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Julia seems to keep getting her words muddled.
Julia Fountain worked in insurance. At thirty-six, she was happily married and a mother of three. She had been part of the North Office for the last six years and was an integral part of the team.
Respected across the office, she also held positions in the school parent council, as well as in the neighbourhood community council.
Julia was known as a prim and proper lady who, with the bit between her teeth, was fearless when it came to political correctness, women’s rights, or the safety of her kids.
“No way, Jim. Proper action, this time.”
Jim had a worn, tired look across his face.
A part of her felt sorry for Jim; he was a good man. Two years past retirement age, though, and just looking for an easy life. She reminded herself that this was one of the reasons why women were mistreated in the work place. People like Jim indirectly allowing it by ignorance.
“Come on, Julia. It was a comment he never thought she would find out about.”
Julia straightened in her seat, bringing her height to above her boss’s.
She held out her arm with an open hand, her palm facing him. “Let me stop you right there, Jim.” She dropped her hand to her lap, a confident smile spreading across her face. “Those comments have no place in the workplace, regardless of who should hear them!”
“Julia, it’s my sister’s boy. He is a bit slow, but a nice kid. And he is distraught with worry.”
She sneered, “Jim, Human Resources will hear from me if this isn’t resolved, and I don’t mean by a chat with him.”
She got up from her chair, pulled her suit jacket down and straightened her skirt.
“Julia, please. I have little options here,” he pleaded.
“I’ll compose our email of complaint.”
Jim knew the rest of the office would back her complaint. “Julia, how long have we worked together?”
Julia turned to her boss. “Six years, give or take.”
“And have I ever once given you a hard time.”
She rolled her eyes. “No, Jim. Never.” Julia knew he would buckle every time for an easy life.
“Well, please. I’m asking you to give me a break. Not Charles; me. You know after the warning you got him regarding the smoking, and the verbal, regarding the ‘fuck, marry avoid’ list he wrote.”
She loved he was almost begging her for his nephew’s job. “I’ll speak to the girls and see what punishment should be acceptable, Jim.”
“Thank you, Julia.”
She elegantly swayed her hips out the office and back across the office floor to her desk.
With a phone pressed to his ear, young Charles watched the hips of Julia sway as she walked out the office of his uncle. There was no question she was still a stunning woman, with a tremendous body for a mother of three. He had spent time daydreaming about sex in the workplace, more so with her than any of the other office girls.
He watched on as the pack of hyenas, (his pet name for the women of the office,) surrounded Julia as soon as her plump ass touched the seat. He could hear them asking about what was said, and so forth.
Julia looked over, clearly discussing him.
Charles diverted his gaze and pretended to chat on the line. When he dared look back, the girls were nodding in agreement and returned to their work.
“If only she knew what it’s like to work with such teases all day, tempting me!”
He thought his complaint would be unheard, but he was suddenly aware of someone on the other end of the phone.
“Easy. Give me a challenge,” a monotone voice answered.
Charles questioned if he had thought it, or spoken. He must have spoken it for the person on the other end to answer.
“I’m sorry, wrong number,” he covered.
“Charles,” Jim was waving him into the office.
“Pity, I bet she deserves it.”
Like usual, Charles’s filter failed him. “Yea, little Miss Proper Lips.”
“Well, I’m sure it will be different if she sees it from a different point,” the same even tone continued.
“Charles.” His uncle waved again.
“You said it brother! Wouldn’t be so proper if she had temptation in her face all day. She’d be less Miss Proper Lips, and more like little Miss Potty Lips. Sorry, as I said, wrong number.” He then began to move the phone away from his ear.
“Oh, it is, for Julia.” The last part worried him how they knew her name, he hadn’t even dialled anyone.
“Charles!” snapped his uncle.
Charles approached the office.
His uncle still questioning the strange call, he closed the door. “Who was on the phone?”
Charles was now in the present. “I actually don’t know.”
Jim shook his head. “Charlie, this can’t go on. Women in the work place now, they have too many avenues to screw up things.”
Charles shrugged. “Uncle Jim, I know you have been married to Auntie Joan for forever. But honestly, look at some of that ass out there! How am I supposed to think about work when they are getting my dick hard every two minutes?”
Jim shook his head before smiling at his favourite nephew. “Look. Keep the head down and I will try to smooth this over, but honestly Charlie, I think it will take a miracle to save you, this time, pal.”
“Bye, girls,” Julia shouted as she left the office.
She crossed the square outside the office building and towards the car park.
“Hello, Miss Fountain.”
Julia took a deep breath before responding to the parking attendant. His belly was resting on the shelf of his small sliding window.
“It’s Mrs Come on, Chuck! It’s not too hard to remember,” She tried for the hundredth time.
“Just wishfully thinking you were available Mrs Fountain. Always a pleasure to be of service,” he said, as he tapped the shelf and looked her up and down.
Another asshole who thinks it’s okay to leer at women, she thought. She waved a dismissive hand as she looked back at his portly frame squeezed through the narrow window of the booth.
Julia drove to the school. She parked and went to the gates. As usual, several mothers congregated towards her as the waited for the bell.
“Hello, ladies. Looking good!”
They stopped their conversation to look at the newcomer.
Julia knew it was Steve, Slimy Steve as she had nicknamed him. She felt sorry for his long-suffering wife, who seemed to ignore her flirty husband’s wandering eyes, and (if rumour was true) wandering hands. She liked Sue, but in honesty thought she deserved to be treated like that, if she failed to do anything about it.
Julia had been lucky enough to avoid Steve’s advances so far, but from the rumour mill, she knew he would try his arm with any of the other mothers, given a chance.
She was grateful that the bell rang, just as Steve had found his way to her side. She hastily collected the kids before going home to start dinner.
Julia finished dinner and served it as her husband Daniel came home from work. After a quick kiss from his stunning wife, he sat down with his family like always, and enjoyed the meal.
Julia, now dressed in her gym gear, kissed her husband and children again, and slipped out the house into her car. She drove the short distance to the gym and walked towards the main entrance with her bag over her shoulder.
Two young men had come out the front entrance and gave her the once over. She knew they moved their eyes to her ass as she passed them. She hated this side of working out, more than the physical toll. She found herself pulling at the bag strap, to allow it to spin to her behind. She felt more secure with the bag covering her rear.
Once inside, she signed, she swiped her card and entered her membership number.
“Julia, when are you going to sign up to my one-on-one classes?” Chad, one of the gyms personal trainers asked her. He always pressured her, and in her opinion, was overzealous with remarks and compliments. His large-muscled physic did nothing for her. He seemed too dumb to comprehend that.
“It’s still a ‘no,’ Chad.”
“Back off, Chad. Julia is my number one student.”
Julia smiled at Analeigh as she shut Chad down.
“Hey girl, you ready to work up a sweat?” She hugged Julia.
“I’m ready.”
They left Chad at the desk, as the headed down the corridor past the locker rooms.
“He won’t take ‘no’ for an answer, I see,” Analeigh said.
“I don’t think the big lump of wood could get that into his steroid head.”
“For guys like Chad, they don’t get it. They think every woman should worship bulk. He gets all the attention he should need of the silly young girls coming in here. That’s why the bosses won’t do anything. He brings in girls, and a ton of guys, who want to be just like him.”
“Well, those girls can have him!”
They both laughed as they began their session.
The change
Julia had showered and gone to bed beside her husband; she had found sleep easily, tired from the day at work and the workout.
“Morning, babe.” Her husband woke her gently.
She stretched out, then snuggled into him; she mumbled acknowledgment into his chest.
“What?” her husband asked. His voice rose.
She forced her eyes opened to see he was looking right at her.
“I said, I love you, hun,” she repeated what she thought she said.
He laughed. “I thought you said, ‘I love your cum.’”
She playfully slapped his arm. “Daniel!”
“Honestly, that’s what it sounded like,” he said, as he moved to the bottom of the bed to get ready.
Julia rolled over. As the covers fell from her, she realised she was naked.
“Wow, what a sight in the morning, babe!” Daniel complimented.
She always preferred to sleep covered, unsure what one of the kids might appear through the night. She looked over the edge of the bed with the covers loosely pressed against her; on the floor lay the pyjamas she had kicked off at some point during the night.
“I must have been sweating off my tits,” she gasped, and moved a hand to her mouth.
“I mean, I must have been sweating out of my wits,” she said through a clasped hand at her mouth.
“Really…” he smiled, before turning his back to her and sitting on the bed.
‘Maybe she had said cum’ suddenly those words had started something inside her; she couldn’t remember cussing since child birth.
She watched him move as he pulled on his socks. He looked cute in his white boxers. She decided she would reward him. She let the covers slide down her, as she began to crawl over the bed towards him. She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her chest to his back.
“Smooth,” he said.
She kissed his ear, then nibbled on it. Her hand slipped down his chest and into his boxers, as she rubbed her breasts on his back. Her hand took a firm grip on his quickly responding member.
“Babe, if I had known you would have been interested, I would have woken you up earlier. I need to go.”
She gave a girl pout and a disapproving moan in his ear, but continued to play with his now hard cock.
“Babe,” he said, more serious.
“MMM. Just a little bit…” she said as she swung around him. She pulled his boxers down to his socks, then she straddled him on the edge of the bed, her pussy already dripping with anticipation.
“Babe, the doors.” He looked over her shoulder.
She grabbed his chin and turned it towards her; she pushed her tongue into his mouth as she lowered herself onto him and inside her.
“I want Cock!”
His eyes opened at his wife’s admission.
“I mean, it won’t lock. The door, I mean,” she stammered. She didn’t stop riding him, though. She knew she had said ‘cock’ and it had excited her further. Her nails dug into his back as she did.
“Oh, my God,” she heard him say, as she writhed on his bare cock, covering it in her wetness. “That feels so good!”
“You’re an easy lay,” she said before correcting herself. “I mean, it’s easier if you lay back.” She moved her hands from his back and to his chest, before pushing hard and flat on the bed.
She increased her speed and bounced harder, as she rode him to orgasm deep inside her.
After several breath-gasping seconds, they both jumped from the bed, hearing the familiar sound of footsteps coming down the hall.
Their youngest opened the bedroom door as Julia jumped under the covers and Daniel pulled his boxer back on.
“Hey, kiddo,” he said.
“I heard noises,” the kid said.
“Did you, sweetie? Come on over.” Julia hugged her baby and watched her husband move towards the bathroom.
“That was great,” he silently mouthed towards her.
Julia, surprised at herself, brushed her daughters hair with her fingers. She still felt unfulfilled.
Julia dropped the kids at school. Running late, she bumped into several parents she normally didn’t catch.
One was slimy Steve. He had approached her just as she kissed the youngest on her way through the gate.
“Morning, Julia. You’re looking great,” he said as he leered at her.
She knew she had spent less time getting ready than usual, but still pulled off the look.
“I guess it’s me carrying these fun-bags to the schools gate.” She swayed her chest out as she said it.
“Err, yes. Pretty impressive,” he said, taken aback.
“I meant school bags. Carrying the school bags.” She tried to shoot him a disgusted look, but she knew what she had said, and how.
“Naw, the fun-bags are better,” he laughed. “If you need help carrying them, I’m available.”
She turned and left him laughing. As she did the unfulfilled feeling came back. She ignored it as she headed back to the car and to the office.
To be continued
Disclaimer and acknowledgements... First off, I would like to very much thank Anne-Mal and her gang for making this possible. I would have never really have written anything if I'd thought it wouldn't get posted. Then I would have kept it inside. Second, this is a bit of a horror story. I don't know why it got harsh. I was just practicing writing. I started and this is where it went. And it's not reached its destination yet, even. Third, there are some chapters that go gross and...
It was a sunny and warm Friday afternoon in suburbia. Work had been hectic recently, so the 45 year-old, married, mother of three decided to take a day off work. The c***dren were off living their own lives. One was married and two were away at college. She had the quiet house all to her for the day until her husband would return later from work.Now that they were empty nesters, They begun a routine of taking off work an hour early each Friday for a "date". They would meet at home, remove their...
‘Lunar Eclipse tonight. Want to watch it?’ I asked him, as we cleared away dinner debris. ‘Isn’t it cloudy out? And cold?’ He stood, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel, but I saw a small smile flirting with the corner of his lips. ‘So, what’s your point?’ I asked, because if he knew me at all, he knew none of that mattered. He laughed. ‘What time does it start?’ ‘In about 30 minutes.’ I liked it when I got my way. ‘Let’s get some blankets. Don’t want you freezing your ass off. It’s too...
The apocalyplips started to weeks ago and you and your 2 friends are in your fully stocked bomb shelter the only thing we have to worry about is getting fuel for the generaters to keep the power on you matt and jessie have gotten pretty comfortable in the shelter it's just three guys having fun
"So, how did you meet Dave?" -- Kevin said, half-turning around in the passenger seat to look at the backseat where Abby was sitting, - "He told us so much about you, but never that.""Senior year in college," -- Abigail said, - "He was dating my roommate then.""Wait," -- said Dan from the driver's seat, - "You mean to tell me you are Stacey's roommate?""The fat girl?" -- Kevin blurted before he could catch himself, and quickly added, - "Sorry. Sorry about that.""You didn't even know my name,...
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Ruby looked at her reflection in the mirror and felt a thrill whizz through her. She had managed, yet again, to bag a new date, her third that week and it was only Thursday. Looking at her reflection, she marvelled at how plump and luscious her lips were and how the red lipstick boosted them. Frequently, she was asked if she had actually had her lips enhanced, which she hadn’t but still, that was a compliment by any woman’s standards. Today she had opted for what she called her porcelain doll...
Oral SexThe following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! This story, like my past...
I could really use a footjob right now! I long to feel the soft soles of a girl's feet on my hard cock: maybe she could jerk me with one foot while I suck on the other's toes... In the absence of that, let's check out some cool foot fetish clips that are worthy wanking off to. Ok, let's see: - big busty blonde bimbo: check- girls whorshiping each other feet: check- guy jerking off to the action: checkIt could be more, but it's still quite a hot start to a feet focused jerk off sessionThis one...
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Just a little lipstick Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Christine! Get down here!" Taking my first step did nothing but make me miserable, yet once my parents heard my footsteps, I couldn't stop; they wouldn't tolerate it, and I didn't want to get smacked again. I walked down the stairs and into the familyroom, not only my skirt, but also my hair, flouncing with every step. I wasn't expecting to see anyone but my parents, but there was a whole group of ladies...
I was standing on the table with my only undy worn and being inspected bymy landlady for our night session. The husband was sitting at a king sizedchair infornt of me face to face wearing a red sleeveless chudidar and redlipstick, he was a cd and was a sissy to landlady and she was thecommanding person here. To the right were sitting 3 aunties of middle age-- one was wearing a small, thin n tight white blouse with an almostvisible black bra, n a white saree with dark red lipstick with a...
A worried young man from Stamboul Found blotchy red spots on his tool. Said the doctor, a cynic, "Get out of my clinic, and wipe off the lipstick, you fool!" No, I'm not from "Stamboul". Unless you're a history freak, or a fan of Graham Greene, you're unlikely to know this old name for Istanbul. I certainly didn't until I looked it up after finding the limerick. And while I'm sure you can be George (or something equivalent) in Turkish, my ancestry is British (whatever that...
Ruby looked at her reflection in the mirror and felt a thrill whizz through her. She had managed, yet again, to bag a new date, her third that week and it was only Thursday. Looking at her reflection, she marvelled at how plump and luscious her lips were and how the red lipstick boosted them. Frequently, she was asked if she had actually had her lips enhanced, which she hadn’t but still, that was a compliment by any woman’s standards. Today she had opted for what she called her porcelain doll...
My mother is 5'& about 105lbs w/ waist length auburn hair. I always loved to watch my Mother get dressed for work. Watching her slide on her silk seemed stockings & wiggle into her wide, black satin garter belt & satin push-up bra & 6' black leather high heels!By the time she was ready to put on her makeup, I have a raging morning hardon & dripping precum all over the bathroom floor. Then she would put the stool I brushed my teeth on between her legs so I could hold her hips...
PINK LIPSTICK by Throne Mick Fillmore was experiencing that odd feeling again. There was a weird tingling that ran up and down his spine, along with a mild lightheadedness. He sat down on a kitchen chair and took a deep breath. One reason he was alarmed was that his health was usually so good. He didn't smoke, drank very little alcohol, and walked every chance he got. He was short and slender, in his early 20s, with no reason he could think of to feel this way. As he waited for the...
I got to the store about 11pm and it stays open til 2am so I had plenty of time to watch some videos. As soon as I entered the store I noticed some laughter coming from one of the back aisles. It was female laughter and so I decided to check it out. There was a couple in their thirties, drunk as hell looking to buy an X rated movie to bring home like I was. I acted like I was checking out a video right next to them and I started checking them out. She was blonde and beautiful with big tits and...
So, lately I have been getting again the urge to wank it to "enhanced" tits. I'm usually more for the natural stuff but from time to time I really enjoy to jerk off to those big melons. I figured that I could make a list of some bit tits actresses I love to look at, starting from the "smallest" (which are still mammoths) in this first part and going on to the bigger sizes in the next part. I'm following the cup sizes I found in Boobpedia, please be patient if I screwed up something since cup...
So Sally sewed the seeds that led me on my current journey, but she was now out of the picture. Since I first hooked up with Frankie (my older lover) she broke off ties with me, since then I have added Jason (my DJ lover), to my love life. Frankie was my regular fuck-buddy and he would do me that favor, on the way to work in the mornings, while on Fridays nights Jason the DJ would make sure I left satisfied from my favorite club. It was another Friday like no other, I had a locker at the...
So Sally sewed the seeds that led me on my current journey, but she was now out of the picture. Since I first hooked up with Frankie (my older lover) she broke off ties with me, since then I have added Jason (my DJ lover), to my love life. Frankie was my regular fuck-buddy and he would do me that favor, on the way to work in the mornings, while on Fridays nights Jason the DJ would make sure I left satisfied from my favorite club. It was another Friday like no other, I had a locker at the...
This is another memory put to words with the underlying thought that sometimes it's the journey that's the reward, and the destination or goal is really more of a satisfying afterglow ...I think it's important to indulge your senses and curiosity, and take the time to enjoy the journey...stop and smell the roses, or savor the champagne nipples and peppermint lips...I also hope you'll enjoy the time you spend reading this... >:)Her curiosity and passion aroused, she was distracted from the...
Everywhere But Your LipsShe's kissed you everywhere. Everywhere but your lips.The first kiss was on your cheek, a little over two years ago. Her lips were soft, wet with strawberry lip gloss, and you'd grimaced and swiped your hand over the mark she left, fingertips sticky. You'd made a noise of disgust, nose wrinkling, but she'd just smiled and leaned back, like she knew a little secret you didn't. And she must've, because the next time she kissed your cheek you didn't say a word, hands folded...
Wet WipesA Golden ShowerShugar LipsSame Story Written with 3 different Middles and EndingsThe Same characters with 3 different outcomes to a storyTrying something DifferentHope everyone likesBuckxooxI just graduated a few weeks ago. My parents were trying to get me out of the house more. I studied hard the last few months before the end of school. I got some money for graduating. Now I did not have to get a job until the end of Summer. Most of my friends had to get a Summer job right away. It...
This story is a follow on from another story I wrote named Marion's story. I wanted to build on the story but to allow that to happen I had to go back and tell a little of the back story of the other members in the band. This story picks up Mel's life before the band and talks a little about how the band was formed. I need to say a big thank you to my friend and fellow writer and friend Marina Kelly who helped with the editing and gave me direction and guidance. Thanks Marina, great...
HistoricalPat lived opposite where we lived. She was in her mid twenties with one small c***d. I would call her petite. About 5 ft 2 inches tall and slim.Pat's Slip Show 1One day I returned home from town late one morning and Pat was by her garage door. She had a lower thigh skirt in dark grey material with contrasting medium black spots. In addition she was wearing nearly black stockings. What really took my attention was an inch of white plain slip hanging down at the back. As usual she waved and...
LipsIt was the time of my life when I wanted to try something new, find out who I really was, make new friends maybe, so I joined the temp. agency. I was the oldest one there, not the usual age for a temp, all the others tended to be young, use it for what it was & then bugger off, not really finding out about the jobs or the people , not interested. I was considered quite unique both in the agency & the jobs, I liked that take it as a compliment, took my time to get to know the...
This tale was inspired by one of the avatars on the Lit Forum. I was so awestruck by its simplicity and promise, that I wrote this. My thanks go to Wings27 for her beautiful lips. ***************** She walked into the crowded room and looked for somewhere to sit. Shy and conscious she looked for a dark corner as was her custom, from which she could watch the world go by, the beautiful people mingling, talking, laughing, interacting with one another, both singly and in groups. Men and women...
After my wife left with another man I was a single father of a daughter who was just turned ? years old. I was awarded custody after her mother left and had a hard time readjusting to being single again at 33 years old. I worked from home so didn't have much time to mingle or meet people.I spent a lot of time on the couch after my daughter went to bed watching porn and jerking off.Interracial porn ( Big Black Dicks with cute Innocent looking White Girls always got me hot ) and I would pull out...
Having done my bit for ‘Queen & Country’ and along with failing health and a wrecked marriage; I decided to invest my gratuity in a small newsagents and general store. Looking through Daltons Weekly, I found the ideal place; close to a university and ‘slap-bang’ in the middle of ‘Bed-sit’ accommodation for the students. At first I was amazed as to how low the asking price was for this must surely have been a gold mine for any owner but after visiting the place I understood why, for this owner...
InterracialLyla : Loose Lips rewrite"Ugh," she thought to herself as she reapplied some lips gloss. "Better get this over with."The band began to play a slow sombre song as she entered the ballroom, people gently swayed on the dance floor. She soon found an empty table and made a beeline straight for it, the earlier convention had bored her to tears, if it wasn't for the love of her job she wouldn't have agreed to come at all. Minutes later after flirting with the young barman, Lyla was stirring the straw...
DSL (D*ck S*cking Lips) the central idea of DSL was taken from a story called "sometimes life sucks" by Mr. Mistique. although it was a cliffhanger, it was never finished. i loved the story so much i thought i would write a story that takes place years later. i would encourage you to read the original story, and email the author. as for me, if i can think of some situation that would be fun to put dee in, i will write another. so... if you like this, or have ideas of what situations...