five minutes I noticed you were getting uncomfortable, a bit of wriggling going on, it didn’t cross my mind that it was a hard on until you looked up and said “it’s because you’re here”. Next thing I see is your cock out and you’re wanking, I just looked and was thinking I want a taste. I heard...

1 year ago
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frist rape n tape

Lucie is about a little over 5 goot and has blond hair,dress'd like a angel,well more like a punk mix thugy preppy angel would.Well that after noon at launch Bobby had broken up with Lucie because she had told him she had the hot's for me,not knowing until a week later.A week later lucie end'd up at my house,i invited her in and we were talkin.You smoke pot Austin she had ask'd.Knowing and paying enough attenion to her knowing she dos as well.Yes i replied.Cool,let's smoke Lucie...

3 years ago
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Alexs craigslist adventures Ch1

My Night With TimMy name is Alex, I'm a 27 year old Bi guy who more than occasionally meets guys. I love top guys who treat me like their little fuck toy. This is the first story I'm sharing of my most recent hook up. I hope to share more of my true stories in the future.-----My night with Tim started out when he answered a craigslist ad of mine. He was only 2 or 3 years older, dark hair, roughly the same height and build as me (I'm about 160 and 5'11" tall) It had been awhile since I'd been...

2 years ago
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Sadie Shows Mike The Way

Every man remembers his first time. That first access to the warm juices of a woman's secret place. In spite of my forty or so years in my present business, that first time, and its consequences will live with me forever. Because that first time was the point at which my future life was changed forever.For one thing, I had waited so long, being such a shy, mother-dominated eighteen year old on the fringe of going to University seeking a business degree. I'd had little real experience of the...

First Time
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Choti ladki

Hallo iss ke chodu lund dhaariyon aur raseeli choot waaliyon ko mera pyaar bhara salaaaam aaj bahut din baad aap sabke saamne fir se haajir hoon aur is baar jaanna caahenge kiski chudaayi ki maine….? Na na aap log galat soch rahe hai ki har baar ki taraah maine apni mummy ko ya chachi ya bua ko choda hoga par aap log galat hai is baar maine kisi badi age ki aurat ko nahi balki 1 kamsin nadaan apni jawaani se bilkul anzaan ek nabalig yaani ki 14th saal ki kunwaari choot chodi hai aur wo bhi apni...

1 year ago
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Our big adventure Mmf threesome

About five years ago we had been hot steamy sex and I put my cock in her ass. Nice and slow with a lot of lube and she loved it. It was real tight and warm. While I was thrusting in and out of her ass I was talking dirty to her. She loved it k"fuck my dirty little asshole." E"You like that baby" k"omg it feels so fucking good." E"Take that dick" that was a short sample of about twenty minutes of fun. It was such a good night. A night to put on the bucket list that started the expansion...

2 years ago
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Big Beautiful Stacy part 2

It was about eleven in the morning I had gotten up late and went to find something to eat. I had spent the night before in the motel room that I had gotten so that I could have sport sex with my ex-girlfriend Stacy. She left early evening to get back to her husband so he would not know she spent the afternoon in bed with me. I killed off the evening by getting take out and watching Show Girls on late night cable. It was a hot sunny summer afternoon as I walked back to the room. I did not...

4 years ago
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Valentines Day Surprise 2

Valentine's Day Surprise 2 by Throne "Good news," Dora announced with a wide grin. "What is it, Miss Dora?" Jimmy asked cautiously. He was wearing a sports bra that was too tight and laid flat across his chest, along with mini- shorts that showed off the bump made by his small penis in front, and had a rear seam that rode up between his shapely, sponge-cake-soft, bottom cheeks. He kept his body free of hair, for the times when he wore panties. The smooth skin now enhanced his...

2 years ago
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The Player

I sat by the window in the café, drinking bad coffee and reading the paper. “Excuse me, sir. Do you know when the show in the park starts.” I looked up in irritation and into a pair huge, dark eyes in a round, brown fae framed by flaming pink hair. Whatever I had been going to say came out as, “Neurrr.” “Excuse me?” “It’s been cancelled,” I rallied. “It’s supposed to rain this afternoon.” She made a face. “Oh man. I really wanted to see that. I had my whole day planned.” “You play music,...

2 years ago
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First Swinging experience

We were in Thailand for 2 weeks, before going there we joined adult swinger websites in order to have some people to meet when we go there.We have been thinking of trying a couple for a long time and since the M loves Asians and the F likes western guys, we were trying to meet a mixed couple like ourselves (which Thailand has a lot of ;) ) After a few emails to the profiles we liked, we finely found a nice couple. The excitement was overwhelming!!When we got finely arrived, we stayed in a...

1 year ago
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A Night in Suburbia

It was a busy day. Up early with the kids, then we were off grocery shopping. Running errands, taking kids for lunch in a busy restaurant, fighting crowds and traffic. Finally home. Unload the kids and groceries. Off to the park with the dog and the kids. Clean the house, do the laundry, cut the grass - it never ends.Throughout the day I stayed close to her. I held her hand, touched her butt,  gave her smiles and winks. I steal a kiss if I can. I love flirting with her.She rolls her eyes and...

4 years ago
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Bobbi Needed It

Bobbi and James were new office neighbors in our multi-tenant office. James was an affable older fellow, in his fifties and Bobbi, while equally affable, was much younger and unsettlingly cute. James was an appliance installer and Bobbi was his office help, scheduling appointments for her husband.I helped them to get settled into their new offices when they brought in their office furnishings and we seemed to hit things off very well, right off the bat. Even though they weren’t from the little...

Office Sex
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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 12

TO ME, RACHAEL LOST all vestiges of shyness about intimacy after our oil adventure. Perhaps, more than intercourse, touching each other, letting ourselves be touched, and finding sexual pleasure together had been more intimate. We knew each other’s body - every small nook and cranny. We’d explored in the light, not protected by darkness. Maybe it had given her the last bit of confidence she needed - knowledge she could bring me as much pleasure as I could her. Or perhaps she was completely...

3 years ago
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Pregnant from my StepSon True Story Part 2

Part 1 concluded with the arrival at LHR (London Heathrow Airport). For a better understanding you should read the previous part first.We had rent a two bedroom flat, one bedroom for me, one bedroom for my stepson and a living room.The rooms of flats are really small in London.The “best” thing was the shower which was a tub and then covered with a curtain. It was a chamber-like room without a door. At least the WC was separated and ok.My strategy was to use the shower when my step-son would not...

1 year ago
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ENF Sorority House

Welcome to Epsilon Nu Phi! Members of this sorority live in a unique situation where almost every expense on campus is paid by an anonymous alumni. Girls can request almost any product or service be billed to the house as long as it's on campus. All staff have records of E.N.F. house member to avoid fraud or to confirm a girls identity. The only time staff are allowed to refuse a request is when a girl attempts to buy clothes while she is underdressed. This brings us to the conditions that each...

2 years ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 15

My phone rang and I grabbed it. “Murphy here.” “Murphy, Charles Winterford here. Chelsea told me you called back and placed a huge order, man you don’t mess around do you?” “No, we love these first two 800’s and we want to build an ATV trail up here. I asked Chelsea to get you and her mom and y’all come on up tomorrow. We need to have a drink and kick back while we deal you a membership.” “She told me all that Murphy, if you’re serious, we’ll be there early.” “Hell, leave at daylight, we...

3 years ago
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Meeting Freddy Four

Freddy then changed his position, he was still straddling my chest but now he was facing my feet. His ass edged back towards my face. He momentarily let his balls mash into my mouth and and his cock found my mouth open and waiting for it. He shoved his cock deep into my mouth and down my throat. He left it there for only a moment, before roughly pulling his cock out of my mouth. Then he positioned his asshole over my mouth, he said, “Now clean up the mess you’ve made. I can’t very well get...

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JudgementsChapter 50

Marcus stared at the bundled sheets of paper before him uncertainly, leafing through them carefully, trying to makes sense of the coded squiggles he saw. "Ready?" Hope asked, slipping onto the stool behind her keyboard. "No," Marcus replied, instantly. Shawna shuffled through the papers herself, shaking her head silently at what she found. "What's up?" Hope asked. "I don't know what we're playing," he said, and Hope stared for moment. "That's what the sheet music's...

2 years ago
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From Straight to Bi to Gay

*This story is based in the UK, and not fictional* Chapter 1 – “Monday Fuckin’ Mornings” The familiar rhythmic buzz of my alarm set my eyes fluttering open. Dreary grey light seeped through my thin, striped curtains. After hastily jumping out of bed, I ran downstairs and tried to get dressed into my school uniform as quick as possible. As I tore off my night shirt, I gazed at my reflection in the mirror. I was 5’8″, which was impressive for a 14 year old at the time. I had very impressive body...

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Year of the Champions

The following is a translated quote from the Tablets of Prophecy beginning on tablet 12 side 1 and ending on side 2 of the same. The world of Light and Darkness, Hikarino'Yami, has been battled for many times since the beginning. The three Great Ones: Light, Darkness, and Balance all want to control this world as it is the heart of Manabio's spirit field, the spirit field controls the very essence of this Plane and this means that if one of the three has complete control of it they have...

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Eddies Visit

It was pure coincidence that my parents chose the exact two weeks to go on a second honeymoon that my husband, Mark was to be gone to a medical convention in New York. I happily agreed when they asked if my fifteen year old younger brother could fly out and stay with me while they were gone. I hadn’t been able to spend much time with Eddie since getting married and moving from Atlanta to Dallas. Being seven years older, I’d practically raised him while our parents were both working. I hadn’t...

2 years ago
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Love Delayed But Not Lost

Hello my dear readers. I’m Justin and back with my next story and this is based on a real life incident. This happened probably around 3 years back. Readers can give their feedbacks to Back then I was enrolled in a college and had met a lot of wonderful people. I had befriended a girl and I used to visit her now and then to work on group projects and assignments. Her name was Khushboo(name changed) but the story doesn’t revolve around her. My adventure in here was with her flatmate named...

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