EmergenceChapter 4: Phantom free porn video

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I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed and eager to start classifying the different symbol groups I was getting a feel for and arrived at the old admin building around eight o’clock.

As I walked down the hall towards the stairs, a door just ahead of me to my right opened. I must have been just a few seconds later than the last time I showed up that early. This time, I saw the cup of coffee momentarily float in mid-air before it plopped to the floor as the familiar “SHLING” sound filled my ears.

I froze, carefully dodged the cane as it came flying at my head, then held my arms up in the universal sign of surrender and only barely saw the blur that was Perry as he lunged.

The next thing I knew, Perry had his legs forked around my midsection as I was falling backward. I think if he hadn’t recognized me at that instant, he wouldn’t have curled both legs around me. I realized later that if he had left one of his legs straight and landed on one foot, his other leg might have caused my back to snap into two.

So instead of a broken back, I got a bruised tailbone and another three good raps on the top of my head while I cleaned up his spilled coffee. I swore to myself I would be prepared the next time.

Once I limped my way upstairs, I made myself at home on the couch and started studying some of the less heavily damaged streams in a couple of ressies.

When the first of the three group members showed up for the game almost two hours later, I was discouraged as hell from finding that there were too many different combinations of symbols that could form a segment that I couldn’t keep track of them all. To make matters worse, one of the voices that had tried to taunt me into a mind-hopping race two months earlier walked in to play.

Terrence Wishmaker was British and probably one of the best offensive voices the Group had. Unfortunately, his big voice came with a big ego, and he loved proving he had one of the strongest voices on campus. Joey and Neil both separately tried to put him into his place by challenging him to a telepathic duel, but Terrence managed to take down their shields before they could do the same to him.

Both of us seized this unexpected opportunity. Terrence challenged me, I immediately accepted, and quickly we agreed the showdown would be at high noon, Sunday, in front of the old cathedral.

Big ego or not, I had to respect Terrence for his skill and strength. But to me, what was more important was the circumstances of how he had come to be a part of the Harrison Group.

Terrence had just begun to experiment with his telepathic abilities when another much more experienced voice discovered him and enslaved him. After convincing his family that Terrence was too despicable to speak too, the man brought Terrence back to the states with him. He taught Terrence a lot, drilled him constantly, and perhaps this was the reason Terrence was so good at the duels. But he spent five years serving this man like any other slave, having no real life of his own.

So when he and his master attempted to enslave the Group believing there were only a handful of them to deal with, they were quickly disabled and brought to Sarah for judgment. Sarah quickly saw Terrence’s situation, and after removing the rather simple commands the man had enslaved Terrence with, Terrence eagerly accepted her offer to join them, deeply afraid he would become someone like his ex-master if left to defend on his own.

Like I said, I respected Terrence for making that decision and adhering to the Group’s rules when he could have left and used his abilities freely. He had seen the corruption that kind of thing does to a person and didn’t want that to happen to him.

What Terrence hadn’t known was I had immediately seen through the ego he used to hide behind and saw his fear of being enslaved again. While Terrence may have physically been twenty years old, in many ways, he was only fifteen. He had been enslaved at the ripe age of fourteen, and essentially his social development had stopped while his body continued to grow for those five long years serving his master without a care about himself.

Terrence refused to allow me to stay for the game that day. I understood his feelings and left without much of a fuss, but you could say I was more eager to teach him a lesson after he used his inflated ego like a club on me to get me to leave. He made it sound like I was worried he’d break through my defenses and try and enslave me, which as everyone knew by then, I would most likely die before that could happen. Hmph ... Like any trick he could have up his sleeve would be less effective by my observing how he cleaned minds.

Joey’s car was parked behind mine when I returned to my apartment building, so I went up to Suzi’s and found they had just got back from apartment shopping with Jason.

“So how come he’s suddenly looking for an apartment?” I asked Joey while Suzi was in the bedroom changing clothes. “I thought he liked living in the frat house.”

Joey snickered, “That was before he was known as the brother to princess Suzi.”

I grinned and said, “Princess Suzi, huh?”

“That’s what he called her. I think it was supposed to have been an insult, but you know Suz.”

I nodded and said, “What about Johnson’s apartment downstairs? He’s moving out at the end of the semester.”

Suzi came out wearing tight jeans and a cut off t-shirt and said, “The prick doesn’t want to be in the same building as his overbearing meddling sister.”

“Shit, Suz. Did you run out of clean clothes or something?” I said, personally loving seeing a bare tummy exposed to the public like that after the long winter.

“No, I’m just horny,” she said off handedly, then walked over to me and asked sweetly. “Timmy? Can my boys use your bathroom again tonight?”

“Sure thing, sexy,” I said, giving her a kiss just to the right of her bare belly button.

“Stop that!” she said, slapping me on the top of my head.

“It was only a kiss!” I protested, then issued the old ‘down boy’ command silently.

“Well, just don’t kiss me when I’m like this,” she said, frustrated.

I sighed, realizing that because she was horny, those damn commands Joey put in her head would probably kick in even at something as simple as a hug.

Man, she was horny too. When I started telling them about Terrence’s challenge, Suzi sat down on the opposite side of Joey, plastering herself against him as she listened, her hand absently wandering up and down his chest. Joey was trying to listen, and Suzi was too, but even I wasn’t really paying attention to what I was saying by the time Suzi was teasingly running her finger between his legs and watching his crotch move with his heartbeat.

After everyone had stopped talking for over a minute, I said, “I, uh ... think I’ll be going,” and got up.

I expected someone to say something, but all I heard behind me was the anxious meeting of lips and deepening breaths. I closed her door behind me with a lump in both my throat and my pants and left the building without even stopping off at my apartment.

I was halfway across the street when Joey thought to me,

To my surprise, Joey came jogging up, asking, “So where we going? Back to the old admin building?”

“I can’t go back there today. Terrence, remember?”

“Oh,” he said, accepting that he had missed the reason while Suzi had been petting him. “What about the hospital then?”

“I don’t feel like it,” I admitted, frustrated in more ways than one. “Why did you leave Suzi like that?”

“I didn’t leave her. She ordered me out. She didn’t want her mood used up before tonight. Besides, she knew I wanted to see what you’ve been working on all week.”

I sighed with my frustration, finding my hopes of what I was trying to do were diminishing out of the sheer number of symbol groupings I would have to memorize to accomplish it.

“Tim, what’s the matter? Did that shit head Terrence get to you?”

“No. Nothing like that,” I quickly assured him. “Come on. Let’s go to the hospital and I’ll show you.”

I was shocked to realize I had never shared the vision of the symbols with Joey before then. We spent hours just rediscovering the majestic beauty and grace of the symbols, something that I seemed to had forgotten to appreciate.

By the time I got around to showing him the details of how impossible it would be for me to memorize the different possible arrangements of simple symbol segments, I was starting to feel the drain of being in that kind of a link for so long. After I closed the link, we remained sitting on this padded bench down a hall for quite some time, my eyes shut while I rested and his mind spun frantically with his forming ideas.

I never got to ask him what he was thinking, for suddenly he jumped to his feet and quickly said to me, “Red alert. All hands to battle stations. Got to go.”

As my grin faded from my face, I closed my eyes again and laid down in the spot he vacated. I ignored the increasing bursts of telepathic noise nearby as the Group assembled to track down and fight off another power-hungry voice.

I dozed off a while, and when I woke, I was surprised to find the search still going on. I then bumped my head on the fucking arm of the bench when I checked the time and saw I was late for my Saturday night drinks.

Strangers were sitting at our usual table, and I slapped myself on the side of my head for not remembering the newbies were confined to their quarters during an attack. I decided if they couldn’t come to the Rave, I could bring a little bit of the Rave to them.

Unfortunately, I found the elevator refused to go to that floor as it apparently had been locked out. When I tried one set of stairs and found the second floor’s door locked, I noticed a swirl of symbols just outside the other staircase’s door on the opposite side of the building.

I cheerily climbed the first set of stairs to the landing between floors, then, as I turned the corner and recognized the guard’s face, the gorilla noticed me and did the same.

“YOU!” he yelled. “COME’ER, FAGGOT!”

I bet my face was as white as ash, and as I turned to run back down the steps, I heard this electrical buzzer going off above and below me followed by two slams somewhere above me and clicks from what I guessed were electrical locks closing on all the doors to that stairwell.

“You can’t get away this time, bed wetter,” he snarled. “You’re going to pay for making me miss my lunch.”

I turned towards him, seeing my trapped-like-a-rat expression in the reflective sunglasses he wore.

“Look, I don’t think you know...” I started to explain, then got cut off as he grabbed me by the throat and threw me against the concrete wall, winding me and knocking me momentarily senseless.

“When I get done with you, bed wetter, you’ll wish you had stepped in front of a locomotive instead of running into me.”

“I already do,” I gasped, then snapped my sprawled legs together and tried hooking his left foot out from under him.

“Looks like I need to beat some more sense into you,” he laughed after I failed to pull him off his feet.

“Shit. Perry makes it look so easy,” I muttered to myself as he dropped to his knees, pinning me between them.

As he raised his arm to commence with his promised beating, I looked him in the glasses, desperately trying to look behind those damn mirrors he wore, and said, “I’m here to see the newbies!”

After his moment of surprise passed, he exclaimed, “The fuck you are!”

“I was supposed to meet them at the Rave!” I shouted, barely moving out of the way as his fist came down at me. “God Damn it! I’m a voice!”

“And I’m a silencer!” he barked, hitting me this time squarely in the gut, the impact not only rearranging my organs in very uncomfortable ways, but also jarred his sunglasses off his face and partially into my open mouth.

It took me several seconds to realize what I was trying to spit out of my mouth, then just as he grabbed them with one hand and raised the other to finish me off, I made eye contact and “ZAP!” he was out for the count.

The twins would have been so proud of me. Heh. Of course, I can’t take all the credit. If the gorilla hadn’t done such a good job inducing the terror I had felt, I probably would have only been able to stun him for a few moments.

Once I stopped holding my guts in agony and helped all my organs to go back into their regular assigned spots, I was strongly tempted to give the asshole a couple of kicks in his gut for the trouble. But I didn’t, finding it against my code of honor to injure someone while he was down, not to mention not wanting to risk waking him up and having to relive the terror again.

After inspecting around the door he had been guarding and not finding anything to release the locks, I carefully searched the gorilla’s pockets and found what looked to be a garage door opener in the left one.

Once the doors were unlocked, I was tempted to strip the fucker down and take off with his clothes, naturally locking the doors behind me. But the buzzer had made him stir, so I didn’t take any chances and just got the hell out of there.

The telepathic activity was still going strong as I made my way towards the dorm building Shelly lived in. I was puzzled. What could have been taking them so long to track down the intruder? That’s all they had been doing since I had awakened from my little nap.

I knew Shelly wasn’t in the room when I knocked on her door, but Vanessa was, and my curiosity got the better of me.

When Vanessa opened the door, I asked, “Hi, is Shelly in?”

“She ran to store for some stuff,” Vanessa said with a cautious tone. “Are you ... Tim?”

“I am,” I blurted, actually surprised she knew my name. “Uh, I was just...”

“Come in, I guess,” Vanessa said with uncertainty.

“Thanks,” I said, stepping past her and momentarily grinning at the sight of Shelly’s unmade bed.

“So you’re Tim,” she said, motioning me to sit on her bed as she turned down the volume on a twelve inch black and white TV set sitting on the study table at the foot of her bed.

“And you’re Vanessa,” I said, keeping my humor of the situation from showing on my face.

She looked at me like she suspected something, then as she discarded the thought with a yawn, I had front row seats watching her raise her arms over her head and her braless breasts tried to poke through her t-shirt.

She caught me admiring her bust, and instantly went on the offensive by asking, “Are you planning to get serious with Shelly?”

I blinked a few times to reinitialize my thought processes, then said, “I didn’t plan on it, no. She didn’t want to get involved with someone else so soon.”

“So you’re not out to get into her pants?”

“Excuse me?” I said, mocking my taking offense at the suggestion. “I’m not trying to get into anyone’s pants. I’m engaged!”

“Oh. Sorry!” she winced. “She never said you were engaged.”

“Even if I wasn’t engaged, I wouldn’t be trying to get into her pants without her wanting me too!” I said, still playing mad.

“Sorry!” she said in aggravation. “I just got dumped by a guy and I guess I’m just feeling protective.”

“Tony dumped you? Why the hell would he do that?”

“You know Tony?”

“I doubt he’d know me, but yeah, I know him.”

“Oh,” she said, slightly disappointed.

“Pardon me for asking, but why did he dump you?”

“I’m not going to tell you that,” she said, looking me in the eyes and suddenly sensing something familiar.

“Have we met before?” she said, blinking after I glanced over at the TV a moment.

“Not in person, no. I’ve seen you around, though.”

She looked me in the eyes again, this time triggering an empathic connection.

She asked softly, “Why do I feel like I know you?”

Curious to see where this was going, I didn’t break the connection and asked her again, “Why did Tony break up with you?”

She gasped, “You ... You already know why.”

I insisted, “Tell me why Tony broke up with you.”

She said shakily, “He said he fell in love with ... another man.”

“What else did he tell you, Vanessa? How did he tell you?”

“All week long something was bothering him, and when he was late picking me up to go to the Rave last night, I tried kissing him in the car to try and soften him up so he’d tell me what was bothering him.

“He didn’t kiss me back right, and when I stopped and looked him in the face, he had this big guilty look ... He told me he met this guy last week ... And ... Tony’s gay!” she blubbered, breaking the link and throwing herself forward into my shoulder.

I gently rubbed her back as she recovered her self-control, then sheepishly scooted away from her when Shelly came in and caught us like that.

Holding two sacks in her arms, Shelly closed the door with her foot while exclaiming worriedly, “What’s going on? Tim, what are you doing here?”

I said honestly, “My plans for tonight fell through, so I stopped by to see if you wanted to do anything. Vanessa was just telling me how she had picked out a fruit as a boyfriend and...”

“Don’t call him that!” Vanessa objected, then lightened up a little and giggled slightly.

Shelly said with mixed feelings, “You told him?”

“I ... I guess I did,” Vanessa stuttered. “I don’t know why. I just...”

Shelly asked nervously, “You didn’t give her any coffee ice cream, did you Tim?”

“No, silly. As far as I know that only works on you,” I said, looking her in the eyes to see what would happen.

Vanessa suddenly asked, “Shelly, did you tell him?”

Shelly asked even more nervously, “Tell him what?”

“Anything about ... things?”

“I um...”

Looking Vanessa in the eyes, I quoted, “It never happened.”

“Yes it did,” Vanessa said with a sudden burst of emotion.

I looked up at Shelly to see the same surprise on her face as was probably on mine, then as I got up to leave, I said, “Well, then, I guess you two are unavailable tonight.” I looked at Shelly and said, “Look, I’ll just see you in class on Monday, ‘k?”

“You’re not going to ... say anything still, are you?” Shelly said worriedly, following me to the door and opening it for me.

I smiled at her and pretended to zip my lips closed with an invisible zipper, to which she gave me a peck on my cheek and slowly shut the door.

“What to do, what to do,” I sighed as I left their dorm building. “It’s Saturday night, and there’s nobody left for me to hang out with.”

I was tempted to just go to the Rave, but I wasn’t in the mood to deal with the crowds even if dancing stag did somewhat appeal to me.

I walked around the quieter parts of campus until I noticed the Group’s probes were starting to spread out across the whole campus.

“I wonder what took them so long to try that,” I said aloud, then nearly jumped out of my skin when a motorcycle came speeding down the walkway and had to hop out of their way.

“Why don’t you fucking watch where you’re going, you morons!” I yelled after them, then watched as two more went down a walkway on the other side of the yard.

Within five minutes the Group had formed a perimeter around the entire campus, and after watching them slowly make their way inwards for a while, I got bored and tried a tiny little pulse that I estimated they wouldn’t sense from their distance just to see if the intruder was hiding anywhere nearby.

When nothing came back, and the others’ search pattern didn’t change, I just started hopping around people’s heads looking for anything unusual, making sure I kept out of the range of the Group’s probes.

I didn’t really expect to find anything that way, and I didn’t. You could say the intruder found me, but it was really just chance that she probed the person I had just popped into and instantly attacked my mind through the link.

I never had had someone attack me through a link I had formed to another person’s mind. She nearly succeeded in worming herself into my head through my own remote sensory feed streams, but I cut them off the moment I recognized the non sensory symbols within the streams.

I barely got a fix on her before she stopped emitting her command streams at the person I had just disconnected from. Seeing she was still effectively boxed in by the group’s shrinking perimeter, I just watched her streams from a distance as she moved briskly towards their northern-most flank.

By the time I realized where she was heading, she was physically too far away from me for me to catch up with her in time.

I urgently broadcasted across the whole campus,

Joey thought to me,

I focused my symbolic vision on her and discovered she didn’t seem to have a shield or protective barrier up, and with a simple command stopped her fast in her tracks.

I had expected some kind of fight, probe, or something, but it never came, so I probed her and found out the reason why.

he replied before closing the thought channel.

After examining the young woman’s mind a bit more, I made sure I knew where I could find her if I wanted to scan her in more detail later and sent her back to the Rave where apparently she had been before whoever it was had borrowed her body for some scouting.

They didn’t find the real intruder that night, and it was doubtful the intruder had ever actually set foot on the campus on that or the other nights during the previous two weeks that someone had detected a suspicious probe and hadn’t been able to locate the source.

I was relieved to hear that they had easily ruled myself out as being the cause of some of these mysterious ghost voices. I wasn’t all that pleased to find how easily Suzi could detect when my mind was drifting around outside of my skull.

Suz had canceled her plans with her slave boys, but that’s not to say she didn’t have any fun that night. After their climaxes and things got quiet upstairs, I drifted off to sleep without knowing it and found myself cuddling Suzi on top of me as I stroked her long sweaty hair.

My cock was still hard and deeply embedded inside her, and every once in a while, she’d stir and readjust her hips to get it in deep again. My balls were getting a little sore for having fucked so much without cumming, but then they were used to this. And Suz never forgot to take care of that before going to sleep.

I closed my eyes to enjoy the slutty sensations Suz was sending to me through our share link. I loved being her instrument of pleasure. I’d do anything she wished without question or hesitation.

She’s thinking about it now. She’s going get me off in some really perverted way. I know her. She hasn’t been this horny since before Tim came here.

She’s getting ready. I can always tell because her cunt gets wetter as she thinks about it.

But then she snapped her head up, looked me in the eye with a suspicious look, and said, “Timmy? Are you in there?”

“What?” I asked.

“You ARE! Get out of his HEAD, TIMMY!”

“What are you talking about, Suz?” I ... Joey asked as I found myself drifting slowly away.

Suzi thought to me.

Well, excuse me for dreaming. Shit.

“Good morning,” Joey said with false cheeriness when he opened Suzi’s door the next morning.

“Morning,” I said, not sure what to make of his mood. “Suz still mad at me?”

“Nah,” he scoffed, closing the door behind me. “I think you just surprised her, that’s all.”

I looked him in the eyes suspiciously, then as he let his concerns show on his face, I said, “But you’re upset about what happened last night.”

“Kind of,” he admitted. “Tim, I didn’t sense you doing that. You were in my head, but I didn’t know it.”

Suzi called from the bedroom, “Joey, I’m ready.”

“Coming,” he immediately responded and left to join her.

I sat down at the breakfast table to think about what Joey had said but got distracted watching his symbols flow about his body as he dressed Suzi.

Joey’s and Suzi’s mental signatures were as familiar to me as the feel of my own body. I could even recognize them by their symbolic streams, and I had never really studied their streams in that great of detail to do that.

I asked Suzi when they came out, “Suz, how did you know I was connected to Joey when Joey didn’t?”

“I felt you watching me,” she said, shrugging. “I didn’t sense anything else.”

“I didn’t sense anything at all,” Joey pointed out. “That’s really starting to freak me out.”

I said, “I’d like to try something before we go eat.”

Suzi said, “All right, but hurry up. I’m starving.”

I remarked, “I bet. You put out more energy last night than the whole football team does in a game.”

“Well, at least I don’t sneak around spying on people to get my jollies,” she snapped back playfully.

I smiled at her comment with my eyes closed, focusing my mind on just her symbols. I imagined I was like a camera with a zoom lens, going nearer, focusing, going a little closer, focusing...

Suzi said a bit nervously, “Timmy ... This is feeling weird.”

Joey huffed in frustration, “What is? Damn it, I can’t sense anything!”

I mumbled out, “What does it feel like?”

Joey repeated for me, “He asked what does it feel like.”

“I feel like he’s looking at me under a microscope,” she said, clearly starting to get rattled.

I opened my eyes, took a deep breath, and said, “It didn’t feel like last night then?”

“No, not even a little,” she said shakily. “Maybe you should try it on Joey.”

I asked, “I thought you were hungry?”

“I’m not anymore,” she said with an uncomfortable expression.

Noticing the difference in her digestive stream, I said, “Sorry, Suz. I didn’t think it would upset your stomach.”

She asked, “How did you know my tummy was upset?”

“I can see it,” I said simply. “Let me try this on Joey, then I’ll explain.”

Joey thought privately to Suz,

“I do not. I’m keeping the conditions the same. She didn’t know what I was doing, so you shouldn’t either.”

As I closed my eyes again, Joey thought to Suz,

Focusing in on Joey seemed easier, but that might have been because I had a little more practice.

“I think I can feel it,” Joey commented. “I feel like I’m standing up on stage in a packed house and forgot to wear pants.”

Suzi said honestly, “I wish that’s how it felt to me.”

Joey asked, “So you feel it too?”

“No. I meant when he was doing to me. Timmy, what I felt last night was much more subtle. I think you’re trying too hard.”

So I backed off, then just studied his streams as a whole for a while.

Joey updated, “I don’t feel anything now.”

Suzi added, “Neither do I.”

I took another deep breath, then tried relaxing in hopes to reform that drifting feeling I got before and after my little mental romps.

After a few minutes, Suzi said, “Timmy, I’m getting hungry again. Can’t this wait until after breakfast?”

I opened my eyes and yawned, “Sure. I’m a bit hungry myself.”

We went to Denny’s. After getting seated, I closed my eyes and let my senses wander around the room to see if I could recreate the conditions of last night without actually falling asleep.

There was this little girl about three who was idly playing with her dolly while her family waited for their breakfast to arrive. I enjoyed listening to her thoughts. They reminded me a lot of Richie’s, yet they were different in the sense that Richie didn’t really go for dolls. I guess he was too spoiled to need to pretend dolls when he had people to keep him company.

I got close to that drifting state a couple of times, but never quite got there enough to drift into her head.

“I give up,” I finally announced, opening my eyes and finding my breakfast was already in front of me. “Shit, why didn’t you tell me the grub arrived?”

“We did,” Suzi said with her mouth full.

“Yeah,” Joey said critically. “You ignored us, as usual.”

“Sorry,” I said, cutting my pancakes up with my knife and fork. “Anyway, I think the reason you didn’t sense me in your head, Joey, was because I wasn’t in your head.”

Same as Emergence
Chapter 4: Phantom Videos

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A Winter Phantom

  She stands near the window, watching the snowstorm come in.   Clouds darken the sky, and snow lightning, a rare phenomenon, splinters the inky blackness.   Sleep has eluded her once again, and she is restless.   Snow covers the ground and frost creeps into the corners of the window pane.   She stirs the embers in the fireplace and lays an armful of logs on the grate.   In her sheer, white nightdress she looks like a ghost in the light of the flames, but in reality, she is no ghost. She still...

2 years ago
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Danny Phantom

The basement lab was filled with the sound of the ghost portal humming. Occasional ghost screams could be heard from the constantly rotating green plasma field. The spacious room was lit up by the bright green light, lighting up even the most furthest corners. Three figures were standing in a circle in front of the giant device, communicating in a loud manner. "You're not even going to apologize?" the young girl said in an upset tone. "You've been going out on your missions to search for who...

2 years ago
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Danny Phantom

To most people, 'saving the world' probably wouldn't be the first thing they thought of when thinking of what they would do with ghost powers - powers that allowed you to control bodies, turn invisible, and walk through walls. However, Danny Fenton was not like most people, and consequently, 'saving the world,' did become the first thing he thought of when gaining his ghost powers. However, he still was a hormonal teenager, and as each day passed, Danny fought tooth and nail to resist the urge...

1 year ago
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Night Visit to my Phantom

Hey baby, I want you so bad. I am dripping wet for you.I want to come into your room in the middle of the night, seeing you lying asleep on your back with your arms raised, your naked body vulnerable and open for me to consume.I quickly take off my clothes and naked, i snuggle up to your warm body. It's been so long that my skin is on fire just hugging your warm chest, feeling the rise and fall of your belly, rubbing my hands all over your muscular back. At 6'3" you are quite taller than my...

2 years ago
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A night visit to my phantom

Hey baby, I want you so bad. I am dripping wet for you.I want to come into your room in the middle of the night, seeing you lying asleep on your back with your arms raised, your naked body vulnerable and open for me to consume.I quickly take off my clothes and naked, i snuggle up to your warm body. It's been so long that my skin is on fire just hugging your warm chest, feeling the rise and fall of your belly, rubbing my hands all over your muscular back. At 6'3" you are quite taller than my...

1 year ago
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First I had to reach the target unseen. That was actually easy since he ran a very large and noisy club on the floor below his penthouse and offices. I had three ways in, a disused air vent shaft that had been sealed. A private set of stairs from a floor three levels down. And last was to climb up one hundred and sixty plus floors and enter through a window or balcony. I chose the last and the climb took a long time and I was more than ready to finish the job. The second thing was I had to...

1 year ago
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Halloween party with the phantom

Jamie's pussy was still tingly, and a little sore as she dressed for the Halloween party. God, she loved the way Steve fucked her in the shower, and she would have loved to drag him into the bedroom for 3 or 4 more hours of fucking. But Steve was on the board of a local charity, and scheduled to be emcee at tonight's party. She had to admit that it was very sexy that he took the obligation seriously, and truly enjoyed his work raising money for the charity. He was the best lover any woman could...

Adult Humor
2 years ago
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CarnivalChapter 5

Sean awoke at the sound a door being slowly opened. His groggy eyes slowly opened to see the woman from the waiting area. To Sean, this woman looked about the same age as his mother. She had her brown hair up in a ponytail, which showed off her lovely neck. She had on a low cut top that showed most of her large breasts. Her skirt was low-cut, revealing a lot of her bare legs. She was not thin, but her weight was in all the right places. Sean knew why this woman was here. He could feel the...

2 years ago
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Virgin Pussy 8211 Great Pleasure

Hey all this is cryloud, narrating my first story on Indian sex stories. I am from Mumbai. 5.7 in height. Age 20. Good physique and fair. 6.5″ dick with good girth. Studying engineering in 1st year. Gf? She is in fybba. 19 age.. 5.4 in height with sexy assets of 30-28-29. Pale white dam cute in looks. So coming to my story. It happened 1 year back in July rain. After a long break of 1 year we were together and was happy.. As I was in diploma last year that days I don’t get much time to spend...

1 year ago
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Our first date

Disclaimer: Ialways write my stories as if I am talking directly to you. More specifically,I write them as if I were holding you and whispering the story in yourear. Grammar and format be damned! This is how I like to write.

2 years ago
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Erotic Sentient Slime

In the future, who cares when, a scientist has created an Artifical Intelligence hardware (or is it software at the same time) which can physically embed itself into any article of slime. Whether it was a jelly of some sort or even a toy slime, the scientist could install this AI into a slime by injecting or pouring said chemical onto/into a body of slime. This chemical, whatever it was called, we'll just call it Sentient Slime Water, or SSW, was embedded with a number of (I guess a lot) of...

1 year ago
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The Teaser

My first year of college I really wanted some freedom. I'd lived under my parent's roof for nearly nineteen years, living by their rules and constantly under their watchful eyes. I had a part-time job making pretty good money driving a truck for one of the local newspapers and so, when the opportunity to strike out on my own presented itself in an affordable way, I took it. Of course I wouldn't be on my own. I was part of a threesome of college guys that rented a twenty-year old, three...

2 years ago
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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 8 Customer Service

(Dave’s Story) mc, mf, voy. impreg. Looking around, Dave found himself in a small L-shaped store. It was one that specialized in high end accessories. Pricey items even by mall standards. The shop’s single sales clerk didn’t seem too concerned about her sales duties. Instead she was idly flirting with a male customer at the back of the store. The sales clerk was pretty with expensively stylized blonde hair and the youthful features of a woman in her early twenties. The top two buttons of...

1 year ago
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Vixen Aidra Fox I Seduced My Stepbrother

Ever Since Aidra’s mom got remarried, she has had the biggest crush on her stepbrother. She thinks about doing really bad things with him all the time, and she’s caught him checking her out too. She knows she has to make the first move, and when their parents have arranged to take them to a baseball game, Aidra fakes feeling under the weather and suggests that her stepbrother stay with her in case she needs anything. They both know exactly what she will be needing when they are left...

3 years ago
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Topless Punch Line Part 1

TeriBy noon, the sky is a clean slate in a color movie stars, myopic or not, would want to tint their contacts. Beyond the shore break's pearly grin, Dawn and I are frolicking like seals between gentle sapphire swells and a young summer sun that blazes without a care in the world.I'm squinting against the sequinned glare when a tug at my hip whirls me around. Mischief glitters with ebony brilliance from my new friend's eyes. The water has slickened her blondeness mermaid-dark and glistens on...

3 years ago
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The Sunbather

God how I love to sunbath in the nude. I know....I know...as a mature BBW Ishould be more concerned about hiding my body...acting age appropriate...settlinginto a more acceptable lifestyle. Hmmmmmm...in who's eyes do I need thisapproval????Oh...when I go out in public...I am the picture of what is expected of a gal in mysituation. But when I am home....I let my inner sexual being come out. Yes...I lovelike I have never been hurt, I dance like nobody is watching and I run aroundnaked as much as...

4 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 12

[Preservation – Janice] I was asked to help but Bennie and his healing took precedence to me. I took him back to Preservation and our home in a wagon as soon as possible. The radio called me back the next day. Poppa wanted my help. The Triple-A people had to be handled and Bennie and I had been the star performers in that process. The fact that all the crops were in helped gave us time to handle things. Poppa's mother offered to watch Bennie for me. I was reluctant but Bennie insisted that...

1 year ago
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A Surprise Assfucking in Panties Part 2

So, I am walking down the street holding the hand of a beautiful woman who, just five minutes previously, had her hand down the back of my jeans caressing my lace panty-covered arse and finger fucking my asshole. The once hot cum in the front of my panties is now cooling against the front of my crotch as I try my best to walk, still weak at the knees, down the street. I am still unable to believe the brazen way in which Emmy just had me like that in the darkened corner of a public bar, yet here...

4 years ago
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Raising ShyChapter 2 The Business of Behind

We both remained married yet we met, you know, continuing to discuss the past. We had a lot to talk about and so much experimental sex to try out. “Yes, my wife used to tease me saying I was trying to do anal with her. She would say I was going to try to stick me in the wrong hole. I was not, I swear, but she just kept up talking about it. Never would I do that.” “Well, Shy, my silly timid friend, she was asking for it.” “Nooooo ... can’t be.” “Oh really. Think about it. Why at all otherwise...

4 years ago
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My life Pt 55

As Alexis stood there she was so beautiful. She was as tall as me and had medium color brown hair, the deepest blue eyes. Her breast were the perfect size just enough so when she ran they bounced and small enough they wouldn't distract you from seeing the real her. Her ass was perfectly rounded and dint need leggings to prove it. Her face was so beautiful you didn't need to look at anyone else. And her smell if it was intoxicating. Alexis ran to me jumping into my arms. I knew the that...

2 years ago
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School For Sluts Part One

It is my first day of school here at Freemont Academy. Looking down at a note I see that I am to go to the headmasters office. I walk down the hallway with my directions, pulling my way to short plaid pleated skirt down. After a few short moments I find the office and sit down on the bench. About five minutes later a tall attractive man with graying brown hair and a mustache walks in with a busty brunette trailing behind. ‘Ah, you must be the new girl…’ He looks at a sheet of paper in his...

2 years ago
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Dad8217s Friends Part VIII

Hi Friends, this is continuation of my Dad’s Friends series. Am posting this story after long break, sorry to keep you all waiting. I thank you for all the wonderful responses received. After my parents were in US. I stayed back in India with one of Chennai friend whom I had started to trust lot these days. She was very kind, helpful and always cared. I loved her company. She was black and bit fat average looking girl, not much attractive though. After my return from Chennai I had decided never...

2 years ago
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Macbeth A Modern Comedic Translation

Characters: Three Witches, the Weird Sisters Duncan, king of Scotland He has a slight sleeping problem; he tends to find himself waking up with daggers in his chest. Also, he often sees phantom daggers pointing at him. Go figure. Malcolm, the eldest son of Duncan Donalbain, Duncan's younger son No one cares about him. He isn't important. Ignore him. Really. Macbeth, thane of Glamis Has this "knaves to chaps" thing going on. Really likes to kill people, but then again, who...

4 years ago
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Hartstein Ch 04

Chapter 4 Illustrated version available on request to Author Intrusion Results in Foursome Fusion Paul caught the last train back to Danbury that night and on arriving home went right to work on his novel. During the train ride he had worked through a knotty problem that had prevented him from moving forward. Now sitting at his PC, he was amazed at the clarity with which he saw the problem’s solution. He finally went to sleep and dreamed restlessly about Carol and their sexual romps. He woke...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Daisy Stone Office ASSistants

Daisy Stone is a beautiful office assistant. She welcomes a guest to the office, Jon Rogue. It turns out that Jon flew in from Chicago to talk to Daisy’s boss about buying the building. However, Daisy’s boss is nowhere to be found. Daisy tries giving her boss a call, and finds out that he’s off fooling around with a woman… as usual. The boss tells Daisy to keep Jon occupied until he can get back. So Daisy tells Jon that her boss is away dealing with a business emergency,...

3 years ago
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SLUT 4 U Part V

Disclaimer: All characters are entirely fictional and all resemblances to anyone in real life is entirely coincidental. If you are under 18 or offended by sexual material, don’t say I didn’t warn you. SLUT 4 U by Sinistra Part V Isabelle sat in that room for a long time. She felt like she wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn’t come. Her insides felt knotted and cold, and she felt like she was going to be sick. She was calm, and she hated herself for it. She hated that she enjoyed...

2 years ago
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The PromiseChapter 2 Celibate No Longer

I stared at the ceiling thinking about the last two days. Linda was snuggled to my chest, sleeping with a slight smile on her face. When I saw it I couldn't help but smile, too. But then my eyes were pulled back up to the ceiling as I wondered again about what had happened to me, and whether it was a good thing or not. The memory of two nights ago still had me shaking my head. I was stunned when Linda told me that each of the previous five women who had stood in for Hildie had come away...

3 years ago
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Mysuru Guy Mom Hungry Tullu Pussy 8211 Part 2

Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here. Please read part 1 of this story. I am a story writer with . I am writing this story after a break because there was nothing horny/wild in my life to be written. My dearest sex story readers, you can message me if you have come across or experienced wild, unique encounters. I will be happy to write the story in your stead and publish for others to have a shag or fingering. About Me: I am a Madhan of 27 years, 6″ tall, south Indian...

2 years ago
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Birds of a Feather Chapter 8

I knew it early when I woke up. I looked at the clock and it was about an hour before the alarm would go off. I looked around and realized I was alone in the bedroom. The sexy taste from the night before was a little stale now and my body begged for a shower. I opened the bedroom door first… I could smell the coffee and something cooking but I couldn’t make it out just what it was. I could hear Kathy and Gail talking but couldn’t make out what they were saying. I made my way to...

1 year ago
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What Do You Think HappenedChapter 19

On our return, we had been in radio communication with the ship as we approached within a few miles of Corpus Christi. There had been no new developments. Three of our party -- miles away from the harbor on a food-pickup expedition -- were missing, and had been, now, for nearly 24 hours. "You think, maybe, they just went off on their own? Maybe decided they wanted to start their own little society?" Raymond asked. "I can't see it," I said. "You know Elbert. He wouldn't just leave...

2 years ago
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Royal Exchange

My name is Leopold Sar Urr Nas Liious sar Istaban and I am eighteen. I guess I am like my father in a lot of ways. Samuel sar Istaban is human though and I am Kaire. My mother is Caris Sar Nas Urr Liious and one of the few in the Liious clan still alive. When the assassins came for the emperor they took almost the whole clan. All except those fathered by prince Roger Sar Urr Nas Liious and mother Sasha and some cousins. That was why my older sib Serg was chosen to become the new emperor by...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 314

Deep Space "Well?" the alien Captain snarled as his First Officer returned to the bridge and took his seat alongside his superior. Pushing his luck a bit, the Officer ordered a cup of stim from a waiting orderly before answering. "Sir, this was a test to determine only if the coils were capable of warp. As I'm sure you remember, the Chief Engineer was emphatic beforehand that things could, and probably would, go wrong, and in addition, he warned us that the coils would keep us in warp...

1 year ago
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Peaches Lashaun Part 1 How the Badest Bitches are Bred

After the guy, that claimed to love her deeply, dumped her a month after taking her virginity; it became difficult for Lashaun to mend her broken heart. She couldn’t bear seeing her ex-boyfriend gallivanting around with different girls all summer, so she begged and pleaded to her parents to allow her to visit her cousin Tara in Atlanta for the remainder of her summer vacation. It hadn’t been a week into her visit before she realized what her father meant when he warned that her sheltered...

1 year ago
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A Risky Night Out

"Bella, I-...you look...damn, babe. I have no words." I smile proudly as she closes the door and looks me up and down. I had on my tightest red dress, my blonde hair curled softly and my make up done lightly, with heels. "You like? I got it for our surprise date night. If you're up for it?" She smiles and sets down her work bag. She walks over to me and pulls me in closer to her, wrapping her arms around my waist. My arms wrap loosely behind her neck. She looks into my eyes and...

3 years ago
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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 24

82 Geminorum System GNSS Robert Crippen 02/27/42 NR 1130 Hours Admiral Aaron Peters stood at the back of the repair ship’s bridge and watched the main plot as they approached the wormhole leading to the last star system on the alien starmap. Luisa stood with him, and he reflected over the events of the past two days. The Geneva Naval Service had ceased to exist. Every warship had been destroyed, with the loss of most of their crews. Barely a hundred survivors had been rescued by the...

2 years ago
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When My Dreams Came True Chapter 4 and 5

In our last chapter, Andy and Rachel love grows and they quickly marry both no longer willing to be apart. They spend time together, as their fathers work on building their new home. They are determined to have children as quickly as possible. Slipping my shoes on, I stand and help Rachel to her feet. I pick up the blanket and shake it out as my back turns to Rachel she playfully jumps onto my back. Like a little kid she asked, "Give me a piggyback ride please hubby." Dad and...

3 years ago
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The Game the Whole Family Can PlayChapter 2

Frank Sheridan was entirely unsurprised to find when he returned home that his wife had made dinner reservations that night in Binghamton, a place he had never heard of but was assured that it was oh so new and oh so chic and oh so expensive. He had been expecting just such an event and acquiesced pleasantly. Karen seemingly forgot her temper of the morning. They had returned late, with Karen teasing Frank by twisting on the front seat so as to talk to him, an action which caused her...

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James Bondage QuickiesDevils Night

The cool breeze sent dead leaves rustling across the courtyard. The sun had disappeared below the horizon many hours ago. Primitive lamps hung from the front of various buildings, lighting the thoroughfare of the humble, rustic town. Scattered members of the community were still out and about, concluding their business. Some were closing their shops. Others were saying goodbye to neighbors after a bountiful harvest meal. The streets would empty by the witching hour. It was All Hollow’s Eve...

1 year ago
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First Sex With Teacher

Hello guys! I am rahul….Today I am gonna share my first sex experience with you. This happened when I was in 12th science…..I was an average student in chemistry but I thought ki mujhe tution join krna chahiye so maine rashmi mam ka tuition join kia…..Unka tuition mere ghar se thora dur tha bt still maine unke baare mei bhut suna tha so maine join kr lia. Wo unje ghar mei hi tution padhati thi. Mam ki age hogi around 25-26 and wo bhut sundar dikhti hai. Unka figure hai around 34-26-36. Waise...

2 years ago
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Kathys Story

Chapter 1 I've been reading your true reader's stories so I thought I might write in with my own. I'm 38 now, married with 2 kids but on those dark nights when my husband is asleep I can still remember when I was young, fresh and very sexy. I look at my eldest, Trisha, who is now 15 and she reminds me so much of me, well in her looks at least. God knows what she gets up to when she goes out, if she is anything like me, god help the male population around here. At her age I was about 5'...

3 years ago
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My wife made a new friend, her name was * and she was a curvaceous dark haired beauty, usually I don’t have much time for her friends, but for * I always made an exception and would find myself staring at her body and fantasing about her, as we both had families I thought that is as far as it would go…On this occasion she was staying over for the night as my wife and her were having a few drinks, she had never stayed over before and I noticed we exchanged a few glances throughout the evening,...

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Frustrated Cuckold

No, i'm not frustrated that I'm a cuckold i know that i don't have the size, stamina, or load to satisfy Nancy and agree to our open arrangement. Rather, i'm frustrated that i am never allowed to be home when Nancy is entertaining a man. No, Nancy isn't shy; she'd very public about our open relationship and about her boyfriends and casual trysts. And she has sex with her Aunt and woman friends present and even enjoys having pictures and movies made. Now, Nancy flirts openly and in front of me....

3 years ago
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My Clan Family Time To Grow Up

Copyright© 2000-2003 There's an unbroken babe from Toronto, Exceedingly hard to get onto, But when you get there, And have parted the hair, You can fuck her as much as you want to. Our night was fantastic - I had given mother a hemp bracelet for her ankle, one for each. What was not so obvious, at least to anyone but the two of us, was that these bracelets locked together with two others that I had given her, for her wrists, last winter. In any combination I could bind her...

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Caught in the Story Introduction

First: This is just the introduction to a long story written in parts. I need the feedback to know if it is worth writting. Second : I dont have english as a primary language so my english grammar is sometimes bad and misplaced. Sorry, but I'm warning you if you can't tolerate it : Dont read it. Would love some feedback and if possible some sugestions. The main plot is the following: Susan Sims is a 24 yo reporter that gets a lead on a very importante story about slavery, rape, and...

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the sexual adventures of danielle

danielle had a lot on her mind as she lay on her bed in her new bedroom.alot had happened in the last few months.she had left school only a few days ago and was looking for a job,her mom had come home 2 months ago with the news that she was getting married to a guy she had met.not only that but he had invited them both to come live with him.it wasn't long after that her mom introduced him to danielle.he was much older than her mum,he was 50 and mom was 35.danielle thought he had a nice smile...

3 years ago
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Incest Slut Nisha

Hi ladies and girls and guys, I am one of the regular readers of this website. I am Yuvan age 25 working as a computer engineer in Chennai with height 5’11 weight 76 kg and 7 inches thick rod with looks of a smart navy officer(because that was my last job). This is about an encounter between myself and my cousin Nisha who is 20 doing arts in one of the three famous women’s college in Chennai. Let me describe her, Nisha has the cheeks of actress Samantha in vtv movie with a rosy lips that i ate...

4 years ago
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The Night

She knew it was getting late and he would be coming to her bedroom and making her undress. He was always naked with his big cock hard and sticking straight out at her. He started three years ago and would undress her and lick her flat tits and her bald pussy. He told her she was a "good girl" and made him feel very good. He liked her to look at his hard cock and told her she made it hard like that. He liked to rub his cock against her pussy but then he never put it inside her. He would leave a...

2 years ago
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Anal Virgin But Not For Lo

When it comes to sex, I've always been open trying new things. As I see it, I don’t know what I won't like it unless I try it at least once, and I've often found that I've ended up enjoying them in the end. The one thing I have always been against is anal sex. I have never even been remotely interested in trying it. There are many reasons why. Mainly, I just don’t see the reason for it. My husband and I have been married for six years, and after six years of telling him no, I'm finally willing...

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Dee models for Amateur Photography Club Part 2

We were in the kitchen eating supper.“Steve called today, I’ve agreed to go to his next photo session on Monday. It’s in the morning. Can you get the time off?”“Monday morning? You know I can’t get off a morning off that soon. If you had called me after you got the call I could have perhaps made arrangements.”I think she knew that would be my answer. It was Friday evening and on Monday mornings we had a team meeting and as I was a major part of it there in no chance of getting out of it. “What...

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