Cumbucket Slut
- 1 year ago
- 47
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Holly Harmes enjoyed college, but mostly she liked living on her own. She was ready, after eighteen years of being a kid, to be master of her own destiny. Almost immediately, she began to try and find ways she could make the best of her new-found freedom.
Holly lived in the dorms, in a pair of rooms with three other girls. The girls all got along fairly well, and life was enjoyable except for those occasional times when their periods synced. As far as boys, Holly played the field a little bit at first, and burned through a string of hunky young guys, but she didn’t feel the need to tie herself down right away.
One night Shasta, a girl that roomed with her, told her about a frat party off campus. “There’ll be booze, and guys, and loud music, and guys, and lots of booze. Did I mention guys?”
Holly rolled her eyes, but she was interested. She knew that most frat boys were fairly rich, even though a high percentage of them were also assholes. Well, she could live with that, if it meant being treated like a queen for a night. She also knew that frat guys usually expected their girls to put out, and ... she could live with that, too. She was really to play around. She wasn’t a virgin, by any stretch, but she felt like it was time to widen her horizons a bit. And maybe widen something else, if she could find Mr. Right. Mr. hung-like-a-horse Right. Her list of requirements was actually pretty short.
She got the details from Shasta, and later talked to Adrianna, her best friend and roomie. They decided to just casually show up Friday evening, like they were invited, and let what would happen happen. Surely the guys wouldn’t kick them out, they were both fairly foxy, they thought at the same time, looking at themselves objectively. Surely they would be allowed to enter. Allowed, hell, they’d probably be dragged inside. Holly thought of some things she could wear to speed the process along.
By Friday evening, Adrianna was a little more reticent. Holly pooh-pooh her, laughing. “What’s the worst that could happen?” she asked her friend.
“I dunno...” said Adrianna. “I’ve heard some crazy shit that’s happened at frat houses before. So have you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” said Holly, still laughing. “That shit only happens at the big schools. We only make the news here for stupid shit, like people sliding down flagpoles and ripping their asshole out.”
Last year a guy had done that, he had gotten hung up on a cleat while hanging a flag from an opposing school on the flagpole. It was the biggest news in years, and he didn’t get much sympathy because of the school he was from. Too bad for him, especially since he’d be wearing diapers for the rest of his life. Holly laughed some more.
“Come on, it’ll be fun ... I promise...”
“Shit, Holly ... I think I’ll go home this weekend anyway...”
Holly shook her head. What a spoil-sport. Well, what the hell. She’d see if Shasta wanted to go. She looked the other girl up.
“I dunno...” said Shasta, “I’ve heard crazy mad shit goes on at frat houses.”
“Goddam it,” said Holly, peeved. “Who’s startin’ all these fuckin’ rumors? How bad could it be?”
“Well, okay,” said Shasta, “I’ll go, but if the guys start disrespectin’ me, I am fuckin’ outa there.”
Holly laughed. She wasn’t going for respect, she was going for fun. Maybe a little booze, and maybe a little fuckin’. The way she’d felt the last few nights ... the fucking was almost a sure thing. Surely she could find one studly man among the boys.
That night she finally finished her homework, and looked over at Adrianna’s bed. The other girl had gone to bed an hour ago, lucky bitch. Holly went down the hall to the john and peed and brushed her teeth, then returned to their room. She dropped her jeans, kicked her socks off, pulled her t-shirt over her head, and was unsnapping her bra when she heard Adrianna whisper.
“Looook ... I am yuh fath-uh...”
Holly laughed, and shook her head. Why she’d ever told the girl she’d liked those movies as a kid was beyond her. They did this almost every night now. She leaned down, and put her face in Adrianna’s.
“Only a master of eve-ill, Darth,” she said, and kissed Adrianna on the lips.
“Mmm...” said the other girl. They kissed again, slower.
“Darlin’,” Holly finally said, laying down on top of Adrianna. Damn, these beds are narrow, she thought for the thousandth time. It was cool enough in the room by now she had chill bumps. Everything stopped for a minute while Adrianna helped her crawl under the sheet and blanket.
“Holly...” Adrianna said, before she could start again.
“What ... mmm...” said Holly, pressing her lips to the other girls mouth yet again.
“I thought ... we’d decided ... to slow down...” said Adrianna, stopping a few times for more kisses.
“We decided to slow down, yes. But we didn’t decide to stop,” said Holly.
“I thought we decided only on the weekend...” said Adrianna, her breath hot in Holly’s face.
“Yeah, yeah, well it’s Thursday, that’s fuckin’ close enough,” said Holly, taking the other girl’s earlobe in her teeth.
“Ouch. Okay. But not all night, please? I gotta have my sleep, I almost fell asleep in Durham’s class again.”
“Sorry ‘bout last night,” Holly apologized. “I know, I get carried away sometimes.”
“Baby...” whispered Adrianna, “I’m not complaining. I love this shit, and I love you.”
“Oh, darlin’, I love you too...” whispered Holly back. “If you just had a cock, we’d be the perfect couple...”
“You picky little bitch...” whispered Adrianna, licking the inside of Holly’s ear. Holly purred like a kitten. So what if the party sucked. This was almost as fun as getting her cunt filled with man-meat. She knew what was going to happen in the next few minutes. Adrianna was going to slide down her stomach and do what she did best. The girl was the best cunt licker in the school, bar none. Holly knew once she got her started she’d go for hours. This was as much fun as any old dumb party. And guys? Fuck guys. She didn’t need guys, not as long as Adrianna still had a tongue. She smashed her mouth against her roommate’s, and tasted the other girl’s spit in her mouth.
Holly didn’t have any classes on Friday, so she just sat around the apartment and waited for evening. Shasta showed up, and a little after six they dressed. Holly wore a tight, almost blindingly white miniskirt that barely covered her pussy. She hadn’t had the nerve to wear it out in public yet, and she almost covered it with her jacket at the last minute. Shasta, a little more conservatively dressed, giggled at her.
“Fuck it,” said Holly, tossing her jacket on the bed. It was brisk enough outside she knew her nipples would pop through the top. She felt like there was no way they’d get turned down at the door. She’d shaved her legs this morning, and, on impulse, shaved her pussy for the first time in a year or two. She felt all nice and smooth down there, and she had topped it off with a tiny white thong. She felt like she was ready have the affair of her life. She knew once she sat down and crossed her legs, any guy in the place would be hers. And with that thong, she’d had to cross them. It was almost literally dental floss.
The girls walked down the sidewalk and out of the dorm complex. They looked at each other and giggled when they heard tires screeching on the road next to them. A car went by slowly and guys hung out the window and hooted at them. The apes, thought Holly. What a bunch of classless thugs. She was ready to meet a real gentleman, tonight. One that knew how to treat a lady.
They approached frat row at last. Holly had a chill, feeling the breeze blow on places that were usually sheltered. She suppressed a shiver, knowing it wouldn’t look sexy. They finally came up the sidewalk, and stood at the door of Kappa Omega Kappa. A few flowerpots filled with pathetic dead plants sat on the windowsill. The place needed a paintjob, bad. And what was that smell? The building looked deserted, on top of everything. There’s a party here? wondered Holly. Fearlessly she pressed the doorbell.
The wind blew under her skirt again, making her shiver. Damn, where the fuck are they? she wondered.
At last the door slowly creaked open. A kid stood there, literally, a kid. Is this somebody’s little brother? Holly wondered.
“Hi,” she said, in her best Southern-girl accent. “Has the party started?”
“Party?” the kid said. Holly looked down and saw him holding a beer. Where there’s beer, surely there’s a party, she thought.
“Yeah,” she said. “Thuh party.”
“Uh...” the kid said. He looked up and down her, stopping for a noticeable pause at the hem of her skirt. He was no dummy. He knew what was hidden by less than an inch of cloth.
“It’s just starting,” said an authoritative voice behind him. The kid stood back, and they entered.
In spite of the freezing wind blowing up their asses, Holly and Shasta walked slowly into the main living room of the frat house. Seven or eight guys laid around on couches and chairs, staring at them. The room was a pit, totally trashed. Old milk cartons and TV dinner trays littered the floor. And that smell. She heard Shasta clear her throat behind her.
“Well, good evening, ladies,” said a boy, coming forward. Boy? This was a man, finally. Tall, lanky and handsome ... this is more like it, thought Holly. A few more of these would be nice. She looked around.
Well, maybe he’s the pick of the litter. Surely there were more men around. It was just boys in the room, at the moment. She could hear music playing, coming from a hallway. Is that where the party was?
“We just heard there was a party goin’ on here,” she explained to the cute guy. He reached for her hand, and she gave it to him. He leaned down and kissed it, like she was a high class lady or something. She giggled.
“I am truly charmed,” he said. “My name is Ralph.”
“I’m Holly,” she said, and motioned to the girl behind her. Then she looked again, doing a double take, seeing the door close on Shasta’s butt. You bitch! she had time to think. You fuckin’ bitch! Runnin’ out on me!
“I’m sorry your friend ... had to leave in such a rush,” said Ralph, in his smooth baritone. The guy talked like he was in a play or something. He’d said charmed earlier, but she was the one charmed, now.
“Please,” he said, “have a seat!”
He swept an crumpled assortment of porno mags into the floor, and helped her sit in a chair. She smiled at him. She was vaguely aware of the nine or ten other guys in the room staring at her like they’d never seen a girl before. She wondered when the last time a female had entered this room. Not even the maid had been here in a while, it looked like.
“The party hasn’t actually begun yet,” said Ralph. “We are waiting on the refreshments to arrive. Would you like to come to my room and view my etchings?”
In spite of liking him, she almost snorted at that one. She wondered if it was a joke. What a prehistoric pickup line. She looked at Ralph. He was a hunk. Yeah, she thought. Fuck the etchings. I’d like to see your room. I might even like to stare at your ceiling for a while.
“Certainly,” she said.
“Oh, I am an inhospitable host,” he said, dramatically placing his hand on his forehead. “May I offer you a refreshment?”
“Uhm,” she said. “Got a beer?”
“Oh, that we have. Most certainly,” he said, and nodded at one of the guys behind him. The kid that had answered the door stepped forward, and Ralph whispered to him. The kid took off down the hallway.
He returned with a can, and Ralph thoughtfully popped the top for her. She smiled at him and gave him a small toast, and then took a sip.
Holly, though a fairly typical and normal young adult, did have an almost amazing amount of self control. It was tested to the limit on that day, as she drew a swig of bitter pig piss into her mouth. It was all she could do to keep from spraying it all over Ralph the mouth, but she didn’t. She swallowed, and gasped. The look of adulation in Ralph’s eyes turned to admiration. He knew how bad the cheap shit was. This is one tough little bitch, he told himself. This one might be a challenge.
Holly placed the can on an end table, making a silent vow to let it stand there for all eternity. She would not touch it again. Ralph put his hand down to her, and she took it and rose. He led her from the living area down the hallway to a small bedroom. On his exit from the room he had given some hasty and whispered instructions the the door kid to “let the party begin”, unquote. The kid had nodded, and raced away.
Holly was no dummy. She knew by now there was no party here. She was already planning her graceful exit, possibly after giving Ralph her cell number. But she followed him to his room, and stood gazing about her in surprise as he shut the door.
The guy wasn’t lying. He had etching, he had fucking etching hanging on his wall. Well, artwork, pictures, whatever. And goodness, she thought. Those people are ... they are fucking.
She looked at the other wall. All his so-called “etchings” were erotic in nature. Some of them looked very old, or rather the people in them looked old. And that man ... goodness ... that man had an enormous ... she remembered some of the prehistoric porn she’d had to read in a literature class ... the man had an enormous “member.” She smiled to herself.
“Ralph...” she said. His eyebrows raised when she spoke his name. “Ralph ... you have very interesting tastes...”
He laughed. “I have many interests...” he said. “Making beautiful young ladies laugh and smile is foremost among them. Holly, dearest ... I keep the good stuff in my room. Forget that horse piss ... here ... try this!”
He opened a bottle with a corkscrew, and it popped like a gunshot, making her jump. He smiled and she giggled. He produced two wineglasses, and poured an inch into each of them. He handed her a glass, and then swirled his around and sniffed it.
“A delicate bouquet...” he said. “Reminds me of ... Paris ... the spring before the war ... my grandfather sat on the veranda of a small restaurant, and sang about love to a girl that was much like you. Her name was Miranda. My family often laughs about Grandpa and Miranda on the veranda.”
She smiled, though his story was horrible, and the wine was almost as nasty tasting as the beer. This is culture, bitch, she told herself. Get that shit down, and like it. She took another sip, willing her nose to stop tingling. Do not sneeze on this man, she told herself.
Ralph blabbed on. She wondered if he’d read this shit somewhere, or if he was making it up as he went along. The guy had a career if he wanted it, she thought. She wasn’t sure if it was seductable quality material, but he did say funny things every now and then, although sometimes he probably didn’t intend on them being so funny. She just smiled and nodded.
He seated her on his bed, and sat beside her holding her hand in his paw. He asked her about what she was studying, and where she had grown up, and what were her goals in life?
“Goals?” she said blankly. She didn’t actually have goals, yet. Just to get through the next twenty minutes looked like a tough one.
“Yes, your dreams, your hopes and aspirations,” he said grandly. He suddenly dropped to his knees before her, still squeezing her hands in hers.
“My single dream,” he said, “is nothing more than to spend an hour between your wonderful thighs.”
Goodness, he doesn’t waste time, she thought. To the point.
“Ralph,” she said, shaking her head. “I like you. You are sweet, and funny. But I don’t know you that well. Not for something like that.”
“Oh, we must change that,” he said. “We must make that happen. You must know me, and I you.”
An hour later she felt like she knew him pretty well. Possibly even better than necessary. They had sat and talked and sipped wine, and she felt herself relaxing and getting looser. The room was nice and warm, and other than occasional risque comments, he was almost a gentleman.
Ralph had risen from the floor, and sat beside her, so close their knees touched. His hand, occasionally touched her, too. She didn’t mind that much. She was warming up to him, just like he’d intended.
“Holly, my dearest,” he whispered, and placed his mouth to her ear when she bent down. “I want to rub you down with baby oil. I want to massage you, and make you feel good. I want to feel you beneath my fingers. May I, darling?”
“Ralph ... I dunno...” that did sound kinda like fun. She liked to be rubbed. And he looked like he had big strong hands. He stood.
“Just sit up slightly,” he said, taking the hem of her miniskirt in his hand. She did, wondering why she was following his orders so meekly. Was it just because he was handsome and, so far, fairly thoughtful and polite? He carefully drew her dress over her head. She sat, almost naked, except for a small bra and that tiny thong. Almost as an afterthought she covered her crotch with her hand.
He reached his hands around her, and she felt his fingers on her bra strap. “May I?” he said, although he’d already done it, when he asked. He slid her bra down her arms.
“Oh, you are divine,” he said, and she felt like he really meant it, it wasn’t just sweet talk this time. She knew she had nice tits, enough guys had told her in the past. Adrianna had even told her, just last night.
“Ralph...” she said shyly. “Please lock the door.”
“The door is fine,” he said in his hypnotic drone. He kept talking, but she didn’t really hear what he said. She took another sip of wine. The shit didn’t taste that bad, now. She gulped down the rest of it, and he refilled her wineglass. She felt his tentative touch on her nipple. He was easy and gentle, and it felt good. She liked having her tits played with. And fuck, were her nipples ever hard. Her nipples usually stayed hard, but this time it was special.
“Where’s that rackbub ... backrub...” she finally said. Her tongue wasn’t working right, for some reason.
“Just lay down on your stomach, darlin’,” smooth-talking Ralph said. She lay down on his bed and sighed. She felt good. Tired, but good. She closed her eyes, and felt his hard, strong hands knead her shoulders. She flinched as something cold dropped on her back, and then she giggled. Baby oil. He rubbed it in, over and over, up and down her back. His hands were as hypnotic as his voice. She yawned, and wondered what Adrianna was doing right about now. Will I get my midnight kiss here or there? she thought to herself.
“Holly, baby...” she heard Ralph say. She mumbled something. His hands went lower and lower, down her back, and she flinched as he squeezed her ass. She flinched, but it felt good. She sighed and mumbled. He squeezed harder, digging his fingers into her bare ass. She felt him spread her butt cheeks apart, moving the strap of her thong, and she knew he was looking at her butthole. She giggled, instead of being upset.
This went on for quite some time. It was relaxing, and felt good. It felt good to have her ass massaged and squeezed. She was sure it felt good for him, too. Everybody likes to squeeze a little ass.
“Turn over, darling,” he said. “I have something I want you to see...”
She sighed again, and slowly rolled over, looking at him. He was standing beside the bed, his hands on his hips, and right away she saw what he wanted her to see. He had pulled his cock and balls out of the zipper slit of his jeans. He stood there, arrogantly, maybe even a bit, uhm, cocky. Like he had something to be proud of.
Holy shit, said Holly to herself. That is something to be proud of. Ralph had a pretty goddam impressive cock. At least eight inches long, although she was a girl and feet and inches didn’t always add up in her mind. But, shit. He was a monster. She smiled up at him, not even remembering to be shocked.
“Ralphie. You got a nice weenie,” she said, a lazy smile on her face. He smiled back down. He knew he did. She wasn’t the first that had told him that. He even had a girlfriend who regularly reminded him of that. But his girlfriend wasn’t as sweet as this sweet young thing laying in his bed. He licked his lips, hoping to hell his girlfriend didn’t come checking up on him this evening. That would be ... unpleasant.
“Darling Holly,” he said. “You may use my body any way you see fit, for your pleasure. I give myself to you.”
She took a deep breath, and reached her hand out. Holly want, she thought. Holly want now. He felt hard, hard and warm. She rubbed down his shaft, finally sitting up and grabbing him with both hands. He felt fabulous in her hands, just like what a cock should feel. I’m through with boys, she thought. I’m ready for a man.
He let her play for a while, then slowly inched forward. She didn’t require much of a hint, and finally, holding his monster delicately in one hand, she leaned down and took him in her lips. At first she just slurped around on the tip, feeling the hard cap of his cock on her inner lips, but she finally sucked him in as deep as she could. Damn, she thought, that feels cool. And huge, the damn thing felt like a fucking summer sausage in her mouth. This was just too damn cool.
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The events I'm going to describe took place nearly 40 years ago, but they still stand vividly in my mind - and are still among my favourite dreams when I masturbate. I grew up with my single mother, as my father left us when I was 6 and my mother was 26. Not that I missed him. My only recollections of him are those of a violent man, who would not control his temper, neither towards mom, nor me. When I turned into my teens I started to notice, what a gorgeous woman my mother was. Up till then...
It was a usual Friday night for me. I had left work at 5.00 pm., and since it was payday, I headed for the Crown Hotel, my old drinking hole. It was quite a dive, but I didn’t give a shit. The beer was cheap and Ol’ Sullivan the bartender, treated us good. And we didn’t get all the college kids and the yuppies that frequented the more trendy bars a block over in the club district. It was just good ol’ working class guys and retired alcoholics at the Crown. It was now 11:30 p.m. and I was...
Nadia was out with the girls enjoying the night partying and drinking with Melanie and April , I was spending the night at home watching a movie , it was late so i ended up getting into bed so i stripped off and slept naked as i usually do , i was soon asleep but was awoken later in the night as the girls got home very drunk and talking loudly. Nadia stuck her head into my room and said hope we didn't wake you and started laughing as she walked into the room and sat down on the edge of my bed...
Drunk sexCumslut HusbandPart 1 - An Acquired Taste"So, honey, what did ya get me for my birthday this year?" Smiling, my wife sucked a drop of butter from her finger and told me "It'd better be good."Uh-oh. I'd completely forgotten about it, and I think she knew it. Stalling, I snatched a piece of toast from her plate and crammed it in my mouth, mumbling incoherently around it."You forgot, didn't you." Crossing her arms over her breasts, she just sat there and glared at me. I tell you - if looks could...
This isn’t the first time that Kendra had gotten drunk. She has been sneaking booze from her parents for almost a year now but now that she is fifteen years old it has been taking more booze to make her feel good. Kendra overheard her brother talking on the phone about a party he was going to have this weekend when their parents were out of town. Kendra was supposed to spending the weekend with a girlfriend but was thinking of staying home now. Her brother was twenty and attending the...
One guy offered me a ride but this woman walked over and told him to get lost. She introduced herself to me as Mary and I told her who I was. She heard of my work and offered me a ride home safely. She was a young black girl named Tamarra. She was about five nine and very slender. She wore her hair straight like mine and she had a nice set of tits on her, almost as nice as mine. We arrived back to my place and she invited herself up. I said I didn't care if she...
I’m not a very masculine guy. In fact, I’m downright girly. I blame my body. I’m 5’3” and weigh 110lbs, but the first thing people notice is my fat ass. It’s fat, tight, and juicy. It’s the kind of ass that women these days pay a queen’s ransom for. It flares out with my wide hips from a narrow waist and flat stomach and is complemented by proportionally thick thighs. My calves are well-defined, my ankles thin and delicate, as is my upper body. Other than my ass and thighs, the only fat on me...
CrossdressingMy wife was excited to see some old friends. They were headed out to dinner, and it had been quite some time since she had gone out without spouses or k**s. So I know she really needed this. It had also been some time since she had any alcohol. Just too busy with life, so her tolerance must have gone way down I guess. She headed out to dinner, and I got the k**s to bed and watched some tv. She wasn't going to be gone long. This wasn't a party night. Just some girlfriends, dinner, some wine,...
My husband frequently goes out drinking and that's okay with me as he never stays out too late. Recently he said he wanted me to go with him and we could dance at least since I don't drink very much. When we got to this new club he found I saw a lot of black men inside. I said something to my husband and he said "well they know good music and how to dance. Come on hon let's have a drink." I was okay with this and we found a table near the dance floor. He had me wearing a micro mini skirt and a...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers. This story is a continuation of my another meeting with Anika who dominated me on the bed last time. So after few days of our last meeting, we had another sexual meeting.This time I dominated her on the bed.Anika is a beautiful girl with big boobs, white skin and always have a sluttery and naughty expression on her face.So one day I had an argument with my parents about my studies.I got frustrated and left for college.I texted Anika if we could meet...
Hey, people its naman here I am sorry couldn’t finish the last story well let’s chuck the past, this is my new story a true one for sure… Let me describe myself I am 23 years male from Bhopal athletic body now with some abs too. So getting on to the story will start with describing the lady of the story Akanksha (name changed) 23years 34-30-38 one hell of a person in bed. So it was a Saturday night was at my hostel actually it’s a joint one so one can easily slip into any girl’s room. Ok so I...
I always took my wife out Saturday nights to a great little dance club. She was only 22 and would dress up in the shortest little skirts. After we were married for a year I won a bet and she had to go out for the next month to the club in her shortest dresses and no undies. My wife always like to drink a blot and as we were married longer she would drink more and more when we went out each week. The first three weeks I took my wife out dancing and she had to wear no undergarments, everything...
Had a day off, decided I was too horny for laundry. Drove to adult theater and bookstore. Went in about 1:30 pm. Took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to darkness. This was an old regular theater where they used to show those weird movies where people wore clothes. Fortunately it had porn as it's daily fare. I sat in the back row. One seat had been removed so it seemed a great place to suck cocks and eat cum. I was starting to enjoy the porn when a guy in a suit...
One fine Yorkshire afternoon, the 'eligible' Mr William Postlethwaite and I took a gentle walk across the moor towards the notorious Merripath House. The views were as exceptional as ever and the landscape's bleak, rolling hills inspired my imagination far more than the character of my escort. I had considered him a fine enough gentleman on first acquaintance, yet on subsequent occasions, he came across as a miserable fellow with an altogether cold personality. Not that I chanced upon William...
HistoricalUnlike many women like me, i wasnt molested nor did i have any daddy issues. Quite the opposite. I grew up in a very loving home with stability. It wasnt until i discovered porn that i knew what i was and what i liked. Upon my discovery of the greatest invention kninown to man, it became very clear that i was different. I couldnt get off on a porn vid without it being a gangbang. The more guys and the more degrading, the better. Gangbangs became a new obsession of mine. I couldnt wait to get...
When Kirsten came around that night with a casserole she’d prepared for Rodney, he’d just finished showering and was lazing around in shorts and a well-worn t-shirt. No point in dressing up – Kirsten and his wife had been inseparable since they’d first met 5 years ago, and the two couples were equally laid-back and comfortable around each other. Kirsten’s husband was a bit of a geek in Rodney’s book, and he could never quite figure out how Kirsten’s huge personality didn’t completely eclipse...
The field trip to the meat packing plant was boring. Amy was growing restless. She wasn't interested in how burgers were packaged up or how they were made. She was thirsty, horny and was craving cum so badly. As her class toured through the plant she kept looking around for an easy escape. She saw an open door and the teacher was distracted so she whispered to five of the guys in her class to follow her. She had been sucking dick all morning in on the way to school at the bus stop, on the bus...
FetishI couldnt believe it was stupid enough to fall for it, because it wasnt going to be a real offer… was it?I was stood there outside the prison on a road round the corner on a cold wintery night, waiting to be let down.Was I shaking because it was cold and I was just wearing a short mini dress to show off the stockings, suspenders, and thong, with high heels and large hoop earings, with my long hair swept down and round to one side….or was it because I had a slight chance that maybe, just maybe...
Thursday 19th JulyI wake rested after an early night and text Master to say good morning. I receive an immediate reply. Master says that He missed His Cum Girl very much last night and that He is looking forward to seeing her tonight. I leave for work a very happy Cum Girl secure in the knowledge that I belong to Master.The day drags. I am eager to be home preparing the house and myself for Master’s visit, but Cum Girl has learnt to control her moods and stays focused on her work. Home, I...
I quickly snapped myself out my daydream, and realized a bead of drool had rolled out the corner of my mouth, along with a drop of precum from my once more rigid dick. Why waste my time fantasizing when the real thing was within spitting distance in any direction? I'd gotten myself worked up again, and my cock throbbed angrily. There wasn't the same feverish need to rut as there had been in Beth's classroom. This time I felt a calmer, but somewhat crueler drive. I wanted to hurt someone....
--- I awoke to the playful teasing of a tongue on my balls. It traced all around the outline of my scrotum, momentarily cradling each testicle in a careful embrace. Each ball was briefly sucked into the inviting mouth, and rolled around lovingly between her tongue and soft inner cheek. I slowly pried open my eyes to see which if my girls had won the chance to wake me this morning. Propping myself up on my elbows I glanced down to see my naked body, uncovered by sheets, and a small head...
“UNH… fuck me harder!” screamed Kelly again. Her moans encouraged Phil to piston into the blonde even faster. The wet slapping from their movements echoed down the alley. Kelly felt her tits bouncing into the brick building, rubbing on her nipples and causing her moans to grow louder still. Phil felt Kelly’s moist walls milking him and let out a groan of his own. “Stick your fingers in my ass!” Kelly yelled wildly. Phil wasted no time in spitting in his hand, rubbing it on Kelly’s...
Author of Another Yard and Driven Lust presents: CUMBERLAND FALLS Chapter 1 Jesse Cumberland was a simple man. Born and raised in Kentucky, he was an outdoorsman by nature. He served in the military after graduating high school to earn a living and learned the brick layer’s trade from his tour of service. He applied that trade after his tour of duty with a construction company that built new homes. At $25.00 an hour, he could make a decent living and live a comfortable...
I couldn’t believe it. I still had trouble wrapping my head around the fact that Max, my Max (well not so much anymore), was getting married today. It may seem weird, going to your ex’s wedding but it is what it is. It’s been almost 8 years since we broke up and besides, I want to be supportive. Still, I can’t help but be anxious. I mean, I think I still look pretty great for someone on the cusp of 30. I workout to maintain my figure and my C breasts are still just as perky. Which allows me to...
CheatingI didn't feel like going upstairs to wash, so I grabbed a few 'wet & wipe' tissues from a tub we kept in the kitchen, and gave my now limp cock a good clean and wipe over, especially around the tip as I pulled back the foreskin a little. It felt exciting to be naked like this in our kitchen, mom having just wanked me off in here. Then, still in the nude, I walked out of the kitchen, along the hallway, and into our downstairs cloakroom, and flushed the wet tissues I had used to clean...
"That's good," she said, and closed the door behind her and locked it. I backed my chair up a little bit, and she put a leg over me and sat down, grinding me. She had a great face and a decent body. I just can't refuse a free fuck, and I hadn't shot my load for a number of days, so I was about due. It was midterms, so usually I took that as a good time to study and not party, but this girl definitely seemed like some stress relief to me. I put my arms around the small of her back,...
Author’s note: This story is based on the song ‘Tecumseh Valley’ written by the late Townes Van Zandt. As far as I can tell, the song itself is fiction, this story certainly is. No characters in the story are based on any living or deceased person. It is set during a major recession in the US in 1880. Conditions portrayed in the story are as I imagine them to have been at that time and once again are fictional, as are the locations mentioned in the story, and probably in the song. Enjoy. *...
The morning after…. (continuation to ‘Starting our cumeekend) I come into our room and I see you there standing, waiting for me. You are wearing nothing but your pajamas pants. The morning sun washing over you and giving you a warm embrace. You look at me intently, reaching out with your hand beckoning me. I walk up to you, our eyes never breaking contact and you take my hand in yours. With your other hand you caress my cheek, my hair, my lips, then you move your hand lower and running...
There is something about that striped blouse and dark skirt together that makes me want to do things to you. Bad things. Real bad things. You come home from work in that combo and I can’t believe how fast I’ve gotten hard. Now it’s your turn to submit. No mercy! You walk toward me with a slightly tired looking smile of greeting and I say ‘Stop. Get down on all fours. NOW!’ You look a little taken aback but you obey immediately. A deal is a deal and you always keep your word. ‘Crawl to me –...
Ashley unlocked the door to her apartment, and reached for the light switch as she stepped through. Before her hand made contact with the switch, her arm was grabbed and she was roughly pulled inside and she felt her other arm being wrapped behind her. Before she could scream out an alarm, her mouth was taped, her eyes blindfolded and she was half dragged, half walked forward…but by who…and why…what did they want? She felt herself struggle, but realized it was useless. With trepidation Ashley...
For some time now, I suspected my girlfriend, Julie, was having sex with someone else, but there were small but tell-tale signs. Whilst I was asl**p the other night, I was woke from a deep sl**p with delightful sucking sensation on my cock, my girlfriend was busy giving my some exceptional ‘head’, licking, kissing and even the odd nibble at my scrotum, it felt great! She began to frantically masturbate my hard cock with her hands and within a couple of minutes I cried out ‘I’m cumming,...
Image Source In an ancient, mythical China, where gods and demons both bless and torment the mortal realm, a single, humble individual was charged by the Great Buddha himself to save the world... to travel west and seek the Xutras and bring them back to the East, so that all may learn of its teachings and spread peace upon the land. It was not a journey without hardship and peril however... the sometimes petty and jealous gods and lesser deities not always in their best minds when dealing with...
FantasyLuke walked out of the university gym with his roommate Simon. "That was probably the hardest exam I have ever had to write in my life. It's good it's only worth 40% of my grade..." said Luke "Yeah, I think that everyone struggled with it though; they can't fail us all, right?" Said Simon Luke's silence dismayed Simon. "Well it's all over now, at least we don't have to worry about school for the next three months." "Yeah I suppose there is a silver lining" "Do you want to go to the party at the...
FantasyIt was a fantastic day on Cherry Hill. School had just ended and the Morgan kids had just graduated high school. They were a family that had been together for almost three years now, whether the kids wanted to be or not. The moms of Jack and Lexi had gotten married after they left their husbands for each other. Jack's mom, Nikki, worked in banking and always appeared very straight-laced and proper, while Lexi's mom, Jess, was more of a wild child, sporting tattoos and a different hair color...
They say there is a very fine line between stupidity and bravery. As I sit here staring at all the explosions in the distance, in the middle of a forest, I realise I may have already crossed the point of no return. My name is Barry Barnes. I am 28yrs old and I can easily be described as your everyday person. I have no particular skills and no academic knowledge. The one thing that defines me is my bigger than average dick and complete obessesion in women and mages (sometimes both). Since I was...
FantasyJohn wasn't entirely sure about this trip. About a week ago John was called at work by the radio station 96.9 The Cleft. The two rowdy hosts, Jill and Jack, congratulated John on winning a trip, but they were so drunk all John heard was "Porlnd ta see da Tail Blzsz..." While John wasn't really interested in the sports, but a free vacation was a free vacation! Of course seeing the tickets now John had some doubts. The letter had been fairly mauled by the postman, but John is still pretty sure...
As you come into our house, you enter by the entrance way that is about three yards long. Looking to the right is a hallway with a bedroom on each side and a 3/4 bath at the end. As you walk into the living room, you look across the room and there is a futon with two large, curtained windows behind it, on the left, there is a short couch facing the futon with a coffee table between them.We placed the small couch there to give separation between the living room and the kitchen-dining room to the...
ExhibitionismI walk in and place my hands on Britney's soft breasts as she pleasures herself with my vibrator. I have been admiring her since she walked in on me masturbating. Her nipples are getting more erect, asking to be sucked. I take my tongue and lick around her nipple, teasing it. Britney lets out a moan. I start to suckle on it and then give the same attention to the other breast. As my mouth devours her nipples, my hand moves down to her clit. Rubbing it in a slow circular manner. I'm driving her...