Transporter free porn video

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Transporter By Deane Christopher Ever since Helen Miller, Felicia Rivers, Daniel Gibbons and Robert Alexander met during their freshmen year at Union Hills Institute of Technology, the four of them had remained close friends. Each of them had earned a Bachelor of Science degree and had elected to continue their education as graduate students at Union Hills. Occasionally, they would find the time to aid in one another's research. And that in a nutshell is how Mr. Daniel Joseph Gibbons ended up becoming Miss Danielle Josephine Gibbons. It all started one Friday evening when the four of them were having dinner together at Nelson's Pub. While they were eating, Rob announced that he had been working on something that he thought the rest of them would be interested in seeing. Though Helen, Felicia and Dan pummeled him with all sorts of questions in an effort to get him to reveal what this mysterious project of his was, all Rob would say was that they had to see it to believe it. However, having whetted their curiosity, Rob, eager to show off his pet project, suggested that after they finished eating, he would be more than happy to give them a hands-on demonstration of the research project he had been working on. After the four of them left the pub, they headed over to the Union Hill's Applied Physics Annex Building. Once inside, they took the freight elevator down to the sub-basement. On the ride down, Rob cautioned his friends not to touch anything, owing to the fact that the much of the electronic apparatus was powered by hazardous voltage feeds. He also warned them to be careful of the cabling that was haphazardly strewn across the floor. The room into which Rob lead his friends was extremely large, situated as it was beneath the whole sub-basement of the east wing of the Applied Physics Annex. Added to that, it was cluttered with a hodgepodge of mainframe and supercomputers, some of which were quite antiquated, while other units were one generation removed from being state of the art. What dominated the huge room, running down its center as it was, was a set of rails, giving all the appearance of an indoor railroad track, for that is basically what it was. About two- thirds of the way down the room, sitting atop the rails on a multi- wheeled under-carriage was a platform upon which sat a telephone booth sized Plexiglas tube. At the far end of the room, just beyond the terminus of the rails, sat another raised platform upon which was situated a duplicate of the telephone booth sized Plexiglas tub. Rob led his friends to the far end of the room where the second of the Plexiglas tubs was surrounded by several jury-rigged desk-like consoles, containing what appeared to be a whole shitload of cannibalized PCs and other electronic gizmos and gadgets. "Well..." Felicia Rivers smirked. "As impressive as this electronic junkyard of yours is, I only have two questions. What the hell is it? And, what the hell does it do?" "This," Rod proudly proclaimed, "is a transporter." Incredulously, Helen Miller chimed in, "You mean, transporter, like in Star Trek?" "That's right!" Rob, enjoying the moment, eagerly replied. "That's exactly what it is, Helen. And guess what! It works!" Rob continued on to provide his friends with a brief history of how the transporter came to be. In a nutshell, Rob explained that the transporter system before them was an unexpected outgrowth of the much- ballyhooed Philadelphia Experiment. He told them how Dr. Franklin Reno was endeavoring to apply the Unified Field Theory to a military application. The idea was to use electromagnetic radiation to bend light around an object in such a way as to render it invisible. The USS Eldridge, a US Navy destroyer escort was fitted out with the required equipment to conduct the initial testing. It is alleged that on October 28, 1943 the Eldridge not only became entirely invisible, but that she actually vanished in a flash of blue light. Concurrently, there were alleged sightings of the Eldridge offshore of Norfolk, Virginia. However, shortly after the Eldridge was sighted by crewmembers of the merchant ship, the SS Andrew Furuseth, the Eldridge vanished, only to reappear in the Philadelphia Naval Yard, some 215 miles away. "Come on, Rob!" Daniel Gibbons scoffed. "You don't actually believe that happened, do you?" "No." Rob replied without any equivocation whatsoever. "I don't believe that the Eldridge ever teleported anywhere. What I do believe is that the Unified Field Theory worked and that the Eldridge did become invisible for a few seconds before re-materializing. That's to say that I don't think the ship ever teleported anywhere. All it did was momentarily disappear, only to re-appear a few seconds later, owing to the fact that they weren't able to maintain a stable electromagnetic field." Not satisfied with Rob's explanation, Felicia demanded, "Okay, smartass! If that's the case, how to you explain the sightings of the Eldridge in Norfolk?" "From what I gather from the classified reports that Professor Calvin allowed me to read, the sightings in Norfolk were the results of an electromagnetically created mirage." "Calvin actually let you read classified reports?" Helen blurted. "Couldn't he get in trouble with the government for doing that? And, why in the hell did he let you read them in the first place?" "To answer your first question -- yes. Calvin let me read the classified reports" Rob countered. "However, he only did so after he gave me a demonstration of how the transporter worked. In fact, he let me read all the files involved with the Transporter Project. And, he did that so that I had some idea of what I was getting myself involved with. And, yes, to answer your second question: Calvin probably could get in trouble for granting me access to all the data that's been amassed, dating from the early days of Philadelphia Experiment all the way to, and concerning, the development and testing of the transporter system you see before you. So, do me a favor. Let this be our little secret. In other words, I would really appreciate it if the three of you resist the urge to tell anybody about this. The last thing I want to do is to get Professor Calvin in trouble. Trust me. He's one of the good guys." The three of them all gave Rob their solemn promise that they would not to tell a soul about the transporter, or Professor Calvin involvement in divulging classified information. Rob, confident that his friends would keep his secret, continued on to explain how the Philadelphia Experiment had led to the development of a working transporter system. "Once the scientists who had work on the Eldridge Project became aware that the ability to sustain a Unified Field was nigh on to impossible for the extended periods of time necessary to make the idea of invisibility practical for military applications, several of the project's scientists embarked on a totally new project. Using the Unified Field Theory along with Einstein's mass to energy equivalency theory (E=MC2), they theorized that with enough energy, they could teleport matter from one location to another. However, unlike with the Eldridge, they would need two transceiver terminals to achieve the desired results." Helen, who was impatient to get to the crux of the matter, abruptly interrupted. "And, you're saying that this teleportation device actually works?" "Yes." Rob, just shy of being boastful, curtly replied to Helen's inquiry. "It sure does. In fact, it works just fine." "Well..." Dan interjected thoughtfully. "If it does work like you say it does, why isn't it being used?" "That, Dan, is a very good question." Rob smiled, as he continued on to explain that there were several reasons why the transporter system had never been developed for practical use. The first reason was that massive amounts of electrical energy that were required for the both the transmission and reception of any teleported object. Secondly, a physical transmission link, while not mandatory, was preferable. Early testing showed that any form of outside interference to the broadcast signal, interference such as: sunspots, radio waves and refraction caused by atmospheric conditions could result in the teleported object's degradation. And lastly, while it appeared in theory that inanimate objects could be teleported to any location around the world, animate objects could not. Extensive testing showed that animate objects could only be teleported over distances of ten meters or less. Anything greater than that and the animate object would perish. While wood could be teleported beyond a distance of ten meters, a tree could not. It would die, as would an animal. "Oh!" Felicia exclaimed. "I guess that explains the rails and the movable platform." "Very perceptive, Felicia." Rob congratulated his friend. "You go to the head of the class, girl. But, you guys needn't worry. Terminal B -- that's the one that situated out there on the rails -- is located only seven meters distance from Terminal A, and that's the one that's right here in front of us. Added to that, Terminal B's dolly's wheels have been welded to the track. So, it isn't going anywhere." Rob continued on to explain that over the years various theories have been tested in order to tried and break the ten meters barrier. Faster computers, enhanced paralleled data transmission facilities, even fiber optics had been tried, but to no avail. Try as they might, no living objects had successfully been transmitted beyond the ten meter barrier. "So..." Dan thoughtfully mused, "Basically, while it's a tremendous technological achievement, this transporter system is nothing more than a scientific white elephant. While it works, it's not practical. Given the enormous amounts of power needed to use it, it's actually more economical to ship items by land, sea or air than to teleport them. Added to that, as a people mover, it's a complete failure. So, Rob, tell us. What in the hell are you doing with it? I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't your academic interests lie elsewhere?" 'Yes..." Rob freely admitted. "They do... or, make did. You see guys, after Professor Calvin gave me a hands-on demonstration of how the transporter works, I started thinking outside the box and I came up with an idea of how to put the transporter to a practical use. You see guys, the group of scientists who were initially responsible for the design and construction of these two teleporter terminals took Murphy's Law into consideration to prevent the type of accident that was portrayed in the Vincent Price movie The Fly. Simply put, they designed the system with a discriminator circuit to address that very problem. So, that got me to thinking that we could reprogram the transport's discriminator circuitry to, shall we say, identify tumors. By doing so, we could use the transporter to remove the tumors by simply deleting them during the patient's reconstitution. And that idea of mine led to another. I got to thinking that we might be able to use the transporter to eliminate the need for either re-constructive or cosmetic surgery. Hell, we might even be able to use it to eventually regenerate missing limbs, and correct various birth defects..." Rob's enthusiasm was contagious. It was not long before he had convinced Helen, Felicia and Dan that he was on the threshold of something fantastic. Figuring it was time to give his friends a demonstration, Rob congenially inquired, even as he began to power up the equipment, "Okay! Who wants to go first? Or, would you guys prefer that I go first; you know, just to prove to the three of you that it's safe?" Though leery, figuring that it would be better if Rob remained at the control console, Dan, feeling that it was the manly thing to do, reluctantly volunteered to go first. "Okay! So, what do I do?" "Just step inside Terminal A's tube," Rob distractedly directed, as he continued flipping switches. "And, I'll take care of the rest from here." Though squeamish about the idea that he was about to be deconstructed into pure energy; coded into God knows how many zeros and ones, transmitted over a distance of seven meters; and then, using nothing more than raw energy, reconstructed, Dan somewhat sheepishly did as Rob had instructed. "Okay, Dan!" Rob said as he pushed a green button on the console. "The first thing I'm going to do is to do a pre-transmission scan." As he did so, two concave semicircle scanner-heads began to descend along the outside surface of the Plexiglas tube, while another pair of scanner- heads began to travel upwards from niches built into the platform's base. Upon meeting at the halfway point, the scanner-heads began to return to their starting positions. When the scanner-heads were fully retracted, the drawers of the six DVD writers that were mounted next to the control console popped opened. As they did so, Rob removed each of the DVD +R disks in turn. In doing so, he placed each one of the DVD disks in a jeweled storage case. As he did so, Rob took special care to write Dan's name on each one of the disks. "Not to worry, Dan," Rob explained. "This is merely a precautionary measure. Each one of these disks contains a comprehensive data map of your physical and mental makeup. Added to that, there are a total of twelve PC hard-drives that contained the same information that is on these disks. Having said that, Rob placed six new DVD +R disks into the rack mounted writers and pushed the buttons that would cause their drawers to close. "Okay!" Rob glanced at the array of LCD monitors before him. "I've got a green board, so it seems that we're all set to go. All right, ladies. It's bon voyage time for Dan." Having said that, Rob lifted the clear plastic switch-protector and pressed the red 'transmit button'. As he did so, a brilliant, blue-white vertical beam momentarily blazed for a fraction of a second in both Terminal A's and Terminal B's Plexiglas tubes. As the dazzling blue-while column of light winked out, it was clearly apparent that Dan was no longer occupying the Plexiglas tube of Terminal A. Rather, he was standing seven meters distance, inside the transceiver tube of Terminal B. "Wow!" Dan exclaimed as he step out of Terminal B's Plexiglas tube. "The damn thing really works!" "So, what's your preference?" Rob enthusiastically inquired. "Walk back? Or, would you rather I teleport you back?" "If it's all the same to you, I think I'll walk..." While Dan was in the process of rejoining his friends, Felicia inquired, "So, tell me something, Rob. How does that data you had me compile for you a couple of weeks ago tie in with this transporter project of yours?" As soon as Dan had rejoined them, Rob was more than happy to provide Felicia with the answer to her question. Shortly after Professor Calvin had given Rob his blessing to experiment with the all but forgotten transporter system, Rob had asked Felicia for a favor. Given that she was hands down the best number-cruncher of the four, and a closet statistician to boot, Rob had asked Felicia to provide him with a mathematical equation that defined the most desirable human attributes for both males and females. "Oh!" Helen smirked. "That explains the program you had me design for you. And, here I was under the impression that you wanted it to develop various characters for that fantasy computer game that you've been working on for the last couple of years." "Hmmm..." Rob thoughtfully mused, as he powered up another computer screen. "I hadn't thought of that. But, you're right. I actually could use it for that. Tell you what. Felicia, how about you go stand in Terminal A's tube so that I can run a pre-transmission scan on you. That way, I'll be able to show you guys what I've really been working on." Felicia, having clarified that Rob was not going to teleport her at the moment, did as her friend requested. Once Felicia was in the tube, Rob ran his scan. Then, as Felicia stepped out of the transporter tube, seeing that Rob was preoccupied with something else, Helen removed, labeled and stored the six DVD disks that contained Felicia's data map. Dan, not to be left out, took it upon himself to restock the DVD writers. Using a wireless mouse, Rob accessed the program that Helen had provided him with. "Look familiar?" "Yes..." Helen dubiously replied. "But, I see that you made some modifications." "Actually, I didn't." Rob was not about to take credit for something he did not do. "Dan did. You were busy working on your own project. So, I asked Dan if he would make the modification that I needed. I hope you don't mind that I did that?" "No... Not at all." Helen, curious to see Dan's modifications, leaned in to examine the new icons that appeared on the screen. Accessing a drop-down menu, Rob clicked on the mouse's left button and a rotating image of a nude Felicia appeared on the large computer monitor. "Sorry!" Rob said, as he clicked on the 'View Menu' and finding the 'Decency Option', clicked on it. As he did so, the rotating image of Felicia was suddenly wearing a bikini. Having done that, Rob clicked on the 20% tab of the pull-down menu, whereupon the screen split as a second image of Felicia appeared on the screen. However the new image of Felicia differed from the first, in that it was apparent to all four of them that the image was a trimmer and shapelier version of Felicia. Without waiting for anyone to comment, Rob selected the 40% tab and clicked on it, thereby causing a third image of the slowly rotating Felicia to appear on the screen to the right of the other two. Felicia, who had been chunky all her life, gleefully tittered, "Wow! So, that's what I would like if I went on a diet and lost some weight." "I don't mean to cast any dispersions," Helen, well aware that she was as lacking in the 'looks department' as her roommate, ruefully smirked. "But, I think it would take a lot more than just losing a few pounds for you to look like that, Felicia." Dan knew better than to offer any sort of comment and so, remained mute. Rob, selecting the 60% tab on the pull-down menu, followed Dan's example. A fourth image of Felicia appeared on the screen. "Oh, my God!" Felicia joyfully shrieked as she saw how pretty the new image of her looked slowly twirling about on the computer screen. "What I wouldn't give to look like that!" Without waiting, Rob selected the 80% option, bringing up yet another image of an even more physically enhanced version of his frumpy friend. "Rob..." the gangly and flat-chested Helen tentatively inquired. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm thinking that this is more than just a computer program. Let me guess. You've somehow integrated this physical enhancement program into the transporter system, haven't you?" "Yes!" Rob was exuberant. "That's exactly what I've done." As the implications of what she had just heard Rob say registered, Felicia gasped, "You mean to tell me that you can actually use the transporter to make me look that beautiful?" "Yes." Rob smugly replied, as he positioned the cursor over the 100% tab and pressed the mouse's leftmost button "But, why settle for beautiful when you could look like this, Felicia?" "Oh, my God!" Felicia exclaimed in shocked amazement as she beheld the sixth image of herself portrayed on the screen. "I'm gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous! And, you can do that? You can actually make me look like that?" "I sure can." Rob assured her. "All you have to do is to step back into the tube and I'll have you looking like a goddess come to earth before you can bat those baby blues of yours." "But, I don't have blue eyes. My eyes happen to be green." Felicia giddily replied as she made her way around to the stationary platform upon which Terminal A sat. "Well..." Rob replied thoughtfully. "Would you like blue eyes? I mean, if you would, that won't be a problem. In fact, if you would like, I can also turn you into a natural blonde?" "No thank you. I think for the time being I'll go with what I've got. Besides, while I've never liked the way I've looked, the one thing that I've always like about myself is my auburn hair." And with that, Felicia stepped back into the transporter tube. "Okay, Felicia!" Rob said as he type a few commands into the computer keyboard that he had used to display the array of Felicia's enhanced images. "Say goodbye to being Plain Jane and hello to Miss Drop-Dead Gorgeous." Much as had happened before with Dan, Rob lifted the clear plastic switch-protector and pressed the red 'transmit' button. As he did so, a dazzling, blue-white vertical beam filled the interiors of the two transporter terminals. Though a frumpy Felicia had entered Terminal A, seven meters away, an absolutely gorgeous Felicia stepped out of Terminal B's Plexiglas tube, dressed in a black leather miniskirt, blue satin blouse, coffee-colored pantyhose and a pair of standard issue black stiletto heel pumps. "Oh, my God, girl!" Helen gleefully squealed. "You look terrific!" "I do?" "Oh, yeah..." Dan readily agreed with Helen's assessment. "You look great! In fact, I would say that you are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. The only question I have is: do you feel any different?" "Yes!" Felicia beamed. "I feel skinny for the first time in my life. Rob, by any chance do you have a mirror around here?" "No... Sorry, Felicia... I wish I did. But, I don't..." Rob somewhat distracted replied. "But, I do have my cell phone, so I can take a couple pictures of you, if that'll help." "To hell with that!" Helen abrasively interjected as she headed for the Plexiglas tube of terminal A. "Rob, why don't you give Dan your cellphone. That way he can take a few pictures of Felicia while you scan me into your system, because I want one of those physical upgrades of yours as well." Five minutes later, Helen stepped out of Terminal B's tube looking every bit as gorgeous as Felicia did and decked out in the very same black mini-skirt, blue satin blouse, coffee-colored pantyhose and a pair of black stiletto heel pumps as her roommate. "This is fantastic!" the formerly gangly and flat-chested Helen exclaimed as she took her hands and jostled those magnificent new endowments of hers. "For the first time in my life, I've actually got boobs! Dan, since you still have Rob's cellphone, how 'bout you take a few pictures of me, you know, so I can take a look at the new and improved me?" "Hey!" Felicia interjected. "I just realized something. Helen and I aren't wearing the same clothes that we were before being transported. In fact, she and I are wearing the very same outfit." "That's true," Rob freely admitted. "Look! I hope the two of you don't mind, but in order to compensate for both of your bodies new dimensions, I had Dan modify the program to reconfigure your clothes as part of the teleportation process and I guess this is what he came up with..." The girls were understandably ecstatic with their new looks. However, though they were, they both shared a concern. Though she was loath to do so, it was Helen, rather than Felicia, who first brought the subject up for discussion. "I hate to sound like a naysayer, because the last thing I want to do right now is go back to looking like I did. But, I wondering if these looks of ours might prove to be problem for Felicia and myself." Rob sought clarification. "You mean, because of guys hitting on the two of you? I mean, given how good the two look, guys are going to be fawning all over both of you, trying to sweet talk you into going to bed with them." "No, silly!" Helen countered. "While it goes without saying that will certainly be a problem that the two of us will have to learn to deal with if Felicia and I end up deciding to remain as we are, what I'm really worried about is if people will still recognize us? I guess what I'm asking is: is there enough of a resemblance between our former selves and our new selves?" "Yes. For my money, there definitely is," Rob quickly countered. "That's to say that I certainly can see it. How about you, Dan? Can you see a resemblance as well?" "Yes," Dan replied emphatically. "However, I do understand the point Helen's been trying to make. Added to that, there might also be a problem when it comes to their IDs. While the variances in their individual weight can easily be explained away, the variances in their height cannot. I mean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Felicia's several inches taller then she was, while Helen's a couple inches shorter..." After spending several minutes discussing the matter, Rob asked the crucial question, with that question being: did Felicia and Helen wish to remain as they were. They both admitted that they did. But though they did, they still were uncomfortable with the problem that might arise about their IDs. Dan, having been giving the matter some thought, offered a solution to the girl's quandary. He prudently suggested that since Rob could simply reverse the process and restore the two young ladies to their former physical disposition, they could remain as they were for the time being. Truth was, he urged them to, as he put it, take their new physiques for a weekend test drive. Then, having said that, Dan continued on to suggest that should the girls choose to revert back, they need not go all the way. Dan asked Rob if it were possible for the girls to return to any one of the progression of physical dispositions that had been portrayed on the computer screen after their pre-transmission scan. Assured by Rob that such a thing was indeed possible, Dan made another suggestion, with that suggestion being that the girls could use the transporter to incrementally enhance their looks over the course of the school year. Then, having provided the two girls with several options, Dan sheepish inquired, "Hey, Rob. Look! While we're here, I was wondering in if maybe you could... a.... You know, tinker around with my looks a little?" "Sure... The Good Lord knows that when it comes to your looks, they could sure use some touching-up," Rob brought up the rotating image of Dan's pre-transmission scan. "Tell me. What did you have in mind?" He asked, as he displayed the other five images that took Dan from being an average looking graduate student to being Mr. God's Gift to Women. "Hmmm..." Dan mused as he examined the succession of physical upgrades that were displayed on the screen. "Since I'm not looking to be an Adonis, I think that I would like to go with 60%. You know, six-pack abs and good looking enough, in a rugged outdoorsy sort of way, without being too good looking, if you know what I mean? But, if it's at all possible, Rob, when it comes to my... you know - thing..." "Your manhood?" Rob supplied, clarifying that he was onboard with what Dan was referring to. "Yes!" Dan, feeling uneasy discussing his genitalia in front of Felicia and Helen, squeamishly replied. "Could you set me up with the one from the 100% rendition?" "Yeah, sure..." Rob smirked, as he typed in a few commands on the keyboard. "I guess I could do that for you. But, if I do, you'll owe me big time!" Then, as a new image of Dan displayed on the screen, Rob asked, "How's that?" "Oh, yeah!" Dan, thinking that his improved genitalia would really impress the ladies, eagerly quipped. "That'll do me just fine." "Okay, pal!" Rob said, as his fingers moved over the keyboard, typing in a succession of commands. "Why don't you head on over to Terminal A so we can get started turning you into a well-hung stud?" Dan was too busy thinking about the pleasure he would derive out of his upgraded equipment to take note of the fact that Helen, the practical joker of the group, had engaged Felicia in a hurried and hushed conversation. "Rob!" Felicia impishly said, as she grabbed her friend's arm and spun him about to face her. "Helen and I were just talking, and we thought it would be a hoot if it were possible for you to..." "Hey!" Dan, having popped his head out of the transporter tube in order to be heard, impatiently called out, "What's the hold up? And what the hell are the three are you talking about over there? Come on! Let's get this show on the road!" "It's nothing to concern yourself about, Dan!" Rob called back. "I just need to make a few more adjustments and then, we'll be all set to go. So, do me a favor. Get your ass back in the tube and just hold your horses and let me do what I have to do..." It was not a full minute later when Rob looked up from the console and in a loud voice, called over to Dan. "Okay, pal! Here we go!" With that said, Rob lowered his voice to a conspiratorial tone that only Felicia and Helen could hear and light-hearted continued on to add, "You're about to get more pussy than you ever bargained for." Rob then flipped up the clear plastic switch-protector and jammed his thumb down on the red 'transmit button'. As he did so, the now familiar blue- white light momentarily filled both of the transporter tubes. Teetering on those four-inch heels she now wore, a befuddled Dan gingerly stepped out of Terminal B's Plexiglas tube. "Oh, my God!" Felicia gleefully chortled, as a thoroughly bemused but nonetheless breathtakingly beautiful blonde emerged from the transporter tube seven meters away. "He's - make that she's - beautiful!" Having first grabbed the underside of those new boobs of hers much the way Helen had done previously, Dan, in a frenzied panic, reached down and frantically groped her loins, only to find that she was no longer male. "What the fuck!" Dan shrieked with that sexy, honey sweet new voice of hers. "Rob! Whatever possessed you into turning me into a girl?" Then, seeing that her three friends were laughing their asses off, a disgruntled Dan irately quipped, as she lamely began to hobble her way towards them, "Hey! This isn't funny!" "You're right," Helen, trying hard to suppress her glee, impishly snickered. "It's not funny. It's hilarious." "Rob!" Dan fumed, as she reached down and plucked first one and then the other of the treacherous pumps from off of her nylon clad feet. "I asked you a question. Why the hell did you do this to me?" "Dan, just so you know, it was the girls' idea not mine." Not wishing to be the primary target of Dan's wrath, Felicia decided it was time come clean. "Actually Dan, it was Helen who came up with the idea in the first place. All I did was to help her talk Rob into doing it." "Thanks a heap, Felicia!" Helen teasingly smirked. "Talk about rats deserting a sinking ship! Come on, Dan! You really need to lighten up! There's absolutely no need for you to get those new titties of yours in an uproar. Oh! And when it comes to titties, let me just say that yours are superb. In fact, most of the women I know would kill for a pair of knockers like Rob has fitted the three of us girls out with." "Aren't you forgetting something, Helen?" Dan heatedly demanded of his friend. "While you and Felicia might be girls, I'm not! I'm a guy!" "I don't mean to split hairs here, Dan... Or, I guess I should now be addressing you as, Danielle" Helen playfully countered. "But, as it stand now, you're not a guy. Granted, you used to be a guy. And, I'm sure that Rob will be happy to turn you back into a guy. But the truth of the matter is that you're not a guy now. All the guys I know have dicks and unless I'm sadly mistaken, you no longer have a dick, do you Danielle? The true is that you now have a vagina, the same as Felicia and myself. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but if I remember correctly, having a vagina does in fact make you a girl. Oh, and while I thinking about it, let me just say what a pretty girl you are. In fact, you're not just pretty, Danielle. You're not even beautiful. You, my dear, are gorgeous to the nth degree." "Helen!" Danielle, having heard quite enough, irately fumed. "Knock it off! Look! You've made your point! And as much as I hate to admit this: you're right! As it stands now, I am a girl! I don't want to be a girl. But there's no getting around the fact that I am one!" Rob, curious to hear Danielle's take on what it felt like to be fitted out with a body that reeked of feminine sex-appeal, sheepish inquired, "So, how's it feel being a girl, Dan?" "In a word, icky! It feels really weird and I don't like it one bit. So, I guess the question is: when are you going to change me back, because I sure as hell don't want to stay like this any longer than I have to?" "As soon as the systems recycles I'll be able to undo the damage," Rob thoughtfully replied. "But, are you sure you want to change back so soon. I mean, you really need to get a look at yourself like this, Dan. I mean to tell you! You're a real knockout." "All right, already! I get the picture. I'm one good-looking girl. So, how long is it going to take for this system of yours to recycle?" "Oh, I'd say no more than another ten minutes or so." Upon hearing Rob say that, Danielle breathed a sigh of relief. "Good, because this being a girl is really freaking me out." Felicia, in an effort to lighten the mood, chimed in with what she thought to be a very apropos suggestion. "Hey! What you say we use the time to take some pictures of you, Dan? You know, so you can see how fantastic you look as girl." "Sure..." Danielle did not see any harm in posing for a few pictures. Truth is that while she was not about to admit it to her friends, Danielle was dying to see what she looked like as a girl. "I mean, given that we have a few minutes to kill, what the hell..." "Danielle..." Helen teasingly chided, as she fumbled around in her purse in an effort to locate her cellphone. "You might just want to put your heels back on for the pictures. Trust me. They'll look far better on your feet than in your hands." While Helen and Felicia snapped a whole shitload of pictures of Danielle posing both alone, and taking turns posing with one or the other of them, Rob began to check on the progress of the transporter's system recycle. However, though he did, Rob found that he was constantly distracted. Try as he might, Rob could not keep his eyes from straying to his three bodaciously built companions. Interestingly enough, Danielle, thinking that she would be a man again in a matter of minutes, actually began to loosen up and to get into swing of things, to the point that she did not bat an eye when Helen suggested that she strip down to her bra and pantyhose. Having ascertained Felicia's, Helen's, and Rob's promise that no one else would ever see the pictures outside themselves, or learn of story of how the pictures came to be taken, Danielle quickly removed both the blue satin blouse and black leather miniskirt she was wearing. Egging Danielle on, Felicia gleefully exclaimed, as she snapped picture after picture of her formerly male friend, "You go, girl!" Danielle brazenly did just that, as she adopted one alluring pose after another. Then, shocking the shit out of both of her female friends, Danielle sidled up to Rob and asked him if he would be so kind as to undo her bra. It was not long after that, that Danielle plopped that succulent derriere of hers down on a stool and began to oafishly divest herself of the pantyhose she was wearing. "Okay, ladies!" Danielle seductively purred as she spread those long and lovely legs of hers into a wide V, where upon she used the fingers of both of her hands to draw those multiple lip folds of her vulva apart. "Since I'm only going to have one of these for just a few more minutes, make sure that you take a few close ups of this pussy of mine..." "Houston..." Rob disgruntled chirruped, "...we have a problem." That statement of Rob's put a damper on the proceedings. "What do you mean?" Danielle demanded in a panic. "What sort of problem? I mean, I'm not going to be stuck like this, am I?" "No. You needn't worry about that. I'll be able to change you back all right. The problem is that I won't be able to change you back until this time tomorrow evening. You see, Dan... or Danielle... or whatever you want to be called, the transporter system's capacitor-bank needs to recharge, and I'm sorry to say that's going to take a good twenty four hours." In an unbridle huff, Danielle fumed, "You mean to tell me that I'm going to be stuck like this until tomorrow night?" "I'm afraid so, Dan." Then, having said that, Rob endeavored to put a positive spin on things. "But, look on the bright side." "What bright side?" an extremely disgruntled Danielle despondently scoffed. "I happen to be a girl right now, or haven't you noticed?" "Oh, I've noticed all right. How the hell could I not have notice? I might be a nerd, but I'm still a guy and you're standing right there, not five feet away from me, as naked as a jaybird. Added to that, given that you and I have been roommates since our freshman year, you know I have a preference for long-legged blondes with a nice rack and a great ass. So, in answer to your question -- yes! I've noticed! So, do me a favor, Dan. Put your clothes back on, before I end up doing something that is both illegal and immoral..." Danielle, catching sight of the vertical bulge in her roommate's pants, decided that though she trusted Rob explicitly, getting dressed was probably the best thing she could do at the moment. As she did so, the four of them entered into a round-robin discussion about Danielle's unique situation. Rob, keenly aware of the effect Danielle was having on his libido, suggested that it might be a good idea if Danielle stayed with Felicia and Helen for the night. Felicia and Helen agreed that it was probably for the best if Danielle spent the night with them. Once Danielle was dressed, Felicia brought up the fact that she was getting hungry, suggesting that the four of them go grad a bite to eat at the nearby McDonalds. Helen and Rob were up for it. Danielle, however, was adamantly opposed. "If the three of you think I'm going anywhere looking like this, then you've got another think coming! I mean, what if somebody were to recognize me?" "Recognize you!" Helen laughingly scoffed. "How the hell could anyone recognized you, Danielle? May I remind you that you're a girl now? Besides, you don't look anything like your former self." "That's true, Dan," Rob added. "In fact, if it weren't for the differences in your eye and hair color, along with variances in your complexions, as far as I'm concerned, three of you look a lot like sisters." "Helen and Rob are both right, Danielle," Felicia put in her own two cents worth. "Nobody's going to recognize you. Now, I can understand how you might be squeamish about venturing out in public as a member of the opposite sex, especially given how good looking you are as a girl, but you're going to be with friends. And, you needn't worry about guys hitting on you. The three of us aren't about to let anything happen to you. So, come on! It's only McDonalds! Afterwards, I promise. We'll head right back to our apartment. Okay?" "Yeah... Okay..." Danielle grudgingly relented. "I may not like it, but I'll go. However, be advised that I'm going to need some help getting around in these friggin' heels..." "Guess what, Danielle," Felicia countered. "For your information, when it comes to these high heels, Helen and I are in the same boat you are. While we might be girls, we're no more used to wearing high heels any more than you are. Besides, if Rob is to believe, aren't you the one who is responsible for fitting the three of us out with these overtly sexy outfits? So, I would advise you to stop complaining." "Yeah," Danielle contritely replied. "I guess I sort of goofed when it came to high heels." "Yeah!" Helen sarcastically chimed in. "You goofed big time. Let me guess. You were thinking with that dick of your -- you know, the one you no longer have -- rather than the brains God gave you. I mean, decked out like we are, the three of us look like high-class hookers out trolling for johns..." + After McDonalds, the four of them headed over to the apartment Felicia and Helen shared. With less than one block to go, streaks of lightening began to lance down from the southwestern sky, followed a few seconds later by the ominous sound of rolling thunder. "They were calling for thunder storms earlier," Felicia offered. In rebuttal, Danielle replied, as more thunder loudly boomed, "Well, it sure looks like we're going to get them." Feeling a single raindrop on the back of his neck, and taking note that the wind had begun to gust, Rob prudently suggested that the four of them pick up the pace. "Come on, Girls! From the looks of things, we're in for a real storm. So, I would suggest that we put some hustle in our bustle. In others words, we need to shag ass." Danielle learned a very important lesson, with that lesson being that when push came to shove, women really could run in heels. In fact, she surprised herself by just how quickly she had acclimated to wearing such daunting footwear. Luckily enough, they just got inside when the skies opened and the deluge began. Arriving at Felicia and Helen's apartment, Felicia requested that Rob to go into her bedroom, find her stand-alone mirror and bring it out and into the living room. Rob did as Felicia asked and the three girls spent the better part of the next hour taking turns giddily appraising themselves of their new looks. Interestingly enough, Danielle spent as much, if not more time in front of the mirror than either Felicia and Helen did. "Oh, my God!" Danielle sensually squealed the first time she got a good look at herself in the mirror. "I'm hot! Added to that, I'm actually turning myself on!" "Well, that settles it then," Rob chuckled. "You might be a girl physically, but on inside, where it counts, that libido of yours is still as manly as it ever was." "Yeah!" Danielle sarcastically smirked, as she jostled her boobs for the umpteen time since acquiring them. "You've got that right! You guys know what really crazy about all of this? Ever since I starting liking girls I would have given my right nut to go out with a girl who looked even half as good as I do. Now, thanks to Rob and that transporter of his, I've become the girl of my dreams..." + Somewhere around twelve, Rob announced that he was calling it a night. He bid everyone a goodnight and headed directly across the hallway and into the apartment he shared with Dan. Once Rob and taken his leave of the 'girls', Felicia and Helen, working in conjunction with one another, made up their living room's pullout sofa bed for Danielle. However, the three of them found that they were far to keyed-up to call it a night. That being the case, they talked for another two and half- hours before Helen finally announced that she was calling it quits and going to bed. Somewhere around two, Felicia, out the clear blue, defiantly announced that she had arrived at a decision. No matter what Rob said to the contrary, she was bound and determined to keep her upgraded physique. "Hey, I been a wallflower all my life. But I'm not going to be one any longer. I like the new and improved me. What do you say, Helen? Are you with me?" "Damn straight!" Helen, sounding even more dogmatic than Felicia, readily agreed with her roommate. "There's nothing that Rob can say or do that'll get me back in one of transporter tubes. " "I hope the two of you aren't expecting me to jump on the bandwagon," Danielle injected herself into the conversation. "Had I been born a girl, I'd probably want to keep this new body of mine, much that same as the two of you. But I'm not a girl. I'm a guy, a guy who wants his old body back more than either of you can begin to imagine..." + Felicia waited until Helen closed the door to her bedroom before producing a stubby plastic cream colored rod that had a conical head on one end and was flat on the other. "Here you go, Danielle," Helen said, as she tossed the rod onto the sofa bed. "I thought you might like to use this tonight. Since you're only going be a girl for another day, I thought that you might like to experience what orgasms are like from a girl's point of view. All you have to do to turn it on is to twist the cap on the flat end. I sure that you can figure out the rest all by your lonesome." Gingerly, as if the thing might bite her, Danielle somewhat timidly picked up Helen's vibrator. Then, after a cursory, if not curious examination of the pleasure-giving device, Danielle twisted the gnarled cap and the vibrator came to life. Turning the vibrator off a second or so later, Danielle rather glumly said. "Thanks, Helen. I really appreciate the offer, but I doubt that I'll use it." "Trust me, Danielle. You really should give it a go. Who knows? You find that you like it," Helen gently admonished, as she turned about and seductively sashayed into her bedroom. As she watch Helen's bedroom door close, Danielle murmured to herself, as she gingerly placed the vibrator on the end table, "That's exactly what I'm afraid of. I might find that I like it too much for my own good." And, that just what happened. Though she fought and an on-again off- again battle with herself on whether or not to experiment around with Helen's vibrator, Danielle finally gave into temptation. She grabbed Helen's vibrator off the end table and, throwing caution to the wind, proceeded to used it to induce a string of clitoral orgasms. + The next morning, as a bare assed naked Helen reclaimed her vibrator, she teasingly smirked, "Pretty nifty device, isn't it Danielle?" Taking umbrage with Helen's implication that she had actually used the vibrator to get those girlish rocks of hers off, Danielle bristled, "And, what makes you think I actually used it?" Felicia, who was just emerging from her bedroom at the time, took it upon herself to provide the answer to Danielle's question, "Well... I would say that the way you were moaning and groaning and screaming your head off is pretty good indication that you got off on yourself last night. So, tell me, Danielle," Felicia inquired, as she parked that tantalizing re-sculptured derriere of hers down on the sofa bed beside Danielle. "How was it? Did you by any chance experience an orgasm?" "Oh, yeah!" A broad shit-eating grin blossomed on Danielle beatific face. "In fact, I didn't just have one orgasm. I had a whole slew of 'em." "Oh!" Helen chimed in, as she followed Felicia's lead and parked that man troubling tush of hers down on the opposite side of the sofa bed, in effect bracketing Danielle between them. "So, what you're saying is that as a girl, you're multi-orgasmic?" "Yeah... I guess I am at that." "So..." Felicia teasingly taunted. "Did you enjoy the experience?" "Oh, yeah! I definitely enjoy it! Actually, I loved it!" Danielle giddily replied. "In fact, if there's one thing I going to miss about not being a girl, you know, after I get back to being a guy again, it'll be that..." + When Helen and Felicia went to get dressed, to their chagrin, they found that none of the clothes in their respective wardrobes fit them anymore. Having been both plump and short prior to her physical upgrade, Helen found that all her dresses and tops were way too baggy, in that they hung almost tent-like about that goddess-like new torso of hers. As far as her pants, jeans and skirts were concerned, the waistbands were way too large and when it came to their length, they were all way to short. Added to that, Helen's shoes no longer fit those slightly larger feet of hers. And, when it came to undergarment, not a blessed thing came even close to fitting comfortably. Felicia had the opposite problem with her clothing. Her shoes were too big for her re-sized feet. Tops and dressed were much too tight, especially across those ample endowments of hers. And, while her waist was not a problem when it came to pants, the splay of her hips was. However, even when she did manage to cram herself into a pair of her jeans, they proved to be far too long for her to wear, even with the extra height supplied by the new four-inch stiletto heels that the transporter had provided her with. Though it unnerved her to no end, Danielle, taking the pragmatic view, had simply re-donned the clothes that the transporter had provided her with. Unable to find anything that came close to fitting their reconfigured frames, Helen and Felicia found that they were forced to follow Danielle's example. "Well, you know what this means, don't you Helen?" Felicia scoffed as she finished buttoning up her blue satin blouse. "I sure do," Helen replied with a knowing smile. "Right after Rob takes the three of us out to breakfast, he's going to run us over to the mall. Because, the three of us girls are going on a shopping spree." "You two can count me out," Danielle dogmatically interjected. "You guys can go. As for me, I'm staying right here until this evening." "Come on, Danielle!" Felicia enthusiastically urged. "It'll be fun!" "Maybe for the two of you," Danielle replied, in an all out effort on her part to beg off. "Since the two of you are still adamant about staying as you are, you guys really need to pick up some new clothes for yourselves. I, on the other hand, do not. What I have on right now will do me just fine until its time for Rob to change back." "That might be true." Helen started off by acknowledging the validity of Danielle's assertion. However, having done so, she laid down the law. "But, true or not, Danielle, there's no way that you're going to spend the day cooped up here, or for that matter, across the hall in your own apartment. Like it or not, you're going to the mall with us. In fact, I don't give a rat's ass if you buy anything or not. You're at least going to try some stuff on, because that's what we girls do. Oh! And, don't trying telling me that just because you've still got a man's mind, that you're not really a girl. That body of yours says otherwise..." It was right about then when the phone rang. Felicia answered it and informed the others that it was Rob. Whereupon, Helen said, "Tell, him that if he any plans for the day to forget 'em, because he's taking the three of us out to breakfast, and form there, to the mall." + As it turned out, Rob was more than happy to take the three young beauties out for breakfast. In fact, he had already planed on taking them to Denny's for breakfast. The only thing he hadn't countered on was picking up the check. But after he thought about it, it made sense, given that Felicia and Helen were going to have to purchase a week's worth of outfits, along with underwear and at least one pair of sensible shoes for themselves. "Hey!" Danielle registered a complaint while waiting for their waitress to bring them their orders. "Those guys over there are really creeping me out. I mean, have you noticed how they've looking at us." "Which guys?" Helen asked. "Do you mean the guys who are seated over at the counter, or the ones at the table over there in the corner?" "You mean to tell me there is more than one group of guys gawking at us?" Danielle twisted her head about trying to catch a glimpse of the offenders. "Actually," Felicia added, "we've caught the attention of most of the men in here. And oddly enough, having never before experienced such a thing before, I find it all to be both flattering and to a degree, amusing." "Funny you should say that, Felicia," Helen chimed in. "Because I do too. Like you, it's kind of nice to be a piece of eye-candy for a change..." + Interestingly enough, though Danielle had not intended to purchase anything of a girlie nature while at the mall, she ended up buying herself a pair of designer jeans and a light-weight turtleneck sweater to go with them. In doing so, she used the excuse that she felt too exposed walking around in a mini-skirt. Danielle also said that Helen and Felicia could share the outfit after she changed back into her old manly self, given the fact that the three of them were the exact same size. Interestingly enough, Danielle suffered a pang of jealousy later that afternoon when she accompanied Helen and Felicia into A Victoria Secrets. They needed women's undergarments, where as Danielle did not. However, though she felt foolish for doing so, Danielle, telling herself that she wanted a keepsake for her day spent as a member of the fairer sex, bought herself a very alluring and down right sexy bra and panty set. Knowing that Felicia and Helen had charged more than then should have, Danielle prudently suggest that she and Rob split the diner tab. Rob had no objections and so, that's is exactly what they did. + After diner, Rob, who had thoroughly enjoyed spending the day with his three gorgeous creations, drove them all back to their apartment complex. With a few hours to kill before heading over to the University's Applied Physics Annex Building, they decided to spend the time shooting the shit with one another at Felicia and Helen's pad, rather than across the hall in Rob and Danielle's apartment. Shortly after entering the apartment, Danielle drew Helen off to the side and entered into a short exchange with the striking brunette. Their conversation ended with Helen saying in a voice that could be heard by all, "You should find it in the top drawer of the night table that's located on the left side of the bed as you enter the room. And, if it's not there, give me a holler and I come in and see if I can locate it for you." And with that said, Danielle, without saying another word as to what she was about, turned and made her way into Helen's bedroom. Shutting he door behind her, the telltale sound of lock mechanism being thrown could clearly be heard. Curious to know what was going on, Rod inquired of Helen, "What was that all about? And, what's Danielle up to in your bedroom? And, why the hell did she feel the need to lock the door?" "Rob." Helen took her seat on the sofa. "You know what 'they' say about how every cloud has a silver lining. Well, let's just say that last night, or rather, early this morning, with a little help from yours truly, Danielle found her silver lining." Mistakenly thinking that Helen was implying that she and Danielle had engaged in lesbian sex, Rob chuckled, "Oh! I had no idea that you swung both ways, Helen." "I don't!" Helen bristled. "For your information, Robert Alexander, I happen to like guys. And, with this new body of mine, the guys are finally going to like me. In other words, I'm not bisexual, nor do I have a lesbian bone in my body. That's to say that I'm as heterosexual as you are! I mean, you are a heterosexual aren't you?" "Yes!" It was Rob's turn to irately bristle. "Of course I am! And, for that matter, so is Dan! Which, I guess makes him - rather her - the lesbian in the group, you know, given the fact that he's a she for the time being." Felicia, who hadn't contributed anything to the conversation as yet, decided it was time to have a little fun at Rob's expense. "Rob, if you're as heterosexual as you say you are, how come you never asked Helen or myself out on a date? Could it be that you didn't find either one of attractive enough?" Even though Felicia had hit the nail on the head with her last remark, Rob was not foolish enough to try and answer it. "Look! We're friends, and the last thing I ever wanted to do was to jeopardize that friendship by dating either one of you. I mean, I like you both and were I to start dating either one of you, things could get awkward." "Good answer!" Felicia cheerfully commented. "But, that was then, this is now. Do you feel the same way today as you did yesterday, you know, before you used that transporter of yours to physical enhanced our looks?" Though he would have given his right nut for the chance to go out with either one of them, Rob played it smart. "Of course I do. The last thing I would want to do is to risk the friendship the four of us enjoy." "I'm really sorry to hear you say that, Rob," Helen, in an attempt on her part to really get his goat, interjected. "Because, while I never said anything, I've always had a thing for you." In an effort to change the subject, Rod said, "Hey! What's that buzzing sound I hear? I do believe that it's coming from your bedroom, Helen. By any chance, does it have something to do with Danielle, and why she's still in there?" A lot more sternly then she intended, Helen gruffly replied, "It has everything to do with Danielle and why she hasn't come out yet. You see, Rob, since she only has few hours left as a girl; Danielle wants to make the most of it. So, she's in my bedroom, using my vibrator to get off on herself. And, the reason she locked the door was probably due to the fact that she rather not have anyone barging in on her while she doing what she's doing. Understand?" Rob, aware that he had not other recourse open to him, replied that he understood perfectly. An hour or so later, dressed once again in both the black leather mini- skirt and blue satin blouse combo, a somewhat unkempt looking Danielle rejoined her friends. "Is it time to go?" Checking his watch, Rob replied that they still had a good hour to go before the transporter system's capacitor bank would be fully charged. However, seeing how glum Danielle looked upon hearing him say that, Rod continued on to say that since the four of them were walking over there, it might be for the best if they got a move on it. During the walk, Rob took the opportunity to converse with his roommate. "Dan, are you sure that you really want to do this? I mean, it sure looked to me like you were enjoying yourself today." "Actually, now that you mention it, once I got into swing of things, I kind of did enjoy myself. But, in answer to you question: yes, I'm sure. I mean, being a girl does have its moments, but given my druthers, I'd much rather be a guy..." + As he had the evening before, Rob led his friends around to back of the Union Hill's Applied Physics Annex Building. Though he was authorized to be in the building at any time, be it night or day, Rob wished to avoid any unnecessary hassles with campus security. Producing two AA flashlights, he handed one to Danielle and then, using his key, unlocked the rear door. For some unknown reason, the freight elevator was not working, so with Rob leading, the four of them used the rear stairs to head down to the building's sub-basement. As Rob opened the door to the large room that housed the cluttered transporter lab, Felicia ruefully quipped, "What that's smell?" Knowing exactly what caused such an odious and ominous odor, even as Rob turned on the lights, Danielle despondently responded, "There is only one thing that emits such a smell. Fried circuits boards. And, it smells like it's a hell of a lot more of them than just one." "Oh, shit!" Helen gasped, as she surveyed the damage. "There's puddles of water all over the floor! What the hell could have caused that?" "My guess would be that," Rob said, as he pointed to the overhead sprinkler system. "Rob!" Danielle drew Rob's attention to the bank of larger industrial capacitors that were grouped on the far side of the room; the same type of heavy-duty oil filled capacitors that the electric companies use as a principle component in their substations. "I think this is were it all started." Rob, seeing that several of the huge capacitors were badly charred, concurred with Danielle assessment. "I do believe that you right about that, Dan. My guess is that this is a result of that terrible storm we had last night. Lightening must have hit one of the high voltage feeds, which in turn caused an overload that zapped one of more of these capacitors. And that, I'm afraid, lead to an electrical fire, which in turn caused the sprinkler system to activate, drenching everything in here." "Yeah..." Danielle glumly agreed. "That would be my guess as well..." Though she knew it was bad, Felicia nevertheless felt compelled to inquire, "How bad is it, Rob? I mean, you're still going to be able to turn Danielle back into Dan aren't you?" "Not tonight, I'm not." Rob disgruntled snapped, as he sniffed one of many closet-sized bays that containing row after row and shelf after shelf of handcrafted circuit boards. "The prognosis isn't good. The water has probably shorted-out most of the boards in this bay, and probably most of the other bays as well. I'm sorry, Dan. I just assumed that the sprinkler system had been disconnected back in the late forties when they first started work on this experimental transporter system. I mean, anybody with good sense knows that you don't use water to put out an electrical fire. Why they didn't disconnect the sprinkler system before they started the project is beyond me. But, you know how assumptions work. I guess I should have checked. I sorry..." Taking Danielle's hand compassionately in her own, Helen sheepishly inquired, "Danielle, does this mean what I think it means?" "Well..." Danielle heaved a labored sigh, as Felicia moved in to take her other hand. "If you think that it means that I going to be stuck like this for the foreseeable future, than I would say that you're right. The truth is that unless the government has another experimental transporter system stashed away somewhere, I would say from the look of things, I'm probably going to have to spend the rest of my life as a female." Since Helen had suggested the practical joke that had resulted in Dan becoming Danielle, she felt responsible, and therefore awful. Felicia, having been the one who egged Rob on, felt as bad as Helen did. As a wealth of tears began to pour from their eyes, both emotional distraught girls began to beg for Danielle's forgiveness, as they repeatedly promise to do everything they could to help their former male friend cope with her new lot in life. Though extremely upset over the deplorable situation she found herself in, to the point where she had teetered on the brink of becoming teary- eyed herself, Danielle could not find it in herself to blame her friends. It had been a practical joke. Nothing more. Nothing less. While it was true that her three friends were technically responsible for her present condition, they could never have foreseen the freakish chain of events that had occurred. In fact, Danielle knew that given the opportunity, she could have prevailed upon Rob to play the very same sort of practical joke on one of their male associates, much as Helen, Felicia and Rob had played on her. Though it was an uphill battle, Danielle struggled to maintain a pragmatic view of things. "Hey!" Danielle managed. "I'm not the only one who stuck as they are now. You two are in the same boat I am." "Not hardly!" Helen sniffled. "I mean, we are, but then again we aren't, you know, if you catch my meaning? I mean, we're still the same sex as we were before, while you're not. Besides, Felicia and I had no intention of changing back. We both like the way we look now." "That's understandable..." Danielle replied. "Had I been born a girl, I probably wouldn't want to change back either. But that's the problem. I'm not a girl! I'm a guy! Or, at least I was a guy..." "Yeah..." Felicia sobbed, as she enfolded Danielle in am empathetic embrace. "You poor thing. I mean, even though I really didn't want to, when push came to shove I probably would have felt compelled to asked Rob to tone down these new looks of mine a tad or two. In other words, Danielle, I really like how sexy I look right now. Which means, I'm not all that upset about the situat

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Laying Across Santas Lap

The faint chirping of his watch woke John at 1:00 A.M. , he quickly reached over to silence it so as not to wake the kids. It was Christmas Eve, well morning actually, he thought smiling, time to go play Santa. John reached for is wide Linda and instead found an empty warm spot in the bed. John smiled, his wonderful wife must be out making some coffee so Santa would actually be able to assemble the toys properly for a change. John rolled over placing his face into the blankets on her side of...

3 years ago
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The Academy

In a distant future, long after space travel was achieved, there was a vast republic spanning the entirety of the Milky Way galaxy. This republic existed peacefully for centuries, with no major conflicts other than the occaisonal pirate skirmishes in the fringes of the galaxy. At the center of this great empire was a great capital world known as Zyloth. It was a center of commerce, technology, and innovation. It is here on this planet that our story begins... Ryna Harcourt was an 18 year old...

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The MoveChapter 2

Saturday came and so did the nerves in the family. “OH ... FUCK THIS SITTING AROUND SHIT” Mom yelled “Ted! Mark! Get your cocks hard and bring them outside and FUCK ME! TONI! Bring your cunt for me!” Was Mom nervous? Is the sky blue? She was working off her nervousness with hard sex. Mom sucked on Ted as Mark fucked her. Toni got her fingers. Ted came in her mouth, Mark filled her cunt and Toni creamed her fingers. As she recovered she thanked her family for that. Then she told everyone to...

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Village FeteChapter 4

The Colonel and the Brigadier, fortified by a good lunch, were deep in conversation in the lounge of the Conservative Club, discussing the ways in which the village's available female pulchritude might best be unveiled and exhibited both for the greater good of the community and also, and very importantly, their own perverse gratification. They agreed that the amiable and willing Dorothy should be allowed to be displayed as the "Spotted Lady" once again, and further that she should be...

4 years ago
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weekend away The drive

Introduction: Dirty weekend It was a Thursday evening and I was just finishing work when my phone went off, a message from my husband said im outside, hurry up I got a surprise for you. I started to worry, he never comes to my office, he never finishes work before me, but today 2 things out of the ordinary, got my heart pounding, just then the office door opened and in walked my boss. Still here Wendy, I thought you had already gone, my boss Jack was a married man, 30yrs old 2 kids and very...

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My Niece Farah

The trouble began when my wife’s niece Farah moved in with us for a few weeks, while her parents were having a second honey moon. I watched her as she moved around the house wondering where the little angel gone from just a few years ago. Most days she’d sit at the kitchen table studying for her finals, and I found myself walking past her for no reason, stealing glimpses at her long pale legs so well proportioned. I imagined my tongue climbing her thighs, reaching for the naked...

2 years ago
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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 11 Under His Thumb

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 11 UNDER HIS THUMB Prue watched him get into the car from the top of the steps. Dave, who was still standing outside of his car, stared at Prue maliciously. She returned the gesture, glaring intently with apprehension before watching him swing into the car. Dave was quieter than usual as he settled himself at the wheel. He looked unnerved, doubtful, and even a little irritated. He turned the key in the ignition and the engine revved up like a vicious...

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We Werent Prepared for Camping Chapter 8

With the formalities out of the way one of the ladies opened up a carry bag and removed an expensive movie camera – which she handed to one of the men to get set up on a tripod and operate. Tammy named him MC. Sam said that Tammy had told her she mentally noted that he had the middle sized cock of the three men.As they were all getting their camera’s ready and telling Tammy how they would like her to pose, Tammy learnt that they were a group of semi-professional photographers, who often came up...

Group Sex
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After school antics

“Lexy, can you stay behind this afternoon to help out”. Mr Maidly asked, but in a way which said I know you will. You see I am a prefect which means it is my job as a lead student to drop my life after school and help them, (not really but that is how I saw it). “Yes sir”. I replied quiet nonchalantly I didn’t really mind with sir he was the youngest in our school (24) and quiet cool, he would let us have our music out in class and in free time play you tube on the interactive white board....

First Time
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Succulent Desires Chapter 5

Alice pressed her head back against the headrest and closed her eyes as Aidan drove towards the Malmaison hotel.   The car was silent, but not a heavy silence.   Alice reached for Aidan’s thigh since his hand had to be used to shift and delighted in the feel of him underneath her hand.   She remembered how he felt, how his hands felt on her and in her.   These thoughts caused Alice ’s breath to quicken and her pulse beat a bit harder.   When the car stopped and Aidan turned the engine off,...

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Daddys Little Girl Part 5

Introduction: Father and Daughter Romance Chapter Ten Joseph slammed his car door as he got out. Lindsey was on his exs porch, crying as Brian held her. David was sitting in the back of police squad car. Instead of rushing to his little girl, he went for the car. An officer jumped in his way, but Joseph wanted to get to that stupid son of a bitch. You sorry prick! Get out here and face me! If you ever touch my baby girl again, I will rip your limp ass dick straight off and shove it down your...

4 years ago
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A Little Office Fun

Two days had passed since Scott’s amazing night with Louise. He hadn’t heard from her at all but today he was finally going to see her again at work. He was nervous and excited all at the same time.Scott proceeded to his work desk and worked his day as usual. He hadn’t seen Louise at all throughout the morning; however, as lunch finally came around, she appeared at his desk.“Long time no see,” she greeted him, a devilish grin on her face.Scott looked her up and down. She was wearing a tight red...

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Back to the Farm Ch 09

I thought I wasn’t going to be able to finish this chapter until after my next exam but happily my muse turned up again, LOL. There won’t be another chapter for a few weeks now though–for definite this time. I’m sorry, but I really need to get stuck into my studies for now. Don’t worry–I will finish this story, I promise! But in the meantime, thanks for being patient with me! Lily -x- * ‘What a difference a day makes’–Words & Music by Maria Grever & Stanley Adams (recorded by Dinah...

2 years ago
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Convinced to Suck My New Friend from the Park

It was a traumatic experience for my wife Cynthia and I when we had to leave our beautiful home on the ocean in San Diego and move to Atlanta. I am the Group President for a business segment that was sold by our parent company and we needed to move for me to keep my lucrative job.My name is Ed, and at fifty years old, Cindy and I didn’t expect a move like that but we made the most of it and searched for the best neighborhood we could find. We finally settled on a restricted-access development...

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The Clubhouse

The Demons Sons clubhouse sat somewhat obscure, but ominously at the dead end of the road she had grown up on.  She couldn't remember a time in her life when there wasn’t loud bikes or hot rods going by her house.  It was natural to her by this day in time, her eighteenth birthday.  In fact, she had even become quite curious about what was inside.  Her dad had always told her that they weren’t just a motorcycle club like they always purported.  But he also said hundreds of times, “Like most...

Group Sex
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Power Chapter TwentyTwo Birthdays

Two days before finals was Charlene’s birthday. We asked her what she wanted, she said “All of you and everything.” It’s wonderful when you can get a woman exactly what she asks for. The five of us took turns giving her oral sex. Valerie retrieved Charlene’s vibrator from her purse and got to work on Charlene’s quim. Seth and I each took a nipple and made love to it. Charlene guided Jay’s cock into her mouth and slowly took it in and let it out. After half an hour and three orgasms, Charlene...

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Sissy Fantasy

I am a closet cross dresser with a difference. My wife knows all about my passion. I have been a submissive all our married life but sadly she has not joined in. So whenever my wife is out I indulge in my passion whenever I can. Recently she informed me of a work trip to Scotland which meant she would be staying overnight. This immediately got me thinking of a whole night dress up session so I was highly turned on. Also recently I had been getting together a rubber outfit. I...

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Through a Glass DimlyChapter 4

Though I was ten minutes early, she came out to meet me and gave me a kiss that took my breath away. I tried to give as good as I was getting. She eased back in my arms and said, "Good morning." "Yes, it is. It's a very good morning." I paused. "Now!" Arm in arm, we went into the kitchen. Paul was just finishing breakfast and getting ready to leave. He kissed Linda and Lisa and shook my hand. "Have a good day!" He left. Linda asked, "Lisa, do you need any help?" She shook her...

2 years ago
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How I Got My First Time

This story is about the first time I ever had sex. I thought you might be interested in it because it's a little different from most other people's experiences. After all, I planned it out and, not only that, I used a bit of blackmail as well. You'll need to know a little about the three people who were involved in my first time; me, of course, I'm Ashley, my little sister, Tiffany, and my little sister's boyfriend, Ben. I'm sixteen and in high school, my looks are okay, average, I...

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Setting up wife 8211 3

After the incident where vinod got to see, lick, touch and smell my wife while she was dead asleep. We had met at the restaurant the next evening. We discussed the whole episode once again. Vinod went on narrating how much he enjoyed the whole thing and he said to me “we are one even though we are two”. I understood the intensity with which it was said. Because, its not often one shares ones precious things with others. Vinod then placed his hand on my thighs under the table and gave a squeeze...

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Sexual Exploits During Fest Part 8211 2

Hey guys, this is Aakash from Bangalore continuing the the story of how I finally got to fuck my ex-gf Neelima and also cheated on her the very next day with a classmate. Before starting I would like to thank all the guys who hit me up on gmail and showed their love. All those who haven’t read my previous stories, I would recommend you do. After the night of taking the virginity of my gf I woke up fresh and happy. My gf was tired and had a bad hangover from the alcohol so she stayed in the room...

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Futa Milfs and Their Naughty DaughtersChapter 2 Hot Daughterrsquos FutaMommy

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Autumn Holt I swallowed as I held the syringe full of the pink liquid in my hand. The cum in my pussy slowly leaked out of me, matting my red bush. It wasn’t a man’s cum. That was a woman’s cum dripping out of me. It trickled out of me, this thick flood. It felt so naughty. The woman who fucked me, the futa as she called herself, was at my fourteen-year-old daughter’s door about to seduce her and fuck her. Given how easily that wonderful,...

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The Nightmare Inside Chapter 7

Lori had been sitting at her desk for over an hour. She was supposed to be doing research, but instead, she sat there staring at her screen and thinking of her options.On the one hand, she could just allow herself to become the succubus and continue doing this for the rest of her life, or on the other hand, she could go take one last soul and be done with it. Did she really want to do this forever?The answer was definitely, no. There was laughter in her ears. 'Or is it? I felt how much you...

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Susans New Life Part 2

As Juan's lapping tongue found its way to Susan's fuck hole, her legs flopped wide open and she moaned out loud. She was getting wet .....very wet. Juan's slow approach had worked. He began to kiss his way up Susan's body and as he began to suck on her nipples again, he placed his cock head at her wet opening. Slowly he entered her. Her vagina felt like velvet around his Mexican cock. Never had he felt a pussy like this. "Too bad he couldn't keep her for himself," Juan thought glumly.Juan knew...

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Ashleys Creation Part 2

I awoke the following morning, right off I knew this was not my bed as it was quite larger then mine, also the sheets were satin and pink in colour, not even close to what I was used to. I reached out to pull the sheets back and I saw my fingernails, they were long and red in colour, I was also wearing satin pyjamas and when I stepped down I saw that my toes to were painted red, I knew this was not right but I also could not remember a lot from the night before. Hurrying now I found...

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The man and the young woman were holding hands as they were leisurely walking to the baggage claim area. Many eyes followed them, which was understandable. The man was tall and wide shouldered with just a hint of a distant black relative in his face. Most people would assume him to be about 45 years old, and they would be just one year off. His name was George.The lady at his side could almost, but not quite, be called petite. She was slim and had the proud bearing of a beauty who is used to...

Wife Lovers
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Shaily8217s And Mukul8217s Weekend Of Fun

Hi All, I am back with another hot sex story of how I spent one of my best day with one of my very close friend Shaily. It was a very special day for us, as we had both got promotion in our job and wanted to celebrate it, but did not want others. We wanted to celebrate, just us both. So we decided to spend a whole weekend together, and since the coming weekend, I was alone at my room so we decided we will have indoor activities at my room. Before starting with the story, let me tell you about...

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Happy ending Massage

I’m a little nervous as I enter the room; I’ve never had a massage at someone’s private residence, but he gave a great massage at the salon so I didn’t hesitate when he offered me his services outside of the place (he can charge me less and still pocket more cash, win-win!). He has a very calm and comforting demeanor and it immediately relaxes me. We go through the normal motions and he leaves me to undress, telling me to remove EVERYTHING instead of the usual “undress to your level of...

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Bignick and the older women part 2 continue

Ok this big nick on a different profile so the older women I walk in to her house and went in to the room were all the noise was coming from and it was her beautiful young daughter playing with a big sexy toy one of the biggest toys I have seen smoking a cigarette the older women walk in and said sorry nick that my daughter Emma she had big tits and was playing with that toy beautiful pussy my dick was hard i want so much to put it in her the older women said come on nick to my room with that...

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long perverted night

——————————————————————————– Dear friends, thanks for the superb response I got from you after my first story was published in iss From the e-mails I had a new and great experience. I got a mail from one Mr. Arnab Basu (not real name) who asked me whether I would like to fuck a very fat matured woman. I agreed. He asked if I am really kinky. I said yes again. So he invited me to his house to have a nice fuck session with his wife. We talked over phone and fixed an appointment. I went to their...

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A Fantasy From Heaven To Hell

Let me begin by introducing myself, I’m Dave now in the twilight of my years but still reasonably fit and healthy with an active imagination that can run wild occasionally. Sadly I was born before the sexual revolution and so have led a rather straight laced existence, sexually speaking. Currently and hopefully forever I am in a loving relationship with my partner Sally. We have been together for some time now, and the honeymoon period is well and truly over, but we still lead an active...

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06 HomeChapter 43

Present – Samantha – The next morning and the search for Linus' team It took most of the rest of the night to get to the truck stop where Linus and his team had a shootout. The place is still crawling with police and truckers. I look at Frank and suggest, "It might be better for right now if only you accompany me." My loving husband argues, "I don't know about that." I explain, "I think that Linus's team has this place stirred up like an angry hornets nest. They got in a shootout...

2 years ago
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Too Hot

Hi. ISS readers my name is HaRRy…I am here to narrate my sexual encounter with my girlfriend…..I am basically from Ludhiana. If any hot aunty… Girl wants to have sex with me please mail me along with your response to my story to my id So that I can satisfy you. Let me narrate my story,as I said my name is HaRRy and I did my collage in ludhiana only?.it all happened during my study?during study as u know now a days trend I had a close friend whose name is Gurleen…. She is quiet a beautiful girl...

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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 21 Surrender

[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place as the Rohirrim ride to Gondor. Éowyn has defied King Théoden’s orders twice: first by disguising herself as a man named Dernhelm in order to join the ride, and second by inviting Meriadoc to come with her. Only Marshal Elfhelm is aware of both Dernhelm’s true identity and the order to leave Merry behind. Holbytla is the Rohirric word for Hobbit.] 12 March 3019 (Third Age), Anórien Éowyn pressed her forehead against the frigid rock...

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Delusions of Grandeur

Eddie woke up and found the sun glaring harshly into his eyes. He squinted, and then rubbed his balled-up fists against his face, blocking the intrusion of light. With purple spots still slipping across his vision, he took a look around, examining his surroundings. Eddie saw a strange and magnificent thing. Something for which he had no reference for comparison. In fact, he was so awed by the sight that he held himself perfectly still, as though he were afraid that movement would somehow dispel...

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Nylon Model

Nylon Model I'm a male model. Most of the time, its not a bad job, but there are a few headaches, at least for me. One of these is my orientation. For some reason, people almost always automatically assume that all male models are gay, and it has been a frustrating experience trying to get people to believe that I'm actually straight. Makes getting a date a bit of a challenge. Course, my current gig makes things much harder .... ****** Two weeks ago, in the office of...

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ExpeditionChapter 14 Doubletake

The Cheese woke up surrounded by warm female bodies. 'Well, this is different. Wonder what's the occasion? Who have I got? Brown hair ... that's Jo. Blond hair, hmm ... maybe Vickie ... yup Vickie. Black hair, black hair. Who is this? China Doll ... one ... two. Ok. I love Jo ... love Vick. Don't know the Chinese enough to say. This is very nice though. Back to sleep.'"Holy Shit!" Sitting straight up and shaking, 'I stepped off the cliff ... I remember doing that. I remember voices...

1 year ago
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My ex owns me part II

Karen has me come over to her house and she owns me from 7pm to 7am. She has been keeping me hard all night as I pleasure her and then in the morning she is letting me cum but only after I agree to something else. I went to her house on Friday night and stripped as I always do. Karen stroked me until I was hard and had me sit next to her as she played with me for a while. She told me what she had in store for me that night. “Ken, I am having a poker party tonight with four of my friends and you...

Group Sex
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Traded Sexual Favors To Score In Exams 8211 Part 1

Hello readers. Myself Niharica from Mumbai and a student by profession.  I want to share my intercourse details which occurred during my graduation board exams. Rather I would say that I was bound to trade my virginity for question papers. Coming to the day of my final graduation exam. I was allotted a center in North Mumbai while my home was in South Mumbai. On the day of the exam, I reached the center 2 hours prior exam. When I saw the college building I was stunned, the building was weird as...

1 year ago
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Jake and I

It all started one Saturday afternoon I walked out of my garage and to my surprised eyes I saw the most beautiful man I have ever seen! He had blonde curls sneaking out from behind the bandana that he wore and the sweetest smile you have ever seen. My husband and I were getting ready for a trip with a bunch of his friends and his one friend decided to bring his brother. We had some time getting ready and some things were going wrong as usual when you are trying to get ready for a trip away from...

3 years ago
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Almost in the Earth Day

I step out of my front door, coffee in hand, laptop case over one shoulder, purse over the other, and realize that the sun is actually up over the trees this morning. Last week I could just see the pink glow that comes right before the big ball of fire pops over the horizon. What a difference a week makes. As I get into my Prius, I spill coffee on my denim skirt. The color is dark enough so that most people won’t know, but I’m still pissed. I turn on the heater in the car. There is a little...

4 years ago
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Blood and SandChapter 2

Otto began firing as fast as he could operate his Winchester .44-40. He was remarkably accurate in his shooting, considering how dark it was. At least, he had the advantage of aiming at targets silhouetted against the night sky. He hit a few Comanches, but mostly he hit horses. This was really annoying to the Comanches, and they tried to ride him down. Unfortunately for some of them who did not realize that he was shooting from the lip of an arroyo, they charged at his muzzle flash and rode...

2 years ago
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My friends make my mom their slave interracial s

This is Karan, hi, I want to share an erotic story of my mom. She is fair in colour having big and tight boobs of size 38, she has big butt and thin waist as her waist size is 80 cm. She looks very hot and seductive as her height is of 5ft. After my dad left her we went to my uncle’s friend’s house in Cairo in Africa. We live in his farm house and we pay rent for it. My mom generally wears salwar at home in which she looks like early 18 but her age is 37. She is a teacher in my school and every...

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Nowhere Man Book TwoChapter 30

Berila had tears in her eyes as she spoke. “I thought you were dead, Chiska. I mourned for you for a long time, then these newcomers said you were alive. It was as if the sun had risen again! And the visitors said you had a baby: you with a baby; thatwas hard to believe!! Not only that, but I know your rapists are all dead: John and his two women killed them right in front of my eyes.” “How did they know they were the right men?” Chiska demanded, suddenly unsure. “I told Chief Andromo what...

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Sarahs first Shoot

A part of the Photographer’s Exotic Life series Disclaimers: • This material is of an explicit, adult nature and not suitable for minors. Anyone under the age of consent is warned not to read further. • All characters are of legal age to participate in consensual sex in the jurisdiction in which this material is being consumed. • All characters are fictional and any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Sarah had always dreamt of modeling. Ever since she was a little girl...

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My Youthful Exhibitionism led to My First Sexual E

I started exploring my sexuality when I was young. I used to walk back from our apartment complex's pool and I would wrap a towel around me and take my suit off. As I walked I would let the towel fall off at least a dozen times before I got home. Usually no one was around to see what I was doing, but the thought of people peering out at me in their apartments, studying my body, getting boned by my 'accident' got me off a bit.I remember a few years after this fascination, we moved into a house...

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My First Time with a Trans Woman

Hey, just thought I would post my first story to give a little insight to who I am. I grew up near the U.S.-Mexico border and am ½ Mexican Hispanic and ½ Anglo (white). Having a Mexican mom, I was raised to appreciate Mexican culture but unlike some multi-cultural k**s, I didn’t learn Spanish fluently…I guess enough to get by though. My mom hated that but oh well.I visited Nogales Senora across on the Mexican side on and off during my c***dhood and teen years. As a young adult, I was fearless...

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The Seventh SensePart 13

I couldn’t go back to sleep. I looked at the alarm clock we’d gotten at the Goodwill store and it was four in the morning. I got up and got dressed in the dark. I went to the kitchen and microwaved a cup of water for tea. He was getting stronger and stronger. That much was clear. True, things would need to be tweaked in the future, but the fact was that he could hide if he needed to and manipulate those who would try to detain or confine him. I thought about what they’d try to do to him....

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Aditi Fucked In A Hotel 8211 One Night Stand

People, this is Naresh here. Last time I had shared my sexperience with kavitha. Now would like to share another incident of one night stand with aditi. This happened some times last year September!! I used to regularly visit a pub near my office to have couple of beer mugs and to listen some nice retro English songs!! I dun remember the day, but as a routine was sipping a mug of beer at my fav place, suddenly a lady comes and occupies a table right in front of mine!! It was bit unusual as I...

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The downfall of the east coast

The successful book is now also available in English. With little erotic pearls it is a novel loaded with action about a terrorist attack on America and its consequences. To receive at Amazon a book which looks for its equal. Here now an excerpt. the main characters make a domestic flight from the east coast to salt Lake and use a private jet with sleeping cabin. A good opportunity to have sex in the clouds. Have fun reading. "I want with you beautiful and unrestrained sex in 12,000 meters...

4 years ago
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New Friends 2Chapter 8

It was Sunday morning. Game day, I was just getting my act together and stuffing my armour into my gear bag when I heard Stella's phone ring. It was her Mum, so I handed it over, she said 'hi', and I watched her face go through a series of emotions. The first was disinterest. Then resignation. Incredulity. Anger. And finally a terrible sadness that I had never seen in her before. I rushed to her side and scooped her up in my arms. 'What's wrong?' 'That was Mom. She is leaving...

3 years ago
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Myself Nisha 8211 How I Lost My Virginity

Hi guys! Let me introduce myself. I am Nisha, aged 23 years, height 5’5”, vital statistics 34, 26, 34, extremely fair and beautiful, young and energetic; although lean yet sufficient mass has gathered in my breast and bums as such I appear as a teenaged sexy girl. I am staying alone at an independent fully furnished flat at Kolkata leaving my parents at our ancestral home in Malda. I am serving as Biology teacher in a higher secondary school. I am open minded with modern thinking and like to...

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