Forgive Chapter 3 Marriage Careers
- 4 years ago
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The eight Órarduine cruisers were nearly 2 hours from Mars when the chime sounded in Siobhan’s Clans compartment. It took several rings of the chime before the group began stirring. Sensing their awakening the ships AI said, “Our ETA for An Clochán is approaching 2 hours.”
“Thank you,” replied Eileen.
“I sure could have slept longer,” said Melissa.
“Me too,” added Anna as everyone began to rise.
“Okay,” said Siobhan, “as soon as we freshen up lets go up to the bridge. I am sure Anna and Mark will want to see our approach to An Clochán.” Both nodded their agreement with a big smile.
They took only a few moments to freshen up. When they were finished, Tiff handed Anna and Mark a Salwar Kameez style jacket and pants. “Try these on. They should fit you, based on the measurements the AI obtained during your physical assessment.”
“These are beautiful,” said Anna as her fingers slid over the fabric. She quickly slipped into the pants and then Tiff held the jacket for her to slip her arms into the sleeves. As Anna fastened the front she added, “I have never felt anything so light and soft. Oops. I didn’t put anything on underneath.”
“We don’t usually wear anything underneath,” replied Tiff, “so we didn’t think to have something made for you. The AI can make underwear like you were wearing, but it will be very noticeable. Actually, it would probably be more noticeable than going without.”
Anna looked over at Mark to see that he was already dressed, and then looked at their reflections in the mirror. “This is fine. It may take a little getting used to. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I had the same reaction the first time I wore them,” said Aisling. “It is difficult to tell the difference between being nude and wearing those. All of us like them, but we feel more comfortable without a covering.”
“Mark, what do you think?”
“Anna, mine feels very comfortable. You look fantastic.”
“Thanks. You look very good as well. Okay, we’re ready,” replied Anna turning toward Siobhan’s Clan.
They had just started toward the bridge when they heard an oscillating wail. Anna and Mark looked shocked as everyone but May just vanished from the corridor.
“That alarm is calling us to battle stations,” said May, “follow me.” She began to run holding Anna’s hand, almost pulling her along. Mark followed them down the corridor. In just a few moments they entered the bridge to see Siobhan’s Clan already sitting in front of their consoles. Their seats looked much like those you would see in a fighter, complete with a full harness.
May said, “Anna, sit here and fasten the harness. Mark, sit there.” She assisted both of them in fastening their harnesses and then quickly took the seat at her console nearby. Siobhan, Conan and Eileen sat next to each other in the center of the group with a set of 9 large monitors in front of them. The two Russians looked at the different monitors trying to figure out what they represented. They were sitting just behind May and Siobhan.
“Shields at 100%,” said Siobhan.
“Weapons?” said Conan.
“60 seconds to full charge.”
Sarah’s voice came over the speaker. “Dispersal plan B. Prepare to initiate dispersal. Three incoming bogies at 2 2 0. Projected intercept in 7 minutes. Incoming bogies signature matches Durale or Iridien Spec Ops cruisers. No IFF. Presuming Durale.”
As they listened to the chatter, Anna and Mark talked softly to each other while they tried to understand the significance of the information on the screens. Two central screens were obvious in that they showed the position of the other seven cruisers with respect to them. Another gave a 3D view showing them the bogies, all the Órarduine ships, and Mars, along with their relative positions. Another showed a diagram of their ship.
Siobhan said, “Donna, bring Phoenix to readiness level 2.”
“Phoenix at readiness level 2. Shields up. FCS all manned. Threat assessment in progress. Launching all Star Fighters.”
“Phoenix Security, scan for other anomalies.”
“Summon the designated Security team to the bridge.”
“Contingency plan is being executed,” replied Donna, Phoenix’s AI.
While Siobhan was working with Donna on Phoenix, the other Command Staffs were in contact with the Master AIs on their ships. Amy raised the readiness level at An Clochán to 3.
Anna and Mark didn’t know where to look as there was so much happening. They did gasp when they saw Brigit appear to stand next to Siobhan. Siobhan said, “Brigit, we thought you would have been here sooner. We are really glad to see you.”
“We were involved in something else and it took us a bit to get free. If there are only three Durale ships, then this intercept is crazy.”
“Agreed, but not if they scattered mines opposite from their approach,” said Conan. “That is the only thing that makes sense with the position of the incoming bogies.”
“Priority Override! Cancel dispersal!” said Siobhan. “Situation analysis confirms Conan’s assessment. High probability of mines on this approach to Mars, dead ahead and to port.”
“We just reached the same conclusion,” came several replies.
“Reducing speed,” said Amy in the lead cruiser. “Shift to tight cubic formation then link scanners.”
“Good move,” said Brigit. Sensing that Anna and Mark didn’t grasp the significance she stepped over to them. “Hi, I’m Brigit. By reducing speed and moving to a cubic formation, we are doing two things. Slowing down will reduce the effectiveness of the mines. Forming a cubic formation and linking the scanners of the eight cruisers increases the sensitivity of the scans. This should let us detect the mines much quicker and more accurately. It gives us the ability for high resolution scans in all directions. The downside is that it makes us more vulnerable to attack.”
“How did he know about the mines?”
“It is a standard method of forcing your prey to move only in certain directions and improving your effectiveness.”
Sarah said, “Have IFF signal for Iridien Spec Ops cruisers near AW fleet. Still no IFF on bogies.”
“Iridien fleet has gone to battle stations.”
Eileen said, “Three bogies at 8-8-4. In range in 4 minutes.”
Keriann said, “Three more at 4-4-2. In range in 5 minutes.”
Erica said, “Scanner showing a mine field at 11-11-2 moving left to right. Range too close for evasive course change. Bogie range now approaching laser limit. Targets being assigned to cruiser positions L1, L2, L3 and L4. Positions L5, L6, L7 and L8 rotate and acquire targets.” As Erica was speaking the monitors began showing the mines in front and to their left.
Siobhan glanced at Anna and Mark and said, “Brace yourselves. We don’t know how big the shock wave will be.”
“Lasers locked and loaded. Fire on my mark. 3... 2... 1 ... mark.”
On the monitor, 32 flashes of green light moved away from the eight cruisers. A few moments later the targets took on a reddish glow that rapidly turned into a bright flash as some 30 mines exploded. These were immediately followed by additional explosive flashes around them as these explosions detonated other mines. The monitor showed a pressure wave of gas moving toward them from the exploding mines. When the pressure wave passed over them it caused all the cruisers to shudder. As the flashes dissipated, glowing objects could be seen spewing in all directions from where the mines had exploded. The mine fragments continued to cause other mines to explode.
Sarah said, “All cruisers resume defensive orientation.” On the screen the images of the ships rotated so that all the ships were again facing away from the center of the cube. They could see many glowing fragments from the mines hurling toward their position.
“Setting defensive array to drift up at 10 m/s.”
Rusty said, “Let’s engage the bogies as soon as they come into range.”
It was now very quiet as they watched the monitor showing the three groups of Durale ships continue their approach.
Eileen said, “Lasers armed. Locked on middle at 4-4-2 group. Fire when ready.”
On the speaker, similar commands were heard coming from the other ships. In what seemed like hours but was only a few seconds, the monitors showed green lines flashing toward the incoming Durale ships. When a laser beam hit one of them it turned green, momentarily showing its shape. The Durale ships continued coming. Another round of laser shots were fired at the Durale ships, this time they fluoresced green for a longer time.
Anna and Mark gave a short gasp when they saw the screen lit up with multiple identifiers. They slowly began to breathe again as they realized that they were Órarduine Star Fighters. The Durale began firing at the Órarduine Cruisers. Then more ships were shown on the monitors approaching the Durale ships. These were identified with Iridien Spec Ops markers.
“Incoming mine fragments,” said Keira.
The ship shuddered as the fragments’ energy was absorbed by the shield. The shuddering continued for some time as the shield was pelted by numerous mine fragments. On the monitor showing their ship was a representation of the shield’s envelope around it. Keira, Anna and Mark watched as the shield envelope gave like a rubber ball when the hot high energy mine fragments struck. The energy from the fragments was absorbed, turning them into debris. Other fragments glanced off the shield away from the ship. Each time a fragment hit, the shield’s energy level fluctuated.
Then alarms began sounding. Aisling said, “Shields at 80% and dropping rapidly. Three large high energy mine fragments incoming.” She had hardly finished when the ship shuddered again.
Conan said, “Hold laser fire. Shift maximum power to shields.”
“Incoming, twelve large fragments.”
A group of three fragments hit in rapid succession, tearing a momentary hole in the weakened shield. Before the shield could reestablish a fourth fragment hit the side of the cruiser. Then three more hit the cruiser, each one causing the ship to shudder. The shield reformed just as an alarm sounded. The damage control monitor began flashing showing a hull breach along with the coordinates. In the image of the cruiser, the breached areas turned red, shifting to yellow a few moments later. A text message scrolled across the bottom saying that the compartments were sealed with only a loss in atmosphere.
Both Anna and Mark gripped each other’s hands tightly and began to breathe again. Neither realized they had been holding their breath.
On the monitor showing ship positions, there were five bright flashes. When the screen image stabilized five of the Durale ships were gone. Three Star Fighters were flashing yellow and two others were flashing red. There were four Durale ships left. Iridien cruisers were drawing the attention of the Durale ships while giving the Órarduine cruisers a clear shot. Several flights of Star Fighters were approaching the Durale ships from the rear. An Iridien cruiser and several Star Fighters fired simultaneously at a Durale ship, it disintegrated. Using sequenced fire, the Iridien and Órarduine cruisers, along with the Star Fighters, quickly turned the remaining three Durale ships into space dust.
“Órarduine, we need medics,” said Kelly. “Our status board shows six Star Fighters in a yellow state and two as red.”
“Medics are almost there,” said Muiriol the AI on Iarracht. “Rescue teams are right behind them. Salvage teams are not far behind.”
“Iridiens,” said Terry, “who is leading your group?”
“This is Antopolis. The answer is no one. This is a free for all. Why?”
“Do you have a secret for detecting these mines? Our method works but it is tedious.”
“The ones they used disintegrate after a set time period. Our data indicates that they were set up as thin cylindrical cloud to drift across your flight path with the face at a 45 degree angle to your path. Suggest you turn immediately right 90 degrees from original flight path and move 10,000 km before turning back to Mars. This should take you well clear of the mines and any fragments. A couple of our cruisers will lead the way. If we find any, we will try our disable code to see if it works.”
Rusty said, “Let’s put a couple of spiders on one and see what we can learn. The spiders should be well below their sensitivity threshold.”
“Suits us. We’ll advise you when we have the coordinates for one.”
Looking over at Anna and Mark, Keira said, “How are you guys doing?”
“Other than being on the edge of a nervous breakdown, okay,” replied Anna with a smile.
“Who attacked us?” said Mark.
“They were Durale. They are a group of renegades who are attempting to take over the Dutsuz World. They see us as being key to that effort. This will be the third time they have attacked us.”
“We haven’t seen anything in the news about them. However, we haven’t seen very much news since we were at the boarding school.”
“In a nut shell, the Durale had plans to capture us in the belief that they could transfer our technology and psionic abilities to themselves. With our abilities, they felt they would have the additional resources needed to take control of the Dutsuz World. The Durale are an ethnic group in the Dutsuz world. Initially, they sent two ships here pretending to be the Dutsuz delegation to the Alliance of Worlds fleet. In our second meeting with the Alliance of Worlds, the Durale attempted to drug Sarah’s Clan while they were on the Iridien flagship. At the same time, they tried to start a mutiny on the two Iridien ships. They failed, but it claimed the lives of quite a few Iridien, and the Durale on the flagship, before it was suppressed. Next, the Durale sent a group to Mars in an effort to plant their mind control drug in our food system at An Clochán. They failed again and were punished. Now it looks like they tried again.”
“Wow. Is everyone okay?”
“Pretty much. Several Star Fighter pilots were injured. Some injuries are pretty serious, but they will be fine after a couple of weeks in the medical center. All of our cruisers have some significant damage and there are some injuries among our crews.”
“I didn’t realize there was anyone else on the ship.”
“There are 40 Órarduine in our crew, including us.”
“They are about equally divided between biologicals and bots,” said Casidhe. “I bet you can’t tell the difference.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” said Anna.
“Think so?”
“Definitely. You have to be a bot.”
“Why do you say that?” replied Casidhe with a surprised expression.
“If I held my breath as long as you did a while ago, I would keel over on the floor.”
“You’re right. Under some circumstances when I get excited or anxious I stop breathing. I don’t pass out, but it can really screw up some of my systems for a while.”
“Well, keeling over would screw mine up to.”
“You have a point,” was the reply as they laughed.
“I have a question. We thought you primarily communicated telepathically, but we heard a lot of verbal exchange between the different groups.”
“We do communicate telepathically. You didn’t hear us communicating with our ship, Phoenix, to initiate a response to the attack by the Durale. Well you may have heard part of it, as this ship’s AI was told to put everything she could on the speakers. She assigned a bot to focus on that detail. The idea was to give you a better understanding of what was taking place without distracting us from what we needed to do.”
“Thank you. Who is Brigit?”
“She is one of our mentors; they make their home with us. A group named “The Old Ones” sent them to visit us a long time ago. They have since chosen to work from among us.”
“You are lucky to have them.”
“Yes we are. It looks like we’re ready to continue our journey home. We can talk about the events after we get to An Clochán.”
“When you gave out the positions of the incoming ships, what did the numbers mean?”
“The numbers note the position using imaginary clock faces placed on the three axis of our ship or defensive array. One face is horizontal, with the ship sitting on the clock face with 12 pointed forward along the axis of the ship. The second one is vertical, and perpendicular to the first. The third is vertical and intersects the others on their 3 – 9 axes. The first number is the horizontal position; the second is up or down, front to back, and the third is above or below us to our side. So a 3-3-4 would be coming from slightly below directly starboard.”
“Thanks. It makes sense, but it will need some thought in order to grasp it.”
“Oh, it does. It took us a while.”
As the group of Órarduine cruisers made their way to An Clochán, the Iridien Spec Ops discovered teams from another six Durale cruisers in the process of planting bombs on the ships in Egulle’s task group. Before the Iridien Spec Ops moved to capture the Durale, they carefully tripped the intrusion alarm on each Durale cruiser. Three Durale were captured as they fled back to their ships. In the ensuing engagement, some Durale were able to board of their cruisers and flee. The Iridien cruisers fired laser shots as they chased them. Shortly after the chase began one Durale cruisers disintegrated then the other exploded. The Iridiens took this as an indication that the crew had not reset the intrusion alarm. The three Durale prisoners were taken to Egulle’s ship for interrogation.
When the Órarduine cruisers approached An Clochán, the cruiser carrying Siobhan’s Clan slipped out of formation. They flew slowly past the seven Dóchas class ships to give Anna and Mark their first close up look at them.
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The Scold's Bridle By Olga Turlovna "Of the men who came into the world, those who were cowards or led unrighteous lives may with reason be supposed to have changed into the nature of women in the second generation" Timaeus (Plato) Prague, Czech Republic, 2013 So here's me, running down a dark cobbled street in the middle of the night, fleeing like my life depends on it. But hold on - what do I mean "like my life depends on it"? Because let's face it, it probably does,...
“What? It’s just a game, not even Truth or Dare? Just the dares. What could I possibly get you to do that would be so awful?” She smiled a devilish smile and then rolled her eyes at him as could think of a few things he would probably like her to do to him, but he was right, what could he do, they were in the middle of a Starbucks miles from home, ducking out away from friends who so far they’d managed to keep their secrets hidden from. “Ok,” she said “I take it you want to go first” “I...
Aria Banks is new to the industry but she is not new to sucking cock, today we start in the shower getting her all nice and wet. We soak her juicy round ass then she shows off her awesome nipple piercings but of enough of that my cock is rock hard and ready to be sucked. Aria drops to her knees and starts sucking my cock all while the water is still running and dripping off her. I love the way she gets nice and sloppy for me making sure my cock is covered in spit and shoved all the way down her...
xmoviesforyouThe burrow was every bit as wonderful as the books had described it, thought Imogen. She had been there for several days now, along the Weasley family, Hermione and Harry. Sirius too was staying with them, and every nook and cranny of the convoluted home had a bed, cot or mattress to accommodate a family member or guest. Imogen knew that everyone was 'supposed' to stay at Grimmauld Place, at least according to the books imbedded in her memory. But it was perfectly obvious to her why this...
My straight married friend was really horny one day. He had been fucking me for a while at this point. He called me up and asked me if I wanted to "come over." I happily obliged and went over to his apartment. He answered the door in a white robe but it wasn't tied in the front. He was like Chevy - LIKE A ROCK! He told me to come in and he walked into the back of his apartment to his bedroom and laid on the bed. He took his finger and motioned for me to come over to him. He removed his robe and...
Anna experienced a moment of disorientation as the world shifted around her. Suddenly she and Nicole were on a sandy beach with a tropical jungle off to one side. "Where are we?" "A little island in the middle of nowhere." "Why are we here?" "So I can convince you to give me a chance at being your lover." Anna was about to tell her not to bother, when a fantastic looking woman stepped from the jungle. She was only wearing a simple, blue dress, but that detracted nothing from her...
Hi guys I am new for this site I am writing my first story which is happened in my college first year. Before story starts first myself I am riyaz from chennai age 23 5’9 height and 8 inch cock with fit body. Lets describe about my girl my girls name is reena she is an beautiful angel with hot and sexy assets with figure of 30 26 28 body structure. She is white and round faced girl with child look due to her innocence look and beauty most of the boys are tried to impress her among those boys I...
Where to begin? Well, just so you understand me, there is a sort of nervous side to my personality, and sometimes it shows up in my writing. I read my own stuff, and it can make me laugh, it's just sounds so disjointed and high-strung.But that's sort of how I am.Here's my big news, my big brother David is going to come home sometime today. He's been away at college for almost a whole year, and I miss him terribly. I just want so badly to be together and hear his voice. I want to hear him call...
A James Johnson Story I Claim This Story as my own, and I ask to be credited if and when it is reproduced of copied. Jacob Told Me He Was Gay All I could do was just sit there. I could not believe what I had just heard. He had told me those few little words that I had waited to hear for what felt like all of my life. Jacob had told me he was gay! My heart stopped, my dick began to swell, and my mouth went dry. My best friend, whom I had dreamed countless wet dreams about, had just told me the...
Author’s note: This story documents a week of life-changing events for a woman who is the victim of a crime, and a man who helps her deal with the after effects. For a while it seems that every crime leads to another one, and they come to depend heavily on a police detective, and a private investigator who has a way with computers. Along the way you will come across robberies, a police shootout, an old murder or two, some sex, and a budding romance. All of the characters who appear in the...
Bus ride of my life. It’s Friday afternoon and I’m waiting for the bus, it’s busy and finally when the bus comes, it was full. I prayed to get a seat over the rear wheels, my favourite place. I paid the driver and got near the back, there was only one seat remaining. A woman with dark hair, attractive and in her thirties, sitting by the window. She was sitting up straight, legs together with her arms folded across her chest and her coat d****d over the arms and lap, she had a thigh length...
When Dutch and Rosa finished with their lovemaking, he got up and placed a call to the Ruark's. Dutch heard Robert's rather terse tone with his opening, "Hello?" "Have you seen Alice yet?" Dutch inquired. "Uh huh," his friend said non-committedly. Dutch hated asking but with Rosa waiting to find out how things went he had no choice. "And?" "And what, Dutch?" "C'mon Robert, Rosa told me that Alice was laying in wait for you. That she'd caught you with some nurse and there...
WARNING this is part two of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. Thanks so much for the response to part one, this is a short update I intend to release brief updates roughly weekly but if people prefer I am happy to release longer instalments but less often. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very...
A Life Accidentally Planned Chapter five The Happy Dance We drove out of the city without incident. I fell asleep as we got on the four lane headed north. We were beyond immediate discovery and between the fuzzy head, the time of night and the stress, I was worn out I guess. I awoke to Angela, well Andy the way she was dressed, stroking my hair and putting a kiss on my forehead. I was curled up on the rear seat with my head in Andy's lap. I slowly sat up and straightened the skirt...
it was raining outsideThe wind shook the treesI shivered so coldThe knocking of my kneesGrabbed his attentionAs he offered to drive me homeHe was a good friend of mineOne I've always toldMy deepest feelings toMy thoughts and dreamsBut my feelings for him alteredDeep within our relationship's seamsSo as we made our way to my home Safely we arrivedI told him calmly, warmlyTo come insideI went to change my clothes And returned to findHis half naked body Soon sitting next to mineWe talked for a...
First TimeI knew that I should have left the house sooner but didn’t count on my neighbor, Tina , stopping by for a ‘short visit.’ She just kept talking, no matter how many times I told her that I had to go! Now I’m stuck in traffic on the highway and I don’t want to miss your train. You’ve been away on business for months and I can’t be late! I am gripping the wheel frantically, as my fingernails dig into my palms, ‘Damn the luck! Damn you, Tina,’ I curse under my breath. Finally, traffic is moving...
Mickey was the woman that most men spend their life hoping to find. Great looking in a wholesome girl next door sort of way. A fantastic cook and a baker who won prizes at the county fair each year. She was the adoring mother of three wonderful c***dren, she sang in the church choir, and taught Sunday school classes. She volunteered her services to various local charities, was recording secretary of the PTA and even with all the above going on she still found time to spoil me rotten. But as...
This took place while my ex & I were still together. We were 29 or 30 at the time, and her brother, Mike, was a year younger, and his fiancé, Lisa, was 26 or 27 at the time. We didn't all hang out on a regular basis, mainly because we were all busy with work and they had just had a baby about 6 weeks prior to this. I'd won 4 tickets to a baseball game the week before at work, and knowing Mike or Lisa hadn't been out in quite sometime, Michelle thought we should invite them to go with us. We...
Escape It is raining outside and a reporter is talking to the head doctor of mental hospital after talking the doctor calls nurse Elanora and tell her to bring patient No. 23101 the reporter asks the doctor I have heard a lot of stories and rumours about him are they true ??the reporter asked the doctor. Doctor: I don't know whether they are true or not but I can tell you he may have committed those crimes. Reporter: how do you know that he has done it? Has he confessed to you about the crimes...
FantasyWaking up together after a night of passion is the lead in for another good time between Jazmin Luv and Quinton James. They begin their morning with slow caresses, especially on Quinton’s behalf. He takes his time, exhibiting extreme patience as he relearns every one of Jazmin’s slim curves with his big warm hands. Eventually, Jazmin slips her fingers down low to cup the heat of her arousal and rub her own clit through the rough texture of her thong. Quinton follows Jazmin’s...
xmoviesforyouThe dog man, whose name was Jack, picked up Skeeter while Helen and I tried to keep her calm. Jack brought a thick plastic case, with no sharp edges, to transport the dog. Helen had words with him right from the start. "What exactly are you going to do to her?" she demanded. "Well, Ma'am, the first thing I'm going to do is to teach her how to be a dog again. I got a run about fifty feet square. Inside the run I have a pack of bird dogs that I train. They all live together and they all...
The next few days went pretty dull. My sister Siya and I didn’t talk much, mainly because I couldn’t face her. Saturday was coming up and the finale of our favourite TV show was going to air. I was eager to watch it and I expected Siya to be too. Finally on Saturday, after our parents had left, I went to the living room to watch the finale. My sister was already on the couch using her mobile phone when I went to the living room. I turned the television on and sat on the couch. She didn’t seem...
IncestHi i m rocky posting the next part of my story . Thoda recap kar leta hai mena apna picle part me bataya ki kaisa me apni madam leeena jo meri physics teacher hai unka gher kaisa phucha and now again i tell u detail of my mam she was tall , beautifull , age 33 , round boobs , her figure is 36-32-36 nd sexy pussy . Now ab aga ka part me liktha hoon toh mena madam ko kiss kiya lips me par madam sath nahi de rahi yhai par mena bhi kosis jari raki or unha 5 min. Tak unka lips choosta raha par wo...
We drove to the Ritz-Carleton together, our plan firmly in place after our days apart. You would go to the lounge ahead of me after we checked in, while I tended to messages and had our luggage sent up. Your dress was stunning. I've never seen you look better. So when I entered the lounge, I noticed that you couldn't see me come in. As a bit of a prank, I flagged the waitress down and had her send you a drink from me as I sat in the corner booth right behind you, about seven feet away. You were...
Straight SexThere’s a soft click as I close the door as quietly as I can. Gently, you use your body to press mine to the door. You’re taller than me, so the top of my head barely reaches your broad shoulders. You place my hands on the door, always being gentle, but it’s full of authority. You are in charge. You gently pull my hair back, letting it cascade down my back, exposing my neck. My breath hitches as your hands glide down my sides stopping at my hips and your warm breath caresses my bare neck....
The arranged week with Tana began with a sail from Miami to the Bimini islands. We had discussed what was in store for her, and slowly explored and enjoyed each other. In late afternoon we anchored in a secluded spot, both from the wind and others.After the anchor was set I checked all the sails and lines to ensure they were properly set. I checked the navigation computer and set the alarms to go off if we started to drift. I then moved to the stern deck and lowered the swim platform and...
Wife LoversI was just had a blissful orgasm on my fingers the cum that Bob had deposited in me made some great lubricant, when i sensed that someone was watching me and rather than make a scene, I just pretended to be asleep. When I heard the voice calling me, I just ignored it so as to create the illusion that i wasnt aware of what was happening. I felt a hand on my ass, then it slid down to my wet dripping pussy and I wanted so much to moan out in pleasure, but I held my breath, It was when I felt a...