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The Night Court Series

by Anya W. Vossand

Chapter 1: Hunted

This club is unlike anything else. I’ve danced at goth clubs, raver clubs, even a strip club once (I wouldn’t recommend it — too many creeps in sweatpants for me). But this? I’ve never danced in a place like this.

Nestled into the heart of New York City, Obscurity is a club that’s beyond exclusive. Membership is by invitation only, and getting to know any of the members is really difficult. That crowd, well… they live a very reclusive lifestyle. And they’re patient, so no amount of begging will convince them that you’re anything more than a nuisance.

Of course, there’s another way in.

A club like this requires a very particular kind of entertainment. The performers need to be very fit, very beautiful, and very open-minded. You never really know who’s going to take an interest in you or why. Maybe they just want to see you dance. Maybe they want to ply you with drinks and keep you around for your company all night. Maybe they want to fuck. Maybe they want to do something a little darker. You have to be ready for it, and you have to really want it.

My credentials are a little unusual — the circles I run in rarely overlap with this crowd, but because I’m so slender and small I’ve been hired on as a curio. It’s not that I can’t dance. I can kill it up on stage with my fire poi and my barely-there little black leather ensemble. I can also take a lot of punishment, so to speak, and I heal quickly, which is another plus I can hold over my coworkers. Plus, the hiring staff can’t be impossibly fussy. They hire good people, and those people tend to be seduced away to more private engagements with the various members long-term, which means a highish rate of turnover. Every so often they have to replenish the ranks. And that’s how I got in.

Tonight’s my first night. I’m scheduled to do a set, then get a quick bite to eat, then go mingle. No sweat. I’ve done this sort of thing for a few years now. Well, not in places quite this nice. As I wait in the wings, I can feel the pulsing music from the current dancer rumbling through my boots. She’s good. She’s really good, and I have to snap out of it when the music ends, because now I’m on.

Okay, Emelia. Let’s do this.

My favorite song starts to play, a hard, industrial remix of an already hard, industrial band, and out I stride, fuck me boots gleaming in the light of my flaming poi, which hang from chains I’m holding with my bare hands. Once the music gets going then so do I, whirling and curving the poi in the air to leave trails of fire all around my slender, pale body. My blond, shoulder-length hair is held back in a pony tail to keep it from catching. Dark, gothy makeup makes my delicate features seem a bit more fearsome, and with the strobe lights and the fog machine I know I look amazing.

The crowd is really into it, too. I mean, as into it as they ever get. You won’t get a surging dance floor here, but you will get a lack of idle conversation as they focus only on you, if you’re worth it. And for quite a few of them I seem to be. That makes me happy, and at the end I douse my poi in a ready water bucket, bow to the audience, and sassily flick at the gunmetal dog tag I’ve been wearing with a black-painted nail as I give the audience one last smile and saunter off.

While I’m confident and in the zone on stage, afterward? Afterward I’m a jittery wreck. I’m excited that my first performance ever at Obscurity went so well, but I can’t sit still. I down some water, have a sandwich, go take a shower and change my outfit, and still I’m restless. Well, no time like the present to go and mingle.

The next few acts have already gone by and I watch for a little bit, wandering around in those same black fuck-me boots, but with a gentler ensemble of black thigh-high pantyhose, a black miniskirt, and a black camisole over a red and black lacy bra. Now my honey-colored hair is down, framing my cute face that’s done up more approachably. There’s a difference between stage makeup and regular makeup, after all.

The layout of the place is like a labyrinth when you get away from the main stage. Hallways lead outward like the legs of a spider to other lounge areas or private stages. Luckily there are maps of the whole place in the stairwells, because I have to sometimes check just where I am as I make the rounds. One red-carpeted, matte-black painted corridor looks like the next, and all the iron lighting sconces with red bulbs look the same. Elegant and beautiful, but the same. And there’s three floors — the main floor, the second floor, and the basement. For some reason I’ve been told never to go in the basement, and given how intense this place is, well, I’m happy to avoid it.

Every once in a while I’ll take a moment to clear away a glass here or there, or take an order, but generally the members aren’t very demanding. They’re almost all voyeurs, enjoying the sights of the young and beautiful performing up on stage. I’m not sure if I’m relieved or disappointed that all I’m putting out are drinks. I’m not a prude or anything, and I’ve had all my shots. Plus, it’s not like this crowd is really prone to disease.

There’s about two hours of clearing glasses when I decide to take a break in one of the empty lounge rooms. We all get two fifteen minute breaks to do whatever we want as long as we don’t upset the members, so I sprawl on a cushy leather couch, flip on the stereo to one of their various Nails mixes, and zone out.

And I swear that I’ve only closed my eyes for a few seconds, because when I open them I see a strange man looming over me, making me I startle and yelp. A cool, slender hand covers my mouth, urging me to lie back down on the seat cushions as the man chuckles. My green eyes take him in, my pupils dilated a little with a mix of nerves and arousal. I mean, Jesus, this guy is amazingly attractive — clean-shaven Slavic features, black hair trimmed neatly short, icy blue eyes, and brooding, dark brows. Oh, and all of this on a slender, athletic frame dressed in a black suit. The only other bit of color is his cobalt blue shirt.

A glint of metal enters my field of vision, and before I can do anything to stop it, the silver handle of an elegant cane presses to my thigh, the metal meeting my bare flesh with a hiss like steam. I buck and cry out in pain into his palm, gripping at his sleeve, but thankfully he moves the cane away quickly, letting go of my face as he says in a rich Russian accent ‘So, it is true. Hmm.’

Swallowing, I shuffle back towards the corner of the couch, trying to keep an eye on him even as I check out the burn mark on my thigh. It’s not much more than a little raised welt, as if something red-hot had touched my skin. Even now the mark is fading and the pain is going away.

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sir…’ I mumble, but almost immediately the curve of the silver cane handle is in front of my face, and I instinctively crush my back harder against the sofa, my head tilting back and away from the horrible stuff. ‘Okay! Yes, you’re right!’ My voice is shaky and girlish, my breath coming light over my rapid heartbeat. I breathe a little easier as he pulls the cane away and strides over to the door, shutting it.

And locking it.

My pulse spikes again, and I try to curl up a little where I’m sitting, more afraid of him than anything else. I’m not at all sure what what to say, afraid he’ll shove all that silver in my face again, when at last he slowly strides around behind the couch I’m sitting on. ‘Tell me your name.’ Bossy, much? Before I can help myself, I wrinkle my nose and look up at him, and as a slight concession he smiles. ‘Pazhalsta, Schchenok.’

Well, that sounded kind of polite. ‘Emelia, Sir.’ As he circles around me I track him with my eyes and ears as my nose takes in his scent. It’s clean. Powdery, like bird feathers or cat fur. Masculine too, but per
fumed with high-quality cologne.

‘Da. And how old are you, Emelia?’ There’s a wicked look in his eyes, like he’s hoping I’m obscenely young.

Swallowing again, I say ‘I’m twenty one, Sir.’

‘Hmmm’ he hums thoughtfully, tipping up my chin with a cool, curled finger. ‘You could pass as much younger.’

I smile saucily, licking my lip. ‘That’s the idea, Sir.’

That pleases him. His smile darkens, his gorgeous blue eyes narrowing as his fingers slide from my chin to caress along my cheek and down to my neck. ‘Have you ever serviced a member here, Emelia?’ he whispers deeply, coming to sit down beside me.

The room is so quiet besides the music. The walls must be sound-proofed. That thought does a number on my nerves, and I shiver, shaking my head. ‘Not yet.’

His nails just caress over my skin, tracing the lines of my throat and collarbone. ‘Would you like to?’

My cheeks heat up, and I whimper softly, unable to help myself. ‘God yes, Sir’ I whisper, my eyes slowly closing.

I can feel the cushions shift as he draws closer, his hand cupping the side of my head and encouraging me to tip it into his palm, exposing more of my pale throat. His lips are cool as he kisses the skin over my jugular vein, and I know he can feel my pulse as it flutters harder and harder with anticipation. Soon the kiss turns wet, his tongue sliding over that sweet spot just beneath my jaw. His fingers grip at my head more firmly, and I can feel his other hand sliding along my arm before he grips me tightly at the bicep.

It hurts when his fangs pierce my skin and vein, and I tense and cry out like a struck dog, shaking. It makes him hold me tighter, his arms wrapping around me like a vice. Those teeth are pulled out and his lips seal around the wound, his tongue guiding the suction of my blood outward and down his throat. I only realize now that I’m clinging to his suit and holding my breath. Once I realize this I breathe out and relax my grip, letting the sharp claws recede back and change into my painted nails again.

He’s been done feeding for a while before I realize it, something about the whole thing making me a bit less than lucid. It’s like being high, but not dizzy. I’m vaguely aware of him guiding me to sit back against the couch and removing my shirt and skirt and panties, and suddenly I’m feeling a lot more leather against my heated skin.

My vision is a little hazy as I look up at him, watching him enrapt as he shrugs out of his coat. Somehow his pale skin seems to flush with health without really changing color. He’s still fair, but no longer snowy white, the difference between a living man and a corpse. As he nears the couch, my legs part for him, though he remains standing. His hand cups the back of my head, urging me to sit up and lean forward while his other hand guides his cock to my lips.

My tongue slides over the dull points of my own fangs. I’m not like him. Our crowds almost never run together, except for this. Except for right now. My lips tingle and I kiss his head, feeling his cap fill and emerge from his thinning foreskin. As it reveals itself I take it into mouth, my tongue sliding around the boundary of its retreating covering. I’m slowly starting to rise up out of this fog, and my hands slide up his legs, feeling the fine quality fabric there, until my fingers cup at his ass greedily and I press my mouth forward, sheathing him with the slow, hot, wet tightness of my tongue and throat.

I admit that I growl in pleasure, the rumbling, deep noise buzzing into his flesh. It makes his fingers tense on the back of my skull, and I can feel his ass and thighs tense. I’m dreamily prepared to swallow his load, but he doesn’t come. Not yet. Both his hands take hold of my head and move it, and all I do is leave my mouth open as he fucks me, moving me slowly and making me swallow at his crown. My fingers knead at his ass, tensing if he ever pushes too far, and thankfully he heeds those silent warnings.

And oh, I can tell he’s getting off on this. Orally fucking someone like me is a high risk sort of thing — if I panic and shift, his privates are in the single worst place imaginable. The man’s brave, I’ll give him that.

The wet, sucking, clicking sounds of a cock slowly thrusting into a tight, nervous throat are like a strange music to my ears. When he withdraws I feel empty, thick, viscous strings of heavy spit connecting my slightly numbed lips to his rock-hard shaft. I want to lick them up but he won’t let me, chuckling at my frustration and making me watch as he, himself, uses his fingers to gather up all of my saliva. And with those glistening, slippery fingertips, he bends down, sliding them in between my thighs to my slit.

His touch is unbelievable, and my sharp gasp is swallowed by a heated kiss. I shiver, tense, and twitch, still on the couch but only just. I feel like I’m going to melt and slide down to the floor any second. My breath catches as he slips a finger inside me, feeling how tight I am, and before proceeding much further he pulls away from the kiss to whisper against my cheek ‘Have you ever been with a man, Emelia?’

My voice is barely there as I breathily murmur ‘Yes, Sir.’ When he looks at me suspiciously, I admit ‘But not for a long time.’ Which is true — I’m woefully under-romanced.

He seems to think about something for a moment, and then his lips pull into a smirk, his blue eyes simmering as his hands move to grip at both my hips. I’m tugged down to the floor and turned around, then pushed forward until my chest and arms are resting on the seat cushion of the couch I was just sitting on.

My breath comes faster now, my eyes widening a little with excitement, and when he takes a fistful of hair at the back of my head I grit my teeth and grin with delight, my head angling back until I’m nearly looking up at the ceiling. My fingernails turn to claws again and grip at the cushion, my back dipping, hips offering themselves at just the right angle. With a swipe of my tongue I can feel that my fangs are sharper and longer now, and a yellow glowing from my now amber eyes bathes the couch in a low light.

A strip of silky, blond fur grows in along my spine, and at the point where my torso begins to just imperceptibly grow a little and thin, he slaps my hip sharply. ‘Go no further, Emelia. Control yourself.’

I clench my teeth, frowning, having given in to the desire to shift for a little bit. It’s frustrating to halt the process, like trying to stop pissing once you start, but it can be done and I manage it, returning to my normal size even if the furry strip along the back is still there for him to pet. My efforts aren’t unappreciated, and he caresses along the ridge of fur. ‘Good girl, Emelia.’

My reward is the feel of his cock rubbing at my needy pussy, rubbing my arousal around every corner of it and teasing my clit. I shiver and whimper, my fingers gripping at the cushion in anticipation. Yet he doesn’t push in, and I’m panting softly with nerves, rolling my eyes to try and look at him. ‘Sir…’ I begin, unsure of how pathetic I’m about to sound.

‘Da?’ he purrs, easing his grip on my hair a little before tightening it again. There’s amusement in his tone, as if he could do this all night, and that only makes my blush deepen hotly.

‘Please, Sir.’

His lips purse, and he shakes his head. ‘Nyet. Say it properly, Emelia. You will recall how.’

I wrinkle my nose and close my glowing eyes, trying to remember, and after a moment I clumsily say ‘P…Pezhalsta?’

‘Good girl’ he rumbles, and the fat length of his cock starts to push slowly into my tight body. His hand grips harder at my hair, and my fingers grip harder at the cushion as the fit becomes almost painfully snug. I can’t even imagine what anal would be like. Probably amazing. I’m panting with pain and excitement, and I can feel his free hand smooth down the ruffled, honeyed fur strip along my spine to calm me so I can r
elax my muscles.

Finally, finally he pushes in that last inch, and our hips press up against one another. I can take all of him, but only just, and I can feel his cock twitch inside my grip. ‘It must have been a very long time’ he grumbles, working hard to stave off his climax. I try not to move or breathe, wanting us both to calm down. I don’t want this to end. Ever.

To my surprise, however, he pulls out, wiping my nectar off on my thigh before he tucks himself back into his pants, the fly just barely containing him. Once he lets go of me I turn and sit, my heart pounding, afraid I’d done something wrong. ‘Sir, what’s wrong?!’ I wheedle, biting my lip with embarrassment at how whiny that sounded.

‘Nothing, Emelia. This is our game. You will have your reward tonight, and I will have mine. But we have only just started, hmm?’ There’s a bit of strain in his voice, of leashed frustration as he lets himself go soft again. But there’s also a dark playfulness there too, and his hands are gentle and affectionate as he helps me to get dressed again. ‘Go now, go out and attend to your work. Pleasure others with your mouth, if you like. But leave this…’ his hand slips under my skirt, caressing at the sodden crotch of my reapplied panties ‘…for me. Pezhalsta.’

I shiver and nod, my eyes large and girlish. I’m so completely out of my depth, and I can feel it curling up in my guts as I watch him walk calmly out of the room, once again dressed immaculately. In the privacy of this space I could easily get myself off and find some relief, but… I don’t want to. I want to be on edge. I want to be a wreck. Even if he never comes to find me again, I want to suffer and wait for him and want him until the end of my shift.

How pathetic — a werewolf who gets off on being hunted.

So I tidy up in the bathroom and make my way out into the club, keeping to the darker, large room with the main stage to hide my deep blush. Of course, I turn heads everywhere I go because even though I’ve calmed, and the furry strip on my back and the claws on my fingers are gone, my eyes are still furiously glowing. I can’t get them to stop. Neither can I get my fangs to shrink. And given that I’m in a nervous, good mood, I’m smiling a lot, flashing them everywhere.

The sight puts off quite a few people, but it attracts many more, and I’m invited to talk, to drink, to mingle. Some of them even want to kiss me, but there’s very little beyond that. When I ask one of them why, he points to the puncture marks on my neck. Someone has already claimed me for the night, and it would be wrong to use someone else’s toy more than casually.

At first I’m kind of insulted. I’m not a toy. But… God, why does the thought turn me on so much? He apologizes for making me uncomfortable but I smile and say it’s nothing, pulling him in to kiss for a little while longer. And yet as beautiful as these creatures are, I just… none of them are good enough. I’ve been spoiled. I’m not intimidated by them anymore.

I part ways with that particular patron, leaving on good terms with a tired jaw and a reason to go touch up my makeup and brush my teeth. A few minutes later I’ve just dropped off my backpack in the employee locker room again when I see him waiting, leaning against one of the walls further down the shadowy hallway. The glint of his cane with its silver head makes my heart skip a beat, though I try to play it cool as I walk up to him.

‘How is the evening treating you, Emelia?’ he asks with a smile, his Russian accent still beautiful to my ears.

‘Fine, I guess’ I manage, suddenly finding it hard to stay calm around him. Hell, all I want to do is sink to my knees and fish his cock out of his pants.

Either he can read minds, or he’s wanting the same thing, because he leads me to a more secluded part of the club and leans his back against the wall of an alcove. ‘You may begin.’

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Sex With A Sexy Stranger

Hi, my name is Prakriti and this is my first story on iss. This is about the time when I came to Mumbai for the first time I was a complete stranger to this place but as a regular reader of ISS I got in contact with a guy who was living in Mumbai so when I got here after settling for a while I thought of meeting him we had been chatting for year and a half and I trusted him and also I was very much attracted to him sexually we had sex chatted a lot and had exchanged some naughty pictures. So I...

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Cherry chapter 5

The last 24 hours were mostly spent with the Love of my life and I was in an amazing place emotionally. At the same time, I was still troubled about the loss of Katie. My thoughts alternated at random between the two as I drifted off to sleep. I found myself walking along an all too familiar road. Up ahead stood a girl facing away from me and I knew who she was before I got to her; she wore a yellow sundress. As I reached her, I stopped next to Katie. Without needing to look at her...

2 years ago
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Katie Learns How to Please Black Men

I have been seeing a married teacher from Greenville, Al , who is a submissive. She is about 5 ‘ brown curly hair with big breast and a full figure. She is married to a 6-4 guy who has a 4-5 inch hard pencil dick that can’t satisfy her, but she tolerated it till her daughters were grown. Now she is starting to explore her wild side. I am the first cock to make her cum, mine is 8 inches and a very thick uncut cock. I have been training her to use all her holes and do what i tell her to. Tonight...

4 years ago
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Building Arousal

"Amy, we're leaving!" I heard faintly through a heavy sleep. "Amy?" My mum was shouting up the stairs at me. My eyes quickly opened, and I was as alert as I could be, still half asleep. "Yeah okay..." I shouted back. "Don't forget that the builders are here working outside the house!" "Yeah okay," I answered again. "We'll be out all day, bye!" I heard the front door slam shut and I looked over to my phone. It was 10:30 and I was supposed to be meeting a friend in town at 13:00. This was too...

Straight Sex
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Threes a crowd

I was attending a party, at a pub in a town near where I live.Yes, I was dressed up; a black and white frilly skirt that hung to just above mid-thigh, denim knee high boots and a tiny tube top.I was here because someone at work mentioned this place, not recommended you understand, no; he was complaining about it. He spent about twenty minutes telling us on our lunch hour that every thursday night it was tranny night. His precious pub turned "gay" every thursday.Okay, so he's an arsehole, we all...

1 year ago
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The LotteryChapter 32

Jack's family rode in his new truck, Tom's in his. The teens sat in the front seat and the parents in the back. The drive to the country club took about a half an hour. While they rode along in Jack's new truck, Kim sat so her brother could see under her skirt. He kept glancing between the mirror, to see if his parents knew what was going on, Kim and the road in front of him. When the two boys pulled up to the door of the stately building, valets came out to the trucks. They opened the...

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A couple of years have passed and I began a full time practice of massage. Not all massages were of the special type. Most were straight on the up and up massages for the usual; relaxation, stress relief, minor aches and stiff muscles and just plain feel good massages. But early in my massage career, I did learn of a whole new kind of massage. If you’ve read my ‘beginnings’; it’s the kind of massage that is not mentioned in massage schools. It is the taboo of all Western massage...

3 years ago
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Aaron Naked In SchoolFriday Way Past The Veil

No one says anything as I stand at the front gates of the school and take myself out of my clothes. There is no need for body paint anymore with my skin as brightly coloured as it had been yesterday morning. My bruises have darkened and grown overnight. They all stand there and stare at me, and I stare back, picking out the shape of Christian's retreating back, his head down. I have never known such silence in school as the class sits, looking anywhere but at me, and Mrs. Roe takes the...

3 years ago
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Nadine and Her FriendsChapter 3

After hubby leaves for work I go up to the bedroom to take a nap. I don't know how long I sleep, but when I look outside I see there are very few people moving about. Most of the adults have left for work and their kids have all gone to school. So, I decide to go talk with Henrietta. She's been my B-F-F (Best Friend Forever) ever since high school. We can tell each other all our troubles. And cry on each other's shoulders. We have a relationship that's better than sisters. Or, so I...

2 years ago
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Rent Boy

Mark is an 18-year-old runaway you met this morning bumming for change by a bus stop. He'd been homeless for a few weeks and you took pity on him, inviting him to your place for a meal and a hot shower, maybe even crash on the couch for a few nights. The look he'd given you when he accepted made your crotch ache. He's sitting on the couch now, slowly eating the sandwich you made him. His clothes are old and worn, a tee shirt hanging on a thin but muscular frame and tight jeans that hint at the...

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Virtual Slavery Ch 10

10 Lynn I became an asshole. No doubt many of the people I work with would say I had been one all along. But now I became my own asshole. It filled my mind, just as he intended. I was constantly aware of it because he was constantly fucking it. On my way to the office in the morning. In the middle of the day. On my way home at night. He told me that was all he was going to do to me. I found myself thinking of it, obsessing about it. During waking hours, his cock was up my ass, or it just...

4 years ago
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I Love To Be A Slut 8211 Part II

Hai this is Sindhu again. Those who don’t know me you can read my previous story I love to be a slut part-1. This is my second part of my story. I got very huge response. Thank you guys and girls for all your response. I will continue my work until I finishes all my experiences. In this story I will share some of my experiences. Hope you guys enjoys it. After that night my step brother Akash fucked me daily at least for 3times. My parents were out of station for 5 days. In that 2 days we had...

2 years ago
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A new Dawn arising

Chapter 1The ArisingTo celebrate my transformation and to increase the effect of myfeminization, Mistress Lynn decided a name change was in order."What's a good name for a useless, slut French Maid," she asked herselfaloud. "I shall call you Dawn. I think it's appropriate because you are at the dawn of a new way of life."Another belt was strapped around my waist. It had a number of loops. Mymistress attached my wrist restraints to the strap.This allowed me limited use of my hands."Just enough...

1 year ago
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Blank Sex Murder Chapter 3

----------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 My mouth was dry and full of the taste of Candy’s pussy. I wanted two things at that moment, and the other one was a coke and rum. All the air that came into me had Candy on it. My lips, face, the inside of my nose and mouth were covered in Candy. I shook my head and opened my eyes. I couldn’t help but chuckle at what I had just gone through. Yes, I would have to get myself checked for the normal blood and dick...

2 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 4 Johnnys StoryChapter 10

We flew in on Thursday morning to get accustomed to the heat and time differences. Darcy had again gotten involved and the team was staying on the strip at Bally’s, the same place they kept a suite for times they didn’t want to drive home. The girls all shared rooms, the coaches had their own and I stayed in the suite. It was nice to be in Vegas but this time I felt more like a visitor than a resident. Patty found out about the large two-bedroom suite with living room and kitchen. After...

3 years ago
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A Fitting For A Hairbrush

Charley’s first internet date with Abby, excuse me, Mistress Abby, was a disaster. He was looking for a strong good-looking woman, someone who would appreciate his body (he had no personality to speak of), and he found one. Strong was the operative word. Abby was also very attractive and wore her clothes to accentuate her charms. Charley actually got so stiff when he first saw her that he was embarrassed at the expanding tent below his belt. Sexy and demanding too, Abby monopolized the...

1 year ago
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Fucked A Sexy Babe on Tinder Date

Hello everyone, I’m Karthik from Bangalore and I’m 24 years old. I am a Software Engineer by profession and this story is about a real incident where I got to have sex with a hot girl on a Tinder Date. So it had been quite long since I had sex with someone and like any other guy would do I decided to give Tinder (Mobile Application) a try. I uploaded my photos with a good bio and started right swiping a lot of girls. For the initial 3-4 days I was out of luck as I didn’t get any match. Finally...

3 years ago
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Emily gets a new babysitter

Please leave a comment or critique. My name is Jake, I’m 6’1, 190 pounds, 23 years of age. I have short brown hair, blue eyes, and I attend my local public college, getting a degree human services. I am a pretty typical guy. I play a bit of sports, a bit of gaming, some reading, pretty much do anything for someone if they ask. Its pretty hard for me to tell someone no when it only puts me out to say yeah no problem, I can do that for you. So I am always the guy who gets called...

2 years ago
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Sexual Harassment Chapter 1

Sexual Harassment - Chapter 1 Copyright 2003 Cute Little Thing The story is so familiar I hardly need to repeat it. I'm talking about layoffs of course and today it was my company's turn. It started this morning, rumors started right away and by lunch it was clear what was going on - our company had been purchased by a competitor, and they were liquidating half the staff by sundown. Anyone judged to be redundant was gone. Practically our whole building was being fired. We all want...

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Dennis to Denise

My Time With Dennis / Denise As many of us are, I was a confused college kid. I was still a virgin coming out of high school and was conditioned by society that boys liked girls and girls liked boys. My first few months were awkward when it came to dating. It seemed if you weren't part of a frat house then you couldn't get dates. This led to many Friday and Saturday nights out with friends rather than on a date. In one of my classes I met Dennis. He stood about 5'7", was slight in...

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Delta TrixyChapter 17 Surprises

I had little to complain about. That man knew how to rub a girl in all the right places. I could only surmise Heidi was an idiot for not giving him a chance to prove what a caring husband he could be. Lee’s house was rocking that night. She still only had half of her wing for the workers filled, so the overflow went there. No one cared as they all reckoned; they were as good as the other rooms. Lee had the most spoilt workers anywhere in the two solar systems. She didn’t acquire any...

2 years ago
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The Reluctant Cuckold

Days like this are never easy. Liz told me just a few days ago of her plans to go out tonight, and the way she put it over, indicated that she wouldn't just be going out with a girlfriend. It's best she only gives me a few days notice of her plans, it means the whole situation will have come and gone quickly, then I will be able to relax again, until the next time she goes with one of her lovers. We don't discuss her lovers openly, but after many years of her straying and the arguments that...

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confessions part2 my new job

CONFESSIONS Part 2 MY NEW JOB Hi, Continuation of my confession. Like I mentioned before, once I moved from my home town down south, I got a job in auditing firm. My job there was to up load accounts on the computer what others in the office have done manually. I also had to file income tax online for the customers. To do this along with me there are two others, assarudeen & Sheba. Our job was to file every account in the computer what others have finished during that day. The office...

1 year ago
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Chapter 1 Starting The Night Off With A Bang

Birthday Surprise Part 1 It was about two weeks after New Years and it was my girlfriend Lindsey’s 21st birthday. We had been planning this for weeks. I was taking her out for dinner at our favorite restaurant and then meeting up with all of our friends downtown to bar & club hop. We also had a hotel room reserved within walking distance so we didn’t have to drive anywhere. Tonight was going to be a good night. Drunken sex with Lindsey was always great. She was always much more feisty. As I...

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The Chameleon 2

CHAPTER 2 Max Rover sat down panting in the park after his jogging. He really enjoyed it as it made him fit. His body was slim and healthy. He didn't have any muscles to show but he still had a toned body. He also went to aerobic classes 4 days a week early mornings. Early morinings were the only time where he was himself. His work required him to be different. It was a difficult work life but he really loved it. His slim body was one of the many reasons which made his work...

4 years ago
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Taking a ChanceChapter 3

Greg got to work the next day and did his normal morning routine. He put his coffee mug down next to his computer and typed in his password to unlock it. He checked the status of all the servers and found nothing amiss. That was what he expected or else he would have gotten an alert on his smartphone saying that something was wrong. Next up was his email. Sifting through them, nothing jumped out at him as urgent, so he went through sorting and classifying them. Spam got marked accordingly...

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in public

here are the usual disclaimers this story is for adults only if you are viewing this andare not 18 years of age or older please close this page immediatly. there is no cross dressing in the story but this is how I began my transformation fromregular boy into cock suckking teenage crossdresser. we were having a really hot heat wave here in philadelphia; my mom wanted me to get outof the house and off the computer so she suggested a movie. I felt wierd going to the movies by myself but I...

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At the office

You come in every morning as you always do. Bringing me my coffee, and saying hi. Always looking outstanding. Sitting close to me as if tempting me to do as I please. Laying back just a little so I can admire the slit in the bottom of your skirt. Touching your leg, and running my hand up under your skirt. Letting my thumb caress the top of your opening while I never look up from my desk. Trying to break your speech while you fill me in on the days plans. You never says a word, or complains in...

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HussiePass Chiara Chianti Big Rough Crazy Passionate

Nipply newbie Chiara Chianti makes her industry debut today on Hussie?Pass, and we paired her up with young big-dick buck Johnny Love for this update. The scene starts with director Johnny Robins helping us get to know a little bit about the self-proclaimed “pasta slut” before Chiara sheds her skimpy bikini and utilizes her fingers to get her meaty vag ready for action. Johnny makes his way into the picture with some motion lotion for Chiara’s perky tits & sweet backside, which she...

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The Cuckolds Reward Gregs Story Part II

Cathy made love to him that morning with greater vigour than she had the night before; it was not out of the ordinary though. Some wives could be inhibited making love with another man while her husband was present in the home. It was understandable, wanting to spare their husband’s feelings by not showing their excitement in being made love to by another man. But not all wives were uninhibited; some thrived on the freedom they had been given and others enjoyed pressing home the humiliation....

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Wife Prepared Me for Cock Gay

Up until about 2 years ago I had never entertained the thought of being with another man; but after my wife, Kat, and I had joined a swingers website and had a few experiences with other couples I found myself watching her sucking on and riding another guy's cock and wishing I could do the same. I had told Kat about these fantasies and she had loved them, partly because it gave her reason to use her strap-on with me on the basis that she was 'preparing' me for the real thing.Over the following...

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The Change

Tara awoke, practically naked, underneath a thick bush. She knew she hadn't the energy to fight on and collapsed at that spot during the engagement. She had no idea how long she had slept. Tara was a muscular, handsome young woman. 33 years old with the strength and heart of a lion. 5 feet 5 inches tall, short brown hair and deep brown eyes that both charmed and raised fear in men and women. She was confident and self-assured.She was covered in mud and blood. She also noticed a large cut just...

3 years ago
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A Rose for Christmas

‘I won’t be bitter for Christmas.’ Paul Curtis had said it again and again through those dreary weeks alone in his one-room flat, with the miserable Northern European winter just outside and his empty broken heart inside. Now, for the most part, he figured he’d succeeded: he wasn’t bitter. Much. Alone, distrustful, and still plagued with memories of the recent hard times, but less bitter than he’d felt in weeks at least. Of course, he mused, he now had plenty of reasons not to be bitter —...

4 years ago
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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 19

By the time they got home, Arrian's hand had completely healed, although a small amount of dried blood remained on the back of it. It was late, so Arrian carried a sleeping Sarah into her bedroom and tucked her in before going to bed himself. Arrian was surrounded in total darkness; he turned from one direction to another trying to see something. He attempted to yell in an attempt to catch someone's attention. Trying as much as he could he couldn't get his mouth to make one single...

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Coma the Sequel

At the end of my story 'Coma' there was a twist thrown in. I will begin the sequel from that point. If you haven't read 'Coma' you might want to read it first to better understand the story. A big 'Thank You' to Linda62953 for editing my stories. I woke up and suddenly realized I had no idea where I was. I looked around the room and it looked like a hospital room. What was I doing here? Was I dreaming? I tried to sit up and fell back down due to being dizzy. I quickly found the nurses...

1 year ago
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Jake White The BeginningChapter 30

Edited by Old Rotorhead Jake was naturally worried, and decided that whether Hermione and Susan had been abducted or not, it could do no harm to talk du Sang-Frappe. If they had already been abducted then it would get the hunt underway sooner. Accordingly he set out to find the address he had been given. This turned out to be a nondescript building on an out of the way street. He entered a large foyer with a wide curved staircase ascending to the first floor. He noted that there were two men...

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