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Having done my bit for ‘Queen & Country’ and along with failing health and a wrecked marriage; I decided to invest my gratuity in a small newsagents and general store.  Looking through Daltons Weekly, I found the ideal place; close to a university and ‘slap-bang’ in the middle of ‘Bed-sit’ accommodation for the students.  At first I was amazed as to how low the asking price was for this must surely have been a gold mine for any owner but after visiting the place I understood why, for this owner just hadn’t kept up with the times.  Yes it was your typical newsagents cum general store but one you would have seen in the 60’s, not the late 80’s.

Ok it cost me a few extra grand to modernise the place with a few freezer and chillier cabinets for students these days only want stuff to make a quick and ready meal; I also stocked up on the usual academic stuff ie; notebooks, pencils, disks and the rest of the paraphernalia that goes with modern academic life.  The only thing I didn’t stock was booze, for in no way could I compete against the Student Bar or any of the local off-licenses.

It took my about 6 months to build up the business, but come the next academic year we were swinging, swinging to such an extent that I had to take on extra staff.  Now as you know students are always short of money so in essence I already had the resources all I need to do was to put the word about that I was looking for staff.  Within a couple of hours I had a couple of students wanting to help out.  One of these was Caitlin who I had secretly lusted over for a long, long time.  Caitlin was a glossy Afro-Caribbean who had this tantalising habit of walking about the store in the skimpiest of tops and a perpetual finger in her mouth.  Aged 19, she was studying both English and Philosophy, was extremely polite with a very sexy nature; her petite 5'2" frame held a nice bust and a beautifully shaped arse.  The other thing that amazed me was her confidence for nothing seemed to bother her.

Now as a newsagent the hours are very long and it was well into the morning when Caitlin finally turned up.  During a hastily grabbed lunch we began chatting about this and then suddenly from nowhere she asked if I was married, when I replied, “No, divorced,” she smiled, uttered “Oh!" then started rattling on about sex and how she preferred older guys to boys of her own age, "More experienced," I think was the term she used.

All afternoon Caitlin kept constantly rubbing up against me, if it wasn’t her arse rubbing against my crutch as she walked past it was the delicate touch of her fingers; soon I was horny as hell but being a lot older, I’m 46 by the way it felt all wrong.  Now the store is open from 7am to 9pm so I told Caitlin she could come and go as she pleases.  It must have been about 6:30 that evening when Caitlin placed a hand on my arse, gave me a very sly kiss on the cheek then uttered, “I’ll see you in the morning.”

With sticky pants and a raging hard-on I watched as she made her way out of the shop then just as I was about to turn away she blew me a kiss before disappearing; with my mind in turmoil and in dire need of a wank I worked on.  With little trade that night I closed up early, grabbed a magazine from the top shelf then made my way upstairs.  I must have been closed for about 10 minutes and on the point of seeking my long deserved relief when the phone rang, it was Caitlin, at first she was very incoherent then in a sudden outburst uttered, "I need you so bad."

At first I tried to play the event down using expressions such as, “What’s a young girl want with an old man like me,” and all the other crap about “Being old enough to be her father etc;” but it was no use for she kept rambling on about destiny.  Soon there was a knock on the shop door, with the phone still held against my ear I made my way downstairs; without focusing I immediately knew it would be her and as soon as I had the door open she pounced on me; with Caitlin clinging to me I quickly locked up then made my way back upstairs.  How I never tripped over during her onslaught of kisses I’ll never know for the stairs were both steep and narrow.

I felt almost afraid to cradle her in my hands for she seemed so small and delicate.  Gently I reached for the hem of her top then lifted it from her.  I took a moment to gaze upon her as she stood there, the light pinkie-brown of her hands contrasting against her dark-chocolate body.  She had a small bar-bell piercing the hood just above her cute little "innie" navel and the most gorgeous pert breasts I’ve ever seen.  They were small, beautiful and pointy, her areola were about 2 inches in diameter, almost black with pencil erasers for nipples.

Looking at her face, I loved her dark eyebrows with lashes that seemed to frame her luminous brown eyes.  With both hands I reached out, gently grasped her head then ran my fingers over her cheek bone before running down over the soft skin of her face before finally cupping her chin.  Next I focused on her lips, their dark curving edges now parting under the gentle stroking of my thumbs to reveal a hint of pink as she slowly flicked out her tongue.  Next I kissed her forehead then worked my way down her body spending even more time kissing and sucking at her nipples.  As yet no words had been spoken between us, the only indications of our lust towards each other was in the depth of our breathing and my unsteadiness of hand.

Stood like a statue in front of me, I started to remove her jeans which once lowered revealed a very sexy red thong, slowly and in a very seductive way I removed her trainers and jeans then picked her up then following another bout of kissing sat her on the bed.  Stood before I began to removed my shirt, it was here that Caitlin first notice my scar, a scar caused by an Argentine bullet as it grazed my body, Caitlin pulled me closer then gently traced its outline before kissing my memento of turbulent times long past; slowly she began releasing my trousers then in one swooped she pulled both these and my pants down.  Next she did her best to wrap her tiny hand about my cock, which in response gave a jerk upwards before moving it up and down, she also noticed that my uncut cock both dribbled and glistened with pre-cum, looking up she smiled then uttered "I’m going to enjoy this;" now I’m not huge, just under 8 inches with a reasonable girth.

Caitlin licked its tip then sucked and wanked me for what felt like ages.  As she fellated me she gave out a series of “Mmmmm’s,” it felt so good, soon I started to gently fuck her mouth, in reply she started to squeeze my balls and sucked harder until I came and boy did I come.  Cum exploded out of me in thick, ropey spurts one after another.  With blown cheeks and a wee bit of snorting Caitlin, bless her soul, managed to contain and swallow it all then once I had finished she licked me clean, looked up then smiled at me.

“Mmmm, that was lovely,” she mumbled as I knelt down, kissed her on the lips then began kissing all over her body; once my hands were about her arse I pulled her forward then removed her thong which by the way was sopping wet.

Looking down I quickly focused on her shaven pussy and those other lips, you know, the ones that are kept well hidden from public sight; in Caitlin’s case those dark chocolate coloured curving edges revealed a hint of pink as she slowly opened to me.  Knelt before her with my arms resting on her thighs I wondered if she would taste any different, I pulled her closer until her arse rested on the very edge of the bed then having spread her thighs to allow me better access I poked my tongue into her honey-box.  Yes it was definitely sweeter than my ex-wife’s and any other I had tasted.

As Caitlin’s hands stroked my hair, I speared my tongue into her again and again, prising her lips apart then drew it slowly up her slit until it found her clit; positioning this little nub of pleasure between my lips, I sucked it in then began flicking it with my tongue.

"Oh god yes…that's it suck it, oh god yes…yes," screamed Caitlin as her body began to shake in pleasure.

Suddenly her hands were pulling me away so I released my hold on her clit then moved my head away to look again at her pussy; now her engorged dark outer lips had revealed her pink inner lips which glistened in the mixture of my saliva and her secretions. Soon both the room and my nose was filled with the scent of her arousal, I breathed in deeply then slipped between her legs. Caitlin’s stomach contracted as I nuzzled into her lips, letting her wetness coat me.  Again came the cry of:-

"Oh god yes…that's it…suck it, oh god yes…yes," as Caitlin’s hands moved more urgently through my hair, so I returned my mouth to her clit, again drawing the tiny nub in.  Caitlin began to wriggle her hips, leaning her head back and moving her pussy forward, pushing herself against me.  I moved a hand up to her opening and slipped first one, then two more fingers inside her, moving them back and forth in unison with her movement.

I licked and sucked at her clit then pushed my tongue as far into her pussy as I could, she was very wet and enjoying it.  Suddenly Caitlin stood up, forced me to the floor then quickly turned around, straddled my face then started to fellate me, I was soon licking her pussy then in an act of devilment slowly began rubbing her pussy juice around her anus which seemed to by pulsing like crazy; as I slowly licked between her two orifices I began to finger her anus, Caitlin gave a guttural cry then backed onto my mouth and fingers, it wasn't long before she was fucking my face.

Suddenly she moaned, clenched her hands around my cock then squeezed.  I felt her convulse against my fingers, squeezing them in her wet, warm tunnels again and again.  I began to pull my fingers out of her when she groaned, "I want you inside me...  NOW!"

Wasting no time we both got up, kissed then I started to fuck her from behind, soon I was fingering her arse as she groaned and whimpered under the pounding I was giving her.

"OH GOD YES! Stuff another into my ass! Fuck, I love it!" screamed Caitlin.

In our rush to seek satisfaction and completely by accident my cock slipped out of her pussy and bumped up against the star of her pulsating anus.

“Yes,” uttered Caitlin backing onto my cock.

“Are you sure?” I enquired

“Just shut up and fuck me."

Slowly using her wet pussy and a bit of spit for lubricant I worked my cock pass her anal sphincter. Caitlin at first tightened around my shaft.

“Fuck,” she uttered as she turned to look at me then with a devilish grin relaxed, now with no restrictions I watched as my shaft slowly buried itself into her hot arse, Caitlin shuffled about a bit then raised her arse slightly, “Harder - fuck my arse harder,” she demanded.  Now came the amazing bit for as I pulled back a roll of pink skin would appear then become lost as I pushed back.  For encouragement I ran my fingers up and down her spine from neck to arse before reaching round to cup her breasts and those hard.  With her nipples trapped between the fingers of my caressing hands I began to build up speed, before long Caitlin met then matched my rhythm as she pushed back and moaned whilst fingering her clit.

"I'm Cumming", she cried "I want you to cum inside me, hurry."

I didn't need to be told twice. I could feel myself getting close so I gripped her hips; it took only a few more strokes until I felt the pressure build to the point of eruption. My cock began to pulsate as I shot load after load into her.

"Oh God - I can feel your cock spasm as it shoots into me." Caitlin screamed as her rectum pulsed around my cock, milking me of all my sperm.  She tossed her head back and forth so violently that I started to get scared. She gave me one more powerful squeeze, held it for half a minute, then with her arse pulsing and her whole body trembling collapsed onto the floor; resting beside her I began to idly stroke her thigh for Caitlin had assumed a foetal position and become very quiet.

"You’re bastard… a dirty fucking bastard but that was great - really great," she muttered , placing her small trembling hand atop of mine as my fingers continued to trace patterns across her thigh.

"Yeah…it was great for me," I whispered, which was no lie, for it had been many a month since my cock had been serviced and even longer since someone had offered me their arse.

Caitlin glanced up at the clock then uttered, "What time do you expect the papers?"

“About half four - why?”

“Good, that gives us a few more hours,” she replied, turning slowly towards me before kissing me on the chest.  As she kissed one nipple her hand began to toy and pinch the other.

Now at my age having a hot chick is one thing but in order to keep going I needed sustenance.  “Hungry,” I whispered, not really wanting to break the intimacy but nature was calling, for I desperately needed a pee for one and a trip to the bathroom would not have gone amiss.


“Good,” I replied standing up and making my way to the bathroom.  “Go into the kitchen and look around whilst I clean up.”

“If you’re taking a shower can I join you?”

“No, you little minx, I’m not taking a shower and even if I were, I wouldn’t have the energy.”

“OK…We’ll save that one for later,” Caitlin retorted but by then I was behind closed doors hastily relieving myself.

After about 5 minutes I exited the bathroom to the sweet smell of eggs and bacon, to a hungry man this is ambrosia especially when backed up with the sweet smell of freshly brewed coffee and that was what greeted me as I entered the kitchen.

“I didn’t expect you to cook for me,” I mumbled as my arms slowly encompass her petite body.

Slowly she turned, stood on tip-toe then with her arms wrapped around my neck then gave me one of the most erotic kisses ever.  It felt as if our tongues were trying to knot themselves together and with each probe of her tongue I could feel new life slowly returning to my cock, soon it was rampant; placing my hands under the cheeks of her arse I slowly lifted her then entered her.

“Mmmm…but what about the food,” mumbled Caitlin as she wrapped her legs about my waist.

“I’ve got an idea, but you’re need to hang on tight;“ with that I released my hold then with Caitlin clinging on like a baby I plated up the food then carried both her and the plate over to the table.  Here I pulled out a chair and promptly sat down with her astride me.

“Fuck…You’re a clever bastard but how are we going to eat?”

“I feed you a bit then you feed me, what you do in between is up to you.”

“Your cock is twitching again.”

“Then perhaps it needs some attention,” I whispered having first cut off a piece of bacon ready to offer to her.  Taking the hint Caitlin began to slowly rise and fall on my thighs; as for me I speared the yoke of an egg with a finger, dragged it through some bacon fat then coated a nipple before beginning to suckle.

“Oh god no,” uttered Caitlin as my lips and tongue teased and suckled at the coated nipple.

With both her hands now resting on my shoulders I gently slipped a hand between us then began to slowly circle her clit.  Almost immediately I began to feel a gentle rhythmic contraction of her pelvic muscles, her pussy was now more or less dripping with her juices and with my three-pronged attack ie; a finger slowly stroking as close as possible to her g-spot, my thumb rubbing circles around her clit and the incessant licking at her nipples Caitlin couldn't help herself, she ground her hips down on me, pushing her clit harder against me, jerking, rubbing, groaning, desperate for a release.  It went on for what seemed like an eternity, it was as if we were riding a never ending rollercoaster.  Under the harsh light of the kitchen I could see small beads of perspiration well up on her body then slowly trickle down her skin adding a new depth to her shiny chocolate skin.

Following a series of squeals and minor orgasms, she leant forward, placed her head into the crook of my neck and began giving me a ‘hicky’; as for me I placed my hands under her arse, her gasps and whimpers turning me on even further making me thrust my hips up as she pushed down, driving my penis deeper and deeper into her.

I could feel myself peaking and so could she for my cock had become exceptionally rigid and every movement over its sensitive area caused it to jerk and throb; our hips moved faster and faster, totally out of control, slamming harder and harder into each other, I could feel pussy juices running down my cock, onto my balls then becoming lost in the fabric of the chair, the look of lust on her face just stimulated me further, turning me on and driving me further in to her.  With lust now our main driving force, on odd moments Caitlin would cry out as I banged against her cervix.

When we did cum although not exactly together, it was like nothing on earth, she screamed like a tormented animal, threw herself backwards then jerked herself off against my cock buried deep within her.  I felt a torrent of cum flood into her, splashing and slurping, every muscle in my body contracting at once, every nerve ending burning, every desire fulfilled; our bodies jerked and shook as deep throaty moans filled the room.

As her orgasm subsided she leant forward and kissed me deeply, her tongue seeming to have expanded, almost reaching my tonsils.  She didn't have the energy to open her eyes so I pulled her close then laid her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you", she said.  "I didn't want this to end," muttered Caitlin as my cock, still deep inside her began to whither and wilt.

"Well… I have room to spare and would love your company."

"You’d better get some rest then; for you’ve got a lot of fucking to do."

"You're insatiable!"

"I don't know about that.  I just feel as if I have a lot to learn."

And so began a relationship that can only be described as one full of lust, love and experimentation.

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Awakening of Sweetlips

"So, how did you meet Dave?" -- Kevin said, half-turning around in the passenger seat to look at the backseat where Abby was sitting, - "He told us so much about you, but never that.""Senior year in college," -- Abigail said, - "He was dating my roommate then.""Wait," -- said Dan from the driver's seat, - "You mean to tell me you are Stacey's roommate?""The fat girl?" -- Kevin blurted before he could catch himself, and quickly added, - "Sorry. Sorry about that.""You didn't even know my name,...

2 years ago
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This is my first attempt at a story. I hope you like it. Lipstuck By: Samantha_63 I finally arrived at my hotel room after having one of the worst days of my life. Being it was so late, I figured I would take a quick shower and hit the sack. I got my bags in and unpacked just what I needed for now. I see the hotel left me a fruit basket, it is great being a member of their priority club. I got undressed and headed for the bathroom. Looking on the counter for some...

2 years ago
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A Hot Blowjob By My Busty Girlfriend Lipsa

Hi readers again this is Vicky coming with another hot experience with my Lipsa. Thanks a lot for reading my stories. This story I am going to narrate happened after the Puja vacation. As I have said earlier that my parents went for Goa for enjoying Pu ja vacation I left alone in my home with my sexy hot girlfriend Lipsa. The days were very awesome. You can imagine what must have happened and obviously what will you do if you will get a sexy hot girlfriend in home for 4 days with full right on...

3 years ago
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                                                                                      Lipstick                           By nobadge123                                     The following story is a work of pure fiction depicting no known person, if you                          are under 21 years or offended by material of this type then please read no further.                              Part One:                          PrologueOver the months her rejection festered inside him like a growing...

4 years ago
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Sugarlips finally came downstairs from the bedroom where he'd had to clean up Doolittle Ramsey from Clark Street and Beth Hene SUGARLIPS Sugarlips finally came downstairs from the bedroom where he'd had to clean up Doolittle Ramsey from Clark Street and Beth Henessey, who was on the Easter Seals Committee with Sugarlips's wife, Fanchon. Sugar's jaw was exhausted from cleaning Ramsey's crotch off, because of course Ramsey had wanted an extra BJ... And then of course Ramsey had to show...

1 year ago
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Reddit Lips That Grip, aka r/LipsThatGrip! Tight pussies. They’re the pinnacle of sexual pleasure. You can forget about shagging a chick and having fun while doing it if she’s as loose as undone shoelaces. You need something firm and robust to grip that cock nicely while you fuck! Well, if you haven’t guessed already, there’s a community on dedicated to precisely that. It’s called on /r/LipsThatGrip, and it pays homage to the tightest pussies on the planet with the most hardcore...

Reddit NSFW List
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Looking for a scat shop like Yezz Clips? There’s your regular, vanilla porn videos filled with dreamy lesbians scissoring, simple straight sex, sexy blowjobs, and the occasional bout of anal. Then there’s the darker fetish content that so many of us know and love like BDSM, slave play, gimps, chastity, and more. But even those fetishes are just the tip of the iceberg. I’m talking about the nastiest, most stomach-churning content you could imagine short of death and gore.Wet, sloppy piles of...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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Man, I love amateur porn at H Clips aka Private Home Clips. It’s not always HD or 4k, but the fucking content is so much better than studio stuff. There is something about knowing that the slut sucking dick on the screen is real that gets me diamonds. These girls aren’t getting paid to take the cum shot, get fucked in the ass, or do any of the kinky shit they’re doing. And you know they are loving every single second of it. Especially if they’re the ones posting their videos

Amateur Porn Sites
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Looking for a simple way to enjoy some Indian porn? Well, one of the best answers is Antarvasna Clips - it's a simplistic tube site that allows you to watch hot Desi girls in action from the get go with minimal fuss and effort. The videos here are 100% free to watch and are mostly amateur in nature - a pretty good reflection of what adult entertainment is like when you head on over to curry central.The Indian porn video tube loads quick and has thousands of videos in its archive. When you see a...

Indian Porn Sites
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WTF can we expect on Damp Lips? There are so many fucking porn sites on the internet; it can be almost impossible to choose just one. Well, the good news is that you don’t have to! A lot of the reviews you’ll find on my site condone looking through the maze of porn sites out there and picking a few go-to websites for the most efficient fap sessions possible. I guess I assume that you all probably have lives outside of porn. But maybe you don’t. Perhaps I’m giving you too much credit. It’s not...

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If you’ve got Clips 4 Sale, you’ve already got my attention. I’m assuming, of course, that those clips are something I can whack off to. Here at ThePornDude, I don’t have much use for non-masturbatory cinema, nor do my legions of horny visitors. So if you’re stopping by to read my review of Clips4Sale, it’s because you’re curious what kind of smut they’re peddling and whether or not it’s worth the cash they’re asking. Have you got some time on your hands? Because the site’s big and varied. And...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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OrgyMania SlipShine

Looking for dirty comics at Orgy Mania aka Slip Shine? They say everyone grows up at some point, but that doesn’t mean move on from everything you did in your earlier days. You don’t have to stop watching cartoons just because you are now a little older. There are loads of animated features on the internet that have been made specifically with the adult audience in mind, which is exactly what you get at There is a massive collection of raunchy cartoons made by artists from all...

Premium Porn Comic Sites
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I Want Clips is the ultimate clip site for anyone who likes fetish filled porn featuring professionals and amateurs alike. It has an amazing assortment of fetishes, XXX stars, and your favorite amateur content producers. All it takes is a computer and a few minutes to spare, and soon you will be feeling the urge to grab a tissue and some lube as you enjoy sex clips that will simply put you over the edge and make your blood flow in the right fucking areas. No matter how kinky your porn tastes...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Tube X Clips! As a place with a very straightforward name, I am almost 100% positive that I do not need to explain what has to offer… yet here we are. While I am sure that most of you will already know what kind of shit this place has to offer, I am here to tell you about some of the specific details.The reason I say that you probably already know how this site works is simply that there are many sites that basically look the same as this one; from the design to the actual...

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I knew Taylor Made Clips would have some exciting stuff even before I pulled up the site. You see, I’ve been reviewing smut long enough to know that custom porn shops are much more likely to cater to kinky fetishes than your average, vanilla lesbian-and-blowjob porno operation. I certainly don’t have anything against the tried and true formulas, but sometimes you want a break from the normal. And for a lot of you hardcore fetishists, that’s the only way you’ll even get off.So, have you got any...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Pinky In Threesome Action

It’s a mystery on how I missed this website for such a long time. Anyway I’ve been on this site for almost a month now. I always wanted to share my real experience online. For a long time, it dint happen cause of one reason or the other. Anyway, finally decided that I will share one of my experiences for the first time. I am Manu, a Keralite (name changed) 32 yrs 5’9 inch tall with a good physique. My marriage was a disaster as it lasted only for a month as my ex-wife was still in love with her...

2 years ago
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pinky bhavi ki chudai

Hi friends. How are you..I hope ki sablog ache honge Jaisa ki aaplog mera name jante he honge. For new readers , It’s rakesh kumar, age 23. Average and fit body with handsome face. Actually I am from assam but abhi mai bihar me rahta hu and bussines karta hu.. If any aunty, bhavi or girl want real sex Then you can mail me. Aaj mai story batane Ja raha hu yeh story 3 months pahle ki hai ki kaise maine padosh ke bhavi ko choda.. Uska name thi pinky. Age 27. Size 36-30-36. Dekhne me bahut h...

4 years ago
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Pinky has no pants on

"What, WHOA!" Natalie paused, then flinched back. Then freezed. She saw a thing. It was a butt. Pinky's butt. It took her a moment to recognize his frame, head and clothes from behind. "...Pinky?" Pinky reflexively twitched, his left buttock then his right slightly clenching in turns as his feet shuffled. Didn't he hear her walking? She pondered. She thought back vaguely to stories about kids who got spanked and waited in the corner, but was otherwise ignorant of his predicament. "Heh." She...

1 year ago
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Pink Passion

Nobody knew at first how it all came about, whether it was a natural occurrence of evolution or if maybe even the government was behind it? Regardless of how it happened; it happened all at once... Approximately half of the male population started ejaculating pink sperm instead of white! And it wasn’t just a slight pink hue, it was unmistakably all pink. Every man affected by it was both confused & concerned, not knowing why it happened or what to do about it. Most men just figured it was...

4 years ago
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Doctor Phillips

"Good morning, Dr Phillips," the young receptionist said as the distinguished looking fifty-year-old woman entered the office. "Good morning, Melanie," Dr Phillips replied, smiling politely as she let herself into her office, where she took a deep breath before preparing her files for the day. Beverly Phillips had begun her life as Beverly Howard on the 19th of April 1968, the second of three children, all of whom were high-flyers. Her brother was one of the most respected general...

2 years ago
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ALL CHARACTERS ARE ADULTS. ‘Wake up, Eugene!’ Eugene ‘Pinky’ Pinkham opened his eyes and looked around the dark bedroom. The female voice was familiar. A brisk night breeze fluttered and stirred the window curtains against the wall and glass panes. Pinky’s eyes adjusted to the dark quickly because the room was bathed in moonlight and laid strange white silhouettes around the room. He listened patiently for the voice but only heard a dog barking far away. ‘I must have been dreaming,’ he...

3 years ago
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Pink Christmas

Pink Christmas ? by: Christopher Prim "Wakey, wakey, Neal, baby," my stepmother's honey dipped voice summoned me from dreamland, "It's time to get up and about on your big, big day." "Go 'way, Monica, 'm sleepy," I grumbled in reply. "No whining now, sleepyhead," Monica cheerfully countered, grabbing the coverings I had been attempting to pull over my head and yanking them down. "Okay, okay, I'll be down in a few minutes," I said, giving in to the inevitable. I feebly sat up...

2 years ago
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Pink Panties part 2

Pink Panties Part-2 By Princess Pantyboy Chris/Me 10-years-old boy Cindy 5-year-old little sister Pam 16-year-old big sister Mom 36-years-old but looks like she is 20 (Author's note: I started this chapter with a couple paragraphs from Part 1. I hope and pray you enjoy my little story. Hugs, Princess Pantyboy) Mommy smacks my bottom as I run past her and to the front door as I see Cindy, smiling so big it looks like she is...

2 years ago
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Pink for a Girl Part 1

PINK FOR A GIRL - Part 1 George McIntyre was furious. He had only taken delivery of his long awaited Mazda RX-8 three days before and now his splendid new, slate- grey car was a wreck. He cursed the drunken idiot who had jumped the lights and driven straight into the side of the car. The fact that the other driver was now in police custody charged with drunken driving was of little recompense. George stood forlornly by the side of the road waiting for the tow-truck from his Mazda...

3 years ago
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 “Alamak! So sexy what!” grins Aini, eyes squinting against the tropical afternoon light as she looks up from the pool. Her bathing costume is a modest maroon one-piece affair, melding into the rich dark skin of her short round body, carefully conserving her full breasts from view.Her friend Heidi grins in reply, pulling off her towel and giving her tight buttocks a brief twerk, as if to prove a point. She wears a bright pink bikini, the ruched top barely covering her small pert breasts, the...

First Time
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Pink for a Girl Part 2

PINK FOR A GIRL - Part 2 "Pink for a Girl" was conceived as a stand-alone story. Then, as I approached the end, I realised that there was the potential for spin-off ideas. I have therefore written "Part 2" as a short linking piece to set up future opportunities. Even as a linking piece, however, I think it stands up as a story in its own right. I hope you enjoy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It was some ten days later and Georg(ina) was back home from...

3 years ago
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Pink Pajamasd

Pink Pajamas Katie Leone Published by Katie Leone at Amazon Copyright 2014 Katie Leone Kindle edition -1- Francine was tired of being depressed and down in the dumps and was looking for anything to feel productive once again. The year had been a hard one, she was consistently at odds with her fifteen year old son, but he decided to leave her, and she didn't know when they would see each other again. She looked up the stairs, hoping that by raising her chin she could...

4 years ago
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Pink Ribbons

PINK RIBBONS A story by Satinmaid under direction from Mistress Lisa. Like 'My First School Skirt' this story is loosely based on things Mistress Lisa did when she was young. One day, when he was eleven, Alan was taken round to his mother's friend's house. His mother often went there but Alan did not usually go with her. However, as it was school holidays and there was no-one to look after him at home and his mother refused to leave him by himself, he accompanied her. When...

3 years ago
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Pink Impermeable

In England from time to time, 'crazes' appear amongst teenagers seemingly from nowhere for certain items of clothing or ornamentation, ice blue jeans, winklepicker shoes, Burberry caps for example. The 'crazes' flourish for a few months and then die out. The most recent 'craze' was for tough teenage girls to go round in groups dressed in pink translucent plastic raincoats. Donald found this very exciting, he didn't know why but it stimulated him in ways he had never experienced before....

2 years ago
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Pink Plastic Sissy

Pink Plastic Sissy Caroline Richards 29 Nov 2006 I have my head buried in her lap facing her as usual. She lifts her skirt and exposes her nakedness and guides my head in closer to her. I begin to lick and suck just as she has taught me for the past three years. I feel her move and the moistness of her on my lips as my tongue probes gently inside of her. She reaches inside my plastic panties and my nappy. I now wear them at all times I am with her like this, and I feel her touch...

3 years ago
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Pink Mist III A SisterzinArmz Story

Pink Mist III (A Sisterz-in-Armz Story) By Bluedust Hi gals! So, here's the final instalment of the story of Andrea, Kylie and Roxy in our new fictitious TG universe! If you haven't read the earlier parts of this story, please do so first and comment as per usual. After this, I hope we can explore the rest of the Sisterz-in-Arms universe. Well then, please do enjoy and be sure to comment. Remember: the goal is to make this a new category on the site so I'm really hoping...

4 years ago
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Pink Goo

Pink Goo A brief diversion into a spot of sci-fi. This one starts slow but escalates quickly. "Grey Goo" is a hypothetical end-of-the-world scenario involving molecular nanotechnology in which out-of-control self-replicating robots consume all suitable matter on Earth while building more copies of themselves. But what if the "goo" was pink rather than grey... (As always, please let me know if you enjoyed this story and leave some feedback or a review to help me improve in future...

2 years ago
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Pink Panties

Pink Pantie's By Princess Pantyboy Chris/Me 10-years-old boy Cindy 5-year-old little sister Pam 16-year-old big sister Mom 36-years-old but looks like she is 20 "Okay mom I am going to get in the shower already. I am not a baby ya know, I heard you like the first 100 times you were yelling at me from downstairs." I cannot believe mom; sometimes she treats me like I am a little kid like my baby sister who is only five years...

3 years ago
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Pink Short Shorts

For Miniskirt-boyIt's a lazy Wednesday getting close to noon and I'm still lying in bed when Sammy walks in. She's cold. Summer has been pretty underwhelming this year to say the least. The sky is as dirty as the gutter and overflowing, rain hammering the windows. 'Hey,' I smile invitingly and she sees just beneath the covers that I'm still naked too. 'What are you doing?''I just came for my knee high socks, my feet are cold,' says Sammy, parading her ass and lean legs in those pink short...

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