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Part 2


He watched me redress from the couch, legs crossed comfortably, once again an image of polished sophistication. It brought a brand new flush to my cheeks to imagine the godlike figure lounging behind me had, only moments before, been having his way with my body, and I hurried to dignify myself in the heat of the thought.

Once I had completed the seemingly endless task of smoothing myself out I stood dutifully before him. He slipped the strap of my purse over my shoulder, cupping my newly exposed neck with gentle, teasing fingers.

I swallowed and averted my gaze, an action that earned a soft sigh from him.

"You're not thinking of doing anything silly again, now are you?" His voice was low, the tone dangerous.

I scoffed, adrenaline rushing through the parts of my body that weren't already on high alert. "Depends on what you'd consider silly, Gabriel."

The power dynamic had returned from his utter control to its usual 60-40 split, a place in which I was free to address him without consequence and I took the opportunity to emphasize my distaste for the situation, fixing him with an angry look of my own. "You know I won't continue to do this, and I don't have any obligation to you."

"You don't," he commented thoughtfully, leaning back, "it seems to me that you don't need obligation to whet your appetite." The same fingers touched the inside of my thigh, burning my skin even through the stockings, and pressed delicately against my clit for the mere few seconds that were necessary to coax a nearly inaudible whimper from me before he slid them along my pussy and quickly away.

I ground my teeth, cursing the raw physical reaction he was so easily able to elicit, and stepped out of his reach.

“I won’t do this again. This manipulative, mind trick bullshit is over.” He seemed shocked at that, a slight widening of those perfect, dark eyes, but before I could continue he was standing. At his full height he towered over me, stepping forward to close the gap I’d put between us. “You can find someone else to play this game, I’m out.”

His breath fanned across my face, minty and enticing.  He reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, examining me. But after what felt like an eternity of silence in which my head swum with the intensity of his closeness I finally pulled away, backing toward the door.

“You’d best be ready next Friday at 6pm, Violet.” He tilted his head to watch me leave, hands deep in the pockets of his well fitted pants. “Or else.”


The entire drive home was tense, absent of the carefree happiness I’d felt coming back and filled, instead, with a deep feeling of unsettlement. When I was within the city boundaries I called Levi back, keeping my voice steady as we arranged where to meet.

“Are you alright?” He inquired as we said our temporary goodbyes.

“Fine, it’s nothing worth talking about. I’ll see you in ten.”


At exactly 6PM a knock on the door drew me from the ball I’d been curled up on the couch in. He was dressed flawlessly, once again, in a dark suit, and he raised an eyebrow from behind his stylish glasses to examine my contrary attire.

“I can’t say I was expecting any more from you, you’re as stubborn as any mule.” The lighthearted, teasing of his tone threw me off guard, having expected anger. He easily stepped past me into my own apartment, a hand finding my waist and pulling me close for a quick, deep kiss. “It’s just as well, I brought something for you to wear.”

My mouth agape, I closed the door and took the box he was holding out for me, lifting the lid to reveal a thin, silk number, before frowning up at him.

“I told you, I’m not doing this anymore. I’m not your little slut.” He sighed a loud, long-withstanding sigh and shook his head.

“Nothing about that dress is supposed to convey a less than respectable perception of you, my dear, and we are not doing anything less than respectable. Unless, of course, you’d like to put that on the menu.” He winked at me and I rolled my eyes. “Please, for once just listen to me and put it on.”

The request made my stomach clench, so accustomed to his ordinarily demanding nature, and it was, in combination with the hopeful look on his face, what crumbled the resolve I’d been building within myself. With a small noise of frustration I gestured him to the couch, where he settled in, and left to change in the relative privacy of my room.

The gown hugged every curve of my figure in a way that made me almost uncomfortable. But the feeling of exposure didn’t extend with the plunging neckline and instead the dress covered the places I most felt vulnerable.

I let my hair fall naturally, applied some makeup, slipped into a pair of simple high heels and left with my purse. He’d been sucked into the lecture I’d been watching and didn’t hear me at first. He turned and stared brazenly at me before standing and moving over to run his hands down my sides, an uncontrollable smile spreading over his face.

“You look stunning.” His voice was soft and for a moment I found myself grinning too, already melting into his eyes, alight with excitement.

“Thank you, but you still haven’t told me where we’re going.”

“Nowhere cold.” He winked.


Nowhere cold turned out to be the lounge of his apartment. A large, mostly empty space overlooking the city lights, that had been transformed into a candlelit dining room in the middle of which stood a table, adorned with cutlery and roses.

He flipped the lights off and guided me to my seat, which he pulled out for me, then held up a finger and left in the direction of the kitchen, coming back two minutes later with a tray of food.

While I awed at the spectacle that was unfolding before me he poured us each glasses of a red wine I was sure costed my rent, and dished out an assortment of delicious looking foods, before shedding his jacket, sitting across from me and raising his glass to mine.

“I thought about it and you are right. And I wanted you to know, unequivocally, that I wasn’t lying earlier.” His eyes caught mine, black and vulnerable, and my stomach dropped. “This isn’t just a game to me, it never has been. But you need to understand that it will never be as simple as you’d like it to.”

I sighed and took a long sip of the wine, closing my eyes. “I feel like I’ve heard that too much now, Gabe. I’m not really even sure what it means at this point. I’m not sure what you weren’t lying about either-”

“That I love you.” My eyes shot open. “That wasn’t just part of some act.”

I felt an anger welling up in me. “How can you ignore me for weeks, and expect me to believe that? I’m not an idiot.”

“Like I said, it is complicated.”

“As complicated as you want to keep fucking me?”

“As complicated as that relationship is the closest I can be to you and have you as my own.”

I growled in frustration. “You always say that, and it’s bullshit. Look, I appreciate you putting this much work into convincing me of that, but I’m not going to be fooled into this again.” I began to rise and he stood too, palms outstretched.

“No don’t go, please, I made all this myself. If nothing else please just have dinner with me.”

My chest was tight with tears on the rise, my breathing heavy and I glowered into the warm brown eyes that so often haunted my dreams. For a few moments I thought about running, to the door, to the lift, out the lobby, never looking back. But then I was slowly sitting again, staring down at the napkin between my hands, blinking quickly.

Dinner passed in relative silence after that, occasionally broken by him starting up light conversation with questions about my work, private life, opinion on current events. All of which I’d deflect with short answers and compliments about the dishes he’d made before I busied my mouth with them.

He drove me home afterward, planted a soft kiss on my forehead in the car and watched me leave before he sped off.

I sent him one text, then switched my phone off and left it in a drawer.

Goodbye Gabriel x.


The next day came and went without incident. I tidied the entirety of my apartment and set deck chairs out on the balcony in preparation for a small party Levi had decided to throw, all the while avoiding the thoughts of Gabriel’s eyes the night before.

It was nearing 7PM when I stepped out of the shower to the startling realization that he was leaning against my door frame, arms folded across his chest, calmly watching me.

Without leaving room for pause he picked me up and strode over to my bed, dropping me down onto the linen. He reached up to undo his tie.

Unlike the night before he showed little sign of congenial warmness, his face a mask of confusing anger. In a swift motion he bent my elbows behind my back and held my wrists together effortlessly despite my wriggled attempts to free myself. Pulling me toward him so that I was flush to his chest he roped the material around them tightly and raised me up to straddle his legs.

Sitting he wiped some wet hair from my face. “It’s good to see you babygirl, you left me very worried.” I dared not reply to what seemed like a trap, looking away and he nodded his approval. “And it’s always wonderful when you’re in this state.” His eyes roved over my entirely exposed body, the hand keeping me in place on my hip giving me a warning squeeze.

“Don’t fucking touch me, Gabriel.” I snapped, glaring down at him through strands of my wet hair. He clicked his tongue, lifted me up and brought his hand down hard on my raised ass. It ached more than anything before had brought and I cried out.

He grabbed a handful of my hair, careful not to hurt me but firm in bringing my ear to his mouth. “You call me daddy here, understand?” With the renewed threat of pain hanging over my head and a mingling of pleasure coursing through my hot ass down to my cunt I nodded as much as I could, which is to say almost not at all.

“Yes daddy.” The affirmation was all he needed to know that our agreement stood despite the boundaries I pushed at. If I truly wanted him to stop, was ready to void our contract, I knew the magic words to do so and I knew how heavy the cost of saying them would be.

“Good girl.” He lowered me again, fingers brushing over my hole from behind.

He’d always said this was the perfect position for me. Shoulders taunt to hold my bound arms comfortably, hips angled back in subservience; offering my entrance and lips to his will. Here I was exposed to him, and I should trust him to take care.

I raised my chin defiantly, unwilling to let on how pleasant his touch was.

“You seem to excel at pissing me off, darling.” His fingers dragged my arousal back over my ass, digging into my stinging cheek. “I thought our dinner last night was quite pleasant and yet I receive this.”

He had pulled his phone out and was holding the message up for me to see. When I refused he grabbed my jaw forcefully and turned my face toward the screen.

“You must have been confused, I told you how I feel but that changes nothing. I’m sure you can imagine how fucking frustrated I am right now.”

“So...what’re you going to do?”

His eyes darkened. “Oh Violet, I’m going to teach you the lesson you clearly did not learn last time.”

Almost before I had time to process it I was once again bent over his legs, hearing the clink of his belt buckle as he removed it, only this time he gave me no warning. The leather dug into my thighs and bare ass, four quick strikes and he was picking me up again.

With an easy flip he spun me around, pushed my chest into the duvet and raised my ass up as I began to struggle again, desperately trying to escape from his strong grasp. “Violet you are playing with fire.” I heard him unzip his pants and a slight panic welled in my throat.

He grabbed a handful of my hair to hold me in place and began to rub the head of his uncovered cock against my pussy lips.

“I have guests coming, you have to stop.” My efforts were futile, but I was desperate to find any excuse, worry growing at his lack of a condom. 

“Let me get something straight,” he dipped down, speaking lowly into my ear, his head pressed against me, “you belong to me. This is my pussy, I can fuck it when I like, and if you want to see your friends tonight you will do as I say.”

With an angry growl at my pathetic attempts to get free he shoved an inch of himself into me, holding me in place. His fingers expertly teased and massaged my clit, moving against my useless wriggling, and within a few seconds he was bringing me to an orgasm that filled the room with my moans.

His hot mouth moved across my neck until I was merely a shaky mess beneath him, incapable of doing anything to stop him from doing what he wanted to me without the use of my arms.

“That’s it babygirl,” he whispered into my ear as if reading my thoughts, running a hand up my front and bringing me back so that I was straddling his dick from above, my arms still behind me, “you’re not going to get away from me.” Grabbing my throat firmly he lathered my newfound arousal over himself and began to force me to ride what of him I'd been able to take.

My moans were only silenced by him tightening his grasp on my neck and in the small quiet that ensued I was privy to the stomach clenching growls of pure pleasure he himself was making. For a moment, through the haze, I wondered if he was on the verge of cumming, but the thought was interrupted by the loud sound of a doorbell.

Seizing my opportunity I tried desperately to escape, hardly getting as far as back down onto the bed when his hand whipped across my ass once again. This time the lashes were followed closely by him grabbing my hips and forcing some of himself back into me, an angry curse erupting from behind me.

“They. Can. Wait.” He hissed over my screams, pounding his length further into me.

The sheer aggression with which he filled me with more and more of his bulging cock scared me but I couldn't stop my own sounds of pleasure. He paused half inside of me and pulled me back up to sit on him, squeezing my nipples between two fingers. “Do you understand?”

I was was shaking and breathless but I glared at him through it, the pain and pleasure and fear mixing to create an intense experience. “Stop it, I have to go.” Winding the belt around his hand he snapped the leather against my skin once again, angling me away from him with a firm grip around my midriff.

He reached up and tilted my jaw so that I was forced to turn and look at him through teary eyes. “You’re not going anywhere until I am done with you. You will take my cock until I am satisfied, then you will put on that cute little red dress, and for the rest of the evening you’re going to feel my cum dripping out onto your thighs.

When I say so you will come back in here and spread yourself out for me to see if I’m happy. Are we clear?" Whimpering I tried to pull away and was met with his hands firmly holding me down. “Say ‘yes daddy’.”

“No!” Even to my own ears I sounded petulant.

“Try again.” The warning struck cold fear into my stomach and I felt myself clench around his cock.

“Not. A. Fucking. Chance.”

With a curse he pulled himself entirely out of me, shoved me down and began to aggressively hit my ass cheeks, holding my mouth into the duvet whenever I’d make a sound. Swiftly he lifted me off the bed with him. His eyes were entirely black and, in contrast to the puddle I had become, he seemed relatively in control.

He shoved me onto my knees and pushed himself into my mouth and down my throat, holding my head in place as he began to fuck my face. 

Looking down at me with a smirk he tapped my cheek softly and panted out. "You have such a lovely tongue, my darling, it's a pity you don't use it for better things. Lick me, now." 

At my refusal he held himself deeper, only relenting when I choked, tears forming in my eyes once more, and only then to warn me again. I let my tongue rove over the base of his cock, swirling around his head when he'd pulled back enough and lapping at the vein that ran up from his balls. 

"Jesus Christ, you are so talented at that." He grunted and my stomach dropped in pleasure at the appraisal. Giving two more hard thrusts he pulled out entirely and breathed heavily for a moment, his eyes closed.

Once he was composed again he helped me up, kissed me deeply and swore.

Wrapping an arm around my waist he carried me into the kitchen, swept aside debris and bent me over the countertop. My feet were far from the ground, droplets of water splattering from my body onto the freezing marble. Gently he lifted my jaw and pointed to the door as a slew of knocks echoed around the room. “If you make a sound, you’re going to have to explain this to your friends.”

“Fuck you.” I hissed venomously, secretly aching to have him inside of me again.

The anger that had been present before flared up again but then a small, dangerous grin made its way into its place. He spanked me, painfully enough that I had to bite my lip to suppress a cry, and wound his fingers into my hair.

His warm body leaning into me was a respite from the icy marble, so much that I couldn’t help but moan and let myself melt into him. Lifting my ass with his grip on my thigh and widening my legs he began to stroke my clit.

Without him filling me my pussy felt empty and hot and every tease of a fingertip on my bruised entrance sent shivers through me, my hips bucking uncontrollably. Occasionally he would drive his forefinger deep into me and curl it before immediately pulling out.

“It really would seem like you don’t want to see them.” He mused when I quivered the next time he did this. His voice was low. “You know what I want to hear. Go on, say it.”

“No.” Two fingers this time, sliding easily into and abruptly out of me.

By this point I was shaking beneath him, every stimulus enough to take me to the edge, worn out from his torture.

“If you don’t say it, I’m going to tie you to those bed posts and instead of serving your friends with no underwear I’ll go and tell them you’re spending the night with me. That won't be any fun for you, trust me.” I twisted, trying to find a give in his hold. He hit me again angrily and found a firm grip on my throat. “Do as I say, now. Last chance.”

Whimpering and desperate I managed to gasp out. “Yes daddy.”

He roughly pinned me down and positioned himself, slowly forcing himself into me at the angle he’d been holding me in. It was nearly impossible not to cry out and he warned me with a painful smack. Pulling my head back he growled into my ear and sped up a little, using my body for his pleasure.

“Keep quiet.” He said lowly, pulling out and ramming into me again. Each move was so well timed that my pussy would clench in expectation, so painfully near orgasm but never allowed release. “You are disgustingly insubordinate, Violet.”

The scream escaped from between my clenched teeth and was met with his fingers in my mouth, nothing but the sound of his ruthless rutting filling the kitchen. I could feel his balls slapping into me as he filled me entirely, occasionally shoving my legs further apart and swearing.

“I’m gonna fill you with my cum, Violet.” He kissed my neck and let his tongue trail across my skin, grip tightening on me. “Beg me for it, say ‘please fill me up with your hot load daddy’.”

Fear at his words pushed me to try and escape once more, desperate to prevent what he was saying.

“Oh, so you don’t want that?” He let me go and began to slowly pull out, now and then pushing back into me, until he merely had me pinned on the counter. His dick teased my lips.

My own arousal dripped onto the countertop beneath me, my body a weak, horny mess, and I knew he had me. Two fingers teased my entrance before probing me, feeling the tightened muscles but refusing to caress them to climax.

"Fucking hell!" I screamed, eliciting a fresh slap across my thighs. "Gabriel please, fill me with your load, I beg you."

He met my eyes. "Daddy." The fingers pushed impossibly further.

"Argh!! Please daddy."

Raising my ass up once again he reached to untie my wrists before leaning over me and guiding my hand to my own pussy. He let go momentarily to grip his cock and guide it into me, then held my fingers over the entrance of my pussy, making me feel him fuck me.

There was nothing either of us could do to stop my scream and the cries that followed, my legs were spread so wide against him that every thrust stretched my pussy and the feeling of his cock working in and out of me tipped me straight over the edge.

"I'm cumming." He growled, losing control of the rhythm he'd built and slamming into my twitching cunt as he shot jet after jet of his load. "Your fucking sounds, Violet, Christ." 

Pulling his soaked cock out of me and letting me down again he pointed to my room. "Go and get dressed. Now."


My thighs were sticky, every now and then a new, hot tear froze me in my tracks as it made its way down my leg. Gabriel was finding it more amusing than I liked, sipping casually on his whiskey as too many of my female friends eyed him from afar.

As soon as I'd made myself marginally presentable he'd reached under my tiny dress, rested a palm on my hip and fingered me slowly for a few moments to check I'd obeyed him. Then he'd made me suck our cum off, kissed me passionately, and gone to pour himself a drink with a disturbingly pleasant smirk as I tried to dignify myself for my friends.

While everyone else seemed, surprisingly, unperturbed by the delay, Levi had been eyeing me all evening. The sheer anxiety of the round of questioning that was to come had led me to find my own bottle of wine. By 8 I was already pretty happy despite my fear of dripping onto the floor or leaning over too much and having someone see me.

Gabriel brushed past me, setting my entire form on fire with the hand he rested on the small of my exposed back. "Two minutes, on the couch, not the bed, knees apart."

Breathing heavily I nodded to let him know I'd heard, then downed the last of my wine quickly, glad for the liquid confidence.

He wasn't in my room when I got there; I sat myself down and lifted my dress a little. It wasn't a long wait, the sounds of the party drifted in with him, but when the door closed it was dead silent.

Standing a few feet away he observed me, still smirking. "Having fun?"

"Yes, thank you."

"I'm glad. How have you felt without your panties?"

"It's been a little difficult, but I've managed." His eyebrows raised.

"That's good." He walked toward me slowly, leant down and brushed my dress aside to run a finger over me, his lips at my ear. "Undo my pants." I obeyed, handing his belt to him once I was done. "Now babygirl, here's what's going to happen: I'm going fuck you again now, I'm going to keep checking and if you start to get dry we're going to repeat this again."

He had pulled his already hard cock out and was kneeling to push himself against me, rubbing himself up and down my slit. 

"So, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Brushing some hair from my cheek he ran his lips across it. "Which is it going to be?"

My eyelids fluttered as I looked up at him, barely able to catch my breath. "The easy way daddy."




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We start off kissing and move our way over to the bed. Just laying in bed for a while making out. You lose your shirt. I lose mine as well. Your bra is flung to the ground. still making out hands flowing over eachothers bodies Rubbing all the right places to tease and taunt you dragging my fingers up your thighs and drifting away at the last second till you cant stand it anymore Finally i drag my fingers up your thighs once more and start massaging you where you like it I undo your skirt and...

4 years ago
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Chapter 26: THE CORE TEAMThat night b**st was still not back. I wasn’t exactly worried, he was a big boy after all. It was just that I missed him. Only two nights but it was everything going on, the information flowing in, the meaning of all this information, and the action that need to be taken. I need him with me, involved in the process. I rely on his balance for me.So when during the night I had a dream with b**st in it, a gentle dream of him teasing me, licking my body, my face, it was...

3 years ago
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Making The Best Of It

Vanessa stood in the foyer of the chalet, staring out the open front door in dread. The snowstorm that had been swirling around the mountain chalet since noon seemed determined to linger around the entire evening and through the night, as well. It was not a welcome sight outside, yet here she was about to venture out into the middle of it in nothing but a loose yoga top and shorts and a pair of winter boots.“Hey, the snow’s coming in. Gonna go out already, or what?” Jake goaded from the...

3 years ago
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Being A Male Escort In Pune

Hello to all Indian sex stories dot net readers. My name is Shivang pursuing engineering in reputed college in Pune. I am 22 years old.My body stats 6 feet tall with an athletic body.To get massage service or to have a pleasant fucking session drop me a mail on sweet hearts.Girls, aunties and it working chicks who are in and around Pune can approach me for dating, massage, short term relationship, long term relationship.Sex services by using Kamasutra technique you might have not yet heard or...

3 years ago
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His story about the court house

As we were walking out of the court house, you reach in and grab my swollen cock; I love your dress shirt and dress pants, and heels. Your tits are popping out of your happened to park your car in the shade where nobody can see us. The back seats are folded already and you put a blanket down just in case this asked to suck my dick so I sit up in the back as you straddle my face as we 69 in the back on your car...I’m using my fingers to pull your outer lips to the open...

1 year ago
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Anita going to a black bareback party

That early evening, as I came back home from work, my sweet wife said she had something to tell me…Ana poured me a nice glass of Irish whisky and we sat outside close to the pool. She was wearing a light sun dress so when she crossed her legs I had a perfect view of her long tanned legs and I noticed she was not wearing panties…Anita smiled and pulled the hem up so I could even see her nice shaven mound. Her pussy lips looked swollen and wet…Now she had my full attention, Ana told me she had...

4 years ago
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A Strangers Cum Part Two

Early next morning I woke and stretched feeling my morning erection surrounded by something warm, I was still in Sue’s bum and seemed to be stuck as everything had dried up. As I tried to pull out Sue woke with a start and winced waking Kathy up so I just stayed still. Kathy Said “why don’t you two go have your showers while I whip up some breakfast and we’ll talk about things over the table. With Kathy gone I said “sorry but I appear to be glued in … and sorry about getting carried...

3 years ago
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Triumvirate Book 1

Triumvirate Book 1 By Paradox Wolf Springs, Wyoming, McKinnon Residence Waking up to the sights, sounds, and smells of pure nature surrounding you is one of the greatest ways to greet the day. For the majority of my sixteen years in this world I'd lived in a major metropolitan area and it had been the sounds of car horns, emergency sirens, smog, and for at least part of it, gunfire and screams. It was a fact of life I'd mostly accepted as normal and in truth it had become...

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My mate and I had been out checking extinguishers and were on our way back to the station in the brigade 4x4 when our pagers shrieked to announce an emergency. Chris was driving so I read the message - Structure Fire and I read the address. Chris took his eyes off the road briefly. "Shit, that's in your street". I felt the the car speed up as he gunned the motor. Within a minute we were in the station gearing up and climbing onto the truck. Within 3 minutes we had a crew of 5 and were on our...

2 years ago
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Mom8217s One Night Stand After The Party

Hello ISS readers. I am Rohit, 22, male from Chennai. The details and characteristics of my mom said here are true but the erotic happenings are fictional. Kindly read the story and enjoy it. The story is about my mom. My family consists of 3 members – dad, mom and me. Dad is a marine engineer. So it’s rare to see him at home for 7-8 months in a year. Now getting into the story. My mom’s name is Aishwarya. She was 40 years old at the time of this incident (at present she’s 43). She’s a fair...

4 years ago
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My Mother and I Go to New York City

I was 14 that spring when Mother suggested we take a trip to New York City after school let out for the summer. She had been there while she was pregnant with me when my father was in the Air Force and stationed near there and had always wanted to go back for another visit. I had grown up in Chattanooga and had never been out of the South so I thought it sounded like a neat idea. In mid June, Mother got a good round trip rate so we flew to New York on a Friday morning. It was my first time...

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St Marys Part One

Alexander James paced the corridor outside the headmaster's office, waiting to be seen. It was an ashen-faced Mr. Norris, his form teacher, who'd silently passed the meeting note to him in class that said Mr. Hampton wanted to see him.St. Mary's was unique among English all-boys sixth forms in its selection process. All young men must be, as well as hard workers, in the very best physical condition. As well as an entrance exam, there was an aptitude test - the source of much newspaper gossip -...

Gay Male
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girlfriend goes black

First a little a number of years ago my gf at the time was just starting to explore her sexuality and one night we got to talking about fantacy celebs we thought were hot....hers was baseball/football star Bo Jackson. She told me that being black she imagined his rock hard body and figured his cock was long and thick.little did she know that i have always been a bit of a cuckold and this was shaping up to get very interesting. i started to probe a bit and after a few glasses...

1 year ago
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Exploits of Jay

Chapter 1 Jay was a ten year old who lived in one of our larger cities, he was a happy boy usually, took life as it came, with little or no complaints. His one drawback, if one could call it that, was the fact that he was so pretty, not handsome, pretty, like girl pretty if you know what I mean. Jay lived with his dad and mom in a four room apartment small enough that there were few secrets in the house hold. When his folks had sex, he heard every word, every little sigh or groan and the...

1 year ago
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Milfty Chanel Preston Stepmoms Special Frosting

Busty Chanel Preston has been waiting for bake day all week long. And its not any old bake day. There is a big bake off tomorrow! But when her stepson is less than enthusiastic about hanging around to lend a helping hand, Chanel finds a way to motivate him. She takes her skin tight shirt off and flashes her beautiful headlights his way, giving him just the jumpstart he needs. He hops right up as she chokes on his thick cock, getting it wet and slippery before shoving it into her hungry MILF...

2 years ago
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No longer driving by

I remember back to my teen years I would help my dad with a garbage route he would do on Saturdays to earn extra income. I wasn't really fond of the work but it was the drive to the landfill I would look forward to because it would take us past an adult bookstore. There was just something about the lingerie in the windows and the neon lights that just screamed out at you and you knew you just had to stop and explore. Well the day came I passed my drivers test and with it the freedom to just...

2 years ago
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When it Came

When it Came Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I heard what dad said, it was all I could do to keep myself calm. I was going to have the chance I always dreamed of, and believe me, I didn't hesitate to accept the half baked challenge he threw at me! My father was smirking, confident that he had created a set of conditions that I could never meet, but if he knew the truth, he would not have been so eager. After a moment to gather myself, I accepted his...

3 years ago
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Amelie part 1

We don´t know much about Amelie. We don´t need to know much, but the very basic things, that she is a woman in her late twenties and that we will make her live in the suburbs of a larger European city and that she commutes to the city on a daily basis. We also know that, for some reason, she suddenly began to end up in situations that most people wound find very, very intimidating. There was no obvious reason for this sudden change, but we know that things started to happen on a Wednesday...

3 years ago
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GloriaAlways There For Me

I had been keeping a low romantic profile since my last encounter with Bev. I had spoken to her several times, but avoided her invitations to get together. Her agressiveness scared me, and I wanted to put some time between us. Gloria, my next door neighbour was recovering from her auto accident injuries and surgery, and we exchanged conversations in the yard and driveway on many occasions. She told me shwe was feeling much better, and was now on prescribed medications to help her sleep. I got...

2 years ago
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P I and Magic Book II The Gods ReturnChapter 2

I was just getting ready to leave our apartments, my wife's and mine, when my wife of two months stopped me. "Paul? I am Duchess De Landkur, right?" she asked? Uh oh. "Why, yes, Mariel, I believe you are," I replied smiling. She glared at me. Not good. She had been getting just a bit restless, lately. "Look, I have been doing magical training, but I want to do other things. Back at home, I was a... well... I was something my father trotted out to be put on display. It was not a...

3 years ago
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Linda Had a Talent

Linda had a talent. She also had a quick mind and an exciting body, but her talent was what got her ahead and eventually got her in trouble, a lot of trouble. I met Linda when she and I entered high school, and I admired her, OK, to be honest, lusted after her from the start. She had a pretty face, long legs and a killer body. I was fourteen and she was about a half-year older, not that it made any difference. She was sexually experienced and relaxed while I was sexual ignorant and very...

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BrodricksburgChapter 10

It was almost nine o'clock when Stephen Farlow turned into his driveway and his garage door began to open. I had parked my car a block away so that it would not be noticed and I had been in the bushes next to his house for nearly an hour waiting for him to get home. I moved into the garage as Farlow pulled his car in and managed to stay in his blind spot until he got out of the car. "Jesus Christ, Brian, you scared the shit out of me," was Farlow reaction when he saw me. "What are you...

1 year ago
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StepSiblings Eve Ellwood Sweet Stepsister Revenge

Eve Ellwood and her stepbro have a nit of a sibling rivalry thing going. After he snitches on her, she decides to get some good old fashioned revenge. When he comes home and goes to lay down in his bed, she sneaks in and snaps a video of herself rubbing her ass all over on his face. When he wakes up, he is confused by the smell on his upper lip, but does not think much about it. That is, until he grabs his vibrating phone and finds out what Eve was up to while he was in bed! He storms into the...

1 year ago
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shweta ki jawani

Sweta(name changed) knocked the door while i was cleaning my messy room. Final check for my underwears lying here and there. After moving them out of the scene i opened the door. Wow, never saw her in Blue jeans and Black top. Tight top actually which enhanced the appearance of her 36c breasts. she was slim with nice ass. round and curvy. When she entered i was actually wondering how did i managed to get this jackpot. Never my luck was so shining when i was alone with a gorgeous(according to...

3 years ago
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Beckys First Analbyf

I was waiting for my girlfriend Becky when she got home from the bar after a girls night, but it was dark and she didn't notice. She closed the door behind her and walked into the room, and I crept behind her. As she turned on the light, I slipped behind her, my hand clasping over her mouth. "Don't worry," I whispered, "This will only hurt for a minute."She struggled, but I was too strong for her. My body guided her to our bedroom. As we walked I felt her breasts through her shirt. "I love when...

4 years ago
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I wont tell if you dont Part 2 Aftermath

Introduction: a sister discovers her brothers voyeurism of her The following story picks up from the end of the edited /reposted Part 1. Thanks to everyone for the feedback for improving my writing-please continue to do so. This part of the story is more about my getting discovered and how we dealt with it, leading to our closer relationship. To get Beths help in writing all this, I promised to include this painful, funny, but less sexy part of the tale so we dont seem like mindless,...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 36 The Naked Choirmaster

Sonika Jharm, the new choirmaster for the Redsands First Congregational Church Youth Choir, had only just unbuttoned the first top three buttons of her soft cotton blouse when Bjorn asked another question. “But ... but...” the poor guy stammered, “ ... but isn’t this all kind of against everything the church and religion and the Bible stands for. Our church has been so dead against this sort of thing for so long that I’m finding it all a bit difficult to grasp. Not that I think I am going to...

3 years ago
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"OK, everyone. We're gonna get started here. Step right up, and have your tickets ready!" The other members of the room grinned, and started to move towards the opening. Where there had once been a door, the hinges had been drilled and the entry was now only obscured by a velvet curtain. The guy at the door looked like he was allergic to soap, and possibly even water, but I took a deep breath and rummaged in my pocket for my ticket. The stupid thing had cost me a mint to get, but Jack had...

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Taking the Class Part 3Chapter 11 Friday Morning 645AM

Today is either going to be a great day where I get Will back, or it’s going to be a sad day and my Class will go back to being level one. Or maybe even disappear entirely. Ugh, even this shitty Class is better than becoming a disabled person who doesn’t have one. Alaina slammed the door of her car shut and stomped towards the main entrance of the school with her bag slung over her shoulder. Can a Class do that? Just disappear? Her walk from the faculty lot was quick. I don’t need to worry...

3 years ago
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My Night at the XXX Video Theatre Part One

It was almost 2 AM when I pulled into the Big Town XXX video theatre in the southeast part of where I live. It was a Saturday and the parking lot was full. I had never been to this particular theatre but it was in the adult theatre chain that I had been visiting for the past two years. Each theatre is different depending usually on the part of town where it is located. Southest part of my city is rough. It is predominately African American. This theatre is in a small run-down strip shopping...

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A Starry September Night

Hello everyone. This is MasseurCJ back again with a new story. Well this is not really a story but a description of how I would want a love making session to be like. Its a bit unconventional as well and a bit long so thank you in advance for bearing it for me. This story is my perception of how to get lost into each other and making a love making session so intense that the whole world around us doesn’t matter to us. So here it goes: Its a starry night above us on a typical September night....

3 years ago
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Andreas Holiday Diary

Day 1. After a long wait for our bags at the airport we finally found a taxi that would take us to our hotel. An hour and a half later we arrived at the most magnificent building and gardens that was stuck in the absolute middle of nowhere. As patience isnt one of his virtues Rob wasnt happy even though it had been him who had booked this bargain holiday over the Internet. At the reception desk we had more problems. It quickly became evident that German tourists mainly used the hotel as the...

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Iron Hearts Ch 01

ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18 OR OVER ***** A mermaid. That’s what Valour had thought when he spied the floating figure in the rough waters of the black ocean. It hadn’t taken them long to haul the pale skinned creature from the inky grasp of the sea waters, but when they did his men crowded around her, bodies moving with the sways of the ship. She was beautiful. Fine bone features celebrated full pinks lips, striking against the bloodless complexion of her skin. Her eyes, large and doe like with...

2 years ago
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Exhibitionism By Proxy

My wife Lynn and I got married when we were both barely eighteen. And even though we'd had sex since we were both sixteen. Lynn had a very sheltered life with both her father and uncle both being preachers and her mother being very strict. But soon after we got married I took some nude photos of Lynn. It started as a joke but she let me take them still the same.Having always dressed in very non-flattering clothes and not wearing makeup she'd never considered herself as sexy. But once she saw...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Charlotte Stokely Georgia Jones That Dress

Charlotte Stokely and Georgia Jones are in their respective rooms trying out some new outfits. The girls are gonna hit the clubs hard and want to look perfect. When Georgia walks into Charlotte rooms, Charlotte can’t believe how hot she looks. Georgia, in turn, thinks Charlotte looks amazing as well. The truth is, both girls look smoking and are going to paint the town red. Charlotte wonders if she should wear a bra or panties but Georgia thinks that she’s better off going commando,...

3 years ago
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Puthithaaga Velaiku Serntha Paiyan

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil enathu officeku puthithaaga velaiku serntha paiyanai eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungalidam solugiren. Vaarungal enathu kama kathaikul ungalai azhaithu selgiren, enathu peyar archana naan oru official velai paarthu vanthen. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan. Vayathu 33 aagugirathu, naan en kanavan udan santhoshamaaga vaazhnthu vanthen aanal en kanavanuku vayathu 40 aagi vitathu athanaal avar sex meethu athigam aarvam kanbipathu illai. Naan veetil viral podum...

4 years ago
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Part 5 Sue becomes a star0

Her head hung in shame, her tit throbbed and ached and was now almost black, then to her horror the guy said. Well if you didn't keep it down, the balls go back in. He put all of the balls in the bag and then began to swing it like a pendulum. Sue let out a gutterall scream and said no stop, please them off. Can we fuck you in the ass the guy said, 'Yes, Yes just get it off. 'Are you sure’. ‘Yes get it off.’ Slowly he removed the bag and the rope around her right tit and undid the...

2 years ago
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The Remaking of Anna Plowright

Prologue Anna Plowright trudged grimly along the country lane towards her cottage still two kilometres distant. She was soaked to the skin. The rain bucketed down and reduced her hair to a stringy ruin, and found every available gap in her clothing to trickle down her back and between her breasts. When she had set out that morning for her daily ten-kilometre walk with the dog, the sun had been shining, the skies clear. Then apparently from out of nowhere clouds began to rapidly pile up, and...

4 years ago
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Bi George

BI GEORGE!I woke up with the sun shining through the window and George lying naked next to me. The previous night had certainly been one to remember. A swingers’ party made up of four men and five women. I must have come about five times and the other guys about the same. George, the young eighteen year-old with the ten and a half inch dick, possibly more. He was a young boy destined for a great future in the porn industry, both straight and gay. Of the guys present there was an old...

2 years ago
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Wendys Boyfriend

Wendy's Boyfriend About six months ago I was dressing for pleasure. Yes I often dress up with nowhere to go and no one to see, that's something T's do. Anyway I was playing with an overly sexy secretary look, my hair was down loose with a little wave added to it. I was in my tightest corset, it takes me down six inches to twenty three, and what would be a high waisted pencil skirt except as short as it is there isn't much pencil to it. A rose satin blouse that really shows off...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Marilyn Mansion 23277

When JMac catches his buddy’s girlfriend Marilyn Mansion dancing to music in her earbuds while cleaning in the kitchen, he bombs her with singles like she’s a stripper! Marilyn’s embarrassed but she plays it cool, even when J starts hitting on her while her boyfriend isn’t around. He’s always wanted just one little kiss from her, so Marilyn decides to give him what he wants if it’ll shut him up and leave her alone. So she does…and it turns into her getting her little pink pussy getting...


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