Robledo MountainChapter 26 free porn video

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I was sitting in the restaurant the next morning, finishing up breakfast and thinking about how Anna’s smile seemed to make my day. I’d just taken my last bite when Anna came over with fresh coffee and sat down, giving me another one of my Anna smiles, and asking me what I had planned for the day.

Swallowing my last bite and taking a sip of coffee I said, “I was hoping to talk my fiancée into spending the morning riding with me, and perhaps start learning to shoot. Do you think she would like that idea?”

Anna was beaming me a super charged Anna smile. “I think your fiancée would definitely like that.”

She bolted out of the chair, gave me a hug and a kiss, and said she’d be back as quick as she could.

She was back in minutes, wearing one of her new riding sets. We walked over to the stable to get our horses. I let Mr. Mendoza know that Anna and I were going riding, and while we were out, I was going to start teaching her to shoot. I invited him to go with us, but he waved me off, telling me to enjoy our ride. I nodded, retrieved the weapons from the hayloft, and rejoined Anna.

Mounting up we rode north behind the stables. After waving to Mr. Mendoza at his table Anna asked me, “Why are you carrying the rifle, when you told me you don’t like carrying it in town since it only invites questions?”

“There are very few people back this way to see us, so the risk is minimized as much as possible. We’ll also go back to the stable the same way,” I replied.

We chatted as we rode north, and eventually west. We talked about the Hacienda, the village store, the farmers and what they would need, as well as the philosophy both of us hoped to foster on the Estancia. Finally, we rode down into an arroyo that met our needs and dismounted.

Anna helped me pick up sticks for our targets, and we stuck them in the sandy bottom of the arroyo near a bend in the wall. I drew the pistol and handed it to Anna, asking her to hold it for a few minutes and then took off my belt and unthreaded the holster. I put the belt around Anna’s waist to get an idea of where to cut a new hole. Once I’d cut a new hole, I rethreaded the holster for a right-hand cross draw and handed it to Anna taking the pistol back. Anna put the belt on, and I had her reposition the holster forward nearer to the buckle. I handed her the pistol and told her to holster it.

“Anna, half the battle in learning to shoot well and shoot quickly, is getting comfortable with the weapon; and that includes wearing it. After we’re married, you will almost always carry a pistol with you. The cross-draw holster will help you with speed in drawing, as well as keeping the pistol more secure and accessible from a sitting position, and on horseback.”

I had her practice drawing and holstering the pistol as we talked about muscle memory, and its effect on speed and action in an emergency.

When she was looking comfortable, we walked out thirty yards from the targets, and I told her to draw, fire at one of the targets, and holster the pistol. Damn! The girl could shoot. When she’d gone through two magazines, hitting seventy-five percent of the targets, I had her reload the two magazines and we moved back another ten yards before she started again.

This time I talked about speed versus accuracy, and how accuracy was much more important than speed. If she had to sacrifice one over the other, then speed should always be sacrificed for better accuracy. I gave her tips on firing stances to limit the target she presented, but again warned her that some stances provided better accuracy than others. We also talked about aim points, and how she should always aim for the center of mass, between the neck and belly button for humans. When she’d gone through two magazines, we stopped again.

I was marveling at her accuracy. She’d continued to hit over seventy-five percent of her targets and those that missed were near misses. She reloaded, and we moved back ten more yards which put us fifty yards from the targets.

Before she started shooting, I said, “Anna, this is beyond the maximum range for most snap shots. Most people don’t practice enough at any distance and don’t have the hand eye coordination to handle the speed and distance involved.”

I showed her the modified Weaver two handed stance I used at this distance and beyond. While I was at it, I explained the sights and drew what a good sight picture should like in the sand. I had her draw and shoot three times at the same target using the new stance and the sights. This time she missed all three shots slightly to the left. When I asked where on the stick she was aiming, she told me at the center. I nodded and told her to do it again. She missed just to the left again.

I asked her for the gun and when she handed it to me, I fired three quick shots using the same stance she had been using and hit the target all three times. Anna was beginning to get upset, now.

“Anna, the primary problem with sights on pistols, is that it takes a lot of practice to figure out how far the sights are off and to learn to compensate for that. The designer of this pistol figured out a way to raise and lower the sights as well as move them right and left to make the sights adjust to the person firing the pistol, rather than making the person learn to adjust their aim. The reason you missed those last shots was because the sights were set for my style of shooting, not yours,” I explained.

I showed her the little screws on the top and right of the rear sight and explained that we needed to adjust the sights to the right and down showing her how to do it.

When that was done, I handed her the pistol back. She drew and shot three more shots, hitting every single one. My reward was the biggest super megawatt Anna smile I had ever seen.

I smiled back at her, congratulated her, and told her to finish off the two magazines she had. She missed one shot by a hair! When she was done, I gave her a big hug and kiss telling her she’d done extremely well. Score! Another humongous Anna smile. Five minutes later, we’d picked up the empty brass, and were riding back to Las Cruces.

Just before we reached the stable, I said, “If we go riding tomorrow, I’ll start teaching you to use the rifle.”

With a jerk of the reins she stopped her horse. “Why wouldn’t we go riding tomorrow?” she asked with a frown.

“I don’t know your plans for tomorrow, Anna. I don’t want to make demands,” I quickly responded.

She beamed me an Anna smile, nodded, and started her horse forward again. “You are one of only a few people who can make demands of me, Pablo. Of course, whether I meet those demands or not is a different story!”

I led her to the courtyard between the restaurant and her house and told her I’d see her soon for lunch. I got my Anna smile, a nod, and a thank you before she turned and went inside to change.

Taking care of the horses and the weapons was a matter of a few minutes. I hurried over to the restaurant looking for my Anna smile. Anna was standing by my table with lunch waiting for us.

A little later we walked down the streets of Las Cruces, with Anna on my arm for the first time. The experience was highly enjoyable, but slightly surreal, given my thoughts of the first time I entered Las Cruces over three years ago. However, the experience with the seamstress was even more surreal.

During the entire three hours we were there, I found myself continually comparing this experience with clothes shopping with Laura in the 20th century. With the exception of staying in one shop, instead of going store to store, it wasn’t really any different. The discussions of colors, cuts, styles, and stitches were just as boring now as it would be in the future. I did manage to maintain my sense of humor, and amiably answered all questions I was asked. When the seamstress asked for my thoughts on a particular cloth, color, or style I was always careful to parrot Anna’s opinion or ask her for her thoughts.

When the torture had concluded, it had been decided that my wedding suit would be what I called a Vaquero Mariachi suit. You know the ones I mean. Black pants with silver embroidery down the sides of the legs, and a matching short waisted coat also with enough silver embroidery on it to fund an entire cottage industry! A white shirt with black string tie completed the suit. My church and business suits were more normal, with full western cut coats. I also insisted that all my pants fit just above my hips, what hips I had, and include belt loops.

I dropped Anna off at the restaurant before leaving to find Mr. Mendoza. Mr. Mendoza was in his spot at the table repairing another bridle, accompanied by Mr. Garcia. I sat down and gave them an account of the torture I’d endured this afternoon, before turning the discussion to how good a pistol shot Anna was.

Mr. Garcia handed me a pouch and asked me to give it to Lion Killer, the next time I saw him.

At my confused look he said, “‘Lion Killer’ is Giuseppe’s Apache name. The mountain lion claws and teeth have all been cleaned, polished, and strung on a necklace with silver beads. Please tell him to put it on immediately, and take it off only when absolutely called for, as it contains great spirit medicine.”

I nodded and put the pouch in my pocket, while thanking him for the gift on Giuseppe’s behalf and for conducting the spirit ceremony over the necklace. Mr. Mendoza picked that moment to stand up and tell us it was time for dinner.

We walked in the back door and watched the kitchen dance as normal, before deftly making our way through it and into the family dining room. Watching the kitchen dance reminded me, and when Anna brought us coffee, I asked her how much dancing there would be after the wedding. She told me that she and I would have to dance for about an hour during the reception, before we could leave.

I gave out a big groan. “Anna, after your quinceañera, I shouldn’t have to remind you that I don’t know how to dance. I’m going to need some lessons.”

“Good point, Pablo; but don’t worry, I’ll gather the musicians, and we can start practicing tomorrow afternoon,” she replied with a large smile as she disappeared back into the kitchen.

I picked up the guitar and started playing, nothing in particular, just strumming the strings, and thinking about the torture I’d gone through this afternoon, and the torture I was sure I was going to experience tomorrow afternoon.

Mr. Mendoza asked what I was thinking so hard about. I started at his question, looked at him, and sang “Mi Vida Loca.” That brought a grin to everyone’s face. Then I got serious and told him it was getting harder and harder to leave Anna after every visit. He nodded, thought for a minute, and then told me to take her with me. I was shocked! I know my jaw must have been on the floor.

He and Mr. Garcia laughed loudly, and when I’d recovered, he said, “It isn’t like she wouldn’t be chaperoned. There are the mason families, the wagon teams, and her Garcia cousins are there, too. While I trust both Anna and you, it is a simple matter to arrange for you to sleep with the masons, like you did the night we all used your house during our visit.”

“I really like the idea, Sir,” I said enthusiastically. “Before I bring it up to Anna though, I want to check with Heinrich and Anya to see if they will act as formal chaperones.”

He nodded and went back to work mending the harness in front of him.

Anna was animated and dominated the dinner conversation. I really enjoyed seeing her so happy as she told everyone about our ride, the shooting lessons, the time with the seamstress and the suits we’d ordered. When she was done with that, she went into the plans for tomorrow, and enlisted her aunts help in teaching me to dance. I rolled my eyes at Mr. Mendoza and he grinned.

Luckily, I wasn’t caught, or I’m sure I’d have gotten a good arm slap. After dinner, the little ones wanted a couple of songs, so I sang them the “Unicorn Song” and “Puff the Magic Dragon.” When I was done, they thanked me, and went off to bed. As the adults started drifting out, I was strumming a melody trying to remember what song it was to. Anna asked what it was, and suddenly I remembered. I smiled at Anna and sang “Seeing My Father in Me.”

I woke up the next morning remembering my goodnight Anna smile, hug, and kiss, and was looking forward to the good morning versions. The actual versions were even better than I’d imagined. Anna joined me for breakfast again, and this time she was already dressed for riding. I checked that she had the pistol on before leaving the restaurant. When the stable boy led our horses out, we mounted up and rode north out of Las Cruces again. Anna had her smile going at full wattage, and her eyes were twinkling.

We used the same arroyo as the day before for today’s rifle practice starting at a hundred yards. As she had yesterday, she was hitting high and to the left before she adjusted the scope. The girl was going to be dangerous in a fight, if she kept her cool and didn’t let the adrenaline rush get her. She was dead on target with every shot from all three positions up to four hundred yards.

After two hours of shooting at various distances, I had her walk down to the wall with me and we leaned a series of two sticks into the wall about waist high one a bit above the other.

We went back to the first firing position, and I had her to flip the selector switch to the three-round burst position. I reminded her this option was usually only used in the standing position, because it allowed the best control of muzzle climb. It took a few tries, but she eventually learned to lean into the rifle at a slight angle and aim just above the bottom of the upper stick. The first time she did it correctly, the first bullet hit where the belly button would be, the second hit in the middle, and the third hit just below the neck. I had her fire another magazine, then told her it was time to head back.

I dropped Anna off at the courtyard a few minutes before noon, took the horses over to the stable, put everything away in the hayloft, and went over to the restaurant to rejoin Anna.

Anna wasn’t back when I got to the restaurant, and I headed for my table where I saw Tom Murphy sitting talking to Juan. Shaking hands with Tom and Juan, I sat down and exchanged pleasantries. Tom commented that Mr. Mendoza had been extremely helpful when he arrived.

“From everything Juan has been telling me, I’m looking forward to lunch,” Tom added.

“The food here is absolutely the best,” I replied with a big grin.

Juan chuckled and said, “You might be just a little biased, but the food is very good here.”

Anna arrived with coffee, and I introduced her to Tom as she sat down with us.

“Tom this is Mr. and Mrs. Mendoza’s granddaughter, Anna, my fiancée,” I said.

“Well congratulations to you both. Now I know why I received such good treatment from Mr. Mendoza.”

When we were done laughing, Juan told me that the lime and scaffolding had been delivered and that he had ordered all the material Jorge had asked for. We talked for a few more minutes, before Anna got up to get our lunches.

“We’re probably going to have to find a new quarry site when we go out to the Hacienda tomorrow, because the one I have been using has a water seep in the wall. I certainly don’t want to chance hitting a spring, yet,” I told the two of them while we waited.

Tom gave a shrug of his wide shoulders. “Finding water is always a good thing, but not for running a quarry. Is a new site going to be hard to find?”

“It may take a couple of days, Tom, but we have a whole mountain to choose from. The only thing we really need to consider, is accessibility for wagons,” I replied.

Anna arrived with our lunches: cheeseburgers and fries with cold tea, and we all settled into enjoying the meal and conversation.

“Anna, where are we going to practice dancing?” I asked.

“It’s such a pleasant day, I thought the courtyard would be nice,” Anna responded with a grin.

I groaned at the thought of my public humiliation. Juan and Anna laughed. Tom looked interested and asked what we were talking about.

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Claiming Katrina

Luke sat at the hotel bar and watched the couples on the dance floor.  He was scanning the room casually, feeling slightly bored, when he noticed the woman sitting at one of the high tables just off the dance floor, alone.  His previously wandering mind focused in on her, taking in every detail.  She had on a short, black dress that showed off her long, shapely legs. The dress had thin straps and a low neckline that framed the soft fullness of her cleavage.  Her neck curved gracefully into her...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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DominationChapter 5 Initiation

The door opened. Alexandra looked down on the housewife with amusement and disdain. "You're late! You'll be disciplined!" "I'm sorry. I ... I'm not sure what I'm doing here. I..." "Do you remember what I told you?" "You ... you aren't serious." "You're going to find out. Now let me hear it." Catherine thought of turning and leaving, yet something, something this woman said, did, the way she looked -- what was it that drew Catherine to her, made her want to be near, to...

1 year ago
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Narrow boat fun see the album

Narrow Boat fun.As we sat in the pub having a drink an old mate came over who we had not seen in years, now split from his wife, he looked well, “Have a drink with us Clive” Jayne said in a familiar tone.It turned out Clive was now pursuing a photography career in the adult world and modelling area, something Clive and I had always wanted to do but never managed it.“Look guys I need your help, nothing major but I have a boat trip sorted for PM today, some modelling on board a narrow boat, the...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub for Six

Emily here. Boy, this story just keeps getting better and better! I've told you about Paul and Sara, and how they've shared their home and bed with me. I've told you about their son Jeff, who I'm pretty sure will be my future husband (although he doesn't know that yet!). And I've told you about Elly, the woman who shared Paul and Sara's bed ten years ago and who now shares theirs and mine. They've all given me all the sex I need, which I appreciate, but they've also given me love and...

1 year ago
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CastawayChapter 31

Actually we each woke the other both times, and were glad we had. It was after 8:00 a.m. when I finally clambered out of bed, leaving her snuggling back in under the covers. I took another quick shower—the first one had been at 3:30, which we'd shared—and shaved, and then dressed with frequent glances at the breathtakingly gorgeous woman who lay in my bed. To remember the joy we'd shared all night, including when we'd only slept, was almost more than I could bear. When I finally emerged...

2 years ago
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Mom8217s huge ass

It was Friday night. Valerie and her 21 year old son, Charlie, were sitting in the lounge of their home, watching a movie on television. “Gee mom, maybe you should get one of these!” Charlie teased his 52 year old mother, when a girl in a thong appeared on the TV screen. Valerie laughed. “Yeah, right,” she said.” “A lardass like me, wearing that? Sure!” “Oh nonsense. I bet you’d look… hmmm…interesting,” Charlie replied,...

2 years ago
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Hawaiian Vacation

Joan rolled over and once again looked at the bedside clock, 12:07, exactly two minutes later than it had been the last time she had looked. Sweet Jesus, here she was on her dream vacation in Maui and she couldn't fall asleep. She glanced across the bed at her husband of 13years, David, and listened to him softly snoring, asleep after their love making session, well at least it was David's' perception of making love. Joan damn well knew it wasn't her idea of making love but then again it...

1 year ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 23 Bridgetown

Exactly what the fuck was I supposed to do with a Cassandran Damsel? I certainly couldn’t rescue her, I wasn’t a Hero and didn’t have that ring I needed to use the portals even if there was a bank handy. Although ... mental note to look through all the jewelry we took off the pirates and see if there were any rings that looked like Eric’s. Meanwhile, I was already planning on going to Bridgetown and Small Cove. I had originally wanted to go just to see what was available there. Small Cove...

3 years ago
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A little walkA little wank

Had a fun and risky afternoon. Went to a favourite parking spot where I was to meet up with another guy and put on a show for him. But he didn't turn up. So I sat in my car for a bit and stroking my cock -I was naked from the waist down-and then I drove back to another area and parked there. This is all around a rocky beach area and is popular wth walkers and, I had seen 2 girls that had gone for a little walk together and, in the hope of catching them doing something, I...

1 year ago
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My wife is doing the bitch on a truck parking

I talk every day, a lot with men from all over the world who would like to meet my wife, young, old, from all countries and all races.I had never imagined such success, Martine is still more young, and yet.Sometimes we are tempted by a meeting.That's what happened in early June.We had been in contact since the winter with a driver from the south-west who wanted to get Martine down to work as a whore on the areas he knew well.It has awaken in us a fantasy and a big excitement.We had to wait for...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Mz Dani 54 Inch PAWG vs 13 Inch BBC

The word “bootylicious” doesn’t even begin to describe Mz. Dani and her 54-inch ass ? I mean…DAMN! ? The all-natural blonde MILF makes her Hussie Pass debut today and, of course, we had to pair her big ass up with our ?? big cock stud Brickzilla. After we get to know a little about the 34-year-old ? newbie, Brickzilla steps in with a lot of ? lube ? and gets her backside looking nice and slick. He then buries his face in between her ample ? cheeks and munches away. Of course, Mz....

4 years ago
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Young couple part 1

My name is Sara and I want to tell you what happened couple years ago. I’m 21 years old, 5feet 3 inches in height and 110 pounds in weight. I have C-cup sized tits and as I’m quite small framed, my tits look even larger than they are. Men have always loved my small firm body, big tits and of course my long blond hair. My husband is 24 years old and in every way an average guy. Don’t get me wrong, I love him of course, but sometimes I need to have something more.Three years ago before we...

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Mages Pratice

I was 10 when I noticed, that I was a bit different from the other children, I could do things that they could not. I could imagine thing that they could not, and I could also see thing that were not meant to be. The first time that I noticed that something was not right was when I was playing with the other kids, I saw something that they could not see, or want to see, I could never tell the difference. Of course being the goody two shoes that i was back then, i told the teachers that i...

3 years ago
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Palm Swings Chapter 2 The Full Swap

We all got up and headed out towards the hot tub area of the resort. It was pretty quiet with only three other people soaking their bodies when we arrived. The sun had gone down by now so the area was fairly dark with only a few dim outside lights and the tub lights to guide our way.  There were three different tubs: two on the ground level and one up a few steps on this raised platform that looked out over the whole property. That tub was empty, and without even speaking we all decided that...

3 years ago
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Afternoon with Felicia

A brisk Autumn afternoon. Leaves of all colors floating, wind carrying them through the air, almost as if feathers falling from an angel. Greg walks up a street that is almost deserted, almost feels as if today is a different day, a special day. Greg walked up the porch steps of his best friends house, the door swings open, he meets his Best friends very petite blonde girlfriend on the porch. Felicia was a very small petite girl, about 17-18 years old, perky tits, and just assuming from her...

2 years ago
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family vacation day 3 gets a good start

Yup, it's me (sasha) and the third day of a great vaction.I think the events of the second day really had all of us very tired.We ate dinner and just sat on the deck and talked normal (boring) hahafamily stuff. I wanted to go to the lake and take a swim before it got to late, but no one else wanted to go, so the swim would have to wait.We watched a movie and most of us fell asleep.I woke up in the morning on the recliner and Pasha was making breakfast.Dad had some plans for us for our day...

2 years ago
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An Aegean Vacation

This was Niles' first trip abroad. He had promised himself such a trip for when he graduated, but then there was no money. It had taken two years working a crappy job and saving every penny, but it had now happened. He couldn’t say why he had chosen this itinerary, probably because of the wording in some brochure. First, four full days in Athens, then a day visiting ruins on the east coast of Greece, two days each on two islands in the Aegean and then four days in Istanbul with an optional...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Aunty Kai Sath Sex Kiya Bhot Maza Aaya Use Bhi Aaya

Ye khani 6 month pehle ki hai mai delhi se hu or ye khani bhi delhi ki hai vo aunty kya mast bata nahi sakta 32-34 kai the uski gand kya badi thi vo hamare ghar kai barabar mai rehti thi hamara aana jana tha vaha pe ab mai khani pe aata hu. Mera name love hai mai delhi ka rehne vala hu mera lund 7 inch bada or 3 inch mota hai Mere barabar mai ek lady rehti thi kiraype uska name hema tha name change use boob mast the or kamar mahasha aala.Ab mai time na kharab karke khani pe aata hu me une unti...

3 years ago
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The April Fool8217s Day Prank Leads To Sex With Teacher

The names in the following story have been changed in order to maintain the secrecy of both the people and because sex with teacher is considered a taboo. Hey there people! Sorry, I could not reveal my real name but you can call me mva. Talking about me, I’m a college going student in Ahmedabad in my 2nd semester. I have a dick of five and a half inches. For feedbacks and any kinds of comments, contact me on Talking about my teacher, she is 30 and married to a banker guy. She has a huge pair...

2 years ago
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Darsonus and ReealChapter 6

Darsonus sat up and grabbed a piece of dried meat. Their best chance of staying alive was to reach Dunmar soon, so their camps would continue to be cold, without a fire. Ree'al needed to rest but Darsonus knew better than to try to hurry Ree'al when he practiced. Darsonus watched Ree'al while he ate. "Ree'al," he asked. "Where are your boots?" "I seem to have lost them." "Did you sprain your ankles?" "No, Dar, but as you can see my feet are a little sore. Now leave me...

2 years ago
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Two StrikesChapter 13

Paul was frustrated with his own efforts to research radio/television specialty schools. There was no lack of choice, but distinguishing wheat from chaff was proving difficult. The courses ran from a few weeks to a full year of what was called "post-graduate study" and Paul was at a loss. Finally, he threw in the towel and asked Lois to seek advice from the appropriate partners at the firm. Two days later, he got a call from Reuben Weisman, who identified himself as one of Raymond...

3 years ago
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The Christmas Turkeys

I remember that the elevator was playing Christmas Music as I rode the ten floors to the lobby. Everyone seemed to be in a festive mood except me. I was thinking that I probably should have taken the window to the ground. It would have been more scenic and solved each and every one of my problems. Being unemployed at Christmas is a bitch, but being self employed at Christmas was a roller coaster. You think you have it all covered but then the contract holder call you in. ‘Sorry Mr. Ames but we...

1 year ago
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Orbital AcademyChapter 2

Every night before bed, Aimee set a personal alarm for a half-hour before her squadmates woke up. The plan was always to enjoy a quiet hour to herself, a respite from the busy schedule that ruled her life these days. Unfortunately for Aimee, every morning she would sleepily cancel the alarm as soon as it went off, so in practice she tended to be woken by the same alarm that shrieked the other rookies out of bed. She spit a swear word as her feet hit the cold tile of the barracks floor, and...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 9: DARK KNIGHTS BANG“Wall of fame? I don’t get it. Doesn’t look very honored.” Jean and Abby had been escorted through the Dark Knights club to the manager’s office behind the bar area. This was the third visit to the club for Jean and Abby. This time with just Caleb and Terrell. Each time they came to the club they felt more comfortable in the environment. They continued to meet other men who had invested like Caleb and Terrell and continued to find themselves on the dance floor with...

2 years ago
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The GirlsChapter 12 Corrin Kodak Moment

Rinny looked at her camera. She generally took about 20 photos per day, and could usually edit one or two of them to look spectacular. Today, however, she simply wasn't happy with any of the photos, and she'd taken 50+. She had a look at her photos, and she couldn't work out what was wrong. None of the photos were bad, it was just that none of them /motivated/ her. For as long as she could remember, Rinny had wanted to be a professional photographer. Generally she specialised in...

2 years ago
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My Mum Seduced Me

I was 15 years old and, like any 15 year old, my hormones were becoming rampant. Not that I had any luck where it came to the opposite sex, I'd had a few dates, but had never got any further than a brief snogging session with my date, nor had I seen a naked female outside the pages of a magazine. It wasn't my looks that let me down, I was no super-hunk, but I had been told I was quite 'handsome', mind you that was right before the girl dumped me. My problem was confidence, as in I had none,...

4 years ago
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The Cosmic James BondChapter 2

Back at The Center, I was relaxing in my apartment with another agent from down the hall. "Bev, how long have you been in this business?" "That's a hard question to answer. I think that I have been at it for over 300 subjective years, but I was first contacted in 2032 after a horrible airplane accident. So that may mean that I have not even started yet. You figure it out." She laughed at that. Beverly is a blond when she is in her normal form, but she has been in many shapes over the...

1 year ago
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Golden Comics

What’s so Golden about Golden Comics? Honestly, I saw the name and thought it was going to be a collection of pee fetish hentai, but it turns out the library is far more diverse than that. They’ve got a bit of that kinky, stinky wet stuff if that’s what you’re into, but I think the “Gold” in question is just a reference to the overall quality of the stash. The subtitle claims they’ve got The Best Porn Comics, and well, I wanted to lube up and see for myself just how true that was.If the joint’s...

Porn Comics Sites
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Cult Pastor Prologue

Prologue I didn’t start out to become a leader of cult, but it isn’t a bad gig. Just don’t take yourself too seriously. Looking back, I know when it started. I fell in love with the power to control and manipulate people. After only four years as a pastor, my interest in religion and ministry was waning. In fact, I had come to question everything that I once believed. I contemplated stepping down as pastor, but I struggled to let go of the power. The power started subtly enough. Like many...

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