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                          By nobadge123     


The following story is a work of pure fiction depicting no known person, if you                          are under 21 years or offended by material of this type then please read no further. 

                            Part One:


Over the months her rejection festered inside him like a growing sore, Rejection! Who the hell did she think was to rebuff him like that after those very expensive nights out, all those drinks dinner and cabaret should have given him at the very least a good French kiss or maybe even a blow job to start the ball rolling before he began inducing her to partake in other enjoyable activities, but only on the last date had she invited him in for ‘coffee’ ‘its the least I can do after such a lovely evening’. She had told him.

At least that had been a first, on the other occasions she had simply allowed him to drop her off outside the house before giving him a perfunctory kiss on the cheek then leaving him to drive away impotent and frustrated at what might have been.

At least the house, detached and semi secluded had been somewhat better than he  expected and after he had commented on its attractive seclusion she had replied;

‘My God, as a single Mum the mortgage alone costs me a fortune but after the break up of my marriage I was and always will be determined to keep it for my son Peter and myself so my job is a godsend, heavens knows what I would do without that, it would be heartbreaking having to leave this place.’ she had told him while throwing her arms wide open in demonstration of what she meant.

To him she had never looked more desirable standing there in her little black dress; she was sex on legs without her even realising it, short blonde hair, slim, still a good figure for her age and a cute little ass just begging to be fucked.

Okay, so her tits looked a little on the small side but the outline of her visibly large nipples left nothing to the imagination, so What a bummer then when she had pushed him away just as he had taken her in his arms and kissed her for the first time, He couldn’t believe it, A small fortune spent on the little bitch and not even a good kiss to show for it!;

‘Oh god, I’m so sorry but I really thought we were just going to be good friends, I feel so embarrassed now, I do hope you don’t think I’ve been leading you on?it’s just that, well there is an age gap and, well???.I’m sure you understand’

She had trailed of there and the inference was quite obvious to him, never mind that he had money and lots of it, his own business and most importantly a position of power, the little bitch had assumed she was too good for him, that she was a still a good looking 36 year old single mother whilst he was an overweight balding 56 year old with a tendency to   perspire quite freely.

So after passing on her offer of Coffee he made his excuses and left as quickly as possible. From his Car he saw her standing at her doorway looking across to him, giving him a sad little wave just as a youth who must have been her son sidled up beside her just in time to give him another blow in the solar plexus for with the boy in the house there never would have been the slightest chance of her giving him the blow he had yearned anyway!.

Driving home He should have put the experience alongside the others as  another rank failure, but just being with her had given him a semi hard on for most of the evening, an erection that grew ever harder as he contemplated the injustice of it all, another bitch had rejected him, HIM! Well this time he wasn’t about to take it lying down, the little bitch owed him and one way or another he would collect.

Later on in his lavish bedroom he put a couple of illicit snaps he had taken with a tiny digi camera in the pool she used on his bed alongside was some stuff downloaded from the net and then put his hard on to good use, wanking furiously before slowing down then  ejaculating to an image of her he had so often conjured up in his mind, that of her bound gagged and naked, kneeling upon his huge bed whilst desperately squirming away from him in a futile attempt at evading the hard throbbing cock he was shoving into what he was sure would be her delightful little rosebud anus before eventually shooting his thick load deep into her rectum and finally, after turning her over,  kneeling either side of her head and forcing her to clean his stained cock with her mouth.

And there, but for a fortuitous conversation, in his imagination his fantasy she would have remained, but all his life he had been a planner and plotter, she was special and over the past weeks idea had formed in his mind whereby not only would he have her but he could and would ensure she returned a profit from a his investment in her. 



                              Even though aware the house would be deserted when opening the large front door Allison none the less called out the ritual ‘Anyone home?’ before walking into the house before closing the door once inside and making for the kitchen, one of her favourite rooms of the house,

Home, and for a few hours at least, alone and very thankful  the day was finally over,  36 year old Allison Hall was looking  forward  to the normality of home life,  not that she didn’t appreciate her work it was just that on days like this she wished she could return to the humdrum routine of simply being a housewife and mother and not an IT lecturer at a college of further education, trying with mixed degrees of success to teach  the basics computer technology to a mixed bunch of 16 to 18 year old school exam failures and dropouts

But since the break up of her marriage Allison’s work had been a financial godsend and it was local, just a Ten minute drive from home. Together with plenty of paid holidays and most importantly, other than from his football training evenings such as today, arriving home only an hour or after her son returned from school. That was almost as important to Allison as the good salary that enabled her to retain the marital home, albeit after having to secure a hefty mortgage and lead a frugal existence.  But if that meant keeping the house from which she took so much pleasure and in which she had raised her son these past 16 years then the hefty mortgage was a price well worth   paying and Peter, now of an age where it didn’t matter a great deal if he were in the house before her, could well look after himself until Allison arrived home.

Revelling in occasions such as this when she had the house to herself Allison removed her black suit jacket and skirt then her red blouse and tights went straight into the washing machine and wearing only a black lace unwired bra and matching panties she busied herself in the kitchen, first opening the fridge and pouring a large glass of white wine and taking a large swig before taking from the freezer the chicken breasts she intended to cook for later when Peter returned home, as usual probably with a couple of football friends in tow.

Not so long ago Allison had always been quite happy to be fully naked around the house whenever the mood took her, the freedom it gave her helped lighten her frame of mind and although fully aware Peter could in theory at least walk into the house at any moment and discover his Mother naked Allison was unconcerned, having always taken a liberal attitude toward nudity Peter had seen her naked body on many occasions and Allison believed her attitude had led Peter to be a well adjusted boy who benefited from his Mothers relaxed attitudes.

But those thoughts quickly led Allison’s mind back to the many occasions over the past few months when she had returned home to find the crumpled covers of her large double bed, the bed she vividly recalled having left straight and pristine in the morning before leaving for work after this Allison soon felt obliged to keep a check on her lingerie drawer because of  the now routine disappearance of her underwear, at first it had been a small thong from her more racier lingerie but then the odd bra, panties, thongs and even a suspender belt and some of her black seamed stockings were going missing, only for some but not all of these items to turn up in her bedroom laundry basket some time afterward, the gussets and thong panels dried and starch stiff.

Allison had no doubts that her son had been masturbating his youthful juices into her underwear but so far Allison had said nothing to Peter, even after one recent occasion when she had returned home early to find a pair of her favourite black lace panties with Peters white semen still thick and gooey in the gusset discarded on the floor of her en suite bathroom, but Of Peter there had been no sign.

After Telling herself the only way she could really confront her son would be to catch him the act, Allison then once again decided against confronting her son that evening but given his total lack of concern when he arrived back home she wondered if even that was a good idea, would the boy just simply carry on wanking, not only that but Allison was disturbed to find herself wondering if Peter would simply ask her if she wanted to watch!. 

Allison’s thoughts led to another large sip of wine then a refill before forcing herself to concentrate on the more pressing problems at her college and of the dark cloud that was of late causing her so many problems.

It wasn’t that Allison doubted her knowledge of IT or her teaching ability, a skill gained before her marriage at teacher training college then placement in a primary school.

No it was that while most of her students had a real desire to improve upon the results gained at their childhood schools there were a few in her class who had no real ambition whatsoever and were simply attending the college for no other reason than to use the two year course as a means of avoiding any introduction into the real, working, side of life. 

It was three or four of these students who were giving Allison such cause for concern,  not only were they almost openly hostile toward her three seventeen year old lads had of late taken to openly rubbing crotches in obvious state of erection every time Allison stood over them as they sat at their computer stations.

Of course they were pranks most Lecturers would have easily dealt with by shaming these boys before their peers but to her shame Allison had found herself unable to prevent her eyes from then lingering from upon the boy’s crotches whenever they provoked her in this way, worse still was that after each of these incidents Allison had returned to her desk flushed and embarrassed but saying nothing, leaving these boys to smirk at her and become more and more audacious in their attitude toward her.

But far, far worse and much to Allison’s extreme guilt and mortification was her inability to prevent the unwanted throbbing between her legs that began so quickly on these now more and more regular occasions.

Allison’s guilt had turned to outright shame one night when in the privacy of her own bed Allison had touched and stroked herself to orgasm whilst in her mind she conjured up images of one boy in particular, naked and erect, standing over her and demanding she pay homage to him with her mouth, an act of wanton lust that afterward had led Allison to consider her suitability for her current job and to seriously think about resigning her post at the college  but with her large mortgage and other debts to pay the thought was soon discounted by Allison, the best  she could do was to hope she could keep secret these strange, forbidden yet irrefutably pleasurable desires at bay and so she had again said nothing to these youths, or perhaps more pertinently to her college head of I.T. department, worrying that he may reach the same conclusion as Allison herself  and ask her if she thought she really was suitable for the job.

Then a couple of days ago things had got really out of hand when the non compliance of two students came to a head in the form of one of the boys openly drinking from a bottle of beer whilst an eighteen years old girl sat beside him quite openly stroking the boy’s crotch. 

For Allison this was beyond the pale and with flaring anger strode across the classroom to the couple and, after the boy had simply smiled up toward Allison and said to her;

‘Hey Mrs Hall, you wanna stroke my cock as well? there’s plenty there for both of you but this time you are gonna have to wait your turn!’

Blushing furiously and aware of all the students eyes upon her she had immediately banished the pair from her classroom, but driving home that evening Allison asked herself if the appalling truth was that much of her anger had been derived from her absurd sense of jealousy that it had not her but another student stroking his erection! ????????????????????????

As another large sip of wine and yet another refill lightened Allison’s mood she decided she would leave thoughts of work back where they belonged and instead enjoy the precious quality time having the house to herself could afford her. Always enjoying the sense of freedom it gave her body Allison unclasped and removed her bra and with the cool air stiffening the large nipples atop her small but pert and

bouncy breasts with wine glass in hand she left the kitchen and headed up the stairs toward her bedroom deciding she would make the bed she had stripped that morning and at the same time check to see if Peter had once again left a little surprise for her before he headed off for football practice. 


Allison had fallen in love with the older style detached house the moment she set eyes on it and of all the rooms, it was her Bedroom with its quirky shapes and rounded alcoves she loved the most.  Although later they had been made a it a little smaller with the inclusion of an en suite bathroom just inside the entrance the main feature of the room was a large alcove complete with picture window and Allison’s large king size bed together with its padded leather headboard, all  standing in isolated splendour on the far side of the room opposite an array of wooden pine furniture; her wardrobe, large dressing table and chests of drawers, but it was the bed area that first came into view whenever one entered the bedroom.

And it was to her bed that Allison’s astonished eyes went to after walking through the open door, the door she knew she always kept closed when leaving the house. But there, atop the once again rumpled bed covers now lay not just one item of her lingerie but a whole array of the clothing she kept in her ‘naughty’ drawers and a stunned Allison looked down at her Bras, thongs, suspender belts and stockings all sitting neatly in order beside an array of the lipsticks she always kept atop of her dressing table.

But by far the most worrying of all the items arrayed on Allison’s Bed was the hold-all she had thought was safe and very secret inside a locked suitcase behind her bed. The hold-all that contained all her personal diaries, a roll of red plastic bondage tape, a pair of handcuffs, red ball gag, T bar screw up nipple clamps and a large vibrating rubber phallus rubber together with a smaller Butt plug, but potentially the most damaging and embarrassing for Allison were the half dozen A4 photos she had some time ago printed off after using the self timer of her digi camera, all poses of herself captured in various stages of  self bondage, the most revealing of which being the  front  On study herself naked but for a black suspender belt, matching stockings and ridiculously high heeled shoes whilst she lay upon posing on her back, wrists thrown above her head and resting upon a pillow and adorned with her handcuffs whilst further down Allison’s pleading face and  garishly deep red painted lips surrounded the  red ball gag pushed into her mouth.

Further down the T bar Nipple clamps were screwed down hard, tightly squeezing the large nipples atop of breasts that looked even smaller laying flat against her horizontal body before finally, beyond Allison’s suspender belt, her legs were drawn up and spread wide apart, enabling the camera a clear view of the huge rubber penis nestling in her blonde pubic hair and quite obviously throbbing away between her cunt lips. 

This ‘equipment’ and photos were Allison’s special toys for when she was in the mood to indulge in her little secret, her self bondage games, her substitute for the exciting orgasm inducing erotic fun her ex husband had unfortunately shown little interest in but now used as the catalyst for her student fantasises.

But now that secret was out, at least as far as her son was concerned for It seemed Peter had removed  Allison’s secrets from the hold-all then neatly laid them out on her bed alongside her lingerie and lipsticks. But why had he left it all there? Was it to show his Mother he knew of her secret? If that were so, given the content of those photos how could she ever look her son in the face again?  

‘Oh my God Peter, now what on earth have you been up to this time?, I really thought you’d never look under my bed’  voiced Allison aloud before taking another large gulp of her wine, ‘Christ knows how I’m going to deal with this time??and why the lipstick for Christ’s sake’  ???????????????


‘Hey, don’t blame the kid this time Ali’

Maybe it was the effect of all the wine combined with the shock of seeing so many of her intimate possessions arrayed across the bed but Allison had heard nothing and after hearing the voice and spinning around she stood bewildered and confused, staring at the large well muscled figure her eighteen year old IT student Terry Wake who after having silently closed and locked her bedroom door, now stood smiling at Allison in the centre of her bedroom.

‘Nice tits Ali, a little small maybe but those nipples sure make up for them, and what an ass, its fantastic the way it wiggles inside those knickers, it’s an ass just begging to be fucked!’

Such was the extent of her surprise Allison could only stand and stare at the intruder and it took  a while for her to grasp the fact that Terry was standing there clutching her bedroom door key and smiling approvingly at was,  she belatedly realised , her almost naked body!

God, she was standing there adorned only with her black panties and a wine glass and worse still was that his large frame was cutting off any possible opportunity of her either fleeing from the  room or of at least making her way across the room to get at some clothing with which she could cover her near nudity.

Finally Allison regained a little composure and enough sense to put down the wine glass then cross her arms over her small breasts and to at last begin shouting at Terry in fury as well as no little fear now that the word ‘Fucked’ had been mentioned.

That this youth was violating her personal space was beyond belief and that she was all but naked only added to her anger as Allison berated him

‘My God Terry, what on earth are you doing in my bedroom? Breaking Into my house? And what have you been doing with my things?, I don’t know how the hell you got in here but you had better turn around while I get dressed and  call the police’! 

But throughout this tirade Allison gradually became aware that Terry was appearing oblivious to her anger and totally indifferent to her impotent threats and In realising this she became more and aware of the disadvantages she faced right then, aware that

while the large well honed frame of Terry stood between her slight five feet three inches and the door her only means of salvation, unless she threw the wine glass at him, was her anger and if as seemed to be the case, her irate words failed to shift him, what then, for recalling his alleged martial arts prowess there would be no way she could overpower the boy  and having stripped the bed earlier in the day, desperately glancing around her Allison could find not one single item with which she could cover her semi nudity for only the lingerie Terry had obviously laid out was available to her;

‘Hey, come on Ali, no need for that, we don’t want the law round here, this is just between you and me?for now’!

By now, very concerned by Terry’s casual attitude toward her and angry of his over familiarity in abbreviating her name, this time Allison really did scream;



But to her dismay Terry’s response was to continue smiling and then even take a step nearer her, causing Allison to step back further into the alcove, effectively trapping her there.  So whilst leaving one arm to cover her breasts Allison spun around to pick up the telephone handset sat on the table beside her bed, only though to find there was no dialling tone once the receiver was at her ear and looking down to the connection point Allison saw the neat cut in the cable Terry obviously must have had made earlier.

That he had gone to such lengths alarmed Allison even more, just what did the boy want of her? But if he meant her harm then surely he would already have attacked her. Perhaps it was time to hold back on the threats and take another, more calmer tack, decided Allison for although Terry Wake was one of the youths causing her so much trouble of late he was quieter, less vociferous and better looking than the other boys , more of a loner but that hadn’t stopped him from rubbing his crotch before her nor from smiling at Allison whilst doing so, but for her part Allison now shamefully not only recalled the occasions when she herself had studied his crotch but also the occasion when on the very bed she now stood beside she had placed her naked  body self bondage and then fantasised  over thoughts of Terry’s cock pumping  away inside her as she   brought herself to a series of fantastic orgasm’s.

With a huge effort of will power, Allison turned back toward Terry and lowered her arms from her Breasts before deliberately bending forward and allowing the youth a good view of her small dangling breasts and nipples as she selected a black bra from the array on the bed.

Dangling the lacy garment at her side and raising one eyebrow in an almost sarcastic gesture Allison, with her hear beating furiously but in a much calmer and conciliatory voice told Terry;

‘Okay Terry, you’ve had your fun and now you’ve seen them, that’s a lot more than you friends at college will ever do, as you can see, my breasts are not much to brag about but they are all I have and as you said, the nipples are pretty good, they have been ever since my son was born, now, do you have any objection to me putting this

On and then dressing whilst we sort out this mess, only my son will be home any minute now and I’d rather he didn’t see his mother like this and being threatened with god knows what by one of my students after breaking into the house, all of which of course you must be aware would get you a hefty jail sentence,’

‘I’ll rip the fucking thing right back off your tits if you do that Ali, so Put it back where it was, from now on its me who decides what you can and cant wear and right now I’m still enjoying the sight of those lovely little tits!’ replied Terry with a sudden edge to his voice that made Allison after deciding that with the onset of his sudden anger, now was not the time to confront him, drop the bra back onto her bed  and then much to Allison’s bemusement Terry made a show of unzipping his jeans and placing her bedroom door inside his jockey shorts before withdrawing key another key from his pocket;.

‘Come on Ali, we both know Peter won’t be home for hours yet, that gives us plenty of time and as for breaking in, there’s no way I would need to do that, I can let myself in with this key and as far as any comebacks are concerned, that’s just what you asked me to do, just as I’ve been doing for the past few months’

More and more bewildered by the second and despite Terry’s assertion he was enjoying studying her tits Allison again self consciously covered her breasts with her arms, how did he know Peter’s name, let alone when he would be home? And where for gods sake had he found the back door key he was now showing her.? Allison looked across the room toward her wardrobe then rested her eyes on Terry in an unspoken but obviously pleading question, only to be disappointed when Terry shook his head and folded his arms across his chest.

‘You dress when we finish our business Ali so If you want to get out of the room you’ll have to get the key from next to make cock Ali, but before I let you do that we  have that unfinished business to take care of.’ 

Trapped in the alcove , with one of her hands now dropping to conceal the pubic area of her panties, Allison, was hardly able to conceive how in the last couple of minutes her world had been turned upside down, that her happy and secure home had been invaded and violated, that she was having to almost cower semi naked in her very own bedroom whilst, knowing she was fast running out of options, despondently wondering just what this youth , with his horrifying talk of ‘unfinished business’ was planning to do with her.

But one crumb of comfort for Allison was that although he’d had every opportunity since she arrived home he had so far not laid a finger on her. Perhaps he was every bit as frightened as she was so Allison tried telling herself this was perhaps just a youthful prank gone too far, that he’d been goaded on by those other boys, but what did he mean by unfinished business? The phrase alarmed Allison even more and this time Allison’s reply had become more pleading than angry;

‘Please Terry, how did you get that key? and For Gods sake tell me why you are here, what is it you want from me, if this really is some kind of sick joke then it is  frightening the hell out of me!’

But With appalling certainty Allison felt she already knew the reason Terry’s was in her home right then, he had known full well what time she herself would eventually be home and that Peter would not be home for hours yet, but with almost masochistic necessity Allison still needed it spelling it out to her and for his part Terry was only to ready to confirm her worst fears but none the less each of his words struck her like a blow to the stomach. 

‘Come on Ali, we both know you’ve been sniffing around the guys for months, drooling over our cocks and fantasising about us so don’t try telling me you weren’t eager for one of us to take the bait and move in on you, it just so happens I’m the one who is getting in there first,  marking my territory so to speak and making you my bitch, the other guys want a piece you and are planning to move in on you, but I’ve been planning this for months and they are not getting a piece of  you without my say so and  I got in here with the keys we copied from the set you left on your desk lunchtimes for us to copy, that’s what you wanted wasn’t it Allison?, for me to copy your keys so I could wait here and play with you in your Bedroom!’

Now that Terry had stated his intentions the horror-struck lecturer, the words ‘making you my bitch’ ringing in her unbelieving ears, could only lamely reply;

‘Oh my God, no, that’s not it at all Terry, you know that’s not true’ that’s ‘crazy, absurd, you can’t just waltz in her, into my bedroom and say these things to me, I’m not some silly college girl you boys use and then discard when you’ve had her, I’ve never led any of on, I’m your lecturer for gods sake, not an Animal! you cant treat me like this, talk about me as a prized pet, Okay maybe I was a bit lenient on you all but I never for one moment thought any of you would be stupid enough to do something like this!’ 

‘Of course you did Allison’ stated Timmy, mocking Allison with his laughter,

‘And its not as though it’s the first time I’ve been in your bedroom, you see as soon as I got the keys cut I started to bunk off class some afternoons and come round here, as soon as I got to know when Peter wasn’t around I’d let myself, then get to know the house and more importantly come up here and learn all about you.’

‘It was great fun going through all your stuff Ali, believe me, there’s not much I don’t know about you, it was really cool knowing the size of your tits and ass when those other guys could only take a guess about them, of course handling all that stuff was always going to give me a hard –on but the big bonus came when I found all your bondage gear and  pics, oh yeah I’m pretty good a picking suitcase locks Ali, Anyway I copied all the pics on the copier in your office downstairs so I could jerk off to you along with a couple of  your thongs I took home with me’

Allison wanted to put her hands to her ears and drown out Jimmy’s unbelievable narration but like a rabbit trapped in headlights found she was drawn by sheer compulsion to the awful unfolding details of what, completely oblivious to her, had been happening in her own home whilst she had been at the college. 

‘ At that time you weren’t around here of course Ali, so I had to lay on your bed with those pics with  your bondage gear  and  underwear beside me and  toss myself off into your panties instead, it started as a laugh at the time but then I thought what the hell, let Ali find them, so you must have cleaned my cum from loads of your thongs and knickers thinking it was your boys cum juice you was washing off them, and oh yeh, I’ve been looking for those black knickers your wearing now Allison, okay you’ve washed it since but how does it feel to know your cunt is pressed hard against something I jerked myself off into.?’ 

‘Oh my God, all the time It was you!’ cried Allison, Feeling nauseous and recoiling at the thought that All along she had been blaming Peter. Never in a millions years would she have guessed that all along it had been one of the students lying on her bed while masturbating and shooting his sperm into her most intimate garments. The knowledge that the youth responsible now stood quite openly admiring her almost naked body and what he had just told her, what was being ‘planned’ for her, left Allison sickened and afraid.

A vice like grip of fear overwhelmed Allison, just how had stupid she been?, how na?ve to believe her reckless fantasies would not catch up with her, God, they must have been laughing at her for months, getting together and openly discussing her assets, or perhaps lack of them, possibly innocently at first but then, after her continued reckless ogling of the boys crotches had been discussed amongst them someone had taken the conversation to a far, far more disturbing level.

Maybe that was when Terry had decided to act alone and it was a very frightened Allison who now really began to plead with Terry; 

‘Please Terry, please go now and I’ll say nothing about this to anyone, don’t get yourself into trouble over, over a silly boyish crush on me, please Terry, you are a good looking boy I know, but I’m old enough to be your Mother, I have a son almost as old as you, there must be lots of girls your own age who???’

But Terry had been planning this day for a long time and after enjoying himself immensely during his clandestine visits to the house and his activities in Allison bedroom he was at long last revelling in the sight of Allison’s near naked body and taking huge pleasure from her obviously growing humiliation and discomfiture, so Terry decided it was now time to cut the crap and cutting her off mid sentence he dumbfounded and further horrified Allison when telling her;

‘Yeh well you can forget all that shit Ali, I’ve been planning this day for weeks, now you either do as I tell you or I let the other guys move in on you, its pretty serious stuff they have planned for you Ali,  its all worked out, they have a nice quiet place lined up where they are planning on taking you one night after college, kidnapping you in your car then driving you over there then filling you with booze and drugs before spreading you and making  you take them all at once, over and over again all night, they are even talking about a couple of the girls joining in as well, maybe even inviting a few more guys, they are even talking about stringing your naked  body upside down and having bets all round as to who can best use a horse whip on you and who can aim the best stream of piss into your mouth.’  

Listening to Terry in ever growing astonishment Allison felt the bile rising in throat; surely no one could ever stoop to such levels;

‘As far as they are concerned Ali the best bit is that they’ll have no comeback to worry about because they got a group of students, girls included, to line up and swear you’ve been making out with them for months now, that the whole thing was your idea of a real end of term bash, Christ Ali, they even booked a hotel room near the place in your name for you and your son, the idea is using one of the guys masquerading as your kid  to  book you in and get the key, then when they’ve finished with you they take you to the hotel in the middle of the night and give you something they know will knock you out for say six hours until you wake up late the next morning, that way it looks as though you were planning to doss down there after getting it on with the guys from college.’

Much of this narration was pure fantasy but Terry loved the way Allison was looking more and more petrified as his story unfolded and so he completed the fantasy by telling her.

‘Of course they would deny any knowledge of it if you went public beforehand Ali, after all it’s your word against the best part of a whole class, and those guys would catch up with you sooner or later, maybe even make your boy watch them fucking you, its just the same with me Ali, I’m here because you gave me a key and told me to wait for you in your room, I was even to get your bondage stuff ready and choose 

some underwear for you to wear for me, I can easily get a couple of girls to swear they overheard you telling me that Ali, and oh yeh, maybe you should think about Peter Ali, think about him coming home to find his Mum naked on her bed, gagged and trussed up with own bondage gear with those big dildo’s shoved up her cunt and arse and maybe the words,  ‘I am a whore’ written over her tits, you think he’d like that Ali?, I can stop any on things happening to you Ali but that’s going to be first on the list if you don’t start doing exactly what I tell you and lets face it Ali, I could have fucked you at any time since you got home, so its your choice, you either accept me as your new, lets say ‘minder’ or I throw you to the wolves so to speak!’

What the hell did ‘her minder’ mean?

Suddenly Allison felt terribly alone crushed and helpless, of all the terrible threats she had just been forced to listen to by far the worst had been the intimation that Peter would be forced to watch his own mother’s possible defilement at the hands of her students In a matter of minutes her whole life had been turned upside down simply because of her inability to keep her eyes away from this young mans body. More than anything Allison knew she must protect her son; she had to put a stop to this lunacy, without incurring Terry’s wrath she must find some way of buying time before things went too far, so looking anywhere but at Terry she whispered.

So what is it you want me to do then?

‘The pic of you, the one of you lying down with the dildo shoved up your cunt, pick up the lipstick you are wearing in that one, I want it on me’

‘Thrown by this unexpected demand Puzzled and not a little humiliated by Terry’s choice of words Allison simply stared uncomprehendingly back at Terry who then had to tell Allison that unless she did so he would rip her knickers from her cunt before eventually she did his bidding and with her left hand leaving the front of her knickers and trying to work out why Terry could possibly want to wear her own lipstick, she selected from the bed the very same tube of scarlet red lipstick she had painted onto her lips before taking the self portrait then, held it out to Terry at arms length.

‘Oh no, you don’t get it Ali,’ Laughed Terry ‘you’re going to put it on me, so get over to your dressing table and get it nice and thick on your lips’

Allison was even more mystified now, but moving across the room would at least buy her time and get her near naked body out from the alcove and Terry’s incessant scrutiny, toward her bathroom where she could perhaps lock herself in until?.well that was best left unsaid, so aware of Terry scrutinising her every step Allison, with a wide a berth as possible made her was past him, instinctively aware of Terry’s eyes burning into the pert yet still very shapely partially clad bottom she saw as being her best asset.

Once sat upon her small upholstered stool before the dressing table mirror and again under Terry’s intense scrutiny, after taking a moment to study her petite face under her short cropped blonde hair Allison began liberally applying the scarlet lipstick still wondering why on earth he wanted her to kiss him with lips sticky with the deep scarlet cosmetic.

Pouting and squeezing her lips together before dapping the edges with a tissue to complete her task Allison knew she only used this lipstick when playing games such as having her mouth around the matching ball gag or when she took the big dildo from between her cunt lips then place it between her lips?????.’oh my god’ whispered Allison as the penny finally dropped and spinning around on the stool, uncaring that she now fully displayed her breasts to Terry she exclaimed.

‘Surely you don’t mean you want me to, to?..Oh God no, that’s so gross please don’t make me do that’ 

‘Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about often enough Ali, now You’re gonna do just that for real,  you are now going to get on your hands and knees then tell me you want to take every last in of my cock in your mouth and down you throat so you can leave a nice big ring of lipstick at the base, any fucking messing from now on Ali and I’ll give you a fucking good slapping before pushing my cock down there myself and then you truss up for your boy to find , only this time with my dried sperm spread over your face and tits??.you got that Ali?.............and oh yeh, one feel of your teeth on my cock and I break your neck Ali so don’t even think about it or rushing into the bathroom, I’ve got the key in my pocket.’

Her recent optimism was dashed, this wasn’t buying time and the discovery of this far more menacing side to Terry led Allison to miserably nod her head in understanding for there was no point in trying any delaying tactics if it ensured a certain painful beating followed by the Indescribable horror of appalling humiliation before the eyes of her beloved son, that at least she could avoid if she complied with him now

‘Good girl,  your learning fast Ali, now the deal is I stand back over there by the bed, you get on your knees then put you hands on your head and crawl over to me then  ask my permission for you to put that lipstick on my cock, you got that?’

Again Allison nodded despondently and slowly sinking to her knees was in doubt she would be expected to do far more than just ring his cock with her lips, no, a cock sucking session was the least she could expect to get away with, but if this was all Terry was going to demand of her things could have been a lot worse, at least the boy seemed clean and of course she had even fantasised over him, sure this situation was very different,  but Allison felt that doing this for him , even finishing him by emptying his balls of his sperm over her body would be enough for him, then she could rush into her bathroom and clean herself down, only the thought he may demand she swallow his seed really disturbed her for that was one thing Allison had never done for any man!

Moment’s later Allison, hands on head, knelt resting her buttocks upon her ankles before the towering figure of Terry and reciting the words he dictated she should, adding ‘Sir’ at Terry’s assertion that from this moment on she would use only that prefix when addressing him and then amusing himself by telling her she was to find her door key in his jockeys before taking his cock out of there.

Nervously and hesitantly whilst  aware that having her bedroom door key could mean her ordeal may soon be over Allison lowered her hands, unzipped him and then pushed one tiny hand inside his .jockeys until her small fingers brushed against his growing erection and reaching down her palm felt the weight of Terry’s hardened semen filled balls. After guiltily resisting a sudden temptation to weigh

His balls in her hands Allison’s fingers finally made contact with the metal of the bedroom door key nestling on the gusset of his jockeys.  Gripping the key between two fingers Allison Very slowly extracted the mortise key from within the confines of Terry’s jockeys and then looked up at him with questioning eyes.

‘Now put it inside your own knickers Ali, push it between your cunt lips then slide it in and out of your cunt’ 

Almost Every fibre of her being cried out to Allison not to comply with Terry’s strange humiliating demands, but together with her desire to protect her son, that part of Allison that  so often fantasised about moments such as this gained the upper hand, telling her that it mattered not that Terry was subjecting her to more and more humiliations, this was an opportunity to live the fantasy for real, not in the dark recess of her imagination, so after slipping her fingers inside her black lace knickers Allison pushed the long bulky old fashioned key between her already very moist cunt lips  then on into the depths of her cunt itself  then gasping audibly and closing her eyes as  to the  sudden and astonishing onrush of pleasure this action created within her.

Leave it in your cunt Ali and take my cock, put a ring of  lipstick all the way up my shaft,  even if you have to push it down your throat.’

Almost reluctantly Allison withdrew her fingers from her knickers and leaving the key buried between her sex lips she raised both her hands to first unfasten and then, holding the waistbands of both his Jeans and his Jockeys, pull the combined material down Terry legs until he stepped out of both these garments before raising his T shirt over his head. With his well honed naked torso and large very erection no more than a couple of inches from Allison’s mouth.

Perhaps it was the fear combined with the large amount of wine she had consumed but, already aroused, the college lecturer showed resistance when Terry placed his hands upon her head and guided his rock hard cock between her parted lips and slowly easing his throbbing muscle ever further into Allison mouth

’That’s it, take it Ali, relax your throat and take it all’ urged Terry when Allison began to make choking noises as her throat gagged to its large invader.

Terry pushed on harder still and very soon, Allison, unable to voice her objections as she struggled to breathe, was beating her small hands against his muscular thighs, certain the life force was being squeezed from her by the asphyxiating monster in her mouth and throat, but just as Allison decided she must concentrate on breathing through her nose only, Terry pushed again and suddenly, despite her feeble attempt to push him away he was deep in her throat with the base of his throbbing cock pushing against Allison’s scarlet red lips.

Terry was euphoric, he was there, he had done it and to the gurgling, gagging Allison’s disbelief as she struggled to breathe his muscular upper thighs clamped against the sides of her head, keeping his cock buried deep in her throat while his hands pulled her arms up from behind her back and to her astonishment then Handcuffing each wrist in turn before pulling out of  her mouth to  leave her choking, tearful and gasping for breath whilst Terry looked down with pride at the scarlet red lipstick now encircling his erect cock.

‘We don’t want anything to come between your mouth and my cock Ali’, Terry told her as he sat himself on the edge of Allison’s bed. Then his unobstructed hands cupped her small breasts and even in her current state resentment at having her wrists handcuffed Allison was acutely aware of not only how large her nipples were growing but how much longer they became to Terry’s touch when marvelling at their size, he gently pulled and squeezed each nipple in turn until, with his cock now pointing straight upward, he then told her.

‘Show me how good you can be for me,  give me a blow job I’ll remember all my life, make me cum hard in your mouth and don’t you dare take your mouth away until I tell you!’

After all he had put her through, inexplicably, Allison was still in the throes of arousal and although furious and resentful at being so cruelly handcuffed she made no real gesture of defiance when Terry removed his hands from her Breasts and began easing her head down onto him and as Allison’s mouth enveloped his throbbing cock once more to obediently begin sucking him Terry marvelled at just how easy it had all been for him. 

In fact the line he had spun Allison about ‘the other guys’ wasn’t all fiction by any means because just after the crotch rubbing antics had started in the classroom two of those guys  actually had approached him in the recreation room one day. Sidling up to Terry as he drank his coffee they didn’t mince their words, telling him that Allison Hall’s constant glances toward their crotches meant only one thing, that she was game for some younger cock and that being the case she was going to get it, whether she agreed to it or not because it would be dead easy to get a few of the girls in class to swear that she had made the first move, so was Terry up for it?.........................



What they hadn’t known was by then Terry had already made copies of her keys and was already well into the idea of having Allison for himself, in fact Terry had long been aware that Allison’s eyes were often drawn toward his crotch and had also caught her looking at him on a few occasion before she quickly turned away and hid her scarlet face,  but the idea of copying her keys and having a look around her house had began as more of a one off challenge to him, just to satisfy his ‘desire to spy on her, only later would he look upon her as ‘Operation Ali’.

At eighteen years of age Terry lived at home with his old man and younger sister, the old man, although pretty straight and until a year or so ago holding down a decent job, was on the ‘fringes’ of villainy and seemed to know all the ‘right’ guys, drinking and socialising with them until the early hours and more often than not getting home worse for wear, often bringing a woman home not getting out of bed until lunchtimes. Even though he looked after Terry and his sister fairly well perhaps that was why Terry had taken no real interest in his earlier schooling, preferring instead to listen to the old mans stories about villains and misdeeds. ‘You can make anyone bend to your will if you do it right son’.

But that slogan had obviously not extended to Terry’s mother because at the age thirteen Terry had bunked off school early one day and thinking his  Mum would be at her part time day job returned home only to find the all exterior  doors had been bolted from the inside. Terry’s father would not have done this and his upbringing had taught him the more secure a place, the more someone had something to hide. But a few bolts were no barrier to Terry; he simply shinned his way up a tree out back then jumped onto a small flat roof before prizing open the loose catch to the small upstairs landing window he had used before.

Quietly creeping inside the house he could hear the sound of someone, quite obviously his Mother, sobbing and moaning. Even aged thirteen Terry was handy with his fists and a well build boy. Quickly he saw it as his duty to save his mother from whoever it was treating her so badly and after creeping downstairs and buoyed on by more sobbing from his mother he paused only to pick up an iron bar kept by the front door by his father before cautiously making his way toward the partially open living room door.  

But what Terry witnessed through the slight gap in the doorway stopped him dead in his tracks. Inside the living, on the carpet, his naked mother sat astride an equally naked guy who large cock was, from Terry’s viewpoint, quite obviously pumping in and out of his Mothers cunt while his hands kneaded and squeezed her Breasts and nipples. But the shock for Terry didn’t end there for another naked guy was standing right in front of his mothers face with his own cock pushed deep into her mouth as he repeatedly slapped her cheeks with the open palm of his hand.

‘Suck it whore bitch, take it all,  get it down your throat and show your Master how much you love his cock.’

Only then did Terry notice his mother’s hands were not only tied behind her back with a black stocking but that her bound hands held a large black rubber cock inside her Anus whilst she sobbed and moaned and then his Mother took her mouth away from the invading penis and exclaimed.

‘Oh God yes Master, I love you Master, I love sucking your wonderful cock and I love your friend fucking me like this, oh god fuck me harder Sir, please fuck me harder!’’

That was when the bullet hit home for Terry, his bitch Mum wasn’t being raped or beaten, not in that way at least because she was so obviously loving every last second of the seeing too these guys were giving her, not only that but the words ‘Master’ and ‘Sir’ were quite obviously a regular part of her vocabulary with these guys.

Only then did Terry pay attention to the fact he not only had the biggest hard on of his young life but that he was sweating and shaking with excitement, he was about to cum in his school trousers and realised he must get upstairs to the spare room where his Father had long ago shown him the spy he had made to enable him to see any and all that happened in the living room below.

That afternoon Terry discovered more about sex and bondage than he ever imagined possible as over the next two hours his Mothers two BDSM consorts put her through position after position of sexual bondage and domination.

Spanking and whippings led to leading her around the living room on all fours wearing a leather collar and lead whilst the black dildo in her anus proved an aiming point for the liberal application of a leather ‘cat of nail tail’s.

Later her legs were spread wide by a metal bar whilst her cunt arse and breasts were cruelly whipped by each man in turn before Terry’s Mother was spread eagled and tied face down on the dining table, her back was then whipped whilst she was arse fucked in turn by each man until eventually, with both guys spent, Terry’s Mother was hogtied and knelt upon a bath sheet before jointly they pissed into her open mouth, over her face, breasts and between her legs.

Although afterward they had untied her, Terry’s mother had been left lying on the urine soaked bath mat as without saying another word both men left the house, but Shortly afterward and to Terry’s astonishment, seemingly content and quite at ease, his Mother had then cleaned up the living room and then thrown the urine soaked bath towel in the washer before heading up to the bathroom with a very large glass of vodka, her urine and cum encrusted naked body streaked with red stripe marks from where she had been whipped and spanked.   

Terry had quickly lost count of how many times he had tossed himself off on the afternoon that would leave an indelible imprint in his psyche.

The realisation that a woman, or a Guy for that matter he guessed, could and would be quite willing to submit themselves to all manner of sexual abuse whilst enjoying every single moment of it left a deep imprint in his mind together with the exciting knowledge there were men, such as himself Terry now knew, who were the polar opposite, the perfect match.

Terry had felt not one iota of guilt in watching his own Mothers degradation that afternoon, as far as he was concerned if she was willing to cheat on the old man like that she deserved everything she got, his mother was, as they had told her, ‘A Fuck Toy Slave’. Jeez, given the chance he would have fucked her himself and over the next year or so Terry spent many a pleasant hour spying on his Mother together with, it turned out, her many consorts, and the more he saw the more excited he became, until that is, the old Man came home early one day and caught her at it with three guys on that occasion.

So his mother was kicked out of the house by the old man and sadly Terry’s BDSM educational fun came to an abrupt end. The problem was though that by then, along with a huge desire for BDSM sex, Terry had also developed a passion for voyeurism! 

Now at the age of eighteen and with a few straight conquests notched up on his belt together with the gratification gained by some online bondage magazines, a good few spankings and the odd bit of trial bondage Terry had coerced certain girls into, some of whom were not as willing as others, but those girls seemed too frightened of Terry’s size and reputation to refuse him, Terry one day decided he would have a little fun at the expense of Allison Hall, he would do a little spying on her, check out her lifestyle, perhaps see what type of lingerie she wore and discover what her breast and arse sizes were, to do that he would need the keys to her house but that had proved to be ridiculously easy for him when Allison had so foolishly left her purse and keys atop her desk one lunchtime.

Terry was agreeably pleased at both Allison’s large detached period house and its semi secluded location, the address of which had been obtained quite easily, the only entry of that name in the phone book was confirmed one evening when Allison had answered Terry’s anonymous call.

So driving past the house a couple of times before parking his newly acquired car some distance away Terry then found the high garden hedges afforded cover enough for him to slip hopefully unobserved around to the rear of the house, although for a backup he carried what looked to be a delivery parcel, then if some busybody did raise the alarm he was leaving the delivery round back for securities sake.

But after waiting ten minutes all was quiet. Placing latex gloves on his hands before inserting and then twisting the newly cut key Terry was delighted to hear the click of the old mortise lock and seconds later he stood inside Allison Hall’s kitchen.

To Terry’s astonishment Allison had pinned up a large calendar in the kitchen naively marking the movements of both herself and her son Peter over the next month by chart plotting every occasion he or Allison would be at home and each time he or she would be away, blithely unaware that knowledge of their movements would give an intruder such as Terry the power to come and go at will, just as he did there and then whilst casually going through Allison’s house from room to room

Terry was no thief so and his interest downstairs was only cursory, a desk top computer sat in a small office next to the large lounge and Terry fired this up only to discover it was password protected, but after turning it off again Terry was not concerned for it was hardly likely he would find intimate details of Allison on a family computer.

Otherwise there were only a few photographs doted around the lounge showing Allison with what must have been her son and other, more elderly people, relations probably, certainly nothing to suggest she had a lover or boyfriend held his attention but Terry knew any item of real interest to him would probably lie upstairs in her bedroom, and so after checking through the lounge window that all was quiet outside Terry then made his way upstairs. 

A check around her son’s bedroom proved to Terry that Peter seemed normal enough, all the usual stuff a boy would have in his room was there, plus, if you knew where to look, as Terry did, the stuff he didn’t want his Mum to find, such as the plastic supermarket bag hidden in the boot bag Terry pulled from under Peter’s bed.

Here he found not only a few printed off internet downloads of young girls and guys having sex, but also, underneath two small nylon thongs, one black and one red that Terry would have laid odds on belonging to his mother, were four A5 size, printed photos.

All the pics were of his mother Allison and evidently taken during a holiday because two of them showed Allison climbing, dripping wet, from a hotel swimming pool.  Clearly Allison was unaware that the water, combined with the position of the sun, had made her two piece bikini completely transparent and that her small breasts and large nipples along with the V of her crotch and thatch of pubic hair were visibly on show to all.

Allison’s son Peter would most certainly have been aware of this and had obviously grabbed his camera as fast as he could to take these prized pics. The other two pics then showed Allison naked in what must have been their hotel room bathroom, taken perhaps with the aid of a timer delay her naughty son had set up earlier, whatever, Terry was impressed, not only with Allison’s figure but also her son’s ingenuity.

Both his Mothers hidden thongs were caked with dried semen. Terry smiled to himself, although Peter was not the only to boy to have ever wanked over his Mum, would he ever get the chance as Terry himself had, to actually watch his Mothers naked body being fucked and abused?

With that thought and replacing Peter’s things exactly as he found them, Terry moved in to the room he had saved for last, here Allison’s smell was everywhere, on her Bed, in her wardrobes, her en suite bathroom and most of all in the lingerie draws Terry painstakingly searched through, for surely this was where Allison’s most intimate secrets would be found. 

Certainly Allison had a love of good quality lingerie ,half cup bras, thongs, knickers, suspender belts and stockings all colours and descriptions and Terry was surprised to see Allison even possessed  a couple of daring  cup less Basques all of which  confirmed  to Terry she had a 34A. 22.24 figure. Shrugging his shoulders Terry thought all of these things were very nice to the touch but there surely must be something else, then he recalled what the old mad had once told him

‘They always think the best place is under the Bed, god knows why though’

But as Allison’s bed was a divan type Terry needed to push the bed to one side before finding that the suitcase was actually hidden between her bed head and the curve of the alcove wall. Once he had picked its lock, inside the suitcase lay the prized Red bag?..Allison’s naughty bag containing her self bondage equipment her self portrait photos and her secret diaries, all manna from heaven for Terry and as he studied the photos of Allison in her self bondage his cock grew hard and throbbing as he considered a number of options, all of which would, if used carefully, lead to Allison’s eventual submission toward him. 

Sitting on her bed his first reading of the diaries proved to be less than significant, it appeared that Allison, although occasionally dating men had no one special in her life, surprisingly perhaps she did fuck the occasional date, but it never led to anything 

More but eventually the last of the diaries had proved much more interesting.

  ‘Fuck’ the word left Terry a little taken aback for although common in his own house he had not expected it of Allison, but  reading on over the past few months Terry was surprised to come across a name he recognised who had only recently four or five dates with Allison. ‘C. L. Took me to dinner, wined & dined. glad to be dropped of at home’ et. et. That was the gist of these first three entries until the final two??    

‘C.L. Wined and dined me again, it’s obvious he wants to fuck me and made a few suggestions tonight?. Now he wants me to act as hostess for some ‘special gatherings he has?, could be worth my while he say’s, and would lead to job security, very important what with heavy mortgage and young son to look after, ?.could not fathom where he was coming from? invited in for coffee?C tried to kiss me?.oh god no?no..no!!!!Gross, no way could I ever fuck that man!’

And then another entry.

‘C.L. called again ?.more pressure??.   wanted to take me out again?telling me to think of my future?...told him no..no..no?.never??there’s no point!......  Hopefully that will be the end of the matter but it’s so scary, he is a powerful man who could hurt my career and C seems so intent on having me

More interested in the photos of Allison in her self bondage and once again shrugging his shoulders, Terry walked back downstairs to the photocopier he had seen earlier but  later he would read again and think further about those final diary entries??????????????????????..  

Despite being in the uncomfortable position of having her hand cuffed behind her back she had worked feverishly on his cock for a good  ten minutes, pushing her mouth back and forth she had licked and sucked him toward his inevitable climax before looking up at him with pleading eyes desperately hoping he would allow her to pull away from Terry’s cock before his eruption began but he was having none of it and soon Allison began spluttering and gagging, desperately trying to pull her head away from Terry’s throbbing pulsing cock when the first spurt of his pre cum hit the back of her mouth and slid down her throat but with her mouth still clamped firmly over his cock by Terry’s strong hands Allison had no option but for the first time suffer the indignity of  swallowing a man’s hot and salty semen.

For weeks now Terry had dreamed of this moment and suddenly he was standing up and looming over Allison with his cock still in her mouth. 

‘Oh my God Ali, I’m cumming, yeh,, ’exclaimed Terry but to Allison’s utter relief  he was now holding her head inches away from the dripping end of his throbbing cock.

‘Now keep that mouth open, don’t you dare fucking close it Ali, close it and your boy gets to watch me fucking you!’

Despite her revulsion at having to swallow his seed Terry’s threat was enough and with her mouth now wide open Terry gripped her hair with one hand used the other to wank then aim his cock at Allison’s mouth. 

‘Don’t fucking swallow it till I tell you Ali, keep a load on your tongue’ groaned Terry and then; 

‘Oh shit here it comes!’ and to Allison’s absolute abhorrence Terry’s cock began shooting an almost never ending stream of his hot semen straight into her mouth and over her lips until, with her mouth full, strands of his semen bubbled around his cock  before Terry pulled back a little and told her ‘ Push out your tongue Ali’,  and as she did so yet more strands of Terry semen began running out of her mouth, on down her chin and dripping onto her Breasts as choking and gagging to the bitter unfamiliar taster of hot semen in her mouth and throat ,Allison’s horrified eyes looked  on in  helpless revulsion while Terry placed his huge slick red plum like head upon her tongue delivering yet more copious amounts of spurting semen from deep within his balls and up through his cock to splatter the back of Allusions mouth and throat, causing her to wretch, choke, splutter and unwillingly swallow  Terry’s viscous liquid down her gullet and on into her digestive system until eventually Allison, reluctantly obeying his final demand that she blow as hard as she could with her mouth clamped around his cock, leaving Terry to look down in pure delight to see his bubbling semen spilling out from between her lips surrounding around his cock.

Only much later when her soul searching and fear for the future set in would Allison decide she must forever keep to herself the unforgivable fact that after all the degradation and deliberate humiliation she had suffered at the hands of Terry, even to the awful extent of being held captive in her own bedroom with own door key unobtainable between her cunt lips,   her body had betrayed her by generating the most awesome mind blowing orgasm she had ever achieved

Raising the sobbing spluttering lecturer to her feet and lifting her small body onto her bed, Terry sat beside her, casually stoking Allison’s trembling body, caressing her small pert breasts and hard nipples before running his hand over her stomach and delving his hand inside her black knickers to discover not only the slick wet bedroom door key lodged between her cunt lips but also her wetness there, the soaking gusset of her knickers together with the abundant wetness between her cunt lips and much to her dismay, in doing so once again stoked the fires of her arousal, leading Allison to plead with Terry;

‘Please please take off the handcuffs now Terry’

Looking down to her tear stained cum encrusted face Terry replied’

‘Later on Maybe I will Ali’ then to her dismay distressed her even more by gagging the helpless Allison with her very own red rubber ball gag and then adding insult to injury by applying her screw down T bar clamps to each of her nipples, after which now again tightening them just enough to ensure Allison’s compliance, such as when

Terry told her to spread her legs.

After first shaking her head and mumbling defiance into her gag, Allison soon submitted as Terry began tightening the nipple clamps until, soon finding the pain unbearable, she complied with Terry’s demand, eventually spreading her legs wider and wider until, satisfied with her compliance, Terry eased off the severity of the cruel nipple clamps to then begin slowly and gently stroking and caressing Allison’s inner thighs, stomach and breasts. leaving the blonde lecturer to struggle with her natural inclination to press her legs together as Terry’s hand delved into her knickers before taking the door key from between her cunt lips and much to her embarrassment causing Allison to moan and gasp inside her gag as he pushed the long metal key back and forth between her cunt lips before ultimately withdrawing the very wet, very warm piece of metal from within her cunt altogether, leaving Allison gasping in arousal and frustration whilst Terry then heaped even more humiliation upon Allison by telling her as  The fingers of one hand hovered over the little round clamp screws.

‘That’s better Ali, you’re beginning to learn, not so long ago that you were standing by this bed shouting and swearing at me,’That was naughty, I won’t put up with that from you Ali, understand? ,

Unwilling to again experience the extreme pain of the nipple clamps Allison nodded her head, what difference it made anyway but then Terry, continuing to toy and tease her body continued.

‘I really don’t want to hurt you Ali, you are far too valuable to me so will you be a good girl for me now?’

Writhing helplessly around her bed and powerless to prevent Terry’s effortless control of her body Allison knew that Terry was simply toying with her but what was it he meant by ‘far too valuable?’

Her eyes then strayed apprehensively down to Terry’s semi erect cock and she wondered how she would cope when, as it surely would, the large plum like head so recently in her mouth and now dripping its juices onto her carpet, was hard and erect once more and pushing its way into her cunt.

Would it be an act of rape for her to have the youth whose cock she had leered at, lusted over and fantasised over, finally fuck her, finally bestow upon her the gratification she had so often gone to bed and fantasised over? 

Terry’s fingers were inside her now and much to her alarm Allison knew she was fast approaching orgasm again because of the his index finger was rubbing back and forth on her clitoris and realising defiance would be pointless Allison nodded her head, but then Terry’s fingers abruptly left her soaking wet clitty and  reached for Allison’s scarlet Red lipstick as he straddled her stomach with his knees and to her surprise from a prompt card began using the lipstick to scribe incomprehensible letters and words upon Allison’s Breasts and stomach, and after lifting the waistband finishing with a final flourish just  below her knickers. 

That looks good Ali; now take those knickers off for me!’ .said Terry emphasising his demand by slightly turning one of the steel nipple clamp screws when Allison again shook her head, but it was obvious her eyes were asking the question, how on earth could she be expected to do so whilst her wrists were secured behind her back?

‘Oh you can do it like that Ali because I tried it myself!’ Terry informed her.

After much shaking of her head followed by the now familiar  turning of the nipple screws Allison had finally worked it out and Terry was treated to the most erotic few minutes his young eyes had yet feasted upon as Allison, after spreading her legs and bending her knees, first lifted her bottom clear of the mattress and with her fingers reaching down as far as her bondage would allow, worked her arms from side to side, swaying her small pert Breasts as she did so, easing her hip hugging black knickers two thirds of the way down her bottom and hips, all the while giving Terry a clear view of  the juice saturated gusset of her knickers.

Then Allison discovered to that continue her task she needed to turn over upon her stomach and kneeling with her face on a pillow then bring her knees right up under her chin, after which her fingers were able to push her knickers right down and over her bottom, in the process this time giving Terry a birds eye view, not only of Allison well spread buttocks but also of her pretty little rosebud anus whilst her most intimate garment fell away down her thighs to form a pool around her knees.

‘Hey, well done Ali, keep your body there like that and finish the job with your legs.’ 

Moving her knees up and down the mattress Allison managed to cause enough friction for her knickers to move down to her calves before she completed her erotic task by pushing and pulling her feet to get her toes inside the nylon garment, giving her enough purchase to push the material completely away fro her legs before giving a loud. ‘mmmppphh’ into the pillow her face was pressed into.

‘Good girl now don’t you dare move an inch’ said Terry and although obeying him Allison, no longer comforted by the thought that least her knickers covered what remained of her dignity was mortified by the thought the erotic display her exposed naked bottom and glistening cunt lips must be giving Terry and although she realised she was in effect waiting for the fucking she now knew would be the inevitable she was determined to give this young man the slightest indication she was his willing victim and instinctively pushed her knees together so that he would at least have to take her on her terms, but had she known they were no longer alone the room her reactions would have been very different!.........................................

Charlie Lambert’s eyes gazed down at that oh so fuckable ass and glistening cunt lips of Allison Hall with a mixture of lustful pleasure, satisfaction and pure undiluted evil. Having observed the afternoons events from her en suite bathroom Charlie had long since decided Allison looked even better naked then clothed, but as up close as was now, standing at the foot of her bed, Charlie concluded that waiting for her had been exceedingly worthwhile, seeing her this way, deciding which of her holes he would enjoy first before he fucked the ass off of her, the woman who had so casually rejected him, made the slight risk he was taking seem almost irrelevant.

Terry, Unseen by Allison and now getting dressed, had played it all superbly, for such a young guy he was a natural dominant, in only a couple of hours he had subjugated Allison Hall to the extent she now treated Terry as her apparent superior but shortly it would be Charlie’s turn, the first of many, many paybacks for Allison’s disrespect, but first  he motioned for Terry to remove her gag, he wanted to hear Allison pleading with him when he shoved his cock deep inside her Anus.

After telling her to back up the end of the bed, Terry gave her bottom a good few solid slaps and then told Allison to spread her legs again, after which Terry had removed Allison’s gag then pushed her face back into the pillow, a signal for Charlie’s fingers to begin exploring her and soon he was delighted with the display Allison’s little Anus and cunt lips were providing and the little moans she gave out as he caressed her buttocks and inner thighs.

With Allison Still totally unaware of his presence at the foot of her bed Charlie’s stubby index finger began caressing the moist gap between her cunt lips and stoking a fire of erotic desire between her legs and on up through her body, producing from Allison ever louder gasps and moans until Charlie eventually withdrew his finger and placed it to his lips.

‘Wonderful’,  decided Charlie after tasting the contents of Allison’s honeypot before replacing the digit although this time causing Allison to gasp in surprise by pushing the tip of his finger onto the entrance of her tight little Anus. But to Charlie’s delight, instead of attempting to pull away Allison actually pushed herself back a little against his fingertip giving Charlie encouragement enough to very gradually push his finger a little further until, perhaps in realisation of just what she was doing, Allison pulled away from him but none the less made no further efforts to evade him when Charlie’s finger then pushed between  her sopping wet  cunt lips, a gesture that caused as Charlie to give silent thanks to Terry for having maturity enough to recognise the advantages to be gained by his initial approach to him. ????????????????..

Sat comfortably in his large office Charlie Lambert  decided the young lad sat opposite him had done well, that Terry had been  smart enough to realise  simply fucking Allison Hall would mean only that, that yeh, sure, he had fucked Allison Hall, nothing more, but Terry had realised  on  seeing Charlie’s name in her diaries and the wording she had used about him meant Charlie Lambert,  the head of a large IT company, one that both subsidized and had a big say in the IT department of the College, was more than just interested in Allison, he badly wanted to fuck her senseless, but that idea hadn’t been reciprocated by Allison.


After thinking long and hard and  knowing he had nothing to loose but potentially a lot to gain, Terry had been astute enough to ask to see Charlie Lambert on a private matter and after his request had been granted he had then managed, without either setting himself up as an intruder or implying that Charlie was a lecherous old man, to inform Charlie he had some interesting and potentially damaging information about Allison Hall, but that he Terry had decided Mr. Lambert, a powerful man in the community, may wish to protect the IT lecturer Allison and that after hearing what he had to say Mr. Lambert would understand why Terry  had thought it best to bring this information straight to him.

After studying the boy carefully for some time Charlie, whose interest had perked up as soon as Terry mentioned the name Allison Hall, decided the boy was probably genuine, besides there was no possible way Terry could present a threat to him and he was intrigued by what the boy had to say and any information he could glean about Allison Hall could well prove to be useful in future but there was no point in beating about the bush here, he was a busy man and needed to discover what this boy had to tell him about Allison without any preamble.

‘Okay than, lets put our cards on the table Terry, everything we say stays in this room, you could be looking at a very bright future if whatever it is you have tell me is of use to me’??it was then Terry, without telling of his own antics had shown Charlie the copy photos of Allison Hall in self bondage and informed the increasingly incredulous Charlie of her classroom antics together with the desire of two of the students to take Allison by force.

Then Charlie had asked Terry the obvious question.

‘But why bring this to me Terry; I know this information could be harmful and that I’ve had dinner with Ms. Hall a couple of times but why should I wish to take this further?’

‘You said cards on the table Mr. Lambert; did you mean it when you told me I could have a bright future?’

Knowing there must be more to come from Terry, Charlie had nodded his head in confirmation and urged the boy to continue, but although Terry had been quick to spot Charlie’s interest in Allison was more far more than just platonic, he realised he was taking the gamble of his life, after all Charlie Lambert could if he wished easily play the hero to Allison by saving her from the huge embarrassment any circulation of her photos would surely bring to her.

But in the event as he told Charlie Lambert of his visits to Allison’s house, of the discovery of her Photos, lingerie, and bondage gear and then finally of her diaries Terry soon realised his fears were unfounded. In fact the very interested and excited Charlie demanded to be acquainted with every minute detail of Terry’s explorations in a manner which left Terry with not the slightest doubt Charlie Lambert’s interest in Allison Hall verged on the obsessive, leaving Terry to realise he had found a kindred soul, older and wealthier maybe but a man who thoughts seemed to correspond to his own and after a good exchange of views an agreement was eventually reached between them.

In return for ‘minding’ Allison when her undoubted demise was achieved Terry would be given a new car and a good, well paid job in Charlie’s IT Company.

Allison was to be the basis of a ‘specialized ‘sales’ dept’ within his company, in reality though ‘Entertaining’ as he put it, prospective buyers of expensive IT solutions, buyers who, in Charlie’s words, ‘needed a little persuading and required something heavier than just a good fuck’.

Charlie then amazed Terry by telling him that whilst he could easily find plenty of younger perhaps prettier women to use Allison Hall fitted the bill perfectly because with intelligence and her IT knowledge she would at first, over drinks and dinner; help facilitate a sale as she was able to communicate with these guys on their own level

Then Charlie had laughed. ‘Just imagine her having to answer IT questions when she is strung up and the guy is whipping her!’

The surprised yet grateful Terry was even happy to agree that As her minder and Charlie’s employee he would not be allowed to fuck Allison,  that particular pleasure must be reserved for Charlie and his ‘clients’ but Terry may make use of Allison’s other orifices when he so desired???????????.

After that meeting Charlie, along with the connivance of a college IT head of department, another of Charlie’s lackey’s had even gone so far as to have the as yet unaware Allison seconded to his company from the college for a period of one year starting the following Monday.   

After Terry’s visit to her house All that remained would be for Allison’s new situation to be made clear to her, that today Friday had been her last working day, Saturday morning would see the delivery of a letter informing Allison, telling her that her job was safe but that during her period of secondment her ‘security’ would be guaranteed, her ‘compliance’ ‘well rewarded ‘and asking she attend a meeting with her head of dept. 2pm Monday when all would be explained to her, before that though Charlie began unzipping himself, he would take his time and thoroughly enjoy his new possession??????

‘Oh God, please no, not that’ cried Allison when she became aware of the hot throbbing penis parting her sex lips before pushing on into her, but her cry was she knew, a lame exercise in appeasing her conscience, for this is what she had wanted since first discovering Terry in her Bedroom, sure Allison was well aware her desires were so very wrong but any self control she may have retained was by then a mere bystander, a poor second to yearning for erotic fulfilment.

To be fucked in bondage on her knees with her arms secured behind her whilst her Cunt and Anus were in full view of him was the culmination of all Allison’s self bondage fantasies and as the throbbing cock inside her began sliding in and out of Allison’s sheath, forcing her emit little cries of pleasure, she felt a surge of pride that so great was Terry’s desire for her he had been prepared to enter and use her house in this manner. Of course it was so very wrong and later she would remonstrate with him, she must tell him that on this occasion she would keep her silence, that it must never happen again and that he must hand over the keys he had copied??.she must do that, she must! ,  but with his  strong hands gripping her hips,  pulling her back and then forth as he  forced his cock ever deeper inside her,  Allison surged toward  glorious orgasm,  never ever, even in her wildest dreams had Allison realised that  being taken this way would be so incredible.!.............................

‘Unbelievable’, was just one of the words Charlie Lambert would have used to describe his feelings, Allison Hall was a bitch on heat, despite everything that had happened  she was lapping up what she still assumed to be a  fucking from Terry, the woman was having orgasm after orgasm, she was absolutely creaming, so much so that Charlie was loosing friction inside her, but as his mouth sent another strand of his spit  dribbling onto her Anus whilst wondering if she had noticed the others,  he knew that would soon change when he took her there???????.

Having experienced orgasm after orgasm Allison was then frustrated to feel the rampant cock slipping away from within her but then its large throbbing head was being slowly slid up and down the crevice between her buttocks, briefly stopping at her Anus and then back down over her cunt lips, stimulating and exciting even more of Allison’s erogenous areas and once again her throat was  emitting little gasps of pleasure until  this time she felt his cock push a little harder against her Anus then harder still and  then as Allison became very apprehensive, his hands suddenly transferred from her hips to her shoulders and then it happened,  the sudden pain shot through her like an electric shock, Allison’s sphincter muscle gave way and she realised her Anus had been penetrated. ~

‘Ahhhh, OH MY GOD...Aaahhhhh’ on no??..not there??dear God not there!

Unable to lift her head because of the pressure being applied to her shoulders Allison could only turn her face until it was sideways on to the pillow it had been forced into, this was not an act Allison would have ever consented to, her only dalliance with Anal sex had been applying pressure on her Anal ring with a small rubber sex toy, but this was and act of brutality that took her breath away and the huge rock hard pole lodged inside her rectum made Allison feel as though her body had been invaded by an Alien.

‘Oh my God no, please Terry?not there, please not there, I’m begging you Terry, its too big,  please take it out?..For gods sake take it out?.please!.......aaaa.ahhhh????please take it out!........................

‘Hey Allison, don’t blame Terry for this one?..’

If the shock of having her Anus penetrated wasn’t bad enough then hearing the voice of her nemesis Charlie Lambert was more than enough for Allison’s protests to fall away and whimpering in pain ask.

‘Oh god, Charlie? oh my god no??. is it you Charlie?’

‘Oh yes, or more precisely its my cock in your ass Allison and as great as it was fucking your juicy wet cunt my cock its going to stay there until it fills your Ass and splashes you insides with my hot cum because you really shouldn’t have been so disrespectful toward me Allison’

As he spoke Allison continued sobbing and whimpering in pain, her Ass was on fire and Charlie was slowly pushing his cock past her sphincter and ever deeper into her rectum, the sudden realisation it had not been Charlie’s cock inside her all along left her mind reeling in shock. How?...Why?.? for Gods sake why was a man of his substance doing this to her.

But all the while there was the pain, that pain was getting worse, the further Charlie penetrated her and the more unbearable the pain became the more desperate were Allison’s cries of anguish and pleading.

‘Please Charlie for gods sake don’t do this?.for gods sake please take it out, its too big, it hurts to much?. Oh god I’m so sorry Charlie, it didn’t mean to upset you!’

But Charlie’s answer was to viscously crush Allison’s hopes of salvation by

sending Allison into a howling screaming fit of pain as he buried his cock up to the hilt inside her rectum and telling her;

‘That’s what I want to hear from you Allison, you’ll get a lot more pain and sorrow before I’m finished with you so you had best get used it, this won’t be the last time you are getting my dick in your ass So learn to take it Allison and the more you start helping me the quicker I shoot my load up there and get my dick out of you, so start pushing your ass back onto my cock!’

‘Oh god, please no?don’t make me do that?.please take it out Charlie’??but again Alison’s pleading protests were cut off, for as Charlie continued to force Allison’s shoulders down, but now with just one hand, he used the other to administer a severe spanking to each of her ass cheeks in turn, causing Allison to cry out in renewed anguish to this new, almost as painful assault on her body and telling her.

‘You carry on being obstinate Allison , I’ve got all the time in the world?maybe I’ll even still have my cock in there and  be spanking that cute little Ass when your son walks in here!’

Facing up to the very real possibility of Peter finding her this way, these were the words that ‘broke the camels back’ of Allison’s resistance, Charlie Lambert was in her eyes evil personified but she was without a clue as to why he was doing this or how on earth he had ended up alongside Terry, but Allison was ready to admit that it had taken him just a few minutes to so easily and humiliatingly conquer her.

‘Oh God no, please, ok, I’ll be good!’ cried Allison through her pain and humiliation but it was to take a further ten slaps to her sore bottom before Charlie ceased his spanking and no longer holding her down by the shoulders he then gripped her hips  again as, with the terrible pain in her Anus lessened a little by the lubrication of their combined fluids, Allison hesitantly pushed her bottom back and forth onto Charlie’s cock as for a good five minutes as he in turn degraded her ever further.

‘That’s more like it Allison, that so good, we are going to turn you in to the worlds best ass fuck!......ah Yeh I’m gonna shoot my load in there soon’ .

Allison’s indescribable humiliation of having to assist in her own anal rape was matched only by Charlie’s incessant verbal degradation when telling the groaning and sobbing lecturer over and over that she now belonged to him, that she was now his property, that he owned her body and mind, that this was just the beginning for Allison who, accepting her fate, had given up the unequal struggle to dislodge Charlie from her rectum and sobbed painfully as his terrible intruding penis seemingly grew ever larger and harder inside her previously virgin Ass, its overwhelming presence as he pumped back and forth in her Anus, controlling her, taking possession her mind and well as her body in confirmation of his statement that he now owned her.

Charlie knew he could not last much longer and with a vice like grip on Allison’s hips it was time for him to impart to her the devastating information not even Terry was aware of, this  he had saved for this very moment and groaning himself as he neared his climax Charlie told the panting sobbing lecturer;

‘I’m nearly there Allison, I’ve saved it all up for you, I’m going to fill your Ass and put on a special show for those hi Tec Cameras I had installed in your bedroom a few weeks ago, hey, we are going to make great a film for your son and his pals to watch if his mom is not a good girl for her new Master!’. There it was again, the threat if involving Peter, the son Allison had fought tooth and nail with his father for the boy to live with her and not he, one thing was certain, Peter must never ever be told of his mother’s defilement.

Then, just as Allison’s distressed mind was taking in this final terrible hammer blow she became aware that Charlie’s cock was expanding to enormous proportions inside her rectum and the first spurt of Charlie’s semen suddenly splashed against the lining of her rectum before, gripping Allison’s handcuffs and pulling the protesting blonde back onto his cock he triumphantly shouted.

‘Oh my God you bitch?.here it comes??..ahhh jeezzzzzz Allison this is so good, I LOVE fucking your Arse??..oh yeh! Here we go? take it all baby!’

With her Ass speared by his huge erection Allison was powerless to prevent torrents of hot thick semen filling her rectum, splashing the walls of her ass and the lining of her stomach, its intensity disgusting and sickening her and as Charlie resumed his fucking of her Anus she prayed this nightmare must surely soon come to an end, never before had Allison experienced such depravity but only when Charlie’s penis eventually slipped from inside her ass was she allowed to momentarily fall back onto her stomach and bury her tear stained face in the pillow to there  sob uncontrollably???????????.


‘Oh my God?.oh my God’ Allison mumbled over and again as Tears continued cascading down her face before eventually she dragged her aching and bruised body from the bed toward her bathroom, there, desperate to drink and rid her mouth of the copious amounts foul acrid tasting urine sprayed over her face and into her mouth, to cleanse from her naked body the strands of dried semen splattered over her face, neck and breasts together with the accompanying incomprehensible Lipstick writing mingling with the dried encrusted cum and urine???????..

Allison had thought it was all over when she lay face down on her bed but Charlie had then ordered her to turn over onto her back and even as the weary tearful mother did this so Charlie was kneeling on the bed, placing his filthy semen and shit stained cock between her lips and telling her to clean him with her tongue, a task that left the extremely humiliated Allison retching and gagging to the foul tasting smelly but now flaccid cock whilst with huge reluctance she ran her tongue around its stained purple head until, finally satisfied she had cleaned him properly the now laughing Charlie stood back.

Only just managing to keep back the bile in her throat, Allison closed eyes in despair and allowed her head to fall back against the pillow just as the first stream of urine hit her face. Allison’s horrified eyes shot open to see both Terry and Charlie holding their cocks and aiming their combined streams of piss at her face and body and then into her mouth as soon as Allison parted her lips in shouted protests.

Soon her body and surrounding bed sheets were soaking in urine and Allison, with the disgusting urine searing the back of her throat and spilling from her lips was pleading with them to stop, that she could take no more, they could  do whatever they wished with her only please?for gods sake. Stop pissing over her!

‘Okay then’ said Terry whilst Charlie zipped and rearranged his pants  Lets call that enough for today Ali, tell you what, we’ll  lock you in here and leave the key to your handcuffs downstairs with a note telling your boy to come up and unlock you when he gets home’

‘Oh god no, please don’t do that I beg you, please take them of now Terry, I’m begging you’ sobbed the now hysterical Allison.  For Peter to find her this way would be horrendous enough but tonight he would no doubt have some friends with him,. What if they...oh god no, she didn’t even want to contemplate the thought! 

‘Hey, come on Ali, don’t you want your boy Peter to see for himself just what a good time his Mom had this afternoon??and you have had a good time, haven’t you Ali, only its important you tell us that, tell us that your so very sorry you were naughty earlier and that you deserved your punished for being so disobedient?

‘Please no??..please don’t do this to me Terry’ but then Allison suddenly realised the implication of Terry’s question,  these monsters were intent on humiliating her beyond belief  and that giving them the right answers was the only way she was going to be released right then.

‘Oh God???I’m so sorry??.I was?was naughty?and?.I?I deserved to be punished?for?for my?my, oh god? for my disobedience’ spluttered the sobbing Allison.

‘That more like it Allison’ said Charlie, joining in now. ‘But you haven’t told me just how much you love being ass fucked by me and having my cock shooting its spunk into your fantastic ass. So tell me now Allison and don’t forget its Mr. Lambert to you now!’

‘Oh god?..I?.I loved it??I. loved having? having my?.my Ass?f?.f.. Fucked by you Mr. Lambert?and?oh god? having your cock...shoot?it’s?its sperm inside my ass? Mr. Lambert’ sobbed Allison.

Charlie was euphoric; he now ‘owned’ Allison Hall and a little editing of her voice when they put together a recording, not only of this afternoons events but also of Allison’s other nocturnal activities would, he knew, result in a recording so devastatingly deviant and sexual explicit in its content that Allison Hall would remain his property for just as long as he wished.

‘That’s good, I’m glad you loved taking my cock inside your ass but hey Allison, you haven’t thanked Terry for agreeing to visit you in the first place and then allowing you to suck his cock and drink his sperm!

Allison was again forced to through what she though a pointless charade in the hope she would then be released not only from the handcuffs but also the cruel clamps that still bit into her sore nipples, telling Terry she was so glad he had visited her house and after asking him to be allowed to do so of how much she had enjoyed sucking his cock and swallowing his sperm before, much to Allison’s unedifying relief, they finally released her from the bondage of her handcuffs and nipple clamps, leaving the exhausted lecturer, her face and body cum encrusted  urine soaked , whimpering into a urine soaked pillow before, after an age of sobbing she realised that before arrived home Peter she must make an effort to clean the mess from at least her face and body, what was going on in her mind was another matter.

Finally In her bathroom Allison’s small hands grabbed the sink to support herself and she studied her grey exhausted, urine and semen splattered face in the large mirror and then looked down at the reflection of the Lipstick writing covering her entire naked upper body and ended with a deep red arrow pointing to the V of her crotch.

Allison saw that the lipstick formed arrow head stopped just short of her pubic hair line and just above that, As Terry had said it would, the writing in the mirrors’ reflection now formed one single legible sentence.

                              ‘This Cunt is the property of C. L.’       


‘Oh my God? Oh my God no!, cried Allison over and over again and then suddenly she was aware of her son’s happy youthful voice  carrying upstairs into her bathroom.

‘Hi Mum, I’m home are you okay, what’s for Dinner’ shouted Peter with his customary zeal then after slamming the front door, Peter Hall slowly crept back upstairs to the spare room whilst hoping he had left enough time before going downstairs and if his Mother would ever discover that his football practice had been cancelled earlier in the day.



                                          End of Part One


                                  [email protected]


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https://it.xhamster.com/videos/upskirt-in-train-dutch-5822842 very thanks for who has loaded this video, delicious legs a little open :-P, and very delicious black pantyhose a bit transparent, my favorites :-P, namely this type of pantyhose in this video here above it's really my favorite type of pantyhose, and then with small holes on the knees means they are nice legs tough and knees tough, and also the calves powerfuls, and then at the end when she gets up the boy on background that looks...

2 years ago
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SeniorChapter 12 Traveling with Megan

It was Thursday evening. I'd come home after sitting for my last final of the quarter and crashed. A ringing telephone woke me. It was Megan, asking if she could come over. I told her that I would come after her. I stumbled around in the dark, looking for my shoes and fell on the bag I'd packed to take with me the next day. What time was it? As I passed through the kitchen I read the clock on the stove: 6:04. Had I slept three hours? Megan was standing next to the street, with two pieces...

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When I was in the seventh grade

When I was in the seventh grade we had a camp out in the woods by my house. Six guys from my private school attended. We pitched the tents (3 of them). We sat around the camp fire talking about girls and how big of cocks they like. One thing led to another and we all pulled our cocks out and started measuring them. Some of those guys had some really large cocks. Mine was about medium size but got really hard. The guy I was going to be with me in our tent (Mark) had a very larger cock and a...

2 years ago
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First time with a married woman

Another true story from my past: A few years after college, a friend got married, and lots of folks showed up for the wedding, including some friends I hadn’t seen in several years. We had all graduated from high school, then gone to different colleges and then settled in different places. An old girlfriend, Betty, was among these people, and I must say, she was looking fine! She still had the long, blonde hair she had in high school, but she was obviously more attentive to it and it looked...

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Sarahs StoryChapter 5 Sarah and Andy

"So how was your meeting today?" asked Clair one evening not long after their first dinner together in the new dining room. "Fine," replied Richard, "one Chamber of Commerce is much like another but they seem a little more switched-on here than Warwickshire did. By the way as it was my first meeting I got talking to the chap who runs the finances and he said that he was looking for a temporary office manager at his company. I mentioned that you were looking for something and he...

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Cafe Society 1 A Tale of FemDom

"Excuse me, may I sit here please?"I looked up. Of course she could, she was lovely! The cafe was crowded and I was occupying a table for four without realising the place had filled up. I stammered my agreement and rose to my feet as she sat."It's just so busy in here," she smiled at me."Yes, sorry, I'd not realised it. I'll feel less guity now.""No need to feel guilty unless you are," she glanced at me curiously, "are you? Guilty of anything that is.""No, I guess. No more than any man might be...

1 year ago
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PrincessCum Scarlet Skies I Can Help You Get Over The Breakup Stepbrother

Scarlet Skies knows her stepbrother, Ricky Spanish, just got dumped. She tries to help him by chatting him up about the five stages of grief. Ricky kind of blows Scarlet off, telling her that he can’t trust her because she’s always going for his cum. Ricky leaves after telling Scarlet that her family sex fetish is kind of weird, but Scarlet isn’t about to give up that easily. Later, Scarlet corners Ricky where he’s moping in the living room and suggests that they play a game. Scarlet tries to...

1 year ago
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Private Alexa Flexy Her Personal Shopper

Alexa Flexy is in need of some help to put on her new lingerie in Private Specials, Elegant Babes, personal shopper Ralf Christian is up to the task, but you can bet that it won’t stay on for long! A hot blowjob serves as the perfect warm-up for this sexy, tattooed babe as she shows off her cock sucking skills before treating the lucky Ralf to a taste of her sweet pussy. Then enjoy the rest of the action on www.private.com as Alexa gets fucked in all her favourite positions and finishes up with...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Nieces 8211 Part 3

Dear ISS readers, love you all! Thanks for so much love and feedback for the Part 2 of the story. This true story is in continuation of my early true incident. After the oral sex session with my niece Priya, we both were standing in front of Swati, who saw us making out on the bed. I did not know since when she was watching us. I did not close the door of the room as Swati was supposed to arrive home late. Without saying anything, Swati came near me and caught hold of my dick and said: “How...

2 years ago
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Angels Tale Part 20 Conclusion

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 20 When she got up in the morning, Angel realized that she hadn't told her parents about the meeting. In fact, she hadn't figured out what to tell them about the meeting. In fact, there were a lot of things she needed to tell them. And despite Lena's reasoning, it could still come back to haunt her. Still... it was time. Putting the conversation off, she showered and dressed before going downstairs. When she thought...

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Soccer Fans

As he thrusts his long, hard meat deep along my sopping love tunnel and the crowd roars, I make a mental note to ask, as soon as I get my breath back, what he calls himself. The crowd roars renewed encouragement and I can't wait much longer for one football team or another to score, because when they do I know that he is going to thrust with all the force of his bent knees. With my legs wide apart and my bare ass being ground into the hard concrete wall at my back I grip tightly onto his...

4 years ago
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Camp Clear Lake Hell CampChapter 2

It was nearly twenty minutes before she returned to the room. In the interim I had found that it wasn't just our clothing that was missing. Our cell phones had been taken. That was kind of a waste. They didn't even get a signal out here. Joni's car keys were gone. The only things that they had left us were our toiletries, these towels that weren't large enough to adequately cover us, our shoes, and our birth control pills! When she returned, Joni was carrying her large bottle of...

4 years ago
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Celebrity Tentacle tale

You are a monster....... congratulations!!! You are a tentacle, just over a foot long with a (bigger than average) gurth of 3 1/2 inches. Your head is penis shaped (as they always are) that has a little tongue and can spurt out a yellow substance that has the ability to dissolve clothing and has an aphrodisiac effect when swallowed by a human. Your tail is segmented into small lumps (like beads) that make it easy to grab and can shoot a gas that puts things to sleep (handy that). The day starts...

4 years ago
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Partners In Crime Part 2

This is a work of fiction.This story was requested by Dice29.Xavin's tongue was teasing at the tip of the big, black cock of the cop, Rob. Rob in return had his large hand at the back of Xavin's head, moaning very softly. "Dawn, look.. Your little boyfriend's sucking my big cock, how'd you like it?" Dawn watched, she found it oddly arousing but didn't want to admit to it, instead snarling at Rob as he smirked back her "Come on boy, open your mouth.." Rob looked down at Xavin, nodding "Do it,...

2 years ago
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College Farewell And Sex With My Friend Crush 8211 Part 2

Hey all..this is ishan continuing the story from where I left it. so as kavya noticed me staring her navel I said good night and pretended I did nothing. but she smiled as she knew what I was doing. our eyes met and I kept staring at her beautiful eyes. though the light was dim, i could see her face pretty as always and she was looking beautiful just like a newly wed bride. I m not a alcoholic and drank that night only because it was farewell night. I don’t know if it was because of alcohol or...

4 years ago
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He is a Freak Honey

He still remembers the laughter and hearing, "My god is that real, that's unfucking believable, Shitttt!" He remembers all too well how his cock reacted at the sight of that, that... Damn, what that bitch did to him. Be'zhawn Hygate sat in his booth in the Player's Lounge, long a hot spot of the elite social working class of downtown Cincinnati. This was where the best of the best partied after work and on weekends. Married, single, separated, divorced, men and women, if you wanted a...

1 year ago
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mikeknoll wants me to suck his penis

mikeknollAfter you drink my cum from my throbbing cock, take my penis and kiss the end of the head-just enough to see how sensitive I really get... And you Im REALLY sensitive.. take my penis into your mouth, softly and gently applying small motions with your toungue to not over-sensitize you and at the same time keep the blood flow where it should be.I lay down on the bed with a pillow under my ass to prop my cock up in the air so you can access it better and kneel down to blow soft air onto...

3 years ago
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Double TakeChapter 37

“And, as is true of any other strong and addicting drug, true first love is dangerous.” —Stephen King, Wizard and Glass “DON’T LET GO! Don’t let go! Don’t let go! Ahhh!” I wasn’t about to let go of my grip around Rachel’s waist as we plunged down the flume ride at the indoor amusement park. We got sprayed a little when we hit the bottom of the ride but I did my best to protect her by holding her close. When Minnesota opened its first indoor amusement park at Mall of America, V1 rolled...

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Seducing Stephen Chapter 7 Cindys double date

Jim’s demeanor was noticeably different. In the weeks following watching Stephen fuck me, as Jim hid in our closet, my husband was more ‘energized’, almost slightly ‘hyper’.Before actually watching these events, Jim enjoyed my verbal retelling of my daily activities with my teenage lover; however, it seemed that his vicarious enjoyment had been somewhat ‘indistinct’, or perhaps ‘surreal’. These verbal descriptions, and the fantasies that they induced, were more dreamlike than real.But now,...

Wife Lovers
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WebYoung Karlee Grey Melissa Moore Dreams Come True

Teen Karlee Grey wakes up in the middle of the night feeling frisky. She wants to play with herself and starts by grabbing her tit. Her roommate Melissa Moore can sense what she’s doing but doesn’t say a thing. Karlee takes off her shorts and shoves them in Melissa’s mouth. Melissa demands to know what she thinks she’s doing standing over her naked from the waist down. She’s been her lifelong best friend and it would be weird to fuck. Plus, her parents could wake...

2 years ago
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Moms Best FriendChapter 14

Having discovered the joy of fucking Mary, Dean was eager to get into Sharon's twat. He was even more eager to strip his beautiful older sister naked, fondle her firm young body and stick his tool into her pussy. All this came out in the course of a family conference later that evening, when all of them were fully clothed again. Adam and the girls told how excited they had been while watching the exciting performance; then it was Mary's turn to tell of how thrilling the seduction of the...

3 years ago
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Komal Ke Sath Chudai

Hi friend I am back..I hope apko meri real life ki stories acchii lag rahi hongi…pehle mein new readers ko bata du ki mera nam amit hai.aur meri age 19 yrs.hai.aur mera lund 7 inch lamba aur 5 inch chauda hai.mujhe rough anal sex karna bahut achha lagta hai..agar koi women mujhse satisfy hona chahati hai jiski age 18-40yrs hai aur who Delhi mein rehti ho. toh woh mujhe be jhijhak mail kare chut.ka par.full privacy guaranteed.. Ab mein apko wo baat batata hu jo mere sath tab hui jab me 10th...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Valentina Nappi The Roadie

Lead guitarist Xander Corvus is rocking out in his garage when one of his band’s biggest fans stops by and introduces herself as Valentina Nappi. The sultry Italian says she’s new to the neighbourhood. Xander downplays his celebrity status and avoids groupies, but he likes her shoulder baring pink top and her curves. Valentina is excited to meet her music idol and promises to keep his secret. When she divulges that her favorite Pretty Dirty song is Sex Addict, he tells her it was...

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The Master Next Door v1

The Master Next Door Lauren didn’t know what was happening to her. Her body was on fire but all she felt was overwhelming pleasure. She looked around but there was only blackness. She could make out flashes of dark limbs and skin.She tried moving but a heavy force pinned her from above. Something powerful. Thrusting into her and taking her breath away. She writhed from the heat building between her legs but could do nothing as the furnace engulfed her. It was like she was being simultaneously...

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Need A Hand

The ticking of the clock was clear and distinct in the café, like the torturous dripping of a tap. The sound of rattling dishes being clumsily loaded into the dishwasher was but a murmur on the wind compared to the brutal tick that indicated each passing second. Cal’s heart beat to the rhythm, only twice as fast, with his eyes fixed firmly on the door. The coffee before him grew cold as he continually stirred it with a slow, unfaltering pace. She was late. Not very late, but late. Every passing...

1 year ago
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A Life Ever Changing 8

"Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree..." -- Irwin Levine and L. Russel Brown Performed by Tony Orlando and Dawn A Life Ever Changing #8 By Angel ...Mrs. Brown then asked me if I was ready to go home? I said yes, and she told me my mother was waiting for us. Oh FRAPST! I just knew what was going to happen then! We continued to converse about varied topics each of which ended with her asking my opinion or how I felt about this and that. I must admit I was at a loss...

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The Spy

1THE SPYIt was overcast and a light rain was falling as she approached the building. She paused amoment as if to reconsider but continued on to the side door that the tenants used afterhours. It took her a moment to find the right key but soon she slipped inside and quietlyclosed the door. Her watch showed that it was 2:30 am. She smiled slightly as she howclose she had come to have sex with Bill, fortunately the knock out pills finally work. Shethought for a moment as she seem to remember that...

4 years ago
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Alfresco Orgy

The summer after my seventeenth birthday, my parents let me go away on a week’s camping holiday with three friends: Mandy, Sam and Chris. We’d all been friends since primary school, and though we’d gone off to different secondary schools we’d still kept in touch. Mandy’s parents had an old VW Campervan (how cool is that?) and they agreed to drive us all up to the Lake District for a week. Some old friends of theirs had a farm by Ennerdale Water, and they often used to go up there and pitch a...

3 years ago
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Still Best Friends8230

Hello, readers…. this is my second story and it is mostly true(except for some parts)I am Roshan …6 ft…average physique with a 6″ cock. Coming to the story….. This incident happened when I was in class 12. I had just turned 19. A year ago, I had changed schools and landed up at a highly reputed school. I was a the type of guy who would take the time to get close to , but once I get close, you will know how crazy I am. So, there was this cute girl, named Sana(changed). She was short, but she...

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I am one lucky Girl Pt 1

by Vanessa Evans A girl discovers that she has a passion, a fetish to be seen naked and performing sex acts with people watching. Part 1 Hi, I’m Isabella and my story starts at the end of my last year at school before going to college but before I get to it I’ll tell you about myself and a couple of the significant things that happened before that summer break. I am the only child of reasonably well off father (no mother) and we live in a big house on the outskirts of a small town on the...

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Aly the Tease Part 2

They all met up at Rachel’s house around seven that night. Her house was centralized between the others and it was closer to the city. After finalizing their plans, they arranged for a cab to come pick them up and take them to the party. Smart move considering that driving around the city is a huge hazard when you’re sober, imagine what it would be like driving around drunk. No of them felt it was necessary to take that risk so they opted for a cab ride. Aly was looking sexy as ever. She showed...

1 year ago
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I Hogtied my Wife and Fucked her Ass in BDSM Role Play

My wife Shana and I wanted to experiment a bit to spice up our sex life.  So, I had been learning a little of rope tying techniques as we both dabbled in BDSM role play. We were also planning on adding a little bit of role play to stimulate each other as acting like strangers just make things naughtier. The date was set and I was to come in as the handyman to fix the sink. I knocked on our door and see Shana wearing a lacy red number without a bra. She allows me in and I pretend to ask for the...

4 years ago
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Room for Rent Part 13 of 14

After that weekend, things around the house changed. We adopted a sort of communal free-love kind of arrangement between the four of us. Of course, it didn't happen all at once, but sex between each of the girls and I (or in a few instances between the girls themselves) gradually became more frequent and less secretive. Eventually it wasn't even a private thing at all. If two of us were feeling horny, we fucked. If someone else wanted to join in, it wasn't a big deal. It was as common for us as...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Sinn Sage Ariel X Big Timer

The last few days with Layla (Ariel X) helps Sophie (Sinn Sage) a lot. She improves her wrestling skills, but also developed feelings for her. Unfortunately, Layla is still battling her old demons. When Nina (Nina Hartley) confronts her, she quits the squad leaving the girls alone few days before the big event. To complicate everything more, Freedom Phoenix (Karla Kush) gets injured during practice. Heartbroken by the loss of her new love and her title match, Sophie will have to face Lex Vega...

2 years ago
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Sailing Lesson

"Now, what would you do if you were in mid Channel and one of your crew is taken ill, he's in a lot of pain, can't move, has difficulty breathing and his face is very red?" She asks "I'd send out a 'Mayday' on the VHF," I promptly reply, looking smug. "Your electrics are down and it won't work," she replies Ah, now that's a bit of a bugger... let's see. "Well, um... I'd ask one of the other crew if they were a doctor?" I hazard. "Don't be facetious, on a boat this size...

3 years ago
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Christine 6 ndash Christmas party

In the previous part of this story, my mom had confided some pretty hot stuff about aunt Christine at my mom’s wedding. Which left me in an uncomfortable state, if I might put it that way. But life is not a never ending sex fiesta. Life normally is, err normal (having a slow day here people but stay with me). Just to put you back in context, this is around the holiday period and we’re planning our own, intimate family Christmas party. Just our own closely knit family. My mom, my dad, 2 sisters,...

4 years ago
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Meri Asli Kahani

Hi , Mi ek ladki hu meri umar aaj 32 saal hai aur meri sad ho gayi hai aur mai apni pati kai sath bhut khus hu.Aaj mai yai story is liya likh paa rahi hu kyu ki aab mere pati bhut open ho gayai hai aur unhonai hi mujhe yai karnai ko kaha hai. Short mai itna bata du ki aap meri story pad kai mere taraf hamdardi rakhogai lakin sath sath sab mard pna lond nikal kai usai hilogai aur mujhr reply karogai. Yai kahani tab ki jab mai matra 18 saal ki thi us samay mujhe sexka knowledge ho chuka ta kyu...

1 year ago
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HoRnY MilF

Maybe I’m a pervert, I don’t know. I’m 44, I’m happily married. I like teen boys, some 18-19 years of age. It’s not that I’m dissatisfied with my sex life, I have a lot of sex with my husband. It’s just some attraction I can’t resist.It started last summer. Sometimes I like to go to work on foot. I have to go through the park, which is usually empty and silent in the morning. There’re almost no people there safe for joggers. I always feel so peaceful and happy when walking there in the morning....

3 years ago
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The Restaurant Part Six

The Restaurant Part Six Publishing date - - about 270 years in your future. (In the past few chapters) We have learned that The Restaurant always delivers satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment. But, those goals are just the first rung of a very tall ladder. The Restaurant always strives to go another rung higher, no matter how many rungs you have already reached. (In the past few weeks) Jack's whole body (except his brain and most of the nerve cells in his body) had been...

3 years ago
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Whats in A Name

Copyright© 072905 Hmm, the morning sun sure feels good. I opened my eyes and found myself in a strange bed. It was early, I knew that. No sounds other than my breathing, and wait... Someone else in the bed with me. Oh right, now I remember. Last night. Jeeze, ok - I do remember. I was there to have a beer and listen to the music at the piano bar. Dueling pianos. Way cool. They play a bit of everything. I was on my own, probably for the first time in 15 years. My relationship had finally...

1 year ago
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The Office Whore Part 9

The afternoon was dragging on for Chad Stephens. He couldn’t explain why he felt so melancholy right now. He had a successful phone meeting, picked up a large new account, and had handled some important emails, so why did the day seem so dismal? He sat at the mahogany desk in his office that overlooked the city and wondered why he felt like his hands were an hour glass and Reina was the sand slowly, but surely, slipping through his fingers.He’d been wrong when he had assumed that last Friday’s...

Office Sex
1 year ago
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A Quiet Evening

It’s a quiet evening at home – Jamie is doing something on his computer and I’ve been “playing a game” on mine. And oh, what a game it is, telling some stud half my age how much I want him to stroke his cock up and down between my boobs while I‘m sucking on the tip. By the time I’m done teasing him, he’s blown his load all over his monitor and I’m getting pretty heated up myself.I can see that Jamie is involved in whatever he’s doing and quietly get out of my chair and head down the hall. As...

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