Blackmailed into a Date
- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
??..When I wake up in the morning
And the 'larm lets out a warning
I don't think I'll ever make it on time?.
This is what happens when I watch wholesome TV. Feel free to not comment ;)
Slater saw him at the bar, sitting quietly and blankly watching the news on the screen. He was still gorgeous, all blond and blue-eyed and perfectly dressed ? Preppy had just become full grown, all GQ man now. But Slater could see the frayed edges, had known Zach too long to be fooled by that immaculate front. It didn?t matter that he hadn?t seen him in over two years ? nothing had changed. Nothing, except one little thing.
Zach turned, smiled his bright smile which quickly dimmed when he realised who it was. Said it all really. ?Slater.?
Slater held up his hands, slid easily into the stool beside him. ?I know, I know. I?ve been busy. Don?t give me that look.? Zach didn?t bite, just turned back to his drink and ? he looked really good. ?You look really good.? That got a reaction. A quick jerk of the head, surprised eyes all big and blue. ?You?ve lost weight. Suits you.?
?Mom doesn?t think so.?
Slater shrugged. ?She?s your mom.?
Zach shifted in his seat. Slater watched, liking the almost shy vibe coming off his friend, the way those eyes had trouble keeping eye contact for long. If he was reading this right, this might go easier than he?d anticipated.
?Me, I think you could do with losing more. That bulked up look wasn?t you.?
Zach shifted again. He didn?t say anything, and Zach lost for words was enough of a novelty that Slater leaned closer, grinning. ?You blushing??
?Fuck you.?
Slater leaned closer, then backed away. ?Buy you a drink??
Zach shook his head. ?I?m -.? And that was a blush. Looked like the cluebus had hit. And hit on target. He?d suspected it was a mutual thing, the Thing that had never happened between them in school, but now he knew. Suddenly buzzed and hard, he stood up abruptly, waving the bartender over.
?A couple of whatever he?s having, and two Coronas. Send it up to 513.?
Zach hesitated only briefly, finishing up his drink in one gulp before following him out to the elevators. The ride up was uncomfortable, and not only because his dick was dying to be set free ? which it was going to be soon, and thinking thoughts like that wasn?t helping. He bit his lip, holding back a groan. He didn?t look at Zach, not even when they were walking to his room, not until the door shut behind them and two steps was all Zach took before Slater was on him, pushing him back against the door and kissing that pouty mouth.
And Zach was kissing back.
There wasn?t any talking, no discussion about who was doing what to whom. Slater knew what he wanted and it seemed Zach was on the same page. There was a quick rummage through his pockets for the lube, something he?d put in optimistically, and Zach was lying on his front, naked and lightly tanned white flesh gleaming and making him close his eyes and strangle his dick to stop himself from coming.
He managed to dab on some lube on his dick before he was clutching that body, holding on to those wrists and thrusting in hard. It took a few hard thrusts to get his dick in, and when he did feel that hole clench around him, his body just took control and all he could do was rut like some mindless animal and he knew he was going in too hard, too rough, knew it in the back of his mind where he could still think, but he couldn?t stop. His grip tightened on the wrists, and he was grunting and cursing and fucking harder than he?d ever fucked in his life.
And when he came, it was a whiteout, a flash in his head that blinded him and made him yell and bite and growl it was so fucking good all over.
Six weeks in, and he couldn?t get enough. Every spare second he got, the first thought in his head was Zach. Like now. Slater took out his cellphone, ignoring the knowing smirk Don sent to Felicity.
?Hey,? Zach said, smile clear in his voice.
Slater grinned. He leaned back against the wall, forgetting all about his curious team. ?Hey yourself. Busy??
?Always.? Deep sigh. Voices in the background, Zach muttering something back. ?How did it go??
?Great. Fantastic. I?m taking you out tonight.?
?I can?t ? I?ve got this -.?
?I?m taking you out tonight.Wear the red thing.? And his dick twitched at the memory of Zach in the red panties.
?Slater!? But Zach was laughing. ?Don?t say shit like that.?
?Pick you up at 7.?
?But ? yeah, fine, ok. 7.? Zach gave in. He always did, and Slater loved it. They never spoke about it, but they didn?t have to. They fit, yin and yang. It was perfect. ?But come to the office.?
?You got your red panties on now??
There was a brief silence. ?No.?
?Then I?m picking you up at home. 7.?
He hung up, not worried in the least. Zach would be home at 7.
That night, in the alley behind Henry?s, he had Zach on his knees, jeans pulled down and his red panties clear for any passersby to see. His dick was deep down that throat, and he never tired of watching that pretty face suck him. Slick lips, saliva drooling out of the sides and dripping down the chin, his balls making wet slapping sounds as he fucked that mouth, and his hands clenched tight in the blond hair, much easier now that Zach was growing it out. Because Slater had told him he wanted longer hair.
?You?re working too much. Cut down.?
?I can?t cut down -.?
?Then quit.?
?It?s going to be the same at every company.?
?So quit and stay quit. You don?t need to work.?
?Because I?m rich? ? Hate to break this to you, Slater, but I?m not.?
?Because I?m rich and I?ll look after you. Move in with me, that?ll make looking after you easier. Move in with me. Quit.?
?I?m serious. I want to see you every day, not a few days in a week. And I don?t want to wake up and find you gone again. I hate that. Move in with me, quit. I?ll look after you, you look after me. It?ll be perfect.?
It had taken Slater not returning calls for three days for Zach to give in and quit and to move in with Slater. Slater had never felt so powerful in his life ? he?d made Zach his housewife.
It was their one year anniversary. Slater was taking him out to dinner. Dress sexy, Slater had said, which hadn?t helped much as he always dressed sexy even when he wasn?t planning on leaving the house, because Slater was who he dressed for.
Zach looked at himself in the mirror. One year, that?s all it had been, but it felt like years. He could barely recognise himself. Gone was Preppy, although Slater sometimes still called him that, and in his place was Baby.
Skintight light pink tank top, wide scoop neck and leaving his belly button bare and tight black leather hipsters hung low on his slim hips, so much slimmer now than they?d ever been as Slater liked him thin, didn?t like him muscled. It showed off his tats - a stylised S on his biceps, the back of his neck, at his navel and the small of his back ? and Slater always liked that, liked seeing his initial on Zach from every angle.
He liked doing what Slater liked. It had been hard to face, this submissive need, but giving in to it and being with Slater felt too good to resist and one year on, he was quite happily being femme for Slater. For his man.
His dick twitched at that ? his man ? and he winced as his cock cage punished him for it. It was part of the chastity belt Slater had gifted him with 43 days ago. And he hadn?t been out of it for 43 days. He was so frustrated all the time, and it was like every minute of the day was taken up thinking about sex. But it was their anniversary today, so he was quite hopeful there would not be a day 44.
Zach stretched, arms up high and watched as his hipsters let peek out a hint of his red silk panties. He stroked it with an immaculately manicured finger ? he?d spent over three hours at the spa today, and his nails were nice and long and a glossy frosty pink. He was also perfectly smooth and hairless, and his face was still tingling from the new treatment Andre had applied. His crotch and ass though, were feeling quite numb ? and his face flamed again at the memory of being naked in front of Andre, revealing his chastity belt.
Is that the one with the electroshock pager in the cage and butt plug? Andre had asked, all curious and looking not in the least bit shocked. But then, it was a gay spa, so maybe it was quite commonplace.
He?d nodded, blushing. Pager. Nice way of saying punishment device. He supposed it could be used as a pager, where an electric shock in your cock and balls, or in your ass, let you know your man wanted your attention, but the only time Slater had used it was as punishment and with good reason. It hurt like hell, making him crumple to the floor, flopping around as his muscles went out of control. He?d vomitted all over himself one time when Slater had kept it going on too long. But it was ok, because Slater didn?t use it often, because Zach was very good and tried to please Slater, and not only because he was afraid of punishment, but because he honestly wanted to and liked pleasing Slater. It had quickly become the most important thing in his life.
Slater was the most important thing in his life.
Zach smiled goofily, and did a little twirl on his pink kitten heels.
He was in love. He thought he?d been in love before, had married Kelly ? stupid mistake. That hadn?t been love. He?d never felt this level of obsessive need with Kelly. He loved Slater. This was his true love.
Why else would he be the way he was now if it wasn?t true love? People laughed at him now, when once he?d been the most popular guy around. Guys had wanted to be him, girls had wanted him. Now, people spit on him on the street, and he was frequently the target of fagbashing, but he put up with it because Slater liked the way he was, the way he looked. Slater wanted him this way, and what Slater wanted was the only thing that mattered.
The tight top clearly showed his pierced tits. Big steel rings, heavy and obvious through the thin fabric, hung down from his nipples. And the other set, bigger still, hung down from behind his nipples, the rings deeply embedded through his chest muscles. Another steel ring was at his belly button, and a pair in his ears. And one at the tip of his tongue, big enough to interfere with his speech. It made him lisp, and Slater liked that. The more sub and femme he was, the more Slater liked it, so even though he had hated it when Slater had taken him to get the piercings done, had cried when he?d seen the end result, Slater loved it. So he loved them too now.
Five more big steel studs in his tongue made his speech even worse, but again, Slater liked it. Especially as it had made blowjobs even better.
More rings hung from his balls, smaller ones that practically covered his balls and made his balls look like they were in some kind of metallic bag. His dick though, had the heaviest, biggest ring hanging off the tip. After getting him circumcised, Slater hadn?t wanted his dick to be able to rise, and the heavy ring certainly made it difficult. It had also made it impossible for him to fuck anything, which had soothed Slater?s jealousy somewhat. His dick hadn?t been inside anyone since he?d hooked up with Slater, not even in Slater?s mouth. Or his fist. Or his own fist. If Zach wanted to come, if he was allowed to come, he had to rub his dick on something, usually carpet.
But he had the chastity belt now and that had become the main way for Slater to control his dick.
There were piercings in his ass too, around his hole, but ones placed under the skin. They looked like ten little bumps in his skin. Slater had loved it when he?d first tried them out. He loved fucking Zach?s ass, he?d said, but the piercings just took it to another level.
The buzzer sounded, and hurriedly Zach lined his eyes with black kohl, brushed on some black mascara. Pale pink glossy lipstick, one last brushing of powder over his face, and he was set. The buzzer sounded again. He fluffed up his long blond hair and taking a deep breath, grabbed his handbag and opened the door.
He opened the small jewellery box, expecting a ring and finding it. But it didn?t look like any engagement ring. It was thick steel, and looked too big for his finger. His stomach fluttered nervously again, but not in excitement this time.
?What is it??
?I?m asking you to marry me, Baby,? Slater said, grinning and rolling his eyes. He was on bended knee. ?I thought that was obvious.?
They were at Sol Park, a small space in a corner of the city that had become one of their special places. He had sucked Slater here for the first time, three days after they?d fucked for the first time. Slater had leaned back against a tree, the one right behind Zach?s back right now, and Zach had been on his knees giving his first ever blowjob, ever. It had been clumsy, couldn?t have been any good especially now that he was so good at it and knew the do?s and don?t?s, but Slater had reacted like it was the best thing in the world, had quickly turned them around, and Zach had found himself with his head trapped between the tree and Slater?s crotch. Slater had pounded into his mouth, into his face, and his head had thumped back against the tree repeatedly. It had been painful and his lungs had hurt from lack of air, and yet he hadn?t tried to stop Slater. Just like he hadn?t protested when Slater had fucked him so viciously that first time, leaving his ass torn and bleeding.
It just never occurred to him to protest.
?It won?t fit my finger.?
Slater frowned. ?Of course not. It?s for your nose.?
Zach blinked, feeling a sudden urge to run. As if reading his mind, Slater stood up and pressed him back against the tree, kissing his neck and giving a light bite. It was meant to soothe and to be a light warning to behave.
?I thought you said you didn?t want that.? And he definitely didn?t. He was Slater?s girl, and he?d accepted that, and he wanted to do everything Slater wanted of him, but a ring in his septum ? he felt his face flame at just thinking of the humiliation of it.
?I said it would out me. And it will. And I?m fine with that now.? Slater pulled back, but kept his body firmly pressed against Zach?s. ?My job is secure no matter what ? Trenton and I became partners on Monday. My own company, Baby. Now, where?s my good girl??
Slater kissing his neck, gently thrusting against his caged crotch. 43 days. He groaned as his dick strained painfully against its cage.
?I?m waiting,? Slater said, pulling sharply on one of his nipple rings. Zach squealed, quickly silenced by Slater?s hand over his mouth. His dick was hurting so much, and it was stupid even trying to resist Slater. He couldn?t resist Slater. He didn?t really want to.
?Yes,? he breathed against Slater?s palm.
An hour later, he was hanging off Slater?s arm, newly nose-ringed, and walking into a new restaurant. Gay restaurant, he thought with some relief, as he discreetly looked around. His nose hurt, ached, and the ring felt heavy and cold on his upper lip. It wasn?t a piece of jewellery, or delicate ? it was a heavy ring of dull grey steel and a sign as sure as any slave collar. If anyone still had any doubt as to how their relationship worked. Slater had always been blatantly controlling around him, and everyone could tell who wore the panties in their partnership.
Slater led them to a table at the back, nicely apart from the rest of the place. There were a few men there, which surprised Zach; he?d thought this was going to be a private celebration.
?This is Zach, my fiance,? Slater said proudly, and Zach blushed. ?Baby, this is Grant, Brandon, Koln and that big guy is Trenton, my new partner in crime.?
?Open your mouth, bitch.?
Zach opened his mouth, not even flinching when Koln hawked loudly and spit a glob of yellow phlegm into his mouth. The last few days had made him resigned to this kind of treatment. He kept his mouth open ? you didn?t swallow until you were given permission. You didn?t do anything unless you were given permission. It had been hard to learn, but he?d learnt.
?Kneel. Face down. Hold my cigar until I get back.?
The lit cigar was shoved into his ass, and he was trained enough now to react with only slight shaking.
?What do we have here??
A hard tug on his hair had him nearly lose his balance, but he adjusted just in time and looked up into the blackest face he?d ever seen. Another tug had him scrambling to his feet, and he was still looking up. The man was huge. And he was still pulling on his hair and Zach was teetering on his toes, eyes watering as he practically hung by his hair.
?I?m Ali, but pretty pigs like you call me Sir. What?s your name, pig??
?That?s Slater?s cunt, Ali. Married it, the whole shebang.? Grant slapped the man on the back, trying to lead him away. ?Let me show you more.?
?No need.? Ali tugged on the hair he still held, and Zach stumbled closer. He squealed as fingers wrapped around his balls and lifted. ?This doesn?t look very married.?
?Slater?s generous. Seriously though, there are real girls this way ? and much prettier than that wannabe.?
His wrists were tied to the middle of the spreader bar, and his ankles were raised up and tied to the ends of the bar. He hung in the centre of the room, twisted slowly one way, then the other, open and vulnerable.
Slater watched the video play out, jerking himself off leisurely.
He?d watched it about ten times already, but he just couldn?t get enough. Ali knew how to treat a pig, that was for sure, and watching him break Zach was even better than he?d expected. His dick was all worn out.
Ali had injected some liquid into Zach?s balls, and they were the lowest part of him now, hanging down like some grotesquely swollen fruit.
?He wants to keep him,? Trenton said, coming into the room and flopping down onto the sofa. He grabbed the remote and turned the volume up. ?Must be all that blond hair ? blondes drive the Arabs wild.?
?He can?t have him,? Slater murmurred, eyes not leaving the screen. Zach jerked, screamed, a spark of light at his balls showing why. Ali was shocking the shit out of those balls, or rather, the shit out of Zach as the pain had loosened his bowels and dribbles of brown shit was leaking out of his ass and onto the floor. There was coarse laughter on-screen, Ali and his men having a good old time. Slater envied them. Watching it was good, but doing it was so much better.
?How?s the Romero phase going??
Slater sighed, annoyed at being distracted from the show and at the Romero mess. ?Nowhere. It?s going fucking nowhere.? Hundreds of millions of dollars, that was the loss he was looking at with Romero.
?You could ask Ali to buy into it.?
And that was something he had considered, but he?d known Ali would ask for Zach as an incentive. The black Arab had taken a real liking to Zach, although ?like? was not exactly the right word for it. On screen, Ali?s face was seen briefly, dark eyes burning with hatred and laughter as he repeatedly pressed the button to shock Zach?s balls, then he kept the button held down. The camera switched to Zach again, and he was jerking about like a fish on a hook. Shit and piss spurted out, but he wasn?t screaming anymore ? he was too busy vomitting all over himself.
Slater squeezed his dick hard. He didn?t want to come so soon again.
?You should ask Ali.?
He turned and looked at Trenton, seeing the fat white face red and shiny with sweat. His shirt was gone, probably back in one of the fuck rooms, and the rolls of white pasty skin on show was disgusting. ?What are you saying??
?I?m saying that the Romero fuck up could have wider consequences than spoiling your reputation. Ask Ali.? Trenton?s pale grey eyes met his seriously, and Slater knew he wasn?t going to have a choice. ?You?ve got a gorgeous wife with connections, Slater, who?s expecting your first child. You?re going places.You have me, us, this place. And pigs are disposable, should be disposable ? and that pig there? You can do better. I can get you a fresh one by the end of the week. Ask Ali.?
Monique. She was beautiful, and she was giving him a son in less than a month?s time. And her father adored Slater, and he knew that if he played it right, he would be a senator within two years. Senator Slater.
?I?ll ask Ali.?
Everything hurt, and he couldn?t stop crying and begging. I?ll be good, I?ll be good, please, please, Sir, please, Master, I?ll be good, please, Master, please.
He was stuck in a box, he?d done something wrong and he?d been beaten and whipped bloody and then stuck into a box so small his knees were by his ears.. But at least there was a small light coming from somewhere. Sometimes they put him in the dark, box or no box, and he hated the dark. He never used to, but now even dark corners were enough to panic him.
The light was good, but what he saw wasn?t that reassuring. He saw his own crotch. He was so folded up that if he?d had a normal dick, he?d be able to suck it, but his dick had been cut off long ago now. All he had left was a stump maybe an inch long, and tattooed pink, pierced by a big ring with a little bell. That?s why he was called Pinkybell now.
His balls hung near his left tit, big swollen pink balls hanging off yellow flesh. When he was crawling, they dragged on the floor.
His ass was stained brown and red ? shit and blood. It wasn?t pretty, and stunk. He didn?t know how long he?d been left, but he?d shit himself twice and pissed more, and he was lying in that shit and piss mixture.
His tongue had been trimmed too, and he?d sounded dumb when his mouth had had so many piercings, but now with a good length of the tip missing, he sounded completely retarded. He didn?t like to speak much, not that he was allowed to, but he spoke now ? begged ? because he was so sorry and he hurt so much.
His teeth were gone. They?d been made into dentures, but he hadn?t been given them in a long time. He remembered kidding around with his friends about toothless whores, and now he was one.
?Master,? he cried again, voice barely a whisper. His throat was raw from screaming, but while he still could be heard, he was going to keep on begging. Master might ignore him, but Master was the only one who could save him. Nobody else. ?Master.?
Master hurt him, Master took the pain away. Master starved him, Master fed him. Master was everything. Once upon a time, he played at being a slave and now, years later, he was a real one and there was no safe word and no escape. Master owned him, had the papers to prove it ? the power of life and death over a slave, just like in the old days. Or what he?d once thought were the old days, but were just normal everyday life for the people of this desert country.
He was a slave, and there was no way out but death. The slaves had taught him that, and he hadn?t believed. But it hadn?t taken long for him to change his mind, before he understood what he was, before he accepted it.
He?d seen other slaves with their heels cut, crawling around, unable to walk anymore, and it was terrifying. However bad it was, it could always get worse ? he knew that, and he tried really hard to please his Master. But he also knew it was nothing to do with how he behaved in the end. It was all up to Master. If Master wanted to cut off his slave?s nose, hand, ear, poke out his eyes with a hot poker, Master would. No amount of good behaviour would spare him from Master?s wants.
?Master,? whimpered Pinkybell, and cried himself to sleep.
~ the end ~
I was going to make it longer, expand it, really go into detail, especially on the cock torture and eventual castration and destruction of Zach ? but I ran out of energy. Sorry, or lucky you. J
(IM me at yahoo: y_dee_x? codotuk)
??..When I wake up in the morning
And the 'larm lets out a warning
I don't think I'll ever make it on time?.
This is what happens when I watch
wholesome TV. Feel free to not comment ;)
Slater saw him at the bar, sitting quietly and blankly watching the news on the screen. He was still gorgeous, all blond and blue-eyed and perfectly dressed ? Preppy had just become full grown, all GQ man now. But Slater could see the frayed edges, had known Zach too long to be fooled by that immaculate front. It didn?t matter that he hadn?t seen him in over two years ? nothing had changed. Nothing, except one little thing.
Zach turned, smiled his
bright smile which quickly dimmed when he realised who it was. Said it all
really. ?Slater.?
Slater held up his
hands, slid easily into the stool beside him. ?I know, I know. I?ve been busy.
Don?t give me that look.? Zach didn?t bite, just turned back to his drink and ?
he looked really good. ?You look really good.? That got a reaction. A quick
jerk of the head, surprised eyes all big and blue. ?You?ve lost weight. Suits
?Mom doesn?t think so.?
Slater shrugged. ?She?s
your mom.?
Zach shifted in his
seat. Slater watched, liking the almost shy vibe coming off his friend, the way
those eyes had trouble keeping eye contact for long. If he was reading this
right, this might go easier than he?d anticipated.
?Me, I think you could
do with losing more. That bulked up look wasn?t you.?
Zach shifted again. He
didn?t say anything, and Zach lost for words was enough of a novelty that
Slater leaned closer, grinning. ?You blushing??
?Fuck you.?
Slater leaned closer,
then backed away. ?Buy you a drink??
Zach shook his head.
?I?m -.? And that was a blush. Looked like the cluebus had hit. And hit on
target. He?d suspected it was a mutual thing, the Thing that had never happened
between them in school, but now he knew. Suddenly buzzed and hard, he stood up
abruptly, waving the bartender over.
?A couple of whatever
he?s having, and two Coronas. Send it up to 513.?
Zach hesitated only
briefly, finishing up his drink in one gulp before following him out to the
elevators. The ride up was uncomfortable, and not only because his dick was
dying to be set free ? which it was going to be soon, and thinking thoughts
like that wasn?t helping. He bit his lip, holding back a groan. He didn?t look
at Zach, not even when they were walking to his room, not until the door shut
behind them and two steps was all Zach took before Slater was on him, pushing
him back against the door and kissing that pouty mouth.
And Zach was kissing
There wasn?t any
talking, no discussion about who was doing what to whom. Slater knew what he
wanted and it seemed Zach was on the same page. There was a quick rummage
through his pockets for the lube, something he?d put in optimistically, and
Zach was lying on his front, naked and lightly tanned white flesh gleaming and
making him close his eyes and strangle his dick to stop himself from coming.
He managed to dab on
some lube on his dick before he was clutching that body, holding on to those
wrists and thrusting in hard. It took a few hard thrusts to get his dick in,
and when he did feel that hole clench around him, his body just took control
and all he could do was rut like some mindless animal and he knew he was going
in too hard, too rough, knew it in the back of his mind where he could still
think, but he couldn?t stop. His grip tightened on the wrists, and he was
grunting and cursing and fucking harder than he?d ever fucked in his life.
And when he came, it
was a whiteout, a flash in his head that blinded him and made him yell and bite
and growl it was so fucking good all over.
Six weeks in, and he
couldn?t get enough. Every spare second he got, the first thought in his head
was Zach. Like now. Slater took out his cellphone, ignoring the knowing smirk
Don sent to Felicity.
?Hey,? Zach said, smile
clear in his voice.
Slater grinned. He
leaned back against the wall, forgetting all about his curious team. ?Hey
yourself. Busy??
?Always.? Deep sigh.
Voices in the background, Zach muttering something back. ?How did it go??
?Great. Fantastic. I?m
taking you out tonight.?
?I can?t ? I?ve got
this -.?
?I?m taking you out
tonight.Wear the red thing.? And his dick twitched at the memory of Zach in the
red panties.
?Slater!? But Zach was
laughing. ?Don?t say shit like that.?
?Pick you up at 7.?
?But ? yeah, fine, ok.
7.? Zach gave in. He always did, and Slater loved it. They never spoke about
it, but they didn?t have to. They fit, yin and yang. It was perfect. ?But come
to the office.?
?You got your red
panties on now??
There was a brief
silence. ?No.?
?Then I?m picking you
up at home. 7.?
He hung up, not worried
in the least. Zach would be home at 7.
That night, in the
alley behind Henry?s, he had Zach on his knees, jeans pulled down and his red
panties clear for any passersby to see. His dick was deep down that throat, and
he never tired of watching that pretty face suck him. Slick lips, saliva
drooling out of the sides and dripping down the chin, his balls making wet
slapping sounds as he fucked that mouth, and his hands clenched tight in the
blond hair, much easier now that Zach was growing it out. Because Slater had
told him he wanted longer hair.
?You?re working too
much. Cut down.?
?I can?t cut down -.?
?Then quit.?
?It?s going to be the
same at every company.?
?So quit and stay quit.
You don?t need to work.?
?Because I?m rich? ?
Hate to break this to you, Slater, but I?m not.?
?Because I?m rich and
I?ll look after you. Move in with me, that?ll make looking after you easier.
Move in with me. Quit.?
?I?m serious. I want to
see you every day, not a few days in a week. And I don?t want to wake up and
find you gone again. I hate that. Move in with me, quit. I?ll look after you, you
look after me. It?ll be perfect.?
It had taken Slater not
returning calls for three days for Zach to give in and quit and to move in with
Slater. Slater had never felt so powerful in his life ? he?d made Zach his
It was their one year anniversary.
Slater was taking him out to dinner. Dress sexy, Slater had said, which hadn?t
helped much as he always dressed sexy even when he wasn?t planning on leaving
the house, because Slater was who he dressed for.
Zach looked at himself
in the mirror. One year, that?s all it had been, but it felt like years. He
could barely recognise himself. Gone was Preppy, although Slater sometimes
still called him that, and in his place was Baby.
Skintight light pink
tank top, wide scoop neck and leaving his belly button bare and tight black
leather hipsters hung low on his slim hips, so much slimmer now than they?d
ever been as Slater liked him thin, didn?t like him muscled. It showed off his
tats - a stylised S on his biceps, the back of his neck, at his navel and the
small of his back ? and Slater always liked that, liked seeing his initial on
Zach from every angle.
He liked doing what
Slater liked. It had been hard to face, this submissive need, but giving in to
it and being with Slater felt too good to resist and one year on, he was quite
happily being femme for Slater. For his man.
His dick twitched at
that ? his man ? and he winced as his cock cage punished him for it. It was
part of the chastity belt Slater had gifted him with 43 days ago. And he hadn?t
been out of it for 43 days. He was so frustrated all the time, and it was like
every minute of the day was taken up thinking about sex. But it was their
anniversary today, so he was quite hopeful there would not be a day 44.
Zach stretched, arms up
high and watched as his hipsters let peek out a hint of his red silk panties.
He stroked it with an immaculately manicured finger ? he?d spent over three
hours at the spa today, and his nails were nice and long and a glossy frosty
pink. He was also perfectly smooth and hairless, and his face was still
tingling from the new treatment Andre had applied. His crotch and ass though,
were feeling quite numb ? and his face flamed again at the memory of being
naked in front of Andre, revealing his chastity belt.
Is that the one with
the electroshock pager in the cage and butt plug? Andre had asked, all curious
and looking not in the least bit shocked. But then, it was a gay spa, so maybe
it was quite commonplace.
He?d nodded, blushing.
Pager. Nice way of saying punishment device. He supposed it could be used as a
pager, where an electric shock in your cock and balls, or in your ass, let you
know your man wanted your attention, but the only time Slater had used it was
as punishment and with good reason. It hurt like hell, making him crumple to
the floor, flopping around as his muscles went out of control. He?d vomitted
all over himself one time when Slater had kept it going on too long. But it was
ok, because Slater didn?t use it often, because Zach was very good and tried to
please Slater, and not only because he was afraid of punishment, but because he
honestly wanted to and liked pleasing Slater. It had quickly become the most
important thing in his life.
Slater was the most
important thing in his life.
Zach smiled goofily,
and did a little twirl on his pink kitten heels.
He was in love. He
thought he?d been in love before, had married Kelly ? stupid mistake. That
hadn?t been love. He?d never felt this level of obsessive need with Kelly. He
loved Slater. This was his true love.
Why else would he be
the way he was now if it wasn?t true love? People laughed at him now, when once
he?d been the most popular guy around. Guys had wanted to be him, girls had
wanted him. Now, people spit on him on the street, and he was frequently the
target of fagbashing, but he put up with it because Slater liked the way he
was, the way he looked. Slater wanted him this way, and what Slater wanted was
the only thing that mattered.
The tight top clearly
showed his pierced tits. Big steel rings, heavy and obvious through the thin
fabric, hung down from his nipples. And the other set, bigger still, hung down
from behind his nipples, the rings deeply embedded through his chest muscles.
Another steel ring was at his belly button, and a pair in his ears. And one at
the tip of his tongue, big enough to interfere with his speech. It made him
lisp, and Slater liked that. The more sub and femme he was, the more Slater
liked it, so even though he had hated it when Slater had taken him to get the
piercings done, had cried when he?d seen the end result, Slater loved it. So he
loved them too now.
Five more big steel
studs in his tongue made his speech even worse, but again, Slater liked it.
Especially as it had made blowjobs even better.
More rings hung from
his balls, smaller ones that practically covered his balls and made his balls
look like they were in some kind of metallic bag. His dick though, had the
heaviest, biggest ring hanging off the tip. After getting him circumcised,
Slater hadn?t wanted his dick to be able to rise, and the heavy ring certainly
made it difficult. It had also made it impossible for him to fuck anything,
which had soothed Slater?s jealousy somewhat. His dick hadn?t been inside
anyone since he?d hooked up with Slater, not even in Slater?s mouth. Or his
fist. Or his own fist. If Zach wanted to come, if he was allowed to come, he
had to rub his dick on something, usually carpet.
But he had the chastity
belt now and that had become the main way for Slater to control his dick.
There were piercings in
his ass too, around his hole, but ones placed under the skin. They looked like
ten little bumps in his skin. Slater had loved it when he?d first tried them
out. He loved fucking Zach?s ass, he?d said, but the piercings just took it to
another level.
The buzzer sounded, and
hurriedly Zach lined his eyes with black kohl, brushed on some black mascara.
Pale pink glossy lipstick, one last brushing of powder over his face, and he
was set. The buzzer sounded again. He fluffed up his long blond hair and taking
a deep breath, grabbed his handbag and opened the door.
He opened the small
jewellery box, expecting a ring and finding it. But it didn?t look like any
engagement ring. It was thick steel, and looked too big for his finger. His
stomach fluttered nervously again, but not in excitement this time.
?What is it??
?I?m asking you to
marry me, Baby,? Slater said, grinning and rolling his eyes. He was on bended
knee. ?I thought that was obvious.?
They were at Sol Park,
a small space in a corner of the city that had become one of their special
places. He had sucked Slater here for the first time, three days after they?d
fucked for the first time. Slater had leaned back against a tree, the one right
behind Zach?s back right now, and Zach had been on his knees giving his first
ever blowjob, ever. It had been clumsy, couldn?t have been any good especially
now that he was so good at it and knew the do?s and don?t?s, but Slater had
reacted like it was the best thing in the world, had quickly turned them
around, and Zach had found himself with his head trapped between the tree and
Slater?s crotch. Slater had pounded into his mouth, into his face, and his head
had thumped back against the tree repeatedly. It had been painful and his lungs
had hurt from lack of air, and yet he hadn?t tried to stop Slater. Just like he
hadn?t protested when Slater had fucked him so viciously that first time,
leaving his ass torn and bleeding.
It just never occurred
to him to protest.
?It won?t fit my
Slater frowned. ?Of
course not. It?s for your nose.?
Zach blinked, feeling a
sudden urge to run. As if reading his mind, Slater stood up and pressed him
back against the tree, kissing his neck and giving a light bite. It was meant
to soothe and to be a light warning to behave.
?I thought you said you
didn?t want that.? And he definitely didn?t. He was Slater?s girl, and he?d
accepted that, and he wanted to do everything Slater wanted of him, but a ring
in his septum ? he felt his face flame at just thinking of the humiliation of
?I said it would out
me. And it will. And I?m fine with that now.? Slater pulled back, but kept his
body firmly pressed against Zach?s. ?My job is secure no matter what ? Trenton
and I became partners on Monday. My own company, Baby. Now, where?s my good
Slater kissing his
neck, gently thrusting against his caged crotch. 43 days. He groaned as his
dick strained painfully against its cage.
?I?m waiting,? Slater
said, pulling sharply on one of his nipple rings. Zach squealed, quickly
silenced by Slater?s hand over his mouth. His dick was hurting so much, and it
was stupid even trying to resist Slater. He couldn?t resist Slater. He didn?t
really want to.
?Yes,? he breathed
against Slater?s palm.
An hour later, he was
hanging off Slater?s arm, newly nose-ringed, and walking into a new restaurant.
Gay restaurant, he thought with some relief, as he discreetly looked around.
His nose hurt, ached, and the ring felt heavy and cold on his upper lip. It
wasn?t a piece of jewellery, or delicate ? it was a heavy ring of dull grey
steel and a sign as sure as any slave collar. If anyone still had any doubt as
to how their relationship worked. Slater had always been blatantly controlling
around him, and everyone could tell who wore the panties in their partnership.
Slater led them to a
table at the back, nicely apart from the rest of the place. There were a few
men there, which surprised Zach; he?d thought this was going to be a private
?This is Zach, my
fiance,? Slater said proudly, and Zach blushed. ?Baby, this is Grant, Brandon,
Koln and that big guy is Trenton, my new partner in crime.?
?Open your mouth,
Zach opened his mouth,
not even flinching when Koln hawked loudly and spit a glob of yellow phlegm
into his mouth. The last few days had made him resigned to this kind of
treatment. He kept his mouth open ? you didn?t swallow until you were given
permission. You didn?t do anything unless you were given permission. It had
been hard to learn, but he?d learnt.
?Kneel. Face down. Hold
my cigar until I get back.?
The lit cigar was
shoved into his ass, and he was trained enough now to react with only slight
?What do we have here??
A hard tug on his hair
had him nearly lose his balance, but he adjusted just in time and looked up
into the blackest face he?d ever seen. Another tug had him scrambling to his
feet, and he was still looking up. The man was huge. And he was still pulling
on his hair and Zach was teetering on his toes, eyes watering as he practically
hung by his hair.
?I?m Ali, but pretty
pigs like you call me Sir. What?s your name, pig??
?That?s Slater?s cunt,
Ali. Married it, the whole shebang.? Grant slapped the man on the back, trying
to lead him away. ?Let me show you more.?
?No need.? Ali tugged
on the hair he still held, and Zach stumbled closer. He squealed as fingers
wrapped around his balls and lifted. ?This doesn?t look very married.?
?Slater?s generous.
Seriously though, there are real girls this way ? and much prettier than that
His wrists were tied to
the middle of the spreader bar, and his ankles were raised up and tied to the
ends of the bar. He hung in the centre of the room, twisted slowly one way,
then the other, open and vulnerable.
Slater watched the
video play out, jerking himself off leisurely.
He?d watched it about
ten times already, but he just couldn?t get enough. Ali knew how to treat a
pig, that was for sure, and watching him break Zach was even better than he?d
expected. His dick was all worn out.
Ali had injected some
liquid into Zach?s balls, and they were the lowest part of him now, hanging
down like some grotesquely swollen fruit.
?He wants to keep him,?
Trenton said, coming into the room and flopping down onto the sofa. He grabbed
the remote and turned the volume up. ?Must be all that blond hair ? blondes
drive the Arabs wild.?
?He can?t have him,?
Slater murmurred, eyes not leaving the screen. Zach jerked, screamed, a spark
of light at his balls showing why. Ali was shocking the shit out of those
balls, or rather, the shit out of Zach as the pain had loosened his bowels and
dribbles of brown shit was leaking out of his ass and onto the floor. There was
coarse laughter on-screen, Ali and his men having a good old time. Slater
envied them. Watching it was good, but doing it was so much better.
?How?s the Romero phase
Slater sighed, annoyed
at being distracted from the show and at the Romero mess. ?Nowhere. It?s going
fucking nowhere.? Hundreds of millions of dollars, that was the loss he was
looking at with Romero.
?You could ask Ali to
buy into it.?
And that was something
he had considered, but he?d known Ali would ask for Zach as an incentive. The
black Arab had taken a real liking to Zach, although ?like? was not exactly the
right word for it. On screen, Ali?s face was seen briefly, dark eyes burning
with hatred and laughter as he repeatedly pressed the button to shock Zach?s
balls, then he kept the button held down. The camera switched to Zach again,
and he was jerking about like a fish on a hook. Shit and piss spurted out, but
he wasn?t screaming anymore ? he was too busy vomitting all over himself.
Slater squeezed his
dick hard. He didn?t want to come so soon again.
?You should ask Ali.?
He turned and looked at
Trenton, seeing the fat white face red and shiny with sweat. His shirt was
gone, probably back in one of the fuck rooms, and the rolls of white pasty skin
on show was disgusting. ?What are you saying??
?I?m saying that the
Romero fuck up could have wider consequences than spoiling your reputation. Ask
Ali.? Trenton?s pale grey eyes met his seriously, and Slater knew he wasn?t
going to have a choice. ?You?ve got a gorgeous wife with connections, Slater,
who?s expecting your first child. You?re going places.You have me, us, this
place. And pigs are disposable, should be disposable ? and that pig there? You
can do better. I can get you a fresh one by the end of the week. Ask Ali.?
Monique. She was
beautiful, and she was giving him a son in less than a month?s time. And her
father adored Slater, and he knew that if he played it right, he would be a
senator within two years. Senator Slater.
?I?ll ask Ali.?
Everything hurt, and he
couldn?t stop crying and begging. I?ll be good, I?ll be good, please, please,
Sir, please, Master, I?ll be good, please, Master, please.
He was stuck in a box,
he?d done something wrong and he?d been beaten and whipped bloody and then
stuck into a box so small his knees were by his ears.. But at least there was a
small light coming from somewhere. Sometimes they put him in the dark, box or
no box, and he hated the dark. He never used to, but now even dark corners were
enough to panic him.
The light was good, but
what he saw wasn?t that reassuring. He saw his own crotch. He was so folded up
that if he?d had a normal dick, he?d be able to suck it, but his dick had been
cut off long ago now. All he had left was a stump maybe an inch long, and
tattooed pink, pierced by a big ring with a little bell. That?s why he was
called Pinkybell now.
His balls hung near his
left tit, big swollen pink balls hanging off yellow flesh. When he was
crawling, they dragged on the floor.
His ass was stained
brown and red ? shit and blood. It wasn?t pretty, and stunk. He didn?t know how
long he?d been left, but he?d shit himself twice and pissed more, and he was
lying in that shit and piss mixture.
His tongue had been
trimmed too, and he?d sounded dumb when his mouth had had so many piercings,
but now with a good length of the tip missing, he sounded completely retarded.
He didn?t like to speak much, not that he was allowed to, but he spoke now ?
begged ? because he was so sorry and he hurt so much.
His teeth were gone.
They?d been made into dentures, but he hadn?t been given them in a long time.
He remembered kidding around with his friends about toothless whores, and now
he was one.
?Master,? he cried
again, voice barely a whisper. His throat was raw from screaming, but while he
still could be heard, he was going to keep on begging. Master might ignore him,
but Master was the only one who could save him. Nobody else. ?Master.?
Master hurt him, Master
took the pain away. Master starved him, Master fed him. Master was everything.
Once upon a time, he played at being a slave and now, years later, he was a
real one and there was no safe word and no escape. Master owned him, had the
papers to prove it ? the power of life and death over a slave, just like in the
old days. Or what he?d once thought were the old days, but were just normal
everyday life for the people of this desert country.
He was a slave, and
there was no way out but death. The slaves had taught him that, and he hadn?t
believed. But it hadn?t taken long for him to change his mind, before he
understood what he was, before he accepted it.
He?d seen other slaves
with their heels cut, crawling around, unable to walk anymore, and it was
terrifying. However bad it was, it could always get worse ? he knew that, and
he tried really hard to please his Master. But he also knew it was nothing to
do with how he behaved in the end. It was all up to Master. If Master wanted to
cut off his slave?s nose, hand, ear, poke out his eyes with a hot poker, Master
would. No amount of good behaviour would spare him from Master?s wants.
?Master,? whimpered
Pinkybell, and cried himself to sleep.
~ the end ~
I was going to make it
longer, expand it, really go into detail, especially on the cock torture and
eventual castration and destruction of Zach ? but I ran out of energy. Sorry,
or lucky you. J
(IM me at yahoo:
y_dee_x? codotuk)
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xmoviesforyouLet me tell about me. I am Joean Jose 24 years understands me very well! My status is 36C,28,38 From childhood, I am an exhibitionist, means I used to wear mini skirts and see-through dresses. During college life I used to wear tight T shirts without bra to show my erect nipples &tight boobs I never missed a chance to show my beautiful body parts and I enjoy when the public is watching my whitish thighs &cleavage. My parents encouraged me always for wearing sexy dresses!!! I was 13 that time....
IncestI love watching Pilar with other men. Sometimes she has an unsationable appetite for cock. So I wanted to see how much she could really handle. I started cruising a few different adult sites looking for a few men. I wasn't looking for monster cocks but a little more above average. After a couple weeks I narrowed it down to 1 black guy and 2 latinos. The latino had the biggest cock 7.5-8" and the other two were about 7-7.5 but all thick. I found an old school hotel with adjoining rooms. I met up...
Chuck stood just inside the entrance of the college and looked around at his surroundings as if to memorize them. The lobby was filled with artwork and photographs showing nature in all its glory. It was as if the lobby was dedicated to the Goddess. His eyes fell upon a photograph of a snowdrift. There was a blue sheen to the snow that seemed to announce that despite its frozen state, it was still water even if it had to advertise itself with the blue of the deep water. A wind was blowing a...
This past birthday, Dec. 29, my wife asked what I wanted for my birthday. Being a smart ass, I told her that since it has been years since we had done anything kinky, I wanted to have a threesome or at least sit back and watch her fucking my best friend, Terry. She got a bit upset and I told her that I was just messing with her, that I was trying to put some kick back in our marriage, but whatever you get me is fine. Nothing else was said, then a couple days later on my birthday, we get up that...
Gemma opened her eyes and gave me the biggest grin, she licked the last of my cum off my cock and said 'I do hope you've got some left in those big balls for later on', I smiled and said she could have every last drop if she liked. She got up off her knees and got under the shower, I stood there and watched as she started to clean her amazing body. Gemma was a little over 5 foot, with long fair hair, her petite frame was complimented by a pair of pert little titties and an amazing ass that I...
You come to consciousness on a Saturday morning in spring. As one usually does, you expect to feel your silk sheets caressing your bare form, but on this particular Saturday morning, you’ve woken up in your rooftop garden. Beautiful carnations, tulips, and roses surround you and you feel a bed of short grass pressing against your back. Sunlight filters through the boughs of your numerous overhanging pear and plum trees, warming your bare skin, and you smell the the scent of pollen and young...
FetishAlex and I had gone out for the evening and I had one too many glasses of wine. As I stumbled into my place he caught me before I fell. As soon as Alex had his hands on me I felt him begin to remove my clothes. I was as horny as he was and started in by unbuttoning his shirt. We were soon naked on my bed where the usual kissing and touching ensued. Knowing what was about to happen, I went to reach for the box of condoms I kept in my underwear drawer. (It’s a little over an arm’s length from my...
By aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. I had a great job and better than most salaries. I also learned too late, I had the most wonderful husband in the world. I fucked up, I was reduced to tending bar and watching women sitting at the tables with fingers of strangers in their pussies, or they are masturbating a strangers cock under the table. A woman in my early thirties and...
Going back over my life there's been a few things i've wished i'd done and few things i wished i had'nt done, but one thing i thought i would never do happened with my best friend. For years me and my friend mated around with eachother, we went to school together and hung out together through our teens into adulthood but this story elevates from our late teens.We often used to do daft things, u******e drinking being one of them, daring eachother to go into the newsagents to buy something from...
A beautiful friendship first started when Lisa and her older sister, Barbara, moved to my smallish town and high school. Barb was in my grade, and her younger sister was two grades below, although I’m pretty sure she had skipped a grade back in her elementary days. I soon became friends with both them and their very cool parents. In fact, in no time, I felt like a member of their extended family.When I first met Lisa at school –which now seems so long ago- she was a tall, skinny, athletic, and...
TrueMy name is Renjan, my wife and to decided to visit her house on a weekend. She wanted it to be a secret. So I kept it that way. I love driving so I insisted to drive. We reached her house on a Friday, her father and mother was happy to see us both. We were having a great time until a distant relative came searching for her father. One of her distant cousin was in labor and was in need of blood. And luckily, my wife had the same blood group. So, my father-in-law took her to the hospital. I...
IncestAfter our experience with the cop we went home cleaning up and enjoyed a night of gentle yet hot love making. Being in bed with Arlene just didn't seem wrong, and if I had to say who had I felt more love for right now it would be a toss up between my Faye and Arlene. I think I may've got a clue about the two girls past, when I was going to town between those sexy thighs of Arlene's, she moaned eat me Faye. I often wondered about the two of them the way they would touch or if they kissed each...
Maria Jade loves California, and there is nothing this thickie enjoys more than hanging out by the beach. Today, she goes to the Santa Monica Pier and has a ton of fun while she is at it. By the end of the day, she is ready to head back and get some hard sex going. That is when our stud shows up with his stiff prick. She kneels down and drools all over it in preparation for some extra sexy penetration. Then, she gets on the bed and takes his cock inside of her, moaning orgasmically as he...
xmoviesforyouApparently Mr. King fucked his wife’s best friend a little too good when they had sex. Sneaking off at a family bbq the two had a very nasty quickie as he fucked Febby’s ass quite good. Now she is bombarding him with calls and texts and wants to relive that glorious afternoon. Coming over to try to talk to her about stopping this insanity out of fear that his wife will find out turns to be a disaster. Febby is so damn horny and naked and ready to go Mr. King cannot help himself but...
xmoviesforyou“You’re a bad girl,” the tutor says to Olivia. He’s right about that. She doesn’t care to pay attention to the tutoring lesson her parents paid for. So the tutor has to give her a lesson she does care about, and part of it is how to suck a cock so fat it stretches her mouth. Now Olivia is paying very close attention. The lesson also includes getting fucked hard in doggie style, cumming in cowgirl and eating loads of cum. Olivia has suddenly become a very good...
xmoviesforyouPART 1I have started this diary to try to keep my sanity. The world haschanged so quickly in the past couple of years. I do not know who ifanyone will ever read this, so I must explain a little. Untilrecently the world was a patriarchial society. The early 21st Centurysaw a shift to a Matriarchial society. Women bagan holding more andmore powerful offices. The U.S. where I lived was by far not thefirst nation to elect a female as its top leader. It was however thefirst to elect females...
When three other couples invited us on a white water rafting trip down the roaring river, my husband and I jumped at the chance for a fun time cutting loose with our friends in the woods. The trip began early Thursday morning with a three hour road trip. As we packed the SUVs at 4:00 am, we could see one vehicle was filled with too much of the wives luggage. So in exchange for the comfort, we girls agreed on a guys and girls vehicle. All us ladies piled in together leaving the husbands to their...
Quickie SexHi, this is Tammy from Delhi 26 years old I am regular reader of ISS from past 5 years since I started masturbating sorry if there is any mistake in writing as I am writing my real life incident I am average looking sikh punjabi guy I would love to have your feedback at any couple who want spice in there sex life can mail me also.. So no more of wasting your time I come straight to the story these incident happened 2 years back when I was in mine post graduation I was chatting usually on net...
After the initial briefings in the transporter room and mess hall, Constance quickly settled her group in Blue Twelve. She didn't even take time for a tour of their assigned pod before escorting an anxious Aswani back to the transporter room with only a few requests for directions from the PDA she had been issued. The pair were waiting in the transporter room when Sgt. Landry entered. Before moving toward the nexus, Constance took Sgt. Landry aside. "Do you know anything about the man that...
Chapter 11. Punishment and Reward. "Now Baby Candy," Aunty June began in her most reasonable voice, speaking loudly enough to be heard over my pitiful cries. "Let's remind ourselves exactly why we are here, shall we?" She ignored my infantile blubbering and continued, "You were supposed to ask for the potty like a big girl - but you didn't. Did you?" At first I didn't think she expected me to respond, but a sharp warning smack from the paddle focused my attention. CRACK! "Did you,...
Chapter 11. The name couldn’t have described it better. As we got closer, I could see that every person was having sex with at least one other person in the group. Mark was on his back and Courtney was astride his waist, pumping up and down. Kenya was on Mark’s face opposite Courtney, sliding he pussy back and forth. Courtney and Kenya were embraced in a long deep kiss and feeling each other’s breasts. Luke also lay on his back and was obviously fucking Sandra who was on top. But Juan Carlos...
Thad stopped at a restaurant in a small town in Kansas around noon. Both of us had missed breakfast and the eggs and toast and coffee seemed to fill us both with new energy. Even watching Thad eat made me feel sexy, but I didn't say anything until the truck was gassed and we were on our way again. I'd had more sex in the past few days than I'd ever had in my life, yet I was still hungry for the handsome male at my side. Finally, as we were speeding along a four-lane interstate highway, I...
Cole walked Misty across the large open area of the main prison yard carrying her bag. This time of evening it was empty and would be until early the next morning then there would be just under 500 women. 'So, how long have you been working here?' Misty asked looking up to the wonderful man as she walked as close to him as she could. She wished she could put her arm around him, but thought better of it. Cole walked, looking at the pretty, young girl beside him and wished he could have...
"SHIT! FUCK MEEEE!" Julie cried as she thrashed crazily on the bed. Byron was standing spread-legged in front of her, rubbing his cock slowly with his left hand while he held the long dildo in his right like some kind of candlestick. Byron stood quietly, watching his mother buck and heave on the groaning bed. Then he let go of his cock and reached over to the dildo, twisting the knob on the bottom of the vibrator to the right. Suddenly the room was filled with the Sound of buzzing. "Oh,...
I am Sam, currently doing my Masters in the United States. I am 6’3” tall, athletic and have a wheatish complexion. I pride my 8” dick which is pretty big for an Indian guy. I love the US here and I have a roommate (a girl from Cali) who I fuck daily and we live happily as a couple. But, this is a story which happened for real and it was with a woman who helped me get all things secured for doing my Masters. I had plans to do Masters and I was an average student. I really had to get a good...
One of the authors being complained about in the chat popped up and was generally very positive about the criticism and their desire to improve their work. They were much nicer about it than I suspect I would have been. So, as someone who likes to think they know a thing or two about words, I thought providing a few bits of general writing advice might be a constructive response to the whole affair. Writing about writing is notoriously fraught with danger. Any rule you state is almost...
"Hello ... Big Red this is Steven..." "Steven Cahill, my white knight ... how are you my man." "Big Red ... you remember me." "Of course ... you play a mean game of pool." He laughed "Does the offer still stand?" "Of course my man ... what can I do for you." "I need to meet with you somewhere safe." "How about our clubhouse? Meet me at the Royal Hotel at 10am and I'll take you there." "I'm bringing a lady friend with me is that cool?" "Of course ... I'll let the...
Ignored then Punished When her gamer boyfriend ignores her, horny Latina teen Gabby Martinez storms off. Seizing the opportunity, Creeper calls her claiming he can give her the bruutal pussy pounding she needs. She invites him to prove it and soon after he surprises her as she’s drying off from the shower. Brutal rough sex, bondage, sexual humiliation and cuckolding ensues as Creeper first savagely plows the tied-up curvy slut to several screaming orgasms. Then later, he makes her...
xmoviesforyouHeather Bentley gently sneered at her boss, Eddie Garcia, ‘Women’s basketball isn’t REAL basketball.’ ‘Sure it is,’ he said adamantly. ‘They can’t do slam dunks but that just means they have to depend more on skill. That’s why I watched that whole game.’ Heather pursed her orange-lipsticked lips, then shrugged, dismissing the subject. They were in the green-carpeted office of Eddie’s pre-owned car dealership. ‘Pre-owned.’ He liked that term: it sounded so much less tacky than ‘used.’ Eddie...
So, this is another thing that happened.I was in class again with Ms D and she announced that she had a guest to introduce us to. I was curious about who it could be. A woman walked into the room and Ms D told us all that her name was Madame E and that she was a friend of hers that she met on a trip to France.I watched her walk across the room and kiss Ms D on both cheeks. I giggled a little bit and so did some of the other students. Ms D glared at me and I wanted to hide under my desk. She...
It had been three years since my wife, lover and best friend had been taken from me. Cancer is a cruel disease, and Marie’s fight had been long and hard on both of us, but final for her. The first year had been terrible, to be honest. I was bereft, and it took me six months to even contemplate doing anything to the house that we had called home for years, and in which we had brought up our children. John and Ben had been great, but they had their own lives to get on with and didn’t live that...